#just watched episode 1 and i want more of it
spinofanboy · 2 days
A few of my highlights from the Chaos Theory Junior Novelization
Some scenes in the junor novel were altered for the show and I wanted to share some of my favorites:
Darius Moments.
Darius said this after he removed the barbed wire from the Pachyrhinosaurus’s foot.
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Darius didn’t get a Brooklynn flashback in the show or novelization, but he does watch a video of them together here instead of the Nublar Six news report. I heard this was a deleted scene, so it was cool to see what it could have been like here, along with another voicemail Darius sent Brooklynn.
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A more detailed version of Darius telling the rest of the Camp Fam about how he fell in love with Brooklynn and how he felt it was clear she didn’t feel the same about him.
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Ben Moments.
Ben’s European girlfriend is said to be from Italy specifically. Italy is near Malta. Could this mean anything for the plot going forward?
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Ben corrects Dudley Cabrera after he calls Ben, Yaz, and Sammy “kids”. I thought it was funny.
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Brooklynn’s Death.
The book tells a new version of Brooklynn’s death that includes the Atrociraptors showing up. I was a little confused about their involvement on that night, but this clears it up.
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Sammy Moment.
Sammy’s small glimpse of Brooklynn was not included, but it is said why she has her jacket.
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Sammy and Yasmina Moment.
Sammy and Yaz’s phonecall goes a little differently. Sammy decides not to tell Yaz why she and Ben are coming to see her and instead of telling her they hit a snag like in the show, Sammy says “I love you” and hangs up after Yaz does the same. Sammy did not want to get Yaz worried about dinosaurs at all, even though they were being hunted.
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Kenji Moment.
A line where Kenji calls Daniel Kon “the literal devil”, which was not in the show, is included here. It makes his emotional reaction to his father’s death even more impactful.
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Some other things.
These aren’t all the differences between the show and the novelization, but some of my favorites. Some other things I remember were Kenji mentioning the Camp Fam having a group chat where he found out Brooklynn and Darius had plans on that night. The large dinosaur tracks in the road in episode 1 are said to be Apatosaurus tracks. Ceratosaurus shows up around the point of episode 9, but just as a background dinosaur. Baryonyx replaced Suchomimus in all of its scenes (or Suchomimus replaced Baryonyx in all of its scenes, rather, since the novelization seems to be an early version of what we see in the show). Darius incorrectly calls the Atrociraptors “Velociraptors” during their first encounter, but later corrects his mistake.
That’s all from me!
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biolumien · 17 hours
and with it, a gentle place...
pt 3 to the samurai!hoshina fic. pt 1 and pt 2 are here.
notes: happy hoshina episode.
samurai!soshiro hoshina x fem!reader i dont think any warnings apply but if there are, please let me know ;-; word count: 1359
as it turned out, being the wife of a samurai was far more boring than you could have ever imagined. your life was largely consumed by general diplomacy and far more paperwork. your husband was gone frequently, often complaining about some kind of diplomacy with the narumi clan. 
it left you with hardly anything to do, in any case. 
or well, you could stare languidly out into the distance. that was something you did quite frequently, staring stormily out into beautiful gardens in tedium. you supposed you could technically throw a fit, throw something at a wall, or start acting irrationally–but that might besmirch your newlywed husband’s reputation for most diplomacy. 
so you settled for your naginata.
you spent most of your waking hours in the gardens of your new home, practicing diligently till your movements became a slow and elaborate kind of dance. as new lady of the house, it was your duty, your responsibility, or so you had been told, to defend the house in case it ever came under attack. and the weakened hoshina clan, with a dent in its beautiful, gilded reputation, may come with no shortage of enemies or people who wanted to take advantage of the rapidly forming power vacuum. 
you doubted any real assassination attempt on the new lord of the house would happen, but you trained anyway. you wondered why, as you slashed downwards in a circle, why you would bother with defending a man who was a total stranger to you. why go to the effort? why exist in this loop of tedium and boredom, with so little reward? for a husband who was so busy in his diplomacy efforts that he couldn’t spend time with you? but then again, why did it bother you that he never had time for you? you’d never wanted to be married to him in the first place!
you lower your naginata, letting the blade touch the floor. 
“so you’re the lady of the house!” 
a voice startles you out of your reverie.
your husband is standing next to a younger man, his eyes widened with excitement. his hair was a startling shade of almost white, dressed in shades of soft green. his obi is a dark purple. 
“you’re getting quite good at that,” soshiro says, stepping down to meet you. his kosode is in a dark purple again, layered with a black kataginu vest over top. he cut an intimidating figure, in any case, and he bows to you with a measured smile. “the naginata, i mean. i’m quite flattered you’re putting your all into this.” 
“of course,” you respond, your voice as sweet as honey, edged with venom. “it’s my duty, of course, as the lady of the house now. who’s this you’ve brought with you?”
“oh, him? pardon my manners.” soshiro laughs, but you can’t quite figure out what’s funny. “this is one of my retainers. ichikawa reno. reno, this is my wife. i told you about her already on the way here.”
“nice–nice to meet you,” reno says, bowing to you. “i wanted to meet you!”
you lower your naginata to your side. 
“why?” you ask. “i mean, pardon me.” you laugh, raising your sleeve to your mouth to hide the smile. “i just thought that most samurai of your stations would not bother.”
“well–even so, i’m not most samurai,” reno says, and you laugh at the absurdity of that statement, fully. his face flushes a little bit, and you reach out to pat him on the head.
“don’t worry about that, ichikawa. i am quite flattered you deigned to introduce yourself to me.” you smile, and reno nods. 
“of course.” 
“now, now, reno,” soshiro says, patting reno on the shoulder. “why don’t you give me and my wife some privacy for a second?”
“okay,” reno says, bowing to soshiro, and then to you before rushing off.
you watch reno leave, a soft huff leaving your lips.
“nice kid,” you say. 
“our families have been allied for generations,” soshiro says, watching reno run off as well. “he has the  weight of expectation upon his back, too, as the youngest.”
“mm. i see. so what is it you wanted to talk to me about, then?” you ask. “you’re so rarely in the house these days, i’m starting to think you’re avoiding me.”
“please, dear,” soshiro says. “i’m not trying to avoid you.”
you can’t even tell if he’s being honest.
“discussions with the narumi clan grow sour, mostly because i have no stomach for their son, who, coincidentally, also has no stomach for me! can you believe it?” soshiro laughs, raising a hand to push back his hair. 
“... i suppose you don’t want to hear my actual answer.”
“not quite,” soshiro amends. “you have a fairly nasty look on your face.”
“do i?” you smile. 
“hm.” soshiro watches you, staring down at your naginata. “do you want to spar?”
“spar?” you raise an eyebrow. “what would a samurai such as yourself want to do with sparring with his wife?”
“can’t this samurai be curious about what kinds of things his wife gets up to?” soshiro asks innocently, but draws his katana from his belt, unsheathing it and holding it in front of him in a prepared stance. in response, you hold your naginata at your side, ready as well.
“i stare out into your estate’s gardens,” you say. “and sometimes i do embroidery. and other times, i train alone.” and other times, i wish i had taken that dagger and killed you after all–better to have been known for that than to fade away like this. you choose not to say that. 
“i see.” soshiro’s gaze flits for a moment.
“why do you ask?” you say.
“just curious. like i said,” soshiro says. he takes a breath. “but whenever you’re ready.”
as soon as the words leave his mouth, you spin your naginata forward, sweeping the blade downwards. he catches it just barely with his katana, parrying the blow. you realize in a small thrill that you have a farther reach than him–that he has to actively fight to close the distance in front of you. he raises his katana, bearing down hard against the handle of your naginata as you flip it upwards.
“not bad,” he says.
you furrow your brow, pushing him off before you whirl your spear again, forcing his hand to the side.
“it’s been monotonous training,” you respond, whirling your spear for another hit. he deflects it, moving in to strike, but you push him back. 
“isn’t it better, then, that i spar with you? as a skilled opponent?” soshiro manages to close the distance yet again, his face and his blade dangerously close to yours.
“you’re a skilled samurai,” you retort, pushing him away again, but just barely. “i think that’s hardly fair, going up against me.”
“come of it,” soshiro responds, feinting for a second–you move to block, but he swings upwards instead, and you startle backward. “there are assassins aplenty that might try to kill you, and doubtlessly far more skilled than even me. i just want you–”
“you know, i’m getting awfully tired–”
as you step forward, spinning the naginata downwards–you watch as soshiro prepares to parry whatever side blow might be coming next–and then you throw the naginata eve so gently, closing the distance to grasp his wakizashi where it remains at his side. soshiro exhales. 
“--of what everyone says they want for me.” you pull his wakizashi from his belt, unsheathing it. 
it’s silent for a moment, save for your heaving breaths and the sound of birdsong. 
would he let you kill him?
you drop the blade soon after thinking the thought, leaning down to pick up your naginata.
“i think we’ve done enough,” you say. “i will return to my quarters.”
you wonder why your face feels so hot as you turn away. you wonder why you wish he would have lowered his blade and kissed you. you raise a hand to your lips, tracing your bottom lip with a finger. 
you hate the way your heart wants to move for him.  you do. you do hate it. right?
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misty--nights · 1 day
So I'm watching the show yet again (usually I struggle watching shows, I don't know how I've managed to watch it twice already and still want to watch it a third time), and here are some things that I've noticed in episode 1, after the read more because it got longer than expected.
Charles calls himself the brawn and the protector of the two, but it's Edwin who goes all serious and says "I would not let that happen" when Charles asks what they'd do if Death came for them. I'm sure/concerned that he'd try to fight her if she ever came to take them...
Edwin knits!! When they are wearing their disgusses to get the demon out of Crystal he knitts while Charles reads the newspaper. Granted, you can only see him doing for a short moment, so I don't know if he's doing it properly, but I like to think he is. I have many thoughts about this, but it would take over the whole post. I'm still willing to make a whole post for it if anyone is interested but yeah. Bottom line is, Edwin can knitt!
The tone of voice that Crystal uses when she first wakes up in the Agency and in her walk with Charles is really different to the tone she uses the rest of the season. In hindsight, it's pretty obvious that is her mean girl tone, but still, I just think it's a nice detail.
Edwin takes Crystal's coffee cup when she takes the mail? We've just stablished he's not going to drink it, so is he just being petty? Is he going to throw it away or hide it just to be a nuisance? Is he investigating what she got? This boy, I swear...
I know people have pointed out all the Clue boards in the closet, but there's also a ouija board there? Hilarious. Maybe some ghosts prefer communicating with that instead of speaking? Or Charles got it because he thought it was funny and then never got rid of it?
I like that the thing that convinces Edwin to take the Becky Aspen case is Charles asking if he's going to let a little girl die. But more importantly, the title card right after that says "three flights". I've had this question for a bit, but what do they do during those flights? Do the boys spend those just standing in the hallway next to Crystal's seat? Do they sit in the cockpit? Do they hide in the bathroom until someone comes to use it? Do they hope for empty seats they can use? I don't know, every possible version of their trip is so funny to me. I know ghosts don't get tired like alive people, but the idea of them just standing awkwardly off to the side for more than 10 hours is hilarious.
No big detail here, I just love Crystal's purple coat thing she wears in this episode. Never really noticed that it has like flowers embroidered at the bottom, and the color of the whole thing is so nice.
"Maybe he's our fucking demon now." Crystal I love you, that is one of the funniest lines in the episode. I also really like that she gets to be angry and scared. Even if later Jenny talks her down from the worst it, it's not her anger that she points out, it's the fact that people are just like that and how the boys act is nothing personal. Her anger is not directly attacked (except by Edwin, but that's just him being petty), because she gets to be angry about all that's happening to her.
The flashback to Edwin's life at St. Hilarion's changes the video aspect (is that the proper term for that? It makes the screen square like in older films is what I mean.) Also he card for that flasback specifies "Edwardian England" even while having the date at the bottom. I don't know, it made me chuckle that they felt the need to clarify the era even while having the date there. They don't put "modern day England" for Crystal's flashback.
With the way the cat reacted to the sardine, I'm willing to bet he would have told Edwin everything without the binding spell if Edwin had a few more fish for him.
When they're talking behind the shop and Crystal says she gets angry, Charles looks down and takes a bit to respond. I think this is the first time he relates to her. The first time he can call that pull twards her something more than mere attraction. He has this very vulnerable look when she says it and then immediately shows her his parents and tells her something he's never told anyone before? This boy saw his anger in someone else and thought maybe it's fine for him to be angry too.
Is it a trick of the light in the scene where she meets Niko, or does Crystal have a septum piercing?
"If you're sticking around, you gotta let us in." Charles, I love you, but you are the last person who should be saying this. Specially after that sad look he gets when Crystal says it must be hard not being able to talk or hug his parents. You just agreed to what she said, as if that were the truth of why you check on them, what do you mean "you gotta let us in"? (I do get that they haven't known each other for long so he's not going to open up about all his trauma, but precisely because of that, it's wild for him to expect her to do it.)
I never noticed Charles quickly returning the mirror to normal when Edwin comes. I'd noticed the audio cue for the mirror changing back, but I never noticed Charles moving to do it and he looks so panicked about it.
Considering how Edwin is about touch, the fact that he lets Crystal take his hand when she tells the that the case matters is huge.
Why are they planning down at the shop when they have Crystal's room all to themselves? Besides the ambiance, of course. I think Jenny's reaction is completely justified.
Esther leaves her turntable on when she goes to the post office. Is it for Monty? The atmosphere? Did she just forget?
Not a new discovery, just a reminder of something I really like. There's this very specific editing thing (like the quick cuts between the instruments and then the opened lock, I don't know what to call it) that they do pretty much every time Charles picks a lock / opens a door, and it makes me very happy each time. The sound they use for it is perfection.
Edwin's attention to detail is insane. The fact that he can recall one cupboard is further forward than it was in the plans is really impressive.
Charles sounds so done when he throws the magic backpack. "Put her in the bag-of-tricks backpack." Man, I can hear the eye roll in that sentence. Good to know Edwin isn't the only bitchy one in this relationship.
And that's it for episode 1. I think I might do this for the others as well as I watch them. It was really fun to do, and it forces me to pay attention to the details, so I think it's worthwhile.
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ceruleanskies48 · 3 days
Jealous Mizu
It’s Day 5 (Banter) of @taimizuweek! Like many in the BES fandom, I’ve been thinking a lot about love triangles since the creators have been unrelenting in their teasing of a Mizu-Akemi-Taigen love triangle. In particular, recently I’ve been thinking about jealousy. Although some ship the trio as an endgame throuple, “love triangle” typically implies an unstable arrangement that can be leveraged to create juicy drama through sparking feelings of jealousy, betrayal, and abandonment. 
While I personally don’t like the idea of Mizu suffering from such negative emotions, thinking about Season 1 through the lens of love triangles has made me realize that perhaps we have already seen inklings of jealous Mizu through her banter with Akemi. 
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In particular, I’ve been intrigued by the moment in Ep. 4 when Mizu tells Akemi that she “begs to eat trash.” On first watch, this seemed really harsh (is Taigen really “trash”?), but I just figured, Taigen’s station is way lower than the Shogun’s son, and he was Mizu’s childhood bully, so she has reason to think poorly about him. Upon further reflection though, I think this moment actually shows some romantic jealousy on Mizu’s part.
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In the episode before this, she left Taigen a very flattering letter that showed that she greatly respected him (and did not actually think he’s trash). She left him her the broken blade, took his scarf, and told him they’d meet again. Shortly before Mizu and Akemi’s conversation, Mizu fantasized about Taigen when seeing the male prostitute and swordsman kiss. And in the cut scene right before they talk (https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0KFcvrRedc/), she was looking at herself in the mirror and wondering if she could be considered sexually appealing. 
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In light of all of this, I think the reason she so venomously chastises Akemi is that, on some level, she felt like she had a special connection with Taigen—even a potential romantic one—but feels threatened upon learning that Taigen’s fiancée is the beautiful, high status, and extremely feminine princess Akemi. Who could compete with that? There’s a tinge of injustice in her voice, like, why do you have to go after *this* trashy dog (whom I have conflicting feelings about but have begrudgingly come to see as sort of being *my* trashy dog), when you could have anyone else? Insulting Taigen is probably also a way for Mizu to suppress her own burgeoning feelings.
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This comparative dynamic also comes up in the forge scene, after Mizu hops off of Taigen. For a moment, she feels a possible romantic connection to him, and it seems like she’s about to reveal her gender to him, but then he brings up Akemi. Mizu seems to believe him—that his boner was due to thinking about Akemi—which makes her confess instead to watching Akemi being taken away. I imagine in that moment, Mizu tamped down any hope she might have for a spark with Taigen, reminding herself that he’s in love with the beautiful Akemi, with whom she could not possibly compete. 
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Mizu’s jealousy also comes out in her not-so-subtle jabs at Akemi and Taigen’s relationship. When they first meet, she tells Akemi that Taigen seemed more upset about his hair than his broken engagement. Later, even when she’s trying to bring Akemi and Taigen back together (and hyping up Taigen as a potential "great man"), she tells Akemi that Taigen BELIEVES he loves Akemi very much. For such a straightforward person, such veiled language stands out. She's a wingman with a conflict of interest.
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Mizu is not the only one feeling tinges of jealousy. Akemi explains that she wanted to meet Mizu to see what power Mizu has over Taigen to make him run away from her. It’s interesting to see this comparative dynamic between these two women, who in many ways could not be more different, yet who are brought together by Taigen, who notably is their only topic of conversation in Season 1 (sadly Akemizu Season 1 doesn’t pass the Bechdel Test, but I imagine that’ll change in future seasons).
As the writers further develop the love triangle in subsequent seasons, I’m curious if we’ll see jealousies intensify and who will be jealous of whom.
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savagewildnerness · 18 hours
OK... I normally make notes on an episode when I rewatch, but I dunno... after watching S2E5, I just feel compelled to say a few things...  First... LOL...
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Armand at the end!!! hahahaha!!!
OK, so first off - the acting is SO GOOD:
Jacob - especially the way he delivers his interview 1 take down of Lestat is SO MAGNIFICENT, OH MY! Jacob! You are DIVINE! (Also: Louis' see-through grid shirt: YES PLEASE!!!!)
Luke - is SO ERIC. OMG, he is SO GOOD!
Eric - is SO GOOD! The emotion. I want Ericasavampire and seeing as much of DM is still-to-come - Eric as a vampire - PLEASE!!!!?! Finally someone to love Armand for all he is. Write an entire NOVEL of your own invention writers please for Daniel!!!
Assad - I am at this point bowing down to my Assad shrine! I haven't the words for how perfect your Armand is. I only have love.
There is SO MUCH to analyse from this episode.  We must PSYCHOANALYSE the characters this week fully!!!
I utterly ADORED it!  One thousand thanks to the writers for creating something like this - not in the books, but totally feels like the books. 
And OMG, at this stage I will be devastated if Daniel isn't involved in this entire show from start to end... which also feels somehow some kind of a homage to River Phoenix, who would have played Daniel in the 1994 film had he lived...?
ANYWAY!  OMG ASSAD I LOVE YOU!  OMG WRITERS, I LOVE ARMAND!  Like this episode - how CRUEL Louis is to Armand!  And yet, Armand saves his life!  And not only that, he offers that pathway to Lestat... right until he is unable to utter Lestat's "I love you.."  And really, Armand, you did that in so much love for Louis - you sacrificed your self! Armand, Armand, Armand.
And Armand, seeking in Daniel what it means to be fascinating and special.  The irony is that Armand IS special!!!  He is absolutely the most complex vampire… he just doesn’t understand how to love or be loved… and Louis is NOT his "one"! But he is SO fascinating!  And special.  All of the edits to Radiohead's Creep PLEASE!!!!
I also find it WONDROUS in a show about vampires - where vampires are always a metaphor to The Outsider... yet... in art, The Outsider is often portrayed in imo an unrealistic way, as in "actually the outsider is infinitely special, really!", BUT IN ARMAND, the writers have given us a truly actually special character who feels like many outsiders do - AND is told by the person he loves SO much he would literally be a pathway to their other love that he is boring and not special and not enough... THAT is relatable! (Even though nobody has told me this, as I am simply isolated, personally! Yet, still, I feel it!)
Also - OMG it is both infinitely tragic and simultaneously hilarious that Loumand true sexy times cannot begin until Armand literally WIPES Louis’ mind of Lestat!!!  LOLOLOLOLOL (Poor Armand!)
Also LOL @ Jacob in the post episode thing - saying he can’t think of a bigger betrayal than rewriting the history of a person you love and that it makes him angry… referring to what Armand does to Louis… when IN THIS SAME EPISODE, that’s literally what Louis does to Lestat..!
Meagre thoughts as I didn't write notes during the episode, so just a few points I think of now (and I have had a glass of wine with this episode lolololololol!!  Lalalalala... GOTHIC JOY!!!!!!!!!!)
Lestat is my boy, but ASSAD'S ARMAND.  Armand was always my second favoruite vampire, but Assad - I do not understand how you are making me love Armand even MORE!  Be MORE evil, Armand.  And more tragic.  And more loving.  Be every thing you are.  I know you are fascinating!!!!!
Also, I cried A LOT in this episode! Though I did not note when. Like, that I feel compelled to do a post now with my random tipsy thoughts on a non HQ version with no subtitles I hope expresses A LOT about how I love this episode!?!??!!
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heyclickadee · 2 days
A couple things:
1. The thing is, I actually don’t really think we’re done with the bad batch, for a variety of reasons. There’s too much unresolved, for one thing, and “end of this chapter with these characters” is not how anyone says, “We’re never touching this again.” I really do think we’re getting an immediate follow up with more of a focus on Rex and Echo, but that the rest of the bad batch will still pop in from time to time, giving all of them a chance to round out the last little bit of their stories and character arcs—because they are all just a little bit undercooked. (For example: Crosshair doesn’t even get lines after Tantiss, and the last thing he says about himself takes him from implicitly to explicitly suicidal. The hug is beautiful and cements his place as part of the family, but we never get a moment where he forgives himself or no longer believes that he deserves to die. His redemption arc is magnificent, but it needs that last little push to feel fully resolved).
And, for another variety of reasons, I actually do still think we’ll be getting Tech back in one way or another. So much of what is left unresolved in TBB forms a chalk outline around a Tech-shaped void, for one. The writers aren’t committed enough to have come up with a decent reason for why he had to go in the first place—stakes does not cut it and is actively undermined by never treating it like a character death—for another. They were, at the very least, not committed enough to actually kill him. Tech is the only character in a show that loves making us watch who doesn’t die on screen, and the only one who��s “death” moves nothing forward and is never treated like an actual death. And we have no definitive proof he actually died, for another. (Even if he was CX-2—CX-2 got “killed” two other times on screen and popped up five minutes later each time like a daisy. If you do that you’re going to have to burn the body and scatter the ashes for me to think he’s dead, impalement or no. Besides, you can’t definitively kill a main character via subtext. You still have to be clear and direct.) And Tech has too many callback lines and potential survival foreshadowing for someone to never tug on them at some point, for another. You’d have to kill me to keep me from doing something with, “Better late than dead.” Basically, tl:dr, I think Tech will come back someday, whether they have plans or not.
Because I can’t really get on board with the idea that The Bad Batch was just always badly written. I can’t agree with that. It was never perfect, of course, but it was always remarkably well written and thematically consistent for 46 straight episodes and then tripped on the chalk of the finish line. Besides, I’ve never seen bad writing that was perfectly set up amazing writing if all they did was one simple thing—ie, follow through with what they set up. It’s not that the ending is bad, it’s that it’s bad in this particularly insane way. If it was just normal bad, I’d have dropped The Bad Batch like a rock by now and done my best to forget I’d ever watched it. But because it’s bad like this—basically, a non-ending that resolves nothing but Hunter’s Cut Lawquane arc, Rampart (which was good, actually), and the problem of Hemlock continuing to draw breath (which was just the last major obstacle in Hunter’s Cut Lawquane arc, so it’s not even a separate thing) and answers NO questions—I’m obsessed.
And I can’t get behind the idea that The Bad Batch ending is like this and that we got shorted a Tech return because they got shorted a season. I’ve seen many serialized animated shows that got shorted a season or more, and what every one of them did was cut out everything they could in the middle so that they could get to the resolution they wanted, squash the originally planned last season’s arcs into the actual last season—not leave those arcs undone and the resolution out. The only way them being shorter a season works as an explanation for all of this is if the creative team found out season three was the last at the same time we did. And even then, the solution there would have been to take out five minutes of fight scene and replace it with five minutes of resolving everything in the short and stupid but still THERE way.
For example: Give Wrecker and Crosshair one line each after Tantiss that tells us what they’re going to do. Unmask CX-2 as Tech after spearing him (or don’t spear him) and add one line where Hunter says he’s recovering and that it’ll be a long road, but they won’t give up on him. Or! If you don’t want to bring Tech back in the short and stupid but there way, add a line to the epilogue where Hunter tells Omega, “I see Tech when I look at you sometimes. I don’t want to lose you the way we lost him,” which seems like a no brainer, or, “Tech would have been so proud of you,” which is absolutely a no-brainer if you actually want to close things out for Tech. Tech would still be gone, but at least it’d be resolved, and that’s all short, simple stuff you could add to the very last episode to make it feel finished. If you’re shorted a season or even a few episodes, you cut everything that doesn’t matter, you do whatever you can to get your story resolved—unless you have somewhere else to put it. Which, given how open Star Wars canon is and how heavily it relies on recontextualization, is a very real possibility here.
What I think may have happened here is that The Bad Batch ended up being the first part of a longer story that had to be artificially cut in half. Whether it was always planned that way, whether it was something that unexpectedly happened partway through the production of season three, or a secret third option (the creative team set things up to to be resolved in three seasons but always wanted to do a longer version, but the longer version (in the form of another show) didn’t get greenlit until they’d already written most of season three, so all the payoff got schlorped over to that follow up show while the payoff stayed in this one, leaving us, the audience, with this incredibly unsatisfying mess of a finale in the meantime while whoever is in charge of announcing shit at Lucasfilm doesn’t see the problem). Put a pin in CX-2, slap something that looks like a happy ending on the rest, resolve nothing, do it all in the next thing.
(Slight sidebar: If it turns out that the reason we didn’t get Tech back is because something went horrifically wrong during the writer’s strike—basically, the finale got hit with extreme budget cuts and the script patched by AI—I think we’d still get Tech back. Tech in the first two seasons was something of a writer blorbo, and no one is leaving their blorbo dead over that. That’s a good way for them to bring back their blorbo and have that blorbo murder the hell out of a thinly disguised CEO insert.)
And if that’s what we’re looking at—well, okay. I can see wanting to give certain things (especially a Tech return) more time. If this is what’s happening I actually think it will be more satisfying in the long run, from a story perspective, anyway. I’ll be able to live with that.
That said….
2. If that’s the case—if what we’re looking at is a story artificially split in half one way or another and we are getting a Tech return and the rest of the resolution eventually in an immediate follow up, something that will ultimately work really well in the long run—that doesn’t mean I think it works now. Right now, it’s awful, from every angle. We don’t know for sure that anything else is coming, it makes for a deeply unsatisfying story right now because the “ending” we have is all we have to go on, and it’s unnecessarily stressful for most everyone but especially the autistic fans who relate to Tech.
And the thing is, if Tech were neurotypical? I don’t think we’d really be question the idea that he could still come back eventually. He’s a clear writer favorite to the point that they basically gave him the entirety of season two, except the two Crosshair episodes, great lines and moments in other character’s episodes, and they apparently liked using him so much that either CX-2 was Tech or they physically couldn’t stop themselves from writing and animating Tech in a season he wasn’t in. Killing off one of the writer faves and the fan favorite in order to bring them back later is something that happens. But it’s something that hits differently when that writer and fan favorite is also the only canonically autistic character in the franchise.
Which. Is I think where we run into a problem. You see, I never really got the impression that the creative team ever thought of Tech as The Autistic One. Does that mean I think the didn’t write him as autistic? Of course not—they absolutely did, and did so intentionally. What I mean is that that wasn’t the sum total or even the primary way in which they thought of him, otherwise I think we would have ended up with a terrible Sheldon-Cooper-esque. Instead, the Tech they wrote, and the Tech we got, is just a guy. A really amazing guy who’s noticeably different and autistic AF, but treated like any other character. And on the one hand, great! I know people have a lot of different ideas about this, but I personally want writers to deal with autistic characters that way—to just write us like we’re people. And if what they’re doing is bringing Tech back later and on a longer timeframe than what we expected—also great. It means that all the ambiguity, hinting, and complete and total lack of processing or closure makes sense, because that’s how you write a fakeout death. That’s textbook how you write a fakeout death. But—but—
The flip-side of just treating Tech like any other character and, perhaps, playing a long game with “killing” him off and bringing him back later like someone would do with a fan favorite, if that’s what they’re doing, is that you end up in the situation that we’re in right now. The interim situation where it feels like Tech’s sacrifice was never given the weight it needed to feel final or meaningful, where we’re given no closure and no opportunity to let go, where we DON’T know if anything is coming next even if we do get hints, where Tech got dropped, where nothing makes sense, and where the autistic fans in the audience who relate to Tech feel like Star Wars kicked them in the face and told them that they don’t belong here.
I want this to be a long game, and I do think this could, one, be a situation where they team is having to work around some kind of corporate shenanigans to play that long game, and; two, could end up being a fantastic story that I love even more than the version I wanted.
But even if I’m right and that is the case, I also hate that this is where we’re at in the here and now, that it’s hurt people as badly as it has, and think that they should never do anything like this again, because the game stopped being fun a long time ago.
tl;dr: I don’t think we’re done yet, I think this is part of a longer story, I think we’ll get Tech back at some point whether it was planned or not, but I also hhhaaaaaatte the current situation and think it’s been mishandled.
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yan-shann · 1 day
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So, this is just my opinion, based on the 9 (10) episodes that have been released.
English is not my native language, please, be nice <3
Nightshade was not developed. Ok, I'll just deal with it and move on, they're one of my fav char's list, but they still cute and genius so im fine with it.
Hashtag has gained more development. I really enjoyed watching her, there wasn't much of her in the first season. More than satisfied. I really liked her new altmod, it’s beautiful, stylish, the Hashtag are great
Cosmos was shown only for a couple of minutes and forgotten, very disappointing. Where did he even go? Maybe I missed something, I don’t deny it. Let's just move on.
We got more Skywarp and Novastorm. And by more I just mean more, there was no revelation or experience at all, there was just more. Okay, that's fine with me, okay. Im just happy with fact they are here at all lmao
The Twitch and Spitfire arc is GREAT. I mean, she's GORGEOUS. I really liked it, especially the fact that Twitch beat Skywarp, lol. Okay, jokes aside, Twitch really grew up in this arc, I really liked her more, she's grown-up a little, my lil girl
The twist with the fact that titan was expected under the city, I liked it too. The titan herself is very beautiful and wise, I will wait for her in future episodes, it’s too early to say anything more clear, but at the moment I’m in admiration
Now let's get to the part I don't really like. Another thing's was quite acceptable, but that was somewhat disappointing
I don't want to say that there were no interactions among the Decepticons, but I didn't get enough of them. I don't have enough Starscream, Soundwave, Novastorm, Breakdown, I DID NOT ENOUGH ANYONE AT ALL. I fkng needed an episode before the betrayal where they showed us the relationship between the Decepticons, Autobots and Terrans. But they showed us four or something dmn pictures and retold it, not even a two-minute flashback, I’m completely disappointed!!1!
I mean, we weren't even given a FLASHBACK. This is kind of crazy. Just like what Starscream's arc fell into.
I know he never said he would be good. I still like him, I understand his actions, but IT SEEMED TO ME THAT AFTER SEVERAL YEARS (?) IN PRISON, he finally rethought something. I didn’t expect the level of Armada, no, that’s foolish i think, but I expected that they would show more of his motives, more of why he does this, because now I have the impression that he has not changed at all and has rolled back to the state before the first season, like WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS BRO. No, of course, this could be connected to Emberstone, but Starscream didn’t seem to touch it, at least they didn’t show it or i missed something.
(I know Starscream loves Cybertron and everything of it, but it’s been showed on IDW, they don't tell something about it in earthspark. Starscream here just wanna home for him and Decepticons, but for some reasons he doesn't even try to hear Shockwave's opinion about going back to Cybertron and I wanna MORE information about it)
At first it seemed to me that the Decepticons have quite a good relationship, and Starscream is a good leader, but now I think that the others will simply kill him or just kick out as soon as they find him, after what Starscream did. (although I think there is a chance that they will understand and accept him, given Shockwave's words that "Starscream couldn't handle the weapon and lost his mind" or something like that)
BTW Earthspark is still a cool series and I'm looking forward to the continuation. I really love it. Everything written here is written on emotions after the first viewing, do not take it close to heart.
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abrisaber · 2 days
Full Moon kinda sucked :/ (Another HB Rant - Spoilers for Full Moon)
I hate to say this but I think Vivziepop has finally lost me. Now I'm not saying I'm no longer an HB fan, JMI was geneticlly enginered to get me addicted to whatever he's in meaning I could'nt stop watching HB even if I tried. However I am starting to doubt Vivziepops talents. I have no idea what happened between the first half of Season 2 and the second half but this kind of seasonal rot has to be studied in a fucking lab.
I want to like the episodes after "The Circus," I really do. I don't even hate Cherubs, but aside from Oops and the Mid-Special, every episode following The Circus has ranged from disapointing to awful compared to S1.
It's not even like I hate the episodes after The Circus either. Seeing Stars was okay for the most part, Exes and Oohs tried to do something, even Unhappy Campers introduced a potentally intresting character (and thats it). But these episodes have so many glaring flaws in my book that it's hard to grasp.
In my opinion, Helluva Boss was at its best during the balk half of season 1/The beginning of Season 2 (Truth Seekers-The Circus) and the decline in writing quality started at around Seeing Stars.
I made a long post that explains what about Truth Seekers I like so if you care even a little bit about my opinions, you can suffer through that rant, but to shorten it here, Truth Seekers is my favorite episode of the series because it balances the comedy and the drama expertly imo. Truth Seekers feels like Helluva Boss had finally stuck the landing at what kind of show it wanted to be. It showcased how Blitzo felt about his past relationships and his current one, it gave Moxxie a chance to be heard outside of his flaws (before the show decided they wanted to retread the same fucking plotpoint a couple more times), and it was pretty funny (comedy is subjective tho so feel free to ignore my feelings on comedy from here on out).
Ozzies is a good episode because, well, Asmodeus, but also it does more for Blitzo's character. It contrasts with Truth Seekers via two of the three halucinations calling him out on his shit, and it starts to build upon how he views his relationship with Stolas.
While I don't really like The Circus, what it did at the end for Stolas and overall how it setup the relationship for him and Blitzo was genuinly good imo. How it started with Blitzo initiating the one sidedness of their relationship and whatnot.
Notice how I'm talking almost exclusively about Blitzo as my reasons for enjoying these episodes more than others. And thats because Helluva Boss is at its best when it treats Blitzo as its main character. Even from the beginning he was the real star. Obviously you have characters like Stolas and Moxxie also getting focous, but even in those episodes, Blitzo still gets development, because Blitzo is the main driving force for the show. He's the Helluva Boss. He's the center, the emotional core. HB should be about HIM and HIS relationships to others.
Some of the worst episodes are the ones where Blitzo isn't really the main focous, I'm not saying that Blitzo automaticlly makes the show good or that he should be the only one get focus, but when you pull back and look at the series, almost every beloved episode have him (or him and Stolas) at its emotional center.
To keep this already long post from being absurdly long, I'll skip ahead to why I really didnt like the newest episode, Full Moon.
First things first, the Cherubs and Dhorks fucking suck ass as antagonists. They're annoying, they're not funny, and just like Crimson and Striker in Oops, they serve zero narritve purpose outside of being glorified cardboard cutouts for the main characters to fight. They are everything wrong with B-plots in media. Their only existence is to create artifical narritve throughlines that makes artifical suspence to keep the audience engaged like babies watching those baby sensory videos. "Oooo look its the Cherubs from the most nothing burger episode of Season 1. Oooo it's the Dhorks that are easily the most forgetable aspect of Truth Seekers. OOOhhh isnt it sooooo fucking hilarous how the Dhorks killed a bunch of children? Ohhh aren't you so invested to see these characters that mean absolutely nothing to the plot that Vivziepop is trying to sell the show with? DONT YOU JUST LOVE THESE KEY JINGLING ASS CHARACTERS YOU FUCKING BABY-"
I got a little carries away there, but my point is that Dhorks and the Cherubs are worthless slop that should be removed from the plot entirely.
Usually I wouldn't even care since 2/3 instances where useless villans show up to be useless, the main plot not involving them is really good (Refering to Oops and Truth Seekers).
But the main-plot in this episode is just as bad, if not WORSE than the B-plot.
Regarding my previous rant again, I was an avid defender of Stolitz up until maybe Western Energy, although in that case with the aftermath of Ozzies being handled mostly offscreen is more me being skeptical about Vivs pacing and writibg style. I didn't have a problem with the actual idea of Stolitz yet, just with the execution.
In actuality, my problem with the writing started in The Full Moon.
Even with me being an avid defender of Stolitz, even with me analyizng and disecting Blitzo's mentality and reasonings and emotional trauma, even with me trying to justify BOTH sides of this toxic relationship with no real abuser,
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THIS does NOT come off as Blitzo begging to keep Stolas in his life because he cares about him and wants to be with him. I'm sure theres some of that in there and I still have faith that Viv try to put more of that into the execution going forward. But no matter how many times I watch this ending scene and the scenes before it, no matter how long I sit and think and think and think about this dynamic, this scene does NOT feel that way to me.
To me, this scene looks like a lower class citizen begging on his knees to the person whos essentaily employing them to let him keep his job to be able to feed his family and keep his colluges/close friends in work.
This feels like a man whos society is stacked against him trying to keep the one thing he has afloat.
I don't feel this way towards the entire scene. When Blitzo tries to avoid the whole conversation by trying to keep the transaction going, thats when I see more of the emotional side, but it still doesn't sit right with me how the dynamic is being represented.
Stolas explains it pretty well in the moments after. He says "This transactional thing we have, its not right anymore. It hasn't been. It never was. And now, all I can see is how wrong it is to be teathered to someone in such an unfair way. And not know how they feel."
To me, this finally feels like Stolas coming to his senses and realizing that he and Blitzo's relationship is unbalanced. He sees that Blitzo's reliance on him is unfair, so he works to end it.
My problems start to arise again when Stolas reacts to Blitzo trying to play it off again as Roleplay.
I can understand his side of the coin, how he feels that Blitzo only wanted him for sex and nothing more, or how he believes that Blitzo doesnt really care for his feelings and only stays for the book, and when giving Blitzo the option, he chooses to ignore it.
But I still cannot get over how icky this scene makes me feel. Blitzo has made it clear how he thinks Stolas feels about their relationship. In the Just Look My Way music video it seems that Stolas somewhat realizes that Blitzo is hurting in some capacity. When Blitzo vents his frustraitions, Stolas says "I didn't know you thought so lowly of me" which doesnt make any fucking sense in response to what Blitzo is saying.
Again, its that image of a person mistreated by society begging someone who is privlaged to let him keep his job. I cant stomach this idea that Stolas got his fucking feelings hurt over someone he indirectly played with for his own pleasure and to escape his marrige venting their frustraitions about how THEY feel about it. HE HIMSELF admitted that the relationship was unfair, so when Blitzo says "You treat me poorly and expect me to believe when you suddenly express your feelings for me? Can I get a minute to actually process what you said," its litteraly just parroting what Stolas was saying.
Stolas knows how Blitzo feels. He knows Blitzo is hurting. And yeah past relationship trauma isnt an excuse to be shitty, but it's not like Stolas made it very obvious that he did actually care about Blitzo's emotions.
Up until this point the relationship has been one sided on both sides. Both parties think the other doesnt care or that the other is just using them for something. Both sides caught feelings and didnt want to admit it, and Stolas was the bigger person for trying to initiate that discussion. But with the ending line Stolas says and all the promotional matreal being released for the upcoming seasons, the show feels like its going to make Blitzo out to be the one in the wrong when he isnt. Blitzo did the same fucking things Stolas did, so why does it feel like the next few episodes are just going to be "Blitzo sucks and we hate him." Like are you fucking serious??
Maybe I'm reading the whole thing wrong, who knows at this point.
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Reaction to episode 1 of season 2 of CME
Spoilers below the cut
The way the episode started with those cops that we don't know and then Emily's "I have" introducing her??? Amazing. Chills.
The way she just waltzed in and slowly and calmly detailed things about the killing that the cops didn't know yet was BEAUTIFUL
Penelope's birthday!!! (Still sad I didn't get to watch this yesterday ON my birthday, but whatever)
Ooh okay I thought that that snippet of Luke and Penelope was from BEFORE the start of the party but clearly it's after if everyone is already there
JJ and Tara being "mad" and Luke for whatever he just did and him being all cheeky and braggy WARMS MY HEART I MISSED THESE PEOPLE AND I LOVE THEM
"What is wrong with you?" "What is wrong with me? *gestures to Penelope* what about her?" I LOVE THEM
"I might have what I said tattooed to my body" "oh i dare you" "how dare you dare me?" the flirting is STRONG with these two
The banter!! The jokes!! I love this scene so much!!
Penelope actually calling Luke by his name will never NOT make me smile
Oh no. A soft little moment with Penelope and Dave? I might cry
"This was good. You seem good." "I am. *kisses her cheek*" yep i'm crying
Tara and Penelope being concerned for their dad Rossi
Luke checking on his dad Rossi
Me 🤝 Penelope getting texts from our exes on our birthdays
"Put it away" I like how he's more direct with her now. Calls her out when she's wrong.
"I said I didn't wanna know, you were right the first time" yes luke stand your ground!
Luke looking SO ANNOYED when she asks him to dissect things with her JEALOUS LUKE MY BELOVED (if this were a romcom movie this would be where Luke just grabs her face and kisses her) (@lklvz i know what we're discussing at a later date)
"Oh god I'm doing it. Why am I doing that?" YES PENELOPE. STOP THAT LINE OF THINKING.
"I am moving on. Eyes on the prize." her saying that TO LUKE is driving me crazy. Yes, Penelope move on. Eyes on the prize. THE PRIZE IS RIGHT NEXT TO YOU.
Their eye contact and semi-wordless communication and everything ahhhhhhhh Garvez is so real
I wanted them to have a cute little moment where they reach for the same thing and their hands touch
Luke, from a different room: Put it away!! I LOVE THE WAY HE KNOWS HER???
Tara and JJ were there the entire time??????? they just let them be alone???? they're trying to jumpstart their ship with forced proximity
"You're HOT" JENNIFER JAREAU?????? The Jara shippers are going feral and the Jemily shippers are unsure about whether to cry or cheer, and my Temily self is weeping
"A hot mess is the term that you are searching for." Tara Lewis I am in love with you.
Tara talking about her gf 🥰 (Emily)
"Definitely not a book" i am GAGGED
Emily texting Tara "12:30. My office." Temily is real.
"we need to talk" emily i think the word you're looking for is make out
Is "we need to talk" temily code for "lets go smoke on the roof???" love that
Tara and Emily teaming up, Tara being the only person to know what's up with Emily, all of this is so good for my heart.
how did rebecca's hair change that much in "two weeks" lol
oh she just handed off the file to Voit. Lovely. Not that I'm surprised.
"good book, I hope" HE WILL NOT LET IT GO
Elias showing off his acting skills. He is good.
"What the hell is Gold Star?" Luke I am hoping you're lying
Temily pitching a case like the wives they are
Rebecca Wilson you are one of the worst people i have ever met
Rossi and Emily fighting feels so weird to me
Bertoli's wife being killed to punish him and hurt him through survivor's guilt reminds me of Luke and Phil
aaaand bertoli shot himself. can't say i'm surprised.
it was LUKE'S idea to get Tyler's help????
Emily asking if Penelope has any objections and then Penelope LOOKING AT LUKE
why do i have a weird get feeling i'm gonna like tyler this season. or maybe at least just hate him less.
Penelope not that you should be trying to impress tyler, but if you ask Luke if you look good, well, yes is the answer.
"my cats are my boyfriend" something tells me Penelope listens to "Karma" by Taylor Swift
Luke's overly fake voice greeting tyler I LOVE HIM
Luke baby i know you hate the mans guts but YOU INVITED HIM IN (this scene is hilarious tho)
*to penelope* "I'm happy to see you again." *to luke* "you, not so much" I'M CACKLING
"What, me? Oh you are missing out." I LOVE HIM THIS IS GONNA BE SO GOOD
Her thanking Luke for sticking up in that conversation. Garvez. Is. So. Real.
Rebecca is so hot and cold with Tara I hate it.
JJ you know all about being forced to confess something while being held against your will, don't you
the way Garvez are being put together in EVERY. SCENE.
Yes Penelope! Yell at him!
Putting Tyler and Luke side by side in a frame only makes me more sure that they're making them similar on purpose. Almost the same outfit, badge in the same spot, similar hair style and facial features
"Who wants first crack at him? *points at Tyler* and not you." the comedy is back and i am loving it
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lorethebookworm · 3 days
It's 1 am, I just finished binge-watching the entirety of Helluva boss ( except full moon, I ain't in the right headspace for that kind of angst ) AND OH BOY AM I FEELING FEELINGS
I literally just finished ep 7 of season 2 and OH MY GOD fizz and Ozzie are just so fucking cute and wholesome like the love the devotion the way they hold each other that part in the song where Ozzie says he makes his heart do froggy little jumps and fizz fucking ribbits and THEY GIGGLE SOMEBODY SEDATE ME and then in the episode before that where post being kidnapped fizz apologizes for the mess and ozzie reassures him while fixing him up and fizz's "I guess I'm not used to this " OH GOD INJECT THIS INTO MY VEINS. He's had such a shitty life , he had always been insecure and then he fucking blew up and got a toxic manipulative boss that basically made him believe he had to work extra hard if he wanted to be enogh and now here's ozzie, always telling him that he doesn't need to be perfect, that he's good , that he's not a burden and FIZZ IS BROKEN AND CROOKED AND MESSY AND YET OZZIE ALWAYS PROTECTS HIM WITH ALL HE'S GOT AND PHYSICALLY PUTS HIMSELF BETWEEN HIM AND ANY KIND OF DANGER AS IF FIZZ WERE THE MOST PRECIOUS THING IN HELL. BECAUSE HE IS TO OZZIE. Can you imagine what that must be like for fizz? NO WONDER HE'S DISGUSTINGLY SOFT WITH OZZIE ALL THE TIME SKKDKSKNSKZKSKSKS AAAHHHH LUIGI FIRENZE BUCATINIIIII
I just made myself cry I'm not okay expect more posts on helluva boss in the future but right now I need to calm down and go the fuck to sleep
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chenfordspiral · 2 days
What are your top 5 Chenford scenes ever?
Sarah, we need to have a serious talk because this is not okay. I can barely narrow it down to top 5 scenes from each season, now you want me to name top 5 scenes EVER?? I don’t have a word strong enough to tell you how rude this is. (Apologies in advance for the mountain of gifs I put in here. I just couldn't decide. Such a shocker, I know.)
(1) Um, so… can I already cheat for this one and say both the hug in the desert and the hospital scene? Yes? Cool.
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(2) The ending scene from 5x12. You all know why.
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(3) THE DANCE (4x18). Just… look at them. I could watch this forever.
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(4) Their first real kiss (5x10).
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(5) The entire buildup to and then the subsequent awkwardness after their first kiss. I mean, Tim in her apartment and them sitting on her couch so comfortably, his broken brain, Tamara walking in on them "practicing," Tim's realization at the end in the hall... just everything. Seeing gifsets of this scene is what got me hooked on this show two years ago, so of course it needs to be up here.
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And because I’m an indecisive bitch (you all know that I am) and Sarah's a meanie, here’s five more, not in any particular order, just numbered to keep track.
(6) Tim giving her the ring back in 2x12. We saw Lucy struggling the entire episode even when she wouldn’t admit it, and in the end it was Tim who got through to her. And then of course she realizes who found and saved her when he tosses her the ring. So yeah, I’m super normal about this scene.
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(7) Maybe not a super popular choice, but their talk in the parking lot at the end of 5x08. I had this scene playing on a loop for all of December 2022, and I still love it.
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(8) Their hug in the hospice in 4x09. I mean, how can you not love this and completely melt away when you see Tim just totally giving in and practically being held up (and together) by Lucy?
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(9) Airplane bathroom kiss. I think this one explains itself. Actually, all of those airplane scenes because.. woah.
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(10) 5x22 fight scene. Love me some power couple completely crushing it. (Can I add the hug in here, too? Mh, my post so I will, lol.)
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There’s about a million more that I wanna add right now but I will stop here and pretend I don’t wanna change everything about this list already.
Thanks for the ask, Sarah! ❤︎
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cuppajj · 12 hours
Don't mind me as I found out this AU a day ago and heard you're waiting for BY ep 4 to form stuff w Dark Choco and Frigid Cacao and BOY do I have ideas.
(This is going to be a long ask, it's been cooking for a while and I need to ramble abt it, hopefully Tumblr won't eat it. Also a little spoilers about ep 13 & 14 and odyssey ch 1 if you're not there yet)
So, we're not talking about Dark Choco's perspective just yet (I'm also waiting on BY ep 4 for that) but from Cacao, we can establish stuff about how he feels about Choco in canon and go from there and speculations on BY ep 4.
Canon Cacao very clearly loves his son and truly longs for him back in his life. But, as referenced from the Hollyberry interaction, he's very reluctant to seek him out, preferring Choco approach him first instead.
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One of the ways Cacao shows his love is how he respects the boundaries of those close to him (and, in turn, expects the same for them to him. That's why he violently snaps at Clotted Cream and feels very betrayed by Vanilla for keeping Lily a secret in Odyssey) and I feel this applies to Choco the most. He understands Choco needs his time and space, especially after the whole ep 14, and won't feel comfortable around him or his kingdom for a while. There's also the chance that Choco may not want to have him in his life again (untrue) and he'd rather not risk finding out that's true by personally seeking him out and further upsetting his son. (That last one was just my interpretation but AUGH)
This is the building blocks I found for forming Frigid Cacao's side of the relationship. Should Dark Choco return to the kingdom, Frigid Cacao would feel Very Much Conflicted™️ about having him back, but for different reasons.
On one hand, he would be relieved and overjoyed to sense his son's return. There's so much lost time, so much regrets, he wanted to make up for it and rebuild his relationship anew. But on the other hand, this clashes with the Soltitude he built for himself. Accepting his son back in his life would mean breaking down his walls, thus tearing down everything he built and betraying his own light. Perhaps that part of him would also be angry that Dark Choco would impose this on him. But it saddens him to turn him away. And so on and so forth it cycles.
This duality is the internal conflict that, while it opens the gate for redemption (or at least loosen his terror and maybe actually get him outside), is also very hectic for Choco himself because it also manifests in his powers.
The licorice monsters are noticably more docile around him, but they can just as soon lash out randomly, coming in big waves and heading for only one target. The weather is constantly shifting from mild snow to freezing blizzards in minutes. The paths feel cleared out but it feels like there's always something out to get him.
That's assuming Choco didn't return to the kingdom after the Beast Yeast expedition (bc I'm assuming you're setting Cacao's fall after BY ep 4). But if he did, there's two possibilities. One is the more boring Frigid Cacao's reign didn't last really long bc Choco was there from the beginning. The other one, ooh the other one also works as a bad ending for the first scenario.
(I ended up writing a full oneshot for it. If you want, I can send it in another ask, hahaha)
As someone who hasn’t gotten to that chapter in odyssey yet (i really oughtta watch a video on it bc these quills brake for nobody), this is a really good reference for Cacao and Choco in beast ancients!! I won’t say much about Choco since yeah I’m waiting for apathy pt 2 but I’ve definitely been wanting him to be a huge source of conflict for frigid cacao in the au, and this helps describe it pretty well. Cacao’s fall is being worked on because the timeline of beast ancients is a WIP, it does come after BY 4 for all I know atm, and whatever happens to Choco in that episode will determine where he is and how he affects his dad when he becomes a beast. But the bottom line is that it is not gonna be easy for either of them either way :D
Would love to see your one shot btw!
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choster33 · 16 hours
Bridgerton S3 Episode 4 Reaction
So I finally watched the last episode of Part 1 and it was everything I wanted it to be! It was so steamy and full of Colin angst. I am going to write and react about what I saw so if you want to read on!
First off, the rest of the Featheringtons are trash. They're hilarious, but horrible sisters and mother to Penelope. I will one day write an essay about the trauma that Pen has gone through and etc. because ugh. Now on to Lord Debling who is adorable with his plant present.
Yes a nod to Penelope sitting at that settee and enjoying the view of Bridgerton House aka where her love Colin is at. I think she isn't leading Lord Debling on here, she genuinely is getting tired of being in the corner, playing what if and ready for a real relationship. She's not in love with Lord Debling, but ready to accept something real over her years of fantasizing over Colin for nothing.
I agree with people who wrote that the scene that Colin is rereading his journal, he's going over what Penelope has read so that he knows what she read and enjoyed and what would be going through her mind. Lady Bridgerton for sure knows that Colin is in love with Penelope! She knows he's in love and he couldn't take his eyes off of Penelope. And she's no idiot, the boy is acting love sick and she can smell that a mile away.
Tillie Arnold is an amusement, but not endgame.
Is it just me or is Lord Anderson not that funny or charming? I don't mind him courting Violet or anything to do with his person, but I don't get it. Maybe I'm taking cues from Lady Danbury who is an impeccable judge of character, but I'm meh about him.
LOL! I love Queen Charlotte and Brimsley! The step another pace backwards comment was gold. "You read me too well."
Awww look at Francesca's little face! She likes John so much! They just get each other and the two actors portray that so well. The joy they have when together, the unspoken silences, and the chemistry they have is evident and I like them!
Lord Samadani is portrayed perfectly as well- he is handsome and dashing and everything that a traditional girl would have wanted. But not what Francesca wants.
Aw, poor Cressida. I never thought I would think or say that, but here we are. The writers have reframed her into a victim of the ton and has tried to free her from the trope of Mean Blonde Bitch.
Oh, Pen it's so obvious you're staring at Colin. Even Lord Debling can tell something's up. I really like Lord Debling, I think he's so cute! I know he's not endgame, but he's doing everything right so far. Asking her how he would secure her hand and putting out feelers of her reaction to a proposal.
Oho the infamous prostitute scene! Yes, he seems incredibly disinterested. Of course his enthusiasm is elsewhere it's with Penelope! I don't mind this scene so much because it just heightens Colin's disinterest with any woman except for Penelope.
Ha! I love how Francesca just accosted Lord Kilmartin! She knows what she wants and it's this man! They are so cute and awkward and adorable! Francesca wants love, but doesn't want to or know how to play games like Daphne did. They are the on the spectrum romance I didn't know I wanted or needed.
Ooh more Cressida backstory and it is grim. Her family and house are so cold. Yeesh. No wonder she is who she is and does what she does. Eloise is sweet to come by and check up on Cressida, she's a good friend. Her father seems like a pill.
I like the Mondrich's and understand them having class/adjustment issues about suddenly becoming part of the ton. It's good to have some contrast and real people part of the main story, but I also don't understand Will's determination to not see how it looks for him to be serving as bartender. With that act he seemingly doesn't understand the whole have/have not system the ton is based on. Wake up, Will!
These assholes. I never liked these puffed up men of the ton who parade about as rakes, but are more likely just assholes who've slept with a girl or two, who they've most likely had to pay. I'm not a prude or judgmental, but I am with Colin and would be sick of them too.
Penelope being wary of her engagement with Lord Debling makes sense. The girl has been in love with Colin Bridgerton for years and still is and so it would be hard for her to just throw that all away and go with Lord Debling, whom she is not in love with. She's not opposed to him, but also waiting for true love.
Ha! We get more love sick and pining Colin! It's sad to see him like this, but also sweet poetic justice for all the years Penelope was pining alone for him. Lady Bridgerton is such a good mother! She knows Colin like the back of her hand and I love the part where she talks about armor. She knows he's been playing a part lately and wants him to be his Cinnamon Roll self.
She knew exactly what she was doing when she mentions Penelope and getting a proposal! That minx! She's sharp and sly and knows exactly what to say to get a response from her children. Lol.
The ballet was gorgeous! That hair piece OMG it was stunning! I like the Queen, but no Francesca will not end up with Lord Samadani!
The ballet sequence is interesting because of Penelope's reaction to it. The ballet is a romance story and Penelope is wrapped up in it. Other people are admiring the artistry and appreciating the dancers, but Penelope is swept up in it. Which proves that a loveless marriage will not do for her.
See, back to Lord Anderson and I get why he would like Violet, but not why she would like him back. They are reading friends to me than late in life love match. I just don't see instant chemistry or anything.
Tillie is beautiful and amusing, but eventually Benedict is going to chafe at the hiding things and lack of romance. Clearly Tillie is her own woman and not needing a man, which will turn Benedict off eventually I believe.
I actually like the Cressida and Eloise relationship. What am I saying? But I do! I think it's cute. Cressida is in sore need of a friend to soften her and Eloise needs one that listens to her.
Yes! Colin thinking back to that one day and the glass and the looks and the comments about eyes. They were so close and comfortable with each other because they were friends before feelings and etc got in the way.
More Francesca and John and they are very cute. She's abrupt with him at first because she thinks he doesn't like her, but lights up when she sees his gesture. This man gets her to her very soul and it's very cute. Lemonade isn't going to cut it man! She has someone who reads her very soul! The queen's face lol!
Excuse me! Colin is here for a purpose, boys, out of the way!
Oof, you were being honest, but way to fumble the ball Lord Debling. He knows that Penelope loves romance and romance novels and couldn't throw her a bone about one day being in love. Maybe that's what it is and wasn't meant to be, but oof.
Here comes unhinged Colin and I love it! I have been spoiled by this from all over and here it is! Yes walking right up to a dancing couple like that quite scandalous! This is going to be good.
Eros and Psyche indeed! Cressida can be a cow at times, but she's right here. Everything she's putting out here is right. They are old friends, but something is going on between them and directly across the street of that window Penelope's obsessed with. She gives Lord Debling all the answers and clues to put the pieces together.
I feel for Penelope because she feels like Lord Debling is her one and only shot at a husband, but Lord Debling is not a fool and has figured out about her and Colin. He's not wrong and the two of them would not have been a good match, but I feel bad for Penelope.
Colin running down this carriage, yes very unhinged behavior indeed! The boy is lovestruck! Those eyes when he says he cannot leave her alone! They are so in love and the total opposite reaction we see from him with the prostitutes. He is all emotion, all heart on his sleeve and I love to see it.
They're getting it on, they're doing it! Eeek, squee, all the feels! That moment after they start kissing where they look at each other to see if this is real and yes, yes it is! Then they get back into it hot and heavy. He's going for more and she gives the nod of consent. Yes, let's do this Colin! I've been spoiled about the fingering but it is hot! Yes Go get it girl!
Aww that moment of laughter between the two so cute! I've seen other posts on this and it's a moment where they are two old friends and giggling together and that is the nature of their romance and relationship and I agree. It's utterly adorable.
Ok!!! Ugh now I know why so many people can't wait for part 2. Fortunately for me, it's only a couple more days and I can't wait!!!! We're going to have Lady Whistledown drama, Eloise drama, a lot of Polin sex, and a marriage! I can't wait I can't wait!
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percahliaweek · 18 hours
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FAQ '24
What tag should I use?
#percahliaweek is our designated tag - you can @ us @percahliaweek so we can reblog your contribution on the corresponding day.
Where are the prompts?
Ah, seems this has escaped containment then. You can find them HERE!
Will you be doing anything on Twitter/other social media?
We considered it! However, as other social media sites have proven unreliable (especially lately), we'll be hosting the event only on Tumblr. However, you're welcome to post your work wherever you like! Just understand that without a Tumblr post we can't exactly RB your entry.
Can I do _ for the event?
Yes. Yep. That too. Seriously, so long as it focuses on Perc'ahlia (and is appropriately tagged to avoid spoiling people), you can do it. Cosplay, inspired recipes, beadwork, podfic, go wild! Well, with the caveat that no hateful content will be permitted - don't use a joyous event to rain on someone else's parade or promote hatespeech, alright?
Is NSFW content allowed?
Given the ship in question and just how canonically horny they are for eachother - yes! However, we request that you tag this content as #nsfw and use the appropriate content filter on it. If posting in the Discord server, keep it to the 18+ chat. Be mindful of potential minors in fandom space + people browsing content in public.
I want to participate but haven't watched Campaign 1!
We welcome fans of The Legend of Vox Machina with open arms. As a result, it's requested that campaign fans do their best to avoid spoiling show fans for anything beyond what Season 2 has shown (Umbrasyl's defeat). That means late Campaign 1, the oneshots and any mention of them in other campaigns should be tagged as #cr1 spoilers (using just this tag for simplicity). Show fans, if you want to remain unspoiled, I recommend you block this on Tumblr and mute spoilery channels in the server.
Wait - what might get spoiled for me here?
The #cr1 spoilers tag should broadly cover anything TLOVM hasn't yet, but do note that Percival and Vex'ahlia pop up in Campaign 3 and so some fics might contain mild spoilers for the events of that campaign and the decades between their epilogue and now.
Is there an AO3 collection for the fanfics?
Yes! HERE it is, ready and waiting for your fics! If interested in last year's fics (which definitely deserve some love), you can find them over HERE!
Does my submission have to fit one of the prompts?
That would be ideal, yes! Anything freeform should be posted on Day 5 for Free/Random prompts. But fitting the prompt can be very loose - maybe you just use the word as a motif, or you take it in an entirely unexpected direction. We want to encourage creativity and fun more than anything else.
I don't know what to do for the Free/Random day!
We have a few recommendations (we are unaffiliated with the websites linked): Random page of the Encyclopedia Exandria Random word generator OTP prompt generator AU generator Ghost’s Spell prompts [roll 2d20?] Wild Magic Surge table Life events table If you've made prompt lists and would not mind them being featured here, reach out!
How did you choose the prompts?
Prompts were selected by a combination of admin discussion and voting in our Discord server to try and ensure a good mix of evocative prompts (we see y'all voting disproportionately for the Scars prompt! We see it!).
Where can I find last year's prompts?
You can find the list and links to individual tags HERE. Given last year was our first year, we unfortunately didn't think to tag Day 1 until after the fact (we'll need to go and clean that up).
Why late September?
On September 29th, 2016, the Critical Role episode 'Passed Through Fire' aired, which features an iconic Perc'ahlia moment (no spoilers for show fans!). Following Burr's poll last year on which scene is most iconic for the pairing, we decided to have the week celebrate the anniversary of that episode. And, with TLOVM S3 airing the next week, who knows - we might get the animated version to go with it soon! ;3
Is it okay if I only do one prompt?
This event is intended to be relaxed and fun - one entry, or seven, or fourteen, however many you want! We've tried to announce the event earlier this year, to allow for more time for everyone to work on their entries, so please don't feel pressured to do them all the week of. And if you can't finish on time, there's no pressure: late submissions will still be RB'd and added to the AO3 collection. Mind you, after a month or two we might stop checking the blog and tag regularly, so your best bet is to @ us or post in the Discord server!
A Discord server?
We have set up a little server for this event on Discord, mostly to hang out with other Perc'ahlia fans and motivate eachother to work on our respective projects. The current link is HERE - let us know if it's not working!
Who is hosting this?
At the moment the users running this blog are @burr-ell, @blorbologist, @crithaus, @essayofthoughts and @rightpastnowhere! If you have any questions or concerns (i.e. we didn't see your post and missed RBing it :c) please let us know!
Any more questions? Feel free to send in an ask and we'll do our best to answer in a timely manner!
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Okay, I watched S2 of Earthspark
Warning Spoilers Ahead
Okay,1, Loved that Breakdown was like a Dad to Aftermath
Liked seeing more of the bots, though the humans felt less themselves
At certain times the animation felt kinda choppy
Loved Cosmos he should have shown up more(also I theorized from the start of the episode that Cosmos was the cosmic Rollercoaster AND I WAS RIGHT)
weird al is unironically perfect for Cosmos
I honestly thought Spitfire was gonna be a good person and have a long redemption arc*sigh* we can wish..
Hasbro is really Testing my Patience (I want an Earthspark Thunderhowl P L E A S E)
Terratronus..is really pretty.
Noticed a lot of Cyberverse similarities like Starscream playing god for the 14th millionth time and then him Controlling Terratronus is similar to him Controlling croaton
The Quintessons holding a grudge against quintus A U G H (I love to hate the Quintessons but even I know that's just wrong by Quintus,PAy YOUR CHILD SUPORJT)
Spitfire was..Interesting. I would say I like Aftermath more than her though.
The episode about Op's trailer is my favorite, just a fun filler.
The Emberstone becoming dust was a twist I did not expect.
Sad that Prowl didn't show up, I was really curious on what he'd be like, maybe in the next batch If there is one.
I want to know what happened to Starscream.
the syncing should be less Steven universe Fusion esque tbh
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lackablazeical · 1 day
hey, um, I'm actually kinda curious to know more about this Ducktales au you were talking about days ago.
Okay so like right. This entire AU is based on the season 1 ep 20 episode, "Sky Pirates... In The Sky!" Right.
Pls note btw I haven't watched the show all the way thru, and haven't seen this episode in a while and so some info may be wonky
Anyway, in this episode, eventually the Sky Pirates plane crashes, which kills Don Karnage, their captian.
What's different is, in this AU, Dewey gets separated from his family during the crash. The rest of his family fall in the water, Dewey crashes down w/ the plane.
Dewey believes he's the only survivor of the crash, and gets taken in by the remaining sky pirates bc they liked Dewey. By the time his family can swim ashore and search the wreckage, Dewey is gone, and so they believe he is dead too.
Seven years pass like this, until one day, Huey, Louie, and Webby get lost bc of a GPS error on one of Lauchpad's planes while headed to get smthn for scrooge. They end up in sky pirate territory and get attacked until the ducks all realize Dewey is alive and vice versa. Tearful reunions ensue etc etc, and Dewey is quick to give them lavish gifts and grand feasts to welcome them (much to his crews secret annoyance)
Buttttttt after the honeymoon phase is over, problems start to arise. Dewey realizes his family changed with him gone, his brothers have lives that were made without him, and his family realizes that being a pirate captian only exacerbated Dewey's worst qualities, making him vain, easy to anger, and bossy. Dewey wants his family to stay with him, his family want him to come back with them, etc etc
So then angst blah blah and yeah, haven't really had any ideas of where it'd go from there
Ended up coloring the doodle I made of like. Dewey's future design fr (lost his eye in the plane crash fr)
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I have some Fanfic drafts of this AU I may post, I just don't know how it'd end or if my writing is all that great so yk! I'll post if ppl ask
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