#just listen to servant of evil to know his fate
alpaca-clouds · 5 months
Okay, let me explain!
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Okay, you know what? Given that at least one person (hey there, @vengencefilledwriter) say after my shitpost yesterday, that they wanted to read about this... let me talk about how I very randomly started shipping Astarion with Themberchaud.
Because, yes. It is a crack ship in many ways. However, I will maintain that it actually totally makes sense.
And yes, Themberchaud is the chubby dragon from Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. I kinda talked about him a bit before (but tumblr search cannot be assed to show that to me), so...
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See, me shipping the two arose from Wishing Well, the Astarion-centric longfic I am writing right now (which is also the sequel to Voice of the Voiceless). The story takes place about a year after the end of BG3 and centers around Astarion and Tav finally visiting the other vampire spawn, who in this have simply settled the Grymforge, after it was abandoned by the duergar.
Given the story takes place completely in the Underdark and features a conflict centered around the duergar, I thought it would be a fun little thing to have Themberchaud show up at some point as a cameo.
Yeah, I thought wrongly.
Because then I started the research on Themberchaud, and oh boy, let me tell you guys, this dragon is actually such a poor little blorbo who in truth just needs a big ol' hug!
Yes, yes, I see you there, muttering: "But red dragons are chaotic evil." To which I just say: "Sssssssh! Listen!"
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Okay, even if you play DnD there is a very high chance that you never really encountered Themberchaud, because he is kinda locked into one place: Gracklstugh. The duergar city in the north of the underdark. And while the movie kinda plays his fatness as cute and funny, actually it is in his case super tragic!
See, Themberchaud is a slave. Because the duergar's masterful weapons can only be created in dragonfire, which is why for so many hundreds of years they have held themselves a dragon slave. The current one is Themberchaud.
Of course, given that dragons by nature have a rather big ego, they know well enough to not let him know that he is a slave. He has all the servants he wants, gets gold for his hoards and unlucky adventurers to feast on, and all they ask of him in return is that he keeps their forges running.
Well, and just to make extra sure that he plays along, they use some of the psychic powers they have gotten from their millennium of illithid enslavement to keep him content.
The fact that he got fed so much without having to hunt for it, is what made him so fat. And in fact that came as a bonus for the duergar, because the fact is, that Themberchaud has become so fat that he could no longer leave his hoard and hence very unabel to flee or fight back.
But dragons get stronger as they age and as such it becomes harder and harder to keep him controlled. Which is why he was supposed to suffer the same fate as all the other dragon slaves before: Get killed.
Something went wrong however. We just do not know what. Only that for some reason by the time the movie takes place, Themberchaud has somehow managed to escape Gracklstugh. But something is very clearly wrong with him. Because for one, he does not seem to have any capacity for reason in the movie - and also... his dragonfire somehow does not work. And remember: The duergar kept him for his fire.
Now, maybe his mind got just melted away by the psychic magic. Who knows. But yeah, that is the backstory there.
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Okay, did I successfully get you invested in the story of the poor dragon? Yeah?
Hopefully. Let me just talk about why I ended up shipping him with the sad vamprie boy. Which kinda brings me back to why Themberchaud did not just remain a cameo in Wishing Well. Because I was planning the story and hence researching, I realized something: Astarion and Themberchaud are weirdly similar.
They both were slaves for around two hundred years and barely know anything but slavery.
Their respective masters used mindcontrol of them, which would logically lead to them both having trouble to even know who they are. Were they begin and the mind control end.
Both of them were abused by their masters through food. While Astarion was starved, Themberchaud was overfed. But both is still abuse through food!
Their enslavement ended through some circumstance (which for Themberchaud is still unknown) the plan of their respective masters to kill them failed.
Throughout their enslavement they were kept from the sun. (Note: While it is not explicitly said for Themberchaud that he wants to escape the underdark to see the sun, there is some implication for that.)
Like, those are actually fairly strong parallels. Something that undoubtedly was not intended by anyone, because I kinda doubt anyone at Larian even had Themberchaud in mind, when they were creating Astarion.
Never the less: Those are parallels.
And those parallels made me decide against the Themberchaud cameo......... in so far that instead of being a cameo, he literally becomes the sixth ranger in Wishing Well. Because he and Astarion pretty much talk to each other for like 1 hour and instantly are like: *scream* "BESTIES!!!" With Astarion afterwards being very unwilling to abandon the big dragon once more.
I will spare you the shenanigans that happen afterwards, but let me just put it like this: When they get granted a wish, Themberchaud gets turned into the more handy form of a dragonborn, which allows him to travel to the surface world. Because, you know, see the sun for himself.
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Yes, yes, I hear you once again: "But that is just what happens in your fic!" Which, yes, sure. You are right. But you know what?
I still totally think that the two of them would totally at least platonically hit it off if they were ever going to meet. Because they just are so darn similar in their dramatic backstories as runaway slaves whose masters were trying to kill them.
Like, just look at all the bonding potential there!
What I love about it too, is that it has Astarion in the role of a caretaker for someone. Like, people (well, mostly Tav) took care of him, when he needed it and now he is capable to support someone else who has lived through similar shit.
And yes, in case you are wondering: No, Astarion does not break it off with my Tav in that stuff. Because polyshipping is a thing xD And that polycule is already just a bit bigger.
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And, just... Look people. I JUST WANT MY BLORBOS TO BE HAPPY TOGETHER, ALRIGHT?! *feral*
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nasuversekinkmeme · 6 months
Weekly Roundup: Prompts
Luvia Edelfelt/Emiya Shiro For some reason Luvia is one of the only women in fate Shiro isn't shipped with. I will fix this by force if necessary, but would rather just do this. threesomes are acceptable.
Penthesilea "I will literally murder you if you call me pretty" x Medb "I am horny for everyone that is heroic" I think they'd make a weird but cute couple
anyone done sakamoto ryouma / possessed ryouma? the idea haunts me. evil ryouma's hot. sfw or as nsfw as you like, i'm not picky, but it's nsfw in my heart.
smut, Caenis pounds Altera into the bed
Oryou and Ryoma are called Fujimaru parents while out. Oryou takes the rolled very seriously whiles Ryoma just laugh it off. But when Fujimaru asked them to be his parents both agree to do so right of the bat.
Izcalli and Tlaloc having straight yuri energy, maybe reminiscing their time back when he was king and the garden he loved. I just want more melancholic and nostalgic servant interactions. This can be romantic or not it is up to you.
I want Jinako to let slip one day the her parents died when she was young (we can assume it’s understood that she means “her” parents and not Ganesha’s parents) and Salieri hears this and just goes “Alright, guess I’m your new father now.” And she think he’s joking but he absolutely is not, she is his daughter now and that is final. Salieri was a father when he was alive, and he wrote about how much he loved his kids, so I just think it could be nice for Jinako to have a loving and supportive father figure. Also they both really like sweet things, and it’d be nice to see them bonding over it, especially since Salieri probably wouldn’t be judgey about Jinako having sweets. He can platonically co-parent with Parvati, Durga, and Kali
smut, Izo is allowed into Ryouma and Oryou’s relationship, as their cuck. And watches them have sex.
smut, After Takasugi is followed following the events of Guda6, he makes good on his dying wish to hook up with Okuni. She graciously accepts and the two fuck nasty. The flirtier and more intense things get before the bedroom the better. That's all.
Just finished lb4, can I get some Ganesha being unable to return to her shut-in lifestyle bc of the thousands of years she spent alone, and (character of your choice) helps make sure she knows she's not alone anymore?
"Wait, what do you [servant couple of writers choice] aren't married?" Cue all of chaldea arranging a wacky but personal wedding ceremony
smut, Castoria is Excalibur, right? Ergo, I want to see someone polish her (because she's literally a sword) (gone wrong) (gone sexual) (gone right)
Martha tells the Christians of Chaldea, along with anyone willing to listen, what sort of wacky shenanigans Jesus got up to. Apparently, one such thing was Jesus being so good at being a carpenter that anything he worked on could be considered an angel of heaven because of how well done the job was and not because he was the Son of God.
Izou gets some tender love and care and appreciation
smut, man idk i just want izo and oryou to spoil ryouma and give him a wildly fun and hot and tender night that leaves his face hurting from smiling, his ass hurting from taking them both, and everywhere else hurting from bites. man works so damn hard Please he needs a break and a nice fuck. also oryou and izo bonding over their love for this man is always 👌
smut, Any one/robin hood, but mlm is preferred! Robin with a praise and humiliation kink being showered with love and praise. I'd love to see his low self image and self defeating attitude be bludgeoned with love. ☺️❤️
Guda and Castoria kiss for the first time. It would be a great, intimate moment... except they quickly discover that Castoria has a barbed tongue like a cat. It doesn't have to be a dealbreaker, but I do want the fic to have an emphasis on how different (and slightly painful) that tongue feels compared to a normal one.
smut, All the artoria variants (except for lily ofc) have an orgy, bc that girl deserves some self love
Izo talks about stabbing a british guy who had a blue policebox with him and being scared off when he started shooting fire out of his arms and head as everyone listens on in horror as they realize that not only did he nearly permanently kill The Doctor from Doctor Who, but also that apparently The Doctor is a real person and was nearly killed by Izo of all people.
A perhaps annoying patron asks one half of a romantic couple (doesn't matter which canon or even if its canon) for a good time. What leaves after can no longer be identified
The backlog of unfilled prompts, framed like pets in an adoption center.
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ladysternchen · 11 months
headcanon explained/character study- Elu Thingol, part 2
Elwë never had any chance to return the mantle to his uncle, as he was one of those to disappear, snatched away while out hunting, together with his entire company. For many years, the whole family grieved (along with pretty much everyone, as there was hardly an elf at Cuiviénen then that did not know the grief of losing close kin), and the loss of his father kindled in Nowë’s heart a yearning for some place that was safe, like the one Lord Oromë spoke of. He always trusted the Vala, and Elwë very much tended to agree with his cousin, even if he was more reserved than Nowë towards the summons of the Valar at first. He listened to the same rumours Finwë listened to, rumours no one really knew whence they came, but that sowed doubt into the hearts of the Quendi nonetheless. Still, while Finwë was swayed to mistrust Oromë, Elwë was not. Too bright was the light that shone from the Vala’s face to be truly evil, he decided, and once his mind was made up, he convinced his best friend of the same. When Elmo was born, he was again totally caught up in his role as the elder brother. Almost grown up as he was now, their parents had no objections to their eldest stealing their baby from time to time, first to just carry him around the camp, then to teach him how to crawl and stand and even later taking Elmo with him on his adventures with Finwë. Life was good then, until the day Elwë and Olwë were startled out of their sparring-practice by the piercing scream of a small elfling, an elfling Elwë knew straight away was Elmo. They both ran after the crying, searching frantically for their little brother, and they found him, standing by a large bush, completely dissolved in panicked tears. Elwë picked his baby-brother up without paying much attention to their surroundings, so it was Olwë’s anguished yell that made him look around. In this instant, he understood, both what had happened and that nothing would ever be the same again. He tried his best to keep a thrashing Elmo in his arms, trying to ignore his screams for their mother, while at the same time making Olwë look away from the mangled body of their father, so maimed that he was barely recognisable. Their mother and two friends that had accompanied them were missing, and though they would be sought, Elwë knew from the start they would never find them. Those snatched were never found. He wondered, briefly, if their father had tried to defend Elmo, or just struggled too much, or why they had left him in that bloody heap, but it didn’t really matter anyway. Just one thing truly registered in Elwë’s numbed mind- they were alone now, and he, as the eldest, was now responsible for his brothers. He did not truly mourn his parents then, not daring to even touch upon those feelings (it would take until he himself became a father that he could truly take the mental journey back and allow himself to feel that grief), he concentrated wholly on keeping Elmo as happy as possible, and as safe. He held his little brother night and day, not daring to sleep himself lest he saw their father’s body again in his dreams, or their mother’s endless torture by the servants of the old Shadow. Being a prince of the house of Enel, their father was buried in all honours, but Elwë stayed well away from the rest of his family then, not wanting Elmo to lie eyes again on their father’s body, something that Olwë could never understand. Elwë himself had no clue whatsoever if he was doing the right thing. He only knew that sitting by the shores of Cuiviénen, rocking the baby in his arms to sleep and refusing to feel or think, was the only option that seemed bearable, and as time passed, so became the pain. As he shared the experience to have one parent snatched by the Shadows with Nowë, the cousins again drew closer together, wondering, sometimes, if there was comfort in their shared fate after all. “Do you think they’re together now? Somehow?” Círdan once asked, and Elwë’s heart grew infinitely lighter at the thought of his mother somehow finding her brother wherever it was the Shadows took them, and that somehow, they would withstand the torture together. Also, as Elmo grew older, it became more and more apparent that he had seen more than he would remember, and that the child was severely traumatised by it. He would cling to Elwë wherever he went, would have fits of rage or grief that only his eldest brother could get him out of, and whenever Elwë would manage to fall asleep and Elmo awoke before him, Elmo would frantically shake Elwë awake, unable to bear to watch him sleep. It took Elwë a little while to understand that Elmo thought him dead whenever he slept, and the pity he felt rather sufficiently melted his anger at being constantly woken. He found a way out of that plight by letting Elmo sleep cuddled against his chest so he might hear his heartbeat at all times, a way of sleeping they kept throughout Elmo’s childhood.
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sacred-stanning · 2 months
Chapter 13 Part 1: Selena and Myrrh
After learning that Myrrh was seen heading east, Ephraim and his army chase after her. This takes them to the Za'albul Marsh, which is the location that Lyon asked Selena to go to.
On the way, Ephraim learns from locals that Myrrh has been seen in the company of General Selena, and he resigns himself to the inevitable fight with her...
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Selena finds the dragon stone, just like Lyon said. She is also aware that Ephraim is nearby, but she is primarily concerned with fulfilling her mission to bring the stone back to Lyon.
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That's when Myrrh approaches and asks for the stone back.
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Selena asks who Myrrh is, saying she doesn't look like a local.
Myrrh introduces herself. "My name is Myrrh. I come from the dark woods."
She explains that she was tricked while traveling south towards the source of an evil power, and that her dragon stone, the very one Selena has, was stolen.
She then continues with, "It was at that time that Ephraim saved me..."
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Naturally, on hearing Ephraim's name, Selena puts up her guard. She tells Myrrh that there is no way she can give her the stone, and that, in fact, she is going to have to bring Myrrh back to the Grado capital.
Hearing this, Myrrh asks, "So you're from Grado? Is there anyone among the people who you know who..."
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"...has changed suddenly recently?"
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Selena knows all too well that there is someone who has changed radically recently, the emperor. Myrrh explains that this is due to the dark power that she felt, and that stopping that power was the whole reason she came down this way originally.
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Selena asks for more details, and Myrrh tells her what she knows.
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Selena listens, but in the end, she tells Myrrh that she "can't believe what Myrrh is saying to be true, because if it is, then the emperor..."
I think this scene is especially interesting if you have played Eirika route and seen how she reacts to Lyon later on in the game. I feel like there are some parallels with the theme of not wanting to believe that someone is beyond saving, and acting on those feelings despite the evidence in front of you.
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Selena then talks to Myrrh about her devotion to the emperor. She starts by referring to the stone she received as a symbol of her position (the source of her "Fluorspar" nickname, just like Duessel's "Obsidian"). Apparently the generals don't just have stone-based nicknames, they actually have stones as symbols of their positions, which is a detail I had forgotten.
Selena goes on to describe the emperor's gentle smile and kind voice, and how he saved her village from starvation when she was young, even though other nobles made comments behind his back about him being too soft.
She finishes off by explaining that this is what led her to devote her life to the emperor.
She asks Myrrh again if there is something that can be done for the emperor...
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"...I'm sorry, there is no way to save him."
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Just then, a soldier announces that Ephraim's army is approaching. Selena, while she won't return Myrrh's stone, offers to let Myrrh go and return to Ephraim.
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But while she shows mercy to Myrrh, she still is determined to fulfill her role as a servant to the emperor, and she orders her army to attack.
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And before Ephraim's army moves in, L'Arachel warns about Selena's tome, Thunderstorm, which can hit distant targets.
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The scenes with Duessel were also tragic in their own way, but since Duessel takes a more active role in questioning what's happening, and because he ultimately chooses to live, and to control the fate of Grado as best he can, his story is more hopeful.
Selena's story is just tragic. She absolutely worships the emperor, and she is unwilling to do anything to go against him or disappoint him.
It's all even sadder when you learn later on more about the emperor's actual situation...
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vanillasmores-blog · 5 years
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Starring the Servant of Evil is Mutsuki. Mutsuki is known to be Prince Satsuki's most loyal servant. He would do anything the prince would tell him to do. Strange enough, Mutsuki bears some resemblance to Prince Satsuki...
Mutsuki Kururugi (c)  アイ☆チュウ Servant of Evil (c) Vocaloid, Akuno-P
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The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Chapter 22
Original Title:  二哈和他的白猫师尊
Genres: Drama, Romance, Tragedy, Xianxia, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 22 - This Venerable One's Shizun is Getting Angry
When Chu Wanning heard this, he was so angry that he could barely keep himself from retracting Tianwen and slashing the Chen couple. But he couldn't open his eyes to confront them. Once he opened his eyes, the barrier would be broken. The Return to Truth barrier could only trap a ghost once. If his interrogation was interrupted, he wouldn't be able to listen to any more of Luo Xianxian's story.
All he could do was contain his overwhelming rage and continue listening to Luo Xianxian.
After she died, her soul entered the underworld, unaware and confused.
The only thing that she could make out was a woman wearing red and green robes with facial features that resembled the Master of Ceremonies Ghost enshrined in a temple. The Master of Ceremonies Ghost stood in front of her and asked her in a soft voice: "You and Chen Bohuan couldn't share a bed in life. Would you like to share the same grave in death?"
She hurriedly agreed: "Yes. . . Yes please!"
"Then I can let him come join you right away. What do you think?"
Luo Xianxian wanted to blurt out a yes, rushing to agree, but suddenly remembered something and froze. "Am I dead?"
"Yes. I am the Master of the Underworld Ghost. I can give you the destiny you deserve and fulfill your long-cherished wish."
Luo Xianxian was startled: "Then, if he comes to join me, will he. . . also die?"
"Yes. However, if loves persists in the afterlife, life and death are irrelevant. What difference does it make?"
Chu Wanning heard this, he thought to himself that he had been right; this Master of Ceremonies Ghost would persuade others to make a wish so that she could reap the benefits. This immortal was truly diabolical.
Although Luo Xianxian died unjustly, she hadn't yet become a malevolent ghost, so she repeatedly shook his head: "No. It wasn't his fault. You can't kill him."
The Master of Ceremonies Ghost smiled compassionately: "And what did you get in return for this kindness?" It didn't force Luo Xianxian to do anything. As an immortal being, they could persuade someone to make a bad wish, but they couldn't force them. Its figure gradually faded away, its voice becoming hazier and hazier.
"Return to the world in seven days. During those seven days, go and see how the Chen family is faring. After that, I'll ask you again if you still have no regrets about your decision."
Seven days later, the day arrived.
Luo Xianxian's soul returned to a conscious form and returned to the world of the living.
Following the old road, she eagerly walked towards the Chen house to see her husband for the last time.
Unexpectedly, the Chen house was decorated with lights, and outside the courtyard, there were fireworks. Bridal flowers were decorating the halls. and a big "double happiness" banner was hanging in front of the main hall. Madam Chen was radiant, not appearing sickly in the slightest. She was smiling and instructing the servants to wrap the bouquets with red silk.
Who. . . was having a wedding?
Who. . . were the bride and groom?
Who. . . no one was engaged, what was going on?
Who. . .
She walked through the busy crowd, listening to the sound of people in the world of the living.
"Congratulations, Madam Chen. Your son is getting engaged to the daughter of the county magistrate. When's the wedding?"
"Madam Chen, you're so fortunate."
"Yao Qianjin is truly the lucky star of the Chen family and they aren't even official yet. Madam Chen, you look so much healthier already."
"Your son and Yao Qianjin are a match made in heaven. I'm so jealous, hahahaha."
Her son. . . Her son. . .
Which son?
Which one was marrying the daughter of the Yao family?
She shuttled back and forth across the familiar front yard, growing more and more frantic, looking for that familiar figure in the midst of all the laughter.
Then she found him.
In front of the peony flowers in the back hall, Chen Bohuan stood with his hands behind his back with a haggard face and sunken cheeks. However, he was dressed in red. Even though it wasn't a traditional wedding outfit, it was a Caidie Town custom. When a prospective son-in-law comes to propose marriage, he should wear this type of red gown.
Was he. . . going to propose. . .?
The decorations in the whole house, the strings of gold and silver beads, was it all. . . was it all from Chen Bohuan, her husband, as a dowry for the daughter of the Yao family?
She suddenly recalled the time when they got married.
There was nothing but two people that shared one heart - nothing else.
There was no master of ceremonies, no bridesmaids, and no dowry. The Chen family weren't wealthy at that time and didn't even own a decent set of jewelry. He went into the yard and picked a delicate orange blossom from under the orange tree they had planted together and carefully tucked it behind her ear.
She asked him: "Does it look good?"
He said it looked beautiful. After a moment of silence, he stroked her hair with some sadness and told her: "You deserve so much better than this."
Luo Xianxian smiled and pursed his lips, saying that it didn't matter.
Chen Bohuan told her that when he married her three years later, he would hold a lively wedding banquet. He would invite people from all over the world. He would have her make a grand entrance on a large sedan chair. He would give her gold and silver to wear, and the dowry gifts would fill the entire main hall.
Those vows still echoed in her ears. Now, all those promises have come true, the hall filled with gifts and guests.
He was getting married, just not to her.
A monstrous flame of anger and sorrow surged through her. Luo Xianxian screamed, trying to tear at the hanging red silk in the room.
But she was a ghost; she couldn't touch anything.
Chen Bohuan seemed to vaguely notice something. He turned around, staring at the silk moving despite there being no wind. His eyes were dull and hollow.
His little sister came over, a white jade hairpin clipped on the side of her bun. She didn't know who she was secretly mourning by wearing it.
She said: "Big brother, go to the kitchen to eat something. You haven't had a proper meal in days. You have to hurry up and go to the county magistrate's house later to propose. Your body won't hold up."
Chen Bohuan suddenly asked without thinking: "Sister, did you hear someone crying?"
". . . What? No, brother, I think you're still. . ." She gritted her teeth and didn't finish her thought. Chen Bohuan still stared at the fluttering silk sheets.
"How is my mother? Is she happy? Has her illness been cured?"
". . . Brother."
". . . I'm glad she's feeling better." Chen Bohuan stood there, muttering to himself. "I already lost Luo Xianxian, I couldn't live without my mother."
"Brother, go eat something. . ."
Luo Xianxian wailed. She yelled and bawled with her head in her hands.
Don't go. . . don't go. . . please don't go. . .
Chen Bohuan said: ". . . Alright."
The tired figure disappeared around the corner.
Luo Xianxian stood alone in a daze, large tears rolling down her face. Suddenly, she heard the brothers of the Chen family who killed her approaching. The second eldest brother and the younger brother were whispering to each other.
"Mother is finally happy. Finally, things are going our way."
"Right? She pretended to be sick for half and year. Now that that cursed bitch is gone, how could she not be thrilled?"
The younger brother tsked and said, "How come she died? We wanted to force her out, not kill her. Was she really so stupid that she couldn't even find someone to help her?"
"Who knows. She was weak, just like her rotten father. It's not our fault that she died. Even though mother pretended to be sick to get rid of her, our family has its own struggles. Think about it, when the options county magistrate’s daughter and some pauper girl, only a fool would choose the latter. Besides, even if Yao Qianjin is a brat, she's got enough money to go around."
"Yes, she's so dumb. She didn't want to live so she let herself freeze to death. No one could've saved her."
The words drifted to her ears.
After Luo Xianxian died, she finally understood the so-called "Divine Fate". She was completely broke and couldn't compare to the county magistrate's daughter who was so noble and honourable.
Only a fool would choose the pauper girl.
She finally snapped.
She returned to the Master of Ceremonies' temple full of hatred and resentment.
She died there. Unlike how weak and helpless she was when she died, she returned with overwhelming hostility.
She used to be such a kind person, but now, all the hatred and evil that had been built inside her while she was alive came flooding out. She roared, her eyes turning red, her soul trembling.
She said: "I, Luo Xianxian, would like to give up my soul and follow the path of wickedness. I only ask you to avenge me! I want the Chen family - I don't want you to kill them!!! I want. . . I want to let my beastly mother-in-law kill her sons by her own hand! All her sons!!! I want Chen Bohuan to go to hell with me!!! Let him be buried with me!!! Do it for me!!! I hate them! I hate them!!!!"
The eyes of the clay sculpture on the shrine shifted and the corners of its mouth slowly raised.
A hollow voice echoed through the temple.
"I have heard your prayers. It will be as you wish. As an evil spirit - kill all those that you resent -"
A piercing blood-red light flashed, and Luo Xianxian couldn't remember anything after that.
However, Chu Wanning already what happened next. After that, the Master of Ceremonies Ghost manipulated Luo Xianxian's spirit to possess Madam Chen and force her to kill each member of the Chen family.
The red coffin on the top of the mountain, the reason why Chen Bohuan was dug up, naturally, was because the Master of Ceremonies Ghost was fulfilling Luo Xianxian's greatest wish - "Let Chen Bohuan and I be buried together." Moreover, it deliberately placed the coffin on the property of Chen Bohuan and his new wife as an act of spiteful revenge.
As for the floral scent in Chen Bohuan's coffin, it was the scent of the butterfly fragrance powder that Luo Xianxian had worn before her death. The resentment and fragrance in the coffin were both extremely strong because Luo Xianxian's soul was resting alongside Chen Bohuan inside it.
Luo Xianxian had no family. According to the customs, if a person like that dies, their bones should be cremated instead of buried. Therefore, she had no physical body and could only be contained within the coffin by the Master of Ceremonies Ghost. That's why, when Chu Wanning opened the coffin with his willow vine, Luo Xianxian had escaped the coffin's containment. Her soul flew away, and it was difficult to recapture. It was a situation of "a closed coffin being heavy with resentment but an open coffin being light".
But during the illusion, why did other people have dead bodies as their partners but Chen Bohuan only had a paper-mache ghost bride?
Chu Wanning thought for a moment and figured out this much:
The Master of Ceremonies Ghost didn't break its promise. The paper-mache bride was the "physical body" that it gave Luo Xianxian. It was a vessel so that Luo Xianxian could be buried with Chen Bohuan.
Everything was clear.
Chu Wanning looked at the weak and helpless girl in the barrier. He wanted to say something but didn't know what to say.
Elder Yuheng wasn't particularly good at comforting words. He couldn't think of anything, so he stayed silent, not having anything he could say.
The girl stood in the vast darkness with her soft round eyes open.
Chu Wanning looked at her eyes and couldn't bear it. He wanted to leave. He didn't want to take another look. He was about to open his eyes and leave the Return to Truth barrier.
Then the girl suddenly spoke.
"Lord Yama. I. . . I have something else I want to tell you."
Chu Wanning: ". . . Alright."
The girl suddenly lowered her head, covered her eyes, and cried. She said softly, "Lord Yama, I don't know what I did after that. But, I. . . I really didn't want to kill my husband. I didn't want to be an evil spirit. I really. . ."
"I didn't steal the oranges. I really am Chen Bohuan's wife. And I truly, truly didn't want to hurt anyone either."
"I truly didn't want anyone to get hurt. Please believe me."
Her voice choked and trembled, her words breaking.
"I. . . didn't lie. . ."
I didn't lie.
Why is it that, in this life, almost no one believed me?
She sobbed and screamed. Chu Wanning's voice sounded low in the darkness. He didn't say much, but he said it with conviction.
Luo Xianxian was shocked.
Chu Wanning said: "I believe you."
Luo Xianxian wiped her tears with her hands indiscriminately but couldn't hold them back. Hiding her tearful face, she lowered her head and bowed her head in his direction in the darkness.
Chu Wanning opened his eyes.
After he opened his eyes, he didn't say anything.
Time in the barrier wasn't the same as in reality. He had stayed there for a long time but, for the people waiting outside, it had only been a moment. Mo Ran hadn't returned yet. The few remaining people in the Chen family were still looking at him with bated breath.
Chu Wanning withdrew Tianwen and said to Madam Chen: "I'll avenge you. You can find peace."
Madam Chen froze and opened her blood-red eyes, and suddenly fell to the ground with a thud, knocked out cold.
Chu Wanning raised his head again. His eyes swept across Chen's face then landed on the youngest son. His voice didn't waver, and it was still frighteningly cold.
"I'll ask one last time." He said each word slowly and decisively. "Did you really not recognize whose voice that was?"
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crumbledcastle28 · 3 years
Chapter 8: An Apology
Warnings: depression, suicidal thoughts, references to an incredibly painful past, references to murder, references to torture, lots of crying, references of being shot/stabbed. This is really heavy, so please proceed with caution.
Author’s Note: Thank you to EVERYONE who has shown any support for this! I am very proud of this series and it makes me very happy people are enjoying it 💜
(I cannot remember where I got this gif from, so if it’s yours please let me know so I can credit you!)
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After Mando left, you sat in your silent sobs for what felt like hours.
It could have been hours for all you knew. It’s not like you cared anyway.
All you did was sit in your guilt and shame, allowing yourself to digest all you’ve done. You have been pushing this down for so long, and now it feels like there is no stopping it.
A person can only pretend for so long, and you would give anything to just go back in time and reverse it all.
So many faces flash in your memory of people you’ve killed and cheated for the Empire, and it’s an absolute hell. None of these people deserved what they got. None of them. And yet you still did it.
No matter how many excuses you make for how you became a part of the Empire and all the torture they put you through, you still did it. You are still an enemy to the people you held so dear after so little time.
You are a monster.
After a while, you hear Mando’s footsteps entering Kuiil’s house again. You don’t even know where Kuiil is, you honestly forgot he even existed.
Maybe he will forgive me, you think to yourself. We were in a similar situation?
You see Mando’s helmet enter through the doorway and you feel the smallest, tiniest fraction of butterflies you once had for the man returning.
But the butterflies are immediately squashed when you remember you are about to be thrown out. Again.
Just because you handled it once before doesn’t mean you have the strength to go through that now. Especially after everything you’ve done.
You feel his eyes scanning your pathetic, patched up form on the ground, and the storm inside of you starts to rumble again.
Please… please not again.
He sits down on the opposite side of the ship, resting his hands on his knees. He folds his hands, and you swear you hear him take a deep breath.
“She needs to calm down, that’s all,” he says, referring to Cara, and you find some strength to nod. Your eyes are burning and your muscles want to explode from exhaustion. Your mind is keeping you awake, while the rest of your body just wants to sleep.
“I…. I wouldn’t have let her kill you,” he says, and you shut your eyes, feeling the tears start to rise again.
Why, you think to yourself. It would be easier for everyone if I was just dead!
You still somehow keep yourself together, wiping your nose with your sleeve. He can see how much pain you are in, but you were praying he didn’t pity you. You didn’t deserve it. Especially from him.
“I have only heard stories about red lightsabers. They belong to an evil, dark side of the powers that the kid has,” he says, and you nod.
He has to understand. You know he understands. He always has.
“They’re called Sith… right,” he asks, and you finally make eye contact with him.
“Yes,” you croak out. Your voice sounds like you hadn’t talked for a hundred years, but Mando just nodded.
Yes, you think to yourself. I am a Sith.
The fact that Mando knows who and what you are now is the weirdest combination of feeling a weight lifted off your shoulders, but at the same time, one double the weight has been added.
He was talking so gently. Like he didn’t want to rub it in your face.
He has to be doing this so I don’t kill him when he kicks me out, you think.
Why else would he have any respect for me? No one else ever has?
He takes a moment to process, and then he asks, “The Emperor was a Sith… wasn’t he?”
You feel like a sword has been stabbed through you one final time, but you don’t want to make him feel like he’s hurting you, so you just nod slowly.
You have to save your strength for when he asks you to leave. You know he will ask you in that calm, gentle voice that will haunt you forever.
He understands you fought for the Empire. You killed, destroyed, and lied for them. Their blood is forever stained on your hands, and now you got Mando bloodied.
He deserves an explanation, or at least an apology, so you mumble a quiet “um,” signifying you were about to speak.
Even if he doesn’t believe you, he needs to know you didn’t want this. Ever.
“My uh… my parents sold me,” you mumble while sniffling.
You can tell his interest is peaked because his entire body leans forward, silently asking you to continue.
How can he even look at me right now?
You proceed to tell him the story of how your parents were servants to an evil family who never gave them a fair pay. They were incredibly poor, and they had you outside of wedlock, so they were looked down upon even more in their society. They hated you for it. They took any chance they could get to get you away from them.
When the Empire came to your planet looking for recruits, your parents jumped on the offer. They didn’t mind the extra handful of credits that came with it too.
“No matter how much I hated them, they were still my parents,” you say.
“I didn’t want to leave them, so when the stormtroopers went to drag me away, I got so angry. I didn’t know it at the time, but the force channeled through me in my anger. I used all my strength, and sent them all flying through the air,” you say, while laughing uncomfortably at the memory.
Your eyes still burned and your muscles screamed for relief, but you had to keep going. Mando deserved to know the truth.
“That’s the last thing I remember of that day, and the next thing I knew, I was sent into training. I went through countless masters, but none of them could control me. I was just so angry. All the time,” you said with a sigh.
“I would refuse to do what they asked, and even when I did what I was told, I would hurt them instead. I never listened.”
You took a deep breath. This next part was going to hurt.
“They finally realized that I could not be controlled, so they….. tortured me,” you say, trying not to allow the weakness in your voice to show through.
If you got emotional, it was more likely Mando would think you were crazy. You had to keep pushing.
You cleared your throat, and continued.
“They made me do everything, Mando. They made me tear down towns, cities, planets. And if the people didn’t succumb to the Empire’s rule…,” you say, and you can’t even finish the sentence.
“I finally got away years later, and I escaped to Tattooine. They tried to stop me, but it was no use. I could beat any stormtrooper or Imperial guard they threw at me,” you say.
“They hurt me enough to know that I wouldn’t come back…… I hadn’t even come close to helping anyone but myself until I met you,” you say.
You take a deep breath and rub your eyes.
You did it, you think. He knows.
You let him digest your story. He listened intently and respectfully the entire time you were speaking. He never interrupted, he never became angry, he just stared at you and digested it all.
It was quiet for a while, until he stood up.
“The Empire killed my family,” he said, and all your composure went out the window.
You assumed that the Empire hurt him, it has hurt everyone, but this is on another level. It felt like you had been shot again, but this was way more painful. Your heart shattered for him.
You always knew the universe was cruel, but you had done horrific things, so you always thought it was payback. Now you knew the universe was truly cruel.
“I am….. so sorry,” you manage to say through your burning throat. Tears were streaming down your face, but you managed to stay relatively quiet. It’s not like crying for them would bring Mando’s family back.
He moved to you slowly and kneeled down in front of you.
You couldn’t meet his gaze. You just stared at the floor and wiped your eyes. You were hurting him, just like you hurt everyone else. It felt like hell on earth and you were convinced you were the worst person that ever lived.
“You… you don’t have to believe me Mando. I know I hurt so many people, and even if I didn’t want to, I still did what they asked,” you say, trying to fill up the space.
“You can kick me out, kill me. Anything. I just want you to know that I didn’t choose this. I swear on everything I would do anything to be any other person in the whole galaxy.”
You finish and finally meet his gaze, begging him to say something. Anything.
He stands to leave, and you finally accept your fate.
He gets to the doorway, your final hopes of forgiveness leaving with him.
“I believe you,” he mumbles, looking back at you.
“We will talk more tomorrow” he says, and he leaves you.
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@leahkenobi @pinkninja200 @bookloverfilmoholic @farfromjustordinary @440mxs-wife
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xviicprc · 3 years
Someone commented on Parvati post so here it is.
It is fucking horrible the way she- and the narrative in Ooku- treats Kama.
They act as if Kama is angry and “evil” just because they felt like it and fail to acknowledge the fact that “Hey maybe they’re justified in felling this way? You know, being burned for doing their job and all that.”
Every moment reading Ooku I expected Guda or someone else to reach out to Kama, like how they do in other events, even the “silly ones” like halloween.
Guda being compassionate and willing to listen to others is a big narrative force- The reason they can command so many Heroic Spirits as a mere normal human IS because they reached out and listened to them.
In the Kara no Kyoukai, they reached out to Void Shiki in their dreams, if it was lonely and hoping to not forget her. To Mecha Eli, to understand why she hates Elizabeth, to Patxi, why he is so resentful.
ACTUALLY. COULD YOU FUCKING IMAGINE if Jeanne had told Dantes in his event that she couldn’t comprehend WHY he was so filled with wrath- when they know of his story? If Guda didn’t ask about him? Imagine if Jeanne had implied, like Parvati to Kama, that he should “let go of the past and get over it”? Or if Guda hadn’t reached out for Quetzalcoatlh in Babilonia? If they had gone along with everyone saying she was an evil Goddess? Babilonia would have ended right there and she wouldn’t have helped fight Tiamat? If Guda had simply gone along with what Roman said like they do with Parvati?
I expected at some point, that someone would call out Parvati on brushing the issue aside, like Sion. Or someone would explain in a more sympathetic light Kama’s story, like Mash. 
(In fact. If I hadn’t informed myself of Kama’s story (thank you ree! <3) I wouldn’t have realized all that is wrong with Ooku)
But we only have Kama saying that they we’re burned alive for doing their job, only for the narrative to go “but what you’re doing is still bad!!!”
Many people have pointed out literally any other Servant but Parvati would have been better for this event and I agree.
I am conflicted. On one hand, Kama in the event is great, their sarcastic snark, rude commentary, their more playful personality hidden on the flavor text on the dungeon crawling. 
On the other. Ooku felt very. One sided. We weren’t given a chance to sympathize with Kama until the very end, and that “victory” felt very hollow. Instead of Guda reaching out for this God who had never been properly loved, who was blamed for things they had no control over, who was burned by just doing his job, who was during the entire event of Ooku unable to properly love, or forgive due to how much they were hurt.
Instead we have Parvati “setting things right” by destroying Kama.
And. Imagine if Heaven’s Feel had ended that way. If Sakura had been blamed of hanging onto her feelings of anger and resentment. If Shirou or anyone else had killed her.
It goes against one of Fate’s most important messages. Of loving a human who isn’t perfect.
The ending is really sour, hollow.
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Curse-breaker (Chapter 3/4)
- ao3 -
There were more guards than usual around the Unclean Realm, undoubtedly as a result of Wen Ruohan’s refusal to move from their gate, but that wasn’t a problem for them.
They knew all the ways in and out.
New ways, like the hole in the wall their little brother had teamed up with his best friend to carve out so that the two of them could leave little gifts and pass messages to them, and old ways, ancient ways, the ways of the dead that they’d learned from the still-lingering saber spirits that burned in rage and hate forever like an endless longevity candle.
Rage, and hated – but also love.
The saber spirits didn’t have to keep burning, keep fighting, but that was what their masters had wanted, and so they did. They fought against evil, time and time again, forever and always, and through their endless battle, in their hearts, their masters were never truly lost.
It was that simple.
It was that complicated.
It was time, they thought, to straighten things out. The saber spirits meant it as a gift, but the masters saw it as a burden; that wasn’t how it was meant to be at all – they just didn’t understand each other, steel and flesh speaking different tongues, meaning different things. The gaping chasm of understanding between life and not-life, which no one could bridge.
No one until them, anyway.
If a fish and a bird fell in love, where would they live?
On the shore, they thought. Right in the middle.
All they needed was someone to tell them that was an option.
It was time.
They passed like a formless spirit themselves through the many walls and guards in their path, heading to the sect leader’s study, as familiar to them as their own palms. Inside they found what was familiar, too: the heat-rage-pride pulse of Jiwei, resting in pride of place by her master’s side, and beside her was her master, their father, standing with his hands folded behind his back and looking out the window into the distance as if it would give him answers to questions that had eaten away at him his whole life.
They approached.
They were detected, of course.
“I already said that I didn’t want to be disturbed,” their father said, and although they had snuck close many times to hear him speaking, that beloved voice more familiar to them than their own, not daring to talk to him as they did to Huaisang who had always promised to keep their secret, there was still something different about hearing it so near, without walls between them.
They sighed happily.
“Didn’t you hear me? I said…Jiwei? What’s gotten you so excited –”
Their father turned.
His jaw dropped, eyes going wide and round as saucers, an absurd and silly look that suited him so much better than did the grim scowl and sad listlessness, interspersed with increasingly frequent bouts of uncontrollable rage, that he wore on his face more often than not these days.
What they had in mind would hurt, they knew, and equally they knew that they would not be able to act if they did not act fast – they were loathe to hurt people, much less people that they loved, and those that they loved would be equally unable to bear to see them hurt, yet both were necessary now, if they were to do what they had decided to do.
They did not allow themselves time to doubt.
They moved forward as quickly as a saber strike, sure and true, and their hands connected with their father’s chest and belly, heart and dantian both, with enough power to knock the breath out of him, taking advantage of his shock to strike when he would not even think of dodging.
In that moment of breathlessness, they latched on – latched on, and pulled.
What-are-you-doing-stop-that, Jiwei said, but even her ceaseless rage was blunted by the joy of seeing them once more.
You are hurting him.
You are hurting him, they insisted. Flesh is different. Flesh is brittle. Too much strength, and he will break.
Let me show you.
It hurt, of course, just as they’d expected. Not as much as when they’d shattered, though, and it was that – and perhaps only that – that allowed them to persist, using themselves as a cauldron, forcing their qi that was neither wholly spiritual nor resentful, neither fully alive or un-alive, through their father’s meridians, reshaping them as they went to be something capable of accepting the harsh, resentful, corrosive love of a saber spirit.
When they were done, their father stared at Jiwei, hearing her sing in his soul with an unprecedented clarity, feeling her love for him the way she meant for it to be felt, feeding his own love back to her in equal measure, giving everything of himself without holding back to the only thing on earth that he had ever loved without restraint.
His eyes were clear.
“A-Jue,” he whispered. “A-Jue…what is this?”
“A gift,” they said, their voice raspy with disuse. “Of many years making. I’m sorry that it took so long.”
Their father, unbreakable, burst into tears.
Later, when their father, his eyes still wet (though now from laughter rather than relief), told them about the ‘curse’, about his promise, about the rumors, and even about Wen Ruohan waiting for the chance to repent of his regrets, they thought about it for a while and said: “Let me see him.”
Wen Ruohan had done many things worthy of condemnation in his long life.
He had schemed and plotted, playing the hero and the villain both in their turn; he had fought in wars of such brutality that the current generation could not even begin to comprehend them, and he had also murdered in vile and underhanded ways, abandoning all integrity and righteousness, to ensure that such wars did not happen again. He had sought to strengthen himself by means both fair and foul, betrayed who he had to betray and stepped on who he had to step on; he had followed his ancestor’s path with his head held high until he had very nearly become a god.
He was not accustomed to regret.
Not accustomed did not mean immune: there were things he regretted, of course. The loss of his first family, the two sons and a daughter that he had failed so thoroughly that he still could not stand to hear the sound of their names, each one declared utterly taboo within the Nightless City – the wife he had married for power and then divorced in a fit of temper, driving her and her not-so-secret lover to the end of their rope in unspeakable desperation – the faithful servants he had sacrificed as pawns in his power plays and only afterwards realized how much he had relied upon them –
His brother.
His curse.
If by some miracle of fate he could choose to change a single thing in the ancient life that he had so far lived, it would unquestionably be the death of his brother.
Wen Ruohan had had quite a few brothers, in fact – his father, much like the usual style of leaders of the Wen sect, had fancied himself both empire-builder and emperor, and had had children accordingly, both his own and those he’d adopted, with all the headache-induing and often life-threatening dramatics associated with that – but to Wen Ruohan, there had only really ever been one that mattered.
Only one.
Wen Ruohan didn’t even remember any longer whether Wen Ruoyu had been his blood-related brother, sharing a father and maybe a mother, or if he’d been some child seized from another sect and given the Wen surname to help grow their power. It hadn’t mattered to him back then and it didn’t matter to him still, for all that he now prized his personal bloodline even above merit.
All that mattered was that Wen Ruohan had loved Wen Ruoyu more than he’d ever loved anything in his life, more than his sect, more than cultivation, more than power, and that Wen Ruoyu had died not knowing it. Had died cursing his name, spitting blood onto his face, fingers scrabbling at his neck in a futile attempt to choke him, wishing with his final breath that Wen Ruohan would never again know a single moment of peace.
Well, he hadn’t.
Ever the dutiful brother, he closed his eyes to nightmares, and woke to dreariness. He madly sought power enough to ensure that such a thing would never happen to him again, only for his obsessive quest to drive his few remaining loved ones into the grave; he had very nearly succeeded in becoming a god, and lost all interest in life in the process. The only joys remaining to him were his ever-growing power, his ever-expanding sect, and, sometimes, the blood and pain of other people, which he used as a reminder that he was not truly alone in this world.
And Lao Nie, of course.
Wen Ruohan had almost entirely succeeding in sealing off all of his emotions by the time Lao Nie showed up, smiling and carefree and reckless, half in love with the death he knew awaited him – showed up and battered down all of Wen Ruohan’s defenses. Wen Ruohan wished, now more than ever, that he had carried on in his attempts to make himself a true god, above all humanity, and not yielded to the siren call of friendship. Perhaps if he had been a god, he wouldn’t have been so hurt when Lao Nie barreled onwards with his life, leaving him behind not once but thrice – perhaps he wouldn’t have tried to kill him.
Perhaps he wouldn’t have nearly murdered the little boy that Lao Nie had on occasion shoved into his arms during a visit, no matter how many times Wen Ruohan reminded him that it was inappropriate – the little serious one who looked so bewildered by it all but who still called him Sect Leader Wen the way Wen Ruohan instructed rather than listening to his father’s not-quite-joking suggestions of ‘Uncle Wen’, the little crybaby that had all unknowingly once tricked Lan Qiren into a logical conundrum that had made the man’s mind splutter out like a machine falling all to bits while Wen Ruohan and Lao Nie had roared with laughter…the one that had been charming enough to make him change his mind and opt to keep little Wen Xu around instead of sending him out to be adopted into the branch families the way he had with the other children he’d refused to acknowledge, mourning as he still did his first family.
He hadn’t meant to hurt Nie Mingjue.
Not like that, anyway.
It’d taken some time for the regret to creep in – his initial bout of horror had been more shock and irritation at having hit the wrong target, the shame of making such an elementary error to hit a boy he hadn’t seen in years rather than the man standing right in front of him, and then he’d shrugged it off, thinking to himself that the loss of a son would be as good a way to punish Lao Nie as the loss of his life. It wasn’t until his spies in the Unclean Realm came back and described to him what he had wrought…
Nie Mingjue didn’t look anything like Wen Ruoyu, not really, but in Wen Ruohan’s dreams he wept tears of blood in just the same way, spitting up foam as his eyes rolled in his head, dying – dying – dead.
Not dead.
It wasn’t a curse, Wen Ruohan knew, but if there was something he could do – anything he could do – he would do it.
He had to.
“You have to let him go,” someone said, and Wen Ruohan looked up in surprise: he’d been waiting for half a day already and god or no god, his legs were numb with sitting.
He didn’t recognize the too-tall young man who stared down at him, one eyeball eerily colored red and steel grey – the young man’s clothing was non-descript and ill-fitting, mismatched as if he’d picked it off some laundry pile without thought of coordination. There was something of the Nie in his face, the breadth of his shoulders, but his features were finer and sharper, his waist more slender, his fingers lacking in the familiar calluses of the saber; he looked like he’d be a fierce war god when he’d grown into his body but that he hadn’t quite gotten there yet.
His golden core shone.
Wen Ruohan stared. His lust for power had long ago become an essential part of him, and in front of him was power, power at such a young age – if he could claim that cultivation for his own, maybe he could stop describing himself as nearly a god, could actually call down a heavenly tribulation and leap up to join the heavens in a single bound.
And then, maybe then, at last, he could have peace.
“You have to let him go,” the young man said a second time, and Wen Ruohan was distracted by wondering what he meant, not sure he understood and not entirely sure he cared. “That’s the only way. You have to let him go.”
He shifted forward, and something inside Wen Ruohan warned that he would strike.
It seemed ridiculous, though. Wen Ruohan, the finest living master of arrays, was not afraid of anything this young man might try to do – only a spiritual sword could pierce his armor, and even that, only one that took him utterly by surprise. No one would dare try to strike him.
Especially not this young man, who carried neither sword or saber.
Perhaps that was why Wen Ruohan never saw it coming – the young man’s hand moved in a jabbing motion, the way a sword would swing, and suddenly, impossibly, there was sword intent given physical form through spiritual energy, piecing through his defenses, slashing down at him and aiming right at his neck.
“Let me get this straight,” Lan Qiren said, rubbing his forehead. “Nie Mingjue reappeared after something like ten years out alone in the wild, and when he did he brought some sort of technique that just…fixed the Nie sect cultivation issue. The one that was killing you, and has been killing your ancestors for – generations.”
Lao Nie nodded.
“And then you allowed him to see Sect Leader Wen, who he attacked…in a way that happened to mimic some old tragedy that has apparently haunted him for years, thereby allowing him to resolve some long-held heart demon. And now Sect Leader Wen has retreated into seclusion in order to explore this moment of enlightenment further, and doesn’t intend to bother the rest of us for a while. Certainly not by continuing his schemes to take over the cultivation world.”
“That’s right,” Lao Nie said. “Though I don’t expect he’ll be in seclusion all that long; the Wen sect doesn’t practice –”
Lan Qiren held up a hand, indicating he wasn’t done and didn’t appreciate being interrupted.
Lao Nie obediently fell silent.
“And then,” and by now Lan Qiren was speaking through somewhat gritted teeth, “when Sect Leader Jin rushed over because he wanted to get in on what he perceived to be Wen Ruohan’s attempted takeover of the Qinghe Nie, your son attacked him, too – except in this case, he crippled him.”
“I did say anyone who trespassed would be killed on sight,” Lao Nie said, entirely unbothered. Because of course he wasn’t – why would anyone think that suddenly being freed of a lifetime’s death sentence would make him less reckless and shameless? If anything, his overwhelming joy had just made him even more arrogant and inclined to insist on getting his own way. “It’s been known for years, and no exceptions have ever been made, not even for sect leaders. Why should Jin Guangshan think himself different?”
“That’s a terrible excuse,” Lan Qiren scolded. “And besides the point.”
“What is the point?”
Lan Qiren opened his mouth, then stopped, thought it over, and sighed. “The point is, I suppose – are you going to the Jiang sect next?”
Lao Nie blinked. “The – Jiang sect? Why?”
“Because instead of the cultivation world breaking the ‘curse’ on your son, your son has apparently taken to breaking the curses of the cultivation world,” Lan Qiren said dryly. “And he’s already gotten four out of the five Great Sects, so why not complete the set?”
Lao Nie’s lips quirked. “Four? I can see the others: my Nie sect’s qi deviations, Wen Ruohan’s madness for power, the Jin sect’s terrible luck in getting that scheming old lecher selected as their next sect leader…but what did he do for the Lan sect?”
“It was in his name that you forced my brother out of seclusion all those years ago,” Lan Qiren pointed out. “And now I spend half of every year traveling wherever I wish, and the other half teaching; it is everything I would have wanted. Meanwhile, my brother has finally through his children learned what it means to care for others instead of rotting to death in a self-imposed grave built from ill-fated love…if that’s not curse-breaking, what is?”
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Did the Fearsome Foursome ever have one of those "He's right behind me, isn't he?" moments with Davarax?
He's right behind me, isn't he?
Raga crosses her arms and sticks her chin out. "Pffff, Davarax? He's a big push-over." She savours the looks of admiration from the other kids. They all have a healthy sense of respect and awe for the mighty Davarax; the one who gets to leave the Covert to go on missions Above. It's kind of cool to have them look at her with approval rather than the usual fear. "He acts all tough, but he doesn't scare me, "Raga continues in a haughty tone, "and I just do whatever I want." She smirks at the wide-eyed amazement she sees in their eyes. But then their focus shifts up above her head and the amazement turn into wide-eyed dread. Raga sighs as she accepts her fate of probably having to run laps for hours after this. "He's right behind me, isn't he?"
Barthor stares back at them. "I'm telling you, Davarax said I was in charge today!" He silently dares Paz to argue, Din to refuse his order or Raga to pitch a fit, but they don't move. They just keep glaring. "Listen, Davarax had to take a meeting with her and told me to show you guys how the life of servants would be. It's important that you knew, he said." Barthor smirks. "So unless you want to go against Davarax' orders, you better obey." The others exchange looks between themselves, undecided as they are reluctant to risk disobeying Davarax. Barthor can't resist pushing them a little. "Paz, I told you; clean up this place. Din, where is my massage? And Raga, you-" This is when he sees their attention shift up above his head and the slow, evil smirks on their faces. With a sinking heart, Barthor realizes the jig is up. "He's right behind me, isn't he?"
"He said I could take her out for a spin." Din insists, but stupid Meeko is taking guard duty too serious and refuses to let him go Above to where the Razor Crest is parked. "Davarax said I could and if you don't let me out, he will kick your ass." Din pulls himself up and tries to look intimidating. Meeko does not move. "I'm warning you," Din growls, "when I tell him you refused to let me follow his orders, he will be seriously pissed off. He needs that ship in tip-top shape and if I don't map out what those computer problems are, his next mission may be in danger. And you know who sends him out on these missions, right? Her. You will be defying her!" Meeko still won't move and something about the way he shifts his weight reveals he's more bored than impressed. Din draws a deep breath, about to really up his game, determined to reach the ship and fly completely solo for the very first time without Davarax hovering over his shoulder, when Meeko suddenly straightens and his t-visor locks on something over Din's head. Din swallows nervously. Busted. "He's right behind me, isn't he?"
"It was me." Paz insists. His heart is thumping hard. He hates lying to his father, it goes against his instincts, but he will do whatever it takes to protect Davarax. "I know you said they weren't allowed, but I did it anyway." The two protein bar wrappers in his father's hand is evidence of a crime, but not even Dez Vizla can prove it had been Davarax who had given them to Paz to ease his hunger. Not as long as Paz takes the blame. It was his mistake of not throwing them away and just shoving them into his bag anyway. "I won't do it again, father, I promise. I'm sorry." But judging by the way Dez is just looming, he's clearly not buying Paz' explanation. Oh, this is not good. He has to convince him somehow. "I'm telling you, it was me. You know I'm always shoving snacks into my mouth. I have no will-power, as you said." This is when a shadow falls over him, anger thick in the air, and Dez Vizla fixates on something above Paz' head before taking a step backwards. Paz frowns. "He's right behind me, isn't he?"
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barberzbunny · 3 years
The Traitor
Kylo/Knights of Ren x Reader
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Warnings: Sex slavery, Dub/Non-con, Semi-delirious Reader, Orgy (Gangbang), Anal, Double Penetration, Facefucking, Forced handjobs, Slapping, Extreme degradation, Knife play + flesh carving, Force bondage and force torture, Physical Abuse + depictions of torture, Blood play, Spitting, Overstimulation, Dehumanization, Humiliation.
Word spread around the village like a wildfire: brisk, torrid, and alerting every trivial civilian, a flame of fear consuming each individual that once lived peacefully on the neutral plains of Mina Bonteri.
The notorious First Order was under the reign of a new Supreme Leader, and everyone had fabricated the idea that the new ruler— Kylo Ren— had Snoke beat at the dirty game of immorality. He always lugged around a... ravenous, poignant disposition. Things have escalated since the unforeseen death of Snoke, and his reputation had only ascended the ladder of cruelty.
His evil enigma was known amongst the Galaxy, memorized, by those that dreaded the loathing Supreme Leader and his clan of ominously promising men.
The words of anarchy, that you spread, were saturating the village in a pandemic-like state of heedfulness and vigilance. Everyone was painstakingly alert, observant. On their tiptoes, anticipating the moment havoc would be inflicted upon the surface of your bleak planet.
You were guilt-ridden by the panic you had stirred by simply transmitting the detrimental information you enquired... from a man that worked amongst the First Order, with recalcitrant ties to the Supreme Leader himself.
Vicrul Ren. Prestigious, liable clansman of the Knights of Ren. A trusted member of the dark alliance Kylo Ren had formed under the influence of Snoke. He started as one of your regulars: your occupation as a sex worker involved copious amounts of frequent visitors, but you harbored endearment for Vicrul specifically.
He was different. Despite his menacing reputation abroad the walls of the Pleasure House, he was tender and benign, in a way. He would pay double, just to spend time with you after you... well, pleasured him. He listened to you ramble and complain about your drab, degrading life as a woman bound to sex slavery, as if you were linked to it with barbed wire, anchored by fate.
Vicrul succumbed to the feelings that he had sprouted for you before you could even fabricate yours. You both harbored immense, inadmissible emotions for one another. Therefore leading to an ultimatum to be embellished. The relationship between you was declared confidential, even though anyone with a pair of eyes that sauntered into the doors of the Pleasure House could notice your lovestruck-behaviors.
He ordered a visitation with you once a week, if his diplomatic rule under the First Order granted him the spare time. You spent genial time with him, not only engaging in sexual affairs.
The thrill of your relation sizzled out shortly after the relationship blossomed to begin with. The schedule of his duties, and your non-commutable job in general, started to test his patience. Men of his breed were tetchy about things.
In the long run, he had his fun, luring you in with his coaxes, even though through the perception of his emerald-green irises, you were just his personal rag-doll that had been piped and worn to the very foundation that had rendered you.
He got bored of you. When his world was as coruscating and abysmal as it was, it was simple for a drab sex worker with a pitiful life spent shackled to the stone walls of a tarnished sex-club to bore him.
Vicrul Ren never returned to your chamber, for an evening filled with laughter and quips, nor for the pure source you truly were, a slave for him to abuse with his starving carnal needs. He simply vanished, and the bliss you endured in your short-lived bubble of happiness vanished along with the cryptic man himself.
You adapted to your sensual, agile routine as a feeble sex-slave once he was gone. Things were darker than before, though. The special treatment you were appeased with by your owner was only temporary like Vicrul was. Now that the Supreme Leaders right-hand man refused to visit the Pleasure House, the blame was pined on you for scaring away Beeka's wealthiest customer.
Beeka sentenced you longer nights amongst the dehumanizing stage of the club. Where the air reeked of poisonous concoctions and stale cologne, and where the men barked obscenities that stirred the thinning of your blood and the malice that coated your heart. Nights were spent flashing a crowd of bawdy men as you twirled in sultry ways beneath the neon glow of invigorating lights. Days were spent rotting in shackles and a grimy cell, where you hummed your desolation away in anticipation for your next client. 
When a client waltzed into your designated sector for pleasuring, you indulged him with sexual release in exchange for a futilely low ransom of credits. From there your credits were collected by your owner, Beeka. He claims he deserves the credits you earn because he: "Tames the ragged bitches."
The craving for vengeance throbbed within your core like a swelling tumor. Not only for Beeka, or the regular clients that blatantly harmed you. For Vicrul. You wanted revenge. He molded you into a servant for his love, only to whip you with lies, similar to the leather one that Beeka threatens you and the other girls with if you lack compliance.
And vengeance came free, when Vicrul had already set himself up for disaster that would be detrimental for his fate. He had spoken openly about the First Orders ploys for the Galaxies fascist future ahead. He presumed that with your devotion to him, and your imprisonment amongst the club, there would be no way for his word to spread.
You had outside sources. All you had to do was coax a client into conversing with you about modern politics. It was as simple as that. You 'accidentally' let the information— that could make or break the First Orders nefarious plans— slip. And it was already done. That customer would blabber to the next. That customer would sputter the gossip to his pals over a glass of whiskey at the bar. Word would traverse from there, and Vicrul would be in ruins.
Little did you know, that you were subjected to the same fate that you had curated for Vicrul.
Beeka commanded your name. Barked it through a glower. There was a hint of... heedfulness in his tone. Reluctance. His approach was wavering as he pried the velvet drapes margining your chamber open.
"Get up, skank." He hissed, poking his scaly, humanoid head in, as you staggered up. Your shackles clanked, rubbing your skin raw as the cold metal jerked. "Clean ya'self up. You have an important visitor today, requested ya' specifically. Bitchin' bout you up front."
A ripple surfaced in your brow, sweat beading and dripping off of the skin underneath it. Beeka waltzed into your chamber, idly kicking around any momentum of your poor-living condition. He aggressively grappled with the steel restraints bound to your wrists. He grumbled curses to himself as he unclasped the cuffs, leaving them to dangle unyieldingly from the rusting rack of pipes mounted to the wall.
You kneaded the blotches of purple and fading yellows that tainted your skin, eyeing Beeka cautiously. "W-who?" You murmured meekly.
"Fucks' sake, shut that trap mouth!" He hollered at you, and you flinched as his navally voice scolded you. "You good for nothin', just a cheap cumbucket."
You were accustomed to his disgusting words. When he pivoted away from you, you glared at him with a snarl so cold it could freeze a flaming rod of steel. His greasy, stout figure waddled out of your chamber without another word. Thundering complaints as he strolled away with a yap.
You adjusted the lace-embroidered lingerie that garbed your sensual frame. The scandalous black attire cladding your descollage was diminutive— lascivious and eye-appealing. An array of makeup candied your face, with a swoop of mascara to clump up your lashes and a brand of nude lipstick to cake your busy lips. Your freshly combed locks were free and styled to be down and accessible for your clients. Nearly every single man fostered the tendency to sniff your hair, by impulse. When customers with expendable kinks for the scent of hair started showing up, Beeka banned updos or any style that denied the client access to your hair.
Leather garners adorned your legs, paired with black fishnets that left zagged indents into your flesh in all of the supple spots it clung to. Black pumps guarded your feet from the repulsive men with foot fetishes: and believe it or not, there were an abundance of them that entered the Pleasure House in search of a foot to lick up. You were forged to submit to any kink your client may have, though, including foot fetishes if that were relevant to your customer.
The clack of heavy boots reverberated around the hall just outside of your curtain. Loud, hefty and minacious. The squeals of fellow sex workers lingered, as the scampering of feet paired with their shrieks. You disregarded them, assuming it was just another threat from Beeka that elicited that reaction.
You were catastrophically wrong.
Plowing through the velvet drapes that offered you little solitude, the ravenously built man eyed you with a glint of resentment. His frame was monstrous, hulking, a slab of muscle garbed in black cloaks and a gnarly scent of desolation.
Your frittering heart was lodged in your throat, pulsing with a persistent, petrified thump. Blood streamed to your face, your cheeks scorning with a flame of pure terror. Your eyes raked in the expanse of his heaving chest, his pulsating neck, before locking on his grueling face.
It was the Supreme Leader.
Every form of life that habilitated the Galaxy could determine the carrier of that diabolical, glorious face. Those whiskey-honey eyes that were molten like molasses, pooling a deadly venom, gleaming ominously with spite. That prominent aqualine nose twitching in fury and betrayal.
Those plush lips housed a pink sneer that could curdle dairy. His monotonous voice was deep and titillating as he growled your name through gritted teeth, tilting his head by a minuscule to observe the way you jolted out of your own shell.
"The girl I've heard so much about." He sneers, eyeing you up with hostility, drinking in your immodest personnel.
You were frozen. Limbs immobile, breaths ricocheting inside of your chest. You swallowed the lump kindling in your throat. Mimicking an aghast deer caught in the headlights.
"I'm s-sorry Supreme Leader, but I don't know what you're referring to..." You feigned obliviousness. Words scratched at your dry throat, only to die feebly, vanquished by the lack of saliva you produced.
He invited himself into your chamber. Circling you with calculated strides, eyeing you predatorily, as if you were the victim to his heinous claws and his sharpened canines. As if he were the Lion, and you, the poor lamb.
Your clammy digits quivered at your side. Nails plucking at your cuticles. Your eyes were sheepishly trained on his. Not out of bravery, but out of fear for the consequence if you dared look away.
His expression was solemn and lethargic. As if he was everything but impressed with the sensual lack-of-clothing that garnered your appealing body. He nearly looked appalled, offended, as the ghost of a grimace lingered on his mouth.
"We're dancing on technicalities here." His voice was boisterous. Guttural and stoic. His default facade that was warped with all things malevolent never relenting. "You know what I've come for. You'll submit. Or you'll take it the hard way."
You supplied him with a meek nod. There were no words that you could muster that would save you from the wrath of Kylo Ren.
An invisible force sweeped you off of your feet. Body plummeting into the cement ground. Knees wobbly and bruised from the impact, as you bleated out a signal of distress.
He shucked his cape away from his broad hip, fumbling with his utility belt. His leather clad hand ripped the hilt of a hefty weapon from his belt. The weapon that chafed, and slashed, and impaled on countless occasions.
You cowered and trembled as you peered up at him through hooded eyes. The tips of his boots deliberately connected with your knees. His brawny build and menacing aroma only a tantalizing foot away.
The crimson flame fused from the hilt and you stifled a yelp, as the blazing tip hovered only an inch away from your nose, your skin threatening to melt and liquify from the nefarious heat.
The heat of his lightsaber would never amount to the sting of his diabolical smirk, though.
Your bottom lip wobbled. "I- I didn't mean to ruin your plans. It won't happen again." Your breathy voice trembled pathetically.
The Supreme Leader let out a husky snicker. His cowl clad chest rumbled with his dark chuckle, as he swivels the fiery sword of his saber to be resting merely an inch away from your throat. The scarlet pique of his lightsaber glistened in his blackened, depraved shark eyes, as he scowled down at you.
"It's too late for mercy." He snarled, his nostrils flaring acutely. "But you'll be pleading for something else soon."
His gloved hand intertwined with a bushel of your hair with the excruciating grip of a vice. His crooked teeth barred together. The invisible force mounting your body into position strengthened. An anguishing throb persisted your brain and you grimaced, seething in pain.
"Poor little girl." He tsked blatantly, his gruff voice hefty with dark, diverting charm. "At this rate, you'll be dead in a matter of minutes."
The crimson flame crackled and you howled out a weak cry as the sparks brushed the flesh of your neck. "So what's it going to be, Kitten?" He feigned a coo, his fingers feathering through your hair. He maliciously yanked you back, your chin craning towards the ceiling. "Are you going to submit to your Supreme Leader? Or shall I just take what I want from you instead?"
You clamored, your body rapturing and the sensibility of your mind going fried. "I submit!" You bleated through strained breaths, tears spilling down your ruby-flushed cheeks.
The agonizing, crushing force sheathing your brain vanished. The invisible embrace around your body disappeared. Your trembling body collided with the grimy cement, as you peered up at him with glossy doe eyes. He diffused his lightsaber, clipping it back to his belt, as he prowled around you methodically.
Then, the force returned: a torrid pressure sent you plummeting into the wall. A scream crawled up your throat, as your back slammed into the scalloped duracrete wall of your cell. The Supreme Leaders head simply tilted to follow your body as it wisped by briskly.
His malignancy was tactile, radiating off of him in hot spurts of revolt. His expression was deadpan as he watched you helplessly thrash and squirm. Pinned to the wall by a non-perceptible apparition.
Your body palpitated with a conjunction of fear and anticipation. He strode his way over to you guilefully. Prudently. As if he was clairvoyant, the curator of your fate. As if he knew every moment to come like the back of his calloused hand.
His approach was menacing. Evil. He reeked of all things sadistic and ignoble. If the Devil had a scent, it would be the cologne that feasted on the Supreme Leaders dark robes.
There was no time to calculate his next action before the sting already burned upon your cheek. His hand had collided with your face, sending your head whipping to the side. Volts of tingles ricocheted in the wake of his forceful slap. Then the burn of warm leather returned. Once, twice, an umpteenth amount of times. Until your cheeks were numb and swollen, and your neck was sore from wacking from side to side.
You mewled out a heedful whine and the corner of his plump lips twitched upwards in satisfaction. "Poor little Kitten..." He cooed with faux empathy, his voice laced with abhorrence. His gloved hand that was hot from the impact of his smacks caressed the welts surfacing on your skin.
You purred, his knuckles studying the length of your cheeks gingerly, before his fingers captured your chin and pinched. Angling your scarlet face towards his, as he folded at the waist and leveled his brooding face with yours.
"Let's try the other side." He murmured in that deep, tantalizing tone.
His fingers abandoned your jaw and twirled in an abrupt gesture at his side: sending you pivoting around, your stomach wedged into the wall, limbs stretching and opening for his own access.
He wasted no time before fondling with your ass. Groping them with aggressive kneads, those leather fingertips digging into your flesh. He growled in approval when you jutted your ass back into his clutches.
He supplied you with an abundance of wrathful spanks to the rear. They grew harder and vigorous with each venomous slap. You wailed out croaky sighs and whines, your body wincing every time those leather garbed hands laid a strike upon your ass.
Once he was satisfied with the bubbling, raw surface of your ass, he housed three backhand slaps on the puffy flesh just for good measure. Little did you know, that each tormented moan you croaked out was sending waves of infatuation straight to his groin. A lustful heat scorning the innards of his muscular thighs.
There was an appending amount of silence, as he loomed over you observantly. Drinking in the submission and agony that emitted from you in sweet, intoxicating fumes of fear. You whimpered and latched onto the wall like a leech, the sweat of inclination matting you to the bricks.
You had only a second to recover from the torture that your ass had just amounted to, before something warm and blissful teased your entrance. It was pressurized air. The hefty air swirled around your cunt, caressing your slit, and you stifled a perplexed moan.
"Ah." He clicked his tongue dauntingly. "You like that, hm? Does that feel good?"
You nodded, as the pressure increased, prodding at your entrance. You bucked your hips into the pleasuring phenomenon. The air started to lap up the wetness leaking from your core, dragging your juices to your clit.
"You fucking bitch." He sneered, the force deliberately plucking and massaging your clit as you moaned. "You don't even realize how much chaos you have conjured, just by simply blabbering that whore mouth of yours."
The force picked up its pace, flicking your clit with precision, and your legs stammered as you choked down any proof of your arousel. He flipped you back over, your back molding into the wall, as you slide down to your knees due to the accord of his miraculous powers.
As the force continued rubbing your clit, it started to pry at your folds. It abruptly began to thrust into you, your walls expanding for the invisible force that replicated fingers. You gasped, as the force sunk into you at a rabid speed, working and stimulating your clit.
The hand controlling the pleasure was dangling stiffly at his side. The other snatched your jaw, pinching your cheeks, propping your mouth open. "Pathetic Kitten." He glowered the words bitterly, collecting a wad of spit in the back of his throat and blasting you in the face with it.
The saliva that missed your mouth drizzled down your face. It was warm and sudsy, trickling down your cheek, as you purred and devoured the tingling sensation brewing in your core. The fear that bubbled in your gut was being abolished by the bliss replacing it.
The pleasure was ripped away from you when the hilt of his lightsaber rammed into your jaw, a sickening crack following his antagonistic action. The metallic taste of blood lapped on your tongue, as an array of colorful dots peppered your starry vision. The swollen area throbbed audaciously, as blood tumbled from your lips, and you howled out in pain.
The saber rested on your jaw. The pad of his thumb hovered over the button that would cause it to fuse and crackle. "You thought that vengeance would come easy? When it came to the First Order?" He spat words of venom, as if they discarded an appalling taste upon his tongue. "Poor Kitten... you'll be shattered once I've had my way with you."
Blood pooled on your lingerie as it spilled from your lips. He swiped it up with his thumb, thrusting it past your lips, gagging you with the puddle of burgundy that had escaped your mouth. A string of red saliva connected your lips to his fingers.
Once again, he clipped his lightsaber to the designated spot on his utility belt. His gloved fingers fiddled with the zipper clasping his taut black pants together. He circled his red, throbbing shaft— that was jeering a bulge through his trousers— and opened his free palm in front of your mouth.
"Spit." He demanded. His dark eyebrows forming an earnest hardline.
You obliged without reluctance, glaring up at him as you spit into his palm, a puddle of red saliva pooling in the crevices of his glove.
He untucked his swollen shaft, and you nearly drooled as the yearning pink tip glistened with a welcoming coat of precum. His palm that harvested your spit curled around his massive cock. He fisted it teasingly, hissing in pleasure, as he pumped himself slowly, eyeing you up with malice.
"Open that mouth wide, Kitten." He ordered, and you complied without haste, propping your sore mouth open.
His cock jumped as it neared your mouth. The tip caressed your lips. Smearing his precum around your mouth, before he took you by a chunk of your tousled hair and rammed his shaft past your lips.
You gurgled, as he relentlessly plowed his monstrous girth down your throat. You managed to bob your head just enough to aid him, even though his hips rutted into your sweaty face with little to no regards on if you were even breathing.
Droplets of mascara tainted tears, and blood, splattered on the floor and stained your cheeks as you whined into his cock. Your tongue was numb, as his cock coasted in and out, grazing your inner cheeks aggressively.
The tip collided with the back of your throat, as he grunted in pleasure and fucked your face until your lips were raw and puffy and your throat was scorned.
He abruptly jerked your head away from his cock, drool spilling from your lips as your fatigued eyes darted up to his in befuddlement. You panted hoarsely like a damned dog. Cheeks scarlet, lips bruised, eyes glossy and bloodshot. Mind discombobulated.
Those honeycomb eyes raked in the sight of your vulnerability. You searched for a glimpse of empathy in his ravenous gaze, only to be rewarded with nothing, other than his scrutinizing stare in return.
The force bondage evaporated. Your joints were free. You wrung out your wrists arduously, wiggling your toes to alleviate the tautness of your muscles. He barked out a condescending laugh when he observed your hopeful avail.
"How adorable." He mused, with a patronizing edge to his dark tone. "I was only testing the waters, Kitten. It's time for you to undergo the treatment of a true traitor."
His words chimed like infernal bells in your dazed mind, the deplorable dings ricocheting around your dreary, pulsating brain.
Your weak body became pliable at this point: peeling off of the tarnished cement with the next lethargic wave of his gloved hand. You pummeled across your dimly lit cell, your frame being lurched into your creaky cot.
His mundane demeanor unsettled you, as he strode over to your cot with ethical stomps. They were nearly tedious. Building the longing up brick by brick. Your limbs were reacquainted with the force restraints: this time molding your figure on its own accord.
You were scooped up by the force, your limbs being tampered and tugged into a position that could represent a starfish. Face mushed into the sheets, back arching, ass pointing to the chipping ceilings overhead. Arms extended and pinned into the cot.
There was silence for a long time. All you could hear were your labored breaths as they wafted back into your face. You attempted to thrash out of the invisible grasp pinning you down, only for it to be useless. You contemplated asking the Supreme Leader himself for assistance, but he would only abolish your pride with a snarky remark.
"S-sir?" You rasped. Nothing.
All you could hear was the shuffling of boots, and the gritty mumbles of masculine voices from beyond the drapes of your cell.
The luminescent light from the hallway peaked through the curtains as they were forcefully drawn. Heavy thuds of boots: not one pair, nor two, nor three. But six. The skid of their collective, leisure strides echoed around your brittle bones. Your heart stammered in your chest, your body shuddering in trepidation.
The Knights of Ren.
The atmosphere was bawdy, brisk, their colossal presences filling the room and thickening the air to be a thousand ions staler and hotter than it was before they surfaced through the compact cell.
"Have your way with her." The Supreme Leader commanded, a heap of inflamed murmurs eliciting from the assemble of aroused men.
"Leave some for me." He acknowledged them, before accounting you. "You'll have me last, Kitten. Don't fall apart without me."
You envisioned him glaring at all of the Knights, as you heard the way they shifted from foot to foot.
"She's all yours." He subtly mused.
The men pounced without haste.
First, you were stripped bare of any fabric that clung onto your body.
Hands were fondling with your ass. Groping your tits. Roughly caressing every crevice and curve of your body. You glimpsed every miscellaneous mask, as the drab helmets stared back at you lifelessly. Their hands were full of vitality, though, as they explored you like you were a slab of fresh meat, and they were the starving wolves indulging in a feast after their thrilling hunt.
Your body was overstimulated by the amounts of fingers prying and clawing at your skin. They all argued over different portions of your body, as if you truly were just an inanimate object designed for pleasure. Just a hole to be ransacked. It was dehumanizing and exhilarating all at once.
The moment came once all of them were situated amongst the parts of your body that they would annihilate.
One was located in the prized spot: underneath your body, lodged into your cunt. Gloved hands grappling at your hips as he rammed his cock up into you and forced you to ride him. Obliterating your insides with each thrust. Another mans cock was housed in your backside, stretching your tight hole with his big dick, hissing breathy curses through the modulator of his mask.
The others cock was sheltered in your aching mouth, jaw slack as you accommodated to the unfamiliar Knights vigorous thrusts down your throat. Your whole body was bouncing as two cocks filled your lower half, the other cramming into your mouth mercilessly.
Both of your hands were bound to two other cocks. One of them fucked your fist, pumping his dick into your faltering grasp, as your body convulsed with pleasure and agony. You lazily glided your hand up and down the other shaft, as raspy, masculine groans filtered the air.
Cum splattered on different origins of your body. Yours, and the Knights. It leaked from your core. It squirted around your condensed bodies. It lapped up on your body when it sprayed in white jets from their busy cocks.
Your wheezy moans and breathy screams of bliss and severe pain were nearly drowned out by the exuberant fap of cocks plowing through and into you. You were on the verge of fainting, as dehydration and overstimulation worked your bustling, writhing body.
The Knight that fucked your face finished after the men pleasuring themselves with your fists did, leaving his creamy seed to drip down your chin and collide into the helmet below you. You raked in air greedily, snorting in the warm, erotic scent of sex.
The Knight below you plucked off his helmet, and if you would've been sober of the immense torture being inflicted upon your body, you would've cried at the sheer sight of Vicrul as he fucked himself up into you with loud grunts. His hands clasped both of your cheeks, his tongue slipping into your agape mouth, kissing you with raw passion and spite.
"You fucking bitch." He growled into the hateful kiss, snagging your bottom lip, eliciting more blood to flow from your mouth as it coated his face in a downpour of crimson and the other mans cum.
"Look what you made us do, hm?" He rasped with hostility, his cock pounding into you harder, nearly sending you into your fourth oblivion of euphoria. "Naughty slut."
He angled his head in peculiar ways to take your bloody tongue into his mouth deeper, as your tears and blood mingled to drizzle all over his face. Beads of scarlet slithered down his straining neck, as you zoned in on Vicrul and the rapturing kiss, nearly forgetting that three other men were pillaging you with their own dicks.
You moaned into his mouth, your body jolting and clamoring on top of his, rocking back and forth forcefully. Everybody was starting to descend their orgasmic highs, slowing the paces of their thrusts. Vicrul hit his peak last, his broad arms embracing your body with the grasp of a vice, pumping his seed deep within your core as he groaned through gritted teeth.
As he recovered from his climax and relentlessly pulled out of you, your eyes caught his for a moment, and something somber gleamed in his emerald specks. That look was replaced by fury and betrayal in the matter of seconds, as he shoved you off of him and stumbled off of the cot.
You were immobile. Trembling, quaking, as all of the sensitive parts of your body throbbed and belched in agony. Every inch of you was overstimulated and feeble by the lightest of touches. You squirmed in the sheets, rasping a series of slurred whines and sobs, feeling beaten and deprived of vitality. Used. Torn.
Vicrul brought his helmet over his head, only to hesitate before slipping it on. "You're a fucking traitor. A disgrace to the First Order." He sneered wickedly, before spitting down on you, and latching his helmet on as it hissed and thunked itself into place.
He left without another word. The rest of the Knights reluctantly followed. A couple of them stirred heedfully and even glanced at you from over your shoulder with what you presumed to be remorse. They waddled out of the room regardless, not even granting you any reassurance or praise for your infidelity.
If you wouldn't have been able to feel the persistent pounding of your heart drumming against your ribcage, you would've sworn you were dead. Your brain was scrambled mush, incapable of producing a coherent thought.
You thought the torture was over: you prayed that it was. Only, there were no Gods nor genies to grant you your biddings when you coveted them in this insidious Galaxy.
Things only escalated. Just when you thought you had produced enough blood and cries, the Supreme Leader emerged from the drapes nearly cautiously, as if he was abiding by your worn-down state. Mollifying you in a way.
Your senses were haywire and off-key, but you could render the warmth of his gloved hand as it caressed your cheek... softly? You instinctively recoiled at the touch that inflicted this pain upon you, jolting when static zapped your broken body from the swift movement.
"I see they've left you... alive..." He considered with a grunt, cocking his head. "Kitten.”
You mustered a nearly unintelligible hum when he beckoned your title. Eyes taped shut. Sweat-clad face scrunching at him.
"What lesson have you learned?" He demanded. His deep voice was a coo.
If you were stable enough, you would state your devotion and understanding to the First Order. You would even bow before him. But you couldn't even open your swollen, bloodied mouth, or lift a limb without the muscles cracking and bleating.
You only slurred out grumbled jibberish, and a smug smirk splayed on his lips. He released something sharp and reflective from his cloak, tilting it to allow the auburn gleaming lights that flickered overhead to catch onto the silver surface.
"Mm." He huffed. "You've learned your lesson. But I'm not completely finished with you yet."
He rolled you over blatantly, and you only whined as he laid you flat on your stomach. A keen blade grazed the back of your thigh and you jolted, incapable of screaming. You were numb to the sharpness, anyways.
He carved diligently. You could feel the blood trickling down your flesh, cascading all the way down to your sheets. He embedded fleshy... words? Into your skin. Humming once he was satisfied with his work.
He beckoned his Knights with a gruff holler, and the scamper of their boots caused your gut to churn with revolt and fear.
"Carry her to the shuttle." He ordered them, and you limply succumbed to the grasps of the Knights as they all lulled you out of your cot. You were faint in the brawny arms of one of his men. "Get her cleaned up."
They obliged to his orders, all of them billowing through the Pleasure House like the nefarious clan they were. Scaring off the meek, as they hauled around your disfigured, unconscious frame.
Kylo Ren watched as you disappeared with the group. The rigid, dismantled title 'Traitor' that he had carved, oozed blood from your thigh. The proof of your betrayal forever. An emblem of treachery on the back of your dominant leg.
Your owner, Beeka, was shouting protests to the Knights as they dragged his most precious slave away. Kylo was feeling generous after the exploits him and his men had bestowed upon you, so he slammed a stack of credits on Beekas desk and mumbled a bleak, "Keep the change." as he strutted out of the Pleasure House with his pride weighing his shoulders, and a new prisoner in the hands of his men.
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MY Winters: Various Yandere Resident Evil 8 X OC Female Ethan (Story Teaser/First Chapter)
Marie Winters, she will do anything for family even make deals with people in obsessive love with her. Anything to get her daughter back.
[Side Note this starts right when Heisenberg catches you this was originally going to be a mini series in the horror and slasher one shot series but it became a story so please enjoy
WARNING This has a LOT MORE SEX And Sexual tension in it!]
Heisenberg's Deal
This was going to be a mini series and now it is a full fledged story elsewhere and this will just be the first chapter posted here as a teaser. Stay sexy and please enjoy!]
(no one's pov)
"Fucking creatures.. fucking people, I said don't go back and what does she do? She goes back. Why won't people listen? Why?" Marie muttered to herself, angry but also saddened she failed those people. "..Rose... I'm coming for you.. I promise I won't ever let you out of my sight again.." Marie muttered as she went into the mine, wrapping her hand around a lever..and pulling as she stopped and realized it was too heavy for one hand as she had to wrap two of them, still nothing.
"....you're fucking- god damn it, how am I still alive?" She mutter as she was about to put all her weight in, as she jumped causing it to go down a bit as she groaned before she felt eyes on her.
(wow Marie is..Jesus Christ. Yeah let's hope he didn't see that, I mean Christ embarrassing)
(XD Yup)
"Well well look at you." She hears someone say and she jumps up.
She didn't know what to say, she just stared as he walked out of the shadows.
"I didn't think anyone was left, you must be pretty tough huh?" He asked tossing a cigarette to the ground as metal floated around him.
"Wh-Who are you?" She asked.
(Oh what's that? French? Forigen, exotic woman fetish xD jk
(No wait (SNIFFF SNIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF SNNNNNNIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) I smell the accent fetish in this man XD He love the french ladies~~~)
He paused then smiled. "Your not a local, Mother Miranda is going love you." He says and knocks her out.
She fell, nearly hitting the ground if he didn't stop her, using the metal to act as handcuffs as he carried her out to the meeting, placing her on the ground as others looked at her.
"Well now..what do we have here?" "Found her in the mines." "Oh my, Marie Winters I see..the question is..what do we do with her." Mother Miranda spoke, but she already had plans.
"Oh give her to me mother..my daughters and I so do love to entertain foreigners.." a woman spoke looking at the girl as a doll checked her out as she let out a groan.
"j'ai mal à la tête.." (my head hurts
He shudder at that.
“She’s awake!!!” The doll cheers
This creature hobbled its way over to her, dripping some mucus on her dress, but was quickly pushed aside. "She's awake she's awake~! And I saw under her skirt--" "both of you shut the fuck up!" The man said
“Silence!” Mother Miranda says. “Since Heisenberg captured her he will decide her fate.”
"wh-what's happening? qui est Heisenberg?" She asked scared, now realizing she had no way to shoot or stab anything handcuffed like this.(Who is Heisenberg?)
Heisenberg stood up and picked up Marie over his shoulder. “See you al later.” He says
"where are you going?" Lady Dimitrescu asked as .other Miranda even looked confused. She was expecting him to try and kill her as a show and then have Marie escape only to then run into more danger and somehow survive that..but he just walked out on them.
"Let me go! Why won't you when answer me?! What are you going to do to me?!" She asked some anger, but once again, the main emotion was something else, this time, fear
“Pipe down.” He says. “We are almost there.”
"where?!" She asked as he didn't answer as she saw..was it a junk yard? No..the building behind was far to big to be a junk yard. He walked in as she still tried to get out as he stopped only just realizing she was moving.
"If you're going to kill me then just kill me! Otherwise let me get my daughter!"
(Oh you know if she doesn't virgin and the mold changes her body to regenerate..then she may constantly be a virgin, in the sense of a hymen, but she's not a virgin in the true sense Because say it with me Hymens do not mean virgin. To me virginity is the first CONSENSUAL sexual penetration. )
(Amen! Even if the hymen tears it does not mean you had your first time! )
“I will let you do that. After I make you mine that is.” He says and carries her to a bedroom.
Well...it was a bedroom, it was the cleanest one...meaning it had been dusted in the last week and the sheets were washed..2 weeks ago.
"Wh-What the fuck does that mean?!" She snapped.
“I think you know dear.” He says
She looked confused before it sunk in when he placed her down, putting the hammer down, making sure she would see it, as a deterrent for running.
"W-Wait no no no no no, no that- I'm just here for my daughter." She said looking up at him scared.
(Heisenberg pov) (Yas Metal daddy
"God I am not going force you." I say sitting next to her and taking my work boots off. "I am going make you a deal and tell you what is going on."
She looked at me. "Y-Your not going force me?" She asks.
"Hell no!" I say. "I may be a shit man but I DO NOT Rape."
She seemed to relax a bit and I take off my hat and push back my hair.
(Okay can I be real for a minutes yeah Heisenberg is not the best guy and will kill someone in his way but I do not see him even as a yandere the type to rape or even force a kiss most of the time. Yeah if he looses his temper he may swat at you hard with his hammer but if it was someone he truly loved I think he would regret it terribly. So he is most likely going to manipulate Marie into sex but he will hold up his end of the deal.)
(Yup definitely, to him it's a show, but it's no fun if the other person isn't enjoying it. And yeah one hit from that hammer and broken ribs)
((Yeah he of course regret it but he still got his issues but he will be the one to nurse you back to health and I also see him the type to work on his anger issues like the next time he gets angry again he punches the wall instead and storms out taking it out on anything else but his darling. like he learned his lesson and now he is trying this guy is one of the better yanderes to have really)
"look, I've been stuck with that bitch Miranda for almost a damn Century. You have any idea how HUMILIATING and DEGRADING it is to be treated like a servant- but I knew, I knew something was up, I'll make you a deal...you act like..let's say a caretaker of this factory, and..in about let's say 1 month we'll see how we are doing. There's a ritual taking place, 6 months from now that involves Rose. You take care of this place..and I'll let you leave and even help you on the way. Deal?" She looked at me.
“Just so you don’t run off we will sleep in the same bed. Don’t worry clothes on you under the covers me on top of them, pillows acting like the Berlin Wall.” I tell her and she nods.
I start to show her around and have one month for her to fall in love with me. Or I am fucked.
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gear-project · 3 years
What are your thoughts about Happy Chaos after disocovering his true identity and what do you think will be the fate of the incomplete Happy Chaos?
Before I answer this question... I just want to DEEPLY thank you for phrasing this so eloquently!
I struggled a bit on how to broach this topic, because of everything involved in the story.
I was having a hard time trying to parse everything, and even now I still have my doubts about the man who "calls himself" Happy Chaos, "Mister Black Halo".
Or should I say, "The Original Man".
It always struck me as strange to refer to the "Original Philosopher" as "The Original Man", even in comparison to "That Man" (Asuka R. Kreutz).
I remember when Xrd Sign first released information about "The Original", he puzzled me. And even when I spoke to "a certain someone" about why ARC System Works dubbed him "The Original Man"... they told me it was deliberate naming.
The "Man" behind the "Man".
What was his objective? Why did he meet with Axl Low as some disembodied voice in the year 2192... Babylon 5 years in the Future?
And then he gave Axl Low a "message" to give to Asuka... even encrypting it so that someone like I-No wouldn't be able to listen in on the conversation.
Even WE do not know, to this very day, what message Axl Low passed on to Asuka at that time.
This is the man who wrote the BOOK on the Backyard: The Tome of Origin. He was also to blame for creating the Merciless Apocalypse... and unleashing her upon mankind in 1999. Even his followers (the Disciples) who later became the Conclave were being twisted by his actions.
The Dawn of Revival.
The fall of civilization as we knew it started back then. Mankind's emotions were in turmoil even back then. Earthquakes, Floods, Fires, Panic and Pandemonium, Fear.... CHAOS.
But his battle with the Universal Will (Merciless Apocalypse) only just began...
He passed on Two Divine Seeds to the Gear Maker.
And just like that, another chaotic future was set in motion.
Only... we were never told the fate of The Original Man.
75 years... for 75 years, The Original Man was checked in a stalemate with his own creation The Merciless Apocalypse.
From 1999 to 2074, The Original Man had barely been involved with mankind's history... "GEARS" were the least of his concerns.
But then something happened: the Merciless Apocalypse attacked Justice, and indirectly forced the Gear Maker to Destroy Japan.
Humanity's Fears and Desires were at an all-time high: and that powerful will filled the Backyard as a massive influx of complex and corrupted DATA.
The Backyard couldn't handle all of those desires and fears all at once:
And so it sealed all that emotion and information inside a single woman... a woman who could scarcely be called "Human", and yet still was.
The "woman" that was born witnessed the battle between "The Original Man" and the "Merciless Apocalypse" from within the chaotic fringes and dense data of the Backyard.
The "woman" was all-powerful, having a piece of the world cleaved-off existing inside her very existence... a piece of the Backyard itself inside of her.
The "Original Man" had already stopped the Merciless Apocalypse from trying to use the Divine Seeds from creating an Absolute World... but now a brand NEW threat stood before him... as if he was facing TWO ENEMIES AT ONCE.
The Merciless Apocalypse absorbed "half" of the "woman's" power in an attempt to both contain her as a threat to the Backyard, but also to trap the "Original Man".
And thus, the Merciless Apocalypse "sealed" the Original Philosopher inside herself, leaving behind what remained of the "woman".
The Negative Emotions, Selfishness, and Fear quickly began to "corrupt" The Merciless Apocalypse itself... including what remained of the Original Man.
It was "his" fault that the "woman" lost half of her power, and yet she still had to bear the burden of Mankind on her fragile shoulders.
All the pain and darkness of being human along with incredible powers... with no measure of joy or true positive emotions... an emptiness and DEPRESSION beyond measure...
That was the fate of the woman who would later call herself "I-No".
But what of the fate of The Original Man?
If what I-No faced was a grey reality and emptiness... The Original Man faced an even DARKER reality and EMOTIONS beyond measure, beyond INFORMATION, beyond CAPACITY.
The "man" who was once "The Original Man"... became a vessel for all the NIGHTMARES OF THE WORLD... the abject TERROR and CHAOS of Human Emotions.
But... that's only part of the story.
For the next CENTURY... this "vessel" would EXIST within the belly of the Universal Will... writhing in the muck and insanity of his OVERFILLED emotions, trapped in a White Room filled with nothing.
A WHITE Room filled with a single "someone" made of BLACKEST EMOTIONS.
Perhaps it was his own Insanity... but it began to eat away at the staunch "Merciless Apocalypse"... what was once a LOGICAL ARTICIAL INFORMATION ORGANISM... became less and less logical, becoming less rational... even CHOOSING TO BECOME A HUMAN HERSELF.
But even amid this "slow" seemingly "unchanging" alteration of a nigh-unchanging scene... something else was happening in the OUTSIDE WORLD.
They were small "incidents".... small events planted by "someone" of "malicious intent", but they were all the WORK of someone called "The Original Man".
The destruction of Baiken's Japanese village... the death of her people... the invasion of the Gears just PRIOR to the Holy War known as the Crusades.
The "alteration" of the fate that would soon trap the boy (later known as Bedman) and the girl (later known as Delilah) in a NIGHTMARE WORLD, was also triggered by someone called "The Original Man".
But how can this be?
"Chaos" has no Logic. "Chaos" is not "Order".
From 2074 to 2192, for 118 years.... a single "Man" (if he was even human anymore) was trapped within the BOWELS of a WHITE PRISON. A prison of his own making... of his own Karma.
A Prison he perhaps DESERVED.
And yet still... he was able to pass messages on to others, possess others, change others... affect others... from within that WHITE PRISON.
How he did so... is not known.
Perhaps it was the "new power" boiling and writhing inside of him, that was the cause. The power he had obtained from the "woman"....
As "fate" changed hands from that of the Universal Will (a divine being with set expectations for Mankind's future) to that of a more "randomized future"... he (somehow) overheard a certain "conversation".
The speakers were of ill importance... from a past that no longer concerned him.
What he had heard... was from his successor and student... the "new man" called Asuka R. Kreutz.
Asuka saw the plight of the "woman" called I-No... and he wished to do something about it.
I-No had paid the price for her "suffering" and travelled through TIME ITSELF, even saving Humanity on her own, simply to bring Asuka to this point in time.
The year was 2183. Asuka had been a prisoner of the GEARS he had created... his own Karma, just the same as his Predecessor... a Karma and sin born from his own actions.
But I-No (while she had blood on her hands to get to this point), had chosen to MEET with Asuka... to change her fate and lessen her burden.
I-No made him the DEAL of a lifetime... her powers could change Asuka's fate and fulfill the FUTURE she so desired!
Asuka agreed... and I-No became his SERVANT.
The year was 2173.... that's when history REALLY began.
(So, actually, it was 128 years in the WHITE ROOM... but who's counting, right?)
By this point, Asuka had set to work on fixing his past mistakes:
--To restore the woman known as Aria Hale. --To restore the man known as Frederick Bulsara.
But those were his own burdens to bear... so why take on another burden?
--To save I-No? --To save Raven? --To save HUMANITY?
Asuka was a selfish "MAN" in some capacity... he would not lose a fight like his Predecessor had... (ouch).
For Aria... Asuka created Jack-O'... an artificial existence that was still technically "human" (later known as a VALENTINE).
For I-No... Asuka had PLANNED to make "another Jack-O'" to further assist her with management of her powers and EMOTIONS... but time was running out on him... he would have to settle things with the MERCILESS REVELATOR and "soon".
I-No... could no longer wait for him.
Jack-O' had even "let slip" the 'truth' about I-No... along with the fact half her power had been TAKEN from her, along with her PRECIOUS PAST.
This might have been the "right decision" to Jack-O' (as insurance in case Asuka or Sol Badguy failed in their missions).... but it was a cruel truth for I-No to bear.
To know that you were NEVER a HUMAN to BEGIN WITH... the "detritus" of Humanity.
But that wasn't the only "truth" that Jack-O' had let slip...:
The "Other Jack-O'" had not awakened yet... and was still incomplete... the Jack-O' called "Happy Chaos Valentine".
That was "it".
That was the "inspiration" 'he' needed!
Perhaps that was in fact the "Original Purpose" of the 'vessel' meant to 'perfect' I-No... but even 'he' knew... that power was BEYOND something even "Justice" could hold.
'He' would become that vessel instead... the sacrifice (and trigger) to restore all things back to the way they "should" be.
A path to HAPPY CHAOS.
He had everything he needed to begin... and he had Jack-O'(Valentine) to thank!
The year was (again) 2192... and 'he' laid the foundation and set events in motion.
The "man" called Axl Low was just as much a part of these events as I-No was... but 'he' had to keep quiet about that... it would ruin the surprise!
I-No unwittingly helped Axl Low send a certain "message" to Asuka... surely that information would be vital in Asuka's actions moving forward!
All according to plan.
Axl's powers would 'grow'... and while I-No's powers would 'diminish her' for a time... it was only a matter of time before his 'chance' would come.
A few weeks, a month, it was all the same to 'him' in the WHITE ROOM.
But then two somethings VERY LOUD shook that WHITE ROOM...
It was a FIST... and the strongest Magic Spell mankind had ever created.
And just like that... the "Universal Will" was 'defeated'.
Not by 'his' hands of course... but he couldn't afford to be picky... and he knew someone would find his handiwork sooner or later... He even managed to turn Sol Badguy in to a 'war criminal' without lifting a finger!
3 weeks passed... and the MOST DANGEROUS of "somebodies" FINALLY FOUND HIM.
I-No FOUND the Original Troublemaker... or rather... HAPPY CHAOS.
And from that moment on... his role as her "sacrifice" would change EVERYTHING.
I-No became a God... but she still lost her 'bet' with Mankind... and he fulfilled his task admirably... even if EVERYTHING WAS NOW BLACK TO HIM.
Now 'he' owes no one anything... 'HE' CONTINUES TO EXIST.
Or so he thinks... but the STORY IS FAR FROM OVER.
Delilah (Bedman's Sister) and Baiken are still CHASING HIM... along with Chipp Zanuff and Anji Mito...
And when will his SINS be PUNISHED in FULL?
And what of the "real" Happy Chaos Valentine... will 'she' ever wake up?
Even Ramlethal and Elphelt's journey in to the future have yet to begin...
Only the NEXT STORY will tell us!
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jaefluenza · 4 years
My Fate Blooms | J.Jaehyun
“We can’t happen..”
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Genre: royal!au, angst, fluff
Pairing: fisherman!jaehyun x princess!reader
Word count: 14,4k words (oop- and that’s a long ass ride)
Summary: You never imagine meeting your own prince charming, but somehow, you did. He’s not a royal, nor a conglomerate, but you found yourself falling deeper into him. But of course, nothing works easily for you, the next queen of the northern kingdom.
playlist; Give You My Heart - IU; I Miss You - Soyou; Sweet Night - V; Sunny days, Summer nights - Sam Kim; Like You - So Soobin, SOHEE; Let Us Go - Crush; But It’s Destiny - 10cm, etc.
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“How much do I have to tell you, mother? I don’t want to marry that guy!” You throw away your royal necklace, pissed off by the routine of your mom always lecturing about how to be a graceful soon-to-be-married princess.
“He’s not just a guy. Watch your mouth, he’s the rightful future king of the southern nation.” Your mom put her hands on her waist, utterly shocked by how you behaved tonight. “Oh, you told me that as if I’m so clueless about it! As stubborn as it might sounds, mother, I don’t care!”
gasp! “How dare you speak like that to me.” She said coldly. How dare you slap your own daughter like that?
“Now, listen. Want it or not, you’re gonna marry the prince. I am doing this only to save the kingdom, the place where you get to enjoy every royalty and comfort even in your sleep. So, bare with it, princess. Do I have to remind you that every single day?” The queen raised her voice before leaving your room, stomping the floor with anger.
You let yourself fall, leaning your arms on the edge of your queen-sized bed. “This is not what I wanted.” You wipe your tears harshly, trying not to look weak even though no one could see your worse condition right now. “I just don’t want to marry an evil guy who will torture me in his dungeon, what is so wrong about that?”
The next day, you prepare your mental state that you have to wear a fake smile again as usual for the rest of the day. It’s an engagement dinner between two kingdoms, where you’d meet the person you don’t want to marry. You hate formal dinners and meetings like this, it’s boring and it’s just not you. You prefer eating alone in your room with your cats, or maybe enjoying dinner at the maid’s kitchen with Olly, your personal maid, rather than joining dinner with people you don’t even know. They aren’t even interested to know you, as what they care about is only about the kingdom and politics.
You feel one of your cats scratches your leg, making you wince in pain. “Shirley, as much as I want to play with you, I want to leave this goddamn room too. I know you’re bored, please hold on for a few minutes before I-” You turn your head up at a nudge in your left arm. “Are you crazy? Why are you talking to the floor?” Prince Han glares at you as if you’re a madwoman.
You rolled your eyes, “I’m talking to my cat. I’m glad that I’m not the only person here who thinks that this whole thing is boring.”
“So talking about me and the marriage is boring huh? I think you’re too idiot to realize that thousands of princesses of nations would kill to marry me.” Prince Han lifts his head proudly, making you cringe and you were glad he lifts his head high enough that he probably won’t see you making a face.
“Then, maybe you should marry those stupid blind princesses.” You rolled your eyes over and over again before you stand up and excuse yourself in front of all the higher-ups and leave the grand meeting room. Prince Han was not untrue at all. He has the look enough for the girls to melt by his graceful presence, and that was one of the reasons why your mother was so elated to choose him as the marriage candidate. But even though you know the girls would kill to be in your position, you’re sure that they would think twice after knowing what is the prince like in real life.
You got lost in your deep thoughts before someone interrupted you by taking hold of your arm. “Wait, princess.” You sigh when you heard the familiar voice, wondering why would he follow you out of the room. “What?” You turned at him, hands on your waist, and waiting for him to say what’s on his mind.
“I know that you despise this marriage, and as much as you do, I do too. But if this thing works we’ll get so many benefits. Just bear with it and be a good princess for once.” He looks down on your eyes, threatening them intensely as if there are fire coming from his eyes. “The benefit is for you, not me. Why would I trap myself in a relationship that I don’t wish to be in?”
He gets back to his former position, standing highly like a crown prince should be. “Oh, Y/n. I really hate to say this, but you don’t want me to take over, right? Once I take over the whole situation, you’re doomed. For now, I’ll stay put. So don’t get on my nerves, or I won’t take it well.” You stutter upon hearing the threat he sent you. This is what you hate about him, and the whole arranged marriage thingy. He’s a crude and abusive person. He knows how to put pressure on someone, especially you. You blinked in fear before he takes your silence as a yes and walks away.
“Just bear with it? Now he sounds like my mom as well.” You rant.
You put on your bathrobe, preparing for a warm bath after a rough day. “Finally, my lone time.” You dip your leg on the tub, feeling the warmth slowly surfacing your leg before sitting your whole body with a sigh in relief. “So warm.” Raised in the northern kingdom, you’re used to the coldness of the nation. Snow falls every two months and spring comes only when it wants to. You wear warm fluffy coats almost every day, as if the coldness of the people around you was never enough. You wonder if there’s a place meant for you to live in. You wonder if there is somebody out there who actually care for you, as a human and not a princess.
“This is crazy, this is pure madness.” You claimed to yourself as you start thinking of something crazy. An escape? A runaway? Sounds like life. Your marriage is coming in two weeks, you definitely have enough time to leave the cold palace and free yourself to smell the flowers, the life outside the dungeon you called home. And as if your thoughts weren’t crazy enough, now you start to think of the way to start the important mission to save yourself. 
If there is not any charming prince who can save you, then you can save yourself, you thought.
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“Ella, not now. I need to do some spying activities tonight. I can’t rub your neck at the moment.” You whine when your cat keeps following you around while letting out some meowing sounds which echoed around the hallway walls.
Ella walked away as if she understood your rejection to play with her. You shake your head as you witness her walking sassily with a seemingly visible scoff. “Dude, even my cats are breaking the rules. I’m a proud cat mom.”
You continue to spy around the palace, looking for some information that may help you leave the palace and all the terrifying things in it. You were walking around the hallway towards the palace kitchen when you heard the cooks and some assistants gossiping. You use the echoes of the grand wall of the hallway to catch what they are talking about.
“I heard the queen will be attending a party held in the southern nation. Of course, the princess will be forced to attend too. I pity her, most of her life spent on this kingdom, with no freedom or chance to find her own happiness. She never eats well like she’s supposed to in her age, because of her royalty image diet.”
You couldn’t hold your tears not to come when you heard how much the palace workers care for you. You pity yourself too, after all, the painful truth is instead of your mother, the only people unrelated to you were the only people who care.
So, the queen will bring you to the southern kingdom? That will be good timing! All you need to do is just pulling a good act in front of your mother so she might believe that you’ll come along with her, just in a different little carriage. And you officially do the plan.
“Mother, what kind of party would they hold there? I think I’m getting excited.”
Your mother gives you a look. “Why are you excited?” You tried to avoid looking so awkward like you have something to do which is actually true. “Oh! Are you finally getting closer to him?”
You sighed in relief mentally, before nodding excitedly at your mother. “Yeah! I hang out with Prince Han the last time he visited us. He is actually a funny person.” Duh.
“Okay, that’s a good thing! Thank god you finally make me happy!” Haven’t I?
“Well, they will be holding a garden party since it’s summer in the southern nation. I’ll prepare a beautiful summer dress for you, oh, I’ll have to make sure that my daughter, the fiancé of the prince, will be the most beautiful girl at the party!” Okay, this is great.
The party night comes, and the crazy idea of escaping your royal prison has been a big burden on both of your shoulders. You put an exciting act in front of your mothers and also other people. You can’t even feel your face after all the bold makeup they put on your face. The big luxurious dress tightly hugging your body makes you hard to breathe, you wonder if it will be able for you to run in this kind of dress. After all the servants leave your room, you go to speak to your cats.
“Sergei, my royal king. Please take care of the others while I’m gone. And you, Shirley, my royal queen. You should not wander off the palace because you will get hurt. Wait, I’m the one who’s gonna do that. Alright, whatever. Oh, and my baby princess, Ella. You’re the cutest baby of all the demons we got here. You can’t just come to people and ask for belly rubs cause... I’m the only one who can do that to you. If I’m able to come back, I’ll give you thousands of belly rubs and treats!”
All of the royal cats give you their unamused look as if they know that you won’t be able to escape this prison. “You guys think so too? Thought that I couldn’t make it out of here? At least, let me try.”
Your mother knocked on your door before entering the room. You quickly fix your gown and your hair, as if you are ready to leave for the party. “Hey, mother.” She smiled sweetly upon seeing your graceful appearance. “The prince will absolutely love you. Let him brag about his wonderful fiancé to the world tonight.”
“Well, there’s this thing that I would like to request for tonight, mother...” You started. “What is it? Tell me, honey.”
“Since I will be the most beautiful woman in that party, I want Prince Han to pick my hand himself as soon as I step out of the carriage. Which means, that I have to be in a different carriage from you. Can I ride in the diamond one, tonight?” You asked her nicely. Please say yes...
“That’s a great idea. Yeah, you should ride in a different carriage from me. Maybe you won’t be able to get back at the same time as me, right? You got to have a blast tonight! Sure, I’ll tell them to prepare the diamond carriage. My sweet daughter, I’m so proud of you!” She holds your chin gently, praising you for your wonderful idea. Little did she knows...
So you ended up in the diamond carriage alone, waiting anxiously for the right time to kick your horseman away. You glance over the window, looking at how far you’ve let the northern kingdom. Will you be ready for this? Will you be ready for whatever happens if you leave the palace, and the royal engagement? Are you ready for a new chapter in your life? Will you be happy? You don’t know, but something inside your heart says that it’ll worth for every single psychological torture you received in the palace. You take a deep sigh before opening the front door to the footman sitting behind the horses.
“Where are we now?” You whisper to the footman. “We’re about to reach the south side. In fifteen minutes, we’ll be able to spot the southern sea.” Great, we’re getting further from the kingdom.
“I’m so sorry, but... goodbye.” The footman gives you a disoriented look before losing his balance following your hard kick on his ass. He screamed loudly as he fell into the ground, rolling asides before losing his consciousness.
“That was a great ass-kick.” You praised yourself before taking over the handle ungainly. You stare at the horses in front of you with tactless eyes, realizing something. “I may have learned how to ride a horse, but now... I have four horses to handle?! Oh shit!” You notice the horses start to move like they’re mad. There was when you realized something, you don’t have any control over those carriage horses, and now they have no signal or tasks to do, and now they’re mad. The carriage starts to wobble, there’s no indication that it’s slowing down, even though the road in front of you is getting rocky and uneven.
You feel the wheels start to wobble out of place and when one of the wheels hit a quite big rock, the carriage was broken off from the horses. You watched the horses run away in agony before the huge carriage toppled over into a hole and you lost your consciousness.
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You woke up with a lightheaded feeling as the warm sun rays stream right into your face. You glance around the room, this was definitely not your room. Not at the small windows across your bed, and not at how there’s a warm sunshine filling up the room. This is not the northern kingdom. So where are you?
The door opened before you know it, which makes you flinch at whoever coming into the room. “Oh, you’re awake?” Said a grown-up man with a tray of redolent food which you assumed is a bowl of eggplant and ginger chicken soup. You were left speechless, not because you don’t want to speak, but you don’t know what to ask first. There’s a lot of questions you have in your head, but you were blown away by the fine visual of this man.
“Uh... are you okay?” He asked with an awkward smile as he went closer to the bed you slept on. You blink as you stare right into his sharp eyes, and his pointy nose and his plump lips. Screw those girls who screamed about how much of an art Prince Han is like, they must have yet to see this man in their whole life before.
You watch him in awe as he puts the tray on the nightstand beside you. “Have some breakfast, you must’ve felt terrible last night.” He smiled, and oh, that smile would’ve killed thousands of women.
“Thank you very much. May I ask... where am I right now? And, what happened last night?”
He nods, and immediately sits down on the edge of the bed. “Let me introduce myself, I am Jung Jaehyun. I am a fisherman and so does my family. Last night, I was walking back home from the harbor when I saw a broken carriage in a pit of water near the northern kingdom gate. I saw a person on the edge of the hollow and that was you, so I brought you home and my family took care of you.”
You watched him as he spoke, focusing on his visual instead of listening. You were glad that someone this fine would save you last night. Sometimes, life is full of surprises. “Oh, I see. Thank you for saving my life. So, am I in the southern kingdom?”
He shakes his head, “No. Me and my family live in between the southern and northern kingdoms. Well, it’s safe to say that you’re in the middle of an unknown village. The people here live independently without a king. We keep our lives by being a fisherman or farmer and selling our yields at the market in the middle of the village.” He smiles as he explains where you are right now.
“Ah, I see. I never knew that there’s a little village between the northern and southern kingdom. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Y/n, the prince- uhm I mean, daughter of Madame Yoon from the northern kingdom.”
You raise your hand for a handshake and he immediately shakes your hand. “Nice to meet you, Y/n of the northern.” It seems like he doesn’t know anything about the northern’s ruler, which is your mother. It’s great, he doesn’t have to know that you’re a princess of the kingdom. He probably won’t be your friend if you tell him that.
“The food smells nice. I’ll dig them in now..” you smiled before grabbing the tray and taste the food. He nodded before leaving the room, saying that he needs to prepare the toils for his work.
You quickly dig the food in, shrieking in awe as if you’re tasting the best food cooked by a world-class chef in all kingdoms. “Oh my god, who the hell cook this best quality food..” You finished the bowl within ten minutes, before rubbing your belly with satisfaction. “Ah, right. I have to wash the dishes, I can’t be a troublesome in this house.”
You grab the tray and the dirty bowls as you keep them steady on your hands. You were about to open the door when something catches your attention. “Oh, wow.”
You’ve never seen yourself in a simple dress like this. The outfit you wear right now is like the ones that your maids in the palace would wear. But you never knew that it feels really comfortable rather than the overwhelming dresses in your closet. Also, you feel so fresh that you finally feel some heat surrounding your body, for you’ve always been wrapped in coats since the northern kingdom is either snowy or stormy. “This is all new.”
What you saw first when you stepped out of the door was a little stairs. You use them slowly, balancing yourself as you kept the tray steady on your hands, when suddenly a voice greets you merrily. “Good morning, lady.”
You glance at the person and it turns out to be an older with a stick in his hands. You bow yourself like you used to greet older people in the palace. “Good morning, sir.” He laughed upon seeing you bow, gathering another reaction from everyone in the small house. You look around you, there’s a grandma in the living room, possibly the grandpa’s wife, and there’s a middle-aged woman in the kitchen who’s seemingly the mother of Jung Jaehyun, and finally, a little boy, who seems so excited upon seeing you.
“Ooh! She’s awake! Hi! I’m Yuno! Are you feeling better?” He waved after running in your direction, greeting you excitedly. You greet him enthusiastically, feeling warm that finally someone is actually excited to see you. “Hi! Yeah, I’m more than better! Thank you for asking,” you smiled. “Let me take care of the dish,” Yuno gives you his cute eye smile, which makes you pinch his cheek, thanking him in advance.
“Hello. Welcome to our family house. Though, our house is not as comfortable as the ones you live in.” The middle-aged woman approached you gently, smiling with visible wrinkles around her face. You shake your head in panic, “No! This is more than enough, madam. Thank you very much for saving me, I owe your family so much. Please tell me if there’s something I can help today..”
That afternoon, the family gathered around in the strait dining room. You sit next to Yuno, playing rock-paper-scissor. You laugh at how serious he was, tongue sticking out as he concentrates to guess what you’d pull out. After Jaehyun helps his mother, he goes to sit next to you, watching how you play well with his brother. “Hey, you two, do you want to go to the market this evening?”
Yuno looks at his brother, “Really? Sure! We have to bring Y/n to the market, I heard that they are selling some summer candies! You have to try it, Y/n.” Jaehyun looks at you, waiting for your reaction.
“Ooh! Candy? Yeah, let’s go!” You replied enthusiastically. Jaehyun tries hard not smile, even though your reaction makes him blush so hard.
As much as excitement fulfilled your whole body, you also worry about how people might recognize you at the market. Both kingdoms must be in great chaos now that you’re disappeared. Should you disguise yourself? But they will be suspicious of you. Well, since Jaehyun told you that this village is in the middle of an unknown area, you probably shouldn’t worry about your identity. You only pray that they don’t have any idea about the southern nor the northern kingdom.
“Hey, Y/n. Are you ready to go?” Jaehyun tilts his head upon seeing you daydreaming. You flinch when you see him right before you. “Yeah, I am. Let’s go..”
You watch the two boys messing around with each other as the three of you walked through the small patches with tall trees around. You smile in amusement, for there are no such things in the palace. Everything is fake, manipulative, and political. You can’t believe you finally found a simple life outside the palace, and now you feel happy because you left that place.
“Hey, we’re leaving Y/n behind... Y/n, let’s walk together!” Yuno goes behind to walk alongside with you. You smile and nod. Jaehyun also goes behind to your side and walks along with you. “So, that night when I saved you from the pit, I noticed that the carriage has diamonds in it. It was actually beautiful. Perhaps, are you coming from a wealthy family?”
You glance nervously at Jaehyun, confused on how to reply. “I..uh.. I was going to attend a party at the southern kingdom, before the accident. So, my mother gave me a beautiful carriage to go as a gift.”
He nods, and as soon as you see him about to open his mouth, you point at the shining market. “Oh, we’re here!” Yuno grabs your hand, practically dragging you to run with him into the market.
“Let’s try all the candies!”
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That night goes perfectly for the three of you, after you discovered the little festival they held at the market. You spent the night playing happily with Yuno and Jaehyun. And now, it’s time to go back home. Yuno falls asleep on his brother’s back while all of you walked back home. He must be so tired after playing with you all day.
“Aren’t you tired?” Jaehyun asked you who’s walking excitedly beside him. “Not really, tonight was spent really well. I really enjoyed hanging out with Yuno. He’s a bright kid.”He smiled before he keeps his glances at you. “Y/n.. for a lost person in here, you look like you’re not planning to find your way back home.”
You look elsewhere, surprised by how he gives you such a strong point. “Well, I.. I want to go back home,” No, I don’t. “But not now.” Maybe forever. “I might’ve been here for only a day, even so, I enjoy being here. I’d like to stay longer, I promise in two days, I will get myself a place to stay.” Jaehyun narrows his eyes, “Why would you get yourself a home? Just stay in our place, if you’re comfortable with it.”
Your eyes lit up in delight, “Really? If that so,” You nodded. “I’ll stay and become your family member. But, won’t I be a burden or something? I mean, I eat quite well, hehe.” He chuckles upon your frank remarks. “Well, who said you can live in our place for free? There’s a fee for that.” You widen your eyes, already panicking inside for you don’t have anything with me except your wrecked party gown and the accessories.
“Assist me in the ocean and help my mother with farming. That’s what you have to do.”
You sighed in relief, “Oh, thank god it wasn’t money. I thought I’d have to remove all the diamonds on the carriage to pay my rent fees.” He laughed upon seeing your face, which makes you feel like butterflies are flying around in your belly.
The next day, you found yourself trailing behind Jaehyun as he prepares the toils. You feel unfamiliar with all the equipment around him, and you don’t know what to do to help. “Uh, Jaehyun.” You called him timidly. “Yeah?”
“Is it gonna be rough when we sail? Well, I’ve never been in a fishing boat before...” You told him timidly, folding your hands anxiously in front of him. He stands up from his spot, his hands on his waist. Is he judging me?
“Don’t be scared, I’ll protect you... I’ll make sure that you’re safe.” Oh, the smile that gets you every time. At the moment, you feel like it’s a deep promise coming out from him, as if he will always protect you from all the chaos you’re surrounded in. Jaehyun pats you gently, before signaling you to come with him and you only trail behind him, smiling like a stupid girl.
You stare at the man, his arm muscles appeared strong and prominent from bringing the fishing equipment in both of his hands. You spot the most easy thing to bring in his left hand, the fishing bucket with a few tools in it. You grab the bucket from his hand, smiling coyly. “Let me take care of this one. I want to help with whatever you need.”
He smiled sweetly, “Thank you. You know what, this is my first time having someone other than my father on the boat.” You give him a disoriented look, “Oh, is that so? Well, have you bring Yuno before?”
“Nuh-uh.. he’s a scaredy-cat.” Jaehyun shakes his head quickly and you just laugh.
Fifteen minutes later, you found yourself shaking in fear as he turned on the boat engine. He takes both of you to the fishing spot between the limitless ocean and the shore. “There we are.. let’s make sure that we catch a lot of fish today!” He shakes in excitement.
You asked him to teach him and as soon as you spread out the fishing rod, the hook starts to shake. “Ooh, ooh!”
“Pull that in! Roll it, roll it.” You tried to do it, but you were too scared to pull it properly. “I.. can’t!” That was when Jaehyun thought he could help, but...
gasp! He got the fish, which is a good thing, but the position of both of you right now.. is not quite right. His hands are around you as he was hugging you from behind, previously because he was in a hurry to catch your first fish, and he had no time to check what to do with the position. His body was so close to you that you could smell his manly smell.
Jaehyun moves his body away from you, blushing madly while showing his innocent dimples. “I’m sorry...” No words are coming out from you, as you still processing what just happened, until he speaks up again, “Here’s your first fish..” You happily look at the first fish you have ever in your whole lifebefore you frown in disappointment. “Awe, I killed it.”
He laughed at your expression. “Cute... it’s okay, can you hold it?” You glance at the poor fish, trying to hold it until it jumps in front of you, while you gasp in shock. He once again laughed upon seeing you shake in fear. “It’s only a fish, it won’t hurt you.”
You tried once again to be brave in front of him, reaching out your hand to grab the breathless fish, when it stayed and you finally grab it with your own hands. “Hey! I did it!” You happily put the fish into the bucket and gives him an ear-to-ear smile. “Good job, you got your first fish.” Jaehyun only watched you being happy with catching a regular fish for the first time, but what he’s feeling is extraordinary. It’s like there are a lot of things going on in his stomach, and he’s just praying that you won’t hear the loud beating sounds coming from his chest. He doesn’t even understand why his heart is beating so fast like this.
Night comes, and you found yourself sitting at the front porch of the small house, gazing at the stars. Even though you love being here, you can’t help but worry about what you should do onwards. You sigh, not knowing what to do, and feeling unsure of life. You’re scared that he and his family will find out about who you are, and you’re gonna lose all the happiness you feel throughout this little new journey. You feel like, everything will get back to where your life used to be, and that everything will be temporary.
“What are you doing?” Someone taps your shoulder, making you flinch at the sudden contact. “Oh, hey. Nothing, just stargazing.” Jaehyun sits behind you, looking at your face instead of the pretty view of the sky. “What are you worrying about?” He asked once again. You turn your head from the sky to him. “Do you really want to know?”
“Yeah, you know.. you’ve become a part of this home. We, especially Yuno, love your presence here. You make him very happy, you know. So, I- uhm I mean we, want to help you keep your smile too,” He explained. “Honestly, do you know who I am?” You asked. He tilted his head, thinking hard, before he answers, “Uh, Y/n, the daughter of Madam Yoon, from the northern?”
You laugh wholeheartedly. “Yeah, that is right, though. But the truth was more than that. Are you sure you want to know?”
Jaehyun realizes that this matter has become serious and he decided to appreciate whatever you might want to tell him.
“Even though I am so embarrassed to say this, I still think that you have to know the truth. I..” you paused with hesitation. You were so scared that he might turn against you after knowing that you’re someone he was not wishing to be. “Hey... it’s okay. Whoever you are, and whatever happened about you, I will give my support.” He smiled as he put his hand on top of yours, somehow soothing your worries away.
“I.. actually, am a princess. I am the true heir of the northern kingdom, the daughter of Queen Yoon, Y/n.” You confessed with a glassy eyes, staring right at his eyes, looking for a certain reaction. He says nothing, but his eyes widen in shock. And you knew what he’s going to do, which makes you prevent him from doing so. “Don’t bow! Do not.. bow to me... I don’t like that!” He blink in nervousness, but then sit back to his earlier position. “But, you’re a royal family member.”
“No, as long as I’m here, I’m not a royal family member. I’m your friend, your family. See, as soon as I told you about it, it gets awkward between us..” You sigh in advance, not knowing what to do with the situation. Jaehyun kept his mouth shut, before using the opportunity to get to know you more. You immediately tell him everything, about your engagement with the southern prince, and your political mother, and your life as the only princess in the southern kingdom. You also told him about how the carriage accident wasn’t an accident.
Jaehyun sighs, “What should I do? N-no, now that you’re here, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna hide here forever? I am pretty sure that they must have been searching for you everywhere. It can be dangerous for you,” He said with worries in his eyes.
You feel so grateful that even though you’re the only one being a burden in his own house, he still is worried about your safety. So, this is how it feels when someone actually cares about you, without any personal needs in between. “Jaehyun, I don’t think you should worry about me now. The only thing matters right now is your family. The fact that I’m here, is dangerous for all your family members. They are not playing when they come to seek what they want,” you explained.
Once again, he gives you his soothing smile, showing you his deep gummy dimples. “It’s alright, Y/n. I just want you to know that you’re not alone, and you’re more than worthy to be cared of, I’m here for you.”
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The next very morning, you help madam Jung in the field to grind the rice under the shiny and warm sun rays. “The view here is so beautiful. I love staying here.” You uttered. Madam Jung smiled at you, admiring your beautiful figure even though it has been an hour and you still look like you’re fresh out of the shower.
“I’m glad if you’re happy being here. I’ve never had a daughter, and you make me feel like I have one. Thank you so much for coming into our household, Y/n.” If heart eyes are real, you’d say you saw them in her eyes. That makes you feel appreciated and accepted. All this time one of the things you have been looking for in life is validation. And started by how Yuno greeted you that day, you found out what validation feels like. “No, the one who should say thank you is me. Thank you so much for accepting me in your house, and because of your son, I can make it out alive. I owe your family so much. One day, I will pay it off to all of you.”
The tall trees line up around you, and at the edge of the cliff, you can spot the limitless blue ocean. There was one time when you went to the ocean, and the very next thing happened was you were drowned in the sea, slowly getting dragged by the alluring waves. That is why you always feel so nervous every time Jaehyun takes you to the sea, but with him, you can sense the protection and calmness he gives you. You know that you’ll be alright when you’re near him.
So, now that he walks beside you to the shore, you no longer feel nervous or jittery like you used to feel. You walk happily beside him, swinging the fishing bucket playfully as the wind gently blows your hair. “The weather is so nice today! It’s the best day to go to the ocean.” You fling out your hand, feeling the warm summer breeze. “So, are you not afraid anymore? Last week when we sailed, you were shaking so bad I thought you wanted to pee or something.” He teased.
You let out a mischievous smile, as you look at him from behind. You were about to tickle him when suddenly a bunch of girls surrendered him with flowers in their hands. “Good morning, Jaehyun! Perhaps, did you have breakfast? I brought you breadsticks and milk!” The most charming girl in the group greeted Jaehyun with a tone that makes you cringe. “I brought you flowers! It’s Bougainvillea... do you like it?”
As the girls surrounded Jaehyun and bombarded him with lunchboxes and flowers, you feel yourself get kicked out of the crowd. You quickly pout, looking at him giving his smiles to the girls, so you decide to walk ahead of him to the shore. “Hey, Y/n! Wait for me,” he shouted at your direction before jogging into your side, and the girls following him after.
“Jaehyun, who’s this? Perhaps, your cousin?” One of the girls asked. Jaehyun looks at you awkwardly, not knowing how to answer. “She’s... she’s my..”
You cut his words, “Girlfriend. Yeah, I am his girlfriend.” You give them a mischievous smirk, as they gasp in shock. “No way, there’s no way he has a girlfriend!” You look at Jaehyun, whose eyes are wide awake at your remark. “I-i.. uh... yeah, she is.” Your smile only gets wider when you thought that you won in front of the girls.
After the girls disappeared, both of you continued the walk to the shore, and here you both now, in front of the boat. “Uh, actually, I.. I said that I’m your.. girlfriend, to make them get away from you. Is that okay?” You asked him because the rest of the walk was filled with awkward silence and you hate awkward situations. “Yeah, uhm, it’s okay. Thank you for saving me, I guess...” He gives you a little smile.
As you both head to the fishing spot, you try to think of something to start a conversation. “I didn’t know you are that famous in this village.” Jaehyun looks at you, shaking his head in advance. “No.. I’m not.” Before silence takes over the small boat.
You sighed, “Why did you become so quiet? Are you upset about what I did earlier?” You asked frankly. He looks at you with an unpredictable expression, which makes you feel so anxious. He also sighed, before shifting himself closer to you. “Honestly, I was so shocked, when you said those words... I..I might’ve imagined if what you said was real.”
This time, it’s your turn to widen your eyes in shock. “What do you mean?” You asked with a tiny voice. “I might’ve hoped that it was real, too. But.. you are too far for me to reach. You actually are.. someone who I can’t just go and walk with, you are too far above me, Y/n.”
You look at him with disbelief, “What makes you think so? I am also a human, Jaehyun. The thing is, if we share something in common, we can be something more than this. What you imagined can be real, because I’ve been feeling the same too.”
“Really?” He asked, before you nodded and pull him into a delicate kiss. His hand slid behind you, holding you closer to his body. He loves the way you feel so sweet in his lips. The innocent kiss continues under the blazing sun, as the both of you close your eyes and forget everything at the moment.
That day becomes the happiest day in your whole life as you walk hand-in-hand with him, smiling as you both start to count the days as lovers.
It has been a month since you live with the Jungs and you’ve become pretty close with few people in the small village. Jaehyun introduced you to the villagers, and they loved you, except the girls who were in love with the most charming man in the village. He taught you a lot of life lessons, which made you want to stay near him longer.
You knew that both kingdoms of Southern and Northern are holding a big search for you around the domain, as not too long ago, Jaehyun and Yuno found a newspaper with you on the cover. That was how the family found out who you actually are, and to your surprise, they support you and want to protect you. They helped you put a disguise on yourself and let the villagers know you as a different person.
Sometimes, the southern guards and armies come to the village to check, but it’s quite hard for them to inspect the whole village because the villagers loathe them, since they became an independent village.
“We have to get in and check the whole area, you can’t forbid us when you don’t have any authority around here.” The chief withstand the higher-up when they stand against the village gate, resisting the armies to enter. “Have you forget? This area is not under the authority of the Southern, so why should we open the gate for your people? We had an agreement.”
You watched bitterly behind a big oak tree, curiously trying to find out what has been going in your kingdom. When you were about to leave the scene, you heard a familiar voice from the crowd. “Good afternoon, gentlemen.” You gasp, Prince Han?
You quickly run towards the Jung’s house, hurriedly looking for Jaehyun who turns out fishing in the ocean at the moment. You ignored Yuno’s concerned holler before locking yourself in your room. You feel your tears fall like a waterfall as your body shakes in fear. The trauma of him pulling your hand harshly, frequent shouting at your face, and threats over the kingdom are taking over your mental state.
Madam Jung knocks on your door, concerned by your weird act, presumably told by her youngest son. “Y/n, is everything alright? I’m here to help you, sweety.” When you heard her soothing voice, you moved to open the door. Madam Jung was startled when she saw you crying like a mess, but she remained calm as she makes the both of you sit on the edge of the bed. “What’s wrong? Will you tell me?”
“He’s here... he’s here.” You repeat the same words as they are the only thing in your head right now. Madam Jung doesn’t fully understand what you’re saying but she only hugs you to calm you down. A few moments later, Jaehyun rushes into the room, panting loudly like he just ran in the marathon. “Yuno told me something bad happened, what’s wrong?” He looks at his mother, and then you who’s crying loudly. Madam Jung shakes her head, having no clue about what happened that makes you shake in fear.
Jaehyun goes to take over you to his body, hugging you closer as you lean your whole weight on him, still trembling in fear. “Hey, it’s alright... I’m here for you, we’re here for you.” Jaehyun helps you breathe properly and you gain your calmness right away. You let out a big sigh, before looking up and trying to speak.
“Prince Han... he’s here. I saw him trying to convince the villagers to agree to the inspection. What if he found me, Jae? I’m scared.” He sighed, knowing that this kind of thing will happen as he knows that Prince Han is the most capable person in the country. “It’s alright, we’ll find a way. Do you believe in me?” You nod right away, for you believe that when you’re near him, everything will be alright.
Meanwhile, in front of the gate, the prince spotted you running away from the crowd. He actually saw you hiding behind the tall oak tree. It’s not Prince Han if he doesn’t have a pair of eagle eyes. He calculated every path you left while trying to convince the higher-ups to allow him to inspect the area.. “I’m not here with my men to wreck this beautiful independent village. I’m here to bring you fortunes. Would you like to have something in exchange? Come on, I know that this beautiful village will be happier if you get a little bit of power to your economy. Isn’t that right?”
After an exchange of advantages, the higher-ups let the armies enter the village. Prince Han and his horse immediately go towards the route you took that leads to the forest.
After discussing an alternative plan, Jaehyun decided to hide you in his boat, and sail you to a deserted island that he frequently visited during the fishing season. But Yuno informed him that the armies are getting near, so he decided to put you in the small basement of his house, which used to be a small boat workshop. He told Yuno to hide with you. So there you are, with Yuno under the darkness. You knew Yuno is not a quite brave kid, so you hugged him tightly, making sure that he feels safe.
After a while, Prince Han found the house in the middle of the woods. The first thing he saw was an elderly woman sitting on the front porch. He greeted the woman as he climbed down his horse. “What a good day, ma’am.”
Grandma Jung knows what to do, this is not something she unexpected. She greeted the prince warmly, like she used to receive a guest. “Hello, young man. What can I help you?”
“We’re having an inspection around this area, and allow me to introduce myself. I am Prince Han from the southern. I’m looking for a young woman who probably has come here, seeking for help. For she was poorly lost by an accident that happened around here a month ago. That woman is my lovely fiancé. May I perhaps, look around your house?”
Grandma Jung tries to act like she has no idea about it, “Oh, what a poor young man. We never had a guest nor someone seeking for help these past few months, but you can go inside.” Prince Han entered the house as soon as he got the permission. He checked through the house, but he found nothing. There were no traces of you that he could find, until he entered the last room upstairs. The room was filled with nothing but a shabby interior that he was about to close back the door until he spotted something shiny in the drawer.
He furrowed his eyebrows while approaching the old cupboard. He opened it and smiled in satisfaction. He found your tiara. He quickly excused himself out of the house before calling all of his men to leave the village, promising the higher-ups of the villagers to make his promise as soon as possible.
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A week later, there is no army of the southern looking for you anymore, and your days become calmer than before. But being a protective lover ever, Jaehyun never brings you out of the house ever again, and madam Jung never brings you along with her to the field either. You spent your time playing with Yuno and doing housework.
Today, you were cleaning the front porch when Jaehyun prepared himself to go to the shore. “Be careful, alright?” You smiled as you put your hands around his waist, feeling his warmth against your body. “Yeah, I’ll take care of myself well. And you too, shall stay in the house and don’t go anywhere. Wait for me to come home, alright?”
You nod, “Alright, my prince.” He rubbed your nose against yours, before cupping your cheeks gently, and gives your forehead a peck. After he left the house, You get inside to play with Yuno as usual. You love your routine now for you used to live a dull life as in learning how to walk like a royal princess, and taking political lessons almost every day. But now, all you got to is doing fun activities, as in playing cards with Yuno, cleaning the house, and having a good deep talk with the grandparents.
You were about to take a nap upstairs when Yuno excused himself to go outside to play with his friends until you heard Yuno’s yells at the front door. You vaguely hear him scream, “No! Don’t enter the house, you bad guy! Ouch!” You immediately went to the noise until you freeze in your spot. The guy you feared the most is in front of you. “How’s life outside the palace? Fun? In this miserable place? Are you happy?”
You stutter upon seeing the mess in front of you. You look at Yuno on the floor as he cries in pain, possibly pushed down by the monster in front of you. “You don’t know what kind of mess you put into both of the kingdom, princess.” You ignored the threatening sounds coming out from his mouth. You think of what possibly happens if you keep insisting on being here. The possibility of this family getting hurt because of you, oh, you don’t want that.
You look at the prince’s eyes, begging him to give you mercy, but it looks like he won’t give you what you want. “T..take me with you.”
Yuno stops his crying, “No. Y/n! You shouldn’t go!” You look at Yuno with a sad smile, “No, Yuno. This is my time to go. Please tell your brother my goodbye. I’ll visit if I have time.” No, there will be no time. This is my end.
You surrender yourself to the prince’s hand as he takes you on his carriage. You glance at Yuno and the house for the last time. Maybe happiness and freedom was not meant for you. But the short moment you had there was a gift for you, and you couldn’t forget that forever. Your moments with Jaehyun, all the sweet kisses, and love you received from his warm family, there’s no way you could forget them.
Prince Han takes you straight away to the palace of the northern. The cold breezes blow against you as soon as you stepped out of the carriage, reminding you of how cold and dull your life used to be. You quiver in the cold, as the only thing you wear right now is only the summer dress madam Jung made for you. Prince Han noticed your trembling figure and decided to put a little stunt in front of the people who surrounded the place to see your arrival back to the kingdom.
He puts his coat around you, putting a fake smile as the people cheer for you both. Little did they know, the words he spat on you while he’s on his little sweet act, “Behave, little princess. Or I’ll show you what happened to bad girls since I’m the one who takes over the whole situation now.”
You tried to fake a smile in front of the people as they cheer loudly for you. You only watch bitterly as the spokesman announced your arrival loudly for everyone to hear. “The lost princess is brought safely by her fiancé, the prince of the southern!”
You were brought to the queen’s room, still trembling from the cold and also fear. You stare ahead as the guards open the door for you and you step into the room, timidly presenting yourself. “Mother...” you quietly uttered.
The queen turned herself quietly, while you expect a harsh slap on your cheeks. You close your eyes tightly, head hanging low to the ground, waiting for words spat in your face. But instead, you were wrapped in a big hug. You feel your mother’s tears on your shoulder as she starts to sob on your shoulder. You open your eyes slowly, trying to absorb the surprising moment.
“My daughter, my child.. oh my sweet daughter. I’m so sorry for what happened to you. You’re the only family I have in this huge palace. Don’t ever get lost again... please.” You start crying as soon as you listen to her wailing. “Mother.. I’m back..”
“Thank you for coming back alive, my dear...” The queen mumbled. You nod, feeling relieved that finally, your mother accepted you for who you are. “I’m sorry, mother. I’m sorry...” You cried harder in her arms like a little baby. You feel your mother shakes her head lightly, slowly turning your head to face her directly.
“No, don’t say sorry. While you’re gone, I have reflected on what I’ve been doing to my own daughter, and I was really terrible.” She paused before crying again, “From now on, Let it be your own happiness that happens, dear. Let’s pursue it together, that’s the most important part. I will love you with my whole life as a mother.”
“I will not lose you again, my dear.” Your mother finished the heartwarming reunion with a tight hug, and that day, you finally eternally full.
Meanwhile, outside the door, Prince Han was listening to the whole conversation and he felt like something bad will happen. He was not going to let that happen.
The first week of coming back as the royal princess was great, you start doing what you like to do. The queen lets you learn things that she used to strictly forbid you to do. However, even though you’re doing what makes you happy, you still feel somehow empty. Yeah, you’ve been missing him. Jung Jaehyun, and also the little warm family. You never separated officially from him, so you wonder how he’s been doing and if he misses you too.
It has been bothering you so much that you start to space out during breakfast and dinner. The queen clear her throat to wake you up, and you flinch from that. “What makes you look so bothered? You’ve been out of place lately.” You pucker your lips in response, sighing loudly. “I really want to tell you this, but please don’t get angry.”
The queen nods in agreement, she smiled widely at how you’re eager to tell her something. “Whatever it is, I’m listening.” You fold your hands on the table, preparing the words to say to your mother. “So, when the carriage toppled over and I lost my consciousness, someone saved me and brought me to his house.” Your mother cuts you off, “His? As in, a man?” You pouted once again, “Yeah, but hear me out first.”
“So, his name is Jung Jaehyun, and he was a little bit older than me. His family welcomed me very well, and I got close to his little brother as well. I helped the family as in fishing in the ocean and grinding the rice in the field. Amazing, right? For the first time, I lost my trauma in the ocean, and I also know how to fish!” You tell her excitedly.
She nods as she gently caresses your head, admiring your experience while you were out of the palace. “You were what? Fishing in the ocean and.. grinding the rice in the field? Terrific!”
“Yeah, mother. But the thing is, after knowing him for almost a month, we shared romantic feelings towards each other...” you uttered.
“You what?” The queen tries to get a hold of herself when she heard your shocking story. “Uh, so... did you date him?” You nod slowly. “Mother, he was the man I’ve been looking for. I love him. And every time he’s near me, I feel like my heart is about to burst. Even talking about him now makes my heart race like crazy.”
The queen adores your happy smile, witnessing how you fall in love reminds her that you’re no longer her baby, but an adult. An adult who can find her own true love. “Do you really love him?”
You blinked after hearing the question. What does this mean? “Yeah, mother. I love him so much. But if marrying the southern prince brings you happiness then I will-” The queen cuts you off. “No, let’s reverse that sentence, shall we? If being with that lovely young man brings you happiness, then I will let you be with him.”
Your jaw drops as if it falls and start touching the ground. You hold the neck of your fur coat tightly, while looking at your mother in disbelief. “Is that true, mother?” To your surprise, you didn’t hear it wrong as the queen nods in admission. “Oh, thank you mother, thank you very much! I love you!” You went to hug her while both of you laugh in happiness.
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Two days passed and today is probably the best day for you, for the queen has decided to grant your wish to visit the independent village. You decided to bring the Jungs some gifts. You brought Yuno a cute royal summer outfit and your hand-baked pie. You brought Jaehyun a new and modern fishing kit, even though you went through a hard time looking for them, as the northern kingdom rarely fish in the ocean.
You excitedly step into the carriage, along with the queen. You hold her hand tightly, thanking her for granting your biggest wish. As the horses are running along with the carriage, you feel your heart beating very quickly. Finally, we’ll meet.
The carriage stops in front of the small house. You look around as the tall trees bring you a lot of memories. “Finally...” you mumbled. The horseman opened the door for you and seconds after you stepped out of the carriage excitedly. “It’s kinda hot in here..” The queen mumbled. She takes off her fur coat to adjust well in the semi-tropical weather. “Trust me, mother. The weather is so refreshing! We can feel the sun every day here!”
Yuno goes outside after hearing all the noise. His eyes widen upon seeing your arrival. “Y/n!!!!” He came running to you like he used to do every time you woke up in the morning. “Yuno! Oh, you don’t know how much I miss you!” Yuno hugs you tightly, as if he doesn’t want to lose you again. The queen smiled upon seeing your interaction with the little boy. “Oh, Yuno. Allow me to introduce the graceful woman we have right here, my mother.”
“Oh my god, the queen of the northern!” Both Yuno and his mother scream in delight. You didn’t even notice her standing in front of the door with shocks drawn all over her face. “Oh my god, Yuno. We shall bow to the queen.” Your mother holds madam Jung’s hands to prevent her from bowing, just like what you did to Jaehyun when you told him that you’re a princess. “No, don’t bow to us, for we don’t deserve it. Please take my gratitude for saving and taking care of my daughter while she was out of the palace. Here’s a little gift from us.”
Your mother ordered the horseman to take out every present you brought for the family, as madam Jung starts thanking the queen in advance. While the two are chatting like they already know each other for a long time, you feel yourself blushing hard even though Jaehyun is still not on your sight. You turn to Yuno, “Where is he?”
“Oh, he’s fishing like usual. He might be back in half an hour.”
And half an hour later, You feel his presence even before he reached the front porch. You run towards him, your smile only gets wider when you saw his startled expression. “Jung Jaehyun!” You shouted happily. But as strange as it might look like, but there is no sign that he looks happy to see you. The expression on his face remains flat. But you set aside the negative thoughts, maybe he was just tired, or maybe he just couldn’t believe that you’re here.
You immediately wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly that he feels like he can’t breathe. “I miss you...” you mumbled against his chest. You feel his hands wrapping themselves around you as well, before he pulls you out of his body. “Hey, I.. I, uh, didn’t expect you to be here.” You were taken back by the fact that he pushed you off, but the need to tell him everything takes over all of your questions as you smile widely at him.
“So, that was how my mother agreed to us being together. She also agreed to come here to meet you and your family. Oh, you don’t know how happy I am!” You told him excitedly.
He gives you a small smile, nodding lightly. “I see. But, hear me out, Y/n. On the day you disappeared, when I found out that you surrendered yourself to safe my brother, I did a lot of thinking.” There are thousands of expressions in his face which you couldn’t identify, but you decided to listen first. “What did you think of?”
“I think of how you’d live without me, you can be happy without me on your side. I realized that you’re no longer a person I can reach out as I please. Besides, you already have a perfect life in the palace, your mother finally loves you for who you are, and accepted you no matter what kind of person you are. I can’t protect you, Y/n. That gives me more reason for why I can’t get near you.”
As he explained, your tears fall along with your quivering lips. “Jae, I thought we talked about this. I said we can happen.” You shake your head vigorously, feeling broken that he wasn’t that excited after seeing you. “Please don’t tell me that kind of words, Jae. That is not right, cause I love you! I know that you-”
“No, Y/n. Don’t let me repeat myself. We can’t be together. I’m so sorry, Y/n, but maybe we just weren’t meant to be.”
Jaehyun gets up from the seat, ready to leave you. You get up as well, “You said we’ll find a way, and you told me to believe in you.” You cried hard for him to hear you. He turns his head to you, “That won’t work anymore.” He said coldly before leaving you alone.
That day, you went back home sobbing in the arms of your mother. Telling your mother that the love of your life no longer needs you, hurts the hell out of you. But even though the chapter of Jung Jaehyun just ended in the way that you don’t like it, the memories remain fresh in your mind. He remains beautiful in your heart.
Meanwhile, after leaving you alone to go further into the woods, Jaehyun gives himself time to break down. Holding out his emotions absorbed a lot of his energy, especially when he saw you crying. He really held himself for not hugging you right away, and tell you he was only lying. But he couldn’t do that. He’s more than nothing to even be allowed to touch you. His heart craves for you, but reality makes a great wall between himself and you, and there’s nothing he can do about it.
A month after visiting the independent village, your life has never been the same. Every day, minute, and second reminds you of him. But now, you have your own fight. A fight against the southern’s crown prince. You recently called off the engagement and he was so angry. The whole parliament of the kingdom agreed that a future queen doesn’t have to marry another kingdom’s heir. So, it’s safe to say the southern prince had a big grudge against you.
Today, another big news come to your ears like you were hit by a baseball bat. “What?” You stand up from your seat. “Did I hear it wrong, mother? You hired what?”
Your mother cringe in nervousness, “I think it might be a good decision to bring him close to you. Besides, he’s the one who agreed. I only asked once, and he answered yes right away. And it’s a good thing too because he’s the right person to be your personal guard.”
“Mother, he literally said that we can’t be together, why would he want to be near me. This is weird.” You put your finger on your chin, thinking hard even though you can’t help but get excited. “I probably should prepare for his arrival, don’t you think?” You leave the dining room running excitedly as your mother laughs at your silliness.
The reason why he accepted the offer to be your personal guard was because of the help of the queen when his mother fell sick. He can’t go to the ocean anymore, the cost to bring his mother to the healer was more than what he’d achieve in a year. The second reason was because he wants to be near you. Keeping you safe may not be a regular job for him, it was like his dream. So, to accept the offer was an easy thing for him.
After telling Yuno what to do to take care of their little family, he goes to the northern kingdom with a hidden excitement. Nevertheless, he knows that he should hide his lingering feelings towards you. He should keep being aware of the difference between himself and you, and that the reality wall will never disappear even though he’s being close to you.
Arrived at the palace, he stared at how huge and majestic the palace is. He was welcomed by the head of the palace security guards and immediately escorted to know what to do with his important job. “Your job is to keep the princess’ safety 24/7. You have to stay near her even at night, and follow her everywhere to keep her safe. The queen didn’t officially tell us the details, but maybe you can get the detail from the princess or the queen. That’s all.”
So he ended up in the queen’s office, standing nervously as the queen smiled at him. “Well, your job is to keep my daughter safe of all time. That’s easy. But what I want for you to do was actually to be her companion. Is that even easier?”
Jaehyun promised with all his life that he would keep you safe and also, be a good companion for you. It’s an easy job for him cause he would eventually do it without getting paid. 
“Jung Jaehyun...” His name was the first thing out of your mouth the moment he came to see you in the quiet garden. Jaehyun gives you a smile you couldn’t identify, because the last time you saw him, he looked like he doesn’t want to catch a look on you. And now, he’s waving to you beautifully, and as he walks closer in your direction, everything feels like a dream.
“You’re really here,” you muttered as he now stands in front of you. You tried so hard not to wrap your arms around his built body, scared that if you do that, he’ll run away again from you.
“Yeah, I’m really here, princess. I’m here to guard you, protecting you from whatever that could possibly hurt you.” He keeps smiling at you, which makes your lips curved up into a smile as well. Jaehyun leans onto you until he reach the side of your ear. “Even roaches and insects, I’ll protect you from them, princess.” He whispered before laughing softly.
He looks at your glassy eyes, a frown starts to grow on his face. “Y/n, I’m sorry about what I said to you. Would you... forgive me?”
You ignored his apology, but instead, “You said we can’t work. You said you can’t get near me. I think you owe me an explanation.”
Jaehyun’s eyelids stutter as he tried to look away from you. “I don’t think I can tell you, Y/n.”
“You do know that I’m quite the person ruling both kingdoms. While you here, is nothing but a powerless piece of trash. So, clean all your dreams to be with the princess. You might’ve saved her life, but nothing do you have to be with her, to even get near her. Don’t ever dream about it. As you already know, I can crush anybody who restrain my will, even her.”
You frown, “Another rejection, I see.”
He takes your hand in his, “Forgive me, your highness.”
You look at him with doe eyes, trying hard not to smile while you feel his delicate touch on the back of your palm. “How can I stay mad at you? I eventually prepared something for your arrival.”
Jaehyun squeezes your hands as a smile grows on his face, “Thank goodness. Now, may I embrace you, your highness?” You smile widely as you voluntarily wrap your arms tightly around his waist, face pressed against his chest as he wraps his arms around you as well, giggling softly. “I’ve been missing you, princess.”
“I don’t care about whatever you said to me that day, Jae. All is well now that you’re in my arms. Don’t ever leave me again, my guardian.”
“I’ll keep you safe, princess.”
“Then all is well, indeed.”
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You woke up with a smile on your face. Stretching your body to erase all the stiffness of your body, for you slept in the same position. “Good morning, Shirley, Sergei, and my love, Ella.” You went forward to your cats, and they gladly accepted your presence in the peaceful morning.
“You know what, babies, my prince charming is here. Oh, no, not that boring and abusive prince. My true prince, Jung Jaehyun, in case you all want to remember his name.”
After changing into your usual warm fluffy coat, you immediately walk to your door. As soon as you stepped out of your room, you were greeted by a luscious smile. “Good morning, your highness.”  You smile upon seeing him, and then you were instantly reminded of what you want to do while he’s here. “Come in, before anyone sees,” you muttered before pulling him into your room and close your door.
“Uh, your highness, I don’t think I can enter this room as I please.”
“It’s alright, you always have my permission. So, I need you to wear this.” You hand him the beautiful coat you’ve prepared for him. “You’ll have to wear more coats from now on. Oh, my poor baby, you’re gonna miss the beautiful weather back in your hometown.” You cup his cheek with one hand, brushing your hand gently on it.
“Thank you, although you’ll always be my warmth.” He paused as he pulls you closer to his body and embrace you in a warm hug, making the fancy fireplace in your room lose it’s point to Jaehyun’s own warmth. “Did you sleep well?”
You nod softly as your head leans comfortably on his shoulder.
The first week with Jaehyun being at the palace brings you all the happiness you never knew you needed. The queen herself was very well aware of this. She regrets nothing by recruiting the most important person for her daughter to be her own guard. It’s all for you, as the queen said. 
You attended every royal lesson with Jaehyun, and he keeps company with you in your other classes too. And with him always by your side, means that attending political meetings with your mother is also fun. Like when you both sneaked out of the party, hands tangled to each other, running towards a little private balcony you discovered earlier. 
“The meeting was so utterly boring,” you muttered. Jaehyun only smiles, “Well, I couldn’t agree more, Y/n. At this point, I might as well say that I’m quite glad that I’m not a royal.” 
“I know right,” you replied as you rest your head in your hand boringly.
“Well, you’re gonna bear with it more when you become a queen.” 
You give him a look, before agreeing in advance. “Well, you’re not wrong. But you’ll bear it along with me though, future king.”
“Future king?” He stuttered. You nod as you hum, “Will be you be my king?”
Jaehyun lets out a small laugh, “Really? Though it should be me asking you that, I would. I would, my princess.” He took your delicate hand and brought it up exactly under his chin, before pressing a tender kiss on it.
You flash a smile upon his acceptance, before step ahead to embrace him lovingly. “Please stay with me, jae.”
Well, as if a month of happiness couldn’t be enough for you, the prince of the south returns to the palace, equipped with his dreary winter coat, and a few of his men trailing behind him. You stopped him in the hallway, with Jaehyun staying right behind to you to prevent unwanted things to happen before you speak up, “Why are you here? I thought our business was done.” 
Prince Han scoffs as he gives Jaehyun an unacquainted look. “Don’t worry, princess. This is not something that goes between you and me. This matter goes between the kingdoms.”
You could sense anything bad from his return, and it’s not gonna be about you. “Having a new companion, I see..” He muttered and you blink in nervousness. It turns out that your fear of the abusive prince still exists as sweats start coming out around the surface of your palms.
Prince Han left with his men straight to the conference room, where the queen already expected him. Jaehyun immediately goes next to you, “Princess, are you alright?” He brings your vision to him only, making sure that you’re aware that you’re safe. Your eyes quiver at the thought of something bad happening to either you or Jaehyun. “He’s back...” you mumbled.
Jaehyun tries to soothe you back while giving supports through his eyes. He closes the distance between you both to make your breathing steady again. “Hey, listen to me. Everything will be alright. Do you believe in me?” He asked slowly.
You listen to his voice, eyes glued to his, before you breathe normally again. “Yeah, Jaehyun, I believe in you.” He hugs you tightly without crushing your delicate figure. “Everything will be alright,” he whispered gently.
After the conference ended, you went straight to your mother, who had a blue expression on her face. You sit next to her, gulping your saliva anxiously. “Mother, may I know what acquires a conference between you and the southern kingdom?” You asked carefully. The queen gives you a look, and then a sudden dread smile. “Mother?”
“I have both great and bad news for you, my daughter,” she uttered.
“Tell me the great one first.” you replied.
“Our kingdom has been struggling with armies and territories. Now that we ended our marriage agreement, we lost a lot of things as benefits to the kingdom. But the southern king has just informed me, that they needed our help as well. The agreement will no longer be a marriage, but additions of men and machines.” 
“That’s good, mother. That means no one’s getting hurt, right? By no one, I mean-”
The queen cuts you right away with a frown. “And here comes the bad news, my dear.” You flashed her a look before proceeding to listen.
“I told the crown prince that we’re fine by adding some of our best men and also recruiting as many people as possible from our country. But then, I realized, one of our best men is..”
“Jaehyun, is it? No, mother. I won’t allow it to happen. He just got trained within a month, how is he supposed to go into the war?” You argued. “I know, dear, I’m very well aware that he was only recruited to keep you safe. But, we’re in a crisis, honey, and you know his capability. Becoming the number one between those senior guards only in a month, isn’t that amazing? You should consider letting him go, my dear.” The queen paused. “I asked nothing from you, my daughter, but only to put your trust in him.”
You shook your head in denial, before a familiar voice bursts into the room. “The queen’s right, your highness.” Jaehyun bowed at the queen before turning himself to you. “But, Jaehyun..”
“She’s right, all you need to do is to trust me. You said you believe in me, didn’t you? He gives you a glazed look and you waver at the thought of letting him go into the war with the southern prince. You immediately head to his side, “I trust you, but.. you should never get hurt, jae. I don’t want to lose you.” you muttered against his chest.
He pats your back gently, while feeling a little bit embarrassed to hug the princess in front of her royal family. “Remember what I said, sweetheart, everything will be alright.”
As Jaehyun won the argument that day, you eventually prepare for his departure. You provide him with food, self-care, even some comfortable clothes. You still pack some of the things he would need, when Jaehyun plays with your cats. “At this rate of care, you will see that my fellow troops will get jealous at me.” He scoffed. “Quiet down, young man. As I said, it’s either you’d leave this place with these, or you stay safe here with me, my future king.”
“Yes, ma’am.” 
You smiled after making sure he has the things packed well before you let him depart with the men. You walk towards the end of the bed, and Jaehyun immediately goes next to you as you sit with a particular pose. “You’re going to leave me for months, don’t you think you should leave something important in me?” you uttered.
Jaehyun tilts his head, puzzled at your suggestion. “What should I leave in you?”
“Marks. Claim me as yours tonight, my future king. Tell me that this will not be our first and last, jae.” You leans closer to him, and a coy smile draws upon his face. “As you wish, my princess.”
At dawn, you awakened with the touch of him putting the blanket on your bare figure. You blinked in drowsiness, before coming into a realization that he has to leave in a moment. You quickly rise from your bed and grab your night rope. “Jae,” you called his name with a raspy voice before wrapping your arms around him tightly. “Ouch, I..I can’t breathe, princess.” He cackled as he hugs you back delicately. 
“Please return safely. We’re all waiting for you here. I love you,” you uttered.
Jaehyun nods against the nape of your head. “I’ll come back to you, my home. I love you too.” A tear slips out of his tears, as he feels somehow fearful and worried, like any other human being. “I believe in you, Jae.”
With that, he left with your kisses in his cheeks, and you only look anxiously from your balcony, praying so hard to whoever up there to let him make it out alive.
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“Raise up your appetite, dear. You shouldn’t live like this.” The queen uttered. You heave a sigh, putting down your spoon to stop playing with your food. “I’m sick of waiting, mother. I need to know if he’s safe, and.. alive.” You lowered your voice while mentioning the word ‘alive’, a word that you apparently despise these days. 
“Don’t worry, my child. Jaehyun is a strong warrior, he’s not the number one for nothing.” The queen goes to your side as you sob miserably at the thought of missing him. “I miss him, mother.” “I know, dear. I know,” the queen kissed the top of your head while muttering words to soothe your restless figure.
As the time passes on quickly, you distract yourself from the thought of Jaehyun by taking care of some of the royal cases. You attended every boring conferences you told Jaehyun about, and ended up reminiscing how he would bring you water and roses to help you relax. You also attended every archery classes, and would end up getting reminded of how he would help you straighten your back while aiming the target, about how his hands linger on you.
You’re very well aware that you’re gonna be pretty much insane if you don’t hear about him in less than a month, but you kept your patience, and so, two months passed along with your struggle.
You run past every man who just came back from the war field, looking for one particular man between all of them. “Jaehyun.. Jae?” You call out his name, but no one answers. You kept looking for his figure until the person you didn’t wish to see stopped in front of you. You narrow your eyes at the sight of him, but you know that he actually can give you the information you needed. 
“Prince Han, w-where’s he? Is he coming late or? Tell me, please.”
He dragged you to somewhere quiet until you brushed him aside. “Just get straight to the point. Why can’t I find him anywhere?”
Prince Han looked at you with a sorrowful look, before he opens his mouth. “I’m sorry for you, princess. But, he’s not coming back.”
Your entire world seems to collapse the moment he uttered those words. Your head starts to spin like you were hit by a dangerous storm. “Impossible,” you mumbled. 
“No, there’s no way he couldn’t survive- I..he-” you stuttered as words can’t seem to get into your head. Prince Han holds you closer to his frame, as he watched in agony. “Jae.. my jae,” you mumbled against his chest while sobs flowing throughout your eyes. 
He pats your back gently as guilt start to surround his guts. Now that he watched you mourn to someone who’s not him, he knows that you truly love that person.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. You never imagined that you would pass any more weeks than you’ve expected. Everything felt unreal for you, it’s like you’re living in a nightmare. You crave for him every night, yearning for his touch, just like when you said that night. Was that really your last time with him? You can’t even conceive it anymore. 
The day when you and the queen went to his family’s house was the worst. You fell down to your knees, begging for the family’s forgiveness. You swore you’d kill yourself when you saw Yuno crying over his brother. You couldn’t even look at her in the eyes when his mother told you to get up, saying that all of these was his choice, and that Jaehyun would be sad if he saw all of you cry over him.
You took the whole family to live at the palace, as an act of apology. Day by day passed as you’d watch over Yuno, your new companion, every day. A little version of him, you would say. You hang around Yuno at the library every night, the both of you would end up crying whenever Yuno told you stories of his brother’s little habit.
Today is the day when you have to truly let go of him, as you built a warrior statue of him, as a mark of remembrance, that he would always live in your heart. You bring the whole family behind you to put some beautiful flowers over the statue. You walk ahead with Yuno, him holding a bucket of fresh white Lilies.
After a small mourning event, you kindly requested everyone to leave you alone near the statue. You immediately fall to your knees when everyone departed away. “You said you’d come back. You broke your promise again, you fool.” You smile through all the tears that flow like a waterfall on your cheeks. 
You put the last flower on top of the other flowers. “You’ll forever live in my heart, Jae.” Your shoulders shake as loud sobs start to be heard. 
“I’m sorry.” A familiar raspy voice appeared like a fantasy. You scoff, “Even now you sound real too, I should be imagining things, right?” You look at the flowers as you wipe your tears harshly.
“Y/n,” he called again. “No, don’t be like this, Y/n. He’s not here and you’re just imagining things-” 
Before you know it, a pair of hands wrapped you in hug tight. Your eyes widen in shock, as you recognize his scent. “J-jaehyun?” you muttered slowly. 
He let go, before looking straight at your round orbs. “Yeah, I’m here. I’m alive, my darling.” A tear rolled out of his eyes, and you swear that everything around you stops in a moment. You keep your eyes still in his disheveled look, afraid that the moment you blink, he’ll disappear. “How? Are you... are you real?” You asked.
Jaehyun nods gently. “I’m here, baby. I came home. I’m sorry I arrived late.”
You break into a loud sobs, as if a hundred kilo of weights are being lifted from your back. You hug him tightly, afraid of him leaving again. “You, evil little thing! You made us all worried. Please don’t ever scare me like this again.” You sob while hitting him lightly, throwing all of your sorrow to him. He stayed still while receiving his little ‘punishment’, before stopping you by pressing his lips into you.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled. “Are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh my god, look at your arms, there are bruises everywhere,” you babbled when you check out his disheveled figure. “Let’s get you treated,” you uttered.
Jaehyun gives you a small look as he wraps his arms around you once again, “You don’t even know how happy I am to come back to you, my home.”
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After getting him treated, the queen held a fest to celebrate his return. You also held a little celebration with him and Yuno. And that night where you dressed up as the white queen swan and him as your white king swan, as always, the both of you sneak out of the party, bringing a lot of snacks and drinks to enjoy the night alone, away from the crowds. 
He told you everything about how he ended up in a puddle of mud, and how his life flashed before him when he was dying. He also explained how some people found him and helped him until he was ready to go back.
“I miss those times when we’d stare at the starry sky. I miss your hometown, the village was so lovely.”
Jaehyun nods, “I miss wearing my loose shirt and carrying my toil and sail through the ocean.” You give him a look, “Do you want to go back? Let’s go to the small island you told me.” 
He cups your cheeks delicately, “Anywhere with you sounds right, baby.”
You peck his tempting plump lips, and you both spend the night filling all the moments he was away from you. Now that he’s back in your arms, which is his home, he gladly told you that this is not going to be your last.
Years later, you both vowed after the preacher with a long-lasting marriage kiss, before the queen crowned you as her heir, as the next queen, alongside with Jaehyun as your king. He’ll be by your side forever, no matter what happens, as a part of your happily ever after.
nct 127 masterlist
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mca-attack21 · 4 years
Surprise (Part 2)
Sorry guys, apparently this part got deleted. You can find part 1: here and the final part: here as for the masterlist containing more of my writing look: here. This is just the beginning for Merlin imagines on this blog, I just watched the show for the first time and in love.
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Before long, Gaius came in to check on you. He quickly grew concerned as there were no signs of improvement. In fact, you seemed worse than when you were brought in earlier. He quickly checked your bandages and instead of red, your blood was seemingly black.
“Merlin, take a look at this,” Gaius summoned the young warlock.
“What does it mean?”
“It means that this was no ordinary wound. You need to get Arthur at once.”
Merlin made his way into the meeting room and was trying to figure out the best way to get Arthur’s attention when he caught his eye and caused the king to stop in the middle of his sentence. “Is Y/n awake?”
Merlin just managed to shake his head, “Gaius needs you at once Sire, it is urgent.”
“Excuse me,” Arthur said to his knights and counsel members before all but running up the stairs to his chambers.
“What happened?” he asked.
“It seems that she is getting worse. Her wound is infected and it is spreading. Her pulse and breathing have slowed and she is on the border of fever. Though it is not from the wound itself, but rather I think what dealt the wound. I need to see the dagger to see if we are dealing with a poison or some form of sorcery, Sire. Until then, I’m afraid that there is little I can do.”
“Of course. Merlin, go fetch it, I put it in my saddle-bag.” 
“Right away Arthur.”
When Merlin grabbed it, he could feel the power it possessed. He quickly brought it up to Gaius whose face paled at the sight of it, which Arthur noticed.
“What is it Gaius? Have you seen it before?”
“I’m afraid I have Sire, it is the blade of Karaus an evil sorcerer who had it forged in the dragon’s breath and enchanted so that any any injury caused by the blade no matter how minor would be fatal to any enemy alive or dead.”
“So there is no cure? She is going to die and there is nothing we can do about it?” Arthur asked quickly wiping away a stray tear.
“The only way to save her is to destroy the dagger itself. But to do that you would need another blade forged in the fire’s breath and a powerful sorcerer. Even then, she doesn’t have much time. All I can do is try to keep her comfortable. I’m truly sorry Sire.”
“How long does she have?” Arthur asked never taking his eyes off you. 
“2-3 days at most.”
“I can ride and try to find Dragoon, he has helped us before. If anyone knows where to find such a blade he will,” Merlin spoke up already beginning to hatch his own plan.
“I will come with you, we can leave at first light,” Arthur spoke. 
“I don’t think that is wise Arthur.”
“Why not?”
“Because if I fail and Y/n dies, you should be at her side. I don’t think you would ever forgive yourself if you weren’t.”
“I suppose you are right, but how will you even know where to find the sorcerer?” Arthur asked.
“I can reach out to some of my contacts, one of them is bound to know where he is staying these days.”
“Okay, take anything you need Merlin. Promise the sorcerer anything he wants.”
“Yes Arthur.”
Later, Gaius reentered his chambers to find Merlin packing. “Where exactly are you planning to get such a sword? And the spell to break the enchantment?”
“The sword is easy, I just have to travel to the Lake of Avalon and retrieve Excalibur. As for the spell, I was hoping you could help me with that one.”
“Avalon is at least a two days journey, and that is with no hindrances, I don’t know if Y/n will hold out that long,” Gaius reminded.
“It would be a two day journey if I were going by horse. I plan to use a much faster mode of transportation,” Merlin smirked.
“Kilgharrah,” Gaius realized.
“Y/n saved his life once, he owes her a debt,” Merlin explained,
“Do you have any idea what spell it will take to destroy the blade?”
“Go grab me that book over there, the one with the black binding.”
After searching the pages Gaius found what he was looking for. “This spell is meant to take the enchantment off of any object. So you cast this spell, it makes the blade a weapon forged in the dragon’s breath, then you take Excalibur and destroy it once and for all.”
“And then Y/n will be fine?”
“Once the blade is destroyed, so is its magic. The queen will begin to recover immediately.”
“Okay, sounds great. Just another day in the life of Merlin,” Merlin joked.
“There is something else that you need to know,”
“What is it Gaius?”
“This blade is powerful in a way that no other weapon will ever be. And it is evil. It will do everything in its power to draw you to evil as you carry it and will fight against its destruction.”
“Anything else?” Merlin asked sarcastically.
“No, that’s it.”
Merlin had trouble sleeping that night. He was feeling overwhelmed by the task ahead. Normally in these situations, you were the one he would turn to. You know about his magic and had always been there for him. He eventually overcame his restlessness and drifted off. The next morning Gaius woke him at first light. He quickly grabbed his bag before promising Gaius that he would be careful.
He decided to go up to see you, just incase something were to go wrong. It was clear to him that your fever had set in sometime during the night. He set a his bags down and went to get a cool rag to place on your forehead. He then repositioned Arthur who had fallen asleep with his head on the side of your bed and covered him up with a blanket.
Both very drowsy and disoriented, Arthur was brought out of his sleep. “Merlin?” 
“Yes Arthur?”
“How is she?”
“The fever has set in, other than that there is no change.”
“Is everything prepared for your journey?”
“Yes, I am just about to leave.”
“I can’t express how much this means to me.”
“Anything to get a day away from you,” Merlin joked.
“I’m serious Merlin. It kills me not to be riding out with you. But if I did have to send anyone, I am glad it is you. I trust you will do everything in your power to save her. Either way I will forever be indebted to you.”
“Thank you Arthur, I won’t let you down, I promise.”
And with that he set off. He made his way out to meet Kilgharrah, trying to mentally prepare for the journey ahead.
“​Δράκος Χρειάζομαι βοήθεια για την Y/n που πεθαίνει” he spoke.
He was not forced to wait long before Kilgharrah touched down.
“Hello, young warlock. Tell me what happened and how I can help Y/n,” the dragon spoke.
“She was stabbed by Karaus’ dagger. I am going to destroy it and need to get to Avalon. Gaius believes she only has a day or two at most, which is why I called you. I need a ride. I know that Y/n once saved your life, please, help me save hers,” Merlin pleaded.
“Hop on,” Kilgharrah said without hesitation. And thus their journey began. The flight was quiet. Merlin was simply taking in the sights. From that high in the air everything seemed so small, so insignificant. Yet at the same time, it was breathtaking and interconnected.
“What do you mean that they failed to kill Arthur?” Morgana demanded.
“Your men attacked Arthur and Y/n as they were alone, but were taken out,” Agravaine revealed.
“Fools! All it took was the smallest of papercuts and Arthur would be dead,” Morgana yelled.
“All is not lost, My lady, for the queen was stroke my the dagger. Arthur is distracted, now is a great time to strike Camelot.”
“Where is the dagger now?” Morgana asked.
“The king’s servant took it, he is trying to find some sorcerer to break its spell.”
“We need to find the dagger.”
“We need to take this opportunity to attack Camelot.”
Morgana used her power to choke Agravaine and force him to listen, “That dagger is one of the few things that can kill Emrys. And, it can kill me. We will focus on nothing else until it is back in my possession.”
“Yes, my lady, I will send my men out at once.”
Back in Camelot:
“How is she Gaius?”
“Her fever is dangerously high Sire and none of my potions seem to be having any effect. I am afraid that she will not meet the sunrise. Right now all we can do is to keep her warm and hope Merlin is successful.”
Arthur stared down at you. He couldn’t comprehend how so much had gone wrong in a span of 24 hours. Yesterday, he was the happiest he had been in a long time and now he felt as if his entire world had been turned upside down.
The thought of never hearing your laugh again or seeing your smile. The thought of ruling Camelot without you by his side, it was almost too much to bear.
Arthur re-wet the rag before crawling in the bed beside you and carefully pulling you into his lap and readjusting the blankets. He placed the rag on your already damp forehead and stayed in that position just holding you and taking comfort in your presence.
Meanwhile with Merlin:
“This is as far as I can take you young Warlock, I will wait here for your return.”
“Thank you ​Kilgharrah,” Merlin said already on his way to the lake.
“Merlin,” the dragon called, “the battle for Y/n’s life now truly begins, her fate is in your hands,”
Merlin nodded his head in acknowledgement and began his journey forward. But even as he entered the wooded area, the path became darker. His legs grew heavy and his mind tired.
“The dagger possesses great power, a power that could build your own Emrys,” a voice filled Merlin’s head.
“It is a dark power and it needs to be destroyed,” Merlin shot back.
“Think of the potential, it could be used to take out Morgana. To take out anyone who you deem a threat to Camelot. All it takes is the smallest of pricks,” The force showed him images of him standing over Morgana.
“No one should have that much power,” Merlin reasoned.
“Maybe others shouldn’t, but you Emrys are a great sorcerer, you could manage it. You could use it for good, to protect Arthur and your destiny,” the Force persuaded.
“Y/n is dying,” Merlin replied as he pushed forward.
“You are too late, She is already dead,” the Force showed Merlin Y/n dying in Arthur’s arms and his reaction.
“No, she isn’t. You’re lying”
“Keep the dagger and seek your revenge on Morgana. End her plight once and for all.”
“No. There will be another way, a better way,” Merlin said as his head was now pounding. This force was pushing back against him with everything it had. So he retaliated with positive thoughts, memories of his friends and family, of Camelot, of Arthur, of Y/n, of his dream for the future of Albion.
As Merlin looked up he noticed that he had made it to the water’s edge. He set it on the ground and summoned his strength before reciting the spell that Giaus had given him. As soon as that was done, he turned to the lake where Freya was already offering Excalibur. Merlin quickly took the sword and destroyed the dagger which disappeared into black smoke. With it, an enormous weight seemed to lift off his shoulders.
“Thank you,” he said to Freya as he tossed her back the sword. His journey through the woods to Kilgharrah was much quicker this time round.
“Congratulations Merlin, what you have just done was no easy task, it took incredible strength and courage,” the dragon spoke.
“I could not have done it without you my friend, I just hope that we made it in time.”
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For the character thing, how about Fergus!
.....listen here you little shit.
First impressions: being literally part of my first ever pull I knew about as much about Fate as your cat knows about why you leave the house for 9 hours every day. But immediately I recognized his voice as Kazuki Kitamura who also voices Kiryu Kazuma from Yakuza. After I learned both me and the character share Celtic origins my friend who is more knowledgeable told me that people can also be Catalysts for summoning. So in a word, First Impression: Destiny.
Impression now: As time went on Fergus remains a servant I constantly come back to. He has long since stopped being my most powerful Saber but he remains a comfort character for me, no longer following me into combat as often but his presence being enough to keep me in the game. I do wish they'd give him another character trait besides being horny. Probably part of the reason I opt to put him in so many of my stories.
Favorite moment: As blasphemous as it is to say I'd have to answer with the ending of Agartha. Throughout the entirety of the story Fergus has been basically useless. Constantly having to be protected and hardly being able to lift his sword. But when the chips are down he manages to step up and be the deciding factor against the Demon Pillar. Even impressing onto Scheherazade that death is scary but it's something we all have to fave one day so we should enjoy life to the fullest while you can. And that much like his inevitable evolution into his adult self it's something that you can't control, so why fight it? I really just wish we could get a another story with Adult Fergus being a focus. Explore his character further and hopefully make him something more then a horndog lusting after everything that breaths.
Unpopular opinion: I can't say I have an unpopular opinion other then the fact that I actually like Fergus. Pretty much everyone else I ask just shrugs him off, a couple even saying they just burn every copy of him they get cause they don't even want to look at him. I'm also looking forward to seeing how he acts in Carnival Phantasm mostly cause here I go enacting the gift of prophecy again by having him and Napoleon together. WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME D.W!?
Favorite Relationship: Well considering every other relationship he has is "Unga bunga booby please" I'd have to say my favorite, or at least one I wish was explored more, is his relationship with Cu. In the legend the two are basically father and son, Fergus even asking if Cu is around upon being summoned. I'd really like to see more of that dynamic, the potential was there in America but it wasn't properly explored because Fergus was too busy being tempted by Medb. There's also him just being "everyone's uncle" so maybe one day I'll be forced to write of a story of him showing that to Bunyan.
Favorite Headcanon: I personally like to think that Fergus has one of the coveted mentor rolls of the Chaldean servants. Despite the rumors about him floating around the child servants often flock to hom for advice or one of his cool stories. If Moriarty can be grandpa despite being a renowned evil genius then Fergus can be cool uncle despite being an infamous perv. Like Franky from One Piece, ya know?
Story I'd like to see: Again, a story where we actually have Fergus as a legit character would be great. Or maybe just a story where Bunyan or another child servant gets bullied and he has to team up with Kintoki to teach the perpetrator some manners.
Personal note: In Babaloniya I took Fergus to the final fight with Tiamat just to make sure he finished it with his NP. It was a touching moment.
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