#just don’t be creepy
panicky-pansexual · 3 months
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Now that I have your attention- you guys should totally put things in my ask box
(I’m bored and on the verge of artblock help)
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foolishlovers · 5 months
anything can be a good omens au if you’re unhinged enough
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justwannabecat · 9 months
The one where having a secret lab in the basement is not as much of a red flag as it should be.
Because somehow, EVERY. SINGLE. ADULT. IN ALL OF AMITY. Have “secret” basements.
Sure, MOST of them have refitted them to act as emergency bunkers in case there’s another large-scale ghost attack, with rations and shields and blankets and all that, BUT. Even BEFORE the portal opened up, they were there.
Some of them were laboratories dedicated to one of many sciences. Some of them were just storage for the more concerning family heirlooms. At least one person kept the taxidermied bodies of each and every pet they had over their lifetime. Really, it was more odd for someone to not have some weird secret in their basement.
So when Danny ran from Amity and learned just how many people didn’t have strange, niche basements for their hobbies, he was a little put off. When he was eventually asked to stay with the Wayne family in Gotham, well, maybe he could have phrased it better.
How was he supposed to know that asking if they had a “super-secret basement either for your job, your personal life, or disaster prevention” would lead to them thinking he knew about their nightlife?
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whump-queen · 1 year
good idea: whumper tying their whumpee up and forcing them to cuddle
whumper’s arms wrapped tight and possessive around whumpee’s injured form—too strong to be fought off, or perhaps whumpee is just too weak by this point.
a softly murmured "behave” into the crook of whumpee’s neck while spooning
whumper digging their nails into fresh cuts, getting a whine and hiss in response—but they stop struggling, and whumper leans in close to their ear with a growling murmer— “mmn. good boy.”
whumpee feeling slow kisses pressed into the side of their neck that make their skin crawl
maybe whumpee gets their hands bound in front of them this time, so they can fit in closer against whumper. and its more comfortable too. “shh, let yourself enjoy this.”
whumper cuddling with their hand around whumpee’s throat, not squeezing or anything, just… resting there.
knowing that if they tried to pull away, that hand would tighten instantly and squeeze until whumpee was dizzy and writhing back against them
and size difference… their throat, so small and soft and delicate under whumper’s rough fingertips
the way whumper’s hands would fit around their waist— the way they could press in under their ribs until whumpee is choking and their chest is spasming
whumpee shivering when they feel low whispers in their ear. just… so sticky and possessive
whumpee waking up with sore aching muscles from being kept in the same uncomfortable position all night. they sleepily try and flex their muscles and move around—then they’re hit fully awake with a jolt of cold panic when they realize where they are—and that they still can’t move at all.
waking up with whumper’s arms still tightly wrapped around them and trying desperately to squirm away, before they feel whumper’s hold tighten around them and hear a sleepy possessive growl in their ear, “mnn… no. you stay.”
just… any of the ‘tied up and kept like that’ tropes melt my fucjfen brain
(shoutout @unorganisedalienrubbish for helping inspire today’s episode of terrible sticky intimate whumper shit)
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doctorsiren · 3 months
I really needed a good scribble, so I made this
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xx-sketchy-xx · 9 months
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guys we taking this step by step, I have more time today cause no school, everything seems to slow down when I have things to do lol.
This is the WIP that never ends
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mumblesplash · 1 year
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scary canary
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technicolourcowboy · 9 days
Mob-ified another OC B))))
They done turned my boy into Frankenstein’s monster 😔🫰 only it was me I did it
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:] I’ve got a whooole thing written about this fool but I’ve had no time to draw :[
Other oc doodles below 😼
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The day I make an actual reference sheet for my ocs is the day the sun burns out!!!
Anyways thanks for watching🤠🤠🤠🤠 AS always be sure to like and subscribe if you want to see more this is technicolourcowboy signing off *outro music*
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dias-writing-corner · 10 months
I keep thinking abt yandere ticci Toby that started off as childhood friends.
You meet him through his sister as the 2 of you were good friends long before you meet her brother. And sure you’ve heard Lyra mention how her brother is being bullied and about his  Tourette’s through the school grapevine but you’ve never actually met the kid or even really seen him outside of pics or from afar.
Anyways when you meet him he’s this shy and awkward kid who’s a year or so under you and Lyra. But you don’t judge him for his Tourette’s or anything, you’ve always been a kind person like that. As you hang out with the two of them he starts getting this silly little puppy crush on you and Lyra teases both of you - separately - about it. But you blow her off as you just see him as a little brother.
Soon Lyra gets into her accident and dies. Leaving a hole in both yours and Toby’s lives and hearts. You spend more time with each other trying to remember her, you bring him homework he missed from staying home after her death and start to notice he’s more erratic with his behavior. Prone to outbursts or even aggressive behavior towards you. You can’t stand his self harm - even if he doesn’t feel what he’s doing to his hands - and he snaps at you when you press the issue too much. After you leave each time he lashes out at you Toby feels bad and beats himself up, after all he’s lost his sister, he doesn’t want to lose you as well.
But he eventually becomes so overcome with grief and anger he goes through with the murder of his step dad and burning the house down. And Slenderman wipes his memory of everything before his moment of retribution.
You notice the flames on your way to give him the latest bit of homework. Pressing harder on the gas until you stop your car in front of the building house, leaving the car you run up to the caution tape set up by police and the fire department. Falling to your knees in grief as you sob and scream his name, one arm covering your face as the other holds onto your opposite shoulder in a desperate attempt to comfort yourself.
Years have passed yet you still hold onto the 2 Polaroids of your dearly departed friends. One was yours originally, the second was Lyra’s and the third that was Toby’s was assumed to have burned in the fire. The Polaroids were of a day you all went out and got ice cream and had fun like kids, one of the last times that happened before Lyra’s death.
Anyways you’d be well into college, perhaps junior or senior year? Focusing on studies has been hard for the past few months due to feeling like you’re being watched constantly. And quite honestly it’s starting to affect your grades. So you go out to the woods, to a part where the hiking path leads to a small clearing with one or two picnic tables. Settling down at one with your books and notes you try to let the sounds of the woods envelope you in peace and quiet to focus. Only for it to get a little too quiet and set off that feeling of being watched once more.
After a while you realize you’re not going to get much of anything done like this. You try to leave but as you get to the start of the path that leads home you find yourself stuck to a tree. Back digging into the harsh bark of the tree, a strange man with orange tinted goggles over the eyes and a strange mask covering the lower part of the face. You can hear the man breathe heavy, only one arm of his presses into you and holds you still.
Something in you tells you to keep quiet, an almost primal urge to make yourself as small as possible. You try to shrink into the tree behind you. Noticing the 2 deadly weapons fastened onto his hips, a small whimper escapes you as tears form in your eyes. He reaches down into his pocket and brings out a folded piece of film, unfolding it and showing you it. It’s crumpled around the edges and worn but you can still make out the smiling faces of a young Lyra Toby and you.
“H-how do you have that? It should’ve burned…” you ask in astonishment as tears threaten to fall from your eyes at the memories of your deceased friends.
The man’s neck twitches so hard you worry it’d snap, he doesn’t say anything and just points at young you in the picture. You nod your head and say “ye-yes that’s me..” assuming that’s what the man was asking. Using his free hand he tugs the goggles off his face and lets them rest in the messy brown hair atop his head.
Eyes crinkled in a sort of joy or maybe excitement as he finally speaks up. “F-f-found yo-ou”
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rob1nseggblue · 4 months
how it feels being one of the like 3 ppl on tumblr not portraying könig as a creepy asshole panty sniffing incel freak
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meatloafzzz · 1 year
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caycanteven · 3 months
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This a close up shot of a WIP before bed after doing commissions for several hours!
Def not my bonified skeleton husbands but still pretty cool (and I wanna be a creature designer for horror games eventually teehee). Wanted to share what else I do in my down time 🫶 So ples enjoy this creature that does not have a name.
Feel free to name him if you want lol.
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gaydexvocaloid · 10 months
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The disappearance of VFlower 🥀
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Colin I am a gentleman Bridgerton I love you so much like you have no idea, the carriage scene is the same as when modern men just crawl or unannounced climbed and get into the girl’s bedroom but Colin asked pen to let him in and he wasn’t gonna get inside until she said yes and he even said PLEASE and that’s why Colin will forever be the most beautiful perfect male character in media history and you can’t change my mind about it!
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coquettecowboy · 1 month
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Swamp creature
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