#also off topic I’ve been obsessed with drawing this stupid old man
panicky-pansexual · 3 months
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Now that I have your attention- you guys should totally put things in my ask box
(I’m bored and on the verge of artblock help)
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ihearthorror · 3 years
My Top 10 Favourite Horror Films of 2020
Every January, most people who review or talk about movies on YouTube tend to piece together a Top 10 list of their favourite movies from the year prior. In order to stand out from the crowd (and also because I was too lazy to do this sooner), I decided to wait until March, by which time most YouTubers aren’t really talking about movies from 2020 anymore.
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I know what you’re thinking: sounds kinda stupid – why would anybody care about a Top 10 list of the best movies of 2020…THREE months into the new year!? Well, as you’ve likely heard, 2020 was a year like no other, and as result of the ongoing global pandemic, movie release dates from 2020 were pushed back months, sometimes multiple times. Some films that were supposed to be released last year didn’t arrive until 2021, even though they’re officially considered “2020 films,” according to their profiles on websites like IMBD and Letterboxd.
And so, some of these so-called “2020 films” were not available (at least to me) until only recently, such as Saint Maud or The Dark and the Wicked. I feel like I’ve now had a chance to see almost all of the horror films I’ve wanted to see from last year. In this video, if you care to stick around, I will share with you my Top 10 favourite horror films of 2020. So, here we go…
#10/ The Dark and the Wicked:
A sister and brother return to the family homestead where their father is slowly dying and their mother is understandably distraught but also disturbed and distant. The siblings soon realize that something evil has invaded their family home as they are terrorized by whatever is slowly killing their father. Directed by the same guy behind 2008’s The Strangers, The Dark and the Wicked is at times bleak and unsettling, and it does a good job at keeping you intrigued in this family’s unnerving conflict. However, it felt a bit rushed and undeveloped at other times, and its ending left me somewhat unsatisfied.
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#9/ Relic:
Soon after Kay and her daughter Sam return to their remote family home following the disappearance of the family matriarch, the widowed Edna, they discover that something sinister has taken hold of both Edna and the house itself. Although Relic – which was co-produced by Jake Gyllenhaal and marked the feature directorial debut for Natalie Erika James – isn’t exactly offering up any enticing twists or salacious gore, or even a original concept for that matter, it relies on evoking dread and building tension to compel its audience to stay invested until the bitter end.
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#8/ Amulet:
Taking its sweet time to unravel, Amulet is centered around Tomaz, an ex-soldier who is now homeless but is offered a place to stay at a decaying house in London, which is inhabited by a beautiful young woman named Magda and her dying mother. As the story moves along, we see that Tomaz is starting to develop feelings for Magda, who seems a bit…off. His feelings for her don’t wane even after Tomaz discovers that there’s something insidious going on in the attic of the house, where Magda’s mother is seemingly imprisoned. Toss in a suspicious nun and you’ve got yourself a creepy little film that seems to have fallen between the cracks.
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#7/ The Beach House:
One might argue that not a lot actually happens in The Beach House and that the payoff isn’t worth the investment, but if you go into this film with an open mind and zero expectations, you should at least be satisfied. Two troubled college students head to a deserted beach getaway to spend some time together, but end up struggling to survive alongside some unexpected guests as a mysterious infection disrupts their holiday. Although it is a slow build up to the film’s climax, it is a tense and intriguing ride along the way, as a series of unsettling events give way to an apocalyptic episode that feels almost like a throwback to the sci-fi films of the 1950s. Making his feature film directorial debut, Jeffrey A. Brown elicits with The Beach House those brooding existential thoughts that lay dormant in the deep boroughs of our minds. 
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#6/ The Invisible Man:
There’s always an elevated risk when making a modern film based on an old story that has already been told through cinema numerous times before. The last time H.G. Wells’ 1897 novel The Invisible Man had been adapted by Hollywood was in 2000’s Hollow Man, which was panned by critics despite making a sizeable profit. The 2020 adaptation is far superior and is perhaps the best adaptation of Wells’ classic in any medium. Elizabeth Moss gives a stellar performance that draws real emotion, so that we agonize alongside her as she is essentially haunted by a relentless ghost hellbent on controlling every aspect of her life. We live in an era when technology has advanced enough to bring this 124-year-old story to life like never before, while a polished script and an exceptional lead performance gives The Invisible Man a deeper level of emotion and terror.
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#5/ Saint Maud:
For most of Saint Maud it is unclear whether certain experiences are actually happening in reality for the main character or if it’s all simply in her head, as some sort of mental breakdown caused by a work-related tragedy. Maud is a young hospice nurse and a newly-converted Roman Catholic who suddenly becomes obsessed with “saving the soul” of the woman she is currently taking care of, Amanda, a hedonistic dancer with a chronic illness. Maud’s behaviour worsens, as does her mental state, as horrific scenes and visions make us question if she’s actually losing her mind or experiencing something beyond this world. Saint Maud is an A24 feature by the way, so that should be enough to know what you’re getting here in terms of quality.
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#4/ The Lodge:
Isolation is often embraced as a way to pad a horror film’s fear factor, and it works especially here in The Lodge, as a soon-to-be stepmom becomes stranded at a remote holiday home in the middle of winter with her fiance’s two children. The kids begin to untangle the dark past of their stepmom-to-be and a series of disturbing events transpire as their hope for survival fades. The Lodge is a dreary, atmospheric slow burn that leaves you somewhat unsettled. With its wintry backdrop, stylish sequences, and almost claustrophobic dread, the film doesn’t ever allow its audience to feel at ease for long, insisting that an underlying foreboding remain intact throughout. Although I found the ending somewhat disappointing, I immediately began to concoct a possible prequel that would delve into the backstory of the film’s lead character. One can hope.
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#3/ Host:
It’s increasingly difficult to be innovative and original when it comes to horror films these days, especially in the particular genre of so-called “found footage.” Rob Savage’s Host, however, comes off as something different, setting itself apart from most films in this realm in various ways. It centers around six friends who hold a séance via Zoom during a COVID lockdown, guided (at first) by a medium they hired. The séance then takes a dark turn and things soon escalate into madness. Sure, there are elements in Host that are prevalent in numerous horror films, but it uses a modern and topical way to implement them, while also refusing to overstay its welcome by cueing the credits less than an hour in. Overall, this film’s popcorn-and-Saturday-night-movie fun factor is why it ranks so high on this list.
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#2/ Possessor:
It’s always a treat to come across an original idea, especially when it’s within the horror realm, and Possessor is certainly unlike anything else I’ve seen in awhile. Andrea Riseborough plays an elite corporate assassin who uses brain-implant technology to take control over other people’s bodies in order to kill high profile targets, though with every mission she gets further and further away from her true self. With her latest possession, she becomes trapped in the mind of a man who threatens to obliterate her for good. It is a provocative vision by director-writer Brandon Cronenberg, who just so happens to be the son of legendary Canadian filmmaker David Cronenberg, and it serves as a disturbing piece of dystopian fiction that is even more frightening because it isn’t too far beyond belief.
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And because everyone else is doing it, here are five honorable mentions that narrowly missed the list:
- The Call
- Color Out of Space
- Don’t Listen
- The Mortuary Collection
- Porno
#1/ His House:
In addition to its emotional storytelling and genuine moments of terror, His House – from first-time director Remi Weekes – sheds a light on the plight of refugees in a way that feels both respectful and empathetic. After a Sudanese couple make a harrowing escape from their war-torn homeland, they are granted asylum in England, where they struggle to adjust and fit in. They are assigned a shabby house on the outskirts of London, where the couple begin to experience terrifying and unexplainable events. His House is built around a fresh concept, two fantastic leads, and some truly haunting imagery, and I wish that more horror directors would put as much effort into quality filmmaking as Weekes did here. If this is his first venture into feature filmmaking, I am excited to see what his future has in store. 
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There you have it, my Top 10 favourite horror films of 2020. What did you think and were any of these titles on your own Top 10 list? Please tell me your thoughts and recommendations in the comments below.
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Survey #315
“can’t breathe to scream  /  suffocating in this dream  /  long way down”
Who was your first big crush? I would probably say this guy in high school named Sebastian. We sat beside each other in Art, and I definitely liked him a lot. Man, my freshman-sophomore years honestly involved a handful of crushes before Jason popped into the picture and I lost all romantic interest in everyone else. Where was the first place you drove after you got your license? N/A Is it a blue sky outside right now? No. All North Carolina has known for weeks on end now is rain. We've had very rare sunny days, but for the most part, it's just gray and gross. Was your last breakup a bad one? Nah, I'd say it ended maturely and with a mutual understanding of "why." When was the last time you were surprised, in a pleasant way? Hell if I know. Is there an ice-cream flavor that you strongly dislike? Which one? Yeah, like strawberry. What was the last sitcom you watched? No clue. ^ Do you have a favorite character in that sitcom? Why is that character your favorite? N/A What does the last group you joined on Facebook concern? I am 90% sure it was this group I joined that is literally just about cute yet dangerous animals lmao, mostly reptiles and invertebrates. "Misunderstood biteybois and where to befriemd them" or some stupid shit like that. Has there been a spider in your house at any time recently? Not that I've seen, no. Do you like wearing make-up? Not at all. I only like wearing it for pictures and then taking that shit off. ^ If so, how old were you when you first started to wear it? I started consistently wearing it my freshman year of high school. Then some time later I just showed up one day without any, shocked all my friends, and then only wore it when I felt like it. What foods are you craving lately, if any? Nothing, really. What were some of your favorite foods as a child? Chicken nuggets of course, as well as spaghetti, peanut butter sandwiches, just the typical stuff that kids tend to enjoy. When you were younger, did you ever have a friend that your parents hated? No. Have you ever talked in your sleep before? That's very normal for me, especially now that I have nightmares like every goddamn night. What was the last song you heard, that reminded you of someone? Well, not a real someone, but "The Ordinary World" by the Hit House is 110% one of Fetch's soon-to-be themes. What has brought you joy today? Nothing brought me "joy," really. When was the last time you won a prize in a raffle? What was it? I actually recently won an art rafle on deviantART hosted by a truly amazing artist, like I thought I had no chance, and she's going to be drawing Moondust!!!! :'''') What is the next non-essential item that you intend to buy for yourself? I'm still paying the bulk of my tattoo in May. Is there anywhere in your town/city that's rumored to be haunted? Oh, I'm sure. When you were younger, did you ever think that a certain place was haunted? Bitch I still do lmao. What were your school meals like? Did you enjoy them? This really depended on the menu for the day. My school lunches were nowhere near as bad as some people make theirs sound, but most things still weren't great. I think school pizzas are the most notoriously bad. What kind of granola bar did you eat most recently? I had a cashew bar earlier today. Do you have any books on your shelf that you've read multiple times? I never reread books. What did your last post on social media concern? That I personally wrote, something regarding subtle racism still being racism, pretty much. How do you feel about people using graphic images as a scare tactic to promote their beliefs? (i.e.: PETA, abortion…) I have mixed feelings on this. Like sometimes seeing the brutal side of certain things is definitely useful in opening someone's mind to things they don't want to see/think about, but then there's that, too: it can just be so invasive and unexpected, and thus very upsetting and even scarring. I'd say I'm most for the "appropriate" social media route: using censorship that the viewer can decide whether or not to remove. But you obviously can't do that in like, a public protest with a sign, so idk. Which is harder for you: writing creatively or academically? Honestly, both are pretty easy for me. I enjoy writing creatively far more, though. Do you think gender neutral bathrooms are a good idea? I think it's fine to have them as an option. When was the last time you voluntarily went outside of your comfort zone? Just talking about stuff in group therapy recently. Would you ever use a dating site that costs money, like Match.com or eHarmony? Have you known anyone who had good experience with such sites? No, and yes. Do you think it’s fair that people are able to make a reasonable salary and live comfortable lives just by making YouTube videos? Yes? It takes charisma and talent in some area (humor, education, etc.) as well as consistency for it to be a reliable career, and just consider how often you hear about creators burning out. That happens for a reason. Entertainment is a valid job category and should not be seen as an unfair joke. Whether you’re in college or not, do you become fearful about whether or not you’ll find a good job? Story of my life. What is something you can only understand if you've experienced it first hand? Deep heartbreak. Do you think it's a double standard that a woman can hit a man and expect to get away with it, but if a man hits a woman it's assault? Obviously. Abuse knows no gender, and hitting another person is just that. I do, however, believe in self-defense, also regardless of gender. In terms of a wedding, put these things in order from what would be MOST important to be perfect, to LEAST important... Engagement ring, dress, hair, venue, ceremony, food, pictures, decorations, honeymoon. This requires too much thinking, haha... but I do know the quality of my honeymoon would be most important to me, given that that's personal time with my new spouse and not a public celebration. I feel like what goes on behind closed doors is more important and heartfelt than how you act publicly. Do you have a go-to small talk conversation topic? Probably video games or music, idk. Define "small talk." Does anyone owe you money? Do you owe anyone money? (Besides credit cards) Mom does. She just a few days ago had to borrow $100 for rent. If someone was going to buy you any practical gift (anything except a house or car), what would you choose? It'd be dope as fuck if someone could pay for Venus' next terrarium, but that's a big purchase that I'd have a hard time accepting. How many people do you know with the same first name as you? At least one, but her name is spelled differently. What in your opinion is the best love song ever written? I'm not sure, but I can tell you that "When It's Love" by Van Halen has always been high on the list for me. Was your mother married when she had you? No, actually. I thought she was until my most recent bday, I think. It was just part of a conversation. How old was the first person you kissed? He was a few months into 18. The first person you were in a relationship with, do you still care about them? Of course, he's a sweet guy. We don't talk or anything, but that doesn't mean I don't care about him. Has anyone ever sang to you? Yes. So, what if you married the last person you kissed? That'd be pretty rad. What are you listening to at the moment? "Long Way Down" from the The Evil Within soundtrack. It's funny, like I've loved the game for many years, but I'm now in a serious semi-obsession phase after watching another let's play of it. Have you read the The Hunger Games trilogy? I only read the first book. I loved it, but just never continued. What is your boss’ (or school prinicpal’s) name? N/A Who is the person you dislike the most? That I personally know, probably a former best friend, oddly enough. Do you text your parents often? If Mom's not home, it's not unusual for us to text. I don't text my dad much because he's not a fan of texting. Do you watch YouTube videos often? Pretty much always. Do you know anyone with celiac disease? Sara, my aunt, and my cousin. Those are the ones I know of, anyway. Do you currently have any alarms set? No. How many cars can fit in your driveway? Barely even two. If someone else is here, they usually just park where the road meets the sidewalk of the cul-de-sac. Do you have the ashes of a family member or a pet? Of my dog Teddy, yes. Have you ever been involved in a car crash? Yes, as a kid. Do you prefer flash or no flash on a camera? Definitely no flash. It's more natural, and especially with people, it obviously prevents red eye. How often do you use hashtags? Just about never. Have you ever had whiplash before? No. Have you ever given another person or an animal a bath before? Pets, yes. I could never bathe another human. Is there a birdbath in your yard? No. Weirdest place you’ve ever had a cramp? Nowhere weird, I think... How many lamps are in the room you’re in? How many are actually turned on? Technically three, if you count my snake's heat lamp. Right now that's the only light that's on. Are there any activities you enjoy doing, but can only do for a short amount of time before you get bored or tired of them? Yeah, reading comes to mind first. Is there anything coming out soon (books, albums, movies, video games) that you're looking forward to? I'm not up-to-date on this stuff at all, not even video games. What is something someone recommended to you that you disliked/hated? I know Girt's recommended me music I haven't been a fan of. We like the same general stuff, but there are specific sub-genres we differ in opinion about. Can you unwrap a Starburst in your mouth? ... There are people who do this to even know in the first place??? What is the last thing you ate? Popcorn. Who is your favorite person to spend time with? Sara. Do you know how to grill a steak? I don't know how to cook, period. Do you have a large dog? We don't have a dog currently, but Mom is looking for one pretty intently. We don't know the size it'll end up being. Do you like walking places? Absolutely not. I can't walk far at all without my legs starting to scream at me because leading such a sedentary lifestyle led to muscle atrophy in my legs. It's incredibly embarrassing. Are you a fan of bands most people don’t know of? That's not uncommon for me. Have you ever sent an X-Rated picture to someone? No. Do you think your voice is higher or lower than average? It's deeper than the average woman's. Do you have a pool? No, but I really, really want one... Given how easily I sweat, I would love to use swimming to strengthen my legs. I could also stop the very moment I feel I need to; it in general sounds like something I could quite easily do. How many times have you been on a plane? Ummm including the trips going back, at least six times. Favorite ice cream flavor? Oh my gooooood, if you haven't tried Ben & Jerry's "phish food"... fucking try that shit. It is innnnnncredible. Do you have a TikTok? Nope. Do you enjoy driving? Fuck no I don't. Your favorite store as a teen? Hot Topic was and still is my fave, ha. Favorite YouTuber? There's this one called Markiplier that I think's pretty cool. How many online accounts do you have? A LOT. My whole life is essentially on the computer, so... .-. Do you tend to always be in some sort of drama? Quite the opposite. Do you collect quarters from every state? No. When was the last time your living room furniture was rearranged? Not since we moved into this place. When you were little did you like watching Cartoon Network, Disney or Nickelodeon more? Disney probably topped Nickelodeon. I didn't watch much CN. Who was the last person to kiss you on the cheek? Either my niece or nephew when saying bye. Have you ever seen a magic show? Yes, as a kid. I even had a magician for my bday once. When was the last time you vomited and why? It's been a year or so. It would've been a side effect of starting a certain med that I didn't stay on because it so consistently made me sick. Where do you usually sit when you eat dinner? Either in my bed (I know) or at the dinner table if Nicole is here to eat with us. What time do you usually go to sleep at night? It's typically around 7:30-8:30, occasionally a bit later. I can't believe as a teen, it was my "rule" that I couldn't go to sleep before 10:30 because it was "too early." Nowadays, I can barely imagine regularly staying up that late. Do you avoid using public restrooms? As best as I can. I've seen some nasty shit. What’s your favorite type of cookie? Chocolate chip. How basic.
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maribelsawyer · 5 years
- ̗̀ * ( ella purnell + cisfemale + she/her ) have you seen ( maribel sawyer ) walking around campus ? they are a ( nineteen ) year old, studying ( journalism ). we hear they are in ( delta gamma chi ), and can be ( benevolent & impressionable ), maybe it’s because they are a ( gemini ). they sort of remind us of ( scraped knees , magnifying glasses , vintage oxfords ), maybe we can find out more ! *  ̖́-  + newspaper writer
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god okay looks like i’ve fallen in love w ella purnell and i want to b her. anyways maribel is my newest baby n im sorta making her up as i go so pls bare w me lmao
TW: eating disorder mentions, subtle abuse?
{she is not currently in that mindset ^}
gen. info
full name: maribel ottoline sawyer
nickname(s): mari, bell, lottie b/c middle name, etc. etc. just sawyer sometimes idk
b.o.d. - june 1st, 19 yrs old
label(s): the marionette, the demure, the prevaricator, etc. etc.
height: like 5′3″ prolly tbh
hometown: duluth, minnesota
sexuality: shit she don’t know
bio. info
her dad’s in the air force, her mom’s published three diet cookbooks and two different DVDs--maribel is the only middle child
one of those conservative, all american families, they were strict and definitely made it known that they were parents and not friends by any means
9pm curfew, not leaving the dining room until all ur food is gone, grounded if ur grades were below their expectations, etc. etc. 
her older sister can evoke emotions in others thru her acting like no other. has taken the hearts (and leads) of all her acting directors since childhood. her voice is broadway material.
and her older brother? has been the best linebacker on any high school team he’s joined; hopes to make it to the big leagues. but if he doesn’t? he’s been taking college-level classes since he was a sophomore.
maribel is...just, maribel.
for the longest time, there was nothing special about maribel
she couldn’t sing, or dance, or compose words in pretty prose
her grades were only satisfactory after hrs n hrs of studying everyday
homegirl can’t even cook w/o smth exploding
in short, maribel has never been good at anything. can’t draw within the lines, can’t follow the line, opens her mouth at the wrong time. etc. etc. shit? rough.
her family moves around a lot b/c of her dad, so she’s never really been in one place long enough to really prove herself? always been the quiet girl in class while her siblings brought home gold stars everyday
the kinda girl others would sorta push around n bully a lil bit bc she would never know what to say; prolly just cried a lot tbh
grew up w a lot of insecurities b/c of this
definitely doesnt help that her mother is obsessed w beauty n fitness n like
their mother p much forced her lifestyle onto her children, mari has a rough relationship w food b/c of it
ANYWAYS part 2
grew up always in the shadows of her siblings and their accomplishments, and spent a lot of her time tryn find something to be good at just so somebody could give her a stamp of approval
was always the ~wannabe~, the girl who would just endlessly suck up to the most popular girl she could find and try to mimic her to the best of mari’s abilities, just so she could survive her school experience
by the time mari was a freshmen in high school, her parents had divorced and she finally thought she could have a normal school experience and make something for herself
obv not. her mother shipped her off to a boarding school in nevada and that was it; her sister had already graduated and her brother was still in middle school.
it was finally just mari.
of course like she tried to suck up to others but it wasn’t really helpful, everybody was a lil too boujie for her and she always froze up when she tried to speak to the ~popular kids~
they only rly spoke to her b/c she’s got this knack for forging shit, like i dont think she even has her own handwriting; she always copies other people’S b/c she’s just. so used to tryn to mimic others n be them as much as possible
around this time she found herself fucking around in her computer class more often than not; it’d been the only elective left b/c she arrived in the middle of the year
but she surprisingly enjoyed it, like, a lot
her parents never really allowed much computer use b/c like. rots ur brain or whatever.
got into programming, but when she found out that u could ? hack shit ? kinda peaked her interest.
her shift into programming to hacking was subtle but before she knew it, she was fucking around on websites for the fun of it. never anything severe
computers became her friends, y’know
that was until her sophomore year and there was another loser fucking around on the computers during lunchtime
and like...they just started kinda talking, y’know? became friends, prolly mari’s first legitimate friend in...forever, really
the kid was kinda weird but she didn’t mind b/c fuck, mari couldn’t be picky n she didn’t mind weird
like...they were obsessed w conspiracies n mysteries n shit
it started to rub off on mari too, b/c homegirl is an idiot but. an observant idiot.
so she started getting reeeally into mysteries and shit. started acting like a mini investigator w/ her pal; solving stupid things like ‘who wrote ‘mindy is a whore’ in the bathroom stall’ and ‘does mr. roberts have a secret obsession w kpop’
no mindy is not a whore it was slander
yes mr. roberts is into kpop
ANYWAYS part 3
so they were these nancy drew, scooby doo, veronica mars knock off duo
by junior yr her partner started getting into like. drinking and minor drugs and other things that the other boarding school kids were smuggling in, y’know. 
this meant that mari was getting into that shit too, y’know. cant stay innocent forever.
became a lil bit of a pothead lmao
so like now theyre just stoners who go around solving shit and prolly also stirring shit up for the hell of it
so like . . . . . one night they were doin’ their thing, right? and her partner brings up this...completely wild idea
they live in nevada. y’kno what else is in nevada?
area 51
these fucking idiots want to go break into this fucking. air force base. to find area 51.
guess what they did?
they attempted to break into the air force base. like. of course they tried.
they failed like, super miserably, got arrested for trespassing and had to be bailed out of the county jail by their parents
her dad almost lost his job so he was mcfuckin PISSED esp once they figured out she was high as shit
her partner? disappeared. nobody knows where they went.
mari was moved from the boarding school to a public school closer to where her mother could, begrudgingly, keep an eye on her
kinda spent the rest of her high school career p miserable, she gave up on her whole ~detective~ thing and resorted to making fake IDs for her fellow high schoolers
was drug-tested like every week or so, too
around this time her mental health and relationship w food got worse, she barely made it to graduation. took a gap year to recover, worked a buncha jobs but usually gets fired from them b/c she’s really fucking bad like most things besides her two (2) unconventional talents that are decidedly useless
came to ucla b/c her mother p much made her, her mother’s a legacy and that’s about the only reason why she got into delta gamma chi
doesn’t want ppl to know she was a loser and also like . fucked up her dad’s life a lil, b/c it was def a thing that made the news and the only reason why her name wasn’t in the articles was b/c she was a minor at the time
so she like...lies abt her childhood a lot
tells a lotta lil white lies b/c she just. doesn’t wanna b her
uuuhh wanted to do computer science bc she loves it but her parents were both like ‘lmao we’re not paying for shit if u do that’ bc they don’t think it’s very ~ladylike~ n they still want her to like. just be submissive and obedient n shit.
so she took up journalism b/c neither her parents think it’s like a real career and they just want her to find a husband n get married n settle down n stop being troublesome
fun fact: she has a scholarship for being lefthanded so that pays for Some of it esp b/c she’s an out of state student
still struggles a lil bit w food but she’s like. doing a lot better. goes to group therapy, probably
uuuh that’s it for now i think ??
OH SIKE !! she’s a writer for the newspaper and writes ADVICE columns on various topics b/c she’s good at offering advice but only when she can sit down n think abt it lmao
^^she goes by an alias b/c she just. doesnt want ppl to know its her idk she thinks its embarrassing
other than that she’s probably like ... doing campus tech support b/c that’s her current job but who knows how long that’ll last lmao
knowing her she’s going to accidentally switch into her phone sex voice (another, old job she doesn’t do anymore) n get fired for tryn seduce a man with ‘did u try turning it on and off again?’
OKAY i think that’s all lmao
mari is just. awkward, man
i mean like...she’s sorta bad at talking to others a lot of the time??
like ppl r kinda like ‘how tf r u a delta gamma chi girl’ n she’s just like i mean u  h h h h 
prolly stutters a lil bit b/c she’s usually rly anxious
but she’s v v nice, like, she tries her hardest to be a good friend n everything
but she also kinda switches her personality to appeal to whoever she’s talking too ?? like she wants to be. likable. she’s not real w/ others v v often
if ur boujie yeah she’ll pretend to be boujie too
she prolly still sells fake IDs to high schoolers n some of her college peers, she has one herself n hasn’t gotten caught yet sooo
always fidgets like she can’t rly sit still often b/c she’s so nervous
is a lil bit of a stoner but i feel like u can’t ever tell tbh
a lil shy n hesitant at first i’d imagine, or maybe just always lmao
has a bit more of a personality once she sucks it up n gets closer to u but she’s always v v cautious abt befriending ppl just b/c she’s had a bad time w bullies n her one friend in life disappeared so like...bummer, y’kno?
can never say no. like, i dont think it’s in her vocabulary. she’s a yes gal.
will p much do anything u ask of her b/c she’s constantly seeking approval
can ramble a bit when she’s nervous which is always but she also apologizes like a lot.
squeaks like a mouse
present at parties but it’s always kinda like. who r u. n she has to remind everybody that she’s a sorority gal too
considers herself v v forgettable, like, just v unimportant
like she’s just rly insecure
still does computer shit n is still rly good at it but she hasn’t done anything srs w/ it so it’s just wasted potential
going to use her journalism degree to do investigative journalism and maybe escape her parents, eventually
she just. bends easily to other’s wills, y’know? she’s hashtag soft
even tho she’s like. shy n awkward n shit it doesn’t take a lot for her to like, laugh, or smile
like she tries rly hard to appear happy n an optimist n just like. unfettered
a lil plain jane we stan
i cant think of anything else but she’s. she’s a good kid
OH she’s rly good w numbers n math but like that’s abt it. she’s a whole dumbass on everything else sometimes
is bad w talking n giving advice like in person but like ?? in her column or ovr text or smth ? she’s good. she’s concise.
is a good team player/good w/ projects/etc. etc.
she’s rly observant n b/c she’s a lil bit of a compulsive liar she can usually tell when ppl arent honest
depending on how close y’all r she’ll prolly crack down on ur bullshit
but she’s also timid so like who knows tbh
this isn’t a personality trait but she wears like medium hoop earrings all the time n it’s cute ok bye
she’s so. fucking. clumsy. she will bump into everything. she’ll bump into the air. fuck, she prolly falls over just standing straight. usually has bruises n scratches from just being a clumsy idiot
like she can b a lil ditzy y’know ?? doesn’t have much common sense, sometimes, n can b naive but idk it’s all rly dependent on her n who she’s w n just. how i end up playing her lmao
lovs vintage. is cute.
wanted connections
her roommate uwu
ppl she’s interacted w/ during her childhood !! she’s moved around a lot so like . . . . they could kno each other
mmm sorority sisters
um gimme a ride or die or like a best friend or smth PLS she needs more friends
just more friends in general. she’s awkward but she needs ‘em
?? a one night stand ?? she’s not really . . . known for hooking up w/ ppl but i think an accidental occurrence would b fun!
idk somebody for her to just. crush on from afar. prolly stutters whenever they come near or talk to her or smth
^^i mean like an unrequited crush
fake friends too! use her for her ~kewl skillz~
bad influence
let her b a good influence
some kinda...skinny love idk what that means. a will they wont they. smth cute. smth pure
it’d be wild if her partner just popped up outta the blue like that b/c mari 100% thinks they were like killed by the government
ppl she gets high w n talk abt conspiracies w/ tbh
ppl she gives or has given advice to w her column pieces ! love it
idk partners in a class
enemies or smth. i want conflict.
a tutor for her dumbass
but also anybody who needs help in math? she can tutor u
idk like this we can work a lil smth smth out
i give u one penny, if u plot w me. pls. i am poor.
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empathdespoina · 4 years
Who am I?
Unfortunately I was not able to put a title on my first post; since I was using the app on my iphone, late at night on composing that first post.
In this area, I’m going by the name Despoina.
Why that name you ask? 
Well one, I like that name being one of the few daughters of Poseidon and use it for my video games characters. But mostly it’s so no one sees my real name and try to search for me. I’ve seen enough crazy things in this world, to know smart people who are good at internet tracing on finding people. To give examples you don’t have to look to far for a few “Karens” who were caught on social media being racists as fuck and found their job and where they live; causing them to lose their job. Which is good social justice; but even in the same breath people who are doing good could be found by the wrong people...for example a Judge, that this person didn’t like her and was hoping to kill her before the upcoming case, in regards to him or someone else close to him... instead the crazy killed her son, who was trying to protect his father and she wasn’t home; and this was found out due to her address being public knowledge as a Judge, now think how dangerous that is for those who don’t want to go to jail and figure they can get away, killing the Judge to not have a court case (which is stupid, due to the fact that person would get a different Judge assigned to the case). And more recently what could have happened with the Montana Governor. So pardon me if I prefer to be called by this.
Also to be honest my photo image is probably in my mid 20s... I’m 34yrs old as this is being composed. I thought this photo of me in a bath tub under water... seem best to symbolize my account. And the fact most Empaths are comfortable around water.
When did I learn I was and Empath and fully commit to it? 
Well I oddly found out when I was briefly living in Las Vegas for a few short years and I found my path along the lines of practicing Wicca; which I felt a better connection to, compared to the religions I was brought up on. So one store I went to called the “Psychic Eye” was having a psych class lesson that was a mix of different things to learn about different psychic gift abilities. The person who was running the class, a nice old lady; who could hold her own authority, and be sweet too. I forget how exactly it started...but one day I was last to leave this short weekly session and we were talking. She asked me a few questions and one that stuck to me was “Do you feel comfortable around water?” I told her yes. She informed me that I was an empath and I could feel other people’s feelings. Now some might think...that this woman was leading me on...but the minute she told me Empath... its as if something click in my mind from my subconscious to my conscious, saying this is the piece I’m missing to better understanding myself.
Heh after that I found a meetup group for those learning about Wicca... and wasn’t necessarily working towards controlling my abilities as an empath. Since around that time... I had got rid of the toxic people around me...who wanted to draw off my energy. Yet it was this one night at a Denny’s...where the group met up, every so often. That I felt my chakra points, which I had already learned about those points and did brief reading of books about empaths; that my Heart and Solar Plexus Chakra points were being hit hard as fuck. It felt as if someone speed up my heart out of nowhere and making me feel sick to my stomach...after I had just finish eating my food, ten minutes prior. There was also someone else in that group getting hit by it too. And unfortunately for me...I didn’t have any of my stones with me to help me focus, nor be able to shield myself or be able push out this person’s energy that LITTERLY was consuming me... almost like when Venom engulfs Spider-man or any other Marvel Hero. Someone let me grab onto a stone that was a keychain on their bag.. and I was looking around as if I was in high tide with ripe tide added into it find where in the hell this was coming from. I was able to zone in on the person, almost like a radar single but in a different way. It was a young woman with a man and judging by her body expressions she was breaking up with him.... now I wasn’t that far away from them; nor was she shouting loud to draw attention to her from the restaurant.
Later in my life I would have two other moments my chakra points were taking me over... but that be a story for another time...because the experiences were way way different; especially my second experience...compared to the Denny’s one.
Later on in my life, I would on and off read e-book on amazon about empaths and surprisingly enough; there seems to be a higher level of this genre as e-books. It’s only recently during COVID, and me still without a job and having to deal with my mom doing a close fracture (meaning bone didn’t break through the skin) on her right ankle and I had to be downstairs every single day since September 9. Which wasn’t that great because my mother and I are not close (another story about that and my empath abilities being taken advantage of); so I decided to start reading books and worked on focusing again about being an Empath and controlling my abilities. I did buy four small books from Barnes and Nobles...where mostly were really really small. Majority were good and some I question the author or author pissed me off on their school of thought process on being an Empath.
At this point I would say, I am having a better grasp at shielding myself.. which took a bit to figure out; since there is NO real way on how to do it. There’s constant talk in the many books I’ve read about shielding yourself and keeping it up; to ward off the negative energy and only get a taste of the emotions to know what’s going on with the person. Yet sadly I couldn’t due that, until I asked one of the owners at “Amityville Apothecary”, who gave me pointers on a way to do it and it worked.  I will share that in another blog, down the road...I have a few points or a process on how I want to put these posts out. Kinda like teaching a lesson (was an art teacher, briefly)...in hopes of making it easier for others.
Why did you want to start this blog?
Why is because I’m starting to notice a few more people close to me and some people I interact with don’t know that they’re empaths... and unfortunately with these past four years under Trump and his encouragement to do negative things to others. Interesting enough I did a search to see what the professionals would psychoanalyze him as (which is not an official diagnosis, but based on past experience with other patients and/or studies on mental health) and he would be considered a Narcissi Personality Border. Pretty much he was obsess as a child to please his sociopathy father that showed no emotions and how he had Daddy issues and clung to Putain and North Korea’s Great Leader (yes as bad as this was to see this dictator of North Korea, I am still impress another nation’s governing person was able to talk to him; besides South Korea always trying. Hey it’s not the best thing, but I give credit on that...knowing how North Korea keeps others out so much); so these two had similarities to how his daddy was; when Trump’s father was alive. It’s like Daddy issues mixed with the crazy thought process of the main character in Talladega Nights movie on having to be the best and a person with God-like complex or spoiled child on getting their way...seeing how people are afraid to say NO to him and him getting away with a lot of things. It seriously makes me question his mental state of mind and even more once he’s out of office.
Sorry I got a bit off topic...but due to Trump being this crazy and erratic and not being punish; including those around him were afraid to say no to literally a crazy man...and to be honest seeing some people not as bad as Trump; is pretty fucken scary. Well it encourage other people who were secret assholes and sociopaths and everything else mentally wrong in the brain...to disregard society’s standard of right and wrong...just let their evil side out and more people were getting killed by others; you had people who were not white, being trailed by crazy white people. And all those people who are Trump supporters and not right in the head. All this chaos this president has created and made it even worst this year with COVID...proving he didn’t care about others and just wanted people to fight each other...so no one would care about what was happening in the world and not pay attention to the fact, he wasn’t doing his job properly as a President. Which some of us in this world were wiser to know; especially how he treated the virus, even after getting it.
So of course there’s going to be a heavier rise of negative energy, compared to the past years; and love ones around you and friends believing all the social media garbage from the republicans. And no matter what, you can’t have a healthy mind conversation about who would become President...where for example my mom thought Biden’s campaign design symbolized China...which I know she’s been using Facebook a lot lately and see all those false information and not cross checking the information to be true and her friend who survived cancer...also on facebook; and I know this friend is going through chemical brain...because I’ve seen it before in others and how it changes the person completely.
And I have been hearing, from those I play dungeons and dragons; and them feeling things much harder. And then recently talking to the vet, due taking the older family dog, Buddy for a visit, and for me to realize that she was an animal empath; based on the comments at this animal hospital she works for on being nicknamed “Dr. Death” due to how gentle she is on putting the animal down; and she feels the animals’ pain...and yet she doesn’t know how to control it and she’s got to be in her late 50s. Then there is the Vet’s daughter, who feels people’s energies far much harder than me...that she’s thought of suicide a few times, visiting the hospitals due to that and putting her on psych meds...when the case is; is that if her daughter was taken to a positive area, she be alright. No psych meds required or being in a psych ward.
So honestly I want this blog to help other people, to make them feel less crazy about themselves and not give into negativity on being told how different you as a person reacts with your feelings, compared to others. And lastly, I think there’s a higher need of people learning about empaths and knowing if they are full blown or have some abilities; because we need to find a way to control the raging storm in the USA. Plus it helps bring you to a better understanding of yourself; since we are such complex people. So come along this journey with me as I teach you about Empaths and the abilities associated with this gift.
So blessed be and may the sun give you the strength to rise for the day; as the moon soothes you at night and your troubles away.
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danfanciesphil · 7 years
Love your writing! A prompt for you: I'd love to see Phil reacting to people saying he doesn't love Dan as much as Dan loves him which I think is stupid??
So, if you’ve read my fic Birthday Sex then you will know that I do not buy into this trope whatsoever, which i must say is a big reason I wrote it. I really just do not see where people are coming from when they say that Dan loves Phil more?? Maybe at the very, very beginning of their relationship it kind of seemed like Dan was a bit of an obsessed lovestruck young kiddo (spoiler: he was) but firstly, it’s important to remember that we don’t get to see everything the two of them say to one another and we already know that Dan tends to share a lot more with the public than Phil does. For example, when has Phil ever (barr his Draw My Life and a few other sparse instances) ever revealed anything serious and personal about himself? Whereas Dan just yesterday opened up about something so deeply intimate that it’s honestly baffling he had the courage at all. My point is that it’s highly, highly likely that there were things said between them behind the scenes that we just did not have any knowledge of whatsoever. I’d draw your attention to the Video That Will Not Be Named as an example, because obviously (if you choose to ignore dnp’s ‘explanation’ and see it as real/true) then it was NEVER meant to be seen by anyone except Dan. Think about that... if youtube hadn’t glitched, that video would not exist to us. How many more videos are there like this one? How many texts and phone calls and private conversations that are probably WAY more schmaltzy and incriminating??
Not only this, but as a follow up point, Phil is older, and he is maturer than Dan. The latter possibly gets less true as time goes on and Dan grows as a person (what a fantastic man he’s becoming I stg im so proud), but certainly up until now, Phil has been the adult of the two of them. Don’t try telling me he acts like a child either, because that’s not the same thing - he’s an entertainer for a family friendly YouTube channel, it doesn’t mean he isn’t a millionaire/business owner/well-educated, successful man. I find it not only silly that people expect him to be fawning over Dan every minute of the goddamn day on camera in order to prove his affection, but just ridiculously unrealistic. He’s a 30 year old man. If he is with Dan, then he’s been in a committed relationship with him for years. They’re over the honeymoon stage. They’re into something far more serious and committed now, and it’s a kind of love that doesn’t need to be shown at all times. 
Finally, I just want to add that apart from all I’ve said - neither of them (imo) show much sign of being madly in love with the other at all? I mean, you have to remember that we are a fandom, and it’s so easy to pick apart something and pull out the bits you want to fit your ideal picture. There is evidence of them being a couple, yes, but there’s also evidence against it! Neither of them refer to one another as ‘boyfriend’ or ‘partner’ and I honestly doubt they ever will! Dan is not constantly gooey over Phil, and the same goes the other way around. It baffles me that people can dissect every one of their looks and actions (I’m guilty of it too of course) and come up with these absurd headcanons such as “AWW DAn looks so in love here, and Phil looks so indifferent” because it’s just... it’s just completely ridiculous?? You have nothing to base that on whatsoever apart from a half second clip from a video - the leap to conclusion is beyond crazy. 
Idk I am aware i went off on a little ramble here, but this kind of thing is where the phandom descends into a total clusterfucky mess. It’s good to take a breather every once in a while and remind ourselves that the things we do know about the boys is very limited. Our ‘evidence’ from the past is still just a bunch of tweets and videos, none of us know them. I don’t want to destroy any ships, because personally I think there’s a LOT of mystery and confusion shrouding their relationship which could absolutely mean something else is going on, but again, I’m not going to make any mad assumptions about anything because at the end of the day I just don’t know. 
ANYWAY. Nothing wrong with writing FICTION about this, and that’s what you’ve asked for, so here my love! Thanks for the question (none of this was aimed at you btw! I know you’re just asking in general about the topic, I just wanted to share my thoughts on it).
Got a prompt for me? Click here! (Please be aware that due to an abundance of prompts, your prompt may take a few days to complete - but thank you all for submitting so far!)
The comment catches his attention, and Phil isn’t sure why. 
He’s scrolling through the comment section of the latest DanAndPhilGAMES video, a smile playing on his mouth as he reads everyone’s reactions to Dil’s latest adventures. 
It’s a treat he allows himself very rarely nowadays, to look through the comments. As Dan once said, it can be like picking through a minefield. Sure, the vast majority of the comments will be overwhelmingly positive, filled with adoration and appreciation of them both, lulling him into a false sense of security and then BAM! One will jump out, jarring him with its nasty words, or its negative perspective. Reading a mean comment can, even now, when there are literally thousands of nice once to combat it, throw Phil off-kilter for days. 
It can make him second guess every creative instinct. It can make him snappy and irritable, or just glum. 
This comment, though not exactly mean per se, is one such instance. He tries to ignore it, to just scroll past and move on with his life. It’s just a shipper comment, after all. That’s what he and Dan call them. Around half the comments they get on their videos are from the ‘shippers’. It’s fine. Usually neither of them pay any attention to them whatsoever. 
But this one has been upvoted 600 times. It has dozens of replies attached to it, clearly a topic of hot discussion. Phil scrolls back up, gnawing at his lip, and lets his eyes scan over the words again:
It’s so sad when Dan says something funny and looks at Phil all hopeful but Phil just ignores him. Heartbreaking to know that Dan will always love Phil more - ever since 2009. 3
Phil closes his laptop, wishing the words would dissolve from his brain. He shuts his eyes, but they burn behind his retinas, bright and jarring. Where do they get this stuff? Is that truly what people believe? 
He reopens his laptop and scrolls back up to the video, dragging the slider over the bar at the bottom of the window, scanning his and Dan’s faces for any signs of what that subscriber had said. 
As he scrolls through the video for the sixth time, squinting at the screen, he feels Dan flop down onto the sofa beside him, crunching something. Phil sits up, turning to Dan with warm cheeks, feeling caught out. 
Dan raises an eyebrow at him, glancing at the screen. He offers Phil a crisp from the packet in his hands. 
“Watching phan videos again?” Dan asks him, smiling. 
“Just... checking the comments on the Dil vid.” Phil tells him, and Dan sighs knowingly, placing the crisp packet aside. 
“Oh God, what’ve they said now?” Dan asks, shuffling towards Phil in order to see. 
Phil wonders if he should even mention this to Dan; it seems like it might be worse for him to know the fans seem to think this way, after all. Inevitably though, Phil breaks, not able to think up a good enough lie. 
With some reluctance, he scrolls down to the comment, and waits for Dan to read it, chewing his lip. 
“Oh,” Dan says in a strange voice, sitting upright. “That’s... I thought it was gonna be like ‘gay emo dicks’ or something.” 
Phil laughs a little, but it’s a hollow, unconvincing sound. “You know that... that’s not true, right?” 
Dan looks at him, something small and fearful hidden deep in the recesses of his eyes. “Yeah.”
He doesn’t sound very convinced, and it worries Phil immensely. “You’re my whole world, Dan.” Phil tells him with complete sincerity; Dan looks away, obviously embarrassed by the loaded emotion. “I know it sounds melodramatic. But you are. You’re my best friend, my favourite person in the world. I love you so much it’s crazy.”
There’s a choke to Dan’s voice when he next speaks. “Yeah,” he says again, sniffing. “I dunno where they get their weird ideas, tbh.”
Phil pushes his laptop off his knee, reaching for Dan and pulling him in. He holds him tight, pressing firm kisses into his soft curls. “I’m sorry if it ever comes off that way.” Phil tells him, voice a whisper of itself. “I’m sorry if I’ve ever made you feel that I might not... love you as much.”
Dan shakes his head. “Don’t be stupid.” He pulls away a little, looking up into Phil’s eyes, his smile watery. “I know how much you love me, you sap.”
Phil surveys him carefully, scanning his face for signs of a lie. Eventually a smirk creeps onto his lips, and Dan zeroes in on it, confused. 
“Well,” Phil purrs, leaning forwards until their lips brush. “If you ever need a reminder...” 
Dan snorts with laughter, trying to wriggle free of his grip. A few kisses later, however, he seems to give in.  
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swimintothesound · 7 years
Mumbling Music, Soundcloud Rap, and Feeling Like an Old Man
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I never thought I’d be “over” a genre within the space of a year. My obsessions tend to be longer-lasting, or at the very least, something that I can return to later even if it’s solely for nostalgic purposes. After “discovering” hip-hop in 2015 I quickly gravitated towards the “trap” subgenre whose outlandish figures like Young Thug and Future provided a much-needed break from the years of straight-laced and hyper-earnest music I’d been listening to most of college.
In addition to trap’s personable artists, the subgenre has managed to become one of the most popular and dominant sounds over the past several years. This combination made the scene feel communal and accessible as it grew to become an undeniable a part of the cultural zeitgeist. In fact, hip-hop is part of the cultural landscape now more than ever as artists are propelled to success by internet memes which has led to a “look at me” mentality.
In 2016 a distinct new class of rapper began to emerge who utilized the path that had been paved by their trap forefathers to carve out their own niche and fortify themselves as the “next generation” of hip-hop. This group of (then) up-and-comers included people like Lil Yachty, Desiigner, and 21 Savage who quickly earned the derogatory label of “mumble rap,” a name inspired by the MC’s apparent lack of technical proficiency on the mic. These rappers took cues from people like Young Thug and Future (who are also often lumped into this group) but remain distinct for a few reasons. One: almost all of these artists blew up while still in their teens. Two: almost all of these artists used SoundCloud as a platform in their rise to prominence (paving the way for future artists). Three: Many of the most popular “mumble rappers” also happened to be members of the XXL 2016 Freshman Class.
This inclusion in XXL is the most important commonality to note because it elevated the genre instantly and placed these artists squarely in the spotlight. As these rappers gained popularity and publicity over the summer of 2016 many people criticized the freshmen class for their evident lack of technical skill. It quickly ballooned to a genre-wide discussion about what these rappers “brought to the table” if they were eschewing the things that were typically used as barometers of quality within the genre.
I’ve already put my flag in the ground on the topics of lyricism and proficiency in hip-hop in this post from last year on the importance (or lack thereof) of lyrics. In retrospect, comparing these rappers to groups like Sigur Ros may have been a step too far, but I still stand by the overall sentiment of the post.
Now, I hate to sound nostalgic for something that’s only a year old, much less hoist up these artists who I ultimately think are just okay… but these mumble rap artists were significantly better than what we see coming out of the scene a year later. Thanks to the 2016 Freshman Class, hip-hop became an ongoing debate of “style versus substance,” and we’re only now seeing the implications of this shift a year after the emergence of mumble rap with the birth of a brand new scene. But before I get into that, let’s take a look at two specific artists from the mumble rap movement to help us make a direct comparison.
Two Sides of the Same Sound
Lil Uzi Vert is a Philadelphia-based rapper who first made waves in 2015 with his third mixtape Luv is Rage. In 2016 he rose to prominence thanks to his fourth mixtape Lil Uzi Vert vs. the World which birthed two singles, ended up going gold, and solidified him a place on the 2016 XXL freshman list. In 2017 he’s reached unprecedented heights thanks to a (bad) verse on Migos’ quadruple platinum “Bad and Boujee” which paved the way for his own (much better) track, the monumental "XO Tour Llif3.” Tour Lif3 was originally uploaded to Soundcloud as a throwaway track and has since become a breakout phenomenon going x3 Platinum in 6 months, proving both the popularity of Uzi and cementing the platform as a viable test for mainstream hits.
Moving onto another “Lil” rapper from the same scene: Lil Yachty is an Atlanta-based artist who originally broke through in 2015 with what everyone presumed was a one-off viral hit “One Night.” Within a year his next hit “Minnesota” was being played on Drake’s radio show and he caught fire. This platform brought Yachty a newfound audience which elevated his just-released Lil Boat mixtape and propelled him to the forefront of the hip-hop stratosphere.
I chose to highlight these two because they became symbols of the mumble rap genre within the space of weeks. And while they’re often lumped together, they oddly represent two opposing sides of the same sound. So why these two guys? Aside from their inclusion in the 2016 Freshman Class, they both blew up at the same time, dropped high-profile mixtapes within a month of each other, and use many of the same tropes within their music. I also believe one of the more silly reasons these two were lumped together was because of their hair.
It sounds stupid, but Lil Yachty’s bright red braids and Uzi’s ever-changing dreads became emblematic symbols of the mumble rap movement. Most of the 2016 class had a unique look, but these two stuck out like sore thumbs with their distinct and brightly-colored mops. What’s more, these two rappers specifically started challenging hip-hop norms by disregarding classics and even going as far to state that they are “not rappers” but instead preferring to be labeled as “rockstars.” For better or worse, they became symbols of the new school: two figures that stood in direct opposition to the traditions of the genre. It’s easy to see why they sparked debates, spurred controversy, and turned off old heads the world over in 2016.
There was a clear line being drawn in the sand over the 2016 Freshman. One side saw this crop of artists as energetic, hair-dyed teenagers with little artistic substance beyond the beats they were rapping over. Meanwhile, the other side saw this scene for the fun, carefree, and easily-digestible entertainment that it was intended as.
If it wasn’t apparent by now, I’m fans of these artists, and I resented the fact that these 18-year-olds were being cited as the “downfall of hip-hop” as if their very existence was an offense to the genre’s history. I’ll admit that it took me some time to come around to each artist, but Uzi and Yachty’s 2016 tapes quickly became some of my favorites that year. With upbeat, colorful, summery songs, these artists were just teenagers, but there is a time and place for the type of music they were making.
I was decidedly on the side of these artists. I didn’t see these guys as the "end of hip-hop" that so many classic rap fans were quick to decry them as. I’ve already linked this previous post on why a lack of substantive lyrics doesn’t equate to lack of substantive music, but The Needle Drop’s Anthony Fantano explains this subgenre’s appeal well in this video where he draws a comparison to this new sound and the punk mentality of the 70’s. These artists became unwitting figureheads for a movement that they didn’t necessarily even create, but their music doesn’t invalidate traditional hip-hop or threaten other artist’s artistic output.
At the end of the day, Yachty and Uzi are two musicians are working towards very different visions with Uzi representing more of a moody, rock-inspired crooning emo trapper and Yachty being more of an upbeat goofball “bubblegum trap” artist. They got judged unfairly, lumped into the same group, and became polarizing figures within the matter of a few months. But on a more positive note, they engaged and energized the younger generation, which led to hip-hop becoming the most popular genre in the US for the first time ever. Their techniques and approaches to music also paved the way for a new type of rapper who took their styles and carried them to their logical extremes. That brings us to 2017.
Mumbles Begat Soundcloud
Compared to this innovative wave of energy that we saw in hip-hop last year, 2017 has felt like a step backward in many ways. We’ve had fewer projects from bigger names, and less “movement” in the genre as a whole. I’m also willing to admit this perceived drop-off in quality could be chalked up to personal bias because, while I feel less enthused by the genre, hip-hop as a whole has still experienced a major influx of activity this year. The problem is its momentum that’s hyper-specified and that I feel absolutely no connection to.
I’ve never wanted to be the old guy who doesn’t “get it” yet, within the space of a year I feel like I’ve already crossed over into old man territory. A year after the rise of the “mumble rapper” we’re now witnessing the birth of a new class of artists dubbed the “Soundcloud Rapper.”
One major artist to blow up from this scene is XXXTentacion. I first became aware of his existence in early 2017 as he was gaining rapid popularity online while behind bars after being arrested for assault at 18 (you read that right). Between Lil Wayne’s infamous stay in prison to Max B’s recent memed-out sentence, rappers are no stranger to trouble with the law. XXX was let out on false charges (which I don’t buy) but I’m willing to (again) admit personal bias because I find the assault of a woman more heinous than simple gun charges. This controversy was a bad way to first hear about an artist and left me with a negative first impression of both the artist and the “scene.”
Around this same time, a Georgian rapper named Playboi Carti released his eponymous debut to surprisingly-high reviews. While not technically part of the same subgenre, Carti’s “Magnolia” blew up inexplicably, earning him a platinum and granting him access to high-profile collaborators the genre over. Carti’s music is similarly lacking in substance the same way that Uzi and Yachty are, so I can’t fault him for that. What I can fault him for is featuring on two and a half separate tracks this year in which his contribution is solely ad-lib-based. God knows I’m not against ad-libs, but it’s incredible to watch someone make a career being propped up by decent beats and more talented artists as they shout “what?” in between each of their bars. Oh and Carti was also taken into custody for assault in 2017 as well, only to be let off a month later.
Despite the public and controversial beatings, Both XXXTentacion and Playboi Carti have enjoyed success and made it onto the XXL Freshman 2017 list, ensuring them both a moderately-successful career. Comparing these two freshmen with the two I highlighted from the 2016 lineup provides a stark contrast between one group of mumbling trap artists and the second group of women-beating teenagers. Even setting aside the quality of their music, elevating and rewarding the abhorrent behavior of the latter two is undeniably a step backward for the genre. And as I’ve been editing this piece, TV’s Eric Andre has publicly spoken out against these artists citing a similar concern.
The Dregs
Now we move onto the two artists that inspired me to sit down to write this post in the first place: Lil Pump and SmokePurpp. These two Florida-born rappers are making music in the same style as XXXTentacion with distorted blown-out bassy instrumentals and loud aggressive chant-like vocals. Pump blew up several months ago on the back of the mindlessly-repetitive “D Rose.” The track, which finds Pump explaining why his expensive watches make him feel like Derrick Rose, was uploaded in late 2016 and has since garnered almost 30 million plays on Soundcloud. There’s honestly very little else to say about the song beyond that.
Critics and journalists took note of this subgenre’s meteoric rise in popularity and began writing Hunter S. Thompson-style gonzo journalism pieces about the scene including this one from Rolling Stone and this incredible write-up by The New York Times. I’d had these articles saved to my Pocket for later reading, but it wasn’t until I stumbled across a Noisey interview whose title was so great that I willingly dove into it.
The article in question “Reading This Interview with Lil Pump and Smokepurpp Will Make You Stupider” is a particularly glazed-over interview with the two Floridians in which the interviewer searches desperately for any semblance of a deeper purpose to these two artists. Their answers, relegated mostly to single-syllable words half-formed sentences, quickly revealed that there is no deeper level to Lil Pump and Smokepurpp. They’re not in search of anything, not inspired by anything, and their self-described “ih-norant” music is their artistic end-all be-all.
Now, look. I listen to a ton of stupid music, some of it just as “ignorant” and turnt up as this, but this new wave of music feels so baseless and devoid that I don’t see any silver lining to it. In fact, I write this primarily from a “worried mother” type perspective because these kids are fucking sixteen. Lil Pump (born August 17th, 2000) was admitted to the hospital following a lean scare just ten days before his birthday. XXXtentacion (born January 23rd, 1998) has (aside from the assault charges) put on a litany of violent concerts including fist fights, two-story jumps, and barricade collisions. I’m not the first to speak out against these artist’s carelessness, and I have a feeling I won’t be the last.
It’s music that trades out the bare minimum artistry that was there before for pure adrenaline and shock value. And again, maybe this isn’t “for me” and that’s why I don’t get it. If anything, these artists are simply a logical continuation of the mumble rap scene taking visual, musical, and artistic queues from the generation immediately before them. And Desiigner and Lil Uzi Vert have pulled equally-dangerous stunts at their shows… but it’s interesting to watch this progression take place so rapidly over the course of a calendar year.
And to circle away from the onstage antics and back to the music: I'm not saying Yachty's music is high art. It's still pretty dissonant, off-putting, and even bad on a technical level. But what Yachty traded those qualities out for is a unique sound and image based around himself. It may be discordant music, but it retains an undeniable sense of bright fun catchiness. Meanwhile, I feel like this new crop of artists retained that similar lack of technicality but traded out any sense of fun for pure adrenaline.
I don’t know where all this is headed. I do think it’s exciting that all this has happened within the space of a year, and it just goes to show how quickly the hip-hop genre is evolving and shifting. Maybe it’s just part of a bigger splintering and within a few years, we’ll have all these subgenres of hip-hop with dozens of artists occupying each well-defined niche with their own space carved out. I fully expect many of these guys to fall off and fade into obscurity soon (or at the very lease encounter more trouble with the law) but overall I think this energy bodes well for the genre. I just don’t want a teenager to die for it.
As long as young people continue to be inspired they’ll continue to innovate and push boundaries. I may not like the music, but I’m always in support of innovation. I sincerely hope I’m still on board for the next “wave” of explosive creativity in music, but I also know I will hit a point in the future where I just stop “getting it” and I accept that.
I don’t necessarily resent the scene, the music, or these artists. I think some of their extracurricular actions are deplorable and shouldn’t be celebrated, but that’s really about it. I see the appeal of the music, but I also know that it’s not for me. If anything, it’s exciting that real, young, independent musicians have the ability to build as much of a platform as more established artists, but sometimes that fan base is built on the back of shitty behavior that nobody should emulate.
It’s also interesting to watch the “gaze” of hip-hop move so quickly from one crop of artists to the next. It seems that nobody gets to spend much time on the throne, and now the artists that were exciting last year are practically legacy acts by the scene’s standards. It’s weird when the “primary focus” (or at least most explosive scene) of a genre is one that I fundamentally disagree with on nearly every level, but again, maybe I’m just turning into an old man.
I can’t think of any other way to end this besides words of hesitant encouragement. I want kids to keep innovating and scaring the adults (and 24-year-olds) by blazing their own trail. There’s something admirable about a sixteen-year-old throwing a song up on SoundCloud and becoming a certified star months later… but when it breeds violence and drug abuse I’m decidedly against it. It’s a fine line, and I respect everyone’s freedom/artistic choices/blah blah blah, I just wish everything was more positive.
So keep it up I guess. We’ll see where this scene goes. Who knows what the next year’s hot topic will be. For the time being, keep doing you. Just don’t do anything too stupid.
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entj-werewolf · 7 years
1. ISFJ: What's a memory that you look back on often?
I’m not sure what memories I look back on often, so I don’t quite know what one to pick. But, hmmm... I think in general, I’ll look back on lots of my days that I had been pretty physically crippled from my anxiety. It comes back to mind a lot because I’m in such a better state, that I can’t help but realize how much better I really got after that. It doesn’t always fully hit me until I’m doing something I hadn’t been able to do for 4 years, y’know? But at the same time, I missed out on a lot during those years and got very behind in some of my own pursuits/passions (like programming). I want to “catch up” somehow and make up for that lost time, but I probably can’t. I can still dream though... And keep trying.
Related to those general memories of that rough patch in my life, the bigger memories that stick out are the times I ended up in the hospital from horrifying panic attacks (which shot my heart rate too high and needed monitoring and serious calming down). Stuff like that?
2. INFJ: Is there something that people tend to misunderstand about you?
Definitely depends on the person, but there have been times I was misunderstood as being neglectful and/or not caring at all about someone - this usually coming from friends who haven’t known me for too long yet or are in defensive/skeptical states of mind. I’m not blaming them, of course, as I did do things that probably came off wrong despite not having any ill intentions. It’s just one of those strange matters of different perspectives that everyone deals with in other people at some point. I have mostly Feeling type friends who do want to feel absolutely loved, valued, etc., so I have times that I screw up in my wording and the context bursts into flames at them.
I mean, one time I made some off-handed jokes to some friends about how I wasn’t sure what caused lots of people I know (including one of these friends) to have crushes on me and so on. And I talked about how idk what crushes feel like, and joked that it’s kinda a “waste” for people to have said feelings for me and they should try to “stop” the feelings. Then, I accidentally remarked something in the midst of it (can’t fully remember what anymore now though).
I was mostly intending its harsher tone toward the people I had left from my life since they were being too creepy/manipulative with their crushes, but one of the friends with this crush thought it was directed at ‘em too. That friend didn’t really react hurt at first, but later in a private conversation brought it up and thought I was treating those feelings as a joke or something. Didn’t help that I was telling these people how I find such feelings as things that can be stopped out of sheer will (which is something I’ve done and continue to do for some other emotion things). Ughhh... Whoops.
There’s also the weird misunderstanding my different family members have toward me, buuut I won’t get into those here, really. It’s messy and would make this answer too long!
3. ISFP: How do you express yourself?
Usually my artwork, since that’s where I can draw anything I enjoy and have interest in. Sometimes, I also express myself through the clothes I wear, but that’s if I have reason for using those clothes at all. (Like when I was having fun with the Pokemon Go craze, I had a blast wearing my Pokemon clothes to go with it!)
4. ESTJ: How would you describe your work ethic?
Okay, so... Let’s see how to explain my work ethics... I will quickly disclaim too, however, that I cannot consider myself an outright expert on this who knows everything. This is just what I’ve figured out at this point in my life at 22 years old, mixed with some things I find ideal for the best kind of workplace in general. There’s also some stuff I observe in a “how to improve or use to best potential” kind of way, so I might have a few views that aren’t “fully practiced” or “tried and true.” I cannot claim either that my views on this are perfect, blahblah. This just goes on ‘cause I don’t know if to expect anything explosive or just a-okay to come from this, pfffft.
(This got really long and probably seems boring, so I have it under a read more only for those who really are curious and have time to read a near-essay on this crud. -coughs-)
People need to be respectful to each other and not be whiny about stuff (they’re allowed to have complaints, but those have to be reasonable and legitimate). Overall, constructive criticism is much more preferred over people just complaining all the time for the sake of complaining. I sortaaa see this as a general “interact with anyone” rule too, though....
Don’t underpay, and don’t overpay either. Really know how to measure monetary value in things and/or employees. But, also take advantage of “deals” in value changes. Supply and demand is cool and should be used for good reason when it comes to making product prices! Position and purpose that each person has in a job, plus the amount of quality work they actually do (not just the time spent doing it), is also important to measuring their paycheck’s worth. No favoritism, just fair observations and analyses of all of these values.
Speaking of favoritism, really avoid that too. It can screw things up, shake things out of balance, and put too many others at a disadvantage. Then, they likely are the type of people to think you’re being stupid with such actions. (This is more of a strict case to people working as employers or have this higher position, though... Doesn’t matter too much if regular employees have “favoritism” out of being friends. It just has to not distract them too much while they’re clocked in, and it’s all okay!)
Another issue with favoritism is an employer that clings too much to the work one of their employees brings to the business/job/whatever. This can be a huge hinderance on this favored employee, but also hinder the employer and their business in the long term. It’s like one of those obsessive girlfriends/boyfriends that never leave you alone and leech off your work! Avoid at all freaking costs! Teach the employer to let go if you’re one of these favored employees and you want to do something else with your life. Quitting is a free option, but you do have to balance the consequences of it. Don’t quit if you don’t have the next job to join, but also make sure your leave is on a good note so you don’t obliterate your reputation as someone people want to hire. Also, if that employer is rich with a tantrum, maybe avoid upsetting them with any dramatic quitting or anything. Idk if a person can seriously be sued just for quitting, but hey, I’ve seen people get sued for dumber reasons. It’s just a form of caution you have to learn, ‘cause there are ridiculous people out there even in professional positions, man.
(I may or may not also be this favored employee and hate it because I want to move on, the job is bad for my carpal tunnel and respitory health, and the boss doesn’t seem interested in hiring anyone else or able to find another person to take my place.... Help.)
Don’t be too pushy. This is coming from someone who’s seen as pushy sometimes (or lots of times), but there’s a time and place for everything no matter what position you have in a job. Often times, people are less likely to listen to you or value your opinions (whether reasonable or not), because instead they just see you as someone wanting everything to go your own way, and not open to anything else. Just, be wary of this. I’ve made mistakes on it (out of stress) and it probably diminished a bit of how my own parents view my ability to be an employee. It produces frustrating results - believe me. Wording is also important. If you’re careful with your wording and its timing, and how frequently you bring up the same reasonable or unreasonable criticism/complaint, then you won’t be seen as pushy quite that easily. You just increase your odds of seeming too pushy if you really are, y’know, lacking tact in your wording and constantly emphasizing stuff. It’s a bad habit of mine that I’m working on, but it’s something that all people gotta work on too in their own ways.
Clear communication is the most important thing in a job! No matter your position, status, role, whatever in a job.... This is key and can prevent so many future problems. If there’s a completely decided change in a schedule, policy, or anything else that affects the job, you need to make it clear ASAP. Don’t wait on it, don’t bounce around it, and don’t even try to be vague on this stuff to others. Make it clear, concise, and don’t screw up the information. Have it prepared as quick as possible, and then share it with others as quick as possible. It’s like the whole “rip off the bandage” thing. Slowly peeling it and delaying its removal is only going to hurt more, man. Comminucation is a bit of a problem in my current job, and it’s absolutely frustrating and exhausting. Not to complete fault of my boss, but that’s a whole other topic and again - not what I’ll get into here. Just saying, I definitely know how cruddy it can be for bad comminucation skills/tactics in a workplace (or anything involving cooperative efforts). I’m also saying this as someone who is still very socially awkward and is a bit shy, but if it’s something serious like this with vital consequences, I do try and step out of my awkwardness and hope to initiate this communication well. (I’m usually okay with responding to communication, but yeah, I try to force myself into the initiative parts for the sake of things like this.)
-DEEP BREATH- I think that’s the most I can write on this here. It’s as brief as I can keep this while also making sure the ethics are clear - in case this is actually decent advice for people. I’m not too sure myself, so who knows.
Thanks for the questions as always!
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wonderlandsangels · 7 years
Hello Angels! I did hint at this on my Twitter, but a few weeks ago I did a post called ‘Don’t Get Me Started’ and it went down well. I think I’ve found my comfort zone: I rant a lot, people find it funny, it gives me an excuse to rant more.
So, I went back to my group chat and asked for numbers: what I cut out were all the times that we had to re-pick numbers because I’d done them in the last post, which I will link here. Please ignore my time stamps; they were screenshot weeks apart, my battery doesn’t run down so quickly, don’t panic.
As with last time, I will add in other mini side rants if I can, and the aim of the game is to try and connect them all up into a comprehensive rant, which means I will have to get creative because NONE of these things link together. I will highlight the ‘Don’t get me started’ parts in bold, so you can join me in counting up the rants. The main things I have to rant about are
Terrible contestants on American Idol
Inflatable dancing tube men at car dealerships
13 Reasons Why
Hotel Rooms
Good lord, wish me luck. On with the ranting…
Don’t get me started on hotel rooms. Most hotel rooms I’ve been in are okay in all honesty; as long as there is a bed and a kettle, I’m fine, my necessities are covered, but there are some horror stories that honestly put me off: if the rooms aren’t cleaned properly or the beds are changed, you have no idea who you’re sharing a bed with, do you? If the sheets aren’t changed, do you know what could be on them? If you don’t, you’re not old enough to be reading this post, run while you can. Then there’s the fact that there may be hairs lying around in showers or baths and I DON’T KNOW THAT PERSON. There are nice hotels; I’ve seen the luxury ones and those look delightful, but I don’t want to spend all my money on a hotel and have nothing to spend on the actual holiday. Some of us gotta downgrade a little, and finding the right hotel is difficult; you can’t trust those websites; people might pay for reviews (don’t get me started on that, if you’re shit, accept you’re shit and fix it, don’t pay people to give positive reviews and try to build a bridge over your horrible hotel room, that’s not gonna fly, I smell your shit hotel room and your bullshit).
This was all made worse after watching Four in a Bed and don’t get me started on Four in a Bed: the name sounds awful and the people on it are usually also awful, it’s guilty pleasure TV. Like, a lot of the time, it’s posh competitive snobs fighting against posh competitive snobs, and trampling on the one couple that is just there for a good time. These snobs often lose because of tactical voting and because they found a spec of dust on the carpet and now they can’t stop sneezing, and then complain about activities planned when they also have activities planned, but make the other people sound childish. It’s a dust and hair obsessed train-wreck, and they rely on gimmicks. I’ve found, the more gimmicky the hotel and the more they try and drag you in, the more faults you’ll find with it (and it won’t just be dust, let me tell you). They spend so long trying to be unique and eye catching with advertising, they let the side down: just have a nice hotel and calm it with the neon lights and the overkill of gimmicks, just let me rest in a fluffy, clean bed, have a hair free bath and drink my tea, that’s all I’m asking of you.
On that note, don’t get me started on gimmicky people and things, like why? Unless you have already made it, then go wild, but don’t rely on them to grab attention. I’m all for standing out, I’m a big lover of not following the crowd, but come on people: you’re acting as pointless as the waving tube men outside of dealerships. Don’t get me started; what’s the real point in them? You could have an actual person stood there waving, like the people who spin boards to draw attention. I don’t know about all of you, but I’m more likely to go somewhere if they have gone to the effort of hiring somebody to flail and dance outside a place for hours; they’re supporting the unemployed (don’t get me started on the employment system: I need experience for the job, but I can’t get a job because I need experience? Bitch in what world? I’ve dealt with a psycho ex wife of Santa while I was dressed as an elf and kept the whole thing quiet, what more do you need?) But, I digress: the waving men are funny for five minutes, then they bore me and people forget about them, and then you see an identical moronic blow up tube man a mile away. Take on my idea of hiring people to attract people, or I don’t know, actually work to build a name for yourself? I know, it’s nuts, but sometimes you’ve gotta actually work for success: not everyone can be successful and famous for being stupid.
You know what this actually reminds me of? Reality TV: you have 5 minutes of fame and then you’re just seen as an idiot who was moronic on TV, and you lose your fame and go back to your job and your co workers take the piss out of you. The tube men are the reality TV stars of the blow up/ inflatable doll world, and their reality TV show is based in a car dealership. Don’t get me started on reality TV: it’s often people just losing all their dignity, unless they fit the bill and what is ‘in’ that year to a T. I’ll be honest, I used to love the X-Factor and American Idol, but it’s all so fake and dramatised I can’t fathom it now I’m older. I get it: we have some amazing musicians to come out of it, but at the same time, think of all the people turned away and made a fool of.
The X-Factor is bad, but don’t get me started on terrible American Idol contestants. As a stereotype, us British people are ranty (hey waddup hello) and are awkward (hi, I’m the stereotype British person, how you doin’?) but by the stereotype of Americans, they are out there and don’t give a fuck, and that’s great. But the American Idol contestants think they’re the bees knees and often they’re shit, and don’t realise it. Yes, it does happen in Britain too, look at cringey auditions on YouTube, but there’s something about Americans that make it look as if they think the judges and the public are wrong. You see a hint of shame in British, but in Americans, you don’t see any shame at all, and I admire them for that, you do you boo. Just you do you quietly and not on my TV screen. The TV shows on the whole though are just over dramatic when they don’t need to be.
Don’t get me started on things which are over dramatic. I’ll go this direction then: you read a book, and it’s stunningly written, the drama is done perfectly, you sob because it’s heart wrenching, but no details are gone into, making it more heartbreaking. For me, that’s 13 Reasons Why, and do not get me started on it. I loved the book to bits: it was stunningly written, and the fact that no massive details are gone into it (the passing mention of a funeral, the fact very few details were gone into about the suicide: all makes it worse for me personally) but the TV program? It was overly dramatic; the stroy was there, the acting got me, but my main issue? It didn’t stick to the books. There was no need to show the suicide; it’d have hurt me as much if they hadn’t shown it: just mentioned it in passing. It added a layer, sure, but it triggered so many people, and that wasn’t the aim: the aim was apparently to spread awareness at what bullying can lead up to, what staying silent and not speaking out on somebodies behalf can do, the fact that there are two sides to a story. But it got lost in drama and triggering moments. I will say it was acted amazingly, but it didn’t stick to the book. Don’t get me started on that, that’s a rant for another time (hint: start following the books more, they got popular because people like the characters and story).
  This was a difficult one. The topics were so different, I’m well aware I was reaching at times, but you try connecting all of these things together and ranting about them, it was bloody hard to do.
Do you want this to be a weekly thing? Like, an end of week rant about random topics people pick for me? I’d be down to do that, but would you wanna read it? Let me know!
  Stay safe and stay happy, Angels ❤
  Don’t Get Me Started: Part 2 Hello Angels! I did hint at this on my Twitter, but a few weeks ago I did a post called 'Don't Get Me Started' and it went down well.
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