#junkrat is the exception to my Old Man Loving
overwatchables · 2 years
junkrat, roadhog, sigma & gabriel reyes are the sexiest overwatch men and thats Facts argue with the wall... 💯
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Okay, it’s time for some deep nerdery to speculate about Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2 has 30+ characters. That’s one hell of a large ensemble. If Blizzard had any brain cells, they would probably try and take a similar approach to how Marvel handled their large cast in Avengers: Infinity War.
Remember Infinity War? It functioned as a movie by keeping its groups of characters small (at most five people per group) but also by choosing ‘main characters’ that it focused most of its emotional energy on (most notably, Ironman, Dr. Strange, Vision, Thor, Thanos, and Gamora). The main characters were the ones with emotional arcs and therefore had the most screentime. The rest of the cast was quite static. Also, characters in different groups rarely, if ever got to interact with any characters outside of their group, with the rare exception of a quip or two.
My suspicion is that Overwatch 2 is going to do a VERY similar thing. This means that the roster of Overwatch heroes are going to be divided up into groups and assigned either main character or side character status.
So who’s going to be in each group? That I can’t tell you. As Marvel has shown, characters are grouped up not based on character compatibility, or even arc potential, but instead on what would best make the plot go forward. (For example, raise your hand if you predicted that Ironman, Spiderman, and Dr. Strange would team up with Starlord, Mantis, and Drax for the climax. No one? That’s what I thought.)
What I can predict, however, is whether each Overwatch hero is going to be given main character status or not. My predictions are going to be based on lore importance and current emotional arcs that have been set up the Overwatch continuity. Unfortunately, fan favoritism or previous screen time is not a good indicator (again, as shown in Infinity War.: raise your hand if you predicted that Captain F*cking America would have less than fifteen minutes screentime?) and therefore will not be counted in my evaluation.
NOTE: It is assumed that the plot of Overwatch 2 will be the plot that was introduced in the Zero Hour short, along with the gameplay trailer.
I’ll go tank/damage/support, alphabetically through each section.
D.va- Oh, poor D.va. Unfortunately, I think she’s just going to be a side character. Being so unconnected with the rest of the cast is a death sentence for plot importance. The only way I can see her being a major player is in an indirect way- if Blizzard decides to focus on the “Omnic From the Sea” they teased at in the short Shooting Star.
Orisa- Orisa is not so cleanly cut. Given that she was created to defeat Doomfist, she has potential to be the one who takes him down. They’re narrative and thematic rivals (an analysis of which could be a whole other post) which made me finally decide that she’ll be main character status. I know that seems like a cop-out, but given how Doomfist is the main face of villainy, her connection with him makes her important.
Reinhardt- I’m going to be massacred for this, but I don’t see any universe where Reinhardt is a main character. His character is static, his connection with old Overwatch is the most flimsy out of the oldies, and most of his backstory has already been explored. He’s going to be a side character, relegated to a mentor to Brigitte.
Roadhog- Nope. Side character. He and Junkrat fall into the same boat. Not being a part of Overwatch and having no connections to any characters in Overwatch makes more than passing screentime impossible.
Sigma- OUR BOY SIGMA is going to get no screentime, calling it right now. He’s going to be firmly relegated to side character status. Why? Although he might be a serious fan favorite, his lore and the conflict it introduces (the cosmic horror of the universe) doesn’t really apply to the rest of Overwatch. We know he’s affiliated with Talon, but more like a weapon than a character. He’s got serious redemption potential, but the arc would be very. . . simple. As soon as he gets to Overwatch the arc would be over. 
Winston- MAIN CHARACTER. Our mans is currently the driving force behind the majority of the plot (that isn’t whatever Talon’s doing). He’s the one who recalled Overwatch. Enough said. If he doesn’t get an arc about learning how to be a leader, I am going to be shocked.
Wrecking Ball- lol side character. Given how Blizzard hasn’t made any attempt to treat him more than a walking gimmick, he’s going to be such a side character that he might blend into the background.
Zarya- This is another character that makes me hesitate. At first glance, she’s in the same boat as D.va in that she has no personal connections with the lore or the main cast. HOWVER, she’s directly involved in the conflict of Overwatch 2 because she is currently fighting Omnics in Russia AND has been trying to track down Talon on her own for a while now. Plus, she also has a very juicy potential character arc: she’s racist towards Omnics. Her comic touched on the fact that she has the potential to outgrow her prejudice. This leads me to believe that Zarya is going to be one of the main characters, if a more minor one than the rest.
Ashe- Side character. Her connection to McCree ensures that she’ll get some juicy interactions, but not enough to be considered a main character. More than likely she’ll be contacted to help out with the plot conflict, but she’s not going to have any sort of arc or emotional connection with other characters beyond snarky one-liners.
Bastion- . . . I hate this, but I don’t trust Blizzard to give Bastion the relevance they deserve as a character. Don’t get me wrong, I think Bastion will be important to the plot of stopping the rogue Omnics, but I think Bastion themselves will be treated as a McGuffin. They’re mute and prone to acting naively, which is not conducive to character agency. I’m going treat McGuffin as a third category to my predictions.
Doomfist- literally the Thanos of this conflict. He’s going to be a main character, but I doubt he’ll get any character development, because that’s what Reaper is for.
Echo- Main character. It’s pretty much guaranteed by the fact that McCree sought her out in his animated short and that she was once the payload of Route 66. The Overwatch narrative also treats her as the “sPeCiAl OmNiC” that’s somehow more advanced/better/more sentient than the rest of the Omnic cast. As much as I think the role that they’re going to give her would be better suited for Bastion or Zenyatta, I just know that Blizzard is going to give her the full main character treatment. She’s going to be the magical bridge between Omnics and humans. Count me mad about it.
Genji- I love our ninja boy, and he’s an honorary mascot of the game, but as far as arcs go he just finished his. He’s finally found inner peace. That’s not a good sign for main-character-ism. However, he has tons and tons of connections to the rest of the cast and the lore. . . but I don’t think it’s enough. I think he’s going to end up as the character that other characters are able to bounce off of. Everybody knows him, so they’ll be talking to him a lot, but he isn’t going to drive the plot with his own struggles. He’s a side character. His brother, however. . .
Hanzo- As one of the two people in the Overwatch roster actively undergoing a serious life crisis, I suspect that Hanzo is going to be a main character. The fact that he and his goals are not connected to Talon or Overwatch is a detractor, but his emotional turmoil as established in the short Dragons is too important too ignore. His decisions, however reckless and hot-headed they will be, will significantly impact the plot. Why? Because his potential for redemption is such juicy story bait. Also, he could bring in an entire other faction, the Shimada Clan, into the plot, and that could be a game-changer.
Junkrat- Side character. The same reasoning for Roadhog applies here. He’s not connected in any way to the cast. The only potential mystery about him is the ‘treasure’ that’s been alluded to over and over again. If he has this story bait, why am I calling him a side character? Unfortunately, it’s because his ‘treasure’, whatever it is, is going to be a McGuffin. Junkrat’s going to be lucky if he avoids the same status.
McCree- A side character, but an important one. This decision was a difficult one. He’s got the lore and the connections to the other characters but not the internal character arc. He was an active player in unleashing Echo, but it’s also hinted at that he isn’t going to join the recalled Overwatch, instead striking out to do his own thing. That’s not conducive to being a major player in the story. However, his connections and conversations with other characters might, in the same way I’ve predicted Genji’s might, motivate other characters to drive the plot forward.
Mei- Side character. Nothing much else to say. Her focus on climate science isn’t going to be super relevant to the Omnic plot. She’s got only a very loose connection with other characters in the form of her Overwatch membership.
Pharah- I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, but she’s going to be a side character, calling it right now. She’s got so much potential because of her relationship with her mom, but that’s about it. Ana is her only connection to the rest of the cast. It’s important that they reconcile, but their reconciliation has nothing to do with any other plot point. It’s isolated. That’s not a good sign for her screen time, especially considering that she’s not looking for Ana and Ana is not looking for her.
Reaper- MAIN CHARACTER. You should have seen this coming. As the primary instigator of the plot (aka the reason Winston recalled Overwatch,) it should be meta-textually obvious why he’s going to have a lot of screentime. He’s directly responsible for a significant chunk of the unresolved lore conflict within old Overwatch. In order to resolve it, we’re going to be seeing him, a lot.
Soldier 76- Main character, for exactly the reasons listed above. As Reaper’s foil and the person who’s hunting him down, Soldier is going to be pretty important in concluding that unresolved conflict. It’s destiny. Like in a murder-soulmates kinda way.
Sombra- Tricky, tricky, tricky. . . it’s difficult to say. It all depends, I think, on the amount of emphasis Blizzard places on her conspiracy. If she’s the only character who knows exactly what’s going on, that could set her up to be very plot relevant. However, her relationship with other characters and to the rest of the Overwatch lore is shaky at best. I’m going to leave this one blank. There’s just too much we don’t know.
Symmetra- Here we have the other person in the Overwatch roster that is actively undergoing a serious life crisis that I alluded to. Symmetra might at first seem unrelated to everything- the lore, the characters, etc, but Blizzard has set up a surefire redemption arc for her that needs to be resolved. She is going to realize that Vishkar and Talon are connected, and she is going to make the decision to either go full villain (unlikely) or to turn over all the information she knows to Overwatch. Either way, she’s going to get involved, and she’s going to grow as a character. Main character material.
Torbjorn- Torbjorn, oh Torbjorn. Here’s a case that makes me upset. For all intents and purposes, he should be a main character. He’s the one who helped develop the Omnics, and he’s got an active character arc where he’s trying to undo the damage Omnics have caused. This ties him pretty damn directly to what we know of the plot of Overwatch 2. However, Blizzard lately has refused to treat him with respect, reducing him to a joke character because of his height and accent. Not only that, but they diminished his importance in the lore with the invention of Mina Liao and Echo. I could write and entire post about how the Mina Liao/Echo introduction was made to replace Torbjorn and Bastion’s importance in the potential plot, but all of three people would read it.
Tracer- As the literal face of Overwatch it’s pretty damn obvious that she’s going to be a main character. If you need a reminder, look at the London Calling comics and then the cover art for your copy of Overwatch.
Widowmaker- Widowmaker has literally zero character agency and only very very very loose connections with the lore/characters. HOWEVER, she does have the potential to be redeemed by death (I could make a whole other post on this) but it’s not enough to bring her into major character territory. Side character.
Ana- Side character. Given that she’s avoiding her potential emotional arc by avoiding Pharah and the rest of recalled Overwatch, she’s flat out of luck for main-character-ism. She’s going to be very important to Soldier 76 and Reaper but she won’t be the one instigating any plot points. Unfortunate.
Baptiste- Another tally for the side characters. The fact that it took him a year to even get voice interactions with the rest of the cast reflects this. His arc of leaving Talon is already done, the idea of Mauga being added to the game is history by now, and he has few connections with the current cast and plot. Big F, my dude.
Brigitte- With both her dad and her mentor being important former Overwatch members, it makes sense that she should be a main character, right? Right? Unfortunately, I think she falls into the same pitfalls as Reinhardt. Her backstory is already mostly explored and her dad is better at any plot-relevant mechanics that might be needed. She’ll help her dad, no doubt, but she’s a side character.
Lucio- I really want Lucio to be a main, really, I do, but he’s a side character. He suffers the same exact problem that D.va does. He has very little to involve him with the rest of the main caste. He’ll join Overwatch, sure, but I think it’ll be more of a decorative declaration than anything. His connection with Symmetra is his only saving grace, but even that just relegates him as a side character in her emotional arc.
Mercy- I think she’s going to be a side character, because all of her current content has her separated from everyone else and unsure about going back to recalled Overwatch. I don’t see the narrative following her inner emotional turmoil about this decision very much. She also doesn’t add anything to the potential plot.
Moira- Okay, Moira is tricky, so hear me out: her lore importance is off the CHARTS, and she’s a lot like Doomfist in the aspect that she is quite clearly villainous. She brainwashed Widowmaker. She turned Reaper into what he is today (physically, mind you,) and she probably has something to do with manipulating Sigma. But is being a villain enough? She’s not the one directly orchestrating Talon’s plan, like Doomfist is. And she’s not so directly connected to the fall of Overwatch like Reaper is. I hesitate to call her a main. Narratively, she’s going to get her comeuppance, but. . . (I’m going to leave this one blank.)
Zenyatta- The only true wild card on this list. Sure, I’ve left Sombra and Moira blank, but Zenny boy? He’s literally got nothing. There’s nothing to base predictions off of. No lore to speak of. We know that he mentored Genji. We know that he knew Mondatta. We know that he defends Omnics’ rights to exist. However, I doubt Blizzard has the nuance to tackle his perspective on the impending Omnic war in Overwatch 2. He could be a seriously major player if he was treated with the respect that his character deserves, though! He could potentially have an active role in trying to figure out what’s making the Omnic uprising occur and stopping it in its tracks! There is so much potential there! It’s all in Blizzard’s hands. It’s all about how Blizzard chooses to finally flesh out his character. . . IF they flesh out his character at all.
Total tally out of 32
Main characters: 11
Side characters: 17
Undecided: 3
McGuffin: 1 (poor Bastion)
And that’s the results! It’s important to note that I am far from infallible and that these are just my opinions/speculations on the future. Please please please argue with me in the tags/reblogs. That would make my day.
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Overwatch’s Halloween Costumes (Part 1?)
Anon said: “Hiya ^^ since it's Halloween season (at least, at the time of writing this), I have a halloween-inspired request! What do you think the Overwatch cast- heroes and villains alike- would dress up as for Halloween?”
A/N: Better late than never, am I right?
Also, I was finishing the last half of this piece, had Zarya and Zenyatta left, and then my computer glitched sent me back to my homepage. So yeah, lost half of writing, felt like throwing my computer, decided to just post what I got. It’s been a rough couple days. <D
Hope you enjoy what’s here, sorry for the missing content. Maybe I’ll write the rest when it’s not two am, guess we’ll see.
She’s very sarcastic with her costumes
Very Jim from The Office-esque
More often than not it’s an ugly Halloween sweater with a matching ugly Halloween headband, or a shirt that says something along the lines of “This is my Halloween costume”
She has forced Pharah into doing embarrassing mother-daughter costumes a few times as well
She’s more treat-oriented than costumer-oriented
She’s nabbing all the candy
She hasn’t done the costume thing since she left Blackwatch
She was practically forced to do Halloween costumes back in the day, and it’s made her hate it
She’s already got that goth bandit look going on anyway
Has been asked if she’s wearing a costume (plus ‘Nice wig/contacts!’) while wearing regular clothing more than once
A bandit underling once asked if the group could do costumes among themselves and her response was threatening to shoot him in his kneecaps
Someone else tried to give her payment in chocolate coins as a trick and they were never seen from again
Loves to do costumes with his patients
He’ll dress up in his hero gear for kiddos and help patients create minimalist costumes for themselves
Probably passes out candy and those funky light-up Jack-o’-lantern headbands to people who can have/wear them
Reads Halloween stories or puts on Halloween movies for kiddos
When he doesn’t do hero gear, he lets people vote on what they want him to wear
He also l o v e s trick-or-treating
Naturally, there’s not much costume-wise that a Bastion can do
They’ve tried to put Ganymede in ‘costumes’ (more like flower necklaces or a leaf on the head) but with little success
They’ll wear things they find in nature as a costume sometimes, such as leaves and flowers and sometimes a shiny piece of trash or lost article of clothing
Once some teenagers spray-painted them a costume, it was very exciting
When Torb begrudgingly gives in to caring for Bastion, he and the kids help Bastion get dressed up for the holiday
Loves Halloween
Like immensely
Decorating and planning for it at least a month in advance
This includes plans for costumes
There’s no telling what she’ll be, she’s always something different
You know it’ll be good and hella elaborate, though, because she’s been working on it since last Halloween
Similar to Brigitte, she’s always got a new, fun idea every year
Usually animal-themed, or themed after whatever charity she’s partaking in that month
Unlike Brigitte, however, she hates when people celebrate holidays way in advance
How her costumes are always so put-together and cool, no one knows, because she always says she came up with it the night before
Not a costume man himself
Halloween-colored sweaters are the most you can hope for him
He does like giving out candy and going to the annual Talon Halloween party, though
People learned very quickly not to try to force a costume on him if they didn’t want to sleep with one eye open for the rest of their life
Genji Shimada
He really likes costumes, but it’s difficult to find/make one that works well with his current form, so he usually doesn’t wear one
He loves to admire other people’s costumes, and help people create them if they need it
He has dragged Hanzo into doing sibling costumes once or twice before
Hanzo Shimada
It is possible to coerce him into a costume if you’re his s/o or if you’re Genji
Anyone else attempting to get him into one will get an arrow pointed at them, though
Doesn’t really do the whole costume thing
In normal sense anyway
Instead he just kinda
Puts on a funky shirt, or some outfit he stole from someone/somewhere and calls it a costume
He’s far too busy stealing candy from people who won’t give him any when he goes trick-or-treating anyway
Goes all out for his costumes
There’s always a new idea, and oftentimes it corresponds with D.Va’s costume, especially if they’re both at the same charity
The amount of times he’s been able to design a different type of frog/toad/amphibian costume is wild
After the holidays, he has to take some much-needed hair care time, because his hair style, color, etc changes at least twelve times between October and February
He’s already wearing a costume, thank you very much
Vintage cowboy, baby
If anyone calls him vintage, though, he will demand a competition to see who is more spry
Yeah, he doesn’t do the costume thing much, just spruces up his look a bit to fit the part of a regular, old-fashioned cowboy
A different hat, serape in a different pattern, loses all the high-techy bits of his gear for the day (except for his arm, of course), etc
Despite not doing much costuming herself, Jesse gets so much shit for ‘cheating’ Halloween
She’s usually the one he’s fighting for spryness
She usually wins
She’s far too busy for costumes, believe it or not
She’s more of the decorating type
However, she does want Snowball to enjoy themselves, and they love Halloween, so she helps them dress up
It’s usually nothing simple
She adopted Ana’s sarcastic costuming style at some point
Probably absorbed through time and admiration
Tied with loss of innocence and gain of seriousness that growing up and working as an Overwatch medic does to a person
Plus, she works all the time, and definitely works Halloween, so a simple ‘costume’ with a little dry humor works much better in her field than a whole elaborate outfit
Hah, a costume?
That’s funny
The most you get is candy bowls around the office (only of Moira’s favorite treats) and maybe some Halloween colors in her attire
Nothing much different than the usual
Matching costumes with Efi, whatever costume that may be
A fairy and a unicorn
A pair of knights
Ana and Pharah in their uniforms, once, which made Ana laugh out loud and Pharah flustered
Speaking of Pharah
Similar to Mercy, she works a lot and takes her work very seriously
She also takes Halloween not very seriously
Therefore, it’s rare she’s not working during the holiday, and she definitely wouldn’t be wearing a costume
Unless Ana drags her into one
At most, a Halloween-themed sweater might appear at some point in the day if the compound is chilly
His work clothes are his costume
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commandergoopy · 4 years
Lol Junkrat being pro-life tho, would u mind sharing ur headcanons?
the junkrat thing is half serious LOL but ABSOLUTELY i love over-explaining stuff!! 
these are mostly romantic HC’s and angsty HCs. i just like to sprinkle a little drama and trauma in some ideas.
The reason I think Junkrat MIGHT be pro-life is the way he handles some situations, example: whenever Mercy revives a teammate, enemy teammate will say "enemy revived" or will be generally shocked that the hero is alive again, but when Junkrat acknowledges it he says "Looks like they were just playing dead." Which gives me the vibe he doesn't really trust or believe Overwatch's universes definition of modern science. In Junkertown, you can see the place is pretty barren, the tech there is incredibly primitive compared to the other heroes technological advances. Another thing to note is how he treats Omnics, they fought for respect and strive for equality, they want to be acknowledged as an equal. Junkrat disregards Omnics and treats them as nothing but a talking heap of metal and scrap, which leads into my assumption that Junkrat is just closed-minded and "old fashioned." This kind of mentality can be found in pro-lifers, but I feel like Junkrat would have some respect for the person pregnant, he would prefer the baby to develop but would understand the circumstances if they could not provide or care for the baby, etc etc. So in my eyes, he is a pro-lifer but not the really obnoxious ones that don't want to listen to anyone. It was a joke, but I genuinely went into detail.
/flips to the next cue-card
Mei and Zarya are wlw. I feel like Mei doesn't care much for relationships but would be bi or pan, something in between- whilst there's no way Zarya is not a lesbian. Their new interaction is so cute, if you haven't heard it- it's like "Zarya how can you stand the cold?" "Let me borrow your jacket and I'll tell you my secret" or something along those lines. I also HC'd that Mei calls Zarya her Polar Bear as a pet name.
Moira and Mercy are gay, or had something in the past. Moira's new interaction with Mercy where she tried to acknowledge their differences, and still pushed to work together really gives me that "I miss you" vibe, but Mercy having strong morals always declines her. I kinda visioned them trying to work together to help people with some sort of physical disability together, but instead of helping people readjust to their circumstances- Moira experimented with genome editing and human genetic modification, which is incredibly immoral. But when Moira's tests were proven successful that's when Mercy and her had a falling out. Not to mention that spray they have of each other.
Ana and Reinhardt. I personally love talking about them and listening to them interact. One of my biggest things I really HC is the undeniable feelings between the two in earlier years together, but not saying anything to each other- after the Omnic Crisis when she started seeing Sam, Reinhardt and Ana remained close friends. I like to think Sam and Ana got married for Pharah's sake. After the Poland incident and when she came back (when being shot by Widowmaker- it caused her amnesia and she was treated in Poland) the feelings between her and Sam weren't the same- like it was a mutual decision for the both of them, as he probably moved on in between Ana's "death" and return. However, the feelings between Reinhardt and her remained and rekindled after coming back to Overwatch. As if it was a natural thing between the two, which is why they're so comfortable with one another.
Zarya and Hanzo would be very good friends if given the chance, they don't have any interaction between the two, but they're both blunt, strong-willed, and dedicated. I feel like they would have moments where they surprise each other of how much they have in common, and I would imagine as funny banter she would call him "little man" or something. 
Reinhardt and Sigma, the bold and brash hero and the smart and strong anti-hero. If they went into Sigma's story a little more, Talon is very much known for brainwashing and puppeting their soldiers, and Sigma is no exception. His entire demeanor radiates kindness, a strong sense of protective tendencies and a very undeniable innocent vibe. I feel as if the retired heroes of Overwatch- the ones that aren't war-orientated and more down to earth, like Reinhardt, would help him realize that he doesn't belong in Talon. I feel like Sigma would be worried about hurting shorter heroes, so Reinhardt being almost the same height as him would create a sense of security and growth. It would also teach Sigma to be himself rather than the result of a project that's gone horribly wrong and honed by an organization. Another thing I like to imagine is Sigma and Moira, Moira as horrible as her experiments are- still has some sort of concern and dedication to her subjects, I imagine she tries to help Sigma control his powers with her help, and they become good friends. As if she can really be herself around Sigma. 
Reaper and McCree, when Reaper took Jesse under his wing I can only imagine the sentimental relationship they both have. Jesse doesn't talk about his past that often, but I imagine he saw Reyes as a father figure, and Reyes saw Jesse as a son. While teaching Jesse everything Reyes knows, the experience and overall presence is what really made them close. After Moira's experiment on Reyes changes his psyche, and when he became more and more unstable- I assume Jesse saw what was happening to him, and seeing Reyes have more disregard for the life of the people he was trying to apprehend in Blackwatch's orders. Eventually Reyes and Moira rebelled against Overwatch, Reyes becoming unstable from his genetic modification- he let go and discarded personal attachments and holds distaste towards the people he used to care for, as if they were stopping him from reaching his full potential. Jesse was left with the memories of them together, he vowed to not work for Overwatch after Reaper went awol, explaining why McCree is hesitant to come back to help when Winston calls. 
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junkercrush · 5 years
Your writing is so good! I was wondering if you could write a NSFW poly fic of a female reader going to the beach with the two junkers? Thank you!! 👙🏖
Thank you so much! :-)
Pardon, it took 12 centuries to write this one (it’s a long one, shorty). Here ya go:
Tumblr media
“Pink Shell Island”
Pairing: Poly Roadrat x Female Reader
Words: 3,241
“Is it wrong to be in love with two guys?” You asked.
Angela stopped cleaning the caked blood from your forehead to look at you. You just returned from another rough (and amazing) mission with the Junkers in the Brazilian jungle.
“Who are these lucky men?” Angela asked.
You closed your eyes and smiled, thinking about the Junkers causing mayhem as always. “You know,” You hinted. “I’m with them all of the time.”
Angela’s eyes widen, a pink tint appeared on her cheeks. “Oh my!” She gasped.
“Is it bad?”
Angela resumed to cleaning you up. “It’s not. I understand you being with them all the time. You’re free to love whoever. Just follow your heart.”
Is it really that easy?
Perhaps you just confess to both and see their reactions. It was better than letting your indecisiveness driving you mad.
Am I a ho for wanting both?
You laughed at yourself for that thought.
The next week, you were healed enough to return to your regular activities including your gym training.
“Sup, Sheila!” Junkrat shouted as he smacked your ass while you were doing your warm-up squats. You two were so close that kind of greeting was normal.
“Hey, Jamie! Should you be out here right now? I thought Angela told you to stay for another week at the clinic?”
“He’ll be fine.” A deep voice answered. Goosebumps instantly appeared on your skin as you felt Mako’s beefy arm wrap around your waist. He pulled you to him for a hug.
“Hi, Hog.” You sighed. Your heart was beating 10x faster. Your mind screamed, “Fuck yeah!”
“(Y/N), thanks for helping us out back in Brazil.” Hog said. You blushed.
“Always for my Junkers.”
“Hog, let’s go training!”
Hog sighed. “Don’t get jealous now.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Jamie huffed. He walked off with Mako to the punching bags and winked back at you.
It’s been a while since you went on a vacation.
While walking on the treadmill, you scrolled through pictures of Ilios. You’ve been obsessed with the seaside Greek town for years. You always hoped to have a mission there but never did.
You glanced up at your phone and caught the Junkers staring at you. Immediately, Mako started barking orders at Jamie. Jamie punched the sandbag with all his might.
You shook your head and went back to your Ilios pictures. Maybe you can take the Junkers with you and tell them there.
Did I leave my phone?
You were steps away from leaving the gym until you felt your empty pockets. Damn it, you didn’t have it!
You paced back to the treadmills and found the phone sitting in an empty cup holder.
“Thank God.” You sighed as you placed the phone back in your pocket.
You jolted at the scream. It came from the men’s locker room.
You looked around the gym if anybody noticed. You were the only one present. It was late at night anyway.
You tiptoed closer to the locker room for more suspicious sounds. All you could hear was the faint sound of a shower running.
Shit, you hoped nobody was killed in the shower! You looked around before sneaking into the men’s locker room. With every step, you wished you didn’t find a corpse lying on the tile floor in a pool of blood. You had enough action for a month.
You moved closer to the source of the running shower and peeped into the shower room for any bodies. You didn’t just find one, but two, and they were pretty much alive.
Junkrat was holding himself against the wall as Mako was plunging himself into him from behind. He thrust a little too hard at one point and made Jamie yelp. That’s what you heard before.
Holy shit!
Immediately, you turned away from the shocking scene and paced out of the locker room as fast as your legs could take you.
You had eyes on the floor, tears welling up.
Damn it, damn it, damn it! Are you kidding me?! They’re together?! What the fu–
You ran right into Reinhardt’s huge self.
“Greetings, friend!” He cheered.
You had too many emotions in your mind to comprehend what just happened.
“I’m-I’m sorry.” You had no idea why you were apologizing.
“Are you all right?” Reinhardt asked, concerned.
You ran past Reinhardt before he could reach out to you with a comforting hand. You had to go, damn it. You had to leave this place now.
You made up your mind. You were going to Ilios alone.
“Where ya going, love?” Junkrat kept asking you as packed. “I thought we were going to Blizzard World. You, me, and Hog.”
Boy, that would’ve been fine except you had to think about the Junkers rutting in the men’s locker room the entire time.
Now, you were at the airport. The Junkers were kind enough to drop you off.
“Guys, please, don’t worry about me. Go on to Blizzard World. I’ll be fine.”
The Junkers glanced at each other. They weren’t going to leave until they had answers.
Jamie stared at you with his sad eyes.
Goddamnit, you wanted to go with them or take them with you to Ilios, but you were too upset now.  Heartbroken. You needed this trip to cool off the anger. Seriously, you didn’t want to be mad at them forever.
“Yeah, I’m good.” You said.
Before you could move on, the Junkers took you in for a big hug. For a moment, you felt at peace.
“Call us if you get into trouble,” Roadhog said, patting your head like you were his pet. Man, you were going to miss his touch.
“See ya” You sighed and walked off to your terminal.
Don’t turn around. Don’t turn around. Don’t turn around.
You turned around. You wished you haven’t. The Junkers looked at you as if you abandoned them. Mako had removed his mask. His eyes looked puffy.
Don’t look at me like that.
You turned away and walked faster, wiping the tears running down your face.
You loved them both but was so angry. Maybe the trip will help you rid of those tumultuous feelings.
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 Braying donkeys outside woke you up in your cozy seaside villa.
It was early, and there was already a commotion.
You slipped into a robe and peeked outside. The sun was rising out of the glittery Aegean sea. On the cobblestone streets below, vendors were setting up shop for the day.
You stuffed a few clothes and your black one-piece into a backpack. Time to head to the beach!
Your mangled thoughts from the past were leaving you. Thank goodness. You didn’t need the stress to follow you here.
You haven’t turned on your phone since you arrived in Greece. The only times you checked your e-mail was through internet cafes. Anything from Mako and Jamie was left unopened.
You wished you never stepped into the locker room. You wished you weren’t so close to them.
Your heart just had to make things so damn complicated.
 You treaded through the streets. A pack of donkeys was blocking your path.
 A young boy had trouble leading a stubborn donkey. He beat it with his flimsy stick. It wasn’t working.
 “You don’t have to beat the poor creature like that! Come here!” An older woman shoved the farmer boy aside. She caressed the donkey’s mane and whispered something into his ear.  The donkey finally moved, leading the other donkeys down the cobblestone hill.
 “Finally.” You sighed. The Greek woman turned to you and pointed. You pointed at yourself and mouthed “Me?”
 “Your heart misses them.” The woman said with a knowing smile. A shiver ran down your spine. “Go to the island. You will find the true love you seek.” She continued.
 The farmer boy rolled his eyes and pushed the woman along.
 “Phokos,” The woman growled. “Can’t you see I’m in the middle of a fortune-telling session!”
 “Everybody knows you’re a fake. You can’t even fool the tourists.”
The old woman scoffs. “How dare you! I shall whip you like you whip the donkeys!” The insulted woman grabs Phokos’ stick and chased him down the street. The donkeys followed in a slow procession. All you could do was smile at the scene.
 You smoothed your hands over the chill bumps on your arms as you walked closer to the beach. The woman had to read minds. Whoever she was, she predicted well.
 You took out your phone and looked up islands nearby Ilios.
 Which one she was referring to?
 There were a couple, but a “Pink Shell Island” stood out to you. You searched images of the island and found beachgoers picking up pink shells from the beach.
Looked like a favorite place for lovers. Every other picture you saw were couples kissing or walking together by the waves. You had to stop looking at these pictures. Your heart was feeling heavy again.
Time to chill out at the beach and not worry about anything.
The Junkers should be having a blast at Blizzard World now.
Your one-piece was a bit small. You should’ve known. You haven’t worn it since high school.
 The suit showed too much booty you wanted the world to see. Your boobs were almost popping out of the top. You should’ve bought one of the bathing suits on display back at the city.
 Men were catcalling you in their native language. It was good you had no idea what they were saying or else you would’ve blown a missile at them. If the Junkers were here with you, the catcallers’ bodies would’ve been floating in the ocean.
“Hey lady! Lady!” One catcaller ran up behind you and smacked your ass. There was only one man who was allowed to do that. You whipped around and bopped the man right in the nose.
“You bitch!” Another catcaller called out.
You dropped your backpack and raised your fists. “Wanna go?” Seriously, you didn’t have time for this shit.
“Oh no, it’s her.” One of the catcallers pointed behind you.
You turned around to see the Greek woman you met earlier marching towards you with a paddle in her hand. She was smiling, but her eyes did not read friendly.
The catcallers scrambled off. The one with the now broken nose glanced back at you. “Sorry!” He whispered and scurried off.
“We meet again.” The woman said. She pointed her paddle to an island not far from the beach you two stood. “That’s where you belong.”
“Isn’t that a couples’ island?”
The woman laughed, swinging the boat paddle with one hand. “Don’t worry. Lovers come and go. Let me take you.”
“That’s okay. I’m good here.”
“Do you really want to be on this beach with greasy men smacking your buttocks?” Eh?”
You preferred a quiet beach. You glanced at the distant island then looked back to the woman. “Let’s go.” You decided.
You followed her to a small boat where the little farmer boy was waiting.
“Name’s Agave.” The woman finally introduced herself. “On the boat is my grandson Phokos.”
You stepped into the boat, and it slowly drifted off from shore. Agave only laid back and let the boat move on its own. The paddle was laid abandoned. Did this boat have a mind of its own?
“You made the right decision,” Agave announced. Phokos opened your palm and placed a pink shell on it.
There was an aura of sensuality surrounding the island. Perhaps it was the energy radiating from the lovers who were here. You spotted a couple already making out in the bushes.
 "This was a sacred place to Aphrodite.” Agave commented. “You can find the ruins of her temple at the heart of the island.”
 You stepped off the boat and sunk your toes into the soft sand. Even the sand was a shade of light pink.
 The island’s energy was getting to you. You felt your cheeks burning, your heart was thumping against your chest, and nether regions were stirring. It was like the island was turning you on.
 "Agave, what–?“ You turned around and Agave’s boat was gone.
 "Oh shit,” You gasped. You freaked out and paced away from the spot until you discovered a cabana waiting for you. Nearby stood a plate of various fruits, goat cheese, and red wine.
You were hungry. You grabbed a couple of pineapple pieces and sipped on a glass of wine.
You laid back on the lounging beach chair and took one last look of Ilios before falling asleep.
What the fuck just happened?
You bolted out of your sleep. You dreamed about Agave coming out of the water. She was dressed in a red robe, like some ancient mystic. Behind her, Roadhog and Junkrat rose out of the water as well.
Were you trapped in some ancient god’s game?
You turned your head, and Junkrat was sleeping on a lounging chair beside you. His hand was holding yours.
“Jamie?” You whispered. If he’s here, then–
“I like your bathing suit,” Roadhog commented. He was looming over you.
“Oh, God!” You shouted, waking Jamie up.
“Surprise.” He mumbled sleepily. Mako let out a hearty laugh.
“I thought you guys–”
“We followed you,” Mako revealed.
“You know, we don’t trust you being on your lonesome. Don’t know how many dipsticks are out there, waiting to mess with ya.” Jamie said.
They’re so caring. A small smile formed on your lips. Mako grabbed your chin to get a good look at you. “I missed this. This smile…”
Your face was heating up again. You wanted to kiss Mako at the spot. Jamie too.
Jamie placed his prosthetic arm on your shoulder. “Guess what we found in this little island.”
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You found yourself in the middle of an ancient temple, half of the place was covered in vines.
“Aphrodite’s temple.” You muttered under your breath.
“Is that what this is?” Jamie asked. “We were looking for treasure, but all we found were pictures of folks rootin’.”
He pulls off vines from a wall revealing an ancient fresco of a copulating couple. Yep, this was a temple of Aphrodite alright.
“There’s more,” Mako added. He took your hand and led you deeper into the temple where a magnificent statue of Aphrodite stood. She was once painted gold, but time has faded here into the dullest of yellow.
You peered closer into her face. She looked remotely like a younger Agave.
“You want to touch it?” Junkrat asked you.
You had a strange feeling you shouldn’t. “Should we go back to the beach?”
“I’m going to touch it.” Junkrat ignored you.
“Wait, Jamie–”
Jamie hobbled towards the statue and poked its feet with his peg leg. “What are you ‘afraid of, love?”
Roadhog walked to the statue and laid his hefty hand on it. “What’s the problem?” He asked.
The Junkers stood by the statue for a few minutes.
“Guys?” You said, nervously.
The Junkers smiled at each other them smiled at you. The island’s energy was back, and it was stronger than before.
“Let’s go back,” Junkrat said. “I want some more of that cheese.”
“I saw you guys fucking.” You confessed.
Jamie stared at you with his mouth wide open. He turned to Mako and lightly punched his arm.  "I told you we should’ve been quieter.“ He whined.
"Who was the squealer?” Mako looked down at the rat with a grin. Jamie only mumbled to himself and stuffed a fistful of goat cheese into his mouth.
Roadhog turned to you. “We didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“I know you didn’t,” You said. “I wasn’t expecting–”
“Do you like us?” Jamie asked. You froze. “Hold up, here’s a better question: Do you want us?”
You shook your head.
“Don’t lie.” Mako snapped. You flinched. You hated how much the Hog was the master lie detector.
“Is it right?” You asked. “To be with you both?”
“We fucking love ya, mate,” Jamie stated. “Loved ya for a long time.”
“We were going to ask you at Blizzard World,” Roadhog said.
Was this really happening? Is this how threesomes formed?
“We weren’t sure if you were the kind of gal, who, you know…” Jamie noted.
“I know, Jamie.” You replied.
You have been thinking about it for years, fantasizing about the Junkers. Some were sweet and wholesome, others were downright dirty. “I love you boys, too.” You declared.  
Both Junkers sighed with relief. A sudden gust of wind knocked your food plates over.
“Not the cheese!” Junkrat groaned. He shoved the last sandy pieces of goat cheese into his mouth. You only laughed.
Suddenly, Mako grabbed you by your hips and placed you on his lap. You gasped as you felt his massive hard-on through his speedo.
Holy fuck.
“Now you can join us in the fun stuff,” Roadhog growled in your ear. God, his voice could melt chocolate.
“What kind of fun stuff?” You asked.
“Rat, show her your upgraded hand.”
The toothy grin Junkrat gave you made your legs weak. He looked down at you like he was going to eat you alive. Right now, you would let him.
“Close your eyes, love,” Jamie instructed.
You closed your eyes. You could feel Roadhog slowly grinding his hard-on against your bottom.
“Just relax, love, and listen to the waves.”
You relaxed in Roadhog’s lap, listening to the crushing waves, anticipating what’s coming up. You felt your shoulder straps from your top being removed. Your breasts finally free from its wetsuit prison.
Mako’s hot breath was on your neck. He was sniffing you. You tried not to react as he kissed the crook of your neck.“Mmmm, tasty.” He whispered.
You heard something buzzing. “Junk?” You called out. Your eyes were still closed.
“Hush love,” Junkrat ordered. “Hog, take it all off.”
Roadhog lifted you from his lap and slipped the rest of your bathing suit right off you.
"Junkrat?” You whispered. You were utterly curious and aroused. You could feel your slick starting to trickle between your legs.
“Mmm, look at you,” Jamie muttered. His vibrating fingers startled you.
“Oh my God!” You whimpered. Your eyes met with Jamie’s. He waved his humming fingers at you.
“Like the update?” He asked.
Before you could answer, Mako spread your legs. “Let’s make her squeal.”
You held on to Mako’s arm.
“We have all the time in the world.” Jamie grinned.
The Junkers took their sweet time with you, introducing you to pleasures you never felt before.
Junkrat fingered you with his vibrating fingers almost to the point of coming. Mako stopped him so he could have his way with you. “You deserve a place on top.” He grunted.
Mako watched you as you rode yourself on his dick. Jamie watched on the sand, palming himself through his swim trunks.
When you were close to coming again, Mako stopped so he and Jamie could have you right on the sand. Jamie in front, and Mako behind you.
“S-shit, guys!” You yelped. You clung on to Junkrat as the two Junkers pumped you into both holes. You let your head back, an inaudible scream came out of you as you finally climaxed. The Junkers cuddled with you, whispering how much they loved you.
At least you know now it’s not wrong to love both.
                                             THE END
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
RWBY Squiggle Script #019: Junkrats
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This is a repost of a Squiggle Script I had originally shared as part of my RWBY Musing #74. While I don’t generally make it a habit to resubmit scripts that I’ve already shared in theory posts, I’m making an exception to this specific script. I happen to adore this script a lot and consider it one of my personal favourites  not just because it centers on another favourite Pinehead headcanon I have for Oscar but it additionally introduces yet another RWBY OC of mine.
With all the content I’ve made with my most known RWBY OC: Rose Fox, it’s inspired me to work on more content featuring other original RWBY characters I have. 
While the Squiggly RWBY OC (or OCs) featured in this script doesn’t have a face as yet like my Rose, he does have a defined personality and a premise behind his characterization and creation for what it’s worth, I hope this scripts help you guys get to know him as well as get used to him a bit more since you might be seeing him again soon.
If you’d like to learn about the theory/Pinehead headcanon behind this new RWBY OC, read this post right here.
Picture it. A nervous looking Oscar Pine is at Atlas Academy, riding an elevator lift transporting him to a new unknown sector of the school beneath its massive compound. 
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Accompanying him was a woman known only as Ms. Dolores Mombi. Not that she bothered to disclose her full name to Oscar. During the ride down below, Ms Mombi remained rather stone-faced with her back straight and her lips pursed so tight, you wouldn’t be able to see her mouth if it weren’t for the thick coat of blood red lipstick caked on her thin lips.
Every so often she would glance in Oscar’s direction; her pointy nose turned up in disgust to scrutinize the poor young boy standing awkwardly at her back. Oscar could only shift uncomfortably under her piercing gaze.
Mombi: *sternly* What did you say your name was again?
Oscar swallowed tensely.
Oscar: …Uh…it’s Os---
Mombi: *impatiently* Nevermind. I’ll just call you something like…Freckles.
Oscar: I---
Mombi: No talking.
The lift then came to a screeching halt. The door opened and Oscar found himself looking in on a dark room packed with various machinery and equipment; some functioning while others were off to the side out of order. It looked like a warehouse but it reminded Oscar of the old garage workshop his Uncle Henry used to own back home on the family farm. Before Oscar could get a better look of the place, Ms. Mombi stepped out before him; the heels of her shoes clacking annoyingly loud against the metallic flooring. As Oscar attempted to follow suit, Ms. Mombi swerved on him with one wrinkly yet perfectly manicured hand reaching up to thwart his movements.
Mombi: *sternly* Wait here!
So Oscar watched silently as Ms. Mombi took three more steps and shouted; voice shrill like a banshee.
Mombi: Tip!
The only response she received was her own echo.
Mombi: *exasperated* Where has that good for nothing junkrat gone running off to? TIP!
This time, a voice answered. A man’s voice.
Tip: Is that you Ms. Mombi?
Mombi: *crossly* Get down here immediately! I have someone I’d like you to meet.
Within a few minutes, a tall man entered the room. Oscar could only stare. He knew it was rather unmannerly of him to do so but he couldn’t help it. This new stranger was the tallest man Oscar had ever laid eyes on. He was practically a giant; at least by Oscar’s standards.
There was also…something oddly familiar about the man’s face. Not that there was anything wrong with it. From where Oscar stood, the man seemed friendly enough. Handsome too. But there was just something else about him that Oscar couldn’t quite pinpoint yet. But before he could ponder on it more, Oscar was pulled from his thoughts as Ms. Mombi suddenly snapped her fingers for him to come forward. As he did, Ms. Mombi sharply pulled Oscar by the scruff of his uniform and practically shoved him before the man.
Okay. Giant is definitely what this man is, Oscar thought to himself as he trained his eyes all the way up to the man’s face. His boyish frame seemed smaller than usual under the intimidating stature of this towering juggernaut of a man who blinked down at Oscar; blue eyes curious.
Mombi: Freckles, this is Tip. Tip this is Freckles.
Oscar: Actually…it’s Os---
But Ms Mombi cut Oscar off again; suddenly grasping his shoulders with her trimmed fingernails, sharp like talons and red to match her lips, digging into the fabric of his shirt.
Mombi: *tersely* Freckles will be your happy little helper for the next few months. I trust that you’ll help him get settled in.
Tip: *elatedly* Of course. Always happy to welcome a new friendly face around here.
Mombi: I wouldn’t get too friendly with this absconder. You are not here to be his friend. You are to be his supervisor to oversee his punishment and to ensure that his rehabilitation goes accordingly with the Headmaster’s demands.
Tip: Rehabilit---what now?
Mombi: Rehabilitation.
Oscar watched as Tip quirked a brow, looking between him and Ms Mombi with a look of disbelief. He then pointed a finger at Oscar.
Tip: What no good did he do?
Ms. Mombi only pulled out her Scroll. There is a momentary pause as she used the device.  Next came a noise. A message received notification alert as Tip now reached into the pocket of his jumpsuit overalls and pulled out what looked like his Scroll.
Apparently rather than telling the man of Oscar’s alleged crimes face to face, Ms Mombi preferred to message it to Tip in private. Lovely, Oscar thought dryly. There is another awkward pause as Tip took his time to read through Mombi’s message.
Oscar watched; quiet but uneasy, as Tip’s thumb moved up and down his screen as he silently read whatever elaborately long report his teacher at Atlas had wrote up on him. When he was done, Tip returned his Scroll to his pocket. For a second time, the giant man stared from Ms. Mombi to Oscar with an expression of unbridled incredulity and pointed back to Oscar.
Whatever Atlas had written about Oscar; Tip didn’t seem to buy into it like Ms. Mombi did. And Oscar found himself starting to like this Tip guy.
Tip: *in disbelief* Who? This pipsqueak? With that face?
Mombi: Looks can be very deceiving. I should know.
Tip: *dryly* Well of course since you are quite the piece of work.
Ms Mombi merely squinted at Tip; oblivious to his obvious jester.
Mombi: *monotone* Thank you.
She then clapped Oscar on the back making him jump.
Mombi: A couple of months in the Scrap Farm should straighten you up just fine. You might even fit right in here amongst all the rubble.
Ms. Mombi then half chortled at her own little quip at Oscar’s expense. Oscar sulked sadly. Tip noticed.
Tip: *comfortingly* Hey now. I wouldn’t exactly call him rubble. But you know the ole saying. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
Tip winked at Oscar; flashing him a toothy smile. This made Oscar feel better.
Tip: Besides we both know you’re just happy to have a new slave to boss around here, am I right or am I right Ms. M?
This comment proved to irk Ms. Mombi to Oscar’s surprise. Tip, on the other hand, grinned.
Mombi: *testily* Handle him! Before I have you fired for insubordination.
Tip: *cheekily* Ooof, you can try but I don’t think my brother will appreciate your tone.
Oscar didn’t know who Tip’s brother was but whoever this man was, his presence was definitely influential enough to make Ms. Mombi momentarily quiver at the mere mention of him. Still she maintained her annoyance at Tip and Oscar had to slowly edge himself away from her and over to where Tip stood; worried the old woman might implode from her annoyance. All the while, Tip just stood grinning triumphantly in his corner.
Mombi: *venomously* Handle him. Now!
Tip gave a fake salute.
Tip: Yes ma’am.
With a sharp inhale, Ms Mombi practically stomped out of the room. Only her heels were heard as she returned to the elevator shift. She gave one last lingering sneer threateningly at Oscar and a vexed scoff at Tip before she was finally gone.
The minute Ms Mombi was out of sight, Oscar exhaled a breath of relief he didn’t realize he was holding. He really did not like that woman. Now it was just the guys.
As Oscar looked back at Tip, he found him giving him the once over. Oscar hugged his arms; staring back mousy and uncomfortable.
Tip: So…Freckles, huh?
Oscar: Uhm…yeah.
Tip: Your parents didn’t really name you Freckles, did they? I mean, no offense if they did.
Oscar shook his head coyly.
Tip: What’s your real name?
Oscar: Oscar.
Tip: Uhh huh.
Now it was Tip’s turn to clap Oscar on the back. It wasn’t a stern touch like Ms. Mombi. Actually it was more of a reassuring gesture as an attempt to ease up Oscar’s obvious tension.
Tip: *comfortingly* Don’t take it too personal. Ms. Mombi hasn’t always been much for remembering names. That’s the one thing we actually share in common. I’m not very good at remembering names myself but I never forget a face. Oscar’s a nice name and all but I think I’ll remember you better as Freckles. Cute name for a cute boy. Uh…I hope it’s not offensive if I call you Freckles…or…y’know cute.
Believe it or not, Oscar was used to being addressed as both so he honestly didn’t mind at all.
Oscar: It’s…fine.
Tip smiled; bright and friendly.
Tip: Ah good. As for me, around here I’m called Tip. Just Tip.
Oscar: …Why Tip?
Tip: *chuckles* Well it’s a hella lot easier than trying to say my real name.
Oscar: *curiously* …What’s your real name?
Tip: Tippetarius.
Oscar looked at Tip funnily.
Oscar: Wait…you can’t remember Oscar but you can remember Tippetarius?
Tip: Well of course. I may forget other people’s names but I sure as ain’t gonna forget my own name now. *chuckles lightly* You’re a cheeky little fella. I like that. You and I are gonna get along just fine.
Tip then smiled big and bright again; his prominent dimpled cheeks practically glowing with his expression. And this time, Oscar couldn’t help but return the smile. Tip’s overly welcoming energy was infectious. Tip then opened his arms and gestured around him and Oscar.
Tip: Well Freckles, allow me to officially welcome you to the Scrap Farm. Your home and residence for the next few months; after school hours, of course.
Oscar: Okay.
Tip: Lemme give you the grand tour. Keep up with me now.
Tip then draped his arm around Oscar’s shoulder directing him further into the warehouse. Thus beginning Oscar’s adventures as a junkrat of the Scrap Farm.
Fast forward. One month later.
Oscar is finishing up work on a small assembly line of practice droids he had been busily polishing up for that evening’s shift. He is sporting a pair of oil covered brown boots and his trademark sunset orange gloves with a fitted black vest underneath a grease stained metal blue painter’s style jumpsuit (that’s clearly one size too big for him) with the Atlas Kingdom seal and the words ‘SCRAP FARM’ printed to the back with the front zipped down slightly to his stomach.
Hard to believe that a month had flown by so quickly for Oscar. By then, the former farm hand had grown well-adjusted to his new routine. He would spend his weekdays attending school regularly and his evenings working after school down in the Scrap Farm. Sometimes Ruby, occasionally accompanied by either Weiss or Jaune and/or Ren and Nora together, would stay back and wait for him until he had completed his shift so they could travel home together. Other times when Oscar found himself working later than expected, Tip would be generous enough to give the young boy a lift home in his retro mini-van.
A little unconventional seeing a grown man rolling around in a regular rust bucket of a van in a place as technologically advanced as Atlas Kingdom. However Oscar thought Tip was cool enough to pull it off which the man humbly appreciated. As Oscar stood back and admired his handiwork for the evening,  a familiar voice called him from behind.
Tip: Yo Freckles, catch!
Oscar turned around just in time to expertly catch something Tip tossed his way. Looking at the object in his hand, Oscar saw that it was can of juice; straight from the vending machine, nice and cold. But not too cold.
Tip: It’s grape. You like grape, dontcha?
Oscar: *chuckles* Grape’s fine. Thank you!
Tip: There’s plenty more if you want. I’ve got lemonade, strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, blueberry, wild berry, berry-banana and apple cider.
He wasn’t kidding. Oscar found Tip seated at a small table in the Scrap Farm. The table was decked with an assortment of various beverages and other refreshments in numerous sizes, shapes, flavours and brands. By Oscar’s amused imagination, it looked like the inside of a piñata with Tip wasting no time in raiding through the snacks as he skillfully popped open a can of what looked like orange soda with one hand and tore open a pack of potato chips with the other. The older man then nodded to an empty chair on the side of the table next to him where Oscar eagerly joined him.
Oscar: *amused* Did you break the vending machine again?
Tip: *through a mouthful of chips and soda* I…may or may not have. But who’s to know for sure. Besides you know the Junkrat Code. If we break it…
Oscar: …Then we fix it…
Oscar and Tip: *in unison; pointing to each other* …and don’t tell nobody!
The two then shared a hearty laugh.
Tip: That’s my boy! Drink up. I’ve got snacks too if you want. We’re celebrating today!
Oscar: What are we celebrating?
Tip: You, silly. It’s your one month anniversary here at the Scrap Farm. You’ve been doing real good so far. Keep that up and I might actually consider early retirement leaving you to inherit this place.
Oscar: *grinning cheekily* Does this mean I get a promotion?
Tip: Heck yeah! You’re now junior assistant super intendent Junkrat… in training.
Oscar pretended to pump his fist.
Oscar: *with a laugh* Yesss!
Tip rolled his eyes amusedly but otherwise couldn’t help but chuckle at Oscar’s enthusiasm.
Tip: You should probably quit while you’re ahead though. I figured Junkrat isn’t exactly the promising future you came to Atlas for.
Oscar: *snorts* I didn’t exactly come to Atlas for a ‘promising future’.
Tip: *surprised* Oh? Then what are you here for?
Oscar: I…
As much as Oscar liked Tip and as trustworthy as the man seemed, disclosing to him the real reason he and the other huntsmen had come to Atlas wouldn’t be a wise idea.
Oscar: I… don’t know yet. I guess… I’m still figuring it out.
He wasn’t exactly lying. There were many things that Oscar still had to figure out on his own. It wasn’t a subject he liked to discuss openly with others. Not even his most trusted. He didn’t even attempt to discuss it with the ancient soul still playing hideaway within his mind. It was a complicated subject. Nevertheless, at that precise moment, Oscar only hoped that his answer was satisfactory enough to dispel further prying from the curious Tip. Fortunately, it was as the man nodded understandably.
Tip: That’s fine. You’re young. You’ve got your whooooole life to decide what you wanna do with it. No pressure. No rush. Just juice and snacks for now, right?
Oscar: *solemnly* …Yeah. No rush.
Oscar stared absently at the contents of his drink; his face mirrored in the pulpy liquid. He looked older somehow. While Oscar was fully aware that he was still the fourteen-year-old boy he’s always been, at least physically, that’s not how he felt mentally. He felt older. Aged and it reflected squarely in his eyes. It surprised Oscar.
When had he matured this much? It was a bit off-putting.
Oscar then shifted his attention on Tip who was now hungrily eating his way through a jumbo-sized bar of chocolate. When the man noticed Oscar staring at him, he flashed him another warm smile, face full of chocolate. He even broke off a couple small squares, offering them to Oscar. The farm boy respectfully declined. Tip only shrugged, chucking the chocolate into his mouth with a resounding CRUNCH; mind now far away in his own little world. Oscar couldn’t help but crack a small smile. It amused him how such an older man could emulate such a pleasant, almost child-like innocence to him and outreach on life. It amazed him just as much as his own sudden mental maturity. When did the adult man become the teenage boy and the teenage boy became the adult man?
The funny thing was, Tip was innocently oblivious to Oscar’s other side. To Tip, Oscar was just a fourteen-year-old boy expected of only engaging in activities that any boy his age was allowed to do. He didn’t expect him to inherit an ancient power. Didn’t expect him to save the world against an unbeatable entity that he helped create in another life.
No. To Tip, Oscar was just a boy; only worthy of a lifetime’s worth of snacks and sweets for working hard. It would make sense that he would think that since he’s only known him that way since they met a month ago. It was a comforting feeling. One that felt oddly familiar to Oscar; reminiscent of a time when he would spend his afternoons on the farm with Uncle Henry.
Now Oscar knew why he was fond of Tip so much. He was just like his uncle. Not that old but still younger at heart. Was not the brightest man but was definitely wise in his own way---knew everything about what he liked which he was willing to teach and pass onto Oscar. And most importantly of all, Tip was very kind. Never got angry whenever Oscar messed up and was very patient with him, more than willing to help him learn from his mistakes and give him the encouragement he needed to improve. To Oscar, being with Tip felt like being with his uncle again. The man who was more of a father to Oscar than the gentleman he never got to meet. May both of their souls continue to rest peacefully.
With this feeling on his heart, Oscar finally relaxed. If a man like Tippetarius can be so carefree at the age of over 50, then Oscar, the 14-year-old needed to follow in his stride and remember his own youth. After all, he was still a kid. He was still just a boy. For now. So, in that moment, Oscar became a boy again.
He took a huge swig of his grape juice, downing everything in one gulp. He then reached over and boldly broke off a giant slab of Tip’s jumbo chocolate bar right under his nose. Tip blinked in surprise at the sudden pilfer. Oscar nervously took a bite from his poached chocolate; half-expecting Tip to get annoyed.
But instead, Tip smiled--- nonchalant and welcoming as always and Oscar eased up again.
Oscar: I’ll tell you this though.
Tip tilted his head at Oscar curiously.
Oscar: I really like being a Junkrat.
Oscar then smiled. A genuine smile to show that his words were sincere. He was met with a nice big broad happy grin from Tip; dimples shining.
Tip: And I like that you like being a Junkrat.
Tip then raised his nearly empty can of soda for a toast.
Tip: To the Junkrats!
Oscar joined him.
Oscar: To the Junkrats!
The two then clinked their cans and finished their drinks. A comforting silence then fell between them. The only audible sounds were Oscar munching on his chocolate while Tip sat sprawled off across from him; his legs now propped up on a stool he’d wheeled over. His big feet danced from side to side; one side of flip-flips dangling dangerously on the tip of his toes as Tip cracked open another cold one without a care in the world.
It would be another few beats before Oscar started up a new conversation; chocolate done but another can of juice in hand.
Oscar: …Tip, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.
Tip: Shoot.
Oscar: That first day…Ms. Mombi threatened to fire you… and…
Tip interrupted with a sharp laugh.
Tip: *nonchalantly* Listen; I’ve worked here for over 25 years and Ms. M has had it out for me since day one. Threatens to fire me at least five times a week and Atlas Academy would have to be dumber than a box of rocks to actually listen to her. Who do you think really runs this place? That old witch couldn’t fix anything if you showed her how. So don’t you worry about that. She’s not getting rid of Ole’ Tippy Top that easily.
Tip then flashed Oscar a wink and the boy smiled. He was relieved to have that assurance at least. However that wasn’t the question he was gearing up to ask.
Oscar: …But… Ms Mombi doesn’t seem like the type to back down from anyone but when you mentioned your brother, she backed down immediately. So…
Tip nodded slowly in realization; a grin toying at his dimpled cheeks.
Tip: …You wanna know who my infamous brother is?
Oscar nodded innocently.
Tip: *chuckling* I knew this day would come. Whelp, you are junior assistant super intendent Junkrat in training after all. Might as well let you in on the ole Junkrat family secret.
Tip then urged Oscar to lean in closer. The farm boy obliged; eyes wide with curious eagerness.
Tip: When we first met, I told you my name was Tip. Short for Tippetarius. But my full name is actually Tippetarius Ironwood .
Oscar, who had absently been taking another big sip of his drink, suddenly choked; spraying juice right in Tip’s face.
Oscar: *coughing* Ir…Ironwood? You’re related… to the General!
Tip only wiped his nose with a handkerchief from his pocket, perfectly unphased by Oscar’s bout of shock.
Tip: *casually* I just like to call him big brother Jimmy. But yeah, James is my brother. Don’t you see the family resemblance?
In fairness to Tip, he was right. For weeks, Oscar had been trying to piece together why Tip seemed so familiar to him. While he reminded him of his uncle in spirit, there was always that one other odd thing about the way he looked that gave Oscar the impression he had seen his face somewhere before. But he could never quite put his finger on it. Now he knew why. As the realization hit him like a sharp slap, Oscar saw it.
The uncanny likeness. The metallic blue eyes. The tall, strapping muscular build. The sharp jawline that could cut butter. The prominent dimples.
Sure Tip was more clean-shaven and a natural brunette without a single grey hair on his head but the proof was all there. Right in Oscar’s face, clear as daylight. There was no denying it now. Tip was an Ironwood or at least he looked ridiculously a lot like the other Ironwood Oscar was all too familiar with. If Oscar’s jaw could fall any lower, it could decimate Mantle. Somewhere, deep within the recesses of Oscar’s psyche, his amazement was matched by another’s.
Oscar: *stupefied* I…I…I can’t believe it. The General has a brother! I…I’m sorry. It’s just that he’s never---
Tip: Mentioned me? Classic Jimmy. He’s never been one to disclose much about his family life. He’s always been a private man. Me not so much. Mainly because I like using that little titbit to watch that ole witch up there squirm. You should have seen her face when she found out that I wasn’t lying about James really being my brother. Most people don’t believe the relation at all at first.
Oscar: I…don’t blame them. I’m still finding it hard to believe myself. The General has a brother.  That’s so weird! You’re nothing like him.
Tip quirked an eyebrow.
Tip: What? You think all us Ironwoods are hardboiled, war-ridden military soldiers?
Oscar: *blanched* …Uhhh…I…well…uhm…
Tip gave another sharp laugh, patting Oscar’s hand reassuringly.
Tip: Relax Freckles. I’m just yanking your chain, kiddo. You see this is why I normally stray from using the ‘I’m an Ironwood’ card. Being an Ironwood generally tends to garner a rather jumpy reaction from most people around here and I like folks to be relaxed around me. Besides James and I have always been different. Night and day is what they used to call us growing up. Funny. You would think we wouldn’t be given that we are twins and all that.
For a second time, Tip was met with a spritz of pulp-fuelled fuzz as Oscar spat out his drink yet again.
Oscar: *incredulously* You’re twins!.
Tip: Are you going to keep doing that every time!
Oscar: *squeakily*…Sorry.
Tip sighs, offering Oscar a napkin which he graciously accepts and wipes his mouth.
Tip: No we’re not really twins. That part’s the lie. I just wanted to see your reaction. Jimmy and I are actually 5 years apart but people did used to think we were twins growing up though. We do look a lot alike. I have the cuter dimples though.
Oscar snorts.
Tip: We also used to be pretty close. Jimmy and Tippy. The Ironwood Brothers. Thick as thieves. Man, those…heh…those were the days.
Oscar: Aren’t you guys still close now?
Tip’s face fell.
Tip: *sombrely* …Not quite. I mean, Jimmy did get me this job when I was in a pinch which was…nice. Glad to see he still likes to...look out for his baby brother when he’s able to. At least that part of him hasn’t changed yet. But that’s as much as I hear from my brother. I invite him to dinner from time to time…well all the time. But he never shows. I guess being a great General in charge of the Atlas Military and the whole kingdom must eat up a lot of his free time. But, no shame in trying, right?
A wave of blues flashed across Tip’s face. For a man who’s often seen as bright and cheery, it was hard for Oscar to see him look so sad and the boy frowned; feeling guilty now for daring to bring up the subject.  
Oscar: Tip…
Oscar nearly jumped as Tip suddenly perked up with a clap of his hands; suddenly staring at Oscar wide-eyed; blue eyes twinkling.
Tip: Hey speaking of family dinner. You know my wife’s a Mistral girl. Grew up on the same country side as you. She’s been clamouring to get me to bring you home for weeks but y’know…me and my straw brain… keep forgetting. What’d you say to a nice home cooked Mistralian style dinner over at my house tomorrow night? You can even bring your friends along too. The more company, the more food to enjoy. How does that sound?
Oscar: That’s sounds…really great. *grins* Yeah I’ll be there.
Tip: Terrific! I’ll tell the Mrs. to start cooking. Bet she’ll be thrilled to finally meet you. Lemme just…er…make a little note here so I don’t forget this time.
Oscar: *chuckles* Right.
With that, Tip whipped out his Scroll. Now the only audible noise was the tap-tapping of Tip’s fingers against the glass screen. Oscar, on the other end, drank quietly. If anything, this should have been the end of the two Junkrats’ casual conversation. However, there was another curious question Oscar really wanted to ask that kept egging at him. And for a second time, this sentiment was coordinated by the other being within his mind whose own curiosity encouraged his.
So with another swig of his drink for added courage, Oscar faced Tip again just as he pocketed his Scroll.
Oscar: *sheepishly*…So…what happened?
Tip: What happened what?
Oscar: …Why aren’t you and Jim---the General close anymore? Did…something happen…between you two?
Again. This would be the part where Oscar would expect Tip to lose his patience with him and possibly pull him up for being such a nosy kid; prying into a grown man’s personal business. But just like before, Tip subverted Oscar’s expectations as he only chuckled. He didn’t seem annoyed at the probe. Instead he smiled. That same classic Tippy smile; big and bright as he always gives. Even though Oscar could easily see the slight tinge of blue behind it.
Tip: Quite the perceptive little cookie, aren’t you now?
Oscar: *shrugs jokily* My brain’s not made of straw y’see.
Tip laughed hoarsely; wagging his finger at Oscar in a ‘good one’ type of gesture. Oscar smiled but he didn’t back down from his question. And Tip saw that.
Tip: The Tale of the Ironwood Brothers…
Tip paused. A frown flashed briefly across his face as if remembering something awful. But it was gone as quickly as it came with Tip settling on a sombre half grin.
Tip: Well…that my dear young Freckles is another ole junkrat family secret…for another day. For now, story time’s over.
With that, Tip rose from his seat and started ushering Oscar to do the same.
Oscar: Wait…what? Really? What happened to us celebrating?
Tip: We can celebrate more on the way home once our shift’s over and all the work is done. Besides the faster we finish up, the sooner I can drop you off safely. Come on now. Don’t want the wifey to start ringing down my Scroll again. Same for your mother hen.
He meant Ruby. Oscar frowned, folding his arms with a huff as he grouchily watched Tip start packing all the remaining snacks and drinks into a duffle bag. At one point he stopped to give Oscar a firm look that clearly meant that he wanted him to stop pouting and start assisting. Finally Oscar gave in with a sigh of defeat.
Oscar: Fine.
Tip smirked with a single nod. He then thrusted the snack bag into Oscar’s lap leaving him to secure the rest of the goodies. As Tip spun around, there suddenly came a small clatter from the back of the warehouse. As the senior Junkrat inspected, he was met with mechanical shrieks of alarm as a towering Atlesian battle droid peeped its obliquely pumpkin-shaped metal head from behind a pillar of oil cans it had accidentally knocked over.
Tip only shook his head at this familiar bot.
Tip: Oy! PMKN-4340! Don’t think I don’t see you back there! You know you’re not supposed to be outside of your terminal after hours. Offline now!
More mechanical noises were heard, this time in disappointed protest followed by another clatter of cans as the droid---PMKN-4340, begrudgingly plodded its way back to its charging terminal in the backroom with its other sleeping brothers.
When Tip was assured that the droid was back where it was supposed to be, he returned to Oscar who was almost finished packing.
Tip: Sorry about that.
Oscar: 4340 acting up again?
Tip: Yeeeeep.
Oscar: Have you tried switching it completely off? Removing its batteries…er…power core…whatever?
Tip: Pffft! You say that like I didn’t have the common sense to try that a bazillion times.
Oscar: *in disbelief* And it still comes back online? Every time!
Tip: Mmmm hmmmm
Oscar zipped up the fully packed snack bag and tossed it back to Tip who slung it over his shoulder.
Tip: *sighs* Yeah…4340’s always been an oddball but I’ve never seen it this persistent before. If I didn’t know any better, I think it likes you, Freckles.
Oscar: *surprised*What? Me?
Tip: Yeah, it only misbehaves like this when you’re around. Maybe it’s got a little robo-crush on you. Don’t think it’s female though. Do robots even have genders? I mean…it’s looks male but maybe it’s one of them models where you can decide the sex. I never really checked. Never really thought about it.
Oscar: *awkwardly* …Oookay, that’s enough of that. Let’s change the subject, please.
Tip: Yeaaaah you’re right. I’m too old for that kind of talk with you young whippersnappers. *chuckles* I still think that robot’s interested in you for some reason though. Might even give that lil Ruby girl you like so much some competition.
Oscar: Wait…WHAT!
Tip only gave Oscar a knowing look. Oscar could only turn pink under his gaze.
Oscar: *embarrassed* I…I…I’m not…really…it’s not…
Tip: What? You think I wouldn’t notice your crush on Little Red Ruby Hood? My brain may be made of straw but my eyes are sharper than a tack and you got it bad, m’friend.
Oscar: *embarrassed; blushing* Shu---Shut it!
Tip: *teasingly in a sing-song voice* Bad for the Rose.
Oscar: *cheeks turning from pink to red* Shut up, shut up!
Tip: *pokes Oscar’s reddened cheeks playfully* Want some tips? Some Tippy Tips on romance---
Oscar: *covers his ears childishly; blushing intensifies* No! No! We are not having this conversation! Nope! No! No! Not listening anymore. Noooo!
Tip clutches his sides, doing his best not to keel over from laughing his butt off. The older Junkrat then patted his young protégé lightly on the back; silently reassuring him that he wasn’t going to tease him any further. Oscar merely pouted grumpily; unconvinced. Tip grinned.
Tip: *laughingly*  Come on. Finish your juice and let’s get back to work, lover boy.
Tip then masterfully evades a grouchy punch to the shoulder from Oscar as he innocently danced his way out of the room leaving a flushed farm boy alone to his embarrassment. With the senior Junkrat gone, Oscar drops his face in his hands; groaning unapologetically loud.
Oscar: *awkwardly* Why? Why does everyone keep calling me that?
Tip: *yelling off-screen* Because you’re that darn obvious boy!
At this point, Oscar’s face was beet red.
Oscar: *mega embarrassed* Shut it old man!
And scene.
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~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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Adoptable requests
If any other writing blogs would like to fill some of these, I’m sure the requesters would appreciate it! Thank you!
You can probably write this later something but, I have acne scars and get zits on my butt, boobs and thighs, I’m thiccc fam, and I get so scared of someone seeing it and like ugh. This has came to my head before of like hanzo having the most flawless skin and then you have me with pimples and scars on my butt like I’d be so scared for him to see em
Hi! Could I have Jesse Mccree and a younger so (nothing crazy everyone’s legal) and they both have feelings for each other but both are too scared to act because the s/o feels like he would never be into her and Jesse feels like she would never be into him and feels like he would be taking advantage of him
Hi!!!! May I have okami!Hanzo (the werewolf not just the white haired old man lol) who’s in a rut, with a sweet thicc™️ s/o who’s more than willing to be bread by him?????? Thanks~
May I request a doe!reader w/ human!Hanzo? Possibly human!McCree if you do more than one character in a request! If not, thanks anyway!
For the skin thing, could you write something with Mystery Man McCree where him and his S/O are partners like Tonto and the Lone Ranger? Sorry I’m just a huge western show nerd 😂😂
My friend, may I request some sub!Reinhardt? Both nsfw and sfw. I feel we lack content with a submissive buff german boy <3
What headcanons do you have for oni genji :D one of my headcanons for him is that (after he's "killed") he wonders around the forest he lives in and searches for lost children (the forest often have many since theres a small village nearby) he guides them out of the forest so they don't get taken by the mean witch mercy who will turns them into frogs or ingredients for her spells (she doesn't but the villagers believe she does)
Headcannons for islander roadhog? Like, who is he? Where did he come f r o m
Young!Hanzo, Okami!Hanzo, and/or Scion!Hanzo! Pretty please!
Can I request some headcanons around getting Blackwatch!Moira's attention?
Camgirl (or boy) adopts hybrid of your choice, hybrid of your choice gets introduced on screen (after consenting of course), hybrid of your choice immediately becomes a fan favorite, hybrid of your choice has just stolen your show and donations.
Hey! Can I please request some shower sex with McCree and a fem!S/O? Gotta get dirty while getting clean, am I right?
All these hybrid AU makes me happy ❤❤ but what if we have kitty!Reader hybrid instead?? Which ow boys gonna love it? And which boys likes kitty!reader with brave and naughty, and which gonna likes it with timid and obidient??
Can you please do a nsfw scenario of junkrat sleeping with a virgin reader? Thank you!
Can I request Jesse or Hanzo with a hybrid panther s/o? Sfw or nsfw, it's up to you
Can I have an order of Genji with a fem!kitty!hybrid reader? I need some kitten play in my life honestly. Whatever you wanna do is fine (but bonus points for collaring and leashing)! NSFW is preferred! :')
Maybe some gentle fisting with McCree, with him being extremely vocal, dirty talking his small trans woman s/o
(NSFW) Poly McCree and Reinhardt with a shy and timid trans woman s/o who is nervous about telling them about her kinks (Mainly musk, feet/socks, size difference, daddy kink) as she's never had a loving partner before, let alone 2. The boys are happy to make her feel nice and loved, while also being naughty and kinky themselves
Hello!! I saw up top it said you were open, but I apologize if not just in case. How about some Hanzo with a housewife kink?? Maybe she can cook exceptional well too? Thank you so much for being so open! Have a great day!!
Can you please do a HC of Jesse, Jamie, and Mako getting jealous? Thanks!
Can I request platonic!Hammond and reader? Like she is a resident of Junkertown that lives near the outskirts of Junkertown and found out about Wrecking Ball’s identity? She’s practically giddy about him being a hamster and gives him a place to stay and work on his mech and Hammond is very grateful. I think it would be fun to be best friends with an adorable hamster!!
How would Genji, Hanzo, Mcree, Mercy, 76, and Reaper feel about an s/o that’s younger than them? Like someone in their twenties while they’re in their thirties or older?
JABDOCIDBWBDKDKS I'm a recent follower and I'm screaming some of your hcs are just so GOOD???? Pls hit me with all that Good Shit©. If it's by any chance okay, could I maybe request Hanzo with fem!s/o that is initially headstrong, but secretly has an omega/housewife kink?? (I'm not sure if I'm using the AU right so sorry in advance.) Thank you so much for always being so open and kind!!! ❤❤
Maybe some headcanons for Brigitte and a hybrid Lion!Hybrid S/O? Fem or gender neutral is okay! Idrc if they're sfw or nsfw I just enjoy your hybrid AU. Do as you please with request! 💕
How about McCree with a puppy hybrid fem!so whose going through a particularly rough heat. Perhaps she's getting false pregnancy vibes, collecting his things behind his back and making a nice nest of it to comfort herself during these trying times. :')
If it’s okay may I please have a scenario where Genji’s been gone for a couple days on a mission and when he gets home he walks in on his girlfriend masturbating and whimpering his name and he just watches for a few minutes before pinning her to the bed and eating her out? Thanks in advance and I hope you’re having a great day :)
Could a hybrid s / o rabbit with a kitty! Genji / kitty! Hanzo?
Could you do Brigette with a chubby fem! So? Like, her gf sees cute couples doing piggybacks all the time and is a little sad bc she thinks she’s way to heavy for Brigette to handle?
Junkrat with a hybrid tiger!reader who growls and hisses at people they dont like and are generally moody except with Junkrat? Like, they'll usually avoid most people but when they see Rat their ears perk up and they stick close to him and just enjoy his company.
Can you please do a HC of Jesse, Jamie, and Mako trying to flirt with a crush? Thanks!
reader is on the enemy team, but our heroes have taken a romantic liking to them (and vice versa). during the middle of their ultimate in-battle, reader pulls them in for a kiss ('stunning' them, thus cancelling their ult) in order to save their own team. by the time the kiss is over, the heroes' ultimate timed out, and reader scrambles back to their team for safety. how would Reaper, McCree and Genji react?
Some NSFW for a nice shiba!Genji? Perhaps he's hit a rut and his fem!so wants to be able to help him out a bit.
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nukenai · 6 years
I just had a scripted cutscene happen to me I swear to god
So I’m at the mall because I’m a grown up, and Star Wars stuff is on sale at Box Lunch. I go in and I’m looking at the Overwatch stuff. This little 7 year old boy hands me a box with the Ganymede plush in it and asks me to put it back since it was up on a high shelf. So I ask him if he likes Overwatch, he says yeah, I ask him who he plays as. Cause I love to strike up conversations with cute little kids.
He tells me, “I like Genji! He’s super cool!” I say stuff like “can’t really beat a sword when it comes to coolness”. Kid goes “he’s got a sword and another one, like, DOUBLE sword!”
So as kids do, he starts telling me everything about Overwatch. I mentioned Bastion is my 2nd favorite. He asks me, “Did you know Bastion used to be a bad guy? But then he turned good. And there were all these bad Bastions that wanted to hurt people,” Right then, his 9 year old sister pops in and goes “Um, you mean THE OMNIC CRISIS?” all sassy and I’m like, dying, I can’t handle how goddamn cute these kids are.
So kid grabs a lanyard and starts asking me if I know who the characters are, cause it had a bunch of them on it. He asks me if I know Roadhog, and tells me that him and Junkrat are friends! He said he likes Tracer too. And I was flashing back to the cinematic trailer, he was literally the little brother character, lol.
So then the kid goes, “You know who else is my favorite?” and I of course ask him, “Who?” thinking to myself, please god, be anyone except-
“Soldier 76!”
Luckily I keep my composure, I just sort of gasp and yell “He’s my TOP FAVORITE!” I show him the little figure in my purse, and the keychain ON my purse, and his little child eyes go SO DAMN WIDE. Then he goes into this insane demonstration,
“When he uses his ultimate, Tactical Visor (gesturing hand over eyes to simulate visor) he goes (tiny child voice imitating gruff old man voice) I’VE GOT YOU IN MY SIGHTS!”
Oh my god, I could not handle it, I got to talk to a 7 year old about how Cool Soldier 76 is, and we were equally as excited.
He also asked me if I “knew about Pokemon” so of course I told him I’ve been playing it since I was tinier than he was! I played the original red when it came out in 1996! His jaw dropped. He could not believe it.
I made sure to tell him, as I tell like all kids, that it’s fine to play video games and stuff when you’re an adult. I mean, look at me! I’m an adult and I still love this stuff!
His mom had this enormous smile on her face the whole time and thanked me for getting so into the conversation with him. She was so sweet and it was obvious I just made her kid’s LIFE lol.
What a fun day :D
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mermaider00 · 6 years
Merry Meihem
For @grouchymillennial
His first Christmas was when he discovered he liked Christmas.
Junkertown didn't do Christmas. These months were spent preparing for the intense heat of summer in the Outback, like smashing a guy's teeth in for some clean water or scurrying off with a few extra planks of wood to add to their shelter. It wasn't winter, but here - and what suddenly felt like all of the real world - it was wintertime. Snow and jackets and turkeys and cups of something hot. It was a strange thing, and Christmas was even stranger. His first Christmas had been last Christmas. Hooking up with Overwatch seemed to come with the holiday that everyone enjoyed.
Everyone loved it... especially her.
Junkrat liked it, this very colorful extravaganza. What wasn't there to like? There were bright lights everywhere and fun songs to sing and yummy drinks with a warm kick in them and everyone dressed extra festive. And presents, he reminded himself. He hadn't had anything for anyone last year because he and Roadie had skipped their duties for a fun in the sun vacation, weather conditions they were more used to. But this year he was here, at the Watchpoint with snow outside the windows and those bright lights shining and those songs blasting at the Christmas party.
This year he was here... and so was she.
Have a holly jolly Christmas, and when you walk down the street...
Everyone was in the lounge area drinking, dancing, chatting, exchanging gifts they would pull from underneath the giant Christmas tree that was somehow still surviving the lust in his eyes to burn it. He still felt a bit out of place, but Overwatch seemed to be used to the junkers now. Roadie was sitting at the bar with a pair of reindeer antlers on his head. The angel doctor, wearing some gorgeous red number and her blonde hair down and curled, sat next to him quietly as she watched the dancing. Junkrat sat at a table on the other side of the room wearing red pants and a vest with snowmen on it over his bare chest. He felt very fancied up.
She was wearing a dark blue dress. The turtleneck kept her warm and over it she wore a necklace with a big snowflake pendent. The matching hairpin was where it belonged, but tonight it settled in a wavy ponytail instead of her usual messy bun. Her eyes were bright and she was laughing with Reinhardt, holding a cup of something as her silver heels sparkled in the twinkling lights of the party.
There was snow outside, but Junkrat thought he may be sweating through the snowman vest. He felt... off.
Mei was so pretty, he thought for the millionth time. He wanted to hobble over there and tell her for the millionth time, but he wasn't allowed to. Well... he was allowed to. He just didn't know if she'd be okay with it in front of the old germen guy. And pulling her away to tell her would look like something.
Something like... them being together. Which, officially, they weren't.
But he wanted them to be. Officially.
Fooling around, is what they agreed to. Just spending some secret time together no one knew about, just letting off some steam. She didn't want to make anything complicated and didn't want anyone to worry or give her the eye. She wanted something fun, just between them because he'd somehow gotten to her and made her laugh and feel needed and so very, very desired. And she was...
Mei was everything to him. Somehow there was nothing else.
It's Christmastime in the city...
"You gotta stop staring at her, man."
Junkrat flinched, his leg squeaking, then stared as Lucio sat down next to him. His hair was blue and braided close to his scalp, and the color matched the shiny outfit he'd chosen for the party. The man could shine like the bulb of a Christmas light on the tree. "I ain't staring."
"You are," Lucio argued, pulling a teal Santa hat over his braids. "She does look beautiful though. I couldn't help but stare a bit myself. I mean... that's a real nice dress she's got on."
Amber eyes narrowed dangerously. "I gotta take you out, music man?"
Lucio simply placed his chin onto his palm and tilted his head with a sweet smile. "I'd never try to steal my friend's girl."
Junkrat blinked. No one was supposed to know. "What friend? What girl? Uh... you got a friend with a girl or something?"
"Yes," he nodded. "And he's wearing a ridiculous vest with no shirt. I know you two hook up, and I just want to say that I think it's great. I think you're great for each other. It's like an opposites attract kinda thing. Fire and ice. And wow, there's a song here."
"I got no idea what you're talking about, mate," Junkrat said, turning away a bit nervously and waving him off. "And stop staring at me with that face. Not like there's some mistletoe above us."
"If there was I'd give you a big fat wet one, Jamie Fawkes." Lucio eyed his friend's slumped shoulders and the frown on his face. The junker loved parties, and it was a wonder no one was trying to keep him out of some kind of Christmas themed mischief. He realized he didn't like it when the rat was in a funk. "I'm surprised that tree is still standing," he said casually. "Last year you sent it into the mountains in a fiery blaze of pine. Everyone got mad after they spent hours decorating it."
Just as he knew it would, the memory made Junkrat start to laugh. "Those bastards think they can fool me with their crafty alarm system they got hooked up on the stupid train. I go near that thing, it goes off and the monkey carries me away. But just you wait, froggie. That tree's shooting off like a damn rocket once I get my hands on it. Merry Christmas to me!"
"You know what I've just decided I want for Christmas?" Now that he was in a better mood, Lucio wrapped an arm around Junkrat's shoulders. "I want to see my friend happy with his girl. My friend, who likes to make Christmas trees explode, the one who keeps staring at the beautiful ice lady in the blue dress."
Junkrat tensed under the embrace. "I told you I don't--"
"Not finished." Lucio pulled him close, and then placed their cheeks together, forcing their eyes to line up. Suddenly they were both staring at Mei as she hugged Hana. "If she's not someone's girl now, she might be someone's girl later. I've been watching you look at her all night, here at this party when we're all together. But when it's not Christmas, when we're not at a party, I'm telling you now that I watch her look at you too. She looks at you the same way you look at her when you're occupied, like how she is right now. And it's driving me crazy, because life is short and both of you should be acutely aware of that after what you've been through. Because it's Christmas, and I really think you should give me what I want for Christmas."
Their faces were mushed together, but both sets of eyes were on the girl. If she was his girl, then Junkrat knew he wouldn't feel so off or so alone when in situations like this. He didn't need for their relationship to be known by their teammates or to have some kind of possession over her. But he did want her, and he just didn't know how to ask if she wanted him back.
"Merry Christmas, you filthy Australian," Lucio said suddenly, then placed a big smacking kiss on Junkrat's cheek before gliding away. On the way to the dance floor, Lucio pulled Ana into a twirl and gave him a grin over her head. So easy for him, the celebrity.
Junkrat stuck his tongue out at him.
This evening has been so very nice...
Another song. Maybe he should just go, or try to deactivate the alarm on the tree while everyone was focused on the party. That would be fun and merry.
The ache in his chest instantly turned into a flip of joy. He looked up next to him, and there she was. Still sparkly like an icicle. He smiled big and wanted desperately to grab her, but he somehow managed to stay in his seat. Maybe he was still off. Maybe he would be a bit off forever. At least while Mei was still in his life.
She leaned against the wall next to him. "I see you've managed to keep your hands off the Christmas tree this year."
"Party's not over yet, snowflake."
Mei grinned. The gathering seemed to be going well, and it was so nice to see everyone relaxing and all dressed up for the holiday. Even the junker next to her. "You're oddly quiet tonight. Not feeling the Christmas spirit?"
Junkrat turned away from her so he could look at something else. Reinhardt was now dancing with Torbjorn's buff daughter. It seemed like everyone got to dance with everyone else, except him and the one he really wanted to hold. "I hate this song," he murmured, scowling a bit. "Can you ask someone to change it?"
Mei listened closely. After all the socializing, she was just now really hearing the music. "This one is considered a classic Christmas song. It's the romantic one."
"Romantic?" He scoffed and made a gag noise. "That poor girl just wants to go home and he ain't letting her. She says her Pop's worried about her. If I was her Pop I'd blow down the door and roast the bloke like a turkey. Let the jackals have a proper Christmas dinner."
She considered the lyrics as she listened some more, finally able to relax. "The time the song was written--"
"Don't care. A girl's gotta defend herself against creepy guys with smooth singing voices. Especially against creepy guys with smooth singing voice who won't let you go home to your Pop."
He heard her sigh, then felt the soft skin of her hand as it softly touched his shoulder. He felt like he could melt into a puddle from the feel.
"Let's take a break," she whispered down to him, then gave his shoulder a squeeze before turning and heading for the exit of the lounge area, her heels clicking as she walked.
Junkrat waited a few seconds. That's how it was, he reminded himself. One of them would go, and the other would follow a little bit behind so no one would catch on to anything. Always sneaking around, always lying. Usually he liked sneaking around and lying.
But not when it came to her. With Mei, he wanted to pick her up and never let her go.
Baby, you'll freeze out there...
He left the party, walking down the wide dark hallway of the Watchpoint, the only light from the moon glaring in from the big windows. It was still snowing, and he found her watching it fall. He shivered in the snowman vest.
She gave him a pretty smile when he came to stand next to her. "If this mood is about the tree, then let me remind you we all agreed you could do whatever you wanted with it after Christmas. I'll even come watch."
That put a small light back into his yellow eyes. "You will?"
Mei nodded, then lifted her hands to hold his face so she could lean up to kiss him. She was a bit taller in her heels and could reach. This time he did melt from the warmth of her mouth. "After everyone goes to bed, you should come to my room. It's snowing still, so you can keep me warm all night."
"Yeah, I can do that, love," he answered, a stupid dreamy grin on his face as he bent forward for more of her touch and more kisses. But it didn't last long when his head cleared up a bit.
He didn't know if he would get any presents tomorrow on Christmas - even with Overwatch, he was still a bit naughty - but he did know that both he and Lucio wanted the same thing.
He didn't want anything else.
I'll have a blue Christmas without you...
The faint music drifted down the hall.
"Mei," he eased out, and it sounded difficult when he took her hands. "About... all this. Like coming to your room. Like coming out here, away from the party."
Mei blinked up at him. "Hmm?"
Trial and error was how he got through most things. And now he would just have to try his best. "I... don't wanna do it anymore." He swallowed. Maybe that was a good start? "I want to stop."
Her hands squeezed in his and he heard her inhale a sharp breath. "Stop?" she asked softly. "You don't... You want to stop? You don't want to be with me anymore?"
Junkrat gave a small, worried yelp when he watched her big eyes start to tear up behind her glasses. "No! No, love, that's not what I'm saying at all. I knew I would fuck it up, so stupid!"
"Jamie," she murmured sadly, but also now very confused.
"Let me start over, I'm ruining it." He held her hands firmly and even quickly placed his forehead on hers for reassurance. "What I'm saying is... instead of us being like this, maybe we can... be something else? I mean, I know we don't match. I know we don't make sense. I'm tall and you're not. You're Chinese and I'm not. You're perfect and I'm..."
Not. Not even a little.
Now that the tears dried, Mei stared up at him with a lifted brow. "What are you saying?"
He sighed, exasperated with himself. How was he going to get through this? "We don't match," he said again. Junkrat lifted a hand and held it as if measuring something. He lifted it high above her. "You're here." He then lowered his hand, as far as he could reach. "And I'm here. You're like a queen, saving everyone and the whole world. And I'm just a rat rolling around in the dirt with the pigs."
"But, Jamie, I don't care about that, I told you--" Her eyes went big when he covered her mouth with his flesh hand.
"I'm just gonna say it and I know I'm not gonna say it right. If you don't want to be anyone's girl right now, then that's how it'll be. I just want to know if... instead of being like how we are now... maybe you'd like to be my girl. Officially."
He didn't know how exactly to react when he felt her smile underneath his hand. She moved it away and asked, "You want me to be your girl?"
Junkrat nodded. Might as well see this through. "And I'd be yours too, just so you know. I'd be your guy. Your favorite guy. I can hold your hand and take you on a date and I'd even be willing to plant another tree with you after I blow the Christmas one up 'cause you know, darl, I just really want to blow it up. But I know you like to plant stuff so... I'll do it. For you."
The way she was smiling... It had to be a good sign, right? He'd never done this before. He'd never cared about anybody enough. But he wanted her to be his girl and he wanted to be her guy. He wanted to help her with her problems and keep her warm when she was cold and hold her when the nightmares came. She'd once trekked through the arctic with only a little bot for company, but he never wanted her to be so alone again. And on Christmas, this holiday they both liked, he wanted it all to start right away.
"I'll be your girl," she finally said, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down closer to her. "And you'll be my guy. Officially."
And the feeling of being off went away completely. He took her waist and kissed her, bouncing a bit as he stood. "A lot of junker girls just burst into tears, I hope you know. Even the Queen herself."
"I'm sure they did," Mei said with a laugh. "Tears of joy."
He seemed to instantly forget her teasing and grabbed her hand, pulling her along back to the party. She realized then his snowman vest jingled. "Lets go dance, love!"
He hadn't been lying to himself when he said he didn't care about the others knowing. He didn't need to pull Mei into the party and announce the good news, finally making their relationship known to everyone else. All he wanted to do was dance with her in Christmas light and music, and look more at the tree so he could plan for its great demise. Junkrat pulled Mei close as another song began, another classic with a softer, slower twist than the original. She even kissed him, and no one said a word.
Junkrat felt a pat on his shoulder. Lucio was next to him swaying with Hana. The music man gave him a thumb's up and a wink. As they danced, the fingers of his flesh hand moved through the wavy locks of Mei's ponytail as her arms hugged his waist and her cheek rested against his chest. The moment was a nice one, Junkrat decided, but an even better one would be when he finally got the tree, and the two of them would watch it burn high in the sky.
All I want for Christmas is you...
Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope this didn't suck. <3
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kingjamesonfawkes · 6 years
A trade with dear @straying-thru-numbani 
Junkrat’s old flame reunites with him when they find out they’ve both found their way to Overwatch’s ranks.
Everything had been perfect in your first couple weeks of training at the newly reopened Overwatch base in Gibraltar. You first mission went smoother than you could have imagined and you fit into the team like you were born for this role. It was so different than where you had come from out in the outback, it had been hard work but you had gotten out of Junkertown and never looked back, why would you? There was nothing left in Junkertown for you except bad memories and strife.
So why was it that he was here? How could he be here? In your second week, a crew returned to base from a month long mission, and you were naturally excited to meet the other recruits that you hadn’t met yet. Until the Junkers hopped off of the transport ship, and you heard the cackle that you hadn’t heard in years, high and shrill and unmistakable. You face fell and your stomach churned. You were definitely over him, definitely. So why had that reminder of your times together, his uncontrollable laugh, hit you so hard? You hadn’t thought about him in years, trying to push him out of your mind when he left you without warning and didn’t even try to contact you. You tried to hide your sneer as you greeted the other heroes, congratulating them on their successful mention and then sneaking away before either Junkrat or Roadhog caught sight of you.
You made a note to ask someone how they had even come to work for Overwatch, and seeing Ana in the hall as you made your way back to your quarters, you caught her attention, ushering her aside.
“Overwatch knows they’re criminals right?” You said to her suddenly, and catching her confused expression, you clarified, “Junkrat. Roadhog. Surely an organization this big has the intel to know that.” Ana chuckled at you, “Well surely you’ve heard to keep your enemies closer?” She smiled and nodded to you as she explained, “Of course we know, but we’re safer with them here on our side. Took a pretty penny to get them on the team but they do have a certain special skill set that comes in handy. Plus, missions keep them out of trouble and civilians safe.”
Luckily avoiding him had proved easier than you thought, he was reclusive or spent most of his time with Roadhog, a thought that panged you with jealousy and resentment for the larger junker, feeling like junkrat had left you for his new partner. It was another week before he had caught sight of you and hobbled over in his limping gait, grinning ear to ear like someone had just handed him a bag of cash.
“‘Ey ‘andsome, ain’t ya a sight for sore eyes!” He said, voice flirty and casual like there was no ill will between you.
You scowled at him, “Fuck off, Jamison, you’re the last person I want to see.” Venom dripping from your words, but the man didn’t seem to mind.
“Ah, ya ain’t the least bit happy ta see ol’ Junkrat again? Been a while babe,” He said, flexing his eyebrows at you, “Can’t tell me ya don’t miss all this!”
You stopped walking and turned to him, a fire alit in your eyes, “Junkrat, you didn’t even fucking try to tell me goodbye before you were off and out of Junkertown with Roadhog. You thought I wouldn’t notice? Wouldn’t wonder where my boyfriend went? Or if he was ever coming back? Or if he fucking cared that he left me in that desolate shit hole without a second thought?”
“‘Ey!” He said, voice suddenly cross, “Ain’t my fault we left suddenly! Tried to get back in for a damn year, but Queenie wasn’ ‘avin’ it! An’ no one said no one said ya couldn’ come along, woulda had my boy at my side in a second if I coulda.”
You were quiet. Fuming. You looked away from his face, “What the fuck did you to do get exiled anyway?” you said, voice quieter now.
You looked back at him, and he shrugged, irritation gone from his face again, “Roadie and I debated a couple things but not sure.”
You were quiet, and started walking away from him again, you weren’t sure you could do this right now, or ever. You didn’t think you’d ever see him again, let alone here. You heard him follow behind you, sensed him watching you as you made your way down to the training room for practice.
He grabbed your shoulder, the first time you had touched him in years and you felt your heart jump for his touch. “I still love ya.” He said, voice more serious than you had ever heard it. You stopped walking, and turned to him.
Looking at his face, judging his sincerity. You swallowed hard, your words caught in your throat. “I still love you too,” you spoke softly, “I never stopped, its just hard because you weren’t there. We missed so much of each other’s lives.”  
“We got time ta catch up,” He said, wrapping a hand around your waist and pulling him towards you, and winking at you, “Gotta tell me ‘ow ya got outta Junkertown yourself, ya know.” Without letting you continue, he leaned down, pressing his lips against yours in a kiss laced with the sweet sooty taste that lingered on his body. A constant even now.
You gave yourself into the kiss, your hands finding their way around his waist to pull him closer to and up into his hair to pull him closer and deepen the kiss, reigniting the spark that you had felt dull over the years, feeling it work up to the raging fiery passion for him you used to have. You felt him smile into the kiss, and you couldn’t help but smile to, this is what you had wanted for so long, this is what you had been missing all this time.
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themusicalhermit · 6 years
Request for Reader & Roadhog getting to know each other and bonding over something cute like being members of a crocheting/gardening club etc. please^^ Can be either romantic or platonic and doesn't need to be from The Mountain-verse :)
That particular reader (from that story) does need to interact with him in non-murderous fashions, this is true.
However I wanted to try my hand at writing romantic stuff. Have a long short that I am cutting off where it is because otherwise it would be entirely too long for a simple Tumblr request.
Reader X Roadhog: “Quilting Class” (SFW)
You hadn’t expected this to happen.
Or, rather, you hadn’t expected that you would be ever be asked to something like this.
This being, of course, accompanying Roadhog to some crafting class. You would have thought he’d only ask Junkrat or… okay, maybe only Junkrat. But no; instead, Roadhog asked you.
When you’d ask why, he simply shook his head and said, “Too impatient.”
Then you recalled that Junkrat had recently gotten bored with how slowly the microwave had worked. Had being the operative word.
“Yeah, sure. When is it?”
Roadhog handed you a flyer and almost patted you on the head before obviously rethinking that action. Instead he gave you a thumbs up. You returned it with a smile. Roadhog didn’t move for a few moments. Your smile slowly faded as you fiddled with the flyer in your hands, folding it up and putting it in your pocket.
Did he have something else to say, or was there something wrong? Was he okay?
He raised his other hand. Well, okay then. Now he was now giving you two thumbs up. You returned the gesture and promised to meet him at the entrance of the compound.
Then he nodded sharply and pivoted on the spot to rejoin Junkrat on the other side of the room. The younger man looked up at his fellow Junker. A smirk appeared on Junkrat’s face, then his gaze shot to you. His mouth moved he said something that had Roadhog cuffing him upside the head. Which didn’t do anything except result in loud, raucous laughter and two thumbs up to the big guy.
The gesture earned Junkrat another punch as he continued to laugh. You returned to work, the sound following you down the corridor.
The hectic activities around base left you unable to consider the class any further. In fact, you were so busy that you had forgotten entirely to look the flyer over. Later, when you were in your quarters and changing for bed it fell out of your pocket. You hoped that Roadhog hadn’t been keeping an eye on you somehow to see if you actually read the thing - you did like the man.
Sure, he was a bit quiet and had a violent reputation that almost matched Reaper’s, but he had only ever been calm around you. And he had given you a customised stuffed Patchimari for your last birthday. It looked vaguely like you, which had made you laugh when you unwrapped it. The handwritten card had said simply ‘limited edition’ instead of any normal birthday wishes, but that didn’t matter. It was a lovely gift.
He had, of course, gotten a couple for himself and Junkrat as well. Which made you feel less special, but that was fine. He was just being a good friend.
But that meant that this, whatever, this was, wasn’t Roadhog stealthily asking you on a date. Which was fine.
You and he were just good friends. And that was fine. You forced yourself to stop examining the situation as you bent to pick up the flyer.
Huh. A day long quilting class. That was somehow both surprising and yet not at all surprising.
Oh, good, and you were free the day the class was.
You spent the rest of the week looking forward to the class and wondering what in the world Roadhog was thinking with this. Did he just want to make something? Did he want to get to know you better? Did he like you like you liked him?
Why did this remind you of how much you’d excite yourself over your old high school crushes? You hadn’t been in high school for about as many years as you’d been in school in total.
These thoughts filled your head as you adjusted the simple ‘jeans and jumper’ look you’d chosen for the day. So what if it was one of your nicer pairs of jeans and your nicest jumper? You were going out in public and just wanted to look nice.
You were going out in public with Roadhog and just wanted to look nice. Maybe he’d notice that you’d dressed up and -
You were going out in public with Roadhog as friends. Which was fine. You were allowed to look nice if you wanted to.
Roadhog had already been waiting for you when you arrived. You nervously checked your watch as you walked up, only to see that you were on time. Roadhog waved to you as you approached, which you returned with a smile and a wave of your own.
He was wearing a vest and shirt. It was classy yet casual, but you weren’t sure if you preferred seeing his tattoos or seeing him look like someone who would be carrying a stack of wood in one hand and bringing you a cup of hot cocoa in the other. Why seeing him in a shirt gave you such a different impression of him was beyond you. It was just a piece of cloth.
Of course that piece of cloth did leave you wondering whether he was dressing up because of you, or because he was wanting to not get kicked out of the class for giving little old ladies more reason to clutch their pearls.
You greeted him with a nod and a grin, wanting to either shake his hand or kiss the sides of his mask, or hug him but unsure if he’d accept it. He nodded in return and raised a hand to hover it beside your arm before letting it fall again. Turning, he motioned towards the garage.
Along the way you chattered about your week and how much you’d been looking forward to this class. He didn’t say much, but did hum in an approving way at several points and chuckled whenever you mentioned something funny.
“Had a nice week myself,” he said as you entered the garage, reaching over and flicking a switch. The lights flickered on loudly as he led you to his bike. “Been looking forward to this, too.”
“Have you ever done quilting before,” you asked. You hadn’t, or if you had it had been so long you had forgotten everything about it. He looked up from opening a compartment on his bike.
Roadhog shook his head and pulled out a dusty and banged up white motorcycle helmet. “Here.”
You took the proffered helmet and put it on, looking between the bike and the sidecar. “So I’ll be in there,” you asked, pointing at the smiling sidecar.
Roadhog snorted, shook his head, and unhitched it. “Easier to park this way.”
He climbed atop his bike and turned the ignition. The engine roared to life loudly enough that you felt it in your bones and the air around you filled briefly with the scent of petrol. Most people these days used electric engines; the antiquity of the metal beast before you was almost awe-inspiring. Then Roadhog turned to you, cocking his head to the side as he gripped one of the handlebars. Gesturing with his other hand, he motioned for you to sit on the seat in front of him.
Right, of course. The customised seat he had left no where else to sit.
Sliding onto the bike never made you feel smaller, surrounded as you were by his warm mass. As he drove you could feel the thrum of the engine below you. You were also aware of him. How could you not be?
He was everywhere and you were unable to forget the incidental press of his legs on the outside of your own and the brush of his arms over your shoulders as he drove. Or how soft his belly was behind you, or the hard press of muscle just below those layers of fat.
You were also aware of the occasional small yet racking cough whose sound was stolen by his mask and the wind. Instead of asking after it, you filled the air by musing about how the class would be structured. What you were expecting, what you would do with the quilts you made when it was over.
Roadhog stayed mostly quiet throughout the drive, content with listening to you talk. Once in a while he’d say something simple, such as “Hadn’t thought of that” or “Good plan.”
“What will you do with your quilt,” you asked as he pulled into the car park of the centre the class was held at.
He waited until you had climbed off to turn off the ignition (which had been between your spread knees throughout the journey) and shrugged in response to your question. “Bedcover, maybe,” he said, sounding unsure.
You unclipped the helmet and handed it over. “That sounds like a good idea. At least then you fully appreciate it,” you said, rubbing your thigh absently. It was odd to stand for some reason - you could still feel the thrum of the engine beneath you. “I still don’t know what I’ll do with mine.”
Roadhog shrugged and stowed your helmet. “Decide when you have it.”
When the two of you walked into the classroom everyone had fallen silent. After a brief moment of awkwardness the teacher came over, asking if they could help you. Roadhog nodded and held out the flyer. The teacher had immediately become welcoming, smiling at the two of you and gushing over how nice it was to have a couple joining them today.
You had faltered, simultaneously wanting to deny their statement (because it wasn’t true) and wanting to see what Roadhog would do. Roadhog stood silently at your side, and the teacher smiled again before gesturing to two open seats.
The first hour or two was spent teaching everyone how to hold the needles, thread them, and other sewing basics. Roadhog hadn’t paid attention during this time, instead grabbing a hooked needle and practising various stitches as the teacher mentioned them. They eventually came around and asked if they could show his work to the class as an exemplar. As the scrap of cloth was passed around Roadhog quietly showed you how to do the same, fingers brushing your hands occasionally to adjust your hold or the angle of the needle.
Then the teacher brought out multicoloured scraps of fabric and soft downy materials. At last you had come to the meat of the class. The teacher clapped their hands together, looking out at the class’s blank faces with glee as they announced today’s theme.
The theme was apparently a ‘share stories in the round’ thing - something about traditions of sewing stories into the fabric. The finished quilt would thus posses scenes from stories important to the quilter, the goal being making the finished product more personal.
Of course this necessitated working in groups. Each table was large enough for four quilters to work at. You and Roadhog shared an aside glance (or you thought you did; it was hard to tell with the mask) and refused to move.
For your troubles you ended up having two random people join your table. You had seen them elbow other people out of the way, and weren’t sure how to feel about the mercenary way they looked at Roadhog and his sewing. He, however, seemed content to completely ignore their presence and respond only to your remarks.
You, however, nodded politely as the stories were shared. So what if you all but tuned them out in favour of cutting the scraps of fabric you’d need or passing things to Roadhog when he’d lean towards you and request them. They didn’t seem to mind, chattering away and looking with interest at Roadhog’s work (and jealously at you for some reason).
Then a brief silence fell over the table. You were focused on pinning a square in place, however, and didn’t notice until Roadhog’s warm hand covered your elbow. Looking up sharply, you saw that everyone was waiting for your tale. Apologising, you shared an amusing story someone in your family had told you once. It was nice, sharing the tale and reminiscing fondly of the transferred memory as you stitched it into your quilt.
Roadhog’s story was a simple one - his first day with Talon. And how everyone but someone who sounded suspiciously like you had been standoffish to him, taking his silence to be disinterest.
The four quilts at the table shared elements of the stories - the colours and small squares brought the stories to life before your eyes.
During the lunch break Roadhog drove you to a nearby café. It was a cute place decorated with colourful lights and plushes, and the hostess seemed to recognise your companion. You two were shown to a quiet corner table.
“Is this alright,” Roadhog asked, standing beside the table.
The seat was soft beneath you as you slid in next to the window. “Of course.”
He raised a hand toward you when you smiled, but pulled away to give a thumbs up. When the waiter came you ordered your favourite meal and Roadhog ordered a vegetarian pasta dish and expresso.
“So what do you think of this so far,” you asked.
Roadhog shrugged, the eyeglasses of his mask trained towards you. “Nice.”
You nodded. “You really know your way with needles. Did you see how surprised that snotty lady two tables over looked when the teacher praised your practice stitches?”
“If she thinks it odd that I can sew,” he intoned gravely, “let her come to Oz and see just what skills you need to live there.”
You looked up at him and smiled. “Well maybe you could tell some stories from Australia after lunch. Give her something to think about.”
Roadhog’s hand grew tight around the dwarfed cup in his hand as the mask’s eyes stared into yours. Drawing in a shuddering breath, he tilted his head to the side and gave you a thumbs up.
The class resumed with much the same sort of story telling. You paid about as much attention, joking with Roadhog under your breath. It was easier now, as he had moved his chair close enough that your legs sometimes brushed beneath the table.
You told your story. Something from your childhood that left Roadhog laughing.
But then came Roadhog’s turn for telling a story. Using few words he wove a tale of two beings called Wanampi, a father and a son.
The son was deformed. Why and how he was, Roadhog didn’t specify, beyond that one could not look at him without first noticing his deformity. Some of the nearby people had simply laughed at him, taunted him, and poked him with sticks until one day the Wanampi lashed out and swallowed them all. The remaining people retaliated and chased the two away, though the Wanampi eventually returned to dwell in a nearby waterhole.
“Oh, I didn’t know we were allowed to tell myths,” one of the other people at the table said. “If that’s the case, I think I’ll tell the story about how Odin hung himself to learn the runes -”
Roadhog tensed beside you as he quietly stitched two multicoloured snake-like creatures into the border of his quilt.
The class continued, though now Roadhog stuck to stories that sounded more like his own past. References to fighting in the Omnic Crisis, references to scavenging in the Outback, a brief tale about storming the Tower of London…
Your tales seemed boring in comparison, but Roadhog always gave you a nod and a thumbs up after you finished speaking.
And so the class continued. Through it all you and Roadhog softly talked to each other, making quiet jokes and dry remarks about how your quilts were going.
Then, all too soon in your opinion, it was over.
Looking down at your quilt, you traced your finger over the stitched smile of a long dead relative. “This was really very nice, Roadhog.” Your voice may have been overly warm and soft, but you no longer gave a damn. “Thank you for inviting me.”
You turned to see him carefully folding up his quilt so that the square depicting his arrival at Talon was on top. “Sorry?”
“My name.”
Smiling, you repeated it. Mako. Roadhog drew in a rasping breath, and turned to you. Reaching out, he brought a hand to you and closed it over your shoulder with slight hesitation.
He didn’t say anything for a long moment. You opened you mouth, looking curiously up at him.
“Thank you for coming with me,” he said, cutting you off. “It was… lovely.”
Your heart fluttered. “No problem.”
His hand squeezed your shoulder lightly before sliding off. His fingers shook as he took up his quilt and turned to leave.
You ignored the way your shoulder seemed to tingle and followed him.
The return trip to the compound was mostly silent. Upon your return, Roadhog nodded to you and leant down to reattach the sidecar.
You fiddled with the quilt in your arms. “Hey, Mako, maybe we could do this again sometime. I think I saw some posters for a cake decorating class at the centre next week. Maybe we could go. If you’re free, that is.”
The snout of his mask turned to you and tilted to the side as he said your name softly. “I’d love to.”
You smiled and turned to leave. Your hand had just closed over the door handle when Roadhog called out your name again.
Turning, you watched as he jogged over. He paused, wheezing slightly, before a flood of words came out of him.
“Listen, I don’t want to lead you on or be led on. I like you. A lot. I had wanted to ask you to this class as a date, but wussed out last second. I think you like me too, but…” He paused, scratching his stomach and looking aside. “I hope that this isn’t something you didn’t want to hear, because I value your friendship even if you don’t like me the same way. You’re one of the few people I’ve met who deserve better than the ruin that is our world, and I don’t want to ruin this like I ruined…”
Suddenly you couldn’t control your smile. Adjusting the quilt in your arms, you reached out and touched him lightly on the wrist.
“It’s okay, Mako. I do like you.” His body tensed at your words even as he bent towards you. “I like you a lot.”
Roadhog drew in a shaking breath and reached up to his mask. Pulling it away, he revealed a face that was at once nothing like what you had imagined and exactly that. But he was smiling at you and leaning down with your name on his lips as he asked if he could kiss you.
Your answer was to jump up, throwing your arms around his neck as you kissed him with everything you had.
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alexiela73 · 7 years
Hi, I'm kinda new here so idk if you've gotten this kind of request for hc/short fic before but here goes nothin I guess. How do you think junkrat/roadhog, mccree, hanzo, and gabriel help out a disabled/chronically ill s/o on a bad flare day? (Btw I've been reading what you write and I really enjoy it :) ..)
I have not gotten one specifically for this yet. I hope these are okay. And thank you! XD While i like writing for myself, I find more satisfaction in writing for others, so I’m glad you enjoy what I’ve posted
Is aware you have diabetes
One day he comes over for the day to hang out
The two of you were going to go out and go to the junkyard in search for scrap parts for his next big invention
Except when he gets to your room, he finds you sitting at the table with your head in your hands
Immediately concerned, the junker drops the dirty sack meant for the parts on the floor by the door and hobbles over 
“Ye okay, darl’? Ye look a bit pale,” Junkrat says, noticing your pale complexion and the way your eyes seemed a bit distant. Carefully he kneeled on his peg leg, watching you with concern
Giving him a tired smile, you noted his face was dirtier then usual and reached up to gently wipe at his face with a napkin from the table
“Your so dirty,” you whisper, sighing heavily and feeling bad.
Catching your hand, Junkrat presses a kiss to the inside of your wrist, before pausing.
“Have ye taken yer blood thingy with the needle jabber ye have?” Junkrat asked, looking at you with concern now. He’d seen you with low blood sugars but obviously it was a bit worse then usual.
Giving an exhausted nod, you brush your finger tips across his cheek. “I’m sorry, Jamie. I just don’t have the energy to go to the scrap yard today. I feel like I might topple over, honestly,” you said apologetically, hoping he wouldn’t be too disappointed.
Shaking his head, Junkrat stood and straightened his back, showing his true height as he towered over you. Then he leaned and scooped you up, causing you to squeak. Despite having a wiry thin frame, the man was well built and seemed to have endless energy and strength, you once noticed.
“Don’t mind me, darl’,” Junkrat said, plopping you down on the couch. He got your fuzzy slippers for you, before rummaging through the cupboards and fridge. He brought back a can of pop and a bag of chocolate covered pretzels for you, before sitting beside you.
 “Here. Movie day is just as good, as long as it be with me best girl,” he said with a goofy grin.
The look of adoration you gave him made today all the worth it. “Thank you,” you said gently, before snuggling to him for the day as he worked on raising your blood pressure with you and letting you relax to get your strength back
The two of you were out for the day 
Despite having heart disease, the two of you ended up buying a ranch half a year ago
The place is a lot of work but usually your good about not working on your bad days and being honest about them
Today you weren’t. The two of you were going to go for a ride through the meadows and have a nice lunch out. Wanting to very badly, you didn’t tell Jesse about how your chest had been hurting since you woke up.
When you found yourself a bit short of breath during the start of the ride, Jesse noticed. You insisted you were fine and that your horse’s speed was a bit rough today
Jesse didn’t believe it. Butterfly rode like a dream. 
The two of you were almost getting to the spot when suddenly, the pain in your chest intensified. Pressing a hand to your chest, you gasped for air and felt blackness at the corners of your vision.
“Y/n!” Jesse gasped, turning his horse around and hurrying over just as you fainted. You were lucky, he caught you from falling off the horse just in time.
When you woke up, the pain was a dull ache in your chest. You were laying on the couch in your living room, and you blinked hazily as you struggled to remember exactly what had happened last.
Jesse sat on the edge of the coffee table, holding your hand and looking to be both angry and relieved.
“Jesse-” you croaked but he cut you off.
“You can’t do that, y/n. We agreed when we got the ranch that you would take it easy. You should have told me you weren’t feeling good,” Jesse said, clutching your hand desperately. He had been so worried, and you know it scared him, the thought of anything happening to you.
A slow smile tugged and your lips, and when he saw it he rubbed his eyes. “Why are you smiling?” he growled, but was silenced when you reached up to caress his cheek.
“Your right. I’m sorry, Jesse. I just…I’m so grateful to have someone who cares so much,” you say softly, the look on your face serene as you squeeze his hand. For a moment he just looks at you, as if considering whether or not to let you off the hook. 
Finally he rests his forehead on your shoulder and lets out a long sigh.
“I love you, stupid,” he mumbles, before pressing a kiss just before your ear.
Letting out a soft chuckle, you relax.
“I love you too, you goofball,” you murmur.
Today Hanzo had woken and noticed that you had been a bit difficult to wake up
When you did, you had been really tired. It didn’t take you long to realize your lupus was acting up but you refused to admit it
Touching your forehead, Hanzo had immediately noticed the hot fever plaguing you as you attempted to insist that you would be fine
Your joints were really aching this morning, and Hanzo could tell by the way you winced whenever you moved.
Hanzo ended up sentencing you to bedrest for the remainder of the day, even though it was the day of one of japans biggest festivals
You had been so excited to go…it broke your heart that you would have to miss it, but you knew as well that you couldn’t go out in your condition.
You tried to tell Hanzo to go, but he just gave you a look that left no room for arguements. Instead, Hanzo put himself to work making food for you while you laid curled up in bed
Hanzo always stayed home when you weren’t feeling good.
Around lunch time, Hanzo walked in with a tray. There was homemade stew for you, as well as freshly made juice and biscuits.
You couldn’t help the soft smile that touched your lips. Hanzo always took excellent care of you, going above and beyond to ensure that you would at least be happy while you were recovering. 
“Thank you,” you murmur as you take the tray, watching as he carefully sat beside you. “How lucky I am, to have such a beautiful nurse,” you tease gently.
A smile tugged at his lips. “You really are, aren’t you,” he says quietly, reaching up to tuck your hair behind your hair.
Watching you while you ate, you noticed Hanzo looked a little more lost in thought then usual, more troubled. Usually he went to meditate when he was troubled, but instead he sat there, tracing circles on your knee as he thought.
“Are you okay?” you murmur, before taking another bite full of food.
Blinking, after a moment Hanzo gives you the barest smile. ���Nothing to worry about,” he says softly. “I just…get quite worried over you. I am afraid of there ever coming a day where I might have to wake up without you at my side…” 
Stunned, you put down your almost empty bowl of soup to stare at him, realizing what he was worrying over.
“Hanzo Shimada! I am not dying now, nor any time soon. I’ll be damned if if we don’t grow old together!” you said determinedly, wishing he could try and be as sure of it as you were. You’d fight tooth and nail to live as long a life you could with this man you loved.
Eyes meeting yours, Hanzo hesitated before a real smile touched his features. “You are right. You are a fighter,” Hanzo murmurs softly, watching you with adoration evident in his eyes. “It will be okay. You’ve never been wrong before.”
With a laugh, you playfully punched his shoulder. “As if,” you murmur, before returning to finish your delicious soup.
It has been two days since you two have spoken
The last time you two had been together, your heart disease had acted up unexpectedly when the two of you had been out shopping. You’d blacked out in public, and when you woke up he’d taken you to the doctors to have a check up, worried for you
This has happened a couple times this year, or at least situations that were similar
Gabe didn’t like to be avoided, so he decided the best thing to do was to come to you. 
Marching up the front steps of your house, he walked in without knocking. Immediately he went upstairs to try and find you, only to see that you were curled up in your bed with your back to the door
For a moment, Gabe contemplated leaving, wondering if maybe you were just sleeping. Then he realized that you were shaking lightly, and slowly he walked over.
“Y/n..” he said softly, reach down and rubbing your back gently. At your touch, you let out the barest sob. It broke his heart.
“Move over,” Gabe urged gently, and you moved over. Crawling into the bed, he snuck himself under the covers before spooning you and burying his face in your long hair.
Silence ensued for a few minutes as he just held you, fingers rubbing soothing circles into your arms as he cradled you against his body. He didn’t want to pressure you to talk, especially when you were upset.
Finally though, you spoke. “I’m sorry,” you whispered, rubbing at your eyes. There was once more a dull ache in your chest. The pain had been evident since the last time you’d seen him.
“Don’t be, baby,” Gabe said softly. “I was just really worried, is all. I just…tell me what’s wrong, baby. Please. Tell me what I can do to make it better.”
At his words, another sob engulfed you. How long would he say that, you wondered? How long before he tired of your episodes too?
“Make it stop,” you whimpered. “Make it go away, Gabe. I’m…I’m so tired…I’m just so tired of it. I can’t do this anymore. I never know when its going to be a good or bad day and I’m so sick of it. I’m just holding you back from having a normal relationship…”
Honestly, you had depression too. This disease was eating at you alive, not just your heart but it was ruining life for you. You felt like it was impossible to enjoy yourself knowing you had this illness.
Gabe would be better off with another girl, you thought, who didn’t faint in public and gasp like a goldfish out of water..
Turning you around, Gabe stared hard into your eyes. “I don’t want to hear that nonsense, y/n. I love you,” he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “I love YOU. You aren’t holding me back. You are who I want to be with. None of this can stop me from wanting you. So unless your trying to get rid of me, stop thinking such nonsense and just tell me you love me.”
You couldn’t help the tiny smile that pulled at the corner of your mouth when he got pushy. It was a little cute. You had trouble believing it though. How could he…
“Y/N,” he said seriously when you hesitated. “I will never leave you. I promise you.”
You stared back into his eyes, hesitating, wanting to believe him so badly. Gabe didn’t tell fables, you reminded yourself. You couldn’t get better if you continued focusing on all the bad stuff…the voice in your head strangely reminded you of things Gabe had said to you many times over.
Hesitating once more, you hugged him tightly. 
“I love you,” you whispered, sniffling and you couldn’t help being grateful for the gift that was Gabriel in your life.
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pygmywyvern · 6 years
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Series: Overwatch Pairing: Boombox (Junkrat/Lúcio) Rating: Teen Words: 1981 Other notes: Wicked/Wizard of Oz AU. Something I wrote a while ago, never published and should just to post to stop it collecting dust. No beta reader on this, be afraid.  Trigger warnings: Death mention, grieving, hints at torture but no graphic mentions. If you know Wicked and know about Fiyero you can get the gist of what I mean
The storm the sky had threatened had begun furiously, droplets of rain flying down and splashing against the perfect stone paths of Utopaea. But the weather was of little concern to Lucio, the sorcerer's cloak pulled tight around him as he glided away as fast as he could. He had to keep moving. Couldn't stop. The Vishkar guard were only so far behind him. Stopping meant imprisonment. Or worse. Just the thought of worse had the fleeing man fighting back tears.
He couldn't keep up his running forever, Lucio had to get to safety, or Jamison's sacrifice would be for nothing. Tugging out one of the magical gems from his dreadlocks, the glowing crystal was swiftly crushed in his palm, the dust swirling around his form, transporting him far away. Back to his home. But there was no time for rest.
Lucio dove at his bookshelf, pulling out spell book after spell book, eyes frantic as he scanned the titles. It had to be there. He knew he still had it. Frustration strangled reason, hands glowing with magic as he clawed at the books. A thud beside him caught his attention, magic wild eyes snapping to the large tome that fell to the floor. There. That had to have the answer. It had to.
The book was slammed onto the desk, ingredients and rune jottings shoved aside in favour of flicking through the pages. Anything. Anything that could do something, anything to help his Jamie. His Jamie. Fingers traced over the words of protection, desperation already summoning the words to his lips as the fear clung to his thoughts, “Let his flesh not be torn, let his blood leave no stain. Though they beat him, let him feel no pain. Let his bones never break and however they try to destroy him, let him never die. Let-” A choked sob interrupted the incantation, but Lucio wouldn't be deterred. Over and over he repeated the spell, even as tears overflowed, spilling down his cheeks and onto the glowing paper below.
He didn't know how long he chanted, but slowly, the magic became a drain, and Lucio sunk to his knees, sobs escaping him freely as he cradled his head in his hands. Jamie was being punished, and it was all his fault.
It had happened in such a blur. True, they'd known that Vishkar had been on the lookout for the sorcerer that had been trying to show the corrupt monarchy for what they truly were, but the lovers were willing to take that risk. Jamie had insisted that Lucio meet with him, and who was the sorcerer to deny the foreign prince: they hadn't seen each other in weeks with the constant need to hide. But perhaps they had been too reckless, allowed people to recognise Lucio too easily with a lack of disguise. Guards had been upon them soon enough, and the pair had fled. At least, that had been Lucio's intention.
Jamie had shoved him ahead, before stopping himself. The sorcerer didn't even receive a chance to ask, to get the prince to follow him. “Run Lu! Get fucking going!” There wasn't even a look back from the blond, hand diving into his bag and retrieving a bright red firework, metal hand snapping to create a spark. He wasn't called The Prince of Fire for nothing.
Lights and explosions began to go off, and no matter how Lucio tried to get through, to get back to Jamie's side, the flames blazed too bright, the fires already trying to consume him. He bellowed his lover's name. Nothing.
Finally, an answer, and it was something Lucio wished he'd never heard. Jamison's scream of pain, followed by begging for Lucio to run, pleading for them not to hurt the sorcerer. He made to charge in – flames be damned – but was halted by the number of guards before him. Had they sent a whole platoon after them? Lucio was sure in his powers, but that many guards was beyond even him.
Finally, he heeded his prince's words. He ran.
Why? Why did Jamie have to suffer for him? Jamie had done nothing wrong: he'd (mostly) complied with the Vishkar word, had even began to court Vishkar's greatest sorceress despite the pair being friends more than anything. Lucio had known Vishkar was rotten in it's core, but he'd not thought they were bad enough to punish their ally, just for his association with the enemy.
The enemy.
Brown eyes hardened, even as the tears continued to flow, slowly rising to his feet once more. Now wasn't the time to cry. Not anymore. Because if Vishkar wanted an enemy, they were going to get one.
Months passed, and the grand city of Utopaea continued on with their facade of peace and normalcy. But those aware knew the truth: The Green Sorcerer caused and lead numerous attacks against the Vishkar. Never did a common citizen get hurt in the crossfire, but it was easy to see the growing frustration the guard felt at the magic user's continued disruptions. Some more irritated by his attacks wondered why they didn't just capture The Green Sorcerer from the old, crumbling castle he called his home, unaware of the magic protecting it, turning guards and those associating with Vishkar into harmless frogs. None could reach him except those who wished their oppressors harm, and that was how Lucio liked it.
His time was consumed mostly by his plans of attack against Vishkar, improving the magical fortifications and trying to finally improve the castle. Well, with his exile from his beloved city, it was about time he started making a new home for himself. He never wanted for much: his dear friend Hana visited frequently to bring him food from the capital and others who his spells allowed through often brought gifts of offering for his assistance with their Vishkar constructed plight.
But the after the sun set, it became quiet, lonely and cold.
The sleepless nights that often plagued Lucio found him flying out to sit upon the castle roof, watching the skies. Jamie would have loved the view, he was sure. Probably would have insisted on setting off some fireworks from the rooftop and cackling loudly, before a laughing Lucio would have to swiftly save his prince from falling off in his merriment. The thoughts sometimes gave the sorcerer some peace, but other times tears threatened to fall again, knowing such a moment could never happen.
Lucio was simply sitting quietly for once, cloak wrapped tightly around him as the night air blew lazily past him. As usual, everything was peaceful, the night still as he wished for his thoughts to quieten, for his body to become weary enough for slumber. But perhaps it was fate that he wasn't able to rest. The peace was being disturbed.
Standing carefully, The Green Sorcerer began to float, listening for the small sound he was sure he'd heard. Below, from the castle walls. A soft rustle and the scrape of metal against stone. Some kind of mechanical creature, he was sure. Perhaps a Vishkar construction. Once he disposed of it, he would have to readjust the wards around his castle to bar such contraptions.
He glided silently around, ready to flank the intruder to give him an advantage, but what he saw wasn't quite what he expected of Vishkar: their creations were sleek, perfected, glowed azure in the night. This creature was nothing like that. It was bedraggled looking. Some sort of scarecrow creature that glowed like fire against the stone. Still, such a creature had been approaching him in the dead of night, and Lucio didn't like the implication that held.
Floating behind the scarecrow that was finally climbing onto the roof and looking around in bewilderment, sparks of green danced in Lucio's eyes, ready to fight if necessary, “What do you want? Be quick 'cause I ain't got much patience.”
It seemed like more luck than judgement the scarecrow kept its footing on the roof, its peg leg surely not giving it the best stability upon the stone. How it had scaled the castle wall would have be a query Lucio would have pondered, if the sorcerer hadn't then noticed the glowing bracelets it wore. Enchanted, he presumed. The scarecrow turned to him, the burlap sack that made up its head unsettling the sorcerer a little, but he refused to allow that to show. Hands were held up though, a sign of surrender before the scarecrow spoke, “Hold yer fire Lucio! I know what yer thinking but I don't right fancy being a frog right now!”
The briefest hesitation at that voice. That accent. It sounded so much like... but he was dead. Green consumed his eyes as the gems in his hair glowed, a sight that others had found a terror, “You haven't answered my question.” Wisps of green magic began to collect in his hand as he advanced, a clear and obvious threat for the scarecrow.
There seemed to be more panic, before a seemingly flesh hand and its metal counterpart flew to the burlap sack, pointing and tugging, “I want ya to not turn me into anything unnatural- well I mean more unnatural than I am but I'm dealing with that, better than what I was gonna right be like- and I want yer help getting this off me! Please Lu!”
No-one called him Lu. No-one but him.
Despite how impossible that potential could be, the hostile magic was dispelled, just by the futile hope that clung to Lucio's heart. He glided over, feet softly touching upon the roof in front of the lanky scarecrow, hands rising to the sack. The creature stopped tugging, leaning down so it was easier for the sorcerer to reach him. It wasn't attached in too complicated a manner: there was simply a set of strings tied around its neck holding it in place, but they were so tangled and tightly knotted, it was no wonder the scarecrow hadn't been unable to remove them without assistance. Nothing a little magic couldn't solve however, and soon enough the glowing green strings were easily unraveling themselves.
A moment of silence, before Lucio spoke quietly, “Take it off.”
Hands returned to the sack once more, and as the scarecrow began to remove it, Lucio could feel himself holding his breath. Slowly, pale skin was revealed with a sharp jawline, and wisps of blond hair caught the moonlight. Orange eyes glowed in the darkness, and despite their new, magical quality, Lucio knew those eyes anywhere.
That familiar, crooked and silly grin was offered, eyes blazing even brighter in joy, “Sorry for keeping you waiting frogger.”
Hands flew to freckled cheeks, brown eyes wide and glistening with unshed tears, watching his returned lover so closely, “How? You were... I was sure... I was sure they'd killed you babe. I was sure...”
Arms wrapped around Lucio's body, glowing eyes turning warmer as his grin softened to a smile he only offered to the sorcerer, “Well, they fucking tried, ain't got a clue how I came out with everything the same but I weren't gonna get in a state over it. Not when I knew I could get out and get back here.”
Lucio remained silent for a while, eyes taking in Jamie's features. All twenty six of his freckles were right where he expected them, and that scar on his collarbone was as familiar to him as his voice. It was really him. His prince was here. His thumbs gently stroked across pointy cheekbones, and finally, a choked sob escaped him, “Jamie....I lost you...”
As tears continued to flow down the sorcerer's cheeks, the prince pressed one of his rare soft kisses against his forehead, letting Lucio cry, “I'm right here Lu, and I ain't going nowhere.”
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amethysia · 6 years
Prompt: Junkrat finds out Symmetra likes fireworks
(Sorry this took me so long! I had to swish around a few ideas! I hope you enjoy this!)
It was a cold evening. Satya sat on the ledge of the window, inside of the Gibraltar Base’s lonely and dark living room area. At least it served as a ‘living room’ when it wasn’t an old storage room.
Somewhere far off of the coast, a celebration was taking place, and fireworks were being set off. She held a mug of tea in her hands and took gentle sips as she watched them from far off.
Muffled steps, well, steps and some odd metal ‘clinks’, indicated someone was coming. She turned her attention to the door, and in clambered Junkrat. He was holding a bottle of water and a small notepad in one hand, and a music player in the other hand. 
“Oh! Didn’t think I’d be ‘spectin’ company!” He said with a smile. “Neither did I,” she replied, not necessarily angry that her solitude was being interrupted, but more disappointed that now her motives would be questioned. Junkrat was always curious and he never usually intended to irritate her, but sometimes she really hated having to answer so many simple things, just to satiate his curiosity.
“What’re you up too?” he asked, as he set his things down upon the sofa. She raised the mug to her lips, cleared her mind as the tea warmed her, and let out a sigh, “I am observing some sort of celebration. It would seem that there is need for some rather lovely fireworks.” This peeked his attention. “Fireworks? I wanna see!” He excitedly moved over close to the window, catching a sight of one red burst that had set off. He giggled to himself, “They need some more! I’d give ‘em some to make their party a REAL blast!” Satya smirked, “I’m sure they’ve got it handled.” He turned to look at her, “I didn’t know you liked fireworks. I always took it that they were a bit too….I dunno…uh…not your thing?” She looked out at two small bursts of green and yellow, “I do not mind them. I know I come off as someone who does not enjoy much, but fireworks are definitely ‘my thing’. I know sometimes the noise from their explosions are rather loud, but it’s not something I can’t tolerate.”
To Satya’s surprise, they watched the end of the celebration in silence. Junkrat turned to his things on the couch after they confirmed that it was the end. She pushed off from the window’s ledge and decided to leave the room. Before she had time to escape the threshold, Junkrat called out to her. “Oi! Which colours do you think are the best?” She turned to face him, an eyebrow raised, “Do you mean from the fireworks?” He lay on the couch, the notepad open and upright on his stomach, held by his metal hand, and a pen in his flesh hand. “Nah, I mean like in general? My favourite colours are green and purple! Sometimes red’s good.” She stared at him for a moment and then folded her arms, carefully balancing the empty mug in her hand, “Well, I am quite partial to blue, but I enjoy all colours really. White and gold are nice. I do have to say that I am surprised that you enjoy purple.” He tilted his head to see her better from the notepad, “Yeah? Why’s that?” She dropped her arms and looked off, “It is just that it is-” ‘such a calm colour,’ is what she wanted to say, but she thought that saying that would possibly anger him, she didn’t know him that well yet. “It is..well, a cool colour compared to the colours you normally wear.” He chuckled as he scratched something onto his notepad, “Ha! Roadie says that too! He thinks it’s too ‘calm’ a colour for me to like.” At this Satya snickered, enjoying that the man’s own bodyguard had a similar thought to her own. 
They bid each other a good evening, albeit she knew he probably wasn’t going to sleep for quite a while for he was known throughout the base as the resident Nightowl, next to D. Va and Mercy.
Some time had passed since this encounter. A mission or two had kept them from seeing each other for long periods of time.
One evening, in that very same living room, Satya gazed out of the window. She held her arms, nails digging into the soft knitting of her long sleeved blouse, wishing she could see something comforting like those fireworks again. The missions had given her quite a bit of stress and she was grateful for the break, but something to take her mind off of things would be much more enjoyable.
Then the familiar steps came into earshot. “There you are! Been trying t’find ya!” Junkrat hobbled into the room. She looked to him and took a few steps forward, “You were? What is it? Am I missing a meeting?” He shook his head and let out a small laugh, “No! But I wanted to show you somethin! We can see it here if y’like!” She looked around the room, not seeing anything out of the ordinary, all except for a detonator in his hand. Once she noticed it, she put up her hands, “Please Junkrat, I am not in any mood to see some sort of landmine demonstration.” “Pssssh no! Nothing like that! Trust me! Here! Stand right in front of the window and watch!” He moved over to the right and motioned to where she was standing moments ago. Hesitantly, she walked back to her spot and peered out of the window. He looked to her and the outside excitedly, “Y’ready?” She let out a long sigh and folded her arms again, “I suppose so.” He let out a laugh and pressed the trigger.
A loud whistle set off, followed by a familiar loud popping. Beautiful streams of gold and blue bursts forth in the evening sky. Satya gasped and dropped her hands. Another set of whistles and pops went off, revealing more colors, different sizes, and even different shapes. She didn’t know at the time, but a smile had formed upon her face. And she also didn’t know the look and smile the man next to her wore. He broke the silence after another pair of white and red fireworks went off, “So I can assume y’like it?” She stared out the window as she responded, “Oh, it is perfect.” 
The private show caused a little stir from the rest of the base. Ana Amari was coming to check the living room area, only to enter the doorway from the left to see the two. As quietly as she came in, she left just as quietly to report that the fireworks was nothing to worry about. (But Junkrat would get an earful from Morrison in the morning).
As the fireworks came to a finale, Satya breathed in and took a seat on the sofa. She sighed and closed her eyes, “I truly needed that.” Junkrat came over and sat on the opposite end of the couch. She opened her eyes and looked to him, “Thank you for that. I was just thinking before you came in how I’d love to see fireworks again.” He played with the detonator in his hand, “Yeah? Well I’m glad I had them ready for you! Been meaning t’show you them, but we had to go on all those missions. Was hard settin’ all this up in what little time there was between ‘em.” She jerked her head, “You have been setting these up for almost a month?” He had his arm over the top of the couch and pulled it off to rest his elbows on his knees, “Well…yeah. I mean, I had some leftover from when I was in China one time, but I made some more! I love fireworks m’self and it’s hard to find other people who like ‘em too! So when you were here that one time, I figured I could show you! Plus, seeing how happy they made you, guess I should make more, yeah?” She laughed in her throat, “If you would like to! But this, it was sweet of you, thank you.” She turned her attention away, not noticing the slight trace of pink that started to show up on the man’s face. She sighed once more and stood, “Well, now I must think of a way to thank you properly. hmmm….I think there is a place that has that drink you like somewhere off of the coast.” He straightened up, “Wuh? I mean…y’don’t have to…” She stood up straight, “I insist. You went out of your way to do this, I would like to repay you. Let me know when you would like to go and I will work it into my schedule.” Sitting there with his mouth agape, he tried to find his words, “I-uh-well-uh-sure…sure thing?” She smiled and turned away. As she left the room, she said, “Good. It is a date then.” His eyes bulged, “WHAT?” It came out more of a squeak than his regular voice. “Good night Junkrat!” she called out. She walked away to her room, leaving a very panicked, flushed red, Junkrat on the living room couch.
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disorderlydva-blog · 6 years
Our Love Is God | Ch. 1
Summary: Roughly based on songs from "Heathers: The Musical," Satya Vaswani falls in love with the junker from Australia, Jamison Fawkes. It was out of her comfort zone to be with someone that was opposite of her, but she wanted to let go, have some fun, and explore something different. It didn't take long to realize it that disorder was truly the enemy of humanity.
Chapters: 1/4 Genre: Angst/Romance Rating: T (13+) Words: 2,975
Author’s Note: yay! im so happy to have finished this first chapter! like the summary says, yes, i used the heathers soundtrack for inspiration. it is not an au. this first chapter is just a reference to one of the songs, but the following chapters will be based more on the events taking place in other songs. constructive critcism welcome! im waiting on my invite from ao3 so for now it is uploaded here and on fanfiction.net
Satya Vaswani, otherwise known as Symmetra, had traveled from her home country of India all the way to Switzerland to Overwatch’s headquarters. The head of operations recruited her on the team following its revival after the former agents received a recall. 
Overwatch wasn’t a stranger to Symmetra, considering she already knew about its complicated history. From conquering the Omnic Crisis to the American citizens turning their backs on the heroes, Symmetra was well aware of who they were. What she didn’t know was that once she became an adult, she would be standing inside the base of operations and be part of the team revival. 
Nothing had been released to the public about Overwatch’s revival by reason of Winston, the one who made the recall. He decided that it would be kept confidential until the team was completely ready. It would be a long process, with months of training and recruiting required. Despite that, he was determined to make it all worthwhile since the world needed heroes. New recruits were to sign documents stating their dedication to the confidentiality, requiring them to live at the headquarters until the team went public. When searching for new recruitments, Winston and the rest of the previous teammates searched for unique talent that would be handy in combat. 
At first, they wanted their new recruits to have a clean background. It wasn’t until they received a visit from Jamison Fawkes, a runaway criminal from Australia who specialized in bombs and explosives, that Winston thought otherwise. Winston, and Soldier 76 as backup if Jamison tried anything, made an agreement with Jamison that he could be recruited. However, if he tried to escape, or tried to hurt anyone or the Swiss headquarters, he would be locked up. 
“Sure thing, mate,” Jamison said with a wink and a thumbs up in Winston’s office along with Soldier 76. He gave a toothy grin before pointing his index finger up. “Oi, it’s Junkrat, by the way.”
For the first week, Junkrat was on watch by Soldier 76 himself. Junkrat had begged the old man to keep his shirt and shoes off like he did back at home, but the grumpy soldier declined the request without hesitation. So the junker was forced to wear black tennis shoes and a black t-shirt along with his knee-length patch shorts. Not only was he forced to wear a full outfit, but he was also forced to shower daily. Nonetheless, no amount of soap and water could remove the strength of the gasoline smell coming from his body. 
It didn’t take the Australian long to gain the trust of the other recruits as he helped with the weaponry group. Symmetra was also part of the group. At first sight, Symmetra would usually scoff at his disorderly behavior and filthy exterior. However, there was something past the junker aesthetic that intrigued Symmetra. Whether it was the fact that they both had limb prosthetics, or that they both had a similar passion for weaponry, she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Yet she trusted her intuition.
One day during a weaponry conference, Junkrat gave some amazing tips on how the team could expand and strengthen their arms. He helped Lucio with blueprints, discussed how to thicken Winston’s barrier, and even gave a few pointers to Soldier 76 for his tactical visor. Symmetra was in awe. She watched as he helped each teammate one by one. All except Symmetra. 
When the meeting was over, Symmetra waited for everyone to leave for lunch break until it was just her and Junkrat in the room. Junkrat was rolling up his blueprints that were scattered on the table, tucking them under his good arm as he went. When he rolled the final print with his prosthetic hand, one of the rolls under his other arm fell behind him. He turned around to pick it up before Symmetra waved her hand without hesitation. The print glowed a sky blue and floated towards Junkrat with ease. He grabbed it with his free hand and turned back around to see Symmetra on the other side of the room. 
“Well, well, well,” Junkrat mused, giving a big grin that made Symmetra suddenly feel weak. He tucked the roll of paper under his arm with the others. “Looks like the light-bender can do more than I thought.”
Symmetra cleared her throat and picked up her electronic notepad she had on the table. “I am able to elevate simple items like a roll of paper, but I try not to misuse my capability on such things.”
“Then why not come over here and pick it up yourself? I don’t bite, mate.”
Symmetra hugged the tablet to her chest, not looking at Junkrat in the eye the entire time. “It would be misleading if I expressed that you didn’t intimidate me.”
“You aren’t the first to say that,” Junkrat said with a slightly menacing laugh. Instead of scaring Symmetra, it gave her a strange feeling in her chest that she usually didn’t feel. She flipped over the conversation, keeping her gaze away from his face and looking at the skull tattoo on his shoulder instead. 
“I want to know why you helped all the other soldiers except me,” puzzled Symmetra.
Junkrat stayed quiet for a moment. The silence made Symmetra a little nervous. Did he have something to say that was offensive?
“Ah, well, it wasn’t anything personal,” Junkrat clarified, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “I just think you’re so smart and talented already with the way you create your defenses that my help wasn’t needed. 
Symmetra’s heart skipped a beat. She felt her cheeks rising in temperature as she flicked her eyes to the ground. Junkrat must of noticed, since he suddenly chuckled a bit. 
“Do you not hear that often?” Junkrat asked.
“Well… no,” Symmetra replied. “Not since I lived with my mother.”
Junkrat changed the subject. “Satya, isn’t it?” 
“You can call me Symmetra. Your name is Jamison, correct? But you go by--”
“Junkrat,” he interrupted rather coldly. “Please, call me Junkrat.”
“Understood,” she looked up at his face to see that something in his demeanor changed when she said his real name. What was so offensive about his name, she wondered?
“If you do feel like you need help with your weapons,” Junkrat emphasized, flipping his demeanor over back to his cheerful self, “How about we meet up one-on-one soon?”
“One-on-one?” Symmetra questioned. “Aren’t you under the supervision of Soldier 76?”
“Not anymore! That was only for the first week. I gave that bloke my word that I would be at my best behavior.”
“Then I guess I can trust you?”
“Of course you can, mate,” he said reassuringly, giving a thumbs up and a wink.
The architect and the junker met up the following day when the entire team had a day off from their usual training and conferences. Junkrat insisted they meet in his dormitory so no one would bother them, but Symmetra refused and said it was too inappropriate. Instead, they met outside of the practice battle arena under a tree. 
It was a perfect day for a break. It was slightly warm and near the beginning of summer, but it wasn’t an unbearable heat. On free days like this, the tree that Junkrat and Symmetra sat under was usually occupied by other teammates who needed some shade. Some days you could find Genji meditating while on other occasions Lucio was mixing music on his laptop as Hana sat next to him playing on her handheld gaming system. People around the base joked that Lucio and Hana looked like they were on a date. Symmetra worried that’s how people would see her and Junkrat, but she prefered that type of anxiety other than the kind she would get being alone with him in his bedroom.
Symmetra sat on her knees next to Junkrat, who sat regularly with his legs apart and his arms resting on his knees. Symmetra turned on her tablet and pulled up blueprints of a new turret she was working on. 
As she explained her concept, she darted her eyes away from her tablet for a split second to make sure Junkrat was paying attention. His body was faced away from her, but he stared at the tablet in wonder. She cleared her throat and continued, looking back at her tablet and zooming in on the blueprints. When she finished explaining, Junkrat reached his prosthetic arm out as a way to ask for the tablet. She complied, and he started tapping and scribbling on the blue prints. Symmetra bit her lip in slight irritation as he did this, since she was picky about other people messing with her belongings. Yet she allowed him to do what he pleased since she had seen the improvements he has made on the other teammate’s weapons. 
When he was finished, he handed it back to her and pointed to his notes as he explained his idea. 
“What you have already is amazing on its own,” Junkrat explained. “Although, I would maybe make adjustments here and here,” he pointed at different parts of the gun he circled and went on to explain how she can keep them secure and more durable in battle. Symmetra watched and listened in fascination as he finished after a few more minutes. 
“Incredible,” Symmetra shut off her tablet and placed it to her lap and shook her head, “Absolutely incredible.” 
Gathering up her courage, she looked at Junkrat in the face. Now that she took a good look at him, she noticed that his looks weren’t as filthy and grimy as she previously told herself he was. Sure, there was still the hint of char framing his face, but past all that, he was rather handsome. 
“What’s so incredible?” He asked, his facial expression showing slight confusion.  
“My apologies,” Symmetra said, putting a hand to her chest. “I was just… I admire your skills in weaponry. Before I came to these headquarters, it was rare for me to find anyone else who had a passion for weapon mechanics. So what is incredible is that you have the same kind of passion that I have.”
Junkrat shrugged before laying back on the grass and resting his head in his palms. “I just enjoy the little things.”
The support hero was nearly tempted to lay back with him, but remembered what people said about Lucio and Hana and stopped herself. 
“I appreciate your advice, Junkrat. I will take your tips into consideration and possibly draw up new prints,” she slid her legs from underneath her to adjust her sitting position. A part of her wanted to get up and leave, but another part of her felt at peace sitting with the junker. They sat just like that, nothing being said between them for a few minutes. None of the other teammates were anywhere to be found outside, but Symmetra could hear what sounded like Genji’s sword and his shouts coming from the building behind them. The samurai enjoyed practicing if he wasn’t meditating on the team’s off days. 
A few moments passed. The calming sound of the wind pushing the leaves in a soft, rustling manner filled Symmetra’s ears. Something about Junkrat’s presence made it all the more relaxing. 
The sounds of nature were interrupted by Junkrat groaning as he sat back up and stretched his arms. Symmetra looked over at the junker to see his eyes were squeezed shut as he stretched his limbs in front of him with his hands folded together. Junkrat opened one eye to look at her and he stopped mid-stretch. Dropping his arms to his sides, he gave the lightbender his signature toothy grin. Symmetra chuckled and broke the silence with a question that had been on her mind since she first heard of the junker’s arrival.
“Tell me,” she implied, “What made you come all the way from Australia to Switzerland?”
Junkrat scratched his head and sighed. “That’s one hell of a story, but I don’t want to waste the time of a beaut like you now, yeah?” 
“I’m sorry-- a what?” Symmetra queried, stunned at such a foreign word.
“One hell of a story?”
“No, what did you just call me? A… boot?”
He looked at Symmetra with a blank face before bursting into a hideous laughter. Taking in a deep breath and exhaling afterwards, he wiped a tear from his eye and put a sprawled hand to his chest. 
“A beaut. Some Australian slang for ‘ya. It means I find you great or fantastic.”
Symmetra could suddenly feel her heart beating widely against her chest. All these feelings that were coming upon her every now and again were starting to really bug her. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. 
“A-Anyway… what I asked before…?” Symmetra addressed, trying to stay on subject.
Junkrat cracked his knuckles, making the architect next to him wince. He took a deep breath before beginning his story of his partnership with “a bloke” named Roadhog. He acted as the junker’s bodyguard in exchange for fifty percent of Junkrat’s stolen goods. Eventually, the two were kicked out of Junkertown after doing too many things to anger the queen of the town.
“That dipstick blamed me for our banishment!” Junkrat said angrily, biting the tip of his thumb as he sat cross-legged. He was looking away from Symmetra, seeming to relive those memories. “He took the rest of my loot and left me to rot! That ‘ole dill!”
Symmetra assumed “dill” meant something mean towards this Roadhog man. She continued to listen intently, and watched as Junkrat put his hands in his lap.
“Anyway, I heard a rumor from a crazy old hag living on the street that Overwatch was soon going to be reborn. Of course no one believed her, but for me, I figured it was some sort of sign. I decided, hey, why not turn over a new leaf? So, I traveled here and lo and behold, the secret base that was demolished years ago had some sort of life sucked back into it! Blablabla, met the monkey and the grumpy old digger, became recruited, blablabla, and here I am now.”
A moment of silence was met between them for a moment. Symmetra used the silence to process everything he expressed. 
“I’m… so sorry about your partner treating you that way,” Symmetra said in sympathy. “If I were to create a partnership with someone, all I would request is that I would fight for them if they would fight for me. Our safety is more important than any kind of currency.”
Junkrat shrugged. “Screw that pig. Hope he gets robbed of all that loot he stole.” He pressed his palms against the warm grass behind him and looked up at the branches. 
“If I were your partner, love,” Junkrat simpered, keeping his gaze above him. “I’d fight for you without any question.” 
Symmetra couldn’t handle it yet again. She stopped her breathing and groaned, her complexion heating up to nearly a sweat as she stared at the ground.
“P-Please… don’t call me love,” she blurted out. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, did I offend you?” Junkrat responded. “Because I’m sure as hell you’ve got a crush on me.”
The supporter shot her head up to him, her lips in a hard straight line. She saw that he was side-eyeing her with a sly grin that gave her a rumbling feeling between her chest and stomach. 
“I beg your pardon?!”
The Australian laughed. “Don’t you lie to me. I’ve seen the way you have reacted to me since you first spoke to me yesterday. You’re the last teammate to even try to approach me,” he crossed his arms and closed his eyes, smiling victoriously, “You were obviously too nervous. The days before you came up to me yesterday, I have caught you staring at me during any kind of training or meeting.”
For the first time, Symmetra had nothing to defend herself. Her turrets couldn’t help her in this battle. Instead, she stayed silent and looked away from him. 
“Is there a problem?”
A deep voice in front of her broke the awkward tension. Symmetra looked up to see the masked soldier staring down at the two rookies with his arms crossed. Thank heavens, she thought, a way out. 
She tucked her tablet under her prosthetic arm and stood on her feet. Straightening her posture, she shook her head towards the broad soldier in front of her. 
“No, sir. We are fine. I was just about to leave,” she looked down at Junkrat who was raising an eyebrow at her. She nodded at him and walked away. When the supporter was a good distance away, she could hear the soldier and the junker bickering at each other. Their voices became lower in volume with each step she took.
She was an embarrassed mess. From having to face her feelings so fast to walking away so rudely, she didn’t know what to do with herself. For now, she needed space to collect her thoughts. Then, from there, she needed to apologize to Junkrat.
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mysteriousdreaming · 6 years
A Little Fall Of Rain [12/?]
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Sorry this chapter took so long, and sorry its so short! I just wanted to do a small update to get myself back into the story. Life has been pretty crazy recently so thanks for all the lovely comments, I now think I'm back in a place where i can start writing symmrat regularly again!
Another knife sailed through the air, slicing easily into the thin paper that had been pinned on the dartboard on the other side of the room. Winston's cheery face smiled back, knives ranging from butter knives to a large meat cleaver scavenged from the kitchen sticking out of the photos eyes, nose and various other features. Junkrat reached to the side of him and picked up another blade. To say he was pissed off at the large primate would be an understatement. He was furious. He was lying alone in his room with a drip once again attached to his arm while the team had gone out on a mission leaving him all alone.
If he was completely honest he wasn’t surprised. He knew that his previous mission was probably his last for quite a while, and that another 3 days of hell had been looming on the horizon, but he couldn't help but feel cast aside. He’d tried to convince Hog or even Mercy to at least stay with him so his boredom wouldn’t drive him more insane than last time. He tried pleading, threatening and even begging, but the fat ball of fluff had firmly stated that due to the status of the mission (and the status of the company behind it meaning possible future funding) everyone had to go.
Well, everyone except him. Obviously.
He tried to convince himself that the mission sounded extremely boring anyway, just sitting and guarding something in an Egyptian museum. But he couldn’t help but feel it also seemed like an annoyingly good opportunity for some thieving and and general snooping about.
He’d also assumed that the doctor had now told Winston about his condition, if the sympathetic looks he had recently gotten from the ape were anything to go by. He wished that he could just ignore it and get on with his life, but having someone else know-who wasn’t Roady or Mercy-felt wrong. He'd talked to Hog about it during the week when the old mercenary had been in a fairly good mood in an attempt to get it off his chest. His large friend had told him that even if no one else at the watch point ever found out, since Winston was 'The Boss’ he had to know. If he didn't, he could end up assigning him to risky positions on missions, possibly putting the Junker, and the others, in danger.
So he was left bored out of his mind locked in his room with only Athena for company. She was better than nothing,he had to admit, although the disembodied voice of a bot being the only other thing in the large facility in the event of an attack made him slightly uncomfortable.
That and the fact that Doctor Ziegler and Winston had had instructed Athena to lock the door (and windows) in his room in order to prevent another...escape.
He stretched out on his bed with an annoyed sigh, arching his back and letting out a yawn “Athena?”
It didn't take long for the female voice to reply
“Yes Mr Junkrat?” He always got a chuckle out of how stupid ‘Mr Junkrat’ sounded, but he sure as hell wasn't going to give a bot his real name (although he was sure that the computer could easily find it if she wanted to, after all his wanted posters were surly plastered all over the internet and he vaguely remembered filling it in on the mountains of paperwork Winston got him to fill out when he was first hired).
“Can you let me out?”
“I’m afraid I cannot. My instructions from winston were very clear, do not let Junkrat out of his room under any circumstances.”
Jamison groaned, angrily glaring at the ceiling “So, If there's a fire, or if Talon descend on the watchpoint like angry feral Dingos on a fresh corpse, I'm meant to just sit here like a melon?”
“That’s an obvious exception. In the case of an emergency the locks will be disabled and you will be encouraged to find safety.”
His frown twisted into a devilish grin. So he would be free in an emergency ay? All he’d need was a smoke bomb and a detonator. Or a lighter…
“Any attempts to deliberately set off the alarms will be met with severe punishment and possible discharge from the watchpoint or Overwatch as a whole.” Junkrat jumped as the female voice seemed to almost read his thoughts.
“Aww, fuck off! You’re no fun Athena” he whined, stretching back out on his bed with a huff
“My job is to protect Overwatches Agents, not to be ‘fun’.”
The AI had a point. A really annoying one, but a point. Freedom really wasn't worth the risk of getting kicked out of Overwatch either. Where else would he find free food, water and some pretty nice people who had his back? Not in the outback that’s for sure, and on the streets he was still a ‘wanted man’ with police breathing down his neck constantly.
With his escape plan thwarted before it even began he was back to being bored out of his mind. He tried to entertain himself with the handheld ‘gaming’...thing….that Hana had lent him, but quickly got bored with all the games he had available. The girl was such a high level on them all that without knowing how to play he quickly became frustrated with dying over and over again, and he didn’t dare restart them and face Hana’s wrath.
His gaze drifted around the room before it landed on Symm’s broken alarm clock. He’d offered to have a look at it for her, insisting that since she helped him fix his leg it was the least he could do. She’d told him it would be easier to buy a new one, but gave it to him anyway, saying he could keep it for scraps if he couldn't fix it. Even that small gesture made him smile.
It was an old style, one that wound up at the back, and he was excited to open it up and to see how it ticked. He grabbed a screwdriver and undid the screws on the back, eagerly inspecting the gears and small, intricate parts. The more he thought about it the more he realised how much the clock suited the orderly woman's personality. All the parts were extremely delicate and fragile, placed together in just the right way. It was easy to ‘wind up’, but the end product worked perfectly and smoothly for the task it was made for, every piece had its place and worked in perfectly. And when it was put together it was quite beautiful.
He stopped, putting down the screwdriver and the cog he was messing with. Where the hell did that thought come from? Of Course he knew Symm was attractive, he couldn't deny that. Her long black hair fell over her shoulders perfectly, and her eyes sparkled like liquid gold under the workshop lights, but he wouldn't have normally called her beautiful.
Would he?
He tried to shake the thought out of his head and go back to work on the clock, but it remained nagging in the back of his mind.
He didn’t like Symmetra...did he?
He saw her as a friend, obviously, but as more? He’d really began to love just sitting in the workshop with her, just the two of them focusing on their own projects. It was nice just being around her. But he still didn’t know if she even liked being around him. Sometimes it would be just like they were best buds, but then other times he felt that she just saw him as some filthy savage.
He let out a sigh, going back to the clock. Even if he did like her, she probably wouldn't like dirty junker like him.
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