#joker: post game
aeniqmata · 2 years
@trixter-time​ liked for a starter
The cup that Akira had been holding had very nearly shattered on the floor upon seeing the other man in the café. It had been years since he’d seen him, Maruki’s palace one of the last places he’d heard the other shouting at him for one reason or another. Anything before that he’d chosen to ignore for fear of falling back into nightmares and trauma that he’d never truly been able to bury.
In the years since, Akira had graduated with a degree in business, going on to own the small cafe in Yongen-Jaya along with his adoptive father. Futaba hadn’t had any interest in running the place, instead supporting the small cafe with her work as a government employee. She could afford it in any case, making well sure that her skills were being put to the test every day.
Likely the other had only walked in out of curiosity, but while the upstairs had been redone entirely to be a more suitable room for the cafe’s new co-owner, the ground floor had been left as it was when the other had likely seen it last.
Not that the familiar surroundings or the comfort that this place brought him was enough to quell the anxiety that seeing Akechi walking around and not like the husk he used to be in nightmares after Shido’s palace.
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“ Welcome. I’d offer to give you my recommendations, but I am sure that you still remember the menu. Sojiro and I haven’t decided whether or not to change anything about it. “ His voice was stilted, unsure of whether or not he should be formal or conversational with someone who’d joined them, betrayed him, shot him, then joined them again only to disappear.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
"Oh har har Gotham is terrible to Joker and that's why he acts the way he does," Gotham worships a hot topic furry with the mental stability of a soggy cracker and thinks a 10 year old vigilante is perfectly normal
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archivebottles · 9 months
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finally free from not being able to draw the past two months omg..to celebrate here are some elsters from last week...i like her
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afterthelambs · 18 days
I'm not sure if I believe the "Wakaba Isshiki did unethical experiments" theory in the fandom, but I do think this is the biggest proof of it in-game:
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Because how the hell would she know that?
The first explanation is that she did experiments by sending people into palaces and then testing what happens to them if the palace collapses. Which is messed up for obvious reasons.
The second explanation is that she did NOT test it, meaning she was just making shit up. Which is funny but also would make her a terrible scientist. This explanation is less believable because everything else about her research is too accurate.
There's also a theory that Wakaba did unethical experiments on Akechi specifically. I'm not sure I believe that, since the evidence for it is pretty shallow (like the featherman game scientist experimenting on grey pigeon). But this scene is once again the biggest argument you could make for that theory. The researcher in the image above refers to palaces by their correct term 'palaces', which they say was based on Wakaba's research. But that's only something you would know with firsthand experience of the metaverse. And the only person they know who could access the metaverse was Akechi (that we know of, but i dont think Shido would rely only on Akechi if there were other options).
So yeah this scene is very sus. It's most likely the writers didn't think too deep about the implications. There's no way they wanted Futaba's mom to be sketchy, right? But even if it's not intentional, the scenes and their implications still exist. So in conclusion those theories make sense, I get it, and I don't blame anyone for headcanoning them and having fun. And tbh anyone involved with cognitive psience was portrayed as some degree of unethical (maruki for example), maybe this is just on-brand
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ca-3 · 1 year
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Persona 5 × Omori 🗡
Been having a good time drawing the Phantom Thieves in the Omori game style! So I wanted to put all the ones I've done (so far) side by side ✨️
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michatovah · 3 months
i bring a sort of "this character who has no relation to judaism in canon whatsoever is jewish" vibe to every conversation i have
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luuxxart · 1 year
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brb adding everyone’s “p5x protag is a tatsujun fankid” to my compilation of absurd persona family tree headcanons
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personishfive · 1 year
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in which ann takamaki is there
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mezz000 · 2 months
Joker 2024 (leaked scene)
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thatmightyheart · 2 years
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been having some fun with the nier reincarnation x p5r collab :o
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batjokespizzeria · 2 months
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aeniqmata · 2 years
@bishonenprince​ gets a starter because this didn’t go with their ask and I’m not deleting it.
For once, Akira could say he actually understood the confusion and curiosity that his classmates in high school must have felt. The boy in his college class was definitely one that stood out to him, and he said a silent apology to his former classmates. But unlike them, he had an opportunity to get to know the boy, Ryuji being loud and pushy as he ever was.
The boy had started the day begging to ditch class, asking for Akira to go to the arcade with him, not wanting to sit in a boring lecture for hours then sit and read for more. Ever the guiding force in his friend’s lives, the bespectacled boy took hardly a moment to tell Ryuji that they were on scholarships, and ditching could put that in jeopardy. It brought about a lot of whining, about how one class wouldn’t hurt, where was his sense of adventure. The only way he could get the other boy to quiet down about it was to promise to go with him after their lectures.
Meeting after class, Ryuji had seen the brunette look at him and Akira for all of three seconds before boldly calling out to him and saying that he was formally invited to join them at the arcade and that he wasn’t taking no for an answer.
Ever the brash and loud one, Akira gave the other an apologetic look from behind his friend, calling a calm “ You don’t have to if you don’t want to. “
“ Ryuji’s feeling withdrawal, my adopted sister normally talks about all of this with him, but she’s focusing on school and doesn’t have as much time to right now. My name is Akira by the way. “ A simple introduction, it never hurt to have additional friends in college.
“ nor would it hurt to have any friends outside the thieves, little trickster. “
Akira ignored his Shadow, Arsene rejoining him when it was clear the toll that Satanael took on him was a little too much for every day use. He could have that conversation with the other later, when they took another trip to Mementos to make sure things hadn’t gone bad while he was focusing on classes.
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“ That said, did you want to join us? Or I could drag the both of you to a bookstore instead. It would do you some good, Ryuji. “
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megaderping · 9 months
Saw a rather mean post last night, and genuinely, I do not understand how people can play Persona 5 (particularly Royal), and come out thinking Akechi genuinely hates Joker when Morgana outright states for the audience, "You don't really hate Joker, do you?" Akechi laments how they didn't meet a few years earlier and how they could've been "great rivals, perhaps even friends." o_O Like... is this a vanilla thing? I genuinely don't get it. The interrogation room wasn't even his idea (SIU director mentions as much). It's not even about the ship- the game spells out that their bond is more complex, and it just so happens that a lot of people like to explore it as one. Even as platonic, tho, there's a shit ton of depth. Idk, any time I see discourse (especially people making fun of Shuake fans and stuff), I just question how many people actually paid attention to the dialogue. Even the "I hate you speech" reads as him being extremely emotionally constipated and conflicted. Plus, y'know...
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Very hateful. Sure. :p Idk, maybe certain playthroughs of the game remove all those moments where the game spells out that they have a special bond (Maruki even states it isn't based on hatred, but that's only if you get his third awakening). Just wish people would get off their high horses, if anything. Sometimes I see people get really condescending about liking Akechi or liking Shuake, and like... just block the tags if you don't like these things instead of posting untagged ship/character bashing and making fun of fans? At least have the decency to tag it as something that Shuake fans can filter because some of those posts are really mean-spirited. :/ You think we haven't heard it all before? I may be new to the fandom, but I have heard that this BS has been going on for years.
I don't think it really matters if there are "healthier" ship options because some of us prefer the messiness, the depth, and complexity. It's not for everyone, and I respect favoring more straightforwardly sweet and wholesome dynamics or wishing your favorite pair got more spotlight. I'm a Riku and Kairi shipper in Kingdom Hearts, for crying out loud. :P I get it, but you're not gonna win anyone over to your side by telling them that [insert ship here] is better. In my case, it makes me more averse because of how deeply their relationship in the confidant, engine room, and third sem touched me and seeing people go "yeah, but you are wrong for feeling that way, THIS is better" is just... yeah. :/ (Also, people gotta learn the difference between hitmen and serial killers. Akechi is the former, which I've ranted about before, but yeah.)
So many fandom problems could be solved if people didn't take the piss out of others for shipping something they don't personally like. x_x; By all means, feel the way you feel, it's okay to not like things.
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glimborgus · 16 days
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quick n rough sketches of joker from fighter’s destiny
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afterthelambs · 3 months
maybe unpopular opinion but i kinda wish the third semester spent more time on just the royal trio. I love the phantom thieves but we spent the entire game with them already, i just wanna have alone time with my mentally ill crazy boyfriend and mentally ill depressed girlfriend. is that too much to ask
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ca-3 · 1 year
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P5 Joker but he's in the Omori game 🗡️
More to come soon(?)
Skull 💀
Panther ❤️
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