#john watson sister
ao3topshipsbracket · 1 month
Tumblr Top Ships Bracket - Round 2 Side 1
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This poll is a celebration of fandom and fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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ofqueensandwitches · 2 years
For the third movie, I want a scene where Sherlock introduced John to The Family (+Tewksbury), and John was all dumbstruck to meet them (powerful government official, influential leader of underground female organisation, youngest and most respectable lord, and the most brilliant Holmes despite being the youngest), and perhaps a little nervous too because we all know Sherlock would be too emotionally-constipated to help, only for Eudoria to ease up the tension by saying:
“So, this is your boy, Sherlock. Very nice to meet you, Doctor Watson.”
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 9 months
Take Care
Sherlock and Mycroft x little sister!reader, John x teen!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: you get a startling diagnosis that turns everyone around you overprotective
Warnings: cancer, mentions of death (no actual death)
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“She…she has what?”
John looked up from his newspaper at the sound of Sherlock’s distress. He had picked up a call from Mycroft and answered with the usual bored disdain, but after listening for a moment he had sat up rigid in his chair.
“I see,” Sherlock went on. “I’ll be right over, I…oh. Yes, alright.”
“What was that all about?” John asked as Sherlock put the phone down. After a moment, John thought he wasn’t going to answer, but finally he spoke, his voice dazed.
“What? Oh, Y/N, she’s…Mycroft is bringing her over for a bit.”
“Is she alright?” John asked hesitantly.
“I…no. I don’t know,”
“Sherlock this is ridiculous, what’s wrong? You’re worrying me.”
You had become quite the regular at Baker Street, sleeping over there almost as much as you stayed with Mycroft, your legal guardian.
“Y/N…she has cancer.”
“She what?” Surely he had heard wrong.
“Mycroft took her in for an appointment, routine check up, that’s all, but…” Sherlock swallowed, and didn’t finish.
“How…I mean…” John wasn’t sure how to ask about the severity.
“I’m not sure,” Sherlock said finally. “Mycroft didn’t say much.”
“Hey Sherlock!” To say Sherlock was surprised when you came bounding into 221B like nothing was wrong would be a severe understatement.
“Hello,” he greeted hollowly. You stepped past him to bring your bag to your room, and Sherlock turned to look at Mycroft.
“She knows?” He asked quietly, and Mycroft nodded.
“I believe she doesn’t want to talk about it.”
“How bad is it?”
“They said they aren’t sure about the outcome. They want to start treatments as soon as possible, and it all depends on how she responds to it. All we can do is make sure she gets enough rest and water between visits for now.”
“Alright,” Sherlock sighed. “Then we do all we can do.”
“Where do you think you’re going?”
You looked up at Sherlock with a frown.
“Just for a walk.”
“No you’re not,” he responded. “It’s time you took a nap.”
“Gee grandma, you first,” you scoffed.
“Y/N, don’t be like that,” John insisted.
“You guys really aren’t gonna let me take a walk?” You glared at the two men, who didn’t waver an inch. “Fine,” you groaned, brushing past them to your room and closing the door.
“I’ve had like four glasses of water today Mycroft, I’m not thirsty.”
Mycroft gestured to the glass in front of you insistently. You rolled your eyes and took a sip.
“Finish that, and then you should take a nap.”
“I’m fine.”
“He’s right,” Sherlock chimed in from the sofa.
“Since when do you two agree on anything?” You scoffed.
“Since now.”
You glared at Mycroft.
“You can’t lay off for one afternoon?”
“Ok, I’ll nap on one condition; you let me go to Christie’s later, she wanted to study together.”
“You’ll take a nap either way,” Mycroft responded.
“Wanna bet?” You challenged.
“No, because I don’t have to. You’ll do as you’re told.”
“John, a little help?”
“Don’t look at me,” John raised his hands. “I’m with them.”
“Could you guys stop treating me like this for two seconds?” Your tone rose with your anger.
“Like what?” Mycroft’s resolve hadn’t changed.
“Like I’m an invalid!” You shoved past your brothers and slammed the door to your room.
“She won’t answer.”
“I know that,” Sherlock griped at his older brother.
“Should we pick the lock?”
“She’d kill us.”
“Well, she’s worrying me, she’s been in there for a while,” Mycroft pulled out a lock pick and got to work.
When the lock clicked, he called out a warning.
“We’re coming in if you don’t open this door!”
Mycroft pushed open the door, and sighed in relief when he saw you on your bed, a book in your lap and headphones in your ears. You looked up in disgust.
“Privacy much?” You growled as you pulled your headphones out of your ears.
“You’ve been in here for too long, and you wouldn’t answer when we knocked,” Mycroft insisted.
“Why won’t you leave me alone?”
“Because we need to talk,” Sherlock came to stand by your bed.
“About what?”
“About ‘how we treat you’,” Mycroft sighed.
“Alright, talk.”
“You know why we do it,” Sherlock insisted.
“Yeah, because you’re nosy control freaks.”
“Because we’re worried,” Mycroft corrected.
“You shouldn’t be.”
“That’s a load of crap,” everyone turned in surprise when John entered the room. “You know full well why they’re scared, and you are too. There’s not much we can do, alright? The only things we can do is make sure you get your rest in between treatments, and try our best to take care of you. So that’s what we’re doing.”
You were silent for a long moment.
“I-I just…” the tears in your eyes were perhaps the most surprising because it was the first time your family had seen you cry since the news came. “I don’t want to spend what could be my last few months just…resting. Wasting time, relaxing, and-and-“
“Hey,” the sternness in Mycroft’s tone shut you up immediately. “These aren’t your last few months. That’s what we’re trying to ensure by keeping you rested, and able to fight this.”
“We’re not letting you die, understand?” Sherlock lowered himself to meet your gaze.
“Ok,” you choked, and you were relieved when John stepped forwards and pulled you into his arms.
“You’re going to be ok,” he promised.
You smiled.
“Thank you.”
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j-eryewrites · 6 months
Happy Holidays!!
Happy Holidays to everyone! Thank you for supporting my fics and indulging my writing. I hope everyone is safe and has a pleasant holiday season. Much love from me - teigo-the-explorer
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platonicfanfiction · 1 year
BBC Sherlock
Living With Moriarty
Living With Sherlock
Danger Nights [TW] (F)
She’s My Sister [Holmes!Sister]
Proud Of You [TW] [Holmes!Brother]
Adjustments [Austistic!Reader]
The Other Brother [Holmes!Brother]
Brother My Brother [Holmes!Sister]
In Your Silence [Mute!R] [Holmes!Brother]
Dear Sweet Sister [Holmes!Sister]
How do I Hold This [Holmes!Sister]
You Think I’m Dating a Man? [Holmes!R] (F)
Operation & Princesses [Holmes!Sister]
The Safest Place [Holmes!Sister]
Home for Christmas [Holmes!Sister]
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mockscreens · 2 years
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please like/reblog if you save!
more lw 2019 lockscreens here!
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they are definitely in love, the way Sam looks at Felix!!
they ran because John and Sherlock couldn’t walk and Will and Lector couldn’t even crawl! Just kidding love my detective boyfriends Sam and Felix my best boys!!
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so I asked my sister to name 5 fictional characters that make up my personality and according to her, I am like (in no order in particular):
Chandler Bing from friends
Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean
Garnet from Steven Universe
Loki Laufeyson from Marvel (cinematic universe)
Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who
now I asked her this out of the blue so she was slightly panicked and so forgot some characters exist so I asked her again, this time with reference to a few of the fictional characters that we knew and I also told her to choose 10 fictional characters to choose rather than 5 and they were (and again, in no order in particular):
Benoit blanc from Knives Out
John H. Watson from Sherlock (BBC series)
Aziraphale from Good Omens
Crowley from Good Omens
Loki Laufeyson from Marvel (cinematic universe)
Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean
Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who
Eleventh Doctor from Doctor Who
Twelfth Doctor from Doctor Who
Chandler Bing from friends
Garnet from Steven Universe
Now the big question is.. am I like these characters or did I become these characters?
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devouringyourson · 7 months
it's not confirmed, and quite possibly the worst thing that could have happened to me a mobius fan, but I just needed you all to know that's where we're at
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livviem-009 · 8 months
She tried to warn him
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korixae · 1 year
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blessing my sister by showing her the unaired pilot bc apparently she’s never seen it before??🤗🤗
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The Same Page Part 4/?
Part 4 is finally here, enjoy!
Warnings: panic attack, I think that’s it. I’m not big on editing so there’s probably some mistakes.
Synopsis: you let your anger override your fear, and John is there to help.
Same Page Masterlist:
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You didn’t dream the rest of the night.
When you awoke, you found that your anger was just as potent and alive that it had been in the middle of the night.
Mycroft was asleep in the chair beside your bed, Sherlock slumbering on your bed right by your side.
You knew how hard they were working to make you feel safe, but that didn’t change how much they had lied to you in the past two years. You weren’t ready to let that go just yet.
Your shaking fingers found your phone, and you pressed John’s number, relieved when he answered right away.
You got straight to the point.
“I need you.”
John didn’t hesitate.
“Where are you?”
“Mycroft’s.” You lowered your voice when the man in question stirred. “I can’t be here. With them. Not right now. Please come get me.”
“I’m on my way.”
John was nervous, not a feeling he was incredibly used to. He had faced down murderers, terrorists, basically every form taken by the scum of the earth, and yet none of that had prepared him for what had happened in his life the past two years.
As if losing his best friend to suicide wasn’t bad enough, he had to watch you, the girl who had become like a little sister to him, spiral into a depression that nearly destroyed you, and nearly destroyed him to watch.
And now that the person who had caused all that pain—albeit for a good reason—was finally back, he knew you had to be just as angry as him—if not more. That wasn’t something he was used to. He almost never saw you angry—he was always the hothead at Baker Street, never you.
But this was different.
You slid into the car the second John slowed to a stop in Mycroft’s driveway.
“Do they know you’re leaving?”
“Just drive.”
John hesitated. “They’re going to-“
“John. Drive.” He saw your clenched fists, your narrowed eyes, and your tense jaw, and knew that he had never seen you this angry before. It wasn’t something he was about to mess with. He stepped on the gas and the two of you journeyed away from Mycroft’s house.
“What happened?” John asked after several minutes of tense silence. Something had to have made you snap like this.
“I realized I was the only one,” you weren’t looking at John, your gaze directed out the window.
John frowned, “Not the only one. Only a handful of people knew-“
“The only Holmes.”
“I’m sure they thought-“
“Mycroft was the one who told me the news. About—about the suicide,” you spat the word out, your teeth gritted in anger. “He watched me fall apart day after day for two years-“ your voice suddenly caught, your anger giving way to tears. “And my mum and dad…they knew, they knew all of it, and they let Mycroft lie to me. They lied to me,” this time when your voice broke off, you didn’t bother trying to start speaking again. The tears had overwhelmed you, and John watched helplessly as you cried into your hands next to him.
John pulled into the parking lot next to a cafe that you both liked, and he leaned over your armrest and wrapped his arms around your shaking frame.
“I’m so sorry.”
“I’m sure she’s alright.”
“Alright? Sherlock, you don’t understand, she hasn’t left this house in-“ Mycroft broke off, turning away from his brother to continue scouring your room for evidence to your whereabouts.
Another thing Sherlock wasn’t used to: being the calm one. But perhaps Mycroft was right, perhaps he wasn’t grasping the seriousness of the situation, because he wasn’t used to you being like this, not being able to care for yourself. You had always been rather independent, and Sherlock was all but certain that your grief wouldn’t have robbed you of that quality.
But perhaps he just didn’t understand you. He never had, not really.
But you always understood him. You were a quiet girl, so when Sherlock wanted someone to wow with his observations, you were a perfect listener, and when he went quiet for days on end, intent on his work, you would curl up on the sofa across from him and crack open a book, the two of you lapsing into comfortable silences.
You didn’t have his kind of intelligence, but you loved to listen to his ramblings about whatever case he was on, and every once in a while you would give him an angle that he hadn’t thought of. You weren’t a partner-in-crime the way John was, but you were good company, and you were very patient with him, a quality not found in most people Sherlock met.
But more than any of that, you were his baby sister, and while he had never completely grasped average human sentiment, he knew that he would rather die than see harm come to you. He wanted to see you safe and happy, the way you had been two years ago before Moriarty had robbed you of both.
Sherlock snapped back into focus at his brother’s outburst.
“Would you please just focus? I can’t have you distracted, not with her missing.”
Sherlock sighed impatiently.
“We don’t know for certain she’s missing. Just because she isn’t in the house doesn’t mean she’s lost. Have you tried John?”
“Yes. He doesn’t answer.”
“Well then there is your answer. He would have answered unless she asked him not to.”
Mycroft nodded. He may have been more accustomed to you in the past two years, but Sherlock knew John.
“That’s the third time he’s called.” John sounded almost worried. You didn’t care.
“I know, John. Just ignore him.”
The two of you had gone inside the cafe, and John was sipping on a cup of coffee while you picked at a muffin.
“I know you’re angry at him, but he’s going to be worried sick about you.”
You didn’t bother with a response to this.
John sighed, “So what now?”
You look up at him, biting your lip. You really hadn’t thought any of this out.
“I don’t know, I guess. I just needed some space.”
“You’re going to have to face him. Both of them.”
“Can’t I just stay with you for a little while?”
John hesitated. He didn’t think it was a good idea, but he also knew how stubborn you could be. If he denied you, you might just push harder.
“Alright. For a bit.”
You smiled at him, and the two of you fell into silence for a while.
“They care about you.”
You were surprised by John’s sudden change in demeanor. His eyes were like laser beams, hyper focused on you, and his sudden analysis made you squirm.
“I know that. But they-“
“What would you have done, in their condition?”
You stared back at John, meeting his gaze.
“Why are you asking me this? Don’t I have a right to be hurt by what they did?”
“Of course you do. But this, what you’re doing now, isn’t going to solve anything. You know that they only acted to protect you, and even though their actions hurt you, their intentions were out of love. You trying to hurt them back won’t fix what’s happened.”
You shake your head, “I’m not trying to hurt them back. I just…I don’t think I can-“
“You don’t want to face them, I get it. But you have to. They’re your brothers, and they care for you. Forgive them.”
You stared at John, and he stared back. While your resolve seemed to be wavering, his was rock solid.
You hated what Sherlock and Mycroft had done to you.
But you couldn’t find it in you to hate them.
Your resolve cracked, and with it, your anger.
A smile crept across your face.
“And I suppose punching Sherlock was going to change something?”
A soft chuckle escaped John’s lips.
“No, no it wasn’t. But it was fun.”
You laughed, the first real laugh in…
Well, in a while.
“Was he surprised? When you hit him?”
John’s laugh grew to a full out belly-laugh.
“It was the most picturesque example of cartoon shock, you should have seen-“
John froze. You weren’t laughing anymore, not really. You had a smile on your face, but it seemed frozen, almost a grimace. John knew that look, that polite, forced smile of yours. He hated it when you used it on him.
“What’s with the face? What’s wrong, are you ok?” He didn’t want you hiding anything from him.
“I-um,” you gulped, blinking rapidly. “I think I-I want to call Mycroft now.”
John felt a mixture of worry and relief. He was glad you seemed to be ready to start forgiving your brothers, but you seemed on the verge of a panic attack now.
You reached your hand out, and John left his seat to kneel next to yours, allowing you to latch onto his arm while he pulled out his cell phone.
“Alright, ok that’s great. I’m calling him now, just, can you breathe for me?”
You coughed out a shaky breath, and John smiled nervously at you as he pressed Mycroft’s number.
“Good, that’s good, again?” Just then Mycroft answered his phone.
“Where are you? Is-“
“The cafe near Baker Street, Sherlock knows it. Hurry,” John hung up on Mycroft and turned all his attention to you. “He’s on his way, with Sherlock, alright?”
You nodded, your eyes darting around the cafe as you lifted a hand up to rub your chest, your breath coming in quick gasps now.
John took both your hands in his, and spoke in a slow, even tone.
“Hey, look at me.” When your eyes met his, he smiled at continued. “This is a bit much, yeah? You haven’t been this far from Mycroft’s house in quite a while,” John was encouraged by your nod. Responding was a good sign. “Yeah, well that’s alright. I know you’re a bit overwhelmed, but there’s nothing to fear. I’m right here, I’m here for you, and Mycroft’s coming to take you home.”
“Are you John Watson?”
John turned instinctively at the sound of his name, and was alarmed to find a woman dressed suspiciously like a reporter standing over him.
“Now’s not a good time, give me some space please,” he tried to turn his attention back to you, but the reporter was insistent.
“How do you feel now that Sherlock Holmes is reported alive?”
“No comment, go away.”
Just then the reporter caught sight of you, and recognition lit up in her eyes.
Oh no.
“Y/N Holmes!”
You flinched at the sound of your name, and you tried to back away from the reporter, but your progress was stopped when the back of your chair hit the wall. John moved to stand in front of you.
“Y/N Holmes, how long have you known that your brother Sherlock is alive?”
“No no, no, stop it, leave her alone!” It was one thing to interrogate him, but John wasn’t about to let this reporter anywhere near you, especially not now.
“Did you help him fake his suicide? Was Mycroft Holmes in on it? Did Sherlock murder Jim Moriarty?” The reporter was trying to move around John now, elbowing her way closer to you.
You were hyperventilating now, one hand wrapped around your knees while the other was grasping for John’s. John instantly moved to grab your hand, but he was beaten to it.
“Back away, unless you’d like to lose your job.” Mycroft Holmes put himself between you and the reporter, grasping your small hand in his and carefully pulling you to your feet. Sherlock was right behind him, holding your shaking frame up with an arm around your shoulder and guiding you toward the door, where John could see Mycroft’s car waiting outside.
“Mr. Homes! I just have a few-“
Neither Mycroft nor Sherlock even bothered to respond, they simply ushered you outside with John right on their heels.
Once safe and sound in his car, Mycroft finally turned his full attention to you, quickly analyzing your condition. Quick, shallow breathing, darting eyes, shaking like a leaf. It wasn’t good.
It also could’ve been worse, though. Your hand was gripping tightly to his, and your eyes seemed to finally be focusing on him.
“Mycroft…” he was relieved to hear you speak, it was a good sign. He let you fall into his arms, and when you did he pressed his hand to the side of your head and leaned you against his chest.
“Breathe when I breathe, alright?”
You followed his example perfectly, it was an exercise you were quite used to.
Mycroft noticed Sherlock staring at him, shock and discomfort distorting his features. Mycroft understood the look. If he had seen himself like this two years ago, he wouldn’t even recognize himself.
It wasn’t that he didn’t love his siblings, it was just that showing it had never been something he had been comfortable with.
Sherlock’s “death” had forced him to almost permanently vacate his comfort zone.
He was not a touchy-feely man, and he did not believe in babying you simply because you were his sister. But when you had fallen to pieces after Sherlock left you, Mycroft had quickly realized that if he didn’t change some of his ways, you might just never be able to pull yourself back together again.
“I’m sorry,” Mycroft came back to himself when he heard your soft voice. “I shouldn’t have-have left. I wasn’t thinking.”
Mycroft shook his head, “Don’t apologize. You were upset, I understand.” He pulled you away from him and brushed your short hair away from your face, “how are you feeling?”
Your small hands gripped onto his.
“Better now.”
Sherlock was relieved when Mycroft’s car pulled into his driveway. The small car felt even smaller when he was stuck watching you and Mycroft. Your bond was something he didn’t understand, and he wasn’t used to not understanding Mycroft.
When the car pulled to a stop, you seemed recovered enough to walk inside, Mycroft letting you hold onto his arm the whole way. When the two of you were gone, Sherlock turned to John.
“Thank you. For watching her, that was…good.”
John gave a weak smile.
“I care about her too. You take care of her, she’s a good kid.”
“I know.”
John turned to leave, but hesitated.
“She’ll forgive you soon enough. She loves you guys.”
Sherlock allowed a smile to cross his face.
“Thank you.”
@navs-bhat @chaoticglitterkitten
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Enola Holmes (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Enola Holmes & Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson Additional Tags: Mentioned Enola Holmes, POV Sherlock Holmes, Pre-Slash, Pre-Relationship, Gen or Pre-Slash Summary:
Dr. John Watson crossed the threshold of Sherlock's door, and the rest, as some say, is history.
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kgreen200 · 10 months
Hard to Swallow
By Kathy G.
Summary: Johnny, who’s now five years old, comes down with tonsillitis yet again, and has to have his tonsils removed.  Harry, who has turned 11 and is in her last year of primary school, must wait at the local hospital with her mother while her little brother’s undergoing surgery.  Told from Harry’s POV.  Thanks to Besleybean for beta-reading and Brit-picking my story!
May, 1986
Harry sat sprawled on the sofa, one foot on the dirty floor and the other on the sofa by the armrest (because her other leg was folded upward), reading a children’s novel that she had checked out of the school library the week before.  It was Monday morning of the last week of May, and since the Spring Bank holiday had begun when the first of the summer half-terms had ended on Friday, she was planning to join Amy Pitman and some of her other school friends at Admirals Park that afternoon; Mr. Pitman was going to drive them there.  Fortunately, Harry had some money that she had earned from walking Mrs. Thompson’s dog over the past few weeks; she could buy some lemonade from one of the vendors in that park.
The late-May sunshine poured in through the lounge window, forming a rectangle of reflected sunlight on the bare wooden floor.  The lounge was quiet and still.  Mummy was making breakfast in the kitchen, and Daddy had left for work earlier.
When Johnny’s gonna get up?! Harry wondered, frowning; the page rustled when she turned it.  Her little brother had still been asleep when she had got dressed and made her bed; it had since been over a half-hour since Harry had got up, and he had not left their shared bedroom yet.  Time he was getting up; he’s not a baby anymore!  Only the previous month, Johnny had celebrated his fifth birthday on the twenty-third.
Putting her novel on her lap, the 11-year-old girl leaned back to reflect.  In just a few months, it would be summer break, and she would be finished with Year 6 and out of *Kings Road Junior School for good.  Johnny, on the other hand, was in the reception class at *Kings Road Infant School, so it would be several more years before he was ready to attend secondary school.  I can’t believe I’m gonna go to a grammar school next autumn! she thought.  All my friends on this street’ll be going to some of the comprehensive schools!  Including Amy!
Memories of the day when she had learned that she might be admitted there filtered back into her mind…
To read the rest, read here:
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nnon-it-up · 2 years
It's the way Sherlock kicking the sign outside the police station was marketed as him being frustrated about his case but in reality it was because he couldn't help his sister for me. This is Sherlock Holmes, notorious for having no emotions, who told his sister multiple times not to get emotional since it will not help them solve the case, who has been depicted as a heartless scarecrow for centuries, this same person is so overcome with frustration and anger and guilt that he couldn't take it and lashed out to kick an insignificant sign.
Sherlock has always placed his cases in a higher priority to everything else. But this time, this time his sister is arrested, bound for the noose so he squares up and asks the only person he believes can help - Edith. Sherlock hasn't met John yet. He's not a team player. But he reaches out for assistance because he has tried and he has failed and now his sister's life hangs in the balance.
And now for the real tearjerker: Sherlock figured out that Mira Troy/Moriaty's message leads to the match factoy, yet he doesn't arrive until Enola is out for prison and goes to investigate himself. Why? Why would he do that? He would've still had time after he went to Edith's for help yet he decided to go only after Enola escaped. The man finally realised that Human Lives are more important than Cases and then Enola sets up that appointment with Sherlock and John Watson
My point is that Sherlock is going to become more humane (and they're going to be sued by Arthur Conan Doyle's estate again)
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calaisreno · 11 days
663 Words / Prompt: Hero
No one ever calls John Watson amazing. As far as he can recall, no one has ever said he was extraordinary. 
His father laughed when he said he wanted to be a doctor. His mother said nothing. 
His sister came out when she was thirteen. John was ten that year, and learned from her experience that it’s better not to stand out. While Harry was being dramatic, having angry confrontations with their parents, making everyone love and hate her, John flew under the radar. 
At school, he stayed in the upper third. He worked hard, took part-time jobs to help with the bills, got regular haircuts, and never even considered a tattoo. 
Harry was a full-blown alcoholic by the time John started uni. He also drank, but kept his family history in mind and focused on what he was there for. 
His father was a gambler who always had a new plan; his mother poured her energy into charity and church. Harry seemed determined to fuck up in every way imaginable, as if she had a sacred destiny to be the black sheep. Blood was not destiny. John was the responsible one.
His army buddies gave him the nickname Three Continents. As a child, he’d spent a few years in Australia (one of his father’s schemes to get rich), but that didn’t really count. He’d grown up in Britain, travelled to the continent one summer. His luck with European women was nothing to write home about. When he left for Afghanistan, he didn’t have much hope for that continent, either, since most of the women there were Muslim. The nickname was ironic, not iconic.
In the army, he was commissioned as a captain. He took his office seriously, gave orders with confidence, not out of a sense of ego or pride, but because he was responsible. When you’re responsible for lives, you don’t let people down.
In essence, he was a humble man. 
When he returned home, he was a surgeon who could no longer do surgery, thanks to a shoulder wound that left him with nerve damage. He was a doctor with PTSD who couldn’t make it through the night without waking up in a sweat, hyperventilating. He had a limp. Women looked at him with pity, not interest.
And he began to suspect that dates with women weren’t what he wanted. His buddies might still call him Three Continents Watson, but there wasn’t any reputation to uphold. He often protested, I’m not gay, but his eyes tended to follow men rather than women.
That’s why, when he met Sherlock Holmes and agreed to share a flat with him, he felt fortunate to escape his tiny bedsit and move in with this odd man, who had somehow decided that John must accompany him at any hour of the day or night, usually to look at dead bodies. A man of eccentric habits, John seemed to have become one of them.  
It didn’t hurt that his flatmate was good-looking. Sherlock Holmes had high cheekbones, dark curly hair, and a lanky grace that was enhanced by the tailored trousers and jackets he wore. He spoke in a silky baritone. To John, at least, it didn’t matter that he was arrogant or even insulting. He was extraordinary. 
So when Sally Donovan frowned at John Watson and said, “Who are you?” he didn’t hesitate to say, “I’m nobody.”
But that same night, he carried his gun out into the night, chasing after a man, a murderer. He saw Sherlock about to accept the challenge, and his hand did not shake when he sent a bullet through two panes of glass, into the man’s chest.
John will never call himself a hero. They might exist, but he’s not one. 
He’s just an ordinary man who lost his limp when he began following Sherlock Holmes. 
And in that moment his only thought was that Sherlock Holmes had saved his life, and John wasn’t going to let him die. 
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