livviem-009 · 2 months
Moneypenny: Moran is too tall for me to kiss him on the lips. What should I do? Herder: Punch him in the stomach. Then, when he double over in pain, kiss him. Jack: Tackle him! Fred: Dump him Bonde: Kick him in the shin! Moran: No to all of those! Just ask me to lean down!! (Ծ‸ Ծ)
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livviem-009 · 2 months
I have an announcement, I'm leaving Tumblr for an unknown time (moving ti Twitter). If you wanna follow: https://x.com/KitBackup?t=wsj_749R4NDMzLP3j7QfBg&s=09
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livviem-009 · 3 months
Where did you get that?
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livviem-009 · 3 months
Stay safe
I realised that I'm not only bus sick but also car sick. Now I know why I don't travel and I don't even have snacks :(
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livviem-009 · 3 months
List of Vocal Sounds for Smut
I present to you a - probably quite incomplete, I’m sure I’m missing a lot of speech sounds - reference list and a bit of a guideline for the different ways one can describe the sounds your characters make whilst writing smut. I’ll definitely be referring to it, because I sometimes get stuck on exactly how to describe a particular noise. (aka, “he can’t groan again, he just groaned last paragraph”)
Sounds (noun, both independently and describing speech): breath/breathe, gasp, moan, groan, pant, whimper, whine, shout, yelp, hiss, grunt, cry, scream, shriek, sob, growl, curse, sound, sigh, hum, noise, squeak, snarl, howl, roar, mewl, wail, choke, keen, purr
Sounds (noun, describing speech): rasp, husk, drawl, plea, murmur, whisper, beg
Descriptors (adjective): loud, hushed, quiet, low, high, high-pitched, little, tiny, soft, deep, unrestrained, restrained, strained, breathy, rough, sudden, short, drawn-out, sharp, harsh, hard, thick, smooth, thin, heavy, impassioned, insistent, hungry, passionate, repeated, filthy, debauched, sweet, slow, deliberate, guttural, languid, surprised, husky, distracted, happy, pleased, satisfied, wordless, cut-off, bitten-off, contented, hoarse, extended, long, depraved, aching, choked, strangled, broken, helpless, shuddering, shaky, trembling, urgent, needy, desperate, wanton, shattered, pained, eager
Combine a descriptor and a sound for best effect - for example, “needy moan,” “pleased hum,” or “sudden scream.” You can even use two: “low, rough grunt,” “sweet little cry,” “desperate, filthy noise,” as long as you don’t repeat a word that means the same thing, unless you really want to emphasize it. Avoiding repetition is pretty key here. You don’t usually want to say “hushed, quiet gasp” except on rare occasions when it’s very important how soft the sound was.
Use your own common sense, as well; some sounds and descriptors don’t generally work well together. “Deliberate shriek” probably wouldn’t work well, and neither would “languid grunt,” but again, this is all very situational - play around! Have fun.
Feel free to add to my lists, use for your reference or pass them around. It would be fun to see a randomized generator made, too, I’m just too lazy to do it myself. ;)
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livviem-009 · 3 months
He'd just give up because he loves Liam more
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livviem-009 · 3 months
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miss moneypenny ❤︎
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livviem-009 · 4 months
The Disappearance of Sherlock Holmes (Part 10):
"Anything else you need, Miss Holmes?" Louis asked, checking his pocket watch as a subtle cue for his impending departure. Before he could make his exit, Eurus intercepted him, her lips forming a small, cute, pursed smile.
"I don't usually express gratitude, but thanks for comforting me back there. You're actually really cool," she remarked, glancing down and twirling a strand of her hair.
Louis' eyes widened, and a warmth spread across his face. "Anytime. I genuinely hope you're feeling better ton—" His words were cut off as Eurus enveloped him in a soft embrace.
"Thanks for being my friend," she said as they separated. "I shouldn't keep you here. Goodnight, Louie."
As he left the flat, the blush on his face lingered, and his thoughts momentarily drifted into the unexpected embrace. He replayed the gratitude she expressed, feeling a sense of connection that went beyond their usual interactions. It was a moment that left him both surprised and touched, appreciating the sincerity in her words.
Regaining his composure, Louis reminded himself of his original purpose and continued on his way, the night air carrying a subtle warmth that mirrored the rosy tint lingering in his memory.
"I hope this doesn't lead to something," Louis mumbled, rubbing his face with a hint of concern.
As Eurus gazed out of her small rented room, observing the cityscape, she tenderly stroked her kitten's fur while finishing cutting newspaper strips for her investigative board. An intuition whispered that something was unfolding, and she eagerly anticipated unraveling the mystery.
John bid her goodnight, placing a tea set on the table. "Goodnight, Eurus. Have some tea."
"Thanks, it helps me sleep. Night, John!" she replied.
Plopping onto her bed, she snuggled with her pet, blowing out the candle, and closed her eyes. As she drifted off, she made a silent prayer.
Yawning, Eurus mumbled, "I hope Sherly is okay."
Then morning arrived. The room was bathed in a soft morning glow as Lucy slowly stirred from her unconscious state. However, her awakening was met with a sudden, high-pitched scream, cutting through the calm orderly room.
Eurus, holding a sword in her hand and clumsily putting her lens using the other, reacted swiftly. Her voice remained calm yet alert, ready for any potential threat that might be lurking.
"What is this?" Lucy's voice trembled with fear. "Did you kidnap me?" Panic set in as she jumped to conclusions.
Miss Hudson rushed into the room, attempting to diffuse the situation.
"Oh, dear! No, no, Miss Redcliffe," Miss Hudson reassured her, "she saved your life last night!"
Still bewildered, Lucy tried to process the information. Memories flooded back from the chaotic events of the previous night, and realization slowly dawned on her.
"Last night? What happened?" Lucy's tone reflected both confusion and anxiety.
Miss Hudson provided a reassuring explanation, helping Lucy piece together the events.
"There was an incident with your carriage, my dear," Miss Hudson explained. "Miss Holmes and Mr. Moriarty rescued you. You're safe now."
Still shaken but starting to understand, Lucy took a deep breath.
"Oh, my goodness. Thank you for saving me," Lucy expressed her relief and gratitude.
Eurus, now lowering the sword, nodded with a small smile.
"It was the right thing to do. You're welcome," Eurus replied, her voice carrying a mix of sincerity and an air of mystery. “Now to business.”
As John groggily awoke and reached for his journal, the grim woman remained calm and collected, sat down. Turning her attention to the actor/singer, she spoke with an almost calculating demeanor, her words laced with a sense of deduction.
"Lucy, would you be willing to answer some questions?" she inquired, her piercing blue gaze fixed on Lucy.
Eurus's posture exuded a quiet intensity, and her tone carried an underlying sense of determination. As she posed her questions, there was a methodical precision in her approach, each inquiry carefully chosen to extract the information she sought.
Lucy hesitated, her eyes darting between Eurus and John. "I don't know. I've been through enough."
She raised an eyebrow, a subtle hint of curiosity playing on her lips. "Understanding the truth might help prevent further harm, Lucy. Now, tell me, why were you blackmailed?"
A moment of silence hung in the room before Lucy finally broke, her voice strained with emotion. "Because I slept with one of their sons to get my position!" Lucy screamed, her defenses crumbling as she succumbed to the weight of her revelation.
She remained composed, her eyes unwavering. "And who is behind this blackmail?" she pressed, her tone calm yet insistent.
The actor hesitated once again, visibly conflicted. "I... I can't say."
Eurus leaned forward from her seat, her voice getting deeper. "Lucy, the truth can be your ally. It's time to reveal who is responsible for putting you through this torment. I'm gonna make it right to you by keeping you safe, but I need more information."
Lucy resisted at first, but Eurus, drawing upon her old manipulation tactics, subtly probed the vulnerabilities she sensed. "Think about it. Keeping this secret only allows them to maintain control over you. Don't you want to take back that control or let that shame wash you again?"
After a moment of contemplation, Lucy reluctantly whispered, "Eduardo Gambetti."
Her eyes flickered with recognition. "Thank you, Lucy. That information is will crack our case wide open." She rose from her chair, a sense of triumph emanating from her.
As the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, Eduardo Gambetti emerged as the second suspect in her investigation.
The actor asked anxiously, "Will I be okay?" Eurus reassured her with a calm demeanor, "My friend from MI6 will send in security. You'll be safe."
Lucy rubbed her brown hair, sighing, "I'm not proud of my success story."
In her usual blunt fashion, she responded, "Survival often requires actions we're not proud of, my dear. Don't be too hard on yourself. After all, you did what you needed to do to survive, even if it meant being labeled a whore."
Lucy opened her mouth to apologize, "I'm sorry for embarrassing you in front of everyone."
Eurus, surprisingly nonchalant, brushed off the apology, stating, "I deserved it anyways, I just hope you're doing well. I've been wanting to apologize for a while." She said as she rubbed the back of her neck.
“I think this is the real Eurus I missed as a friend.” She remarked before giving her a pat.
Despite the tension, the former bully hinted at the possibility of a way to mend their strained relationship. "We may not become friends again, but perhaps I can make it up to you in some way."
John led Lucy out of the room after they're done. Eurus couldn't contain her excitement, jumping with glee at the prospect of getting closer to the truth.
As they navigated the complex dynamics between them, the room echoed with an unresolved tension, leaving the future of their interactions uncertain.
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livviem-009 · 4 months
The Disappearance of Sherlock Holmes (Part 9):
As Lucy stared out of the carriage window, she chuckled to herself. Finally, she had exacted her revenge on her tormentor, though it turned out harsher than she had initially planned. At least now she could empathize with the feeling of being publicly shamed. However, there was no time to dwell on that; she had to figure out how to handle a blackmailer.
Suddenly, her amusement turned to fear when the sound of a gunshot echoed through the air.
She nervously called out, "Hello, Maurice?" looked up and screamed as a knife narrowly missed her.
Eurus, from the other moving carriage, swiftly kicked the assailant away before guiding Louis and John to the roof of her ride. "Miss Redcliffe, your saviors have arrived. Unfortunately, your carriage driver actually died," she informed Lucy.
The singer fainted on the floor, overwhelmed.
Then the blonde beside her snickered and remarked, "That rhymes."
John, shocked, exclaimed, "Oh my god, he died? And this is not a joke, Louis!"
The blue-haired woman noticed another carriage approaching, alerted the doctor, "We have company. Drive, John." She extended her hand to her partner, saying, "Care to accompany me, Mr. Moriarty?"
Louis, with a playful smile, responded, "It would be my pleasure."
Their original ride stopped as the horse parked at the side of the road. As John anxiously took the reins and steered the carriage, stress and agitation etched across his face, he questioned, "Why did this turn into a high-speed chase?”
As their adversaries closed in, Eurus scanned for a weapon. Louis, ever resourceful, unscrewed his walking stick, revealing a hidden blade.
Eurus chuckled, "You're full of surprises. Thanks. But what will you do..." She spotted him holding two daggers and grinned. "Cool. I'll fight offense; you're defense."
Louis nodded, acknowledging the strategy. As the clash unfolded, John strained to navigate the carriage out of harm's way. His primary goal was to find his best friend, yet now he faced the grim possibility of a deadly crash. Nevertheless, he entertained the idea of outpacing their pursuers.
Curious, he asked, "Where are we going, anyway?"
Eurus, ducking beneath a looming sign, cautioned, "We can head back to the flat; we just need to lose them! Watch out, Louie!"
Louis, engaged in the fight, responded confidently, "I know what I'm doing!"
The horse accelerated, the wind intensifying. They tread carefully, but a goon had the audacity to use a riding crop, stinging one of them.
Eurus, angered, exclaimed, "The hell!" She swiftly cut the crop and slashed the goon's hand, asserting, "Oh no, you don't. Anyone else want some?!"
Their pursuers persisted, one of them mocking, "Evening, Miss Holmes. You look like you're not getting any younger. Has old age gotten you?”
“I'm 24!”
For an unknown reason, the youngest Moriarty brother felt like he needed to defend her honor before leaping onto the other carriage's roof, fought back, leaving the woman bewildered.
Eurus shouted, "What are you doing?!"
Louis, amidst the skirmish, replied confidently, "I have a plan, duck!" He swiftly evades an attack before valiantly taking her in his arms with him, putting them as a small link to the two rides before getting back with John in the front.
The man on the opposing carriage ended up knocked unconscious as Louis executed his planned move. The chaos continued as they raced through the night, pursuing both safety and answers, with the wind carrying their determination. They lost their assailants as they headed into the tunnel.
The rhythmic knocking echoed through the flat, prompting Miss Hudson to open the door. To her utter shock, she was met with the sight of her missing tenant's sister, holding an unconscious actor in her arms. The landlady gasped, her hand instinctively reaching for her chest.
"Goodness me, Eurus! You nearly gave me a heart attack again! What on earth is going on?" Miss Hudson exclaimed, clearly exasperated.
"Just another eventful night, Miss Hudson. Nothing to worry about," Eurus replied with a mischievous grin.
Louis, standing beside Eurus, added with a head pat for her, "She did exceptionally well in a fight tonight, Miss Hudson."
Observing their rough appearance, she noticed the state of their clothes and felt a pang of sadness at the sight of her old dress being ruined. Before she could voice her concern, John interrupted, "We had a little trouble on the way. Also, where can we hide our own stolen vehicle?"
As Sherlock plotted his escape, he found solace in the night sky, its myriad stars indifferent witnesses to his predicament. Amidst the strategic calculations, a concern for the safety of his comrades lingered, prompting a fleeting hope that everyone was unharmed.
He stared into the vast expanse above, muttering to himself, "The night is my ally, a cloak for unseen maneuvers. But are they safe? Have they managed to navigate the pieces without the harm?"
A deep breath steadied him as he prepared for the imminent confrontation with his captor. The night, with its mysterious veil, offered a canvas for his plans, concealing his intentions until the opportune moment.
Whispering to the night, he urged himself, "Patience, Sherlock. Patience. Wait for the right moment, and then unveil the truth."
The shadows played tricks on his mind, mirroring the complexities of the enigma he sought to unravel. As he continued to strategize, the night remained silent, withholding its secrets until the chessboard was set for the final move.
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livviem-009 · 4 months
The Disappearance of Sherlock Holmes (Part 8):
Eurus marveled at the grandeur of the room, the mansion unfolding before her like a captivating theatre where diverse individuals seamlessly mingled. Swiftly recomposing herself, a serious expression settled on her face. If Lucy was to be one of her initial suspects, there had to be something hidden, considering her arrival the day before her brother's disappearance.
She addressed her partner with a playful turn towards the dancefloor, "Hey Louie, what did you find?" she asked, giggling. "It seems like he needs help."
Louis, attempting to evade a group of women, responded, "I'm sorry, ladies, but I'm not here for mingling, only business."
A maiden in a velvet dress chimed in, "Oh, please, what does a gentleman like you have a reason to be single," twirling his hair flirtatiously.
Like a villainous entrance, Eurus walked assertively as the party music played violins, "Ahem, I didn't expect you to be here, Annabeth."
The woman looked up, letting out a small squeak, "Miss Eurus Holmes, is this your man? We'll back off!" The group instinctively backed off and left the two alone.
Louis, his tone dreary, expressed gratitude, "Thanks. I think John is searching the backrooms, but I got into a little bit of a problem."
The grinning woman reassured him, "No worries, Louie," as she casually held his hand, causing him to blush for some inexplicable reason.
While Eurus and Louis shared their moment, John seized the opportunity to savor some hors d'oeuvres. The party gradually illuminated as he gazed from a balcony and spotted a sinister figure wielding a knife. Taking mental notes, he descended and discreetly followed the man, realizing he was heading towards the stage. A sense of urgency overcame him; he needed to warn Eurus.
The doctor maneuvered through the crowd, urgently calling out, "Eurus!"
The woman in question, looking up, casually enjoying cake, responded, "Yes, John, found anything?"
John began, "There was a ma-" Before he was interrupted.
The host interrupted, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to introduce the star of the hour, famed singer Lucy Redcliffe."
Lucy emerged in a sparkling dress as the audience erupted in applause. Eurus, growing nervous, suggested, "We should leave."
Her sweet singing number unfolded on the stage, portraying her as a hopelessly naive girl caught in the whims of unrequited love. As her performance continued, a new figure emerged, seemingly her love interest, but the atmosphere took a darker turn as a third character joined with sinister violins playing in the background.
Suddenly, the third character loudly accused her of using her affections as a means to reach her brother. The love interest, appearing confused, promptly rejected Lucy in front of the gathered audience, who rallied behind the accuser. Her character, betrayed and vulnerable, concluded her song with stifled tears.
Eurus, taken aback by the unexpected twist, widened her eyes and urgently signaled for all of them to leave. Louis, fully understanding the unfolding drama, stared at Eurus with disbelief and disappointment.
"Why did you embarrass her like that? I thought it was just a secret boyfriend and a prank. You said she was fine with it," Louis questioned, his disappointment evident.
John, expressing his dismay, added, "You were a monster for hurting her like that. How could you?"
Eurus was about to explain before feeling an odd sensation on her face, looking up to see a man cutting sandbags, then he started cutting ropes that suspended a huge carriage prop.
Panic set in as she shouted, "Oh no, Lucy, watch out!" With a swift jump, Eurus landed on the stage and pushed the young singer away, the prop crashing on the ground with a huge thud, leaving the crowd gasping before erupting into laughter.
Pointing up, Eurus attempted to divert attention, "Look, there's an ass-"
But before she could finish, Lucy, recovering from the shock, stood up and slapped Eurus until she fell to the ground. "You just can't stop embarrassing me, can you!" Lucy exclaimed, her frustration and hurt evident in her voice.
The woman stood up and retorted, "You're still butthurt about that. Listen, dude, he's never going to be into you."
Lucy screamed back, "You don't know that. He would have if you didn't tell everyone in school about that, making them laugh at me like that. And even if he did reject my affections, I didn't want you telling everyone about it. It was private!"
Louis, cautiously walking behind Eurus, interjected, "Ease it off, you two. I think you should apologize to Miss Holmes. After all, she did just save your life."
The singer directed her frustration at him, saying, "You're defending the wrong person here. Maybe you should get your brain checked before being a busybody?"
Eurus, defensively resorting to bullying, spitefully replied, "Hey, it's not my fault that beauty was the only good thing about you, and you were even stupid to think you'll take Sherlock away from me," immediately regretting her words as she covered her mouth.
Lucy, turning towards her, coyly remarked, "And you think everyone loves you. Well, news flash, we all hated you because you use your intelligence for selfish gain. You're a mean person, and you'll always be alone!"
She retorted arrogantly, "Oh, please. I still have friends. My troupe."
The woman in red confidently smiled, "Then why didn't anyone invite you to our reunion?"
Eurus looked around the room, suddenly realizing it was a high school reunion. It all makes sense now; they didn't love her, they feared her. She never actually had real friends, and Lucy was right, she will die alone because even her own brother never visited her. Her vision grows sharper before she started hyperventilating due to stress. Her world came crashing down as she comprehended that everything Lucy said was a fact. Tears welled up, and she excused herself to run to the bathroom.
Louis attempted to intervene, "Wait-"
Lucy, brushing off her dress, dismissed him, "Don't bother. She's just a sociopath who's better off alone." Facing the crowd, she added, "Since that wart is gone, how about another musical number!" The atmosphere shifted as the room embraced the new energy, leaving Eurus alone with her realization in the bathroom.
As she confidently initiated another musical number, Louis decided to follow Eurus into the bathroom. The harsh fluorescent lights revealed her standing before the mirror, a reflection of introspection etched across her face. Tears welled up in her eyes, a vulnerability that Louis had never witnessed from her before.
He approached slowly, unsure of how to handle this side of Eurus that seemed foreign to him. She turned to face him, tears streaming down her cheeks, her usually composed demeanor shattered by the confrontation with the tower of her mistakes.
Louis, searching for the right words, hesitated before expressing, "Eurus, you're not as bad as she made you out to be. People change, and we all have our flaws. Besides, you never acted like that with me."
Her voice shaky, she cried, "Do you even know what I've done? I'm a horrible person. I'll die alone because no one wants to be friends with someone like me."
He disagreed, "Eurus, that's not true. You've got friends, and you're not alone."
But she listed her perceived shortcomings. "I'm not even that helpful in finding Sherlock. I always wanted control, and I've driven people away. I'm not good enough, not perfect. I'm a failure at life, and I'll always be that kid that no one wants to be friends with. No wonder my brothers don't visit me anymore."
Louis sighed, recognizing the depth of her pain, before surprising her by going over and embracing her from behind. Eurus, taken aback by the unexpected gesture, slowly returned the embrace.
Still holding her in the embrace, he softly spoke, "Princess, you are of worth. You're not defined by your past or mistakes. I see you as a person worthy of friendship and understanding."
Eurus, still processing the unexpected reassurance, nodded quietly. They eventually released each other, and together, they left the bathroom, the echo of their conversation lingering in the air.
As Lucy's musical number concluded, she gracefully made her way towards her carriage, the applause from the audience still lingering in the air. Meanwhile, John, who had just experienced the emotional outburst inside, exited the venue and noticed a group of shadowed figures riding their own carriage, seemingly tailing Lucy.
Panicking, John rushed to warn Eurus and Louis about the potential danger. "Miss Holmes! Mister Moriarty! We need to do something. There are people following Lucy," he urgently exclaimed.
Eurus, accustomed to deciphering complex situations, immediately grasped the severity of the matter. Without hesitation, she and Louis joined John in securing their own carriage, determined to catch up with Lucy and make sure she doesn't die.
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livviem-009 · 4 months
This is her on a chair
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The Disappearance of Sherlock Holmes (Part 7):
Louis scrutinized his reflection in the mirror, meticulously adjusting his bowtie. It was merely another operation, a routine task in the grand scheme of things. Logically, there was no reason for him to fear what awaited him tonight. Yet, an unexplainable nervousness lingered beneath the surface as Mycroft assigned him the role of chaperoning her to the party.
"Lost in thoughts, Louis?" William inquired, running a comb through his hair.
He sighed, meeting his brother's in the reflection. "Have you ever felt nervous going to a party before?" he asked, the knot of his bowtie suddenly feeling tighter than it should.
"The only thing we were worried about were those women during the tea party," Albert chuckled, handing him a jacket. "I'm sure Miss Holmes is not that type of person."
"I still can't believe Sherlock never mentioned he had a sister," William remarked, finishing his meticulous hair combing. "I wonder why he never talks about her."
Louis straightened his jacket, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "There's always an air of mystery with the Holmes family; they basically live off it.”
As he was about to leave, his brothers shared a knowing look, their expressions teasingly conspiratorial.
"Watch out for the women at the party, Louis. They'll be drawn to you like moths to a flame," Albert joked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
Louis chuckled, dismissing the notion. "It's just a mission. No need to worry about distractions."
William, ever the voice of reason, chimed in, "Remember the tea party from before? That was a mission too, and yet, Albert and I didn't leave unscathed."
Louis raised an eyebrow, a bemused smile playing on his lips. "You two can handle yourselves just fine. I, on the other hand, am strictly business." And then he left, leaving his brothers smirking.
He hopped onto the carriage, the rhythmic clip-clop of hooves setting the pace as he made his way to 221B Baker Street. Upon arrival, he found John waiting outside.
"Evening, Louis. You're in for a wait. Miss Hudson is making Eurus presentable for the party," John informed him.
Louis raised an eyebrow. "You mean helping her get ready?"
He chuckled, shaking his head. "No, no. She's making her try on her old dresses, treating her like a doll. It's quite the spectacle."
As they conversed, Eurus's voice echoed from inside, loud and unfiltered. "Where am I supposed to put my weapons, Miss Hudson?"
Miss Hudson's exasperated response floated through the door, "It's just a ball, dear. Not a raid!"
Suddenly, the door burst open, and Eurus rushed out, wild-eyed and dramatic. "John! Louis! Save me! She's turning me into a debutante!"
Before anyone could react, Miss Hudson appeared behind Eurus, grabbing her by the ear and pulling her back inside with a theatrical "Oh, no, you don't!"
The men exchanged amused glances, the unexpected interruption injecting a touch of comedy into the serious mission at hand. The echoes of Eurus's plea lingered in the air as the landlady continued her mission of transforming the former arrogant girl into a ball-ready masterpiece.
When Miss Hudson deemed her transformation complete, she proudly ushered Eurus into the room, announcing, "Gentlemen, may I present the Madame Deficit of this era!"
Louis and John turned to see Eurus, her embarrassment evident as she sported a blush that matched the silver of her flowy dress. Her hair was meticulously arranged into a bun, adorned with a tiara that added an extra layer of charm.
Eurus, looking less than thrilled, asked, "Where should I hide my weapons in this ensemble? And why do I look like a childish princess?"
Miss Hudson sighed, clearly exasperated. "It's a ball, not a fight, dear. And you look lovely!"
The gloomy woman grumbled under her breath, "I grew out of Cinderella."
John, ever the diplomat, tried valiantly to suppress his laughter, not wanting to upset her with her delicate appearance. On the other hand, Louis, who had earlier been grappling with nervousness, couldn't contain his amusement as he saw the sheer discontent written all over her face.
Eurus shot a scowl at Louis, the tiara slightly askew on her bun. "What's so amusing, Mr. Liar?"
With a mischievous glint in his eye, he responded, "Madame Deficit, you've never looked more... elegant."
John attempted to steer the situation away from potential tension. "We should head to the party; everyone will be waiting."
As they traveled together, Eurus seized a moment of privacy to sneakily retrieve her glasses from her purse. Subtly, she pulled down her carefully arranged bun, letting her hair cascade freely, and discreetly removed her impractical shoes.
In a low grumble, she voiced her dissatisfaction, "This attire is utterly impractical for the mission. I look like a child playing dress-up."
Louis, glancing at her with a sincere smile, countered, "On the contrary, you look beautiful."
Eurus froze for a moment, caught off guard. She was accustomed to being acknowledged for her intellect, not her appearance. Despite the unexpected compliment, she skillfully concealed any hint of surprise, continuing to grumble about the impracticality of the outfit.
As they journeyed, John's curiosity about Eurus's past surfaced, and she delightfully shared tales of her childhood rivalry with Lucy Redcliffe. She painted a vivid picture of herself as the mastermind in her finishing school – not for her looks, but for her intellect. Each friend carefully chosen, each alliance strategically formed, making her the undisputed queen bee until graduation.
John asked, "Were you ever on the other side of that popularity? Bullied, perhaps?"
Eurus, with a sly smile, responded, "I can't recall a time when I was the victim. I always had a way of ensuring loyalty."
Louis, intrigued, pursued a different angle. "Do you think Lucy had a valid reason for seeking revenge? It sounds like you might've made her academic years challenging."
She attempted to hide a hint of guilt before dismissing the idea with a loud proclamation. "Lucy is doing fine; she's a famous actor now.”
In truth, the two were friends, but Lucy harbored a crush on Sherlock. Eurus, however, couldn't let John and Louis know the full story – that the secret boyfriend she mentioned at Parliament was a fabrication, and she had read aloud the young actor's love letter to Sherlock. Her envy and fear of losing her brother to Lucy were well-guarded secrets, and she maintained the facade of control.
The conversation continued, with Eurus skillfully steering away from any revealing details, keeping her mysterious image intact while weaving a web of half-truths and carefully chosen words.
As they arrived at the party, Lucy, perched on the host's balcony, cast a glance downward. Her expression shifted to a grim one when she spotted Eurus among the attendees.
"Came to ruin my life again, huh?" she said, her tone laced with a mixture of resentment and determination as she descended the stairs, preparing for her show.
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livviem-009 · 4 months
make something up, yes! Here goes...
Mycroft Holmes
Send Me a Character & I'll Tell You✨️
Mycroft Holmes (Yuukoku no Moriarty)
My first impression: ahaha this just reminded me that my first impression (I watched the anime first) was a very unenthused "oh goodie, a Black Butler joke 😑" (and that was before the dub!)
My impression now: sexy sexy dork. Incredibly powerful man who exudes big dick energy is also Every Oldest Child Ever, thrilled to shoot his little brother with toy guns and show him up at every opportunity. Secretly incredibly sentimental. Sends his boyfriend notes via carrier pigeon even though it is entirely within his authority to just visit him. A hero amongst introverts who built an entire club on the premise of silent parallel play for adults. In short, an icon.
Favorite thing about that character: tips into borderline headcanon I suppose, but I think he's immensely protective of people he cares about, and it's sweet. Also his fussing over his hair is adorable.
Least favorite thing: I don't know if it really counts because I enjoy roasting him for it so much that it seems weird to say I don't like it when it's fun for me, but "dislikes stupid people and likes black coffee" is the most cringe Reddit bro nonsense ever.
Favorite line/scene: I like the parallel [paraphrasing, too lazy to find exact quotes] where he says to Albert in chapter four "you have my attention, what do you want?" (intrigued, possibly flirtatious) vs in chapter 23, "you have my attention, what do you want?" (resigned, a little bit sad).
Favorite interaction that character has with another: anything with Albert, obvs, but also the bit when Sherlock comes back is very Important and I'm glad it's there. Also that little part where he says he's been protecting Sherlock from their family's secrets and sort of smiles conspiratorially at William.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: Louis, actually. I want to know to what degree they became friends during the timeskip and possibly leaned on each other in their own reserved and quiet ways in the midst of their grief.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: hrrrrrm. I feel like there's something obvious that's refusing to come to mind, probably because I'm trying too hard to avoid the fact that the anime wants me to associate him with Sebastian. That did lead me down a J Michael Tatum path to thinking that if anything he maybe reminds me a little of an older Kyouya from OHSHC lmao. Anyway I'll add an edit when the obvious thing I'm forgetting come back to me. 😅
A headcanon about that character: all the dom stuff mainly pfft. Also that he was closer to his father, while Sherlock was a mama's boy.
A song that reminds of that character: all my songs for him are just songs I associate with Mycal, and mostly in a more kind of "Albert POV," but here's one that I have in my Mycal playlist that I think of as more Mycroft POV
An unpopular opinion about that character: eeh. I think I'm pretty in line with the majority of the fandom on him.
Favorite picture: I mean there's lots of lovely shots of him looking very handsome but like...
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he's so pleased with himself 🤣
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livviem-009 · 4 months
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livviem-009 · 4 months
The Disappearance of Sherlock Holmes (Part 7):
Louis scrutinized his reflection in the mirror, meticulously adjusting his bowtie. It was merely another operation, a routine task in the grand scheme of things. Logically, there was no reason for him to fear what awaited him tonight. Yet, an unexplainable nervousness lingered beneath the surface as Mycroft assigned him the role of chaperoning her to the party.
"Lost in thoughts, Louis?" William inquired, running a comb through his hair.
He sighed, meeting his brother's in the reflection. "Have you ever felt nervous going to a party before?" he asked, the knot of his bowtie suddenly feeling tighter than it should.
"The only thing we were worried about were those women during the tea party," Albert chuckled, handing him a jacket. "I'm sure Miss Holmes is not that type of person."
"I still can't believe Sherlock never mentioned he had a sister," William remarked, finishing his meticulous hair combing. "I wonder why he never talks about her."
Louis straightened his jacket, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "There's always an air of mystery with the Holmes family; they basically live off it.”
As he was about to leave, his brothers shared a knowing look, their expressions teasingly conspiratorial.
"Watch out for the women at the party, Louis. They'll be drawn to you like moths to a flame," Albert joked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
Louis chuckled, dismissing the notion. "It's just a mission. No need to worry about distractions."
William, ever the voice of reason, chimed in, "Remember the tea party from before? That was a mission too, and yet, Albert and I didn't leave unscathed."
Louis raised an eyebrow, a bemused smile playing on his lips. "You two can handle yourselves just fine. I, on the other hand, am strictly business." And then he left, leaving his brothers smirking.
He hopped onto the carriage, the rhythmic clip-clop of hooves setting the pace as he made his way to 221B Baker Street. Upon arrival, he found John waiting outside.
"Evening, Louis. You're in for a wait. Miss Hudson is making Eurus presentable for the party," John informed him.
Louis raised an eyebrow. "You mean helping her get ready?"
He chuckled, shaking his head. "No, no. She's making her try on her old dresses, treating her like a doll. It's quite the spectacle."
As they conversed, Eurus's voice echoed from inside, loud and unfiltered. "Where am I supposed to put my weapons, Miss Hudson?"
Miss Hudson's exasperated response floated through the door, "It's just a ball, dear. Not a raid!"
Suddenly, the door burst open, and Eurus rushed out, wild-eyed and dramatic. "John! Louis! Save me! She's turning me into a debutante!"
Before anyone could react, Miss Hudson appeared behind Eurus, grabbing her by the ear and pulling her back inside with a theatrical "Oh, no, you don't!"
The men exchanged amused glances, the unexpected interruption injecting a touch of comedy into the serious mission at hand. The echoes of Eurus's plea lingered in the air as the landlady continued her mission of transforming the former arrogant girl into a ball-ready masterpiece.
When Miss Hudson deemed her transformation complete, she proudly ushered Eurus into the room, announcing, "Gentlemen, may I present the Madame Deficit of this era!"
Louis and John turned to see Eurus, her embarrassment evident as she sported a blush that matched the silver of her flowy dress. Her hair was meticulously arranged into a bun, adorned with a tiara that added an extra layer of charm.
Eurus, looking less than thrilled, asked, "Where should I hide my weapons in this ensemble? And why do I look like a childish princess?"
Miss Hudson sighed, clearly exasperated. "It's a ball, not a fight, dear. And you look lovely!"
The gloomy woman grumbled under her breath, "I grew out of Cinderella."
John, ever the diplomat, tried valiantly to suppress his laughter, not wanting to upset her with her delicate appearance. On the other hand, Louis, who had earlier been grappling with nervousness, couldn't contain his amusement as he saw the sheer discontent written all over her face.
Eurus shot a scowl at Louis, the tiara slightly askew on her bun. "What's so amusing, Mr. Liar?"
With a mischievous glint in his eye, he responded, "Madame Deficit, you've never looked more... elegant."
John attempted to steer the situation away from potential tension. "We should head to the party; everyone will be waiting."
As they traveled together, Eurus seized a moment of privacy to sneakily retrieve her glasses from her purse. Subtly, she pulled down her carefully arranged bun, letting her hair cascade freely, and discreetly removed her impractical shoes.
In a low grumble, she voiced her dissatisfaction, "This attire is utterly impractical for the mission. I look like a child playing dress-up."
Louis, glancing at her with a sincere smile, countered, "On the contrary, you look beautiful."
Eurus froze for a moment, caught off guard. She was accustomed to being acknowledged for her intellect, not her appearance. Despite the unexpected compliment, she skillfully concealed any hint of surprise, continuing to grumble about the impracticality of the outfit.
As they journeyed, John's curiosity about Eurus's past surfaced, and she delightfully shared tales of her childhood rivalry with Lucy Redcliffe. She painted a vivid picture of herself as the mastermind in her finishing school – not for her looks, but for her intellect. Each friend carefully chosen, each alliance strategically formed, making her the undisputed queen bee until graduation.
John asked, "Were you ever on the other side of that popularity? Bullied, perhaps?"
Eurus, with a sly smile, responded, "I can't recall a time when I was the victim. I always had a way of ensuring loyalty."
Louis, intrigued, pursued a different angle. "Do you think Lucy had a valid reason for seeking revenge? It sounds like you might've made her academic years challenging."
She attempted to hide a hint of guilt before dismissing the idea with a loud proclamation. "Lucy is doing fine; she's a famous actor now.”
In truth, the two were friends, but Lucy harbored a crush on Sherlock. Eurus, however, couldn't let John and Louis know the full story – that the secret boyfriend she mentioned at Parliament was a fabrication, and she had read aloud the young actor's love letter to Sherlock. Her envy and fear of losing her brother to Lucy were well-guarded secrets, and she maintained the facade of control.
The conversation continued, with Eurus skillfully steering away from any revealing details, keeping her mysterious image intact while weaving a web of half-truths and carefully chosen words.
As they arrived at the party, Lucy, perched on the host's balcony, cast a glance downward. Her expression shifted to a grim one when she spotted Eurus among the attendees.
"Came to ruin my life again, huh?" she said, her tone laced with a mixture of resentment and determination as she descended the stairs, preparing for her show.
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livviem-009 · 4 months
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Headshot doodle - colored sketch
Comms https://vgen.co/groshia_
Info/portfolio: groshia.carrd.co
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livviem-009 · 4 months
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𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝟔𝐭𝐡 𝟏𝟖𝟓𝟓 ♑
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livviem-009 · 4 months
This was inspired by @user-needs-new-hyperfixation’s post.
Happy Birthday Sherlock!!!
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