#jo jinho x reader
cyncialwoo · 4 months
can you make a reaction of pentagon if they gonna see their ex girlfriend after break up
a/n: Hihi! I know I said two weeks, but I've been balancing school and home life. I'm also re-reading this piece I wrote a while back and brainstorming for new things. Also, I've never written reactions before, so I hope you enjoy it. I'm sorry this is so late.
words: 2.2k >>Masterlist
He would be the type to avoid a meet-up.
It’s not like the relationship ended badly, but it’s for convenience. 
Jinho wouldn’t want to step on your feelings if there were any remaining
Honestly, for him, there was still something left over
He's delusional. Literally gaslighting himself to think he’s avoiding you for your sake.
The meet-up would be accidental like it was meant to happen. 
Jinho honestly hadn’t been out of his apartment in a few weeks. He had been having second thoughts about the entire breakup. Was it the best decision? He wasn’t sure. Although, the food had run out in his house, and takeout was expensive these days. 
He was walking through the isles bored when he saw a familiar figure. He didn’t see your face, but he didn’t have to. Something inside him wanted to approach you, but he didn’t. He couldn’t and he didn’t know why. He would rather die than go up to you. He stood there for minutes wondering whether to move past you or do a 180. 
He ended up just staring at you, taking in this moment of seeing you again. You were looking at some snacks on the shelf when you turned your head and looked over at him. He watched as the smile spread on your face, and how you waved at him. He reciprocated it, all without much thought. The moment flew by too fast for him because, in the next second, you were gone for the next item on your grocery list. 
Hui would most likely become obsessed with his work
Anything to distract himself 
Maybe he’d blow money for some serotonin
Anything to give him a quick whiff of some happiness 
He’s been writing songs like crazy and they're all sappy breakup songs
He doesn’t like any of them though 
He needs a break and a bad
Hui needed some time out of his studio which was now too stuffy for him. Just a simple walk would do for him. For what he meant for a short walk around the building, he ended up in a park nearby. He sat on a swing slowly rocking back and forth. His eyes were closed taking in the sound around him. It was quiet, barely anyone was around. Still, the sound of the wind and the trees slowly dancing to it making their sound, The casual cars driving by in the background. That was the serenity and peace he had been looking for this whole time. 
When he finally opened his eyes he noticed a familiar figure sitting at a bench. They were eating lunch alone with their head down. He didn’t have to see their face to know who it was. He smiled to himself, maybe this was the motivation and clarity he sought. 
He’d be more of the jealous type. 
He’s most likely the type to stalk a page 
He made a fake account just for you!
okay, maybe that’s not that charming. 
he regrets his decision though
he's sincere about that
Lately, Hongseok had been feeling like you were losing interest in him, or you were getting over this. With all that he still felt for you, he couldn’t let you. He still couldn’t let you go and needed something to drag you in with him. So, he devised a plan. He would “randomly” meet up with you. 
He got used to the schedule that you had, and have, so it wasn’t that hard to find you. He had crossed your path multiple times after the break-up, but neither of you had decided to go and talk to each other. He was too shy, and you wanted to get over him. It was better for you anyway, and sometimes seeing him just hurt.
Not this time when you saw him. You two had managed to get on the same bus. Although, you knew hongseok had a car and could drive. It made you wonder what happened to him after you two separated. You locked eyes with him, and he shared a smile with you. He took that as an invitation to come closer to you on the bus. He made small talk with you for most of the ride. Something about the whole experience felt like deja vu almost as if you had met him again, but in a new life.
He plays it off but he’s most definitely hurting 
He hangs around other people for a distraction 
He is not okay though
When he’s alone or at home he mostly pouts
Dont come about his mood though because he will snap
He also won't leave the house unless he has to
The guys have to make him come out, so they take him to an inside amusement park
They may spoil him a bit too much. 
It seemed like Shinwon was as good as new. He was smiling, laughing, and making his awful jokes. Honestly, Jinho and Hui kind of wished they left him at home. It seemed like this was the perfect thing to bring him back from being a literal human zombie.
They were walking around the theme park when he saw you giggling with your friends. You guys had rented school uniforms on. He was happy that you were happy though. The way you laughed or held your friend's hand. He didn’t notice how long he had been staring. 
He was sent back to reality when Jinho tapped him on the shoulder. “You ready to head out already?” Shinwon looked back at him just nodding. He didn’t know if Jinho knew if he was looking at you or not. Either way, nothing was mentioned on the way home.
He lives in a cafe. 
Or he visits it a lot
Either way, he wants to run into you
First, it was the old cafe you two used to visit
Then your favorite cafe
But nothing, he couldn’t
One day he gave up and just started to work part-time at a random cafe
He was working late nights due to his day job. He was enjoying working at a cafe. He loved the smell of coffee beans after all, and wouldn’t complain if he smelled like them all day. One thing was for sure though, he brought a lot of business to the cafe. 
Everyone went to the cafe to see the cute barista. He smiled with all of the new attention, but he wasn’t quite sure if he enjoyed it or not. Some part of him still hoped that one day you would walk into those doors. He convinced himself that all of the girls he turned down were for you. He was staying loyal to you. 
The only problem was that he only worked at the late-night, and it was not the most favorable time for a cup of coffee. 
One night while he was making one of his famous cups of coffee, he heard a familiar laugh. His head shot up, he had to see your face again. Although, he frowned as soon as he spotted you in the crowd. Your arm was locked around another guy’s laughing and leaning into him. 
He frowned and turned over to his coworker, “I'm taking my 15.”
The relationship was short
Surely not long enough for deep feelings
That's what he thought before he broke the news to you
But lately, he had been missing you
Denies it and tries to play it slick
I’m thinking this is like a college fling thing
So you guys could run into one another
Finals were coming up and Yanan was in the library with his head stuck in one of the textbooks. He had been there for hours, and he was starting to get hungry. He had a six-hour final that he was preparing for, and he could not flunk it. He searched in his bags to see if he had any snacks left over. Luckily he still had some, leaning back and eating it.
He took that time to scan his surroundings. He had been focused on his work for so long that he hadn’t noticed the amount of people that had come and gone. This time around he noticed you dozed off on a desk. Your head was lying on a textbook sleeping soundly. You looked so pretty to him. He went close to you and put your jacket over you.
He didn’t quite understand his actions or what possessed him to buy snacks for you. He smiled to himself as he wrote a note. He teased you about falling asleep in the library and how you should take better care of yourself. He didn’t sign the note, smirking. Maybe he could tease you more like this in the future.
He is already a quiet person, so I feel like he kept the relationship very private
Barely anyone knew that the two of you had broken up
The break up wasn’t on good terms
The two of you could not agree on something 
He hated arguments and everything that came with it
He also hated telling you when he disagreed with something because it would lead to even more arguments even if it didn’t have to be one
The two of you were petty anyways
He tried to avoid you, and the places you hung out frequently
Yuto was out with a large group of friends. It was unusual for him, but he was enjoying the extra company. They were at a large shopping mall, so it wasn’t an ideal place to be. He was quieter than usual. Maybe it was because he didn’t want to draw a lot of attention to himself. That was the reason. He wanted some quiet time but didn’t want to be alone. Maybe this was the best solution for him. 
He thought of himself over the relationship. Maybe he was being too harsh, but he thought if he heard that you died in a week or so he wouldn’t care. Okay, that was cruel of him, but he needed some way to distance himself. 
The sad part was, when he saw you at a store with another guy, his heart sank. He was mad that he still felt some type of way about it and about you. He was disappointed in himself, nonetheless, he played it off and went on with his day. 
I'm going with the cliche trope
He’s just a party guy to me 
And I think he’d go to parties to let off his cool. Especially if it was a harsh break-up 
I feel like he’d still be jealous and possessive after the relationship
If anyone would try to say something bad about you, he would get mad at them. 
He’s still sweet as ever, even if it ended on bad terms or not
Kino was at a party, like usual. He had a huge social circle. He was floating around the party talking to a lot of different people. He was feeling better tonight. He preferred to put himself out there when he didn’t feel up to it. Honestly, he was feeling a lot better. 
He did notice you when you walked in, it would be hard for him not to stare. He watched over you, still feeling protective. He knew a lot of the people at the party, some of them having a bad reputation. He would rather watch over you from a distance, not ready to face you. 
That didn’t matter when a random guy came up to you. He didn’t know him, but he could not stand the fact that another man was talking to you. He came up to you putting his arm over your shoulder casually.  “I forgot to ask you what drink you wanted.” Kino kept a sly smirk on his face. You looked a little upset and surprised to see him there, but he just brushed it off. It was fun to cock-block you.
I think he would be quieter about the breakup
He seems like he keeps more to himself 
But he’s generally sweet to everyone 
I think the motivation would be down
He wants to keep things on good terms, but that doesn’t mean friends. 
He’s not the type to text you after
Unless he needed something 
Wooseok had gathered up some motivation lately, after looking at how messy his life had been lately. He was picking his stuff up and putting things in their right places. During that, he found some items that were yours, and he noticed that some of his things had been missing. He frowned, he didn’t want to do any confronting, but he wanted his things back. There’s nothing wrong with that, right?
His hands were sweaty as he texted you. He simply stated that he had a few of your things and he thought that you had a few of his. It was simple and he tried to be as polite as possible. He was not trying to make anyone upset. 
After a few days you hadn’t answered his text, so he tried again. This time his tone was a little hasty, and when you responded, it was in an aggravated tone. He was confused. You didn’t want to meet with him and made that clear. He suggested mail, but that seemed to upset you as well. 
When he saw you later that week on the street, he said nothing. He did nothing. Any feelings that he had left over for you, were gone. Then he knew he could move on.
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unifox · 1 year
~Pairing: non-idol!Jinho x reader
~Genre: fluff 
~Warnings: food and college life
~Words: 422
~Summary: Waking up to that sweet smile is the best way to wake up... If it weren't just a dream...
a/n: Hi! I've been gone for such a long time so here's a little fic I had in my drafts to start fresh this year! Even tho it's short I hope you guys like it!
Here's a Scenario game! in case anyone is interested in asking for a prompt ~Foxy🦊
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Slowly you opened your eyes to the light coming from your windows. The curtains made the room bright but at least the sun wasn't shining directly on your eyes. Turning to the side you smiled. There he was, looking lovingly at you with a sweet smile plastered on his face.
"Good morning beautiful" he whispered
You smiled back at him and your hand instinctively went to his face, stroking his cheek and admiring his beauty when suddenly
Your alarm starts ringing really loudly, making you jump
You open your eyes and turn it off, looking at your phone and the empty bed. It was a dream... a really realistic dream, but... you don't know who the guy in your dream is. You got up and changed knowing you had to go to college
- - - After your classes ended you decided to spend the afternoon with some friends to wind up. After all, it was Thursday, and every Thursday you guys went to a cafe close to your campus to chat and do some homework together
You sat on one of the tables to save it and also keep an eye on your bags while your two friends went to grab their drinks. You had told them about your dream on one of the breaks and they just laughed at your sad exaggerated expression saying that soon you'll find a boyfriend. It was a thing between you guys since you were all painfully single
When they came back to the table you went to the register to order your usual "Hi! I would like a medium Taiwan bubble milk-" You stopped mid-order staring at the barista you had never seen before in the store. What caught you off guard was that he was the guy in your dream
"Milk tea?" He questioned since you just stopped talking
"Hm, yes, milk tea... sorry" you laughed awkwardly as he smiled politely
When he was done with your tea he spoke up "Have we met before? Your face seems familiar..."
"I'm not sure but you seem familiar too" You smiled taking your tea. You wouldn't tell a stranger, even a really cute one, that he was in your dream and a really romantic one
"I'm Jinho... maybe we could hand out some time? I would like to know you" he said in a shy tone "Yes!... that... would be nice" you answered way too fast for your liking
At least you would have news to share with your friends and who knows... maybe a boyfriend as well.
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baby-iloveyou · 10 months
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< Masterlist >
. . . genre S smut SUG suggestive FL fluff A angst . . . reader GN genderneutral F afab M amab
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. . . jo jinho
[S][F] Busted. - Jinho has always claimed he doesn’t like oral. But seeing you taste your own cum makes it difficult for him to keep disliking it.
. . . yang hongseok
[S,FL][F] just me and you - Whenever you and your best friend want to have a sleepover, it would always be at your place, since his place was small and would be uncomfortable for two people to stay at. He recently moved however, and to celebrate that, you are staying over at his place for the first time. But you didn’t expect it to be THAT different.
. . . yeo changgu
[FL][GN] A cover model, only for your eyes to see - Your relationship with Changgu has been nothing but lovey dovey so far, and when Changgu asks you to visit him at his Men’s Health photoshoot, you can’t say no. But this would mean you would see him shirtless for the first time, and you didn’t expect the view to affect you that much. [SUG] PART 1 [S] PART 2
. . . kang hyunggu
[S][GN] A private afterparty - Kang Hyunggu was one of the members of your project group, and he’s also one of the most loved people in your year. You’re good friends with him, and after this party you decide to hang out just a bit longer. It just isn’t a very common way of hanging out when you’re friends…
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Tomorrow X Together
. . . choi yeonjun
[S,SUG][GN] Carpe Diem - Seize the day, why not have some fun with each other?
[SUG][GN] thought #1- bf!yeonjun is proud of you for passing your course, and thinks you deserve a reward
[SUG, S?][GN] thought #2 - teasing yeonjun is fun until he punishes you for it (or is that part of the fun?)
. . . choi beomgyu
[SUG][GN] Lyric prank - Beomgyu was feeling nostalgic and watched some old YouTube videos, revisited some old trends. One of them was the ‘lyric pranks’, which were a huge thing, and a joke he used to pull quite often on his friends. But since he’s now in a relationship, he knows exactly on who to pull the prank. And he knows exactly which song.
. . . kang taehyun
[S][F] goodnight, you're so tight sleep tight - after a long day, all you just wanted was to snuggle up with your boyfriend in bed and drift to sleep. he wanted something else.
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Stray Kids
. . . bang chan
[S][GN] A picture for a picture - Chan is on tour with the rest of the group, and you as his significant other obviously miss him a lot. And he misses you too. He just misses you a bit more today than other days…
. . . lee minho
[S][GN] thought #1 - pathetic minho, and that on christmas…
. . . han jisung
[F][GN] i like the view right now - Late night talks made you discover that you both love stars. And Jisung knows the perfect place in his hometown to go stargazing.
. . . lee felix
[A][GN] Deep End - Sometimes, one fight can break a person entirely. And unfortunately, this was the case in your relationship.
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. . . choi seungcheol
[S][GN] thought #1 - texting one of your friends while seungcheol fucks you
. . . boo seungkwan
[SUG, S?][GN] thought #1 - just seungkwan pinning you up against a wall, choking you, and calling you his slutty toy
[S][F] you could be a hand model - sometimes you need a break from studying. and sometimes you suddenly notice that seungkwan has very nice hands. and sometimes you really want those hands to touch you.
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. . . group
[F][GN] A.C.E comforting you when you’re afraid of failing your exams
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Other groups/idols
. . . BTOB lee minhyuk
[S][GN] Whiskey - You’ve been single for a while and were looking for a casual hookup. And let there be one guy who wants to order whiskey for you.
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pentagonieslut · 1 year
m.list !!
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lee huitaek/hoetaek (hui):
[hui's high pitched screams are in place of no works. - cube staff]
jo jinho:
ko/go shinwon:
yeo changgu (yeoone):
[causing silent chaos somewhere, lurking]
yang hongseok:
adachi yuto/yuuto:
kang hyunggu:
[embarrased he has to match hui and shinwon, hiding]
jung wooseok:
kim hyojong (e'dawn):
i will write romance + smut for him on request. he just got out of a relationship with hyuna. be nice.
all members:
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kim hongjoong:
[ran away to the studio to work on something]
park seonghwa:
[poor mama can't catch a break]
jung wooyoung:
[he's trying to get rough-talked again because he likes it]
jeong yunho:
[him and minjae are going around and calling each other brothers]
song mingi:
[just being happy little mufasa]
kang yeosang:
[ordering as much chicken as he can]
choi san:
[being a sex demon again]
choi jongho:
[breaking apples and singing tears]
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moon taeil:
[being a grandpa, he's sick of this shit]
qian kun:
[yelling at the younger members starting from 99s-jisung]
seo johnny:
[he's eating chicago pizza and crying]
lee taeyong:
[febreezing all the fucking dorms]
kim doyoung:
[he's hiding in his room]
kim jungwoo:
[he's being a puppy to get taeyong to cook]
dong sicheng (winwin):
[running from taeil's monstrous love]
nakamoto yuta:
[eating taiyaki and sharing with shotaro]
jung jaehyun:
[he's preparing to work overtime]
chittaphon leechaiyapornkul (ten):
wong yukhei/wong xuxi (lucas):
[freaking out about the discovery of nana and nearly crushing louis]
na jaemin:
[reminding lucas he's nana for the third year in a row]
xiao dejun (xiaojun):
[jasmine is really muscular]
wong kunhuang (hendery):
[he's in macau touring with big byung]
liu yangyang:
[he's freaking out in german, give him a second]
zhong chenle:
[flexing his money again]
huang renjun:
[he's planning the death of a dream member]
lee mark:
[my baby said she wanna dance she wanna leave me, huh? FUCK]
lee jeno:
[let him recover from being tied up and being ridden]
jung sungchan:
[he's playing games with your heart, i'm sorry]
lee donghyuck (haechan):
[consistent with his 37.5% show rating]
osaki shotaro:
[he's being the cutest fucking otter alive and you're here for it]
park jisung:
[he's on his way to becoming a tiktok fuckboi]
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moon hyunbin:
[casting a spell for peace, maybe?]
choi seokwon (tan):
[can put you in a chokehold but has a cute face so like- I TAP OUT]
kim byeonggun (hwi):
[cupid is making him do secretary work]
terazono keita:
[still waiting on the phone papa rain promised him]
yeom taegyun (tag):
[leave mans alone, he's doing highschool rapper 4 n stressing]
gil dohwan:
[he's yodeling..somewhere]
park sungwon (won):
[snuck out for a poetry slam]
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son seungjun (castle j):
[producing some type of track]
nam seungmin (bic):
[he's not a pen, promise]
song minjae:
[dammit minjae..you're so tall, i mistook you for yunho!]
no huijun:
[getting a black belt in taekwondo]
bang junhyuk (win):
[he's making your brain rot with his deep voice like felix]
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lee hangyul:
[putting you in a choke hold with his all day performance]
park junseo:
[he's dancing his bones off]
jeon minwook (j-min):
[trying to go to the olympics in professional flexibility]
jung gun (yoojun):
[making 'fuck you' necklaces to choke bit with]
kim hyunwoo (muzin):
[trying to meditate before he goes off]
ryu yeongseo:
[trying to become the next twice member]
na gyumin (doha):
[drawing webtoons about the chaos of this group]
noh minjae (bit):
[tormenting yoojun and j-min with cucumbers]
nam dohyon:
[auditioning for SMTM with his milk mixtape]
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[he's so pretty they're making him model schoolgirl uniforms]
[he's being hyper again...MOOM]
[his mind is blank leave him alone]
[eating dango and watchinge veryone with a happy smile]
[lurking somewhere
[he's telling everyone he's not a athlete]
[flustered about something]
[working out again]
[chicken GK, chicken GK, chicken GK]
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sunflowersoonyoung · 3 years
honeyed | jinho
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w.c ↠ 2.5k
pairing↠ jinho x fem! reader
genre/s ↠ smut (light bondage, overstimulation, fem!oral), incubus! jinho, soft dom! jinho, supernatural au!, office au!
description ↠ falling asleep at work leads to an oddly realistic dream about your hot boss Jinho
warning/s ↠ suggestive themes, supernatural themes
a/n ↠ wow okay can you tell that jinho is my ptg bias. I seriously thirsted over him in this oneshot. this is one of my favourite smuts I've written here! I wrote it carefully and reread it three times so I'm proud of it :)
tags ↠ @prismwon
Anxiety washed over you from head to toe, rising with each passing second. You clasped a trembling hand to your chest to feel your heart fluttering against your ribcage.
Taking a deep breath, you steeled yourself before pushing open the glass door to work.
The publishing office was bright with mellow, natural lighting, an open room dotted with large desks cluttered with stationary. Some of your coworkers had already arrived and had busied themselves with various tasks - bustling distractedly around the room.
“G-Good morning, everyone!”
You tried to announce your presence as boldly as you could; despite this, barely anyone bothered to even glance in your direction. You swallowed nervously and made a bee-line for your desk.
New to the workforce and fresh from University, acclimatising had been a difficult journey. No one was willing to sacrifice any precious time to help you - or even welcome you, for that matter. You felt utterly ostracised by the team. They had all apparently established their clique, and you were not invited.
The one exception had been the lead editor: Jo Jinho, your boss and the office eye candy.
“Good morning, (F/n).”
As if reading your thoughts, Jinho’s melodic voice drifted over your shoulder. You swallowed, feeling sweat prickle your armpits in response to his presence.
“You look bright today. I hope you’re making good progress on that manuscript.”
You pivoted in your chair to face him, in turn becoming stricken by his gaze. There was something unusual about Jinho, something that had successfully hypnotised many of your coworkers, including yourself.
He was impossible to resist. From his handsome exterior to his pleasant interior, he was genuinely mesmerising - like the sunrise in the morning after a cold night.
“Y-Yes, thank you,” you stammered, forcing a polite smile. Jinho’s smile in response was a thousand watts bright, his creased eyes just as radiant.
He was gone just as quickly as he had appeared, interacting with everyone else on the path to his desk. Your nerves melted from your taut muscles, and you breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thankful that Jinho had moved on. Being beneath his attention was too challenging to handle. You withdrew your laptop from your bag and made a start on work for the day.
Unfortunately, your concentration was coming through like a sputtering hose. You were not yet accustomed to working in a room with ten other people and limited silence.
Your attention drifted around the office. You observed conversations, watching as a young girl was scolded; a middle-aged man answered the phone with a frustrated visage.
You could not help but become drawn to Jinho.
He was hovering over someone’s shoulder - Seunghee, you vaguely remembered her name to be. Girls in the editing team tended to ask him for help suspiciously frequently. It was apparent they all simply longed after Jinho’s presence.
Admittedly, it was tempting. In that position, you could feel his breath against your ear.
You quickly became absorbed in observing him. It was not just his pretty features. His expressions were genuine, his explanations clear and concise. Fully believing you were free to admire him, you forgot your surroundings and lost yourself.
Abruptly, Jinho’s gaze shifted from Seunghee’s work to you. It was such a subtle shift that you almost failed to notice it. Electricity shot across your skin upon realisation, heat blossoming from your ears to your cheeks.
Though it was too late, you looked back to your computer screen. Out of the corner of your eyes, you could see him grinning. That cruel image worsened your embarrassment.
As your mind buzzed with thoughts of Jinho’s grin, you struggled to return your focus to the manuscript as much as you tried. You huffed frustratedly.
“Everything okay, (F/n)?”
You wondered with horror if he intended to make things more difficult. Your humiliation should have been apparent, and yet here he was, standing directly behind you with a hand resting on the back of your chair.
“Y-Yes,” you responded, refusing to tear your eyes from your laptop. You could hear your voice quaking.
His palm settled on your desk, confining you. It was no longer possible to pretend he wasn’t there. His face was far too close for you to deal with.
“Really? Hmm,” He hummed, “There must be some other reason you were staring at me then.”
You could not even begin to imagine how crimson your face was. Was Jinho teasing you? It certainly felt like it.
He snorted faintly, withdrawing. On the edge of your vision, you could see him smiling broadly.
After getting very little work done for the rest of the afternoon, you opted to stay behind and work overtime. The manuscript was due tomorrow evening, after all.
The office buzz began to fade, gradually declining till the room was entirely quiet. The only thing disconnecting the silence was the sound of fingers against keyboards.
You decided to take a short break as your fatigue began to increase. Shadows from the night sky crept across the floor. Usually, you liked to be fed and warm at home by this time. Your eyelids were heavy, your thoughts sluggish and tired.
It was only you and Jinho remaining at this stage. You had managed to keep your thoughts away from him until now. He was wrapped up in his work; his face blank with concentration. Sighing, you ignored him and returned to your own business.
The words on your laptop screen began to blend with each passing second. You squinted, blinking rapidly to counter the weariness that was dousing you like warm water. You had never been so tired at work - it was as if you were being dragged down by an invisible force, and nothing you did could stop it. It was a similar sensation to having too much alcohol.
Before you knew it, your head had lulled onto the cold desk, crumpling the papers in front of you.
Alarm overwhelmed your thoughts as you lifted your head from your desk.
You could not believe you had fallen asleep at work. Rubbing your eyes, you looked towards Jinho’s desk in panic, hoping to apologise and then flee. Relief washed over you - his chair was empty. Perhaps he had gone home.
Strangely enough, the room was hazy. Instead of its usual white light, it was rose-tinted and clouded. It did not look familiar to you.
“You fell asleep? How cute.”
You blinked, and Jinho seemed to appear directly beside you, seated on the table with one leg crossed over the other. He was admiring you, cupping his cheek whilst wearing an affectionate smile.
It took a moment for you to react; your head was abnormally thick, so your thoughts were slow, but once you realised what was happening, you became flustered.
“Your face tells me everything - your expressions are so honest. It’s adorable.”
Jinho leapt smoothly to his feet, circling you to place his hands on the back of your swivel chair and then rotating you till you were facing him. You could do nothing, frozen with anticipation and unsure what to expect next.
He leant in closely, leaning on the armrests, and you held your breath. His nose was close enough to brush against yours, yet his expression was unchanged - still as sweet as usual.
“Why don’t you let me make you feel good?” He hummed. His gaze was direct, and you swooned inwardly when you finally met it. In contrast to his soft nature, his eyes were hard. You tried to swallow but your throat had gone dry.
“Wh-what if someone sees?” You stammered shyly.
Jinho chuckled, his eyes crinkling in amusement, “no one will see. I promise.”
He placed his hands on your knees, maintaining eye contact as he rubbed reassuringly. He pushed his hands up your thighs, catching the fabric of your skirt and baring your thighs to the air. You could not look away, dizzyingly mesmerised by him. Your head was getting light and hot.
Finally, Jinho kissed you. It was a shallow, chaste kiss that tasted of vanilla and made you feel as if you were melting into the chair.
You could not split your concentration between the kiss and the way his warm palms rubbed against your thighs. The combination was causing a spike of burning excitement to prickle between your legs.
He parted from you with a soft pop and offered you a hand. You were too flustered and weak-kneed to stand steadily, but it hardly mattered - Jinho did not make you stand for long.
“Let me taste you, gorgeous.”
Jinho was simultaneously gentle and firm as he guided you to his desk, carelessly sweeping it clear. You gasped when he spun you around, essentially folding you over the surface. The varnished wood was cold through the thin fabric of your shirt, momentarily sobering you to reality.
With your ass in the air, he hitched up your skirt to reveal your underpants. You were uneasy about the fact that you could not see what he was doing.
“Hands behind your back, please.”
This was Jinho’s first true order.
The way his voice dropped a few notes sent chills down your spine, goosebumps travelling across your skin. You were trembling as you obeyed, swallowing a nervous squeak when he loosely wrapped fabric around your wrists, tying them together.
“I’m not punishing you, sweet. It’s just some extra fun for you,” Jinho reassured. Admittedly you were both anxious and aroused by his decision to tie you up. It made your heart pound fast against your ribcage.
With you properly restrained, Jinho determined that it was time to begin his ministrations.
His fingers ran up and down your slit through your underwear before hooking the fabric and drawing it aside. You strained against your bonds and arched your back when he made direct contact with your pussy. It was only a subtle touch, and yet pleasure was already rippling across your body.
“That feels good, doesn’t it?”
Jinho’s voice was dripping with honey, and yet his fingers were cruel. He grazed your clit with his fingertip and then dragged his finger back down between your lips and teased your entrance with slight pressure, and then repeated this process.
He was not entirely giving in to you, and you were becoming so sensitive that tears of desperation were beginning to sting your eyes.
“J-Jinho .... please,” you pleaded, feeling helpless - frantic for more.
“Please, what?” He hummed in response, “Tell me what to do, sweet, and I’ll do it. Use your words.”
Despite being dazed and overwhelmed, you still managed to respond, albeit in a small voice, “I-I want your lips and your fingers.”
“Of course, sweet.”
He pressed his thumb directly to your clitoris, and you gasped, toes curling. He languidly rolled his thumb, observing you whilst cleverly allowing your pleasure to build. Your focus honed in on his touches, no longer paying attention to the noises passing through your lips.
“The more I touch you, the prettier noises you make,” Jinho commented.
Abruptly, he filled you up with his forefinger. Your breath hitched in your throat, hardly expecting him to make that leap.
You cried out when his lips sucked in your clitoris, gradually fucking you with his finger. He eased you into a swift orgasm, pressing fluttering kisses to the backs of your thighs while you trembled.
“Good girl~. One more time?”
Before you could respond, Jinho had added a second finger and was pistoning them inside of you much quicker than earlier. You were incredibly wet thanks to your orgasm, and he seemed to be using that to his advantage.
His tongue teased your swollen clit, and you sobbed, “I-I’m too sensitive!” Seemingly uncaring, Jinho dragged you into a second, far more intense orgasm that had your legs thrashing and drool spilling out onto the desk.
Your ears were ringing, but you could hear Jinho chuckling as he removed himself.
“Was that too much?” He mused, cleaning his fingers with his mouth, “Can you take any more?”
You were still an empty shell, electricity and heat clinging to your skin mingled with a sheen of sweat. His hands smoothed over your ass cheeks, a comforting action that made your heart soften. You twisted around to look at him dazedly.
Jinho was just as gorgeous as ever, though he had lost some of his neatness. The restraint around your wrist was apparently his necktie, which was missing, and he had undone his button-up shirt to reveal a sliver of his flawless chest. He combed his fingers through his hair, gleaming at you proudly.
“The look on your face tells me you want more,” he purred, rolling his hips against your backside. You mewled and rocked backwards, feeling his hard cock straining through his pants. You had never been so delirious, hungry to feel every inch of him.
“Ho~ such an insatiable girl,” Jinho unzipped his pants, sliding the tip of his cock over your slick folds. Even that simple action felt incredible.
“Oh, my God.”
Jinho filled you up, stuffing you in one lazy stroke. You were so full, your pussy throbbing delightfully around him.
“Please,” you begged, wanting nothing more than for him to fuck you, “Jinho-ah, please.” He scoffed in response before giving in to your desires.
The way he fucked you was utterly sadistic in contrast to his sweet nature. He was relentless in the way his hips slammed against yours, no longer offering you any mercy. You were defenceless to him, only able to dig your nails into your palm whilst bracing yourself.
“So tight,” he groaned, hanging his head back in bliss.
He angled his hips upwards, the head of his cock meeting a sweet spot. You started contracting around him, the pleasure in the pit of your belly peaking.
“I’m gonna-,” you managed to slur out before you came hard, so hard that stars speckled behind your clenched eyes. You practically ascended into the ceiling, losing all sense of Jinho’s thrusts and anything else around you.
Ink drowned your vision as you passed out.
Your head was weighty as you lifted it, heat throbbing between your legs in response to the vivid dream you had just woken from.
Jinho was peering down at you, his hand warm on your shoulder.
“You should go home if you’re so tired,” he sighed, wearing a concerned expression. You were in shock, simply unable to process that what had just occurred had been entirely in your head. You could still feel his thickness inside you, still feel the intense climax he had given you.
“Are you okay? You look flushed,” Jinho cocked his head, the worry growing on his face. You waved your hand dismissively.
“I-I’m fine. I should go home.”
He hovered nearby as you packed away your laptop, silently observing you. You were ready to leave when he finally broke the silence.
“Let’s do that again,” Jinho suggested innocently, his smile no different from his usual one, “you’re so cute when you beg.”
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blizzardfluffykpop · 3 years
Summary: Writing letters to your close friend, you find that you have been in love with him for a while. 
Do or Not Series
Word Count: 1,318
Jinho X Reader
I have been friends with Jinho for three years now. This past year has been rough from Jinho enlisting in the military to a mandated quarantine. If we were not writing to each other, I know it would have taken a worse toll on me. I open my mailbox to see his letter sitting in there. I grab it excitedly and rush back inside, grab my letter opener,  I tear it open.��
“Dear (Y/n),
How have you been? I hope you are well! Training is going well, although I wish I was learning dances rather than learning how to fight. I miss home, every part of it. With each passing second, I’m that much closer to returning home. Writing letters never came easy to me, but when I write to you all of that slips away. It’s like my brain has infinite ideas, unlike when I send letters to others. When I write to them, I run out of words past ‘How have you been?’ ‘How’s family?’. But when I write to you, I write run-on sentences wanting to get my thoughts out as quickly as possible. Thank you for being there for me through this all. 
Yours Truly, Jinho.” 
Each word I read makes my heartbeat that much faster. How I wish I could hear this in person, his presence never fails to bring a smile to my face. Until then, I’ll settle with his words, until he returns home. I grab my pen and paper and quickly write my reply. 
“Dear Jinho, 
I’ve been well, and I hope you are too! I’m glad training is going well, soon you will be doing dance routines, don’t you worry! All of us from home miss you. I'm counting down the seconds till I see you again. Really? I feel the same way as the pen seems to write all my thoughts with ease rather than in-person, where I trip over my words. When it comes to writing to you, my hand knows the exact letters to pair together. My brain has it all written out before I even pull out a piece of paper. Jinho, you mean so much to all of us it’s no problem! Whenever you need a shoulder to lean on, I’m always here! What is your favorite part of being in the military? And don’t say lunch! Haha!
Yours Forever, (Y/n).” 
I seal the letter up and place the stamp on the corner. And send it off on its way to the military base. Thinking about the words I poured out into the letter, it hits me. I’m in love with Jinho. It is clear as day in front of me, from how I sign off my letters and how excited I am for an envelope. But that envelope contains his beautifully written words. How I always find myself smiling when I think about him. Yet, I don’t have the guts to tell him. Maybe when he comes back home, I will. 
“Dear (Y/n), 
I wish that time was now, but I guess I have to wait. I’m glad to hear that! I can’t wait to be with you guys, and the round of drinks is on me, and we’ll laugh till the break of dawn. Letters are so much easier they take off the stress of knowing what to reply in an instant. But I would be lying if I said it wasn’t lunch! But I suppose after a long day of training it is a nap. Anyway, what is it like back home? Is it better now?
Yours Truly, Jinho.”
I laugh as I read his reply, of course, he would say nap time. I know I would have too, even though it is an honor, does not mean it isn’t exhausting. My hand has already taken it upon itself to write the reply. The more I write these letters the easier they become.  
“Dear, Jinho, 
I wish it was time for you to return now, as the days draw closer the happier I become. You’ll be home soon, and we'll have a big bash for your return! You know the rules, once you return we’ll pay for the drinks! It does, but it's kind of stressful because you have to write the right words or it ends up ruining the message. Some things are easier to say in person than they are to write. Ahh, I had a feeling you would answer like that! It's kind of rough since we just had to send Hui your way,... Have you seen each other yet? He is like our little gift from home, haha ! I hope it brings some comfort! It’s kind of lonely now, but thankfully the seven and I have each other’s back. What do you miss about home? 
Yours Forever, (Y/n).”
Yeah, some things are hard to tell someone in a letter like, ‘I am infatuated with you’. Whether he likes me or not, I don’t care. I know one day I’ll have to get it out. And that will be that either way, I'll be fine with the answer. Because I know no matter what, we will always stay friends. 
When he announced he was coming back home, the eight of us whipped together a celebration. Welcoming him back with warm hugs and laughter. I pout and say, “I wish Hui were here to see this!” Shinwon snickers as he holds out his phone with Hui smiling and waving on the other side as he tells Jinho he misses him. And how glad he is that he arrived home safely, “Take care of those guys for me!” Jinho cannot help but laugh, and we all grin and wave goodbye to Hui as he tells us he has to go back to training. “Aren’t you glad to be back home?” Jinho nods, and we pull him into a big group hug. 
Changgu escapes from the hug and sneaks away to grab the cake. We pull away as Changgu starts singing, “We missed you, we love you, our sweet Jinho!” We join in as I film the whole thing at the end, we start chanting Jinho’s name. He fans out the candles, Wooseok and Yanan lift him on top of their shoulders, and rush around the room. We laugh as he yells, and Changgu sets the cake down, and Hongseok grabs out the silverware and plates. We tell Jinho to cut the first slice, and I take a picture of the scene.
After we each find our seats, I’m between Hyunggu and Jinho as we celebrate his return. My mind goes back to our letters, how at the end of the last one I wrote, ‘Love, (Y/n)’. And his reply he sent me before he came back said, ‘P.S. I have a secret to tell you when I come home’. I wonder what his secret is as I eat my cake. While everyone gets caught up in a conversation, I finally ask Jinho, “What’s the secret you want to tell me?” He blushes and smiles, “I think I’m in love with you.” I let out a sigh of relief, “Really?” He nods, and I bring him in for a kiss. I quickly pull and tell him, “I think I’m in love with you, too.” He smiles and kisses me again, this time our friends hooting and hollering cause they caught us. “That’s our Jinho-ie~! Oh, Hui is not going to believe his eyes when he sees them!” He whispers to me, “Best Welcome Home Party ever.” I laugh, “I think so too.” I slip my hand in his underneath the table, and he smirks and brings our hands up high above the table and shows off. I laugh and put my forehead to his, “I love you, Jinho." 
P.S. Hui sent us a letter telling us how proud he is of us, that we finally confessed to each other.
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milkybonya · 4 years
Candy Shop Boy!Jinho
Warnings: mentions of food
Pairing: Jinho x reader
Summary: A worker at a candy shop takes a liking to you and takes you to the employees only room to show you how he makes the candy
[a/n]: so yes, since Jinho has enlisted,,, i have been missing him lots so i hope this smol thing can spread a bit of joy :’)
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Craving something sweet while you were exploring a new city, you noticed a Candy Shop. The exterior was a pastel pink but mostly glass, which gave you a peek into the inside of the shop. The wooden stands held all kinds of goodies and you even noticed a cold display area by the cash register, where some chocolates and fudge were displayed.
Your mouth was already watering, and you knew that you had to take a step inside. The place was already full of a few people who were quietly looking around as music softly left the speakers that you couldn’t see. A sweet smell hung around the shop and a petite boy in an orange sweater was behind the cash register, helping people purchase their sweets. 
The diversity of shapes and colours forced you to slow down as you looked at each of the candies, reading their descriptions and trying to find one that would fulfill your craving. You didn’t realize that a few minutes later, you were the only one in the store, but the boy behind the cash register did.
He was peeking at you in-between his attempts to act like he was organizing the money in the cash register, which was already organized.
“D-do you need any help?” he quietly asked, his voice cracking a bit from nervousness.
“I’m okay, thank you,” you responded, but after a while, the small boy still walked up to you anyway. He wasn’t being intrusive or making you feel uncomfortable, so you didn’t mind his presence. He continued to act as though he was organizing and arranging the candies behind you, even though they all looked neat already. 
When he noticed that you were staring at a certain chocolate on a stick in the shape of a planet for a long time, he took that as a chance to get closer.
“Isn’t that one pretty?” he asked. “It even has purple sugar crystals on it, so it looks like it’s sparkling.”
You felt warm watching him smile at the chocolate as if it was a masterpiece, the greatest thing in the world.
“It is pretty,” you replied, twisting it around in your hands.
Suddenly, Jinho sucked in air nervously. “Do you want to see how I make it?”
You gasped. “You made this?”
“Yep!” he laughed. “I make everything here. Well, mostly.”
You admired his creativity and talent. All of the assorted designs, some of which were extremely intricate, had been made by him... Of course you wanted to see how he did it.
“I’d love to see how you make these,” you told him, and with a smile, he guided you to a mostly white room behind the cash register. It was full of huge metal pots and things that you had never seen before. There was a soft whirring sound and you could hear your shoes squeak on the floor because of how clean it was.
“This is chocolate,” the boy said, pointing to a big metal pot that was being stirred by a machine. The chocolate was in its liquid form.
“I have actually made molds for my designs. Here is the planet one!” he said, holding up a translucent mold that was cloudy white in colour. He laid it down on the counter before dipping a bowl into the big pot of chocolate. Moving from one pot to the next, since there were so many pots of melted chocolate everywhere, he brought bowls of them in various colours and set them down beside the planet mold.
“I usually just have fun with it,” he said, sticking a spoon into a bowl of navy blue melted chocolate and pouring it into the mold. He then placed a white stick inside, since this was chocolate on a stick. You watched as he used various colours to make the planet. He then sprinkled coloured sugar crystals on it and showed you the finished product.
“It looks so pretty!” you said.
“Do you want to try?” he asked you. When you agreed, he brought you a clean mold and let you use any of the colours that you wanted. You were shaky at first, spilling chocolate everywhere and making the boy laugh. He assured you that it was okay though.
“I can clean it up, don’t worry!” he said.
Eventually though, you seemed to find a rhythm, adding colours at a steady pace and almost, as weird as it was to admit, becoming one with the chocolate. You felt it in your heart - your heart told you when to add what colour. 
The boy’s encouragement made you feel like a pro too. He would guide your hand a few times, placing his hand on top of your shaking one to help make it steady, even though the feeling of his warm hand on top of yours made you shake more.
You sprinkled some things on top of the chocolate and took a look at your creation. 
It was a mess.
It looked like a rainbow exploded, but not in a good way. You laughed at the chocolate that you had made, and when he saw, he bit his lip, trying to hide a laugh too. All he did was chuckle before telling you that you had done really well for your first time.
“My first one was even worse than this, so don’t worry,” he said, patting your arm softly. That was when you realized that you didn’t know this man’s name and somehow, you had ended up making chocolate with him.
“What’s your name, by the way,” you asked him.
“Jinho,” he said, with a smile. When he asked you for yours, you told him.
“Well, [y/n], when your chocolate hardens, I would love to sell it if you’ll let me,” he said.
“Wait, you’re gonna sell that ugly thing?”
“It isn’t ugly! There is no such thing as ugly art,” Jinho said, placing his hands on his hips while frowning.
“Well... I think I need some sort of payment for my labour,” you teased.
“How about a date then, if you’ll let me?”
You almost choked on your own spit as you heard him say that.
“A date” you croaked.
“Yeah, a date! I know it’s so abrupt but... You honestly caught my eye and making chocolate with you has been so fun,” Jinho quietly explained while smiling.
You looked the boy up and down from his soft hair to his wide eyes, his small nose, his shiny lips. He is cute though, you thought to yourself. Thinking of going on a date with him made your heart race, and you knew that you had to accept. You were in a new city exploring, following your heart after all. Why not follow your heart again this time?
“I wouldn’t mind joining you... on a date,” you said, blushing. 
Jinho let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding and guided you back out to the shop while grinning.
“Want to grab coffee or a drink or something? I know some nice places around here,” he said, grabbing his coat from a standing coat rack in the corner. 
He made sure to turn the ‘Open’ sign to ‘Closed’ as the two of you left his Candy Shop.
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baekhyunbitz · 5 years
First Kiss
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A/N: it's this cuties birthday today and he is one of my biases for Pentagon, so I really wanted to do something for him. I hope you guys enjoy it! Let me know what you think❣
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Jo Jinho x Reader
Warning(s): online dating, please be careful if you ever are involved with online dating. It can be dangerous.
Word count: 2.2k+
As the shadow of the night spills through my window, I finally settle into the comfort of the disheveled satin sheets, waiting as midnight draws close to facetime the only person I would stay up this late for. 
*buzz* *buzz*
Speaking of the handsome devil.
"Hey babe, we finally landed. I've never been more tired than I am now." His ash gray hair was sticking out a bit from his beanie, small circles under his whiskey colored eyes. 
"At least you can head back to the dorm soon and get some rest." I lay my phone against the other pillow as I snuggle further into the blanket. 
"Would be much better if I could finally fall asleep with you in my arms. Are you sure you can't come by tomorrow?"
"You know I would if I could Jiji... I have a big day tomorrow though. One day really soon, we will meet before you know it. I promise."
"I'm gonna hold you to it. I should have you wear something goofy when I finally see you for having me wait so long." Even though his tiredness shows, it definitely doesn't stop the adorable giggle that passes his lips.
"Is that a threat or a promise?" My lips turn up into a slight smirk, he replies with a wink.
"Guess you'll just have to find out when the time comes." Commotion goes on in the background as they get in the vehicles to leave the airport, every now and then I'll hear greetings from the other members. 
"Looks like we have to part for now babe... I'll talk to you tomorrow though, even if I have to escape the guys for a few minutes."
"Okay, and Jiji?"
"Yes Y/N?" 
"Happy Birthday." I blew a kiss towards the camera, causing Jinho to turn a light pink even in the darkness. 
"What about me?!" Hongseok yells in the background, his face coming into view when Jinho turns the camera for Kino, Shinwon, Yanan, Hongseok, and Hui to see you.
"Well, now I can't forget about you either Hongseok, Happy Birthday." I blow another kiss and wave to the guys, wishing them a great night's sleep before Jinho turns the phone back to himself.
"Goodnight Y/N, sweet dreams my dear." 
"Sweet dreams to you too." When the screen goes back to the call screen, I lock my phone after setting my alarms to wake up early for the big plans I have in store tomorrow. 
I wonder what his face will look like when he finally sees me; I smile to myself as I rummage through my closet to find my outfit for the day—a pair of my black shorts with a basic white v-forget to with the addition of his yellow hoodie that he sent me a few months back. After a nice shower and changing, I grab my keys and head out to my car while messaging Hui that I'm on my way to the amusement park. After planning to meet up for a week for Jinho’s and Hongseok’s birthday, today is the day I finally get to meet Jinho and give him his gift, his gift being, well, me.
Jiji: Are you sure I can't just come see you instead? I much rather see you than be here with screaming kids after not getting a giant stuffed bear. 
Y/N: It can't be that bad, you have the guys with you. 
Jiji: Those are the kids I’m talking about. 🙄
Y/N: I'm sure it will be fun, it's your birthday. Maybe they have something planned, but I got to go Jiji, my mom needs my help. 
Jiji: okay… I'll talk to you later. Tell her I say hi. 
Y/N: I will. I love you😚❣
Jiji: I love you too babe xoxo
After letting Hui know I’ve made it, I lock my phone and finish grabbing some tickets for the rides and attempt to stay hidden from them until I get to the Ferris wheel. The biggest crowds are around the food stalls and the smell of the greasy festival food makes my stomach growl, I get in line to get an elephant ear when I hear his unmistakable laugh.
Oh no, not yet. It will ruin the plan!
Walking towards the same booth, nine familiar faces catch my eye, Jinho catching my eye the most as he was fashioned in a periwinkle turtleneck, paired with obsidian black jeans, and a navy blue windbreaker. His gray hair, not styled like usual, laid against his creamy skin, a slight pout forming on his lips, "Miss, can I get you anything?" The lady at the counter spoke, tearing my attention away from the guys back to reality in front of me.
"Umm... I changed my mind, sorry." I dart off away from them to find another booth to ease my grumbling stomach. 
An hour has passed, the sun has started to make its way to the horizon, the perfect time to ride the Ferris wheel, it always seemed to have the best view of the amusement park that you can enjoy with someone special. No better way to finally meet the man I've been waiting to meet now for eight months due to being on tour. My steps turn into light skips with butterflies fluttering about in my stomach, my nervousness starting to sink in.
Hui: Is it time?
Y/N: Definitely. I'm walking the direction towards the Ferris wheel now.
"Who's sitting with who?" Yanan asks the group. The guys start pairing themselves off to ride the Ferris wheel, leaving me to sit alone. This day has not been as fun as they said it would be, all I keep thinking about is how I wish I could just finally meet Y/N now that I'm back from tour. We waited in the short line as each seat is filled with couples or a pair of friends, the staff member checking each barrier as a precaution so nobody falls. The wheel turns once more to bring down the final seat for me to get on.
I don't even know why I'm going along with this. Who even rides the Ferris wheel by themselves.
Before the guy checks the barrier of the seat I'm in, a lady's voice rings in my ears, a voice I've heard many times before during our face times and phone calls. 
"I'm sorry I'm late, is this seat taken?" Jinho is speechless as he looks me over to make sure he isn't hallucinating, the staff member asks him if it's okay if I ride with him. Jinho nods as a huge smile spreads across his face, taking over the pout from before. I walk up the few steps to the ride, handing my ticket over then sitting down next to my boyfriend for the first time, “So, do you have something goofy for me to wear now that we have met?" His laugh is much cuter in person, little wrinkles by his eyes as he leans his head back with laughter. 
"It was a joke baby, I swear." He scoots closer to me as the ride begins to start, our seat slowly going backward as we raise up in the sky. 
"Happy birthday Jiji. I wanted you to have something extra special for your birthday this year."
"Special indeed. You're my favorite present ever." His arm wrapped around my shoulders, closing the space between us as if there was any left. I lace our fingers together and lean my head against his shoulder, the thrill of finally being able to relax in his hold fills me as the breeze at the top of the Ferris wheel blows around us for a short time. 
"You should thank the guys for helping me set this up, it took a week to figure out everything and make sure it was okay with the management."
"That explains why they have been so secretive lately. Especially last night, they were constantly snickering to themselves. Also explains why Hui has been on and off his phone all day today." 
"You guys almost caught me though, I had to run away from an elephant ear stand to keep the surprise going."
"That was you?! I knew I recognized the yellow hoodie, they told me I was just seeing things because I wished you were here. By the way, I'm happy to see you wearing my hoodie, it suits you well my dear." I lift my head as the Ferris wheel comes to a stop close to the top of the ride, the sun setting as darkness slowly starts to take over the pinks and purples of the sky. The wind picks up right at that moment causing my hair to blow around my face. I tried fixing it but with no luck, the wind kept blowing it around. 
"Hold still." Jinho removes his arm from around me to pull out his beanie from his pocket, stretching the material to place it upon my head, keeping my hair from getting into my face as much. I look into his whiskey irises that sparkle with the last bit of light from the sun, l the scent his cologne and cotton candy filling my lungs. He lowers his hand to rest against my cheek lightly, his thumb soothingly rubbing my cheekbone, his eyes looking at my lips then back up to my eyes asking for permission. 
"Kiss me."
"With pleasure babe." He closed the space between us as his lips finally meeting mine, the taste of root beer still lingering on his lips. My heart starts drumming in my chest from excitement as he pulls me a bit closer if that was even possible in these seats. My digits raked through his gray hair causing a slight sigh to escape his throat and a giggle to pass my lips, his tongue tasted my bottom lip before dancing with mine in a more heated session. 
"Oww owwww!!!" 
"Get it Jinho!!" Kino and Yuto hollered from the seat behind us, cheering and clapping for their friend. He pulls away to wave them off causing me to laugh and grab ahold of his hand again to lace my fingers back to their new home. The staff member continues to let the riders off, the Ferris wheel moving one seat at a time.
"I actually have another surprise for you. I talked with your manager into letting me see you for the whole weekend, so the guys packed some of your stuff so you can stay with me at my apartment in Daegu."
"Yes!" He throws his arms up in excitement, his cute boyish charms showing through. The Ferris wheel came to a stop to let us off the ride, the staff member unhooked the barrier as Jinho grabbed ahold of my hand, tugging me with him to the ground before picking me up and spinning me in a hug. 
"I'm guessing this is confirmation that you're coming with me back home." He sets me down to kiss me once again, taking my arms to wrap around his neck then snaking his around my waist.
"I'll follow you anywhere. Now that I've finally met you, I don't ever want to let you go." 
"Please take him, his grumpiness of you not being around was starting to get annoying, but it's lovely to finally meet you in person, Y/N." Wooseok chimes in. The guys standing there came into view as I released my hold on Jinho, each member coming up to hug me for the first time since I've talked to any of them. 
"I'm glad I can meet you all now, and thank you so much for helping me set this all up, I wouldn't have been able to do this without you." 
"Anything to make our hyung happy." Yeo One chirped as he ruffled Jinho's hair. Jinho smacked his hands away then grabbed ahold of me, hugging me from behind to rest his chin on my shoulder.
"I want to thank you guys as well for making this happen. It means a lot to me."
"Well, you two can get going if you want as much time together as possible before we have to go back to the studio Monday. Be sure to stay out of trouble." Hui winks at us as they all say their goodbyes before running off to ride a few more rides. Jinho took my hand in his as we walk back towards the exit of the park.
"Any other surprises I should know about?"
"You'll just have to wait and see once we get there." I winked at him while I pulled my keys out to unlock my car. Just when I get ready to open the door, I'm spun around and pushed up against the metal frame, his breath causing shivers to rush down my arms as he whispers in my ear. 
"If it requires taking this hoodie off of you, I can't wait." He placed a chaste kiss on my neck with a smirk before lazily walking over to the passenger side and getting in. Once inside the car, I start it up as Shine by them starts to play from my Spotify causing us to laugh on our way back to enjoy what the night has to offer back home.
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kpoppwriter · 2 years
Pentagon Reaction - Having a Short S/O
❧ Anon asked: Ptg reaction to having a short and/or chubby S/O? 👉🏻👈🏻 (your writing gives me life btw! It's so good!)
❧ A/N: I’ve been in a ptg mood recently
~※ Main Masterlist ※~
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The short king Jinho himself definitely doesn’t mind that you’re short. If you’re shorter than him, it actually gives him a bit of an ego boost. He likes having you shorter than him since it makes him feel like your protector. 
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Hui may be on the shorter side himself but he’s gonna tease you a bit for being short. He actually likes that you’re short. It makes it so he can really wrap himself around you when you cuddle. 
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Oh man. Hongseok is such a little tease. He teases and pokes fun at your height all the time. If you get bothered by it, he will stop. He thinks you’re so cute -- especially when you get angry and try to be all intimidating. 
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Shinwon doesn’t mind that you’re short. He actually likes being able to drape his long limbs around you and fully envelope you. He might poke fun here and there but he doesn’t make it a regular thing. 
Yeo One
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Aww Changgu thinks you’re just the cutest thing. He thinks you’re cute regardless of your height but it just adds to your cuteness. Oh, he might just combust when you have to get on your tippy toes to kiss him.
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Yanan doesn’t really think much about your height. To him, it doesn’t matter what his s/o’s height is. He loves you regardless. He does sometimes put stuff on the top shelf just to mess with you.
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Yuto is a sweet but teasing man. He’ll put things on the top shelf just so you have to come ask him for help. He does like that ego boost. He doesn’t verbally tease you much though. 
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Kino thinks you’re cute all the time; your height is just a bonus to that. He likes to play around a bit but he never really teases you. He loves being able to wrap his whole body right around your smaller one. 
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Wooseok is that guy that uses your head like an arm rest. He also calls you shorty and other short pun nicknames. He’s just a menace. He does do it out of love though.
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julyarchives · 3 years
Baby, pull me closer || (M)
If you had ever believed in soulmates, it was because of Jo Jinho. When you were just hanging out at a bar with a few coworkers on a Friday night, the last thing you expected was to be confronted with your past.
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→ A/n: Jinho x Female Reader
→ Genre: Angst; Smut
→ Words:  3K
→ Contains: Exes to Lovers; some angst; Talk about feelings; Break up.
→ A/n: We might have gotten carried away with the word count 😅 but we hope we could live up to the request! Thank you again for the anon who did it! We hope you all like it 🥰
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If you had ever believed in soulmates, it was because of Jo Jinho. You two met in High School and were inseparable since day 1. He was your prince charming, the love of your life, your ride or die. Your life with him was a fairytale, and you caught yourself wondering so many times how lucky you were to have him in your life. You two worked hard to get into the same college and the time you spent there only made your connection stronger, and you knew it in you that you were his forever.
Which only made the break up more painful.
When you were offered the scholarship of your dreams, your first instinct was to go running to him and share the news, so you could celebrate together. But it was only seconds later that you stopped to think about everything that it would implicate. Jinho’s dream job required him to stay in the city and you would never want to be the person to make him give up everything for a relationship. You were selfish enough to put your goals first, but not selfish enough to rip him out of his.
So, after a lot of thinking, you made the most excruciating decision of your life.
“What do you mean? You can’t possibly be serious. You’re joking, right?” Jinho asked, voice trembling and tears pooling in the corner of his eyes.
The lump in your throat almost took your voice away, but you quickly swallowed it, convincing yourself that this was the only right decision.
“I told you, Jinho, I just don’t feel anything anymore. This relationship won’t work if I’m not in love with you. You deserve better, and it’s best if we break up now so you don’t get any more hurt. I don’t want to hurt you, Jinho.”
“Y/N, please” His tears fell freely now. He held you close by the waist, fists curling around the hem of your shirt “Please, don’t say this. I don’t believe you.”
He leaned his forehead against yours, and you closed your eyes, trying -and failing - to hold back your own tears.
“Please” he whispered
His lips grazed against yours and you let him kiss you, tasting the salty tears that were completely unrestrained by now.
“I’m sorry” was the last thing you whispered before leaving without looking back. Completely heartbroken at the sound of him calling your name in between sobs.
That’s why when you hear his voice calling your name again, almost 2 years later, you almost couldn’t believe your ears.
You were just hanging out at a bar with a few coworkers on a Friday night, the last thing you expected was to be confronted with your past.
“Jinho?” you turned around, knowing who you would see.
You always thought Jinho was the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen, and it is not like you haven’t checked his social media after the break up, but nothing had prepared you for the way he looked in front of you.
So much had passed, so obviously he looked way more mature than the last time you actually saw him in person, with traces you couldn’t see over a photo, but adorned his face like it had always been there, and only complemented his charming self.
The suit and glasses added to it as well, but what made your heart stop was the smile. It was like traveling back in time, to when you could see him everyday in comfortable sweatpants and loose T-shirts, playing guitar by the window of his apartment, the golden dawn light shimmering on his skin.
Your daze was broken as he approached and you tried to find anything to say at all, but it felt like you forgot each and every word in your own language.
“Hey” was all that came out of you, and you cursed yourself mentally for being a grown ass woman acting like a teenager again.
"I did not expect to see you here." he said, a confused look on his face
"Yeah, I live here now." You offered a smile, but you were actually nervous thinking how living in this city is basically what broke you two up.
"Nice to know I'll have a familiar face around! I got a job here now, I just moved in"
"Really?" You were surprised "congratulations on the new job"
"Thank you" He smiled in return, eyes turning into crescent moons "since we're here, would you like to grab something to drink? I would love to catch up with you"
You always thought of getting in touch with Jinho over the years. Every time you thought of him or checked him online, you thought of texting. What actually stopped you was the thought that what you did was unforgivable and he probably hated you after you ignored the many times he tried to reach you after you told him you wanted to break up. The last time you saw each other was when you went to return his stuff, and get yours' from him, and that did not go well. You two barely looked at each other and you don't ever remember saying anything, but you couldn't forget how heartbroken he was.
It threw you completely off guard when invited you to catch up because you expected him to hate your guts. But then again, it was a long time ago, he probably was over it, like you were. At least you thought so.
"Sure, why not?" You answered shyly.
He led you both to a table while your coworkers grinned at you, and you silently shushed them.
The conversation started a little awkward, both of you walking on eggshells to avoid the "ex" subject. You caught up eventually, and you were glad to know that he actually achieved the job he always wanted and was very focused on his career, and he was happy to know that the same happened to you.
Before you two realized, the conversation was flowing easily, and you were laughing together and messing with each other, feeling like nothing actually changed between you two. The connection was still there and you honestly felt happy about it.
When the bartender warned about the last call Jinho offered to share a cab home with you because it was already late, and you gladly accepted it, just so you could stretch the time spent with him.
"I'm glad we ran into each other" he said like he could read your thoughts.
"Me too, I'm having a lot of fun." You admitted, you two reaching the front door of your house.
"I gotta be honest, though, I thought we wouldn't see each other again." He said with a half-smile "the way that things happened with us…"
"Yeah, I know…" you gently interrupted, too embarrassed to bring that up "But I'm happy to see you, really. I didn't even see the time passing."
"Right?" He agreed "it ended too fast."
"I might have a bottle of wine we can open if you would like to come in" your mouth ran faster than your brain, and you felt really stupid for asking that like you were pushing some kind of limit there.
You felt a little more comfortable when he didn't take long to make up his mind and accepted your invitation.
You entered your house and kicked your heels off to the side while you heard Jinho closing the door behind himself.
Out of a sudden, you felt too shy to look at him, so you kept yourself busy with other stuff.
You tried to take your coat off, but the collar got caught in your necklace's chain, and you simply couldn't undo it yourself.
"Here, let me." Jinho promptly helped, gently untangling it.
He went further and pushed the coat off of your shoulders delicately, his fingers grazing on your bare skin exposed from your sleeveless dress. His knuckles ran all the way down your arms and you were too aware of his body next to yours, goosebumps rising on your skin when his warm breath hit the back of your neck.
"Please tell me you don't have a boyfriend." He whispered, his fingers grazing on your waist while he stood behind you.
Your breath got caught in your throat and you knew the implications of that question. You also knew that what he was suggesting, you wanted just as much.
"No, I don't." Your voice was just a barely audible whisper
You almost couldn't finish your sentence when his grasp on your waist tightened and he spun you around, pulling you closer to him, chest to chest, and his lips didn't hesitate to find yours.
Your body reciprocated him in a reflex that comes with a habit, like you never were not used to having him holding you like that.
The kiss was hungry and desperate, your hand messing his hair while he explored every new curve of your body, grasping for any skin he could find.
Jinho pressed you against the wall, trapping you in between the surface and his body. He wrapped one hand around your leg, lifting it up and squeezing up the hem of your dress, his kisses trailing down your neck.
"Fuck, I wanted to do this since I first laid eyes on you." He whispered against your ear before sucking a spot just under it.
All you could answer was a breathy moan, leaning your body to press harder against him.
You took your time exploring his body and couldn't help but notice that his muscles grew stronger as you grazed your nails on his toned chest.
He grinded his hips forward, and you could already feel a semi-hard growing in his pants, the thought of it making you clench in anticipation.
You chased after his lips again, never having enough of it, nibbling at the plump bottom lip that you always loved
"Bedroom?" You whispered in between kisses, your breath already heavy.
Jinho only nodded eagerly, and you held his hand while walking down the hall.
As soon as he figured out the way he was all over you again, backing you up until the back of your knees hit the edge of your bed and he didn't stop kissing you as you both settled on the soft mattress, every touch of his was very rough and commanding.
He kneeled up and you watched him discard his shirt carelessly, the sight making your mouth water. You bit your bottom lip, admiring his body, and he smirks proudly.
Next thing you know he's grabbing you by the hips and pulling you closer to him, making you slide down the sheets and yelp in surprise.
"You've changed" you addressed his manhandling with a naughty tone to it.
"You have no idea" his husky voice hit your ears like music, a tone as mischievous as the grin on his lips.
He pulled your dress up, off of your body, and you followed his lead without hesitating. Your panties were next and soon enough your hands were opening his fly and button, only letting go so he could get his pants and boxer off.
Jinho kissed you again and you moaned. You didn't think you'd ever need him this much again but you could feel your body trembling for him with only kisses. He pulled away and stood there, heavy breathing, eyes focusing on your every detail.
"I never thought I'd have you like this again", he seemed so sincere that made your heart ache.
"You do now", was all you could say before his hands were all over you. Gently caressing from your shoulder to your thighs, his strong hands guiding your legs to be around his waist.
"I don't think I can wait much more. '' Jinho didn't seem pleased with himself, staring at your chest instead of your face. You could see his hard shaft twitching whenever your skin rose up in goosebumps to his touch but the wetness between your legs was not any better.
Before you could say anything else, Jinho was already touching you, hands firmly grasping your breasts and squeezing, playing with your nipples while slowly grinding against you, his dick moving easily against your folds with how slick you were.
He groaned when you moved your hips back, hands exploring his toned chest and arms, touching all parts of him you could reach. You missed him so much that all these years apart only made you desperate to have him.
You were the one who moved lower and grabbed his member, smirking when he groaned lowly. You guided him to your entrance without a word, knowing you wouldn't be able to say anything. Jinho thankfully went along with it, letting go of your breasts and supporting himself with his hands on top of you while slowly entering you.
It felt like the world stopped. He felt so good inside, filling you up completely. Both of you moaned, his forehead leaning against yours. When he moved, you couldn't stop looking at him, his intense eyes and mouth open, his arms flexing from the movements, his hair already messy. Jinho was perfect and you wished you never let go. Looking back into his eyes, you could see he was watching you just the same and soon enough he was moving intensely with you, never breaking eye contact.
Everything started so easily and so intimate but even then it surprised you when you realized you two weren't just going on a nostalgic casual fuck. Jinho was making love to you, moving gently but also hitting your spot perfectly, his muscles flexing in the most delectable way. Your hands rested on his waist, caressing the skin as much as you could while you both moved, too deep in the moment to realize you didn't let go of each other's forehead.
It didn't take long for you to feel the fire burning hotter inside of you, the pleasure being too intense, and feeling a white-hot shock through your body. Neither of you said anything, your moaning, and heavy breathing filling your room in the most sensual way possible. One of your hands moved to his chest, right above his heart and his eyes widened. Jinho picked up his movements, chasing his orgasm as yours took over your body, making you arch and move closer to his body.
Thankfully you had recovered seconds later, just in time to see, and feel Jinho climaxing, his eyes squeezed shut and a low deep grunt falling off his lips beautifully. He laid gently on top of you and kissed you again, deep and longingly. When you pulled back, you couldn't help the bright smile you gave him, a soft giggle falling off your lips at the feeling of him in your arms again. Unfortunately, Jinho only half-smiled back and your guts twisted.
"I think we need to talk".
You could only manage a small "yeah", your smile died down. You pointed at the corridor, getting up after his nod. You didn't take long in the bathroom, too anxious to hear him out but also dreading what was about to come. You picked a sweater from the bathroom that surely wasn't supposed to be there and came back to the room.
Jinho was laying down in your bed, boxers back in place, and had half of his body covered with your comfy blanket. He was fidgeting with the hem of the blanket and you knew he was nervous as well.
"I felt cold, I hope you don't mind", he said with a shy smile.
"Of course not", you said, moving to lay with him under the blanket. He moved until he was laying on his side facing you, you mirroring his position.
"So", you both said at the same and that got a nervous laugh out of both of you. You motioned for him to go first.
"Why?", Jinho said, looking into your eyes. "Why did you leave me back then? Be honest this time, please".
"I-", you froze. You knew he'd say something about that but why was he so sure you lied? "How do you know I was lying?"
"We were perfect, Y/N", his voice was soft, his eyes gleaming. "We were in love and we fit perfectly together. You made me believe in soulmates, I felt like I would spend my life with you. And I know you felt the same".
"My scholarship", you said bluntly. "I couldn't have you give up your life for my dream and I knew you'd do it. I couldn't let go of my dream scholarship but I could never let you jeopardize yours".
Jinho closed his eyes briefly and breathed deeply slowly. Your eyes were filled with tears suddenly, a lot of feelings coming back at once. Regret, love, sorrow, how you missed him.
"I don't know if I feel relieved or even more hurt", he chuckled but you both couldn't see the humor. "I mean, I was sure you loved me but you were so hurtful that I was starting to believe you never actually even liked me".
"No!", you sit up quickly, eyes wide. "I thought it was the only option but I never stopped loving you", you blurted out.
"You… what?"Jinho sat up too then, slowly but surely.
"I know I made a mess and hurt you, but I always loved you when we were together, loved you when I broke up with you and… I honestly think I never got over you completely".
Jinho moved as if he could scare you off at any second. He slowly lifted his hands, thumbs wiping away the tears that fell. It only made you want to run. You had hurt him so much and even then he was taking care of you.
"I'm here now. I- I don't think we can go back to how we were even if we tried. It hurt too much and I don't think we are still the same person we were", he moved until his face was inches away from yours. "I feel the same and always did. I want to heal, I want to help you heal too".
Nodding, you moved to kiss him and sighed in relief when kissed you back.
"We can be friends", you said, lips moving always completely against his. "We can learn about each other again, I can redeem myself", you finished the sentence with a small kiss on his lips and he laughed.
"Friends that may kiss?"
"Friends that definitely will kiss".
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caliboyjaeffrey · 7 years
Crowded (Jinho x Reader)
Rating: PG-13-ish, with some suggestive themes
(A/N) Ayyy it’s been awhile peanuts! Sorry for not uploading regularly, my second semester is winding down and finals are arriving so I have to really buckle down and study! I thought I would give you all a little something something to bide you over until summer comes for me next week lol So, here’s some fluffy w/ some smol spice: JINHO AKA MY PENTAGON BIAS AND HIGHKEY THE MOST ADORABLE AND DADDY-ISH PIECE OF GLITTER THIS SIDE OF THE GALAXY SERIOUSLY HE IS SO TALENTED AMAZINGGGGGGGG. Anyway, please enjoy! 
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You'd never thought in your whole life about leaving your small town, nestled in the tall green mountains of the countryside. You were content to stay there and live out your days, maybe start your own shop, become a teacher, grow a garden...who knows, the possibilities were endless. At least, your little naive brain liked to trick you into thinking like that.
Maybe you wanted more.
Your town was hearty and practical, close and tight knit like a brand new sweater. You knew every person's name by heart, and have grown up with the people your age since day one. You'd thought to yourself many times, you'd probably marry and grow old with one of the boys you'd met in preschool. But that all changed when Jo Jinho and his family came tumbling in one hot summer with bright eyes and warm hugs. Of course, the town had met them with the same enthusiasm, happy and ecstatic to have brand new faces after so long. People thought they were there for vacation away from the great bustling city they called home, but shocked everyone when they said they were going to stay. You'd been in your senior year of high school then, their son Jinho a year or two older than yourself. And you were completely head over heels for him. He seemed like a whole different breed of boy from the other country bumpkins who courted you. Not to discount them or their sweetness, but Jinho was something sophisticated, modern, and new. Nothing like you'd ever seen before in your small town world. You lived on the tallest hill in the town, and nestled right at the bottom of it was Jinho and his family. You rolled your bike past his house every evening after school, and he would be sat outside, singing softly to himself and throwing you a shy smile whenever he caught you looking. That's how it started out between the two of you, slow and shy, glances and small conversation, discrete touches and excuses to have one another over for dinner. Then one day you found yourself wearing your prettiest dress and sandals outside in your yard with a glass of lemonade, Jinho suddenly popping up from the hill out of breath. He had given no indication at all as to why he was there, simply collapsing on top of you and pressing the lips that you'd only dreamed about for weeks onto yours. You remember your drink slipping out of your hand and bouncing on the springy grass, trickling down the sides of your leg and soaking your dress. You couldn't care less as you wove your fingers through Jinho's soft hair and tasted everything you'd never had in your life. Jinho had easily swept you away from the other boys of your town and made you his, news traveling fast in such a small place. Both sets of parents could already hear wedding bells and you'd only been dating for a year. Now that you had graduated high school, you weren't sure what exactly you were supposed to do. Jinho, for all his knowledge and worldliness, always suggested staying right where you were. He dreamed of starting a family with you and maybe opening up a shop, a small farmer's market. "I have that picture painted in my head," he would murmur against your neck, lips pressing to your skin like a brand, marking you as his. You'd hum, eyes closed as his hands traveled across your bare skin on one of those rare nights where he would spend the night with you, not sleeping until the sun rose. "But what about being a singer, Jinho?," you'd turn to him, eyes wide and hopeful. That's when he would sigh and smile wryly, "I just don't know if I'm good enough for that to happen." It always broke your heart to see Jinho not believe in the fact he was incredibly gifted, his voice something crafted by gods. He could croon the sweetest lullabies and belt out the highest of notes, no one in any of the towns over could match him. Before his family moved away from the city, Jinho had planned on auditioning for one of those big fancy entertainment agencies that groomed shiny, perfect performers. You didn't want to see a perfect Jinho though, because to you, he already was. Why ruin something that was already fine? "But why not try to audition? Like you said you were going to before you moved," you smoothed your hand over his lean chest, placing a kiss over his heart as the moon rose higher and higher in the sky. He looked down at your quizzically, quirking an eyebrow that you could spot in the white lunar light. He rolled over and pinned you underneath him, trying to regain control of the conversation, "Don't you realize what that means though? If I were to audition and make it, we'd have to move to the city. Leave everyone behind." You could feel every spot where his skin pressed against yours, burning into your body, "I wouldn't mind, because it doesn't have to be forever. I've never been anyway and it's always interested me. I've only ever seen skyscrapers on tv, Jinho, I want to go at least once." He smiled at your words, leaning down and kissing you on the mouth softly, "How about I think about it?" You nodded, lacing your fingers with his, whispering against his lips, "I just want your dreams to come true, Jinho. I want you to do what you love." Jinho felt himself melt at your words as he murmured, "You're my dream, baby girl." You blushed and turned away from his intense gaze with a smile, unable to respond to his genuine adoration. He knew that you felt the same way though, knew that you cared just the same as he did. With cool fingers, his hands trailed to places that weren't so innocent, making your cheeks go rosy for a different reason. His soft voice was playful and teasing, laced with something like lust, "And I do what I love." He kissed down your body, gazing up at you through his lashes, his eyes erotic and dark, "I do her quite often actually." And mindblowingly well too, if you might add.
A few weeks had passed since that conversation and you thought Jinho would never bring it up again. One morning, though, over breakfast and coffee, he cleared his throat and took a deep breath, "I bought two train tickets." You looked at him, confused and lost, "Train tickets...?" It dawned on you suddenly, eyes growing big and mouth stretching into a grin, "Train tickets?!" He nodded sheepishly, chuckling as you rushed around the table to leap into his arms, "We leave early tomorrow. My audition is in the evening that day, so we can't dilly dally." "I can't believe this is happening," you smiled, cupping his cheek affectionately and kissing his nose. "I'm so proud of you, baby." He blushed, but you knew deep down he was eating your praise up, "Let's just hope I do well." "I know you will," you laughed, then smirking at him suggestively as you settled into his lap, "I know you do a lot of things well." He mirrored your smirk, thumbs already tracing hypnotic circles on your thighs, "I think I need some practice before tomorrow though." You leaned in and placed light kisses on his jaw, flushing when you heard him sigh in appreciation. You couldn't wait for Jinho to audition tomorrow, everything felt so right and nothing could possibly go wrong.
The train ride there had been slow and quiet, picturesque views lolling you to sleep until you woke to your boyfriend shaking you. "Wake up, ______," he murmured with a smile, his eyes already weary looking. You were stunned by the sights that met you when you exited the train station, the city was absolutely blinding. Never in your life have you seen so many people, feeling like a single grain of sand on a beach. "Jinho...," you whispered, taking a hold of his hand. "It's so..." "Crowded?," he offered, already tugging you along down the busy street. "Amazing," you replied, eyes wide as sauces as you gaped and gasped at sky scrapers and wonky looking modern art. There were so many sounds, sights, and smells, you almost had sensory overload. "The entertainment company isn't too far away," Jinho said, his grip on your hand secure as his head swiveled around to read different street signs. "It's called Cube something or another, so look out for that." "Cube. Gotcha," you affirmed, nodding at his words and only half listening as you admired everything around you. You and Jinho walked for a few blocks, stopping once at an incredibly aesthetically pleasing cafe for you to grab some coffee, before you reached the agency. Cube Entertainment looked fashionable and sleek alongside the other buildings of Gangnam, blending in seamlessly with its surroundings. "There she is," you sighed, stopping with your boyfriend in front of the building. "There she is," he echoed, tightening his grip on your hand before leading you inside the glass doors. You were both greeted by a handsome receptionist, looking straight out of a magazine as he cheerfully hailed, "Welcome to Cube Entertainment, do you have an appointment?" Jinho let go of your hand for the first time since the train, your fingers cramping as you realized what a death grip he had had on you. You couldn't help but see the way his hands shook as he slung off his backpack and pulled out some papers, "I do. A private audition? Under the name Jo Jinho?" The receptionist looked him up and down with a scrutinizing eye, obviously none too impressed with your boyfriend's appearance. Your blood boiled, making you lean your cheek protectively against Jinho's shoulder as the man looked over his papers and searched him on the computer. Maybe your boyfriend wasn't a giant beanstalk or over six feet tall, but that didn't mean he couldn't kick someone's ass. You huffed, but Jinho looked down at you with a tired smile, calming you instantly. The receptionist spoke up, "Ah yes, I see your name scheduled here. Right on time as well." The man walked out from behind the counter, gesturing toward a corridor, "If you'll follow me Mr. Jo." You went to make a move with Jinho when the man suddenly stopped you, "I'm afraid she'll have to stay outside of the building. Auditions are a private meeting." You instantly felt distressed and so did your boyfriend, who turned to you with a brave face. His voice was uncharacteristically softer than usual, "You'll be okay, right? I'll have my phone on me no matter what, alright?" You nodded, your lip trembling like a child's as you leaned up to give him a kiss on the cheek, "I'll be fine. I'm a big girl after all." "That's my girl," he smiled, leaning down to kiss you chastely. "I love you. Call me if anything happens." "Okay, I love you too," you murmured, watching as Jinho trailed after the man who looked far too annoyed for his own good. You took a deep breath, turning to walk back outside of the entertainment company's building. After the strange quiet of the reception room, you were wholly unprepared for the cacophony of noise that greeted you as soon as you walked out. Construction, car horns, loud music, people talking, it was a madhouse of sound that assaulted your ears and made your pulse quicken. You felt incredibly alone without Jinho with you, and overwhelmed. "Jeez," you mumbled to yourself, searching for someplace that might offer you refuge from the noise for the time being. You don't think you could stand outside the building for one more moment. You searched frantically up and down the street with your eyes for some sort of cafe or shop you could stay in. You decided to try a hip looking cafe that seemed to have a lot of people your age hanging at it. You walked inside hurriedly, having crossed the street at a sprint because cars began to honk at you for accidentally jay walking. You weren't even sure how crosswalks worked entirely, so you had just decided to book it. You couldn't even begin to imagine what Jinho would have done if he saw you do that, he'd probably would have had a stroke. You squeezed into the cafe, heart sinking as you realized how crowded it was. You had no other choice though, it was either this or the chaos of the street, and you'd rather take your chances here. You looked around for a table, finding one suitable enough for you and plopping down there. You weren't sure how long Jinho's audition would last, but he would call you most likely when he was done. No biggie, right? You weren't usually this clingy, but for some reason you felt incredibly anxious not having your boyfriend beside you. Your head was pounding and heart racing as you tried to take in everything that was happening in the cafe. Baristas were yelling behind a counter, coffee bean grinders screamed loudly, and people chattered in a mindless manner underneath all the noise. You took a shaky breath, eyes beginning to tear up as realized it was just as bad in here too. You don't know what your thought process was, but you gathered your things with blurry eyes, intent on leaving this place. You let out a small sob as you ran out of the cafe, looking wildly up and down the street for the Cube Entertainment building. Suddenly, the building had disappeared and nothing looked familiar anymore, everything was blurring together and looking the same. Your heart raced, tears streaming down your face as you ran down the street. You could call Jinho, but what if he was singing? This was his dream and you didn't care if you had a panic attack in the middle of traffic, so long as he could do his audition. You wouldn't call him, not until he called you. You kept running, gasping for breath as you realized you were in a park now. The welcoming sight of trees a beacon in the hurricane of sensations. You collapsed behind one of the tall trees that lined the sidewalk of the park, your back leaning against the scratchy bark was a comfort. You couldn't stop crying though, no matter how hard you tried to plug your ears, the sound wouldn't go away. You were suddenly hit with an idea. You rummaged through your bag, pulling out your headphones and popping them into your ears. You pulled out your phone and plugged them in, searching quickly to find what you were looking for. The moment you heard Jinho's voice come through the speakers, you calmed down. You were playing a recording you had taken of Jinho singing at your last birthday, his voice smooth and happy. You wiped at your tears, wanting them to stop, wanting to be stronger for your boyfriend. You couldn't help but bury your face into your hands, wanting above all for Jinho to help you.
After what had felt like hours, your phone began to ring, and you woke up from your numbing trance to see your boyfriend's name on the screen. You answered instantly, voice cracking as fresh tears of relief spilled down your cheeks, "J-Jinho?" "_______?! Where the hell are you?," he asked, his voice full of worry. You bit your lip, realizing how angry he sounded as you stuttered, "I don't really know. One moment I was at a coffee shop and the next I ended up in a park-. Please Jinho, I'm so scared and I don't know where to go-" "Stay right where you are," he commanded, curt and short. "I'm coming to get you." "Okay," you replied, but realized he had already hung up on you when the line started beeping rhythmically. He was completely furious no doubt, but what were you supposed to have done? It was probably twenty minutes before you saw Jinho walking down the path, eyes frantic as he searched for you. He looked like a wreck, clothes and hair askew and his bottom lip worried between his teeth. You instantly ran toward him, coming out from your hiding spot behind the tree, "Jinho!" "_______!," he gasped as you leaped into his arms, holding you in an iron grip. He buried his face into your neck and you felt the moisture of his cheeks as tears fell down his handsome face as well. "I was so scared Jinho, I'm so sorry," you wept, digging your fingers into the soft folds of his sweatshirt and relishing the fact he was there with you. "Why didn't you call me?," he exasperated, holding you out at an arm's length. "I told you-" "I know," you stopped him, looking down at your toes in shame. "But I just couldn't Jinho, I didn't want to ruin your audition!" "Nothing matters more to me than you," he said firmly, his eyes hard as he cupped your face. "Not money, not a stupid audition, not anyone else." You smiled, kissing him once on the mouth before pulling away and looking at him earnestly, "And that's why I didn't call you. Because you matter the most to me, Jinho, and that includes your dreams." Your boyfriend looked at you with eyes so wide they swallowed you whole, he looked completely shaken by that statement. He pulled you close again, his lips brushing against your ear, "Thank you, baby girl." His voice was soft as velvet, "You're the first person to really believe in me." He kept you there, his arms on you tightening, "I have good news." You held him just as tight, toes curling in anticipation and smile already spreading wide, "And what's that?" He finally leaned back, looking at you with eyes full of happiness, "I passed the audition. I've been put into a project called Pentagon. It's still not definitive and we can't tell anyone but-" You cried out in joy, Jinho picking you up and spinning you around as you both laughed and cried again. You grabbed your boyfriend's face and peppered it with kisses, connecting your lips to any exposed skin. The kisses started out chaste enough, until Jinho got it in his head to take control of it himself. Soon his tongue had slipped into your mouth and the kiss was no longer innocent. You let out a small sound of surprise, making his hold on you tighten. He pulled away with a groan, looking down at you in adoration and lust, "Baby, I need-" You were already nodding, tugging him along, "What hotel were we staying at again?" "Already on it," he replied, his grip on your waist tugging you close, so you were never too far away. With your exhaustion gone and joy pouring from your heart for Jinho, you decided that some celebrating was definitely well deserved. And he certainly deserved a reward or two after his audition...and for all the trouble you have him.
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Yuto as a boyfriend
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•okay so I think that you would NeVer expect him to have feelings for you in the first place
•if you would have known him since childhood,you could expect him to be a little goofy and soft boi (awww) But If you didn’t he’d probably be AlL sEriOuS
•he would probably confess to you in a letter that he wrote which told EvErYthInG he likes about you,I could see him bein to shy to actually say that
•it kinda would be cheesy but who cares it’s THE Yuto
•He would be a great boyfriend overall,all the girls would be jealous of how good of a man you had
•He might seem a bit scary on the outside,but he don’t bite anyone
•He would treat you as if you were a queen,obviously he would buy anything that reminded him of you as he is on tour so he could reminisce about all the good memories he had with you
•He would be low on affection,he’s really shy so please guide him and how to give affection and when to give affection,he’s clueless :(
•He’s not a great kisser,he’d probably prefer kisses on the cheek more than lips because he’d black out because he would be too nervous
•If you’re dating him for a long time?
3 6 0 turn
•He’d be a cuddle bug,glueing on to you for as long as you’re right next to him
•He’d kiss more frequently and would be up for a make out session;)
•He’d be one of the greatest people to vent to,having a bad day?Here is Yuto to here you rant,he’d be there with open arms to help you out
•I feel like he’d know what to do when you’re on your period,he’d prepare blankets, ice cream ,painkillers and so much more stuff to cuddle your little soul with
•He would always be there to message you a good morning and tell that he loves you
•You always get sad when he leaves,so he gives you His HoOdiEs
•You would be wearing it like a dress since he’s a GiAnT
•He tries his best to face time you on tour,and introduces you to all the members!
•You would get along with Wooseok the most and prank yuto together
•In return,you give him all the cuddles he wants
•He would come to support you in anything you do,he’d be in awe ‘wow..that’s Y/N.’
•Overall he be the best boy you ever met cherish him and love him please :)
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f-l-writes · 6 years
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Not requested
You ask Jinho to save you from boredom in return for you buying food
Feel free to request!
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Jinho. 40-" The kids they ambushed me" Thanks
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting! 
Pairing: Jo Jinho x Female Reader 
Warning: None
Word Count: 590
Drabble Challenge Prompts
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40. The kids, they ambushed me. 
As soon as your last class ended, you were out of your classroom as fast as you possibly could be. Friday classes were always a drag, but they seemed particularly long today, maybe because you were going to see your boyfriend, Jinho, for the first time in weeks after class. He had just gotten back from tour the day before and you couldn’t wait to see him. Thankfully, your professor decided to let your class out half an hour early.
You rushed out of the classroom, practically sprinting to the train station that was fortunately right across from your university.  Slinging your bag over your shoulder once you got out your card, you quickly went through the gate and got on the first train that would take you to Jinho’s dorm. The train ride seemed to last forever, but you finally arrived there. You quickly made your way out of the station and walked the couple blocks to the dorm. You were let in without a problem as you were usually there all the time. You walked up to the dorm room and knocked on the door. 
Jinho opened the door looking distressed and completely soaked. You bit your lip to hold back your laughter. “What happened?” 
“The kids, they ambushed me,” he said, causing you to crack up. He rolled his eyes at you but stepped back so you could enter the dorm. You walked in still laughing and saw the three youngest members of Pentagon standing in a line, grinning innocently. 
“Hi boys, is Jinho lecturing you?” They all nodded and you turned to Jinho as he closed the door. “Jinho, come on, they were just having a bit of fun.”
“(Y/N), they-” 
“Jinho, leave them alone.” He groaned and muttered in compliance. All three boys cheered. 
“Thanks, noona!” Wooseok said and Yuto nodded to show his gratefulness. 
“Hyung, you and noona are not allowed to ever break up,” Kino said. “She makes you a lot nicer.” 
“You little-” Jinho said. Kino only grinned and ran off as you laughed. Jinho shook his head and walked over to you sighing. He tried to give you a hug but you pushed him away. 
“Uh no, you’re soaked. Go change and then I’ll hug you.” He only grinned mischievously and hugged you tightly. “Jinho! You’re making me all wet! Stop it!” You yelled. He grinned and hugged you tighter while you struggled to get him off of you. Hongseok poked his head out from the kitchen. 
“Hey, keep it appropriate guys,” he said. 
“Sorry, but get him off of me!” Jinho laughed and finally let go of you. You frowned and turned to him. “Children, you’re all children.” He shrugged and kissed your cheek. 
“You knew this when you started dating me.”
“Okay, true. But seriously, now I’m all wet and I don’t have a change of clothes.”
“Wear some of mine.” You nodded in compliance and he took your hand, leading you to go get changed. He shut the door and made sure it was locked then handed you one of his shirts and a pair of shorts. You took them and thanked him. 
“Now turn around.” 
“Baby, come on,” he whined. 
“Nope. Turn around. No looking.” He whined like a child but did as told. You quickly got changed and he turned back around pouting. You laughed and pecked his cheek. “Now you get changed then we can cuddle.”  You walked out of the door, blowing him a kiss. 
It was so much fun teasing your boyfriend.
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sunflowersoonyoung · 2 years
the sound of his voice | jinho
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w.c ↠ 0.5k
pairing/s ↠ jinho x gn!reader
genre/s ↠ established relationship au!, fluff, drabble, songfic(?)
description ↠ the sound of his voice trickles through the house walls
warning/s ↠ pure fluff
a/n ↠ I'm going to be posting drabbles for now while I work on my vampire!yanan/shinwon mini-series. I hope it’s okay that I turned your request into a series, anon <3 
lyrics from smile by pentagon
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You sighed in exasperation as you opened yet another box titled “living room” that obviously contained nothing meant for the living room. As it turned out, labelling boxes properly was essential when moving houses.
And yet, a mere moment of irritation was nothing compared to the sea of exhilaration you felt. Because currently, you were standing between the walls of a house that belonged to both you and your boyfriend, Jinho.
Months of sneaking around his management, months of fighting for the relationship to remain hidden, all had built up to this moment when you could finally share a home.
The whole few days of moving had felt surreal and dreamy - bursting at the seams with pure joy.
As you opened another box and pulled out handfuls of books, Jinho began to sing.
He was working in the kitchen, just a wall between you as you both unpacked, and so his voice projected well into the living room. It was casual yet magical; gentle, warm, effortlessly powerful. It began to soak into the empty walls, filling up space.
“Stay by my side; give me a smile that’s sweeter than candy.”
For a moment, you paused your ministrations, and you listened. You became still, only listening and breathing.
“I love you, more than dew.”
“Yes I do, you are clear and pure, baby.”
The song Jinho had selected was one of many he had serenaded you with in the past, with simple and sweet words. And so, it meant a lot to both of you, especially that he had chosen to sing it now.
You could not help yourself, your knees growing weak as you swooned. You dragged your feet numbly to the sofa and sat down. A moment’s rest would not hurt.
“Again, today, my eyes stop at you. You’re always so pretty.”
His voice seemed to trickle out into the atmosphere, resembling hot honey, drizzling onto your chest and spreading warmth over your skin.
For a moment, you closed your eyes. Only Jinho’s voice existed in the black world behind your eyelids.
“My heart is only for you, I can do anything for you.”
“Don’t break this dream that has no sadness or tears.”
Before you knew it, the exhaustion layered beneath your excitement emerged and doused you, and Jinho’s words faded into a strange, thin and hazy dream.
You dreamed of his hands, of his voice, of the sound of your name from his lips.
Abruptly you woke, realising that him calling your name was not a fabrication but, in fact, reality.
Jinho’s face was near yours, his umber irises sparkling.
“Sorry,” he grinned, his eyes crinkling in amusement, “are you hungry? I found all the pots, and I thought I’d make some Ramyeon.”
“Yes, please,” you replied, reflecting his smile at him, “I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Your singing was beautiful.”
Jinho laughed, and your heart leapt, “I thought you’d be used to it by now.”
“Never,” you replied curtly, “I’ll never get used to it. So sing for me forever.”
His smile was bright as he leant forward and kissed you.
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baby-iloveyou · 2 years
pairing: jo jinho from pentagon x afab!reader (no pronouns used) genre: smut. that's all warnings: masturbation, jinho secretly watching reader get off, oral (reader receiving and jinho implied receiving but not actually written out), swearing (only a little bit) summary: Jinho has always claimed he doesn't like oral. But seeing you taste your own cum makes it difficult for him to keep disliking it. word count: 625 writer notes: short but sweet lil smut :) hope ya like it!
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Jinho had always said he didn’t like oral and wasn’t really up for trying it either. That’s why it felt extra weird when he was watching you get off through the creak of the door, and sucking on your fingers to taste your own cum. It turned him on a lot. Maybe a bit too much.
He knew that it was fine to change opinions on a certain topic, but to suddenly bring it up out of nowhere didn’t seem like a good idea and he was too stubborn to admit he actually was very much into oral. He had committed to the act of disliking it, now he had to stick with it.
However, this spying on you while you fucked yourself into oblivion and then sucked on your fingers to taste yourself became a habit. It happened just a bit too often for Jinho to be alright with it.
So one day when you were in the middle of a session and you were about to pull your fingers out of your hole, Jinho opened the door. The sound of the door closing again is what actually got your attention, seeing Jinho lean against the doorframe, a straight face plastered on his face. You could tell his eyes were focused on one thing: your fingers. As he approached your figure, he licked his lips and took your hand in his own before shoving your fingers in his mouth.
You could feel his tongue swirling around the three digits, reaching in between the fingers too, not leaving anything behind. His eyes were still fixated on yours, too into it to look at anything else. Once he licked your fingers clean, as if it was a lollipop, he slowly lowered his body to line up his mouth with your entrance. He looked up at you, mentally asking whether you were okay with this, but also seeming so innocent right before he was going to eat you out.
The moment you nodded, he shot out his tongue, attacking your folds. If you didn’t know Jinho beforehand, you would think he had eaten out dozens of others before you. But you were almost certain this was the first time he gave oral to someone, and you were impressed. He could tell you were, as you kept gasping over and over, repeating “fuck that’s good” and “keep going Jinho”.
You could feel his nose pressing into your folds as he darted his tongue inside your sopping cunt. The thought of his face being covered with your cum only turned you on more, causing you to be even wetter than you already were. “God Jinho, you’re - fuck - so good… I can’t be-believe this…” You exclaimed, to which the man between your legs hummed, causing more vibrations at your private part.
You were now nearing closure. “Fuck, I-I think I’m go-gonna cum,” you said, “Jinho, I’m so fu-fucking close…” Jinho, being some oral prodigy, knew it was a good idea to add his fingers into the mix, rubbing your nub while his tongue was still going in and out of your hole. This was the last straw. You had to give in, pleasure flooding your body and, as imagined, Jinho’s face being covered with your cum. As he rose from between your legs, you caught his tongue licking his lips, to get most of your essence in his mouth.
Suddenly coming back to Earth, Jinho realised what had just happened and stuttered: “M-maybe I do like oral”, with a sheepish grin on his face. You burst out laughing. Then you proposed an idea: “Well, now we know you like giving oral. But should we try and see if you like receiving too?”
“Get on your knees and we’ll find out.”
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