#jeremy fitzgerald x you
imalazypandaaa · 9 months
Welcome to the FNAF Au crew........Jimmy Fitzgerald!!!
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Again this art was done by my best friend @cinththewarlock!!! Jimmy is the stand in for Jeremy Fitzgerald from FNAF 2 and as you may or may not know he is speculated to be the victim of the bite of '87 so uh, take that as you will! He looks so cool! I am so happy about this!!
Btw! The tag for this Au is #you belong here fnaf x life series
(I wonder who Jimmy's talking to in the first image???)
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camo1000le · 4 months
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Jeremy is stronk and can carry a 2mts tall heavy man easily . I make the rules
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friday-the-400th · 1 year
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19!! yrs old :)
he/they pronouns
check here for my most latest and popular posts!
i do hcs and oneshots mostly, but i can do stories and such.
i like slasher, horror ,dsaf, dialtown, fnaf :3 i use tonetags and gifs mostly >.im just a silly :) i like memes and i do art sometimes XD
what i’ll write for:
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-dsaf (any characters)
-error 143 (✨micah yujin✨)
-diary of a Wimpy Kid movies (any characters)
-ash williams (i simp for that badass)
-supernatural (any characters)
-slasher/horror characters (any characters)
such as:
-Rusty Nail
-The Sinclair Brothers
-Micheal Myers
-Jason Voorhees
-Billy Loomis + Stu Macher (poly or not)
-Thomas Hewitt
-Brahms Heelshire
-Billy Lenz
-Asa Emory
-Hannibal Lecter
-Harry Warden
Candyman/Daniel Robitaille
-Jack Torrence
-Norman Bates
-Kurt Kunkle
-Carrie White
-Tiffany Valentine
-Jennifer Check -whatever one you want, bro
_-------------------------------------------------_ new! -mike schmidt -scott pilgrim (any characters) -john wick -stranger things -saw (any of them excluding the new movie, because i haven't seen it yet.) -otto octavius! -spider man characters! (any) -marvel!
(male readers only usually and gn (im not good at writing for women)
-hc reader (soft!, shy!, ect
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this is my Twitter btw https://twitter.com/aziraphalesbff
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poindexters-labratory · 3 months
Could we please have all of the Michael lore. All of it.
Or hallucinogenic fear gas....
:0!! Not the fear gas... Not again...
Oh goodness, all of the Michael lore?? Well, you are indeed in for a storm (pun intended) :3 It will be in bullet points for optimal reading
Part One covers everything from Wild Cat to the end of Before the Storm <3
CW for mentions of trauma, emotional neglect, homophobia, assault, underage drinking, and child death
Michael is part of the early X generation, being born June 15, 1965.
Was a very sweet little boy growing up, making friends quickly and taking teasing not too seriously.
Was a momma's boy but was enamored with his father's inventions and ideas.
Hated getting a little brother, per trying to figure out all kinds of ways to get rid of Evan (he was seven years old and very jealous of the attention)
Getting a little sister was much easier because he was older and liked looking after her.
Had a permanent grudge against his mother because of his parents' divorce, her taking away his sister, and flying across the ocean, leaving Michael and his brother behind
Getting into those teenage years, he was definitely one of the town troublemakers and seemingly had a burning hatred for his family. His father was... odd, his mother abandoned him, and his brother was an annoying little shit.
He had two friends his sophomore year of high school, Percy and Tulio. Tulio was a kid kinda like Michael, an outcast of sorts, and Percy was a new neighbor from down his street who eventually made his way to the football team.
He met Tulio through his English class and William sent Michael to greet the new neighbors by himself with a pie, meeting Percy while introducing himself.
The three of them are seen together often at parties, restaurants, and school events, they are best friends, getting into trouble, disappearing for hours, the two boys becoming essentially a part of the Afton family. William cared for Percy and Tulio like his own kids. It takes a village.
The fourth member of their group was a boy from the next town over that Percy came from, named Sam. Sam was a member of the Church of Latter-Day Saints and Mike and Tulio were very unsure of him for a while. Sam and Percy's families were friends, but they were not. Very much not. But they pretty soon became friends after Sam's mother sent him to stay with Percy's family.
Michael often butts heads with people of authority, his father not really much of an authoritative figure in his life, but he doesn't do well in the presence of teachers, school officials, police, or Henry.
Michael was a very smart kid, but he just didn't like school. He was able to get his grades high enough to pass, but he never wanted to excel. That wasn't the sort of attention he desired.
He was an artist though, but through his teenage years, he kept that more on the downlow. Didn't really want anyone to know.
Mike might've been smart, but he wasn't a good kid to his dad. He would smoke, drink, badmouth William, steal his car, and bully a wide range of people, even his own brother and father.
After his father's accident, his behavior both got better and worsened. He started treating his dad with more respect and kindness, but also envied the attention he got.
William tried to combat Michael's emotions toward his lack of attention with love bombing him, including impulsively buying Michael a sports car for his seventeenth birthday.
Michael had gotten so talented at art at this point in time, to the point that his paintings and figure drawings had been shown in state fairs, so he had plans to attend college in California as an art major. Henry wanted him to stay in-state, but Will pushed for him to leave. Possibly some projection.
His senior year, Michael found out he was bisexual because of Jeremy Fitzgerald, a childhood friend of his that moved away to California and came back senior year of high school.
He found him very attractive and at first, he had no idea what to do or what the feelings were. So, for a bit, Mike ended up having a strange one-sided hatred for Jeremy. They ended up dating after that short bit.
Late that year, he discovered his dad was gay, and didn't really know how to feel about that information, confiding in Jeremy with the secret.
Sigggh, Jeremy then confided that information with the rest of their school. The problem with that is that there was already a lot of dangerous speculation that William is a gay man. He already got in enough hot water as a feminine person. If anything happened to Michael's father now, after his life-threatening accident, Michael's heart wouldn't be able to take it.
Jeremy and Michael break-up after Mike brutally physically fights him in school after finding out the source of the gossip. Jeremy gets sent to the hospital because of this fight. William pays for Jeremy's hospital bill and no charges are pressed against Michael.
Michael's attitude takes a sharp turn the second half of his senior year of high school. He felt betrayed and let down once again. He became increasingly aggressive, apathetic, unsympathetic, and had a general disregard for his own safety and the safety of others.
Henry wanted to send Michael to a military school to whip him into shape, but William strictly forbode it.
His friends tag along in his behavior, much too intimidated and fearful to say much of anything about it.
The main victim of this behavior was Evan, who became a fun target because of his elevated paranoia and anxiety after the events of his father's accident.
William was too gentle with Michael for his own good, and a bit terrified with Michael's recent behavior. He could've tried to mediate the situation better, but he was still recovering from his accident both physically and mentally. On top of that, he had to work in both Fredbear's and Freddy's interchangeably, managing the locations (Remember the tasks in FFPS, that's basically the jobs Will had to do, minus murderous animatronics).
The week leading up to Evan's twelfth birthday, Michael gets increasingly more jealous of the attention his little brother was receiving. Michael's behavior gets worse and worse throughout the week, William away, preparing for Evan's party, but able to keep an eye on his young son with the help of the Fredbear CCTVs.
It all comes to a head on Evan's birthday where he, Percy, Sam, and Tulio put him in the Fredbear animatronic's mouth, it's programming and the air pressure build-up causing Evan's skull to crack under said pressure, and he has a seizure while still in Fredbear's mouth.
A few nights later, Evan passes away from an inoperable brain aneurysm. William and Michael are devastated.
After Evan's death, Michael and his father only got into more heated arguments more often. Michael blamed himself for what happened and couldn't stand to be around his father much longer as he watched him deteriorate into a shell of a human being.
So, he stayed until just after he finished high school, per his father's request, and then he got the hell out of there. Packed up his necessities in his car and left his father to himself, alone in their home. And he drove all the way to Los Angeles.
He heard about Charlie's murder from his father that fall of 1983, but he couldn't bear himself to go back to that town for the funeral of another child he thought of as a member of his family. He should've never went back at all.
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koko-doodle · 8 months
Demon Vamp AU: Chapter 1
Heyo! I’m excited to share this FNAF x Undertale story mash up with you guys, I think it will be quite a doozy. This is the humble beginnings of your tragic life when everything changed. There are some depictions of violence (fighting monsters) but the most graphic scene of this chapter involves decapitating a hellhound. Nothing explicit, I’d say it’s like PG to PG13ish. I don’t write gore stuff, grosses me out but this is just a warning in case it might bother someone.
Summary: 500 years ago monsters were banished to a deep crater called The Pit and confined by an impenetrable barrier. About 450 years later, the barrier is suddenly no longer in tact and humans are once again fighting against the monsters. You are a knight, a protector of humanity but you died one dreadful night near the barriers edge where you shouldn’t have been. Strangely, you wake up not dead, in a place unfamiliar to you, and under the “protection” of demon-vampire brothers. After confronting your new reality, you end up facing the obstacles of deciding what is really true and what was a lie.
Chapter 2: Life Anew
Words: 3,841
AO3 Link or continue down bellow
“This is a bad idea Jeremy” you state nervously, thumbing the hilt of a small knife that rested in its sheath at your hip.
“Oh come on, you need to learn to live a little. Nothings happened for two weeks, I think those monsters have given up on this town.” Your partner replied triumphantly.
“Just because nothing HAS happened doesn’t mean nothing WILL.” You emphasize.
“Ugh, you’re no fun when you’re focused.” Jeremy grumbles, rolling his eyes before he forges ahead.
“Focused on keeping us alive, we wouldn’t want to be caught unaware of any monsters lurking in the dark you know.” You rebutted and watched him wave an annoyed hand at you without turning around. You shake your head with a slight chuckle, if there was anything you knew about your partner it was that he, Jeremy Fitzgerald, was as stubborn and determined as they come. He was committed to crossing into enemy territory just to get a glimpse of any creatures lurking around the edge of The Pit. His plans always seemed like he was trying to get you both killed, or worse, captured.
Your enemies were not exactly known for being the most kind to humans, you had been taught about the horrors of the War of Ages that came to an end just over 500 years ago. Monsters and humans never got along very well before the war but when the monsters decided they were the superior race, humanity was on the brink of being enslaved. You grew up knowing the story by heart; how a brave group of warriors, inventors, and sorcerers brought their talents together to fight against the monsters and free those humans who had been in bondage. They founded the Knights of the Dawn Age, noble warriors who fought against monsters for the freedom of humans. Humans could never truly eradicate the monsters however, so they were sealed in the deepest pit by a barrier that no monster could cross. Lives were sacrificed to create the barrier but in the end, humans prevailed.
Or so humanity thought.
About fifty years ago around the time your parents would have been born, there were reports of monsters attacking villages located near the outskirts of the barrier. It was thought to be a rumor at first but when attacks started happening more often and with undeniable video evidence, it became clear the barrier was no longer intact and that monsters did in fact exist. The Knights of the Dawn Age never dispersed after the original war, their knowledge and artifacts were passed down from generation to generation and the role of a Knight was opened to any who sought to protect humanity from threats. The continual advancements in technology were preparing humans for the day monsters might return and all that preparation was proving effective in the current growing war, however, humans were not the only ones who had been finding new ways to arm themselves for battle. With a new war came new threats in the form of new monsters unknown to humans, deadlier than before. While the sorcerers and inventors sought to find a way to repair the barrier, humanity still needed protection from the ravenous beasts emerging from The Pit.
As you both walked through the dark night, the only sounds you heard were gravel shifting from your footsteps and the peaceful melody of crickets singing. This forest was just outside a small town and was a beautiful place, despite being so dangerous. Your thoughts shifted to the day you were enlisted into the Knights of the Dawn Age. You were merely an orphan whose parents had been killed by a monster raid while they were attacking your village. You had nowhere to go, no one to turn to, that is when a Knight brought you back to the capital city at the heart of the mainland and you began your training. You trained hard, learned everything you could about every race of monster including the new ones, and passed every test you were given. You were a good warrior, a well trained soldier, and loyal to the Knights of the Dawn. Some thought you were too invested into your role as a Knight, unhealthily loyal, but no one could ever understand your drive to please those who had saved your life and given you purpose. You fought hard because you wanted to ensure that no child would have to grow up in fear or without parents like you had.
“Hey, earth to the killjoy” Jeremy says, elbowing you in the ribs to snap you out of your thoughts. “You okay?”
“I’m fine” you reply, you hadn’t realized how much time that had passed in silence. “Just wondering how I always get stuck with you on your ‘I’m trying to get us killed’ expositions.”
“How rude! I wouldn’t call them that, they are explorative expositions! Knowledge is power you know, the more we have the better. Besides, how many times have we really been that close to death huh?” He pauses and shakes his head. “Don’t answer that…” You stifle a laugh.
“And what exactly are we looking for tonight Indiana Jones?” You tease.
“Well, Laura Croft” he teases back, “we are on a reconnaissance mission. Looking for clues or hints to any recent monster activity.”
“Yeah right, you just want to see the edge of The Pit don’t you? There could be monsters guarding it, you know. That’s why the Council warned against anyone going near it. Or did you already forget that rule after training?”
“Maybe” he nods slightly, “but aren’t you at least a liiiittle bit curious as to what it looks like? I mean come on, there’s a giant black hole in the ground that spans for miles and you don’t want to see it? What’s wrong with you.” He argues playfully.
“I don’t have a death wish, unlike you.” You say, smacking him lightly against the back of the head, to which he flinches and laughs. “Haven’t you ever heard of the saying ‘curiosity killed the cat’? We are supposed to be on night patrol around town, not the woods outside of town.”
“So we’re taking a little detour, no one will even know we left. Unless you tell them of course because-“ he begins walking backwards in front of you holding his hand against his forehead like a distraught maiden and his voice shifts to a high pitched tone in an attempt to mimic you. “‘It is my duty to please the Knights of the Dawn Age. All I want is for them to recognize my skills as a valiant knight and dub me a member of the Barrons.’”
“Ha ha very funny.” You shove him lightly away from you, resisting a giggle at his horrible attempt to make you loosen up. He moves to walk beside you and pulls your hand up to his chest by his heart.
“‘Then maybe I’ll finally get Mike Schmidt, my best friend and the man of my dreams, to notice me because I’m too much of a wuss to tell him how I feel” he continues.
“Oh shut up Jer!” You playfully shout and sneak your foot in front of his, causing him to trip forward and face plant right into the dirt. You find yourself giggling at the thud sound he makes when he hits the ground.
“Ouch.” He grumbles, rolling onto his back and staring back up at you with a very fake looking frown. “Betrayed by my own partner and tossed into the dirt, how could you?”
“Maybe next time you’ll learn not to bring up topics I wish I had never told you.” You remark, bending over his head to block his view of the tree line.
“Double ouch! I’m your partner! I’m supposed to know everything about you, its protocol!” He disputed as he sat up and started brushing the dirt off his chest.
“I think you’re confusing professional and personal again. The rule is to know your partner’s skills, not secrets.” You jested.
“I disagree, how are you supposed to sync with your partner if you don’t know everything that defines them as a person. Knowing your crush falls under that category, for your information.” He refutes.
“Just stop talking, please.” You grumbled but the distant sound of a twig snapping attracts your attention.
“I don’t get what the big deal is about personal stuff with you-” He says, standing up to wipe the rest of the dirt off.
“Stop talking.” You interrupt, your eyes searching the dark trees for any movement.
“Sharing how you feel does not make you weak, it makes you human.” He added.
“Shut up Jeremy.” You quickly respond, your posture tensing up.
“I’m not done, and I’m saying this as your friend and not your partner. I think-“
“Jeremy!” You whisper shout, slapping a hand over his mouth and holding up a finger to hush him. He follows your gaze as you both scan the area around you.
“Oh no, you are not doing this to me again. Are you just trying to get out of the conversation?” He whispers after removing your hand.
“Shhh! Listen.” Your eyes don’t leave an area behind you, straining your vision to pick up any movement.
“I don’t hear anything.” He retorts, frustrated.
“Exactly. The crickets stopped…” You quietly unsheath the spear like weapon on your back, the retractable hilt extending to its full length making it a foot taller than you. “It's dead silent in the middle of a forest at night.”
Jeremy seems to realize the situation and slowly draws his sword from its sheath. You move into a back to back formation, preparing for an attack from any direction. What felt like minutes was only a matter of seconds when a dark figure jumps out from behind a bush and launches itself at Jeremy. He quickly dodges the beast and turns to slash at its legs. The beast lets out a horrible screech while it turns to face you both. The creature was four legged and about the size of a large Great Dane, it’s skin looked like dried lava rock with spikes protruding from the spine while the head held the skull of a dog but with ears. The creature growled and its chest, eyes, and mouth began to glow red and yellow hues like magma heating up beneath the skin.
“Hellhounds!” You exclaim as three more emerge from the bushes at full speed, snarling grotesquely with every step.
“Aw come on!!!” Jeremy shouts raising his sword and activating the plasma edge of the blade, the sword edge began to glow a dark red. “I was in the middle of a serious conversation and you just had to ruin the moment!!!”
You activate the plasma blade on your own weapon, the blade extending to make the cutting edge of the weapon twice as large as its original form. You swing the glaive around in front of you and slice the face of a hellhound as it launches at you, missing your side by a matter of inches. You flow into another attack and catch the ribs of another beast while it runs past you, falling to its side and sliding into a nearby tree. Jeremy swings his sword and severs the legs off of one beast and twists into another maneuver, blocking the claws of a second hound from digging into his side. You bash the head of that beast with the end of your glaive and send it rolling away a few feet, you jab your glaive straight on into the chest of one going after your partner for a second time and rip it out as the beast crashes to the ground.
“Well this is turning out to be an exciting night, huh!” Jeremy hollers, catching his breath.
“That is not the word I would use!” You exclaim, examining the four bodies surrounding you. You pant, your heart racing with the adrenaline kicking into your system. The four lump creatures begin to shift as molten lava oozes from their wounds and reforms their bodies, they stand up and bark threateningly at you both.
“Ugh, we could be here all night! I forget these things don’t die easily!” Jeremy complains, raising his sword to prepare for more attacks from the beasts. “Could be worse I guess, at least there’s only four.” As you both defend yourself from the gnashing teeth and claws coming towards you, two more emerge from the dark from behind a tree.
“You just had to ask, didn’t you…” You accused, whacking away the jaws of a hound before it bit you.
The hounds all make their moves, lunging, dashing, and gnawing in an attempt to get their prey but you and your partner were always faster than them and anticipated every attack. Some hounds would fall to what seemed like fatal wounds but would get back up moments later completely healed, snarling with more ferocity. You both fought with equal fierceness however, returning every attack they gave with a plasma blade embedded into some area of their body. Their attacks began to slow but the hellhounds showed no sign of retreat anytime soon. One was too focused on Jeremy and came inches away from biting his arm but with a swift move you managed to sever its head before its teeth could make contact with his skin. Its body fell to the ground and began fading into ash as it died, the ash flying away in the breeze.
“Whatever you do, do not let one bite you Jer! A scratch is excruciating but a bite will kill you!” You shout in a panic.
“I know, I know! Let’s just get rid of these things already!” He hollers back.
It is not easy to kill a hellhound but it is not impossible either as you just proved. The hellhound has to be weak enough or else a blade will not cut through the neck completely. Difficult, exhausting, and incredibly dangerous to do; there was a reason people nicknamed them devil dogs, most don’t survive the attacks unharmed. You had the advantage of being together but the odds would have been better if there were at least three of you. There were still five hellhounds left fighting and getting a shot at their neck without being bit was a task within itself. You managed to pin one down with your glaive as Jeremy brought his sword down like a guillotine and sliced the head clean from the body. You pulled your weapon away as the beast began fading but were tackled to the ground by a leap from one of the remaining creatures.
The beast snarled and growled viciously while you held the pole of your glaive in its mouth to prevent it from biting you. The stench of its breath smelled like burnt flesh and radiated heat, you could see the metal from your weapon begin to glow as it was being superheated by the mouth of the beast. You tried to toss the creature to the side and off of you but it stood firm. You had a moment of relief when Jeremy kicked it off you with as much force as he could muster and sent it rolling to a skid a few feet away. Your partner reached out a hand to help you up but was tackled just before you could grasp it.
“Jeremy!!!” You shout in horror while you watched him struggle on the ground. By the time you got to your feet, the beast had somehow gotten its claws through a small area of his leg armor and was digging them into his skin. He shouted out in pain, defending his upper body from the ravenous bitting with his sword firmly embedded into the neck of his attacker. You rushed over and skewered the hound in the chest so hard it was almost sliced in half, its body slumped just beside Jeremy as his hand quickly fell to the wound on his leg.
“You’re okay it’s just a scratch, you'll be fine! You gotta get up!” You exclaim, looking around to see the four hounds recovering from their current wounds. Jeremy just lay there shouting through gritted teeth and you did your best to help him up but he seemed consumed by the pain.
“Hey, we have about sixty seconds before they recuperate and come back for another round. They should relent soon, they can’t have that much fight left in them. Come on, get up!”
“It hurts….” He hissed.
“I know but you can do this! We are not going to die here, you hear me?!” You grab his arm and wrap it around your neck in an effort to help lift him from the ground. He shouts out in pain but you both manage to get him standing, his hand still shakily holding his leg. You get him stabilized enough to stand on his own and hand him his weapon. “We’re gonna get through this, I promise. I’ll carry you back to town when this fight is over and you can tease me all you want then, but right now I need you to-“
You began to say but were suddenly dragged to the ground by your leg. A hellhound with a partially healed back had your limb in its mouth and was dragging you away. Luckily your armor prevented its teeth from getting a hold on your skin but you could feel indents forming in the metal where teeth should be. You kicked at its head with your other foot and its grip on you loosened enough for you to remove your leg and scurry to your feet but just before you fully stood up the creature lunged at you knocking you forward onto your stomach. As you tried to catch your breath that is when you felt it. A burning, excruciating searing pain began to radiate from your shoulder. You screamed but no sound escaped your throat, you were paralyzed from the pain that was starting to spread to your whole body. You felt like you were burning from the inside out, you knew you needed to get out of the grip of your attacker but your muscles wouldn’t respond no matter how hard you tried. Suddenly the source of pain was ripped from your shoulder and sent crashing into another hound, yelping loudly in the process. You felt a pair of hands roll you onto your back and the figure of Jeremy loomed over you, fear and pain covering his expression.
“J-Jer…” was all you managed to get out. You felt tears welling up in your eyes uncontrollably and streak down your face while you looked slowly down to your shoulder. The distinct shape of a bite mark covered the armor and the metal indents from the teeth marks were glowing from the super heated metal. You grunted in pain from simply trying to move your hand. Everything still burned, your muscles, your bones, even your skin started to feel like it would melt off.
“No… it didn’t. Please tell me it didn’t.” He asks, panic filling every word. You grit your teeth hard and force yourself to sit up. The more you moved, the more painful it became but you tried to collect yourself and form a solid sentence while you stared at your horrified partner.
“G-Go… You need to go, g-get out of here.” You stutter.
“What?! No! You told me we weren’t going to die here!” He exclaims.
“WE aren’t, I am… You can still make it back to town.” You use him as a crutch while you both stand up unsteady and shaking. He holds onto your forearms tightly, refusing to let
“I am not going anywhere, I won’t abandon my partner!” His grip tightens.
“I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. GET. BACK. TO. TOWN.” You hiss.
“N-No! I can’t! We stick together, that's the first rule of being a knight!”
“I’m already dead Jeremy!!!” You holler, the physical and mental pain clouding your ability to think straight. “There’s no reason for you to die too, just GO!” You rip your arms from his grasp and grab both of your weapons, connecting the hilts together.
“But I-“ He takes a step back, every emotion crossing over his expression all at once and his breathing beginning to sound more like gasping for air. He watches the four remaining hellhounds shifting as they heal, moments away from attacking again. “I can’t! You can’t-!”
“Hey” you said, locking eyes with him. “It’s okay. I’ll make sure they don’t follow you.” The weapon in your hand shifts as it interlocks itself together forming a dual ended spear. “You were the best partner I could have ever had, don’t forget that okay?”
Jeremy collects himself and straightens his posture, he gives you a knight’s salute with a shaky hand. “Fight with honor…” he quavered.
“Die with glory.” You nod and watch as he runs away limping.
You dropped your weapon, breathing hard but it honestly felt like you weren’t breathing at all. You limp over to a tree and lean against it as you slide to the ground, watching the last pile of ash fade in the wind. You coughed, the taste of blood and tears filled your mouth but you didn’t care. You had managed to slay every hellhound, you fought with everything you had left and survived despite scratches and bite marks covering your entire body. Jeremy got away safe, he was alive and that was all you cared about. The searing pain had faded into complete numbness after the adrenaline in your body went into overdrive while you slayed the first hellhound by yourself. The other three were easier since you could barely feel anything they did to attack you.
The numbness was slowly fading into heaviness. Everything started to feel like it was turning to stone, your limbs feeling heavier and heavier with each passing second. Your heart rate was slowing down fast while your shaky breathing became shallow. This was it. This was the end. The hellhound bite was quickly shutting all your organs down, not that your other injuries weren’t contributing to your death as well. Your vision began to blur and the ringing in your ears began to fade but you vaguely made out the shape of a figure approaching you. The black figure moved slowly, closer and closer to you.
If that’s you Jeremy I’m going to come back as a ghost and haunt you for the rest of your life. You say, or at least attempted to say if any part of your body still worked. You grunted softly while one last cough escaped your chest just as the figure approached you, they bent down and lifted your chin. You heard the figure speak but by this point your lungs refused to take in any more oxygen and your heart made its last attempt to keep you alive.
Everything faded to black.
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hearts401 · 4 months
Hot take: Vanessa x Luis > Vanessa x Tape Girl. Nothing about Luis is creepy and Tape Girl might as well not even be a character.
you saying this to me of all people is funny. I've literally always stood by vanessa being a lesbian LMAO.
I won't say Luis is even like. Intentionally creepy. But his priorities are skewed and I think he's a bit selfish. He just comes off as awkward and a little obnoxious. She is looking up torture methods maybe your first instinct shouldn't be to ask her out on a date. Try being her friend first.
Also literally half the fnaf characters are just like tape girl. She has more characterization then Jeremy Fitzgerald lmao
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slimeystimboards · 3 months
Hi!! Could you do a stimboard of Jeremy Fitzgerald from FNAF with the color yellow and retro stuff? Thanks!!
Jeremy Fitzgerald (FNAF) Stimboard!!!
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mitsvriii · 11 months
TW’s: Mentions of death, William Afton, cursing
Pairings: Michael Afton x reader, Glamrock Freddy x reader?, past Michael Afton x Jeremy Fitzgerald, slight Glamrock Freddy x Glamrock Bonnie
Reader type: Can be any but reader uses gender neutral pronouns
Word Count: 1.3k+
A/N: the urge to write lookalike like look-a-like, i hate putting Michael and William’s names in the same color, Glammike Au, yes William is his own trigger warning even if he’s only mentioned as “father” like once, i screwed with the timeline to fit the story, Michael’s a dumbass but we love him, humanoid animatronics because i can’t describe animatronics for the life of me, Glamrock Bonnie is silly goofy, might make a short series of this if it does good, Glamrock Bonnie’s personality and design is not accurate as he is not in-game, Glamrock Bonnie makes Bugs Bunny references because he’s like that, i wrote this during a hyperactive swing so it’s gonna be quirky
Michael remembers. Something that he’s never been fond of. He remembers his siblings, his parents, friends, old jobs, animatronics, souls, his old lovers. The memories fade in and out, something he blames on the programming in the stupid human form of an animatronic.
Don’t get him wrong, he didn’t hate it. But it was tiring to say the least. Having to put on shows with kids climbing and clinging onto you, it always brought him back to when Elizabeth would clutch onto him. Begging him to convince his father to let her near Circus Baby.
But at least the rest of the animatronics made it manageable. Glamrock Chica always made bubbly jokes, Roxanne gave decent good advice, Monty was…well Monty. And then there was Glamrock Bonnie.
He reminded Michael of Jeremy to an extent, he even gave him the nickname “Bon”. Bon cracked jokes and had the sense of humor that Michael could stand. He gave him cheeky smiles and seemed to beam whenever he showed up near the bowling area. If Michael didn’t know any better he’d assume Bon liked him.
But whenever Michael contemplated asking him of his feelings, his mind traced back to you and Jeremy. Although it was mostly you. Michael had dated Jeremy on and off until he died after being bit by Mangle. He then somehow found comfort in you.
You two had met up somehow when he moved in your neighborhood after he moved away from his birth state. You had lived in the neighborhood for a while, and he learned early on that you were quite a busy bee.
He remembers how you brought him over some cookies as a housewarming gift, apologizing in advance if he didn’t like the flavor. He simply brushed it off and took them anyways.
Your visits got more frequent to the point were you two become close friends. You would stay over at his house to watch “The Immortal and The Restless” with him, not quite understanding why he seemed to be so obsessed with the show.
But despite your jests and teases you always stayed and watched every episode with him. He seemed to enjoy your company, always managing to fall asleep with his head on your shoulder.
He was cute when he sleep, although you never told him that until later on when you two were together. You had a habit with playing with his hair, running your hand through his chocolate locks.
Throughout the numerous compliments and flirts about his appearance, you never said anything about his eyes for some reason. He found that weird but didn’t push it. Maybe it was another quirk of yours.
The rest of the memories of you were blurry. He could never make out a full memory of you two while he was working at Circus Baby’s, nor when you two got together. He does remember how tightly you hugged after he showed up a few days after retching up Ennard. Not caring about the smell or the fact he was a corpse now.
He was evem more surprised when you still stayed with him when he blandly told you about his new condition. He remembers how things seemed to get rougher in your relationship, between his quest to free all of the souls and the frequent night shifts.
He let out a chuckle as he thought back on the face you made when he told you he burned down a building with his dad in it. You didn’t seem to know whether to laugh or scold him.
Burn down a building….
He frowned as the thought crossed his mind. The last fire he started was the one that quite literally turned his life upside down. His soul must have been stuck in some sort of coma because he doesn’t know how long it had been.
One minute he was burning, ready to go see ve with his siblings and mother, leaving his father behind and the next he was being tested for malfunctions. He wondered if you were even still alive. He would go look but it’s not like he could leave.
And god forbid he try to ask around for information about you. If you were dead he’d be seen as a lunatic and if you weren’t nobody would probably know who you were. For all he knew you might not be even living here anymore.
Michael jumped as he felt a finger tap his shoulder, he turned to glance at who poked him. Bon was stood there with furrowed brow, a lip tugged between his teeth as he chewed on it nervously. A pet peeve Michael picked up on his first week as Glamrock Freddy.
“Are you okay? You seemed…off”, Bon spoke, tilting his head a little, “Did you not get your software update done last night?”
Bon’s joke seemed to do little to help with Michael’s mood, causing him to frown. His jokes always helped him, even if it was a little bit, so why not now?
“Fred? You good?”
Good, Michael hadn’t been “good” since he was with you. Bon sighed before shifting closer to Michael, peering at him with curious and worried eyes. “Fred? Anyone in there?”
Michael shifted his eyes back from the floor to Bon’s, a blush of embarrassment covering his face as he realized his lack of response. He shifted back a little, causing the humanoid bunny’s ears to droop a little. Though he quickly covered it up.
”Say Bon…do you know a {name} {last name}?”
“Uh”, Bon chewed on his lip again as he seemed to rack his brain for answers, “Not really? Actually I’m gonna give it to ya straight doc I don’t.”
“Right”, Michael sighed as he leaned against the wall. He looked around the Pizzaplex, his eyes seemed to dim. Bon said nothing as he leaned against the wall beside him, hesitantly grabbing Michael’s hand as an act of comfort.
“Are they uh, are they your friend or?…”
Michael opened his mouth to speak but he couldn’t seem to get the words out. What was he to say anyways? Hey my name’s actually Michael Afton and I’m possessing this humanoid animatronic. My dad’s a serial killer and my family’s dead.
“Bon do you trust me?”
“With my life”, the response was almost immediate and his grip on Michael’s hand seemed to tighten.
“I need to tell you something”, Michael glanced at Bon before releasing his hand, motioning for him to follow, “C’mon, we’ll go to my “room”.”
If someone were to search up a picture to match the word flabbergasted, Glamrock Bonnie’s current face would show up. He was gaping like a fish out of water at him, shifting on the orange couch.
Bon let out a dry laugh, “You uh, you sure are funny doc I’ll give you that. Seems like you really did miss that software update.”
Bon only chuckled nervously at Michael’s blank expression. A low and long sigh leaving him at the sight of it. “Okay Michael…so what do you want me to do with this information?”
“I want you to help me find out about {name}, just anything at all. You could ask Vanessa, you two are close.”
Bon raised an eyebrow as he got off of the couch, stretching, “She hates me. And she’s always looking at me like she wants to kill me or something. It’s weird.”
“I’ll help you the best I can Fred, but it’s only a matter of time before like, you’ll have to spill the beans”, Bon walked over and gave Michael’s shoulder a playful punch, “I’ll report back in a few sergant.”
Bon mock-saluted before leaving the room, leaving Michael alone once again. A sigh left him as he watched Bon almost hop away from the window. He could only hope that he would return with good news.
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astramachina · 1 month
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Speeding across the country, in somebody else's car Keeping a book of secrets, and taking it too far (x)
Ricky's has got a handful of secrets:
The eyesore of a 'magenta' car he drives is stolen.
His college degree is a forgery.
The blood on his jacket is Definitely His Own.
And he's never forgiven the owners of that old pizzeria for the events of '87. After all, that was his little brother's head inside the jaws of a mechanical monster.
Here's all you need to know about Ricky Kronbach and his terrible, horrible, no good, very bad life courtesy of an extensive list of extremely bad decisions.
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A movie!verse OC (in a "what if the games somehow still happened in the movie!verse but the dates were slightly altered" type of AU; ie the bite of '87 still occurred but rather than Jeremy Fitzgerald getting chomped, it was MCI!Jeremy)
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"He said he could bring Jeremy back." "Jeremy's been gone a decade." "But what if he can? What if it's possible?"
Born September 9th, 1972 to Mary and John Kronbach in Great Falls, Minnesota. As the oldest of two kids he's both stubborn and protective, the former by instinct and the latter by necessity. With John's violent outbursts and propensity to gamble away most of the family income, and Mary's neglect in response to Ricky acting as a "tomboy" from a young age, home life for the Kronbach siblings was less than stellar.
To catch a break, Ricky would get into his allowance and bike down to Freddy's with his little brother Jeremy in tow. It happened often enough that multiple servers and one of the owners' daughters knew them by name. But late one Friday in November of 1987, tragedy came rushing up to meet the Kronbach's when Jeremy, aided by the owner's daughter, requested to see the Bonnie animatronic up close. No one exactly knows how the nine-year-old managed to get his head stuck between its jaws, triggering the springlock mechanism that killed him.
Following these events, John blamed Ricky for the death of his "only son" and unleashed a reign of terror on the teenager that would only end in further tragedy. When questioned about the events that took place during "The Christmas Massacre of '87", Ricky would claim to have been asleep during his parents' murder. At no point does he confide in anyone about the night terrors that lead up to the event—of the 7ft tall, striped marionette that led him towards the knife block on the kitchen counter.
The night terrors continue well into adulthood, even after his suspension from MSU's post-grad program, when he threatened one of his professors and picked fights with several classmates for unspecified reasons. With a criminal record and infamy attached to his family name, Ricky is forced to seek professional help when no one would employ him.
In the Spring of 1996, Ricky meets his career counselor, Steve Raglan, who offers him a night security gig. Ricky turns down the opportunity, and upon exiting the office he notices a magenta Chevrolet that seems familiar. Disconcerted that he can't pinpoint where he's seen it before, Ricky decides to skip town and start a new life altogether, as far away from his past as possible.
"I'm thinking Anaheim. Become an Imagineer. Someone who puts a smile on kids' faces, y'know?"
Strangely enough, in a Denny's out in the Middle of Nowhere, Colorado over a year later, he comes across the same car, the same career counselor, and Ricky is now certain "Steve Raglan" isn't who he claims to be.
"Steve Raglan" knows the name Kronbach, knows about Ricky's past and his impressive academic record, so he makes him one more offer the young man can't possibly refuse: if Ricky helps him finish an old project him and his old business partner set out to create in the 80s, then "Steve" can bring Ricky's brother back from the dead.
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Some picrew references—altho! @/namonaki-arts took these references and brought him to life in chibi form.
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Does this look like a man who'd team up with a serial killer to bring back his dead brother who may or may not have been a victim of said serial killer? Look at him. Does he look like someone with his own trail of dead bodies and stolen cars and also arson? P'shaw.
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mlp410nightcore · 25 days
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Hi Everyone!! Here are my FNAF ships for my Blossom Love AU. We've got Mike Schmidt X Jeremy Fitzgerald, Vincent Afton AKA Purple Guy X Dark MLP ( My MLP Persona's Alter Ego) and Fritz Smith X Scott AKA Phone Guy. I have already made next gens for these guys and you guys can find them currently on my profile. Their kids names are Sasha-Mike and Jeremy's daughter, Leon-Vincent Afton AKA Purple Guy and Dark MLP's son and Odin-Fritz and Scott AKA Phone Guy's son. BTW I'm so sorry for how weird the hats look, but I'm not very good at drawing hats. At least I tried LOL. Credit goes to Miss-DumpAss for the base I used and to Scott Cawthon and Fandom Artist Rebornica for creating FNAF as well as the characters Mike Schmidt, Jeremy Fitzgerald, Vincent Afton AKA Purple Guy, Fritz Smith and Scott AKA Phone Guy ( Rebornica made the character designs and their personalities while Scott Cawthon made the actual characters) as well. I only take credit for my next gens and ocs, art, stories and the Blossom Love AU. I hope you guys like this!!!
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matrix-fnaf-roleplay · 2 months
M@tr!x's FNAF ask blog
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The purpose of this blog is to help me build up my AU a bit more
This is a blog where I talk about my FNAF AU and roleplay as literally any FNAF character! ^^
Asks are Always open, anons welcome!
Each color corresponds to the character speaking, text and/or two emojis will also be added at the end of each text to help you see who's talking
(favorite characters to RP as: ennard, Cassidy, Abby, and Michael)
Human Characters-
William afton- 🐰🔪
Michael afton- 🍇🧟‍♂️ (past is 🦊🤘)
C.C./B.V.- 🧸🔦
Elizabeth Afton- 🍦🎀
Henry Emily- 🔧🐻
Charlie Emily- 🎭🪀
Mike Schmidt- 💤💊
Abby Schmidt- 🖍️♥️
Garret Schmidt- 👻🚘
Gregory- ⚡📦
Cassie- 🐺🔧
Cassidy- 🪦💛
Fritz- 🪦🦊
Gabriel- 🪦🐻
Susie- 🪦🐥
Jeremy- 🪦🐰
Jeremy fitzgerald- 🧠🤘
Vanessa- 🔦🔪
Phone guy- ☎️📰
Phone dude- 📞📼
Freddy- 🐻🎩
Bonnie- 🐰🎸
Chica- 🐥🧁
Foxy- 🏴‍☠️🦊
W. Freddy- ⚙️🐻
W. Bonnie- ⚙️🐰
W. Chica- ⚙️🐥
W. Foxy- ⚙️🦊
T. Freddy- 🪀🐻
T. Bonnie- 🪀🐰
T. Chica- 🪀🐥
Mangle- 💔🦊
Puppet- 💧🎭
Balloon boy- 🎈🎉
•Phantoms + springtrap
P. Freddy- 👻🐻
P. Chica- 👻🐥
P. Foxy- 👻🦊
P. Balloon boy- 👻🪀
P. Puppet- 👻🎭
Springtrap- 🫀🐰
Fredbear- 🗝️🐻
Springbonnie- 🗝️🐰
N. Freddy- 💭🐻
N. Bonnie- 💭🐰
N. Chica- 💭🐥
N. Foxy- 💭🦊
Nightmare fredbear- 🧸💭
Nightmare- 👹🐻
Nightmarionette- 🎭💭
Jack-o-chica- 🎃🐥
Jack-o-bonnie- 🎃🐰
Ignited foxy- 🔥🦊
Funtime freddy- 🐻🎉
Funtime foxy- 🦊🎉
Ballora- 🩰🎉
Circus baby- 🤡🎉
Bon-bon- 🐰🎉
Bonnette- 🐰🎀
Yenndo- 🔌🐻
Lolbit- 🦊📺
Hand unit- 🖥️🎉
Ennard- 🍹🎉
•Rockstars + others
R. freddy- ⭐🐻
R. Bonnie- ⭐🐰
R. Chica- ⭐🐥
R. Foxy- ⭐🦊
Security puppet- ⭐🎭
Mr. Hippo- 🦛⭐
Orville elephant- 🐘🪄
Happy frog- 🐸⭐
Pig patch- 🐷⭐
Neddbear- 🐻🤪
El Chip- 🦫🌮
Funtime chica- 🐥📸
Music man- 🕷️🎧
Helpy- 🧸📜
Scrapbaby- 🛼🤡
Scraptrap- 🗑️🐰
Molten freddy- 🍝🐻
Lefty- 🐻🎭
Glamrock freddy- 🐻⚡
Glamrock bonnie- 🐰⚡
Glamrock chica- 🐥⚡
Roxanne wolf- 🐺⚡
Montgomery Gator- 🐊⚡
Sun- 🃏☀️
Moon- 🌙🃏
Golden freddy- 💀🐻
Old man consequences- 🐊🎣
Vanny- 🐰🔦
Burntrap- 🔥⚡
Glitchtrap- 🐰🎮
Mimic- 🤖🔌
Shadow Bonnie- 🌑🐰
Shadow freddy- 🌑🐻
Eclipse- 🌙☀️
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imalazypandaaa · 7 months
What if when Jimmy died at the Fnaf 2 location (via Mangle) he also possessed an animatronic. I mean you'd have to be in extreme pain after getting your head chomped right? That would cause enough agony to infuse into the metal... Right? If CC's death caused enough agony to be in an animatronic then surely Jimmy's death would be too. If that's correct he would posses Mangle because Mangle killed him, maybe he can move his soul between the different fox animatronics since Mangle is more animalistic and not easy for him to control. What if he can possess every Foxy variant? Like Roxy, for example? Just a thought.
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starryyskies · 3 months
Can you do Michael Afton X Jeremy Fitzgerald rule 34 where Jeremy is dom and Michael is sub pls
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michael-aftonz · 6 months
guess who got back into writing omg... i finally finished this but bear with me, this was the first thing i've written that wasn't academic in literal years but Phew boy. this all stemmed from one single idea and my brain kinda exploded.
* vanessa is NOT an afton in this fic. if you believe/hc that she is, this is not the fic for you.
* i DO NOT ship michael and vanessa, anything that happens between them in this fic is platonic + helps to further the plot.
* i am a GAY MALE and can reclaim the f slur.
* this fic contains homophobia and several mentions of the F slur, if this makes you uncomfortable, please skip over this fic or read at your own risk.
* there are descriptions of parental abuse and manipulation. there are also descriptions of anxiety attacks. if these topics make you uncomfortable, please do not read or read at your own risk!
* this is supposed to be set in the early 1980s so i tried to fill it with pop culture from that time, if it seems inaccurate please let me know and i'll find an alternative!
word count: 10,333 words 😦
name: i honestly hadn't thought of one Whoops. if you have any ideas let me know!
characters: michael afton, jeremy fitzgerald, vanessa shelly, william afton and mrs. fitzgerald.
ships: michael afton x jeremy fitzgerald
The three childhood friends were hanging out as usual, playing a very intense game of “truth or dare.” However, things were not turning out the way Michael had hoped. It was his turn once again and his friend Vanessa had an evil grin that spread from ear to ear.
“Okay, Mikey,” she started, practically erupting with excitement, “truth or dare.”
Now, Michael was never one to turn down a dare. However, he felt that this would only end badly. But then again, when was he known to listen to his instincts?
Vanessa pretended to think for a moment before spouting out, “I've got it! You have to kiss everyone in this room.”
“Seriously, Van?” Michael rolled his eyes, but noticing that Vanessa was, indeed, serious he let out an exasperated groan. “Ugh, fine. But I better not find a polaroid of this on your wall later.”
Easy enough: all he had to do was kiss both Jeremy and Vanessa. No big deal. Besides, it wouldn't mean anything, right?
Michael scooted towards Vanessa first, who made quite a dramatic show of poking her lips out and pointing at them with her index finger. He leaned in and it was over without much further thought.
Now, he turned to his best friend - Jeremy Fitzgerald - and gave a little awkward smile.
“If this is too weird, Mike, I can have her give you another dare. I'm pretty sure she just wanted you to kiss her, anyway,” Jeremy spoke. He was always so considerate.
“It's only weird if you make it weird, man. Besides, a dare’s a dare.”
Michael took a deep breath and pressed a kiss onto Jeremy’s lips. However, this one was different than the previous one. While he felt nothing with Vanessa, his entire body felt like it had gotten set on fire. His heart rate quickened and suddenly the walls felt like they were close in around him. He couldn't breathe.
The only thing that jolted him back to reality was a familiar British voice going “Michael? Your siblings and I are back from the workshop.”
Michael quickly came back to his senses and backed away from Jeremy. He wiped his lips and made a show of being remotely disgusted.
“Ew, Jer, what did you eat? I swear, your breath smelled like salt and vinegar chips.” Michael teased, trying his hardest to make sure no one else noticed his racing heart. What he couldn't figure out, though, is why he had such a different reaction to Jeremy’s kiss than Vanessa's. Maybe, he thought, it's because it wasn't right. Yeah, I'm supposed to kiss girls - not boys. That's the only reasonable explanation; my brain is trying to rationalize why I'd kiss Jeremy of all people.
The night continued semi-peacefully, no other heart racing dares occurred - which Michael appreciated.
The day ended and Michael’s friends went home, leaving him to his thoughts. No matter how hard he tried, he kept thinking about the events from earlier in the day - more specifically, the kiss between Jeremy and himself. He grabbed his walkman, rewound the tape, and put the headphones over his ears. If he couldn't hear how loud his heart was beating, he could ignore the noise inside his head too. All he needed was to melt into the music. And to never confront this problem. Ever.
Michael drifted off into a fitful sleep - tossing and turning every second. His mind kept returning to his best friend’s kiss; the warmth he felt throughout his entire body, the loud beating of his heart, and the short moment where he could swear he felt Jeremy kiss back. It was all too much for him to handle right now. He needed to talk to someone. Normally, he'd call Jeremy and invite him over, but these circumstances were very different.
He sighed and walked to the landline before imputing the all too familiar number.
She picked up right away, which wasn't surprising.
“Mikey? Is something wrong?” Vanessa's voice sounded through the speaker, full of concern. Michael never called her this late.
“Hey, Ness.. I- uh.. Can you meet me at the park?” Michael whispered, trying his best not to worry his friend any more than he already had.
“Sure thing. But, Mikey, you need to tell me if something is wrong.”
“Yeah, yeah. I'll tell you when we get there, okay? It's… hard to explain.”
He didn't even wait on her reply before he hung up the phone and ran to grab his windbreaker. Carefully, he slid open the window and climbed through - making sure not to make any noise. Once he made it through, he silently closed the window all but a crack. He'd need to get back in somehow.
He noticed Vanessa's brightly colored sweater and walked over.
“Thanks for coming. I really needed someone to talk to.” He smiled slightly and pulled her into a hug.
“Of course. You can always talk to me, Mike.” Vanessa smiled back and motioned for the two of them to sit on the bench.
The two sat down and Michael exhaled.
“Vanessa, have you ever… Ugh. I don't know how to word this.” Michael started, slowly hiding his face in his hands.
Vanessa placed a reassuring hand on Michael’s shoulders and made a “go on” gesture.
“When you kiss someone, right, you're supposed to… I don't know. Feel something?” Michael continued - growing increasingly more frustrated.
“Typically, yes. If you like that person.” Vanessa replied, a curious look on her face. Could this be what she had hoped?
Michael took another deep breath.
“Vanessa, this might be a weird request.. But.. I need to know if I'm going crazy or not. I.. I need you to kiss me again.”
Vanessa looked at him like he'd just grown two heads.
“You're right, Mike. That is weird. You're being really weird right now.”
“Ness, I know it's strange. I need to test something. Please just do this one thing for me and I won't ask anything weird of you ever again.” Michael pleaded, looking towards his friend.
Vanessa thought for a moment before nodding. She leaned in and placed a small kiss on his lips. Michael waited patiently for something to happen and… Shit Nothing. No electricity, no loud heart beating. Michael pulled away and shrugged.
“Vanessa… You said you were supposed to feel something if you kissed someone you liked, right?” Michael spoke, pursing his lips together and debating if he should actually tell her what was on his mind.
“Mike, you're a great friend… But I don't see you that way,” Vanessa replied, placing a small hand on Michael’s shoulder in a sort of “let him down easy” gesture.
Michael couldn't help but laugh at this. “Vanessa.. I wasn't talking about our kiss. I.. uh.”
Vanessa looked incredibly confused and if she raised her eyebrow any more it might possibly leave her head.
“When.. when we played truth or dare.. Um.. and you told me to kiss everyone in the room.. Well. uh..” Michael stammered, trying to piece his thoughts together, “something.. Happened when I kissed Jeremy. It felt ‘different’ when we kissed than when I kissed him. It felt.. like lightning was coursing through my body. My heart felt like it was going to explode. It was so loud. And then with you.. There was nothing. I really just felt like you needed some chapstick..” He rambled on, looking down and fidgeting with the zipper on his windbreaker.
Vanessa looked oddly relieved that Mike wasn't confessing his feelings for her.
“Mikey, it sounds to me that you might have yourself a little crush on our friend Jerry.” She smiled and patted her friend on the back.
“That's the problem.. I'm not supposed to,” Michael sighed, placing his head into his hands once again, “do you have any idea how my Dad would react if he found out that I…” He shook his head and trailed off.
Vanessa’s smile slightly dropped, “Well.. Don't tell him. Don't tell your Dad. Have you even thought about telling Jeremy?”
“No! I can't tell Jeremy. What if he laughs at me? What if he never wants to see me again? Vanessa, he's my best friend. I can't have him thinking of me like that…” Michael began to sniffle and he hid his head even further.
His friend moved to pat his back but Michael quickly shot off the bench. All his tears began to turn into anger.
“I already get so much shit for my dorky little sister and my wimpy little brother. Do you know how much more I’d get for being a fucking faggot?” He huffed and began to storm back toward his house.
“Mike, wait!”
“You have it so easy, Vanessa! You don't understand.” And before Vanessa could even utter the first syllable of her next word, Michael had already left the park and trudged back towards his house.
He crept back inside the window and marched toward his room - still making sure to be quiet. However, when he was in to his room, he shut his door and angrily threw this windbreaker towards his bed.
Michael sniffled once again, reaching for his walkman and quickly placing the headphones on his ears. As his tape began to play, Michael tucked his head between his knees and tears began streaming down his cheeks.
He had never quite mastered the act of silent crying, but he wasn't as dramatic as his younger brother, either. Michael hated how weak he felt when crying, he also hated how imaginary words from William could ruin his evening.
Michael, himself, didn't even understand why he felt this way about Jeremy. He only knew two things: one, for some reason, he desperately wanted to kiss Jeremy again and two, his father would most likely kill him if he found out. Oh, and three, he hated himself for feeling like this - especially about his friend.
After a few more minutes of quietly sobbing against his bedroom door, Michael had finally stopped crying. He sniffled once again and wiped off his face.
Michael looked up at the flashing alarm clock on his nightstand. 6:00 am. He realized he hadn't slept much the night before - and the guilt of snapping at Vanessa was weighing on him. I should apologize, Michael thought to himself, she was only trying to help, after all.
He took off his headphones and neatly placed his walkman back on the nightstand. He walked outside his bedroom door and noted a small plush fox sitting there with a note that read: Heard you crying. I left my friend because they make me feel better.
Upon reading the note, Michael’s anger slightly returned from the night before. The Crybaby is making fun of me? He picked up the plush toy and ripped apart the seems before throwing it down the hallway.
He scoffed and walked out the door, intent on seeing Vanessa first and apologizing. While on his way towards his friends house, he noticed Jeremy heading the same way. Had Vanessa invited Jeremy here? Did Vanessa tell him what happened between herself and Michael last night? He really hoped not. Yes, Michael had snapped at Vanessa, but he told her everything in confidence.
He tried his best to avoid Jeremy, but something about hm seemed different. Michael couldn't stop noticing little details about him: The way his hair swayed when he walked, the clink of all the patches on his bag, the ever present smile on his face. All of these things were just distracting Michael. He came to apologize to Vanessa, not stare at his best friend.
Michael shook himself out of his stupor and he gave a small wave to Jeremy before going to Vanessa’s door and knocking.
As soon as the door opened, Michael was already rambling.
“Ness, I'm so sorry about last night. I didn't mean to snap at you.. I was just… you know. Overwhelmed.” He pushed himself inside the doorframe and wrapped his friend into a hug.
Vanessa simply nodded and hugged Michael back, “Mikey, I knew you'd be here to apologize so… I invited Jeremy, too. I think you two need to talk.”
A look of shock crosses over Michael's face, but before he could say anything, Jeremy walked in to the room.
“Van? You said you wanted to see me?” Jeremy asked, his voice causing the hair on the back of Michael's neck to stand up.
“Actually, Jerry, Mike has something he needs to talk to you about.” Vanessa responded, smiling from ear to ear. “I'll just be in the other room. You two can talk.”
Michael gave her a subtle “I am going to murder you later” look as Vanessa left the room. Soon, it was just him and Jeremy standing in the walkway of Vanessa's home.
Jeremy gave his typical reassuring smile, which caused Michael's heart to do jumping jacks.
“What's up? Is.. is your dad being weird again?” Jeremy asked, genuine concern filling his voice, and he moved to place a caring hand on Michael’s shoulder.
“That's.. that's the thing, Jer. You’re always so thoughtful and.. you care so much about Vanessa and I. It's really sweet,” Michael started, his nerves being to bubble in his stomach.
“Okay…? I don't really understand what this has to do with anything.. Am I too nice?” Jeremy looked utterly confused (and concerned). He honestly had no idea where this was going but he wanted to be supportive of his friend.
Michael smiled at Jeremy’s response, shaking his head lightly. “No, you're not too nice. You're.. the right amount of nice. I always appreciate everything you do for me. However, I didn't realize that until recently.” He was silent for a moment, weighing how to proceed next. “Jeremy, can I ask you a serious question?”
“Of course, Mike, You can ask me whatever you want. I'll try my best to answer.” Jeremy nodded and sent another reassuring smile at Michael.
Michael took a deep breath and nodded. I'm going to do this. I'm actually going to do this. “Did you… feel.. uh.. feel anything when,” his cheeks flushed a light pink and he began speaking again, much quieter this time, “when we kissed…?”
“I'm sorry? I didn't hear that last part, Mike. Can you repeat that?” Jeremy furrowed his brows, turning his head to his right side – as he is partially deaf in his left ear and hears better on his right side.
Michael closed his eyes and began repeating what he just said, “Did you feel anything… when we kissed?”
Jeremy’s eyes widened slightly and he raised an eyebrow, “Well.. nothing I don't usually feel when I'm around you. What, exactly, do you mean by that?”
Michael was slightly disappointed and then he realized Jeremy asked for clarification. “I mean like.. I don't know. When- when we kissed.. It felt like my body was on fire. My heartbeat was so fast and.. to be honest, I.. I can't stop thinking about it. I'm sorry if this was weir-” He was quickly interrupted by the soft press of Jeremy’s lips against his own. Michael's eyes widened but, once he got his bearings, he leaned into the other.
Jeremy pulled away after a few seconds - but not being the all too familiar shutter-click of Vanessa's polaroid camera went off - and smiled brightly up at Michael.
“I hope that answers your question, Mike.” Jeremy laughed, his own cheeks. “I was really wondering when you'd notice. I.. uh.. I've liked you for a very long time.”
Michael's eyes were still wide and he couldn't quite believe what had just happened. His cheeks were now a bright red. However, he soon snapped out of his daze and realized he heard the camera click.
“Vanessa, PLEASE tell me you didn't take a picture of that!” Michael moved away from Jeremy and pratically sprinted towards the other room.
“Mike, wait!” Jeremy called out as he followed after his two friends.
Vanessa was busy trying to hide and dodge underneath several pieces of furniture while Michael chased her.
“Ness, please give me that picture. You don't know what will happen if my Dad find that. And you know how often he visits your dad. They literally work together.” Michael pleaded, crouching down to try and yank Vanessa out from underneath her bed.
“Fine, fine. Only because you're my friend, Michael. But you owe me film!” Vanessa caved, crawling out from underneath the bed and reluctantly handing over the polaroid.
Michael made a small movement of triumph, however, he quickly turned embarrassed when he took a closer look at the picture (which had almost fully developed by now). Apparently, Michael had placed his hand on the base of Jeremy's neck without noticing and the photo made it look as if he was pulling him in closer.
“So..,” Vanessa started as she took her two friends by their wrists and plopped them down on her bed, “did you two decide what you're going to call.. this?” She motioned to the two of them and raised her eyebrow. “I mean, if you decide to call it anything, that is.”
The boys shrugged and looked at each other. They were both silent for a moment and Jeremy finally spoke. “I know that your dad is.. kinda weird about this type of stuff, but my parents are cool with it. And.. if you're comfortable with it, I'd like to call myself your boyfriend, Mike. At.. at least to my parents.”
Michael remained silent for a moment, thinking over the options. After a few seconds, he nodded and placed his hand inside of Jeremy’s.
“I'd really like that, Jer. I'm just sorry that I can't tell my family. I mean, if my Mom was still here, she'd be supportive.” Michael replied as a small smile spread across his lips. Jeremy nodded and simply pulled him into a side hug. However, the cute moment was soon interrupted by Vanessa throwing herself in between the two and snapping another picture before they could protest.
“At least let me keep this one! It's just the three of us, so it's not incriminating!” Vanessa asked, already moving to make a sprint if she needed.
“Fine, fine. I have no objections there.”
The rest of the evening continued in much of the normal fashion: the three of them playing various games and making fun of each other. However, Michael caught himself glancing over at Jeremy more frequently. Soon, Michael knew it was time to head home.
“Hey, Mike, do you mind if I tag along on your walk home? I live a few minutes away from your place.” Jeremy asked, jogging up beside Michael after he walked out of Vanessa’s house.
Michael nodded with a smile. He'd secretly been hoping that Jeremy would suggest this. He loves Vanessa and all, but he wanted a few moments of just himself and Jeremy.
The lanky boy walked next to Michael and reached for his hand. Michael hesitated for a moment, looking around the neighborhood for any sign of his father, before taking Jeremy’s hand.
They continued on their walk until they were at Michael's doorstep. He said his goodbyes and - even though it hurt his heart - waved instead of sending Jeremy off with something more affectionate.
He fumbled with the door knob, the door then swung open and the creaky hinges alerted anyone within a 1,200 mile radius. Michael physically recoiled at the sound and entered the house - hoping for less noise.
He had made it less than a foot from the door before the trouble began. He noticed it instantly: the disappointed look in his father’s eyes. What did I do now? Michael thought, bracing himself for the worst possible outcome.
“Michael,” the agitating voice stated.
Well. Better get this over with.
“Father,” Michael replied, trying not to make the grit in his teeth obvious with his speech. He hated called William anything formal, especially since he was the only one of his siblings who had to.
“Do you have ANY idea of the distress you caused?”
“No, sir.”
“You know exactly what you did. Your poor brother came into my workshop crying. Do you know why that was?”
“Isn't the little shit always crying?”
“Don't get smart with me, boy. And, you will not use that kind of language when speaking to me, or this will get a whole lot worse for you. Understand?”
“Yes, sir.” Michael grits his teeth even harder.
“Now, your brother comes to me, and in his hands are the pieces of a prototype product for my new animatronic line. The fox plush.”
“Michael, I will ask you one time. What did you do to the product?”
“I didn't know it was important, Father. He was making fun of me and I thought - Hey, he has enough toys. He won't miss this one. I destroyed it... to teach him a lesson.”
“Destroyed it to teach him a lesson? Fascinating. And how would you feel if something like that happened to your precious walkman? Or.. those.. cassette tapes with those grotesque songs you seem to enjoy? Hmm?”
Michael's face fell and he reared back in horror.
“You wouldn't.”
“Oh, believe me, Michael. I would. As a matter of fact, go pick out your favorites and bring them to me. Along with the scissors.”
This completely ruined his good mood from today, but he knew that there was no getting out of this. Michael begrudgingly went into his bedroom, crouched down, and riffled through his box of cassette tapes. Of course, he was smart enough not to choose his actual favorites. He chose some he wouldn't mind losing (probably those he was recommended and didn't like as well as the others) and stashed his favorites inside of his sock drawer - along with the polaroid of himself and Jeremy.
Michael hesitated before handing several tapes and a pair of sharp scissors to his father. He cringed as his father opened the latch that concealed the tape and began unwinding - cutting each segment until all that was left was a pile of tape shreddings and several plastic cases.
“I hope you've learned your lesson, Michael. If this happens again, I will fish around for every single tape you've hidden. Now, clean this up.”
Michael gulped in surprise; how did his father know he had hidden several tapes? His mouth remained agape as he bent down and began cleaning up the remains of his music taste.
The staleness of the room only dimmed his mood: the too dark carpet with mysterious stains, the uneven curtains with several moth-eaten holes, the overall greyness of the place. It wasn't a mystery why William had destroyed his tapes, the man clearly had a love of all things boring and soulless.
Once he had finished, Michael knew he couldn't stay here. He entered his bedroom, making sure to lock the door the from inside. He looked around for a bit before grabbing a draw-string bag from his closet and began stuffing clothes inside of it. All packed, Michael once again cracked open his window and crept outside - leaving it open enough for him to enter once he got back. If he came back, of course.
He really only had one place to go - and the fact that there was only one person he wanted to see.
The gloomy atmosphere from his apartment seemed to drift out into the streets: the skies were much darker than before and there was a certain musk that meant it was going to rain soon. Because of Michael's quick packing, he was ill-prepared for the rain.
Better walk fast, I guess. I've still got three blocks to go. Michael thought to himself, tugging on the strings on his bag to ensure it was secured. However, the rain came much faster than he could walk and soon he was drenched - with still a block and a half to go. There looked to be no end in sight for the sudden monsune of rain. Just my luck. Just my fucking luck.
He began sprinting, his brightly colored sneakers squeaking against the pavement and his body getting continuously soaked. By the time he arrived at Jeremy’s, he looked like a kitten someone had just given a bath - completely soaked and fuming. He hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door.
Who answered, however, was not who he expected. A polite, older woman (who he knew as Mrs. Fitzgerald) answered the door with a look of utter concern.
“Michael, honey! You're soaking wet.” Her smooth voice radiated with motherly concern and the slight southern twang made everything feel more homey.
“I apologize for showing up uninvited, Mrs. Fitzgerald.” Michael replied sheepishly, “I.. I can leave if it's too much of a bother.”
“Nonsense! You get in here and dry off. I'll let Jeremy know you're here. It's a wonder you didn't get swept away in this terrible storm,” Mrs. Fitzgerald replied, opening the door wide enough to let Michael in before closing it to prevent any more cool air from seeping in.
Michael thanked the woman once again and politely wiped his feet on the mat. Mrs. Fitzgerald turned around and looked at his clothes once more.
“Oh dear.. You're completely soaked through. Don't worry, I'm sure either Jeremy or my husband have something you can borrow. I'll get those washed and dried for you soon, sweetheart. You stay right here. I'll go find you something nice.”
Michael nodded, having really no other option than to wait for Mrs. Fitzgerald to come back. Soon the woman returned with a large pile of clothing - from t-shirts with interesting tie-dye patterns to large, oversized sweaters that Michael was pretty sure he could use as a blanket if he needed to. He was soon completely dried and dressed from head to toe in the warmest clothes Jeremy’s mother could stuff him in. He quickly handed his sopping wet clothing to Mrs. Fitzgerald and gave her another round of thanks.
As he did this, Jeremy practically ran down the stairs.
“Mike? Is something wrong?” The blonde asked, concern filling his voice. He moved closer and began checking Michael’s hands and arms for any sign of injuries.
“I'm fine, Jer, seriously.” Michael gave him a reassuring smile and placed a caring hand onto his shoulder, “can we just go talk in your room? I.. I couldn't stay at home tonight.”
Jeremy nodded and motioned for Michael to follow him up the stairs. Once upstairs, Michael was simply blown away. This room was basically identical to the person who lived in it: colorful, full of life, and it had a sort of “I'm at home” feeling. Jeremy’s room at everything - from too many blankets to count to the newest NES system. Michael had only been in here once before, as the three of them usually went to his house or Vanessa's, but it still amazed him how much it replicated Jeremy’s personality.
Jeremy sat on the edge of his bed and motioned for Michael to join him, to which he quickly obliged. The two talked for a while - mostly just Michael avoiding the topic he originally intended to talk about - and eventually Michael grew restless of sitting and laid himself across Jeremy’s lap. Jeremy smiled down at him and absentmindedly began twirling a strand of Michael's long hair around his finger.
“Mike, can you please tell me what happened? I know when you're avoiding talking about something.” Jeremy scolded, a small pout forming on his lips. He had been Michael’s best friend for year, of course he was going to pick up on the little things - especially when Michael wasn't being entirely truthful.
“Fine, fine. I did something stupid, okay? That brat of a brother I have heard something he shouldn't have and I decided he needed a little payback,” Michael started, slightly embarrassed that he'd have to tell this to Jeremy - of all people - because Jeremy was part of the reason he did this, “anyway, so.. I took one of his plush toys that he left in my doorway and I.. ripped it up.”
Jeremy raised his eyebrow, as if to question why this meant he was not able to stay home, but he didn't interrupt Michael.
“Well, it turns out that it didn't actually belong to the little shit. It was something Father was working on. A prototype, I don't know,” Michael made a shrugging gesture and continued with his explanation, “Either way, let's just say he wasn't too thrilled about the damage done to it. And uh.. several of my tapes got the axe. I managed to hide the best ones, but I doubt they'll last for long.”
“That's.. awful. Mike, I'm so sorry.” Jeremy’s frown deepened and he brushed a small strand of Michael’s hair away from his face.
“Nah, I probably had it coming. He just.. he makes me so angry sometimes, Jeremy. I fight so hard for his attention and yet some snot nosed crybaby gets it for free? How is that fair?” Michael's face morphed into a frown and he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Aw, Mike. I'm sure he doesn't mean to ignore you. Look, you're wonderful. If he doesn't see that, than it's his problem.” Jeremy leaned over, making his face a few inches away from Michael's, and placing a hand on his chin.
Seeing that Michael’s frown still remained, Jeremy pressed a small kiss against his lips. And another. And another. Until Michael finally smiled and playfully pushed him off.
“Jer, you're going to suffocate me,” Michael teased, laughing as he kept his hand up to prevent any further kiss attacks.
“Well, it's not my fault! I couldn't just let you be sad.”
Michael rolled his eyes and gave Jeremy one more playful shove, “Jeremy Fitzgerald, you are insufferable.” However, Michael was glad for the distraction. He moved from his position on Jeremy's lap and laid down across the end of the blonde’s bed - spreading out like a starfish. Tonight was just perfect; absolutely nothing could ruin Michael's night.
Or so he thought.
Back at Michael’s house, everything was not as peaceful as the Fitzgeralds’. William was knocking on Michael's door - but he received no response, obviously.
“Michael? I told you not to lock your door.”
More silence.
William tried the handle one more time, getting increasingly more angry when it continued not to open.
William walked outside, retracing what little footsteps hadn't been washed away in the rainstorm. However, Michael's “sneaky escape” hadn't been as sneaky as he had hoped. William instantly noticed the trampled flowers which Michael had climbed down onto. This caused him to look up and notice the window slightly ajar.
Michael, Michael, Michael.. Oh, I wish I raised you better. William thought to himself, shaking his head with a loud “tsk-tsk.” He quickly hoisted himself onto the ledge and opened the window - making sure to close it at just the right height to make it seem unnoticeable in case Michael returned sooner than he expected.
You've brought this on yourself, Michael. William tsk’d once again before he began rummaging through Michael’s drawers - taking any tape he could find. When he got to the last drawer, however, he noticed something that wasn't.. quite a tape. It was flipped upside down, but it was evident that it was a polaroid of some kind.
William pondered for a moment before picking it up and flipping it over to check the contents. He reared back in horror upon seeing what it was: a picture of his son and some blonde boy together.
William was seething as he crumpled the photo in his palm and he began searching faster for the remaining tapes. Once he had them, William placed all the tapes into a bag and - after unlocking the door - took them outside and grabbed one of his favorite instruments: the hammer.
William hefted the hammer over his shoulder again and again until there was nothing left but shards of plastic and several unwound tapes. His breathing grew ragged as his anger continued to overtake him. Eventually, he placed the hammer down and stood up - dusting off his pants and walking back inside.
Now, he needed to wait for Michael to return. And where else than his son’s bedroom.
Michael had closed his eyes and was listening to the sounds of Jeremy’s room, which were all incredibly calming. He could hear the faint rain against Jeremy's window, the sound of his own breathing, the emptiness in his mind. Everything was quiet, just as it should be. He heard the creak of the steps and the following soft click of the door opening. Jeremy had stepped out a while ago to find them some snacks, and apparently, he had succeeded. The sound of rustling chip bags (and Jeremy struggling to get inside the door) shook Michael out of his stupor and he quickly went to help, opening the door wide enough for Jeremy and his armful of prizes to enter.
“My knight in shining armor,” Jeremy joked, sending a bright smile towards Michael. “I was wondering when you'd open the door.”
“Oh, really? Did I not move fast enough for you, your highness?” Michael teased back and sent and eyeroll towards the blonde. “Here, let me help you.” He grabbed a few of the spoils from Jeremy’s arms and arranged them in a makeshift pile - it wasn't neat, but it was the best he could do without putting them on the floor.
Jeremy thanked him before placing the remaining spoils into the pile - they had enough snacks to last for weeks. Michael sat down and scooped out a handful of chips, popping one into his mouth and occasionally trying to catch them. Jeremy plopped himself down next to Michael and leaned his head against his shoulder. This caused Michael to widen his eyes in surprise. He really didn't know what to do in this situation. He hadn't been in a relationship before - let alone with someone like Jeremy. He hesitated and then placed his hand on Jeremy's lower back.
A soft knock on the door caused Michael to look up. Michael felt his pace quicken: this would be one of Jeremy's parents, which worried him. He knew they were more accepting than his own Father, but he also didn't know what they would be willing to accept. Plus, Jeremy was currently laying against him - which would be hard to explain if they weren't accepting.
Before he could think, the door slowly opened and Mrs Fitzgerald stuck her head inside.
“Oh! Sorry, boys. I didn't realize you were busy! I made some cookies and I.. I wanted to share some with you,” She spoke, slightly embarrassed that they already had so many snacks.
“No thanks, Mom. We’re good,” Jeremy spoke, smiling at his mother. He thought for a moment before adding, “Hey.. Mom?”
“Yes, honey?”
“Come in here.. Uh. Mike and I want to tell you something,” Jeremy spoke, briefly standing up to open the door and motion for his mother in.
Michael locked eyes with his boyfriend as if telepathically saying “are we really doing this??” Jeremy simply laughed in response and walked back over to Michael, offering the brown haired boy his hand. Michael hesitated before taking Jeremy's hand and standing up next to him.
Jeremy took a deep breath and wrapped his arm around Michael's shoulders. “Mom.. Michael and I.. are,” he begun shaking a little and Michael quickly turned his head towards Jeremy and gave a reassuring squeeze to his shoulder. He quietly whispered something encouraging to the blonde and turned back towards Jeremy’s mother.
“Mom. Michael and I are.. dating. He's my boyfriend,” Jeremy finally managed to speak the words (and release the breath he didn't know he was holding) and then he looked towards his mother, awaiting her response.
Jeremy's mother was silent for a while and then she broke out into a big grin. She moved closer to the two boys and wrapped them into a hug.
“Oh, sweetheart, I'm so happy for you. Thank you so much for telling me,” Mrs. Fitzgerald spoke softly, moving her hands and gently cupping Jeremy’s face.
“Mooom, you're embarrassing me,” Jeremy complained, trying to wriggle out of his mother’s grasp. Michael couldn't help but smile at the scene, however, something inside him hurt. He realized he could never experience this situation. To be honest, it made him jealous. But he'd never tell Jeremy that, of course. Just because Michael's family had not been the best didn't mean he needed to ruin someone else’s happiness.
“Oh, Michael, get in here! Let me give you a big hug. You have no idea how happy my Jeremy-Bear is when he talks about you,” Mrs. Fitzgerald spoke, quickly moving to drag Michael into the hug once again before he could protest. “I'm very proud of both of you boys. I know it's tough to tell someone something like this.”
She gave them each one more tender, motherly arm squeeze before exiting back down the stairs.
“Your mom is so sweet, Jer,” Michael spoke once Mrs. Fitzgerald had left, though he didn't seem to notice the sadness that had seeped into his voice. But Jeremy did. He always did. He felt Jeremy's arms wrapped around him before he heard him move.
“She loves you, Mike.” Jeremy spoke softly, his grip tightening slightly around the shorter boy.
Michael smiled sadly and nodded before burying his head in the crook of Jeremy's neck. “I'm glad someone does, at least.”
“Don’t you dare say shit like that again, Michael Afton. You have so many people who care about you - my parents, Vanessa, Vanessa’s parents, me! Your dad can go to hell.”
Michael sort of shrugged, but made no effort to respond. Jeremy moved back a bit, gripping Michael by both shoulders, and shook him.
“I’m serious. You're so important to everyone around you. Who cares what your father thinks?”
“No. You have nothing to apologize for. None of this is your fault. Life dealt you a bad hand - but, Mike, you're the strongest person I know. Most people would've crumbled by now.” Jeremy cut him off before Michael could apologize any more, cupping the sides of his face so Michael was looking him in the eye.
“I'm so tired, Jeremy. Everyday he gets worse, I never know when he’ll snap next.”
“Yes, but you shouldn't have to! That's the thing.”
“Please.. can we just drop it?” Michael avoided Jeremy’s gaze and began fidgeting with the sleeves of his borrowed sweater.
“You're right, I'm sorry,” Jeremy apologized and released Michael's face. Then, he realized that Michael probably was physically tired, too. “C'mon, let's head to bed. It's been a wild day. Plus, the rain doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon. I'm sure my Mom wouldn't mind you staying the night.”
Before Michael could respond, Jeremy had moved away and began untucking the layers of blankets that seemed to hide his bed.
Jeremy grabbed Michael's wrist and gently pulled him towards the bed and sat him down.
“You can use as many blankets as you want, I don't mind!” Jeremy beamed. He then preceded to have an “oh!” moment and disappeared inside his closet. Michael heard lots of rummaging and his curiosity continued to grow. Soon, Jeremy emerged once again. This time, he was holding a pair of pajamas with various pictures of E.T. littered across them.
“They might be a little big, but you can borrow them for the night,” Jeremy spoke as he walked over and placed them in Michael’s hands, “unless you want to sleep in old jeans..?” He raised an eyebrow, though it was nothing more than teasing.
Michael rolled his eyes, thanked Jeremy, and quickly went to change into the pajamas. Once he returned, he nearly folded his borrowed clothing and placed them on the nearest flat surface. He hesitated a bit - unsure of where he should lay down. However, Jeremy quickly patted the spot next to him on his bed.
“I don't mind sharing, really. And! I don't bite. Mostly,” Jeremy reassured the shorter as he scooted over to make room. “Besides, we did this at plenty of sleep overs before. Just think of it like that!”
Michael nodded and laid down next to Jeremy, who gave him another reassuring smile. “Thanks. I'm sorry for imposing myself on you, especially without calling first.” He whispered while pulling some blankets over the two of them.
“Nah, don't worry about it. You're welcome any time you like.”
The two sat in silence for a while and eventually Jeremy began to drift off. Michael hesitated, thinking over his next decision carefully, and then impulsively turned and rested his head against Jeremy's chest.
Jeremy let out a sleepy “huh?” at the feeling of weight on his chest and then smiled when he realized what Michael had done. He let his arms naturally fall and land on Michael's upper back, however one moved to its earlier position of twirling a few strands of Michael's hair around his fingers.
A few more minutes of silence pass and Jeremy begins to drift off once again, however he is quickly interrupted.
“Jeremy?” Michael asked quietly, waiting a bit to see if Jeremy had fully fallen asleep.
“Mm?” Jeremy replied with a sleepy mumble.
“Why is everything in my life so difficult?”
“I don't know, Mike.. I really don't know.”
Michael sighed and decided that would be the best answer he'd get - unless he wanted some sort of religious spiel about certain plans and whatnot. He left Jeremy return to sleep before joining him a few minutes later. He decided he better enjoy this moment while it lasted, despite the bubbling anxiety that was welling up in his stomach. He certainly didn't look forward to returning home tomorrow.
One problem at a time, Mike. One problem at a time. He thought to himself as he was finally able to drift off to sleep.
Turns out it would be several problems at one time.
Michael dressed in his (now clean and dry, thanks to Mrs. Fitzgerald) clothes from the previous day and began his trek back to his own apartment - making sure to pick a time he knew William would be working in the hellscape he called his workshop.
He carefully retraced his usual path and made it to the front lawn. Taking another step, Michael heard a loud crunch. He looked around noticed several objects glinting in the sun and went over to investigate. Michael felt his heart sank when he realized it was pieces of plastic. He knelt down and took a closer look, finding the pieces of all his favorite tapes. And, he was pretty sure he had his favorite songs stuck to the bottom of his shoe.
Damn it, Michael thought as he sighed and moved away from the pile of plastic scraps, I guess he noticed I was gone.
He shook his head and continued toward his bedroom window - which looked exactly the same as he had left it the night before.
Not thinking anything of it, and with the rain having washed away any evidence of William’s entrance, Michael pushed open his window and hoisted himself inside. He landed with a small “oomph” and dusted his pants off. While dusting his pants, however, he noticed another shadow present in the room. He slowly looked up and locked eyes with none other than William himself.
“William Michael Afton, where have you been?” William spoke, his arms crossed over his chest and he stood in a powerful stance. However, Michael noticed there was something crumpled in his left fist.
“Don't fucking call me that. My name is Michael,” Michael spat back, absolutely seething at being called his legal name - no one EVER called him by that, he'd probably punch them if they did.
“I wouldn't be so sure, Junior. You see, I was the one who named you. I think I know what your name is.” There he went again, dismissing Michael's entire personhood. Well, it wasn't anything he wasn't used to. Michael used to cry every night until his Mother finally agreed to let him go by Michael instead.
“Anyway, you haven't answered my question. Where. The. Hell. Have. You. Been?” William spoke again, moving closer and jabbing a finger harshly into Michael's ribs with every word. “Answer me.”
“Nowhere, sir.”
“Are you sure that's the answer you want to go with?” William narrows his eyes, leaning over his son in an attempt to make him cave in; shrink himself down and disappear. After all, that's what he wants. For Michael to disappear.
Michael briefly glanced at his father's eyes, noting the only emotions present were anger and boredom. That's how he always looked at Michael, though sometimes there was a sprinkle of disappointment. He looked back at the floor and gulped. Just tell him, Egghead. He already knows you left. He mentally scolded himself before speaking.
“A friend’s. I was at a friend’s house, Father.”
“Hmm,” William pursed his lips and scrutinized Michael’s body language and tone for any hint of dishonesty. “Which friend, exactly?”
Michael gulped once again. If he told him, he risked putting Jeremy in danger. But if he didn't, then he put himself in danger. No big deal, he could handle that. But he desperately wanted to protect Jeremy, so he remained silent.
“Answer me, goddamn it!” William raised his voice, his hand flying to the collar of Michael's shirt. Michael still remained silent, even as William had slammed him into the bookshelf and sent several personal objects (some of them glass) cascading to the floor with a loud crash.
Michael had to bite his lip to avoid crying out in pain - he was sure that he would have a few bruises, most likely cuts too, since the glasses broke on the impact and gashed through his windbreaker, managing to hit skin. Another large glass photo frame crashed into his face and left a large gash across his left eye and a bruise across his cheekbone.
“Your silence is not his protection, you know,” William whispered, setting Michael back on the ground and releasing his collar.
“W.. what are you talking about?” Michael spoke, straightening his jacket and still refusing to look at William.
“Don't play dumb with me,” William finally unfurled his left fist and revealed a crumpled up polaroid. Michael's heart sank once again; he knew exactly what that was. “If that faggot Fitzgerald is making you think you're one of those queers, I will never let you see him again.”
“N-no.. that's not.. He's not.. Uh.. I'm not-” Michael shook his head furiously, scrambling to come up with an excuse.
“I don't care what he does in his own home, but he will not infect mine. Not with this.. disease,” William scoffed and shoved the polaroid into Michael’s face - trying to emphasize what exactly the ‘disease’ was.
“If you ever pull something like this again, I will destroy more things than you cassette tapes, William Michael Afton.”
“Stop. Stop fucking calling me that,” Michael finally broke out of his stupor and began shaking uncontrollably. His anger was beginning to take control of him and he hated how much it made him look like William.
“Just.. leave me alone. I'm not gay, alright! It was just some stupid dare. It didn't mean anything. Vanessa took the picture as a joke, okay? It's all one big fucking joke!” The words felt like poison leaving Michael's mouth, they burned as they bubbled through his throat. He felt awful for not being able to defend himself or Jeremy. He felt awful that William was his father. He just felt awful.
“Good. Then you won't be needing this, will you?” William asked, the hatred evident in his voice. Michael looked up just as he heard the first rip - right through Jeremy’s face on the polaroid. He felt a pang in his heart but simply shook his head “no.” William continued until the entire thing was no more than a few paper scraps with what remained of Jeremy and Michael’s facial features.
“Oh, and clean up this room.” And with that, William stormed out once again. Michael slid down the backside of his door and crumpled to his knees. He had never felt so empty and alone in his life. He desperately wanted to cry but he would not give William the satisfaction over controlling his emotions. He would not cry. He would not cry. He would not cry.
A single tear began trailing down his cheek. He would cry.
Brrng Brrrng
The phone rang for what felt like the seventeenth time. It was getting on William’s nerves. He started to call out for someone else to answer it, but he couldn't exactly say “hey, Michael, I know we had a little argument yesterday but can you answer the phone? Pretty please??” and bat his eyelids. He groaned and rolled up his oil-covered sleeves, grabbing the nearest cloth like object and wiping off his hands.
William begrudgingly answered the phone with a slightly annoyed sounding “'Ello?”
“Mr. Afton! I'm sorry. I was trying to reach Michael.. we were supposed to hang out today,” the voice spoke through the speaker. It sounded very embarrassed to have called the wrong person.
“Who is this?”
“Oh! Umm.. It’s Jeremy, sir. Jeremy Fitzgerald?... Michael's.. best friend..?”
“Ah. Fitzgerald, yes. I remember… Michael is not available right now. He seems to.. have come down with a cold. He was complaining about.. cold rain and having to walk through it earlier.” William scrambled to come up with an excuse. This was the boy who was fond of his son? Now was the perfect chance to ruin whatever budding relationship they might've had.
“Actually, Johnny,”
“Whatever. Let me see if Michael will be willing to take your call.”
William had the perfect plan, and it involved his newest prototype: the Hand Unit, now with built in voice synthesizer and voice capture abilities. Of course, William who was always plotting, and had recorded his argument with Michael the night before. He fiddled around with the buttons on the Hand Unit and switched it to the “angsty teen” setting - one he designed specifically to sound like Michael. Once he had it set up, he took his hand off of the receiver and made a test ‘hello?’
“Mike? Oh, thank God! I was worried you'd never pick up.” Jeremy's voice sounded through the speaker once again and William scowled at the relief he heard. Teenagers are so gullible these days.
“Jeremy?” William typed into the touchpad on the Hand Unit, amazed at his own handiwork and how clear it came out.
“Are you still able to come over today?”
William pressed a few more buttons, spewing out the first of the pre-recorded messages: “What are you talking about?”
“Don't you remember? You said you'd try to come over later today.”
William rolled his eyes and began flipping a few switches. It's now or never, I guess. He thought to himself as he searched through the messages for the real zinger: “Just.. leave me alone.”
“I'm not gay, alright! It was just some stupid dare. It didn't mean anything. Vanessa took the picture as a joke, okay? It's all one big fucking joke!” William’s lips moved into an evil smile as he awaited Jeremy’s response. This is more fun than I imagined. He thought to himself, giving him an imaginary pat on the back.
“Mike? You.. you don't mean that, right?” The hurt in the boy’s voice almost made William feel bad. Almost.
He had one final phrase to say and loaded it in as fast as he could: “Stop fucking calling me.”
Just as the Hand Unit finished the last sentence, it began to short out. William groaned in frustration and accidentally took his hand off the receiver, “Blasted thing. I thought I fixed that.” However, William did not realize that Jeremy very clearly heard that. William quickly hung up the phone and returned to his work, which now included fixing the Hand Unit.
Jeremy was a mixture of hurt and confused, had Michael actually said those things? And what was that strange thing Mr. Afton had said? “Blasted thing?” Something seemed fishy here, and he was going to figure out what happened.
Jeremy practically stormed out of his house, sprinting down the sidewalk as fast as his lanky build could carry him. By the time he arrived at the Afton’s doorstep, he was out of breath. He quickly knocked on the front door before hunching over to regain control of his breathing.
No answer. That's odd. They always answer on the first knock. Jeremy thought to himself. How else could he get in? And then it hit him; Michael's window. He grabbed a few pebbles (in case the window wasn't already open) and trekked around the side of the building.
Just his luck, the window was firmly shut. Jeremy selected a medium sized pebble, said a silent prayer that this glass was reinforced, and gently threw the pebble towards the small window. It landed against the glass with a small thump. Jeremy thanked whatever higher being that it hadn't shattered instantly
Seeing that there was no response to the first pebble, Jeremy picked up another and threw it much harder.
Michael glanced over at the sudden noise, just in time to see a small object land against his window. He pushed himself off the floor - wincing slightly as his injuries were still fresh (and had been left untreated). He shuffled over and glanced outside. Seeing that someone was outside (and actively throwing pebbles), Michael opened his window and tried to get a better look.
“Jeremy? What are you doing here?” Michael asked - confusion and a headache swarmed around his skull.
“Mike! I tried the front door but no one answered. I needed to talk to you in person.” Jeremy looked relieved when Michael had actually opened the doors. He placed down his handful of pebbles and began climbing in through the window.
Once he was inside, he dusted himself off and then finally looked at Michael.
“Oh.. Mike, what happened?” Jeremy walked over and gently grabbed Michael's chin, turning his head towards the light so he could better see the damage. The entire left side of Michael's face was swollen and slightly purple from the new bruising. Jeremy subconsciously ran his thumb over Michael's swollen lip, though he quickly moved his hand back when Michael flinched.
Jeremy took a closer look at the room and quickly noticed the large amount of broken glass that little Michael's bedroom floor.
“I'm fine, Jeremy. I.. tripped… into the bookshelf. And took a picture frame right to the face,” Michael quickly lied, even adding a chuckle to make it seem more accident like.
“We need to get you to a doctor, Michael. This could be seriously infected!” Jeremy moved back over to Michael and motioned to his injured face.
“No!” Michael snapped, then realized his tone and softened his words as he continued speaking, “No doctors. They'll.. they'll ask questions I'm not prepared to answer, okay? I'm fine.”
“Fine, but at least let me use a first aid kit, okay? I don't want there to be an infection,” Jeremy didn't even wait on a reply before fishing around in his bag full of necessary items, that he ALWAYS carried with him, and pulling out a small, travel sized first aid kit.
Jeremy sat down on Michael's bed and motioned for him to sit down as well. Michael obliged, though he was hesitant to let Jeremy doctor his wounds.
“By the way, Mike,” Jeremy began speaking in between Michael's winces as the cold antiseptic touched his face, “did you answer the phone earlier?”
“No..? I haven't left my room all day,” Michael shrugged and motioned to the state he was currently in, “Besides, Father banned me from using the phones.”
“Then.. who did I speak to earlier? It sounded just like you.. and you said some really mean things.” Jeremy's brow furrowed as he thought back to the earlier phone conversation.
Michael's eyes widened. Someone had spoken to Jeremy and pretended to be him? Not only that, but they apparently said something awful?
“If.. you don't mind me asking, what sort of things were said?” Michael asked, glancing up at Jeremy - who was still in deep thought.
“Well, first of all, you acted like you had no idea about our plans. Then, you started saying that.. that everything was just a joke and that you only did this because it was a dare. And that it meant nothing.. It really hurt to hear you say that,” Jeremy frowned, scanning Michael's face for any recognition for the words.
“Did the person say anything else?”
“Well, you said.. ‘stop fucking calling me’. And then the phone hung up.” Jeremy shrugged and searched his own memory for anything else that happened.
Michael's own expression was one of horror, he had recalled all of those things - but he distinctly remembered saying them to his father, not Jeremy.
“Jeremy, all those things.. They were part of an argument with my Father. He.. I was just trying to protect you. I didn't mean anything I said to him. I don't know how you heard it, but none of it was true,” Michael spoke softly, reaching over and gently squeezing Jeremy's hand.
“And that last part?”
“He kept calling me by my legal name - not Michael. The full context was ‘stop fucking calling me that'. I would never tell you to stop calling me.” Michael noticed how hurt Jeremy had seemed and placed a gentle hand on his cheek, “Please believe me, Jer. I'm sorry if my image was used to hurt you.”
Jeremy leaned into Michael's hand before placing his own on top of it. “I do believe you. But there was something else. Something weird.”
“After the last sentence, it didn't instantly hang up. It sounded like wires shortcircuiting - oh, and I heard someone say ‘Blasted thing’,” Jeremy recalled, trying to give Michael as much detail as possible to help solve this mystery, “any ideas?”
Michael's expression dropped: he knew exactly what this was. “My father.”
Jeremy cocked his head to the side, clearly confused by this statement, “What do you mean by that?”
“My father. He's the one behind it. He.. he threatened that I would never be able to talk to you again. I.. I didn't know he'd do something like this, though.” Michael shook his head as the dots all seemed to connect in his brain.
Jeremy made another sort of ‘okay he's lost his mind’ gesture and his confusion continued to grow.
“Jeremy, he makes things. It's not impossible he could make something that captured the argument he and I had. What if.. what if he used that to try and dissuade you from.. from seeing me.” Michael placed his hand on Jeremy's shoulder and continued to gesture with his other. His eyes were wild as he realized just how far his father planned ahead. His breathing grew faster and his chest felt tight. How much had his father known? What else would he know?
Everything was too loud. Michael felt as if the walls were closing in around him. He began shaking once again. He didn't even seem to notice Jeremy calling his name. He was having an anxiety attack. Michael hadn't experienced one this bad since after his mother had passed away. Everything felt distant and like it was too close at the same time.
“Mike? Mike?” Jeremy's concerned voice couldn't reach him. “Michael?” The concern grew even louder.
Jeremy hesitated before placing his hands on both sides of Michael's face. “Mike, look at me. You're okay. It's okay.”
Michael remained frozen in place for a few more seconds until he felt the warmth of Jeremy’s hands against his cheeks. He slowly came back to reality, focusing on Jeremy's face instead of his overwhelming thoughts.
Jeremy stayed like that until Michael had calmed down enough to speak.
“I'm sorry for scaring you, Jer..” He trailed off, still worked up from the moments before.
Jeremy simply shook his head and wrapped his arms around Michael, pulling him as close as he could and hugging him as tightly as he dared - he was still unsure where else the injuries had spread and didn't want to harm Michael even more. Jeremy kept repeating “it's okay, you're okay” while gently rubbing his hand up and down Michael's back.
Michael sank into Jeremy’s arms and sniffled slightly. Jeremy placed a gentle kiss onto the top of Michael's hair.
“We’ll figure this out, Mike. Together.” Jeremy spoke before resting his chin on the top of his head. “We don't have to do anything right now, okay?”
Michael nodded and remained in this position until he completely calmed down.
“Jeremy, can we leave? Tonight? I don't want to be around him anymore.” Michael asked as he finally removed his head off of Jeremy's shoulder. He looked up at him hopefully, eagerly awaiting his response.
“Okay. If you want to,” Jeremy spoke, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind Michael's ear, “I'm sure my mom won't mind.”
So the two packed until Michael's room was completely empty. They carried as much as their backpacks could hold. Then they ran as fast as their legs could carry them. They ran until they were gasping for air.
The two of them soon arrived at the Fitzgerald household - where Mrs. Fitzgerald let them in without any questions. She was familiar with William's harsh parenting styles and knew that questions made Michael uncomfortable.
She quickly hugged Michael and agreed to let him stay as long as he wanted. Michael felt the burning of tears well up in his eyes. It's been a long time since he had a place where he felt wanted. It was quite nice.
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heyimash06 · 1 year
Morning Pains
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Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy's
Pairing: JereMike (Jeremy Fitzgerald x Michael Afton)
Word Count: 1,143
Summary: Michael finds himself unable to get out of bed and calls his boyfriend, Jeremy, for help. Jeremy is (understandably) concerned and comes to help right away.
A / N: yippee finally fucking using my tumblr lmao- i've been on a JereMike / FNaF kick lately so that's fun. in my silly little AU, Michael has Neuropathy, a disability that affects nerves in the hands and legs (AFAIK), and also one that my bf has irl, which is why i wanted to give it to Michael!
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From the second Michael woke up, he was in excruciating pain. The aching needle pain in his legs was worse than usual. They attempted to sit up and swing their legs over the side of the bed, finding them to be paralyzed. ‘Well, that explained the extra pain,’ they thought, sighing. It was a good thing he didn’t have anything to do that day, aside from maybe some homework, he supposed, but being stuck in bed still wasn’t ideal. Especially because they’d reorganized their room recently, meaning everything helpful was across the room, on their dresser.
Reaching to their left, they grabbed their phone from their nightstand, holding it above their face. Squinting slightly at the bright screen in the dark room, he flicked through his notifications. Jeremy hadn’t sent his usual good morning text, meaning he also had the day off. Michael bit the inside of his cheek for a moment, thinking. Their boyfriend did have the day off, and they could definitely use some help… They didn’t like asking for help, but in cases like this, it was a little hard not to. What were they supposed to do, lay in bed all day? No, no, that wasn’t something he could do. Michael couldn’t stand the thought of just laying there, vulnerable, all day.
And so, after checking to make sure it was a reasonable time, they opened Jeremy’s contact and started typing.
Michael Afton: > Hey, are you doing anything today?
Jeremy Fitzgerald: > Nope! why?
Michael Afton: > I woke up and can’t move my legs. Would you mind coming to help me out a bit? It probably won’t last too long, just a few hours.
They were hoping they didn’t make him too worried with that phrasing, purposefully leaving out the fact it felt like a million needles were poking in and out of their skin. It was a feeling Michael was used to, but an unpleasant one nonetheless.
Jeremy Fitzgerald: > ??? > How did that happen?? Are you alright??
Michael Afton: > It just happens sometimes, I’m alright. Just hurts a bit.
Jeremy Fitzgerald: > Wdym ‘it just happens sometimes’??? > I’ll be there soon (but you definitely need to explain when I get there >:( )
Michael was a little relieved that Jeremy was actually coming. It was nice to know he cared about them enough to give up a day off to babysit. They closed their eyes again, taking a deep breath and setting their phone on their chest, trying their hardest to ignore the aching, jabbing pain.
There was the sound of their front door opening and closing as well as quick footsteps, causing Michael to attempt to sit up again in worry, before Jeremy opened the bedroom door and flicked on the light, panting. “Are- are you alright?” he asked, voice filled with worry. He approached the bed, reaching out a hand.
Nodding, they took his hand. “I’m fine. Like I said, it just happens sometimes.”
Jeremy frowned. “Then why haven’t you mentioned it before?” Oh, right. They supposed they hadn’t explained it before, had they?
“Uh… slipped my mind, I guess… but, seriously, I’m fine. Just… in pain, I guess,” Michael admitted, offering a nervous smile. “Could you, uh, bring me the bottle of painkillers on the dresser over there?” they asked as Jeremy helped pull them up so they were sitting.
He nodded and gave their hand a little squeeze, crossing the room to grab the bottle of pills. “I know you said ‘sometimes’, but, like, how often does this actually happen?” Jeremy passed the bottle to Michael, sitting down  on the side of the bed.
Michael shrugged. “It’s random.”
“It’s just a roll of the dice? Damn, that sounds awful- Like, sometimes you just wake up and can’t feel your legs?”
Grabbing the water bottle from the nightstand, Michael shook his head. “Oh, no, I can feel them. They hurt, I just can’t move them. And it doesn’t just happen overnight; sometimes they give out while I’m walking,” he explained.
That only seemed to concern Jeremy more, as he looked at Michael with an expression of confusion and worry. “And you didn’t think this was important information to share?” While the question could easily be taken as demanding, it sounded more sad than anything.
They shrugged, taking the painkillers. “Not really. It wasn’t really relevant, and…” they trailed off, trying to think of what to say. ‘I didn’t trust you enough’ wouldn’t sound very good; they were dating, for god’s sake! “I’m very careful with who I share that kind of information with,” he finished. It didn’t sound much better, but it was the truth. Michael was very cautious when it came to revealing perceived weaknesses he had, be it emotional or physical. Someone could easily use his disability against him, so it was only fair that he didn’t reveal too much about it to most people.
“Then, uh, thank you for trustin’ me with that information,” Jeremy said, grinning. “‘Cause the only reason I’d try to hurt you would be mind control, which I’m pretty sure is impossible… so I’ll never hurt you.”
His reassurance made Michael smile a bit as they looked down at their hands. “Thank you, Jeremy. I… it’s nice to hear that.” It was nice to hear that. It was wonderful, even. Those four words coming from the person he trusted the most felt better than anything else Michael could imagine. 
Jeremy leaned in and placed a soft kiss on their head. He seemed to remember something important, quickly pulling out his phone and scrambling through his disorganized home screen to find the notes app. Finding it, he scrolled through tens of notes to find Michael’s and picked a random spot in the list of facts to add the information he’d just learned. Michael always found Jeremy’s lists of information simultaneously horrifying and funny. It was good that he’d found a convenient solution to the memory issues caused by The Bite of ‘19, but they couldn’t help but cringe at the disorganization of the lists. The lists themselves weren’t in any particular order, and the contents of each list, well, that was just complete chaos. Jeremy noted down anything and everything he thought might be important in the future, meaning he had everything from medical conditions and allergies to favorite candy written down with no organization whatsoever. One bulletpoint would be about a serious issue the person faced and the next could be ‘they like the color red’. It was horrifying, really.
Yawning, Michael stretched his arms forward. “Mind carrying me to the couch? And maybe making coffee?” they asked, pushing the covers off of their lower body. While the pain was significantly better, they still couldn't move their legs.
Their boyfriend stood up, nodding. “Sure, Darlin’.” His warm smile made them remember how truly lucky they were to have someone as wonderful as him. 
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phantomhunting · 2 months
Read of AO3
< this is Chapter 1 >
disclaimers: This all takes place much after the events of each canon, Aftons & Emilys meet Fnaf: the musical, This is based off the gacha Fnaf concept of aftons meet past/future/au/canon/etc, This fanfic features my personal headcanons & theories and a Fnaf AU alike to gacha AUs (aftons can transform into their animatronic form, aftons have ther abilities, illusion discs make them seem normal, Ennard, etc) there's no need to get mad if you disagree with stuff, There's some canon-typical violence, And there's two ships (Nate x Mark, Michael x Jeremy Fitzgerald)
"Liz please I need to get some sleep before my shift toni-" right as Michael finished his
sentence, the doorbell rang. Elizabeth walked over to the door, turning on her illusion disc
and kicking any visible bloody appendage out of sight. She opened the door and stared down
the men outside with her big green eyes. "Who the fuck are you?" She asked, forgetting she
appears as a child. "Wow! No need to curse!" the man with the dyed hair exclaimed, "I'm
Mark, this is Nate, and this is... Uhh what's your name again?" He turned to the man in the
purple hoodie. "AJ!! ITS AJ!! IS IT REALLY SO HARD TO REMEMBER?!" He screeched,
it hurts Elizabeth's ears. "Shut up, stop shouting like a 5 year old, who's the last guy?" She
asked, pointing at the man in the bloody suit. "That man goes by many nam-" Mark started,
but was cut off by that same man. "Matt, or Scott, or William, or Dave, or evil dirtbag with a
chainsaw, or phone gu- okay yeah that's a lot of names. Most people just call me Matt
though" he chuckled, Lizzy raised an eyebrow. "Why are you here?" She asked, not wanting
to deal with adults right now. "Well, our car broke down and we need a place to stay..." Nate
started, "...and your house seemed more welcoming than your neighbour's, we were kicked
off the property" Mark finished. Elizabeth stared at them for a moment, confused, and then
turned to the inside of the house, "MIKE! THERE'S PEOPLE AT THE DOOR THAT WANT
TO STAY!" She shouted, hoping her brother heard. A bang was heard from the vents above
her, followed by a soft, robotic 'fuck'. "Enn, you have to stop spying on people from the
vents" she shook her head. Mark and Nate looked at each other, worried if they made the
right decision. After a few seconds, a man barely resembling Michael walked in to the room.
"Mike, this is Mark, Nate, Matt, and uhh-" Liz started to explain, but forgot the purple
hoodie-d guy's name. "AJ!" he exclaimed in anger. "James, exactly what I said. Anyways
they want to spend the night here because their car broke or something" she continued.
Michael thought for a moment, staring at a hidden blood spot on the wall, slightly terrified of
how that might go. "You know what? I'm sure dad will appreciate some guests, and I'm sure
Ennard will love it too" he said finally, winking to Liz, implying the four guests will not
leave the house unless it be in ghost/soul form. AJ started to shiver, it was getting cold
outside. "Come on in!" Michael smiled wide, fixing his loose tie which had his illusion disc
in it. The fours walked in and Lizzy closed the door. She went to the kitchen because she was
hungry and left the group and Michael all alone. Michael led them to the living room, which
was luckily empty. He took out his phone and texted the family group chat (which had very
little messages in it) "guests over, get En to clean up all the rooms and leave the vents, get
him his illusion disc too. C, get yours, it's on dad's table in the workshop. Dad, please don't
murder them. Liz, get mom and make some dinner, they probably need to eat. And under no
circumstances will any of you be talking about the past!! We are the Schmidt family until
they leave tomorrow morning." He sent the message and sank on the couch next to Mark. He
noticed two pins mark had on his shirt, one read "Freddy Fazbear's pizzaria security" and
they other was a bisexual pride flag. Mike raised an eyebrow, "you wor- uhh you like men
and women?" He thought it might be easier to approach that subject first. "yeah- I mean I
have a boyfriend" Mark pointed to Nate, who was chatting with AJ. "Ohhh, cool! I'm gay,
and I have a boyfriend too" Mike responded, wondering what Jeremy was doing right now.
"Nice" Mark pulled his phone, bored. His phone's wallpaper was him, Nate, a weird plushie
version of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy on the background of a burned building with a
sign reading "Freddy Fazbear's pizzaria" in big letters and "get some Freddy-filled fun
today!" In a smaller font. Mike cringed at that slogan, ""don't ask as about our kids" was a
better one" he thought to himself. He wanted to ask about the job because he never saw Mark around, and he knew literally all of the workers at Fazbear entertainment's places. Besides,
those looked nothing like the animatronics from the actual locations, and that building didn't
look like any location! He was confused and concerned. "You uhh.. you work at Freddy's?"
He asked quietly, afraid of the answer. "Oh, uh, yeah, I'm a- or well, I WAS a nightguard
before this psycho burned his own place down." Mark chuckled and pointed at Matt, which
concerned Michael so much more. Freddy's locations belong to either his dad or his dad's
"friend", not this random dude! "I thought the owners were William Afton, Dave Miller, and
Henry Emily?" He said confused, attempting to sound normal. "Those are all his nicknames"
Mark chuckled again.
Before Michael could say anything further, William walked through the front door, looking
exhausted and with a big stain of blood on his clothes. "It rained today." He said through
gritted teeth, still in pain from the springlocks. Michael burst out laughing, glad his dad got
springlocked again. Mark stared at the blood with wide eyes and internal panic, Nate and AJ
did the same. Matt looked for a moment, then made a face of understanding, "you work with
springlocks too?" He asked, rolling his sleeves up to reveal scars from his old springlocks
suits. "Yep" William unbuttoned the two top buttons of his shirt, revealing deep scarring from
countless springlocks failures. "Oof, that's rough buddy" Matt responded as he got up and
reached his hand for a handshake, "Matt, or Afton, nice to-" but he was cut off by Michael
and William. "AFTON?!" they screamed in unison, shocked at this discovery.
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