#jellyfish lady my beloved
queruloustea · 10 months
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ah, so one of my sketches may have gotten slightly out of hand ...
i may fully finish this (or what-have-you) later if my joint pain decides to abate a bit :)))
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caguaydreams · 1 year
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ayyyyeee jelly gal, am I rite
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lanternlightss · 16 days
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miscellaneous doodles whilst trying to iron out some details in my fic
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winter-jay-official · 3 months
Went kayaking this weekend and it reset my brain im normal now
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mayashesfly · 2 years
Big jellyfish science lady is on the brain and I have a love/hate relationship with her and her fucking ambiguous morals
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brittle-doughie · 4 months
Frilled Jellyfish Cookie my beloved
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My Lord/Lady, it’s time for our late night swim together~!
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faefoundmoon · 7 months
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guinevere pierce my beloved <3 stupid jellyfish lady
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liminal-storage · 8 months
#27: Hall of Whispers
Prompt: Sole
Characters: Maximilian Finch, Crowe, “Mother.”
Content Warnings: Mentions of mutilation/self harm, abuse. 
Note: This is not ffxiv-focused writing, but again me taking the opportunity to write about Blades things. A tiny glimpse at the place that my character, Finch, calls home.
In the most destitute, wave-worn streets bordering the docks, the rooms of a house known as the Harpy’s Wing stand as a bastion against the freezing winds rolling from Duskvol’s cold waters. Though, anyone left alive from those days can tell you it is a much different sort of place than it was when it opened three decades prior. The ornate, hand-carved door welcoming patrons once shone with a fine mahogany-colored polish. Its plush, neatly upholstered divans are still lovely to look at and fine enough for entertaining patrons, but time and use has certainly shown its wear on the wood. The fabric seems a bit threadbare if you look at certain spots
On good days, of which there are few, a number of delicate stained glass chandeliers fashioned with hanging glass beads catch the light from the oil-lamps outside and scatter it into pieces along the walls. Through the years, thick layers of dust and the stain of cigar smoke have tinted the glass a dull orange, but once upon a time they glimmered with every shade of the rainbow like floating, ethereal jellyfish. 
Most of the Harpy’s Wing looked like that. Lavish and evocative of longing for a nicer city, a different time, but worn down by sea spray and cold and smoke, and Duskvol’s general sense of misery. 
Some nights the phonograph still plays, though someone lost all the other wax cylinders. Now, only one tune resonates throughout the halls, its notes grown dissonant and distorted like the rest of the place. Not that the hard working gentlemen or ladies who come to call on the birds of the house really seem bothered by it. They heed not the call of the phonograph but the call of hedonistic pleasures, taken to dusty backrooms with moth-eaten bedding. Coin flows, bodies sweat, and beds rock like the ebb and flow of the frigid tides. The hard working men and women of the docks find temporary entertainment and a short-lived balm for the soul, never knowing what lurks further within the walls. 
The upper floor remains off limits. 
Here, no light from outside penetrates the halls. The only furnishings to decorate most of the rooms are worn wooden benches, hard lumpy beds, and guttering oil lamps that, at any given moment, pose a danger of tipping over and engulfing the entire Wing in flames. There is one room at the end of the hall where the darkness seems to seep from the very depths of the night. Within the room, a woman with stark-white hair and an unnatural glowing youth sits upon an embroidered chair. Hands bound to the elaborate padded chair’s arms, Mother’s eyes have not espied anything but darkness since the establishment opened its doors for the first time. 
She sits blinded in the darkness, her eyes long since gouged out and covered with a veil dotted with silk roses over her empty sockets. She clawed them out herself, before her most beloved Crowe bound her hands to the chair. An esteemed offering to her goddess, to bear her sacred likeness. Her only company here is her Crowe, he who bears eyes across all of Duskvol. To watch over her children, she says. To witness their sins and tell of their tribulations. 
Her dear, beloved Finches. In the end, one shall fly above the rest.
Someday one of them will repeat the ritual of offering, carve out their eyes to take her place upon the worn throne within the Hall of Whispers. Another will become the new Mother’s Crowe and watch over the rest of the Wing. 
The young Maximilian shows promise, though the Crowe is not yet certain in which way. Will they open themselves to the goddess’ voice? Or will theirs be the voice that speaks for Mother? Though, their recent mishap proved disquieting to hear. Mother shall have to give them a firm reminder of the consequences for indiscretion. Maximilian’s back already bears scars of such lessons, but not nearly enough. To awaken the sovereign beneath the waves, the Finches must come to understand sacrifice. Mother speaks of penance from beneath her veil. 
“Twenty lashes and a week without food this time, I think. This time they shall be inflicted at your hand rather than their own. See to it once the little one returns, Crowe.” 
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phoenixdragon1258 · 6 months
Finished episode 1 of Tierra Incognita, my thoughts are as follows:
Uma mine beloved i love her so much if anything bad happens to her ill kill everyone in this room and then myself
Love the swimming lady, the aunt(?) of the main character, shes so slay and girlboss
I genuinely do not know the main characters name and that is on me
Ourobouros go brrrrr
Medusa is part of if not the word for jellyfish in spanish and i just think thats neat
Abuelo Santiago(?) has such a familiar actor but i cannot place it
This show is very slay so far and im excited to see what happens
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crazysnor1ax · 2 years
hollow knight for the fandom thing!!!!!
Blorbo: Hornet- Yeah I’m basic. I LOVE her. Her backstory is SO COMPELLING and her moral compass is so effed up and her personality is SO GOOD. SUCH a top tier character and I’m so ready to see more of her in Silksong.
Scrunkly: Hollow Knight- This one was actually kinda tricky to decide on! But Hollow is so so so baby….I want EVERYTHING for them they are so sweet
Scrimblo Bimblo: Monomon - Also a tricky one since most of the characters I like are pretty well loved. But I have such a soft spot for Monomon and she isn’t as appreciated as some of the others I think (though she is popular). She’s just. Epic jellyfish lady!!
Glup shitto: Myla- Yeah. She’s SO GOOD. Every day I miss her and if Team Cherry ever makes are of her I will scream
Meow meow: Pale King - Yeah. I don’t think an explanation is needed.
Horse Plinko: Zote or Grimm - Zote because he’s Zote, and Grimm bc he’d be fun to torture lmao
Eeby Deeby: Radiance - FRICK HER SO HARD SHES AN A S S. Her cool character design will NOT save her from the absolute hell I wanna give her. I also jokingly say Watcher Knights to this one bc F THAT BOSS
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Kraken I didn’t know you liked Genshin impact ! Who’s your fave? I adore Itto (I have a things for himbo’s ~)😍 and I have a soft spot for Sara and Thoma💗
You and me, we’re besties now because I am HEAD OVER HEELS for Itto too!!! I love you, bestie 😘💖
He’s just so PERFECT! He’s so unironically funny, he makes me smile and giggle every time I see him, he’s eye-catching, and I love his determination. I love how this buff, tough oni whose supposed to be scary and ruthless, turns out to be the cutest creature to have ever stepped on the earth’s undeserving crust. He’s so gentle and kind to the onikabuto, they’re like friends to him! He’s fiercely protective of the ones he loves (😳 can I please be apart of the circle??? Archons, I want him to love me SO BAD WTF—). He loves his gang with everything he’s got…Itto’s just the perfect man!!! He is my one true love in this world (but not as much as Mitsuri. I would drop everything for her in a heartbeat).
Himbos are the best thing to have graced my eyes; they are so lovable. SO FREAKING CUTEEEE!!! I just love how sweet and empty-headed they are. *longing sigh* Oh, to have a himbo boyfriend 😔 ITTO PLEASE GIVE ME A CHANCE—
I also love Kokomi! She’s absolutely adorable, I love her water powers and her little fish & jellyfish friends! She is the mermaid princess I always wanted to be when I was a child. 💖 I need her to let me swoop her up into my arms in a hug and kiss her all over her cute face. Healers are what allow the team to win, it’s just a fact. And I am obsessed with pink-haired characters. If there’s a pink-haired character in an anime or game, you best believe I am their #1 fan. AND AYAKAAAAA MY SWEETHEART! Her shyness is endearing, but she’s so brave! She is incredible.
Beidou…please…I am on my knees begging. PRINCESS CARRY ME IN YOUR WARM STRONG EMBRACE, AND KISS ME IN THE SUNSET. She is so hot fr. Blushing hard thinking about her right now 😳
And Klee!! My beloved baby girl, she’s adorable. I love her energy; just an excited ball of curiosity and happiness bouncing everywhere all at once. I bet if she was real she would be quite the handful tho LMAOOO. I pity Albedo 😭😂
I am a firm believer that the women of Genshin SOLO the men NO COMPETITION. Every single one of the designs the ladies have is just banger after banger. Ganyu, Dori (such a cute character, yet no one ever talks about her anymore!), Nilou, Hu Tao, Lisa, Shenhe, Yae Miko—every one of them is so beautiful and stunning. They are all Picasso paintings, unique and shining in their own special ways. I want all of them (excluding the children, obvi-fucking-ously. Leave the babies out of this rant) to smooch me on the mouth RIGHT NOW. Plz love me.
ANYWAYS! Sorry for the simp rant LOL 😂 Sara & Thoma are super adorable too! Sara is the coolest badass. MALE WIFE THOMA 😩 Please be my stay-at-home husband and bake me sweets and brownies every night when I get home from work.
Thank you for asking! I had a lot of fun answering, as you can probably tell, haha! I hope you have a wonderful day, hon. ♥️♥️♥️💋❌⭕️❌⭕️
With Love,
Kraken 🐙
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aetherceuse · 7 months
what to say about my dearly beloved lusamine? you've managed to capture the vibe for her that gamefreak ROBBED us of. every time i see lusamine in canon, my brain immediately inserts yours instead. i love scary jellyfish gwyneth paltrow science lady and i am always down to hear about your aether worldbuilding. 11/10 would let her kill me mercilessly and would thank her
I am going to pick you up and comb you like a little tiny puppy, and I am going to dress you in a bow, because you are so worthy and deserving, okay? Okay. Good. Thank you, I feel so validated right now. I’ve spoken about it before, but I’m so saddened by how GameFreak has failed to utilized Lusamine properly, she had so much going on for her, and they have managed to just ruin her again and again. We will fix that here.
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ophiuca · 2 years
Oc tags
Realized that I’m using tags for my ocs more and that I should maybe explain what they mean? The main four are for my characters I’ve played with in Masks: A New Generation, which is a game I highly recommend! It’ll be a pretty long post so I’ll cut it off here.
😇 #Birdcage is for Isodora Maleciel (she/her and they/them), the angel daughter of a very powerful supervillain named Event Horizon. She’s got statues of herself in many of the banks in the city, a decently popular propaganda CW-esque tv show about her and her daughter’s life, a fierce rivalry with the local speedster Swift Wind and Tech CEO Max Million, and of course a secret lair on the moon. Isodora looks suspiciously almost exactly like their mother, aside from their hair, which they dye a platinum blonde from its natural black. Other than that, her large black wings, green eyes, and black horns that wrap around her head like a circlet make her instantly recognizable to basically anyone in the city. She decided that she didn’t want to follow her mother and became the magic hero Astarte, using her sorcery to protect people no mater how they felt about her. They ended up marrying their three teammates, (Sabrina Spencer (she/her), Nova Moretti (she/her), and Hermes Shapiro-Vogel (ve/ver) (the child of Swift Wind), and they eventually have a very magical daughter named Talia (she/her) together. Isodora is a trans girl, is pan and also polyam! She loves her partners a whole lot and loves spending time with them, even if she doesn’t really understand what’s going on much. You can find my pinterest board for Isodora here! featuring art from my friend @liatrelle!
😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇  
🎮 #of course you have purple hair and lightning powers is my tag for Lucille “Elly” Lovelace (she/her), a purple haired twitch streamer, library makerspace manager, lesbian disaster, and pretty okay best friend. She spends her days working, hanging out with her very genderfluid bestie Olivia Efflorescence (they/them) who also goes by Ollie (she/her), or Liv (he/him), and definitely not fighting villains as the superhero Lady Lightning, a woman who wears an all purple power ranger-esque costume with lightning motifs and has electromagnetic powers. She also spends her nights not doing that as well as streaming as lightspeedluvlace. Elly and Liv found out about her powers when they were younger, and used it as an excuse to escape from their very shitty families and live together in Halcyon city. They’ve recently gotten pretty stable living situations, or well, Elly would if she wasn’t a workaholic who does way too many things at once. She’s recently met and formed a team with Talia Spencer-Maleciel-Shapiro-Vogel-Moretti, who has mysteriously been thrown into the past a few years before she was even born, Tiktok conspiracy star February “Freddy” Dawson (he/him), and Henrietta “Henry” Pawline (she/her) a petty jock catgirl. Elly has a bit of a crush on Talia, but worries about what that means if she goes back to the future. Her fursona is a purple bunny girl and she’s a little embarrassed that you know that now. She’s a cis lesbian, but in the “my gender is lesbian” way. Elly’s story takes place about eight years after Isodora’s.
🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮 🎮    
♓  #manic jelly dream girl  ZOE MY BELOVED!!! Princess Threazoenine of The Myrine Dynasty (she/her) is from the planet Nalydea, a planet completely covered in water orbiting Pisces Alpha. She is a pink shapeshifting jellyfish alien who came to earth as part of a family mission to forge mutual defense pacts with other planets in case Nalydea is targeted, as they do not make any sort of weapons. Zoe fell in love with Earth almost instantly, and ran away during a press conference, to the annoyance of her parent and older sisters. She ran right into AEGIS Agent Bryce Gallant, who was eventually assigned to protect her when she convinced her family to let her stay on earth for a bit. Enamored with the superhero culture of Halcyon City, she decided to join Bryce’s team as  the hero Prominence. Bryce had been placed on a team with fellow hero school graduate who she very much did not get along with Æsh, and superhero mentee Jess Arora, who Zoe developed a very strong crush on. They then dated for about two weeks before having the messiest breakup ever. And then kinda mostly got back together. Zoe’s powers include: shapeshifting, star generation (including heat and gravity manipulation), flight, having a telepathically controlled hoverbike, no bones, no lungs, no heart, jellyfish venom, bioluminescence, being very easy to talk to, getting drunk from caffeine, and water manipulation. She also has a cool scar that she got from being stabbed by a sword protecting her family. Aside from Earth in general, Zoe loves dinosaurs (there are a bunch that live on Nalydea’s moon), fashion and wearing frilly clothes, kissing cute girls, and spending time with her friends. As an alien, she doesn’t really have a conventional gender or sexuality, but if someone explained things to her she would probably consider herself a girl and sapphic. Her pinterest board is right here! and I would love to link the commission I got of her from @smallpolar-bear!!!!!! Zoe’s story is set 29 years after Isodora’s, the same time period that Talia is from.
♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ ♓ 
🩸 #violet the teenage witch is the tag for my most recent character, Violet Chiwake (fae/faer), also known as the supervillain Vampire. Fae lives with faer aunt and her wife in Halcyon City after faer mother got scared that fae developed powers. Violet is a witch who uses blood magic, something that for the most part is not approved of by society. It’s not like Violet chose faer powers or anything. Fae was caught with faer mentor in the middle of a robbery and lied during faer trial that fae was tricked onto the wrong path and just needed a chance to fix things. This worked too well and Violet ended up at hero school with a bunch of people who fae is extremely wary of. Violet is goth, a femme trans lesbian, and very upset that faer life has become a disaster (teenage drama queen). Fae enjoys practicing faer magic, collecting interesting ear jewelry, being around people who don’t think fae should be in jail, and stealing valuables. Violet is also searching for faer best friend Selene Hellström (she/her) an extremely high energy fireworks themed villain who was sent off to boarding school by her parents. You can find Violet’s pinterest board here! (cw for blood makeup) Violet’s story takes place 15 years after Isodora’s.   
🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸 🩸
 I’ll probably mostly be talking about these four, and if you read this far uh. wow thank you I hope you enjoy knowing more about the girls in my brain!   
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funtimebunnyblog · 3 years
I love how you wrote the s/o who struggles to stand up for herself 🥺 it was really good! I thought of something to build off of that if that’s alright with you. What if someone tried striking the pillar men’s very sweet and unconfrontational s/o? Maybe s/o did something as minor as accidentally bumping into someone. When they sheepishly try to apologize that person gets angry and tries to punch/slap s/o. Oh how I love protective pillar men 🥰
Thank you so much, Anon! 🥰😍❤ You're too sweet! It always makes my day to hear when someone likes my work! 😇😇😇
Oh boy, big protective Pillarmen? The absolute best kind of Pillarmen??? You got it, honey! 😘
Pillarmen (separate) protecting their non-confrontational s/o from being struck...
(Under the cut for length!)
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• Admittedly, Kars wasn't very "confrontational" himself.
• In his own way, of course.
• He thought fighting with someone for no good reason (or any reason at all really) was as meaningless as it was laughable.
• If someone ever approached him and tried to initiate a violent confrontation by hurling insults at him or even going so far as to hit him; he would simply roll his eyes and walk away.
• He had much better things to do than stoop to some foolish Mortals level.
• You both were best described as "two sides of the same spectrum" seeing as how you had the tendency to go out of your way to avoid conflict with anyone.
"Oh! I-I'm so sorry!" You cried, stepping away from the large and scowling man who now bared an expression that was something borderline feral. His glare sent a knife straight through your heart, puncturing your lungs and leaving you gasping for air as anxiety washed over you.
You had been walking down the street, your shift had ended and you were heading to meet up with Kars at your usual meeting spot just around the corner. You had talked about going to go get something to eat or at least being Home to have tonight and you were focused on just getting there. The sooner you reached your Husband, the sooner you could go Home and put your feet up after a long work day.
Those plans suddenly got thrown out the window when a man rounded the corner the same time you had.
When you collided with him, it caused him to drop the iced-coffee he had been clutching in his hand; the majority of it even spilled on you, staining your workshirt and pants, and yet you were the only one apologizing here.
"You stupid BITCH!" The stranger snapped, advancing on you as he jabbed his finger angrily at the now empty plastic cup lying in the sad brown puddle pooling on the sidewalk. "I just got that! It cost me 5-fucking-dollars!"
You really were sorry! You really didn't mean to make him drop his coffee! Panic flooded your body and burned in you like a fire, the flames of it only fueled more by his loud voice, making your hands quiver as you instinctively reached for your wallet.
"Here! I'll pay for it!" You said quickly, trying to something, anything to placate the angry man before things got even more intense. "I'll-- I'll even pay for a new one!"
He, however, was all but pacified.
Your offer was cut short by the surly stranger full on grabbing you by the collar of your coffee stained shirt; you let out a strangled yelp as he hauled you far too close for comfort. You could feel his hot breath hitting your face and your stomach dropped, sinking like a stone going down to the depths of the Ocean upon seeing the unquenchable inferno shimmering in his narrowed eyes.
"Oh, you're gonna pay for that and a lot more, bitch." He snarled, drawing his hand way back.
Your eyes instinctively snapped shut as his free hand swung towards you, hard and fast your, your hands flying up on pure impulse alone in an attempt to shield you from the blow that was to come...
But it never came.
After too long of a moment, much longer than the hit should've taken, your eyes opened to find the mans large hand still poised in the air.
It was now gripped by a much larger one.
Kars' brow was knit together, his gaze sharp enough to draw blood as he scowled down at the offending man who still had a hand on you; his Wife. He had been waiting for you just around the corner. He had heard everything that had happened and had definitely seen more than enough.
His grip was so tight on the mans arm you could see circulation being cut off. Any tighter (that being; using his only half of his maximum strength) and he would without a doubt shatter the bone of the mans arm completely.
He was only holding back on doing so for your sake.
You were frightened enough as it was and Kars wanted to spare you any further horror by holding back on destroying this disgusting excuse of a lifeform... just for today.
"Let. Her. Go." His voice was low and fridged, the words slithering through the teeth that were clenched like a vice in his mouth.
There wasn't even a trace of anger to be found in the mans face anymore; like a slate wiped clean. His face had gone stark white and his eyes bulged in their sockets as he stared at the God before him; not unlike a deer staring into the headlights of a car coming 80km/hr toward it.
The car that would kill it in one singular, instantaneous hit.
The hand released from your collar, leaving behind a stretched imprint of his clenched fingers on the fabric. The very second you were released, the Pillarman hauled the stranger roughly into the air by his arm, his feet dangling over a foot above the pavement.
Kars' lips peeled back into a snarl, fangs glimmering like knives of ivory in the light. If looks could kill the man (who was now whimpering not unlike a kicked puppy) would be getting slaughtered.
"If you know what's good for you, Human. You will get out of my sight." Came the command, this time the man could now feel the hot breath of the seething Pillarman on his own face. "Now."
A shaky nod was the best the man could manage.
Without another word, Kars dropped him and the stranger practically hit the ground running. Taking off down the street as fast as his shaking legs could take him, stumbling as he nearly fell several times; the only thing preventing him from doing so was pure adrenaline.
You barely had a chance to blink, let alone process all that just happened, when Kars was on you.
The Pillarman pulled you into his embrace, uncaring that you were practically drenched in coffee and still quivering like a beached jellyfish. His eyes roamed your body, checking for any injuries he somehow missed; he let out a breath you hadn't realized he had been holding before his lips found the crown of your head, his arms tightening around you.
"Beloved, my beloved... he is gone now. Shh. Shh." He murmured into your hair. It was only then, when he swiped his calloused thumbs over your cheeks, you realized you were crying.
"Let's go home, dear one." He said after a long moment of simply holding you in his arms and shushing you, allowing you time to get your nerves somewhat under control. "I'll make dinner tonight and we'll see if we can do anything about that stain..."
• Esidisi laughed in the face of conflict of all kinds.
• Really, fighting with someone with reason or not was just something funny to him because he knew his moves (by tongue and by combat) could not be matched.
• If someone tried to initiate a fight with him, he'd just chuckle and cock an eyebrow.
• If he was bored (which was most likely), he'd have the greatest time simply toying with them; laughing and grinning as they attempted to hurt him.
• Sometimes he'd even enjoy giving them a good scare by doing something with his powers.
• If not however, he'd simply scoff and walk right past them.
• Other than that, he actually tried to stay out of any sort of conflict when you were around; he didn't want you to be involved or hurt, of course.
It wasn't often you went out to a club but every so often you and Esidisi would take the time out of your busy life to get dressed up and go out for a few drinks and a dance together as a treat.
You left the ladies room with a smile, lipstick reapplied and your appearance straightened up a little. You looked around as you made your way through the scene, searching the crowded floor for your Husband to catch another dance or two with him before retiring Home for the night.
You stepped back in surprise when a man cut you off halfway across the room, a drink in hand and a tipsy smile pulling across his face.
"Hey there," he drawled, trying to be casual. "You're cute. You wanna dance?"
You smiled sadly; you had to admit, the gesture was kind of funny and sweet. Had you need single you probably would've agreed.
"Thank you, but I'll pass." Really, you had no interest in dancing with a stranger in a place like this when all of your dances were already happily taken by your one and only.
You were about to offer to buy him another drink or even just settle with just chatting with him for a while (a friend was always nice to find in these places) but the man didn't exactly appreciate your answer, despite the fact it had been polite and straightforward.
"Uh, excuse me?" He all but spat, his face souring into a frown. "Why not?"
You couldn't help but blink in surprise, taken aback at his sudden turn of character.
"Oh-- Uh... well, I'm here with--"
"Oh, that's bullshit!" He cried, cutting you off. "You just don't wanna dance with me!"
You grimaced, holding your hands up in a placating gesture as you backed away from him, trying to keep some distance between you two as he tried to close it by advancing.
The man continued to rant and rave, growling about how there was absolutely no reason for you to refuse him a dance and that he was a perfectly nice guy and a good dancer, not pacified in the slightest.
You were becoming aware of just how very drunk this man was and he was only getting increasingly angry with you by the second. Each time you sheepishly tried to explain yourself you were cut off and it only seemed to get him more and more riled up.
You REALLY didn't want to deal with this on a fun night out. Hell, you didn't like confrontations like this in general.
"Listen, I've gotta go--" You were cut off again, gasping as the drunk stranger grabbed you by the arm just as you started to shuffle away to try and merge in the crowd again to disappear from his sight and pretend this interaction never happened; his grip was rough and unrelenting.
The room was starting to spin; the lights, the music, the chatter was suddenly far too much, drowning you in a static of fear and confusion. The man was snarling something out at you but you couldn't hear it over all the kerfuffle.
Your vision hyperfocused on the bottle the man had in hand; lifting high over his head, swinging down in slow motion.
The bottle never hit its mark as it was suddenly plucked from the strangers grasp.
In a fraction of a second, the man was now grabbed by his free hand and spun around. You opened your eyes to find him in the grip of Esidisi, your one and only dance partner and Husband.
"Looking for a dance partner, are we?" He questioned the now gawking drunk.
Esidisi had been waiting for you where you had left him at the bar. Being as tall as he was he saw you leaving the restroom and decided to meet you halfway across the dance floor; however, he stopped short as he saw your little confrontation happening. After giving you a good once over to ensure you weren't hurt, thankfully you were just a little shaken, he inclined his head over to the bar for you to sit and calm down while he handled this situation.
The massive man full on grinned down at the drunk man in his grip, giving him a good spin around before pulling him in close. Just as he pressed him straight against his muscular body in an iron grip; the song shifted, hot and base blasted music blaring through the speakers of the club.
"In that case, you're in luck!" He chirped, chuckling at the strangers owlish expression. "I was just looking for a good dance partner myself and I happened to overhear you talking with my Wife."
The drunk man gulped, through his potent mixture of intoxication and fear he didn't miss the fact that Esidisi's grip tightened just the slightest bit more as he took care to emphasize on the word "Wife". The stranger let out a strangled yelp that went unheard by the rest of the dancing crowd as Esidisi strutted to the music, dragging him along. Any protests on your attackers part went ignored by Esidisi and fully unheard by anyone else over the intense beats ringing through the club.
Your Husband winked at you over his shoulder, bringing you some small sense of relief as you felt your fear start to slowly drop down from it's sky-high level and you made yourself comfortable on a stool to watch him and the drunk stranger.
If the man had wanted to dance so bad, bad enough to threaten you and try to inflict harm, Esidisi fully intended on giving him the dance he craved.
He was gonna dance with him until he dropped...
• As any Warrior should be, Wamuu was indeed confrontational.
• However, his confrontation was only to an extent, per say.
• Like his Masters, he generally did his best to try and avoid conflict with a Mortal.
• If someone simply walked up to him and struck him he would simply stare down at them with a raised eyebrow, honestly amused.
• The hit would probably tickle the living giant rather than inflict pain on him.
• On the other hand, if that Mortal happened to cross a line verbally by deeply insulting him or plucking a nerve somehow, he was fully willing to duel them to the death.
• He was always willing to fight for you; regardless of the situation.
• He was basically your knight in shining armor for that reason.
Working a 12 hour shift was always exhausting to you. Sometimes you couldn't tell what was worse; having a busy day full of orders or having a slow day where you saw almost nobody at all and were bored out of your own mind.
Today had been pretty steady, having boughts of people between lonely hours and thankfully, you were just 10 minutes until closing now. Your eyes glanced up to the clock on the wall, silently pleading for it to go just a little faster so you could close up fully for the night. Wamuu would be here soon to walk Home with you, he usually stopped at the Gym to get a work out in and kill some time before coming bye. Your walks Home with your loving Husband were the best part of your day, sharing stories and talking as you strolled arm in arm down the street.
You hadn't seen another customer in the past 2 hours so any cleaning or chores that needed to be done before the night was over was already done. You briefly considered starting to count up the till now so you could just leave as soon as you closed but that plan was quickly shunt aside when the door to the shop flung open, the bell overhead jangling loudly, and in stepped a customer. You resisted the urge to sigh, there was almost always someone who came in at the last minute and wanted a sandwich.
However, you put on your best smile as the man who came in approached the counter.
The mans face was already in a knot, he had huffy air of "I'm in a H U R R Y" about him and that alone was enough to make sweat prickle on the back of your neck. These kinds of customers could be the absolute worst, even more so at closing, and you prayed he would order something easy so you could close up tonight without tears in your eyes from being yelled at again by someone.
"Good evening," you chimed, smoothing out your apron as you set your hands on the counter. "What can I get you?"
"One meatball sub, white cheese, on Italian." He told you rather shortly, drumming his fingers on his arm.
A lump swole in your throat as you turned your gaze to the very empty meatball tray sitting across the counter.
Oh boy, here we go...
You sucked in a deep breath, your smile unfaltering. "Oh, um--... I'm sorry but we're all out of meatball. Can I get--"
"Then make more." He said curtly, his finger drumming only increasing as he full on glared at you. He also made sure to visibly roll his eyes as if you had said something completely and utterly stupid.
"I'm sorry, that's not possible." You told him, trying not to let your voice go down to the squeak it wanted to. "We're closing in 5 minutes and cooking more up--"
"Ugh, I don't care!" He growled. "I don't have all night, just make it!"
You were starting to shiver as he got louder and louder, "Sir, we close at 7. I can't, it's against policy, I can only make more tomorrow morni--"
You jumped as the man suddenly lunged and a yelp managed to escape your lips when his hand gripped around the strap of your apron, pulling you roughly over the counter.
"Listen to me, you dumb CUNT," He snarled, his grip tightening hard enough you could hear threads snapping in your apron. "Make the damn sandwich so I can fucking go Home! I don't fucking care about your policy! I want my meatball sub!"
You were breathing hard, your throat squeezing shut as he growled lowly into your face. Never once had a customer gotten this violent with you, not even on a shift where you were with someone else. Everything was becoming consumed in static, your heartbeat in your ears as you floundered to find something, ANYTHING, to say to get him to let go.
"I-- I--..." it was the only thing that could come out of your mouth.
Unfortunately, it wasn't what this man wanted to hear and it only infuriated him further.
He was screaming at you now, screaming so loud you couldn't understand him, only making you start to cry as you stood helplessly in his unrelenting grasp.
Like lightning, the mans fist curled and swung your way.
He would've made a clear slug across your jaw if a much bigger fist hadn't clenched around it, stopping it mid-air.
You gasped as you were suddenly released, stumbling and catching yourself on the counter before you could fall to the tiled floor. You looked up in shock to find none other than Wamuu gripping your attacker with one huge fist by the front of his shirt, making the man dangle in the air.
"You seem to misunderstand what my beloved here was trying to explain to you." The Warrior growled, the veins in his neck pulsing as he glowered down at the man who's expression had now turned to one of terror. "Normally, I would overlook ill-mannered Humans such as yourself but you have made a very grave mistake tonight by, not only disrespecting, but touching my dear Bride."
The man opened his mouth to say something, probably to apologize or to tell the massive man he would leave and never come back but the words didn't so much as reach his tongue.
Wamuu flung him across the room, as effortlessly as one would swat away a buzzing fly, and the man crash landed into the tables in the corner; knocking them over like a bowling ball would pins.
"You have 3 seconds to get out before I throw you farther!" Wamuu snapped, taking one step towards the man laying in the entanglement of fallen chairs and tables.
The man clamored to his feet before Wamuu could come another step closer, somehow limping and running towards the door and out of the building.
As instantaneous as that fight, Wamuu was over the counter and kneeling by you, cupping your face in his hands. You were still crying, curled in on yourself where the man had grabbed you and shaking like a leaf in a bitter Fall wind.
"My dear sweet little one, shhh... shh.. it is alright." Your Husband crooned, pulling you into an embrace so gentle it seemed almost impossible coming from him after such a display.
You only cried harder, burying your face in his neck as all your nerves finally let loose. Wamuu held you in his arms for a good long while, he made sure to turn the closed sign however before anymore unwanted customers could come in for tonight.
He fully planned on speaking to your manager about this and your safety here from now on...
• Santana wasn't confrontational unless given no other option.
• Chances were, if someone tried to pick a fight with him (whether by verbal abuse or physical violence) he would simply walk away, not interested in the slightest.
• It was almost as if they were invisible to him.
• If they tried to strike, he could just make their body phase right through his like nothing or his body would just go to rubber right around their limb.
• He was never really in the mood to fight with a primitive unless they TRULY annoyed him.
• More often when that happened they would be come dinner.
• But if someone tried to start a confrontation with you; he'd be the one to end it.
"Oh yes!" You breathed a sigh of relief when you grabbed a hold of the roast sitting all by itself on the refrigerated shelf, a small triumphant smile curling at the corners of your mouth.
You honestly feared they'd be fresh out, you were having some Family over this Holiday weekend and needed this for the dinner you planned on preparing for when they came. This time of year it was hard to get a hold of good stuff at the supermarket as shoppers tended to all share similar traditions and that meant they also shared similar meal ideals.
You couldn't be more lucky you got your hands on the last one, lest you'd have to drive to the other supermarket across town to continue your search and most likely be disappointed there too.
You had sent Santana off with the list and cart to grab the other stuff you needed while you headed for this important item first. Now all you had to do was track down your Husband and drop this into your little cart so you could be one step closer to going Home to prep.
With the roast in arm, you started off.
Someone shouted from down the isle but you barely even paid attention to it, chances were someone was arguing with a worker or another customer (as things like that also had the tendency to happen this time of year); another reason you wanted nothing more than to get your groceries and get out of the store.
Watching two customers duke it out over food and menial things was probably as uncomfortable as being part of the fight... at least in your eyes anyways.
"Hey stop!"
Once again the sound of the shouting fell on deaf ears as you kept walking, about to round a corner into another isle on your sojourn for your mate. Santana was most likely somewhere around the frozen foods section, he had asked if he could pick out some icecream for the weekend earlier in the car.
You stopped short when somebody grabbed you harshly by your arm, yanking you hard enough to spin you around. You actually let out a yelp in surprise, your eyes snapping down to the well manicured nails that were digging into the flesh of your arm. Your gaze instinctively followed the hand all the way up the arm connected to it, until you found yourself meeting the intense glare of the woman grabbing you.
"I told you to stop!" She snarled, your owlish expression not hindering any of her obvious anger from spewing out. "You took the last roast!"
She pointed accusingly at the hunk of wrapped meat cradled in your other arm with a long manicured nail.
You blinked, a brief sweat was starting to form underneath your clothing as your skin burned hot, crawling under the woman's hand; you wanted her off of you but she wouldn't let go.
"I-- Well, yes there was only one left--" you began, trying your best to explain yourself (let alone get a grip on your spiking nerves) only to be cut off.
"Well, I need it!" The woman tried to reach for it but you pulled away, only to be pulled back by her; nails pinching your skin like needles. "Give it to me right now! I need it more than you do!"
You tried to yank your arm from her grasp but she gripped you tight enough to make you cry out. There were so many things you wanted to say but couldn't as they just got jumbled in your squeezing throat; you had saw it first, you needed it too for a special dinner, there were plenty of other places she could go to find one.
You really didn't want to quarrel with this crazy stranger over something as stupid as a piece of raw food, in a supermarket of all places.
"Let go!" You plead, not even caring about the roast or your weekend dinner plans anymore. You just wanted her to leave you alone!
One of her hands raised, fingers curling as she swung it down with the intention of clawing you right across your face... but her nails didn't find skin this time.
The woman gasped as her own arm was grabbed, the shock of it made her release you from her grip, and in one good tug she was pulled straight away from you.
Her gaze followed the huge, ivory skinned hand that dwarfed her arm, following it until her eyes met two sapphires burning holes into her from underneath thick crimson eyebrows.
Santana huffed through his nose, "Do not touch my mate, primitive." He commanded quietly, an order not to be ignored, however the surly woman wasn't done yet.
As quickly as it was lost, the scowl returned to her face and it was now directed onto Santana the youngest of the Pillarmen; not only was he your Husband, he was the wrong person to pick a fight with.
"Just what do you think you're doing?!" She fumed, getting right in his face rather than making the more wise decision and backing down. "Let go of me!"
Santana stared at her, not fazed in the slightest as she began to full on rant on about how it was wrong for him to grab her and that she would report him for assault (as if she hadn't just been violently assaulting someone herself) and she of course went the extra mile to add that her Husband was someone very important and he would be arrested.
It only made her angry all the more as the Pillarman just stood there, quiet, the very definition of disinterest etched into the features of his face. He honestly didn't care about her ramblings as there was no petty threat she could possibly make that would scare him away.
Her free hand lifted again and it swung with the intention of slapping him right across his face.
As soon as skin was supposed to meet skin, skin passed right through skin.
Now, the woman's angry demeanor crumbled for good, staring in horror as her hand simply went right through his face. Her hand was implanted right in his cheek, literally melded inside of his head, only the tips of her long nails were visible from the back of Santana's neck. She was stuck there, trying to pull herself out of him, the terror gripping her heart was the only thing keeping her from screaming to high heaven.
Santana never once said or did anything as she did, watching as he pulled and pulled to no avail.
Her whimpers slowly built up to full on cries of fear, Santana fully intended on making her feel the same thing you had just gone through with her. It was only until she was begging for him to release her hand from his body did he finally relent.
The minute her hand was freed from his face she stumbled back, almost falling and clutching her wrist as she fled from the isle and the supermarket itself; no longer caring about the product she tried to rip from you.
Santana merely exhaled, watching her go with a notable twinkle in one of his eyes before turning his attention to you. You were still pretty shaken up, thankfully you hadn't dropped the roast but you were nursing the arm where she had grabbed you and the imprints of her nails in your skin she had left behind. Wordlessly, he walked up and pressed a soft kiss to the cheek that woman had almost scratched as he took the roast from you, putting it in the cart right next to the tub of ice cream.
"They have been dealt with," he said, his deep voice sending vibrations through your whole body as he pressed you close to him, wrapping his arms around you in a hug. "I will never allow anyone to harm you, my heart."
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blinky-skyd · 2 years
im finally catching up on coroika & im doing some liveblogging cus i rlly missed it. ramblings galore below the read more
-i get now why ppl like hivemind so much. HES A DRAMAQUEEN!!! HE WAS POSING AND EVERYTHING even had the jellyfish hold up lights for him, enter sliding on a skateboard you know this bitch was a theatre major.
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-ladies and gentlemen this is why i kin skull. ill literally get lost in the city i grew up in and use google maps for a place 5 minutes a way hes just like me fr
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-i want this as a tattoo <3
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-actual footage of me during a splatfest 😭 id get distracted mid battle to look at the pretty decor. i KNOW skipper pavillion looks bomb especially in sf
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-god. everything abt this
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-oh my god oh my fucking god. i need to print this out are you kidding me
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-boyfriend behaviourrrr. if u think abt it the ink armour special is kinda fruity like what are u using it for? to protect other men?
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-next chapter
-what the FUCK DID HIVEMIND DO- ohh its. literally in the name
-im onto the bonus chapter already the battle ones are. predictable but i love me some bonus filler chapters
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-aloha said. this is going in my cringe compilation
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-riders team came to bring him lunch at work i love this 😭😭😭😭
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-this little kotatsu bit is literally all i ever needed. its slice of life but still silly in the usual blue team way. theyre literally just hanging theyre besties theyre family  and theyre hanging out i love them sm. also headphones can knit>????
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-i want one.... yarn jelly....
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-look at how specs marks them on his notebook im gonna cry
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-onto final splatfest match cus apparently thats. how they work here
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- 😳 girlfriend behaviour....
-what the hell is Cosmic Time. 
-i know we all saw goggles swapping the ball things on hive’s glasses coming from a mile away, but i had a second theory that goggles was gonna mistake them for plums and try to eat them & make hives glasses fall off
-everything is pickled plums.... this is straight out of a crack fic
-2 lazy to put in a pic but even headphoneses HEADPHONES are plums.... im wondering cus it didnt show if bobbles lil pompom at the end of her hat got pickled plumified as well
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-oh god this finding waldo type page is giving me a headache i need a drink
-i got cawffee. back to the grind
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-i love that the manga captures the feral chaoticness of lil judd just as much as any other media
-theyre eating together 🥺 i love them sm. million heart emojis
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-omg look at her shes so evil <3333 you will look at my evil baby
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-me and the besties walking in the burger king at 3 am drunk off our asses
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-of course blue team won but emperor vintage & rider didnt. im starting to think that the only valid strategy in coroika is just to be chaotic
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-your honor he is my baby boy. ive adopted him and hes baby and hes my boy
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-shadows are made of electric waves....that can make ur legs wobble. sure.
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-bobble said arent u tired of being :D. dont u wanna be>:D
-of course the first time goggles would get pantsed would be by himself
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-😭😭 million heart emojis....
-team blue appreciation hours is real and in the manga... 
-so shadow selves were never rlly evil,, they just wanted to have fun too 🥺
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-next chapter, this jelly is living the life man 
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-shes out here living her best life. good for her
-what this liveblogging doesnt include is that alongside this im making a collection of evil bobble shots just bcus <3
-onto the stamp rally arc,,, whatever that is
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-adhd goggles canon as ever
-team lost cus they wanted to talk abt their botany. next chap
-not clam blitz..
-i think the only reason blue team wins most battles is cus they use illegal techniques like goggles hanging onto specs on the inkjet. and judd cant call it out bcus hes a cat.
-WAIT X BLOOD WON? the actual good team thats ranks above them won??? what a concept
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-she protect
-headphones is slaying ass in this chapter and the fact that shes getting the mothership w the sting ray too. owner of braincells representation
-also convinient that they get a rotation w their specific main weapons, even tho itd be funnier for them to get weapons theyve never tried before
-and THATS all for now :D until next update whenever that is
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bindi-the-skunk · 3 years
The seas of time lead to many places chap 1
The sun shined against the water and almost seemed to glow as if veins of gold laid in its depths and the beach sand was warm, but not yet too hot to sit on.
Which was why the league had chosen to stop at the little island for a small vacation of sorts, to enjoy somewhat dry land after so long of being cooped up in the Nautilus, as nice as Nemo's lady was, her walls and halls did tend to get suffocating after a while.
Not that anyone would tell Nemo that without risking the ear chewing of their life from insulting the beloved ship.
Said captain was floating around in the gentle waves, as much as he sailed the seas with pride in his heart and fire in his belly, he rarely ever swam in them or in any body of water at all, sad when he chose to think about it.
The sea was his home, was the home for them all now, but enjoying the embrace of her depths or feeling your soul seem to float with your body were a rare sensation.
Almost no time for such pleasures, taking care of his lady and her crew was a job that did not lend itself much personal amusement for her captain, but Mina had insisted that they all needed a vacation proper and Nemo was inclined to agree, the temperature was perfect and did wonders for all his aches and pains.
And it was a rather amusing show seeing the normally brave Allen Quatermain sticking his foot in and out of the water like an unsure child just starting out, the water was a shock when you first got in, but you got used to the temperature quickly.
And the footprints from invisible feet heading straight for the hunter was telling the captain that someone was ending up in the water with him before long.
Just not the one their gentleman thief thought, or wanted.
"I could smell your intent you invisible rat!" came the irate shout from the still dry Quatermain as the water seemed to fly up from nowhere as shrieks of shock popped off.
"Feels like Siberia all over again! I can't feel my neither region!"
Nemo resisted the urge to chuckle as he dove down, eyes closing as he relaxed, the muffled shouts above him not bothering the sea captain in the least, let them work out their own problems, nice and peaceful...hm?
Something brushed past his leg...must have been seaweed...
But just as the man went to surface for air...his fingers met something just above his head.
Brown eyes snapped open to meet what looked like a sheet of plastic, but most certainly was not.
Looking down Nemo saw the tell-tale tendrils but he almost could not believe it.
A jellyfish, but it was HUGE, big enough to have trapped the sea captain under its bell and Nemo tried to relax and was thankful at least he did not see a whole bloom of them.
He had to get out before he ran out of air...Nemo boasted being able to hold his breath for longer than many, but longer, did not mean forever and he was starting to feel the burning.
Nemo tried to duck under the bell and just avoid the stingers altogether, but seems it was not his luck as a tendril floated upwards and a bolt of pain went up the man's leg making his body give an uncontrollable jolt which just sent more tentacles flying from the wave.
And with it more pain
"He's been down there a while" Jekyll pointed out as he saw their captain disappear under the waves and not surface for precious air yet.
"I think the man's part fish, he likes it!" a floating bruise, given when Allan punched the invisible goofball, seemed to jump up and down as Skinner no doubt was waving his hand dismissively to the others concerns.
"No, wait...something dragged him down!" Mina called out and before anyone else could react, dove into the depths to retrieve their comrade, the vampiress was many things, but a coward was certainly not one of them.
The ex-music teacher swam down, and saw something floating just a few feet in front of her and at first thought it was a plastic sheet, it was not.
Mina's eyes widened at the monstrosity before her eyes settled on the one in its grip, of whom looked unconscious, or was just trying to not get stung by staying still she did not know.
The vampiress grabbed the ex-pirate as soon as she had an opening and ignored it as a sting went through her hand, thankfully not getting its first victim again, she would heal in a moment, but the captain desperately needed air.
Lunging upwards and breaking the surface of the water, the others body still limp in her hold till they both smacked down into the sand and a shaky breath drew into the other as Nemo's lungs were finally allowed salvation.
Good, he was still alive
"He was stung by a jellyfish!" Mina reported quickly as she moved the captain so he would not get sand in his injury and tried to encourage him to take deeper breaths to sooth his abused lungs.
"Find something to put seawater in! Then fetch me some vinegar!" Jekyll ordered already moving towards the injured captain, thankful to not see any stingers in the ugly-looking sting marks as he examined it, careful to not actually touch the marks, so he did not need tweezers.
Think...Put seawater on the stings to wash away any stingers or other jelly residue you can't see...then apply vinegar...put a mix of seawater and baking soda on the wounds...hot packs to relieve the pain...he would need to raid the painkillers cabinet just in case...
The wounds looked ugly and angry, but did not seem to be too severe, no doubt the captain would be sore for a while though, and he would be staying in bed even if the doctor had to strap him to it.
"What type of jellyfish was it?" Jekyll asked, hoping it was not one of the nastier ones,
"I'm..not sure...it was bigger than any jellyfish I have ever seen or read about," Mina said honestly "It was big enough to trap him under its bell"
Henry's eyes widened at the thought, and he was glad no one else had gone into the water, save Rodney who stayed in the shallows and got right back out to nurse his dignity after he was thrown in.
They did not need any more trouble or injuries
"Well, we can treat him better inside, let's just get him back to the...wait...where is the ship?"
Open water is what greeted their eyes
The Nautilus was gone
hope you all like this little experimental fic
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