#jeanette maus
thebirdwhodoesart · 4 months
BG3 Tavs/Ocs
Hello hello!! This is my masterpost for my Tavs and the bg3 ocs I have.
Why? Because I want to and that's all the reason and more to post them. This whole list is subject to change, but never to remove character.
And eventually get decent character descriptions after, but right now I don't care.
this is all dnd races too, now name time
Orirel Dawndream (Princess)(High Elf) Liadainna Sonata (Noble)(Wizard) (High Elf) Hallie Tavire (Entertainer)(Bard)(High Elf) Cassandra Cassear (Soldier)(Fighter)(High Elf) Ianfir Springwish (Sage)(Druid of the land)(Wood Elf) Nadja (Sage)(Druid of the wild)(Wood Elf) Celesti (outlander)(Cleric of the moonlight, Selûne) Nautica (Outlander)(druid of the Sea stars)(Sea Elf)
-Half Elves-
Gregor Tavine (Acolyte)(Paladin/Cleric, Luthander, Oath of devotion)(half High Elf) Stella DeTavrus (Entertainer)(Bard)(half High Elf) Noelle (Folk hero)(Druid of the land)(half Wood Elf) Camilei (Outlander)(Druid of the land)(half Wood Elf)
Zuko Taveri (Noble)(Sorcerer)(More devil then tief) Jeanette Tavrett(Outlander)(Ranger) Viana Blackrose(Entertainer)(Bard) Bee (Urchin/Criminal)(Rogue, thief) Dessa (Folk hero)(Rogue, assassin ) Dorcas (Haunted one)(Warlock)
Pailu (Soldier)(Fighter) Balrot'hik (Soldier)(Fighter) Dri Giphlak (Soldier)(Fighter) Nimber Ith'la (Soldier)(Fighter) Jeth K'thlaigha (Soldier)(Fighter)
Talaliira Taav (Soldier)(Fighter) Miz'ri Tav’neri (Sage)(Wizard) Ryld Everht'tar (Charlatan)(Bard) Nadal Kenndar (Charlatan) (Half drow-half tiefling) Zillia Dyrr (Outlander)(Cleric, Eilistraee)
-Half Orcs-
Brak Brak (Outlander)(Barbarian) Briki (Outlander)(Barbarian) BlackTusk (Soldier/Outlander)(Barbarian) Tak (Soldier/Outlander)(Barbarian)
Emnir Stoutheart (Soldier)(Fighter) Delaney StoneBeard (Guild Artisan)(Fighter) Jethro Bibbs (Soldier)(Fighter)
"Brick" Shithouse (Soldier)(Fighter) Linsire Thistlesky (Outlander)(Paladin) Kilga Elish (Outlander) Jimmie Barrel(Outlander)(Bard)
Aridon TwilightBrace (Entertainer)(Bard) Giancarlo Douvil - Formally known as Thimble Bimplestein (Entertainer)(Bard) Throbbie (outlander of the underdark) Shadynasty (Entertainer)(Bard)
Mellea (Entertainer)(Druid, circle of spores) Gus(Acolyte)(Monk) Aarav (Acolyte)(Monk)
Coil (Fighter) Porci (Wizard/Uses rapiers to extend her reach)
Illyanna (Thrall of a ulitharid) Ariel (Thrall of a ulitharid) Coral (Guild Artisan)(Druid, circle of (sea) stars) Ammi (Outlander)(Ranger) Pearl (Mariner) (Gunner) Narissa ("Noble")(Jellyfish wizard)(half triton half human) Kai (Outlander)(Pirate)(half human half triton) Calder (Soldier)(Paladin, path of ancients) Caspian (Folk hero)(Fighter) Delmar (Outlander)(Ranger)
Merissa Lana Orabell Nyrissa Minato Ren
Dusk, fae under shar (Sage)(Wizard) Nissa (Spawn of Bane) Twiggy (Noble)(Druid)
Pomeline (Outlander)(Ranger)
Ananassa (Outlander)(Druid/Bard) Plu (Sage)(Bard)
Zovik (Acolyte)(Monk) Vonn (Outlander)(Ranger) Gurr (Charlatan)(Rogue)
Janki(Outlander)(Bard)(Calico) Meena (Sage)(Wizard)(Scottish Fold) Melon (Criminal)(Rogue)(Norwegian Short Hair) Sam (Folk Hero)(Barbarian)(Orange) Theodore (Haunted one)(Bhaal Spawn)(Rogue)(Oriental shorthair) Whiskers (Acolyte)(Monk)(Japanese Bobtail) Princess (Acolyte)(Monk)(Egyptian Mau) Molli (Guild artisan)(Sorcerer, wild magic)(American shorthair)
Kh'thrër (Outlander)(Barbarian) (Red) Iltead (Folk Hero)(Barbarian) (Red) Heseth (soldier)(Barbarian) (Red) Ag'garith(Outlander)(Barbarian) (Silver) Cur'reem(Outlander)(Barbarian) (Copper) Au'theri(Outlander)(Barbarian) (Gold) Hebi (Outlander)(Eastern dragonborn)(White)
Alice(Folk Hero)(Wizard/Master of potions)
Nerivyre (Outlander)(Druid of the land)
Deshk(Noble)(Arcane trickster) Zhihu(Entertainer)(Rogue)
Gl'bgolyb (Ulitharid)
Cornir (Sage)(Paladin) Inea(Fallen)(Fighter) Navosi (Imprisoned)(Paladin)
-Succubi and incubi-
Wysteria Nyxxis (Nyxxxis) Velvet
Namoris (Soldier)(Paladin) Gauss (Soldier)(Paladin)
Boingo (Myrkul Spawn)
Briar (Spawn of Mystra) Rowan Jasper Fir Wynnie
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boghermit · 4 months
top 5 favorite books?
Oh god it's gonna be so hard to pick just five. 😭I'm going to omit graphic novels just because they would overwhelm the list.
In no particular order
The Passion by Jeanette Winterson. Everyone talks about Sharpe and the Aubrey-Maturin series but no piece of historical fiction I've read on the Napoleonic Era has stuck with me like this one. I can nitpick all I want about how she portrays the Russian winter, but it's still an excellent book, some of the best prose I've ever read.
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. It's just damn good.
The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak. Also just damn good. Interesting point of view and formatting, lots of endearing characters. Don't bother with the movie though.
Watchmen by Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons, John Higgins. It's just one of the best graphic novels ever made. Bizarre formatting, beautifully garish colors, excellent twist on the superhero genre.
Maus by Art Spiegelman. It's a soul-crushing, nightmare-inducing read that will suck the life out of you, but it's very good.
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gamerbulten · 2 months
RE Village oyuncularından Jeanette Maus, 39 yaşlarında yaşamını yitirdi ...
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asrisgratitudejournal · 3 months
Yaampun setelah scrolling, ternyata ku sedikit sekali menulis bulan ini? Tanpa bermaksud untuk beating myself up on my writing productivity, tapi beneran belum nge-recap udah ngapain aja sejak… pulang Umroh?
Ok mulai ngelist in what I remember most ajayah:
I spent so much time with people I love and care about! Kemarin weekend Sabtu dan Minggu main sama Deva. Sabtu diajakin Diny nonton Wonka (tumben dia gak sibuk weekend) dan akhirnya kuajakin Deva juga. Wonka bagus btw, walaupun ku tahu kita lagi boycotting Chalamet gara-gara skit dia di SNL dan his girlfriend is a zionist, tapi gaada tontonan lain lagi di bioskopppppp sangat frustrating. Yaudah maafkan aku ya teman-teman. Terus Wonka juga shootingnya di Oxford!!! (irelevant piece of information). Oh iya, sebetulnya yang kata orang-orang bagus juga tuh si Hunger Games, tapi udah nggak main lagi sayangnya di sini :( Beres nonton, ngobrol-ngobrol lah kami di Hotel Chocolat Westgate. Ku sangat bersyukur Deva dan Diny adalah dua teman yang ku tahu frekuensinya berdekatan jadi kami bisa duduk bertiga buat hangout. Mostly bahas: “mencari jodoh”. Sangat interesting obrolannya karena Diny experiencenya banyakan sama cowo non-Indo, Deva batak kristen, saya muslim liberal. Udah deh tuh kan, makin seru. Pulang ngebungkus popeye, ngelaundry, dan ku sekarang lagi nonton Modern Family dari season 1! Minggu ke city lagi nemenin Deva belanja buku. Kami ke Blackwells dan ku baru sadar ternyata ku udah baca buku non-fiction banyak juga ya, karena ku betul-betul merekomendasikan banyak sekali buku ke Deva sampai dia overwhelmed kayanya. Habis dari situ ngopi di Nero Blackwells, dan jalan ke Yarn Shop gitu di utara Oxford karena Deva lagi mencari hobi baru. Tokonya sangat bagus tapi sangat mahal juga. Ya emang di lingkungan yang amat sangat posh juga sih tu toko lokasinya. Dari situ lanjut ngebis ke summertown buat ke Daunt Books, sempat pengen beli All The Light We Cannot See tapi gajadi… akhirnya barusan ku beli di amazon cuma £5 wkwkw (di Daunt Books £9.99, terus di Bodleian gaada yang bisa dipinjam bawa pulang dan Oxfordshire Library ngantri). Pulang dari Summertown ngebungkus The Five Guys. Peanut butter milkshake-nya Five Guys tuh to die for banget yah, tapi pasti kalorinya amit-amit sih… Anyways, tetap enak. Sampe rumah lupa ngapain kemarin, tapi berasa masih early-nya banget. Kayanya cuma scrolling instagram deh. OH! Ngerjain TTS-nya Kompas hari Minggu! Sangat senang belajar banyak.
Ngapain lagi yah Januari ini. Research progress mayan. Berhasil ngerapiin revisian, terus meeting sama co-authors juga buat bahas next set of action. Harus ngelab sih tapi belum sempat-sempat aka malas. Tapi overall OK lah. Belakangan juga lagi sering rajin datang seminar di hari Jumat. Di Jumat 2 minggu lalu ada Oliv yang mau nonton, jadi ku-temani. Speakernya researcher dari ETH bahas energy transition ini sebetulnya working gaksih. Terus yang minggu kemarin bahas submarine landslide dan efeknya ke optic cable. Mayan seru juga. Di departemen juga sekarang lebih gampang solat. Ku either solat di ofis, atau tanya ruangan meeting di lantai dasar kosong apa nggak ke Jeanette the receptionist. Si postdoc-ku masih ada hutang kopi ke aku karena kemarin ku ngeprint surat buat bawa terbang sampel. Tapi overall, research-wise it’s okay.. Cuma emang agak malas aja dan susah meng-headstart the day… Tapi tetap bersyukur. The finish line is so close now. Fighting!
Weekend-weekend sebelumnya lagi ngapain yah… Mostly kayanya di rumah aja… Weekend lalu ku berhasil painted a small-sized canvas. Terus juga in the week ku jadi beli canvas baru buat stock. Oh! Weekend kemarin juga sempat menonton Stray Kids di Le Gala des Pieces les Jaunes yang di Paris di Youtube! Setelah beberapa minggu lalu menonton Stray Kids pas Golden Disc Awards di Jakarta… Huf semoga ku beneran bisa nonton konser mereka full yah tahun ini Aamiin. In the week last week sempat makan bareng anak-anak Indo juga ramean di Reuben hari Kamis. Dan Jumatnya sama the girls (yang adalah ketemu Mas Daus juga beres jumatan jadi bareng). Nonton debat cawapres! Di rumah, 2 minggu lalu ya itu? Karena kesepian, jadi ku mengundang Dita untuk datang ke rumah dan kita ngata-ngatain Gibran dah tuh puas banget di situ karena dia aneh. Kayanya kelakuan dia juga yang fueling aku untuk ngetweet jahat tentang dia dan jadi viral itu. Coba kalau dia behave well, pasti ku juga gaakan ada alasan buat ngomentarin CV-nya dia whatsoever (alasan aja kamu, Non).
Ketemu Mas Rangga juga for catch up! Terus sempat bukapuasa sama Aji juga gitu di Ji Chicken? Dinner sama JSC di Chiang Mai Kitchen. Sempat pengajian juga di Summertown! Di salah satu weekend juga. Dan ada sempat makan sama Hanif di Angrid Thai, kemudian nonton orkestra di Sheldonian (sampai sini kayanya aku udah recount di suatu post).
Udah sih.. socially ku sangat… active, dan kebutuhan social-ku terpenuhi. Emotional juga. Spiritual juga. Secara profesional juga… Sempat bikin postingan air zam-zam itu juga kan, dan mau bikin Hajar Aswad tapi udah kepalang malas karena ribet gatau juga itu yang batu benerannya yang mana. Anyways… tapi akan tetap ku-kerjakan kok. Dari semua yang terjadi di Januari sepertinya amat sangat patut bersyukur sayah. Makasih banyak YaAllah dikasih bulan yang di mana aku-nya bahagia. Semuanya aman lancar. Semoga ke depan di bulan-bulan berikutnya juga mengikuti. AAMIIN YRA.
Flat 39, 22.44 29/01/2024
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celestials2022 · 2 years
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Hai tayaaaangku Jeanette, i still remember those times kamu pdkt in arca hehe, ga nyangka sekarang udah mau pisah pisahan. SEMANGAT AYO CANTIK GABOLEH LOYO YAAA? Makasih udah berpatisipasi di arca, being a great celestial. See you sooner, cantik! 😉💗
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ofmobrie · 2 years
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SHE HAS NEVER BEEN AND WILL NEVER BE THE PROUDEST. Whom quoth if everyone was proud of their children's accomplishments? bullshit, the lady knows it the meetest.
She may not be Angelina Jolie who has won sixty or maybe more prestigious awards for her acting. She’s also not so attractive as Marilyn Monroe (and even can hook up with the Pr*si*e*t). Not at all. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒓𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓, and she is just making a living off of that.
But no one is proud of it.
Hard to receive because of her on-screen beauty? Hither, it all befell on April 19, 2022, at the age of 24 years of her career.
Jakarta was so cold, with cars racing to be the first to arrive at work or school. Those who greet the new day with apathy, as if they were purposefully wasting time. Even so, there were many spirits down there who had run out of time and regretted their poor judgement. Anneke frequently reminded her children of the remorse of souls running out of time, and the remembrance stayed with her first daughter, Celestine—the lady
“Mama harus belanja sekarang, Cel, kalau gak nanti telat masaknya.”
“Iya, Ma, tapi nanti Cel temenin abis Cel maskeran.”
“Kamu wes ayu, Cel. Ayo, ikut atau gak?”
While Celestine dressed simply but elegantly, Anneke sipped her green tea calmly in the dining room, thinking about what else she needed to stock her refrigerator. The mother with the sad eyes has four children, but she only has two daughters who are frequently misidentified as twins. While their personalities are polar opposites, Celestine is clearly older than Jeanette.
Anneke turned her heel and tapped on the door of the girl's chamber, who was spraying perfume in the crook of her neck. Just a kind nudge to get moving and let her know if she will be waiting in the car. There was hidden purpose, that way, so her daughter would be in a rush and finish the unimportant make-up swiftly.
“Ketutupan masker aja dandan,” Anneke chirped as Celestine climbed into the car. The aroma of Aldehydes and Bergamot burst into the car's corner. Her scent was stronger than the lavender scent that had been Anneke's car icon for years.
“Your daughter is an actress, Mom,”
“Okay, okay.”
Even though the streets were not completely overcrowded, the capital had a busy day. The sky even knew how to adjust to the tune of the unintentionally played, accompanying two women who had unexpectedly drifted into the melody.
𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙖𝙮 𝙄 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙤𝙤 𝙢𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙢𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠.
“Tanya masmu, Cel, pulang gak dia.”
“Pasti pulang gak sih? Kan lebaran.”
“Siapa tahu ke tempatnya Jihan.”
𝙄 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙤𝙤 𝙢𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄 𝙙𝙤𝙣’𝙩 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚.
Despite the dire situation, it was Nicholas who finally broke the spell.
“Pulang, Ma.”
“Sama Jihan?”
𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙩 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙨.
“Sama Mbak Jihan, Ma.”
“Masakin apa, yaa?”
The plaintive melody and the few broken words, which so kindly represented a piece of her heart, drew Celestine to the core. Her breathing became laboured, while Anneke was beside her, humming and driving so leisurely, so relaxing that she had no idea she was hurting someone.
“Masmu gak suka pedes, semur ayam mau lah ya? Moso opor terus.”
Isn't Anneke aware that Celestine adores her 𝑜𝑝𝑜�� 𝑎𝑦𝑎𝑚 and that 𝑎𝑦𝑎𝑚 𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑢𝑟 is a must-have menu item for every Eid just because of 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒎𝒖 𝒈𝒂𝒌 𝒔𝒖𝒌𝒂 𝒑𝒆𝒅𝒆𝒔?
“Bebas, Ma. Pasti Mas Nicho makan semuanya.”
“Jelas, anak itu makan lahap terus.”
And so Celestine.
“Sayang sih..” Anneke murmured, her gaze switching slightly to the left before returning to the capital’s sufficiently crowded landscape.
“Iya, semua jadi kecewa karena kesalahan dia sendiri. Kalau dia gak se..”
“Iya, Ma, faktanya dia selingkuh.”
She suppressed an outburst of emotion, afraid of making someone she yearned for affections angry. Anneke, on the other hand, did not reciprocate. She exhaled as she carved her words, barely choking with spoken facts.
“Mas mu dulu, mesti, walau di dalem air tok iso buat bangga orang se-Indonesia bangga,” she spoke slowly and eloquently, seemingly unbothered about the woman gnashing her teeth next to her.
“Apalagi Papa.. wah, gak main-main bangganya. Eh, sekarang Papa malah jadi yang paling kecewa sama Masmu iku. Yo, ancen, Masmu nakale wes kelewatan. Sampe gak beres-beres itu nyeselnya ke Soraya..”
𝐼𝑠𝑛’𝑡 𝑖𝑡 𝑜𝑏𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑀𝑎𝑠 𝑁𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑜 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦’𝑠 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑒? 𝑆𝑜, 𝑀𝑎, 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑑𝑜 𝑤𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑝 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑖𝑡?
“Eh.. iyo, Soraya piye kabare, yo?”
“Gak nanya, Cel?”
“Masmu yang salah kok kamu sewotnya ke Soraya, sih.”
She appeared to be perplexed as to why her parents were so fond of this widowed mother of three. She should have known that Nicholas isn't a person who likes things rushed, as a mother who only cares about her oldest child. But wasn't Anneke concerned that her son was rushing to marry her? If, as Celestine said, 𝑘𝑒𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑘𝑎𝑤𝑖𝑛 was the case.
“Sama aja dua-duanya.” Wrong, in her eyes, because she had robbed her brother of the attention she craved. Even when her grip was strong enough to hold several award trophies, her family didn't even congratulate her. Among them is Nicholas.
“Manusia gak luput dari kesalahan, Nak,”
“Yah.. moga-moga Nicho sadar, terus cepet nikahin Jihan. Iya, okay, sekarang belum bisa soalnya Jihan udah hamil besar. Tapi semoga udah mulai mikir itu.. biar Papamu gak kesel terus sama Masmu sama Jihan!”Hidden behind her eyes were flashes of emotion and confusion about her family, particularly her mother. Still the proudest, though he is just a total disgrace to The Wright.
It is him, always him, her brother, Nicholas.
Yes, there was a time when Nicholas Wright was so overshadowed by his accomplishments and excellence that it was hard to believe. Celestine, on the other hand, claimed that his conceit had turned him into a selfish individual.
Hasyim, family, and her career are all on her shoulders. Everything is so well thought out. Her skin may be able to touch her mother's hand, but the weight it's been carrying for years can't be alleviated by this.
Nicholas Adam Wright.
Somehow, she hated that name.
A woman was calling her name in the part of her brain still occupied by her older brother's name. After a few minutes in the supermarket, she noticed a lot of people staring at her. But she didn't expect to be summoned, even though she was wearing a mask and a hat to hide her face.
“Beneran Kak Celestine!” An early 20-year-old brunette woman with round eyes and long eyelashes shrieked. Gorgeous.
“Boleh foto, Kak? Aku udah suka sama Kak Celestine sejak Supernova!”
A fan.
“Yeah, sure!” After a long pause, she smiled widely, making her eyes form a beautiful crescent-like curvature behind her mask.
It was obvious that she was putting on a fake smile. Celestine's acting career appears to be more than just a job; it appears to be a shield for her to live her life. Taking on the world, friends, hasyim, family, even herself.
More and more people gathered around Celestine and Anneke as she continued to strike the same poses over and over again. Even though it wasn't her first time, she still had to squeeze Celestine's hand so tightly. It was not uncommon for someone to approach Anneke in the hopes of taking a selfie with her. It made Celestine laugh to see her mother confused. Her smile quickly faded away, however, as she recalled their previous conversation.
Celestine may not have realised it yet, but the great roles and countless of prestigious accolades she hoped for were not what she needed. All she needed was to be recognised and loved by her family. By someone she wanted to. She was tired, she was tired of having to keep reaping so many achievements just to exist. Because no matter how much she had in her hands, she would never be The Proudest Nicholas Wright.
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ladyorlandodream · 2 years
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In loving memory of Jeanette Maus
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jointimeandspace · 2 years
RIP to our Cassandra Dimitrescu, Jeanette Maus, who died on this date last year. ❤
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8thcaelius · 3 years
it’s always the youngest of the family who’s a lot more techie
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maggierobertsimp · 3 years
Maggie, Bekka, Nicole and Aaron were doing the off screen signing of Jeanette's memorial Cassandra print and APPARENTLY everyone finished theirs before Bekka (which is unheard of), so Nicole took it upon herself to record and share the ensuing teasing and chaos ❤.
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gamerbulten · 4 months
RE Village oyuncularından Jeanette Maus, 39 yaşlarında yaşamını yitirdi Öğretmenlik ve oyunculuk mesleği haricin...
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beardedservant · 3 years
Cassandra 🌸🌸🌸 Jeanette Maus
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rektfordays · 3 years
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The Duke, Marguerite, and Cassandra coming together with their food of choice: 🥘⁉️🦵
(the actors are childhood friends irl!)
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actualbampot · 3 years
So I kinda wanna highlight this for people that may not know-
The Voice Actress for Cassandra Dimitrescu, as well as a few other voices in Resident Evil Village, is Jeanette Maus. She lost her battle with cancer in January 2021. She was 39.
:( Even though it was a minor role, thanks for such a great performance.
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