#jealous bean
zillaphoneswag · 3 months
Quick oneshot about Amanda getting just a little jealous with how Courtney and Angela switched jackets during the new Games video? Should I do it?
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socksandbuttons · 8 months
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And then you get a random Bean Bloodmoon and Dadcode comic cause UH i was going in a direction with the current canon but halfway through realized I need a bit more to handle that one. I'd need to think about his resurrection, how and why PLUS we already know Bloodmoon would be disgusted with KC's pacifism (a most in character reaction from Bloodmoon I would think). Not to mention KC owning up to just... leaving all three of his kids. Bloodmoon needs patience, to learn and to be handled with such. This would be way after Eclipse's return so KC has a better understanding of owning up to his kids. He's not so very proud of his past self though (the frame he was holding is suppose to be something from that arc in the base.). Anyway, I'm just thinking how KC literally handles them as children here, making sure there's a set meal schedule, they're actually not opposed to confronting KC's actions although in this case Bloodmoon just couldn't wait an extra five minutes for some ham, which KC isn't too impressed with. Bloodmoon also takes things by the literal word.
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absolutehumandisaster · 7 months
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Recently started watching the qsmp and this has to be one of my favorite bits so far. Grown man is jealous of egg, more at 6
ID in alt
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just-a-bean-babes · 20 days
Fig is truly the Women Lover of All Time. EVERY female npc Brennan pulls up she is immediately head over heels for, and she is so real for that
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beanghostprincess · 3 days
Do you think shuggy ever gets possessive over one another?
Definitely. Undoubtedly. And it goes both ways.
I believe the most obvious answer would be saying Shanks is the possessive one because, you know, have you seen the rizz this clown has to always attract people? Cross Guild??? So Shanks gets jealous easily but I don't think he actively shows it because he wants to keep things peaceful and he truly does not want Buggy to get angry at him for this. So it's small, subtle moves that let others know Shanks is possessive over Buggy but without making Buggy notice.
On the other hand, Buggy is way more explicit with that. Shanks is just too nice. It doesn't mean he flirts with everyone he meets but he just has a flirty personality and it does look like that when he's being polite, plus, for some reason every girl wants to fuck Shanks. That man looks disgusting and very gay to me, but whatever the female gaze wants, idk-- And Buggy is more the type to get angry at Shanks and yell at him about it and quickly drag him away from any flirtatious conversation, but Shanks kind of sort of likes it, ngl. ("Awww you want me only for yourself, Bugs?" / "Shut the fuck up")
But this doesn't only happen romantically and I doubt you meant it only in that way. I was saving my favorite thing for last.
I think they were possessive of each other since they were kids. You know. Always being together and clinging to each other constantly. Never being without the other. They of course argue but they always have this "he should be with me" sensation when the other is with someone else because it just doesn't feel right to be apart from him. They have also always been possessive in the way of like-- Not the "you're mine" sort of thing but "we belong together, that's how it always has been". On the battlefield too, btw, if you touch one of them you will probably end up dead because they're just that protective (Shanks does it in a more obvious way and Buggy could kill someone to protect Shanks but he would blame Shanks anyway and say he didn't do it because of him when he totally did).
There's just something about them now that screams how they want to go back to the way things used to be when they could live in their own bubble together, only the two of them. And there's this clear possessiveness because their love is only theirs and no one else's. And I believe them to be extremely protective in all stages of their relationship. When they were kids. When they were teenagers. Even when they were fighting. And even more, if they date again.
By the way, I just had the most adorable thought about lil kids Shuggy being this possessive. A little headcanon-- Roger always playing with them and showering them with love because of course he did, and he used to hold Buggy and go "He's mine!!! <33 My ray of sunshine!!" and Shanks instantly got so possessive and angry going "No!!! Mine!!" and Roger kept joking about it until Shanks cried and he had to let go of Buggy if he didn't want the kid to have a whole breakdown about it (Buggy didn't give a single fuck btw he liked to be with Rayleigh better).
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inkedberries · 6 months
Whi do you think gets more easily jealous? Megumi or sukuna? And how do they both act on it?
i dont think sukuna gets jealous when ppl get handsy over his 'property' per se more like he'll feel offended that you had the audacity to try and take what is his. the first feeling will always be offense never jealousy. bc jealousy would imply that sukuna wants something that he doesn't have, but he wouldn't covet something that he already owns, right?
like he won't go green with jealousy when megumi will give someone the time of day over him, he'll go red with rage on that someone who tries to whisk megumi away because how dare you, you are beneath me.
you might think there isn't a difference, but there is. why would he get jealous? megumi is his. nothing changes that.
how he acts on it? he gets rid of the nuisance of course lol
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neverevan · 3 months
Fuck It Friday 🧇
Aaaalrighty. I am actively trying to get back to working on my wips but ngl until we know where the show will take the characters, I probably won't be working on anything non-established relationshipy.
This also means that I might have to scrap some (or most) of my wips by the time the season ends, starting with the jealous eddie fic. So I thought I might as well share some stuff from it before that'd happen.
He hooked the chart back to the end of the bed and walked over to the bedside table. “Thirsty?”
“I- yeah, thanks.”
Jason filled up a glass and passed it to Buck, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
“Not to sound like I’m glad you’ve been crushed by a collapsing floor — because believe me, I’m not.” He leveled Buck with a look that reminded him of Maddie before he continued. “But I am glad I finally got to see you. I was beginning to think that you’ve been ignoring my texts on purpose.”
Buck held his glass over his stomach and stared at it for a moment.
“I uh I kinda was.” He admitted quietly.
“Oh?” Jason asked in surprise and even though he didn’t seem upset, Buck still couldn’t help but flinch. “Did I- did I do something wrong?” He frowned, almost as if he was asking himself instead of Buck.
“N-no, no, not at all it’s just… did I? Do something wrong, I mean.”
“Y-you uh you bolted pretty quickly after our date so I thought—”
Jason put a hand onto Buck’s thigh, just above his knee, and he snapped his mouth shut.
“It’s… nothing,” he shook his head, “I think it just seemed like you had your hands full with work and family and I didn’t want to make it worse. You know, before we could see where things were going with us.”
Maybe Eddie was right and he didn’t mess this up that badly, maybe it really was salvageable.
“Yeah?” He tipped his head up hopefully.
“Yeah.” Jason shifted his hand onto the top of Buck’s, bringing immediate warmth to his skin and he couldn’t help but lace their fingers together on top of the bedsheet.
He also couldn’t help but to instantly think about Eddie holding his hand through two layers of gloves while they both thought Buck was about to die. The way he desperately wished to feel Eddie’s touch one more time as he caressed Buck’s cheek and made him talk through bloodloss.
“So, are we on for another date?” Jason’s quiet voice teleported Buck right back to reality where Buck wasn’t dying and Eddie was no longer holding Buck’s hand.
“Yeah, s-sure I’d love that.”
✨I was tagged by and am tagging the wonderful @sunshinediaz @spagheddiediaz @jeeyuns @excuseme-greentea @exhuastedpigeon @nmcggg @disasterbuckdiaz @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @honestlydarkprincess @watchyourbuck @actualalligator MWUAH MWUAH 💛
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thatsrightice · 4 months
Crosby definitely accidentally walks in on people all the time and gets so flustered he just immediately leaves and refuses to talk about it. Because he’s mortified right, like this little modest anxious mess of a man feels awful for disrupting their peace and… quiet. Unfortunately it doesn’t happen just once, it just keeps happening to him and every time he dies a little on the inside
When you share a bunk house with 15 other men, you’re bound to walk in on things you aren’t meant to see. So when he walks in and sees two of them going at it, he immediately leaves. At least it was one of their beds and not his own.
Usually when his bunk house is occupied he’ll go to the officer’s club or busy himself somehow, but one day he was just too exhausted and sat down. He passed out like that leaning against the door and was startled awake when the two were leaving.
One time after a mission he had forgotten to grab his parachute from the plane, so he had to walk a quarter of a mile to get it so he could return it to the riggers. He quietly opens the hatch but before he could heave himself in, he hears it. Yeah, nope. He’ll get that parachute tomorrow morning.
The showers because of course
He had to deliver some paperwork to one of the offices in the mission planning room and noticed some shadows in one of the upper offices. He decided putting the papers on the table was close enough.
There was a time where he was sitting on his bed reading a book when suddenly two men came stumbling in, touching and kissing all over each other. He figured they’d notice he was there but turns out they were very much oblivious to his presence. He luckily got out of there before it got too serious.
Every time it happens they’ll try to cautiously confront him or straight up corner him, but before they can speak he immediately starts to apologize a million times and is close to crying because he’s borderline having a panic attack. They’re immediately concerned like “heyyy buddy, it’s okay” but like at the same time “you’re not gonna tell anyone, right?” And he’s immediately all red like he would never tell anyone. Why would he want to tell anyone he just walked in on them going at it, that’s embarrassing af. Besides, it’s none of his business.
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cheapcheapfaker · 4 months
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mysterybutknown · 1 year
Dudes. Dudettes.
Listen listen. Their has not been alot of flower husbands in this season of empires, because Scott is probably banking on all of us making fanfic and fanarts of just the pair stood in a new room, near each other. (and Jimmy has no clue what's going)
I propose we all go on FLOWER HUSBANDS STRIKE. Ya know. Scare Scott a little.
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socksandbuttons · 2 months
What is Jack o moon like in your bean au????
SO- ironic you ask cause he wasn't 'canon' to the bean au. But now I considered it. I'd have to rename Solar for the bean au tho. (Eclipse will not have that name used for anyone but Solar Flare at most. He's glaring at Lunar) Altho in a sense Nice!Eclipse would end up picking a different name regardless. He doesnt move into their universe in this AU. But would make Jack. Just not sure on how yet but bouncing around that he makes Jack for his Moon maybe. (In a protective sense... However... Hmn.) Neko once suggested he made Jack to protect Lunar from Bloodmoon and Eclipse (altho considering the timeline... not nessacary) I already have an AU where Nice!Eclipse made a Lunar trying to bring back his Sun (never meeting main universe Lunar) I'll figure it out. I have to redesign Nice!Eclipse a bit anyway. But Bean jack would be similar to how he is already. Just ... Smaller.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 2 years
The Marchwarden and the Princess
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ʚ Pairing: Haldir x Fem. reader
ʚ Word Count : 2187 words
ʚ Summary: You are a elven princess from Mirkwood, currently spending some time with friends in Lothlorien. Haldir, harbouring a secret, comes upon you while on a walk.
ʚ Themes: Soft | Fluff
ʚ Warnings: Kissing | Haldir being a jealous little bean 
ʚ Translations : 
Naneth: Mother
Adar: Father 
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Ah, Lothlorien, where the world was always gold and under the ever-watchful eye of Galadriel. A place where Mallorn trees towered over all else, and life moved slowly while everything and everyone raced by.
Here under a canopy of yellow leaves, the Marchwarden Haldir was enjoying a walk. It was a luxury that was never truly possible while Sauron held sway over the east and bands of orcs thought it fit to traipse around the forests. It was strange as well, not to be on guard all the time. Still, Haldir wanted to make the most of moments such as these, for one never knew how long it would last.
He was alone, as he cared for no one’s company for the most part. Wars and skirmishes only showed him that close bonds brought nothing but grief and loss. Haldir kept himself closed off, but all that changed when you called in on Galadriel, and was asked to stay for a while. Haldir had been tasked with showing you around, and something happened. For the first time, Haldir felt a stab of something, something he thought he’d never feel. The longer you stayed, the stronger that feeling became.
He knew a pairing with someone like you was impossible because, after all, he was a lowly Marchwarden, and you were a princess, a cousin of the feared Thranduil, no less. You were, in the words of mortal men, way out of his league. Still, he dreamed of a future with you, impossible as it may have been. Haldir knew he could never hope for more than just a friendship, but seeing you talking and laughing with the other warriors made his blood grow hot. Haldir never claimed to a paragon of elven virtue, and always struggled to keep his jealousy in check.
Lost in thought, Haldir walked on until he reached the path leading to the Nimrodel. There, seated by the stump of an old oak tree, was you.
How pretty you looked in the morning light. Your lips were pursed in concentration, your eyes skimming over the words of a letter. Haldir thought it best to leave you alone and reluctantly turned down another path.
You look up when your skin prickled, and your eyes rested on a familiar cloak. "Haldir!" You call out. "Why are you skulking off?" He turned, his stomach a-flutter. What was it with your voice and the effect it had on him? "I'm not skulking off, my lady. I'm merely going in another direction."
"Without even saying hello? How odd." Your stomach got all tied up in knots when he looked at you the way he did, like no one else existed to him. "And how many times must I ask you to use my name instead of my lady?"
How he longed to say it. How he longed to hear what it sounded like when he said it. Haldir shook his head, for he knew such familiarity would be considered impertinent. "One more time, my lady," he responded with a respectful tilt of the head. "As always."
You stifle a groan. Proper, well-bred Haldir, and his good manners. Him and the arms that could carry you without a problem. The lips that looked like they could make you forget everything with just a kiss, and...and...You sigh, trying to fight back the more lustful ideas forming in your head. No. No. Now was definitely not the time for such thoughts.
"My lady?" He asked when he joined you. 
"What? Oh. Forget the name business for now," you say quickly. “Would you like to keep me company? I could use a diversion from this."
When you hold up the letter you were reading, his attention first drifted to seal of the sender. "This has come from the Elvenking?"
His eyes went wide when you replied in the affirmative. "He sounds quite vexed," he said, after noticing several passages that had been written by a very heavy hand.
"He's angry that I'm refusing to marry according to anyone's wishes but my own." You put the letter back, thinking a reply could wait. Haldir’s wide eyes had grown to the size of saucers now. "You-- you wish to marry according to your own fancy?"
What did it mean for him? Did this mean you could marry anyone you liked? Or only someone that met your family's expectations of a suitable husband?
"My parents made it clear they would respect my choice the day I turned one hundred years of age. They'd rather I marry a man who was good to me and made me happy."
Haldir sat down next to you, praying that this wasn't a trick and that you were sincere in what you were saying. "When you say that, does it mean that freedom applies to high-born anyone? Or anyone, anyone?"
His attempt at feigning indifference was adorable, but oh so obvious. Did he like you? Was that it? Was that why he sometimes looked at you the way he did?
 A spot of digging is in order. "Anyone, anyone," you said with heavy-lidded eyes. "Even a Marchwarden of Lothlorien."
The water he was drinking came flying out of his mouth. Fortunately for you, he had the good sense to turn his head to the side. 
"So I made a list." A cough quickly disguised the laughter that threatened to burst forth. "And I was wondering if you'd help me narrow down the candidates."
Haldir narrowed his eyes, his blood growing hot again. Others? You had others in mind? Oh, he'll help you alright, but not in the way you expected. "Go on," he said curtly. 
Was he jealous? You put on an innocent air and give out a list of names. "I was wondering if Orom would do."
Celeborn's most trusted captain. "Orom. A very pretty face," Haldir said, "But not much going on between his ears."
"Oh, that's too bad," you tut in disappointment. "How about Aethelred?"
"An elf who couldn't tell the difference between an orc's tracks and a hobbit's even if his life depended on it."
"Faindir?" You fire off names in quick succession. "Nîdor?"
Haldir looked at the river, shining like a silver ribbon under the morning light. "Faindir is a terrible swimmer." He leaned in and whispered conspiratorially after taking a good look at his bow. "And Nîdor is the worst archer I have ever met."
"Goodness. What must Celeborn think of his men?" The struggle to choke back your laughter grew harder with each passing minute. "Glorindir then, surely."
Glorindir. Glorifindel's youngest brother and a favorite amongst the ladies. "Him," he muttered angrily. "Of course, he'd be on your list."
And there it was. The flared nostrils. The fiery glare. Haldir was indeed jealous. "Is Glorindir such a bad choice?" 
Haldir's countenance was like an enraged God's, if such a thing existed. When he gave word to his views of Glorindir, they were far from flattering, and borderline obscene. Seeing him all worked up like that made you wonder what it would feel like if Haldir directed that energy towards you, but in a completely different context.
While you were wrestling with the dark and sinful thoughts that formed in your mind, Haldir, on the other hand, had worked himself into a rage. Why were you even considering others when he was there right in front of you? "Besides, Glorindir wouldn't know how to please you even if a book of instructions hit him square in the face,” he finished hotly.
"Oh? and you do?" You said saucily. 
“Yes! No!” Haldir's eyes crinkled in embarrassment, for he had outed himself. "I mean... I didn't mean it like that..." he sputtered. "Y/n, what I meant was..."
"You said my name." You appear more composed than you were. Something about the way he said your name made your heart race. 
Something about saying your name made his heart race. Haldir went red, for he knew he had gone and done it now.
"And those others are more than just pretty faces, lousy warriors and so-so lovers." You retort. "Haldir? Are you jealous?"
His anger had given way to abject mortification. "MaybeIam," He muttered under his breath.
You tilt your head to the side in interest. "Haldir? What did you just say?"
He sighed and gave in. "I'm jealous, alright? There. I said it. I'm jealous. I don't understand why you should be interested in the others when I'm right here in front of you."
“And why is that?" How your skin warmed when sky blue eyes looked at you with longing. "What cause do you have to be jealous?" 
"Because... because..." Haldir groaned and threw up his hands in frustration. "Urghhhh! I like you! There! I like you, y/n. I like you a lot!"
"I've liked you from the moment I first saw you!" Haldir was not about to stop now. "All I can ever think about is you! And," The way you looked at him, your eyes filled with mischief, gave him pause. "And-- and you know that, don't you? The list? It was just a... a..."
"A clever little ruse to ferret out the truth?" Your smirk only served to inflame him. "Indeed."
"And I fell for it, hook, line, and sinker." The two of you stood up like warriors about to spar in the training yard. "Oh, but you are shrewd."
You jutted your chin in defiance, but the humor never left your eyes. "Come now, Haldir, I was just having a little fun and --."
"This isn’t a joke, y/n!" He snapped as his eyes drifted to your lips. His fogged mind was filled with visions of your lips.
"Because you don’t know what it’s like!” Haldir took a step towards you without even realizing it. “Because you don’t know how it feels! I--I--” His shoulders drooped in defeat. Might as well come out with everything now. “I forget to breathe when I’m around you.”
You stand there, silent and stunned. Haldir pressed on, determined to see this through. He needed to know that he tried his damnedest to win you over. It would give him some comfort if you did indeed choose someone else in the end.
“I mean it. I can’t breathe when I’m around you.” Haldir murmured, his voice shaking with both fear and need. “There are times where I can’t even think clearly if you’re around. That’s the effect you have on me. And I don’t want you to consider anyone else,” He said passionately as he inched closer. “I want you to consider me. Only me. Is-- is that too much for me to ask?” 
You stare at him, touched by what he just said. “Haldir... I...”
In the blink of an eye, it felt like he was in front of you and all around you.  His kisses were hungry and needy, his lips devouring, taking as much as you gave him. It felt like your bones were melting and you cling onto him like the two of you were glued together.
Fireworks. His kisses reminded you of Gandal’s fireworks, glorious and breathtaking. It felt like your very breath was sucked out of you. It left you weak and at his mercy. Haldir moaned into his kiss, his tongue dipping in when your lips parted. Nothing even in his wildest imaginations compared to really holding you, to feeling your breath mingle with his, his own body responding in a way it had never done before. It made him forget all sense propriety and made him want to take, to take until you had nothing left to give. When he pulled the both of you to the ground, you only encouraged him, and he would have gone further had a twig not snapped in the distance. Haldir came crashing back to reality when he realized the two of you were out in the open, and there were other matters he wanted to get out the way first.
"Wha--?" You mumbled when he pulled away. "Why?"
"Not here, y/n," He whispered in pants. "Too many eyes. And I've yet to ask if I could court you." 
"Oh," You look up at him with sheepish eyes. "Do--" you gulp. "Do you want to ask?"
"I do, and I will write to your parents as soon we head back," he said, his temple resting on yours. "But there is that small matter of your cousin."
"Him?" You grin. "Adar told me to never worry about Thranduil. He'll be more than happy to tackle him should he create problems. I personally think he likes getting scrappy with the king. Naneth says watching Thranduil huff and puff whenever Adar says no fills her with great amusement."
Haldir chuckled. "There's never going to be a dull moment with you and your family is there?"
Your nose creased, and your eyes narrowed in amusement. "No, sir. And if you're planning on courting me?"
"I do," Haldir's grin matched yours. "I definitely do."
"Then you better get used to it."
"Oh I will," Haldir declared eagerly. "I look forward to getting used to it."
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afflucnt · 2 months
𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒅    𝒂𝒔 ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏: ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏open     starter    (    f    /    nb    )
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❝    your    little    girlfriend    still    can’t    show    her    face    around    me    ,    huh    ?    i    knew    she    didn't    exist    .    ❞ 
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beanghostprincess · 3 days
Im shocked that you think of shanks as possessive 🧐 most people think of him as chill and someone who would just not react cuz he doesn’t care 🧐 fascinating
I believe he is possessive with Buggy in a more protective sense rather than just jealousy but he doesn't like, show it in an explicit way because it'd be counterproductive so that's why it seems like he doesn't care most of the time. If that makes any sense? I don't think either of them are chill about the other. They're obsessed with each other pleasee 😭 And I don't think Shanks would have any issues with Buggy being with other people, but if we're talking about Cross Guild I think Shanks would still have this urge to protect him in case they do something bad to Buggy. But he trusts Buggy to protect himself without him. Like, logically Shanks knows he doesn't have to do anything but he's just constantly worried about the people he loves.
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lemongrablothbrok · 6 months
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Uh-oh. Somebody's not a happy camper...
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
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anyway i made bean a pretty princess collar so she matches her pretty princess tent
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