#bean screams
just-a-bean-babes · 4 days
Something something Edwin’s death was a hate crime
Something something Charles death was because he stopped one
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halfa-failure · 3 months
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silly hc i have
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petiteechorizon · 11 months
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He stubbed his toe
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princessanneftw · 5 months
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“Hello, old bean.”
Princess Anne greets her brother King Charles III after his coronation on 6 May 2023
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hufflepotato-18 · 1 month
“If Gilbert had been asked to describe his ideal woman the description would have answered point for point to Anne, even to those seven tiny freckles whose obnoxious presence still continued to vex her soul. Gilbert was as yet little more than a boy; but a boy has his dreams as have others, and in Gilbert's future there was always a girl with big, limpid grey eyes, and a face as fine and delicate as a flower. He had made up his mind, also, that his future must be worthy of its goddess.”
- Anne of Avonlea, L. M. Montgomery
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neapolitantoebeans · 2 years
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something something “me being attracted to brunet men from slasher films”
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sincericida · 4 months
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Some things never change about my favorite scientist.
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zhongrin · 22 days
if you see this, and you're about to sleep (like me), i hope we both get a good rest and our f/os visits us in our dreams ᰔᩚ
if you're just starting your day, good luck and i hope your day will be good and filled with positive things coming straight to your way ᰔᩚ
and if you're in the middle of your day, i hope you're given strength to tackle the remaining hours before you can kick back and relax ᰔᩚ
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prapaiwife · 2 months
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tecnestheim962 · 10 days
I miss Rosegarden.
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just-a-bean-babes · 22 days
You’re laughing. British Kristen is dead and you’re laughing
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bonefall · 2 months
Anything planned for Whitetail? She’s bland in canon but I do love her
BB!Whitetail is so... I want to study her.
To begin with, she was an apprentice during the WindClan Massacre.
(Her mentor was not Onewhisker btw, he was too young)
She had two siblings, Graypaw and Blackpaw.
Graypaw was killed that night. Their mother, Sorrelcharm, probably also died.
Suddenly being thrust from her home and losing half of her family messed with her. Obviously. Who wouldn't feel this way
She has a perpetual sense of waiting for the "other shoe to drop." Like no home is truly safe, and it's a matter of time before the next big move.
Unfortunately... she's not totally wrong. Blackfur was either killed by TigerClan or a mine collapse. They were forced onto the Great Journey. Mudclaw's Civil War resulted in a raging inferno across the moor. Whitetail gets commended for how reliable and even-headed she is in the face of disaster, but it's because her mind is expecting the worst case scenario ALL the time.
Her personality is intense and orderly, only kept back by the fact she's a hopeless romantic.
PROFOUND sense of whimsy. She gives off a chilling air of seriousness, which stops people from discovering that she can be a real mush.
(Girlie galloping through the moor who whips off-course, as if she caught a glimpse of prey in her eye, only to have taken a short detour to crash through a puffy dandelion.)
When they all got to the lake, she had a brief fling with Onestar. She liked a lot about him-- his new status, yes, but also that when they were together they were just having fun. It was easy.
But... he didn't want it to continue romantically. He turned cold one day when the subject of kits came up.
They broke the unofficial relationship off unofficially, but a short while later he spoke to her again to arrange an honor siring.
He wanted to raise his kittens alone. Whitetail was willing to help him do that, as long as it could be known that she sired them. And that if the kittens wanted to know her-- they could do so.
But still, she didn't understand why he'd turned so suddenly. Not until much, much later.
But before then, she ended up developing an unlikely bond with Brushblaze.
Probably because they'd both been turned down by Onestar, funny enough. They were talking smack one day about failed relationships and it kinda clicked.
Whitetail: "Like idk, was it something I said? Am I the problem"
Brushblaze: "no, you're fine. He's the problem."
Voted WindClan's Most Intimidating Couple, between Whitetail's aura and Brushblaze's resting bitchface
They have two kittens together; Smokehaze and Galerunner. Around the time of their birth, Heathertail decided she wanted to take Whitetail up on the offer that had existed since she was born.
Brushblaze was a personal friend of hers for a long time, she wanted to know Whitetail, and she would like to experience what it's like to be a sister.
Sadly, Brushblaze didn't live to see his kittens become warriors, but Whitetail did.
Whitetail's BIGGEST personal failure interpersonally was, sadly, Breezepaw.
They were an awful match. Every wreckless action he took would badly set off her anxiety, which expressed as her snapping at him.
No matter how hard she tried to have patience with him, or how many times she scolded him to be more careful, it never ever worked.
On his end, the more visibly upset Whitetail became with him, the worse it made his fear of rejection. He was driven to do more and more dangerous acts to prove himself, which only served to make his mentor worse.
But ultimately, Whitetail was the mentor in this situation. She really tried, but she failed him as a teacher. They don't have the close bond that most apprentice/mentor relationships do, and Breezepelt only got lonelier.
For a while, Breeze felt like Brushblaze was "against him" for falling for his terrible mentor. It made it easy to reject his friend's advice when he said stuff like, "don't join the strange cult in the woods" and "this darktail bloke's a bit funny"
I think Whitetail has come a long way and is a much wiser person now than she was while she was Breezepelt's mentor... but.
She's cordial and accepting of Breezepelt now because it's what Brushblaze would have wanted. She doesn't trust him.
In fact she feels right about this. In her mind;
"Breezepelt needs to feel like part of the Clan, it's what Brushblaze would have wanted. Everyone deserves to feel safe, and more than that, this is the best way to neutralize him. When he's making soup and raising kittens, he's not hurting anyone... but he's had more chances than anyone here. Yeah I was harsh on him when he was a child, but he's made plenty of bad choices as an adult. I'm not being cruel or holding a grudge to keep him at a distance from Galepaw and Smokepaw... I'm being realistic. Brushblaze died to rescue him. I'm not going to lose more family to be nice."
This hurts Breezepelt... but it's fair. He tries not to think about it too much. He's learned the hard way that the people who will never like you anyway matter MUCH less than the people who love you.
I also don't really see a need to kill Whitetail off yet, because she makes a really good elder imo. She's practical but still likes to have fun, and is capable of giving really good analysis.
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jojo-schmo · 3 months
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More Schmojo!! And I decided to name her dark matter friend living in her bubble rod, “Beauregard.” >:3
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Plus some doodles I thought of during work, and a lighthearted poke at myself lol.
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onlyzhuyilong · 1 month
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Who in Genshin do you think has the most stable mental state
Itto. Its Freaking Itto. NO questions about it, no arguments, no nothin. This man Yells at Raiden Shogun to blast him with Lightning in a thunderstorm, has no issue befriending anybody, has enough self confidence to sustain him through anything, and does his best to genuinely be kind to so many other people. Dainsleif could monologue to him about what happened to Khaenri'ah and not only would Itto have the best "That's Rough Buddy" energy but he would also be exactly like the "This is where my parents died," "Cowabummer" Image SDLFKJSDFLJSDLGSD On a slightly more serious note tho: Itto is one of the only existing members of the cast we've actually got proof of overcoming their insecurities and trials. Most characters are hung up by something that Has happened, Could Happen, or Will Happen. ie Zhongli and Death, Venti and the Nameless bard, Diluc and his mistakes, Kaeya and his destiny. The list goes on and on. Itto's main struggles are all in the past. He was persecuted as a child, but taken in and raised, and obviously taught the value of his own worth despite what other people say. And he caries that lesson deeply. Sometimes maybe too far, but it allows him to face adversity and his struggles with pride and reassurance. He's learned to put his 110% into everything, and not really give a rip about what other people think or how he's perceived, just that he's doing what he thinks is right, and that he is worth it. The only time we get rumbles of more serious emotional frustration from him, its usually about the safety of others (ie, Him not liking that people bother Granny Oni, Being angry that the Blue Oni sacrificed themselves, Putting his foot down about Xiao's sacrifice) He doesn't like seeing other people treated as below their value. Because he can see the value in everybody. So yeah, he spends his days clowning around, never achieving much, being thought very little of, but this man knows his worth, and he knows the worth of others, and honestly? I think that makes him pretty smart. :)
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thiziri · 5 months
“Hello, old bean”
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