#jaye writes meta
jnselfshipping · 1 year
「Love of my life」
This is a post dedicated to let people know more about my F/O, Aesop, and our relationship. Not many people know him because his source material is so niche. It's also a win-win, because I get to lore-dump and gush about him! This post will keep updating as my understanding of his character changes (if it changes).
About him
Aesop has a reserved, quiet personality. He is a man of few words, but he is very intuitive. He has severe social impediments, stemming from crippling social anxiety (explicitly stated by source material). In his 2nd anniversary voicelines, you can hear his voice getting softer and softer until it is barely louder than a whisper.
However, he has another side. Below the surface, Aesop has a kind of confidence. Unlike some other characters, Aesop is always standing gracefully straight, shoulders back and head held high. He is also shown to have a sense of duty in leading others to death, and being very passionate about doing his job perfectly right and respecting the dead.
Lastly, he is baby.
About us
Four years ago, I came across a game called Identity V. It was quite popular (not on western media ofc) and the fandom was in full throttle. I joined the game a while after a gray-haired, sombre and reserved young embalmer became a playable character; a character by the name of Aesop Carl. He was not hugely popular: he wasn't particularly meta, he wasn't super impressive, and his lore wasn't fully fleshed out yet. In fact, most of the attention he received in the fandom was from a ship which characterised him as a weak, bashful, pillow-biting bottom simply because he looked kinda cute. Needless to say, I didn't pay him much attention.
「He looks interesting.」 said I, at the time, in a conversation with a friend, before I changed the topic.
One stuffy afternoon, I came across a lore article of the game, delving deep into the character's stories. It mentioned Aesop, the embalming industry in the 19th century, and the possibility of manipulation that he was subjected to, to make him like he is now. I read it and only half-understood it. I had not bothered to see his character stories before, so I didn't know much about his personality... or anything, actually, but to understand this cool sounding article, I was going to have to sit through some context. I booted up google and found his character stories on some website. It was only to get enough information to read the article. I'm sure I wouldn't fall for this character or anything. It won't be a problem.
Half an hour later, I had a problem. A massive problem.
Over the next months I started writing about him. It started with analytical things about his lore. I read all the chemicals that were used in 19th century embalming processes. I chewed my pen over details in his upbringing: did his father die, or did he divorce? Did his mother commit suicide? How does his mother know Jaye Carl, his stepfather? Was he bullied? Isolated? More and more, I wanted to know all the details about him.
I also wrote poetry. Soppy poetry that I cringe to read now. I told my friends all the possibilities that his life could have gone. And I daydreamed. About his eyelashes, his personality, everything.
I looked up at the sky one day, thinking of him, and with a pang I realised: "Oh shit, I'm in love". And so it began.
And now. We've been together for four years and counting! I cannot be prouder of us.
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deathnoting · 7 years
i'm new to the death note fandom, and everyone seems to have vastly varying interpretations of L's character do you mind talking a bit about how you interpret him?
hi anon! first of all: welcome to the fandom! we’re not dead but we’re close enough that you could bury us by mistake. always good to have new people. :-) as for your question…. *cracks knuckles* i’m so glad you asked.
thinking about it, i guess i interpret/have interpreted L in a lot of different ways since i first got into death note. of all the main dn characters, he invites the widest range of interpretations. not only did ohba state that much (most?) of what L says is a lie, L also refers to himself as a liar on at least one canon occasion. add to that the variation in his characterization between the early manga chapters (scenes where he is alone) and the later ones (scenes where he is around other characters), the ryuzaki alias and mannerisms being used by b in labb in such a way that calls into question their origin and authenticity, and the general tilt of facetiousness to most of his dialogue (depending on who’s playing him. alessendro juliani’s L constantly talks like he is lowkey making fun of everyone), and it’s no big mystery why there’s so many fanon versions of him. he’s a character that’s enigmatic enough to generate questions in and of himself, and when you give the fandom a decade to stew over those questions, this is what happens.
(small aside: this is one of the things i absolutely love about fandom. the way that one work can spawn so many works, and one character can spawn so many permutations. as someone who spends a lot of time creating and developing characters on my own, it’s humbling and amazing to see characterizations crowd-sourced over such a long period of time from people all over the world. that doesn’t just go for L, but for all of my favorite characters who have enjoyed long and complex fanon careers. i’m looking at you, Every Harry Potter Character.)
as for my personal interpretation of L? if you’re looking for the cliff’s notes, it can be summed up pretty well by this post.
the full earful is:
since i’ve ever been in the fandom (say 2013 ish?), L’s characterization has been a hot topic. this was discourse before it was even called discourse. (rip “fandom wank”.) there was a good portion of people who were big fans of L, saw him as the “good” character to light’s “bad,” and just wanted to fantasize about their anime husbando in peace, goddammit. the backlash to that was the establishment of a long and enduring tradition of posts pointing out all of L’s morally dodgy actions, and tagging pictures of him with #garbage man or something along those lines. that was definitely an aspect of my brand when i was a popular blog. “this is my favorite character in the series and how dare you say that he is a good person!!!!” at the time i was very into squabbling over anime character interpretations. idk what ya’ll were/are doing in your teens, but that’s what i did.
at this point? i see it like this: in the canon, there’s a sharp disconnect between L’s quirky, pun-making, donut-scarfing, face-pulling personality and the insidiousness of his tactics. you can only really read his disregard for the law and for conventional human decency as harmless if you assume he is stupid, and since the very basis of the plot rests on the viewer accepting his (and light’s) genius, then that means he is smart enough to know exactly what he is doing and in what ways it is wrong, and doing it anyway because he believes that it’s necessary to achieve his ends. what’s cool about this is that ohba doesn’t insist on this perception. it isn’t hammered into the bones of the story the way that light’s hypocrisy is (probably because it was more incidental than not) but it is very much there in between the lines: L is not a better person than light, just more subtle.
something that i have always really liked about death note as a piece of media is that, although it is a heavy-handed, cartoonish (literally, yes, but also thematically) shonen jump series where all the characters are caricatures, it occupies this weird space of bleak realism that fits so strangely within its genre that it is almost like the whole world of the story is being pulled in two totally opposite and incompatible directions. light’s bond-villian-esque tirades are bordered by panels of disturbing domestic emptiness. L’s helicopter-flying, ice cream guzzling world’s greatest detective (like, honestly, how is that a real title that exists and is known and cared about by the public?) schtick overlays scenes of him holding suspects for fifty days, limbs bound, without trial. there’s a morbidity to all the fun in death note and i think one of the reasons L is so popular, and so polarizing, is because he holds those two aspects pretty well in balance. after his death, light’s desolateness is the only thing left standing. (i’m not saying mello and near aren’t fun, but i’d argue that their isolation from each other makes it so their morbidity outweighs the level of fun they can produce.)
if you skew a lot closer to the more sober and realistic aspects of death note and further from the hijinks of its genre, that’s where my interpretation of L sits. i think, if this person actually existed, what would he be like? probably unhealthy, both physically and emotionally, but high functioning. desensitized by over-exposure to disturbing stimuli. prone to exaggerating his natural eccentricities in order to throw people off. egotistical, but also preoccupied with things that have the potential to prove him wrong. enamored by the mysterious. terrified of death. disfigured by physically damaging habits but too set in them to want to change. do i see him as a bad person? well, it’s next to impossible to wield that amount of power and not be. L’s power is integral to his character. if he had no money, no handler, no international reputation, or ability to construct a building a moment’s notice, or helicopter, or sway with which to bypass a police protocol—well, then it wouldn’t matter what his ethical philosophy was. (which, the canon suggests, pretty much boils down to: “L always gets his man” *finger gun* *wink*). just like light’s self-aggrandizing idealism would be more or less harmless without the death note, L’s identity is inextricable from his role as the world’s greatest (three) detective(s). without those larger than life roles, light is just the pretentious kid going off in your intro to ethics class and L is just the harried professor pinching the bridge of his nose and wondering how academically scrupulous it is to tell him to shut up. (and yes, please, someone write that au.)
that’s just my canon analysis, though. i think, especially for new death note fans, coming straight from the source material into the world of totally wacky and incongruent fanon ideas and characterizations can be very disorienting. if you want to know all my self indulgent characterizations that i assign to L just because i like them and not because i have any good reason to, that’s a whole separate post. (hint: they involve a victorian gothic childhood and an interest in power-bottoming for the people whose paychecks he signs/prison cells he holds the keys to.)
sorry to go off, anon! i’m not even sure i fully answered your question but hopefully this provided a little clarity as to why this fandom is in disparate characterization shambles.
actually i think it would be cool to hear from a lot of people about their L interpretation. if you asked this q to multiple people, anon, you should amass the highlights into a mega-post of crowd-sourced L characterization or something.
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Muriel’s trauma as seen in the new chapter
I’ve finally processed and I wanna talk for a little second about the way Muriel’s trauma is being represented in his route so far. 
The first thing I wanted to talk about was this:
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The circumstances of his leaving. I’d never really thought about the exact circumstances of his leaving the arena; I think I’d just assumed that he left after Lucio died and made his deal to keep his privacy.
Clearly, he only made his deal because if he didn’t he literally would have been dragged back to the arena, back to being forced to kill people over and over for the rest of his life. He had Inanna to look after now, and he needed everyone to forget him to keep his, and her freedom.
He calls it a “gift”, a “blessing” because it gave him his life back. It let him escape the man holding him as a slave. He keeps telling himself “It’s a gift, it’s good no one can remember me, I don’t want to be remembered” because it’s the only way he could see himself surviving. He wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth, and anything, anything was better than going back. Even if he wanted to he wasn’t sure he could reverse it, and why would he want to when everyone who could remember him would just think he’s a monster?
Which brings me to the other thing I wanted to talk about. 
His shackles, and the circumstances of them coming off. This was something I saw quite a few people being confused about, and here’s what I love so fucking much about what happened.
There is a lot of discussion in the arcana of self-perpetuating curses. For every love interest, their own flaws are what hold them back the most. They are trapped in a cage of their own making and all of them need assistance to get out of it and grow as people. 
I think of Howl’s moving castle (which the game references so, so many times), when Sophie goes looking for Howl in the middle of the night and finds him at his worst. He tells her “You can’t ever break your own curse,” before flying away and leaving her in the dark. 
This is what the arcana tells us. None of the main characters can break their own “curse”. They all need some sort of help to get through their issues. When the devs said Muriel couldn’t get the shackles off by himself, they didn’t mean he physically couldn’t. He wouldn’t. He kept his shackles as a reminder of his time in the arena, but as much as it was a hindrance, it was also his protection.
You can’t ever break your own curse, and you can’t break your own spell either. We know Muriel is good at protection magic. He’s so concerned constantly with protecting the things that matter to him, and in protecting himself. 
He kept his chains to remind himself of his trauma, but as much as it was his way of punishing himself, it was his way of excusing his isolation. To put walls up and close himself off from everyone else.  It’s an excuse not to get hurt. It’s the reason he cites for being alone constantly, because it’s just better that way. 
“I can’t let anyone in, I have to be alone because I’m a monster. I deserve this. They’ll just forget me anyway, and regardless being alone is a blessing. I can live, I can be free.”
At some point, his magic became subconsciously interwoven with his shackles. He relied and dependent so heavily on using his trauma to shape his life and identity that it became second nature, reinforced by magic. 
MC helps him break his self-perpetuating curse. As he said, they showed him that he could expect more from himself, that more could be expected from him, and that his past didn’t define him. He watched this person pull down his walls and accept him fully for who he was, and the second they kissed him he felt safe, loved, he felt for the first time in his life that there could be a future for him. In that moment, his spell broke. The chains came unbound from him. MC helped him break his own curse, and now he’s free. Properly free. 
Sure, things will be hard, recovery is a process, and he’ll never really forget what happened to him. But it’s a start. He doesn’t have to protect himself anymore, because he knows you’ll protect each other.
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shyampyari · 4 years
Write a long ass meta on karna.
(aaj mein itne pyaar se answer likhne wali hun ki cbse toppers bhi sharma jaye)
warning: anyone that hates Karna and are stubborn about it may give this a try as it might change your views, MIGHT. karna is a hurt baby pls stop the hate. If you think any of my facts or statements are untrue or contradict-able, I’m happy to take constructive criticism for it. long post
How does one describe the pain of this little baby? ok Embrace yourself peeps, we bout to dig into some facts.
This boy had all the things at brith that he had to struggle for later in his life. Kunti, a young princess somehow pleased The J E R K Durvasa (a sage very hard to please) and was blessed with a mantra through which she could call upon any god that will bless her with a son. It was Kunti’s biggest mistake when she summoned the sun god just for experimenting. She ruined two lives that day, hers, still unmarried and young and this child’s who was given the name Karna by suryadev himself. In order to compromise for what had been done Suryadev gave kunti 2 boons:
1. She will remain pure even after the act.(yes they did the nasty, how else are babies born?)
2. Karna’s body will forever be protected by a golden armor and Ear-rings. No ashtra could penetrate in. 
However, just as the god left, Kunti was hit with realization and she couldn’t help but *signs* cry. She cried when she saw his face, she cried when she saw how bright he was, she cried as she decorated lotus and leafs in a bamboo basket, she cried as she placed the sleeping baby who was crying only minutes ago in the basket, she cried as she surrendered the basket to the waves of Ganga and finally she cried while making her way back to the palace as she realized the sin she had committed. 
*takes a deep breadth*
This unfaithful infant was found by a man who never asked for anything more than this baby itself. Now here is a misconception #1, Bhagirath HAD more children (preciously sons). However, he and Radha never failed to love him any less than any of there own children. oh and Bhagirath was a Suta*facepalm*. This boy was raised as the son of Bheeshma Pitama’s Charioteer. 
Oh and another misconception, #2 Karna WAS thought by drona, he wasn’t rejected from the class and no no no, that’s not true. The truth is he wanted to learn higher weaponry, meant for only princes and royalties. Everyone was supposed to have the basic education in weapons or chariot driving(mostly for sutas) but our homeboi knew he was capable of more and thus approached Drona. Look Drona loved two things: 1) Ashwattama, 2) His pride in his teaching (basically Arjuna). And then the Eklavya thing happened and Karna understood, Drona is a bias hoe no that’s not what happened. Misconception #3 Drona didn’t deny education to Eklavya because he was a threat to Arjuna’s Mahan-ness, but because he was an ally of Magadha, the arc enemy of Hastinapur. And Karna? beacuse Karna was jealous of Arjuna and friends with Duryobhana the terrible, he could have used it for bad things, which is somewhat true?  On being denied further education and ridiculed for the same, Karna left the aharam. 
You see, nothing mattered for Karna more than self-respect and recognition and that is exactly what he didn’t get. That’s what made my baby salty. 
But he was determined so he approached Pershuram(you see pershuram is drona’s teacher therefore better than him), however he knew that truth wont help him so he lied. He introduced himself as a bhramana.*facepalm*
Pershuram taught him archery and the use of celestial weapons(especially the Bhrama ones). Before anyone could understand what was happening, Karna was already a fucking great warrior. 
 Krana received 2 curses in his complete life and these curses are also how his life ended. 
1. So this happened when Karna had already obtained his celestrial weapons was almost done with his gurukul days. He was Pershurama’s favorite student due to his determination and skills (and also because pershuram admired the fact that a bhraman child was so good at these shiz). They were strolling and being the boomer pershuram was (fun fact: he is immortal and is said to provide the same education to the 10th and last avatar of vishnu, kalki) tired and thus decided he wanted to nap. Krana let him rest his head on his lap while he slept. Now some say it was a worm, some say it was a bee and some it was a scorpion, but whatever it was, bit Karna and made him bleed to which karna did nothing. Why? because he didn’t want to disturb Pershuram’s sleep. Pershuram woke up with blood on his face and knew immediately, “you can’t be a bhramana, no bhramana can bear such pain and show such persistence, reveal your true identity” to which Karna confessed. And Parshuram was enraged and he cursed Karna and he felt betrayed. The curse: For you have tricked me into giving you celestial knowledge, you will forget it all when you will need it most.*deep signs*
2. So Karna was practicing his vijaya when he hit a cow, this cow was holy and a guilt ridden Karna thought it is DhArMA to tell the owner the truth, he confessed. The owner, furiously, cursed him. Karna pleaded that he reduce the ill effects of the curse, he even offered him gold and other form of money but the owner (i’m not sure, maybe he was a sage) did’t bulge. Karna, defeated, left with the terrible curse. The curse: Just as the cow died defenseless, so will be yours. You will have no one by your side you needed them the most. You will die unarmed. 
Next major event in Krana’s life was when he decided he is ready to face Arjuna, ThE bEsT ARcheR iN tHe UnIvERse. So rangbhoomi happened and Karna gate crashed to prove he is THE BEST by dueling with Arjuna and defeating him *facepalm*. Karna then gets permission from elders and he shows his skill. Everything was fine till then. But the past rivalry heats up the situation as anticipated by Duryodhana and both Karna and Arjuna gear up for a duel. But Kripa intervenes and asks for introduction from Karna in order to somehow stop the bloodshed. Kripa however knew everything about Karna but he said as per rules it was necessary. Using this event as pretext Duryodhana then crowns Karna as king of Anga. *sign* 
Karna went there with hopes of some respect instead got slapped with a crown that was now his property and intoxication of his friendship ( was it ever non-toxic?)  
Time passed and his rivalry with Arjuna grew.
Then Draupadi Swayamwar happened. Misconception #4, Krishna was not present with her. #5 Draupadi did not know Arjuna before he reached his hut and revealed his identity #6 She did not reject karna, He could not string the bow( this is what happened according to BROI and KMG versions which I consider as accurate) Karna did find her pretty but things changed after she became the Pandava’s companion and basically their backbone.
Karna had wives and sons(9, some texts say so) tho non of them are mentioned properly in any of the versions. It is said that one of his son, who was only 9 at the time, was killed by Arjuna during Draupadi Swayamwara because he joined the protesters and thing took turn for the worst. 
Krana’s appearance is defined as a hot-tall daddy in the epic (basically Aham Sharma or Gautam Rode). His Armour had a blinding shine. This boy can crush you with his sad eyes.
Then there was dhyut sabha. *takes a DEEP breath* *stares at the screen for 5 sec* bruh wtf? ok HUGE red flags. This man’s senses left him at this moment. Rage, revenge and hatred fucking blinded him. I don’t how to- *mentally glaring at Karna* Ways he fucked up during Dhyut Sabha(more like why Yudhishtir should be cancelled)
1. Calling Draupadi a bitch
2. A slut
3. A Characterless Women
4. A Whore
5. 5 men have already laid hands on her, what’s the point of hiding anymore 
6. Take em’ clothes off.
7. Proceeds to laugh.
*BIG sign* 
Moving on (something Draupadi didn’t let the Pandavas do), the war approached. To right a few aDhaRM done by him, he settled on this. He wont touch a women or indulge in such a thing and donate and do charity and just become the hugest Philanthropist of the age till the war ends. 
As the war grew nearer Karna tried to do better things but guess what, you already fucked up enough tho karma was heading for him now.  
I will make the hard part fast. Krishna and Kunti told Karna about his true identity and tried to get him on the RIGHT side, but no. Karna, although broken, still decided fight from the kaurava’s side. He gave kunti a boon that he will spare the life of 4 of her children. This been done Karna’s morals were already trembling, But his rage? Intensified 
If that wasn’t enough, Indra showed up, disguised as a sage and asked for the Karna’s greatest possessions, his armour and ears *violently exhales through nose* however, seeing Karna’s skills and courage he gave him a boon. A celestial weapon that will kill the person that it is ordered to. Karna now knew how to kill Arjuna. Well at least he thought. 
Again, humiliated, Karna was not allowed to enter the kurukshetra till Bhishma was still a part of the war. 
Till bhishma, the war was just a hell lot bunch of hot guys fighting each other, after bhishma however, the war was hot lot (a little less now) bunch of guys fighting each other grossly.
All the rules were warped in a fucking dhoti and yeeted to the moon. Everyone lost humanity. what brother? what son? what uncle? bullshit
Karna fought with all might and courage and he was un-fucking-beatable. Like Abhimayu, he too was attacked by a lot of warriors at once but unlike abhimanyu, he survived those. His only hope to kill Arjuna was snatched away from him when he had to kill Ghatotkacha to stop his destruction. *signs* Why can’t this boy have one good thing happen to him, just one . oof
Ok so Shalya became Karna’s Charioteer and made sure he crushed his morals. give my boy a break, please.
ok but, Red flag ahead, Karna had to use the celestial weapon on Arjuna and for that he had to be present in front of him as he asked the soldiers to tell him the location of Arjuna and to do so he went to an extend where he offered elephants, horses, coins, gold, jewels to the soldier that will bring Arjuna to him, it was still fine till now but then he did this: he bribed his sons, wives, and young virgin servants the soldier that would help him. *violently takes a deep breadth* wtf Karna? But here is the thing, a wife, in those times, was the greatest possession of a man (yes, possession ). Karna staked his greatest possession just so arjuna would be in front of him. That’s how bad his hate was, his rage and vengeance, his blindness. *proceeds to cry in a pillow* *gets up because I have an ask to answer*
On the day of war : Kartna defeated all the Pandavas except Arjun but did not killed them as promised to Kunti. Now on the day of his death, multiple factors had to come together so that he can be killed.
Krishna was clever and never put Arjun in front of Karna for much longer in 16th and 17th day, as his defeat (and death) was sure due to Vijay dhanush (a boon given by Parshurama, the holder of this bow could not be defeated). He waited till the first curse (in some versions this is a thing, where karna was cursed by dharti mata, because he had hurt her or something) kicked in and his chariot wheel got stuck in mud . His charioteer Shalya (who was uncle of Pandavas) refused to take it out so Karna had to get down himself.
Due to this, he had to leave his bow Vijay, which was the 2nd factor which led to his death. As long as that bow was in his hand, it was impossible to kill Karna.
Then Krishna put Arjun in front of Karna and asked him to kill Karna. Karna tried to defend himself by invoking Brahmastra but 2nd curse kicked in. He forgot the mantra (chants) to invoke Brahmastra.
And For the first time in a long time, Karna rested.*crying in pillow: intensifies*  
Karna’s only son (I forgot his name) that survived the war became very dear to Arjuna. Arjuna was literally his guru and this guy was became the future king of Indraprastha. 
In conclusion, if you still don’t think Karna deserved better It’s ok. *shakes head at screen in disappointment* Ok but honestly, If Karna did what he did, he did it because what people did to him. Yes he had a choice but really if you were him would you be able to see these choices?
@1nsaankahanhai-bkr @hoeticulture @eclecticwordblender
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frankkjonestx · 4 years
Real-life scientists inspire these comic book superheroes
Jaye Gardiner loves comic books, and she loves science. So sensing an opportunity, she decided to combine the two.
In 2015, Gardiner and two other friends, Khoa Tran and Kelly Montgomery, founded an online publishing company called JKX Comics. At the time, the three were pursuing Ph.D.s in different fields at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. And they knew how tough it can be to explain research or engage students in the nuances of science.
So they decided to use the easy-to-digest cartoon format and light humor to boost scientific literacy. The trio spent weekends at a campus bar writing the script and drawing panels for their first comic book, published in 2016. The comic, EBV and the Replication Dance, describes how the common Epstein-Barr virus replicates by telling a story about the virus going clubbing with friends inside a human cell.
“You have the visual components” to help convey complex systems, “and then you also have that story element,” says Tran, now an epigeneticist at the University of Pennsylvania. “Having comics as a way of opening that door into what science is could hopefully inspire the next generation to pursue STEM [science, technology, engineering and math].”
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Khoa Tran (left), Jaye Gardiner (middle) and Kelly Montgomery (right) founded JKX Comics in 2015 while pursuing their Ph.D.s at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.JKX Comics
The three were not alone in seeing a place for science in the comic universe. Many studies have suggested that comics can engage a wide and diverse audience with science subjects, according to a 2018 meta-analysis in the Journal of Science Communication. And comics can make information more accessible by presenting it through both text and illustrations.
In 2018, seven more scientists at UW–Madison joined the JKX Comics crew, bringing fields such as psychology, astronomy and microbiology to the table. Local artists were drafted to help illustrate the scientists’ research.
For the volunteer crew, the comics — 11 are now offered online for free — have also given scientists a friendlier face. “We can show who the scientists are … that they are also just people,” says Gardiner, a cancer biologist at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia. “We’re not all geniuses with Einstein-like hair that are antisocial and just have Eureka moments all the time. And using comics is a nice way to tell their story.”
Their latest, Gilbert’s Glitch Switch, released March 2, sees a biochemist get sucked into a video game where he has to test amino acid combinations to get proteins to communicate effectively. The panels are drawn in the style of the classic video game Super Mario Bros., and the storyline explains fundamental concepts in biochemistry, says its author, Montgomery, now a chemical biologist at the University of California, San Francisco.
By understanding how proteins communicate, “you can modify a protein to be able to communicate to its neighbor better,” she explains. “This can help us with [stopping] diseases related to proteins communicating in the wrong way,” such as Alzheimer’s and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, which causes nerve damage in the arms and legs.
It’s not always easy to translate a complex science topic into a comic. The creators have to balance accuracy and an engaging story. “It’s something that we grapple with, and it’s never going to be perfect,” Tran says. “But we really want to instill that curiosity in people to then learn more and further investigate the topic.”
Though the comics are geared toward middle school students, the team hopes people of all ages can enjoy them and learn something. The three are now creating a Kickstarter campaign to raise funding to print their comics for the Madison Reading Project’s distribution to underserved children in the region. They’re also working on a new comic series about women in STEM fields, and another on investigating diseased organs, an homage to CSI, the television show on criminal forensics.
“There’s a lot of misinformation in our communities,” Montgomery says. “And it scares people away from science. If we could limit some of those misunderstandings when they’re kids or when their parents are reading with them, I think that would be a really positive impact.”
from Tips By Frank https://www.sciencenews.org/article/real-life-scientists-inspire-comic-book-superheroes-science-literacy
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hannibalcreative · 7 years
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Welcome to the Masterpost for #FullerFeast!  
This fest is about celebrating Bryan Fuller, our genius writer and showrunner behind Hannibal, American Gods, Pushing Daisies, and Dead Like Me.  Bryan has shown nothing but delighted support for the efforts of Fannibals to write and create in his playground, and we want to show that support right back!  Within these pages are crossovers between his verses-- Hannibal and Will as American Gods, extremely sinister pie makers, and more, all set within the wonderful space that is Bryan Fuller’s brain.  
Survive.  Adapt.  Become. Create!
Time and attention, better than lamb’s blood. by flamecrownedstag
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
No Archive Warnings Apply
Freddie Lounds, Media
Gen ( no pairings)
Black nightmare, white dream by siliconworldnet
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
No Archive Warnings Apply
White Buffalo, Ravenstag
Gen ( no pairings)
Untitled by curiouscanvas
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
No Archive Warnings Apply
White Buffolo (American Gods), Ravenstag
Gen ( no pairings)
Hannibal daily sketch # 257 by hannibalartblog
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Summary: Freddie Lounds praying Mr. World for fame and money, offering him Tattle-Crime copies as ritual gift
No Archive Warnings Apply
Freddie Lounds, Mr. World
Gen ( no pairings)
Jaye Tyler adventures by hannibalartblog
Fandoms: Hannibal, Wonderfalls, Pushing Daisies
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom, Jaye Tyler, Ned
Gen ( no pairings)
hannibal the pie maker by fandomsnerd
Fandoms: Hannibal, Pushing Daisies
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Run, Shadow! Run, Will! by hannibalartblog
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Summary: Hannibal/American Gods chibi crossover
No Archive Warnings Apply
Will Graham, Shadow Moon, the Ravenstag, the White Buffalo
Gen ( no pairings)
Buffalo Wings by byk23
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Summary: Swuffalo and Ravenstag escape the Baltimore Zoo.
No Archive Warnings Apply
the White Buffalo, the Ravenstag
Gen ( no pairings)
Hannibal/American Gods crossover by hungry-chapscher
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Summary: featuring Mr. Ibis, Mr. Jacquel, a love-struck Franklyn, and Chilton giving his usual “why can’t I die? existence is a disease” speech.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Frederick Chilton, Mr. Ibis, Anubis, Franklyn Froideveaux
Gen ( no pairings)
Hannibal Comic #12 - #FullerFeast by tirmesaito
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Summary: Years after the fall, Hannibal appears at his favorite tailor’s store to order nice three piece suits for Will.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Mr. Nancy
Zombie!Will and DeathGod!Hannibal by Rivaqah
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Summary: Zombie!Will and DeathGod!Hannibal, inspired by @teacupsmasher's fic
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Mad Sweeney and Freddie Lounds chibis by hannibalartblog
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Summary: Mad Sweeney (American Gods) and Freddie Lounds (Hannibal) are the two sassiest ginger characters ever (well, maybe just the Weasley Twins can be compared to them…). We think we ship them XD So, here, have some chibis!
No Archive Warnings Apply
Freddie Lounds, Mad Sweeney
Freddie Lounds/Mad Sweeney
Gods of Hannibal by hannibalartblog
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Summary: What kind of gods Hannibal’s characters would be, if they were in American Gods?
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Alana Bloom, Molly Foster
Gen ( no pairings)
Untitled by bae-wolf
Fandoms: Hannibal, Pushing Daisies
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Frederick Chilton, Alfredo Aldarisio (Pushing Daisies)
Gen ( no pairings)
Eating Daisies by desperatelyseekingcannibals
Fandoms: Hannibal, Pushing Daisies
Summary: Cover for the fic Eating Daisies.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
SHADOW AND WILL by he-s-dead-jim
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Summary: Will and Shadow comparing bosses
No Archive Warnings Apply
Will Graham, Shadow Moon
Who wouldn’t want two of me? by existingcharactersdiehorribly
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
No Archive Warnings Apply
Jimmy Price, Timmy Price
Gen ( no pairings)
Hettienne Park as Princess Bari. by damnyourdarkeyes
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
No Archive Warnings Apply
Beverly Katz
Gen ( no pairings)
Don’t Fear The Reaper by hannibalfannibalthings
Fandoms: Hannibal, Dead Like Me
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Gen ( no pairings)
“What do I call you?” by leteres
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Gen ( no pairings)
Untitled by bae-wolf
Fandoms: Hannibal, Pushing Daisies
No Archive Warnings Apply
Frederick Chilton, Alfredo Aldarisio
Gen ( no pairings)
The Pie Maker by clearbluewater3
Fandoms: Hannibal, Pushing Daisies
Summary: Will Graham, the Pie Maker, has a gift. He can bring dead people back to life. He really doesn't want to, but when his partnership with the PI Jack Crawford leads him back to his home to talk to the dead body of his childhood love: Hannibal Lecter, his routine changes drastically.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Alana Bloom, Jack Crawford, Winston
Eating Daisies by TigerPrawn
Fandoms: Hannibal, Pushing Daisies
Summary: Hannibal is a talented pie maker gifted with the mysterious ability to reanimate the dead by touching them. However, this gift comes with conditions. Hannibal quickly learns that if something is revived for more than exactly one minute, a life of similar value in the vicinity dies in order to maintain the balance of life and death. The apparent power of a god is not all it seems, when a second touch will permanently kill the revived person. Hannibal has come to live with this condition and use it in order to assist in the making of his infamous meat pies, however life becomes complicated when he revives the serial killer Will Graham.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Alana Bloom, Mischa Lecter, Katherine Pimms, Abel Gideon
Church of One by hannibalsbattlebot
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Summary: An American Gods/Hannibal mashup for Fuller Fest.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Shadow Moon, Mr. Wednesday
 The Great European Adventure by fhimechan
Fandoms: Hannibal, Pushing Daisies
Summary: Ned decides to fly to Europe to find the other half of his heart, Chuck. It is not revealed yet if he will succeed, but surely he will have an interesting journey and meet a lot of Mads mad people.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ned (Pushing Daisies), Chuck (Pushing Daisies), Emerson Cod, Nigel, Le Chiffre, Draco
Ned/Chuck, Ned/Nigel
A Dead Woman Walks Into a Cannibal's Office by harleygirl2648
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Laura Moon
Gen ( no pairings)
Pie to Go by hanni_banana
Fandoms: Hannibal, Pushing Daisies
Summary: Hannibal and Will are laying low while crossing the country, and inadvertently stop in at The Pie Hole. Hannibal is blown away by the pie, and intrigued by the strangeness he senses from the couple behind the counter.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Ned (Pushing Daisies), Chuck (Pushing Daisies)
Hannigram, Ned/Chuck
Supplications Of Awe by QueenofLit
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Summary: Hannibal watched in reverence as Will Graham ate the heart Hannibal had gifted him. Time did not matter - nor pain nor circumstance nor stinging wind. Hannibal watched until every last bite was devoured. Will threw his head back and roared to the sky. ”I am Madness! Wild, Blasphemous, Raging, Senseless Insanity! The whisper of the night shall sleep no more!” The wind screamed and the seas snarled.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
The House at the End of the Lane by QueenofLit
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Summary: Shadow wasn't certain what to expect from the people they were visiting next. If the imposing house straight from the pages of a southern gothic down on the disappearing coast of Florida was any indication, however, he thought this one might just leave him with a shiver down his spine.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Shadow Moon, Mr. Wednesday
Nom Nom Nom by FunkyRacoon
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Summary: Will is Bliquis from American Gods, that's all you need to know.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
 His Want, His Will by murdergatsby
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Summary: Will dies. Will is resurrected. Hannibal can't place why.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
No Milk Today by smilodonna
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Summary: Will examines a crime scene, "doing this thing he does". It's the Ripper again, who surprisingly presents himself as spiritually inclined...
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Will Graham, Jack Crawford, Mad Sweeney
Gen ( no pairings)
Fic, Art
Shadow decides to go see a therapist. by prettypurpleflower
Fandoms: Hannibal, American Gods
Summary: Shadow decides to go see a therapist. It’s not really what he expected.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Shadow Moon
Gen ( no pairings)
Family Dinner by eatbiscuitdrinkflip
Fandoms: Hannibal, Wonderfalls, American Gods, Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me
Summary: Two of the most prominent themes in all of Bryan Fuller’s work are death and the “family” (often “found family”) meal. Since this is the #FullerFeast I thought we’d go through some of Bryan’s shows - one drink at a time - and take a look at the what the family table looks like in each.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Ned (Pushing Daisies), Chuck (Pushing Daisies), Shadow Moon, Mr. Wednesday, Jaye Tyler
Gen ( no pairings)
104 notes · View notes
haloovfire · 7 years
Nine Guidelines for Gaming
Monday night, after I finished running my bi-weekly Rhune game, one of my players asked me to hang back for a bit so he could get some feedback on his roleplaying; he also wanted to offer me a few explanations for his character's actions. After listening to his concerns (many of which were very common), I decided to type up this post.
Like a lot of gamers, he wanted to be better at the game, and wanted his actions to "make sense" in the context of the character he was developing. He also wanted to define his character apart from the others; he wanted incentives, aims, and a real reason for his character's departure from a "normal" life. Why would a simple farmer start summoning celestial allies and living on the open road, anyway?
Jaye's Gaming Guidelines
Generally speaking, I like to keep my rules light and fast at my tables. There's a number of reasons for this, but for the most part, my reasoning is simple - I prefer to focus on story and narrative. As a result, I'll bend the occasional 'rule' if it makes for a better story. That said, I'm not one for doing so arbitrarily. When I deviate from core "rules", it's because: 1) I already know the rule well and understand how it impacts other aspects of the game, 2) I have a good work around or alternative to that rule, or 3) my table has agreed that rule doesn't serve a purpose for our games(s).
That said, I still have some guidelines I go by, and when and where I get the chance, I like to share these with my players. So, I'm inviting you to my table and sharing these accordingly.
So, what are my guidelines for gaming?
Guideline One - Have Fun
While this may sound cliché, I think this is something folks forget time to time, especially when a campaign runs for any serious length of time. People develop goals in game for their characters or for their groups, and forget to have fun. Believe it or not, I've actually seen folks stress over games, over LARPs, and over countless MMOs. People get caught up in the grind, or chasing gear, or blah blah you missed the raid blah blah.
And.... meh.
We have enough things in life that add unnecessary stress; don't make your games one of them. There are countless things that can sneak in the way of that fun, so I always keep one on the top of my mental stack.
So when I address a problem, I'm always internally asking "But is it fun?" This naturally leads me to "How can I make this fun?" Or, in retrospect, "How could I have made that more fun?" All in all, when I keep fun in mind, I think the overall play experience improves for everyone involved.
And that keeps you young and me immortal. Or something.
Guideline Two - Hey Players.... Ask Questions!
While there are certainly exceptions, my experience with gamers has been largely positive. I've gamed all over the world; at one point, my table in Kuwait was dominated by women and I've run more than my fair share of multicultural games. And of course, every year I attend countless cons, as well. In short, I've gamed with a lot of people. I've taught a lot of people Pathfinder.
You know what I learned while doing this? I learned some of the most effective people I know ask the most questions. Of course, this makes perfect sense; most of us learn new things by asking questions and roleplaying games are no different. So, while you're learning to play, ask plenty of questions. When you do, ask questions that empower you as a player; ask where to find something, for instance, instead of a ruling on something.
Mind you, there are two general types of questions you get in an RPG. These are: 1) technical questions (you want to do something with your character, but you're not sure how) or 2) questions about the environment your character exists in (is it cold, dark, or dangerous where your character is?). When gamers are learning, they tend to ask a lot of both. However, as newer gamers learn how to play the game, the questions about "how to play" generally taper off and are (hopefully) replaced by the second set of questions.
I've noticed a lot of players shy away from asking questions, either because they don't want to slow down play or because they're somehow embarrassed by their lack of knowledge or understanding. I can promise you, that's rarely the case. So, what does asking questions do?
1) Asking questions helps you learn the game you're playing.
2) Asking questions helps you learn additional rules or guidelines that might apply to your game or session.
3) Asking questions shows the GM/DM you're invested in the game.
4) Asking questions shows the GM/DM you're invested in the story he or she prepared for you.
While that may not seem like a lot, all of those things are important, both to your GM, as well as your other players.
Guideline Three - Clearly State Your Objective!
Now before I dive into this, let me be perfectly clear - I always want players to ask questions (see above)! So please don't read this as a guideline that discourages that. Players - ask your GMs all the questions. Except for the questions about dinosaurs. Those go to my buddy David. ;)
In fact, most GGMs (Good Game Masters) encourage players to ask plenty of questions, especially when it comes to investigating the surrounding world or while learning a particular gaming system. As a player gains proficiency with a particular gaming system, however, that same player is doing to need to ask fewer questions. However, if a GM doesn't encourage a player to grow, or if a GM is just being a toxic, authoritarian type, this trait could become a big barrier to having actual fun while gaming.
That said, you don't need to know the rules. Sure, it makes doing this easier and learning the particulars of a given game can make your GM's life a whole lot easier.... but that doesn't mean you should let being new stop you from having fun.
Moreover, once you get in the habit of saying, "I want my character to do X, Y, or Z," moving between gaming systems becomes much less of a pain, especially if you have a GGM. Why? Because chances are, if you know what you want your character to do, your GM will tell you what steps you need to try and accomplish your task.... even if you don't know the gaming system you're playing at all. That doesn't mean you're going to win or even succeed, but it does mean you'll get a chance to try (if you want to).
Guideline Four - Invest a Little! (Or, Invest a Lot).
If you're going to take the 4-6 hours a week it takes to play a tabletop RPG, you might as well spend some time investing in it. Get to know the NPCs. Ask questions about the world around you. Give your character a back story or some connections to the larger plot.
If you've played any of Paizo's 20+ adventure paths, you already know that each time they release a new AP, they include a free Player's Guide for that AP. This guide will include traits, background info for PCs, Feats, special gear, and a whole bunch of additional items that players can use to better tie their new characters into the AP.
Mind you, you don't need a player's guide to accomplish this - most of this can be handled between the GM and the players in the first session. This is sometimes referred to as Session Zero and if you ask me, it's an absolute must.
My point, of course, is that GMs invest hours every week writing plots, designing NPCs, building monsters, arming traps, and in general, preparing encounters and stories that are aimed at engaging you. If you're planning on playing in a particular campaign for any length of time, do them a square and spend half that time preparing so that you know what your character can and cannot do.
Guideline Five - Don't Get Bogged Down in the Minutiae.
You may not know it, but the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is a long, long 578 pages. That's just the main book. When you add the dozens of additional books, and hundreds of supplements, you're bound to get overwhelmed. If you added the thousands of third party products, well, that list of options, ideas, and other material gets even bigger.
I've been gaming for over 27 years and you know what? I've learned that I can never know everything. There are still things in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook that I look up. So, unless you have an eidetic memory, plan on going back to the book time and time again.
Guideline Six - Session Zero is a Must!
l mentioned it above, but it's worth repeating; session zero is an absolute must. So, what is session zero? Essentially, this is the verbal contract between the players and the GM. It's the GMs chance to float ideas, guidelines, and hopes before launching into a full campaign; it's part mission briefing, part prologue, part ToS (terms of service), and part movie trailer. It should also be completely casual and GGM's will use this as an opportunity to answer all of the players' collective questions.
Of course, you don't need to limit yourself to a single session zero, either. In fact, I'm very fond of the idea of having update gaming sessions, where everyone goes over their characters, discusses the campaign, and shares their ideas and concerns. And you know what? You can do this whenever you want. So, have your session zero.... but don't think that's the last time it has to happen.
Guideline Seven - Use Character Names
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm horrible with names.
So, unless I repeatedly use a name, it takes me a while to learn it (sorry Boomer). That extends to character names, as well. So, when I'm sitting at the table, I make a point to use character names instead of player names. It's a simple enough act, and when all the players do it, I've found it helps all of us stay in character longer, and by extension, make better decisions as those characters. In short, this helps both the GM and the players establish and maintain immersion; that's pretty important in my book.
The best part? I don't have to address meta-gaming as often.
Guideline Eight - Record Your Sessions!
When it comes to my growing list of guidelines, this is arguably the newest addition. But it's incredibly important. Let me tell you why.
I started making audio recordings of my sessions about a year ago when we started to play test episodes of Bloodlines & Black Magic. You know what I learned? I quickly discovered that players tended to stay "in character" more often, and for longer periods of time. Each player knew they'd have an audience, so we made the effort - every time we sat down - to stay in character. After about three sessions like this, I knew I'd be recording all of my gaming sessions going forward.
Of course, once we started recording sessions, a simple but effective benefit also revealed itself. Provided we weren't hitting pause too frequently (for side bars and the like), we were developing an audio record of the whole campaign - one we could reference if we had questions or concerns. If we missed a few weeks of gaming, I could also go back to the previous recording and take notes, getting back up to speed quickly while I worked on other tasks (I could listen to my sessions like I would a podcast).
And finally....
Guideline Nine - Respect Each Other
Each of us have our own reasons for gaming.
For some folks, gaming is an escape. For others, it's a chance to explore any number of concepts, roles, or ideas. The characters players create in RPGs often represent their interests, even when those interests (whether fleeting or firmly rooted in the individual's psyche) are unpopular, illegal, or otherwise inaccessible. RPGs are just great places to explore concepts and ideas; individual players need to remember that the dude playing a female elven bard isn't doing so to annoy you, but because they have a need or want to explore that identity.
Some gamers are only at the table for combat, while others are at the table because they love acting, while others just want to solve puzzles or solve mysteries.
When we sit down at the table, we need to respect each other, regardless of our reasons for playing.
And there you have it folks... my Nine Guidelines for Awesome Gaming.
Cheers, Jaye
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underwaterwoods · 7 years
tagged by @abibliophilehobbit - thanks lady :))
5 Things You’ll Find in my Bag
stray pads
an apple wrapped in kitchen towel
notebook and pen
wallet and phone (official shenanigans)
water bottle
5 Things You’ll Find in my Bedroom
clothes on the floor
like Kelsie - bOOKS
essential oils burner thing - you know with the little basin on top and you light a candle underneath
some kind of accidental wildlife probably
baskets of jewlery i never wear
5 Things I’ve Always Wanted to Do
i don’t know why is this so hard. um getting more inspiration off Kelsie and saying: write a book.
discover secrets. like an old chest filled with treasure but not just the ‘gold and riches’ kind of treasure but like treasure that has a story behind it that connects people throughout time and stuff like that - like the sort of treasure a Ravenclaw would appreciate you know (even though i have very mixed feelings about the hogwarts house system)
go cool places at night/ when no one’s there like not just museums but arenas and parks and stuff like anywhere interesting that you usually have to behave properly in but when you get the place to yourself you can just sort of run around and touch everything, ya feel?
do one of my made up kim dances on stage and have people get into it like yes this is not just embarrassing but also raw and wonderful so we give it a solid pass if not outright proclaiming the genius of this individual.
i don’t know maybe something about like... being in a position where you see all the behind the scenes of something and are kind of involved with every bit of it yet you’re also separate, like some kind of consultant for a big arty project or something, idk it’s really hard to tap into like.. legit deep desires.
5 Things that Make Me Happy
dancing improvisationally to child ballads (^as hinted above)
like, soil? when soil’s rich and juicy and stuff? and you’re in first grade and you’re teacher’s like ‘let’s go outside and study the soil’??
being in an environment where people are open about things like self growth and expression and there’s no self-consciousness about caring about those kinds of things
grilling things over a campfire
unexpected misty days where everything suddenly feels a little more mysterious and restful
5 Things I’m Currently Into
meta, analyzing star wars through the lens of fairy tale archetypes
the handmaid’s tale - thought it would be traumatizing but it’s actually cathartic at this point in my life
podcasts forever (mostly Rose Buddies. and My Dad Wrote a Porno just came back and i’m so happy about it)
using the voice note option on whatsapp like seriously i hardly ever type anything anymore it’s so much easier just to ramble in your friends’ direction and have them ramble back at you and you get to hear each others’ tones and everything and it’s great.
oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah Middlemarch: the series - i crave more content all the time.
5 Things on my To-Do List
finish writing my phd proposal. also like, finish a draft of one of my many book projects.
i suppose finish reading the books i’ve started... tho honestly i’m not too bothered - my reading is going through a vague stage.
clean the kitchen i guess before the plummer comes
i don’t know i like to-do lists sometimes and sometimes not
oh i guess order those supplements my iridologue recommended so i can get the acidity/ph levels balanced in me body.
5 Things People May Not Know About Me
idk i’ve moved around a lot - tumblr people may not know that
it’s hard to think of facts about yourself - at least for me - i don’t really think that way - thus the struggle with those official type situations like hypothetical job interviews where it’s like give us an objective description of yourself and i’m like... how does a person??? describe????? themselvess?????? - i suppose this is kind of a fact in it’s own right. cue that jaye taylor line about ‘there is no “like me” - and if there were it certainly wouldn’t be like me!’
all my closest friends live in other countries so my social life for about the past year has basically been online. i’m pretty happy in relative solitude but i do miss having a community.
i have mild dyslexia. perchance it’s a tad obvious :D
i like the idea of coffee out of a vending machine even though i don’t like coffee.
Thanks for joining the ride if you did! Tagging, if you're feeling it: @leftonlisa @ladykaterobin @aprilslady @misscue @greatestvoyagehistoryofplastic @toomanyfeelings5 @thehermitsacedia @flutish @oneorangeshoelace
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beinglibertarian · 7 years
Film Review: The Red Pill
"As a feminist, she was aiming for the film to take a more critical view of the movement. However, as she interviewed MRA thought leaders, she began to have her feminist views challenged and began to see the movement more sympathetically. As her feelings about men’s rights activists changed, so did the focus of the film. The result is the fascinating and thought-provoking The Red Pill, from a term MRAs have adopted from The Matrix to describe when one becomes aware of systemic transgressions against men in society," writes guest author Justin Tucker. Want to write for Being Libertarian? CLICK HERE: www.beinglibertarian.com/contribute/
Before Cassie Jaye began making films, she tried her hand at being an actress. After arriving in Hollywood, she found herself playing damsels in distress and was subject to the advances of men in the film industry. Feeling objectified, she became a feminist and took a role behind the camera hoping to make a difference as a documentarian. Her first film Daddy I Do, about abstinence-only sex…
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Muriel and wanting things
I’m just gonna get on my soap box and analyse a little the specific paid scene where Muriel talks about wanting things. A lot of people I saw reacting went straight for a rather lusty interpretation (which i lowkey hate lol) But I think there’s So much evidence in other character’s routes for how Muriel Needs this slow place and why he feels the way he does about himself and his own desires. 
Beyond the fact that we already know Muriel is traumatised and flinches even at gentle touch, in pretty much every other route that we’ve seen so far Muriel largely has what he wants and ultimately needs ignored in favour of other people’s desires.
The first and biggest thing that happened in all routes (because it’s BP - before prologue) is what we found out in one of his last chapters - that the deal Asra made to bring MC back from the dead at the masquerade required all of the other arcana representations to make deals. Granted, Lucio would have likely forced people to be part of it anyway - but we know it didn’t really work for Lucio because not all representations of the arcana were present. Nadia’s sisters and other family weren’t at the previous masq. - so the ritual was incomplete. We see in a flashback during the prologue a small scene in which Muriel asks Asra not to go to the palace - even this early in the piece Asra was researching how to bring MC back (and Muriel knew this) - and Asra ignored his concerns/needs, prioritising his own desires to bring his love back from the dead. 
We can then assume that the only reason Muriel came to the ritual was because he was worried about Asra (as is usually his motivation for doing most things). Again, he has to make a deal on Asra’s behalf and effectively sacrifices future chances at happiness so that Asra can be happy. He convinces himself that it’s a gift because really he felt he had no choice in the matter - if he actually had his wishes taken into account and was listened to, then he never would have been forced into the position where he needed to make the deal in the first place. It’s easier to bear the consequences of an action if you feel you made the decision - not that you were helpless in how things eventuated. 
This is why he doesn’t like MC when he meets them in any route - as I’ve mentioned in previous posts - he can’t blame Asra for not considering his needs because Asra is the only person in his life. It’s easier to blame, dislike, and even hate other people (MC, Julian) for making Asra and by extension himself unhappy than to confront Asra about the ways he ignores what Muriel wants and needs - and it’s not something that Muriel could ever bring himself to do because to acknowledge that he’s a person with wants/needs is to acknowledge the injustice and pain he’s experienced - which is too large to bear alone.
We also see this in some of the LI’s routes (as a heads up I’m not up to date with Portia or Lucio so tell me if I’m talking shit lol). In Asra’s route he becomes fixated on the MC again - the object of his adoration, and his relationship with Muriel largely falls by the wayside. Muriel puts himself in a situation of extreme emotional stress by reliving his trauma to save Asra - because again, he’d do anything for Asra - and when he flees the Colosseum, Asra only sends Faust after him. Again, as someone who’d known Muriel for so many years, Asra should have known that Muriel needed comfort, but he’s more concerned with how MC is feeling.Even if he wants comfort, affection and love - he could never ask for it - and he’s learned it’s best not to feel those things and get his hopes up. People can’t disappoint you if you have no expectations for them. Muriel stays lonely in this route, and occasionally talks to Asra/MC but it very much separate from their lives.  
Julian’s route is the worst for our poor Muriel - who is only seen in the hermit chapter and in his reversed ending briefly - Asra becomes part of the found family you’ve cultivated with Julian - and again Muriel’s needs take a back seat.
Listen I adore Asra but so many times in alternate routes I just wanna yell because Muriel only has Asra in his life, and if the one person who cares about him as much as he cares about them is not treating him as well as he deserves, then he has nothing.    
Nadia’s route is the best so far - she is patient and loving, encouraging him to come out of his shell and connect with other people even in a small way. Asra stops fixating on MC and pays attention to Muriel’s needs, and the two of them end up together. 
Even looking back to the way Muriel grew up - living on the streets is a hard life, and beyond the trauma he experienced in the arena, poverty affords individuals little choice. He was “abandoned” by his parents, he was forced into his trauma, and then forced into his deal. Muriel is someone who feels (for good reason) that he’s had pretty much no choice or control over the direction his life has gone in - when he does try and be less passive, it goes ignored and he ends up more hurt than he would be if he’d stayed silent. He doesn’t feel like he’s *allowed* to want things because the universe seems to tell him over and over again that he’s not deserving of love and happiness, that he only exists to be used and discarded and that he should just turn off his feelings to avoid the worst of the pain. 
None of that is undone overnight. If we’ve seen him only just being able to tolerate and begin initiating intimacy after several weeks - that’s the pace we can expect him to move at. He’s endured a lifetime of trauma and at this point even if he Did want to bone MC it would be a long, long time off. He still hates the way he looks and doesn’t know how to handle pretty much any comment on his appearance (which like are pretty frequent because he Is a handsome man), so being comfortable enough to be in a sheer robe in front of MC is a huge step - but that doesn’t mean it’s inherently going to be erotic from the get-go. 
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On Lucio and Morga’s last names
I’ve seen a lot of people pointing out that Lucio’s last name follows the Icelandic last name tradition for children taking their same-gendered parent’s first name plus son/daughter as their last name. For this world it makes sense that Lucio takes Morga’s last name because there aren’t gender biases in the world of the arcana, and it would be likely that in the culture of Lucio’s tribe the child would take the last name of the more notable parent - hence Montag Morgasson instead of Montag Lutzson because she’s the head of their clan.
I Haven’t, however, seen anyone talking about Morga’s last name - Eirsdottir! Dottir here is the Icelandic equivalent of daughter. 
I thought that Eir rang a bell so I looked it up, and (somewhat ironically), Eir is a Norse goddess of healing and mercy! If anyone was healed and prayed to her with a red candle she would protect them, and she’s also noted to be Very buff.
I haven’t done very much digging but I think it’s interesting! I wonder what Morga’s mum was like!
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Why do you think Muriel doesn't like Julien? I'm thinking it's just incompatible personalities (since Julian is loud and dramatic and Muriel is,, not) , but it might also be due to the fact that Julian had an initially somewhat friendly (?) relationship with L*cio, presumably at the time that L*cio took control over Vesuvia. Do you have any theories? I love your analysis(plural) of the game
I think it’s a combo of a lot of different things including just that Muriel probably finds his personality grating. I think the MAJOR reason he doesn’t like Julian is literally just because of his complicated relationship with Asra.
Muriel is an incredibly lonely (I typo’d as lovely the first time and that is Also true lol) person, and Asra is the only person in his life who’s stuck around long-term and hasn’t hurt him. He sees pretty much anyone who gets close to Asra as a threat to his relationship with him and tends not to like them (e.g. he universally just does Not like MC at all in any of the routes when he meets them). 
I think also it has to do with some complicated feelings about Asra’s curse and him hating to see Asra suffer. I think he (similar to Asra) has complicated feelings about Julian because he blames Julian for MC’s death (and consequently, Asra giving up half his heart to bring them back). Obviously Asra’s been unhappy and lovelorn for several years before the start of the plot in the game, and seeing Asra that way would make Muriel unhappy. He likewise doesn’t like MC for being the cause of this pain for Asra - not that they have any control over that.
He also has a valid reason for feeling unhappy by Asra’s fixation on MC too though, I love Asra so much but literally in the scenes after the arena fight in Asra’s route when Muriel ran away and Asra was like “anyway is MC ok?” I was just like. DUDE. Go comfort your best friend smh!!! He just relived his greatest trauma for you! Asra’s relationship with MC comes at a detriment to his one with Muriel at times, and even in Asra’s upright ending when Muriel is a Little bit better off he’s still lonely. 
I think he’s aware on some level that his dislike of MC is irrational, which is why he usually helps them despite his mistrust of them, but he doesn’t seem to be able to get over that with Julian. 
This could also be because Muriel has feelings for Asra (as we see in Nadia’s route). I think this is also evidenced by how little we see Muriel in Julian’s route. We see him a lot in both Nadia and Asra’s route, but literally only in the Hermit and in the reversed ending briefly for Julian. Asra and Muriel don’t end up together in this route. I think this is because Julian’s route is the second worst for Asra according to the devs for heartbreak (they described like on a scale of 0-100 for each character that Muriel would be -1000, Nadia/Portia would be 0, Lucio would be 1000 and Julian would be 50 in an ask arcana lol), so Muriel would have spent a lot of time comforting Asra if they did interact in this route, and then Asra still ends up close with Julian in this new found family scenario but Muriel is the odd man out. Whether or not it’s a romantic jealousy thing or just him worried about being abandoned, he clearly sees Julian as a reason Asra might leave him (e.g. in HH when Asra and Muriel are both at Mazelinka’s house, Muriel asks Asra why he’s still talking to Julian when Asra doesn’t mention his name).
Also, beyond Julian’s personality, I think there’s a huge cultural difference between Nevivon, Vesuvia and Prakra.
Muriel likes Nadia, but she also directly acknowledges what happened in the arena was wrong. She’s from a very different place with better systems of law and order who was horrified by the treatment Muriel received, and validates him that it was horrible and shouldn’t have happened to him
Vesuvians seem to be fairly mixed in attitudes to the arena; some loved it and some hated it
BUT we see both Portia AND Julian being extremely excited about the prospect of the arena and the red market. Julian gets a kick out of the idea of playing gladiator (as we see in HH on his Colosseum interaction), and Portia also when she meets Muriel at the Colosseum LITERALLY says to him that she bets he was awesome on the sands and she wishes she could have seen it. Needless to say he’s upset, and this is pretty insensitive, but she genuinely doesn’t think that killing people is something to be ashamed of in that context
Also, Julian is pretty insensitive about Muriel’s privacy and trauma when they meet in his route; he calls him Scourge repeatedly. Even in the HH interaction where Muriel and Julian are both in Muriel’s hut, Asra says “Muriel won’t like you being here”, and Julian literally says “What is he going to do, crush me?”
Like Julian. Listen. I love you to pieces and it’s clear you think he’s hot (kjaefnknaf i can’t stop thinking about “You’re a.... big boy.... (blushing)”) but PLEASE curb your horny for 5 minutes and try to be a little more sensitive and not just “oh giant man please crush me” also please Julian you’re both bottoms this would not work
I think generally there’s a lot of stuff there that means Muriel would feel alienated and objectified by the way Julian behaves, but also just in the way Asra’s relationship with him is complicated.  Maybe it also has something to do with him helping Lucio, I mean he doesn’t know about the plague beetle thing so maybe that’ll be a uniting factor for them? That’s a good point that I hadn’t thought of!I’m interested to see how they resolve that tension in Muriel’s route, but I really have No idea how they’re gonna go about it
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That was way kajefnkae longer than I thought it’d be this is what happens when you hyperfixate folks lmfao I do have screencaps of a lot of the HH stuff if yall need proof kjaefnfae lmk and I can dig them out
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Bullet-pointed predictions I have for each of the new 3 routes
For like an in-depth prediction I did of Muriel’s one a couple months back see this old thing
So a huge commonality in the first three’s arcs (as I mention in that linked post) is reconnecting with family (both found and blood) and so I first and foremost think that this will be present in each LI’s route; I’ll go into more detail on what I think this will look like for each of them individually, plus upright/reversed end speculation based on the definitions for their patron arcana.
***Spoilers for Muriel, Portia and Lucio’s routes so far and references to Nadia, Asra and Julian’s routes***
I’ll start with Muriel because I’ve already talked to his route the most and I think it’ll be the easiest place to start!
The role of family in his route:
Obviously as we’ve seen so far, Muriel has a lot of unresolved feelings of abandonment, shame, self-loathing and loneliness associated with his family and the fact that they’ve abandoned him. 
He’s already had the very beginnings of opening up to MC in his last book (The Hermit - very fitting), and he will perhaps continue to do so
I think a central theme for his story will be reconnecting with his family and hearing their perspective on what happened for two reasons: firstly because of one of the options for MC’s response to this discusses that he actually doesn’t know his parent’s reasoning and that maybe they Did want him, and the second relates to Nadia’s route and her arc with reconnecting with her sisters
In her route, similarly she vents about how annoying and patronising her sisters were throughout her life and you can either agree or posit that maybe they were just trying to help/showing they cared about her (reversed vs upright choice)
I’m also hoping he generally creates a stronger support network - I think at least Portia, Nadia and Asra (and maaayyyybe even Morga but that might be pushing it) will end up helping him and MC in the confrontation with the devil at the end - just based on who we’ve seen interacting with him the most in positive ways so far
Upright meaning: Look inside yourself for the answers you seek. Take time for introspection in the days ahead.
He’ll recover from his trauma, recognise himself as a person who is deserving of love and support and who has Needs (including like. a bed. lol.)
Honestly I don’t have a lot else to say ‘cept that bc I said it already so kjaefjef check my aforementioned post if you want More for my favourite man
Reversed meaning: Be wary of retreating too far within your own mind. Others still have valuable things to share.
He decides that he needs to handle the confrontation with the devil alone - probably erring more on the side of self-sacrifice than anything else and/or seeing his sacrifice as just (still blaming himself for his trauma, he believes that his only way to “Redemption” is by falling on his own sword, so-to-speak)
Oof, Portia’s a tricky one so far.
The role of family in her route:
So, obviously she has a lot of baggage with Julian. Some of this is hinted at just around her arcana’s definitions, but I’ll get to that soon.
She’s a compulsive secret-hoarder and collects information about everyone around her. I think this is probably a hang-up that she has around control - or loss of it. She doesn’t have security or wealth or even anyone to permanently look after her/mentor her (Julian left and Lilinka - her adoptive grandmother - passed away leaving her to fend largely for herself).
I think that information is the one thing she feels that she has control over, because so much of her life has been out of her hands (and also just chasing Julian around trying to clean up his messes)
She’s literally a head servant as her job -so much of her life is being told what to do and also telling others what to do. I think she fears loss of control in her life, but she’s also never been in a position where she’s been able to be an active agent and do things just because she wants to do them. 
She craves validation, safety, and support and that’s why she found herself in this employment role with Nadia - and even then in Nadia’s route (and her own), she’s terrified that Nadia will abandon her in a heartbeat - even though she literally nursed her for years and has been nothing but loyal. Girl has some Mad abandonment issues
Edit: Portia ultimately blames herself for the people around her leaving and thinks that people will only stay if she can be useful in some way - hence why she so doggedly pursues Julian's innocence because she thinks the only chance she has of him staying is if she can literally fix his mess
Largely I think her arc with her family will be about her feeling emboldened to be honest about her feelings and letting Julian know in a meaningful way how much his absence impacted her, but also realising that she Actually Can lean on Mazelinka (who she obviously loves but has made Many excuses as to why she’s too busy to see her - probably again a thing of “if I control when and where I see you, then I can’t get hurt in this relationship”), Nadia, and probably also Asra and some of the other servants even?
Upright meaning:  Believe in your inner light. You may have endured great hardship, but it only makes you shine brighter.
Idk man lol this is honestly quite vague. 
I think this will prolly be a similar thing to Muriel - just specifically confronting that Yes, she’s had a hard time of it but she shouldn’t let that impact her quality of life
Also probably a lot of stuff around her realising she’s worthy of love as a person and that the people who love her won’t abandon her
Reversed meaning:  Now is not the time to despair. Keep believing and let your star shine bright. The world needs you
Again.... aefkjfkae...... very vague.....
I think she won’t be able to let go of her fear of abandonment generically - or alternatively will perhaps? Try to bargain with the devil? I could see a similar thing happening with her that happened in Nadia’s reversed end - perhaps she believes she can save the world/MC by offering her servitude to the devil and being beholden to him? This is Fully a reach, I honestly have no idea :P
Lastly, Lucio:
Don’t worry, I’m not dunking on him lol. I don’t like him but that doesn’t mean I don’t have Thoughts about his route.
The role of family in his route:
Well. This one is clearly quite literally maybe the messiest out of these three (I mean that literally, in terms of, the amount of blood lol)
Obviously, he has a lot of baggage with both of his parents. I’ll disclaimer and say that I personally don’t see Morga as abusive - that doesn’t mean people can’t - but I’m making speculations specifically about their relationship just based on the in-game context clues we have and nothing else
As a person, Lucio is ultimately obsessed with power and attaining it. He’s clearly insecure and is desperate for any sort of validation, which is made messier by his natural sense of entitlement. This combination means that he chronically chases power, thinking that leadership means being able to do whatever you want to do with no consequences (e.g. in his route and also in Nadia’s when he briefly discusses killing people as count/countess) - and especially he thinks that if he has the power, the wealth, and the status then he’ll get the validation that he desperately craves. 
As count, he throws lavish parties and spends a lot of time with the vagabonds in the south end - trying to win petty devotion and admiration with meaningless shows of wealth meanwhile his people are starving and suffering in the flooded district. He just wants to be popular at the end of the day, he doesn’t care about actual leadership or using his power for good, unselfish reasons. He claims his people love him, but it’s hollow, ornamental love based upon flash, not substance
Morga as a parent is harsh - she’s critical and derisive at times, but it’s also clear that she does love her son (specifically how she says she spoiled him by never letting him get hurt). Lucio as a teenager grew up somewhat spoiled and expected that power would fall to him by virtue of heritage from his mother when he came of age. 
I think that Lucio didn’t get what he needed from Morga necessarily as a kid, and as a result he craved that first position of power because he saw it as a source of validation he hadn’t previously had - and when it was denied him, he became resentful and even murderous towards his parents. 
Woof, long fucking paragraph. I do think that Morga and Lucio will end up reconciling in his route somehow. I think it’s central to his character and to filling the void inside of him that he learns that you can’t buy people’s love - also just because his whole story and entry into the world was sparked by that essential conflict with his mother. I think it would feel weird narratively if that weren’t at least addressed - whether or not it ends in reconciliation
Upright meaning:  Shake off his veil: you are not trapped. There is always a way out of even the darkest places.
I think that this will be a redemption arc for Lucio. I think that in order for him to be redeemed he’ll have to relinquish the devil’s influence over him - which will involve addressing the wrong he’s done and apologising/trying to atone for it (whether or not other LIs accept his apology is another thing - as they all have very valid reasons not to)
I think the “way out of the darkness” for Lucio is in giving up his quest for power. He will learn that it’s ok to just be Lucio as a person, that he can be vulnerable and responsible for himself, and that people will love him as he is and not for the way he throws his money around
Reversed meaning:  It is time to clean house: purge the things that harm you from your life. Take back your power.
Now this literally includes the sentence “take back your power” so. whoomp there it is. Lucio can’t let go of his power-hunger and becomes even more selfish and self-righteous.
I think also unfortunately this will mean he will literally probably kill some if not all of the other LIs, and also (especially) his mother. He will see anything that challenges his power as opposition to be removed, and he will rule (alongside the devil? who knows) in chaos and blood.
Ookey!! kajefnkae glad I got that out of my system. If I missed anything/if people have their own ideas/thoughts I’d love to hear them! Have this giant essay lol, we’ll see if anything I predicted comes true in the next several dozen updates eh? B)
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What do you think the devils deal will be in Muriels route? (I'd ask about Portias also, but it's a bit too early for that one)
kjsnrkjgr I really don’t know..... All of the following is purely speculation
Maybe the devil would threaten to take away your Myrhh - and the deal is he’ll leave you and Muriel alone if you agree to (x y z usual stuff around staying out of his plans). I don’t think it’d be something that the devil offers to Muriel - if you say no you reassure him that your bond is too strong to forget/you can start afresh and you’ll still care about him regardless, if you say yes you can’t risk forgetting him bc he’s too important
Maybe he’ll propose that he can get rid of Lucio (because him fulfilling his deals is clearly making him more human) so that Muriel can actually be safe? (Again circling back to the “your past doesn’t define you, we can beat him together” thing)
Or maybe he’ll dangle Asra above Muriel’s head again like Lucio did to get him into the arena - with the test being if you’ll allow Muriel to fall into his past mistakes again and risk everything to protect Asra (if you say no you assure him you’ll save Asra and that besides he has other people who care about him now and he won’t be alone anymore). 
OR similar to the devil dangling Faust over his head, he might threaten to do something to Inanna too? 
I’m not quite sure at this stage because there’s a lot of different directions it could go; either way I feel like it’ll be a thing of whether or not Muriel can move past his trauma and act rather than react, acknowledging that everything has changed for him and he doesn’t have to feel trapped - he has other people to lean on and he can fight back (not necessarily physically fighting, but specifically not being passive in a bad situation), and he can win! I might wait another chapter or two before I make speculations about Portia - she’s super hard to predict for so far!
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Lucio and animals
I’m a couple days late but sharing my onions because I saw people being confused/upset or saying that Lucio putting animals in the arena in Muriel’s newest chapter was hypocritical/inconsistent and he’s my two cents on it:
It’s not inconsistent. He does love animals, yes, and some animals more than other (specifically his pets), but that doesn’t mean that he’s a good pet owner. 
Bullet-pointed for brevity’s sake:
He owns pets specifically for “aesthetic” i.e. all white/red in colouration to add to his private menagerie, but he doesn’t train them at all of even take very good care of them. 
His dogs love him and do what he says, but Portia has said that they’re ill-trained and tend to bite people
Camio only cameos (lol) briefly in Portia’s route and it just attacks Portia and acts a general pest, again poorly trained. 
The devs said Lucio also owned horses that got very sick very fast (6 white ones to be exact) and peacocks (which get loose in the masquerade) 
I feel like everyone forgets the vampire eel. Lucio literally keeps it in the moat because it looks creepy/cool despite the fact that it’s the wrong climate for it, and it’s clearly bored/in pain being trapped in the moat around the castle
In the HH interaction between Lucio and Nadia at the red market, Nadia says “Don’t tell me you’re adding another ill-trained pet to your menagerie”, and he replies “Fine, I won’t tell you” (as in he’s Definitely going to do that regardless). He impulsively gets these animals which he actually has Zero idea how to care for properly
Just because someone loves animals in general doesn’t mean that they know how to take good care of them or necessarily care about All animals in general
I feel like this is also symbolic of Lucio’s desire to be a leader in general; he wants to look after/care for his people/pets but the way he goes about it is very hands-off. His pets love him but he doesn’t directly take care of them or do what’s best for them. He doesn’t actually know how to, and he pawns off the responsibility of leadership/pet ownership onto whoever happens to be closest. 
He loves them in his own way, yes, but the way “takes care” of people/pets is very surface-level, spoiling them with treats and parties and what-have-you, but the day to day maintenance and care that’s required of a caregiver in general just Really is not his strong-suit, never-mind that he lacks the patience to have ever tried to learn in the first place. 
I also don’t think it’s the first time that it was mentioned that animals were involved in the arena? Besides the fact that I’m pretty sure it was mentioned somewhere else in another route, Vesuvia obviously has Roman influences (The Hierophant representing tradition is connected with Valerius - who doesn’t want Vesuvia to change, and has a lot of very Roman motifs, Vesuvia = Vesuvius? lol), and it was common for gladiators in Roman tradition to be slaves or criminals who were put to death by fighting animals and/or each other. I’d thought at least that those parallels were pretty transparent, but shrugs. Anyway, I don’t think it’s very out of character, I think it’s just another symptom of Lucio not really caring about anyone/anything beyond his own circle. He’s got a lot of growing to do in his route, that’s for sure lol
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