#japanese vocab list
japanologydiaries · 1 month
Japanese Vocabulary... Again ヽ(・ω・)ノ
1 . 過程 (かてい): process, course, mechanism (彼はボート作りの過程を説明した)
2. 宴会 (えんかい): banquet, reception, feast (宴: うたげ, エン )
3. びしょ濡れ (びしょぬれ): sopping wet, sodden, soaked
4. 典型 (てんけい): typical example, exemplar (典型的: てんけいてき: typical, representative, model)
5. 水入らずで (みずいらずで): privately; with outsiders barred; en famille (親子や夫婦など身内で他者を交えないこと。 親しい間柄に邪魔が入ることのない状態)
6. 余分 (よぶん): extra, excess, surplus (その仕事のおかげで彼は月に六万円余分の収入がある)
7. 弁償 (べんしょう): compensation, reimbursement
8. 採用 (さいよう): 1. use, adoption (of a technique, idea, etc.) (私たちの高校では新しい教授法を採用することにした), 2. to employ, recruit
9. 邁進 (まいしん): pushing forward, striving towards, working devotedly towards something (仕事や勉学を「頑張る」という意味で、「学問に邁進する」「勇往邁進」などの言い回しで用いられることが多い)
10. 節約 (せつやく): economizing, saving (mostly money but also time, energy etc), (その機械で、あなたは多くの時間と労力を節約できます。)
11. 製造 (せいぞう): manufacture, production (ウラニウムは原子力製造に用いられる。)
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warau-okami · 1 year
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People enjoyed the charts for English learners in Japan. Here, as promised, is one for Japanese language learners.
右 みぎ : right, right-hand side
左 ひだり : left, left hand side
横 よこ : horizontal (as opposed to vertical), lying down
side-to-side (as opposed to front-to-back), width, breadth
side (of a box, etc.)
beside, aside, next to
側 そば : near, close, beside, vicinity, proximity, besides, while
隣 となり : next (to), adjoining, adjacent
後ろ うしろ : back, behind, rear
下 した : below, down, under, younger (e.g. daughter)
beneath, underneath
近く ちかく : nearly (e.g. "it took nearly one year"), close to
上 うえ : above, over, up
中 なか : inside, interior
among, within
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atamanoii-usagi · 1 year
Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card - Vocab list
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Words I picked up when watching Card captor Sakura Clear Card:
透明 とうめい transparency; cleanness
魔力 まりょく magical power; charm
杖 つえ cane; walking stick; staff; wand
気配 けはい indication; sign; hint; presence
危急 ききゅう emergency
怪獣 かいじゅうmonster
今夏 こんか this summer; next summer; last summer
緊急 きんきゅう urgent; pressing; emergency
動かす うごかす to move; to shift; to operate
転校生 てんこうせい transfer student
推理 すいり reasoning; inference; mystery or detective genre (movie, novel, etc.)
相変わらず あいかわらず as ever; as usual
記録 きろく record; minutes; document|a record (e.g. in sports); results; score|to record; to document
歯車 はぐるま gear; cog-wheel
飛翔 ひしょう flight; flying; soaring
かい marks yes-no question
秘める ひめる to hide; to keep to oneself
闇 やみ darkness; the dark; dark
我 われ I; me,oneself, you
契約 けいやく contract; compact; agreement
もと origin base
命じる めいじる to order; to command
封印 ふういん seal; stamp|to stamp
解除 かいじょ cancellation; rescinding; release
迷宮 めいきゅう labyrinth; maze|mystery
逆さ さかさ reverse; inversion; upside down
犯行 はんこう crime; criminal act; offence
意識(する) いしき(する) consciousness
目覚しかける to set alarm
寝坊ねぼう(する) ねぼう(する) oversleeping
悪口 わるぐち insult; bad mouth
寝惚け ねぼけ half asleep
寝ぼける ねぼける to be half asleep; to be still only half awake
監修 かんしゅう (editorial) supervision; general editorship|supervising director (of anime, TV series etc.)
報告 ほうこくreport; information
顕現 けんげん manifestation
強引 ごういん overbearing; coercive; pushy
誕生(する) たんじょう(する) birth; creation suru
檻 おり cage; pen; jail cell; gaol cell
曾祖父 ひおおじ great-grandfather
瞬間 しゅんかん moment; second; instant
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🌸 Days of the Week In Japanese 🌸
Sunday ~ 日曜日 ~ にちようび ~ nichiyoubi
Monday ~ 月曜日 ~ げつようび getsuyoubi
Tuesday ~ 火曜日 ~ かようび
Wednesday ~ 水曜日 ~ すいようび
Thursday ~ 木曜日 ~ もくようび mokuyoubi
Friday ~ 金曜日 ~ きんようび kinyoubi
Saturday ~ 土曜日 ~ どようび doyoubi
Cheatsheet - hope this is somehow of use!
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damonedlong · 5 months
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Background for my Anki
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morinonioi · 1 year
NHK ニュース
「NHK News Web」から覚えておきたい語彙をシェアしたいと思います。 だます - to deceive 詐欺 - scam, cheating 被害 - damage, injury, harm 通知 - notification 応答する - to reply, answer 5月以降 - since May 世帯 - family 録音 - audio 通話の内容 - details of conversation 解析する - to analyse 疑い - doubt 特殊(special)詐欺対策サービス 固定電話 - fixed-line telephone 本腰 - serious effort 深刻な状況 - serious problem
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er-cryptid · 7 months
Beginner Phrases (Japanese)
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free-learner · 8 months
8月の覚えた単語 一
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嫉妬深い ・しっとぶかい ・ (deeply) jealous
理不尽 ・ りふじん ・ unreasonable; irrational, absurd
ムッとする ・ moody; huffy; to be offended
修復 ・しゅうふく ・ repair; mending
発狂 ・はっきょう ・ madness; craziness; insanity
軽々 ・ かるがる ・ lightly
清潔感 ・ せいけつかん ・ (sense of) cleanliness and/or freshness; clean impression
距離感 ・ きょりかん ・sense of distance (physical or emotional)
時期的 ・ じきてき ・ time-wise
拘る ・こだわる ・ to be obsessive (about); to be particular (about); to be uncompromising; to get stuck
🍬 please correct any mistake/error
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arcanewebs · 1 year
does. anyone else experience the language learning pipeline of like
yeah why not seems kinda fun -> (optional step) the writing system is crazy bro -> damn theres no WAY im gonna remember any of this shit -> genuine interest and fascination with the differences between languages and needing to Know more
and its because of the stupidest reason for starting learning it in the first place
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Today I read
暗黒デルタ Ch. 6 (For free!)
New to me Vocab:
構造 - the structure or construction
好戦的 (こうせんてき) - belligerent and warlike
勢力 -(せいりょく) - Power or influence
所望 - (しょもう) -Desire or wish
考えが至りませんでした (かんがえがいたりませんでした) - I didn't think of that (in Keigo)
先遣隊 (せんけんたい): advance party, advance guard
当初 (とうしょ) - Beginning
仇討ち (あだうち) - Revenge
監視 (かんし) - Surveillance
留める (とどめる): stop, restrain
重視 (じゅうし) - Regarding as important
侮る (あなどる) - Make light of or look down on
優位性 (ゆういせい)- Advantage, superiority
随分 (ずいぶん): quite, a long time
研修 (けんしゅう) - Training
正真正銘 (しょうしんしょうめい) - Real and authentic
玩具 - (おもちゃ) Toy (I didn't recognize the kanji)
交差 (こうさ)- Crossing
相反する (あいはん)- To conflict or disagree witih
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japanologydiaries · 28 days
Japanese Vocabulary ♡✧( ु•⌄• )
1 . 貯金 (ちょきん): putting money aside, savings (彼女は、海外旅行をするために貯金している。)
2. 貴重 (きちょう): precious, valuable (人間にとって水は空気と同じくらい貴重だ。), (貴重品: きちょうひん: valuables)
3. 慎重 (しんちょう): careful, cautious, deliberate (彼は言葉を慎重に選んだ。)
4. 反省 (はんせい): reflection, introspection
5. 壊滅 (かいめつ): destruction, annihilation, devastation (汚染公害は地域の生態環境に壊滅的な影響を与える。)
6. 収穫 (しゅうかく): harvest, crop (良い収穫を得る為には、肥沃な土壌が不可欠だ。)
7. 豊富 (ほうふ): abundant, rich (この町に住んでいる限り、いつでも新鮮な食べ物が手に入る。ここは野菜も魚も豊富だ。)
8. 不景気 (ふけいき): economic slump, recession (この不景気では、ひとり中小企業のみならず大企業でも経費を削る必要がある。)
9. 滞在 (たいざい): to stay somewhere for a period of time (私たちが滞在したホテルは非常に快適だった。)
10. 怠る (おこたる): to neglect (a duty), to avoid doing, to fail to do (カレンダーにそれを記入するのを怠っていました。), (その少年は植物に水をやるのを怠り、叱られた。)
11. 通貨 (つうか): currency
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warau-okami · 1 year
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The Body Words
Kanji Hiragana/Katakana Meaning
顔 かお Face
髪 かみ Hair
髪の毛 かみのけ Hair
頭 あたま Head
耳 みみ Ear
耳たぶ みみたぶ Earlobe
頬 ほお ほほ Cheek
頬っぺた ほっぺた Cheek
額 ひたい Forehead
お凸 おでこ Forehead
眉 まゆ Eyebrow
目 め Eye
瞼 まぶた Eyelids
睫毛 まつげ Eyelashes
鼻 はな Nose
鼻孔 びこう Nostril
口 くち Mouth
唇 くちびる Lips
歯 は Teeth
歯茎 はぐき Gum / Tooth Ridge
舌 した Tongue
顎 あご Chin / Jaw
体 からだ Body
首 くび Neck
喉 のど Throat
肩 かた Shoulder
腕 うで Arm
脇の下 わきのした Armpit
肘 ひじ Elbow
手 て Hand
手首 てくび Wrist
拳 こぶし Fist
指 ゆび Finger
親指 おやゆび Thumb
人差し指 ひとさしゆび Index Finger
中指 なかゆび Middle Finger
薬指 くすりゆび Ring Finger
小指 こゆび Little Finger
爪 つめ Fingernail / Toenail
胸 むね Breast / Chest
お腹 おなか Stomach
腹 はら Stomach
臍 へそ Belly Button
腰 こし Waist / Hips
太股 ふともも Thigh
脹脛 ふくらはぎ Calf
膝 ひざ Knee
膝頭 ひざがしら Kneecap
足 あし Foot / Leg
足首 あしくび Ankle
踵 かかと Heel
爪先 つまさき Toe / Tiptoe
背中 せなか Back (of Body)
お尻 おしり Buttocks
肌 はだ Skin
骨 ほね Bone
筋肉 きんにく Muscle
肺 はい Lung (organ)
心臓 しんぞう Heart (organ)
胃 い Stomach (organ)
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atamanoii-usagi · 2 years
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I borrowed "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" in Japanese from the library. Here's a long list of words that I picked up from the book!
Vocab list
がらがら- clattering; rattling; gargling
どん - bang; bam; boom; thud; thump; crash
何れも どれも - both; either; any; all; every
目玉 めだま - eyeball
ある時 あるとき - once (i.e. "once, when I was studying ..")
草葉 くさば - blades of grass
太る ふとる - to grow fat (stout, plump); to become fat; to gain weight
谷川 たにがわ - mountain stream
ぐりぐり - rolling eyes, rattling sound
火掻き棒 ひかきぼう - fire hook; poker; slice bar
偖/さて - well; now; then
かたこと - click-clack; clip-clop; clatter
がたごと - rattling; clattering
がたん - (with a) bump; (with a) bang; (with a) crash; sharply
怒鳴る- どなる - to shout; to yell
一飲み/ひとのみ(する) - swallowing in one gulp;
どうか - please; somehow or other
とっとと - quickly; hurriedly
おっと - uh-oh; oops; sorry
消えうせる きえうせる - to disappear; to get out of sight; to die; (in imperative) to fuck off
軋む きしむ - to jar; to creak; to grate
唸る/うなる/to groan; to moan|to roar; to howl
一体全体 いったいぜんたい-... the heck (e.g. "what the heck?"); ... in the world (e.g. "why in the world?"); ... on earth (e.g. "who on earth?")
がたぴし - rattle; rattling sound
酷く/ひどく - very much; terribly; badly; awfully
嗄れる/しゃがれる - to become hoarse
がらがら声 がらがらごえ - rough voice
さあこい - come on
にゃ - if not ... (negative conditional)|for (in regard to); in order to
田楽刺し でんがくざし - skewering (pierce with a skewer)
お負けに おまけに -to make matters worse; besides; what's more; in addition; on top of that
粉々 こなごな - in very small pieces
踏む ふむ - to step on; to tread on
砕く くだく- to break; to smash
跳びかかる とびかかる ; to spring at; to leap upon; to swoop down on; to throw oneself upon (e.g. an enemy)
角 つの - horn
蹄 ひづめ - hoof
串刺し くしざし - skewer
木端微塵 こっぱみじん - broken into small fragments; smashed to atoms
突き落す つきおとす- to thrust down; to push off
若しも もしも - if
チョキン、パチン、ストン。話しはおしまい。- Snip, snap, snout. This tale's told out.
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Learning Languages With Hotel Del Luna
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안영하세요, I've been on hiatus a bit because I'm been ill. But I'm back now and I'm really happy because I've basically found a way to hack my language learning to the point I can actually use it to not only maintain but also improve my Mandarin level (the language I really don't want to lose)
你们好! 我没有写那么多因为我生病了。但是,我会过,和我很喜欢因为我发现能侵截我的语言学习的办法。这让我不但保持我的中文水平,而且提高我的普通话能力,因为我非常不想失去这个语。
Ok, so Hotel Del Luna is a bit old at this point but I wanted to use something where I didn't feel any time pressure because I'm using it to learn languages.
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Conveniently, netflix has the option to add simplified chinese subtitles. As I already know mandarin, this means I can watch in Korean and follow along in simplified chinese. I'm semi fluent but it is still pretty hard at this point, so I'm also watching at a reduced speed. Just not so slow that it looks weird or is impossible to watch.
随手,netflix 有加普通话字幕的机会。因为我已经学到足够普通话,这让我看到这个电视剧在韩语,同时,蹑踪(niezong)用普通话。我一半流利,但是,还艰难在这个时点; 所以我也用更慢的速度。就是不太慢,否则看一下比较怪,不能看到。
The process is when I come across mandarin vocab I don't know, I look it up and note it down, creating a vocab list. At my current mandarin level, I'm roughly able to figure out the meanings of words based off the radicals in the characters, so I don't need so many repetitions to remember the vocab.
This vocab is then serving as a list I can look up in Japanese and Korean (my two target languages!) These ones are a completely different story as they're totally new to me.
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Along with Vietnam, Korea and Japan are part of what has been known historically as the sinosphere, a geoup of countries which have been influenced by china. But this doesn't mean the languages are similar at all!
By combining them here, I've tried to use the show as a theme for my studies and for compiling vocab, not due to any similarities between the languages. However it seems to be working, because I'm genuinely feeling motivated to study for the first time in a while.
한국어 🇰🇷
나무 - tree
닫다 - to shut
잊다 - to forget
즐겁게 하다 - to entertain
특별한 - special
운명 - fate
빈둥거리다 - to loiter
정영 - passion (as in enthusiasm or excitement)
열망 - passion (as in sexual desire or romantic attraction)
강렬한 - intense
日本語 🇯🇵
術 、 しゅ - tree
閉じる、とじる - to shut
忘れる、わすれる - to forget
楽しむ、たのしむ - to entertain
特別な、とくべつな - special
運命、うんめい - fate
彷徨う、さまよう - to loiter
情熱、じょうねつ - passion (enthusiasm, enjoyment)
欲望、よくぼ - passion (romantic or sexual desire)
激しい、はげしい - intense
普通话 🇨🇳 🇭🇰
树 - shu - tree
闭上嘴 - bi shang zui - shut your mouth
遗忘 - yi wang - forget
戴 - dai - to entertain
殊 - shu- special
缘分 - yuan fen - fate
徘徊 - pai huai - to loiter
痴情 - chi qing - passion (romantic or sexual with connotations of foolishness coming from the first character, meaning 'stupid')
强烈 - qiang lie - intense
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etto-etto · 1 year
≛ Vocab | Feb 5 - Feb 13 ≛
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高層・こうそう・high-rise (building)
いたずら電話 ・いたずらでんわ・prank call
神経質・しんけいしつ・highly strung
差し込もう・さしこもう・to insert; put in; thrust in; plug in
玉砕(する)・ぎょくさい・complete rejection when professing one’s love
片想い・かたおもい・unrequited love
両想い・りょうおもい・mutual love
両片想い・りょうかたおもい・a mashup between 片想い and 両思い that means a feeling is mutual but thought to be unrequited
-ごっこ・playing at (something); game of make-believe; something done together
交換日記・こうかんにっき・exchange diary ☆  (first time I’ve even heard of this!)
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morinonioi · 1 year
~に依拠する「いきょ」 - to depend on sth 人事 - human resources 計算する - to calculate 購入する「こうにゅう」- to purchase 額 - sum, amount 業績 「ぎょうせき」- achievement, result 対応する「たいおう」- to correspond その日本語に対応する英語はない。That Japanese word has no equivalent in English.  意向 - intention, idea 募集する「ぼしゅう」- to recruit  うちのバスケット部は背の高い男子を募集している。- Our basketball team is recruiting tall boys.  延長する「えんちょう」- to prolong 宿泊をもう一晩延長できましょか。Can I extend my stay one more night? 弾力 「だんりょく」- flexibility 決意 - determination
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