#japanese colonization
wearejapanese · 9 months
Lee A. Tonouchi Special to Da Hawai‘i Herald
My great grandma who wuz born in Okinawa in 1885 had traditional Okinawan hand tattoos known as hajichi. Esteemed Okinawan cultural expert, Eric Wada of da eju-ma-cational group Ukwanshin Kabudan wen do field research on what motivated Okinawan women for get their hajichi. Wada Shinshï (teacher) shares “hajichi was around and in use from pre-contact times so there is no written documentation of exactly when and how it started, however through oral and documented information, it evolved into a woman’s right of passage to adulthood and had many other spiritual connections, such as genealogy, cosmology and social status.”
Growing up my great grandma felt ashamed of her tattoos cuz in Okinawa, Okinawans wuz coming for be made for feel ashamed of everyting Okinawan. When she came Hawai‘i to work plantation, my great grandma wuz so self-conscious that she made my grandma promise that when she ma-ke time, she wanted to be put in da casket with gloves on.
But how could something that wuz once one mark of great cultural pride transform into one mark of shame? Wada Shinshï explains, “hajichi was banned and discouraged after the illegal annexation and overthrow of the Ryükyü Kingdom in 1879, which resulted in implementation of assimilation programs by the Japanese government, which brainwashed the native people to be ashamed of their ‘savage’ cultural practices and assimilate to the modern and ‘civilized’ Japanese culture.”
For da past several decades dis art form for Okinawan women had been dying out to da point where I noticed that most of my younger friends in Okinawa had nevah even seen hajichi before. Das how rare it wuz.
Interestingly, in da past couple few years seems like get one revival going on. Wada Shinshï shares his mana‘o on dis phenomenon: “I am happily cautious about the hajichi resurgence and optimistic because things that have been put to sleep can come back. There will be individuals who just want to do it as a fad or without such deep connections, and that is their choice, but for the most part, I see more interest in reviving the tradition connected to the deeper spirituality and identity.”
Below get tree young Local Uchinänchu women and their hajichi stories.
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onigiriforears · 1 year
日本の歴史366 Day 60
3月1日 Summary:
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On March 1, 1932, Japan formally established Manchuria as a puppet state, following the Japanese invasion of Manchuria. How was this possible? Well, in 1931, Japan staged the Manchuria incident--a false flag event where the Japanese military blew up a portion of the South Manchuria Railway (owned by Japan) to give Japan pretext to invade Manchuria. The invasion lasted 5 months, from September 1931 to February 1932, ending in March with China being forced to sign the treaty known as the Japan–Manchukuo Protocol.
China's last emperor, Emperor Of China Ching Hsuan-Tung of the Qing dynasty, was turned into a puppet leader.
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Okay, but doesn't their little illustration actually look just like him? Also...he is...objectively attractive.
Vocab beneath the break:
満洲国 まんしゅうこく Manchukuo (Japanese Manchurian puppet state; 1932-1945)​
建国 けんこく founding of a nation
操り あやつり manipulation; puppet
操り人形 あやつりにんぎょう puppet; marionette
人形 にんぎょう doll; puppet; puppet (a person under the control of another); yes-man
皇帝 こうてい Emperor
中国 ちゅうごく China
進出 しんしゅつ advance (into a new market, industry, etc.); expansion (into); launch (into); entering; making inroads (into)
清朝 しんちょう Qing dynasty (of China; 1644-1912); Ch'ing dynasty; Manchu dynasty​
皇帝溥儀 こうていふぎ Emperor Of China Ching Hsuan-Tung (last Emperor of China; final Qing dynasty monarch)
台本 だいほん script
活動 かつどう activity (of a person, organization, animal, volcano, etc.); action
満州事変 まんしゅうじへん Manchurian Incident (1931); Mukden Incident​ [x] [x]
結果 けっか result; consequence; outcome; effect; as a result of ...; as a consequence of ...; after ...; following ...
支配 しはい rule; domination; control; control (of one's destiny, public opinion, etc.); governing; influence; sway
成功 せいこう success; achievement
政治 せいじ politics; government
大臣 だいじん cabinet minister
重要 じゅうよう important; momentous; essential; principal; major
役 やくposition (of responsibility); post; office; role; assignment; duty; function
役に就ける やくにつける to place someone in a position
思いどおり おもいどおり as one likes; as one wants; as one wishes; as one hopes; as one sees fit; to one's satisfaction​
動く うごく to operate; to run; to go; to work; to make a move; to take action; to act; to go into action
国家 こっか state; country; nation
中国大陸 ちゅうごくたいりく mainland China
きっかけ chance; start; cue; excuse; motive; impetus; occasion​
日中戦争 にっちゅうせんそう Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945)​
太平洋戦争 たいへいようせんそう Pacific War (1941-1945)​
長期 ちょうき long-term​
にわたる throughout; over a period of ...; over a span of ...
ドロ沼 ドロぬま quandary; dire situation from which one cannot extricate oneself; imbroglio; quagmire
戦争 せんそう war
続ける つづける to continue; to keep up; to keep on
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lesbianamalvada · 2 months
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First ARC I ever received and it was straight ass. I get dark romances and enemies to lovers are hot, like I get it. But I'll never understand writing a fantasy story based on THE WORST atrocity that ever happened to your people. Probably up there as one of the worst atrocities of all time. And you make the main character a spineless pick-me traitor who falls in love with a colonizer prince who commits the fantasy version of Unit 731. 0/5 stars.
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thenuclearmallard · 1 year
VIDEO: Atsushi Monbetsu belongs to the Ainu Indigenous group that traditionally lived in what is now northern Japan, as well as territory now in Russia. But now he has reclaimed his identity and some of the traditional practices he considers his birthright.
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 month
People from all across the world being able to freely travel to Israel, join the IDF, and participate in a genocide with no repercussions is such a difficult concept for me to wrap my mind around
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kabutone · 5 months
i cant really make this into a poll actually cause theres so many possible answers but i am sooo interested in people and where they are from like ancestrally. but theres no way to ask someone like "where are you from" without sounding racist as hell . but anyway do you know where your ancestors are from and have you been there??? how connected are you to that culture? do you want to learn more?
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khizuo · 1 month
most wholesome shit i learned today is that apparently luchuans (the indigenous people of ryukyu) have a popular song that is literally about how a chinese ship is coming because of its centuries old relationship with china back when it was an independent country. may we see a free and sovereign luchu again in our lifetimes and may that relationship be rekindled once more.
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junotter · 1 month
sometimes researching for avatar redesigns has you 6 layers deep into the Japan's Meiji era allies wiki
#im trying to mess with some of the stuff that feels weird about the ways the fire nation is depicted idk#like i do not feel optically it is good for like them to be so heavily based on japan's imperialist actions#while dressed in clothes that come from places japan colonized#but i dont want it to just be solely japanese though i did draw zuko and azula in hakama but its largely cause i wanted to draw hakama#and like the only place with strong japanese influence being kiyoshi island and my own frustration with the modern day samurai depiction#i think fundamentally it isnt a choice that had as much thought as i am putting in put into it but it does raise an eyebrow for me#anyway i think keeping the thai influence is fine despite the brief invasion japan had into thailand due to thailand then allying with japa#and further allying with the axis due to allying with japan#ugh and ive been told not to think this much about it because its fiction but its also fiction so so so heavily based on real places#and when you base fiction on real cultures you fall into some unintentional pitfalls#i also fucking hate the royal fire nation robes they look so meh and the most costumey out of everything in the show#they look like heavy blankets despite being a supposedly hot nation#theres ways to have heavy robes (heian era japan) but they look like i make them out of fleece and velvet blankets#back to kiyoshi island i think the really only aesthetically japanese reference in the show being an island of noble warriors is lame#plus over done#it feels like nowadays theres a lot of people who get all whiney about people saying fire nation is based off japan#but like dude the creators in the comics and korra like go even more into the japanese influence and clearly it was the original intentions#also i do think you could do some pretty interesting world building by having say there be an older cultural influence on kiyoshi island#from the fire nation especially if the place is established as a central port area then you tie in some okinawan or even hawaiian reference#and gives an explanation that makes sense to why kiyoshi stands out from the rest of the earth kingdom you have long term cultural trading#and it establishes interesting relationships even pre kiyoshi time thereby drawing back onto some real historic references#cause for awhile ryukyu china and japan used to be this trading triangle which could explain some of these various influences going on#i think you can get a really interesting harmony when you create the fire nation out of a mix of japan and thailand#i mean both have these floating buildings due to living on some pretty wet lands and theres harmony in that mix#god i did see one person go like “fire nation is more based on china because theres a lot of red and red is important in china”#my brother in christ red is also important in japan#red is important in like many many asian cultures#i mean of course a lot of that importance stems from china and cultural exchange with china but idk kinda silly to say with your whole ches#like if you want to bring china in then the dragons are the biggest thing like sure some mythos has dragons in japan#but a lot of those comes from china in some way
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zephyrfuse · 8 months
hi i hope every person upset by me breaching my knowledge as a real japanese american living being and person and not just a part of a race that only exists in anime and is meant to look cute and pretty to people unfollow me and keep doing it i can't keep quiet anymore LOL
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bluberimufim · 4 months
A short display of Portuguese Christmas sweets[1]
[1] I don't think "sweets" is the best translation but idk how else to say it, what I mean is "pastries and cakes", basically
Hello! This is very late (but tbh we eat the same stuff on Christmas and New Year's so ig I'm not that late)!!
I wanted to do this because it seems to kinda be in line with my Halloween folklore post and I want to share more stuff with you all! This one I know a little more about because I eat these things every year, but I promise I'll get back into folklore next because that's what interests me most. Please be aware that half of this is from my personal experience and may not be 100% accurate to most other people.
Bolo Rei (trans: King Cake)
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image source: https://lmalimentar.pt/lojaLM/bolos-congelados/318-bolo-rei-cozido-1-kg.html
This is like, the cake people think of when they think of Christmas. It's some basic dough filled with nuts and sugared fruits. Then, it has more sugared fruit on top (I've tried to find exactly what fruit it is but every recipe just says "fruit" despite it always being very specific colours and the only place I could find that listed what it supposedly was said it was pumpkin and I don't believe it). This cake is inspired by the image of a jewel-incrusted crown and was created to honour the Three Magi. It's said that it was inspired by the French Galette de Rois but I've also seen people say it's similar to Italian Panettone.
Bolo Rainha (trans: Queen Cake)
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image source: https://www.receitasdeculinaria.tv/receita-do-bolo-rainha/
For the cool kids who don't like the fruit part of Bolo Rei - this one is literally just nuts. This is also supposed to look like a crown but I can't find any source saying what it's supposed to represent, so I think it's just Bolo Rei 2.0. This one wasn't that big of a thing when I was a kid but it's gained a lot of traction in the last 10 or so years.
Pão de Ló (trans: literally "Bread of Ló" / "Ló's Bread", I'll explain in a bit)
There are two versions of this one but I'm gonna talk about dry Pão de Ló first.
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image source: https://www.receitasdatiaceu.com/recipe/pao-de-lo-tradicional/
This is my personal favourite - literally my favourite cake of all time. I have never met someone who does not have this as their favourite Christmas food. This is a type of sponge cake you eat on both Christmas and Easter, although it seems it was originally just for Easter. This is one of those you absolutely can't make at home unless you're literally crazy because it needs to be baked in a clay mould with sheets of paper and I've heard it requires 24 eggs per cake (tbh seems unrealistic but Portuguese pastry is like 80% eggs so it's not that outlandish, and I'm inclined to believe it bc I've tried like 3 different home-made recipes with normal amounts of eggs and it never tasted right). The origin of the name is basically impossible to find because every source I see claims a different story, but "Ló" seems to be the name of its original creator. Also, this cake was brought to Japan during the Discovery Period and it's allegedly the origin of a Japanese sponge cake named Kasutera.
Pão de Ló de Ovar (trans: Pão de Ló from Ovar)
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image source: https://iberismos.com/pao-lo-um-doce-com-muita-historia-iberica/?lang=pt-pt
Kinda like regular Pão de Ló but wet on the inside - the liquid-y part is egg. Its origins seem to be in conventual sweets (like, from a convent), which are known for using lots of eggs. But just like with its dry variant, there are a few different stories about it. Sometimes people argue about which variant is better, but it's really not that divisive. In fact, all the foods in this post often coexist at the Christmas table despite some being similar to each other.
Sonhos (trans: Dreams)
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image source: https://claradesousa.pt/receita/sonhos-de-natal/
These are much simpler than the cakes. It's basically just fried dough topped with sugar (I've heard that Brazilians call them "chuvinha" aka "little rain" because of this, and I think that's kinda funny because most Portuguese sweets have sugar on top). This is kinda like a "base" because there are other sweets similar to it but with carrot or pumpkin on the inside, and I don't think there's much reason to get into them here - also I don't usually eat them. You can eat them dry or with syrup made with sugar, cinnamon and lemon/orange.
Rabanadas (no clue how to translate this bc google suggests "french toast" and I refuse to accept that)
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image source: https://www.pingodoce.pt/receitas/rabanadas/
This is a simple yet effective classic. It was originally made to utilize stale bread people had lying around (I've seen sources suggest it's because bread is sacred to Jesus even if it's stale and so it's bad to waste it). It's made with bread, honey or sugar, milk, and cinnamon, although I've seen people replace the milk and honey with condensed milk. It has been recorded since the 16th century, when it was used partially for medicinal purposes to help people regain their strength, especially after giving birth (which... thematically appropriate but it still surprised me when I found out).
I hope you had fun looking at all this tasty food - because I certainly did and this is my blog.
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sskk-manifesto · 3 months
#Aah I have so many thoughts concerning this episode#First of all: that I can think of Lucy really is the character that grew the most on me.#I remember I really didn't feel strongly for her the first time I watched and through the first year or so‚#even after finishing reading the manga‚ but now I really like her a lot and feel strong sympathy for her!!#Second. I remember the first time watching I found Fitzgerald's portrayal really distatsteful...#Like I get there's a whole deal of the usa's economic power having destroyed literal countries.#And Japanese people are rightfully enraged at them.#And I get there's a whole deal of cultural colonization made by the usa of half the world#That said. I don't like countries stereotypes in general no matter the country. I believe it's harmful to enable stereotypes full stop.#Moreso in bsd where a lot of it feels to me like “Our country is the best and all other countries are bad / evil / lesser”#(Again like. There IS an issue with how every single foreign character is a villain if you ask me)#(And this is coming from someone who's not from the usa nor feels particular kinship with it.#Just to clarify that I shouldn't be holding preceding bias. Again I just dislike stereotypes in general‚ the country doesn't matter)#Third I LOVE Lucy's va they're sooooo good!!!! I adore them in p/p voicing Akane–#and it's extraordinary to see them voice a villain in this episode. I love them so so much they're so good at what they do#Fourth I remember the first time watching the episode it was immensely amusing how between Akutagawa and Lucy‚#it really felt like everyone was trying to make a competition with Atsushi on who had the most miserable orphan life. Like guys‚ wtf 😂😂#Fifth another thing that bugged me MASSIVELY was Lucy's reaction to Mori like… What even is that………#Idk it's probably not a big deal and it's probably just an issue with me but.#It's just that in the context of bsd already being plenty sexist everywhere you look.#You have a female character who's evidently got the upper hand‚ in her own reign‚ with a super powerful ability–#facing a defenseless male character. And yet the male character is implied to win due to the power of his……… Frightening stare.#Like you DO get why it irks me right. One thing would have been if that was an ability he had‚#but also the way it only seems to effect Lucy… To me it really adds to a rhetoric of women being more frail / easily scared–#because it's not like Mori was ever able to use his special move: scary look™ on anyone else#So y'know :///#That's it. Atsushi and Kyouka were super cute <333#random rambles
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zhuhongs · 4 months
just found out the lead singer of taiwans biggest death metal band is also an active parliament member since like 2015.... and is still active as a death metal singer. he's a pretty standard taiwanese center left anti communist from what i could gather. which like as a leftist i dont really agree with but i also dont know enough abt taiwanese politics to like make a full judgement. though he seems to be a standard liberal nothing remarkable, radical, or new, not overtly horrible but just bland. but that was something i definitely did Not expect. apparently he's very pro indigenous rights and self determination for indigenous people but being in a centre left mega party like the DPP does not seem like the best way to achieve that. But yea, just thought I'd share
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#chthinic collabed heavily with collage last year and ik natsuki (lead singer of collage) is very pro indigenous rights and posts abt it a#lot of instagram and i really appreciate the amount of political stuff on her platform. its all very progressive tho v much limited to tw#so idk. i kind of got the cibe of some groups that see taiwanese indigenous issues as seperate to the larger issue of colonialism and#indigenous rights all over the world to conflicts such as palestine. where some other groups have a lot more of the collective consciousnes#and idk. my view is limited and i didnt see that much but when i go back i def wanna look for more political groups in tw and learn about#the political landscape there for leftism. theres a lot of potential in tw imo#chthonic* natsuko**#edit: overall i think that like.. i get the spirit but i feel like for many taiwanese the identity of tw has been everyone united agaisnt#china which i can understand from the perspective of the indigenous ppl that had their land colonized by the japanese then had to share with#the fleeing kmt settlers. but like i dont think that its the best approach to say only china bad rather than big governments threatening to#take your land by force is bad. because idk my take on china and tw is that regardless of the historical claim or wtv. taiwans indigenous#people have been there long before the han ever stepped foot. and china isnt all good as seen in its treatment of the uyghers and tibetans#but is overall not nearly as bad as the west paints it to be. china is neither fully a communist paradise. and has many capitalist undertone#s influence the government ever since deng xiaoping came to power. personally i never fully agreed with mao. i think mao was a necessary#figure in the beginning and let power go to his head and i believe zhou enlai always shouldve been the founder of the PRC#fuck the kmt.. never liked the kmt and it seems as they are also slowly losing favor in tw also. and like... hmm#i need to do more reading tho. none of this is like 100% set in stone how i feel bc theres a lot i dont know
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kuroken-lovechild · 1 year
the way I just know musical tumblr and the rest of the internet would be obsessed with Mula sa Buwan (musical retelling of Cyrano de Bergerac set in 1940s WWII Philippines) but it’s locked behind a language barrier
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justleaf · 1 year
Friendly reminder that our interpretations of a work or character are based off our own unique experiences.
If you've ever felt the need to go up to someone and say "your transformative works are offensive to how I've interpreted the work or character", please for the love of god just press the back/block/filter/mute buttons instead and move on with your life.
There is no need to go up to someone and say the equivalent of, "my interpretation is more valid than yours, and also how dare you not care about these issues that I do". The person you're telling this to probably lives in a different country, is of a different age, cares about different but nonetheless important things, or I don't know, lives a life that you couldn't even conceive of.
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thenuclearmallard · 1 year
Ainu language
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meherya · 11 months
I mean there’s still 4 episodes for this drama to fuck up, but I do think tale of the nine tailed 1938 is about to become one of my all time faves
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