#japanese anime with english subtitles
blujayonthewing · 5 months
I understand why the sub for dungeon meshi is just the script for the dub but that doesn't mean I have to like it
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kathybluecaller · 1 month
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I just think they’re neat :]
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joy-girl · 9 months
It's so funny to me how Roronoa Zoro is pronounced in English as Rowrownowa Zowrow.
What's that? owo language??
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yayakoishii · 10 months
Idaten Jump
Japanese Dub, English Subs
Translations & Subbing by YayaKoishii (me)
Re-uploads on other sites with credit is welcomed! Reworking the translations with credit is also okay.
Note: I do not gain to earn any profit from this whatsoever; if asked, I'm willing to remove/take down the videos!
★ Playlist - All Episodes (as in the list)
★ Episode List:
Ep. 1 - This is MTB Battle!
Ep. 2 - The Great Escape! Battle of the Sand Dunes
Ep. 3 - Crash! First Defeat?!
Ep. 4 - Take Back! My MTB
Ep. 5 - Battle of the Flaming Volcano!!
Ep. 6 - The High Tech Team's Challenge
Ep. 7 - Ow! Graveyard of the MTBs
Ep. 8 - Enter Neptune!
Ep. 9 - The Masked Youth's Identity!
Ep. 10 - The Strongest Rival Appears!
Ep. 11 - On Board Battle! Team ST's Trap
Ep. 12 - The Gold Celeb Resort City We Longed For
Ep. 13 - School Battle! Great Explosion, Idaten Cross!
Ep. 14 - The Man Who Defeated Flame Kaiser!?
Ep. 15 - The Prince of MTBs
Ep. 16 - Struggle in the Rain, Awaken Neptune
Ep. 17 - Finally Understood! Team ST's Secret
Ep. 18 - A New Assassin! Test Battle of the Siblings
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commanderpigg · 5 months
To try to think a bit more positively about myself and prevent myself from doom spiraling again, I’m glad that I’ve read a point in living in a foreign country that I don’t panic if I need to make important phone calls out of fear of not understanding the language or procedures. Especially in Japan where all these places just use high level Keigo (polite language with special vocabulary and hierarchical rules). A few years ago I would have freaked out but now it’s just par for the course in my everyday life.
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curetapwater · 6 days
btw I made that playlist I was talking about before
It's effectively finished but I left a small buffer before reaching the 5000 video cap on YouTube playlists, to leave room for if I find anything else. Not all of these are media I have personally seen, but I thought it would be a neat way for me (and you!!) to get into more shows and stuff. I'm already falling in love with Princess Guinevere and the Jewel Riders for example.
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touchlikethesun · 10 days
feels vaguely sinophobic to insist that the japanese dub for mdzs “fits better” but i don’t have all the necessary information and context to explain why
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Ryoh shouldn't be allowed to make puns, ever.
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sl33py-g4m3r · 28 days
Wizardry 1 [OVA] ウィザードリィ Toshiya Shinohara 1991
Need to stop spamming my dash with retro anime and music stuff I swear~~~
More interesting random ova I found~~
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Not me having to explain what Neon Genesis Evangelion is to my 50 smthn yr old white SAHM bc my brother and his gf dressed up as characters for a party and then posted it on insta
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its been nearly a decade since i've last spoken/read japanese but i'm seriously tempted to pick it up again
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volixia669 · 1 year
I think I finally figured out what irritated me about that gameplay trailer for BOTW Tears of the Kingdom.
I mean, aside from the voice over. Something about the voice irked me, making it impossible to watch.
But like. The biggest question for a lot of people is will Tears of the Kingdom at the very least provide a way to repair your weapon?
And unless the site I looked at missed something, it seems the answer is “now you can STACK your incredibly flimsy weapons”.
I want to be interested in Breath of the Wild and its sequel. But because of how my brain works, the weapons breaking with no way to fix them is a dealbreaker. I’m cool with weapon durability as long as you can fucking fix them.
It’s not like its a new mechanic, as it’s been used in dungeon crawlers for ages.
But there needs to be a way to, y’know, fix the weapon.
If you can’t, well my default is to save up a bunch of the easy to find weapons, and try not to get attached to the big fancy ones.
Yes, I get attached to digital weapons, I’m human and I have adhd.
Like, if the fuse ability can be used to fix weapons, then cool! I’m on board. But if it’s just for making ridiculous shit, well, that’ll be fun for some. But right now I’m not in the headspace for it.
So yeah, today’s gameplay trailer sucked for me because it didn’t answer the one question I had, so the matter of “can I get emotionally invested in this” is still marked unresolved.
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diseasedcube · 2 years
CP: edgerunners ep 1
...yes I'm just reviewing as I go
But okay W O W
This is SO akudama drive core (visually, at least)
Haven't quite met any characters beyond David and his mom (//SPOILERS but lmao rip in peace//) (pretty white haired chick was there for .2 seconds, she's pretty. But who knows if I'll like her)
David is a Guy. And unfortunately I fucking hate him, he reminds me of my brother (in a Bad Way)
I love how they give you a good taste of uncensored blood in just the first two minutes 😍😍
And in the first episode, they already sent home the actual core dystopian cyberpunk values more than the entirety of akudama drive. Like the extreme capitalism aspect and technological bio upgrades sort of thing (what I'm saying is that Courier should have to pay for software upgrades otherwise his hand wouldn't work)
As for the plot...yknow it's just getting started I can't really say anything. I'm not a "plot" person, I'm more of a "get attached to a single character and watch it solely for Them" person
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China: OMG! Do you watch our shows!? Wait, let me share with you the full episode with english subtitles on our official youtube account so you can enjoy it properly 💗
Japan: Not Japanese? Then fuck you 🙃
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tc-doherty · 1 year
Before anyone asks, yes I have on more than one occasion both: watched Italian anime dubs and watched anime in Japanese but with Italian subtitles
make of that what you will
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beemovieerotica · 2 years
I feel like we've lost something linguistically with the rise of professional subtitles for everything because they just adapt jokes and idioms into their nearest English equivalent and lose cultural context. I miss watching anime in 2002 with subs by some guy who was just really passionate about japanese and would fill half the screen with an in-depth breakdown of why a pun works. I'm serious I want that again.
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