#izuku is a badass
quinncupine · 2 years
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Relationship: Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Word count: 4,850
Warnings: guns, violence, blood and injury, medical setting
Summary: After closing up the clinic for the night, you're ready to have dinner with your favorite hero, but a rather dangerous new patient just checked in and won't take no for an answer.
Quinn’s Masterlist
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The strong smell of disinfectant wafted through the examination room as you finished wiping the counters down. It was the last room of the night and with a satisfied nod, you gathered your supplies to put them back in the storage room, clicking the light off as you stepped into the hall. On your way there your phone buzzed in your pocket and with some tricky manuevering, you slid it out of your white coat and smirked at the caller I.D.
Nestling the device between your chin and shoulder, you answered the call. "Well, hello stranger."
"Aw, come on, it hasn’t been that long," Izuku laughed on the other end. "I just saw you this morning."
"Too long in my opinion." A quick shove to open the closet door and you went about putting the supplies in their respective places. "I'm closing up shop here, where are you?"
"Just left the agency," he sounded like he was in the car. "I'll be there in about twenty."
"Good, I'm starving." You wiped your hands on your coat and walked out of the closet, shutting the door with your foot. "I've been wanting to eat at Bonavici's forever."
"You sound like you're more excited for the food than to see me," he pouted through the line.
"Hey, your words not mine." When you snickered, he scoffed in return but you could practically hear his smile. "Oh, I’m kidding…sort of. I really am excited though. How on earth did you get us reservations so quickly? They book out months in advance."
"I have my ways."
Making your rounds through the clinic, shutting off lights as you headed towards the front, you grinned. "It was All Might, wasn't it?"
"Uh," he cleared his throat and you could only imagine the embarrassed blush drawing across his face. "That's still a way."
"Fair enough." The lights shut off one by one as you made your way down the hall. When you reached the lobby, you leaned against the doorframe and crossed your arms. "How did you know I wanted to go?"
"Besides the fact that you've been not so subtly hinting at it for the past few weeks?" It was your turn to blush as he continued. "I listen."
"And I love that about you." With a dreamy sigh, you closed your eyes. "I can practically taste the food. You truly are my hero."
There was a strangled sound on the other end before he coughed and stammered through his words. "I-well you, it's uh…I'll be there soon." Then he hung up and you couldn't help the small laugh that echoed through the dim lobby. It seemed you always knew exactly what to say to fluster the pro hero.
"Was that Deku?" Hanna, your receptionist called from behind the desk, hugging a stack of papers to her chest. "He's such a sweetheart!"
You jumped, not realizing she was there. "I thought you went home?"
"Oh, I was, but this fax just came through marked as urgent. I was just going to finish up the paperwork before I head home." She set the papers down and organized them into their respective piles.
"I swear, you're just as bad as Izuku." you laughed, coming around to the other side of the desk. "Go home Hanna."
"Oh, but I'm almost done!" She reached for the papers again but you gently grabbed her hands and turned her around.
"I promise it will be waiting for you tomorrow. But go enjoy the rest of your evening, okay?"
Hanna made a half-hearted effort to grab the papers one more time but gave up with a sigh. "All right. But you have to promise to enjoy yourself too. Oh, and tell me how Bonavici's was! And- and tell Deku he's…" she trailed off with a blush and you only laughed, pushing her towards the door.
"Good night Hanna."
She grabbed her purse and waved goodbye to you before she finally left. Hanna was a hard worker but it was always difficult to get her to stop working, a similar issue you faced with Izuku. Rolling your eyes fondly, you went back to the desk to clean up the rest of the papers and try to finish some of her workload before Izuku arrived.
The front bell chimed a minute later and you glanced into the waiting room, ready to tell whoever it was that you were closed for the night, only to come face to face with a gun.
"Hey Doc," a man drenched from head to toe panted, looking grimy and irritated in his wet clothes. "Got a sec?"
Two more men burst through the door, dragging a third, much less lively man between them. Blood streaked across the linoleum as his limp legs trailed behind him. The barely conscious man was also covered in water, droplets mixing with the concerning amount of red pooling underneath him.
When you remained in place partly from shock and partly from terror, the leader waved his gun at you in annoyance. "Well, don't just sit there!" he yelled, "you're a doctor, right? Well, you've just got yourself a new patient."
You glanced at the man hanging between his two buddies, shivering slightly as he let out a harsh cough, spraying blood across your once clean floors. It was clear he was in a bad position but you were just a small outpatient clinic. This was something that an E.R. would be more equipped to handle, not you.
"He needs a hospital. I don't have the-" the gun was roughly shoved against your cheek and you snapped your mouth shut.
"You're a doctor. You fix him. Fix him now." The threat was clear and all you could do was nod, trying to ease yourself away from the cold barrel resting way too comfortably on your face.
"Okay," you swallowed thickly and pointed down the hall. "Take him to a room."
As the two underlings dragged the man down your darkened hall, leaving a bloody trail in their wake, you took a deep breath trying to remain as calm as the situation would allow. The only thing keeping you together was the fact that Izuku was on his way. It wouldn't be long. Besides, if you could help the man, then you would.
Bossman lingered in front of the desk, gun still trained on you, guestering for you to go first. He would be a problem. Especially if he kept waving that gun aroudn like a damn maraca. Reluctantly, you followed the trio into the first examination room and watched them lug the limp man onto the bed.
Steeling your courage, you stepped into the room and tried to ignore the guns and the thugs attached to the end of them and instead tried to focus on your new patient. Most of the damage seemed to be around his stomach. There was a nasty gash on the side of his head, carving a neat little river of red down the side of his face, flowing right over the deep-set bruise near his temple. Along with the apparent dip in freezing water, he'd been through the wringer tonight.
Washing your hands and slapping on some fresh gloves, you cut the mostly torn shirt away to examine the wound further. Bullet holes. Three of them. Burn wounds around the site indicated they had probably been fired point blank. That was a problem.
"Help me turn him on his side." you whispered, glancing at one of the men, not even sure if they would listen.
The closest one grunted and helped you pull him on his side. Wary of the man, you leaned in closer to get a better look at the hole in his back. Two exit wounds which meant the third was still inside. Who knows what kind of internal damage he'd already suffered. Just stitching him up wasn't going to cut it.
"He needs surgery," you rolled him back over and turned to the Boss. "This is just a small outpatient clinic. I don't have the right equipment for that kind of operation. If we call an ambulance and take him to the hopsi-"
That wasn't what he wanted to hear. The next thing you knew, he had you by the collar of your shirt and the gun nestled into your hairline. Your words choked on your gasp as he leaned in mere inches from your face enough to smell the tobacco in his breath.
"You save him. If he dies…you die." He growled it out quietly and you squeezed your eyes shut to keep calm.
This man, while you would try your best, needed more help than you could currently offer. He'd already bled out to the point of an unsettling pale sheen. His breath was staggered and shallow. Each time he coughed, red spittle spattered his lips. This would quickly become his death bed if these men couldn't see reason.
"Listen to me," you pleaded, "let me call an ambulance. If you want to save his life then he needs better care than I can do here."
"So you're saying you're useless." He narrowed his eyes, pressing the gun further into your temple and you shook your head furiously, instinctively trying to wiggle out of his grip.
"No! No! I can staunch the wounds here, but he needs surgery to repair the damage and probably a blood transfusion. None of those things can be done here. Please, you need to understand he-"
"No!" he screamed in your face then finally stepped away to pull at his hair. "No, we can't go to any hospitals. You fix him here and you fix him now!" The moment he stepped away, you deflated, but a moment later he whipped the gun back to you with a scowl. "Do it! Now!"
Best not to argue with an unstable gunman. Grabbing the antiseptic and bandages, you went to work cleaning the wounds. The bullets did some pretty severe damage and most likely pierced his gut, possibly a kidney as well. You did your best to stop the bleeding, but even if you stitched him up, the risk of internal bleeding was too great to ignore, paired with his already tremendous amount of blood loss. His chances were extremely low and dropping by the second.
"I can't work with that gun on me," you whispered, hoping to god that it wouldn't rile him up further. "I need space."
For once, he actually listened to you and barked orders for the other two men to go keep a look out in the front. They filed out of the room, leaving you alone with their boss who paced the length of the small room occasionally throwing nervous glances to the man on the bed. You worked in tense silence, cleaning the wound and trying to stop the heavy bleeding.
You kept your eye on the clock in the room, counting down the seconds. If you could just keep him at bay for a little longer, then you could make it out of here. It was becoming increasingly clear that this man was too far gone with his injuries and without greater medical help, he would surely die. But there was no chance in hell you'd tell that to Mr. Gunman over there. Not when he seemed way too trigger happy.
After you finished cleaning the area, your shaking fingers grabbed the suture kit, but you paused and checked his pulse. It was thready and barely there. Not a good sign. Taking a big breath, you turned your attention back to the criminal in one more attempt to plead his case.
"He needs a hospital. This man won't survive with some simple stitches. If he's really your friend then-"
You never got to finish the sentence before you unceremoniously crashed into the ground, clutching your throbbing cheek. The sharp sting where he'd pistol whipped you spread out along your jaw all the way up to your ear. Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked up at the wrathful figure looming over you.
"Don't make me tell you again," he growled low and threatening.
When you didn't move from your spot on the floor, still in shock, he bent down and clutched your collar to hoist you roughly to your feet. Then he flung you towards the bed. You stumbled into the frame with a yelp. That was when you noticed the hiccupping moans and short pained gasps. It was something you'd heard before and your stomach plummeted.
It happened almost too quickly to react. He took one last heavy drag before he went completely limp. His chest stilled, breath dying in his throat. You pressed two desperate fingers against his neck and waited but got nothing. Shit.
"What happened?" The man pressed against you to get a better look.
Not daring to answer, you placed your hands on his bare chest and started compressions. "Bottom drawer on the end. Grad the A.E.D. kit. Now!"
He did as told, keeping an eye on you as he shuffled through the cabinets until he found the kit. You finished one set of compressions and quickly fixed the two leads above his heart and under the ribs. Stepping back, you waited as the machine made a decision.
"Shock advised." The A.E.D. buzzed out and you cleared yourself, pressing the button. The all-too-pale man jerked on the table as the current raced through him, but it wasn't enough. You shocked him a second time with the same results. A third time and the man grabbed your shoulders, his nails digging through your coat.
"Is he-"
"Not yet," you murmured, too afraid to give him the truth. "I just need to restart the heart." He'd lost too much blood for that to be effective. The man was gone, but you still needed to buy time until he deemed you useless.
The room was quiet for a moment as the two of you stood there staring down at the man. Quietly, you pulled the pads off his chest and set them with the machine on the small, wheeled table beside the bed.
Behind you, the boss's breathing grew heavy, and you grasped your trembling fingers together. "He's dead." The gun dropped to his side as if defeated. "He is, isn't he?"
His sudden somber change in mood caught you off guard, but when you met his gaze, there was something unreadable swimming in his eyes. Then his senses seemed to catch up to him and he pressed the gun into the side of your head.
You blinked, stumbling back into the tray table, spilling the machine on the ground. He followed you all the way to the wall until your head slammed into it but you barely registered the pain, more focused on the barrel digging into your skull.
"I told you not to let him die." He growled, his voice on the verge of breaking. "I told you what would happen if you LET HIM DIE!"
"I didn't- he was gravely injured. He needed a hospital!" Your fingers pressed harder into your forehead, mushing your cheek into the wall as he tried to tame that wild burning anger flickering through his emotions. "I'm-I'm sorry!"
"You useless piece of-" the gun cocked, and a sob escaped your throat just as his finger pulled the trigger.
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Izuku pulled into the empty lot where your small free clinic sat. The building was your pride and joy and after a few years of start up had become a staple in the rundown community it was centered in. It was actually a big factor in how he met you so this place had become quite special to him as well.
A little too lost in thought, he nearly missed the figure that darted in front of his car. Cursing, he slammed his breaks as Hanna, your receptionist, slapped his hood, face cloaked in the shadows above his lights.
"Hanna!" He put the car in park and jumped out. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there! Are you alright?"
"Deku!" She cried and grabbed his arm in a panic.
Immediately he knew something was wrong. Hanna was always a bit of a fanatic, but she usually was able to keep her composure. This was a new side he'd yet to see.
"What's wrong?" He grabbed her own arm in return.
"Inside, four of them. They- they just barged in as I was getting in my car," she pointed to the clinic. "One of them was hurt pretty badly and they- they had guns Deku!" She grabbed her head and turned back to the clinic. "I called the police, but they never come quickly in this area. I knew you were coming but I didn't have your number and I wanted to help, but I didn't know what else to do!"
"Hanna, Hanna," Izuku grabbed her shoulders to center her focus. "It's okay, you did the right thing. I need you to wait out here for the police, okay. Get in your car and stay hidden until they arrive. Can you do that for me?"
She nodded, taking in a shuddering breath and then set her face. "Yes. Please help her Deku!" Then she slipped past him towards her car.
Izuku wasted no time in rushing for the door. He had to be careful of the glass doors giving him away. From inside, he could see two men who looked to be arguing with each other. Strapped to their belts were guns. Though you were nowhere in sight which didn't bode well.
He would need to deal with these two quietly less risking anyone figuring out he was here and jeopardizing your safety. Going through the front would signal his arrival, especially with the bell on the door. Though there was the delivery entrance. It was in the back and would make a discrete entrance.
At the back of the building, he found the service entrance and made quick work of the lock on the door. That was something easily replaceable. You on the other hand were not. He needed to hurry. Slipping through the heavy metal doors, he found himself in the darkness of the storage area. He could hear the low murmurs of the men in the lobby past the door. They sounded angry, cooking up some revenge scheme on the 'bastards that dared mess with their gang.'
"Call up Tanzan. Tell him to get the boys ready. As soon as we're done here, we're going after them next." One of the men said, twisting his gun in his hand. "I ain't lettin' em get away with doing that to Kanko."
"You think he's gonna be okay?" The other younger one glanced down the hall, crossing his arms. "He was in a bad way."
"Boss's got the doc on it, don't worry bout it," he shrugged. "But if he does kick the bucket, then we got the greenlight to take them all down. No witnesses."
"Even the…" The younger man trailed off, still staring down the hall. "But that's-"
"Look Karou, you wanted in? You're in. But that means you need to be fully in." The man stepped towards him, poking him in the chest. "If boss says no witnesses, then no witnesses. Got it?"
Karou nodded, eyes wide, and whispered, "got it."
Izuku clenched his teeth as he listened, getting angrier by the second. He opened the door to the storeroom and crouched low as he quietly made his way to the front desk. Leaning against the wood, he peered around the corner.
Blackwhip melted off his arm and in an instant, he stood up from his hiding spot, flinging out two tendrils at each of them. Before they had a chance to react, he wrapped their mouths and dragged them across the lobby, straight into his fist.
They didn't stand a chance and dropped like flies. Izuku zip-tied them together and wasted no time in heading down the hall. The light was on in the first room and he slowed when he heard yelling.
"-happen if you LET HIM DIE!" An irate voice screamed.
"I didn't-" that was your voice, thin and wobbly - "he was gravely injured. He needed a hospital! I'm-I'm sorry!"
Izuku hurried to the open doorway just in time to see you pressed against the wall, gun buried in your hair. There was a nasty bruise growing on your cheek and you were trembling in place, eyes squeezed shut in terror.
"You useless piece of-" the gun cocked and a sob escaped your throat just as his finger pulled the trigger.
The resounding blast nearly echoed around the room and everything was silent for a moment as Izuku glared down the gunman with such wrath that sparks flew from his skin. He held the barrel of the gun just above your head where a smoke wafted out of the small hole in the wall. Mere inches from your face. Mere inches from death.
"Izuku," his name was whispered in such a small fragile voice, but he couldn't bring himself to look at you, not when his blood was boiling with barely held rage.
He squeezed the barrel so tight, the metal crunched between his fingers. The boss let go and stumbled back in shock. Izuku dropped the gun and faced the man, quirk sparking around him.
"De-Deku." He muttered. "What…what are you doing here?"
Izuku took another step towards him. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" A cursory glance and the bed told him the rest of the story.
The boss narrowed his eyes and reached behind him, pulling out another gun. Izuku was in front of him in the blink of an eye, wrenching the gun from his hands and punching him across the room. He slammed into the wall, spiderwebs cracking out from the plaster. The man coughed and fell forward with a pained groan.
Behind him, your legs gave out and you slid down the wall, staring at the man on the other side of the room. Izuku finally seemed to come back to his senses and turned around.
"Y/N," he said, kneeling in front of you. "Hey, can you look at me?"
Izuku gently cupped your face and brought your gaze back to him. Your vision had blurred over, finally letting the tears spill over as you locked eyes with him. He kept his face calm, but you could see it in the slight tremble of his hands on your face, the stray sparks that he couldn't quite dial down, the hold he had on his breath.
"Are you hurt anywhere else?" He asked, thumb gently rubbing over the deep bruise on your cheek.
It took you a few seconds to process the question before you shook your head. He nodded and that breath he had been holding finally let itself out in a relieved sigh. Another few seconds and that panic that had hitched itself inside your own lungs finally broke free in a heavy sob. You buried your face into his chest and he pulled you in tight, not daring to let you go. He rested his chin on the crown of your head, gently rubbing soothing circles over your back until you calmed enough to catch your shallowed breath. When you pulled back, you kept your fingers tightly clamped to his jacket desperately seeking the comfort he provided.
"You're okay now," he whispered, turning your chin up to look at you. "Can you stand?"
With his help, you stood up on shaky legs, the adrenaline still running rampant through your veins like a hijacked bullet train. You glanced at the bed, but he blocked your view and led you out of the room and into the lobby where the other two were already incapacitated and unconscious.
"Wait here for just a minute. I'll be right back, I promise." He said quietly, kneeling in front of the chair you plopped down ungracefully in, but he hesitated to leave as he searched your face. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Physically?" you touched your tender cheek. "I'm fine. A bit shaken I guess."
He offered you a smile. "You were really brave, given the circumstances. Wait here for me, the police should be here any minute."
One last look over you and he stood up to go back into the exam room. You watched him leave with your hands locked in a death grip on the chair handles. You took the moment alone to a suck in a few deep breaths to calm your racing heart. All that adrenaline with nowhere to go finally drained, leaving you feeling exhausted and sick to your stomach. With a small moan, you leaned forward and covered your eyes.
A few moments later, a hand rested on your shoulder, startling you back to your feet. But it was only Izuku who grabbed you before you could trip backwards. His eyes were wide and full of concern.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you," he spoke softly, his solid grasp spreading warmth back into your shoulders. "Everything's under control now."
"Is it?" you couldn't help glaring at the hallway. "That man's dead in there because I couldn't save him. What good is a doctor who can't save a single person."
That sounded a little too familiar to Izuku and he quickly shook his head. "He also had three serious bullet wounds to the chest that were bleeding out long before he even made it here." Izuku caught your gaze again. "I just spoke to Tsukauchi. They were part of a small-time gang trying to make a big move on another territory. He was lucky to have survived long enough to make it here."
As if on cue, flashing lights dipped through the shades and a few officers hurried into the lobby. The next few hours went by in a blur as Izuku spoke to the officers and you gave your statement on auto pilot. By the time the two of you finished, it was late into the night and exhaustion was threatning to take it's hold over you.
"Please let me take you to the hospital. You could have a concussion," Izuku asked for the third time and for the third time, you shook your head.
"I'm fine. I am a doctor you know."
He gave you a genuine smile, the first of the night and squeezed your hand. "No wonder they say doctors make the worst patients. Fine, but if you won't let me take you to get looked at then I'm going to take care of you myself."
"I can't argue with that," you returned that genuine smile, albiet a small wobbly one. "But right now, I just want to go home. Can we please go home now?"
The criminals were long gone and the last of the officers had just left, leaving the two of you alone inside. There was still the blood-streaked floors that you would need to clean up tomorrow and what was left of the mess inside that exam room after the coroner left. It was something that you just couldn't handle even thinking about tonight. All you wanted was your head to hit that pillow and get some much-needed rest.
"Come on," he led you outside, carefully avoiding the stains on the floor as he went.
When you finally reached his car and slumped into the passenger’s seat, you let out a heavy sigh, rubbing your temples. Izuku got behind the wheel but instead of turning the car on, he sat there for a moment staring at his nearly white knuckled grip.
"I guess I never asked if you were okay," you broke the silence and he flinched.
"Me?" That seemed to confuse him. "You were the one that had to deal with that tonight. I'm sorry I wasn't able to get there sooner. I was almost too late." The last part was whispered out so quietly, you nearly missed it.
"You were right on time. You always are." You managed to free his grip on the wheel and squeezed his fingers with your own. "Thank you Izuku. You really are my hero."
He met your gaze, wide green eyes searching your own. "And you are my world."
"Well as cheesy as that was, your world is still very hungry." you leaned back on the headrest, refusing to let go of his hand. "Bonavici's can wait, but I could really go for a burger. There's just something about facing death that really stirs the appetite."
Despite your attempt to lighten the mood, he frowned and leaned over to wrap you in a tight hug, a bit of an awkward angle, but he made it work. You blinked at the sudden embrace before melting into it.
"I'm glad you're okay." He whispered into your hair. "I don't know what I'd do without you." Then he chuckled, a bit hollow, and squeezed tighter. "Let's go get that burger."
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Taglist: @dorki-time @amive2567 @justscar @kenmaskitten10 @freckledoriya @writer---kind-of ​
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seagreenstardust · 1 month
Even just the fact that Katsuki point blank asks Izuku later “SOMETHING must have triggered black whip, what was it”???
Guys. Friends. Pals. You don’t choose to make the character who triggered the quirk ask the question (and not get an answer!!!) without a reason, this is textbook stuff, writing fictional characters 101. There is actual irony in Katsuki asking, in him not getting an answer, and most authors would introduce said irony only as foreshadowing, not as a random throwaway moment
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bicheetopuff · 2 years
If I wasn’t a bnha fan and you told me all of these people were the same person:
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…I’d call you a filthy fucking liar
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lerrryyyyy · 3 months
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Princess and Knight tododeku has been in my head for days! So here's some sketches from this AU 😂
Do not edit or repost my art.
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epickiya722 · 5 months
The laugh I let out seeing this thumbnail. 😆 They both have done this!
(It's for a anime bad description quiz.)
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alumirp · 7 months
The Good Citizen
An AU where Izuku is just an ordinary boy. He never meets All Might and has his application for Yuuei's entrance exam rejected because of his quirkless status. He still wants to be a hero, but then again, he's just a normal kid with a mom who works two jobs, and since he failed to get into his dream school, he still has to get into another one, he doesn't have time. to go to the gym or learn to fight, or whatever. And yet, he wants to be a hero, so he grabs a pair of old skates and a stick. And he sneaks out the window at night, intending to be a vigilante.
But like a normal boy, he's a bit of a coward, so when he encounters his first crime, instead of getting involved, he calls the police. He calls the police and hides and is delighted when a police car arrives a few minutes later and does its job. And then he repeats that, goes out, finds a crime and calls the police. And repeat. And the next time, he identifies himself as "Good Citizen" when the person on the line recognizes his voice. And the name sticks. And Izuku keeps it, thinking of it as a way to keep his identity safe. But one day, 'The Good Citizen' calls the police on a group of men beating up a guy. And next he stops a man from harassing a girl.
The mens who beat the guy are part of a powerfull gang and their high-rankers discovers that the person who reported them was the same person who has been making several reports. The old man who harassed the girl was an important member of the HPSC, whose arrest creates a huge scandal
With this he successfully angers the villains and the HPSC all at once. Next week there's a bounty on 'snitch's head. And an arrest warrant for the vigilante who is 'an enemy in the making for the society of heroes'.
Then a race begins, villains and heroes mobilizing to kill/arrest one (1) well-intentioned green bean.
And, out of nowhere, this all becomes Aizawa Fucking Shota's problem.
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lance-space-mommy · 3 months
I'll Give You a Reason to Cry
Midoriya was thrilled to take Katsuma under his wing once he passed the UA entrance exam. UA High offered housing for those who didn’t have a place to stay, but anyone living at home could commute if they desired. Katsuma had no problem staying at the dorms, but his father had his reservations.
Katsuma's father recalled the young hero who saved his son. Reaching out to Midoriya, the father asked if Midoriya would be okay with hosting Katsuma while he attended UA High. Midoriya already had Kota staying in his place since he lived right next to UA and had no problem having another kid stay.
His apartment had felt very empty alone, so he appreciated the company.
Katsuma and Kota got along much to Midoriya’s joy. Kota saw a lot of Midoriya in Katsuma and took it upon himself to protect Katsuma no matter the costs. Katsuma was introduced to Eri through Kota and boom, a friend group was formed.
It wasn’t until a couple of months before their first year ended that Kota approached Midoriya to explain his worries about Katsuma’s girlfriend. The girl was from the business department.
According to Kota, the chick was trying to keep Katsuma away from him and Eri. That information wouldn’t be as concerning if it weren’t for the fact the girl would get angry if Katsuma talked to them.
Midoriya wasn't inexperienced in the dating world. Midoriya knew what kinds of people to stay away from romantically. He had been in many failed relationships, but most of the time it was because he knew his worth and what he wanted out of life.
Midoriya knew that the red light was blinking and the warning sirens were blaring. Kota's explanation was enough to concern Midoriya. Midoriya would kill for his children. There was no way he was going to let some grubby future Hero Commission worker hurt his baby.
Kota knew just how far Midoriya would go for those he cared about and was more than happy to throw the emotionally and verbally abusive girlfriend under the bus.
Unfortunately, Midoriya didn’t have to initiate the conversation because the following day Katsuma came home crying. Midoriya told Kota to give them a moment, not wanting to risk Katsuma hiding information because Kota was with them.
Kota and Katsuma got along, but sometimes embarrassing things happen in a relationship. Midoriya wasn't naive. After all, he went to UA High and his classmates were less than innocent when their third year at the school rolled around.
“Katsuma? What happened?” cooed Midoriya, letting the young teen rush into his arms.
“It’s Okamura," wept Katsuki, hiding his face in Midoriya's baggy shirt.
Midoriya tried to not sound aware of what was going on to get a full explanation. “Okamura? Your girlfriend? What did she do?”
“I was just talking to Shoji-sensei with Kota and Eri about your upcoming patrol. Okamura must have been watching and started screaming in my face about how I was hiding stuff from her and that I was a horrible boyfriend,” cried Katsuma, clearly distressed that he was screamed at for no reason.
Midoriya did everything in his power to not walk out of the home, tell the kid’s parents everything, and then tell Nezu to expel her. No one made his son cry, especially for no reason.
Midoriya let out a soft sigh before pulling back and cupping Katsuma’s wet face and using his thumbs to wipe away tears. “Has she done stuff like this before?”
“Yes, all the time. She won’t let me have any friends. She’s constantly trying to make me sneak out and spend the night,” revealed Katsuma, making it clear that Okamura isn’t respecting his boundaries or what he cares about.
Midoriya was becoming more worried than anything else. It was clear what Okamura was trying to pressure Katsuma into doing. Midoriya understood Katsuma was getting older and it wouldn’t be shocking if he was curious about sex. But, if Katsuma wasn’t interested in doing it and Okamura was trying to get Katsuma to do dangerous things even if he wasn’t interested, that was a serious problem.
“If she gets this angry at the little things, she will only get worse as time passes. This girl doesn’t respect the people you care about. She doesn’t value your space or privacy. She doesn’t care about your comfort. I’ll support whatever decision you make, but don’t expect me to allow her to step foot in this house because if I see her, she’ll be too scared to even look your way once I’m done talking to her,” said Midoriya in a scarily calm voice.
Katsuka weakly smiled, simply sinking into Midoriya’s touch and hiding his face into Midoriya's puffy sweater. “I’m scared to end things with her.”
“Don’t be. She’d be stupid to try messing with you. Having you under my wing, every hero in the school would be willing to die for you. Okamura would be expelled immediately as well. She's not fit to be a hero if she lashed out at you," reassured Midoriya, brushing Katsuma's bangs around to fluff them.
"You're right. I'll ask Eri and Kota to be nearby when I do it!" chirped Katsuma, feeling a lot better about getting himself out of a bad relationship.
Three days have passed since Katsuma ended his relationship with Okamura. The breakup was far from easy and peaceful. Eri had to step in when it sounded like Okamura was preparing to strike Katsuma. Kota had been waiting for the moment Okamura tried anything so he had permission to physically intervene.
After the breakup, Okamura wasn't backing down. It was clear she wasn't when Kota and Eri couldn't find Katsuma one day. When they were looking around, they soon realized they couldn't find Okamura either. Kota and Eri's calls went to voicemail when they attempted to call Katsuma.
Panicking, the duo ran to the teacher's lounge to help them find Katsuma. Nezu caught the drift of what was happening and quickly checked the cameras only to find Okamura forcefully dragging Katsuma to a vacant classroom.
Kota tried to beat the heroes to Okamura, but they got to the empty classroom first. Katsuma was unconscious and Okamura was caught red-handed restraining a beaten-up Katsuma to a chair. Heroes were sent to capture and restrain the teen.
None of the adults knew what to do. When it came to Midoriya, no one messed with his kids. When it came to children in general, Midoriya would happily destroy anyone who even tried to put a child in harm's way.
The adults were evenly split about telling Midoriya. Half wanted to fix the problem in privacy knowing Midoriya would raise hell. The other half wanted to immediately tell him so hell wasn’t raised upon them, there was no stopping Midoriya and he would find out any moment now.
While the adults were deciding what to do, Kota urgently called Midoriya.
"Izuku! Izuku!" shouted Kota, not waiting for Midoriya to greet him.
Deku, who was currently in the middle of capturing a villain alongside his hero partner Dynamight, froze at Kota's frantic tone. "Kota? What happened? What's going on?"
"It's Katsuma! Okamura-," started Kota, only to be cut off.
"I'm on my way," announced Midoriya in an eerily calm tone.
All Kota could do was smile as Midoriya ended the call abruptly. His dad was pissed and Okamura was going to wish she never met Katsuma when Midoriya was done with him.
Bakugo blasted the villain, watching the police force rush to capture the unconscious villain. Turning to Midoriya, Bakugo froze when he saw Midoriya's dark expression.
"Izuku? What the hell?" yelled Bakugo over the sirens.
"Something happened. I'm heading to UA. Right. Now," seethed Midoriya, shooting his gaze to his best friend.
"I'm coming with. You look like you're going to kill someone," remarked Bakugo, eager to see what was about to go down.
Midoriya chuckled to himself, freaking out Bakugo. "Oh, once I know what that dumb girl did, I just might."
Katsuma was in the nurse's office, currently getting his vitals checked since no one knew exactly what Okamura did to knock someone as strong as Katsuma out. The adults were still discussing their mode of action when Nezu revealed that Midoriya was here.
The adults were panicking, trying to figure out what they were going to tell the number one hero. Their panic only doubled when they found out the number two hero, Midoriya's hero partner, the one and only Bakugo Katsuki, was with him.
Kota and Eri were beside Bakugo as Midoriya took the lead. Midoriya entered the nurse's office, immediately tending to Katsuma. "I'm going to kill that little punk. I guess she is stupid enough to hurt one of my precious jewels."
Katsuma silently cried into Midoriya's chest, feeling safe in the presence of his guardian. "She... she."
Midoriya shushed Katsuma, seeing that Katsuma was not ready to talk about what happened. Turning to the new nurse, the pro-hero Healflame, Midoriya tried to remain kind.
"What did Okamura do?"
"From what I can tell, she failed to properly inject Katsuma with an unknown substance I'm getting tested now. Okamura also physically attacked Katsuma once she injected the substance into him, most likely the way Katsuma ended up unconscious. There will be some bruising on his head, wrists, and legs, but is fine otherwise."
Midoriya screamed at Nezu, Katsuma's teacher, and Okamura's teacher. The fact that Okamura wasn't in handcuffs only enhanced his rage.
"So you failed to protect my child, but you are now protecting a criminal? That monster practically kidnapped and assaulted my child in this school and you all are protecting her?" shrieked Midoriya, his face growing red from how angry he was.
Nezu bowed his head and sighed, "We can't do anything. Okamura's case depends on Katsuma."
"And you wanna know why you can't do anything? My son was knocked un-fucking-conscious!" Midoriya couldn't help but laugh in disbelief. "You know, after all the shit my class went through in our time here, you still manage to fail to protect children Nezu."
Nezu remained silent, staring at Midoriya in shock and hurt. Everyone in the room knew Midoriya hit where it hurt. No one could blame Midoriya because what he said was true.
Shoji rushed to bow before Midoriya. "I sincerely apologize for the harm I have caused Katsuma and I'm planning on apologizing to him personally. He mentioned Okamura was a bit on the crazy side, but I didn't know to the extent. I have failed your son and I promise to make it up to the both of you."
Midoriya smiled, patting Shoji's shoulder before giving it a tight squeeze. "The first thing you can do to make it up to me is to get that brat's parents here... now."
Shoji nodded, leaving the room to make the calls. Bakugo marched over and crossed his arms. "This is why you can't even break the top ten. If you paid attention and cared about your students, none of this shit would've happened."
Kota scoffed, "They didn't even seem to hurry when I told them to find Katsuma!"
"Yeah, they tried to tell us that we were being dramatic," ranted Eri, happy to call out the teacher's neglect.
Midoriya looked at Bakugo. "Kacchan."
"What nerd?"
"I need you to stop me if I can't hold back anymore."
Bakugo nodded, the only one equipped to stop Midoriya if he lost his cool. It wasn't often that Midoriya lost control of his emotions, but then again, Midoriya always struggled to control his heart when those he loved were hurt.
When Okamura's parents finally arrived, Midoriya guided them to a private room to discuss what happened. Midoriya genuinely believed that if he talked to the parents, they'd come to a resolution.
It didn't take long for Midoriya and Okamur's parents to disagree.
"Our precious daughter would never do that!" cried the girl's mother.
Midoriya narrowed his eyes, getting suspiciously calm. "Oh? So you want to play that game."
The woman wasn't having any of it. "How dare you insinuate our child was capable of harming Katsuma! She loves that boy with all her heart!"
"You're daughter may have loved my kid, but she had a horrible way of showing it. Your daughter is the reason why they broke up, she made my son cry. Your child is a demented lunatic! She assaulted my kid!" argued Midoriya, his composure slipping.
The woman gasped, pointing a finger at Midoriya. "You're crazy! I don't care if you're some hot-shot hero, you're the crazy one!"
"I don't care if protecting my son makes me crazy. And... just so you know, parent to parent, I don't care what you say anymore. I was willing to come to some kind of resolution, but that's over now. I won't let your criminal of a child get away with what she did and she will not be getting away with a lousy slap on the wrist. Her future is over," promised Midoriya heartlessly.
"You can't do this!" exploded the woman, her face bright red as panic settled in her gut.
"Oh, but I can, and I am more than happy to let you know that your daughter will never become a hero because I am going to get her banned from this school and all other hero schools. Your child is a villain and if she does manage to get away with this... I will make sure that the rest of her life is a hell she can't escape,” vowed Midoriya, his smile anything but welcoming.
Midoriya happily got up and left the horrified mom and neglectful dad in the room. Opening the door, Midoriya was met with Bakugo and Kota eavesdropping. Midoriya rolled his eyes at Bakugo's stunned expression.
"Damn Izuku. You should date me," suggested Bakugo, shooting his shot.
Kota fake gagged, offended. "Back off old man!"
Midoriya patted Bakugo's bicep. "Ask me later Kacchan. I'm in the middle of something."
"The middle of being a badass," complimented Kota, smiling at the memory of Midoriya giving those parents a piece of his mind.
Thankfully with Midoriya's power and status, Okamura was expelled and charged with assault even though most children don't ever get serious charges. The substance Okamura tried to inject Katsuma with was another piece of evidence that made it easy for Midoriya to get his way.
Katsuma had a quick recovery and his bond with Midoriya somehow managed to get even stronger. Kota and Eri also managed to get even closer to Katsuma, growing even more overprotective. Midoriya was happy to shelter and defend the kids who were put under his care.
No one fucked with Midoriya’s kids.
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bzar-bzar · 3 months
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笑えるための 自己犠牲
so that [everyone] can smile self-sacrifice
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aashi-heartfilia · 1 year
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Horikoshi promoting the lesbian agenda.
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bkdk-and-extras · 2 years
There are two wolves inside of me.
One wants tall Alpha!Katsuki and short Omega!Izuku.
The other wants short Alpha!Izuku and tall Omega!Katsuki.
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Hello and welcome to Day 13 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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I have been a bit under the weather so this is a bit later than I would have liked to post but oh well...
As I said in yesterday's post, today I will talk about another My Hero Academia System AU, but this time, Izuku is unlucky to be actually trapped (alongside other people - OCs mostly) into a System that gives them a series of tests with the very real possibility of them dying during said tests.
This idea is heavily inspired by the novel (and manhwa) "Global Examination" - which I urge you to check out cause it is awesome.
The title for this fic is: System 16-564-53
(The title is kinda important for the story so if you wanna, try deciphering it)
In this AU, Izuku never went to U.A, thus never becoming a hero nor getting All Might's Quirk - which means Mirio got One for All.
Izuku instead continued his life, getting into college after going into military service for a year or so. While in college, Izuku gets a sketchy email about him being selected as a participant in a contest, which he ignores. At least up until Izuku wakes up in the middle of nowhere (together with 9 more strangers) where System 16-564-53 tells them they are in a series of tests where their lives will be at stake.
Of course, one of the people there doesn't believe an iota of what it was said by the System, which prompted it to kill the "nuisance" as a warning for the other "players".
And so, Izuku finds himself in a position where his insecurities need to be left aside so that he can get out of here alive - and, hopefully, he can help the others survive too.
Unbeknownst to Izuku, the System is actually a part of All For One - one of the many Quirks he stole - which has its own hidden agenda with the tests. One thing is for sure, however, this is CLEARLY not the first time such tests have happened.
Some details:
Most of the people Izuku interacts with in the System are OCs. But there will be mentions of some other characters from the series.
Izuku is badass and has so much knowledge that comes in handy here.
Because Izuku is badass, most of the other "players" actually fall for him. I actually have an OC that I literally called "Simp" in my notes. His name is Yutō and he is my baby.
I actually have an Alternate AU where Hero!Izuku from Canon meets Yutō from the canon dimension, and they fall in love there, too.
Numbers and how things are worded play a very important role here.
All For One is the cause of everything and Izuku, in any universe, still ends up fighting against him. (Poor guy, even in an alternate universe, he can't take a break)
So this is about it. What do you think? Good? Bad? Kinda crazy/crack idea?
Let me know!
Have a great day/night and take care of yourselves!
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Till tomorrow,
-TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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meowkia-noire · 1 year
Epic Fight-Scene 💥✨️
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paintsplash1712 · 2 days
Am I the only one who likes Izuku's new hairstyle? I feel like people are really hating on it but I think he looks awesome
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lerrryyyyy · 8 months
TDDK Different First Meeting AU
Where, during a fight to apprehend a villain, Prohero Shouto gets thrown into a building. He lies there, dazed. He's vaguely aware that he might have a concussion, but he can't seem to have the energy to get up.
(He later finds out that the villain had been absorbing his energy to fuel his strength quirk during the fight).
Shouto would've probably been stuck there longer, if not for the stranger that followed him into the building, hoisted him easily into his arms, and bolted to a safer part of the area.
Shouto is far too out of it to protest but he's pretty sure the stranger talks to him at some point. It sounds like an assurance? All his muddled brain can think of at that point is that the guy is a bit of an idiot running into a villain fight like this even if he is saving him.
But also, a part of him can't help but be a little impressed at how gutsy the guy is. When he finally puts him down, Shouto barely has enough time to clear his vision and take a look at his reckless savior, when the guy is already calling for a paramedic to check on him.
All Shouto could remember was vibrant green and a warm reassuring smile.
During clean up, reporters start interviewing the heroes on the scene. Momo, who had arrived during the fight just as Shouto was thrown into the building, is fussing over him just as a journalist approaches them.
Momo tells him that Iida is insisting that he take the rest of the day to recover and rest, and that Uraraka is threatening to float him if he tries to continue his patrol.
But Shouto, who is still a bit out of it and still thinking of his rescue earlier, just bluntly goes, "No, I'm going to find that reckless idiot who saved me and ask him out on a date."
Bonus if someone catches this on camera and that video goes VIRAL. And everyone is just looking for "Hero Shouto's Savior".
1A's chat is in CHAOS.
The Todoroki sibling chat is also in CHAOS.
(Even better if Izuku is actually either an underground hero or a vigilante and is TRYING to keep a low profile and is panicking because omg PROHERO SHOUTO wants to ask him on a date?!?!?But also ohgodohgod he can't deal with all this attention how is he gonna do his work when there's that constant worry of possibly being recognized what is he gonna do now ohgod HITOSHI PLEASE I AM HAVING A CRISIS STOP LAUGHING!!)
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epickiya722 · 2 months
Folks being "shocked" that Yuji always been badass and "like that" gives me flashbacks to when people were calling Izuku badass during the Dark Deku arc as if that isn't the same kid who was already doing crazy shit since day one.
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firyfox · 2 years
I hate when people try to use a character being badass as evidence of ~Top Energy~ like ??? Bold of you to assume bottoms aren’t equally if not more badass than tops 🙄🤚🏼
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