#izana kurokawa packs
pfpanimes · 6 months
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⌕ tokyo revengers - ep 49.
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sonizitos · 2 years
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♡ イザナ、私の最愛の人 !
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xiaotails · 1 year
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icon 3 art credit: @hanachiyoo
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eunorymos · 2 years
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© sattan — like or reblog if use
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bones4thecats · 4 months
When Their S/O Patches Them Up
Type of Writing: #7 - Poll Result Characters: Chifuyu Matsuno, Izana Kurokawa, Ran Haitani, and Rindou Haitani Name: When Their S/O Patches Them Up Original Poll Link: Here
A/N: Apologies for not posting anything for a while, I've been short on any ideas and motivations, but, I'm back in action! I hope you enjoy this piece!
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💘 He had a penchant for getting into many different fights, from large to small, and today was one of the many different ones he had gotten into
💘 Your boyfriend, Chifuyu, had gotten into a large and brutal fight with a guy who was trying to attack Takemichi, and the only reason that you found out was because Takemichi had called you and informed you of Chifuyu's status
💘 You just growled under your breath and said how you'd be there and he better be at his house by the time you were there
💘 Walking up to his house, you noticed how his mother and father's vehicles were absent, meaning they were at work, and you opened his door with your spare key
" Chifuyu, it's me! "
💘 Noticing his slumped-over form on the couch, you sighed deeply and closed the door behind you, oh, if he looked like a mess like this, you couldn't imagine what his face looked like
💘 You kneeled down and brushed his hair up on the top his head like a mohawk, making him groan at the contact, and that was when you noticed how he was laying his head down on a pillow with an ice-pack
" Oh, sweetheart... what on Earth happened? "
💘 Smirking lightly, he gave you his amazing story, how he jumped in and kicked the prick down with one spring, making his allies turn and begin to assault him
💘 You just sighed as he retold his story of 'bravery' and 'dedication beyond belief', and the smile he adored began to grace your face as you went over his face and arms, making sure you knew where and how bad his injuries were
💘 Chifuyu sightly winced when the alcohol you used to clean his wounds touched him, but, he did sigh with relief when you finished and began to rub his tense shoulders
💘 He would get into a million fights if it meant that you would do this every time he came home
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🎴 You swore to yourself that your boyfriend was gonna die in a fight one day, with how many he would get into weekly
🎴 Izana had invited you to watch a fight between his and another gang, and you had made him swear on his life that he wouldn't get super injured, though minor ones like bruises were alright
🎴 He gave you a bright smile and a huge thumbs up as he jumped down from the large storage box you were situated on and began to enter the fight
🎴 You couldn't lie when you said how attractive he was, knocking down men down one by one like they were pins and he was a bowling ball
🎴 But, when a guy managed to throw a knife and slash Izana's leg, and while his adrenaline made him seem like he was fine, you could tell Kakucho was worried
🎴 So, when the leader of the rival gang ordered his men to leave the area in defeat, you jumped down and ran to your boyfriend, who was being held down in a sitting position by Kakucho and the Haitani brothers
🎴 Thankfully, due to your positioning as the medic of Tenjiku, you were well-experienced with healing minor and quite-severe wounds
🎴 As you wrapped the gauze around his leg, he just chuckled, asking if you though such a small wound would really take him down
🎴 You mentally thanked his oldest friend that he took the rest of the men outside of the room, as you didn't want them to see how flustered Izana could make you
🎴 How do you put up with this man? The world may never know
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🐈‍⬛ Rarely did he ever get seriously hurt, but bruises were a near constant thing that littered his form, but most of them from his brother slapping him
🐈‍⬛ So, when you opened your door of your apartment after hearing constant knocks and saw him standing there with cuts littering his face, you would be lying if you said you weren't shocked
" Rindou and I kinda got beat up, how rude of those people, am I right? "
🐈‍⬛ You grabbed his arm and dragged him inside, asking him where Rindou was, and he just answered with 'talking to the guys'
🐈‍⬛ Ran was surprisingly calm with the fact that he was bleeding out of his forehead and several parts of his arms
🐈‍⬛ Grabbing the alcohol and several things of gauze, you began to clean his wounds, making sure they weren't to deep and in need of stitches, damn his danger-prone self
🐈‍⬛ He spoke about how he got every cut and bruise as if they were golden medals for a major accomplishment, like a swim-team meet or something similar
🐈‍⬛ Once you had finished cleaning and covering his wounds, you forced him to change into his night-gear, that being a loose-fitting shirt with lounge-pants
🐈‍⬛ And while you claimed laying on him would possibly hurt him, Ran practically dragged you down to lay on his chest, claiming your touch was magical
🐈‍⬛ He's a dork, I'm telling y'all
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🐈 Much like his twin brother, Rindou rarely gets harmed beyond bruises around his arms and legs, due to his style of breaking limbs
🐈 But, somehow, he came to your apartment with cuts and quite harmful-looking scratches and cuts on his body, from his head to his legs, you could tell he was having some pain
🐈 You lightly grabbed his hand and pulled him inside, ordering him to sit on the couch as you went to grab stuff to clean his wounds
" You really don't have to, hon'. They'll heal without any special treatment. " " You need them cleaned, Rin'. I'll be back in a minute. "
🐈 Rindou knew you were a stubborn person when it came to the people you cared about, especially him and his brother, mainly him though. Ran gets annoying after a while
🐈 Sighing, he leaned back against the couch and began to hum a light song, ignoring the pains in his chest from stretching, he needs a massage for his tense muscles
🐈 When you came back from your bathroom carrying alcohol and bandages, Rindou sat up and watched closely as you grabbed your remote, turned on the TV to one of his favorite shows, and began to heal his injuries
🐈 He mainly ignored the show, in favor of watching you delicately wrap up his arms and legs, and he smirked as you glared at him and asked him how he got injured
" Why? Were ya' that worried? "
🐈 Cue you smacking him upside the head
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milky-mink · 2 years
Yandere Izana with a Nanny Darling
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Disclaimer: Middle-aged but DILF Izana
TW: Yandere, Manipulation, Drugging, Somnophilia, Non-Con, Dub-Con, Mind Break
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You anxiously looked over your wristwatch for the seventh time as you waited for the bus to stop at your place. “Come on, I don’t want to be late, '' you thought as you looked over again to the road. There was no vehicle in sight; you then grumbled under your breath. You’ve woken up early and got dressed and even set extra timers for this day. You really couldn’t afford to lose this job since it was the only one that offered excellent pay, and it had employment benefits such as vacation days, extra pay, and even dental plans, which is a far cry compare to your previous jobs, even those that had a decent salary but had a terrible working time and fewer employment benefits. But even then, you really can’t enjoy it because you have somehow gotten fired so suddenly by your employer.
Ever since you graduated from college, it's been hard to get a job or stay there for a long time. Hell, you’ve even tried to apply at a fast-food joint, but you still got rejected, saying that you were overqualified for the job and that it would be a hassle to pay you. That is why you are desperate to arrive on time for this job. Because of your bad luck with your employment, you had been struggling with your budget for months and if you bust this job, your landlord might as well kick you out due to your overdue payment in your apartment. 
And you feared that happening since you really didn’t have any family member to take you in, much less a close friend that would do it for you. If you couldn’t keep this job, you were surely going to be homeless next week. 
As you mulled over your terrible situation, you suddenly heard a bus coming your way, which snapped you out of your train of thought. “Oh, finally,” you thought as you waited for the bus to stop at your station. When the bus door opened, you quickly entered the vehicle and paid the toll on the machine near the bus driver. Seeing that you are the only one at the station, the bus driver quickly closed the door and drove off to the next bus stop. As you sit on the chair, you quickly pull up your phone and check again on the address that you were going to work at. The place is in Minato Ward in Tokyo, even though you are from Nerima, which is a little farther if you consider the distance of the wards. Despite that, a thirty-minute train ride would be a slight inconvenience to you compared to a lifetime of regret if you don’t take this job, which you desperately need right now. 
When the bus finally stopped at the train station, you swiftly exited the bus and entered the train station. You then pull out your phone, which had your IC card on its back, which thankfully still had some balance on it. You then quickly swipe it on the turnstile and run on the platform to wait for the train, to your luck is arriving shortly at the train station. When the train car’s doors open, you shoved yourself into the small crowd who are entering the train. Even though the train is quite packed with passengers, you thankfully found a spot to sit on and relax until you’ve arrived at your stop, which is about thirty minutes if you estimated the time. It would be very painful for your feet if you had to stand for half an hour in the same place.
 As you wait for your stop, you pull out your phone again and read the job that you are going to have. It is basically becoming a nanny for a single father that lived alone with his son. Apparently, your employer, Mister Kurokawa, wanted to hire a nanny who has a college degree that involves working with younger children. Luckily for you, you just got your degree in early childhood education last year. Honestly, it was god-sent when you found this job ad while scrolling down through countless job sites on your phone, and it was a miracle when you were quickly accepted by your employer after sending your application online for just a few hours of sending it to them. Honestly, you thought that your employer would not even look at your application. You were just a fresh college graduate with little experience. Don’t even ask about your job history, which is a mess itself. Your job requirement is simple really: take care of the child as best as you can while simultaneously stimulating his capacity for learning and mobility. Which is the usual requirement for most of your previous jobs already. Your employer also sent you information that involves his son. He’s eight months old and dubbed ‘high maintenance’ by his father endearingly. His baby is very dexterous for his age and drinks more milk than a normal baby.
The baby was also very touchy especially to those who they have bonded with the most, which was very usual for babies his age. Mister Kurokawa had also sent you a few pictures of his baby, which were very adorable. Some of them were his baby wearing various colorful onesies, while others were him getting fed by him or his baby doing baby things. It made you hopeful of staying on the job for a long time, or at least a few years, since you are going to teach and raise his baby for quite a long time, and you can finally use your degree in something that you are really passionate about, which was a win-win situation for you honestly. Even if your situation is finally looking up, dread still lingers in your mind, since you have a sequence of bad luck on jobs. What if this also applies to your current one? What if in less than a month, something would happen and your employer, just like your previous one, would sack you quickly because of a reason that is out of your control or was just a small mistake. That really made you nervous, making your palms sweat. 
But you shook away those thoughts, wanting to distract yourself from your past. Maybe that this would be different from your past employment since you can only focus on one person and have fewer demands compared to your previous jobs. And besides, you can now actually focus on a child instead of taking care of many without addressing their individual needs. Even though you love your previous experience with some of your previous jobs, it irked you that you can’t focus on a child’s problem without another one taking your attention, making the previous child feel ignored. You love the job really, but sometimes, it could get really demanding not only on your responsibilities but also the children that demand total attention from you. 
As you pondered more about your situation, your train stopped and announced that you’ve arrived at the station that is your stop. You got up and exited the train car before looking at the address on your phone; the place that you were going to work at is a little bit far away from the station, but nonetheless, you then swiftly walk towards the exit and walk to your destination. As you walk towards the place, you somehow got lost. It’s your first time in Minato since you’ve never been in this ward of Tokyo before. You bit your lip anxiously while looking again at Google Maps; you have somehow got lost and even an app that could provide your location and ways couldn’t even help you. How screwed up does your luck have to be when it comes to your employment? Just as when you are about to call your employer for directions, you suddenly bump into someone. 
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” you said in a concerned tone as you looked over at who you’ve bumped into. The man was shorter than you. He had healthy-looking tan skin and silky white hair. His eyes were a rare orchid shade, and his face looked like it belonged to one of those foreign models in magazines. His muscles are obvious as he wore a white turtleneck shirt and black baggy pants. “No worries, I’m okay - how about you?” he asked as he looked up at you, which made you lightly blush. 
You can’t help but look away in embarrassment. “A-ah, I’m alright, s-sorry for bumping into you,” you stutter, not looking down to meet his gaze. You heard him chuckle in amusement, which made you kind of embarrassed, to be honest. 
“Ah, are you lost? You seem anxious while looking down at your phone. Did something happen to you?” 
You hear him ask. 
You finally look back at him and shyly nod at his question, flustered by how obvious you are, but at the same time, flattered by the person’s concern for you. “U-uhm, it's actually kinda funny really, I have a new workplace at this ward and I- I don’t really know the place, so I use Google Maps and still I’m lost” you mumbled, ashamed of your current situation. As you twirled your fingers, trying to calm down, you saw the man then tilt his head for a moment but then smile at you, “I’m familiar with this place, so how about I point you in the right direction?” he offered, you then looked back at him, eyes widening in surprise. 
You thanked the man for his help and apologized again before showing him the address of the place. When you show it to him, to your surprise, he just giggles and then looks at you. “I never thought that I would bump into you, Miss (L/N).” 
Your eyes winded, realizing who he is. “M-mister Kurokawa, I-I’m sorry,” you hurriedly said and quickly gave him a low bow. As you looked down at the pavement, you heard an amused chuckle coming from him. 
“No worries, Miss (L/N), no need for bowing”. As you heard those words, you looked back at him. Straightening your posture, you smiled, “Thank you for your consideration, Mister Kurokawa, I’m sorry that I have to meet you this way.” 
He waved it off and offered to walk you back to his place, which you quickly agreed to. While walking together, you can’t help but to be embarrassed inside, why does it have to be this way to meet your boss? “Oh my god, I hope that he isn’t angry,” you thought as you thought about your earlier interaction. 
When the two of you arrived at a rather slick-looking building, it was one of the few skyscrapers in the area, and it looks like it was rather well guarded for some reason. As the two of you entered the building, various people in formal attire bowed down at Mister Kurokawa, welcoming him back. Their action made you nervous, terrible thoughts swirled in your mind as you realized what kind of person is your employer. Obviously, he was a very important person, maybe an owner of a large company or an heir, since he looks too young to be the owner. When the two of you entered the elevator, you kept a polite distance from him, not wanting to make yourself look unprofessional like your previous actions made you seem. You needed to show him just how capable you were to be hired for this job and your previous stuttering didn’t help you gain that image; you hoped that for the next few days, your image in his mind would improve once you’d shown your capabilities on handling your job. 
The elevator stopped and opened its doors, revealing a long hallway that led to an enormous door, which had a security camera in front of it. The two of you walked up to that door, which quickly opened once the camera recognized your employer’s face. After you entered the gate, the two of you walked into another hallway that had another elevator, which would most likely be the way towards Mister Kurokawa’s home. The two of you entered that elevator and waited for a few moments before finally arriving at his home, which is a penthouse above this building. 
“Oh wow,” you thought as you marveled at the view of the skyscraper. The place overlooked every building in Minato, even the other skyscrapers. You could also look down to see the Tokyo Tower, which was very fascinating. You snapped out of your wonder and looked back at your employer, who was walking around the main building of the penthouse. The two of you entered a glass door that slid open, welcoming you to his house. As you expected, everything looks meticulously placed and designed as if it catered to your boss’s taste, which is most likely the case. The two of you then walked down a hallway, passing by rooms and glass windows that overlooked the gardens and surprisingly a tea house surrounded by a stunning chaniwa garden. The two of you then walked up to a stair which led to the second floor of the house, there you could see that the place has fewer rooms, but it is evidently the most used floor since this would probably be the place where the baby and your boss’s room was located. 
The two of you then walked down to a door with a colorful out-of-place sign that said ‘Shinichiro’s Room’. Mister Kurokowa then opens the door, revealing an enormous room that is specifically made for a child. After he opened it, the two of you then heard a loud laughter of a baby, which quickly captured both of your attention. The two of you quickly walked up to the baby’s crib and saw him looking up at the two of you while playing with a small tiger toy. “Aw, your son is so cute Mr. Kurokawa,” you said as you looked at the baby, which is now confused as he focused his attention on you. “Please, call me Izana, Mister Kurokawa makes me feel old. " 
You looked at him. “Really? But you look like you're in your late twenties, surely you can’t be much older than that,” you said to him, confused by his statement. 
He looked at you for a moment but then let out a small titter. “Miss (L/N), I’m in my early forties, please don’t flatter me like this,” he said with a faint smile on his face. Your eyes winded, early forties? Holy hell, he looked so young!
“I-I meant it Mister- I mean Izana, you really looked younger compared to your actual age!” you exclaimed, bursting your words because of your nervousness. This caused your employer to giggle again before asking you to take a seat on the nearby chair to discuss your duties and responsibilities. The rules were simple really: take care of the child with great care, stimulate his mind and mobility as much as you can, feed him during a specific time period, and quickly change his diaper or clothes if there is even a small body fluid forming and most of all, don’t leave the penthouse without Izana coming back home.
“I assume that this would be simple for you, Miss (L/N)?” he asked, looking up at you. 
“Got it, sir,” you said while puffing up your chest, assuring him that you can do this, but this caused Izana to let out an amused smile at your behavior. 
Izana then looked at his wristwatch, “Oh, look at the time, it seems that I have work to do down in the building, Miss (L/N). If you need anything that is not available in this penthouse, just go down to the kitchen, and dial the landline phone and my assistant Kakucho will bring it to you,” he said, looking at his baby before he leaves. 
After he left, you looked at the baby and smiled. To your surprise, the baby smiled back and even started giggling, which made your heart burst because of his cute behavior. You quickly lifted him up and cradled him to your chest. Although Shinichiro was surprised by your action, he instinctively processed the situation, like he recognized it as someone comforting him. He then let out a gummy smile and babbled at you. You smiled at him. It seems Shinichiro is not that of a fussy baby at all. 
“Okay Shinichiro, let’s do some fun activities today, okay?” you said to the baby, the baby let out an excited gurgle as if he can understand your words. You giggled and looked at the clock that was in front of you - it seemed that it was his feeding time. “Okay, but let’s get you some milk first, okay?” you said as you walked towards the refrigerator in the room. The job is not that demanding, and the baby is really cute and not fussy. You just hope that your bad luck has disappeared because you are starting to love your job. 
Weeks passed as you continued to be employed by Mr. Kurokawa, or Izana, as he insisted on being referred to. It is really fun and fulfilling to be employed in this job and you are really thankful for it, even though most of your interactions are with the baby or sometimes, Izana himself. But compared to your previous jobs - this one is a piece of cake. Shinichiro is not only unfussy but actually a really playful and active baby, which was a welcomed surprise when you found out about it a few days ago. As you continue to be employed, days have also flown by like it's nothing; before you could exactly recall how many days you have been employed and even remember what your lunch had been at that time, but now?  You ertr too focused on caring for the baby to remember those redundant things. 
Those memories have been replaced by your activity during your job like how many bottles of milk Shinichiro drink that day or how Shinichiro got up and took one step before he fall down the mattress, which you then quickly take a pic and report back to your boss, even though he didn’t ask for it. This job was really rewarding and at the same time hassle-free for you, it's almost like it's not a job, but a part of your lifestyle by now, which was rare for many people to have, and you are glad that after all of that string of bad luck, you’ve finally found a job that not only makes you employed but also gave you a sense of purpose in life as if this is destined for you. 
“Okay Shinichiro, you can do it, come on,” you said to the baby as he warily looked at the floor. You have been encouraging Shinichiro to walk for more than a few steps. You want him to get used to walking and develop his mobility. 
“Ehw ah-” you heard him grumble, not wanting to let go of the leg of the green plastic table. 
“Shini~,” you playfully whined, wanting to encourage him. The baby looked up to you with a worried expression, still expressed on his face. You smiled in defeat as Shinichiro fell onto the padded floor and crawled towards you, wanting you to lift him up. 
“I guess you’re not ready yet, huh?” you said as you cradle the child in your arms, who was burying his head into you, wanting to comfort himself. You smiled at his behavior. You know that someday, Shinichiro would be ready to finally walk a few steps, but not this day. 
You sat on the nearby sofa and cradled Shinichiro to make him fall asleep and for you to clean up the place for the night. Just as you were about to place Shinichiro into his crib, you felt your phone then suddenly vibrate. You gently place Shinichiro in his crib and immediately took out your phone to see who was calling you, and as usual, its Mr. Kurokawa.
“Sorry sir for not answering the call quickly, I was just putting Shinichiro back to his crib,” you said to him, and you heard him let out a mirthful laugh. 
“It's okay Miss (L/N), and also, did I always tell you that you can call me Izana? No need for that sir nonsense” 
You blushed in embarrassment. “I’m sorry S- I mean Izana, I’m still not used to calling you so casually.” 
You heard him on the other line letting out a hum, which made you very nervous. Although he was satisfied with your performance and conduct, you still couldn't shake off your nervousness because of your past experiences- your previous history still lingered in your consciousness like a faint shadow, as if reminding you of your past every time you’ve made even a simple mistake. 
“Hmm, if you can’t get used to it, then can I call you (Y/N) instead? I think that it's unfair for me to call you Ms. (L/N) and me just Izana, and it could shake off that Mr. Kurokawa nonsense in your brain, so what do you say (Y/N), can I call you that?” 
Your eyes widened but let out an okay for an answer.
“Great, (Y/N), sorry for calling you at this hour, I just wanted to check in on my son if he fell asleep already, looks like I was right.” 
“I-is that all sir?” you asked, wanting to know if he wants to ask other questions related to Shinichiro, which you would gladly reply to.
“Ah no, I was also checking up on you, it's quite late and the last midnight train should be going a few minutes now.” Your eyes winded at his words and you looked at the time on your wristwatch. It's true, the midnight train would be in a few minutes and you are quite far away from the train station. “A-ah, I think I’ll just take a cab...” you replied, not wanting to agitate him due to your current situation. 
“No can do (Y/N), there are fewer cabs this time of night and I don’t think that it's safe for you to travel alone during this time, I suggest that you stay at the penthouse guest rooms.”His offer shocked you. You, staying at this place for a night? 
“A-are you sure Si- Izana? I do not want to cause you trouble,” you said, troubled at his generous offer. 
“It's alright! You’ve been an excellent nanny for Shinichiro, he is much better now compared to before, he even whines to me when you are not in there,” he said mirthfully, praising you for your excellent work. 
Shyly blushing at his declaration, you reluctantly agreed to his offer, not wanting to press things further.  “I-if you say so, Mis- Izana.” 
“Great, good night (Y/N) See you tomorrow.” 
He then quickly hung up the call, and you turned off the phone, looking out the glass window of the room. Even though you have been working for Mr. Kurokawa for months now, you still couldn’t get used to it. Unlike before, you now have a job that not only pays you well but also had such a gracious boss that even lets you stay at his house. It's so contrasting compared to your previous jobs and employers, even though some of them are really nice bosses. 
“Okay Shinichiro, I’m going to wash up now, be good okay?” you softly murmur as you look down at the baby in the crib. You always wonder who were the people that would care for Shinichiro while you’re gone. He has always been enthusiastic when you go back to your work, seemingly missing you while you were at home. “Oh god, I can’t leave him behind,” you thought as your mind started to fill with ideas about what is happening while you are gone, even though he is alright when you always see him in the morning, it doesn’t change you not knowing what is happening behind the scenes while you were gone made you nervous and even scared for Shinichiro. 
You shook off your worries and quickly went to the nearest bathroom, which is in the nearby guest room, to wash up yourself. Thankfully, the bathroom had adult clothing and bathrobes. The clothes were tailored for men, which was alright for you since you only wore baggy clothes in your sleep anyway. You took off your black turtleneck shirt and high-waisted pants, revealing you in your plain gray underwear, and quickly took those off too and washed for the night. When you were done, you looked at the clothes on the bathroom cabinet, although there were clothes in there, you just now noticed that there was no underwear, not even for men. This made you flustered and looked at the washed bra and panty that you have taken off earlier. You can’t wear those, you need to wash them to be dry in the morning. You looked down and blushed at yourself as you put on the baggy t-shirt and short pants that were a tad big for you to fit in, but you managed to make it work as you exited the bathroom and the guest room and quickly entered Shinichiro’s room. 
Thankfully, the baby was still sleeping, which means that you didn’t miss anything. You then sigh as you grab a few blankets and pillows and put them on the couch. You sat on the couch and looked at the time, it was almost two am in the morning, which means that you should really be sleeping by now. “Huh, I haven’t been up this late since college,” you thought as you put down your phone on the nearby coffee table and then lay on the couch. You then faced the couch’s cushion and bit by bit, your consciousness started to fade, which eventually puts you to sleep.
A few hours passed by, and you suddenly felt a strange tingling feeling running down your bottom, “Huh?” you mumbled as you felt a wet appendage trailing up to your soft cheeks and unto your clit, licking up a huge stripe. “W-what?” you thought groggily as you tried to look down to see if someone is touching you, but you couldn’t, as if you are paralyzed in your place. The now-identified tongue then started to twirl your clit around for a moment but then a pair of lips suddenly sucked it. “I- ah~ What’s happening?” you exclaimed as a feeling of pleasure then surged throughout your whole body. No, you can’t be feeling good about doing this, you need to get out of here with Shinichiro as fast as you can.
“Hyaa~!” you then mewled as you felt your ass and legs being lifted up by the person and finally tossed the short pants that were dangling on your foot earlier. You felt your assailant’s hot breath on your folds, which made you blush. You felt their fingers gripping your plush thighs as they then started to lick your folds. You wanted it to stop but you couldn’t do anything as the person licked and slurped your cunt as if they hadn't drank water for a long time. You can’t help but finally let out loud moans and mewls as they then finally put their tongue inside your vagina. You felt his hot tongue twirling and retracting it back and forth, fucking you with it. “Ah! Ah! St- Ah~” you moaned as you tried to get this person to stop and let go of you. They stopped, withdrawing their tongue, and finally diving out of your pussy, making you relieved at the moment. But that is proven short-lived as they then quickly shove two of their fingers, fucking you with them. As their fingers are reeling in and out of your pussy, you then hear familiar giggling, almost as if you knew who was doing this to you. The person then started to lap up your juices again, making you moan louder than before. 
Right now, you are a mess of a person, both inside and out. Moaning and panting as you felt their tongue and fingers explore your wet, tight insides. You had masturbated on several occasions and felt good every time you did it but the pleasure that you got from touching yourself wasn’t comparable to this one. This made your cunt hot, wet, and tight all at the same time as foreign appendages roamed your wet caverns and sucked on your now sore clit. The heat pooling on your stomach starts to get unbearable as you feel yourself start to come. “Oh no, I’m gonna I-I’m gonna ahh~” you mewled as you felt yourself cumming onto the person’s face. 
As you finally let out your cum, you just laid on the couch, panting, having no energy to move a single muscle as you felt the person lick and drink up your cum from your pussy and thighs. As you start to drift back to sleep, you felt the person crawling on top of you and whispering into your ear, feeling his hot breath on your skin. 
“Sweet dreams, sugar.” 
Your eyes widened as you recognized the voice. “M-Mr. Kurokawa?” you stuttered, not believing what you are hearing right now. You heard him hum and put his palm on your eyes, closing them gently. “Sleep (Y/N), you need energy for Shinichiro tomorrow,” he whispered, feeling his hot breath as he uttered those words. You slowly drifted into a mindless sleep, numbed by the orgasm you had earlier, feeling too tired to even open your eyes as you felt Izana gently cover you with a soft blanket and planted a kiss on your forehead. 
You let out a loud gasp and got up from your sleep as you then looked out of the clear glass window of the room. You then tossed the blanket out of your body and then looked down at your bottom. Thankfully, you are still fully clothed down there, panties and all. You sighed in relief and checked out your phone - it’s eight in the morning, two hours before your shift. Slumping back down the mattress, you thought about your dreams earlier. You couldn’t help but blush in embarrassment as you recalled the wet dream that involved your boss eating you out while you sleep. You just can’t believe that you just dreamt about your boss that way. Sure, he was a very desirable man, not only for his physique and attractive face but also for his behavior towards his child Shinichiro. But you couldn’t see your boss in that light! Hell, you can’t even see him even jokingly flirting at you in a friendly way, much less him being so possessive over you. 
You then sigh and rub your head. You have a job to do and you have an erotic dream that involved your boss is not going to be helpful. After rubbing your head, you then looked down on your lower half. Although you are sure that is just a dream, you can’t help but have a slight doubt about it because it was so vivid and felt too real. As if that dream of yours really happened. But you shook your head, surely, Mr. Kurokawa is not that type of person to do this. After all, he is so considerate and helpful whenever something has happened during your time at work and he even apologizes and pays you overtime time even though you just stayed more than an hour or so in your shift. Him assaulting you in your sleep is such an absurd thought that it's almost laughable, Mr. Kurokawa is anything but that kind of person. 
But you can’t help thinking, what if it's true? That he did just that while you are so vulnerable? You couldn’t help but shiver at that thought alone. He was such a kind and considerate person to you, and it's so horrifying to think that he would do such things to you. You shook your head in disgust, no, why would he do that to you? With only just his physique, he could attract many women who would willingly sleep with him, even if for just a few hours. Him doing something to you, especially eating you out is such a wild thought. 
While you are deep in your thoughts, Shinichiro let out a loud wail, which snapped you out of your thoughts. You looked at him blankly for a moment before slapping yourself out of it. That’s right- you were only here because you have a job to do, which is taking care of Shinichiro. You shake your head and sigh and quickly get up and walk to his crib. When Shinichiro saw you, he let out his adorable gummy smile, which melted away your dilemma earlier. Smiling, you gently grab Shinichiro and carry him. Mr. Kurokawa would never assault you while you were sleeping - after all, how can a person like that produce such a cute and adorable baby? 
It’s been a few weeks after the wet dream incident, but you still couldn’t shake it off your mind. Although you still do your job earnestly, it also affects your relationship with your boss. You really can’t help but to either freeze or flinch, every time he comes near you the flashes of that dream start to come into your mind like a tidal wave- of you being vulnerable under him, struggling to get him off you as you felt his tongue slithering inside your walls while massaging your clit, getting turned on by your whines and pleads. Which doesn’t help your amiable relationship with your boss as you unconsciously try to avoid him as much as possible while at work, which is not that hard considering he always came back after your shift is done. 
You really tried your best not to be avoidant of your boss, you really did. But you really can’t help but feel uncomfortable and even scared every time he either touches you or gets close to you. You always triedto rationalize it by thinking that he’s your boss and you are afraid that he is going to fire you anytime soon or any other excuses that you might think. But deep down - deep down, you know that it's because of that realistic dream you had, and deep inside, you are afraid that it might be true that Mr.Kurokawa had assaulted you while you slept that night. 
As you were tucking Shinichiro in for the night, you suddenly heard the door open. Looking back, you saw Mr.Kurokawa, who was wearing a dress-like black jumpsuit with silver necklaces and a loose belt. Although he looked so casual, you had a feeling that it's probably not - maybe he’s going out with his friends? 
“O-oh, Mr.Kurokawa! I was just tucking Shinichiro in, I’ll be gone in a minute now.” you said as you tried not to look away from him. 
Your boss just smiled at you.  “No worries Ms.(Y/N)! I was just checking up on my son!” he said in his usual carefree tone that he had. Although you doubted that, you just nodded and continued to tuck the baby into the crib as your boss eerily watched you from behind. When you are finally done, you look back at Mr.Kurokawa and apologize for how late you’ve stayed, and quickly try to get home. But before you do that,  Mr.Kurokawa stopped you and handed you some sort of card in your hand. Not wanting to displease him, you took it and looked at what it was. The curiosity turned into shock when you saw the content. 
M-Mr. Kuroawa! I can’t take this!” You said as you tried to give the card back to your boss, which shook his head, refusing to take it back. 
“You’ve worked for more than eight months in my house with no breaks every day, you deserve this,” he said as you look at him in disbelief. After all, the card that he gave to you is practically a meal pass to one of the most exclusive and expensive restaurants in Tokyo, maybe even in the whole world. 
“Sir, I think that this is too much,” you said, trying to reason with your boss, but he just shook his head- insisting that you keep it. You tried to banter with your boss, trying to get the card back to him but he swiftly turned down your proposals and reasonings, and kept insisting that you keep it. In the end, you accepted the card reluctantly and thank your boss in embarrassment, after that you then say goodbye to him and head out of the penthouse and eventually the building. 
While walking down the streets of Minato, you looked at the card in both fascination and curiosity. It's an exclusive meal pass for Midori. One of the most exclusive restaurants in Tokyo, it's one of the few three-star Michelin restaurants in Tokyo but unlike the other restaurants, Midori operates for only three months in certain seasons, which makes it difficult for people to dine in or book a reservation for the restaurant. You even heard that the yearly customers of Midori could be counted with your fingers - which means that your boss gave you a card that can basically give you an instant pass to enter and eat for free in Midori just because you didn’t take your vacation leave for more than eight months. Which frankly to you is both very generous and simply ridiculous. You know that many rich people in Tokyo would give you a large sum of money just to get this card and some might even blackmail you for it. You sigh in frustration as you feel a headache building up in your head as you keep thinking about what you are going to do with the card.
Sell it?
No, people might think that it's a fake.
Throw it away?
You know that the guilt would eat at you for a very long time.
You kept thinking about what you were going to do about it until you completely gave up on thinking about it. “Fuck it, I’m just going to redeem this, this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” you thought as you clutched the card and took out your phone- googling the location of Midori on google maps and quickly heading off to where it is. When you finally arrived at the building where the restaurant was located, you couldn’t help but feel nervous as the two doormen, who strangely recognized you, quickly welcomed you into the restaurant as if you were a very important person.  When you enter the restaurant, one of the waiters quickly walks up to you and asks if you have a reservation - to which you silently reply by giving them the card that Mr.Kurokawa gave to you. The waiter just smiled and gently took the card from your hand, as if they were worried that they might offend you. But you just shook your head, you are just overthinking things since this is your first time in an exclusive Michelin star restaurant, the nerves are maybe getting into you. 
When the waiter grabbed the card, another waiter popped up and guided you inside the restaurant. You followed the waiter to your seat, as you subtly looked around the restaurant. As expected it looked classy and fancy. The restaurant itself has a mix of modern and traditional Japanese architecture, although it is located in the middle of Tokyo, the restaurant has a ginormous Tsukiyama garden that can be seen in the whole restaurant, giving the restaurant a much more traditional touch. 
When you are finally seated by the waiter, You couldn’t help but feel awkward at the situation as you are the only one in the whole restaurant as there are practically no people in sight. You tried to find a positive outlook in the situation that you are in, hey, at least there are no snobby people that would judge you, right?
As you tried to assess your situation, the server quickly came back and gave you the tasting menu of the restaurant and explained some of the dishes that are written there, which made you nervous since you only knew a few of the items in the restaurant. You just decided to pick the strangest named dishes on the menu, hoping that the dishes that you’ve picked would taste good. The server then jolts down your order as you put the menu on the table. When they are done they cautiously take away the menu and then bowed, saying that your complimentary appetizer would be on its way. 
The eighteen-meal course came one by one as you started to eat, some are familiar dishes presented to you such as sushi and sashimi that you know came from expensive cuts of fish while others are western inspired dishes that you couldn’t figure out how to eat but just decided to wing it and eat it anyway. As expected, the dishes are fantastic, and sure, most of them could be eaten in just one bite but the whole course will make you full since the meal was an eighteen-meal course and not just the usual one dish or two that you usually buy when going out. While eating, there was something bothering you at the moment. There were no problems with the dishes since they were all fantastic and the servers were very professional, but there was an eerie feeling while you're eating in the restaurant, as if the servers were afraid of making a mistake or offending you in some way. You tried to comfort yourself by saying that it's just the nervousness of not only dining in a fancy restaurant but also being the only customer dining there but your gut says otherwise, as if something is going on. 
But still, you silently ate the dishes that the server explained before serving them to you, just wanting to enjoy the rare experience while ignoring the nagging feeling in your gut. When you finally ate the last dish, two servers appeared in front of you, one cleaning out the dirty utensils on the table while the other poured you a glass of wine.  The server who poured you the wine explained what wine it is and how old or what kind of fragrant and texture it has. Apparently, it's a 1968 Bruno Giacosa Collina Rionda wine from Italy, one of the finest wines that they have on their shelves right now.
When the server places the wine glass on the table, you then hold the stem of the glass and curiously sniff the wine, before taking a sip. But before you can finish the whole glass, you start to get dizzy - your vision blurring and you trying to hold on to the table, afraid of falling into the floor. But it's no use as your body slumps down on the ground, causing the half-sipped wine glass to break and it's content to spill into the ground. 
As your vision darkened, you saw two men, who were in suits walking toward your form, “Hurry up Rin, the boss would be angry if we took too much time,” you heard one of the men say while the other just hummed in response. You felt yourself being carried by one of them, you aren’t sure who is carrying you since you are barely strong enough to see. As you start to fall unconscious you hear a familiar person that made your blood freeze in fear. 
“Be careful with her, Izana wouldn’t want her to be injured.” 
“K-Kakucho?” That name was in your final thoughts as you slipped out of consciousness, not strong enough to fight it any longer. 
Your eyes opened slowly as you woke up with your head aching, and although you were awake, you still couldn’t really feel anything around you due to you being drugged earlier. As you started to get a grip of your consciousness, you couldn’t help but be shocked when you finally saw what was going on. 
“M-mister Kurokawa?” You looked up at him, grunting and moaning as you felt your cunt being penetrated by his dick, you can’t help but moan as he keeps pounding your pussy into oblivion. “Ah, (Y/N) you’re awake,” he said as he continued slamming his long dick into your tight walls, rhythmically keeping up his pace as your confused face contorted into pleasure. Although it felt pleasurable by his actions, you can’t help but feel betrayed and hurt as the person that you’ve looked up to did this to you. You should’ve listened to your guts and kept your distance from him as much as possible or even outright quit the job even if you struggled to find one. 
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you kept thinking about maybe’s or what-ifs, as his cock kept stretching your wet but tight pussy. “Princess, don’t cry, I’m here to make it better,” you heard him say as he wiped away your tears and kissed your lips, entering his tongue into your mouth as his pace feverishly started to get faster. While his tongue swirled with yours inside your mouth, twirling your tongue with his, you suddenly felt a sudden jolt down there- it seems that his dick hit a specific place that you couldn’t help but moan in pleasure. 
When he heard your loud but unwilling moan, he stopped his movement and ended the kiss, which made you confused at first until he started to take his dick off of you until its tip is the only thing inside.  He then quickly buckled his hips and slammed his cock into your pussy all the way into its hilt. You couldn’t help but loudly moan as you felt him pounding you like an animal, his dick continuously hitting that spot. “Sh-shtop-” you slurred as you felt his dick getting bigger inside you. But he ignored your pleas as he quickly slammed his dick back into your pussy, making you flinch in pleasure while shutting you up in the process. 
“Ah~ (Y/N) your pussy is clenching my dick so hard,” he moaned as you felt his dick start to twitch while also feeling the heat and pleasure bubbling up inside you.
“S-top, please Mr.Kurokawa-”
You were cut off by your boss as his sharp gaze looked at you, and although his lilac eyes are soft, you couldn’t help but see another expression in his eyes. 
“Don’t call me that, call me Izana,” he said as he kept his eyes locked on yours. If this wasn’t an unwanted situation, you ought that this would have been very romantic, but right now - it's the opposite of that. 
“M-Mr, Haaah~” you moaned, not even saying his name as he pinched your sensitive clit.
“No, Mr.nonsense, just call me by my name,” he said, as you desperately looked up at him, wanting this to end. 
“I-Izana, s-s-top, I’m gonna -”
You saw him smile knowingly as he kept pounding in and out of your cunt. 
“Gonna what princess?” he teased.
You can’t help but cry in pleasure as you felt yourself cumming all over his dick as you clench his back for support, your eyes rolling back in pleasure. After your orgasm, you felt him start to quicken his pace, continuing that feverish phase from before. With a few strong and quick thrusts, he unloads his cum inside your tight walls, moaning in pleasure as your pussy milked his dick for all its worth while you lay there panting; your naked form twitching and convulsing in overstimulation due to the climax earlier. 
As he finished cumming inside you and pulling his dick out of your insides, you then looked up to him, tears rolling down your eyes. 
“P-please, l-let me go,” you said as you fruitlessly tried to get away from him. When he saw you trying to move away, he quickly grabbed both of your thighs and spread them, making your pussy, which was still twitching while oozing with his semen, visible to his view. 
“Look at you, after you milked my dick, your pussy still wants my cock so bad,” he said as he used his finger to push the semen back inside your cunt, making your toes curl due to your body being sensitive. 
“I- please Izana, I won’t tell anyone about this” you plead, wanting your boss to let you go. He stops as you look at his expression, his expression now turned dour by your words. “Or what (Y/N)? You will quit and go back fruitlessly trying to find a job?” your eyes widened in shock at his words. He let his finger out of your walls but kept his hands on your knees, still spreading your legs apart. 
“H-how did you know that?” you stuttered as he kept his gaze at your naked form, smiling at your question. 
“I run background checks on all of my employees (Y/N), especially for the one that would be taking care of my child,” he replied as you looked down in shame. 
He continued. “Do you want to go back to that lifestyle (Y/N)? On the verge of being homeless with no one to turn on or help you?” You tearfully looked away, feeling your heart clench, it's true, all of his words are true. Izana saw your forlorn expression and gently touched your cheeks making you look up at him again. “It doesn’t have to be that way (Y/N), you have Shinichiro and me, you don’t have to be lonely anymore,” he said as he gently hugged you. You couldn't help but start sobbing on his chiseled chest. “There, there,” you heard him mumble as he caressed your back trying to soothe you.
The two of you stayed there for a while until you felt his dick harden inside of you again. “(Y/N),” you looked up to Izana who was smiling at you. “Can I?” he asked as you felt his dick twitching inside your pussy. Without a care in the world, you nodded and then spread your cum filled pussy with both of your hands, worldlessly coercing him. As he starts to move again, he smiled and look at you. 
“I love you, (Y/N), I really do.” 
Your dull eyes looked at him, not minding the situation anymore. Smiling, you hugged his neck and gently kissed his lips. “I love you too Izana,” you replied earnestly. As you felt his hips start to move again, you can’t help but feel nothing anymore. He’s right, there is nothing for you out there, no family, friends and barely finding a job, who is the person that took you in? That’s right, It's Miste- no,  Izana. He’s the one that gave you every opportunity that you desperately needed and on top of that, Shinichiro gave you purpose again, he would be lonely without you. 
With that in mind, you tightened your grip as Izana bucked his hips down on you, pounding you into the mattress as your pussy started to clench tightly around his dick. It’s alright, as long as you have Izana and Shinichiro, it doesn’t bother you anymore. 
You finally have people that would be with you.
You are not alone anymore.
As you slip into pleasure once more, you couldn’t help but feel like something broke inside of you- no matter what it was, it's just a minor inconvenience anyway. 
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macsimagines · 8 months
Hello again dearest! I hope you’ve been doing well and that life has been treating you kindly ♡
With my second and third Uni midterms looming over me, I would like to request Yan! Izana, Ran, & Shin with a foreign darling~ One who is an international university student in Japan on a student visa
And if it’s not too long, I’d like a follow up of their darling taking them to visit their home country for the holidays since the Yan’s can’t bear to be apart from their darling especially when they would be overseas alone without them ♡♡
I've actually had foreign japanese students at my old school and uni though we weren't' close wish i couldve interacted more and maybe learned something from them hah
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Yandere! Izana Kurokawa
He was attracted to you right away, not even romantically or physically, just having been of mixed decent and then seeing someone who might relate to his own experiences interested him.
Became very romantically interested after a few interactions however, you had such a fresh perspective as a foreigner and some of the things he's had to live through seemed to resonate with you.
"Your step-mom was straightup evil. No kid should have to go through that, and I hope your kingdom is as beautiful as you make it out to be."
Hooked for life right away. And also distraught at the thought of you leaving, would constantly try to convince you to get a citizenship and just live here forever with him.
"Why even go back if I'm here?" Is one thousand percent serious, you've become such a huge part of his entire being so it must be the same for you right?
When you convince him to come with you on holiday home to meet your family though, something changes. You don't have to stay in Japan, you just have to stay with him.
As long as you're together than everything will work out. It wasn't like you could so much as leave his place without him being glued to your hip, good luck getting out of the country without him tagging along.
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Yandere! Ran Haitani
He is sooo enamored by you. Fetishizing people because of their race is so goddamn gross but the fact that you're foreign definitely is what attracts him to you to begin with.
Ran is so toxic with it to. Calls you exotic like its some kind of compliment, tells you you're accent is soooo cute when you're doing your best to sound natural, makes fun of you for every mispronunciation.
But you don't know anyone in Japan and he's 6'1 so you put up with it. He's just so tall and pretty and he knows all the best spots in roppongi so of course you choose to suck it up.
Afterall, its not like it's forever. He's just your heavy and hot fling that you can go home and brag to your friends about, right? Wrong. He's sprung bitch and you're stuck with him.
"Hey, when are we going to your neck of the woods for this holiday?" "...We?" "Ya, I gotta pack and get my ticket soon, right?"
Hope you're ready to disappoint your folks now that you're bringing home this freak show. Don't forget his dream is to become a foreign celebrity so he wants to experience it all when he visits with you.
"Man, this trip is so much fun. I can't wait for next year."
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Yandere!Shinichiro Sano
Worships you. He can't spit game for shit, but thankfully you don't understand him too well to begin with. It's a match made in heaven!
He doesn't make fun of you when you get your words wrong or fumble a sentence, but he does think its so cute. Shinichiro doesn't try to infantilize you but it does come off like that.
God the fact that you want him and you stick with him even though he's such a dork makes him love you so much, he doesn't even think he deserves you.
Hates it when you go home the first time. He can't even talk to you on the phone because of service issues, and trust me this dude was ready to take out loans for collect call just to hear your voice.
Bombards you with all kinds of questions like "Who did you see? Who were you with? Are you going back!?"
So my big headcanon is that he's a baby trapper. So when you talk about going next season he's already trying to figure out how knock you up.
Ends up fucking you with busted condoms (he poked holes) a few weeks before your trip because he needed to give you a VERY good reason to come back.
Just tells you "It's cause I'm going to miss you so much baby, I gotta get as much of you as I can. :)"
You end up surprising him with a ticket for him to come with you. He honestly could cry tears of joy, but he'll save it for when you discover his own little surprise.
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itsruki · 1 month
Into The Spider's Web
MDNI, 18+ only
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(girl i don't know how to tag or write any of this)
summery: izana is obsessed with you. he made a plan to make you submit to him, be addicted to him. slowly but surely until he fully ruined you.
|Next Chapter:
will you see through him early enough?
TW: Masturbation, Mentioning of SA, Violence
Tags: Dom!Abusive!Izana x Sub!Naive!Reader
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Chapter 1.
You meet Izana, and he swoons you at the right moment. It seems like he is always at the right place at the right time. Always with that smile of his.
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It felt like a coincidence when you met him. You worked at a small 7/11 in Tokyo, just earning your loan to pay for college tuition. You were living in a small apartment with 2 roommates. One day, he bumped into you on your way to work. He helped you pick up your things and gave you a small smile. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" His voice was cold, but he gave you the sweetest smile. You blushed a little bit. He handed you your bag and your books. "What'cha reading, bunny?" The red color on your cheeks rose deeper as you answered with a small voice, "Just...just some books for college. It's for calculus," he smirked. "What a smart bunny!" Then you remembered that you were getting late for work, so you quickly bowed down and said, "Thank you for the kind words and the help. I'm sorry again for bumping into you. I am in a hurry. Goodbye!" and you walked off. He smiled after you, and you heard a faint chuckle. That was the first encounter.
The second encounter was when your shift just ended, a few nights later. You were ready to pack up and close off. You felt uneasy, like someone was watching you. It was already 2 a.m. when the shift ended. Your apartment isn't far from work, and you decided to just walk quickly. Once you closed up for the day, you began to walk. The uneasy feeling of being watched creeps closer and closer. You saw three shadowy figures moving closer to you. 3 men of about the same age. They started to surround you. One of them grabbed your hair and yanked it back, making you scream out in pain. You begged for mercy, though none is to be found. They pushed you against a wall. One of them began to try to unbutton your pants while the other one held you in place. You squinted your eyes shut, crying and praying for this to be over soon, when you then felt the grip loosen. A few moments later, you heard a familiar voice saying, "Are you okay, bunny?" It was Izana. The men that attacked you lay on the ground, blood covering their faces. It looks like Izana came just at the right time. He saved you, and you felt so safe now. He offered you a hug. You took it, and he held you for a moment. "Is it okay if I walk you home? It would be safer that way," you nodded. There was no way in hell you would walk home alone after all that. You were so thankful. He came just at the right time. He took you to your apartment, and once at the door, he smiled at you again. "I will take my leave now, Bunny. Watch yourself next time. Be safe." you blush in a deep shade of pink. He turned around and took a few steps away from the door before you shouted at him, "Your name! What's your name?!" he turns around, half way, and smiles "izana, izana kurokawa" and then keeps walking. "izana.....kurokawa" you repeated in a faint whisper. He chuckled again as he walked away. That was encounter number 2.
After that encounter, you already couldn't think of anything else. Izana kurokawa saved you. He was such a handsome man as well. His white hair and these Lilac eyes followed you in your dreams and through all kinds of fantasies.
You found yourself thinking about him...his voice and his eyes. One night, you woke up from a dream of him. His face was buried between your legs, his tongue latching on your folds as he kept calling you by his little nickname, Bunny. When you woke up, you were out of breath but still so unbelievably wet. You checked the time....5:27am. Your bangs are stuck to your forehead with sweat. Then, images of your dream popped back into your mind, and you gasped out a breathy moan. "I-izana~" you whispered his name. Your hands glided down your body, pulling up your PJ shirt, cupping your breasts, and pinching your nipples. Another moan. His face burned in your memories. "Izana~" again, his name rolled off your tongue. Your other hand slides down further, sliding inside your PJ shorts, rubbing your thigh as your eyes squint shut. You imagined his hand on your body. You imagined how he would rub your swollen Clit through your panties while you drew circles around it, moaning desperately. Your pants soaked themselves full of your juices as you rubbed up and down your covered pussy. You slid them to the side to finally get some relief. First, slowly and gently, you inserted 2 fingers and began to move them in and out. You coated them with your slic and threw your head back while trying to hold back moans, to not wake up your roommates. "Izana~" you moan again. Your hand moved into your bedside table, 2 fingers still buried in your pussy. From the bedside table, you pulled out your trusty vibrator. You turned it one and pulled out your fingers. You began to tease your clit with the buzzing vibrator and closed your eyes shut, moaning out and bucking your hips into the little wand vibrator. "Izana!" Your thoughts were filled with the remains of the dream. Slowly, you rubbed the wand up and down your slit to coat it with your juices, then pushed it inside your hole. The familiar sensation gave you the sensation you needed, but this night it's different. Your body tensed up as you moved the wand in and out of your drooling pussy. You're gasping and whining as you fucked your little pussy with the want, imagining his cock inside you, buried balls deep. Your breathing gets shallower, faster as you slowly approached the edge. You moved the wand faster and faster as you get closer and closer to your climax. Your legs shook and trebled as you couldn't stop saying his name over and over again. "Izana! Izana! Izana!" You kept fucking your pussy with the want while it was on max vibration until you couldn't hold back anymore "Izana! Izana! Iza-aaghhh!" and with that, you came. Your head was numb, and your body finally stoppend shaking as you panted. You stare at the ceiling as you catch your breath. …before you pass out in your slumber, his face is the last thing you think about. His name is on your lips before you drift to sleep. "Izana kurokawa"
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©itsruki reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!
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firstdivisiongirl · 21 days
Please Izana + 6 (picnic) on the summer/spring event??
Hi. Thank you for the request. This one got a little long. Izana is fun to write for and sometimes I can’t stop. Hopefully, you like what I came up with.
Izana Kurokawa x Reader: Rest of His Life
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Izana was never the perfect boyfriend.  He had no idea what the perfect date was.  Half the time, he just let you pick.  But, something in his mind right now made him start to doubt himself and his skills as a good boyfriend.  So, he asked Kakucho what to do. His advice was a picnic date since the weather was nicer.  Izana knew this was just what you two needed.
When Izana suggested a picnic date, you were dumbfounded.  He never picked a date.  Heck, he hated romance half the time!  But, you really liked the idea.  It would be nice to get away from the gang life and the members of Tenjiku.
The sky was the perfect shade of blue, not a cloud in sight.  He carried a large wicker basket full of food, utensils, a blanket, and all the other things that were essential to a romantic summer picnic courtesy of Kakucho who wanted this date to go perfectly for his two favorite people.  You were already waiting outside for him, ready to spend time with your love.  He took you to a beautiful spot in the park, under a cherry blossom tree.  The two of you set up.  You laid the blue gingham blanket down on the ground, while he pulled out all of the food and utensils.  It was a great day.  The food was good and the company was even better.
As the two of you ate, he was a little puzzled.  One thing that Kakucho said was that this date would be nostalgic for the two of you.  Izana couldn’t figure out what he meant.  He didn’t remember you two doing anything like this recently, let alone when you two were in the foster home.  His thoughts were disturbed when you grabbed his hands.
“Thanks Izana,” you said, interwinding your fingers, “it reminds me of when we were kids and the three of us used to have picnics outside during the summer.  Those were always my favorite days.”
That was it!  It was something you loved as kids.  “I’m glad you like it.  To be honest, I didn’t think of this idea.  I’m not very good at this stuff, but I wanted to try for once.  I wanted to do good for you.”
“I know Kakucho told me.  But I don’t care about any of that.  All I want is to love you and for you to love me too.  I love you Izana!”
Izana kissed your temples, “I love you too.  And I will love you forever.”  After  finishing and packing up, the two of you headed home.  He might not have remembered the picnics from years ago, but he knew he would remember this picnic for the rest of his life.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs and likes are highly appreciated!
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
and what about tiny boys in the omegaverse?? (waka, mikey, izana, fuyu)
Good Things Come In Small Packages: Manjiro Sano/ Wakasa Imaushi/ Izana Kurokawa/Chifuyu Matsuno x Fem!Reader 
wc: 1.8k
tw: smut & fluff
Manjiro Sano - Alpha (smut)
Mikey is mean when he's in a rut. Mean like grabbing your hips and jerking them against his.
"Hips up for me, baby."
He's dirty. Like... finger in your ass dirty.
"Got you all worked up now, huh?"
You look up at the black-haired man and allow yourself a moment of pleasure before pretending to hate it again. "Mikey, you're so rough..."
Mikey chuckles, twisting the finger in your ass a little. "You're so submissive for me, though. Want me to ease up and go slow?" You shake your head no, then bury it in the covers. "Ah, ah, ah." The blanket is snatched off of your head, and Mikey pulls you up to meet him thrust for thrust.
"What, princess?" Mikey wonders, shoving his full length, knot and all, into your waiting pussy. "You don't want me to stop, do you?" Your entire body yearns for him. You shake your head no again, and Mikey runs a hand down to your clit before biting your earlobe.
"You're gonna let the whole pack know whose pussy this is before the night's over." You cry out a little, stars dancing in your vision as he picks up his speed again. Mikey holds you against him and doesn't let up, even for a second, but when you almost go limp from overstimulation, he lays you across the bed.
His hands roam around your flesh as he drills his cock into you ruthlessly. "This pussy is mine," he growls ferally. "All mine."
Wakasa Imaushi - Alpha (smut)
"It's for the good of the pack."
You're laying on your back underneath a long-haired alpha, his features smoothed into a half-bored, half-asleep expression with fully lidded eyes and soft grunts reminding you of snores. But they're not snores, and he's fully awake. His hips remind you of that.
"I'm sorry it has to be this way," he said before undressing and folding his clothes neatly. You watched as he placed them on the end of the bed and then motioned toward you. Lay on the bed.
You return to the sensations building between the two of you, the feeling of his knot swelling and your heart beating ever-so-fast. It's common for an omega to be mated with an alpha of a different pack, but this differs from how you imagined a courtship. It had been a middle-of-the-night thing with hurried rituals and rushed ceremonies. All of them left you breathless and unsure, especially this one.
The red stains of your former virginity are on a sheet tossed to the floor, but you can't think about your former ways now. You're fully engaged in sex with your... husband.
"Ah," you groan, the knot at the base of Wakasa's dick swelling even more.
"Mmm," the man murmurs, burying his head in your neck. "I'm gonna cum."
Your slick - produced by a false method to prepare you for this - makes a sound you can't quite place, but Waka doesn't seem to mind. In fact, it seems this makes his thrusts sloppier and more hurried, each one rocking you against the sheets.
"Oh, god," he whines, squeezing his eyes shut and cumming long and hard into you. You gasp as his cock pulses inside you, and the knot sinks in a little deeper - further than you thought possible. When all is said and done, Wakasa moves you so you're lying on your side and facing him. "My knot will go down soon," he huffs. "Are you okay?"
"'M fine," you grumble, tucking your face into his chest. Waka places an arm around you and kisses your forehead tenderly.
"Just rest." Those two words ease your transition into sleep. When you awaken, Waka isn't there. The sheets at the foot of the bed are gone, and you can smell the coffee being prepared from the kitchen downstairs.
Just as you shift up from the bed, the door opens slightly, and Waka walks in, his hands holding orange juice, fruit, and eggs. "You're up," he mentions, barely smiling. You don't reply, but you watch him carefully place things on the night table beside you. "Thought you'd like something to eat."
"Where's the coffee?" you wonder, and Waka snaps his fingers.
"That's what I forgot." He disappears only to reappear with a steaming mug filled with coffee. When it's cooled, you take a sip and taste the familiar flavors of your usual homemade brew. "Two sugars, three creams." You peer at him over the mug, and he smiles sheepishly. "Your parents told me. How are you feeling?"
"Fine," you reply, noting the sticky feeling between your legs. "A little sticky."
"That can be fixed with a shower." Before Waka can walk off, however, you reach out for him instinctively.
"You should eat." Waka blinks, but you offer him a slice of apple. He grabs your wrist and feeds himself by your hand, his tongue swirling around your fingers lasciviously. You shudder in pleasure, and Waka grins.
"You're right," he begins. "I should eat."
Izana Kurokawa - Alpha (fluff)
You're lost. You're horribly lost in the dark. In the dark and on one of the emptiest streets in a town you don't know.
“This is not a place for a tiny Omega to be this late at night.” You leap out of your skin, holding tightly onto your sweater. You turn around and spot the white-haired man lingering in the alleyway with his arms crossed.
"I... I..." The scent of the man in the alley is strong and heady, and you begin to feel fearful in the presence of an Alpha. You're an unmated Omega wandering around in a city you have no clue about; you're prime real estate by all accounts.
The alpha shifts off the brick wall and smirks at you, his purple eyes flashing as if he was prepared to play a game with you. "Are you going to run?" Your feet don't move even though your common sense tells you to take off. You're... stuck.
The man stops in front of you, reaching out to stroke your cheek before twirling a strand of your hair around his finger. "You smell incredible."
"Please," you murmur, feeling your stomach quiver. "I--"
"Where did you plan on going from here? I can get you there, sweetheart." You suddenly can't remember as his scent envelopes you. All of your senses calm to a slow crawl as his musky, warm, spiced scent eases you into a dream-like state. "Let me get you there," he murmurs gently, tilting his head.
You reach out to him and take his hand as if you were in a dream, holding onto him with only a shred of sanity left. When the man gets you to his car, you find your tongue to ask him his name. He replies, "Izana," so casually as if you'd asked him what color his shoes were. You can't imagine being anywhere but in his car, in his presence, and saying his name back to him like a transfixed siren.
"I'll protect you," Izana states, turning the key to start the car. As it rumbles to life, you reach for the buckle, but Izana is already leaning over you, his hands making quick work of the device. He takes his time to lean back into his seat, his eyes lingering on your lips, and then wandering up to your eyes once more.
"What?" you wonder, your voice barely a whisper as Izana settles in his seat.
"Nothing. Are you visiting from out of town, or..."
"Yeah," you quickly chime in. "I'm staying in a hotel but was hungry and didn't have a car, so..." Izana puts the car in drive and coasts out of his parking spot.
"We have food at the pack house," Izana begins, flicking on his turn signal. "Or we can get McDonald's if you'd like. That's the closest thing to us."
"McDonald's is okay." You settle into silence as the car makes a few turns before merging onto the highway. You know you should be frightened by an unknown man chauffeuring you around a city you don't know, but there's something so soothing about him that makes you feel warm and--
"You have a pack?"
"A pack of what?" you shoot back, but when you look away from the window, a frown has settled onto Izana's face.
"A pack," he states again. The meaning settles into you, and you look away nervously. "You don't smell like..."
"I don't," you admit. "I've just been wandering for a while."
A ghost of a sad smile crosses Izana's face. "I know what you mean." He clears his throat suddenly and murmurs, "My pack is full of those who don't have a biological family. For... whatever reason."
The bright lights of a McDonald's cross your vision, and you grip the edges of your jacket. "Maybe we can eat there, then."
"At the house?" Izana wonders, and you nod. He smiles gently, reaches over to squeeze your thigh, and then chuckles. "Not unheard of. McDonald's is kind of trash anyways. I'll introduce you to the boys. We'll be happy to have you."
Chifuyu Matsuno - Beta (fluff)
“You don’t happen to have any heat suppressants on you, do you?”
The shocked beta stands in the doorway, his eyes glazing over as your scent hits him. "I, uh..." The pause is enough for you to stare at him for a moment, then he scrambles into his dorm, leaving the door ajar for you.
After slipping past it, you walk into the somewhat messy area and watch while your close friend looks around for something he probably doesn't have.
"Y/n," he mumbles, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. "I don't have any. But I..." As you prepare to leave, he stands akimbo in the room but then offers his hand. "I could help if you wanted."
"How?" you wonder, and Chifuyu smiles shyly.
"Baji taught me a thing or two a few years ago."
It's uncommon for betas to want to help with a heat or encourage anything other than sex - however casual it may be - with an Alpha. But seeing as Baji was nowhere to be found and Chifuyu felt up to the task, you lay on the surprisingly comfortable bed and cuddled by the warm and inviting beta.
"Baji taught me that I could hold an Omega close and turn the heat into something less... uh..." Chifuyu fumbles for the word, but you nod, understanding it. "Just let me know if you start to feel uncomfortable."
"This is nice," you hum, snuggling into Chifuyu's soft shirt. His scent lulls you into a gentle desire to be held and never let go. "This is really nice."
"Yeah," Chifuyu whispers, resting his chin on your head. "He said he would do this all the time with his mate. She'd be intensely in heat, too. I'm surprised he made it through all of that without..."
The silence is enough for the both of you to settle in, and your eyes flutter shut as Chifuyu begins to talk again, his voice soothing you to sleep.
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pfpanimes · 2 years
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⌕ tokyo revengers - izana kurokawa.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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blueparadis · 2 years
—» content warnings :: afab-reader, character study (I'm warning you) , mentions of unprotected sex, nightclubs; word count— 0.75k LINKS SECTION
—» notes :: this is just a glimpse of how his Bonten life would be in my head & this is for my sweetest mikey lover, robyn’s collab(@fueledbysano ), “the sano collab”
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BONTEN KUROKAWA IZANA’S day starts with tucking his gun in the valley of his waist and majestically swinging his body while dashing out of his room. And, the first thing he does is to pull Kakucho’s daughter in his strong, firm arms and safely tuck her into his lap. While Kakucho frowned at Izana’s habit of taking his daughter on such a daily local tour but the toddler begs to differ since she thinks it’s her responsibility to carry on Uncle Zana's legacy.
BONTEN KUROKAWA IZANA knows his city like the back of his palm. The guy is generally seen with his long overcoat hanging down to his ankles, at arcades with a baby girl by his side. He doesn’t even have to do much; just be sharp enough to protect the princess and with little miss Hitto as his prodigy, he is never a talk of a suspect. He likes his reputation that way subtle and mysterious.
BONTEN KUROKAWA IZANA is seen in a lonely corner of a bar enjoying the melodious voice of the new barmaid. He rarely visits sex clubs, night clubs especially after he became an uncle to someone. And Manjiro? He just got another excuse to make him angry enough that he cusses Mikey in Filipino.
There are times when BONTEN KUROKAWA IZANA is seen in nightclubs while Manjiro packs a year's deal. No, he is always behind the curtains pulling the strings, thinking which pawn to use while his expensive cigar becomes null. Kakucho often turns a blind eye to the fact that he is a little homely after he married you. Since you walked into his life, he has become a little silent. Manjiro happens to blame your absence for it but Kakucho seems to believe that he is just moody today.
Well, Manjiro sure gets excited whenever he happens to notice his brother sneaking out of the room hurriedly with fidgety fingers upon the phone screen.
“Thought you forgot about me…when I sent you to your daddy’s house. That was such a bad choice. Wasn’t it?”, and you could tell how direly he missed you day and night, how much he regretted turning you down when you nuzzled against his firm naked chest just because he was just tired.
But BONTEN KUROKAWA IZANA is sly; sly enough to impress both the parties, you and your father. He will bluntly show up at your mansion and he never takes the easy route. It’s always the balcony.
No one in the town, not even his local subordinates knows where his bonten tattoo is; it’s just you and the quarter members of bonten. That’s why people say, no one knows where his loyalty lies.
And he makes great use of such easily mouldable rumors. He often goes for a little vacation with you just outside the town just because Manjiro does the on-stage work and no one dares to question because spending time with little Hitto has made him whiney. Ask him the reason, he’ll blame it on Kakucho, for ordering him around.
BONTEN KUROKAWA IZANA enjoys the weight of the crown when you’re around him. He never fails you, your desires whether it is to bring you ice cream in the dead of night or to fuck you on the rooftop of the bonten building.
“You see baby”, he rasps as he pulls up your face by wrapping his fingers around your throat giving you a view of the city he owns. “We.are.gonna.rule.over.this. We.are.gonna. Make. something.that.they can never take from us”, his voice slurries as he takes you from the back hitting as deep as he can with broad strokes at the fall of each word. And, all he needs from you is “Yes, yes sir”, with a little smile lacing your lips that always gets him.
But some days, he forgets to make love to you and hence, sneaks through your balcony to make you his while your father is having a very peaceful meeting with other yakuzas. And sometimes, he is so wound up in the shackles of bonten that he can’t even do that.
So, he comes with pleasantries to woo you. No, it’s just not gifts and expensive pieces of jewelry, you already have those. Thanks to Little kakucho who peeks through his long overcoat, soft palms grabbing his legs making you grin as Uncle Zana proudly introduces you to her.
Yeah, he would do anything to protect you from the very shackles that bind him to Bonten and that is why, he likes to keep it subtle, to hide you away from his monstrous world.
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+tags — @etheralyonn @manjiroscum @1900-aria @haitaniapologist @em-plosion
+networks — @downtown-roponggi @tokyometronetwork
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izanazqueen · 10 months
The end of August. ~
izana kurokawa x birthday reader.
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a/n: this is my second piece dedicated to izana for his bday month and the entry to the sano collab 2023 hosted by the lovely @fueledbysano - no warnings just fluff + more fluff ! -
August 30 -
izana knew the day. his birthday. to that mind- he couldn't honestly care less. there wasn't any single year in the past where he would think twice about it without desire to acknowledge it but for some strange reason he stubbornly went and decided to listen to his subordinate when kakucho told him that maybe he should stop by on his way back home to the apartment at the newly built gigantic pet shop he had over heard other people talking earlier about that just opened up in the main heart of the city. he wanted to dismiss the younger with no want whatsoever other than returning to his abode to be by himself for the remainder of the dreaded day until he heard him say between under his own not so subtlety made murmurs and moans mumbling about not giving a shit that he was going on telling him all about the fresh aquatic tank that was apart of the feature. ' fine- i will pass by outside. ' kakucho fonldly smiled at his king - ' sure. izana - ' it didn't take a genius to make it known well that his boss was elated at the idea of it.
making his way across town izana was rushing through the zoo of people crowded in the busy streets of yokohama when he saw that a large sum of them were crowded in one area. figuring that this had to be the place kakucho had been speaking about when he walked a little bit slower not very much interested in the idea in the first place but still curious as to what could be inside those large glass windows- way too glaringly sunny outside hitting the reflections to really get a good view of the inside. from the exterior izana could tell that they ones who run the place must have a lot of money and experience with this because it was well-made and stunning from the quality of the the brick work and architecture surrounding the arched doorway. his mind went in full interest of what could be possibly hiding beyond the entrance.
trailing on inside he noticed there were walls of animals and products designed to attract even the most unwilling of eyes to be drawn in. he didn't want to waste much time in this place that was packed almost as tightly as a concert venue- it was all of the ridiculous noise that was too much for him in addition to the amount of screaming children and small barking from the playful pups that had him turning away- ready to storm out of the place without a second thought until his eyes met a sign with a closed doorway that read "aquarium- please keep down. do not scare the fish." perfect. izana had darted though the door as quick as possible to free his ears from the deafening annoyance to find just a few others occupying the dark area shining from the rich shades and hues of purple and blues from the brightly lit blacklights of the huge majestic tank filled with an array of vastly different domesticated sea life- his every dream come true. he stared half gaped- drawn in widely openly amazed at the fine specimens he was witnessing in front of him. there were so many varieties and different kinds to view that he almost let himself slip a subtle pleased grin grace his features- almost.
izanas eyes scanned the tank- tracing the small lines and rows of the little schools swimming with eacother and landscape of all different sizes and colors of camouflage for the fish to play and hide from watching eyes. figuring he wouldn't go and let his efforts coming into this place be in vain and feelings of conflict whether he should possibly even bring one of the variety home with him stirring in his chest- he stared to explore more of what the vast stretching room length tank had to offer. while making his way through the different options slowly trying his best to not look too interested but in his mind the thrill was too much and starting to get to him. there were so many to choose from and he didn't know where to begin to try and choose one.
as he stared he saw across the room a small area where the fish had been separated from each other. they were known as beta fish- the only kind of fish that could not be in contact with others due to its tendency to attack them on sight not stopping even going in for blood. how amusing- he thought. it sounded a bit to familiar to his own ears- probably the reason why he admired them the most. before he could reach the area with the small clearing between the onlooking patrons his eyes caught a flash of his favorite color amidst the crowd- a deep shade of fire red. izana blinked twice before noticing the beautiful gown hugging your skin and curves practically sparkling under the lights reflecting from off of the fish tank- glowing in front of his eyes. he couldn't help but aimlessly make his way next to you to get a better look at the gorgeous sight that was this tantalizing spectacle to behold in this place.
izana came to see as he approached your side that he noticed you had no particular interest in anything else in that room other than the one little fish you just kept on staring at. ' is that one your favorite? ' he bubbled at you- with a smirk written over lips that was unbeknownst to him. 'oh sorry. did you want that one? cause i - ' you responded almost half aware that there was even a person beside you. turning your breathe got stuck in your throat as you glanced at him noticing his white platinum short undercut hairstyle almost illuminated by the glow of the aquarium in contrast to his his tanned warm complexion paired with a set of red dangling traditional style earrings and his large attractive lilac eyes underneath his radiant strands. you were completely taken back- he was one of the finest men you had ever seen before. his light eyes watching you as he waited eagerly for you to finish your thought from earlier as you were speechless and struggled to compose your thoughts. responding now a bit shyer in your tone you met his stare with a cheerful delighted expression matching with his own. ' well it's just- that one right there is sad- at least that's what it seems to me .. ' izana was left flustered at your words- drawn back right at the moment you had said them out loud.
' well, why would you say that ? ' izana paused for a moment staring into your concerned eyes. ' - how could you even tell what that little guys thinking? ' he perked his head to the side- full on curiosity now rolling through his mind. you glanced back at the tank and spoke without looking back too afraid of him seeing the nervousness written all over you from how close he was to your body. you felt the air around you become filled with his sweet aroma from an almost lavender trace to his cologne he was sporting- a pleasant scent that was teasing the the last of your desires. he was a put together well dressed very handsome gentleman that was not like anyone you'd seen throughout the time spent you'd been in this city. you responded to his questioning of your thought process after taking in a second to form the right words 'there is no way of knowing- honestly.. i mean he's just kinda keeping to that little corner not even bothering to notice the people all around him- he must be real lonely and hurt inside to not even desire a home with one of these - ' cutting you off he spoke strictly. ' maybe he likes it better that way.. ' izana wasn't speaking only about the fish now. feeling a bit annoyed by your words it left him with an even more irritating stinging feeling in his chest. you felt sorry for the little fish- he saw it in your eyes that were practically welling with sadness and threatening to spill actual tears in the process of speaking about how you felt for it so dearly. ' why don't you bring him home with you then if you think it's that lonely?'
' well i would but i can't actually- i don't have the proper place right now. im kind of in between moving and would not be able to give him the right attention going between the two- sadly. ' concern in his lilac eyes but not wanting to pry he left it alone even if he was now interested in knowing your situation beyond these walls. in that moment izana couldnt take his eyes off of your frame - almost studying your every move making you turn away back to gazing at the small red fish swimming around slowly in the corner of it's tank. you continued ' but i really wish i could- he deserves to be with a caring person who will give it the attention and loves it probably desires desperately. ' izana flinched- your words affecting him in a way you would never know. ' fine- i'll take him then. ' your eyes began to shimmer with hope. with a delicate smile you beamed at him ' you will!? oh that is fanatastic! - ' his stoic face melted unnoticed to himself to a softened smirk feeling as the brick wall around his heart had been crumbled to dust. why were you so damn pleased about that little fish getting a place to go to? he couldn't understand your motivation but he was truly humbled by your genuine content and relief on your face. for a moment he thought maybe you two were similar- the reasons flooding his brain with possibilities without a clear answer. izana wanted to ask you just as to why it was so important to you but before he could speak- your arms wrapped around his waist cause of how your pure excitement took over before you could even realize what you were doing. izana's lavender orbs expanded beyond the largest possible way and he became totally enraptured by your sudden embrace of him.
the scent of your perfume hitting his brain and the soft touch of your gentle hands that had accidentally slipped sliding under past his dress shirt had him practicing his breathing patterns in short breaths inside of his small pants from how close your body was to his own tempting him that was causing him to erupt in flames. you realized quickly that you crossed a line with someone you had barely known and quickly pulled apart from him in your flustered panic. ' i'm sorry about that. really- i just.. ' izana gathered himself in dread of his facial expression in that moment. 'it's fine.' he mused back at you. ' don't worry about it. ' normally if someone had the nerve to place a hand on him he would have met them with his swift heel kick to the jaw. yet right now- he couldn't get enough of it. wanting with the most endless passion to grab you back and feel your warmth against him in that tight arm lock that had left him heavily reeling- from how much he needed to feel you again. there was no way he could admit that to himself let alone to you. his pride wouldn't allow for as much. he put his palm on your shoulder the closest thing that izana could bring himself to try and do to relieve this tension around the two of you.
he spoke with care for someone for once in his voice and in a wispy light tone he said to you - ' cmon. let's get to the checkout before i change my mind - ' not wanting to sound even a tinge of desperation in his voice to make that ever so beautiful smile on your face come back to light- which it did as soon as he said them. ' ok! let's go- ' you happily exclaimed with pure joy echoing in your tone clasping onto his firm large slightly sweaty hand from how truly nervous he was being around someone that was as attractive as you were to him. izana didn't ever want to let go- as you raced as fast as you could with him to the counter out front to purchase the prized red beta before he could say otherwise. as you made your way through the crowd your hands started to pull apart trying to get past the people swarming around and your heart twitched at the feeling of him grabbing on to your own tighter as to make sure you didn't let go of his. if he could have seen the small sweet smile that had spread on your face knowing he was the cause it he probably would have went unstable with his thoughts of what that meant but you hid it as rapidly as you reached the register feeling the warmth on your cheeks from how the feeling of him against you was affecting your mind.
that night- izana placed the little tank he had bought for the red fish arranged perfectly on his night stand next to his bed. he stared at it with intent as it looked with it's small black eyes right back into him. his grin widened thinking to himself how it must be glad to have someone to be with now no longer alone in that dark back corner of the aquarium. he felt for a second of a hint of jealousy in it's tiny reflection for himself- before his mind chased to the moment he first witnessed you in that stunning red garment with every one of his senses starting to tingle with each breath that left his lips practically sighing from the feelings burrowing their way through his heart. izana felt ashamed for letting you leave the pet store without as much as a way to contact you again. settling himself in- he grabbed his acoustic guitar and began strumming with strokes of pretty notes filling the air with the aura of his solemn mood. glancing over towards the tank he stopped momentum and began playing a bit slower when he noticed the little red companion glaring straight at him moving quickly from what he assumed to be the music. placing his guitar down on his mattress he sauntered on over to where the fish was now swimming much more now in tiny motions. ' huh, you must like that sound don't ya- little guy? ' izana spoke to the fish aware that it couldn't give him a response.
izana bent down closer to get a better view of it's nice tones of red and golden colors and he noticed that something was sticking out slightly from under the tank. the receipt was stuck to the bottom a little bit crumpled up so izana grabbed it out from underneath the fish's new home to toss it away in the trash when he saw the small finely written numbers scribbled on the back side with a tiny little heart next to it.
- ' y/n ' izana read it out loud and with his mind running endlessly- he was left there completely speechless and distraught. knowing he should have been the one himself to have asked you but taken back by your action of boldness and desire to contact him feeling restlessly anxious he practically ran over to where his cell phone was charging grabbing it without hesitatation. izana slowly entered the digits as to not mess up the code to hearing your gentle voice once more. catching his breath he paused before hitting the call button momentarily desperate to know exactly why you had chosen to give him your personal contact when he thought back to how much you wanted to find his new found companion a home- how lonely you thought he was there all alone in that pet shop. now nervously pressing the call button because of the fear that he was initially right about you two being similar- he panicked and almost hung up when he heard you speak clearly through the other end- ' hi! ..is this- by chance izana? ' the world felt shaky and he was on cloud nine from how delighted you sounded as he struggled to make his voice sound normal. 'how'd could you guess? ' it was the only thing that he could get out. izana could feel his vocal chords trembling in sequence of his words as if they had a mind of their own. ' i'm so glad!- ' you answered him in a high pitch elation of your enthusiasm for it actually being him that called you. ' where you waiting for me to call you all evening? ' izana said now with his heart giving a curious beat thrumming through his veins. he couldn't believe you- even having the guts sticking the receipt carefully back in his purchase without him noticing to begin with. ' yes- i have been mr. izana. - it took you long enough.. thought maybe you didn't want to see me again that maybe- ' ' .. kurokawa. ' he ended your sentence for you. ' my name is mr. kurokawa.' he retorted to you with dignity. continuing his thoughts he went on- ' and yes. i would very much like to see you again. - y/n. ' your sultry voice had him way beyond the point of caring of his weakness for you showing when he heard you squeak in your praise. ' oh thank goodness! - well .. are you by chance busy this evening?.. ' tonight. he thought back to what the day was as he peeked at the clock seeing it was only 9pm- still technically his birthday. izana mustered the courage to give you his response in honest. 'well- no. just home hanging out with my new friend. ' the simple act of him saying so made him hear in your voice the smile the was evident on your face even if he couldn't see it. hearing you on the phone had him in a state of glory for having the nerve to dial the number in the first place- happiness taking over him in every way imaginable. his face had burned up at the next thing that came out from your lips- ' mind if i come by- to visit you two? ' izana had felt himself go numb in shock without knowing how to answer. the response he gave was a bit mufled and barely audible but you had heard him no less. ' i - actually would like that a lot.. ' this time izana spent his birthday for the first year ever with someone other than himself. making him feel satisfied deeply and content. not only cause of that little fish now stuck with him for life but because this was the special day that he had been fortunate enough to meet you. it was now and would be his favorite day of the year to look forward to from that day on -
@izanazqueen © -all rights reserved.
please do not copy / repost my work
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rnakamura22 · 3 months
Till Death Do us Part
Minors DNI +18
As you packed up your bags after class ended , you overheard a few girls talking about a new song of a certain K-pop idol group.
“It’s so cool…” “ I make my own rules, wish for the forbidden…” “I am not a doll…”
You scoff to yourself. What a joke! As if these idols know what it is like! You doubted it. If something’s forbidden, you shouldn’t touch it! That’s what makes it forbidden in the first place! Why the hell would you put yourself in danger? And craving for freedom? When not thinking about the circumstances? If the other force was so powerful that you would be crushed to death if you disobey? The thought itself shuddered you.
You walked back home, which was a total pain. Your brother Ran and Rindo, was one of the most feared gang members in Tokyo. Being their litter sister had more difficulties than advantages. Your two brothers harbored little love for you as a sister, but more love as a commodity. You absolutely had no freedom or the chance to make your own choices. Only the Heavens knew what would come if you disobeyed. The meetings with gang members who looked at you in every lewd way possible was absolute torture. It was a miracle that you were still here, not flayed alive.
You also had to deal with jealous girls who were being played by your two brothers. You were very close to screaming at the girls who approached your brothers that they were all idiots who were two steps away from completely ruining themselves and their dignity. Also, you also harbored little feelings toward them as a family since you viewed them more as a monster rather than a brother.
The girls at school envied you for your beauty and having a lone wolf personality, which did appeal to some people yet never made a move on you due to your two brothers. Despite looking like you had no problems in your life, you were always afraid of your two brothers, the trouble of gang members, and feeling like you didn’t have a place that you belonged to. All the more reasons why you hated the K-Pop songs that the girls in your class liked. It just seemed so fake and overused!
The summer of you being 15, Ran and Rindo introduced you to Izana Kurokawa. A dashing man, you admitted. Amethyst eyes, silky sliver white hair. The bad boy vibe that every girl might fall for. Except you.
Izana adored you, but in a fearful way. He would take you home on his motorcycle when he has nothing better to do. You were invited to his apartment when he was in the mood. Your first time was taken by him. He was kind when he wanted to be. He promised every time after sex that when you become 16, you will marry him. “I love you, (y/n), you’re so pretty. I really wish time would fly faster so I can marry you.” That was his phrase used every time.
But he had a horrible temper that couldn’t be controlled. Things were thrown, crashed, and sometimes, Izana brutally hit you with his knuckles where other people couldn’t see. His two-faced personality was getting out of control by the minute, and you were afraid that someday, you would get killed. Kakucho, Izana’s second in command was trying to help you when things were rough. But he couldn’t draw the line because of absolute loyalty to Izana. Ran and Rindo were in a good mood ever since you and Izana started to hang out. Even though you knew, Izana went out with other girls too and you were nothing but a toy.
Having nowhere to run, that was when you met him. Takashi Mistuya. He was handsome, kind, good at cooking and sewing, a gentleman. He was nothing like the other gang members you ever met. Your curfew was very strict and Izana was there in your home most of the time. Your home had become absolute hell, and you spend your time on the nearby park's bench, staring at the people and the atmosphere.
"What's wrong? It's not safe for cute girls like you to be all alone!
One look into his lilac eyes was all it needed.
"Same goes for you, the girls wouldn't leave you alone." you said.
From that day on, you talked with Mitsuya on the bench until the time of curfew approached. He was from a nearby middle school, and you talked with him for what seemed like forever.
"Why do you stay out here so late?"
"My...brothers...they're strict..." you lied. It was Izana, he restricted your freedom while himself being with other girls. You didn't hate him, but you really wished he would get bored with you and leave.
"They have to be...a cute girl like you would make your brothers overprotective...I bet my little sisters would say something like that when they get older!" Mistuya laughed.
You secretly went to his house to meet Luna and Mana when the weekend where Ran, Rindo, and Izana were out on a gang meeting. Luna and Mana both greeted you with open arms.
"Are you big bro's girlfriend?" " She's pretty! We like pretty ladies!" "Hey, knock it off you two!"
You cooked with Mitsuya, helping him with his chores and doing homework together in secret.
“I really hope…. I could see you again.”
“Me too, I hope I can…”
You and Mitsuya both wanted to say the magic word. The unstable relationship between you and him. The spaces you both wanted to fill up and run into each other's arms.
Then one day, you got home to find Izana relaxing on the couch.
"Izana...you're here." "You've been avoiding me and going out late. Ran and Rindo were both worried about you."
You wanted to scream "Yeah, right!" Ran and Rindo both cared for you as a commodity. As well as Izana, in your mind. If he did love you, why would he go out with other girls? The thought itself disgusted you.
“There's a big battle coming up soon... when we win, I'll create the biggest criminal organization in Japan. Let's get married after that, OK?" Izana said with a sweet smile as he came up closer and hugged you, his arms wrapped around your waist, making it feel like two snakes were slithering up your body.
"Thanks...please don't do anything too dangerous and hurt yourselves OK?" you said and lightly patted Izana on the back.
The next day, you went to the usual place to meet Mitsuya but you discovered something horrifying. Mitsuya’s head was tied with a white roll bandage.
“ What happened!” You ran up to him and lightly touched his head in horror.
“Yeah, I got attacked by Tenjiku yesterday.. it’s nothing” Mitsuya lightly smiled. 
A horrific theory invaded your mind. You wanted to deny it, but you had to face it.
"Mitsuya.. are you in Toman?"
"Yeah, what about it?" Mitsuya smiled in the way you loved.
"I'm.. I'm so sorry... No... it can't be.... " You dropped on the floor, your hand covering your face.
"What's wrong?" Mitsuya lowered his legs, looking worried.
"My brothers...they're Ran and Rindo Haitani."
"What? Your brothers are the Haitanis?"
"They're in Tenjiku... I’m so sorry...."
”"It's not your fault...I'm not blaming you for anything." Mitsuya lightly smiled.
"Thank you for saying that Mitsuya. I.."
"Wait, let me say it first. I like you, I really like you. Please go out with me."
"I feel the same way. I really like you Mitsuya. You're the first guy I ever really liked. "
You two held each other in your arms and kissed for the first time. It was a kiss that helped you escape from the cruel world.
You told him about your relationship with Izana and your two brothers.
"Kurokawa... that bastard. I've never met him, but he sounds like an asshole. No, he just proved himself an asshole. How could he cheat when he has someone cute and kind like you?" Mitsuya scowled.
"Thank you for saying that... it means a lot." You smiled sadly as you kissed him again.
"I want you to held your heart within Toman. I dedicated myself to Toman."
"....Yeah.... I will. Taka-kun. " You looked to Mitsuya with eyes that had made a decision.
The next day, you heard of Mitsuya and the commanders of Toman attacked by members of Tenjiku.
As you ran to the hospital where Mitsuya was in, you met a blue haired guy who's hair was shaved off.
"Aren't you Haitani's sister?" the boy said angrily.
"Yeah... how's Mitsuya? Is he Ok..." you trembled and asked.
"You came here to spy on him didn't you!! Taka-chan and Smiley-kun are both fatally injured! You approached him to spy on Toman!" The boy yelled.
"No, please!!You got it all wrong, listen.."
"Get out of here!! Don't get close to Taka-chan ever again!!" the boy yelled and you had no choice but to leave from Mitsuya's hospital room.
When you went home, Izana was there putting on a scarlet red tailcoat uniform of Tenjiku spelled with black letters.
"You're back, y/n."
"We're about to have a big showdown battle, come with us. You'll get to see your darling Mitsuya crushed to shreds."
Izana didn't face you, but his tone was bitter. You dropped your bag in shock.
"You went to see him in the hospital, right? One of the guys told me they saw you leave the hospital. Are you already together? Did you fuck him like the slut you are?"
You said nothing as Izana faced you and cupped your face with his hands harshly. There was a dark glow in his amethyst eyes and his teeth was clenched.
"Come." Izana grabbed your arm harshly and pushed you into the back seat of the car, making you feel like a criminal about to be taken into execution.
When you arrived at the port, your two brothers Ran and Rindo were waiting for you.
"Hey, the rat appears!! Did you already fuck the officers of Toman to let you join their side?"
"Or did you spill the beans about Tenjiku and stayed here to be a spy for Toman? Did you let them gangbang you?"
Ran and Rindo both taunted you. You couldn't take it anymore and looked to the ground.
"Cat got your tongue, little sis? Or did you let Mitsuya kiss you?" Ran approached to you in a fearful way.
"Please.... Just drop it already!! " you spoke in a small tone.
"Why did it have to be Mitsuya?" asked Rindo.
"He's the first guy I ever really liked.... I love him!"
"Bold of you to propose a love for a man who's on the team your boyfriend's about to destroy." Izana came up from the behind and grabbed you by the shoulder. He was smiling but you felt the shudders like you always did, this time more than ever.
He placed his face on your head and wrapped you with both of his arms, slithering under your blouse. You felt the sensation of a snake slithering your body, this time one step away from biting you with his poisonous fangs.
"Izana...you never loved me. You always cheated on me and went out with other girls. You sometimes brutally hit me or threw things about me. I was never anything but a toy to you, weren't I? Do you think I would love someone like that?" You slipped out of Izana's arms and backed away from your brothers and Izana.
Izana thought for a moment and smiled cynically.
"Then what was I to you? A dick you couldn't stand but had to fuck because of your brothers who treated you like trash? And you couldn't run away? I've decided. I'm going to crush Toman, and I'm going to destroy Mitsuya."
The battle started and Mitsuya did came even though he was injured. When he met eyes with you, held tightly in Izana's arms, he gave off a complex expression.
In the end, Tenjiku won.
You couldn't hide your hopelessness. You felt like the arm that was holding you was a chain you couldn't cut off.
Izana pulled you into one of the warehouses, and threw you to the ground.
"You have to be punished, y/n. We have to wait for a little bit, the special guest is yet to come." said coldly, as he started to rip your clothes.
You heard a thump, and turned your face only to see a brutally beaten Mitsuya on the ground, dragged by the office members of Tenjiku.
"We have Mitsuya as the guest of this strip show, so you could never think about cheating with another man again."
"y/n...!..." You heard Mitsuya's anguished cry of your name.
"Please don't look Taka-kun..." All you can do was trying to wiggle so you could escape.
"Hey now, the main star can't run~."
"Think twice before running, y/n. If you try, your lame ass Romeo's life are going to go. " the voice of Ran echoed from your right ear, Rindo from the left.
"You admitted you fucked me because you're afraid of your brothers, right? So, fuck with them to get along, it's my duty to fix my girlfriend's family problems, as your real boyfriend."
"Stop...release y/n..." Mitsuya's cries echoed, right after that his painful scream at the officers kicking his back.
"No, Please stop Izana! I'll do anything, anything! Please!! Stop hurting Taka-kun!!! Please!" You screamed in a woeful way, your blouse and skirt torn off, almost bare naked.
"Hmm...No, entertain us like the slut you are." Izana smiled, making it feel like the devil himself was in the warehouse.
From there, you did not remember clearly. You only remembered your brother's vulgar breaths, Mitsuya's anguished cries and pleas, and you screaming.
"Feel better now, princess? Know what you can say to save you?" said izana, as he picked up your face with his hands while crouching himself on the ground.
"Izana... I'm sorry, I was stupid, I...love you." you pleaded. You could not think of anything else that would save Mitsuya.
"What about Mitsuya?" smiled Izana as he taunted you.
"I don't know him...never met him.." you looked him and his eyes and pleaded.
"Well, you heard what she said, Mitsuya. Looks like your Juliet never existed. Take him away, don't you ever get close to y/n again. I think one hit with a gun would be merciful for a execution, don't you think?"
You startled in shock.
"N..No, Izana, please...please..."
"What's wrong, you said you never met him or knew him. It wouldn't hurt right? Let's get you home and clean up, don't ever let me down again, OK?" Izana smiled as he picked you up bridal style, sealing your freedom and your lover's fate.
"...Yes, Izana." you had no choice but to let yourself go in Izana's arms, pretending not to hear the gunshot.
From that day on, Toman and Tenjiku clashed together to only make a gigantic criminal organization in the end, as Izana said.
He kept his promise and married you when you turned 16, giving birth to his child when you turned 17. Your job was to obey Izana's every command, sitting pretty looking like a porcelain doll for people to gaze and awe over.
Romeo had been long dead outside the warehouse many years ago, Juliet made into a doll for her master, carrying a boy who possessed all of his father's genes both inside and outside and none of yours.
You could not think, and you could not speak. Your heart had been dead and killed long ago in that warehouse along with Romeo.
If only... was all you could dream. If only. If only. That was your only thought as you stepped in the large bathtub full of lukewarm water. As you felt yourself sinking hearing the distant voice of the baby boy's voice crying, you begin to see him. Your Romeo's handsome smile, his sweet voice, his body. You ran up to him and embraced him, which he did the same smiling with all his might.
"I love you, Taka-kun."
"I love you,y/n."
You had managed to meet Mitsuya again, this time without any obstacles. As you kissed him and he kissed you back in the underwater heaven's palace, you felt happiness for the first time in your life.
"Romeo and Juliet...they do get their happy ever after, don't you think so Taka-kun?"
"I do y/n.....you're finally mine where no one will take you away."
"I won't go away. I'll stay with you forever."
As the two looked at each other and smiled, you said the same words together.
"" Till Death do us part.""
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braxien12 · 1 year
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~ Izana Kurokawa x Reader
~ A/N: was my first time writing for Izana. I wrote it as a present for a friend who loves Izana so I was like why not give it a shot.
♠️ ♠️
The streets were littered with layers of ankle high snow and obnoxious couples. Every block, every restaurant, every shop was packed with them as Izana walked back home from the Tenjiku hideout.
It made him feel bitter and so, so lonely. Because while he was here, his baby was miles away, working instead of spending the holiday with him.
He was okay for the first week. Work kept him busy. But it was one night when he got home from a long day of handling some bad deals, he sat down on their shared bed that her absence really hit him.
He realized how much her presence calmed his erratic moods,and how her soft snores would be the gentle lullaby that lulled him to sleep. Her warmth was gone from her side of the bed.
And now it's Christmas and he's sleep deprived, bitter and lonely, unlike these couples he's seeing on the streets.
His fingers are itching for his gun and itching to pull the trigger and emptying the barrel on the next couple he sees holding hands.
He wanted to go home, but was it really home if she wasn't there. 
When he got home he instantly knew something was wrong. He's absolutely sure he turned all the lights off before he left two days ago, and he didn't hire anyone to come over while he was away to feed the fish. They had an automatic feeder.
He readied his pistol, switching it off of safety. 
He kicked open the front door and drew his pistol, then stopped at the amazing and unbelievable sight.
The living room, which had been dark and boring, was lit with clear string lights, casting a warm golden glow in the living room. Underneath the string of lights was a small dinner table draped with a red tablecloth draped over it. On it, a green Christmas tree, wrapped with lights, blue ball ornaments, and beautiful red origami cranes with a red and black sensu as the tree topper. A KFC dinner was plated and still hot on the table as well.
There was humming coming from the kitchen.
And then she came out, carrying a big kurisumasu keki with two spoons sitting innocently on the plate.
"Oh, you're home, 'zana." 
She barely had time to center her hold on the cake before he rushed her into the tightest hug he could muster. He even lifted her a bit off the ground as he nuzzled his head into the crock of her neck, wanting to be surrounded by her scent and her warmth. Her resulting laugh was the best music he's heard all month.
"I missed you too, 'zana. Merri Kurisumasu."
And there was the smile he's been missing and yearning after for a long, excruciating month.
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oddshroom · 2 years
Hiii, can i request how tr men will help the reader to relieve sore breast cause of pms? Thank u! <3
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A/N: Hi, I’m sorry this took so long I had gotten a bit busy, if you’re still here anon again I’m sorry about the wait!
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Characters: Manjiro ‘Mikey’ Sano, Mitsuya Takashi, Baji Keisuke, Rindou Haitani, Kakucho Hitto, Izana Kurokawa, Kazutora Hanemiya
Summary: Helping s/o relieve sore breast due to premenstrual syndrome
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♥︎ Manjiro ‘Mikey’ Sano
He wouldn’t know what pms is until you explain it to him
Would get Draken to do research with him even though it’s just Draken who did the entire research
Goes to the store in order to buy you ibuprofen and a hot compress in order to reduce and relive any pain you might experience due to sore breasts
Would give you light head-pats as you sleep
If you both were out in public he’d let you lean on him whenever you need to
Makes sure that you visit his house so Emma can also help you out since she would know more on how to help you out, that way he can learn and understand how to make sure things are more comfortable for you next time
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♥︎ Mitsuya Takashi
Would definitely do a lot of research on pms and how to help sore breasts
Makes some comfortable clothing for you as well as making sure you wear a supportive bra
If you drink coffe, energy drinks, soda, and tea
He would reduce the amount of intake you have including on certain food that might have too much salt in them
Since eating less salt can reduce the water retention
Will buy ice packs and heating pads and pain pills
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♥︎ Baji Keisuke
He at least has some sort of clue on what pms is considering the fact he studies a lot inside of school, so it wasn’t a surprise when stumbled across a book in the library that mentioned what pms is
Makes sure to note down ways to relieve sore breasts
Buys you pain pills and some hot & cold compress
Definitely got help from his mom to help you out, such as bringing you food that she cooked making sure you get the nutrients you need
Baji will make sure you drink mostly water than anything else
More gentle with you, and holds you a little closer than usual especially when you’re sleeping
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♥︎ Rindou Haitani
Absolutely more caring, he knows what he’s doing when you mention having sore breasts
Gives you looser clothing as well as a supportive bra while providing you with ibuprofens and hot & cold compress
Makes sure you’re eating food that has less salt including the fact you’re also drinking more water
Would let you lean in on him a lot all while he gives you back rubs
Mentioning rubs, he gives you massages while you’re asleep in order for you to sleep a bit more comfortably
Since it’s canon he owns a pc as well as a lot of cds, you get to lay on him while listening to music or watching movies
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♥︎ Kakucho Hitto
He’s there as soon as you call him
Would prevent you from eating anything that makes your breasts more sore that they already are
Read somewhere that regular exercise can help
Also gives you a massage and applies hot & cold compress on your breasts
Always has a bottle of water and snacks on him
Makes sure you’re taking breaks and getting rests
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♥︎ Izana Kurokawa
He had to ask Kakucho for advice on what to do in order to help you
Got you a supportive bra as well as a compress for you
Cut down any sort of caffeine intake
Probably got a little bit more clingier since he doesn’t like the fact that your sore breasts are putting you through pain
Made sure that you were eating a bit healthier and drinking more water
Helps you out with things around the house to make your suffering lesser
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♥︎ Kazutora Hanemiya
Tries his best to make sure you’re comfortable
Checks up on you, seeing if you need anything
Already did the basics of get you a compress and pills
Takes you out to the pet shop that him, Chifuyu, and Baji own so you can play with some of the animals there
Doesn’t let you do any heavy-lifting but laying down and relaxing while he takes care of anything that might be too much for you
Spoons you from the back giving him easy access to your front, that way it can be more comfortable as well as him having the ability to massage you whenever you need him to
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|Started| 1:45 a.m
|Finished| 1:34 a.m
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