#its so much fun and makes me incredibly happy while im listening to it
heres-someart · 1 year
If you follow @monstrousagonies , you may know the anon who just finished season one. Well that's me and I, while listening to season 2, doodled what I imagine The Presenter to look like!
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ID under cut!
It is a page of traditional drawings of The Presenter from Monstrous Agonies.
On the left of the page, The Presenter stands facing the viewer. They wear black dress pants, a white dress shirt, and have an overcoat draped over their shoulders. Their hair is dark and cloud-like and their pants fade to similar cloud-like-ness.
On the top right of the page, we see The Presenters hands. They are pitch black and have cloud-like strands coming off of them. They are holding the second letter from Episode 4.
Underneath the hands is The Presenter's face. They have white eyes and a featureless face. Their hair is cloud-like.
In the bottom middle of the page, is The Presenter's hand holding a microphone.
To the right of the microphone-holding hand is the words "The Presenter" and "Monstrous Agonies".
To the right of The Presenter standing and above their face is the artist's signature: heres.someart
/End ID]
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mysacredmuse · 3 months
hihi so i saw your bio and i have to say that i’m also currently obsessed w aventurine 🙈 can i ask smth abt him, one with the good ole jealousy trope + IPC reader, in which he ends up realizing his feelings that way.
Maybe it can be when the both of them were in penacony and reader gets close with the Express, or maybe one with the reader fawning over robin nd sunday🤭 maybe even people in general showing a bit too much interest in reader. However, any scenario you’ll think works best is completely fine, im happy with anything🩷 !! lots of love:)
hello my dear !! we are all obsessed with him, it seems :3 also of course !! I added a bit of everything you mentioned in the mix just for funsies :3 <3 I hope that you will enjoy it :) lots & lots of love for you, my dear !!! <3
this is a bit long...I hope you don't mind 😅 also, I kinda imagine Aventurine to shut down when he is jealous, especially if it's before a relationship. Either way, I hope this will satisfy you :)
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oblivious idiots in love who can't communicate, reader is kind <3 but a bit impatient and spiteful at a few moments, fan behavior towards robin from march and the reader, jealous aventurine, snappy aventurine, gender neutral reader, no usage of y/n, fluff ! :) perhaps a pinch of angst..?, but mostly lighthearted :3
dividers by @/saradika-graphics :)
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Being Aventurine's subordinate had its bad sides and good sides. Bad sides were his irresponsibility at times that left you overworked, but paid quite well. However, one of the benefits was an already paid trip to the Penacony!
You were very excited given that Penacony was a Dreamland filled with amazing ways to have fun and enjoy yourself. 
"I haven't seen you this happy in a while." Aventurine notes in a soft tone as you run up to him, dragging your, beyond huge, suitcase behind you.
"Of course I am happy! I finally get to have a paid vacation, it's been years!" you emphasize as Aventurine takes your suitcase, neatly packing in the back of a trunk of a rather fancy car he ordered.
"Thank you for indirectly telling me that I am a horrible boss." he chuckles as he closes the trunk, slightly readjusting his sleeves afterwards.
"You became my boss only a couple of months ago, so I am not calling you horrible. If anything, you are my favorite!" you say happily as you check if you packed everything in your bag.
Aventurine's gaze softens, there was something odd, yet warm around his heart anytime you'd make a comment like that.
"But I am mostly excited to personally witness Robin's concert! It's going to be incredible, I already got the tickets. She is sososo pretty, it's going to be amazing!" you speak in a happy tone as you show him the two tickets, a smile spreading across your face.
Something stings.
"Ah..well.., we are still going there to work, don't forget that. Job comes first, entertainment second." he states in a firmer tone, slightly crossing his arms.
"Am I hearing that right? Aventurine wants to take the job seriously? We will see how much of that attitude you keep once we hit the casinos." you chuckle as you close up your bag.
Aventurine scoffs, a soft smile appearing on his face as he opens the car door for you, gesturing you to go inside. You nod in silent gratitude as you move a bit so he can enter.
The car ride is more fun than you anticipated. You keep showing Aventurine all the locations you want to visit, all the cool attractions and read the reviews of the hotel. Aventurine seems to be in good spirits as well, listening to you intently and enjoying the ride himself.
Couple of hours pass and you finally arrive at Penacony. It's even bigger and more luxurious than you thought! Good thing that Aventurine is paying for this. 
You enter the hotel lobby, your expression adored in pure awe as you enjoy the beautiful details and huge space. There is some commotion at the reception which catches your attention. It catches Aventurine's attention as well it seems from the serious look he gives you. Both of you walk towards the reception, seeing a couple of people having a discussion with the lobby staff.
"So, because we couldn't arrange it months prior due to her not being on the Express, now she can't come with us?" a red-haired woman speaks, evidently annoyed. However, you notice softness, silkiness in her tone regardless.
"That's what it seems to have happened. We apologize for not notifying you in advance." a polite lady bows down, remaining still for a few moments.
"Now what?!" a pink-haired girl asks in a semi-pitchy tone, her disappointment making your heart soft. You hesitate whether to join the conversation or not, but you think about what if this happened with Aventurine and you. You would want someone to step in, so you try to subside your worries.
"Excuse me.." you say softly, making your way closer to the group. Aventurine gives you an odd look, following right behind you.
"Is sharing rooms not possible here?" you question in a gentle tone, trying not to cause more commotion.
"Not exactly. All of their rooms are for one person only, but it would also be rather troublesome trying to enter the Dreamscape from one bath." the polite staff replies, straightening herself as she looks at you.
You give Aventurine a worried look before you speak up again.
"Can she use my room by any chance?"
"That's kind, however what are you going to do then?" an older gentleman asks you with slight worry in his tone.
"My room is big enough for the two of us, so perhaps we can schedule it when it comes to entering the Dreamscape." you shrug, gazing at Aventurine. He sighs, slowly moving in front of you.
"That won't be necessary. You can be in my room, I just won't enter the Dreamscape. Not that I need it anyway." Aventurine shrugs, a slight boredom in his tone.
"Two people sharing a room that is meant for one is strictly-"
"Please." Aventurine deadpans, slowly urging the staff to move to the side with him. You can't hear their conversation, but it's not that it matters at the moment.
"I am March by the way! This is Himeko and this is Mr Welt Yang!" a pink-haired girl happily approaches you, extending her arm for a handshake. You take her hand, smiling softly.
"And this is Stelle, the one you wanted to give your room to. We are from the Astral Express!" 
Stelle nods, smiling at you and you nod back. You introduce yourself, slightly bowing while doing so.
"The Nameless? To think I'd run into you here. By the way, I am from the IPC and that's my boss, Aventurine. He is a bit much at the times, but he means well." you chuckle as you point at Aventurine, receiving soft smiles from your new friends.
"It's settled, you will be sharing the room with me while she gets your room." Aventurine states as he comes back, earning a big hug of yours. 
"Thank you so much!" you say in an upbeat tone before slowly pulling away from him.
Odd feeling again rushes through Aventurine's body.
"Ah, you are not the one who needs to express gratitude." he says in a semi-playful tone as he gazes at the Trailblazers.
"Thank you very much. We would like to express our gratitude by inviting you to go out with us!" March says enthusiastically and you nod.
"That would be lovely, right Aventurine?" you give him a soft expression and he sighs before he nods as well.
"I suppose we could. It's not every day that you get to indulge with the Nameless." he says in a lighthearted tone and you give him a sweet smile.
"It's settled then!"
Unfortunately, Himeko and Welt had some other plans, so only March, Stelle, Aventurine and you were able to go and explore the city. 
"Also, are you two a couple?" March tilts her head, earning an elbow hit from Stelle. She yelps loudly without a shame which makes you chuckle.
"No, we aren't." you shake your head.
Truthfully, you would never even try to pursue Aventurine given the differences in your positions. Plus, it's not like he had feelings for you or anything, but it was all a nice dream.
"Oh, makes sense." March nods as she thinks about it for a moment.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Aventurine interrupts, his tone holding an offended note to it.
"Oh, no! I mean, it makes sense that the two of you weren't sharing a room already. You know?" she asks shyly, nervousness washing over her.
"Ah, I thought you were implying something else." Aventurine relaxes, nodding slowly.
"See? It seems that you aren't way out of my league!" you laugh as you give him a small wink.
Weird feeling.
Your walk continues and you mostly indulge in a conversation with Stelle. She is a sweet girl, a bit weird, but overall nice. She keeps talking about her missions as a nameless, while also giving you compliments from time to time. 
"She is usually the silent one..what happened to your stoic behavior Stelle?" March teases her, giving her a playful smile.
Stelle's cheeks get a rose shade as her eyes widen at March.
"And you are usually the super talkative one! What...or rather who made you so shy?" she quickly teases back, earning a laugh from you while March lets out noises of nervousness...at least you think that's what it is. Aventurine was fairly silent the whole time, but now he finally speaks up.
"As much as this is fun, we need to head back. We have some business and meetings to attend to." he gestures to you to come closer to him and you do.
"Oh, okay. I will see you later?" you ask, softness in your tone. March opens her mouth to say something, but suddenly an excited scream escapes her throat as she looks somewhere behind you.
"Is that Robin?! The star Robin?!"
"Where?!" you exclaim loudly as you turn your head, quickly noticing her. You panic as March quickly comes up to you, holding your hands and squeezing them tightly.
"Are you also a fan of hers?!" she asks with an evident excitement and you nod, giving her equal excitement back.
"Oh aeons! Should we go and say hello?!" March almost jumps from excitement, her grip on your hands tightening.
Aventurine and Stelle just stare at the two of you with disinterested gazes, even awkwardly.
"I don't know! Wouldn't that be creepy? Plus, she seems busy!" you say a bit more loud than you anticipated, only to hear a silky tone behind your back.
"Never busy enough for my dear fans!" Robin chuckles softly as she puts her hand on your shoulder.
"Oh, especially not if they are this attractive." she gives you a soft smile, her eyes glistening with genuine glow.
"She is touching you..!" March whispers in a panicky manner and you freeze. 
"Can we.., uh.., take a picture with you?" you ask nervously and she nods, gently caressing your back. You quickly, yet clumsily take out your phone and the three of you pose for the picture. You take a couple, your hand a bit shaky from excitement.
"What is a grand star like you doing here alone anyways?" Aventurine asks in a firm tone as he crosses his arms and the three of you turn around. You give him a serious look, urging him to be polite.
"Oh, I am not alone. I am waiting for my brother, we have some special guests to welcome." she replies kindly which makes your heart calmer.
"I am so sorry for his behavior, miss Robin." you bow down a bit, your tone genuinely apologetic.
"Don't mention it! It's nothing. Oh-!" her voice switches from soft to a surprised one as a man, who seems to be her brother, approaches the crowd you made. 
"I told you not to go too far, people are starting to notice you." he sighs, putting a hand on his hip.
"It's okay! If I hadn't, I wouldn't have met my biggest fans. Aren't they cute, Sunday?" she giggles as she wraps her arms around his arm, smiling at March and you afterwards. 
"A sight for sore eyes, indeed. Excuse my behavior, but there are a lot of fans who are...overbearing at times. I have to keep my little sister safe, I hope you can forgive me." he talks calmly and you can't help but enjoy his elegance. 
"It's perfectly okay, we understand!" March exclaims happily and you nod.
"It's not a problem." you confirm, eyes fixated on the two of them. Both are so damn beautiful.
"Oh? You arrived too, Aventurine." Sunday notes in a calm tone.
"I have, but unfortunately I have to cut this meeting short as we have business to attend to." he emphasizes in a slightly annoyed tone, gazing at you firmly as he grips your biceps.
Your expression turns into a panicky one for a moment as you let go of March, making your way next to Aventurine rather quickly.
"I hope that I will see you around soon." Sunday smiles warmly at you and you smile back, while Aventurine keeps poker face, not really expressing anything anymore.
"Me too! Make sure to come to my concert, cuties! You will get VIP seats." Robin blows you and March a kiss, giving a soft wink. You swallow, slightly nervous from Robin's rather intense presence. 
"I already have the tickets." you reply shyly, taking the tickets out of your bag.
"So, I will see you there." Robin smiles, her tone relaxing you.
"So do I! Uh..uh.., where did I put them..?" March trails off as she clumsily searches her clothes.
"Stelle, did you take them? Because if you did, I swear-!"
"No, I didn't. Maybe you left them in the room?" she tilts her head, more calm than you would've been.
"No, I kept it in this pocket! Oh no..-, I lost my ticket." March sighs, her tone pitiful.
"I mean, that's what you get for keeping it in such a tiny pocket." Stelle shrugs, not giving her friend much empathy.
"You are so mean!" 
Aventurine grows impatient, lightly tapping his foot on the ground. You want to leave, but you hear your name being called.
"You have two tickets, right?" Sunday asks, slightly pointing at you.
"Uh...I do, but.."
The other one was for Aventurine. He didn't know that, it was supposed to be a surprise.
March gives you a pleading expression and you crumble on the spot, taking your ticket out of your bag. You give it to her and she jumps from excitement, hugging you tightly.
"You are the best! Thank you!" she exclaims in your ear and you notice Robin and Sunday smiling softly.
"Sure.., but we really have to go now. I will see you guys later." you slowly lean away from March, waving at all of them as Aventurine and you finally go your own way.
The walk is silent. Awfully silent. You walk behind Aventurine, hesitant to say anything. There is a lingering nervousness inside your tummy, even though you didn't do anything wrong. He didn't know the ticket was for him anyways. As your mind overflows in worries, Aventurine's voice brings you to reality.
"You wanted to give them a room, now you gave them your ticket, what's next?" he finally asks, not turning to look at you.
He doesn't understand his behavior or the reason behind his annoyance. You were always kind and helpful which is why he enjoyed your presence. He can't pinpoint the cause of this stinging feeling in his stomach. It's not like the two of you are a couple or something.
"Nothing "is next". I tried to help them." you reply in a defensive tone, but still feeling guilty for no apparent reason. 
It's not like the two of you are a couple or something.
"Whatever you say. We will have a meeting with Sunday this evening, try not to drool as hard as you did just now." he continues in a cold tone, still not looking at you. If anything, he walks faster and you try to keep up.
"I wasn't drooling! Plus, aren't you the one who mentioned that he is "the most handsome man on Penacony"? you imitate his tone from months ago. That was when he announced the trip to you and was walking you through the people you'll be meeting.
"I never said I didn't, but I wasn't the one who was unprofessionally drooling all over him and his sister." he shrugs as he keeps walking quickly, making it a bit harder for you to keep up.
"Well, excuse me for acting accordingly upon seeing the most beautiful man and woman I have ever seen!" you state loudly, for some reason your heart drops to your stomach. You felt as if you wanted to hurt Aventurine, to spite him due to your own feelings.
Ouch. Something in Aventurine snaps for a moment.
He quickly stops, turning to face you.
"And excuse me for not being a better wingman. Tonight I will go to the casino by myself and you can have some alone time with the most beautiful man you have ever seen." he states in a borderline angry tone, his expression difficult to read regardless.
"Of course if that's enough for you since the most beautiful woman you've seen will be busy, unfortunately." he continues in a petty tone before he turns to continue walking.
"What is your problem?!" you ask loudly, but he remains silent, still walking further away from you. You run up to him in order to catch up, however still not receiving a response. You continue walking alongside him, silently and with a very low mood for the rest of the day.
Business meetings go semi-okay as the two of you are unable to really communicate properly. There is a lot of tension which leads to unnecessary bickering, but somehow you finish up everything in a beneficial way for the IPC.
Aventurine is still cold, awfully distant which makes you even more nervous as you make your way to the last meeting. The Sunday meeting. 
He welcomes you in an elegant manner, but you can't shake off the jittery feeling out of your body. It's hard to concentrate, especially because Aventurine keeps up the passive-aggression towards the both of you. Sunday focuses more on talking to you and you welcome it kindly, earning dirty looks from Aventurine. 
Sunday is quite a pleasant man, but he could never be Aventurine.
As the meeting reaches its end, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, too much tension finally getting to you. You try to calm yourself down, not really understanding what's a big deal anymore. You were supposed to come here and have fun, but now you feel like everything you do is utterly wrong and judged by Aventurine. For no apparent reason at all.
The only thing that comes to mind is that, perhaps, he realized the other ticket was for him, so he got mad when you gave it to March. It would be too late and too impolite to ask for it back, so you just swallow the guilt, making a new choice. You go back to the two men waiting for you to wrap up the meeting, still feeling a bit nervous.
"I will be taking my leave now." Aventurine slightly nods, crossing his arms for a moment before he walks away, not saying anything further. You want to reach for him, but Sunday's voice takes your attention away.
"Your boss told me that you admire me quite a lot which makes me quite flattered." he bows down, soft smile on his face.
"Now, that the business is over, would you be interested in having dinner with me, by any chance?" he asks in a silky tone, extending his arm to you. 
That idiot.
You think about it for a moment, biting down on your bottom lip as you watch Aventurine leave. He turns around for a moment, giving you a gaze that you couldn't quite read before he exits the room.
"Thank you, Mr Sunday, I truly appreciate the offer.., but I have some other things to finish." you bow down in an apologetic manner.
"That's quite alright. If anything, I expected that." he nods with a soft smile on his face. You give him a puzzled expression and he just points at the direction where Aventurine took his leave. You widen your eyes at him, soft warmth spreading inside your tummy.
"I shall excuse myself then." you bow down again and Sunday nods, watching you leave the room. You are aware that Aventurine went to a casino, but you decide to go to your shared room. He should blow off some steam and you could use some alone time too. You finally reach the room, swiftly dropping on the sofa. A loud sigh escapes your lung as you quickly take out the ticket out of your purse, gazing over it for a moment. 
If that's really the issue, screw the concert. 
You think to yourself as you rip the ticket apart, leaving its pieces on the table in front of you. Now, all you have to do is wait to confront Aventurine. However, your nerves won't remain still as you keep checking your phone for any message of his.
To your misfortune, none arrive. You try to indulge yourself in reading and catching up to some IPC workers, specifically Topaz, in hopes for the time to fly faster.
Hours pass and you find yourself getting tired. 
Perhaps he won't even sleep here tonight. 
You slowly lean your head back in the chair, letting your eyes close for a few moments as the tiredness washes over you. You have no idea when, but you doze off, having some sweet dream.
The door opens rather abruptly which makes you jump out of the chair. You see Aventurine who gives you a puzzled expression.
"Already back from your date?" he asks in a semi-petty tone, closing the door behind him.
"I didn't go." you say sleepily, slowly straightening yourself in the chair.
"Oh? Why? Did Robin catch your eye more? I can get that done for you as-"
"Aventurine." you cut him off coldly as you stand up to face him. He gazes to the table, noticing the pieces of the ticket.
"I don't know what your exact issue is, but I am sorry." you say softly, barely looking at him.
"You're sorry? What for?" he almost chuckles as he stands in front of you.
"I don't know!" you exclaim in slight annoyance, mind racing with thoughts.
"Did I irritate you that much that you had to rip off the ticket?" he tilts his head, gazing at the pieces.
"No.., that…" you trail off, sighing.
"I ripped it off because I thought you were mad that I gave March your ticket!" you admit, your confusion about the whole situation and even your own logic growing more expressive and loud.
"My ticket?" he tilts his head again, evidently confused as well now.
"Well yeah. I got two tickets for the two of us. It was supposed to be a surprise, but I thought you figured it out when I showed it to you this morning." you shrug, slightly playing with your fingers to calm down your nerves.
"I didn't. I thought you got two in case you lost one." he replies in a regular tone.
You remain silent.
"So, you thought that ripping the ticket would do...what exactly?" he finally speaks, tone a bit softer as he realizes.
"Make you not be mad at me for whatever reason!" you finally look at him, eyes filled with distress and tiredness.
Aventurine's expression softens as he slowly comes closer to you. He cups your cheek, making your body freeze, yet grow insanely hot within seconds. He rubs gentle circles in your cheek using his thumb, eyes lovingly observing your features.
"You are an idiot." he states bluntly, earning an offended gaze from you.
"I am an idiot." he corrects, chuckling a bit at your reaction.
"I wasn't mad at you, I was selfish." he sighs, swallowing his pride.
"Huh?" you tilt your head, slightly leaning more into his touch.
"I was selfish because...I have feelings..-"
"We all have feelings, Aventurine. Spit it out already!" you exclaim as your nerves get better of you. He pauses for a moment, face a bit more serious.
"For you, in particular." he says slowly, letting his words linger between the two of you for a few moments. An intense warmth spreads through your body, your brain still not connecting all the dots.
"So, I was being selfish by expecting from you to only have eyes for me today and despised the fact that other people were getting your attention..and compliments." he finishes up, slowly leaning away from you.
"I will get you a new ticket for the concert-"
A sudden warmth rushes through you, as this you wished for this moment for quite some time; your hands cupping his cheeks as you press your lips onto his.
He doesn't miss a beat, arms wrapping around your waist as he pulls you closer to him; his tongue finding yours as the kiss grows more needy and passionate. You slide your arms to his neck, tightly wrapping them as you suck his bottom lip between your lips, letting your tongue slide over it. He does the same to your upper lip, his arms tightening around you. The kiss becomes more desperate, soft whimpers escaping both of your throats and getting muffled by the kiss. Aventurine pulls away, slightly breathless.
"I am sorry for being an idiot.., but I just want you all for myself. If I realized sooner, you'd be mine a long time ago and none of this would've happened." he says with a pinch of desperation in his tone, slowly pulling you even closer.
"Don't worry, we all get jealous sometimes." you tease, soft chuckle following as you give him a soft kiss.
"I wasn't exactly jealous-" he tries to explain himself, but you shush him with another long, passionate kiss. Your body fills up with warmth as Aventurine deepens the kiss, his neediness breaking through each second. He pulls away for just a moment, breathing heavily as he speaks.
"Do you still think Sunday is the most handsome man on Penacony?" he asks breathlessly before he continues kissing you. You chuckle before you pull away for a moment, whispering softly.
"Let's not talk about that." you say playfully, pulling him closer to you.
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fairyhaos · 9 months
seventeen as seventeen songs
requested by @nishloves
notes: honestly this was hard to do 😭 i kept thinking about songs that are most iconic for that member rather than which song they fit, but hopefully it's still somewhat accurate <3
[the spotify playlist with these songs in too]
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clap. if there's any song that screams "i'm the leader of seventeen and we're better than any of your lazy asses", then it's clap. it's also such an iconic song, and the hypeness and brightness and the coolness and suaveness it radiates all at once is very very seungcheol, if you ask me. it also doesn't hurt that he looked so so good with his silver hair in the mv.
snap shoot. okay, this one sounds really unusual, but hear me out. snap shoot gives encore song vibes, goodbye song but not quite goodbye, "today was fun and i hope to see you soon" vibes. it's like standing back and watching everyone have fun because of something that you did. it's being happy n having fun by seeing that you made others have fun. and that's jeonghan.
falling for u. it's such a delicate song, all polite and sweet and delicate and therefore it's just very very much joshua. the youthful, almost playful edge to the melody reminds me of him, along with the kind of naive, "you're so pretty so i fell in love" kind of loving that the song feels like makes me think of josh. also a bonus that he has tons of lines in this song, since it's just a duet w him and jeonghan haha
my my. the hope!! the sweetness!! the little funky music in the intro that adorably reminds me of junhui's voice!! it's all just so him. the way this song just encapsulates feelings of youth and life and being forever young and forever going towards your dreams... that never-failing optimism is so junhui it almost hurts
hit. if you don't think the constant "woah woah woah woah woah"s and "let me drop the 음악" aren't the most hoshi things ever then idk what you're on, man. it's hype, it's powerful, it's "im better than you and even you know it" and so cocky but also so True that you can't even refute it. it's about always doing better, always going further, and that's just so hoshi.
lean on me. jazzy, chill, dependable vibes are a very very wonwoo thing, actually, and that's what this entire song is about. it's laid back, and yet loving at the same time, caring and comfortable and ready to be by your side. it feels like a song you'd listen to while on a walk with him at night, his camera up to his eyes, his hand wrapped around yours.
247. it's romantic, but also a little wistful at the same time? elegant, yet nostalgic, thoughtful and sweet and like dancing across a glass lake. it's what woozi feels like, with his intelligence and how delicately he feels things. to be honest, a lot of the ballad-style, romantic earlier songs of svt fit him rlly well, but 247 even more so
hit song. it's a smooth feeling song, like running a cloth over a black marble countertop. honestly, finding a minghao vibe song is really hard for me, but some of their gentler songs seem to fit him, full of devoted, almost shy love that feels very minghao to me. that devotion, that softness and yet the determination also present feels like him
boomboom. purely based on the vibes of the song tbh, and the prominent drums and chromaticism of the melody feel like mingyu, along with the brass accents and the confidence and coolness is just all so very very there that it makes me think of mingyu practically almost instantly.
kidult. not only because his vocals in this song are both iconic and utterly incredible, but even its message is very dokyeom. it encapsulates his innate urge to help people, to heal people, to make sure they smile and that they know they're loved. it's a precious song, and a song about letting others know they're precious, and has me crying and smiling, just like dokyeom does.
'bout you. it's a devastatingly romantic song, like a simple, easy love. it's like the type of love with zero complications, just full of two people laughing and running through fields hand in hand and hearts full of love for one another. the entire song feels so fresh, almost citrusy, and never ever fails to bring a smile to my face. just like seungkwan, actually.
crush. im gonna be real with u i have no idea how to explain this one but yeah. crush gives me vernon vibes and idk, maybe it's the funky vibes of the song with its mild chromaticism that give me a vernon feeling, but yeah. vernon is crush. (maybe it's because that's what i have on him-)
domino. it's a light song, like floating but not quite. almost as if bouncing on your feet in midair, leaping across clouds which just gives me chan vibes. it also gives me movie ending credits song vibes after a bright, high school-set rom com learning-to-grow kind of movie which is very very chan in my opinion
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reactions tags: @jeonginssa @magicaltonaru @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @turningcarat @zarara @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @iheartyujin @summery-bat @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @ejspencer14 @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @saythename-chess @yonabutnotyuna @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @sunshinekyeom-sang @ocyeanicc @zozojella @thesmellofcoffeeandrain @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @nananacomeonnnn @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @hansolaria @gam3bo1z @marisblogg @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @butiluvu @sakufilms
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Danny's Evil Jaunt. It's Evil He Swears. Ignore the Charity pt. 1
Hi! its me again. I saw this prompt thing on @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 and it had me in a choke hold and held me hostage until I wrote it. Its where Danny becomes a supervillain using his machines instead of his ghost powers! Have Fun!
AO3: Here
EDIT: the text color should be fixed now I think let me know if it isn’t
“Hello Daniel,” Clockwork greeted Danny as he entered the Clocktower with wringing hands. The young halfa had been incredibly stressed ever since Dan, hiding any perceived negative emotion in his attempts of the best timeline. An appreciated thought and effort, however more harmful than the boy anticipated. Perhaps he should listen more to that sister of his a bit more.
“Heey Clocky, um I just-”
“You're worried about Dan.”
“Yeah. I was. I just- just want to make sure that things are still looking good y’know!” Danny said, arms flaring out to his sides dramatically. “I’ve been behaving! I haven’t lashed out at anything. Haven’t even pranked Dash or his friends!”
“Daniel,” Clockwork turned from the timeline he was observing.
“What’d I do?” Danny’s eyes filled with palpable panic.
“Nothing. However, suppressing your emotions will do nothing but cause harm to those around you and yourself. Come.” The shifting ghost laid a hand upon Danny’s thin shoulder, and led them to a small table that Danny wasn’t entirely sure was there moments before. There was a small tea set he noticed as the baby Clockwork set Danny in the comfy chair. “However, I think I may have a solution. A way for you to ‘lash out’ as much as your core can handle.” Danny’s eyes glisten in interest; similar to those stars he adores so much. “I will take you to a different realm, similar to your home, and you may concoct as much havoc as you wish. I will pause the time in your home so that you may continue your life as you want. All I ask is that you truly allow yourself to let your emotions run their course, else I worry for the future.” 
“What? Like a rage room? Like the ones that they give you a bat and let you go ham? That sounds cool…” 
“I suppose that is a fair comparison. I won’t allow any consequences to come  to you either. It is supposed to be therapeutic after all. All you must do is let me know and I will give you access to the realm.” Clockwork grinned, blue hands -now old- creaking around the teacup that he filled at some point. 
“You sure nothing  bad will happen? What if I-”
“Nothing of the sort will happen. If you need guidance I and others will be happy to lend you a hand. Though now that I have you here, how are your lessons with Wulf going? Have you successfully made a portal?” Danny perks.
“They're going good! I actually made one to come here. I like how Wulf teaches,” the half-ghost chimes, an airy quality unknowingly weaving its way into his voice. His Espernato is getting better the Keeper of Time notes, enough for it to slip into regular conversation. How nice.
They talk for a while after that.
Danny stares at the small hole in reality, an adult Clockwork stands beside him and takes the first steps forwards.
“Beyond this portal is the realm where you may do as you wish. You may take as long as you like, and the consequences will not apply to you. Again all I wish is for this to be therapeutic. Your sister gave you quite the monologue, didn't she?” The old time piece drones, stepping to the side to allow access to the portal and gestures for Danny to step through. 
On the other side is an open field. The grass is yellowing in the lowering temperatures as the familiar autumn chill flows through them. Clockwork emerges from behind him. 
“We are close to a rather large city, Star City I believe, home to several heroes. You can open portals consistently now yes?”
“Yeah! Thanks again Clocky, this- this means a lot y’know” Danny stammers. 
“Of course Daniel. I am here to guide. Please let me know how you find your visit.” 
“Are you ever gonna call me Danny?” He only gets a small smile before Clockwork floats back into the portal - it closes- and he is left alone.
Danny turns and takes a deep breath in, and starts to think as he heads towards ‘Star City’. What should he even do? He thinks hard before coming to the conclusion that, if he became evil by holding in his emotions, then why couldn’t he just be evil while feeling. Why not let his anger and disappointment and sadness run amok? After all, there are no consequences here! But he doesn’t want to be Phantom, as much as he loves being Phantom, he's so tired of the consent ghost attacks and being shot at by ecto-guns. 
The halfa takes a small break and sits by the dirt road he had been following, maybe it was time for Danny Fenton to do something. He was a Fenton! His parents built a portal to Hell in their basement using household Items, sure he wasn’t as book smart as Jazz or a techie like Tuck, but he could whip up something he's sure!
With newborn vigor Danny sets off again while drawing up his plans. 
A world where he could do anything he wants. The world is a big place. He wonders if Dani would want to visit.
Tag list: I saw that some people wanted to be tagged if anyone wrote something
@amuseofminds @roseinbloom02 @starkcravingmad @little-pondhead
sorry victoria-has-no-secret I can't seem to tag you correctly
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the-togepi-man · 4 days
The boy you (and maybe shawn?) have a crush on
Sure, im a little high and he wont see this since he doesn't use tumblr. Dunno if I'll ever get the chance to tell him all this so
I cant speak for Sean, who I knows really enjoys his company but falls for people a lot slower-
But I think he's a great guy. He's gives off this very aloof vibe, but he's incredibly smart and very sharp with his wit and observations. The first time He, Sean, and I hung out together - those two talked about how they listen to NPR and the Economist in the morning. It was goofy but thats when I first noticed myself getting flustered. He cares about his friends and his relationships very much, as do I. SO while polyamours people don't HAVE to all date each other it's insanely important to me that Sean enjoys their company too
He and Sean also have this rapport and bounce off each other so well that it's just hard to not roll your eyes but get caught up in it. He's got this really cute smile, and when you make a jab at him or catch him off guard his opens his mouth with this goofy smile and his cheeks turn bright red. His eyes also twinkle a little when he gets excited. And even though he doesn't like eye contact, if the conversation is important he maintains it to show how much he's listening. Also after he does his hair - a few hours in to the day the very front of it has one curl that drops down on to his forehead and its adorable as all fuck
He's passionate about the things he's interested in, and even more passionate about staying true to himself. It's very clear that he wants to live his life as who he is, and I think that more people should aspire to do. He puts his passions and his friends first and does his absolute best to make sure he sticks to all the plans he makes with them. When i first asked him to make plans with us, I was thinking "ah yeah he might fade away like everyone else" but then the next day he followed up with plans for a happy hour. When I point out things I am really interested in he asks questions and says "oh we will have to watch that some time" or "or ill have to try that." He and Sean inspire me to try new foods and do new things I normally wouldn't. Sean's helped me grow a lot, but when he and Sean both commit to something I start to see how much I was missing out on
Small break from his personality- he's also SUPER hot. Like just tall, gorgeous, great body, hairy chest, great cuddle buddy, beautiful eyes, comforting smile, and from what I recall a good kisser- among other things.
He has a lot of parts to his personality and every time we hang out I feel like a learn more in a good way. Like every time we hang out it's a new discovery. With that said, he's also not high maintenance. I love going out and doing fun stuff with him and Sean, but I also love that we can just grab some drinks, hop on the couch, cuddle up and watch something together or listen to music together. He puts on songs sometimes that remind me of my childhood and sitting around at my grandparents house listening to my family talk while I fell asleep to the music
That might be the hardest part about not saying all this to him, - but he feels like he really fits right in to place with Sean and I, not like I've ever felt before. And of course I've talked to Sean about all this (Because Sean is the fucking BEST- and someone would have to really be awesome to have an impact on both of us). Anyhow, he just seems like such a wonderful person that we'd both fight the standards of society to have in our lives.
So all in all, I am just glad I can be his friend more than anything. Thanks anon for letting me get this out! It felt good to type it since again, dunno if he will ever get to hear me say it- nor would he need to hear it. He can handle his life on his own- I just hope I get to be a supporting member for the rest of it :)
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desire-mona · 2 months
dps boys (and keating's) favourite songs (aka me projecting because i love music) (also modern au because you cannot limit me to music before 1960 you just cant)
i made a playlist of all these songs in case you wanna give em a listen, you can find it here. if you totally disagree with me or wanna add more then absolutely let me know!
neil: talia - ride the cyclone (the musical)
yes i KNOW it's obvious to choose a song from a musical BUT. ride the cyclone is special, i think he'd really like the lack of an ensemble and enjoy the dark premise despite the comedic nature of a vast majority of the show. also i totally think his favourite performance would be by gus halper bc of the use of the projector. mischa or noel is definitely a dream role of his.
todd: vincent - james blake ('s cover, og by don mclean)
don mcleans lyricism is like catnip to poets and it has gone unacknowledged for far too long. a lyrically gorgeous, vaguely queer sounding song about a tortured artist, covered by someone with an ANGELIC voice. can you name anything more todd? not to mention the piano is so far beyond moving, nothing short of a masterpiece.
charlie: dear prudence - siouxsie and the banshees (again - a cover, og by the beatles)
firm believer that charlie was an avid beatles hater for a WHILE until eleanor rigby grew on him, much to his dismay. is now a casual beatles enjoyer, only due to the fact that their vocals annoy him. so a cover by siouxsie sioux (whom he most definitely has a crush on) is basically a blessing in disguise. loves the instrumentals, loves the vocals, loves all of it. insists that its better than the original and will ultimately die (correct) on that hill.
meeks: love on the line (call now) - her's
as much as i love and adore meeks, i have been loyal to my headcanon that he is an annoying music snob since day one. of course, this culminates in his favourite song being by THE indie pop/rock band that pretentious people love to bring up the death of. he is no exception, any time the band is mentioned he will without fail go "did you know that they died in a car crash?" either way, id be lying if i said this was a bad pick. the upbeat vibe mixed with the actual meaning of the song being about a guy wasting all his money on a sex hotline? it makes the whole song so fun, and thats right up his alley! super danceable too, which plays a huge part.
pitts: bad fruit - jean dawson
will mona ever shut up about jean dawson? signs point to no. anywho, if you've followed along with my pittsie musings then you KNOW that i consider pitts to be the most well versed music guy to ever step on welton academy campus. realistically, im sure his favourite song changes on a day to day basis, but he always comes back to this. jean dawson makes art that ive seen few do similarly, everything he brings to the table i find so incredibly unique and well crafted. definitely pitts' biggest music crush.
cameron: '39 - queen
absolutely, 100%, without a doubt, an extremely guilty pleasure. i take his parents as the type to ban queen in their household (for reasons that im sure youre able to pick up on) but i ALSO take cameron as a sucker for classic rock, match made in hell. of course, since brian may does the vocals on this song instead of freddie, he can listen on the dl and be fine. also, the concept of time travel in music is SO!!! INTERESTING!! would absolutely go on a 10 minute long tangent about the story and meaning of the song, which only mittsie would actually listen to.
knox: lavender buds - MF DOOM
fine, FINE. i'll give knox a proper headcanon, but i wont be happy about it. i think i would listen to MF DOOM a lot more if i was a former bully, but thats not actually based off anything so dont take that as an insult, avid listeners. honestly i dont really have an in depth explanation for this one, just look at the lyrics and youll understand.
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(this repeats 3 times)
i also take him to be a big r&b/ blues enjoyer, also based off nothing at all, so the sample probably appeals to some sense of nostalgia.
keating: clair de lune - claude debussy
yes, even modern keating's fav song would be classical, you can rip that from my cold, dead hands. this song was based off the poem by the same title by paul verlaine, which i'll include because it is just so damn beautiful.
Your soul is a select landscape
Where charming masqueraders and bergamaskers go
Playing the lute and dancing and almost
Sad beneath their fantastic disguises.
All sing in a minor key
Of victorious love and the opportune life,
They do not seem to believe in their happiness
And their song mingles with the moonlight,
With the still moonlight, sad and beautiful,
That sets the birds dreaming in the trees
And the fountains sobbing in ecstasy,
The tall slender fountains among marble statues.
Paul Verlaine, 1869 (originally written in french, so this is a rough english translation)
now the song itself does SUCH a good job at capturing the beauty and moving parts of this poem, and it fits perfectly with a plethora of different emotions. i know without a shadow of a doubt that its his kryptonite. is that me projecting because i love this song and i love keating? absolutely, but i still think its true either way.
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wasyago · 7 months
hi! this is the bunch-a-questions anon. this wont be an ask ask. thank you for answering! it really gives me so much insight about tools and processes, i really enjoy seeing/reading how different artists have different ways in approaching creation of art. it’s all so interesting to me
and oooh i know what you mean about looking at a lot of different artists! it’s inspiration!! i find those things to be amazing too, it’s so cool. it’s like “this spot is inspired by an artist” “this artist draws this like this, so i wanted to try” “i think the way an artist drew this was neat and i wanted to try an implement it” it reminds me of that one post how we, as people, are a mosiac of other people and i believe it to be the same for how artists are too with their art
i feel inspired by the way you draw….. everything!!! it gets me pumped to try and replicate the way you do some things. like the shapes you create, the colors you choose, the way your lineart seems to be so flowy, how dynamic everything feels and how different each drawing you create is from one another (i saw you reblog that meme of like “why shouldnt i draw characters from the waist up and that is SO me, but it’s shoulders up” because drawing full bodies makes mh drawings feel so stiff, i need to practice more!!), the poses of the characters. just.. every aspect of your art is so, so, so nice!!
the way you draw, in all your styles, it’s definitely one of the ones that is such a good scratch to my brain. it gets me all giddy and happy! i’m not sure if i’ll get into jwri, mostly because my attention span will not let me be able sit and focus on listening before i get distracted and miss context on parts, BUT i still go to your blog almost every day just so i can see your art, no matter what it is, no matter who the characters are because it’s always so so good and i love taking it in. (will eat your art if i could, i am so serious)
this was a long one but yeah! i just wanted to let you know how awesome i see your art is! and how i also think youre a cool person, you seem like such a good peep to hang out it! might be weird to say but if you were a blorbo, you would be one of the most blorbiest blorbos to blorbo ever
hope youre having a good day!!
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your explanation of taking inspiration from other artists was so poetic and beautiful! truly inspiring in itself
its okay if you can't get into jrwi, i get it! i didn't think i would get into it as well and after binging all the episodes i honestly forgot why i even started listening in the first place. remembered recently tho! it was because i was going a little crazy while making the picrew and needed some actual talking in the background instead of just music. so, if you ever decide to give it a try, or listen to something else equally as lengthy, try to busy your hands with something that doesn't require a lot of thinking! it helps me at least! worked both with jrwi and tma. it's like, doing something monotonous (knitting, sorting files, cleaning the house, etc) can be incredibly boring if i sit in silence and let my mind wonder. alternatively, listening to something long or watching a long movie can be incredibly boring as well because i struggle to pay attention to the same thing for two hours. but combining these is really good, because it keeps both my mind and hands busy, but not overwhelmingly so!
and ough ough ough thank you again for such heartwarming message! im so happy to hear that you feel inspired by my art, and i wish you good luck in your own art journey!!!!!!! remember to have fun and listen to yourself and do things that you find interesting and that you enjoy! don't force yourself to draw stuff you don't like! all art is personal and individual, so don't be afraid to make things "you"! you don't have to do clean line, you don't have to do lines at all, you don't have to do coloring or shading, if you don't like it! and if you do like it or are excited to try, you should go for it! don't be afraid to change and grow but don't force yourself into it!
also don't foget to stretch before drawing its very important!!!!!!!!!!!!
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thefringespod · 5 months
Happy #AudioDramaSunday wanderers! This was a GREAT week for podcasts and we're gonna start with the public release of @souloperatorpod episode 1. I'm so obsessed with this show already. Tot has done a phenomenal job and I'm ready for this show to break me <3
I finished season 3 of the @thenightpost and my gods the heartbreaking ride this took me on Val and Clem *finally* getting together in the face of the smallest bit of hope but the hope can't last and it makes me cry. Same with Milo and Ashley they were *so close* but it can't last
@tellnotalespod came back this week and episode 1 of the season was *wonderful* and also hurt me so bad. Leo is in their self destructive era and I'm worried for them after only one ep of the season please Leanne just let them be okay they need their friends back
@eelerschoice bloopers were absolutely delightful. Daisy McNamara has apologized for nothing nor should he. She has given us a gift with these bloopers
@woebegonepod continues to astound and also stress me out so much each week its just so fucking good. This week was especially unsettling with things going spooky at every turn gods yall just have to listen to wbg it's so important. Also the song this week? Absolutely gorgeous
New @somewhereohio was a mix of making me laugh and squeezing my heart til it popped. Sterling and Green make me feel so many emotions and all of them end up hurting me. Also im obsessed with Orange and yes I'm biased because it's Cody Heath but I'm RIGHT they're spectacular
The Grotto had their midseason finale this week and it hurt me SO BAD!!! Athan is doing incredible things with this show and it is going to break me. If yall aren't listening to The Grotto you GOTTA the first 4 eps are out now and you'll be blown away I swear
@thesiltverses came back swinging in the most spectacular way. I adore how this show utilizes religion and the different sides of it we see. I'm also incredibly worried about both Val and Paige. Val fascinates and will do terrible things while terrible things will happen to Paige
The @kingmakerpod also came back this week and everyone's favorite wet cat Leonid is back and being just as pathetic as usual. I laughed, I gasped, I wondered if the show would just let Leonid die. The Kingmaker Histories is so wonderful and fun and everyone should listen
Once I finished The Night Post, I started my next long-term listen which is The Storage Papers! I'm 10 episodes in and absolutely adoring it Jeremy Enfinger is an excellent narrator and the story has been incredibly captivating I can't wait to dive further in
Here on the Fringes we released episode 18! This serves as our midseason finale and new episodes will resume on February 7 for the public and February 4 for patrons at patreon.com/PineTreePods
And over on @forgedbondspod I've written the first arc and a half! Im enjoying writing this show so much and can't wait for my brilliant cast to absolutely destroy me with there performances because I already know they're gonna destroy me <3
That's all for this week!! There will be a very special feed drop coming up this week and I've got some bloopers for the first half of the season in the works so look out for those coming soon!
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raspberrysmoon · 10 months
day 11 of @rtcshipweeks !! THE lovers ever tbh
pre-canon ship: mischalia! possibly another sort of sad one? fully canon compliant so :)
monday, september 14, 2009
[3:03 pm] my mischa <3- i hate buses
[3:04 pm] darling talia <3- :(
[3:04 pm] darling talia <3- are you on your way to the competition?
[3:04 pm] my mischa <3- yeah
[3:05 pm] my mischa <3- unfortunately
[3:05 pm] my mischa <3- stupid ocean is yelling at us like we're listening
[3:06 pm] darling talia <3- she seems..
[3:06 pm] darling talia <3- interesting
[3:07 pm] my mischa <3- thats one way to say it
[3:08 pm] my mischa <3- she doesn't have a bad voice but shes so annoying
[3:09 pm] my mischa <3- she grabs rickys crutches and wheelchair randomly and its starting to seriously get on my nerves
[3:10 pm] darling talia <3- thats awful oh my gosh
[3:10 pm] darling talia <3- honestly i'm surprised you've lasted this long, love
[3:10 pm] darling talia <3- youre usually so fiery, i can see you snapping at her for something much smaller than that
[3:11 pm] my mischa <3- school rules.
[3:11 pm] my mischa <3- she would be halfway to austrailia if i had a say in it
[3:12 pm] darling talia <3- lol, of course
[4:15 pm] my mischa <3- finally here and setting up
[4:16 pm] my mischa <3- ocean continues to be annoying asf
[4:16 pm] darling talia <3- lol, how awful is she being?
[4:17 pm] my mischa <3- trying to make us warm up while we set up mics
[4:18 pm] my mischa <3- i think noel is about to bite her head off
[4:18 pm] darling talia <3- would you film it for me? she seems to have it coming lol
[4:19 pm] my mischa <3- always my love <3
[5:18 pm] my mischa <3- oh my god
[5:18 pm] my mischa <3- talia
[5:19 pm] my mischa <3- we won
[5:19 pm] darling talia <3- mischa thats incredible!!!
[5:20 pm] darling talia <3- congratulations!!
[5:22 pm] my mischa <3- were going to go ride some of the fair rides now i think
[5:23 pm] my mischa <3- i love you
[5:23 pm] darling talia <3- i love you too my dear
[7:19 am] darling talia <3- im heading to bed my love, i hope the fair is fun!!
[7:19 pm] darling talia <3- good night my mischa <3
tuesday, september 15, 2009
[2:47 am] darling talia <3- good morning my love <3
[2:47 am] darling talia <3- fill me in on the fair when you wake up, okay?
[9:24 am] darling talia <3- mischa?
[2:36 pm] darling talia <3- im headed to bed darling, please text soon, im starting to get worried
wednesday, september 16, 2009
[12:18 am] darling talia <3- good morning my dear <3
[12:19 am] darling talia <3- are you okay?
[12:19 am] darling talia <3- youre never this quiet
[5:56 am] darling talia <3- mischa, please, tell me if i did something to upset you
[5:56 am] darling talia <3- im starting to get worried
thursday, september 17, 2009
[8:34 am] darling talia <3- oh my god
[8:34 am] darling talia <3- oh my god mischa you better not have been in that accident
[8:37 am] darling talia <3- mischa
[8:37 am] darling talia <3- i love you
[8:38 am] darling talia <3- so much
[8:39 am] darling talia <3- im so sorry you had to die there my darling
[8:39 am] darling talia <3- i love you so much
wednesday, august 18, 2010
[11:32 am] darling talia <3- happy 19th birthday, my mischa
friday, august 20, 2010
[5:06 pm] ???- hi, is this talia?
[5:07 pm] talia- whos asking?
[5:09 pm] ???- my name is penny lamb. im the survivor of the cyclone rollercoaster
[5:10 pm] ???- i want to learn more about mischa
[5:11 pm] ???- i didnt know him long, but he seemed like an incredible person, and i want to carry his story with me
[5:13 pm] talia started a call with penny lamb
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emeritus-fuckers · 9 months
grahhh now i rlly am tempted to know which papa you would match me up with!!
im a femme leaning non-binary person who goes by they/he, i just identify as queer. physical appearance wise: im 5'6, curvy n chubby (which im definitely insecure about unfortunately). i definitely look like like i listen to metal and rock exclusively, i have a wolf cut with neon green face framing highlights, (basically just think bright green 'e girl' hair) while the rest of my hair is dark brown. i usually wear glasses as i am as blind as a bat!
i dress mostly grunge, aka band shirts, baggy jeans, leather jackets and whatever cute tops i can scrounge up at thrift stores; ive been told that i look intimidating to talk to lmao. my makeup i wear is, of course, also dark and heavy. i just realized as im writing this that i basically entirely based my style off of Nancy from The Craft LMAOOO, yeah just imagine her but a bit more curve + strips of green hair.
im 19 and currently studying biomedical sciences at uni, in my free time i love drawing and playing video games like elden ring, i also love a good horror or sci-fi flick!! if this wasnt obvious already, i love metal and rock, ghost (duh), type o negative and nine inch nails are my fav bands ever. im generally pretty extroverted but i can definitely enjoy some alone-time if i get overwhelmed, as i am on the spectrum and can go non-verbal at times. i love talking to people, my friends all basically use me as their shield whenever we're in crowded social situations where human interaction is immanent, as im pretty much the tallest and most intimidating looking given how i dress and carry myself.
id consider myself pretty funny and gentle, id literally die for my friends; if youre close to me, i basically treat you as family. given that i am a ghost and metal fan i of course, have daddy issues. womp womp. despite all that id consider myself an extremely positive person and im the mom of the group, always there if you need someone to talk to or if you need a problem resolved. wow this is a lot, thanks if you even read it!!
This post is a part of Match-up Event. The Event ended on July 15th.
Your match is Primo
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He's really good at building your confidence. He'll always tell you how beautiful and amazing you are.
While he puts his paints on in the morning you often join him to put your makeup on.
You help each other out, he's an expert at applying black paint or eyeliner incredibly neatly. He struggles more now he's older but still its impressive.
He's very interested in your degree, although it's not his area of expertise he finds it fascinating.
He loves it when you draw outside and keep him company while he gardens. He'll sometimes grow plants into fun shapes or beautiful patterns for you to draw.
He's happy to read while you play video games, content in your company.
He'll sometimes join in and he's much better than you'd expect. After all he used to play with Terzo and Secondo when they were younger.
He apprecaites greatly the fact he can talk to you if he needs.
He's also there for you, you can talk to him anytime whenever about whatever, he's a very good listener.
He can tell when you are getting overwhelmed and he makes sure to take you somewhere calmer. If you want to be alone he'll leave you be, he'll normally just go in the next room so he's around if you need.
Or he's out in the garden and you know exactly where to find him. He'll have a fresh pot of tea brewed like he knew you'd be ready to come out at that exact time.
Written by Nyx.
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stevie-petey · 5 months
im SO excited for season 2!! your set up was perfect and if you'll allow me can i just. talk about. how good you made the entirety of season 1???????? your framing of each event was SOO good and the way you left y/n in the dark for things we alr knew about, the relationships between each of the characters???? dustin being sweet and literally EXACTLY like a younger sibling (i have 3 little boy cousins who ive practically raised and they act EXACTLY like how Dustin did when they see me unexplainably sad), her WANT to like nancy with the jealousy and hurt bubbling under the surface and even though she doesnt blame nancy you see that little resentment that occurs when someone you love likes someone better its so HUMAN?????, the relationship bw her and the little boys and how even though everyone keeps reinforcing they listen to her better she KNOWS that at the end of the day they're silly little preteens so they'll listen to her but just barely, her relationship w jonathan anf how she doesnt immediatly gloss over their arguments and his actions and she actually holds him accountable??? LOVE. i also love how steve is just a kicked puppy constantly trying to get validation and approval from both her and nancy and the buildup of security only to a crushing realization in the bonus chapter was brilliant AND real!!!! bc ofc you'll be nervous about letting in someone who you could potentially fall in love w in your life while you're currently suffering w the feelings of hopelessness and resignation at the feeling of believing that someone you love doesn't love u back. ugh. brilliant. all in all. i LOVE this series and im absolutely foaming at the mouth for season 2 bc i KNOW its gonna be so good. i binged this series like before ch8 came out and it helped me stay sane amidst my finals so thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!
ok im done ❤️ again thank u mwah
this is the sweetest thing ever and the way u broke down everything made me so <333 im so so so incredibly happy you loved season 1 so much i truly cant explain how elated that makes me 🫶
writing the relationships was my absolute favorite part. getting to incorporate my favorite characters and interact with them through my writing as such a fun and amazing experience and im absolutely hooked on writing them (especially dudtin n reader. theyre my babies).
and im SO relieved you understand steve n reader rn !! U GET IT !!!! all in all this was such a lovely ask and im giving u the biggest forehead kiss as we speak MWAH !!!!!
(and i hope finals went well !!! theyre a pain and i understand immensely)
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
nick watches spiderman (cont.)
im gonna make another post bc i have a feeling im close to hitting the text limit on my other one but we're still on the first movie!! im gonna try and get thru this movie soon bc i HAVE to get to the second ones before my demons get me
okay where we are rn ben just died and peters in his evil era tryin to find the guy who did it
like hes just goin up to random dudes and beating them up bc he thinks its The Guy when its not
and every time i watch this movie i forget if they find him or if the plot point is abandoned bc peter has bigger problems by then KJGSHLKGJHSKH guess we'll remember together
peter falls thru a roof and these guys just let him go. like they leave him there. to be fair what were they supposed to do but still.
this is where we get the inspo to make a suit!! he sees a wrestling poster and is like "that could be me =D"
agh i wanna look like him so BAD bro i wish that were me
shoutout to him STEALING FROM OSCORP to make his web fluid thats so funny
this handstand moment is apparently judged by a lot of fans as him becoming spiderman but theyre SO wrong that doesnt happen until later in the film in my opinion
like thats just my opinion but other ppl can be wrong ig /lh
also how did he get this police radio. how do any of the spidermans get their radios. did they take them from officers. can u buy them. whats goin on here.
omggggg its captain stacyyyyy he'll be important later
like. incredibly important. GKJHSGKJSHGKJ we'll get to him in a minute.
"spandex.....spandex.......everything.......spandex......" i love peter so much
i love this suit sooooo much its so textured and i love the logo its so fun
this car thief scene is rlly the scene of all time i love it
so many good peter lines from this scene
"seriously? u rlly think im a cop? a cop in a skin tight red and blue suit? yknow, u have got the mind of a true scholar, sir" PETER PLEASE BE NORMAL
this head tilt. the peter head tilt. in this context its kinda menacing but hes so me coded bc i also do the head tilt thing KHGSKJDHGKJ
the first time i saw this scene and for a while after i thought he told the cop "i just TOOK 80% of ur job" after he took the gun but he actually says "i just DID 80% of ur job" bc he webbed the criminal and i was so disappointed bc i rlly thought he was making a solid dig at the police force but hes just being petty KJGHSKJGHKSJ
ugh him talking to may here makes me sooooo sad. "u dont have to wait up for me, yknow" "yes i do" SHE LOVES HER NEPHEW PLEASEEEE
shes so worried for her nephew. seeing him hurt just destroys her. this boy is all she has. she lost her husband, her brother, her sister in law, and seeing her nephew come home at god knows what time just beat up and wounded must be so heartwrenching and she cant do anything bc he wont talk to her. i love tasm may shes so interesting.
"aunt may please, please go to sleep." "i cant sleep! dont u understand? i cant sleep! peter, listen to me. secrets have a cost, theyre not for free. not now, not ever." SOOOOO TRUE QUEEN. I SENSE A THEME.
oh yeah they're pushing curt to start human trials when they cure isnt ready, oscorp is so incredibly corrupt and its done so well in both films
"people die. even norman osborn." AKJGHKJSAGH SOOOOOO TRUE. YES. I HATE NORMAN SO MUCH.
also sorry for just quoting this movie so much it has so many good lines that i could talk about for the rest of my life
oh yeahhhhh this guy wants to start human trials??? at the veterans hospital?????
ugh theyre talking about plot that we dont learn until like the second film so its not important yet but its such a cool thing later on
she really cares about him and it makes me so happy
shes inviting him to dinner!!!! with her family!!!!! its a family hes never met eating a meal hes never heard of but still its with the girl he really likes so hes gonna just deal with it and show up anyway
ugh normans doing things /neg
hes doing human trials. on himself. lets see how this goes HGKJSDHGKJL
oh hi peter. dinner date time.
he brought gwens mother flowers???? KWHGKSJGHSKJHGK theyre a little messed up bc they were in his bag while he was swinging but still!!! he brought flowers for this girls mom hes so sweet
"you must be peter" "dad this is. peter." thank u gwen
oh yeah i failed to mention that the captain of the police department is gwens dad if u didnt catch that from his last name
curt has his arm back!!! the cure worked!!!! hoping and praying that nothing bad happens and he just gets to live a normal life and be happy from now on
he has to go catch the one guy that i forgot the name of (edit its dr ratha) from going to the veteran hospital but the cure is backfiring so hes like. goin thru it. lizard moment.
anyway peter cant cut fish corrcctly
hes never had a fancy meal like this!! hes a little dumb!!!
uh ohhhh theyre talking about spidermannnnn yikes
this is what it feels like to talk politics with relatives
"if i wanted the car thief off the street, he wouldve been off the street" "so why wasnt he then?" PETER. CHILL. UR TRYING TO DATE HIS DAUGHTER PLS BE NICE
"its called strategy, im sure ur aware of the term strategy? maybe u learned about that in school?" MR STACY U ARE ALSO NOT HELPINGGGG
"i think he stands for what u stand for, sir. protecting innocent people from bad guys." banger line right there skajfhksjd
peter still apologized and said that he didnt mean to insult mr stacy but still ksajdfhkjsd cmon peter be nice
BIG PLOT HOLE HERE. peter webs gwen and pulls her closer and she goes "youre spiderman?" before he kisses her. HE HASNT GOTTEN THAT NAME YET. NO ONES CALLING HIM SPIDERMAN YET. WHERE DID SHE GET THAT.
ugh it gets me every time like where did that come frommmm
peter pulling away completely and turning around when her mother catches them is so funny hes trying to be respectful
uh oh crime time
so yeah curt connors is now a giant lizard monster thing trying to find dr ratha and?? kill him???? okay yeah kill him he just threw his car off the bridge
peter has this moment of either going after lizard or helping save this mans son and he goes to save the kid and i love peter so much
hes also very very good with kids. he convinces this little boy that his mask has special powers to help the kid get out of the car safe and its so sweet
like this kid is terrified and honestly so is peter but hes staying calm and convincing this kid that this mask will make him stronger so he can save him. THIS is the moment i was talking about. this is when peter becomes spiderman.
the moment he gave that kid back to his father alive and safe is when he became a superhero. thats also when he coins the name. but this exact moment is what made him into the actual hero rather than just having the name. he gets home and he stares at his mask bc now he knows he has an immense responsibility to save peoples lives and keep them safe.
i love this movie
oh yeah mr stacy issued an arrest warrant for spiderman after the bridge attack thats so silly of him.
more petergwen lets goooo
"does it scare you? what you can do?" "no." "...youve got to lay low." "no, cant do that." "youve got to. i mean, why?" "because of last night. those people on the bridge. whatever was attacking them wouldve killed them. so i gotta go after it." "thats not your job." "maybe it is." SUCHHHHH A GOOD CONVERSATION. UGH.
OKAY IM GONNA. LEAVE THIS ONE HERE. ive finally got motivation so im gonna keep it going in a reblog like right away but im gonna stop this post here before it gets too long skjhfksjd
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fairyhaos · 8 months
seventeen as taylor swift songs
notes: guys. guys im not even a swiftie but ive listened to sooo many of her songs for this hc that i could literally Become one now if i wanted to
[this fic's spotify playlist]
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wildest dreams. it's kind of an incredibly, almost painfully romantic song. it's kind of a whirlwind romance song? while it's certainly a little hopeless, there's yearning there, and there's also so much vivid, vibrant love at the same time, a kind of possession, of protectiveness even so. it's seungcheol because of the desperate, helpless love it describes, a 'i couldn't help but fall for you' vibe that is so him.
style. the type of pretty boy x pretty girl energy this song exudes gives me delicate, gorgeous, jeonghan vibes. it's sweet, light, but it's also playful and so romantic that it makes your heart feel so full it might burst. it's something you can scream loudly, but also something you can hold close to your heart. the song is a silvery cream colour, reminding me of jeonghan
enchanted. i mean???? enchanted is The royal, romantic, sparkling, glittering song of all time. it's gentle and gentlemanly and yearning and hopeful and wonderful and so, so joshua coded it's actually insane. it's a type of strangers to friends to lovers that crescendos into a heart-melting happy ever after that takes your breath away. it's so joshua it makes me cry.
paper rings. it's so youthful, so bubbly, so young love in the way that only junhui can be the one to embody. it's sweet like junhui's smiles, endearing like junhui's laughs, bright and lovely like the way in which junhui would love with his entire heart. paper rings is so full of brightly orange coloured love, just like junhui is.
22. this song talks about living your life to the fullest, no matter the age, for all time, as if every day is your last. it's about finding happiness in every situation, with the person you love the most in the entire world. it's a song that feels like bright, flashing lights, like warm drinks, like soft kisses. it feels like hoshi.
willow. the acoustic vibes of this song feel very wonwoo. there's a sort of undying, eternal love in the lyrics, an idea of always coming back to him, of forever finding endless comfort and wonder and new experiences while loving him. there's a certain domesticity to this song, and honestly the best way to describe it really is eternal love, constant love, comfortable and thrilling and warm all at once.
jump then fall. honestly, it took me a while to find one for woozi, but then i discovered this song and it fit him perfectly. it's devastatingly soft, so gentle and caring, just like woozi is. it doesn't have any sudden realisations of love, but rather a slow, soft kind of falling in love, an innate understanding of how one feels, and that is just so, so woozi to me.
all too well. the romantic, elegant, velvet feeling to this song embodies minghao very, very well. it's almost wistful in its love, like remembering a wonderful memory, like making sure that you remember the best times of your life without any animosity, any hatred. it's of real love, of cherishing, gentle and nostalgic and minghao all the way.
daylight. it's a little youthful, hopeful, bright, like mingyu. the song just exudes so much "happy ever after" vibes, at the end of a perfect romantic novel, and that's so mingyu. it's the epilogue song, heart filled with warm love, his smiles as sweet and gentle as the chorus of the song. it's hopeful, optimistic, beautiful.
cruel summer. okay first of all—the high notes?? the pretty little voice tremble thingies?? it's so pretty dokyeom voice coded. but also, apart from that, it's such a sweet sounding song, young and happy and and hopeful and devastatingly him. it's yearning and endearing at the same time, full of every emotion in the world, just like he is.
shake it off. it's a citrusy brightly fun song, with lilac undertones and this is gonna sound really really weird but that instantly made me think of seungkwan. it's full of positivity, of bouncing back, of not giving up and and not caring what anyone else thinks. of being the life of the party, of making other people happy, and that is the most seungkwan thing in the whole world.
we are never ever getting back together. lyrics aside, there's a lot of feel-good energy in this song which feels so vernon. honestly lots of taylor's old songs feel like they can match him a lot, because there's so much young energy, feeling a little like a boundless puppy, and i don't know. the self-assurance, the brightness, the pure pop, light feeling is something that just fits vernon.
red. perhaps an unexpected one, but hear me out, this one is so, so, chan-coded, i promise you. it's like an old love, a sad, wistful love. but a wistful love of a romance that was anything but that: of a romance that had been full of the scent of leather and love and living. that's what chan is, i think. red feels very, very much like loving chan.
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
my brain is going insane over photographer/filmer yamagishi and skater boarder makoto 😭😭 i feel both these professions fit their personalities honestly but yeyyyy
as mentioned makoto is a skateboard who has a growing fanbase of followers on his social media who check out his content that yamagishi helps him take. they're a fun duo, those two kids at the back of class that laugh so loud that its annoying /affectionate i love them sm
they kinda just are long time friends in the beginning but everyone thinks they're like dating n smth like that and they're just like huh cuz yk they're clueless idiots. then they kinda bring it up and become friends who kiss sometimes and use each other when they need to let out some steam, until yamagishi is just casually like ayo bro what are we. and they talk abt it n they're like yeah sure we can date ig..? but idk they're one of those relationships that are like maybe we won't put a label on this and just be happy in each other's company but they're also like letz experiment w what we want as a relationship and all.
but yeah they're kinda boyfriends definitely friends. maybe just friends who kiss but they have very intimate feelings for each other so they're just kinda lost but they're comfortable to be whatever as long as its w the other yk<3
also they love watching old highschool/coming of age movies together while cuddling but also while arguing at the tv abt stupid decisions the movie characters make. and if takkuya is in this au too yamagishi and makoto individually like rambling to the couple abt their partner bcuz they're frustrated n confused abt their relationship but also happy that they even have the other in their life and takkuya just look at each other in "that" way and when makoto/yamagishi ask them what the look was they say they won't tell them and let them figure it out for themselves. but they go on double dates, mostly to parks and theme parks but they went to a cafe once and collectively decided to never go to one all together again cuz they got kicked out bcuz they were too rowdy 😭😭
and if we rlly wanted this to be extra fun we'd add takehina into it, karate gf and nurse in training bf, just to have a bigger group 😇
anyways i love mizo mid so much im so normal abt them (im not)
killing tumblr it also didn’t give me a notif for this i hate this fucking website.
anyways hi taku!! you absolutely should go insane abt them you are doing everything right in your life fr <3 no but i am SO listening to everything you have to say you are so right abt them my god. i’m so sorry but i laughed at ‘skateboard makoto’ help i am now picturing him as an actual skateboard- adhjfgjdh. nodding along to all of this i am nodding so hard trust
oh yes we should def add takehina!! (btw the jobs you gave them?? so so true) after all takemichi is also part of mizo mid and i think excluding him is a crime. plus i love the friendship he & akkun have it’s slept on actually i think. i mean the whole first customer thing and stuff 😭 but this isn’t abt them afjhsjf so. back on topic
my brain is empty i had to make up too many haikyuu character assumptions for my qpp yesterday (i had to rate the characters without knowing them at all/while hardly knowing them (we watched the first three eps of season one together two or so months ago)) which was incredibly fun but now my creativity is on stand-by and i haven’t managed to active it again yet but yes i love them thank you
dw i am just as insane about the mizo mid. together we can give them the recongnition they deserve maybe
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choi-hae · 1 year
Kenny’s Top Music of 2022
Hi hello, it’s that time of year again. This year was full of an insane amount of great music. As always, I try to listen to as much as possible to get the fullest experience in my music journey. I know I can’t possible listen to everything, but I always do my best. 
This year’s music review is pretty crazy. These lists are much more extensive and specific as opposed to last year’s. More categories, more artists, more to consider in terms of what my most favourites of the year truly are. I had to be more detailed on my list categories so that I could include as much as possible. It wasn’t easy to make, that’s for sure. I also included short reasons to why each decision was made (some serious, some unserious). 
I have a couple rules I put onto myself in terms of my choices. Please take note of those before reading further. Thank you in advance for reading my lists!
1. If an album was chosen for top album (group or solo), I tried to choose a different title from a different album OR a completely different artist all together for top title track (group or solo) to showcase as much variety as possible (and to challenge myself). If an album was chosen, it can be assumed I love all, if not most, of the songs on that album anyway.  2. Top b sides are okay to chosen from top albums, as it only makes sense, and there can be multiple from a single artist but only ONE SONG per album. 3. None of these lists are in any particular order. It’s hard enough to choose top of anything, let alone put them into a numbered order. 
And with that, here are my top music of 2022! 
Top 6 group albums of the year: 
The World EP.1: Movement - ATEEZ
This album is cinematic. When music makes me visualize so clearly, it’s a winner. I knew it was album of the year from the moment the last song ended. 
Maxident - Stray Kids
Overall a cohesive album. Lots of vibes that I personally enjoy a lot and possibly the best unit tracks these boys have released (fight me on it, I dare you).
Harmony: Set In - P1Harmony
They put out three albums this year and each one was an A+. I chose this one for the list because it might be my favourite title and assortment of b sides from them so far. 
Shape of Love - Monsta X
Their only album this year but every song is laced with drugs, as many of their songs are. I believe they always manage to produce the most quality tracks. 
Reborn - PIXY
This album was a hit. The title is so groovy and replayable, the b sides are incredible. It’s a different vibe for them but suits them so well. 
This is mostly here because I was looking forward to this comeback more than anything. J.Seph’s return came at the perfect time and they dropped a great summer album.
Top 6 solo albums of the year: 
WHEE - Wheein
One of my favourite vocalists. Everything about her music is incredible to me. It’s the perfect calming vibe for relaxing and it makes me happy.
The Story - Kang Daniel
The title track is definitely a favourite from him, but also the b sides are phenomenal. Not to mention the amount of fantastic collabs. Great album all around.
28 Reasons - Seulgi
Another favourite vocalist. The fact that the entire album is so perfectly her while being something very different and new. Every song is a hit.
IM NAYEON - Nayeon
Another album that is so perfect for the artist. I expected nothing less and I still got more, with the fun title, great b sides, and perfect collab songs. 
Bare&Rare, Pt.1 - Chungha
I really do love every song on this album. She’s got this incredible ability to embody so many different styles of music and make it her own. I can’t wait for Pt. 2.
Colorful Trauma - Woodz
I love that punk rock/pop punk is finding its place in Kpop. He did such a great job at creating songs that are easy to listen to with this particular sound. 
Top 6 hip-hop/R&B albums of the year:
Moodswings In To Order - DPR IAN
Another album that feels cinematic, but in certain places. He makes you see and feel what he wants you to. An incredible storyteller throughout the entire project. 
Lowlife Princess: Noir - BIBI
Talk about an album that makes me feel like a bad bitch with every single track. This is the energy I needed. Every song is its own story and each one is just as compelling. 
Blanc - Junny
I’m really happy he released a mini after so long. The entire vibe of the album is perfect. His vocals are beautiful as always, not to mention the A+ collab songs. 
One Bad Night - Jamie
Another album I was very happy to see come out. She’s worked so hard and it’s clearly paid off. She did great for her first mini; every song is a banger. I feel proud. 
Love or Loved, Pt.1 - B.I
Immaculate vibes. I don’t need to say much more. The whole album is my style to a T.
Nangman - Big Naughty 
In my opinion, the king of K-R&B/K-Hip Hop. Every song on the album is a hit in its own way. The man just knows how to make good music. 
Top 6 girl group title tracks:
Shut Down - Blackpink
As someone who loves rap heavy songs and the incorporation of classical music elements in interesting ways, this track was made for me. The MV is one of my favourites too. 
Birthday - Red Velvet
Once again, an incorporation of classical sounding elements but with a more bubbly and fun feel to it, plus their impeccable vocals. It’s a hit. 
Talk That Talk - Twice
I don’t know what it is about this song, but it hits. It’s upbeat with a retro feel that suits them perfectly. I really fell for this song over time. 
Antifragile - LE SSERAFIM
I didn’t think I would like this song at first but it’s just hella catchy. It solidified these girls as a favourite rookie group. The choreography is an A+ as well. 
Nxde - (G)I-DLE
Some slight classical elements here but in more of the burlesque style (which I adore). The messaging behind the song is also fantastic. 
Cheshire - ITZY
This one snuck up on me. I didn’t expect to love it as much as I do. I’m in love with the playful nature of the track and it’s just incredibly catchy.
Top 6 boy group title tracks:
Maniac - Stray Kids
Something so different but so them. The MV is also one of my favourites between the camera work and the editing. They did great with this one.
Do It Like This - P1Harmony
This song started off the year with a bang, and I could never forget it. It set them off for an incredible year. 
One of my happy songs for the year. When the chorus comes up, it’s hard to not feel light and uplifted. It’s nice to see them together again. 
The MV really elevated this one for me. These guys always have the most fun comebacks and it was hard to forget this one when it came out. 
Same Scent - ONEUS
The dancehall sound is so my style that it was hard for me to ignore this one. It’s a pretty different sound for them but they pulled it off well.
But You - IKON
The retro vibes are immaculate. It suits them as a group so well. It was also nice to see them release as a group again after quite some time. 
Top 6 solo title tracks: 
Youth - Kihyun
The top anthem for anyone in their 20’s. The happy nature of the track but bittersweet feel of the lyrics really hit hard for me. I feel this one on an emotional level. 
Back In Vogue - Alexa
I love this concept for her. I think this was a great comeback for her after such a great year of achievements. 
Honey - Solar
This was an incredible solo for her. A step above from her previous one because I felt it really showed so many different sides of her. Plus it’s insanely catchy.
Zoom - Jessi
A fun song that deserved to go viral (and it did), plus the MV was really great. What a queen. 
No Thanks - Hyolyn
Another queen, another banger. Unbelievable catchy and makes me feel like a bad bitch. I don’t need much more than that tbh. 
Boom - Lee Minhyuk (Huta)
Probably one of the most powerful songs of the year. There’s not much more to say. He’s amazing. 
Top 6 band comebacks of the year: 
Haircut - Xdinary Heroes
This song is so unique and I think it does a great job of setting these guys apart from not just other bands, but Kpop music in general. Some don’t like the anti drop. I dig it. 
NAZABABARA - Rolling Quartz
Just a happy and uplifting track with the vocals but also the way the guitar is used throughout. It feels very different and I like it. 
Childhood - The Rose
I cried. Similar to Kihyun’s Youth, it makes me emotional but in a more melancholic way (which is not a bad thing). It’s just beautiful. 
Still Here - ONEWE
Another emotional one. Mostly because they’ll be gone for a while and it’s very sad, but also because it’s a beautiful song as a whole. 
I Like You - N.Flying
Another happy song. The upbeat bubbliness just makes me happy. That’s all. 
Play - LUCY
Another emotional one but much similar feeling to Kihyun’s Youth. The MV is also very touching and beautiful. 
Top 6 boy group b sides:
Chill - Stray Kids
The sound of this song is very my style so I fell for it pretty immediately, but after reading the lyrics as well, I really connected with the sentiment and it’s become a favourite. 
Ghost - Xdinary Heroes
I’m really in love with the creepy vibe and their vocals are very perfect on this track. It’s a very well rounded song. 
Venom - Stray Kids 
When I first heard the preview for this song, I knew that it was going to be special. Everything is perfect to me: from the sounds, to the melodies, to the rap. Everything. 
사랑한다 - Monsta X
Definitely a happy song. It’s literally a serotonin shot through my veins. It’s a breathe of fresh air. It’s beautiful. 
Of all the songs on the album, this one hits different. Something about the way the chorus drops makes my brain happy. 
One And Only - P1Harmony
A recent fav but still a good one. It’s bouncing but melodic. It hits a lot of happy parts of my brain. I can’t not put in on the list. 
Top 6(+1) girl group b sides: 
On A Ride - Red Velvet
Something about this song reminds me of the past and I like it. Plus when that chorus drops, how can you not go wild?
Tally - Blackpink
I like how stripped back it is, and the message is fun. Serious “fuck it” energy. 
Basics - Twice
“Slow it down and speed it up like you a spaceship.” Need I say more?
Can’t stop dreamin’ - Purple Kiss
A very dreamy song with a hint of light EDM. I swear the vocals are perfect on this one.
Breath - PIXY
Another dreamy b side but in a more haunting way. PIXY and Purple Kiss b sides from both their recent albums sit at the same table and I’d like to sit with them please. 
In My Dreams - Red Velvet
Would you look at that! Another dreamy b side, but with the Red Velvet flare. The harmonies are what really sell this one for me. 
COOL (Your rainbow) - NMIXX
Some classical elements with a calming beat behind it; the most relaxing vibe for me. Also, A+ vocals all around. These girls are talented.
Top 6 male solo/hip-hop/R&B b sides:
Mood - DPR IAN
When I first heard this song, I knew it’d be my favourite on the album. It’s playful but haunting. The way he uses effects and sounds throughout. It’s also just a bop. 
Tangerine - B.I
For me, this song sits at a similar table to Sunshine by Stray Kids, and if you know me, you know that means something. I feel safe and comforted by this song. 
Dopamine - Jackson Wang
I really love the lyrics in this one. It paints a scene for me that is so self indulgent but beautiful at the same time. Also, Jackson vocals = *chef’s kiss*
Zombies - pH-1
It makes me happy. The vibe of the track is so fun and bouncing. What more can I say?
Freak - ZICO
This song is simply crazy good. It’s fun, it’s loud, and the dance challenge was really fun to watch (the choreography was pretty fire).  
How We Live - Kang Daniel feat. sokodomo
Another happy song. It makes me smile. The piano is fun, sokodomo’s feature is great, and Daniel is a king. 
Top 6 female solo/hip-hop/R&B b sides:
Anywhere but Home - Seulgi
It’s a perfect driving song; I can easily visualize driving down a highway at night, the street lamps passing by. She got the vibe perfect. 
Blade - BIBI
It was hard choosing a favourite from her album, but I think it’s this one. Something about the sound hits just right for me. 
Love Countdown - Nayeon feat. Wonstein
This was on repeat for a while there. It’s fun, it’s cute, it’s bouncy, and Wonstein’s feature is perfect. I never expected to love this song as much as I do. 
XXX - Chungha
I love a song that makes me feel like a bad bitch, I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. This is that song. It’s powerful and it’s got those deep 808s that I love as well. 
Pastel - Wheein
Another fun, cute song that I fell for quickly. It’s also very stripped back and lets her vocals really float. 
In My Bag - Jamie
Another bad bitch song. She is queen bad bitch so it makes sense. More deep 808s and her flow is too clean. 
Top 6 collabs:
Somebody! - Hwasa & Loco
This track is simply perfect for their voices, and their voices are perfect together. It creates the calming but uplifting atmosphere I crave. 
Better - Solar/Moonbyul & Big Naughty
A very unexpected collab but an incredible one. Similar to the one above, it’s just the perfect vibe for me and the vocals are fantastic. 
Nirvana Girl - Sorn & Yeeun
It’s amazing seeing them on a track together again. The song itself is incredibly uplifting and inspiring. 
Juliette! - pH-1 & UMI
I love the stripped back nature of the track, allowing the rap and vocals to flow so nicely. Another one that is just the perfect vibe. 
Side Effects - Woosung & Satica
A definite favourite from his album. Their voices match so well, even if her part is short. 
BTBT - B.I & DeVita
Another unexpected collab but their voices are incredible together. They match the track so well (the version with Soulja Boy doesn’t exist in my mind).
Top 6 rookies: 
They’ve only released bangers and bops since they debuted. Since Eleven, they’ve been a top rookie for me. 
A new rookie favourite for me. Antifragile really shot them into my vision, and their performance skills are incredible. 
They’ve been on my radar since debut but their comeback this year really elevated them for me. Villain was a great title and all the b sides are phenomenal. 
Despite controversy regarding their company, the girls themselves are hella talented at their young ages. The vibe of their music is so easily digestible, it’s hard to ignore. 
Although not technically a Kpop group, I’ve been in love with them since pre-debut and I feel the need to mention them. They’re going to go far with their talents. 
Their debut blew me away. So incredibly powerful, the performance skills are insane. They’re on my radar and I can’t wait for more. 
Top 6 groups/artists I look forward to/will be keeping an eye out for in 2023: 
As I stated above, these guys released three albums this year and everything was a hit. I believe they’ll go far in this next year and do even more amazing things. 
Xdinary Heroes
They’ve really cultivated their own sound, especially with this recent comeback (the album was fantastic). I really can’t wait to see what else they’re capable of and where they go.
I’ve been so excited for her over the past couple of years and I think she’s capable of incredible things. Hopefully with a mini out, she’ll do more great things in the next year. 
After this incredible year, I can only see her going up and up. Plus with her MV universe/storyline, I’m always looking forward to what cool things will come next. 
A very divisive group among listeners, but I believe these girls are capable of amazing things. They’re so incredibly talented. I can’t wait for more from them. 
The Rose
Simply because they’re back. I found them doing the hiatus so I’m happy to see them all happy, thriving, and making great music again. 
If you’ve read this far, thank you for your time! I’d love to hear what your favourites of the year were. Do we have similar lists, or completely different? Did I miss a song that you absolutely loved? Feel free to let me know! I’m always open to new music.
And with that, 2022 is over. What a phenomenal year for music. There’s lots of songs I couldn’t include because there was just so much. I feel incredibly lucky to live in a time where I can listen to all this incredible music. I can’t wait for what 2023 will bring! 💕
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millimononym · 2 years
The Attackers
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here are Venus and Brambles, the attackers of my OC team! (i don’t have a name for the team yet. names are hard). Also if you remember the first oc post and remember the guys name and are wondering, yes, everyone in the team is named and has their looks based off plants. this drawing kinda looks weird cuz i drew the heads first like a dumbass
so Venus is like...one of the only decent people in the entire team(don’t get used to it). She’s very energetic,bubbly and sweet. She also eats a lot. She grew up as the oldest sister in a poor household with a single mom and multiple siblings. As she’s an adult now(early 20′s) the responsibility of caring for her siblings falls on her as her mom is in the hospital. She uses the money she earns as a footballer to pay for her mom’s hospital bills and care for her siblings. She’s incredibly stressed (as you can see from her antennae,they droop when someone is feeling negative emotions) but tries to seem happy in front of everyone because she believes showing negative emotions will rub off on people and she doesn’t want that. She puts other people’s needs before her own because she likes seeing people happy. She doesn’t like conflict but CAN and WILL beat someone (cough cough BRAMBLES cough) up if they’re hurting kids. Dated Brambles at one point...i don’t know how that happened but i’m glad that’s over with
Brambles. This motherfucker. Actual alien equivalent of Ricegum. Going from talking about Venus to talking abt him is giving me whiplash. Absolute ASSHOLE. 0 redeeming qualities. anyway i should probably talk abt him now. He’s the brother of the teams’ backup player and Sugarcane’s cousin. He’s the oldest out of 4 siblings and is an absolutely horrible brother if you were wondering. Grew up in a rich household and is a spoiled brat. No wonder his father left (oh yeah btw his dad left lol). Regularly makes fun of the backup player(his youngest brother, who is SIXTEEN BY THE WAY) for having mental problems and attachment issues (HMMM I WONDER WHAT COULD’VE CAUSED THOSE. probably not LIVING IN A LOVELESS HOUSEHOLD WITH AN ASSWIPE OF A BROTHER). He’s even worse later but i’m not gonna spoil it. How did he manage to date someone as sweet as Venus. I have no clue. I don’t wanna talk about him anymore, his personality is draining to the brain. If he was a real person i’d spit on him
[[EDIT/UPDATE 19.8.2022: ok so i’m not really good at making my stories(i mostly make characters and specific scenes) but Brambles was a pretty barebones guy, even for me. Wasn’t much to him besides being his brothers abuser and being a disappointment to his family. So i wanted to flesh out his character a little more i guess (that’s a lie it came to me completely randomly while listening to music lol.(the music was Splitter Girl by weevildoing and Kareshi No Jude by syudou if u were wondering)).
This might change but as of now some things are added: Brambles was a child who took his familys’ neglect as any rational child would: By developing extremely violent tendencies to harm himself, and every other creature unlucky enough to be near him! ...yay. Frequent victims include animals(who he definitely murdered, by the way) and his youngest brother(hope i introduce him soon so i can stop calling him just that cuz its weird). His other 2 siblings were too slippery for it i guess. Plus theres 2 of them so thats twice as many hands to throw at his face, which they did. TIMEJUMP TO THE PRESENT, i actually have a reason for Brambles and Venus breaking up besides him being an asshole: Cheating. Motherfucker cheated on her with a defender in the team(who i ALSO havent introduced HNNNGHHH) and also cheated on him with Venus because NEITHER OF THEM actually KNEW about the other dating their boyfriend, so technically they were both cheated on. It didnt go to well for our boy here,as you can imagine. Probably gonna need to add some scars to his design now lol(maybe the back? cuz im lazy and dont wanna change anything). So yea those are the changes for now byee]]
WELL OKAY that’s them alright. As one last thing u may have noticed: you can see in the picture that they’re wearing matching collars. That’s actually part of the teams uniform (which i forgot to include in Sugarcane’s reference pic like a dumbass). Each position has a different color and the attackers one is red! A shame Venus has to share the position with Brambles but what can you do.
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