#its not like im suffering horribly but im just in a rut and its like. stable but just absolute stagnation
foulserpent · 3 years
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catastrophicideass · 6 years
when Rowan rescues Aelin pt. 2
a/n: it would appear i got carried away and now will probably need another chapter before the fluff 
part one is here
“Aelin,” the man before her murmured in the softest, most adoring voice she’d ever heard.
What a complete and utter fool.
He took of her mask with the utmost care. She watched his face go from enraged to worried but with loving eyes before abruptly falling with wild panic. Good. The demon in her seemed to enjoy that, relish in ripping that relief away from him.
“Aelin,” he whispered, “it’s me, Rowan.”
That name- Aelin. Was that what she was called? It did nothing to her, didn’t stir up a shred of recognition. Her name was the first thing she had forgotten.
Rowan. That name, however, did something odd. Made her feel an insistent but faint tug near her ribs. He seemed familiar- she was somehow expecting a scent of pine and snow from him even though all she caught was his blood and her filth- but then again, maybe he didn’t. She didn’t know. Couldn’t bring herself to remember.
Watching this unknown, strangle male with almost a detached interest, she didn’t notice tendrils creeping around her behind that mental wall, ghosting up her body leaving a trail of slickness behind.
Didn’t notice until leashes of darkness wound itself agonizingly tight – much tighter than before-  around her hands, her legs, her eyes and down her throat until she was screaming, thrashing, flinging her broken body over and over like she had done a thousand times already. 
Not to escape- no, she had given up any fool’s hope of that a century ago. She just wanted to stop seeing them- stop seeing someone’s bled out body on horrifically bloodied sheets; a cracked spine and paralyzed legs; a body tortured beyond recognition; death after death after death; black collars, rings, darkness, pain, everywhere until it was all she knew, until the overwhelming emotion of that was the only think that allowed her to break the surface of that suffocating abyss.
She had known she was going to die when she first came here. Was fully expecting it, embraced it even. The beast implanted in her had coiled that knowledge like a noose around her neck, letting her slowly choke on its poisonous tendrils, clawing away at her fire bit by bit until it- until she- was reduced to piles of broken bone, ripped skin and floating ash. She had begged; begged for death, begged for the speed and efficiency of the knife; begged for the people she loved to-
She didn’t know who they were anymore. Couldn’t remember their names or faces, they were nothing but blurred smudges.
She was forced into the present when she felt that light tug in her ribs. She peered through the tiny cracks in the wall between her and her body, trying to catch a glimpse of the male who had sparked the tiniest bit of removed curiosity.
She knew he had to be someone; Someone enough to wrench the smallest bit of emotion, of familiarity, of warmth, through the solid walls of the Valg when none of her own memories had been able to. No, none of her bloodied memories made a small ember ignite from within like his words did. 
No, snarled the darkness, he is nobody. He means nothing to you, has done nothing for you except bring you pain, over and over again.
Another series of images flashed through her mind, so fast that they seemed superimposed- a cruel queen in a city of stone whipping her bloody and senseless; powerful males with wicked, bloodied swords; a great, coiling beast underwater-
Watch what this vile abomination did, look how he made you feel that delicious suffering, fear and wrath. Smell his blood, how bright and beautiful it would look spilling against his pale hair.
“Fireheart,” the man – Rowan- continued to speak, slowly, like he was scared about how she might react.
Fireheart. Another tug in her ribs as a result of that word. Eyes that had once belonged to her stared into a pair of pine green ones that were open and trusting albeit a little wary and haunted with pain. 
“My Fireheart. Do you remember who called you that first?” he asked, his low voice now laced with a sense of urgency. “Your mother, Evalin, used to say that. You were her little Fireheart too, all bright rage and a vicious spitfire but with a heart of gold. Do you remember?”
No, you do not remember. She is another whoring carcass as a result of him and his queen. Forget his poison and look- look at the pain in his voice, look at his shattered bones, look at his burnt back. And feast on it, you wretched mongrel.
” Remember that day in Wendlyn where we took down Narrok and his soldiers? How you burnt the filth and darkness out of them?” he almost pleaded, his hands now trailing down her face.
It felt heavenly- no, it felt glorious, like the first bit of warmth after centuries of freezing winter. She wanted more of that, wanted to feel something apart from ceaseless drowning and despair so she thrashed harder, reaching for that bit of light.
Yes, I remember. No, I forgot, I’m nothing, you’re nobody.
She scraped against the wall she was trapped behind until her hands were nothing but ripped skin, shredded nails and bruises, shoving herself against it so hard that she almost felt her spine snap.
Sit down, the demon hissed, viciously shoving her back underwater, until the blackness encased her again.
“Aelin, you’re my… everything,” hic voice broke but he rushed on, words spilling out faster, “You’re my queen, my wife, my carranam, my mate. You saved be from the horrible blood-oath to Maeve. You wreathed the entire city in burning, raging fire to save me. Do you remember the fire?”
Yes. No.
That little ember was stoked by his words, it leaped higher like it was trying t0 alight this hell. And gods, it felt catastrophic and beautiful all at once; it felt like redemption.
She kicked up against that black, slimy void, her hands reaching, stretching, struggling towards that little flame. Her head broke the filthy water the beast had made her drown in, day after year after century.
And, for the first time in an eon, she saw through her own eyes. Saw Rowan for herself; the way he knelt before like he refused to do to anyone else; his soft hands stroking her grimy hair back; his silver rimmed eyes opening the slightest bit wider when he saw the shift on her face.  
Then the Valg slammed her back under, forcing black filth to pour into her eyes, her nose, her mouth. 
No, she roared, something like desperation but magnified tenfold coursing through her. No, let me see him, please, please, please.
That was Rowan, her mate, her husband, her-
She couldn’t remember what else. That second of consciousness and given her a moment of reprieve before cruelly tearing it away.
Something shifted in Rowan. He took a deep breath as if bracing himself and straightened his spine. His eyes held no fear as his hands came around to rest gently on either side of her face.
The Valg Prince screamed at the touch, shrieking and grappled with her for control over her arms, and she tried- godsdamn her she tried- to wrench him off.
She failed. Her fingers wrapped themselves around his wrist, pressing so hard that any more pressure would shatter his bone.
He didn’t flinch. No, Rowan only continued to speak, his words hard, brutal and freeing, “Remember the fire, Aelin. Remember how that endless power felt, in a well so deep you knew you could incinerate anything with half a thought. You used those vicious flames to wipe out five hundred beasts, you used that fire to save our -mine, Aedion’s, Lysandra’s, and the rest of your court and kingdoms collective asses. And not just the fire that Mala blessed you with but that terrifying anger you possess for anyone who threatens us, your razor-sharp mind without which we wouldn’t have survived this far. Use that fire, Aelin. Fight it”, he snarled. Another tug in her ribs, much stronger this time than before.
That ember had lit higher and hotter until it was now a crown of flames wrapped around her hand. She paused and marveled at the way it felt, the intensity, the pureness of it. Just having that weak shadow of her former power was enough to make her want more of it, crave it, need it.
She fueled her pain, her sorrow, her desperation into it, making that fire weep just like she did, marking clear paths past the grime in her soul. Tears of gold leaked out of her, surrounding her, protecting her.
“Yes, my Fireheart,” her husband said, his voice and words stronger now, no longer breaking. “You’re so godsdamned powerful, the Heir of Mala-Lightbringer herself. You’re destruction incarnate.”
She shattered his wrist as the fire wrapping around her tighter, annihilating barbed leashes of darkness to ash and dust.
He didn’t react in the slightest, and said with a new fervor, “Remember that power, the cataclysmic depth of it. Burn down this rutting castle, burn down that rutting demon- burn.”
She was shaking, shattering, shuddering as his words tore through that slimy, terrifying presence, the eternal oblivion snapping its claws in her face. As they obliterated any part of restraint on her behalf as boiling lava replaced her blood, flowed through her veins, and threatened to flood the world. 
“To whatever end.”
She exploded.
That’s when Rowan knew he was going to die.
@devil-daughter @house-of-galathynius @a97girl @themousa @aelinchocolatelover  @julzzz98 @acourtofpainandfeelz @highladystarfall @capt-nix @fucking-winchester-trash @anonymouswalnut @imreallyacarrot @dreamingofdragons11 @wonderrful @bookishlybrooke @the-book-reaper @snd0321 @gracek03 @rowaelin-feysand @im-tired-and-afriad @myfireheartt @thebookamongmen @darlingfireheart @a-court-of-ruin @thepurplehairedmaniac  @fantasyfoxgirl​ @akanksha17​ @araujol1
(i know not all of you asked me to tag you but i got lazy and just copy pasted from my last message sorryy)
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Voltron Rec List
Note: I also have a fic rec page where you can find all of these fics as well (|x|), and all of these on this list will be Klance (EXCEPT #4: GAP YEAR).
COMPLETED FICS (more and uncompleted fics under the cut)
1. What We Make of it  by: Wittyy-name
rating: Mature 
chapters: 1
words: 46,327
description:  Keith has been training for this for months. So despite feeling like everything else in his life is falling apart and could be summed up with a big, blaring question mark, he finds himself halfway across the world with Shiro and Allura, preparing for his first ironman triathlon. He was expecting some typical touristy activities and a grueling day of physical activity. What he wasn't expecting was to meet a gorgeous boy with bright blue eyes and a smile that made his insides squirm. Lance has been in a rut, unable to find the happiness that once filled his life. Everything looks gray, and he feels suffocated. And that's how he finds himself halfway across the world, backpacking across a foreign country with his best friend, Hunk, and their new friend, Pidge. That is, until they run out of money and decide to get a job. He's having fun, and colors are leaking past the dam and back into his life. What he wasn't expecting was to meet a beautiful boy with dark eyes and a shy smile that broke those flood gates wide open
review:  Oh my God, Wittyy did it again. Honestly, since finding her work, I've been in love. I plan of reading all of her storys (that pertain to my fandoms- which is just Voltron right now) at some point in time because the writing is just beautiful. What We Make of it is another example of how the Voltron fandom has amazing writers that are capable of converting me from 200,000 word, extremely thought out fics to oneshots and have me like them in the same way. It's pretty long for a oneshot but it's worth it. It's really good (and it's based on her trip to New Zeland so even better).
2. Never Saw You Coming by: dimpleforyourthoughts
rating: Mature
chapters: 1
words: 47,873
description: Three months in space on his own would have been fine. Three months in space with Lance McClain is a whole other fucking story
review: HOLY SHIT oh my God this is one of the best fics I have ever had the pleasure of reading. I thought her other one was great but this one just blew everything else out of the water. Keith is an ass but I still love him and it works so well (because it is in his pov). Ugh it is so so good please read it becasue it deserves to be recognized and appreciated more- honestly I dont know how it isnt more popular. Definitely one of my top favorite fanfics I have ever read!
3. Nothing Quite as Sweet by: dimpleforyourthoughts
rating: Teen & Up
chapters: 1
words: 50,370
description: Keith is a barista who hates his job. Lance works at the cat shelter across the street. 
review:  So due to my recent lack of fanfiction to read, I spent the entire morning looking at rec lists trying to find on worthy of reading and I had seen this one on a couple and saw that though it was a oneshot that it was in fact longer than Wittyy's WMMOI and thought "Why not give it a shot". So I did and then spent the rest of my afternoon reading it and holy shit was it good. Honestly, I'm so happy i read this because like words just can't descrive how I feel about it. I'm usually not a big fan of cats and stuff but the way they are used in here just get me and Im also not huge on coffee shop aus but this one is just way too good. read it. READ IT. Its so worth an entire afternoon.
4. Don’t Forget to Remember Me by: CamelotQueen
rating: General 
chapters: 1
words: 4,107
description: Keith recognizes him immediately. Alarm bells go off in his head. This person is important, he thinks. He wishes he could remember. “Keith!” he exclaims, “Look who’s finally awake. How are you feeling today?” Keith falters. His mind is working a mile a minute trying to recall this person’s name, what he is to him. “Um… who are you?” he asks dumbly. He immediately regrets it. -Keith suffers from dissociative amnesia
review: If you like sad, read this. This is a oneshot that was followed up with the next fic to this right (I'll Never Leave You Alone) and both of them kill you. They are so well written and you really can feel the emotions that is going on between the characters, especially what Lance is feeling as he takes care of Keith who is also struggling very much so. The other members of Team Voltron (minus Allura and Coran) make an apperance in this fic but their part is minor.
5. I’ll Never Leave You Alone by: CamelotQueen (add on to Don’t Forget to Remember Me)
rating:  General 
chapters: 7
words: 17,300
description: Over a decade after the team was launched into space, Keith is back on earth struggling with dissociative amnesia. Luckily he's not fighting it alone, and his husband and the rest of the team are there to help. A series of drabbles revolving around Keith's amnesia
review:  I can't with this fic. The oneshot (Don't Forget to Remember Me) made me cry, and although I managed to not cry during these 7 oneshots, it still got to me so bad. I feel so horrible for Lance and Keith and everyone else because they have to go through this and I can't even imagine how hard it would be. Each chapter is a different day in Keith/Lance's life. They are mainly bad/neutral days and chapter 2 is a great day, but again for the most part this will kill you but it is amazing.
6. Gap Year by: WaxandWane
rating: Teen & Up 
chapters: 1
words: 1,432
description:  Lance finds himself. Turns out, he was right there all along.
review:  This is in fact the only fic that I have read that is not for a ship. It is for Lance on his own. Again, it's another fic with a really short description but trust me it is well worth the read. I'm usually not one that is for oneshots all that much but since I've entered the Voltron fandom, oneshots are mostly the only completed works since it's a fairly new fandom. Also this is completely from Lance's perspective and it's a little depressing becuase Langst but Langst is now my new favorite thing (Lance + Angst is the best thing to ever happen to me) so I'm 100% okay with that.
7. Lucky by: imtheonlybeefcow
rating: General Audiences 
chapters: 1
words: 7,000
description:  Allura lets everyone have a one week vacation! Lance gets to see his family.
review:  So this one is actually by one of my best friends. When she first told me about her "Lance can sing headcanon" I was like OH MY GOD THAT IS AMAZING I WANT IT NOW, and then she told me she was writing a fic and I was so happy (especailly since she let me read it as she was writing it). This whole thing is just so pure. Also Lauren is amazing and I love her
8. I Think I’ve Hit A Wall by: imtheonlybeefcow
rating: Teen & Up 
chapters: 6
words: 11,286
description:  Keith gets injured while training and it's up to Lance and Shiro to take care of him
review:  Another fic by my friend (no I'm not being bias I promise, I'm actually super picky about my fics and she is a great writer so her fics deserve to be on here). One of my favorite things about this fic (besides the fact that I was able to read parts of it before everyone else, and was asked for help with some of the decisions- nothing major and only like 2 things but still) is the title. It fits it so well, and I think it's really funny considering. Read it, it's a good one
1. On Thin Ice by: Minadora
rating: Mature 
chapters: 9/?
words: 149,858
last update: 3.12.17
description: Once upon a time, two Canadian nerds decided to start a figure skating au about their two space sons and their wonderful misfit friends. Ten pages of headcanons later we finally put electronic pen to electronic paper and created this monstrosity. This multi-chapter fic chronicles the lives of a hockey player named Keith who gets forcibly enlisted into figure skating lessons by his brother, Shiro, to "work on his footwork". There he meets a pompous - yet talented - figure skater named Lance and gets swept away by both the sport and the skater. Enjoy the ride because it's only just started.
review:  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. That is how I feel when I'm reading this fic. And when it updates. And just in general anytime I begin to think about it. I love this fic so, so much. It's literally all of my favorite things combined into one big thing. Angst, Fanfiction, Klance, and Figure Skating. And it's so good and long (and i'm a sucker for long fics). Honestly, I'm such trash for this fic and I get told that all of the time but I'm so okay with it because come on figure skating is the best
2. Shut Up and Dance With Me by: Wittyy-name, illustrated by: Wolfpainters
rating: Mature 
chapters: 10/16
words: 132,130
last update: 5.26.2017
description:  Lance and his friends have been regulars at the Altea Dance Studio for years. Not just for classes, but to hang out, practice, and spend time with good people who love dancing. Every year, they audition to be one of the few representing Altea at the regional dance competition. Lance always auditions solo, but this year he misses out on auditions and blows his chance to participate. And so does his self-proclaimed rival, Keith. Luckily, Shiro comes up with a brilliant plan: convince Lance and Keith to audition as a duo. With a little convincing, and a lot of effort, these two might just be able to pull it off and go to regionals... or they might crash and burn.
review:  When I said I love Wittyy's work I wasn't kidding, her fics will be on here a lot. I think I started reading this after I finsihed reading what was made of OTI, and I was like holy shit did I just find another amazing slow burn au with another sport that i like. The answer is yes, I did. Honestly I have a huge problem, but I don't really care at this point because fics like this are just so good and Wittyy is an amazing writer and wolfpainters (the arist, aka Sora) is also just so good and together they are perfect.
3. The Marks We Make by: Wittyy-name, illustrated by: Wolfpainters
rating: Mature
chapters: 5/?
words: 94,834
last update: 5.4.2017
description:  Lance McClain constantly dreams of the day he'll finally meet his mysterious soulmate. They don't say much, if anything at all, but they leave him with gorgeous paintings temporarily tattooing his skin. It's not exactly the situation he hoped for, but when he feels the connection between them, he can't bring himself to resent them. As much as he wishes his soulmate would just talk to him, he's resigned himself to being patient. In the meantime, he has a loving family and good friends to help him get by. Keith Kogane dreads the day he'll finally meet his obnoxious soulmate. He's just an art student who's struggling to find his place in the world. There's so much he hasn't been able to control in his life, and the thought of having a soulmate, just another thing in his life which he also has no control over yet can't do anything about, is a little terrifying. So he ignores the words that occasionally appear on his skin. He has other things to focus on: like being a new student at a big university where his childhood friend and step-brother go.
review:  Yet another fic by my favorite person, Wittyy (and illustrated by Wolfpainters). Just when you thought Wittyy's writing couldn't get anybetter, it did. This fic only has a few chapters up right now and I'm hooked. Like everything else that she has ever writen, TMWM is halarious, angsty and cute and sweet all at the same time. I think part of the reason I love her writing so much is that the characters never seem like they are out of character from the show, yet I almost forget they aren't her characters at all and I love it. Anyway, this fic is amazing and I can't wait to see where it goes. (bonus for all HP fans- there is also quiddich so read up you nerds)
4. Shadow of the Past by: wittyy-name (mirrored fic: Ghost of the Future by: Zizzani)
rating:  General 
chapters: 2/?
words: 18,988
last update: 2.26.2017
description:  When Lance is thrown through time, he finds himself one year in the future, in place of the Lance that should be here. He finds his team to be remarkably familiar, yet distinctly different. They have more scars, a better grip on the whole saving the universe thing, and over a year’s worth of teamwork to bind them together. But the weirdest part? Keith seems to be a lot more touchy with him. Not that he’s complaining… much. The team must try and work out how to reverse the two Lance’s places and restore them to their original timelines. But despite the fact that they’re still his friends, Lance can’t help but feel a little out of place among a team that’s been through so much with a Lance that just isn’t him. And it doesn’t help that the team is on edge around him, refusing to tell him anything for fear of influencing and changing the past. Things get even more complicated when they have to rely on the team in the past to complete the switch, leaving Lance to little more than sit, wait, and attempt to fill in his future self’s shoes. Mirror fic to "Ghost of the Future" by Zizzani
review:  So like it's mirror, I also discovered this one through Wittyy and if you read Ghost of the Future then you need to read this one as well because they go together and it just makes the whole thing so much better, not to mention, who wouldn't want to see the future paladins (because this one is from past!Lance's perspective in the future). It's super interesting to see how Witttyy portray's the futures of team Voltron so far and how their relationships and lives have changed over the course of the year.
5. Ghost of the Future by: Zizzani (mirrored fic: Shadow of the past by: Wittyy-name)
rating: General
chapters: 2/?
words: 17,282
last update: 2.26.2017
description: When Lance is thrown through time, his future self from one year ahead is transported to the past in his place. This Lance is faster, stronger, and markedly more mature. Not only that, but he's distinctly more intuitive about his teammates and A LOT more touchy with Keith. The team must try and work out how to reverse the two Lance's places and restore them to their original timelines. Things only get more complicated when the Future Lance can't seem to remember where he was when the switch happened, and he refuses to reveal anything about his own time for fear of influencing the team's decisions. Mirror fic to "Shadow of the Past" by wittyy_name 
review: So I discovered this fic through Wittyy (who writes the mirror fic) and WOW it is so good. This one is from future!Lance's perspective in the current time (the time of the show) and I just have so many feelings towards Lance from the future, it's really not okay (I love him so so much). Ugh these two fics are just so well written and i can't handle it.
6. I Found Love by: seabreez, illustrated by: thesearchingastronaut
rating: Teen & Up 
chapters: 3/?
words: 12,201
last update: 3.17.2017
description: Keith is just trying to live his life as a freelance illustrator with his cat, keeping up with bills by having two part-time jobs. But when he keeps bumping into Mr. Tall, Tan, & Handsome after a music event at his bar, well, maybe he's willing to make time for pretty, blue eyes and a laugh like silver bells.
review: Okay, so thesearchingastronaught is hands down one of my favorite voltron artists because her work is amazing, so when I saw that she collabed with people and did the art for fics I had to read them. I actually read the next fic before this one but still this one is so good. Pure fluff is a really good change from my usual slow burn hardcore angst that I'm used to. So if you are looking for fluff or just a break in the sadness that is your choice of fanfiction, then this is for sure the fic for you.
7. Off Balance by: jubilee_jawz, illustrated by: thesearchingastronaut
rating: General Audiences 
chapters: 2/?
words: 4,786
last update: 1.27.2017
description: 12 year old Keith has settled into his adoptive home quiet nicely. Its Christmas Eve and Shiro makes it home late from uni and he takes Keith out to see the local ballet preform The Nutcracker. Lance is a soldier in the show and beats a rat into submission and little Keith gets his first crush. (AU where Lance is a ballet student at Altea Academy and Keith is pining as per usual. )
review: Fuck Dance AU's- aka. please read this because there are only 2 chapters and it's so adorable already and there is a cute mini aussie named Chaiko and i love dance AU's and need all of them now but especially this one. Jubilee-jawz is the actual author and thesearchingastronaught is the amazing artist for this story and if you like klance then you have probably seen her work- it's so good. Unfortunately, I think this fic has been set on hold for just a little bit because of some personal issues, but I'm not completely sure
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gayspacedogs · 6 years
god i wanna fucking scream. my friends are hurting but i cant do anything. my one friend puts herself and her gender down all the time. and my other friend keeps trying to justify her abuse and rape. im not physically with them most of the time, and i wanna grab them by the shoulders and shake them and yell at them and tell them that they are valid and good people who haven’t deserved the shitty things that have happened to them. but as it stands, i cant convince them to do anything. i can hardly convince them to get professional help or talk to a therapist. and these are just my real life friends. my online friends are hurting too and most of them im not even close enough too to confront. everyone is having mental breakdowns and hurting and i cant! do! anything! i fucking hate it. 
on top of all this, im not doing the best myself. some days are better than others, but im still not great. but my problems seem so trivial compared to my friends that i feel like i cant bring it up. i already feel like i talk about myself a lot, and that i complain a lot. so it leaves me unable to rant or feel too bad about myself or complain to anyone cuz i feel like a dont have a right to. which sucks, but oh well! i just dont want my friends to be hurting, and i dont want to add my shitty bullshit on top of it. but at the same time, i want to help my friends, but its hard to be around so much pain and suffering. im trying to get better myself, and im just surrounded by so many real problems my friends are facing. and that makes me feel selfish, which makes me feel worse. 
just, everything sucks. i wanna scream off the top of my lungs. i want everyone to get better. i want myself to get better. but at least for now, we are stuck in a horrible rut. 
fuck this
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