#its just all a lot to take in and im trying to formulate all my thoughts
disneyprincemuke · 3 months
ღ this barbie can cook
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every single weekend, without fail, there is one thing that mick looks forward to that has absolutely nothing to do with the adrenaline from the race. it’s actually the fact that she makes him lunch all 4 days of a race weekend and they eat it together in honda’s cafeteria together while the prop up her ipad on the table and bond over a korean drama she managed to coax him into watching.
during pre-season testing in bahrain, she made him a lot of japanese food. japanese curry as promised, then a bowl of ramen, gyudon and then onigiri for race day.
for their first race weekend, korean food. korean fried chicken, bibimbap, japchae and bulgogi in that order. in jeddah, she tried threw him a wildcard of dishes while somehow still sticking to a theme: baked potato, mashed potatoes, potato soup and sauteed potatoes.
it’s a game they like to play every weekend — how long can mick decipher the theme of food she’s making him?
“hi,” she grins, dropping her bright pink lunch bag on the table. she thanks mick softly as he pulls the chair next to him out for her to take a seat. “i brought lunch!”
he smiles with a nod. it’s funny that she would say that as if it’s something that they did not establish beforehand — that she would be making him lunch every race weekend that they’re teammates. “did you now?”
“i made pakora,” she says as she starts to take out multiple tupperwares out from her bag. “fried veggies.”
“really?” he scrunches his nose with a frown, pulling a giggle as she throws her head back. “veggies on media day? you’ve gone cruel, barbie. where’s my junk food?”
she blinks at him, eyes wide as she formulates a response in her head. “it’s fried. it’s already junk food, mick.”
he scoffs, furrowing his eyebrows and scowling in feigned disgust. “this is ridiculous, barbie! vegetables on media day!”
she stiffens up and turns to him, blinking slowly. “you don’t like it? really?” her voice comes out softly and fragile as her lips quiver slightly. she starts to put the cover back on her tupperware. “we can just get something from catering. it’s okay.”
only then mick realises that he’s messed up. he’s always joked around with her, the girl either tilting her head in confusion at jokes with depth or simply faking a laugh to try and please him. otherwise, jokes usually just go over her head.
“no!” mick sits up quickly, patting her hands lightly, shaking his head profusely. “barbie, i was joking. usually you only give me the healthy food on race day — it’s media day. get it?”
she stares at him, eyes still wide and hesitant. “are you sure? it’s okay if you don’t want it, really.”
“barbie.” he tears her hands from the tupperware along its cover. “it was a joke. you know i look forward to your cooked lunches every weekend! thank you so much for cooking again.”
“you’re sure?”
he grins. “of course. so,” he taps on her ipad, “is the new episode out yet?”
instantly, she perks up as if forgetting her initial concerns. “yes! the new episodes are out — there’s 2!” she taps away on her ipad to turn on the show she’s decided they will watch and spend the entire day discussing.
“oh, cool. so, how long did it take you to make this meal?”
“just a while,” she shrugs. she takes out their utensils, offering the other pair to mick. “let’s have lunch!”
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thedeathwitchescats · 7 months
Okay, review time!! If you are one of the oddballs who thinks you cant be critical of something you love I suggest you stop reading now before I ruffle your feathers. Iron flame, second in the empyrean series. I am gonna start with what I was not a fan of and then go into the shit I adored.
1) what in the actual fuck was the pacing of this book?? I can tell you what, it was non existent. There was none. Where I thought there was a lot of filler in the last book there was none in this one. We got snap shots of conversations and then *boom* more plot flew at you. The timeline of this book greatly suffered for it i think bc we end only a couple weeks, if that, after threshing, which happens sometimes in October. This book was actually so wild with times.
2) while it was a spectacular cliff hanger, xaden becoming venin pisses me off. Especially if Rebecca yarros isnt going to have him tell violet. Like if that small tid bit of a conversation we got wasnt him telling vi that he was venin then the entire romantic conflict of this book was rendered pointless and their going to be having the same fucking fight for the rest of the series and at rhat point I give up.
3) I understand that the revolution is trying to take down basgaith and make the world better or whatever the fuck but can someone actually formulate a real plan for me?? Because I feel like their mission is just, giving violet and xaden something to be pissed at each other about.
4) the entirety of cats character. I get that she was set up as a spin on the typical jealous ex. Like having her be bitter about xaden picking violet over her but OH WAIT it wasnt actually about the man it was about the crown, oohh not like other girls. Im a writer too I see the point. I dont care. I think it was trashy. If you wanted her to be a bitter spiteful ex then have her be a bitter spiteful ex, the whole crown thing was shallow.
OKAY haters your time is up now onto the shit that made my heart hurt with joy and sadness
1) xadens arc in this book. I really liked that he went from "transparency is never gonna happen" to losing his fucking mind over violet and giving her everything. I love feral men and he qualifies. I think his arc was really well done and i liked it.
2) I appericiate that violet stuck to her guns for this book. She wouldnt let xaden off without a fight and I loved that. She made him bow and scrape and I was eating it up. It was spectacular.
3) the throne room scene. Violet on the throne. "Im making a temporary point not a lasting vow of maschocism" xaden being feral.
4) that gets its own point actually, just xaden being completely feral this entire book healed a part of my soul.
5) andarna's little speech at the end where she was like "I waited for you violet" made me ugly cry. That was just so hopelessly good I loved it. Andarna in general heals my heart but that part was just *chefs kiss*
6) tarin being completely and utterly ready to eat people this entire book. Just, at every turn "I want lunch their pissing me off " was spectacular
7) every scene their squad was in. Rihannon, violet, sawyer and ridoc are my roman empire. Their bond is so amazing. The fact that they launched a rescue mission for violet. Rihannon being ready to kill xaden at every turn. Ridoc being so platonically and adorably in love with violet. Just- augh happy cries happy cries. I love it all. Their so special tbh.
8) I love xaden actually, just, the whole book every scene hes in lives in my brain.
9) I liked that we saw a small bit of violet being feral this book too. I hope that we get more of that in future books. I want more of violet losing her fucking mind. Hot, badass women covered in blood
10) Liam. Fucking Liam. When violet was kidnapped and Liam was there. Now, do I logically understand that he was a hallucination, yes, do i care?? No. He was a gift from Maleck I will be hearing no critiques on that. It was so fucking sweet and amazing. I love violet and Liam and Liam being dead so horribly breaks my heart. I loved Liam. Liams death lives rent free in my skull.
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familyabolisher · 1 year
hi! im new to theory, as in (imo) hard, non-fiction books. when reading some, i realise I lose track of the points inside the book, so recently I have been (attempting) to make notes. however, im a complete amateur, and I don't know exactly how to. back in school, i used to just skim these type of books finding whatever was 'useful' ie. relevant to my assignment/essay/class discussion and would simply dismiss the rest. i dunno if it's just me but I feel like these books are overwhelmingly packed with information - and useful information at that! do you have any tips to organise points mentioned in these books without getting bogged down on details/focus shifting on one line of thinking? if not, it's completely fine. love your blog, and have a great day!
hey! i actually think the best thing you can do is to keep taking notes as you go, because in my experience that's the best way to keep track of information and the best way to identify discrepancies in the text. obviously this can make reading nonfiction a bit of a slog, but ime it's a lot better to have a thorough critical position on a handful of texts than to have skim-read and half-absorbed a lot of them; if you're reading in around the same subject area, it's also pretty likely that you'll gain greater familiarity with texts/scholars/arguments/points of reference over time, such that you won't need to keep writing down Every Little Thing.
i find that the best way to take notes is to identify the key argument(s) in a particular section and to break down the evidence being used to substantiate those arguments. so my notes often look something like:
sub-argument/supporting evidence
sub-argument/supporting evidence
sub-argument/supporting evidence
and so on. kind of like trying to reverse-engineer the essay/chapter plan that the author was working with.
imo, if you're just looking to get the gist of an argument, it's actually fine to just read the introduction and conclusion to a text. obviously this is not always the case, and if you're looking to seriously posit a position on one particular text then you ought to read the whole thing, but there's a lot of theoretical work which tends to set out the significant points of its argument(s) in the intro + conclusion and use the main body of text for detailing examples + evidence. in my experience, the best subject to get away with this in is lit theory - a lot of the central body of lit theory will be detailing application of the theoretical framework laid out at the start, which, whilst obviously helpful (in the same way that all explanatory/evidentiary content is obviously helpful), probably won't do much for you beyond giving you a greater sense of how applicable the theoretical framework in question actually is.
another way to make the process a little easier + more engaging for you could be to think about the sorts of questions you want to ask about the text in question. some of those could be:
what are my expectations for this text? what do i already know about this subject matter & the scholarship surrounding it, and how might i expect this text to respond to that?
what key things do i think a text of this nature must identify in order for me to consider it credible?
what am i looking to get out of this text? what am i interested in? what am i hoping it might clarify?
i think approaching nonfiction with a significant sense of a) what you might expect it to argue (and of course, a willingness to be proven wrong) and b) what you want to get out of it can be helpful in identifying which parts of it you want to prioritise. imo, it's better to think of nonfiction/theory texts as something you are engaging with to the ends of formulating a critical response, rather than a wall of information that you have to take in. hopefully this kind of approach lets you circumvent that concern about focus shifting - it still requires that you look at and think about everything, but the way in which you think about it & the material you deem helpful in articulating the response to the text ought to change a little.
i completely feel you though lol i find it incredibly difficult to keep track of information + arguments if i don't write it all down and i still don't 100% trust my opinions on nonfiction texts after the fact if i don't think i was thorough enough with my reading. i tried to read a physical copy of g. aloysius' nationalism without a nation in india the other month & whilst it was clearly so helpful & so thorough, i had to give up because i couldn't find a pdf online and i can't really take notes from physical copies. it's annoying but, like. it works!
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noyasaur · 6 months
hii!! i have a few shifting questions im a bit new lol
can you prove shifting is real? im trying to shift but i cant get over the fact that it might not be real and that im wasting my life yk?
do i have to script personalities or appearances to existing characters or will they jut be like they are in the show/game?
how can i be more motivated to shift?
sorry if this doesnt make sense! im a bit bad at english even though its my first language lol
anyways have a great day!!
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hihi anon ! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ i hope you're doing well and welcome! i hope your journey is going well so far! and don't worry, your questions made perfect sense! and i also apologise for taking so long to answer your questions, i spent a lot of time trying to formulate the right answers for your questions so i hope i'm able to help 😭 and sorry for the super long answer!
anyway, let's answer your questions~
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honestly, this is a tricky one. i want to be very honest with you and i, in no way want to demotivate you at all! right now, the only way of 'proving' shifting (at least, to my knowledge) is through experiencing shifting ourselves, or trusting other shifter's word as proof of reality shifting. regarding scientific research and proof behind reality shifting, to my knowledge, there are no studies that directly investigate reality shifting. i also feel like reality shifting would already be incredibly difficult to prove already on top of the existence of infinite realities/potentials, thus leading to an extension of an infinite amount of different variables.
reality shifting is a very personal experience and one's journey and experience will differ from person to person. unfortunately, in the current state of our reality, reality shifting has not been scientifically proven.. yet.
reality shifting is on of those experiences where you just have to form your own beliefs on it, and trust yourself and others. i like to think of it this way. take our own consciousness for example- we are all conscious right now, correct? we all know we have consciousness. it's a known fact. however, very little is known about our own consciousness, it's origins and it's power. but we all know that we have a consciousness, and we can't prove it to anyone yet but ourselves.
people thought lucid dreaming wasn't real many years ago and now people recognise it as a legitimate practice. same with astral projection, and out of body experiences.
and i know shifting is real because i have experienced parallel reality shifts (some intentional and some unintentional) and mini-shifts myself.
however, not all hope is lost! are there studies and theories on infinite universes, parallel realities and the multiverse? yep! are there studies on consciousness, quantum mechanics and biophotons? yes! there are plenty of studies, theories, and concepts that can be linked together and used to scientifically determine how reality shifting is even possible in the first place. yes, it's one of those things that isn't believed or accepted by the general public, but it exists. we may not know exactly how and we can only theorise, but there are connections that can be made.
now, i completely understand your worries on how reality shifting might not be real. that's totally valid! especially speaking since we've been conditioned out whole lives to think otherwise. that we only have one shot at life and we have to work hard to get our desires, but know we now that's the opposite? we can live an infinite amount of lives and have an infinite amount of parallel realities? we are the creators of our own reality and we have the power to shape what we experience?
however, this is where you come in. i highly recommend that to reassure your worries, find these answers out for yourself. determine what exactly reality shifting is for you and find how it is possible, instead of worrying about what if it's not possible. i'm not a fan of overconsumption of shifting information, however i think it's good to do a deep dive on shifting every now and then to help you open your mind to question what reality shifting is and how it's possible. then, when you've formed your own beliefs on shifting, it's easier to validate your belief and trust in shifting since you've discovered yourself how it's possible and what it is to you! that way, you won't need to worry about any external shaking your beliefs or making you worry about whether shifting is real or not because YOU have personally worked out how it's possible for you.
explore and read about other people's experiences, beliefs and theories on shifting. read scientific papers on concepts relating to shifting such as The Many Worlds Theory, multiverses, and parallel realities. read about the Law of Assumption and consciousness. read shifting success stories! just anything that relates to shifting. and don't worry, at the end of this post, i'll link some helpful resources at the end that have helped me explore deeper into how reality shifting is possible!
and if you're worried about wasting your life away on reality shifting, something that could help is to normalise reality shifting. what i mean by that is see reality shifting as something that is an everyday casual thing (which it is). think of it as a hobby, and not something you don't need to be heavily obsessed over. become content with the fact that, "oh, there's this super cool thing i can do! i can shift realities, i'll try it. oh, i didn't shift, that's okay i'll try again next time. oh, i shifted? cool!"
remember that reality shifting and your desired realities all exist in the now regardless, and they aren't going anywhere. reality shifting is not something super unattainable. i understand where you're worries are coming from and they are 100% valid.
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now, you don't have to script character's entire personalities and appearances (if you don't want to!). you can, but it's also not necessary. it's entirely up to you :)
with scripting, you don't have to script everything down to the tee. you aren't specifically creating any reality out of thin air, more like visually and physically specifying your intentions of what reality you want to shift to/experience. in fact, some people don't even have scripts!
scripting essentially has no power. scripting is just a physical, visual outline of the desired reality where you intend to shift to. to sort out your thoughts and intentions. your subconscious mind already holds everything in that script and whatever else you intend to experience. your subconscious knows what you want and it'll fill in all the gaps for you, so don't stress!
there is no requirement or criteria for how much, or how little you need to script. you can script as little as you like, or as much as you like! thus, if you don't script anything about a character's personality or appearance, but you intend for them to act like how they would in their respective game/show, then they will act how you expect them to. you can even add that in your script if you want as well: "this character will have the same personality/appearance as they do in ___." it's all up to your assumptions and intentions.
however, if you feel like you want to script their appearance or personality, then go for it! do whatever makes you feel best and most comfortable.
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oh gosh, there are so many different ways to help keep you motivated to shift! i'll try not to ramble :)
honestly, just thinking about the concept of reality shifting and the possibilities can be motivating enough. like how there are infinite realities and infinite possibilities? you can literally experience anything and be anyone you want to be.
you can consume any kind of content relating to your desired reality, watch videos, create pinterest boards (e.g. your outfits in your dr, dr locations, etc.), write letters to people in your desired reality, or think/make a list of things you're excited to experience in your desired reality.
or even just think about your desired reality and get yourself excited! what are you excited to experience? who are you excited to meet? what are you scared about? where do you want to visit? things like that.
however, while i am a big advocate for being able to seek motivation from yourself, it's also good to watch videos and read about other people's shifting experiences to motivate yourself! find other people who have the same/similar desired realities as you, or read shifting stories.
however, it's good to learn how to motivate yourself and not rely on other's so much for validation on shifting, it's existence and motivation. however, it doesn't hurt to consume shifting stories and tips from shifters too, just don't rely too much on it as your main source of validation/motivation.
additionally, it's completely okay to feel demotivated with shifting. it's okay to be drained. and it's also okay to take breaks when you need it. stay at your own pace and don't rush yourself into anything. you don't need to be trying to shift every single day of the year if you don't feel like it. reality shifting isn't going anywhere and your desired realities are always going to exist. so please don't stress and don't feel like you need to rush! you can always shift to your desired reality whenever you want, and however you want!
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alright, i hope i answered your questions well and i hope this helped! and i apologise if i rambled a little bit, i just had so much to say (especially for the first question dhjkds).
have an amazing day and good luck on your shifting journey! you got this! ʚɞ ⁺˖
- saturn ♡
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🪐 HELPFUL RESOURCES! (these are just some that have helped me!)
REALITYSHIFTING101 - i found this user through amino and their posts have been so, so informative in the in-depth science behind reality shifting and how it's possible. honestly one of the only shifters i've seen who's done such an in-depth analysis on reality shifting and the objective science behind it.
blog: https://realityshifting.medium.com/ amino: https://aminoapps.com/c/desired/page/user/realityshifting101/5w64_MWUYf81pj0qoYwJY00P5JdG5ZxmQHY ULTIMATE RESOURCE: Total Shifting Science (amino): https://aminoapps.com/c/desired/page/blog/ultimate-resource-total-shifting-science/xLkq_62t2u6DWEXn3x55w5rgL5z5vZkKmm
LOVE - an amino user who's been shifting for quite some time and visited many different realities. provided some very interesting information and perspectives on the reality shifting, the multiverse, other realities, and some interesting terminology and concepts.
amino profile: https://aminoapps.com/c/desired/page/user/nill-l/vPMG_2qu2f6eoEGbvBBwwP7kK2Y1qepw32sX
OTHER RESOURCES - here is are some other uncategorised links of good shifting resources!
reddit post (shifting + other shifting related resources): https://www.reddit.com/r/shiftingrealities/comments/ow7n7y/recommended_reliable_resources/ yennieshifts shifting carrd: https://yennieshifts.carrd.co/https://yennieshifts.carrd.co/
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lion-buddy · 5 months
You've started writing notes for swap au concepts?
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care to share some?
hehe yeah sure
ever since i found out abt cure puka, role swapping them and prim is something ive been rotating in my mind. and now that i have the actual story in book form i was able to really sit down with it and think. initially my ideas were pretty basic with a generic role swap. puka is now the cure while prim is the fairy and nothing else changes. it was more for sillies and i wasnt sure how to formulate an actual story around it.
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i drew these back when all i had were the trailers to go off of lol
a complete story is my end goal when writing any au. i really like to take into consideration how the entire story could be affected by this change and im a big stickler for trying to make it all make sense. i figured there are two ways i could go about this. one is that i can stick to the original concept of a basic role swap. im sure i could make some sort of story out of it. but it was just. kinda boring to me. the story would follow a lot of the same beats. the only real change being that they look different. maybe change things up with a team swap as well? idk. or maybe swap their personalities, but i found that to be kinda. reductive. i feel half the appeal of personality swaps is redesigning the characters as such and well.
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idk not much would change lol. There personalities are inverse of each other and so are their designs. It’d be pretty boring to me
and option two. i ended up laying out what drives these two characters. prim is driven to act though a desire to gain power and prove their strength. pukas actions revolve around their hatred of their power. the two contrast each other in personality, with prim being emotionless and blunt while puka is very much the opposite. i want to stay true to that. so i decided to try and swap their moralities. they would still follow their principles since it defines their characters, but they would have different goals due to circumstance, idk if that makes sense. it would probably help if everyone actually knew the story lol. soon,,, but yeah. puka becomes more of the driving force, taking prims place as a "precure" and being the one in charge. swap pukas goals are different, and their relationship to their strength and power is complicated. i dont fully know what im doing with them yet but i have ideas. swap prim on the other hand is forced into a passive role as a fairy. prim does not like this. they will bite you.
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overall i just want to ensure the theme of power and "what is a precure" is kept in tack since i find that to be most important. its all veryyy interesting to me and i dont want to say too much since its still very fresh and being worked out and i dont want to contradict myself later but. yeah :]
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metanarrates · 10 months
honestly how are you so smart? How do I become smart? My entire life I was put in the gifted classes and I really think it made me think I was smarter than I am. I'm "intelligent", sure. But I'm also really dumb and it's a huge sore point for me :( I'm always falling victim to believing anyone who sounds the most convincing and I never have my own opinion. It's like those discourse posts where I'll have whiplash reading them thinking "OK this is the most morally correct stance on the matter got it!" And then there'll be a new response and I'll go "OK scratch that! This is what I should believe and parrot back!". I'm really worried that I don't have any firm stances on anything and I'm a sheep who just follows the most ""correct"" sounding take. Sorry to dump this on you, I'd just like to hear your thoughts on it!
that sort of thing is more common than you think, anon. lots of people have trouble not following a herd mentality. it's scary to go against the grain! and i do think the educational system can reinforce that in certain people, since having the "correct" thought as determined by educators is prioritized more than a student having their own independent opinions.
my advice is to start small. if you see a post on your dash talking about a certain topic, really take a moment to step back. does this argument seem convincing? does it seem accurate? if so, why? do you have all the information? if you don't know enough about a topic to formulate your own opinion, maybe you should do some research!
and im not saying you should by default disagree with everything you see. that creates its own host of problems. I'm saying that whether you agree OR disagree with something, you should take a step back and evaluate why. can you explain your own opinions to others outside of "people I want to agree with have this opinion?"
it's also perfectly fine to not have an opinion on certain topics. if you don't know very much about something, there's no shame in waiting to form an opinion until you have more information. don't be afraid to ask questions. don't be afraid to investigate the trustworthiness of sources!
but if all that is overwhelming, and stepping in discourse sounds scary, you can even try this with fiction you read or watch. (im primary a media analysis blog, so i really do think fiction is a great practice ground to practice your analytical skills.) how does this story make me feel? can I identify why it does that? do I like this character? why? can I pick up on any subtext here? can I identify any literary devices the author is using? small questions like that.
in my opinion, a lot of my seeming intelligence comes from my ability to know and explain myself. I spend a lot of time reflecting on why I hold certain opinions, and seeking out further information when I don't understand something. you're probably here because you like my opinions on media analysis - those opinions are formed by not only reading and watching a wide range of things, but by seeking out different lens of analysis, and yes, seeing what other people have to say, and evaluating whether or not I think their opinions are well-supported. I try my best to expose myself to a lot of different types of thought. and I try my best to understand my own mental mechanisms, and to challenge them when necessary. I do think that's crucial to being an independent thinker.
I am sorry if this comes across as a lot. this stuff is overwhelming! you don't have to take all my advice at once. if you can pick even one suggestion from this post, and make an honest effort to try it, you'll start getting better at confronting your fear of being wrong, or the odd one out. over time, it will get easier for you to understand yourself as an independent person.
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writterings · 3 months
do you have any recommendations for resources re: tarot
okay so actually i have advice. don't read the literal meanings of the cards. like it can be helpful to know the intended meanings, the astrology, the numberology, and symbolism but ultimately a reading will be more accurate if you understand the tarot in your own personal way. a lot of practitioners recommend making your own personalized deck to start to understand this concept better (like, printing out a photo of a butterfly and taping it to the death card to represent death bc that symbolism hits better for you).
for example, the knight of swords was a card i associated with an ex of mine. now whenever it shows up in a reading, i can either interpret it as its literal meaning or as having something to do with the romantic partner of the person im reading. but that will ultimately depend on the message of the readings, which is up to you to interpret.
also some people use spreads. i personally find spreads pointless. you don't need them to be able to read. don't memorize them. the position of the card on the table means nothing unless it DOES mean something. but that's up to you to FEEL not formulate. so don't use spreads. unless, like, you personally vibe with them. i'm not a cop or your mom so you do you.
in terms of resources, don't bother with books unless you're looking for general history stuff or some scammer's take on the "the soul's feminine and powerful journey of the tarot" or whatever. here's what you're going to look up:
-the history of the specific deck you're using, who created it and for what reason
-occult symbology and associations
-alchemical symbology and associations
-basic classic art symbology (ie what poses mean, etc)
-astrology in general and astrology in its relationship to the tarot
-meanings of each suite
-numberology (but like numberology specific to tarot. you can take into account actual numberology but tarot has its own numberology. googling 'tarot numberology' should work)
those last two are literally just what tarot is and it's usually universal across any type of deck. for example, take five of rods. rods = fire = knowledge. five = conflict. the five of rods' literal meaning in traditional practice is either a conflict or fun challenge. so conflicts are caused by differing opinions or thoughts OR conflicts can be seen as fun brain challenges. so five of rods literally means what rods and five represent together.
finally, a note on reversals - don't read them when first starting out. reversals don't mean the opposite of the upright card a lot of the time and you'll just get confused when trying to remember them all. just read the cards like normal and then eventually start to understand what the reversals mean TO YOU.
also those pick a card tiktoks never work bc its all based on algorithm. find some on youtube though (like the hour long ones) and just listen to those readings even if you don't think their advice applies for you. hearing someone else's take on interpreted tarot can be pretty beneficial in seeing how you view it.
also practice tarot with friends when you can, it's fun. make them learn tarot too so you get readings sometime as well.
anyways hope this helps. my source is that i have been a tarot reader for 10 years now, i'm a student at a government-recognized occult temple (and technically completed my first year of ministry training but i'm prob not gonna continue to priesthood), and i have paying clients. have fun.
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also wanted to take a moment to answer some questions from @eye-cri againn quite honestly reading these made me so happy^^
ughrgh kajal my girl🩵
(note: this is quite a long post so yk just fyi^^)
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yes indeed the skirt was a nightmare to render but was it worth it? absolutely. and yeee the earrings are such an important part of her design (shes hardly ever seen w/ out them :>>) and yes, they do ring!! (trust zeus teases her for it when they’re initially meeting) the glove is actually tied to her story, she uses it to cover a symbol on her hand linked to her powers (ill go into detail about that in a bit). also kajal is of fae descent, (hence the pointed ears, i think i also meant to add a tail to her design but we’ll see abt that). as for how she got in to the academy, she just applied to the academy for fun (fae court stuff bored her- i have so much fae lore for this universe i.) and got accepted into the night class- she wanted to get away from home for a bit and thought some fancy boarding school/ academy in gedonelune would be interesting (i honestly forgot how getting into the academy works and haven’t gone back to check in a while so. i hope that works TT). she’s close friends with caesar, leslie and hiro. (i personally like that hiro and kajal both have special unique skills- ill touch on it later.)
ALSO YES. ZEUS. KAJAL. ZEJAL. IM. THEY- 💕🥺🩵✨❤️ zeus nationnnnn YES. hes just so🥺🩵🩵.
i truly cannot put into words how much they mean to me. zeus as a character is just so so wonderful and i. cannot. describe. how much i love him :>> anyways zejal (the ship name :PP) has been my precious lil thing for YEARS now im. (i’ll try to keep this brief so i dont go on forever)- zeus and kajal are very much rivals to lovers. they start out as classmates and spend most of their first year trying to one up one another. they do eventually start to begrudgingly respect one another and before he knows it, zeus is whipped for her. she too forms her own budding crush but isn’t really sure what to do about it because she doesn’t think zeus would ever feel the same way sooo she bottles it down and ignores it- subsequently (and perhaps inadvertently) ignoring him too. he doesn’t take that too well and it stays pretty tense between them for a bit until everything boils over and zeus ends up confessing followed almost immediately by kajal. thats just a ridiculously brief summary lmaoo- theres a lot to their story TT.
as for styling her uniform, i think she keeps it pretty simple just a regular night class uniform- she will however sometimes be spotted with a large floofy orange scarf (she borrows zeus’s- she likes how soft it is and he honestly loves to see her wear it)
the type of magic she specializes in are ancient curses and incantations. girl has LOADS of ancient grimoires she could spend hours translating and decoding the spells described in them. In fact she ends up using her knowledge of ancient magic to formulate her own unique spell (a concept i might have borrowed from twst in all honesty). she calls it, “evil eye” and its basically a magic circle w/ an evil eye design in the middle - it defends her from malicious intent however, considering that shes supposed to be rather powerful i took it a step further and made it so that using it, kajal can temporarily shut down people’s magic if they intend to do her any harm. she has the symbol marked on her right palm so she can activate it faster. (smthn smthn hiro and kajal bonding over having unique abilities- hiro would actually approach her bc she knows a lot about sealing magic away + she tries her best to help him research his own curse and whatnot) i also just love how both she and zeus work with magic circles i. ugh💕.
—> also the thought of her, caesar and leslie having get togethers where they gossip about random things while drinking chai she prepares hasn’t left my mind.
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volivolition · 1 month
HEWWO wanted to send these in before we forgot Jfjskakdkfjsf hopefully we aren't sending them Too fast lmk if we are FHDJDJD But!!! two songs this time!! bc the first one is Very Very Short but
First one is!!! Cosmos by Jawbreaker Reunion!! You rbed a Jean fic that looks super interesting we'll have to read it later bUt it reminded us of our Jean's favourite song which is this!! he says it rlly reminds him of him and Harry tbh!
Second one is Sober by FIDLAR! v loud and energetic and Yeah this is an E-Chem song. FHHDSJFJDKSKFKD like. points at the lyrics. That's a fuckin e-chem song right there!! and a harry song tbh but it's on our Skills playlist 4 E-chem
ok that's all we hope you have a good day!! :3c
HEWWO!! my music friends the furies!! <333 send me as many as you want, anytime you feel like it!! :D it just takes me a while to formulate responses because im a sleepy guy with lots to say -ᴗ- <3 but i appreciate you taking time to share music with me!!!! i will listen to ALL of it :3 <3
cosmos fills me with EMOTIONS i really like this one!! makes me melancholy in a good way :'] <3 OH THE FUCKING. SUDDEN SWELL OF THE INSTRUMENTS. WAUGH... HELL YES this is going in my playlists hjkhf <3 oh when you're a satellite... weeps!! absolutely a jean and harry song, i love it, short and sweet :'] <3
(also YEAH TAR AND TONIC WATER IS SO FUNNY, its a wild ride of a story <3 i fondly think of it as "A Spilled Kaleidoscope"'s younger sibling fic in the "whoopsie-daisy, bro, your proximity to harry means you got voices now!! get used to it!!" concept)
POINTS AT SOBER YEAH. YEAH I ABSOLUTELY GET IT. songs that you can scream to!!!! "LOOK IM TRYING TO GET BETTER, WHY DO I HAVE TO FIGURE OUT WHY IM LIKE THIS" ough. OUGH OUCH THE LYRICS. e-chem and harry!!!! :'0 <333 love that, love that <3
thank you thank you i hope you're having a good day too!! :D <333
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bumofthewild · 3 months
omg your ffxiv journey is so sweet ;____; it's so touching to see other haurchefant fans waaaaah everything in ishgard is so crazy. do you have any thoughts? on his family, ysayle, estinien? aymeric?
awwww ty i feel like all i've really done is tweet "i love haurchefant" or complain abt fantasy racism but i'm happy you think so...! and yess infinite love for haurchefant forever i was not expecting to fall for him like that at all. he is literally perfect.......!!!
im actually obsessed w ishgard im hoping you understand that asking for my thoughts on anything is opening a floodgate but i will try to reel it in! ok! here we go!
ok i love ishgard.... i love its extremely insular and severe and almost monastic atmosphere. i am a hugeee fan of secluded locations as the setting of a story so when i realised hvw was going to be largely about ishgard i was so excited. i also really love plots where characters are in hiding/have to take refuge in a hidden and secretive place??? and then the fact that the place you have to take refuge in is haurchefants family home??? i started writing fanfic immediately i literally felt like i was being spoiled like they wrangled that from my brain i genuinely couldn't believe i could experience so much luxury all at once. of course that's been ruined after doing the vault which i have been genuinely handing terribly but. moving on!
emmanellain is so funny and i think the contrast between him and artoirel (silliness/overconfidence vs seriousness/insecurity) is really interesting, down to where you go with them on their separate missions. really fun way of exploring more of ishgard. i like their dad too he's genuinely sweet which i thought was a nice surprise. it really stuck out to me this one moment where the war worsens and he says you can't stay anymore bc its become so dangerous, bc i just automatically assumed everyone would beg you to stay and help. that really touched me. i feel like hvw somehow passed my convoluted eq test
also learning haurchefant was an illegitimate son in the way you do w artoirel just telling you really stood out to me o__o not bc that kind of thing is an issue but bc of how you learn it idk backstory on the characters kind of throws me off in a good way bc of how linear the game is. idk i cant formulate thoughts on haurchefant rn itd need its own post. some other time..
i don't believe in things like nobility as an actual moral concept, obviously, and fantasy games let alone ishgard really test my patience with it, but i do love it aesthetically. same w christianity. i really like idk arthurian medieval aesthetics. the high houses + their motifs really got me like i specifically love unicorns and roses if hvw was trying to appeal to me directly it knew exactly how. ishgard's politics too i thought that shit was so interesting i'd love to learn more about the rocky relationships btwn the houses. and we loveeeee toppling the church thank you heavensward
there were a lot of times though where i was really frustrated with the dragonsong war and this is my issue with ffxiv in general but the way it treats beast races is extremely disturbing. i pretend i cant read whenever a character on the "good" side talks about "civility" or "reason/sense". and the ishgard lore being ppl directed by their god to inhabit a land only to find that land inhabited by "savages" (the dragons) that they have to kill now bc as "reasonable" beings they have a religious claim to that land...is an insane thing to write about!!! jrpgs are crazy!!!!!! like i genuinely need it to stop but i guess they at least (???) kind of turned things around with hresvelgr and ysayle offering the perspective of the other side and i think they made it an interesting issue enough for the game but lord it is disconcerting. that being said the foundation of ishgard being a total lie (and being described constantly as a sin) is still a lot of fun to me like thank god. and the quirky somewhat found family journey w ysayle, estinien and alphinaud to unearth the truth was one of the best parts of hvw imo. i loved seeing estinien act almost like an older brother to alphinaud, and for estinien and ysayle to constantly be at odds and alphinaud trying to keep things together. i am so fond of that section of the game.. just felt like you were climbing higher and higher into figurative heaven (i love the title heavensward im glad they used it in such fun ways) and seeing stubborn bastards like estinien question what he knew. he was so funny by the way i was not expecting that even though i knew an estinien was a popular char in the game for a while. i also like ysayle a lot like her passion was very compelling, and when she finally talks to hresvelgr the way her goals would be tinged w a sort of self-serving personal feeling at times i found really interesting. all of it was so interesting whenever the plot strayed from ishgard id be like take me back PLEASEEE. idk i like chars who behave like tools (estinien) or become tools by accident (ysayle). i think those two should hang out and bicker and begrudgingly accept each other forever
also i love aymeric like i already loved aymeric from post-arr idk if you play w another dub but his english voice has this softness to it that i find so cute. idk he's kind of delicate to me maybe not what they were going for but i'm into it. the fact that post-arr to me is just watching aymeric and haurchefant be in a wol-loving contest MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACHGHH i love the ishgardians how much they like wol in a place that's notorious for being so cold is so great. i think love is real on earth. and not in the self-insert "i need every char in this game to want me" way i just mean that i like love a lot, and they are not shy about the fact that they love you. its great. also when they revealed aymeric was actually an idealist and that getting jailed as a heretic meant little to him if it could bring about a new ishgard--literal nail in my coffin. i love idealism!! i was really pleasantly surprised that the nobles you come to know decided to care more about bringing in a new age for the region rather than being noble. whether or not that change comes is to be seen ofc.. but considering the brume is a location that exists well. what is with this game and the fantasy cops always being really bad...? like is ffxiv actually down for the cause...? (joke)
ik ishgard has its whole classism thing going on but that seems more like fray's department now which i have yet to dance with.. i mean literally just dissolve the class system...but this post is already very unorganised so. no more. i would pay an infinite amount of money to bring haurchefant back. each time i think about him i slip up and think about his gravestone instead and feel nauseous. great game!
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leaderlamby · 3 months
TW: Rant/Long post
Alright so I've been thinking a lot about something and I just need to get it off my chest
No, nothing happened, I just need to vent a bit
So it's come to my attention recently that I have low social awareness, probably the autism
And because of that, I really tend to speak before I think. Even when typing and there's no pressure to respond immediately and I have all the time in the world to formulate my message so it comes off the way I mean
But sometimes I say things and I just don't realise they could be rude until someone points it out
A while ago when I was still in high school, I unintentionally made fun of my friend with tourette's
And that guy was just way too nice to correct me- not that I blame him, I get it can be a tough thing to do, especially irl
But I did genuinely care about him. Eventually after educating myself on TS, I did slowly start correcting myself, like simply ignoring his tics instead of trying to make them funny like an idiot (unless it was like excessive and I asked if he was okay)
And history has been sort of repeating itself in my discord server. It's not like I'm saying anything horrendous, but they weren't very nice things either
Unintentionally insulting one of my friends and their system, saying something to another friend that could come off as dismissive and disingenuous
And now I have a friend who will call me out if I do something like that, and they have, which is why im making this "social awareness" realisation now
The amount of shame I feel when they do (not that I'm upset at them for it, a huge part of this rant is how thankful I am they help me correct myself) - it's a really shitty feeling and I can never apologise enough.
THAT is how people learn. That is how I'm learning right now. Like I said, I have no idea these things are rude when I say them, so this is definitely teaching me to, one, be more educated on some topics and two, slow down a bit with what I say
Ever since I started this server as a public thing, I wanted it to be a safe space, especially now when I've gotten so close to these people
I would hate to be the person who takes that feeling of safety away
I still somehow feel like I'm not getting my point across well enough- this is not a pity thing for me, I don't wanna hear any "Oh its okay"- this is just me needing to vent abt these feelings and wanting to acknowledge how insensitive I am sometimes
It's not a public apology either, none of this stuff is public matter, I just cannot express how upset I am with myself for being the kind of person I hate - insensitive and non understanding
And when it comes to my friends, I ALWAYS want to understand, I ALWAYS want to learn. I always want to be someone they can talk to about their problems and not worry about how I might respond
I just love my friends so much, yknow? So indescribably much, which is why I'm making such an effort to not slip and say shit that could hurt them
Still doesn't feel like I explained this well enough but whatever
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qumiiiquinnquin · 9 months
im always busy due to college and i barely have any free time if any at all, trying to take breaks or time for myself just proves to always be a mistake and ive been riding on 3-5 hours of sleep every day for a few weeks now...
i feel like i have no right to complain and im being lazy, and i know i did this to myself by not implementing a break during registration so i have a full 5-day week. but i did not know i could because the only example for breaks that they used was "work". i dont work. i couldn't formulate my own schedule with desired times and days either, so i have this one. i feel so burnt out and tired. every time i come home and want to rest i know i cant because i get home at after 5 and i immediately have to start working on homework
im not even enjoying having any time off. i have lots of ideas to draw but i never want to draw anymore. im forgetting to message people back because im so busy. i dont like sleeping in, i instead just panic about oversleeping
its almost october. so the end of the semester is coming up in a couple more months. but i remembered today i have to go see the other side of my family this year for christmas, which has only worsened my anxiety.
everything is going back to days blending together and unable to remember when things happened. im starting to go back to crying myself to sleep at night. its all so stressful. im so exhausted
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pithyorangecurd · 2 years
that glimpse into what it’s like working in a kitchen has me Enthralled, i am fascinated by the dynamic described, and if you had any more details to share, either about your workspace or through the lens of earl’s kitchen, i would shovel it into my mouth with both hands with much appreciation, thank you.
Sorry I keep getting distracted, anyways a peek into the work gc but it is so so tame bc all we do is share recipes, deals at the store, and occassional memes
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The kitchen is a lot of fun!! Its one of those places you HAVE to get along. You can't function in the kitchen without liking the people there because you spend 8 to 12 hours a day with them, and you spend it in close quarters, with a lot of down time. No breaks! But down time.
Our kitchen is only open three days a week, and we do prep two days of it, so we have a lot of time to be in each others quarters. Which means we tend to spend a lot of time together, looking at each others recipes, tasting what we make, generally talking or helping each other w prep and shit like that. Which means we pick up rituals together. Like we make our own ricotta cheese in house, so every week we take the whey biproduct and make something out of it.
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Our whey pancakes, miss amanda made the pancakes, while I made the raspberry syrup, and we snacked on that and enjoyed it. We made a spiced pear panna cotta yesterday, and last week I made whey fland for the kitchen. Uhm. A lot of food goes around the kitchen that never touches the table, because we have no time at home to make things like we do here so we are just always cooking, and trying, and experimenting.
I have a clip board full of things for us to work on and formulate, and try together, and its just a lot of cohesive moving parts that come together because we genuinely like each other and enjoy soendinf time in this and its our direct passion project every time. Everything I do in the kitchen is my full heart, because everything I do, I do because I love to do the things that I do most in the world. When you have a room full of people like that!! It just makes this amazing atmosphere you love. And its so much fun experiencing it with everyone.
One of the ways is melding stations, which means putting dish across several stations. I myself do pantry, which is a mix of three stations [salad, appetizers, and dessert] and me and my sautee girl get along and spend a lot of time discussing recipes, and things we can do TOGETHER. Like, for this upcoming week I'm putting sautee in charge of heating up milk for me, so I can make on the fly gnoche for the servers to pour over my dessert. Which isn't a lot of work!! But it's something about sharing a dish and being a part of it and included it's so fucking nice. Usually I join her, and make a small arugula salad, or a microgreens, or lemon garnish or anything else like that. But like??
Going out of our way to include one another in each others process is just a huge uhm.
It's a lot??
It's not hard to explain but it's hard to get across. Bc like it's nothing, but it's also that they thought of us and wanted to share this and this is HER passion project (special for the week) and she wants to let me do it with her. I'd give her the entire gnoche if it didnt require chocolate, and I need that to stay cool.
Working together in the kitchen very much is a the kitchen is your family type of situation no matter what. And if you dont like people, then you should just leave.
Im here and talking now and cant think about anythign I do in the kitchen, but its a lot of sharing experiences. And recipes, and ideas, and exoeriemtnations, ideas, concepts, learning from one another, tossing your ideas and what you want to do to make your idea work and letting someone else pick it up when you get stuck somewhere.
One of my favorite things about the kitchen is the chefs though, the chefs dont have prep like we do, so they do their own prep on the other side of the expo station, and they just talk to you. We'll talk to each other, but they'll talk to us and they always have so much knowledge and its so so cool. Thats how i learn most things in the kitchen, just my chef mindlessly talking to us about making alcohol, flavor profiles, his experiences with insane cooking techniques, how to make things better, how the chemical structure of things change and the importance of the steps in them. It is so cool and fascinating and fun and amazing and I love the kitchen soooo much I love the atmosphere.
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nahalism · 1 year
I wasn’t trying to goad you or start any type of conversation, I was simply curious also some opinions might still offend people even if they’re not really offensive so you probably do have “controversial” opinions at least according to someone out there, my bad if my question annoyed you… I wouldn’t even know what your opinion on most things are anyway so idk on what subject I’d even start a conversation, you’re funny
in that case im sorry for jumping down your throat. its not that i was annoyed, maybe i just misjudged the tone with which you asked the question. also i hear you on the taking offence point. i still agree with the overall sentiment of what i shared earlier. i feel like i express myself pretty openly on here so anything i would say in response to this question i would have already shared in some capacity on this blog.
i guess i could think of something original as i have a lot of opinions on a lot of things, so to say i have nothing else to say in response to this would be a lie. however if im speaking on something that dear to me, id like to fully flesh out the thought, first in my mind then on here which would require more time and space than this response has to offer. for me to try and formulate that thought now would sacrifice my ability to fully convey what i mean, and it would be reactive and fully for the sake of answering this question which would lead things get lost in translation. so maybe one day soon ill write & post those essays for consumption, but for now ill hold my peace. i hope your not offended by me not fully answering this. all the best still, <3
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chocoberry-dream · 5 years
So...about the news.
My reaction is still this:
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Like....I have SO many thoughts about this, SM and Ji but I’m super busy at the moment so it’ll come later today.
But wait on it. Cuz I definitely got some thoughts lol.
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murdertoothpick · 3 years
wait for it - 332 follower celebration
Captain Rex x fem!Reader x ARC Trooper Jesse; some random moments | w/c: 1536
Warnings: uh a lil umbara stuff but its fluffy, sexual allusions and innuendos but very brief, also sharing a bath but not in the...dirty sense. FLUFF basically.
A/N: YALL THANK YOU FOR 332 FOLLOWERS? AND BEFORE IVE EVEN BEEN ON HERE FOR A MONTH?? WOW. (it's currently 1am here) ,,, this is pretty messy though and its not really a story ya feel me, just some 'scenes' im stringing together into one post (lets also pretend you have a really big bath tub) ,,, some things that inspired this: 'wait for it'/hamilton, lyrics from 'take a break'/hamilton, this post i made, a lyric from 'our love is god'/heathers, my love for underrated jesse, uh rex and jesse in tbb arc <3 idk i love those mf's
(omg and this gif is sending me into orbit im in love with all of them)
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You're on patrol with Rex when you hear three sets of approaching footsteps. Your gaze follows his as he turns to address the troopers.
'Fives, what are you doing out here?' the captain interrogates them, though you sense he already knows the answer, 'You should be in the barracks.'
'I found my pilots,' the arc trooper responds, and you recognise Jesse and Hardcase behind him, 'We're going after that supply ship.'
Rex pulls Fives over, 'Are you out of your mind?', he begins to reprimand him, but your attention is drawn away by the other ARC trooper.
Jesse looks to you, nodding as a show of formality, 'General.'
You dismiss his address, 'You sure about this, trooper?' you ask instead, your stoic, battle-hardened facade concealing the uneasiness in your voice. It's something you've been focused on since landing on Umbara.
'We have to try,' he responds, and you admire his commitment to the Republic and his brothers, you can't blame him, but you need the reassurance that he knows what he's getting into.
Rex speaks up over your conversation, 'I can't help you when you get caught,' he tells Fives with conviction.
The ARC trooper nods in understanding, turning away and prompting Hardcase and Jesse to follow. You and Rex share a look of fearful apprehension, your anxiety threatening to bubble up again.
'Troopers!' you yell, catching their attention. You quickly close the distance they had walked, looking to all of them, 'Come back in one piece, okay?'
They give you firm nods, and you can hear the smiles in their voices as they shout their 'Yes Sir's.
Your eyes look to Jesse, searching for his behind the visor. He doesn't flinch when your hands move up to the sides of his helmet. 'Good luck out there,' you plant a firm kiss on his helmet, above the breath filters.
You can't see the way his cheeks flush underneath the helmet, but his speechlessness confirms you've given him enough incentive to return safely.
'We'll be waiting for you,' Rex agrees. There's a silent conversation between the two before the men continue on their way, you don't catch what they've communicated.
Jesse understands the sentiment, that while his brothers and the Republic will be here when he returns, it'll be Captain Rex and you specifically, waiting for him. It's all the incentive he needs.
When Fives gives him a punch on the shoulder, he tries to hide his fluster, and Hardcase follows up with a taunt, wiggling his brows, 'The general aye?'
Jesse lets out a light laugh, 'Yeah, she can be a lot to handle.'
Thankfully, Rex is there to help.
'Why does Rex work so late?'
He looks up from his datapad to formulate a response. He has one arm around you, and you've been resting against him in the abundance of quiet in your quarters.
'General Skywalker has...other matters to attend to,' he answers slowly, as if careful not to let too many details slip, 'he tends to ask Rex to do his paperwork.'
Your jaw falls slack, 'That is rubbish!,' you exclaim, mock fury in your expression. You begin crawling out of bed, yanking on Jesse's arm to pull you up with him. Your hand leaves him to put on your boots, gesturing for him to follow suit.
He laughs as you struggle to maintain balance, holding his arm out so you can steady yourself against him, 'Where are we going?'
'Mess hall, and then Rex's.'
You'll only be a moment away.
You and Jesse find the Captain in his private quarters, his bed completely made, as if untouched, and his desk a complete mess. You smile at him sadly as he greets you with a tired expression, but excitement washes over you as you lift up the tray in your hand, 'We brought you dinner.'
He raises his brow, 'Are you allowed to steal the trays?'
'Is Skywalker allowed to dump his reports on you?' you retort, visibly satisfied when you hear Jesse snicker behind you.
She came all this way.
'He outranks me.'
'—And I outrank him.'
Rex looks to his brother, exasperation on his features. This woman, he swears to himself, though it's only out of love.
'You need to take a break vod,' Jesse tells him, pushing you closer so you can give Rex the tray of food, 'we can wait for you as long as you need but, please, take a break.'
I know you're very busy. I know your work's important.
The captain sighs, looking back to you before reluctantly pulling the tray from your hands, 'Okay.'
I've got so much on my plate.
'How did you guys know it was always a fantasy of mine to have two guys at once?' you teased, eying the men from across the holotable.
Jesse's mouth falls open in shock, stunned by your boldness.
'NO—we just-it's-we...we wanted—'
Jesse nudges his stuttering brother, resuming his cool-headed demeanour, 'Rex and I are just asking if you wanted to get some drinks as friends,' he assures, though you can see the playful glint in his eyes.
Rex's eyes dart between where you and Jesse stand at the table, clearly still processing your taunt.
You look to him, brows raised in amusement, 'What about you, Captain?' you grin, 'you want to get drinks as friends?'
Rex gulps, nodding eagerly. He grits his teeth, 'Yes, just friends.'
'Well, that settles it!,' you exclaim, 'I'll join you for drinks after I finish uploading this file...if you don't mind waiting,' You add quickly, and they're quick to assure you it's fine, we don't mind. You dismiss them, turning your attention back to the work in front of you.
You don't hear the conversation between the men as they leave.
'Are you thinking about it?'
'Yeah,' the other breathes, aware of the tent growing underneath his codpiece, 'I'mmm thinking about it.'
You never giggle, but the buzz of alcohol coursing through your body doesn't help to prevent the bubbly noises that escape your throat. That, or being sandwiched between two clones outside your quarters at midnight.
Rex further pushes your head into Jesse's shoulder as his lips reunite with yours in a searing kiss, the other man leaving sloppy kisses across your neck. You're delirious, intoxicated by both alcohol and desire. Your hand moves to lazily open the door to your room, and the two shift inside with you awkwardly positioned between them.
You stay like that for a few minutes, slumped against Jesse who is assaulting the skin of your collarbone and neck, arm wrapped around your waist, and almost pinned to him by Rex, who can't seem to get enough of your lips.
You whine when Jesse pulls away, slightly unbalanced as you lose his support behind you. Your head tilts to watch him travel to your fresher, and you can see him prepare the bathtub through the door. Rex remains on you, but his lips have geared their attention to your jaw, teasing the skin there with his teeth. You gasp when he first nips it.
Just as you wrap your arms around his neck to reconnect your lips with his, he begins pushing you into the fresher, letting you go before Jesse comes into view. The arc trooper smiles out you, it's without teeth, but you're entirely focused on how warm his eyes look.
He begins tugging at your shirt, motioning for you to lift your arms up so he can pull it over your head. You don't miss the way his eyes, so very quickly, flicker down to your chest, only for a fraction of a second before you're making eye contact again.
Rex is leaning against the door frame, watching Jesse prep you for the bath. His face is one of pure adoration for you when you turn around, poorly hiding the goofy smile on your face. You begin shaking off your pants, but you stumble, and Rex lurches forward to catch you.
'Oh Captain, my captain,' you giggle, embarrassingly, and he helps you back to your feet, assisting you with your remaining clothes.
You hoist yourself over the barrier of the bathtub, using the two clones beside you as leverage. When you're seated in the water, Rex leans down to give you a kiss on the forehead, while Jesse settles on playfully ruffling your hair. They pull away, and you frown.
'Where are you going?' you ask, eyes on them as they move to leave the refresher. The smiles they send you are contagious, and you can feel your anxiety melting away.
'We're not going far, cya'rika.'
'We'll be waiting for you in your room.'
You nod, turning your attention to the warm water you're currently sitting in. You sit in silence as you think to yourself, and they take it as their invitation to continue, but you speak up, 'I'd prefer it if you stay.'
You don't see their silent exchange, but they come to an agreement. Your mood begins to lift as you listen to the shuffling of them removing their clothes, and the padding of their feet before you feel the water dip around you, displaced by the large men that join you in the tub.
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