#it's tiring
yourlovelyspace · 2 days
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Either that, or you're strong 💝
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intermundia · 11 months
it's interesting to me that after years of being in star wars fandom, i've come to understand that you can definitely tell that there are people who are more fans of george lucas's star wars, and others that are more fans of dave filoni-esque later takes on star wars. while there is significant overlap, there are also deep and profound differences between the two versions of the story and the galaxy, especially with regard to the jedi order. so there's just so much regrettable and preventable miscommunication between these different parts of the fandom, if people just realized where they were on the spectrum between the two, and accepted that other people can be on other ends of the spectrum without it being a threat.
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writer-and-artist27 · 15 days
In the game, seeing a certain character re-appear in the newest story event of Lostbelt 6.5 Traum had the author feel a lot of things considering this story.
In real life, the author's been cleaning up messes for a good 3-4 months, and anger needed an outlet. Especially when the messes are from someone she thought could be a friend, but turned out to be horribly incompetent in professional settings. Pregnancy be damned.
So. Writing.
Spoiler warning for events up to Section 1 of Lostbelt 6.5 Traum. And content warning for threats of violence and genital mutilation too. Hellsing Ultimate Abridged had influence.
AO3 link here. OST Playlist here, with all the new songs included.
Now to rest this rage off to play the rest of the story of Traum for Holmes and Charlie...
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obeydesigned · 3 days
me seeing north and being like: wow she's such a cool and complex female character with a tragic backstory and has every reason to harbor a negative attitude towards humans because she's only ever been treated poorly by them
the whole fandom: *hates her because she's a little abrasive and strong headed*
me: ☹️
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eksvnd · 1 month
Have a mouth yet no ears Say the sun shines only to you Claim you acknowledge others but refuse to see Talk, talk, talk! Every mind is unique Every mind deserves to be listened You are deserving also But I am not a fit listener for you Mouth but no ears With your eyes I could lie Smile and nod
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tmae3114 · 8 months
every so often I come across a piece of fiction where Character A expresses to Character B that Character B does not truly love them, because if you really loved me, you would have abandoned that belief you have, broken that rule you have, given up this way of life you've valued since before I ever came into it, I'm not even saying you have to do it always but you should do it for me, I should be the exception, and if you won't then you don't love me, you never have!
and I find myself thinking wow, how cruel is that, to declare that you must be the singularly most important thing in someone's life at all times, that they must be willing to abandon everything they believe in for your wants or their love isn't real, how cruel to say they must abandon a part of themselves for your satisfaction, to declare that the way they do love you is so insufficient as to be unrecognisable because it isn't exactly what you want
and then I go to engage with the fandom and everybody thinks Character A is unquestionably correct in all ways and Character B is a terrible person
and I just
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yumethefrostypanda · 1 year
They're just headcanons ppl, calm the fuck down. Sjeez.
Some of you really need to be salty if the hc doesn't fit your alley. Don't like it? Scroll past it, just as i do. Bye. It's not a competition.. (Some of you having a hard time even accepting actual CANON XD)
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swan2swan · 5 months
Okay, so who's left to respect on the Smallville cast?
Is it just the Core Six? Tom, Michael, Kristen, Erica, Annette, John?
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patchyworx · 7 months
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ratboyhole · 1 month
i don't really have much of value to add, but like idk if you think some random on tumblr is a bad person...just block them? like i just can't wrap my brain around what it takes to put that much effort into calling some rando out?
like i've seen some messy, racist cis girls on here but no one makes call out posts accussing them being pedos. fuck, a lot of them get away with it without even being called out for their racism
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zonnemaagd · 5 months
let's see if I can finish a chapter today
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dudefrommywesterns · 3 months
one benefit to keeping this blog and pretty much airing our every thought i ever had, is that i have textual evidence that my parents lie when they say they never made fun of my interests or hit me or insulted me or try to pretend they didn't steal from me.
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iqmmir · 3 months
You can put in sooo much effort for some people but they will just decide 'oh im not worth it' stop being so fucking selfish im trying to be your friend can you stop deciding for me whether it's worth it or not?????????? if this is gonna end with you cutting off contact each time and expecting me to always always always always ALWAYS FUCKING ALWAYS be the one fixing everything and putting it together EACH GODDAMN TIME then im done im fucking done
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crimswnred · 2 years
also one day we need to have a discussion on WHY a certain part of the fandom decided to villanize bobby and make him out to be a "toxic walking red flag gaslighter" when the worst thing he ever did was make cupcakes for his sad friend lmao. and all while romancing characters that have straight up cheated on mc too like??? and btw people are allowed to dislike bobby (like I definitely get he can be annoying and immature and maybe he's not as attentive to mc as they would like) but the insane hate to the point where they straight up lie about him just so they can have a reason to make him out to be some terrible villain is very strange. and I can think of a couple of reasons why. (sorry for this rant btw but I made the mistake of going on r*ddit earlier and I just really needed to let this out)
no, anon, don't apologise!! i definitely agree with that!
for me it feels off. why everyone hates him all of the sudden and for reasons that aren't true AT ALL?
he gaslights mc? like, what the fuck...
and they can't decide it either. or they hate him because he's clingy or they hate him because he doesn't pay much attention to MC. like, pick a struggle.
he's allowed to make friends, he's allowed to treat his friends well. just 'cause he's baking something for a girl it doesn't mean he wants to fuck her! boys and girls are allowed to be friends.
and if they do fuck (which just happens in one specific scenario) it's late late game.
and all that hate just to praise white pale boys? WHAT? why do you feel the need to drag bobby to big up your favourite LI?
it doesn't sit right with me.
you should definitely check what Emma said in this post! i agree very much with every point brought into light.
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twilightarcade · 9 months
Would you rather. Make time faster or slower?
Its a constant increase/decrease you cant change it. How much faster/slower would you go?
OH OH!!!!!!!!! WMRMRMEMM!!!!!!!!!!!!??!?!?!!!!!!!!!
OKOK UM. IT DEPENDS ON um the logistics I think. I'm not gonna ask you though so I can jsuf keep talking needlessly. Um. Okok. Logistics. You know like??????? Superhero movies. I'm specifically thinking of megamind let's not lie to ourselves you know megamind. And super whatever his face slows down time for a bit. If it's like that I don't think I'd want to do either really. Slowing down sad would make me a bit sad and speeding up time would kill me instantly (metaphorically and literally I think. Gonna get run over by a car or something) maybe If anything just slow down time.... then I can do things but everything would still be so horribly slow. I could do a lot of stuff thoucg
ermm!! If I was just slowing down like... all biological processes n stuff of the sort,,, like the earth spins slower (days longer) and people last longer (technically the same amount of time but it feels longer because years are relatively (to before) longer) and stuff, slow down time 100%. Never have enough time to do fuck all. Remaining unaffected biologically (and therefore being shitfucked in terms of sleep schedule n such) would be really funny though.
How much well. That really depends. It seems selfish, regardless of much you slow it down, you know? dragging everyone down with me. It's not really dragging them down persay but like..... eventually the novelty would wear out for most people I suppose. Who wants to be 13 any longer than they have to be. I do wonder, though, how many people would like... take the time . slow it down or whatever. Like there's a million storylines out there about extending life n such with characters who choose not to because they've already like... lived and whatever. Basically I wanna know if this is just a me thing or if everyone's content with how time is always running out
I don't think I would want to speed up time unless it's like a.... I remaining unaffected biologically type situation. Literally if I'm just going to die faster what's the point. Don't have enough time as it is. I DO think it would be funny to watch like. Time speed by. Like one of those "character sadly sits as life zooms by them" type things. That would make me really sad though.
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heartshattering · 4 months
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how do I tell my friend that of course treatment for a chronic physical condition that has no cure is going to be an ongoing thing like ?????? girl...
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