#it's always a joy to see you cross my dash :)
gezellig-writes · 1 year
hey! hope you're doing well. for that "soft asks" ask game, 7, 23, and 29?
Thank you, and I hope you're doing well too. I have some things this year that I'm really excited about, including a trip I've been wanting to go on for over 10+ years.
7: what color brings you peace?
Blue. It’s always been my favorite color, and it makes me think of the views from the top of a mountain after finishing a hike
23: favorite piece of clothing?
Right now it’s a vintage dress+hostess coat set I found a few months ago. It fits perfectly and makes me feel like Jackie O
29: morning, afternoon, or night?
This is hard- I love the peace and quiet of the morning, the rising of the sun, and the quiet chatter as the world starts to wake, but there is also something quite beautiful about the night sky and the stillness the night brings.
soft asks to get to know people
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melodic-haze · 26 days
Probably a strange ask, but pajama party sleepover with Topaz where the reader gets them matching Dino onesies?
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☆ — SAMPLE TRACK: Matching onesies!!
☆ — CHARACTERS: Topaz, Yae Miko
☆ — NOTES: Using this ask to gauge if I can get a handle on Topaz's personality, cuz I didn't acc originally have her in the list I write for lol. I hope yall don't mind that I combined this into one post :33 anyway IT'S NOT WEIRD AT ALL❗️❗️❗️❗️ DUDE I'd wanna get matching onesies w the girlies :((((((( they're cute as hell and comfy
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"You're taking quite a bit in there. Everything alright or..?"
"Yeah, everything's fine! I'm done, actually!"
"Come out, then! I feel like I've been waiting for you for ages! Right, Numby?"
You hear a muffled squeak from the other side of the door and you couldn't help but giggle both at Topaz's dramaticism and the little surprise that you have for her. Without a delay, you placed your hand on the doorknob, "You ready to see this?"
"Sweetie, I don't know what I'm seeing. But of course I'm ready to see you, no matter what!"
You rolled your eyes at the light flirt before turning the doorknob, stepping out of the bedroom and finally showing your girlfriend the long-awaited surprise.
You see her unfiltered joy before you hear it; she practically jumps up with a pleasantly shocked look on her face, one that easily morphs into a smile as she stumbles over to you to hug you with a squeal. Numby had followed close behind, rubbing its snout on your legs happily and running around.
"OHMYGOODNESS?? You look absolutely adorable!! You're one of those dinosaurs that some of the worlds have! This is the surprise you were talking about?"
You shook her head, "This is part of it. The real surprise is in the bedroom. I think you'll like it—both of you."
She narrowed her eyes at you before the dawning realisation came in the form of her flabberghasted look, "There's NO way."
"See for yourself."
Topaz swivels her head at Numby, who does the same thing in turn, before they both practically dash over to the bedroom. Unsurprisingly, you hear a squeal of utter happiness—your girlfriend always had an affinity towards cute critters, or cute things in general, so such a reaction was definitely no surprise.
And when she comes back out again, the pet warp trotter in tow, you can't help but relate to her unfiltered love for them.
"You got us matching onesies."
You nodded with a grin, "I did. Do you like it?"
"How is that even a question?" She practically skips over to you before putting her arms around your neck, "I LOVE it!! It's basically a guarantee that you look cute, but don't I look cute? Doesn't Numby look cute?? They look like a tiny little dinosaur, I think I could cry..."
A laugh bubbled up from your chest at your girlfriend's enthusiasm as you wrapped your hands around her waist, "I thought you might like something like this—you've been working hard, so I thought I'd get you something."
Her excitement dies down just a touch, though the affection in her eyes was plain to see, "Babe.. you didn't have to do that! I love the work."
"I know you do! I just wanted to get you a little extra for when I finally get you to settle down with manual labour for a night in."
"I'd say it's more than worth it." She pulled back with a flourish, picking Numby up to show off their gifts, "Cute and comfortable? I don't think anything could beat this."
"I dunno..." You shrugged lightly, "You haven't seen what else I have planned for this sleepover."
"Then I personally grant you the opportunity to change my mind."
She smiles so very brightly at you, and it's as if everything else has been washed away.
"You're awfully secretive with this little 'surprise' of yours, aren't you?"
"I think not being secretive defeats the entire purpose of a surprise."
"While you may be correct," she crosses her arms with a small smirk, "the blindfold is a touch overkill, don't you think? You wouldn't dare to stage a kidnapping on poor me, would you?"
"And risk the Shogun's wrath?" You scoffed out a laugh, "I don't think so. Plus it's to make sure you aren't peeking!"
"Did you not go into your room to change?"
"Yeah, but-- wait how did you know I was changing?"
You could practically hear her eyeroll, "I have ears, darling; ones that can hear far more than the normal human auditory system."
"Yeah, yeah, you can hear more than the usual person, I think I get it... Anyway, I'm coming out now, so you can take your blindfold off if you want."
"I still don't see the reason why--"
"Miko, babe, do you want to see me or not?"
"Fine, alright, seeing as how you want me silent, I shall cease my jabs at you.. for now."
Now you were the one to roll your eyes as you opened the door and walked over to your fox-like lover, clothes in hand. And as you did so, she removed the piece of cloth wrapped around her head before opening her eyes.
Instead of her usual vigilance, she actually takes a little time to stare at you.. and the folded gift in your hands. Amethyst eyes narrowed at the latter specifically before they darted over to you and your getup.
Then, a smirk made its way over to her lips as if it were another typical moment of her teasiny you, though you don't miss the way her pupils expand and her eyes glimmer in warm affection, "My, my... If you wanted to be my cute little bunny so bad, I'm sure we could arrange something."
You felt a blush overtake your cheeks, though you shook your head in an attempt to settle yourself, "Nevermind that, why don't you focus more on what I'm holding for you?"
To her credit, she does. But then she looks at you with a raised brow, "Are these.. matching onesies?"
"Yeah. Why," you feel something inside you twist the slightest bit, "you don't like it?"
"Mmm... We shall see."
Her expression is sly, though she doesn't give her feelings away as she takes the gift and heads for the bedroom to change. You knew Miko loved to be a cryptic woman, but it was a little frustrating when it came to the smaller things—did she like it? Hate it? Is she just.. humouring you so that you feel bad? Or maybe she's making fun of you by doing so...
You are snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of Miko's voice, albeit a touch muffled due to the walls between you, "Y-Yes? Sorry, did you need something?"
"No, not necessarily. You were rather quiet while waiting for me."
"What, did you want me to bang on the door desperately?"
"I do have a penchant for the dramatics." You rolled your eyes as you heard her laugh, though she continues not long after, "I'm done. Be grateful that I hadn't asked you to wear a blindfold."
"Uh huh, I'm very grateful. Now come out, I wanna see you!"
"Patience, bunny. I'll be out in a second."
The door opens, and she steps out wearing matching onesie given to her. Though you notice that she has yet to put the hood on her head.. and the slight tint of pink that dusted her cheeks as she looked at you head-on. Was she actually embarrassed?
She huffed lightly, a slight smile on her lips, "Putting a fox in a bunny onesie seems akin to having a wolf in sheep's clothing, don't you think?"
You shrugged, "No matter what, you look cute either way."
"Was that your main goal? To have me look simply adorable for you to gawk at? Is my beautiful humanoid form not enough for you?"
While her tone was mostly teasing, there was a touch of.. something else—a tone someone asks when they are lost. Perhaps it was the loss of her intimidating air; she did love to make others squirm, but in a getup like this? How could she ever achieve that?
You shake your head, "I found these while I was out for a little shopping trip and thought that these would make you both cute and beautiful. Why, you don't like it?"
Her eyes softened, "Of course I like it, my darling.. though next time, how about we buy fox onesies together instead? Cute aesthetics are more suited towards.. hmm.. that Yashiro Commission girl, for starters."
A laugh bubbled up from within you, "Haha, alright, alright. But you're still my cute little kitsune."
"Little? Oh, that's highly debatable. Now, is this all we're going to be doing, staring at each other and how well we match, or are we doing anything else for tonight?"
"I've actually got a few options for you." You held out your hand to her, "If you'll follow me..."
Her hand takes yours, and you move on to proceed your comfortable night with the beautiful fox envoy, completely forgetting the rest of the world.
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littlelostmabari · 1 month
Some Galemancing fluff for @sorceresssundries and @miradelletarot and @gale-force-storm who fill my dash so reliably with the delicious wizard.
Gale x f!Reader, post-epilogue. (Reader unnamed, referred to as she/her/wife) Word Count: 2.2k
Edit: Now on AO3!
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The evening sun threatens to kiss the horizon across the bay of Waterdeep as you weave your fingers through the feathery fur of your favorite four-legged companion.
Well, the closest four-legged companion, you laugh to yourself as you hear a familiar roar from a floor above where Karlach and the owlbear were no doubt tussling in the arcane arena your darling wizard had installed in the upper levels of his newly conjured tower. She arrived from Avernus a few hours ago with some rage to burn, and Nugget was always willing to practice new ways to defend his nest. His home.
“Your hand is on the page, pet,” Tara purrs. Your thoughts are quickly brought back to the balcony and the sunset, your hand naturally moving back to the delicate fur on the top of Tara’s head. You run her fingers down the tressym’s neck and back, finally scratching the base of Tara’s tail — just as you know she likes it — before resting back on the bench. You’ve purposefully avoided Tara’s reading material this time. The apprentice Aribella rests on her stomach on the ground nearby, her legs kicking up into the air as she hems and haws over the bud that won’t quite open into bloom from her palm. The violent magic of nature's wrath had been easy for her to draw on after her experience with the druid totem, but under Gale’s tutelage she was slowly learning the calmer patterns of the Weave. She focuses intently on her latest homework to druidcraft a flower crown for her constant canine companion.
Speaking of, Scratch had been noticeably absent from Aribella’s side. You feel a frown cross your face, and find your eyes drawn deeper into the dim light of the tower. The study had slowly gotten messier the longer you had lived there, an awesome wreck after only a few months (although Gale often commented that since there was a wide pathway through the mess, technically it wasn’t hoarding). Aribella devoured books the same way Tav imagined Gale did at her age. There were tomes lying on every surface: open, closed, dog-eared, bookmarked, stacked to the ceiling. No one but Gale and Aribella knew which projects were active and which had been discussed, debated, discarded.
The piano in the corner played a new tune, a soft baudy jingle that you had accidentally brought home from your most recent night out with Alfira and the other tiefling refugees from the Grove. No, not refugees, not anymore. They had found their homes in Baldur’s Gate, and you visited the Elfsong Tavern as often as you could — you knew all Alfira’s songs at this point but loved absorbing the joy from the room as she played... But the piano had a terrible habit of catching any tune hummed in its presence, a constant bittersweet reminder of the distance to your friends.
Not seeing a white furry tail wagging from this distance, you murmur an apology to Tara, who fluffs her feathers indignantly. She digs claws just the other side of painfully into your lap as if to dare you to get up. Knowing she will be just fine without you, you take in one hand your empty wine glass, then close your eyes and gently tug on your connection to the Weave. A misty step cruelly leaves Tara with only a conjured pillow for comfort. Tara would call it cruel, anyway, regardless of Gale’s gentle warming spell that forever permeated the pillow slip. The tressym narrows her eyes without leaving her most recent tome — her only other reaction reaching out with a back leg to scratch a spot behind her ear.
With a chuckle, you absentmindedly bring the glass to your lips, remembering at once that it was empty. To the kitchen then.
The noise is the first thing to reach you. It is uncommonly loud for your little tower (ignoring the more recent arcane stories), even considering its normal inhabitants. You had grown used to raucous laughter from your many adventures, but it had been too long since it echoed within these walls. You pause with one hand just barely touching the door into the parlor, smiling contently as a soft memory of bedrolls and looted wine and butter buns crosses the forefront of your memory.
“And then… and then…” you hear Wyll’s tenor deep into another story, laughing so hard he can’t find the words. “The kid asks me if I’ve ever bested an owlbear!” Another ringing laugh joins in, then, and you find yourself pushing the door open. Your eyes land first on your dearest, closest friend, currently desperately trying to pat down a growing wine spill on the ruffles of her white shirt. Shadowheart brushes hair and tears out of her eyes. “I’m sure you then told the poor lad that you fought back-to-back with an armored Nugget? Just to see the soul leave his eyes?”.
Wyll nods. “I did, I did! And the kid just stood there staring at me… and then he turned on his heel and left the tavern! Fool trying to out-match the Blade of Avernus!” The two dissolve into another fit of giggles, uninterrupted by your entrance into the parlor. The door swings shut behind you with a soft reverberation, and Shadowheart’s eyes brighten to meet yours. She points at her shirt and winks; you gently pluck at the Weave and the wine stain is gone, prestidigitated to wherever those lost memories go. You reach out for Shadowheart… before ducking the hug and stealing her wine glass. A hearty laugh follows you to the other side of the parlor as Shadowheart rises from her stool and chases after you with a sudden hug from behind. You feel the soft echo of magic between the two of you, knowledge of each other harmonizing. Wyll swings around the table to refill both glasses, a lingering kiss on your cheek on the way.
“I’m so glad you both made it,” you smile to two of your dearest friends. “I heard Karlach come in earlier, she’s still upstairs.”
Wyll nods. “We missed Mizora by this much,” he sighs, bringing his pointer finger and thumb to a centimeter apart before looking up and out to the entrance to the upper floors. “She’ll be alright come dinnertime.”
“And who exactly are we having for dinner tonight?” a smirking voice sings from the end of the room as the door to the bustling outside world closes with a sharp click. His arrival had been expected… arrived last night in fact, with business in Waterdeep important enough to go out cloaked rather than waiting for the sun to set.
“Depends, Astarion, would you prefer the red wine or the white? I’m sure Gale could make some recommendations,” Shadowheart snorts. Laughter meets the wrinkle of Astarion’s nose as he removes his deep purple enchanted cloak to hang at the side. There are still too few outer layers missing from the coat closet --- friends yet to arrive for the celebration.
As if summoned by the hungry rumble of your belly — and knowing your husband, it probably was — a platter of cheese, cured meats, and pickled bits and bobs appeared within arms reach. Shadowheart and Wyll lunge in competition for first taste, and you decide you'd prefer your first bite directly from the source. 
The kitchen is only across the hall, a single sip of wine away. Laughter fades gently into the clink of dishware and the soft hum of another song you had brought home from the Gate. This one was a moving tune in three-four time, and the soft pat of house shoes suggested the kitchen's occupant was floating about his dinner prep with perfect rhythm. 
You push the door open gently, mindful of its creak so as to not disrupt one of your favorite sights in this tower. His hands are in his hair, again, pulling another traitorous lock back from where it had escaped from the bun he sports when he is at his most focused. You had left him to his work this afternoon, as he had requested, which meant no one had been around to tell him which spots of gray were his natural coloring and which were simply dashes of flour. The chorus of the waltz rises, his hands back at his hips as he surveys another recipe written carefully by his mother into a book that was so lovingly used you'd insisted on rebinding last year for his nameday. He balances on the balls of his feet, prepared to move the moment he knows what comes next. 
Time slows around you as you watch him slide between dishes, one stirred with mage hand, another whipped by an unseen servant. He tastes each, seasons one, and spins through a crescendo in the source-less music, intent on the oven. It is in this turn that he spies you leaning against the wall with the door closed softly behind you. 
If the kitchen had been completely frozen over, his smile would have melted it all away in an instant. 
“My love!”
You can feel the effort it takes for him to drag his eyes away from you, but a short ring from the oven indicates something desperately needs his attention more than you.
He pulls a kitchen towel from the ether and wrestles the roast from the oven under his own power. His mother insists that this particular recipe out of all of those tucked away in her book must be done with mortal, mundane hands. When it is safely secured on the trivet (quickly set in place by an unseen servant), he brushes the day's mess from his palms and rushes to your side. 
“As always you have the most impeccable timing, my darling.” 
Gale has many different kisses, you have come to learn. Some, like those he left on your forehead and nose and lips this morning as he crawled from bed, ignoring your pleas to sleep in, were soft and kind and loving. Those kisses were reserved for sleepy minds and moments in between moments. Others, like those you anticipated would follow the last of your friends succumbing to slumber this evening, were deep and pressing. Those kisses begged for the barriers between two souls alight with desire to be sundered so that the two could become a single being of light and love. 
And then there were the kisses like the one he pressed into you now. These were promises of tonight and tomorrow and the next day and next year and forever. These were the kisses that made you hope, that drove your soul to the gentle smile of one who loves and is loved in return. It was the kind of kiss that he had pulled you into when Shadowheart had called out to the temple “man and wife”. 
One hand reaches down to your waist, pulling you away from the wall and into the warmth of his body. The other passes up to your jawline where his fingers press gently into the back of your neck. When he finally relents, a crooked grin alights across his face. He has evidently left something of dinner behind on your jaw, which he wipes away with a quick rub of his thumb, and with a soft breath he brings to your lips. The taste is sour and sweet, the tang of lemon and honey glaze — 
“I believe that particular flavor is meant for the roast, my dear,” you murmur, pressing your tongue against the flat of his thumb.
“Ah, you would be correct. The time is long past that I attempt to improve upon a lover's perfection.” He leans in and presses more than casually into your core, his next murmurs meant for your ears only with how he nibbles gently on your neck. “Besides, I have other flavors in mind when it comes to complementing your particular essence…
“But!” He pushes away suddenly, and you have to catch yourself from falling into the space he leaves. “That discussion must be put on pause for the time that our long-awaited guests have found their lodgings and I am able to devote my full attention away from this feast.” His smile and the crinkles around his eyes betray his teasing — you both know you must leave him to work if your guests are to be fed anywhere near on time. He leans in only once more to press a kiss of the first kind onto the tip of your nose, and then rapidly shoves a basket of garlic and spring onion rolls into your unoccupied hand. “I am certain my beloved has many a song or story that can distract from her husband's deplorable time management.”
A sizzle of an over-boiled pot pulls his attention away. You linger just long enough to see that errant lock fall back into his face once more, before you turn toward the door and hallway that will allow your return to the gentle bubble of companionship. 
You should enjoy the evening with your dearest friends, for Gale will be here tomorrow when they have left — some for Avernus, others for the Gate, and others back to lives hidden and quiet. 
When they are gone, Gale will remain, and perhaps you will learn what his newest kisses taste like. 
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snippit-crickit · 11 months
Hi!! Hope you're having a good one! Just wanted to drop by to say your DS9 cardassian art crossed my dash and I am SO enamored with your design choices?? The way the features are exaggerated to be so expressive and bursting with personality is sending me. I respect your sensibilities so hard 😤
I love how everyone looks so distinct and unique, and while very deliberately more bestial still are recognizable as Themselves, like still look like the actors that played them. Like how does a sketch of lizard garak at an angle that leans kind of shark-y look more like Andy Robinson than some pictures of Andy Robinson XD
I love the thought that bebe cardassians cling to their parents' tails 😩 thanks for putting your art out there in the world where people can see it with their eyes. Stumbling on those posts brought a fuckton of joy to my day and they're going to live in my head rent free forever
afafasg thank you so much, i think you made my day,,, often times, when i do stuff for a media that im freshly interested in, i wonder like "am i doing this right" because usually i draw the characters in a different way than what's canon and im never sure if people will like it xd YIPPIE, i always try to capture the essence of the original actors whenever i stylise something, glad to hear i got it right XP!!
I really appreciate what you think!! Drawing things my way gives me great joy and its superb that i can share it with others,,, Hold one more bebe cardassian headcanon for the road X]] continuation of the last one actually,,, hope you have a nice day!!
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jiubilant · 2 months
AND. if I may be so bold. 46 for Ayo <3
46. shimmer
"You are an exception to our order's every stricture, Dragonborn," says Arngeir in farewell, handing her his own stout walking-stick. "Your power, your Voice, is a gift from the gods. So long as you use it in service to their purposes, you cannot stray from the Way."
His pupil of two months shoulders her traveling-pack. She's young, Arngeir thinks, watching her straighten beneath its weight: not so young as his last student, who had come to him in childhood with three wolfskins on his back, but new. Untried. She looks at him with a strange, belligerent eagerness, her face a sun half-eclipsed.
"How should I know," she says, her smile like the shimmer on the snow, "how the gods wish me to use my Voice?"
"For tutelage in the Way, you climbed this mountain." Arngeir does not smile back. "For the answer to that question, you must climb down again."
The Dragonborn, accustomed to such answers, makes a rueful face. She kneels to him in the way of her far folk, her knees crunching in the snow—then springs up to kiss his cheek, heedless of her burdens, in a way that is only her own.
"I'll return with Jurgen's horn," she promises, then grins. "And more parsnips for Borri's stew."
Breath and focus, Arngeir reminds himself, and does not grimace. "No more parsnips."
"Ripe cloudberries!"
"They'll be more than ripe," says Arngeir, "by the time you bring them back—"
"Honey, sadonvum," says the Dragonborn, walking backwards, "for your tea!"
Her housecarl, dressed for travel and waiting with dogged patience at path's edge, catches her before she can fall down the Seven Thousand Steps. At the sound of the Dragonborn's laugh, the wind that knifes through High Hrothgar stills, then swirls up the snow of the forecourt in a delighted dance.
Not even then does Arngeir smile. He watches his pupil of two months, not long enough to learn a single tenet of the Way, start down the mountain—a tempest of his tutelage, like the one who had shattered Markarth with his thu'um.
Behind him, the door of his monastery scrapes. Someone tugs his sleeve: Borri, who has always, since they were boys, walked through snow with a hart's silent tread.
I do not think that one, he signs with ancient hands, will Shout High Kings apart.
"No," Arngeir agrees, his troubled eyes lingering on the Steps. "No. But what will she do?"
* * *
The Dragonborn does a cartwheel in the first open field she meets, or tries to; her pack overbalances her, and she flops into the heather with a whoop.
"The sun!" she says in greeting, and basks in the warm grass. A vole dashes across her hand. She beams at it, half-drunk on freedom and the sweet lowland air, and hails it in the tongue of voles and dragons: "Lok vah, malfahdon!"
Lydia prods her with a foot. "My Thane, we have leagues to travel today—"
The Dragonborn grins and yanks her legs out from under her. The wrestling-match that ensues is brief and unheroic: they crash through the heather, startling a family of grouse, and then Lydia is sitting on the Dragonborn's chest.
"Don't be cross," she laughs, seeing the look on her housecarl's face. "Aren't you glad to be gone from that mountain?"
"Yes, my Thane," says Lydia with utmost patience, breathing hard, "but—"
"No more parsnips!"
Lydia's stubborn scowl wobbles.
"No more parsnips," she concedes, and ducks her head to hide a smile.
Her hair tickles the Dragonborn's nose. Something tugs in her chest, as though a lock of it has snarled around her heart.
"Look," she says, smiling. "Everything listens, down here. Not like those lazy mountain stones." She stretches her arm across the sunlit grass, cupping her hand in invitation. "Malfahdon!"
The heather rustles. The grass parts. The vole, quivering with terror or joy, crawls obligingly into her palm.
[send me a number, and i'll write a microfic using the word or phrase!]
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yoruio · 4 months
Post!Hour of Joy Catnap x Reader HCs:
Genre: Fluff!!!!!!
AN: really short thingy I did, cant get the catnap brainrot outta my head, based him off a house cat a tad bit too much
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☾ Catnap took some time to get used to you. And a lot of sweets— but in the end it all seemed to work out!
☾ The first few days, Catnap would stalk around the playroom to avoid the kids running about just so he could see what you were up to!
☾ Kickin and Hoppy would always spot him and pull him back into the play area every time he got caught.
☾ Catnap is not the one to give up easily and would sneak out during recess time and leave little trinkets on your desk
☾ Ever since you taught him how to be more social, he and the kids that would go to Playcare grew to become very close and would help him do tasks that require smaller hands, like folding paper or coloring with crayons.
☾ It's a miracle how he was able to find your quarters in this massive establishment.
☾ The first time it happened you saw a little purple paper cat with a tiny moon charm on it's chest. Hmm, you wonder who this came from.
☾ The next time you saw Catnap you didn't forget to give him a head scritch and a cheery "Thank you!"
☾ Catnap then on would find ways to sneak handcrafted toys into your office.
☾ Congrats, you're now his favorite person in the whole world!!! Till this day the little paper cat still stands on your desk.
☾ Catnap would always draw you every time there were arts and crafts activities in the playcare.
☾ Catnap doesn't know how Craftycorn works her magic with those hooves of hers, but the least he could do is draw a messy stickman of you. And what do you know, you adored his drawing! And now it's hung on a little frame in your room!
☾ Catnap, after you'd visit him around working hours his mood would noticeably get more lively... So lively in fact that he dashes all over the room like those house cats getting the zoomies. Dogday's in awe at how fast his sleepy buddy was. Hey, if the kids are having fun then he guesses it's fine!
☾ Despite Catnap's distorted voice box you never really minded how brief his answers were.
"You want to eat?" you chuckled. Lowering the box you were carrying to meet his gaze.
"No." he spoke, staring at you with his dotted white pupils.
"Uhm... Need something from me?" you asked curiously. You wondered what he wanted.
"...No..." He spoke again.
"You're just here to bug me, are you?" you huffed, a small smile etched on your face as you stared up the purple cat.
"..." His long tail twirled deviously.
You raise your brow at him with your arms crossed over your chest.
☾ The other smiling critters seem to like this side of the purple cat too! But what they don't enjoy is how loud his purring gets whenever he naps.
☾ Catnap likes to laze in your office at night. He often curls himself around your desk chair as you work. His soft purple fur a great insulator against the cold room.
☾ Catnap tends to be more active at night, hence the reason he's always scratching your bedpost. On some occasions, he'd even stretch like a cat.
☾ You made sure that after you'd finished all your paperwork you would snuggle up with him on the floor since he was a tad too big for the bed Play Co. provided for you.
☾ He hoped things would never change.
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Ik ik its boring but I've been wanting a bit of sweet stuff yknow
This the thing Catnap made for u btw :>
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Peper kat!!!!!!!
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smol-stardust · 5 months
Littol friends and people of my phone:
As 2023 comes to a close and 2024 looms over us. I just want to say thank you to all of you who I’ve crossed paths with this year for everything
. Wether it be just seeing you on my dash, silly little tag games, rambles too much about fandoms, who had to suffer my math vents (I apologize for that) or those of you who have faithfully followed my oc lores (special hugs to you), thank you so much for being a part of my 2023.
I may not have known you all long, but thank you to those of you who’ve brought a little joy through your posts, art, and whatnots. Thank you everyone for the little moments and smiles and just making 2023 a little better all around. You’re all kinda like friends (& family for some) to me so thank you for just being here and being you :)
To the moots, I hope our paths continue to cross because you all are amazing, sweet and kind people and I’m lucky to have met you all.
In the new year, I hope to talk to more of you and just enjoy the shenanigans as we have. Thank you for everything and may 2024 bring you some joy and good things. Feel free to reach out for anything, I’m always happy to be a little chaotic or just chill and ramble :)
Ilysm/p and happy new years
@thebestieyoureinlovewith @demigoddess-of-ghosts @thefleurographist @the-flower-faerie @iloveyoutyyy @tenracoonsinacrisis @waitingforthesunrise @annabeths-chase @eallan-poe @kanaede-kun @amagami-hime @shigiwawigi @walmart-miku @written-by-kafka @the-flags @circuslemon @justanotherjester @clowninthecoffeehouse @gettinshiggywithit @jkooktray @diagonal-queen @gayoticbeing @a-portal-to-nowhere @sillymaster3k @ottobab @satan1cpanic @gayoticbeing @grishaverse-chaos @le-petite-ivy @patriphagy @bluesakuramochi @tomato-turn @autistic-katara @someonebeatmetotheseusernames @l3st1b0urn3s-707 @lostinfantasyworldsbi @frogwithaflowercrown @hell-lit011019 @lupvium @angerycat @dicklessswonder @rashoumonkitty @pinky-99 @kavennnn @theproblemcallednight @bookreadingpsycopath @sugarfoodie @bungouchronicles @caffeiiine @arisu-chan4646 and everyone who’s made 2023 a little better by crossing paths with me on this silly little site :)
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bakubunny · 5 months
BUNNY CONGRATS ON 2K!!!! you deserve it your writing haunts my brain non stop. I wanted to share that Sero and Bakugou are fuck boys who will double team you with pleasure. They thrive off seeing you blush each time they cage you between their bodies and let you feel how strong they are.
-Jasmina 🌸
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thank you so so much darling! i’m glad you’re here. your writing is always a joy to read when it crosses my dash. 🖤
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jasmina 😵‍💫🫣😰 you did not just -
look i’m just barely dipping my toes into sero rot and now i think i might need to dive in head first bc holy cats
i need these two to make me feel stupid.
and they so would. they twitch and throb against you when they see that flustered look on you face, when they hear you whine, see how fucked out you get before they’ve even got all your clothes off. they fucking love it. sero thrives on that shit, and bakugo loves it almost just as much.
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reminiscingtonight · 11 months
Get Got for the fic gc/game thing
Get Got Blurb:
Rose has been… weird.
Your girlfriend's always been a bit out there, but her actions this past week has quickly become concerning.
Simply speaking, Rose has been nice to Alex. Like extremely nice. So nice that you're not the only one who's noticed.
It's breakfast time and you're sitting at the same table as your sister and some of your friends when Rose comes over. You tilt your head up, expecting Rose to give you a quick forehead kiss before sitting down, but she slides in next to Alex, depositing what looks like the last apple from the salad bar onto your sister's plate. There's a scoff of disbelief, not from you, but from Lindsey as she stares at Rose like she's grown two heads.
"Sorry, which Morgan are you sleeping with?"
It's hard to muffle your laugh at the look of disgust that crosses Alex's face at your friend's insinuation. Rose is also sputtering, throwing her napkin at the blonde. "I was just grabbing an apple for Alex so she doesn't have to get up again just to grab one."
It's practice time, a quick water break being called.
Rose gets there ahead of you, water already sprayed into her mouth and on her neck by the time you arrive. Looping your arms around Rose's shoulders, you reach for the bottle in her hand… only for her to pass it off to your sister before you get a chance to.
"Excuse me?"
Blinking, she turns her head, a look of sheepish shock when she realizes you've been hanging on her all this time. "Sorry," she laughs, ducking down to grab you another bottle.
When the break ends and you get back into your group, Kelley punches you in the shoulder. Hard. "What's going on with Rosie?"
You shrug. "You noticed that too?"
You've been waiting for Rose to arrive for twenty minutes now. The girls are all in Lindsey and Alex's room, the two captains hosting a movie night. Despite the official starting time occurring ten minutes ago, your girlfriend, ever the early bird, is surprisingly not here yet.
Sighing, you resolve yourself to a lonely movie night without your cuddle buddy when there's suddenly a loud knock at the door.
Lynn, closest to the door, stretches to open it, only for Rose to come speeding in, bag of gummy worms clutched in hand.
Your eyes light up when you see the candy, not even going to question how she managed to sneak that in, but your joy is quickly dashed when she throws it into your sister's lap before plopping down next to you.
After a bit of shuffling to get comfortable, Rose finally cuddles into your side, leaning into your warm embrace. Taking your close proximity to your advantage, you tighten your arms around her. "Why are you being so weird?" you whisper, careful not to disrupt the movie.
Rose doesn't say anything, but the way she nervously fidgets underneath you tells you she can hear everything you're saying. You don't have a chance to question her silence before Alex is interrupting, not caring to keep her voice down. "She's being weird because she wants me to give her my blessing," Alex rolls her eyes, lips twitching in amusement.
When look down at your girlfriend, Rose has turned pink. "Alex!"
It's no surprise when Alex accidentally triggers a cold water dump over her head the next morning. Rose is nowhere to be seen, but it's no mystery who set it up.
Alex jokingly doesn't give Rose her blessing.
Rose asks you to marry her anyways.
Send me a fic title
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circlejourneyart · 9 months
Maybe it'll turn out better this time: A love letter to all the joy and sorrow that this story has given me
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(Art by @blogofyolo)
Here's the first of two tracks I had on Land of Fans and Music 5 Act 2, which came out two days ago! I'm dedicating this one to @utopianparadoxist, who wrote the post that made this track appear in my mind in such blinding clarity I couldn't stop making until it was done.
I also have some extended commentary about this one--it's more important to me than I give it credit for.
When I finished reading Homestuck, I was...disappointed. That disappointment morphed gradually into disgust as I watched schisms violently open in the fandom following the Epilogues and Homestuck^2, and in the process I felt like I'd lost something.
I kept thinking that maybe, if I just read the comic again, it would turn out different. Maybe it'd be the story I'd once loved and it would fill me with breathless wonder again. Maybe it'd be better.
But earlier this year, a post by uP crossed my dash after he'd disappeared from my periphery for well over a year. He was outlining his plans surrounding Pumpkin Path, a story he's writing that runs adjacent to the Epilogues and (eventually though not yet?) gives these characters the futures they've earned.
And I realised...the way I'd been thinking about it, that's not how it works, y'know? It's not the story that has changed: it's my heart, my relationship with it. And the best thing I could do was take what this once-beloved story gave me and make something new with it. And that's what many people have done in the wake of Homestuck's end: we've all gone off and made new stories, for which this long-beloved comic was an undeniable progenitor.
It reminded me of a certain recurring motif in the comic itself. Every time the universe resulted in a corrupt or barren session, the players...well, they rebooted it. They left the old universe behind, and started a new one, billions of years all over again just to see where it would go this time.
There was no use in searching for the story that used to be, because it was me that had changed.
You may as well leave that old universe behind and start a new one from scratch.
This is the idea that seeded the above track, and it caught me off guard, because it was the first Homestuck music I had made in more than two years--after I thought I'd sworn it off for good. And then, two days later, Maybe it'll turn out better this time was done. (Two days is, by the way, a very short time for a track to emerge.) It was a small, silly, wonderful little thing, a sapling in the ashes, that proved to me that things could change.
But beyond my track, the entirety of LOFAM5A2 feels especially so. It's a startling breath of fresh air that emerged from so much genuine joy and excitement. I'm happy I got to contribute even just a little work to it and I really, really hope that the fandom sees it for all that went into it. An UMSPAF manager once said that my music always sounds hopeful, but it was never intentional until this one. Thank you to everyone who's made good art that has inspired others in turn, you create life with your own hands.
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hargrove · 5 months
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「 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I resurrected this blog at the end of 2023, but in these few months, this dash has given me more happiness than I could have imagined. honestly, I came back as a means of escape when I had a major loss in my family and just didn't want to deal with irl. and y'all have been so welcoming and so amazing, that I want to take this moment to hurl my love right in your faces!
@havvkinsqueen ➠ Victoria!!! I was so excited to learn that you were still bombing around on the dash since I last left. your heather was always a treat, but your Chrissy is such a delight and I'm so stoked to have her in Billy's life. you are an absolute gem, a POWERHOUSE of kindness and positivity. you exemplify everything the rp community should be. I type this wearing the bracelet you made for me, it gives me so much good vibes. I really am serious about running around in cosplay at a con with you this coming year. it'll be rad as hell! here's to a whole new year of crazy rp and irl shenanigans!
@zoomingupthathill ➠ I cannot describe the sheer joy I feel every time you're on my dash, Bee. from waaaaay back when I was writing Klaus and you were Katherine, to now in the ST fandom, you always leave me in awe. the love you have for your own muses is infectious and in turn, makes me love them and want the best for them. you know I don't really do exclusives, but I always considered your Max and my Billy a packaged deal. whatever your Max is going through, she can always count on my Billy to have her back. likewise, I am always there for you. you're an amazing talent and an even better friend. I look forward to a whole new year of sibling craziness, as well as other muse stuff. and good lord, CAN WE GET THIS GIRL A LUCAS??? (I'm trying my best to work on it, I am lol).
@thebabysittertm ➠ dude. friendo. bruh. stark. I don't even know where to begin. my favorite kind of rp is the slow burn stuff filled with lots of character development and headcanons and background stuff, etc. it's basically the hardest thing to find but somehow from the moment we started talking, it all just clicked. the details and thought you put into all of your muses is astounding. I adore the thought process you have in your muses' reasoning behind things. and your writing is out of this world! I feel so lucky that I get to bounce hc's and au's off you all day. all of our ideas and stuff makes me so excited and has fueled me to jump back into this hobby only 10 times harder. all your talent aside, you also an incredible friend who I'm so stoked to talk to every day. here's to a 2024 filled with our two idiots!
@malka-lisitsa ➠ how do I even begin to compliment the sheer amount of talent that exudes from you, November?? from muse development, to writing, to graphics, to server maintaining, to... I don't even know what else! seems like you can do it all! I can't lie, when I initially came back to the dash, I was shying away from any and all cross overs because I have so much anxiety in this community and wanted to keep my corner of the world super small. but your Katherine broke through and I'm so glad she did. I love how you took a character that so many people (even the freaking writers of the show!) wrote off as 2 dimensional and you give her life! layers! meaning! she never feels like a self insert style oc, but she feels so much more well rounded than any version we saw on the show. it's honestly admirable the amount of work you've put in. I'm so lucky to count myself as one of your rp partners and I can't wait to see where Billy and Kat will take us in 2024.
I unfortunately don't have the time to write a seperate message to all of the people on my dash, but I still want to tag people that bring me joy every time I see your urls. all of the following has made the past few months (that should have been dark and awful) feel bright and full of hope. I appreciate every single one of you. ➠
@pierprincess / @nancewheelr
and of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't list my ride or die. the people who make tumblr rp the amazing place that it is, and people that I will cherish always, whether we're writing together or not. y'all are stuck with me! ➠ @seesgood @breakthings @mysharxna 」
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randoimago · 9 months
Hi Kat! It's always a joy to see you cross my dash, and I absolutely love your writing! I was wondering if I could get number 8 from the forced proximity prompts with Caleb Widoghast x Reader? Thank you!
It's raining heavily, and you don't have an umbrella. Your friend helps you out by sharing their umbrella with you.
Fandom: Critical Role
Character(s): Caleb Widogast
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Aw thank you so much! I hope reading this is a joy for you too ❤️
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Caleb has been used to walking, sleeping, and just being stuck in the rain. He's used to the cold clinging to his skin and trying to keep his mind occupied on other things, so he tricks himself into not realize how cold it truly is.
What he is not used to is suddenly having the rain stop. At least, it stops above him. He glances up to see the umbrella before turning to see you are the one shielding him from the rain.
A light "thank you" comes from his lips as he enjoys the sudden body heat coming from you as the sound of the rain continues in the background. He doesn't quite know what to do with the building feelings from such a simple act of lending him safety under your umbrella, but he knows that he doesn't wish to leave this space anytime soon.
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houseofsnarry · 7 months
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💚 HoS Members’ Recs: Self Rec ❤️
photo source
*Sorry for the repost! In the process of fixing a mistake, I accidentally deleted the original post. This mod and Tumblr are not on good terms right now. lol BUT! We added one more fic and it's a doozy! Check it out! And hopefully there are no more mistakes. *crossing fingers
- Scarlet It's NaNoWriMo! While we are busy creating new fics and art and rec lists and everything under the sun for our fav ship, what about some self-recs? Here are some of our fav Snarry works made by us! As we look forward to accomplishing our goals, we got to give appreciation to the works we've done in the past. <3
🎨 Little Christmas story - @flymetosnarryland (AO3) with a snippet on Tumblr
🎨 Severus in red + Under the Influence Harry - @ofnightsndsongs (AO3)
Choose Your Own Adventure
🌸 What Comes Next (And How to Like It) - @likelightinglass (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 28.6k
A choose your own adventure fic! You are Severus Snape. You survived against all odds, and now it's time to take life into your own hands. What will you do with this gift of a second chance, and how will you find your happy ending? Your happy ending is pretty much always Harry Potter, but there's so many fun ways to get there.
📚 B.R.E.D - Elffaw Rated E, Word Count 5.3k
“You have been summoned here today,” he said, each word crisp and clear, “to partake in a physical examination required by the Ministry itself; in other words, you will be B.R.E.D.”
📚 Certain Dark Things - @liladiurne (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 50.3k
“You want me. I know you do.” I was too worn-out by then to even deny it. In the light of day, with only the summer wind and the cicadas to hear, it didn’t seem necessary to hide it. “It doesn’t matter, Harry. This can never happen.” He stared at me some more, and I did my best not to falter under those shimmering eyes. “I won’t tell anyone, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he assured me.“ I know you wouldn’t,” I added, insisting on the conditional. I didn’t like the way he’d spoken as if it had already happened. As if I had already lost. Perhaps I already had. In which Severus takes a trip to Italy, thinking he'll have a quiet time at the Malfoys' villa, but Harry has other plans. Written for prompt #182: AU. Harry never lived with the Dursleys. He was adopted by the reformed Malfoys as an infant. He is secretly in love with his adopted father's best friend, Severus Snape.
📚 Contempt - @danpuff-ao3 (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 20k
Harry hates Snape, and he always will. (He will, won’t he?)
📚 Courting Day - wendymarlowe Rated M, Word Count 42.8k
It's Courting Day: seventh- and eighth-year students get the chance to declare their intentions to formally woo each other. The only way for Harry to avoid being a matrimonial target is to put in a declaration of his own. Surely if he picks someone who would never in a million years accept his suit, he'll escape unscathed...
📚 dream a little dream of me - @dandelionstars (AO3) with art by @acydpop (AO3) Rated T, Word Count 4.6k
While Severus was not a strong enough Seer to receive complete soulmate dreams, unfortunately, he had just enough power to catch fleeting moments of his soulmate. These flashes of intense joy were more of a curse than a blessing. Despair was suffocating when his hopes were dashed again and again like carved crystal, inevitably shattered on the floor. A Snarry Soulmate AU
📚 For I Have Found Salvation - @lumosatnight (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 7.1k
Severus is a priest, and Harry is the parishioner who may just make him break his vows of celibacy.
📚 Harry Potter’s Avada Kedavra Wedding - whythehellnothavefun Rated M, Word Count 11.4k
(From The Book of Terms And Their Definitions, page 101) Avada Kedavra Wedding: noun, informal, see also: Avada Kedavra Marriage An enforced or hurried wedding, due to one member being pregnant or under blackmail, potentially to gain access to another’s vault(s) and/or properties. (See also: Muggle Oxford English Dictionary, shotgun wedding/shotgun marriage)
📚 Invisible String - @givereadersahug (AO3) Rated G, Word Count 3.7k
The first time Harry saw Snape's black eyes — him truly acknowledging Snape's existence beyond him being his mean professor — it was the night after Harry killed Professor Quirrell. He was dreaming, and in his dreams, he was screaming. Harry dreams of Severus over the years.
📚 On the Origins of Dementors - DarkTony Rated G, Word Count 2.6k
Amidst the pages of tomes that now remain unread,there a story, a fable, a legend goes of a man made of misery…
📚 Sir Saisir - @coconutice22 (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 27k
Some things that glitter are gold. Twenty years after defeating Lord Voldemort, Severus has a meet-cute at a, ahem, private members' club.
📚 The Beat of Their Own Drum - @aeternumregina (AO3) Rated M, Word Count 2.4k
Harry sees Snape dancing at a bar, and is instantly enthralled by this new, carefree person who barely seems to resemble his old teacher.
📚 The Way Death Clutches At Life - @tax-onomic (AO3) Rated E, Word Count 7k
Death is permanent, unless it is not.
📚 This is not my beautiful wife - Klari Rated M, Word Count 35.9k
What happened after Harry smashed up Dumbledore’s office? With Sirius dead and his plans to run away from the Wizarding World on hold, Harry is on the edge— literally, and Severus manages to learn rather a lot about him at the top of the Astronomy Tower.
📚 Wish not for a soul that is full of sin - @serenaew (AO3) Rated T, Word Count 4.7k
After all, a flighty soul could not return to the water, or to the earth, as they maintained all life eventually should. (What one did not have, they believed, could not be broken.) Prologue to the merman!Snape, amnesia AU no one asked for.
Discord || Recs Lists
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gumpistol · 4 months
Munday meme!
What people make you happy when you see them on the dash?
What new addition would make your Tumblr experience so much better?
What are things you wish people would tag so you can block it?
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What people make you happy when you see them on the dash?
ugh, i literally love everyone this one is so hard, but i will give a shout out to some people that i've talked to a good bit and get excited about whenever their stuff crosses my dash, i'm just gonna sneak it under a little read more though:
first and foremost, you saro!!! of course!
@chronocide, bebop beyblade bells i love her so much, she is unhinged just like me and we've been writing with each other for...3+ years now? so it's always a good time interacting and being unhinged together on the dash.
@ferromagnetiic, any time i see woodland i scream and drop everything and die a little bit of happiness! he puts a smile on my face and just makes my day better overall.
@enjomo, i weep, i flail, that's luffy's big bro! i love azz, he is just an amazing, warm, friendly, and supportive person and i love seeing his writing and graphics and art ALWAYS.
@belovedcorvid, the rabbit is just a soft bean that i love love love love love so much! to describe seeing rabbit pop up would be like floating on a gentle, calming river current on a sunny morning~
@ryusokcn !! PLEASE SHEEBS I LOVE YOU! and i get so fricken excited to see your writing no matter which blog it's from!!
@waxgentleman i always love seeing namae on my dash, his mr. 3, beautiful personality, and amazing artwork never fails to make me smile!
@hweyd (kiriage/swoonji) i can't leave out sev!! i love all of sev's takes and generally just really enjoy talking with him and writing with him, seeing his stuff on the dash makes me go !!!!
@godthread, seeing any of light's character portrayals and things that anger luffy is a fun, frustrating time!!
@mingos, i gueeesss, wilder you give me a headache [affectionate] but truly it's so much fun seeing them and getting to react to their stuff even if it's with pure luffy rage hsgjkfg (seriously i love you regardless of how much shit you put us through)
@climatact, must i say anymore? i love bunny, i love her cats, she brings me joy here and on her multi when perona is getting mad at kid for being kid
what new addition would make your Tumblr experience so much better?
adhd-friendly features please!! tumblr give them to me!! i want to be able to sort my drafts and mark my DM messages as unread!!
what are things you wish people would tag so you can block it?
honestly, if something is bad enough that i need it tagged, and it's on the blog frequent enough, i will not follow at all. i think the thing with tagging that i prefer though is when trigger tags are simple, this include n.sfw stuff. (things like [trigger] tw). when the tags for things like triggers get too fancy, the blacklist feature can't pick them up and i end up seeing stuff slip through and that makes it not a good time
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2aceofspades · 9 months
aaaaaa, oh staaahhppp ur making me emotional!! You're so sweet and kind and amazing Ace, gah! I'm doing alright, just a bit of a chronic health hiccup that has me super fatigued, but seeing you cross my dash always is the best sorta mood booster!!! Seriously, ur the absolute best, and I hope life treats you with so much kindness, because its what u deserve (and if it doesnt, lifes gonna have to contend with me about it!) 💜~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
Awwww morse anon!!! 😭😭 now you're making me emotional 🥹🤧 oh I hope you're taking real good care of yourself 🥺 I'm so grateful I can boost your mood even just a lil gah that makes me feel so happy awwee!
A lil comfort doodle for you, my lovely morse anon:
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Lil shoulder touch cuz I'm not a huge fan of physical touch
Trying not to cry while writing this (and failing massively heh...), but dude, I can't explain or put into words how much you inspire and motivate me to just keep drawing. Just knowing you're out there and enjoying my work...my art...means so so much to me, seriously. You're such a joy and make me smile so much. I know most of our interactions are brief, but they really stay with me. Like, so much so that I have a whole album now 🙌✨ which I cherish very much and look at whenever I need a good smile.
Big apologies for my sappiness, and you've heard me say this a bunch, but thank you so much my dear morse anon. Thank you for sticking around and just being here. I'm a very lucky goon to have such an amazing person interact with me and my art 🥹💙✨
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lemon-mint813 · 3 months
See You Around
I'm moving to a different blog @iwantsomethingsoft but I will never delete this one because the memories and people here are still things I hold dear. If you've moved on from fandom or have a blog that's not fandom related I'd love to follow you and stay in each other's circles. Thank you for everything, and I wish you all the best in whatever comes next for you 💖
Long ass section
Sigh. This has been really difficult to come to terms with, and the way my time in this fandom is ending is something I've never experienced before. I've also never had a fandom experience as intense, painful, wonderful, inspirational, stressful, joyful, devastating, and love filled as this one. There's a lot of things I'm trying not to regret about these past few years, but one thing I don't regret is a single second of time spent in this community. The good and the bad. It was all worth it to have what I needed when I needed it, and to have met the most incredible people because of it.
This little corner of the internet, this specific little bubble of tumblr, has been so lovely to be a part of. I'm sad I wasn't as active here near the end. I think I took this space for granted and forgot to appreciate it the way it deserved to be. And what's funny is, my time here on this blog doesn't feel as tainted as everything else because the good memories made here were purely due to the community and nobody else. The only reason I need to leave is I need to be separate from everything connected to the mcyt fandom right now, and that includes this blog.
You all have no idea how much I treasured seeing you pop up in my notifs or when I scrolled by you on my dash. Even those I never spoke to, just existing side by side has been truly a pleasure. I hope that one day we can cross paths again. And whether we do or not, I will always look back on my time here and the people here with endless fondness and appreciation.
If you follow me you know I'm quite dramatic. And emotional. And over the top. So I had to leave you with one last essay pouring my heart out. I don't want the last things on this blog to be negative things so I wanted to pour some love out there instead. If you take nothing else away from this, please take away that you are loved. More than you know.
If you have a non fandom blog and I miss you when I go through my following, pls dm me. I want to keep in touch. I'll keep an eye on my messages here for the next couple of days. And who knows. Maybe I'll come back. Maybe I'll log back in just to scroll my dash and see what people are up to. Or to comb through the memories when they don't hurt as much to look at. But until then, thank you. Thank you for being so welcoming, and willing to share your space, your incredible creations, and your pictures and edits and clips and silly thoughts. Thank you for just being kind in my tags and inbox. It truly brought me joy.
Good luck in whatever you do next. I'm rooting for you.
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