#it's a matter of consent
necro-hamster · 5 months
ppl defending ai art by completely ignoring the genuine major issues that people have with it and pretending like ppl r just mad because they're Art Elitists and think that art should only be made through Suffering instead of being easy are some of the most embarrassing ppl tumblr has been recommending to me lately
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Yknow aromantic and asexual need to start being shown as two different labels more often. Cuz like we aroace people are cool and we have the power to destroy god right, but like aroallo people and alloace people are just as fucking cool.
What is this whole "one cannot exist without the other" bullshit. That kinda shit is only supposed to happen with like life and death. light and dark. peace and chaos. we don't need that, cuz we're all just pure chaos. you want peace look elsewhere, bc aro without the ace and ace without the aro is very welcome into our aro and ace spaces of madness and maniacal plotting to take over the world.
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aahanna · 3 months
NO means 'NO'
MAYBE means 'NO'
I DON'T KNOW means 'NO'
SILENCE means 'NO'
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mxtxfanatic · 1 month
Shen Qingqiu: Of course any reasonable relationship will start with a few “no”s, but like, anyone who really wants you will just ignore that.
Luo Binghe, a person who really wants him but also knows about consent: listens when Shen Qingqiu tells him that he doesn’t want to see lbh, he doesn’t want to share a bed, he doesn’t want to engage in a kink, etc.
Shen Qingqiu:
Tumblr media
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ascesabo · 5 months
currently up and thinking about how buggy lore gets more and more painful the longer you think about it. like. i could talk about this stupid clown for AGES. he makes his clown-ness his entire personality but it's so painfully clear he doesn't have a single ounce of joy or whimsy left in his little chop-chop body. he's a full-blown hater!! he gave up on his dreams because he wanted his best friend, who he wholeheartedly believed shone brighter than he ever could, to reach it for the both of them!! he probably hasn't known genuine happiness since he broke up with shanks in the rain!! his beef with luffy escalated tenfold the moment he saw the hat!! he stayed in the east blue for years when he had a whole map and probably knew the way back into the grand line!! he loves flashiness and attention but hasn't ever uttered a word about growing up with the roger pirates or being the childhood friend of one of the four emperors!!! this clown has spent his whole life yearning for something that will never return!!!! he has a big red clown nose!!! every bad thing that has ever happened to him was because he wanted so badly to be loved!!!
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bananonbinary · 28 days
my mom watches a lotta soaps, and there's this one plot in one of her favorite shows that pisses us both off so much: two college kids, drunk off their asses, have sex. the next day, the girl realizes she can't even remember it clearly, and feels, understandably, somewhat violated. the boy does not regret it, and is labeled a sex offender for the rest of his life.
this scenario bothers me so much cause like. they were BOTH drunk. if she couldn't consent, then neither could he. two people having sex while both are incapacitated (without negotiating beforehand) is dangerous, and perhaps traumatizing, but it's bio-essentialist bullshit to say that the guy must be the one at fault just because he's the guy and isn't reacting the same way she is. sometimes things happen that are bad and its not really any one person's fault.
anyway what a stupid and radical feminist-y way to approach consent >:/
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mesothrax · 6 months
"A.I is becoming more and more human!" No it's not. If it was even *close* to being sentient I would be trying to fuck it.
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colfy-wolfy · 10 days
recently been thinking about this video but it's just everyone's sig designs
if someone doesn't draw/animate this, i'll do it myself.
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whozui · 15 days
i've seen arguments that say calling the core surgery on jiang cheng non consensual is wrong because he did consent to getting his core back
he consented to having baoshan sanren give him back his core. ya know the famous Mystical Woman of legend living on a Celestial Mountain.
he did not consent to having wen qing and wen ning put wei wuxians golden core inside of him.
he was manipulated and lied to. if he had known that WQ & WN were going to give him his brothers golden core he would have emphatically said no, especially if he knew WWX could be harmed by it. and WWX knew this, which is why he lied to JC
ergo, jiang chen did not consent to the core surgery.
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you know what? shout out to people who use bisexual to refer to their gender. shout out to lesbians who call themselves boys or gentleman. shout out to trans girls who are tomboys. shout out to boys (including cishets) who unironically like to wear skirts, dresses, makeup. shout out to trans men who still have feminine faces or features, including breasts. shout out to folks who identify as gay even though they have crushes on girls sometimes because they feel that label fits them best. shout out to lesbians who have been in committed relationships with men in the past. shout out to people who use the term ftm or mtf to describe themselves because they feel it describes their experience best. shout out to people who feel their sexualities or gender identities HAVE changed over time. shout out to people who feel that they chose this lifestyle even though that may not be true for everyone. shout out to our lgbtq+ elders (who deserve a post of their own btw.) shout out to people who can't seem to settle on their pronouns or name and change the constantly. shout out to xenogenders. shout out to people who are unapologetically, authentically themselves no matter how confusing or contradictory their identities are.
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thelaurenshippen · 18 days
open ai made a little post about how they chose their chatbot voices and two things stood out to me:
a) I am genuinely pleased and surprised that the voices come from specific real people that they hired and paid, rather than being built off of all of the data open ai has scraped. the voice for siri did one job for one company 20 years ago and now she is literally everywhere without ever being compensated by apple or even acknowledged as the voice. there's simply no way she was paid enough in that original job. whereas, open ai says "each actor receives compensation above top-of-market rates, and this will continue for as long as their voices are used in our products." this could mean literally anything (what market rate are we going above? does continue mean they get residuals or get paid for doing more sessions?) but, christ, at least the actors are doing it with full knowledge of what their voices are being used for and can decide for themselves if the compensation is enough
b) the post talks about working with "award-winning casting directors" to get the voices. first of all, yay for paying casting directors! we love to see it. but they also say the CDs received over 400 submissions in a week and they state that like a big number and it's just...not at all. and look, without knowing the intricacies of the casting process, it's hard to know what approach the CDs took - it's very possible they were selective from the jump and 400 is a lot from the pool they were tapping. 400 would be a lot if you were going to the agencies directly and asking for names, but there's just no way in hell open ai went after big stars for this. so it would've been a pool of unknowns. in which case, 400 is laughably small. even if you're not using the big casting sites like actorsaccess, I've worked on projects with CDs and their own internal systems where we've gotten over 100 submissions for a single role. I've posted roles on casting sites and received literally thousands of submissions in just a few days
look, I have a very limited perspective on this - I am not a casting director (imo, one of the most important and undervalued jobs in hollywood) and I, in fact, hate the process of casting with a passion. but 400 just seemed like such a tiny pool to pull from and, idk, it heartens me! it's heartening to think that there's very little interest from actors and agents to be doing this kind of stuff. and absolutely no shade to the actors who did--I want actors to get their bag however they want as long as it's, like, safe sane and consensual, you know? but there's something encouraging about thinking that open ai hired some big casting agency to get their foot into the voice acting door and people didn't come running
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dyketubbo · 5 months
i remember seeing someone call tubbo a fully grown adult at 19 (obvs before he turned 20) and i gotta say. i think maybe some people have a really skewed idea of what constitutes as "fully grown". and also what constitutes as properly mature. thinking that at 18/19 (or hell even at 20/21) people are now fully grown and mature is insane to me like yall thats how you get people thinking their life is over at like 23 and that 30 year olds are senior citizens 😭😭 be fr
#this is a problem no matter where you look but i think a lot of ppl in the mcyt fandom esp seem to think once youre-#-considered an adult at all that it automatically means youre fully grown and mature and thats just nooottt really true for most ppl#which i think can lead people down to sort of dangerous paths especially because 'adult' is often defined by age of consent#and theres also some slight cultural differences like even just between the us and the uk where due to 18yr olds being able to drink in-#-the uk (and other places) i think it genuinely causes some dissonance#where i see often in the us that when youre 18/19 youre still treated (id say rightfully) as being rather young and not Truly a grown adult#hence. yk. the term Young Adult#but i think in places where the drinking age is younger it starts causing people to see younger people as more mature#which is also why a lot of predators like to push for the age of consent to be at a younger age like 15 or 16#and why many lolicons try to point at japans age of consent (which for the record is complicated and not as simple as just 'age of consent-#-is 13') as a defense for how they act#because these sorts of milestones (having sex and drinking) are seen as marks of a true adult. which gets into a whole lot of other#complicated things#and often dangerous things and ways of thinking#ANYWAYS . basically 18/19 isnt fully grown 20 is also hardly fully grown itself#and theres ways to combat people infantilizing tubbo and other creators his age without acting like hes actually#fully grown and mature lol. i promise you humans are not fully grown at 20 years old are you kidding me 😭😭😭😭#if youre in your 20s you still have a lot of time and space to grow i promise. do not fall for the idea that your life is done by like 23#idk. im only 18 myself but it just feels insane to me that if i were a creator people would be calling me a fully grown adult#not that im not an adult but i dont think im mature enough to be seen as fully grown and i guess itssss. sad?#to see other people my age think that turning 18 means youre fully grown. just really not true#theres a lot of 30 year olds who still see early 20yr olds as being practically babies we have Not made it to full maturity yet i prommy#mask mews
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dream-cake · 1 year
shout out to the ones who ask politely before sending a dick pic to a sex worker! 🙏🏻💖 consent is consent no matter who you're talking to!! 📣
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dentist-brainsurgeon · 5 months
With the Chuggaconroy situation I suggest everyone unfollow/unsubscribe from him bc if the Lady Emily allegations weren't enough evidence against him, people who were previously long time friends with him also no longer wish to be associated with him, for his constant boundary pushing and not following through with past apologies. I hope Chugga seeks help, not just for himself but for everyone else around him, past, present and future.
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traumatizedjaguar · 1 year
Please never assume consent. Touching people without asking is so fucking disrespectful.
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whetstonefires · 8 days
I think it's reached the status of pet peeve for me at this point, how common it is in the fandom for people to assume that adoption into the Jiang family was a unilateral good, that Wei Wuxian definitely wanted and which was withheld from him, thereby proving he was not valued enough by his sect and teacher.
Partly just because that's boring, and leads to boring interpretations of the characters, personal opinion.
Partly because it often tends to reflect an uncritical absorption of the in-universe classist belief that being the son of Wei Changze was inherently valueless, and not worth keeping for its own sake.
And maybe especially because I'm starting to feel like it arises from an overall really flat perception of adoption as an institution, that American fans of a Chinese piece of fiction should maybe subject to more scrutiny.
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