#it's a goddamn pokemon trainer you guys
yersina · 1 year
[part 2]
When Eddie walks into the new Pokemon Nursery in his hometown and is confronted with the view of Steve Harrington, former member of the Elite Four, behind the counter, he immediately turns on his heel and walks back out so he can duck behind the brick wall of the exterior and hyperventilate for a little bit.
He’d forgotten: Steve (former member of the Elite goddamn Four) hails from Hawkins too.
When Steve had fought his way onto the Elite Four, he’d been the talk of the town. Even Wayne had brought it up when Eddie had finally stopped at a Pokemon Center to accept his call. The Harrington boy’s in the Four, didja hear? he’d said. Eddie sure had—from every single person who’d seen his hometown written on his Trainer License that week. His Rotom Phone had proudly displayed every article written about the guy, each with the same photo in its thumbnail: Steve, backlit by the bright gym lights, Pokeball in hand and Growlithe at his side.
It made for a pretty picture, sure, but Eddie still has memories of the Harrington manor on the outskirts of Hawkins, like Harrington Senior and Lady Harrington couldn’t bear to set foot in the town proper. When he’d run into them at the PokeMart once, they’d sneered at him and his dirty shoes and tugged away a young Steve with rough motions. He can’t imagine that Steve himself would be any different, growing up in a family like that.
(None of this stops him from caving and watching the recording of the fateful gym battle on his Rotom Phone, screen bright in the darkness of his room in the Pokemon Center and breath caught in his throat. Steve, oddly, had a rough way of battling—intuitive and smart but not elegant. Not like it’d be if he had battling tutors or proper training. At the end of the battle, he runs out onto the field, heedless of the craters and cracks in the ground, and smothers his Empoleon in a hug while Growlithe barks up a storm behind him.
Eddie wonders why they didn’t take a picture of that.)
But here Steve Harrington is, back in Eddie’s hometown and standing between him and getting his Chingling looked at. Great.
He briefly wonders if he could wait and come back another day, or preferably find his way to another town far from here where there’s no threat of having his Pokemon seen to by Steve Harrington (formerly of the Elite Four) but he’s already promised Wayne that he’s staying for dinner at the very least, and also that’s Steve Harrington pushing open the door and looking over at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Hey,” Steve greets. Eddie stares. “You. Uh. You okay over there? I noticed you come in for a moment earlier.”
“Yeeep,” Eddie squeaks miserably. Out of the limelight, Steve still looks unfairly pretty. Eddie can no longer say that it’s the magic of makeup and adrenaline that makes his cheeks rosy red and it’s not sweat that makes his skin glow. That’s unfair, right? Some people just get dealt all the luckiest cards in life. “I’m doing just peachy. I’ll head in in a sec, just… decided I needed some more air.”
Steve gives him a look that says he buys absolutely none of Eddie’s bullshit. “…right. Well, we’ll be here when you’re ready.”
And just like that, he’s gone.
Eddie groans and knocks his head back against the brick wall. What is his life.
He allows himself ten seconds of self-pity before sucking in a breath and then ten more seconds of self-questioning before he lets the breath out and then he has a final ten seconds of pep talk before finally pushing open the door—for real this time.
“Hi,” Steve greets again, and oh, that’s not fair, he’s got his arms wrapped around a wriggling Tinkatink, looking completely nonchalant and distressingly competent while she wails. “Sorry, this one grew up kind of isolated, we’re still getting her socialized to humans—hey, calm down, it’s okay, remember? We talked about this. I’m here, I’m not going anywhere. You’re safe with me.” He says all of this in a low, soothing tone, stroking the sides of the Tinkatink until she finally seems to cry herself out, blinking watery eyes up at Steve. “Can you stay out here while I help this nice gentleman?” Her mouth wobbles concerning for a moment before she nods hesitantly. “You’re doing so great, Tinkatink. Proud of you.” He gives her one last head pat before looking up at Eddie. “Sorry, again. How can I help you?”
Eddie hesitantly inches towards the counter, not wanting to provoke the Pokemon into a crying fit again. “Hey, it’s cool. Can’t say I’ve had anyone call me ‘nice’ or a ‘gentleman’ before though.”
Steve huffs a laugh. Great, now Eddie knows the corners of his eyes crinkle when he’s amused. “Thanks for the warning, I think.”
He waits expectantly until it finally, embarrassingly, clicks for Eddie, and he scrambles to bring out Chingling’s Pokeball from his bag. “My Chingling hatched recently, but she’s been making this weird garbled noise? I’ve been keeping her in a Pokeball ever since, just in case, but I’m not sure what to do.” It had been terrifying, frankly, when Chingling had started making sounds that were awfully reminiscent of choking. Putting her in a Pokeball was as much for her own protection as it was for Eddie’s sanity. “I’ve used a heal on her and taken her to a PokeCenter already, but neither of those changed anything.”
Steve hums. “Tinkatink,” he says to the pink Pokemon now huddled half-behind Steve on the counter, “can you step to the side for a little bit? I’m going to look at this nice gentleman’s Chingling.”
Tinkatink, to her credit, looks like she thinks about it very hard before shaking her head in a firm no. Steve sighs. “Will Chingling be bothered by another Pokemon? I don’t think I can get her away at this point unless I return her to her Pokeball.”
“No, no, it’s fine. Chingling loves socializing.” Eddie doesn’t actually know, since his Chingling’s been stuck in a Pokeball most of the time since she’s been hatched, but it’s an educated guess. Probably.
He taps on the Pokeball and lets Chingling out onto the same counter. “Hey, sweetheart,” he greets softly. He winces when Chingling’s returning chime is the equivalent of a human wheeze. “Yeah, there it is.”
“Well, her breathing sounds fine, thankfully,” Steve evaluates swiftly, which is already a weight off Eddie’s shoulders. “She seems to be doing alright other than when she talks, so—”
And then, to Eddie’s horror, he clamps one hand down on each side of Chingling’s head, pushes her mouth open, and sticks a hand inside. “Uh,” Eddie says weakly. “Excuse me?”
“This isn’t as awful as it looks, I promise,” Steve mutters distractedly, fishing around in there for something. Chingling doesn’t look particularly bothered, at least, even with her mouth propped open on Steve’s arm. Eddie’s still not sure how to take any of this. “Faster than looking for my flashlight—ah.” He pulls his hand out from Chingling’s mouth, fingers wrapped around something. “There we go.”
And… it’s a rock.
“It’s a rock,” Eddie observes astutely.
“Yeah. Not uncommon for Chinglings, actually.” He pats Chingling on the head, and she jingles merrily at him.
“Oh, you’re back to normal!” Eddie cries. He scoops Chingling up in his arms and attempts to cuddle her within an inch of her life. “Never scare me like that again.” He gets a muffled chime in return.
Steve watches the whole show with a faint smile. “Just be careful of what Chingling eats from now on. They make sound through, uh, what’s basically their own rock, so if anything else gets stuck down there, it messes up the sound. Not really harmful, but it’s worth keeping an eye on her, especially if she’s the curious sort.” He reaches over and tickles her side until she sticks her head out curiously from the circle of Eddie’s arms. “Be careful, okay? If you keep out of trouble, you’ll grow to be a big and strong Chimecho in no time.” She jingles at him cheerily. “No biggie,” he says, turning back to Eddie. “Just a quick fix.”
“Seriously, thank you so much.” Eddie shifts Chingling to one arm and goes digging for his wallet. “How much do I owe you?”
“Don’t worry about it.” When he meets Steve’s eyes, agape, Steve gives him a wink and a smile. Eddie refuses—refuses—to think of the smile as shy. Or bashful. Or flirtatious. Or anything that might be Eddie’s own wishful interpretation. Steve is just smiling. Just smiling. “It took, like, two seconds. Chill. We’ll call it a free consultation.”
“I mean, yeah, I guess, but.” Eddie flounders awkwardly like a Magikarp out of water. “Are you sure?”
Steve rolls his eyes. “I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.” At Eddie’s continued hesitation, he sighs. “Seriously, don’t think too hard about it. If you really want to thank me, come back again.”
As much as he wants to protest, Eddie hadn’t been raised to turn down what is the equivalent of free money. “Alright, if you say so.” He shifts Chingling to a more comfortable hold, cradling her in his hands. “And it’s Eddie by the way. Still wouldn’t say that I’m a ‘nice gentleman’.”
Steve laughs. “Sure, sure. Nice to meet you, Eddie. I’m Steve.” Eddie swallows down his I know. “Have a good day,” he says in a very clear dismissal. “Hope to see you back here soon.”
“‘Bye, Steve,’” Eddie squeaks in a falsetto, waving one of Chingling’s arms. Steve, gamely, waves back. “See you around, man.”
And just like that, he steps back out of Steve Harrington’s life, but now with the knowledge that the guy is so, so gentle with Pokemon, has a beautiful smile, and is generous enough to let Eddie get away with what was definitely not a free consultation.
Fuck, he’s gonna have to come back, isn’t he?
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dipplinduo · 4 months
Me, about to go to bed: I should check Tumblr fir-
Dipplinduo: ahaha wanna know what would be crazy? *posts 2 chapters*
Needless to say, I’m a little tired right now lol. I was VERY excited when I saw that you decided to ignore everyone and make a mess. I love angst, you should make more <3.
BUT, I was VERY happy when 11 started with a battle! As someone who spends her free time EV and IV training her Pokemon, the battling aspect of the games ALWAYS gets me excited. Will say though, Crispin was my least favorite battle lol. Nothing against the guy, but my Ceruledge has flash fire, and the boost it gets from fire moves plus sunny day wiped his team, even with the type null.
The fact that Juli gets so into battles she didn’t even notice the people around them was a nice little add too! Nice little characterization that adds to her I think.
But Kiki’s DREAM. He’s CONNECTED TO PECHARUNT. Maybe he has been for years now! And Pecharunt is the reason his moms gone!? OH MY GOSH. This peach is RUINING this family. (Also, is Kiki’s mom a Bug trainer? So cool. One of my fav pokemon is Vivillion so it’s nice to see bug representation)
But, not much else to say beyond that. The fluff from 12 was pretty cute. We finally got a Julibee, my heart is melting lol!
And poor sour apple, my boy is fighting for his LIFE to get sweet to like him lol. What did he DO to make her HATE HIM (ToT)
Overall. 10/10 once again. I had fun ignoring my sleep schedule for this one lol
The beginning of your ask was so goddamn funny that I had to read it out loud to my lil scheming group who schemes and memes with me LOL
"I love angst, you should make more <3."
I'm glad you liked the battle scene, I for one dislike them (whether reading or writing) but wanted to try to make it interesting-ish regardless. And WOW what a massive L moment for Crispin against that mon of yours, that's a decided match right there lol
And yess! I love that it was conveyed well. I'm mostly playing off of Drayton's commentary on how the player seems to have a really serious look in their eye when battling.
Peach is indeed breaking the family, and the world may never know because she is now long gone :') APPLIN LOOREEEEE I hope you've gotten some rest, thank you for the fun review lol <3
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celestialholz · 1 year
Normal/Flying/Enigma - or 'Larry is a goddamn Christmas present, and here's what I found when I unwrapped him'
... Fucking Larry, huh? Mad guy. Absolutely unhinged set of pixels. He's got as many interpretations as days in the year - autism, depression, the working man stereotype, 'just a dude', to name a few - but... and I know this is a bold claim, but I think I've got him figured out. I've already meta'd him before on a smaller scale, and concluded that Mister Quiet, Calm and Collected here is actually a secret showman who loves crowd approval, so let's carry on.
Let's work our way under his skin, yeah? You just sit there and eat onigiri king, take a well-deserved break.
Let's start with the obvious: Larry has no clue who he is. He gives you the Facade TM, tells you he hopes you have no need to put on the same front as him, and then during his rematch says this on why he loves Normal types:
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... Which is all well and good, right? Fair, valid, pretty regular guy - except oh no wait, hang on, he is literally the least ordinary trainer in this franchise.
This right here is a perfect example of the duality of Larry already, and we've just started. He's a showman, an exhibitionist in the Pokemon arena, and he duel-serves as Elite Four and gym leader.
Just to put that into context for those fans who are newer than my veteran ass, no one does that. Even those who got promoted later - Lance, Koga and Wallace, unless I'm forgetting anyone else - have never wielded two titles simultaneously. And even in their promotions, Lance, Koga and Wallace keep their damn types. They don't master a whole new one, at the highest of battling levels, on a goddamn whim because their boss said to. Whether he likes it or not, by the established standards of this series, Larry is a fucking genius. Even those with mixed teams don't hold type mastery to this degree. Whether or not you personally found him easy or difficult to defeat either time is not the point - literally, no one's doing it like he is. He trains four entire new team members, between his three jobs (because oh yeah, he's got another one), to the late fifties/early sixties in levels and acts like it ain't shit. That's endgame levels to anyone else, the culmination of their eighteen-badge journey or their literal years of training - for Larry, it's fucking LEISURE TIME. Man's doing this in front of Netflix.
... And we're supposed to believe he's NORMAL? And the thing is, I don't even think he's gaslighting us, at least not consciously - he genuinely believes this. This is his normal.
No wonder Geeta sticks him in the gym right next to Area Zero. 90% sure he could solo the place if you gave him a few hours to go and catch the right team. Don't even know what we're doing here, to be quite honest. Might as well go home and hug the Skwovet in my own lounge, the adorable little bastard. What the honest fuck.
My man, take a look in that mirror as you munch those delicious rice balls. There ain't a single thing regular about you. Larry seems to have no clue that his life is anything but standard - he walks around wearing a facade. His penultimate mon, which I've covered the significance of before with Flapple and Hassel (and with Larry himself here), is Staraptor, a lone wolf, who leaves the flock upon evolving to live alone, and yet his ace Flamigo only functions well in a group. Just a quick compare-and-contrast between the dex entries of them both here:
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... Excuse me whilst I error 404. He's got so little clue who he is, even his team has personality conflicts.
Thing is, right... if he walks around wearing a facade, why does he? In fact, whilst we're on the subject of his team, why doesn't he take his clearly vacation-themed team ON A VACATION?
Look at these guys.
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Palm trees, tropical birds, blue skies with clouds, and... well, Staraptor's clearly his favourite. Man's got a holiday-themed squad, which leads us to another core point:
Larry doesn't drown himself in work because he likes it, he does it because he doesn't have anything else.
Logically, Larry must make bank. We don't know what the gym leaders get paid - though for the first time, we know that they definitely do, thanks to this:
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(Thank you for that little screenshot, @prince-kallisto. <3)
And not only does he get paid from this, but he's in the Elite Four - every sensible conclusion says that this man has to be one of the highest-paid trainers in Paldea. And he's got a third job that we don't even know about. Bearing in mind that every other adult NPC in this game seems to get along just fine with one or two jobs, I don't think we need to remotely worry about Larry's finances.
And he doesn't particularly like any of his jobs, so he doesn't do them for love... and if he doesn't take any time off, he must be drowning in potential time to take off...
So, why doesn't he go on holiday? Why does he drown himself in work he dislikes when he has no financial need to; why does he live a lie; why doesn't he find out who he is?
Well, there's only one thing that really connects all that together, isn't there?
Larry's life is a void because he's alone.
When people are lost, they throw themselves into work to find purpose. What's the point of going on holiday when you've got no one to go with? This man does embody a stereotype perfectly, but it's probably not the one you think. It's much simpler - 'money can't buy you happiness.'
He tells you about this loneliness himself, in a way.
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Larry has normal and regular interests, in a world where he is anything but, and people only want to be surprised. No one gets him, whether because they're not on his battling level, or because he's too ordinary. And when no one gets you... how are you supposed to get yourself? However introverted we are, we experience ourselves partly through others. He has the Elite Four, who are 100% a found family, but... the problem with that is that they accept him at face value because they love him. Which is amazing and all, we adore that, but it means no one gets under his skin.
And the further problem of that is that he's no happier deep-down. And that's not on his colleagues, not at all. Rika is relaxed and easygoing, Poppy is a child, and Hassel... well, Hassel is drama, Hassel is married. Hassel has his own perfect love story already. Hassel has already seen someone a little bit like Larry before - directionless, depressed, unsure of his own self - and he went and promised him forever anyway. (Hello Brassius, I see you king. Be careful on that windmill.)
... And that... yeah, that's kind of the crux of it all. Larry needs him someone very much like Hassel; someone who sees through every layer of facade, someone who accepts. (... I realise this is me right now, and yes, I do volunteer as tribute. Come here, you beautiful fucking not-normal man. <3)
Essentially, what I'm saying is...
Larry needs a partner... and I don't mean another Pokemon one.
But, as sad a conclusion as that is... he's learning, by the end of your time with him.
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(Can we talk about the chef lady in the background, by the way, who is ignoring her TikTok to listen to his conclusion? What a sweetheart.)
We've taught him to open himself up a bit, to start embracing the new and the different. We've started to help this man, and if that isn't the most worthy thing my Nuzlocke son Juan here has done in his adventure through Paldea that wasn't helping a sick dog, I don't know what is.
As much as they annoy us sometimes, happiness is other people. Other people who see your soul, and smile. Perhaps he doesn't even need a romantic partner... perhaps he just needs the world's best friend.
But whatever it is that he needs... let him go on holiday, Game Freak. Let him be him, and very happy because of it. Give him a Hassel who isn't Hassel, and a month off at a certain DLC festival to spend with them. Larry exists in a club of one - he's too talented in the same breath as he's too average.
(Personally, I think he should take Katy, but... hey, that's me and my vanillacupcakes agenda. And the fact her ace is a Normal type who likes dessert.)
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So...that new fallout show huh? Arceus help me I'm back on my bullshit. I'm only like three episodes in but I LOVE it. And of course my pokemon loving ass couldn't resist this. So far The Ghoul is my favorite character, so I've decided to do his team first! I'm actually gonna do two teams for him, this one being the Ghoul and the other being Cooper. Without further ado:
Team Ghoul
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1. Mudsdale
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This one was the first one I decided on for him. If you think he wouldn't have horse like pokemon on his team, where is your head? Not to mention Mudsdale is pretty tanky and can take a hit like it's nothing. I imagine this is probably his oldest pokemon from his current team (probably the last surviving one from his previous team). Mudsdale is deeply loyal to his trainer and does his best to help when he can.
2. Flygon
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This one was a little last minute but I actually think flygon would be really cool and really convenient for him to have. Little dude is good at retaining information as well as keeping tabs on targets. Flygon is rare in the wasteland, as many trapinch don't survive long even in those harsh conditions. I actually headcanon that this was a reverse catching: Cooper got caught by a trapinch and was like "welp, I can't get you off so you're coming with me". Flygon is a little speed demon as well, which is also very convenient.
3. Kabutops
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Okay so this one I had to actually think about. I'd imagine fossil types would be impossible to bring back now but this is my blog so if I want Cooper to have a kick ass kabutops he's gonna have one...okay, okay...look dude needs a water type pokemon and I actually forgot kabutops was a water type. I feel like it would blend in and adapt pretty well to the wasteland. Being water type is incredibly useful. The fact it looks cool is just a perk.
4. Steelix
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Caught as an onix, this pokemon is mudsdale's rival in terms of strength and loyalty. The first pokemon to be caught for this new team, he evolved it after searching every-goddamn-where for a metal coat. Steel type pokemon are rare in most places, most having been hunted to near extinction for scrapmetal/parts. I'd imagine this particular steelix feels lucky...
5. Mightyena
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Coop likes dogs.
That's it. That's the whole thing...
Okay maybe it isn't. Alright so we all know he likes dogs, and I'll admit it was a challenge to decide what dog like pokemon he'd have. Packs of mightyena are common, so I Imagine coop was able to snag a poochyena from its pack and raise it as his companion. He knows ice fang, which surprises folks who dare challenge this thing. Mightyena is also an excellent tracker and doesn't give up once he's on a mission to hunt with his human. He tends to have a sour attitude and sometimes picks fights with mudsdale and steelix.
6. Banette
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Going into this, I knew I wanted to give him a ghost type. Babette is just a freaky little dude that just wouldn't stop following him around. Every team needs a gremlin who causes problems on purpose and this dude is definitely it. He's a pain in the ass but he's a mostly loveable one. Not to mention he's an expert at stealing drugs that coop needs. So he's a lovable, useful, pain in the ass.
And that concludes today's team. I may do cooper's team before the bombs dropped, which will probably be a mirror to this team. Let me know what you guys think ^.^
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skullkxd · 4 months
( from @exagides ! )
Sent out with a mission, a honedge floats toward Ree with a small rectangular box held in its sash. It hands it over ever so carefully, watching Ree with its single, curious eye. Inside, the box has a small rainbow assortment of fruit-flavored Kalosian candies — both gummies and hard candies, it seems. Pinned to the top of the box is an invitation to the castle where Wikstrom holds regular training events. The back of the invitation has a hand-written letter. 
Champion Reese —
Should the need arise for pursuit of further training for thy team, I, Wikstrom of the Kalos Elite Four, offer the service. I have trained many of your similar rank and honor, both in battle and in bonding with their pokemon. Should you accept, worry not of accommodations in Kalos, for the castle is open for you to come and go as you please. A trainer such as yourself has boundless opportunity, and I, for one, shall be cheering you on throughout your career!
— Sir Wikstrom of the Kalos Elite Four
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They didn’t expect anything like this. Ree accepts the box and offers a handful of pokebeans to the ghost Pokémon — after all, he deserves a treat !!! — before turning the box over. They’ve never had anything like this before. It seems like a rich person sort of candy.
the letter sort of … makes their chest twinge. Nobody really ever calls them champion, because, well, even if they won the world tournament, they still lost the league where the champion title really hits hard …
and that final line …
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it’s really nice, but Ree is pretty goddamn certain if they try to step in kalos, Lysandre will kill them.
It’s really nice though. Wow. Ree’s only met this guy a couple of times and they were kinda scared of him but he’s really … nice???
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hisuianhellion · 5 months
//Top ten other Zelda characters you would like to see as fallers? Asking for a friend
((... oh dear christ this is gonna be a THING HUH??? Okay uh... hmm.
Let me be frank. I'm biased here. I like characters with a lotta pull in the plot. Side-characters... nnnyeh, not so much? So I hope this list includes someone you've been thinkin' about. Also this list is not in order. I would love any of the below... okay maybe Linebeck, Navi or Skull Kid are at the lowest priority but I just wrote these as they came to my mind I'm sorry--
Tulin. My boy. Tulin. My son. Tulin. I love this child with my whole heart and the BOY is my BOY and this BOY is the BOOOOOY. He would do so damn good in a Pokemon setting. My only gripe is that he'd kiiiinda prolly not be all that happy. Unless he ended up with Link/Lianka. He'd be chill then.
Revali. However. This has a giant asterisk attached: because there's ALREADY A REVALI BLOG. So I can and will suggest they smash into each other at mach 3 and make things start happening. If there wasn't? I would put him at 1. No joke. Him and Lianka being actual rivals would be fantastic, genuinely, it would fit so PERFECTLY. He's honestly my favorite of the four Champions... at least the Japanese characterization of him that isn't... kind of a dick, the localization team did him a bit dirty imo.....
Ganondorf. This man... this goddamn man. He just steals the show any game he's in, doesn't he? Ocarina of Time? A basic interpretation, but a THREATENING one. Wind Waker? THE HIGHLIGHT. OF. THE GAME. Twilight Princess? Shows up at the VERY END and proves he is every bit the force he's portrayed as (final boss being cheeseable notwithstanding). Tears of the Kingdom? My fuckin' guy. My. Fucking. GUY. HE KICK... SO MUCH ASS........... perfect villain blog character, GOD he'd be so good.
Ganondorf, but NOT EVIL. Or, perhaps, reformed in some way! I want you to blame Growing Up Gerudo for me becoming enamored with the idea of a Ganondorf that breaks the cycle of hatred Demise forced upon him. The internal AND external turmoil that could cause, the feeling of loathing for himself and those that harmed him at odds. My man in Wind Waker wasn't as clear-cut as you think. He WAS evil, despite the "coveting that wind" excuse he gave. But what if he was being SINCERE--
Navi. She deserves a chance. She does! Don't you tell me she doesn't! She is not annoying, she was their very first attempt at a companion that could help! My girl got done dirty by the fanbase and if she ended up capable of being a Trainer or Eebydeebied and needed some help? I'd be all for that. Girl's a floating encyclopedia anyhow, she'd be perfect for Pokedex research.
Skull Kid. POST-MAJORA'S MASK. Let them have their character development. They are allowed a happy ending as a treat, okay? Besides! We already have a "Shady Mask Anon", so like... c'mon. It fits better than you think.
Linebeck. The sniveling, cowardly "real man of the seas" himself. My guy is absolutely deserving of a good, great, FANTASTIC delve into potentially no longer being a sniveling, cowardly, actual real man of the seas. Prolly in Hoenn, considering things!
Urbosa. If I had to pick a non-Rito champion, her. OR... OOOOOORRRRRR... for much the same reason?
Riju. Both of these girls deserve all the time in the limelight, and I adore both of them as characters. Strong, commanding women with literal lightning powers? H'oh. They can kick SO much ass.
Tetra. My favorite Zelda. The game did her dirty by shafting her into a role of just being a damsel in distress the moment she learned who she was. She deserves to be a fuckin' Pirate Queen. She deserves every damn chance to be a swashbuckling, secretly caring, absolute badass of a hero as much as anyone else.))
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Mewtwo Strikes Back - IV. Mewtwo is a Rude Host
Beating up that pirate guy causes Mewtwo to take notice of Ash. He sends a Dragonite messenger (Dragonitetwo?) to deliver an invitation from "the strongest Pokemon Trainer". Bold way of self-identifying, but it's Mewtwo so yes. Absolutely. Ego well deserved.
All sorts of Trainers gather to take the ferry to Mewtwo's castle on New Island. However, Mewtwo uses his telekinesis to whirl the goddamn atmosphere and manufacture a hurricane out of sheer telekinetic muscle strength. Holy fuck, we are not messing around with depicting Mewtwo's power.
(Though it's funny that such a feat will become mundane in Gen 3. Mewtwo invented Rain Dance! He is not gonna be happy when Pikachu starts firing off Thunders.)
So now we have a lot of angry Trainers who want to go meet "the strongest Trainer", threatening to Surf or Fly to New Island. The wharf master insists that it's too dangerous and Officer Jenny drops another bombshell: The local Pokemon Center's been shut down because Nurse Joy's missing. So no free heals if the trip goes bad.
I love that they hung a missing persons poster up with a picture of her on it, like she doesn't perfectly resemble every single other Nurse Joy NPC in the entire game world. XD
Unfortunately, despite having eight Badges to his name, Ash has never picked up a single HM. He's pretty much a master of sequence-breaking, but that leaves him without a means to reach New Island. Fortunately, he has something just as good: Reliable stalkers whose Sunk Cost Fallacy flares up whenever it looks like he's about to fail.
So, not for the first time, Team Rocket uses their unsavory methods help Ash overcome a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Which they do by stealing a boat. That's. Um.
Trying to cross waters unsafe for boating through the genius application of a boat goes exactly the way you would expect it to. Fortunately, they get close enough that Squirtle and Staryu can carry the group the rest of the way, minus the Rockets who they leave behind to drown. They learned their lesson from the S.S. Anne.
At last, they've arrived at New Island. Let's see how many others made it here alive.
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gildead · 1 year
so i know i said i would never address the events surrounding [REDACTED] on this blog. and i still won't. i want to make something clear though, because of the chatter regarding villain muses.
team rocket, logistically speaking, probably had nothing to do with gold's death. i'll explain my reasoning under the cut.
imagine, if you will, that you are giovanni. while you once were the most powerful man in kanto, what with being the strongest gym leader AND the head honcho of team rocket, you have fallen from grace because your criminal dealings have come to light thanks to a smartass kid. you're a smart man, however. you lay low, leave the region for a while. even when your admins try to hold up a radio tower to call you back, you hang back - partially because you're ashamed of yourself, but also because they got THEIR asses beaten by a second smartass kid and frankly it's embarrassing it's happened twice.
now, suppose. you're licking your wounds in unova, having a drink at your favorite hole-in-the-wall. the news flickers on. a horrified reporter reads that the mutilated body of a young child has been found in the johto region.
they put up a picture of the boy. you recognize him. he's the one from the radio tower. the one who stopped your team's revival.
now. pay close attention because this part is crucial. who do you think they're going to start investigating first.
because that's not just a normal boy. that's the boy who beat red, the first smartass kid, on mount silver. the boy who earned sixteen badges and the respect of two pokémon leagues, which house in no particular order: a war veteran, two different ninjas, multiple strongmen, a powerful psychic, BLUE MOTHERFUCKING OAK, and two highly powerful dragon trainers from a long line of dragon trainers.
one of which who helped this boy strongarm his way into your base and is THE FORMER CHAMPION.
you get what i'm saying though? ordering the violent murder of the kid who beat you the second time around in such a gratuitous manner is a bad move for the guy trying to stay away from the public spotlight, especially after his organization got exposed TWICE. and especially when nothing's been done to red. it's inconsistent, and i'm pretty sure gio HAS some kind of ethical code. even if it's a criminal one.
also gold was friends with his son so was he REALLY that bad a kid?
'but vetra, the executives-' up the shut. doggedly loyal to giovanni as they may be, they are not stupid. archer literally took the L with grace upon getting his butt whooped.
if it was a murder, team rocket would probably have a VESTED INTEREST in bringing said murderer to justice. granted, it's team rocket, so it's probably fucked up mob justice. but that's what happens when you encroach on their turf i guess.
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shadowonwater · 1 year
Pokemon Masters EX: I completed the PML arc, my thoughts so far (spoilers if you care)
This is long and rambley, prepare to be rambled to if you read ahead. Includes thoughts on Team Break, new characters, and how weird Pasio is as a concept.
I honestly really enjoy this game, it's a lot fun to play! I really enjoy the battle gameplay, it's sort of like triple battles from the B & W games. It's interesting how you have both Pokemon moves and trainer moves. I like the use of the move gauge. That you may have to wait a bit to charge the gauge to use a powerful attack or use a bunch of smaller attacks and hope to use a sync move sooner.
I'd say the story isn't quite as good though, but it's like what can you expect from a kid's game? Like I don't want to be that guy that says "It's fine that the story isn't the best because it's for kids". But it's that a lot of stuff that made me roll my eyes was stuff like "We'll win through the power of friendship" and "we won because we had such good teamwork" and in the case of the villains "Pokemon are just tools" (which is pretty much the Pokemon equivalent of a villain that kicks puppies for fun).
It's like, it's a kids game, so yeah. Friendship is important and all that but people don't win via just the power of friendship. If it was only friendship that determined winning, that implies that the people that lose just didn't care enough about each other and I don't like that. It makes me think of the Just World Fallacy where the belief is that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people.
Anyway sorry about going off on a tangent. Very quickly, another thing that I'm lightly annoyed by is the main character's sync partner being another goddamn Pikachu. I get it, that's Pokemon's mascot. But I like Raichu more and I'm sick of all these Pikachu's I can't evolve. I was more neutral on Pikachu before but it's everywhere and I am so done with it.
Anyway, Team Break. Not much of a Pokemon game without an evil team, ha ha. They were ok, kind of goofy though, couldn't take them seriously, and it's weird seeing the characters take them seriously. It's interesting that they didn't have full on uniforms, just a mask. Makes it easy to hide I suppose, really anyone could secretly be part of Team Break, I like that implication.
I used to not like them as much when I didn't know what their ultimate motivation was. Also it's interesting that the group didn't really have a character made as the leader, it was just one of the npc models. I'm used to Pokemon having really interesting designs and charismatic personalities from villain team leaders but this leader was really just some guy.
Originally they were just like "mwa ha ha, we steal Pokemon" a lot like Team Rocket really. Villain's stealing Pokemon to use for themselves never really made much sense to me because of how sentient Pokemon are. Like that Pokemon you stole knows that you stole them, why would they ever do what you want them to do, y'know? Like, with Hoopa later in the story, it's like, why is Hoopa doing what you want it to do? It can literally create portals? Why doesn't it just leave? That was never answered. The true answer is it didn't leave because the story needed it to stay.
Anyway, I feel it was a little unclear, maybe because I was only half paying attention. But I think it was said that Team Break specifically formed to mess up the tournament because they don't like Lear. Which is fair because Lear is kind of an ass, and even with his redemption I'm still not sure he's make for a good king, but then again I don't think anyone makes for a good king, king's should not exist. Too much power, really.
So they were stealing Pokemon to help them interrupt the tournament. And I might be reading into this a little but the whole Villain Team act was also to cause problems with the tournament. Maybe they were hoping that a villain team might cause the tournament to be cancelled or something? Anyway this also implies that maybe they weren't serious about permanently stealing Pokemon, but that it was just another part of trying to put it to a stop.
Yeah I'm probably giving them to much credit. But I'm vibing with the idea of a villain group that are going out of their way to look like villains to help achieve a not so bad goal. Makes me think about the goal of the Villain from Fossil Fighters 2 who turned out to not really be a villain after all.
Prince Lear put this whole thing on to convince his dad to name him his successor. So considering Lear is kind of an ass I can 100% see why people would not want him to be a king. So trying to interrupt the tournament because of that is totally valid. Anyway he became a better person so Team Break didn't really have much reason to stay together anymore. I guess you could say Team Break got Broken up.
Anyway, speaking of Lear, this game introduced 4 new characters into Pokelore. That being Lear and his retainers, Rachel and Sawyer. As Well as main character's rival Paulo. I ended up really liking Lear, Rachel, and Sawyer. I'm a bit mixed on Paulo. Partly because I'm not entirely sure what they're trying to do with him.
Like, the thing about Paulo, is that he's one of those rivals that is really affected by losing to you all the time. But unlike Hop, he's less sad about losing and more angry. Like it feels like he's going to do something dangerous and drastic to try to get power, and the story is encouraging this idea. I've played part of the Team Rocket story and it is also encouraging that idea.
Honestly, I LOVE the idea of a formerly friendly rival becoming a bad guy because they can't handle the frustration of losing all the time to you. I understand that. Frustration can really bring out the worst in people, including me. It's just that I'm not sure if the story is going to go through with it. It feels like a carrot being dangled on a stick to me. I want Paulo to give in to his frustration and become a villain, at least for a little while. As a treat. Like, come on story! Pull through with it! You're hinting at it so much! Gimme evil Paulo! If they don't do anything I'm going to be very disappointed.
Anyway I'm fond of how much Rachel and Sawyer care about Lear, they knew him before he was an ass. He used to be a really nice kid. When they said it started when his mother died, at first I wasn't on board because I didn't that that alone was a good enough reason to become as ass. But then they further explained that after his mom died he was basically sent to a boarding school. Where he was treated very badly there for 2 years (I think it was stated to be 2 years). We get to see a little bit of his time like that and it was indeed bad. So I was like, yeah I can now see how he became how he is. He kept hoping for someone to come and help him but no one really did so he lost his trust in others and learned that he can only rely on himself.
Well I guess he had one thing helping him, the mythical Pokemon Hoopa. I like the foreshadowing they gave Hoopa so it didn't feel like it came out of nowhere in the story. Although you could have potentially avoided the stuff about Hoopa because it was like bonus stuff. There were also sync stories talking about people getting teleported to the island through Hoopa's rings.
It was mentioned earlier in the story that Lear got Hoopa to help them make the artificial island by transporting stuff. I think Sawyer mentioned bribing it with doughnuts. Which I think is hilarious because of course the Pokemon with magic rings loves a ring shaped pastry, do you think it also likes onion rings and chicken rings? (Or would they be Torchic rings?)
Anyway it was said that Rachel and Sawyer had no idea where he got Hoopa and he refused to really explain it to them. Turns out he met Hoopa as a child when he was stuck in that awful bordering school. I'm not really sure why Hoopa didn't try to teleport him out, but then again I doubt that would really make things better for him since people would probably search for him. But anyway, Hoopa was his companion during that time and would teleport in and out to hang with him. But after he went back home he didn't see Hoopa again, I suppose it didn't know where he went?
While he's at the beach he first met Hoopa at, he sees Hoopa again and enlists it's help in building Pasio by using it's rings to transport stuff. I like the plot point that he can't use sync moves because he's not close enough to his Pokemon to use them. That is until he realizes he has a sync pair with Hoopa.
I like what this story does with Hoopa what with using it help explain how the island was made. I'm also just fond of stories in general about mythicals and legendaries. I like it when they get integrated into a plot.
Anyway, Pasio. Really fucking weird actually. Dude straight up makes an island, by like... taking pieces of other places and combining them together??? And somehow there aren't any wild Pokemon??? What.
Pasio really does not make sense.
Like where did he get all those pieces to make such a big island? How the hell are people not raising a fuss over this? Taking pieces of other countries is a political nightmare, did he pay for those or something??? How does taking these pieces effect the ecosystem of where they come from?? It's a political nightmare, a logistical nightmare, and I'm not sure how you even get those pieces to stick together.
Also why are there no wild Pokemon? Really there should have been Pokemon hanging out in those places that he took, did Hoopa teleport them out of something? What's to stop wild Pokemon from showing up? Clearly some legendaries start showing up in Legendary Adventures. What's to stop flying Pokemon from flying in? and What's to stop water Pokemon from swimming in?
Imagine being on an island with no animals aside from visitor's pets. That'd be kind of eerie right? Reminds me of Danganronpa v3 a bit. I imagine given time the island will have wild Pokemon showing up, it's still very weird that it's empty now. In Gardina's sync story she says that she thinks that the island will eventually lead to new regional forms. I think she's got a point, it would still probably take awhile for that to happen though.
Anyway a small thing, it's really funny having scouted sync pairs before finishing the main story and then having those characters show up in the story and act like they aren't in your team. I guess the people writing maybe didn't anticipate I would do scouting on my own before finishing the main story. The fact that I can fight people with themselves is also really funny. And because there are characters with multiple sync pairs you can have multiple versions of 1 character on your team. Like I could be fighting someone with Gym Leader Brock and also Sync Suit Brock. I guess it's an area where game mechanics don't make sense story wise. I guess with Brock he could be using two Pokemon at once, it's still funny though.
Anyway that's all I wanted to say for now, might make more posts to talk about specific sync stories or talk about Legendary Adventures or The Villain Team stories.
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raymondshields · 1 year
for the series ask - Pokemon
we throwing curveballs in this house
So we are! This is going to be entirely on Sinnoh, Ranger / Sky, and the movies up to the end of Gen4, because that's all I've ever actually played / watched. :p
❤ Favorite Male: So I really wish this was the last one, not the first one, because [sighs] Commander Saturn. I want to say Sven, I really do, but no, it's fucking Saturn. Why? Because when I was in third grade me and Paige both loved Saturn, but he was such a gay twink that all of our stories focused on humiliating him because neither of us were old enough to simply decide this man should get pegged. So he has a special place in my heart. The gayest, most useless fucking twink in all of Sinnoh. ❤ Favorite Female: May and Dawn, at the same time. Don't make me choose. If I had to, I'd probably go with May because she had a Blaziken, but I love them both. I don't have much to say on them, other than I wish they'd come back, but I love them. ❤ Favorite Pairing: Everyone's expecting me to say Team Rocket. Fair. But no. I think Ash, Roark, and Paul (tragically anime-only) should kiss. I remember very little of Paul other than he was the brooding rival where Barry was an idiot, and he was pretty. Now, if we're doing the OG Pokemon shipping, Absol/Lucario. This is because I am an Absol and Faolan is a Lucario. Obviously. ❤ Least Favorite Character: Barry, Alberto, and Sven's Luxray. Barry was annoying and I wish the rival in Sinnoh was Paul. Alberto is Barry but worse, but also he was weird towards Alice so fuck that guy. (Iirc, Alice was engaged to him via arranged marriage, but also fuck that guy.) Sven's Luxray can get fucked because she was between me and Sven and I'm sorry, if you didn't want me to hold that grudge for three thousand some-odd years, you'd get Out Of My Way And Let Me Fuck Your Ranger. Jfc. Fuck that Luxray. ❤ Who’s most like me: Well, me. I'm in a Special Mission in Shadows of Almia, alongside Ryan the Umbreon. Obviously. But not what you were asking, so... I have no idea, actually. Pokemon doesn't really flesh out its characters, so that's not easy to identify. Actually, on second thought, the Metagross trainer girl from the Deoxys movie, and her buddy with the Blaziken. Combine them into one person and that's probably the closest you'll get to me as a Pokemon trainer. Although if I went back as a human, I'd be a Ranger. (Although if I went back at all, you'd assume I'd go back to being an Absol.) ❤ Most attractive: Sven, Sir Aaron, and Riley. I think you can sense a pattern here on both my taste in men and my taste in Pokemon cosplayers. Sven, for reasons I think I've already explained. Sir Aaron was kind of a dick, honestly, but he was also hot. Riley is Sir Aaron but more autistic and also not a dick, so I mean, high five bro. ❤ Three more characters that I like: Oh, hmmm. Cyrus is really good, so is Butler from the Jirachi movie. Entei from the Entei movie was amazing. Arceus from his own movie made me cry like a bitch because he reminded me so much of Vicers. Giratina, also from his own movie, was such a mood. Zero, same movie, was such an incel I couldn't help but love him. The side character trainers from the Deoxys movie were all collectively good. But a special goddamn shoutout to Palkia's voice actor in Rise of Darkrai, because I don't fuckin know how they did it, but Palkia speaks like a Californian surfer guy, and that's the funniest fucking thing this Absol has ever heard.
[ask game here]
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justfor2am · 1 year
how many book emojis r there .uhh 📒📓📔📕📖📗📘📙📚 (this is for that ask game im not just randomly sending book emojis .tho tbf id do that too) (kinda random but?????? i want an axolotl emoji when will they add an axolotl emoji they r my second favorite animal (first is bunnies 🐇) and i want to show them off .where is it when will i get an axolotl emoji‼️ i can accept not having emojis for like my fav bunnies n for my other fav animals thats FINE but no axolotl? actually crime wada hell)
waough first off: axolotl emoji would be fire, but you know what emoji we really missing? chocolate cake.
ALL of the cake and cake-adjacent emojis are vanilla, where's the love for my fudge lovers???
anyways, because you've got me going on pokemon now, fuckin obligatory pokemon au.
mumscarian because i love those guys: Mumbo: Pokemon Lab Technician Electric/Steel/Dragon/Normal/Flying Magneton (heheh gear go brrrr) Electrode (heheh orb go brrrr) Dragonair (he deserves one elegant-looking pokemon. as a treat) Steelix (YA METAL GUY WHOOOO) Porygon (what a lil weirdo. i love porygon) Noctowl (obligatory low-level starting area pokemon that he got emotionally attached to and now bullies him when he's up late) Scar: Retired Gym Leader Normal/Fairy/Psychic Meowth (obligatory jellie insert) Togetic (raised it from an egg!) Clefable (happy lil fella who Double Slapped scar into next week the first time they met) Espeon (also raised it since it was an eevee!) Alakazam (abras are so fucking annoying to catch but goddamn he did it) Girafarig (ehehe spooky 2-faced pokemon) Grian: Aspiring Champion Bayleef (only one with an actual starter lmao) Pidgeot (best flying pokemon i'm right btw) Vulpix (lil fire fox.....) Misdreavus (goofy ghost pokemon? perfect for him) Starmie (pretty gem need i say more) Eevee (untapped potential!!!) i picture this as grian being the usual pokemon protag trying to beat the elite four except he gets wayyyyyy too carried away with the side quests
mumbo works in a pokemon containment facility meant to observe and rehabilitate hostile/abandoned pokemon (either via adoption or relocation to the wild) and is in charge of keeping the servers running and making sure the database is up to date, which it frequently is not. grian tries training against mumbo often, but you can only battle the same trainer so main times before memorizing his movesets and using the same battle strategy over and over again, so mumbo gives him scar's number and suggests grian train with him instead. scar's only been retired a few years so he tends to have to shoo away rookie trainers from his front porch all the time, but grian instead offers to run favors for him (entirely by accident. scar's reputation FAR precedes himself, and was known for knocking trainers flat on their ass countless times when facing his team. plus, being one of the youngest professional gym trainers in the area, it's hard to get some peace and quiet.) scar finds this hilarious and decides to give grian a stupid amount of tasks to do, ranging from grocery shopping to weeding his garden, until grian finally caves and admits why he's really here. grian fully expects to be sent away, but scar is swayed by grian's persistence and complete dedication to the, objectively speaking, pointless tasks he was given, so scar agrees to help train grian's team.
misc. notes here: mumbo is the oldest of the three at about 26, with grian being 22 and scar 25. i think it's weird that pokemon just lets children run off and be trainers so let's assume that's not common practice here mumbo has a handful of badges, mostly so that his pokemon will listen to him. nearly all of his pokemon (minus the noctowl and the porygon) were gifted to him, so they're a little unruly at times. scar raised all of his pokemon either from eggs or newly born. (if i weren't working with gen 2 he would 100% have a sylveon) grian's eevee was actually a gift from scar, given to grian as an egg that he took great care in watching over.
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moonvalecrossing · 1 year
Alright, I've asked about your thoughts on the Paldea Gym Leaders. But instead of the Elite Four (there are only 2 Elite Four members [3 if you count the Champion] that don't have another significant role, anyway), I'm gonna ask what your top 3 favorite and least favorite of the Academy teachers in Scarlet and Violet are.
Sorry for the late reply. I was taking a wee break from pokemon related things! I'll get to teachers happily in a moment, but there's something I want to say first. And, as always, POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR SCARLET AND VIOLET THINGS AHEAD WOO WOO! Also probably unpopular opinions! Lets get this shit!
Gotta disagree about what you say about the Elite Four. Loathe as I am to view it on equal footing with any of the other established elite 4s (even freaking Alola's) because of the GODDAMN LITERAL TODDLER IN THE RANKS, it's still an elite four with 4 members. I'd argue Mrs. Topmost champion isn't exactly the best at her job running the league considering said toddler's status as well as the fact she's placed people who clearly prefer their other jobs to being a gym leader. Plus, listening to what Larry has to say she seems to be a bit of a shitty boss, too. Can't get another person for the elite four so you pick the one regular joe who sees this as his 9 to 5 and then you make him use a completely different type of pokemon than what he specializes in? Damn, Geeta I think I hate you. Top Champion, my ass. Nemona's final fight was harder than yours. There didn't turn out to be an actual villain team in this game, but god damn if I didn't spend the whole game hoping it would be Geeta so I could kick her ass and jail her. She runs a joke of a league, and is a joke of a champion.
Now then! Onto the main establishment in the Paldea region! The school and its teachers!
Favorites first!
#3. Mrs. Tyme. I adore this woman. Her makeup and fun hair style are as on point as her sister Ryme. She is a delightful woman and I loved her classes. Plus, according to Bulbapedia, she's the homeroom teacher for the STEM track at the academy. Something something women in science careers booya! I also liked her little side story as you got to know her at the school. At first I thought it was odd that she had such a strong sense that someone was watching her. I mean, I suffer from anxiety and paranoia about people around me and even I don't really notice when someone's staring at me unless I see them doing it. But, remembering her sister's basically a rapping medium (which by the way is still fucking awesome goddamn), it wouldn't be too strange for Tyme to have a bit of a sixth sense about her.
#2. Mr. Saguaro. I looked forward to his classes almost as much as the top slot's classes whenever new classes unlocked. He's an absolute delight. I love when they make tough intimidating turn out to be actual sweethearts. When I sat in on my first class I had to tell my girlfriend that I'd found her fairy trainer OC's real father. Buff scary looking man who isn't afraid of wearing pink and does presumptuously feminine things? Dead ringer, son. Now if this guy trained solely fairy types I'd be getting a paternity test ready! xD
#1. Mr. Hassel. What can I say, I'm an artist at heart. It was my favorite class in school growing up, and it will always be. Hell. My senior year schedule was 50% art classes. It was the greatest school year of my life. Anyways. Hassel. I love this man. I am in love with this man. I would marry this man, damn. He is so damn sweet and emotional and I just want to hug him. I wanted to learn so much more about his history after his side event at school. When I first saw him I thought 'oh god this guy's gonna be unfun and boring teacher man'. I could not have been more wrong. This man? This man is my favorite adult character in the game. I'd pair my player character with Arven, but me? Mr. Hassel. GIVE ME A RING, SIR. (Sorry that got kinda weird but dang this character is wonderful.)
Now here we go! To the fun part! Get your pitchforks ready kids because I'm sure someone's gonna be unhappy here!
#3. Ms. Dendra. Hoo boy. I am a fat kid and I hate gym class. So taking her class and standing in the middle of a running track gave me some bad Mile Run flashbacks. Her class was actually nice, though. Simple, I'd argue. But I have at least two decades of pokemon battling under my belt so I wouldn't expect to be challenged by the battle instructor's lessons. So why did I put Dendra down here? Well. It's not her design. I like it (even if she screams Dark Types and not Fighting Types) as simple as it is. No. She's friends with Tulip. She makes me do that fudgemuppeting ESP training gym challenge. I still don't know if I was only supposed to emote once or spam the button since my character didn't hold her pose like the rest of the people there. Dendra is getting hella hate by association, and I feel kind of bad. However, that's not hte only reason I am unimpressed at her character. Her side story is the least impressive of all the teachers. Well besides another on this list, but yeah. Ha ha tough girl character can't cook (or in this case, make a sandwich how is that a thing these crazy bastards would happily eat a pickle and cheese sandwich slathered in mayo and enjoy it). Her story is learning to make a decent sandwich. And as far as I can tell, she still didn't 100% figure out how to do that. Good lord, woman. Meat. Cheese. Lettuce. Condiment of your preference. This would at least make a little sense if she were in Galar struggling to make curry. You could burn that shit. In Paldea your cooking only screws up if you fail to stack the stupid sandwich right. (And I did often because the table liked to shake for some damn reason. And then there were hte times everything fell off when I put the top slice of bread on. My sanity is in shambles, there's bacon all over the table and I am inconsolable.)
#2. Mr. Jacq. He was almost #1. But while thinking about it I decided I dislike the other teacher more. I don't hate Jacq's class. If anything I wanted to learn more about pokemon biology. Dude's a bishie and I like staring at his face. So long as I ignore whatever that eyebrow situation he has going on. It looks like he drew it with a dry erase marker and the maker faded at the ends. Why is he so pretty. Anyway. I hate everything else about his design. Dude literally looks like he rolled out of bed and put on a lab coat and sandals. Dude is wearing pajamas and you will not convince me otherwise. Doesn't even look like he fixed his bedhead. Good lord man a little professionalism's too much to ask, apparently. I hate those sandals. His classroom looks like a science lab classroom. Put on some gosh damn shoes, sir. The only worse job he could have had with that outfit is teaching cooking. And I get it my dude. You're the pokedex guy this generation. Which is funny because you're not even the same kind of professor as the others. The actual professor's Sada/Turo and those two are [a pair of peas in a pod]. Yeah lets no spoil that one. Thanks, Spamton. He mentions that goddamn pokedex more than I care about. He even puts a damn question about it on his midterm and gets in trouble for it. My guy. My dude. This is the age of the internet just ask online. You did a good job on the pokedex design it's actually really neat to get new entries and see the pictures and the book design is really cool. I think that saved you from being #1 on this list. But the fact you can't separate your two jobs makes me more than mildly salty. They may go hand in hand but I will throw you into the bowels of the deepest volcano for wanting me to get the entire pokedex again to finish your stupid side thing at the school. You don't get a story, you just give me my least favorite challenge in the game. My guy that pokedex has entries for pokemon from the ancient past and I chose Violet. I will strangle the life out of you. How in the in-universe fuck can you expect a child to accomplish that in a timeline where we had Professor Turo as the professor? When its clear the strange pokemon are from the future? Frick off with that nonsense, Jacq give me my shiny charm.
#1. Ms. Raifort. Oh goddamn. This woman. Best teacher sidequest because of what it unlocks and its unsurprisingly interesting lore-wise. But I'll get to more on that later. I have some words about this woman. Bench cannot even come into class with her shirt tucked in. I don't care about that sort of thing but god damn woman either leave it untucked or fully tucked in you look as sloppy as Jacq. And this woman is obsessed with History to the point I don't want her teaching children. She's one of those asshole teachers that picks someone to answer a question if you make eye contact. God damn did I hate teachers like that. Do you want your students to disengage from your lesson? Do you want to really mess up the kids with social anxiety? That's what's gonna happen. The air she has about her reminded me of my French Teacher in Highschool and that woman was such a massive bitch that I dropped the class completely. She doesn't care about her students. Not unless they meet whatever standards she sets up for them. And boy howdy does she go about making you feel stupid if you answer wrong. And did I say this woman is obsessed with history already? Because damn I meant it. Whinges about a new addition added to the school building because its marring the ancientness of the structure. I remember her also complaining about events that occur more recently to present day because they're so recent. Even wants a time machine so she can go see things back when they were pristine and untouched history. Bitch be crazy. Now, back to that side quest. While I enjoy the side quest for the pokemon in it... this woman is completely off her damn rocker for setting it in motion. "Hey kid, remember that story I talked about where Paldea's empire was torn asunder because of pokemon that were cursed treasures or some shit? And they were sealed away afterwards? You know what would be absolutely poggers? If you went out and removed all the spikes keeping those seals shut! I bet the pokemon will be thrilled as can be to be free and I'm sure this won't have any negative effects what so ever! HISTORY! HNNNNNNN!" I didn't get to finish this side quest yet because I didn't find all the spikes before needing a break from pokemon for a bit (oops accidentally wanted to play Fire EMblem Three Houses again and then got further distracted with Deltarune Fanfiction) but if my character wasn't so gosh darn special because she's got me controlling her, I can imagine all of Paldea would once more be turned asunder by some angry chinese monsters. Because looking at the dex entries.. hoo damn are those some vengeful spirits taking the form of pokemon. And to top it all off. When you finish this sidequest and show her all the angry spirits you captured and prevented from being unleashed had someone more stupid and less powerful did it? She gives you the TM for Nasty Plot. What is it with the characters being obsessed with other time periods in this game and seeming sus as all fuck?? Someone give me Looker's phone number I need to make an anonymous report on dangerous individuals.
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cryptidofthekeys · 11 months
I TOTALLY FORGOT ABT THE ASK THING WHSHSHSHSHHS-- it's been so long since I've properly interacted on this app. I'll try and remember for next time!
AND YESSS-- I didn't even know where the two was from at first...but when i saw them I knew I needed to find whatever media they were from and BINGE WATCH IT.
THus what started me on my ✨️ Epic Pokemon Journey ✨️
BUT NO I LOVE THEM BOTH SM I WANT TO CONSUME EVERY WAKING MEDIA OF THEM WHSRHDHHR IM OBSESSED IM OBSESSED. And now I have yet another way of rabidly consuming media of them to fill my brain with serotonin (aka, ur silly tumblr blog).
Also...omg...submas...I didn't even know that existed until now- had to Google what it was--. Holy SHIIIT I am going to explode /pos. Are you gonna write anything for submas / have already written something for it???????
Yeye! I get'cha and legit! Imma be honest when I played PLA (Pokemon Legends Arceus) I legit saw Ingo and was like oh, hes kinda cool ...hm hes familiar- and then it hit me- I was like ...THATS THE FUCKING SUBWAY BOSS N OOOO-
ah my beloved Pokemon Black n White ....those games haunt me /hj (i love em fr tho) but the goddamn Subway Bosses just- beat the shit out of me so many times when I was younger playing the games- I don't expect that to change, the one to give me the most hell was Emmet but I guess its fitting
and FGJDKJFHGKD frrrr tho- I will consume every bit of media of these two funky lil guys, they have legit become comfort characters and its so weird to me because, I've loved Pokemon ever since I was a kid, like a YOUNG kid- but I've NEVER??? gotten any sort of attachment to any of the characters? like, its only been the silly creechurs
So its weird to have actual comfort characters now (...I suppose I DO like N cause that's one of my best fren's faves for one but also N's a funky n weird lil dude) ...And also from PLA, Volo- I do like Volo a lot
Submas, Subway Bosses, etc- they gotta few titles that I know of- the silly lil train lads (btw! I got some plushies of them finally, not, not the official ones oh god NO- they would've emptied my monies, etsy had some alts <3)
and that's... Honestly a good question! As of right now, I don't know, but maybe in the future I'll write with the silly lil train guys both just of themselves and then well I DO have a Pokemon Trainer Sona that I've made and well, Ingo definitely plays a part in his story.
But for now I'm not sure if I'll write for them just yet
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drypoffins · 1 year
intro post ✧
hi rotumblr!
my name is jc, i’m a 22 year old sinnoan-unovan guy born and raised in hearthome city! if you’re tuned into the super contest scene you may know me as one of the top coordinators in the master rank beauty category, but currently i’m taking a break from coordinating to travel around and try my hand at battling. i decided to make this blog to document my experiences :)
here’s me and my team!
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- Lumi the Espeon ♂
- Aria the Lapras ♀
- Lady the Lilligant ♀✧
- Twitch the Joltik ♂
- Mirage the Flygon ♂
- Lemonade the Arcanine ♀✧
and finally, an FAQ for any former fans, followers, or concerned family members (hi mom) that have managed to find this blog:
- why did you stop competing?
several different reasons but a lot of it was burnout. i’ve been doing it since i was seven and i really needed a change of pace.
- will you ever compete again?
yes, i think so! currently i’m planning on just taking one season off but i don’t know what the future holds. i used to want to be a professional career coordinator but now i’m not sure.
- what are your coordinator credentials?
28 wins at normal rank (beauty)
22 wins at normal rank (cute)
12 wins at normal rank (smart)
24 wins at great rank (beauty)
15 wins at great rank (cute)
18 wins at ultra rank (beauty)
21 wins at master rank (beauty)
5 time semifinals winner at grand festival
2 time grand festival ribbon cup champion
- aren’t you that guy who fell down the stairs at the grand festival two years ago?
ok i want it to be known that i also WON THE SEMIFINALS THAT YEAR. no one remembers the solar beam hat trick that i pulled off in the final round, but everyone remembers the goddamn stairs. let that be a lesson to you, kids: fame is fleeting, but becoming a meme is forever.
- jc ✧
(ooc stuff under the cut!)
hi everyone! made this account for some light fun on the side and figured i should get some behind the scenes info out of the way:
- it’s mentioned in my bio but i follow and interact from my main blog @skyboxing!
- all posts not in character will be tagged with #ooc
- since my trainer character is primarily a coordinator, i’ll be talking about contests a lot, and i’ll be pulling my contest info and rules from both the games and the anime. definitely playing fast and loose with canon but it’s all just for fun so i’m not taking it too seriously :)
- please feel free to send me asks!! it can be about whatever you want: my character, my team, my character’s coordinator history, opinions on things in the pokémon world, etc. i have a ton of lore and info about my character thought out and i’ll very much appreciate the opportunity to share!
- let’s all have fun! i love this community’s vibes and i haven’t had a pokemon rp blog in an age, and i can’t wait to start posting :3
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crystalelemental · 2 years
Unit Viability Speculation - SS Korrina
There’s a guy on Reddit who’s been hoping for a Korrina alt for ages, and congrats to that dude, but mostly I’m disappointed in the outfit choice.  It does not look good.  Nothing that exposes midriff has ever looked good.  It’s a functional choice, but this is a video game about collecting characters and fashion matters.
Anyway, she comes with Marshadow, and is a Ghost Tech unit.  Which...fine.  I guess.  It’s getting harder to be an Anni Lillie main.  Especially with this shit.  I’ve mentioned they’re on a kick of anti-Cresselia units, but absolutely nothing hits anti-Cresselia like this one.  Spectral Thief is a two-gauge move that steals all the buffs on the foe.  That is...really good.  Like, no MP consideration, just...takes it.  Get fucked, Cresselia and Latias.  Now that said, her only real damage comes from sync, which is physical so Cresselia creates a big 80% problem, while Latias has two partners who have to be dealt with as well, so I wouldn’t necessarily call these clean wins.  But it’s pretty clear what she’s designed to do.  Her trainer move doesn’t quite cap attack, but does give +3 speed and evasion.  Dire Hit All+ is great.  Shadow Punch is a weird call, since she’s just stealing their evasion buffs anyway.  She gets a 90% buff to move damage when the foe has no buffs, and has Fortuitous 9 to buff a random stat of her own.  And...*sigh*
Man, can we please talk about this kind of thing?  Korrina has Good Form.  With a goddamn base 400+ attack stat.  Meanwhile Anni Steven’s over here with like, what, 250?  Can we please retroactively buff stuff that we know isn’t working?  “but he’s good with Anni Skyla!” yeah, and is also a Master Fair, he shouldn’t be that beholden to it.  Similar vein, why the fuck is Anni Lillie’s only sync multiplier Brain Sync 3?  You know commons got Brain Sync 5, right?  Valerie got Brain Sync 5.  VALERIE.  The character you fucked over harder than anyone else just three days ago.  That one.  That one got a better sync multiplier than Anni Lillie, who is a Master Fair.  Come on.
Predictably, Korrina has Rising Tide.  Also fun, she can reload one MP after her first sync, to cap out her own attack, speed, and evasion.  She also gets two more Fortuitous nodes to just randomly buff shit.  Please note, +18 is max buffs for Rising Tide, so really she...does not need this.  It’s just for funsies.
SS Korrina is pretty self-sufficient on paper.  Near perfect three-turn buff setup, fantastic sync nuke, pretty solid move damage as well despite the low BP, with an effect that makes her inarguably one of the best Cresselia and Latias counters.  But she has no tech skills in regards to status, so if you’re bringing her elsewhere, you need to have that gimmick checked off.  So I guess Anni Lillie remains the best Uxie counter, but that’s like being lord of shit mountain.  What’s next, being the best Latios counter?  In almost every other regard, SS Korrina is the better Ghost-type damage dealer.  Which...hurts a little.  At least Renegade Cynthia remains supreme.
Funny enough, this SS Korrina partners pretty well with Summer Hilda for CS purposes.  Defensive buffs are the only thing she really misses out on, and the ability to debuff defense while taking hits is gold.  Anyone who can debuff the foes defense generally will be a beneficial ally.  She’s pretty gauge-light, so she can support most options pretty effectively.  I think she’s another 1/5 or 3/5, but not 2/5 kinda deal.  Depending on grid.  But you know what I mean.  Either you need 1/5 just to have access to something that bodies Cresselia and Latias that hard, or you go full investment for an independent sync nuke.  I’ll probably try for 1/5.  I’d like the gimmick.  But I’m not a fan of the costume or the Pokemon, or of her encroaching on both Anni Lillie and Anni Steven’s turf.
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The Bestiary Revamped: Wyville’s Crownjelly
Disclaimer: While this article is founded in scientific fact, it contains hyberbole and conscious exaggerations for the sake of comedy. Do not take my ramblings at face value. You can find the sources at the end of the article and tools for scientific fact-checking under the “Learn more” link on my blog.
The old article can be read here.
At long last, today we finally return under the waves, and while we’re at it, why not go full fucking overboard? Here at the Terrible Tentacle Theatre, we pride ourselves on not having any idea what “moderation” means. If we return to the sea, there is only one place to go: down. Way, way down.
Say hello to the bathypelagic zone, the expanse of watery void stretching from 1000 to 4000 meters. Our passengers might want to look out their windows and observe the breathtaking scenery below:
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Oh no, you’ve got it all wrong. That’s not your internet being shit again. That’s genuinely how it looks, in real life, when you descend to a depth of 3000 or so meters. Nature documentaries like to put more bioluminescent flecks of organic matter in it than a love-starved grandma does lights on the Christmas tree when her grandkids are visiting. However, in reality, making a 24/7 lightshow out of yourself is a preeeeetty bad idea, since it attracts the immediate attention of pretty much everything with huge fucking teeth in the vicinity. Hint: you’ll get eaten, pretty fast. In fact, this is the actual reason why anglerfishes do their little thing with the glowing lures, because anything and everything bigger than said lures will be attracted to it, allowing the anglerfish to basically pull a “gotcha” and eat them in turn.
My point being, if you see something shiny in the deep sea, do not go to investigate. Whatever is shining that light wants you to go there.
And that is also the prime tactic of today’s specimen, which takes the incredible freedom that comes with living in a realm of eternal darkness and emptiness and uses it to fulfill it’s lifelong dream of being a goddamn Pokemon master. Come with me on today’s adventure and you’ll soon see what I mean by that.
I often joke around about how some particularly strange species we review here look like aliens. However, if aliens did decide to visit Earth, Wyville’s crownjelly (Atolla wyvillei), also known as the atolla jellyfish or coronate medusa, wouldn’t be one of the aliens. It would be the fucking spaceship.
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I mean, look at this damn thing. I can’t tell where it begins or ends, but I sure can tell where the fucking cockpit is. That is not how a jellyfish should operate; they should be controlled by a decentralized nervous system, not little green men from Planet Piss Off out to steal our hotdogs and happy thoughts because their planet doesn’t have any.
Of course, the scare factor of a glowing organic UFO mothership straight out of Roswelltunguska, Arizona swimming around in our oceans is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it’s tiny as shit. Standing at a diameter of about 15 centimeters (~6 inches), it’s either not a serious harm to humankind at large or the mothership of the smallest aliens ever. I’m inclined to believe the latter.
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*squeaky helium voice* BOW DOWN TO ME PUNY EARTHLINGS
Of course, there is a very good reason for the crownjelly being as small as it is. In the deep sea, you can’t throw a brick without hitting absolute darkness and empty water. You take two steps to the left and BAM- you’ve just ran headfirst into fucking nothing at all. The bathypelagic zone where this thing hangs out on the regular is a really food-scarce place is what I’m getting at. And big bodies being as expensive to upkeep as they are, most deep-sea creatures are actually much smaller than nature documentaries would have you believe.
Another aspect of the deep ocean besides being empty also being darker than a Morlock’s asshole inside a cave. Therefore, any light sticks out like a sore thumb, drawing attention like Kim Kardashian did with that one photoshoot of hers. (Doesn’t matter which one, actually. All of them drew attention.) Wyville’s crownjelly exploits this to show us that these particular aliens aren’t interested in meeting our leader, only in playing Pokemon Go.
The whole entire process of capturing a shiny begins with the jellyfish carelessly frolicking across the deep sea, like all of them youngster with their fancy phones and smartwatches. For some inscrutable reason, this movement is accompanied by a steady red pulsing on the underside of its bell. For what reason, I cannot determine seeing as most creatures at that depth are completely fucking blind to the color red. The one species that can actually see red is one that you really don’t want to attract the attention of. In fact, messing with this guy is such a bad idea that its existence was literally what prompted me to start writing this blog in the first place and it served as the subject of my first Bestiary article.
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Wyville’s crownjelly swimming, also known as Local Suicidal Idiot Takes a Walk. I mean seriously, you can’t even say that it doesn’t live in the same place as the loosejaw because both species are cosmopolitan. The only saving throw for the crownjelly is that it lives an average 2000 meters deeper than the loosejaw, otherwise this blaring red light would be the evolutionary equivalent of putting a big flashing “KICK ME” sign around your neck.
The first method of capturing sea creatures to train them and become the very best (like no one ever was) is the series of tendrils hanging from its bell, which the jellyfish uses to filter out and capture small prey animals that have the supreme bad luck to be in its vicinity. The alien abduction parallels are uncanny.
However, a second and much more impressive weapon in its arsenal is the long, trailing tentacle that is clearly visible on the above gif. This is coated in enough adhesive to make a hagfish gag, and the crownjelly uses it to its full extent to sate its rumbling belly. Streaming in the water like the latest shit-tier waifu harem show on Crunchyroll, it becomes an effective hunting tool for the benefit of the jellyfish. Anything snared by this appendage will be subjected to similar treatment that one might expect the villains in a Conan the Barbarian movie to do, being dragged after Wyville’s ruthless motherfucking crownjelly, sometimes for minutes, before it does an acrobatic little pirouette and swallows its helpless, snagged prey. Lovely feeding tactic.
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Pictured: Wyville’s crownjelly on the hunt. Sadly it can’t really go “YEEHAW” under the water. Even if it had a voicebox all it would be good for would be gurgling.
However, that is not the most unusual feature about this cruel little cnidarian. There is yet one more trick that this deep-sea flying saucer holds, a trick which catapults it from “moderately interesting predator” right into “Kanto Elite Four” position. And that thing is its lights.
See, vicious as it is towards smaller animals, the crownjelly is actually a dirty, dishonorable coward, being equally afraid of bigger predators. Apparently this tiny creature composed of somewhere around 97% water counts as a delicious treat for some reason, seeing as even large active predators such as deepwater sharks munch on it regularly. (Then again, it is also possible that they’re simply too hungry to care about their record as gourmets with refined taste. This is the desolation that is the abyssal zone, afterall.)
Running from a sufficiently large and starved predator in the middle of a flat-empty expanse of water is, of course, hopeless, especially if you’re small as shit and your method of locomotion is the jellyfish equivalent of flapping your arms really fast to try to fly. Clearly, a different tactic must be employed here since this one is a one-way ticket to the town of Stomach, United States of Shark. And employ a different tactic it does.
Oh, boy, does it ever.
I have previously mentioned that the crownjelly is bioluminescent, and employs this attribute for some nefarous purpose. Of course, this is not the red pulsing I already mentioned, this is a whole ‘nother can of worms entirely. This is one of the most ingenious methods of defense I’ve ever seen.
If some foolish predator gives the atolla chase and inevitably catches it, the jellyfish activates its second, blue set of lights. Once again the UFO analogues become eeriely appropriate as the slightest touch sends the saucer-shaped animal into a frantic siren-like light show.
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Recommended listening
This strange eruption of light is no mere panic response. It is a powerful and weird weapon of self-defense, carefully evolved to be as tacky and eye-catching as possible. It’s like a ganguro girl, only bioluminescent.
Of course, you might ask “why would the jellyfish want to be eye-catching? Isn’t being devoured by one predator a big enough problem for it already?” Well obviously it is, but this lightshow is actually its own circuitous path to freedom.
To understand this, picture the following. You are some big mean motherfucker making a living in the deep sea by eating as much as you can find. One day while taking your regular stroll through the absolute crushing darkness, you catch sight of a distinct, circular light in the distance; very flashy and very tasty-looking. You approach to investigate, and find a small jellyfish being caught by a larger and meatier animal.
What do you do?
Eat the jellyfish like a fucking idiot.
Eat the meatier, tastier predator.
If you answered “eat the predator”, congratulations! You’re at least as smart as a fish. And that is, in fact, exactly what Wyville’s crownjelly is counting on. While you’re busy making a meal of its predator, the jellyfish quietly and sneakily fucks off into the abyss before you could think about having it as dessert. And so, Wyville’s crownjelly will live to swim another day, thanks to the power of summoning a big tough animal and pitting it against another ani- OH FOR FUCK’S SAKE IT’S A POKEMON TRAINER.
Do you see why I thought that? If you sail out to sea with Pokemon Go open on your phone, and all gyms on the world oceans are captured by Team Instinct, you know who to blame.
Wyville’s motherfucking crownjelly.
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Encyclopedia of Life
WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species
Ocean Biogeography Information System (OBIS)
Global Biotic Interactions
Widder, E. A. Eye in the Sea, NOAA Operation Deep Scope 2005.
Hunt, J.C. & D.J. Lindsay, 1998. Observations on the behavior of Atolla (Scyphozoa: Coronatae) and Nanomia (Hydrozoa: Physonectae): use of the hypertrophied tentacle in prey capture. Plankton Biology and Ecology, 45, 239-242.
Herring, P.J. & E.A. Widder, 2004. Bioluminescence of deep-sea coronate medusae (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa). Marine Biology, 146: 39-51
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