#it’s either lout or trash
youngyoo-apologist · 2 months
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LCF Official License Announcement
(Posted on the Seven Seas twt account)
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blueteller · 7 months
Thanks for answering! If I can ask more but what made og!Cale (and also KRS) not like their previous life? And is the novel not still complete?
Of course you can! I'll answer each topic in this order, as it will make the most sense:
the current state of the novel
why OG Cale did not like his previous life
why Kim Rok Soo did not like his previous life
how transmigration happened, and why it was good for both of them
First topic: is the novel complete?
At this moment, the novel is still in the works: more precisely, Part 2 is still in the works. Part 1 of "Trash of the Count's Family" (title from "Eat Apple Pies" English translation; the manhwa title translation is "Lout of the Count's Family" due to convoluted legality reasons) had been been completed in year 2022, with 776 chapters.
While I considered Part 1's ending a satisfying conclusion of the main story arc, it still left a lot of unanswered questions – and I do mean a LOT. It felt less like the end of a book, and more like an end of a season. So Part 2 is really the continuation of the same story.
Between Part 1 and 2, there were additional "extras" published, which were numbered as chapters 777-799. So that when the prologue for Part 2 came out, it was numbered 800, and everything from 801 up was Part 2. Yesterday on Munpia, where I read the novel in Korean (through an automatic translator of course, since I don't know any Korean. Let me tell you, it's a pain...) came out chapter 1006, which makes TCF Part 2 currently 206 chapters long.
The author originally predicted that Part 2 to be 300 chapters long. No one believed that, myself included: because the author is one of those writers who always end up writing much more than they intended, hahaha! I know that feeling well. I'm estimating Part 2 to be at least 500 chapters long by the end it's done, probably around 600.
...I know that the length of this novel might seem unreasonable, but it's really not being stretched for content or money purposes: it's truly Plot all the way through. It's all story. There really is just that much story to tell, and it would not be as satisfying if you cut any of it out.
I admire this writer a lot. TCF is so much fun. I freaking love this novel.
Second topic: why the Original Cale Henituse did not like his life?
We have to go back to the very beginning: the marriage of Count Deruth Henituse, and Jour Thames. (You might have seen the name "Drew" being used sometimes, but it's really just the matter of translation. I'm sticking with "Jour".)
Jour had a very complicated background, but I won't dive into all of that here – what matters is that Jour had a very special power. It was a Wood Ancient Power called "The Annual Rings of Life", and it allowed her to see the "annual rings" of all living things: past, present and future. Meaning she could see the fate of a person, including how many years they had to live.
And when she looked at her young son, Cale, with that power, she saw something very unusual. His "annual rings of life" were "warped". Meaning, he would experience an unusual fate in the future, and in result become a Variable: either a regressor, a transmigrator, or a reincarnator. Or, more than one at once. So she told Cale:
"You are someone who will have an unusual experience with time."
Basically, she saw OG Cale's future fate and realized that the world is going to be in Big Trouble, because gods only make Variables like that happen when something really big and really bad is going down.
Now, it's just my speculation – but on top of it, I think Jour could see her own "annual rings". Meaning, she knew she would die young, and that by the time Cale became a Variable, she would no longer be around. So, knowing all this, she decided she needed to help out as much as she could: she wrote down a journal for "the person who would possess her son's body" in the future.... and commited suicide.
Why? Because it allowed her to split the power in 2 pieces. But that is a much longer story, and we're here to talk about OG Cale.
But it all starts right here: with Jour committing suicide, although no one knew that was the case at the time. All they knew was that Jour went on a short trip to Harris Village for some reason, had a carriage accident on the way back, and then died soon after, despite her injuries not seeming very serious.
That unexpected death devastated both Deruth and Cale, who loved her very much. Deruth was emotionally broken and Cale reminded him much of his dead wife, because they both had red hair and looked very similar. I imagine he started avoiding Cale for that reason, although it wasn't at all mean-spirited: Deruth was simply depressed over his beloved wife. To cope with his broken heart (and possibly to give Cale a new mother figure), he soon chose to remarry rather quickly, to a woman named Violan, who already had a son named Basen. Basen was 3 years younger than Cale.
Basen's existence is the reason why Cale chose to become "trash". You see, while on the outside people thought that Cale was outraged at his father "replacing" his mother so soon, or that he resented Violan... that wasn't the case at all. Cale quickly grew to accept them both as family. However, unlike Jour (who was from a small noble family), Violan was descended from a merchant family. She and her son were not nobility. Because of this, Basen faced discrimination from their relatives, who did not approve of Deruth's second marriage.
Young Cale, seeing Basen insulted and belittled by other nobles, created a plan. He told Basen to lie to everyone that he was Deruth's biological son, and that he was a Henituse by blood. Then he began acting like a completely spoiled brat. He complained, he yelled, he threw things. At the age of 15, he started drinking. He did everything in his power to completely ruin his reputation.
Why? All for Basen, Violan, and later Lily. Because he wanted them to be accepted by noble society. If he, Deruth's firstborn, was removed from succession, that would make Basen the next Count. And then no one would be able to disrespect them.
While it might seem like a crazy plan (and let's be fair: he came up with it as a child), it was actually surprisingly effective. No one saw through his act: not even his butler Ron, who was a trained assassin by trade. Cale's acting abilities were flawless. He played the drunk, spoiled noble with a trash reputation perfectly. Basen was quickly accepted as the heir by the public; although nothing in the family had been formally decided. While this was going on, Deruth did not know why his son was acting like this, but he never really lost faith in him; he probably thought it was all about Jour's death, and Cale would mature in time. It was also said that despite everything, Cale still acted respectfully towards his father, and was distant but still respectful towards his step family. Their family were thus strained, but not broken.
When Kim Rok Soo transmigrated, he was under the impression that OG Cale was deliberately shunned by the rest of the family. But that distance was purely artificial, but OG Cale's own design. When KRS!Cale "stopped" acting distant towards the rest of the family, the Henituses happily embraced the change. They likely thought that he finally allowed himself to heal from Jour's death and move on. That's why no one questioned him about the "change of personality", even though they all noticed it immediately.
Now, we have to talk about the TBOAH ("The Birth of a Hero") timeline. What happened before OG Cale regressed, and transmigrated into KRS's body.
In the TBOAH timeline, when OG Cale was 18, he met Choi Han on a rainy day. OG Cale was "drunk" (actually just pretending to be, as his alcohol torelance was secretly super strong), and Choi Han mentioned being from Harris Village, which had just been all massacred by assassins.
Now OG Cale, full in his "drunk trash noble" personna, probably had his own reasons for provoking Choi Han. He likely thought that getting into a fight would prevent him from getting sent to the Capital for an important celebration, and letting Basen shine. But he also honestly hated Harris Village, which was the place where his mother died. So he insulted the dead villagers to Choi Han's face. Choi Han took it personally and beat him up quite a bit for it. That incident was what inspired KRS!Cale to change the events from the TBOAH timeline, despite his lack of desire to get involved with the "plot of the story".
What exactly happened between this point and OG Cale's transmigration 22 years later is mostly speculation, but we do know some things from the TBOAH timeline thanks to KRS!Cale.
Firstly, soon afterwards Basen went to the Capital, and it was attacked with bombs. Basen either got lucky, got injured, or died in the incident. Whichever actually happened then, Basen certainly could not remain alive for long; 2 years later, the Henituse territory was attacked by the Indomitable Alliance, as their first act of war. We know that the territory was unprepared, and suffered countless casualties. Among them, the entire Henituse family died, except for OG Cale.
So we have a clear order of events for OG Cale in the TBOAH timeline: his happy early childhood, his mother's death at 8, soon followed by his father's second marriage and the appearance of his step family, OG Cale sacrificing his heir position for Basen's sake, a terrible adolescence focused entirely on ruining his own reputation and acoholism (the latter which followed him into adulthood, and no wonder), and finally losing his home and his entire family at the age of 20.
Not to mention, the 20 years of war which followed afterwards. The TBOAH timeline sucked for absolutely everyone.
When soldier Cale was 40, during the "final battle" of all the allied forces against their enemy, he got trapped under his allies' corpses. As he laid there, he witnessed Choi Han facing the White Star, the mysterious enemy leader. OG Cale saw as White Star suddenly grabbed Choi Han and declared:
"Time is warped oddly for you."
The words made him recall what Jour told him years ago. In that moment, OG Cale realized: the White Star had his mother's power. Then the White Star shoot a stream of fire at OG Cale, intending to casually finish him off.
...but OG Cale did not die, because at that exact moment, the God of Death offered him a deal.
What kind of deal? And why? Let's get back to that in a bit.
Third topic: why Kim Rok Soo did not like his life?
First of all: from the very beginning, KRS was screwed. Why? Because he was born with a curse.
What curse? And why? I'll get back to that bit later, too. But what matters is: it was a curse of bad luck, which made KRS loose every single person he cared about sooner or later.
KRS started off not too differently from OG Cale – he wasn't a noble, but he had two loving parents. However, a tragedy struck early on, and both died in a car accident. As a young boy, KRS got adopted by a distant relative named Kim Seung Jong, his uncle.
KRS's uncle, who turned out to be a gambling addict and an alcoholic. He took KRS in only to use what little money his parents left for him, starving and abusing him. Eventually, KRS ran away.
What happened to him shortly afterwards is a bit unclear. It's possible he lived on the streets for a bit. But eventually, he had to have landed in an orphanage, because he went to high school like a normal teenager with an ordinary life.
...Except that one incident with some evil dimension travellers noticing his curse, mistaking it for something else, and trying to kill KRS. And also someone else using him as live bait. But hey, KRS got his memory erased afterwards, so it's not like the trauma of those events affected him or anything, right?? :')
Soooo anyway, all was going well for KRS. At the age of 20, he got into a university and had a part time job as a waiter. All was good!
...Except then the Monster Invasion started. That's right! You read it right! You thought KRS was from a normal modern Korea?? SIKE, he was from a post-apocalyptic world all along!! KRS spent 3 days under building debris, drinking rain water and slowly starving, until he was rescued by a young hero named Lee Soo Hyuk. LSH lead KRS into a nearby Shelter – a place with supernatural properties which were immune to monster attacks – and left. All was good!! ...Except then the leader of the Shelter turned out to be a huge jerk and started bossing KRS around and beat him up on occassion. Luckily, the Shelters failed 10 months later and everybody at the Shelter died, including that jerk!! ....Wait.
So KRS survived not just one, but 2 incidents where everybody around him died. But that's ok, because he joined the organization lead by LSH and another cool dude named Choi Jung Soo. Sure, they risked their lives every day by fighting monsters and rescuing people and fighting organized crime on the side – but hey, at least KRS had friends now, for the first time in his life! So that's good, right?
....Except, several years later – around time when KRS was 26 – a super powerful monster called an Unranked Monster killed everyone in KRS's team. But it was fine! Totally fine! He just survived everybody dying around him for the 3rd time in his life, and everybody kept talking about him behind his back how he's an unfeeling bastard because he's unable to cry anymore... but who cares! KRS became Team Leader now, and he was determined to have zero casualties from now on.
That's right! ZERO. CASUALTIES. Because he's the most stubborn person alive, and also insane. So of course, he managed to actually pull it off.
So KRS spent the next 10 years being an absolute bada**, taking down mob bosses, fighting monsters and keeping all his team members alive, but also keeping distant from everybody and not having any friends because hey – if you notice a suspicious pattern of all your friends either vanishing or dying since you were a kid, you'd probably stop trying to make friends too.
36-year-old KRS was totally fine, and emotionally stable, and absolutely-not-at-all traumatized by all the deaths he's witnessed so many times. Just like OG Cale was probably-not-at-all traumatized by how his entire family died, or the next 20 years of war witnessing people brutally dying everywhere and an evil overlord taking over the world. They were both totally fine, I assure you!!
...Anyway, what was that 4th topic again??
Fourth topic: how and why the transmigration happened, and why was it good for both of them?
Right, let's start with OG Cale's deal.
The God of Death is able to make deals with people in life threatening situations. When the White Star attacked OG Cale, it allowed the God of Death to offer him to regress back in time and then switch places with one Kim Rok Soo. But why OG Cale? Obviously KRS had the qualifications to avert the events of the TBOAH timeline and the End of the World, being an experienced leader of an apocalyptic world – but what made OG Cale so special?
Well, there could be several reasons. One of which was how despite all their differences, their lives were similar in many ways. Both OG Cale and KRS lost family when they were young, experienced rejection from society, and had military experience. Not to mention the acting skills. OG Cale was able to successfully take over KRS's job, and that was no easy feat. KRS's team noticed the change of course, but they were much more happy about their totally-not-depressed-and-potentially-suicidal Team Leader was finally starting to open up, than the fact that he apparently went "crazy" one day and decided he suddenly liked alcohol now.
Another reason, perhaps, was how OG Cale's mom had the Annual Rings of Life power. It was quite important for defeating the White Star, and the way Jour set it up, only her son – or at least, the person in her son's body – would be able to find the Ancient Power; specifically the part which was able to see fate, aka. the future. The White Star got his hands on the "weaker" half of the Annual Rings, so he was only able to see the past: which saved OG Cale, as during the confrontation where the White Star tried to kill him, he wasn't able to recognize him as a future regressor & transmigrator.
...There's also Jour's Thames heritage, but that's a a whooole other topic. (Also the possible connection between Cale Barrow's last body and the Thames, but that's just a theory right now so it doesn't really matter.)
So, that covers the part of "why OG Cale". What about KRS? He couldn't be the only person capable of defeating a final boss like the White Star, right?
Well, remember how I mentioned that KRS was cursed since birth? Well, turns out that it was all the White Star's fault! Apparently KRS was meant to be born in the fantasy TCF world. Except the White Star was a reincarnator, who reincarnated using an ancient curse. To be reborn, the White Star stole bodies from other people, like KRS. Those unfortunate souls would then pass on and reincarnate in a different dimension, except bearing a part of the very same curse. The curse which makes sure that "you can never cherish anyone ever again". While the curse was weaker in the victims of the White Star than the guy himself, it still affected people like KRS. Because the God of Death was the one who originally created the curse, he felt really guilty about it. He tried to remove it from KRS, but was unable to.
...until the transmigration, that is! So, part of the reason why KRS was chosen for the transmigration (or rather, to be the "victim" of OG Cale's own transmigration) was that it allowed the God of Death remove the curse from him. Which allowed him to FINALLY make friends and be happy.
OG Cale, in return for this deal, got: a time regression which saves his family and the entire world, the truth behind his mother's death, a new environment to live in unrelated to his traumas where he could heal, and most importantly, a young reincarnation of his birth mother, whom he got to adopt as an uncle.
KRS, on the other hand, got: a blood family that cares about him, a free luxurious lifestyle with lack of responsibilities, new environment to live in unrelated to his traumas where he could heal, a detailed guide about closest future tragedies to prevent, and most importantly, a life free of the curse he unknowingly suffered from his entire life and the ability to keep all his new family and friends close to him.
....Phew. I hope you don't mind my explanation being so long.
To sum it all up:
the novel has two parts, Part 1 is finished, Part 2 is in progress
OG Cale lived in a lie and then through a war and got to start over
KRS lived through constant suffering and trauma and got to start over
their positions in life made it perfect for a transmigration switch with no loose ends
I hope this explanation helped!
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samberrybay · 1 year
People don't talk enough about it, so shall i remind you that Alberu felt upset that Cale, who pretendent to be Naru at the time, liked White Star's cookies more than the ones he is giving him and his kids
And i love this silly side of Alberu, whose pride got hurt pfff
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nishicchikouchi · 2 years
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This is extremely funny to image.
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ogalcaleweek · 8 months
Hiya friend! What do you like about og!Cale and your headcanons for him (+Alveru too)? (Sorry for this ask I just want to read more about og!Cale like his personality, abilities, etc I just miss him when I tried and didn't not find much info about him)
The following is a mixture of canon characterization notes for og!Cale and Alver alongside headcanons and conjectures. The headcanons and conjectures are all marked as such and they are based on the limited information we have about the canon dispositions of these characters. We focused mainly on the TBOAH timeline, referencing the LCF timeline in places to support a supposition made.
We apologize for the delay in replying, we were trying to provide you with as detailed an explanation as possible. We eventually realized that we were taking too long to answer so this isn't as detailed an answer as we would like to give you but we hope this helps you get an idea of his personality. If we have time, we'll try to provide a more detailed resource for their characterizations.
Original Cale Henituse
It is observed by Ron that Cale acted like Ohn when he was younger, before he started to act like trash. Extrapolating from that, it is likely that from a young age until around the age of ten, Cale was a precocious and cautious child who is protective of his loved ones. In the specific scene where Ohn reminded Ron of Cale, she was in the middle of receiving her favorite candies because she was worried about her loved ones.Specifically, she was hiding her own worries and fears by acting mature, she struggled specifically because of her own perceptiveness. It is reasonable to extrapolate that as a child, Cale tended to worry about others a lot and he was too perceptive for his own good. It’s also reasonable to assume that Cale may have spent time seeking comfort for servants like Ron.
Due to the nature of nobility in the timeline that the Rowoon Kingdom is loosely based upon, it is also likely that Cale was primarily raised by servants and nannies. There is nothing to back this up in canon aside from Ron being the only character to reflect on Cale’s childhood years. Since there is no mentioned nanny in the current LCF timeline it is likely that Cale chased away the nanny during his trash years (or that the nanny theory is false). If it is true that Cale chased away his own nanny (nannies are frequently something like a surrogate mother to small children), then there is a likelihood that either a) there was an issue with the nanny, possibly related to the vassal families because Cale shows a leeriness toward them when he warned Bassen against showing weakness toward them. Or b) Cale has even more mommy issues than just Jour and Violan and there’s potentially a third mother-figure in his life that he lost. If he chose to chase her away to preserve his trash act, that could result in abandonment issues. There’s also a possibility that she passed away.
While Cale is shown to be a precocious and compassionate child prior to his father’s remarriage, but there is a sharp shift in his behavior afterward. While it is possible that Cale resented his step-family, it feels unlikely in conjunction with his other’s actions. The following has some conjecture to fill the gaps but the majority is based entirely on canon facts. From the bits we get in canon it paints the picture that Cale was worried that Bassen would be too weak to endure the pressure of the vassal family placed upon him, especially as he doesn’t have any Henituse blood in him, and strictly told Bassen to assert himself as a part of the family. However, when it became clear that Bassen would be unable to do so, Cale took drastic measures into his own hands. We speculate that Deruth’s remarriage to Violan happened when Cale was at least ten years old (because 8 years later, Lilly is seven years old) and shortly after Cale began to act like trash. His purpose in acting like a lout was to redirect all negative attention away from his step family (Violan, Bassen, and Lilly) and become a lightning rod for the criticism of the vassal families. He was so successful in this endeavor that at some point, the rest of the family needed to fight against those who would rather he be disowned or at least disinherited.
We speculate that Cale’s reasons for taking such drastic measures to protect his step family might lie in those two years between Jour’s death and Violan’s marriage. Deruth is canonically described as a “buffoon” by Jour (in a loving way) and within LCF canon, he has shown himself to be a bit dense when it comes to politics. Deruth excels in economics but he doesn’t appear to have a tactical mind (from what we have seen of him in canon thus far). He was also shown to have been very distraught by Jour’s sudden death (reasonably so). While we would not go so far as to accuse Deruth of being neglectful of Cale during those two years, it is possible that he trusted the wrong people. If he were to entrust Cale’s education to a seemingly loyal vassal family who had the desire to use Cale rather than teach him, it could result in Cale’s mistrust for his father’s ability to protect his step family from the vassal family. This aspect is purely speculation but it would explain Cale’s rather dramatic decision to take matters into his own hands. This is also another potential juncture in his timeline that could explain the missing nanny, if she was sent away or fired by vassals, he could feel an even stronger desire to protect those that he perceived as “weak” (such as Bassen) in order not to lose them.
For whatever reason, Cale chose the dramatic path of pretending to be trash for eight years straight. A foolish decision of a child carried into early adulthood. At the age of fifteen, he started to drink heavily and get into bar fights. In one of his thoughts while drinking, kim!Cale reflected that Cale’s body had a high alcohol tolerance but his face flushed quickly. This leads to the supposition that despite all of his “drunken” antics, Cale was only faking because of his alcohol tolerance. A strong alcohol tolerance can often also relate to tolerance against medicine and drugs, so it is possible that Cale has a certain level of endurance against being drugged or poisoned. While Cale was “drunk”, he would frequently pick fights at bars but it is noted that while he would destroy furniture and bottles, he never hit anyone. And the only people he would pick fights with would be gangsters and other lowlives. Cale is shown to have a disdain for people like that, possibly out of an internal sense of justice or simply because he finds them annoying.
In one such bar fight, Cale picks on a suspicious vagrant from Harris Village. He bullies Choi Han on multiple occasions before Choi Han cracks and beats the shit out of Cale, leaving him with a noticeable scar and significant injuries. It isn’t stated outright whether Cale would normally shit-talk people like Choi Han, the survivor of a horrific tragedy, in such horrible ways but we have some speculation as to why he did it. To be clear, we do not endorse any of the things that Cale said to Choi Han. One of the reasons that canon directs us to believe Cale had such a volatile reaction to Choi Han is the mention of “Harris Village”. His mother’s sudden death was after a visit to Harris Village. Cale was only eight at the time and his understanding of the situation was that his perfectly healthy mother left to visit the village and then came back at death’s door. Since Jour died from cracking her own plate, there wouldn’t be any clear understanding of how she died for Cale to latch onto. Considering Cale’s disdain for gangsters, it’s possible that he believed his mother was attacked in the village and died from her injuries. Since no one in the village helped her, to his knowledge, it’s possible that he wrote off the entire village as “bad people”. That said, Cale is 18 years old when he picks a fight with Choi Han and in the 10 years since Jour died, he should have reconsidered the situation. We offer a secondary explanation for Cale’s behavior toward Choi Han. While we believe that a portion of it was because Cale’s trauma was triggered, we speculate that the upcoming nobles meeting had a lot to do with it.
In the LCF timeline, kim!Cale spent a few days in Cale’s body while pretending to be a lout (badly) before Deruth told Cale that he would be going to the capital as the heir apparent, in Bassen’s place. As Cale is still acting like trash at the age of 18, it is likely that Cale wants Bassen to be the heir to the Henituse family and he is purposefully attempting to get disinherited. Since Deruth was so quick to change his mind, literally giving Cale the role of heir after a very short amount of time spent behaving well after literal years of misbehavior, it is very likely that Deruth wanted to send Cale to the capital the entire time. As stated before, Cale is a perceptive person so it is very possible that he knew that Deruth still wanted to send him instead of Bassen so Cale was searching for something to do that would force his father to give up on him, or at bare minimum clear the path for Bassen, thus when the violent and traumatized Choi Han crossed his path, he was a convenient entity. If Cale got beat up bad enough, he wouldn’t be able to travel to the capital. And as a fringe bonus, due to his issues with Harris Village, he would probably feel justified in his cruel words. As an addition, we have a headcanon that Bassen was caught up in the terror attack on the capital and he was either injured or killed. Either would result in Cale being really fucked up with guilt over sending Bassen to the capital.
After successfully getting his ass handed to him, Cale would wake up to learn that Ron and Vicross had left with Choi Han. While it is unclear whether Cale had any attachment at all to Vicross (the few times Vicross mentions information about the young master prior to his possession, Vicross’s accounts are distant as though they didn’t interact much and he didn’t have any interest in interacting with Cale before Cale was possessed by Kim Roksu), it is clear that there is some sort of relationship between Ron and Cale. Ron is shown to have been one of the servants responsible for caring for Cale as he grew up and one of the few characters who never show fear to Cale, only suppressed amusement. It’s clear that Ron has some attachment to Cale, with the number of times in LCF that he thinks fondly about Cale pre-possession, and he appears to be one of the few characters to show any actual suspicion about Cale’s sudden change in behavior when Kim Roksu possessed his body. He’s also the only character we see rationalize the change by comparing the similarities between Kim Roksu’s personality and Cale’s personality (recognizing that Cale has always had a compassionate side, even while he was trash). While it is also clear that Ron prefers kim!Cale to og!Cale, there’s definitely a bond there. Ron’s sudden disappearance from Cale’s life was likely a blow. Although, it is debatable whether he would resent Ron for this or not.
It is noted by Ron that Cale was never aggressive toward his family, even when he was drunk as hell. And the manhwa even provides us with an image of Cale sitting next to his siblings peacefully. So while Cale’s behavior was definitely cruel, aggressive, and trashy, he was never abusive to his siblings or parents. It’s also stated that Cale never defied his father directly and that Cale comforted Deruth after Jour’s death.
We can definitely speculate that Cale’s behavior is significantly more extreme than kim!Cale’s. Whenever kim!Cale would do something rude and trashy, people would heave a sigh of relief because it lacked the extreme measures that Cale would go to. From this information, we speculate that Cale yelled a lot more than kim!Cale and broke things more often, especially since people flinched away from him so much. We also speculate that Cale has superb aim because while he threw things at people a lot, he never hit them. This shows that he has enough control to avoid hitting them, even when intoxicated.
Further speculation about Cale’s influences at a young age. Cale is described as “elegant” multiple times during his brief appearances in canon. While it is likely that this description is meant to allude to his nobility, there aren’t many other noble characters who are described as elegant. Since Jour died when he was still very young and her personality from the diary is bouncy and playful, it is unlikely her influence. Since Deruth is never described as elegant, rather as a “buffoon”, it’s also unlikely to be his influence. This leaves three candidates for Cale’s elegance: Ron, Violan, and the potential nanny that we speculated about existing. Ron is graceful but we lean toward Violan in this case because of one other piece of slim evidence. Kim!Cale’s clothes throughout the LCF manhwa are excessive and fashionable, but everything we know about Kim Roksu directs to an interest in simple and black clothes. Whenever he chooses his own clothes, such as when he was investigating the capital before the terror attack and when he chose his uniform as a commander, kim!Cale always leaned toward “simple and black”. However he has an extensive wardrobe of beautiful clothes. We speculate that those clothes belonged to Cale (obviously) and kim!Cale is merely wearing what the servants dress him in. We see something like this happen in the early chapters, with kim!Cale privately disapproving of the loud clothes but surmising that he could pull it off because of Cale’s handsome face. Moving into our speculations regarding Violan, she has a passion for the arts and fashion is an art. She’s also an ex-merchant so she would know the value of fine fabrics and fine clothes. In the flashback we see of eight year old Cale, he does not appear to have any sort of excessive tastes in fashion. Thus, we are of the opinion that Cale was influenced by Violan in both elegance and fashion due to her close proximity to him growing up. Violan is shown to be the only person in the household that is remotely strict to Cale (and even that is pushing it) by insisting that kim!Cale has an entourage for his own safety. As the only parental figure left in his life who is willing to tell him “no”, we think that Violan would have a specific impact on him. All of that said, it is also possible that Cale was influenced elsewhere or merely had innate elegance, we just find that this explanation creates a lot of room for Cale to bond with his step family and grow attached to them, thus making the tragedy of losing them all the worse. Also it’s just a more compelling explanation to us than “he’s just elegant, don’t question it” lol.
On the note of speculated relationships, we speculate that Cale’s relationship with Eric was stronger when they were younger and became strained when Cale began to act like trash. Eric, being a bullheaded person, never gave up on “fixing” Cale’s misbehavior which led to Cale distancing himself further. We headcanon that the pair of them got into funny little antics together, because of Cale’s precocious nature and Eric’s strong personality. Perhaps they studied together. We also speculate that Cale had some sort of frenemy relationship with Neo Tolz, simply because Neo seemed to have a personally beef with Cale when he attempted to pick a fight with kim!Cale. On that note, we believe that Cale would have had a largely negative feeling toward Raon because his only knowledge of the tragic baby dragon was that he had a mana explosion and murdered a bunch of people relatively close to his own territory, perhaps crossing the border depending on how long it took Choi Han to subdue him. And on a purely speculative note with no canon basis, we have a headcanon that Cale would sneak into Lilly’s nursery and play with her when she was a baby/toddler. Purely because it would be really cute and we love Cale treasuring his baby sister. It’s possible that Cale helped with Lilly’s sword training, since he was in good shape when Kim Roksu possessed his body. We like to headcanon that he also helped Bassen with his studies sometimes, albeit behind a mask of strictness.
(On a side note, Cale appears to have a lot of pride in being a Henituse from the few scenes we see him in and he seems concerned about the family he left behind in order to save the world)
An unspecified amount of time later, Cale was the only survivor of the Henituse territory being destroyed and joined the army in order to fight against the White Star and avenge his family.
During War
Recruited as a soldier, joins the army with the intent to get revenge against the White Star. He said he just wants to leave a scratch on the WS, or he can’t die in peace.
Fought in a war for twenty years, in enough battles to get a body covered in scars.
During the great battle in puzzle city, where the fallen nation’s survivors banded together, he almost died after hearing the White Star mention that Choi Han’s time was warped.
He then made a deal with the god of death, to switch with a person who could save his family and territory. By rewinding time back to Choi Han’s meeting with Cale. His other condition was to find out the truth about his mother’s death, and be reunited with her (i think)
HC:  His options to make an impact in any other way probably seemed realistically limited. A little suicidal. He would have been reckless, wanting to fight in the vanguard for the most part. Choosing jobs that can bring him closer to the Generals and other people in power in the White Star’s army to kill them. He would want to kill as many of the enemy as possible, partially because he may not know who exactly killed his family. Anyone in that Army could’ve been one of the people responsible.
HC: Revenge, Existential Crisis, Survivor’s guilt, Suicidal feelings/thoughts, love for his family and territory, wanting justice, loyalty. Extreme anger. Hopelessness, trying to find hope.
HC: Not sure about this one. We don’t know who he was close to during the war. But he does mention Alver, Choi Han, Rosalyn, and Lark. Doesn’t mean he came into contact with them much if at all, or spoke to them and such. They may have lead him during battles at some points. He could have taken direct orders, but I feel like a commander lower on the food chain would be leading him since he was a foot soldier.
HC: Cale was only living at that point to get revenge, it is what kept him alive, and prevented him from falling into despair and ending everything. He has survivor’s guilt, and couldn’t just die for several reasons. Avenging the family, trying to make sure their deaths aren’t meaningless etc;
Post War
(We'll try to add more detail later, such as his relationships with his coworkers, bosses, and Choi Jungsoo. Alongside the characterization we see of him in canon. We weren't able to get to this. This section is largely incomplete. However, we do recommend reading the side story "Team Leader has become Trash!" or anything written by @asterefflores for a good idea on how to characterize Heniroksu properly.)
Jour Henituse (reincarnation):
The reincarnation of Cale’s mother Jour. She has no memory of her previous life and currently lives in an orphanage. She calls Cale her uncle.
Headcanon: Cale has a lot of issues raising his own mother as a daughter in an unfamiliar world. He loves her and cares about her but damn, fate is fucked up. He finds comfort in having her nearby though, as the only family that he has left. And it's an interesting experience for him to get to know his mother for the first time. She died when he was only eight years old so he really didn't know her very well back then. Now he's able to get to know her and love her like a daughter. It's a strange and awkward relationship but it's the only familial one he has left.
HC: Cale as KRS is a hard worker but hates it. He doesn’t want to work the night shift. He is always threatening to quit to keep people in line. He wants to be the CEO of the company so he doesn’t have to work so hard. He talks about drinking at work. People find his smile strange. His elegance strange. They say he radiates class. He has a nickname ‘i want to quit kim rok soo.’  He was supplied with information about KRS and records of his memories i think lmao he also inherited all of KRS’ abilities. He works on building a relationship with his reincarnated mother
Alver Crossman
During War
Ascended to king after Zed Crossman was killed in puzzle city. Made sure the Roan Kingdom survived for twenty whole years through a worldwide war. Worked with fallen Kingdoms, gathered them to fight in a great battle toward the very end. It is implied he was the brain behind the army. He raised people like Choi Han to be heroes. Recruited soldiers from across the Roan Kingdom. There is also information about Robbit, that after Alver died in the war in TBOAH original timeline, Robbit was the one to take over. If Alver died, it was before time was reset.
HC: Alver wants to win the war. Period. Liberate the freaking kingdom, defeat the white star, recover all the lost areas, protect his people and ensure as many survive as possible, and drive the enemy out of his kingdom, defeat them, and live. Because Alver is someone who has a very strong will to live. This should never be underestimated or ignored. He is the opposite of suicidal. In the case of if Tasha died during the war, he would be even more determined to win it. In this aspect, he and og!Cale are alike. Alver can survive any amount of pain, not undamaged, or unbroken, but he will go on. He won’t stop fighting until there is nothing left to fight for or he is dead and this is what makes him truly terrifying when combined with his intelligence and how far he is willing to go. He is an excellent leader because he never stops moving forward. He knows how to inspire people, raise them up as heroes, and is an extremely powerful orator. He’s one bad bitch.
Zed Crossman: 
HC & Canon?: Died in a battle of puzzle city early on in the war? Which makes it seem like there were two puzzle city battles. I haven’t been able to figure out what happened there to this day.
HC: I imagine she and Shawn were by Alver’s side for a majority of everything. Likely both Commander Shawn and Tasha were commanders, leading the dark elves, and other races alike. Or, she could have died, and this is something I contemplate a lot unfortunately. How many people actually survived this war? Anyway – 
Northeastern Nobles:
The Eastern lands were among the first to be attacked and burnt to the ground, this is why the Roan Kingdom was desperately trying to recover the eastern areas of the Kingdom.
HC: if any of the northeastern nobles survived, I imagine they went into hiding or fought like Cale, or did what a lot of people in war do, evacuate the mothereffing country. But where would they go when all their neighbors were being conquered, defeated and subjugated, some sacrificed most likely? It’s uncertain.
((We will attempt to finish this overview of characterization for both og!Cale and Alver when we have the time to do so! We apologize for the incomplete notes provided.))
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svenituse · 2 months
🔞 NSFW 🔞
Choi Han knows by now—after weeks of becoming Cale’s preferred designated driver, for whatever reason—that the next words to come out of Cale’s drunk mouth will either be something overly-revealing or something cursed. - ch 3. telltale diary pages, they unveil a ghost from the ages
Five things that Choi Han learns (against his will) about Cale Henituse. And something that Cale learns from Choi Han.
⋆ ₊⊹ ⁺₊⋆ 🖤 ⋆⁺₊ ⊹₊ ⋆
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationship: Choi Han/Original Cale Henituse
Characters: Choi Han, Original Cale Henituse, Cale Henituse | Kim Roksoo, Pendrick, Choi Junggun, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: AU Modern Setting, Romantic Comedy, Idiots in Love, Friends With Benefits, 5+1 Things, Sexual Content, Canon-Typical Violence, BDSM, Mental Health Issues, Kim Roksoo is not Cale Henituse, Check chapter notes for specific warnings
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rose022 · 4 months
i've been thinking of getting into manhwa if i get the time... two i've been recommended are Villains are Destined to Die and Trash of the Count's Family, have you read either of them and are they any good?
ok im good. but i have read both, not as much of the latter but they are both very good!! it depends what kind of stories and genres you like so if you say that i can maybe get you some more reccs. or i can just get a list of ones i love.
villains are destined to die is def one of my favs cus Penelope is so interesting and this one actually keeps partly to the game features considering its an isekai. basically a girl becomes the villainess of a game she played and now has to survive (the plot of a lot of these i read tbh) but while the ml isnt my fav i think hes good for her and while i dont like some of her decisions she is still super compelling. and i love all the side characters and bits of worldbuilding.
lout of the counts fantasy is special cus its not often that theres a male protag for the royal fantasy isekai ones but hes cool, i just never got that far reading personally.
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Trash of the Count's Family/Lout of the Count's Family
It's alright. The beginning is interesting and the characters are good but it kinda loses its stride after a while. The MC is very pleasant to look at (see image)
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He boasts of being a selfish shithead but he's pretty responsible though sly.
The translation wasn't great either so sometimes the names got confusing. There was a torture scene in ch 112.
7/10. I'll reread it but probably not from the beginning again.
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caleism-1 · 1 year
"Are you a boy cat, or a girl cat?"
He then glanced between the kitty's legs, "-huh, must be a boy kitty!"
Basen became scared at his smaller sister's terrifying gaze, "Actually, I don't know..."
Lily huffed and took the malleable kitty away from her brother. She lovingly watched the kitten blink its adorable eyes.
"But we will love you either way! We don't need to know if you are a boy or girl!"
Lily pressed her face on the kitten's soft tummy, "-Because you are very cute!"
"Hey, that's not fair!" Basen complained from his seat, "I'm the one who found it"
"Who found what"
Both froze in their positions. Cale scrutinize his two siblings and walked over using his long legs and decent build, his sharp eyebrows furrowed in each confusing second.
"What are you doing with my cat?"
"Your cat? We found it first!" They held up the kitty defensively, Basen in the back while Lily was keeping guard.
Kitty!KRS wants to complain to mommy cat. These pesky humans are annoying.
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(yes yes I know I made that poll about making a new pinned forever ago but, like, I was lazy and didn't want to do it okay? so this is here now)
Anyways, hello poor traveler! Welcome to the accumulation of all my weird brain things :D
My name is Malt/Malty and I go by mostly any pronouns outside of she/her, this blog is very gay and trans so terfs fuck off!!
This blog doesn't have any sort of main theme, I just reblog and post whatever the hell I want and be insane about very specific things! These may include:
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (orv)
Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (rottmnt/tmnt)
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun (tbhk/jshk)
Alien Stage (alnst)
DC [comics not movies] (dc)
Shirahama Kyouji (deeply unwell over him sorry)
Hirano To Kagiura/Sasaki To Miyano (htk/stm)
Hanzawa To Tashiro (if you know you know)
Lout/Trash of The Count's Family (lcf/tcf)
Generation Loss (genloss)
Chainsaw Man (csm)
Dungeon Meshi (dunmeshi)
The Quackity SMP (QSMP)
Hermitcraft (hc)
The Life Series
The Case Study of Vanitas (tcsov/vnc)
And so many more I literally cannot bother to list right now
Please be weary of stray spike traps and anvils falling comically onto your dash!!!
any novels, shows, games or manga I've mentioned already are ones I've either finished or keep up to date with so please be careful when looking for certain things around here!!
uh main boundaries are just be respectful, I'm a black poc so if you try any racist shit here I'm publicly executing you, I'm fine with tags and asks so come scream about whatever you want in my ask box or tag me in tons of stuff i don't mind!! people with empty blogs will be blocked and reported as bots sorry yall :)
Other than that, welcome to my blog! Please watch the gluetrap on your way in ;)
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youngyoo-apologist · 19 days
New chapter of [In the Borderline] is up early!
I will be going on a short hiatus for a week because I have exams, and I may return either next Sunday or the week after next week’s Friday depending on the result of my exams, haha.
This chapter is longer to make up for how short last chapter was, please reading the summary of this chapter as it is important
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blueteller · 1 year
"I was the one that ended up capturing and killing the White Star in our world."
From the corner of his eye Alberu can see Commander Choi Han and Sir Lock exchanging incredulous glances at the idea of this weak-looking guy killing the enemy they can both barely touch. Commander Rosalyn meanwhile is squinting at Cale like he's some logic puzzle she can reason her way through, and Count Henituse has elegantly raised a single, incredulous eyebrow.
"I also ended up doing something similar to another version during the Sealed God's Test of Wrath."
Alberu is going to need some clarification on that.
"Oh, you got that guy? I had Adin." The younger Choi Han says before glancing at Cale sharply, "Wait you didn't kill the fake one the way you killed the real one did you?" The swordmaster suddenly looks even more agitated than when Cale had told him earlier this morning that he wasn't taking Choi Han with him into the Forest of Darkness.
"No. I hit him with a rock instead of stabbing him with a stick."
—Chapter 16 of "Third Time's the Charm" by divisiblebyfour
I really like this fic. It's definitely worth a read, for that last line alone 😂
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samberrybay · 1 year
Some soft AleCale for the soul
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rokcale · 9 months
How to not meet your soulmate.
- by Cale Henituse.
Misunderstanding is one thing, almost killing your soulmate at first meeting is another.
This is crack, just plain crack. Silly crack.
😃 i just wanted to make crack from the angst prompt: "I never meant to hurt you."
Don't ask me why , idk either 💀
Ship: rokcale
Day 2 of rokcale week
Alternate universe- zombie apocalypse.
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chatonyant · 2 years
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1-3 random character designs based on a dream i had where there was a kid who could fall into a void and met a kind older gentleman who taught them to harness the void's power and protect themself against their shitty family (? details blurry it was either family or a weird old man? )
4 made character in some weird distant lout of trash family au,, tis a dragon who is either sleeping or causing chaos or even both somehow
5-6 revamped doodles of an old story in which the main character, Horang, is the lone survivor of an old heroic adventure to kill the great demon. Or well, thought to be the lone survivor because they find their childhood friend and companion (Haneul) who they thought was dead. Also they adopted a tiny child (Bom) with the power of poison(? undeveloped, i have no clue what power she should have but it was seen as bad).
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ogalcaleweek · 8 months
hello can i confirm when talking about og cale is it cale in krs body in korea or cale "the trash" in raon kingdom?
The only Cale talked about in this event is the person who originally owned the body "Cale Henituse" before it was possessed by the character "Kim Roksu" at the beginning of Lout of the Count's Family. In other words, this Cale is not the protagonist from LCF, but rather the person who originally owned the body.
The event only cares about the "soul" of og!Cale, which means that it doesn't matter what body he is inside of. He can be inside of his original body or he can be inside of the body of "Kim Roksu" that he was shoved inside of during canon LCF. Or theoretically some third option is also possible, although I can't imagine why. So long as the soul belongs to Original Cale Henituse, we do not care about which body he is inside of.
The promo art for this event has included thus far:
Original Cale Henituse in his original body during the TBOAH timeline
Original Cale Henituse in the Kim Roksu body due to the current circumstances of canon
Original Cale Henituse in his original body in an Alternate Universe setting where he never had to lose his body (for example, twin au's, modern au's, other misc au's)
I hope we were able to answer your question and clear up any potential confusion that might occur. We understand that krs!Cale is the more common understanding of the name "Cale Henituse" so we wanted to make it clear here that regardless of the body, it's the soul inside that's important for this event.
(So the shortest way to answer your question is: Both and either, so long as it's og!Cale's soul on the inside. The participants in the event can decide which body they prefer.)
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