#either way I look forward to seeing it
youngyoo-apologist · 2 months
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LCF Official License Announcement
(Posted on the Seven Seas twt account)
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domirine · 5 months
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ever seen a man so beautiful you ram your bike into his flowers?
my full piece for the retrouvailles zine! i had a lot of fun painting it. hope you enjoy looking at the lil details, plants, and the only character who has his shit together (the dog)
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kaitaiga · 2 months
Task Force Dagger
“Nihil Obstat”
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2nd Commando Regiment (SOCOMD)
Captain Lachlan Jones
Sergeant Damien Whitlock
Sergeant Daniel Greenhill
Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF)
Flight Lieutenant Archie Campbell (75th SQN F-35 Pilot)
Sergeant Joseph Hernández (4SQN CCT)
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asukachii · 11 months
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"Besides, you're here too".
(I don’t like putting watermarks so, PLEASE, if you want to post these gifs somewhere GIVE CREDITS! Also, don’t use them in edits/videos. Thanks~)
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kyeterna · 10 months
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Law forms an alliance with the Straw Hat pirate Luffy. Immediately understands this is gonna cost him years of his lifespan.
Bonus: Law not soon after realises that it's the entire Straw Hat pirate crew.
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idaaadivock · 2 months
not to talk about dune on main but like. lisan al-gaib became an instant meme in the theater i was at. like great acting amazing music (thank you hans zimmer you're a real one) phenomenal photography and setting and fight choreography
but stilgar's LISAN AL-GAIB in every circumstance possible was so funny it made the whole theater erupt into laughter directly after the fight with feyd-rautha which is supposed to be like. poignant ig and powerful and an overall vibe
y'all hit the wrong vibe besties 😭😭
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zebedeezing · 4 months
Mixed emotions about staticmoth; I am actually on the side of vox and velvette turning on Val tbh. I think a rapist/ sexual abuser is a much harder to accept or forgive evil and a whole different playing field compared to a prideful big brother is watching u type villain.
Vox is definitely meant to be charismatic, even kind of likeable despite being a villain - that’s owned to his va and his asshole businessman sensibleness compared with his over the top Alastor rivalry, it’s fun. He’s like ‘silly’. I’m not rooting for him but there’s some enjoyment in seeing his brand of evil.
Valentino is captivating and his va does a great job - even his design is really cool, but I feel dread more than anything especially when a scenes to do with Angel.
I think if these two were planned to be dating they shouldn’t have made Vox as likeable as he is - or Velvette either, who I find pretty hard to dislike either, shes mean but she serves.
Or maybe Vox and Velv should be more explicit enablers? Idk to me this kind of muddies the seriousness of Vals behvaiour. I think HH otherwise did a good job in showing Angel as a survivor and sex worker, but this not so much, though I know people will disagree and that’s fair too. This may come up next season, maybe Vox might be more vehemently supportive of Val even in front of Angel - though me personally I hope the opposite happens.
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tartetasin · 5 months
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thank you for staying with me for another year! 💕
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natreads · 7 months
I got a job as a bookseller!!!
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yall i know im late to the party but u HAVE to read 13 storeys by jonathan sims. holy fucking shit this book was so fucking good
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#deacf talks#like omg im gonna be thinking abt this nonstop for like the next week lmaoo#like omg i loved seeing the progression of everyone showing up in each others storeys and trying to piece together everything#like i wasnt too into it at 1st bc this book kept getting marketed as like 'pure horror'which it really isnt at least to me. at most its#just extremely unsettling. Which is good!! some of the storeys like jason and Anna /really/ unsettled me!!#but yea its def not the straight horror all the quotes on the book made it out to be#its mainly reflective? if that makes sense#like all of the stories have the central theme of 'capitalism sucks!' and u get to see how either bc of their complicity with the struggles#of the working class below them or the struggles they face as being the working class influence the horrors they face#while also tying into fells misdeeds!! and its just so good#and it made me like sit there and while also trying to piece everything together be like 'capitalism Does suck :|' lmaoo#this is one of the few books where im REALLY looking forward to a reread bc i want to mark the book up#an keep track of who show up where and my own opinions on why these ppl r facing their specific brand of 'haunting' and how it ties to fell#but like!! yea!! i know im making no sense here lol im just trying to get my thought in order lmaoo#so many times id read like a sentence or paragraph and hear it in johnnys voice. like DAMN id love to get my hands on an audiobook#but go read the book!! its so fucked up in a good way!#but im gonna go Insane thinking abt this book lmaoo#thirteen storeys
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ebdbd · 2 years
The flashback of Akk before he became a prefect makes me so sad. His mannerisms are so different. He doesn't have that perfect straight posture yet. He smiles so easily and openly, and at the teachers no less.(We've seen how he is with teacher Chadok now, there is none of that friendliness left anymore.)
It's a glimpse into the boy he once was, a "country bumpkin" still with his heart on his sleeve, someone without the need to control his emotions, who isn't afraid to stand up for himself when he feels wronged.
We've seen other, tiny glimpses of that boy before, but with this scene has made it even more obvious just how much the school and the prefect position have changed him.
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bitalis · 9 days
having orientation today and i feel absolutely terrible
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ssreeder · 1 year
estimating that sokka and zuko are able to keep their relationship secret for like. less than a day. put them in the same room with anyone else and they're way too obsessed and codependent with each other to not give away how close they really are lmao
love that for them
The only way they keep their relationship secret is if they are only in the same room when no one else is in it.
Which is kind of funny because of what will happen in chapter 12. ;)
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bookworm-2692 · 2 years
Oh my god, Joe’s latest episode (ep31)
As thanks for Cleo helping him, he gives her 16 Royal Emeralds. She says “thank you for my excess Royal Emeralds, I do appreciate a good old representation of the king’s authority”, in a very flat manner that implies the opposite. Joe tells her to “use them anywhere you want. I’ve been using a lot of mine at Grian’s shops, because what’s he gonna do?” And Cleo responds “what’s he gonna do? Yeah he’s not gonna form a coup at all”, and Joe agrees with “yeah he’s not gonna resist anything. Also he sells concrete powder and that’s really hard to make”.
Between this, and Scar also purchasing from Grian’s shop while telling Grian that of course he hates the Royal Emeralds - it is not going to be Ren who drives Grian to despair, but rather the King’s Court. The King’s Court who are purposefully poking Grian to try to get him to resist…
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adarrhiannon · 4 hours
i mean, im not convinced he's *not* jack yet tbh
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foursidecity · 24 days
Kills the FMAB ending with hammers for undisabling half the main cast
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