#it was fun but oof so many layers
gaycrittercentral · 7 months
Welp it’s not Halloween anymore (and actually these pictures are from last year hkkhljhl) but who give a shit y'all wanna see my goofy lil Sam costume :D if you were here for my Halloween stream then you already saw this but if not then LOOKIT MY SUIT BOY
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Fun fact, I made all this last year and meant to post it then but I was just too lazy whoops. So I'm tryin to do better this time around, lmaoooo. Anyway yeah! Samb costume!! If you wanna hear how I made some of the elements for this and gathered up the rest, feel free to check out my ramblings under the cut :Dc
This was such a fun project. A lot of elements were of course just staples of businesswear, like I found the suit jacket at H&M and the pants at Target (and hemmed them because I love men's pants but they don't love my short-ass legs), but some parts were a bit more complicated. The hat, for example, I also found at Target, but it had the wrong kind of band, so I just took that off and hand sewed on a length of wide black ribbon in its place. I ain't no milliner or haberdasher or what have you but I feel like it came out pretty ok! And the ears were an element that I figured would be a fun addition lol, they are made of fleece I believe? I forget. I gave them a bit of soft stuffing so they're basically two soft pillows, and then safety-pinned them into the inner brim of the hat--that way I can look like a normal person if I ever decide to wear the hat in public lmao.
The tie was an absolute delight to work on. And also torture. Y'know, kind of a 'why not both' moment. I ended up reverse engineering a tie I already had and cannibalizing its inner fabric to make the new one, since I knew I wasn't going to wear the original. The new tie is made with a silky blue fabric that isn't silk that I don't remember what it is because I have a sponge for a brain. Sorry ^^; But basically I replaced the original outer part of the tie with my new fabric and sewed her up by hand (it's not really a machine job as far as I can tell), then painted on the stripes with watered down black fabric paint. I had hoped that watering it down would prevent it from making the fabric stiff, but that didn't end up working because it required so many layers to be opaque, oof. There's probably better ways to go about it, so if you're making your own Sam tie it's worth it to do some more research! Plus, they do sell regular blue ties out there that you could paint. I'm just insane. And tbh I wish I had just bought one but at least I can say I've made a tie now lmaoooo
And I suppose the last element of this is the paper bag Max puppet! I love him so dearly, he was a delight to make ^^ I'd tell you how to make him but why do that when obviously I learned from the original? Make sure to put one in your car ok it's really important
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God I love this comic. And I also dearly dearly love how faithfully they adapted it in the cartoon <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Anyway that's it that's all I got!! Also because I've never worn this thing out of the house it doesn't have shoes to go with, I just got some brown socks. I figure it fits with Sam as a shoe-hating person lmaooo. ok that's all bye thanks for looking hope y'all had a happy Halloween!!!!
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 8 months
THE most obvious animation mistake in ATSV
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We went from 3 spikes to 2 spikes.
Want to know something funny? I notice this in my first viewing.
(OP related an anecdote under the cut, nothing really important.)
Okay so fun story, I notice this the first time I watched this movie, like IMMEDIATELY.
I remember vividly about it because when I saw that three spikes I thought "Oof, that should be looking very awkward on the front."
I don't really draw often, but when I was a kid I had a bit of interest in fantasy outfits and such. I still have the most barebones knowledge on clothing and such, yet when I saw those spikes I thought it would dwarf Prowler's head and look awkward.
And just a few frames later- no third spike, it wasn't dwarfing his head anymore.
Full disclosure, I was stupid high when I saw the movie. Don't ask me why I thought it would be a good idea to see this movie high as fuck (let alone in my first viewing,) so I deadass thought I had somehow imagine it.
The fact that when I came out of the theatre and I saw NO ONE saying anything about it (not friends of mine or the internet,) also made me think this.
[Small addendum, because I imagine I may have minors looking at my blog: 1) Don't do anything until you are on whatever age is legal in your country, 2) I am in Canada so everything I consume is regulated and ergo, a lot safer than you can find on the street. 3) If you aren't 100% lucid in a public place, make sure you have people you trust and are sober around you, so nobody can take advantage of your situation.]
Eventually I saw the movie enough times to realize that no, I didn't imagine anything, it was indeed a mistake.
So why I never said anything?
Well...I was kind of protective about the movie.
At the beginning was me seeing on twitter and a bit of tiktok people being assholes about the diversity in the movie, and the idea that someone would look at the mistake I caught and try to be like "See?! The movie isn't that good! Look at this obvious mistake!" made me enraged.
Then, not so long after I started this blog, the truth about how overworked were the animators came to the light, and the idea of bringing up this mistake made me feel even worse because after all these people had been through, trying to be an smart ass to point out a mistake felt wrong. Specially because as I had said before, regardless of how many things I may or not Spot, this movie is amazing and I love it with all my heart; I didn't want to bring unnecessary grief to anyone.
So, why say anything now?
It has been a few months since it came out, I am starting to notice the fandom growing quieter (maybe it will pick up once this movie is out for free in a streaming service, no idea when or which one would be.) And I feel with all these talks about strikes (which the animators would probably do next year, wishing the best of luck for them,) fair pay and such, I think people may be more open to think "this wouldn't had happened if the movie hasn't been as rushed as it is" rather than "this is movie is bad because it has mistakes."
As I said it in other posts, this is a small mistake at the end of the day. Regardless of how you may or may not feel about these inconsistencies, people in general don't notice nor does interrupt their viewing experience.
This is a movie that juggles layers upon layers of themes, plot lines and deep, complicated characters; it does all the important bits than a lot of other movies out there. Which is what matters at the end.
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englishstrawbie · 6 months
If you had to choose, do you like Kacy or Marina more these days?
Oof, Anon, I can't choose between them because I love them both for different reasons.
Maya and Carina have a such a deep, complex relationship. I've always loved how that relationship has brought something new to them as individuals as well. Season 6 proved that you can put them in the worst of places and they come out fighting for themselves and each other. I love that. Ngl, I have been feeling pretty disconnected from the ship and the fandom lately and I'm not sure how much season 7 is going to reignite that if we see them going down the baby route, but I intend to rewatch season 6 in the New Year because I really loved what they gave us and seeing them rebuild their foundations.
Lucy and Kate brought all the light and fun in comparison. There's a real sweetness to them that I enjoy. I feel like we're still getting to know them, there are so many layers still to uncover and I don't know if NCIS is the kind of franchise that will dig that deep. I think that's why I'm drawn to fic about them at the moment because there are some wonderful writers in the fandom who are writing some really interesting stories about them. It reminds me of the kind of Marina fics we got in season 4. The Kacy fandom has a lovely community too, much smaller than the Marina fandom, but they've been so kind and welcoming to me as I've played with some writing for the ship.
So I can't and won't choose between them!
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mijlen · 2 years
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Finally finished with my latest custom doll!
It's a glam take on Minty from My Little Pony (G3), specifically A Very Minty Christmas.
Lots of details went into this doll, and it took far and away longer than any doll I've made before. I lost track, but the hours spent easily go above 20.
Details about the construction below the cut!
Face and body
I started with a Vandala Doubloons base for the face mold, which I sliced open 😱 to create my first set of inset eyes. I just love Vandala's face mold, it's very unique and cute compared to others in the MH line (My base stock box dolls have all been super well loved, btw, so no I didn't destroy a mint in box Vandala. I would NEVER!!) The body was a headless stock box Abby, but I only decided to do that after trying and failing to do a peg-leg transplant on Vandala. It didn't matter, in the long run, since I was going to be painting the entire body anyway. Lots of coats of mint green artist's acrylic, cut with lots of flow builder medium, and about three coats of Mr. Super Clear between those coats of paint, and I had my base.
I knew the silhouette and hair I wanted for Minty from my earliest concept sketches, and looking at them I realized: this silhouette won't look "right" on a standard MH slimline. So it was time for some Apoxie sculpt! I gave her some bust and butt implants, as well as some hip and tummy augmentation to round things out in a way that would better serve the design. Then, more paint and Mr. Super Clear to make the body cohesive.
The hair is entirely acrylic yarn. Not only wefts, but I also achieved the voluminous high pony look by needle-felting a ratted base, around which the rest of the wefts were attached. Then, I had to curl them. This was by far one of the most time consuming parts of the process, but I love the outcome. I used the hot chopstick technique. That is, heating up a metal chopstick with a straightening iron, and twisting individual strands of hair around it. It keeps the hair from scorching, and allows for some truly tiny, glamorous curls.
The gown is hand-sewn, but definitely not removable lmao. It's hard to get such a tight fit on such a tiny doll without using stretch material, and I was using costume satin, so I just glued the bodice down once I'd done all I could with darts and alterations.
The skirt went through a few iterations, with different colors being layered in for the trumpet skirt including sheer mint green, sheer white chiffon, and different shades of pink satin. And yes, those were all fully sewn as I made the decision. 😭 Eventually I went with three tiers in the basic hot pink as the rest of the dress, figuring I would add the contrasting color pops with beading.
Oof, the beading. It was a lot of hand beading. Bedazzling? idk what to call it. All I know is that many hours were spent over a pile of rhinestones and beads with a wax pencil and some Liquid Fusion glue, listening to extremely long YouTube video essays as I worked. The more I added, the more I WANTED to add, and I decided not to pull punches.
I added some volume to the skirt with stiff tulle and a half-assed cage skirt made of armature wire. You can't see it, anyway - it's the EFFECT that matters. Speaking of things you can't see, she's just wearing some unembellished hot pink G1 Draculaura boots. 😂
The accessories, including the peppermints and the Here Comes Christmas Candy Cane, were all made with Apoxie sculpt, hand painted/detailed, and varnished. Perhaps my favorite little detail are her "acrylics," which I added using a technique I saw Hextian use in a video - you touch a dab of hot glue to the doll's finger, then pull it back slowly, and trim once dry. This creates a really fun effect of fake nails.
So yeah. This doll was a labor of love, and I'm so glad I didn't take any half-measures along the way. I'm very proud of her. Hope you like her!
One more note: YES I realize the irony of not having any SOCKS involved in an MLP Minty design. I really do regret this, and agonized over it a LOT. I considered making a “pajamas version” of this same doll so I could do a socks-themed outfit, before I realized the dress would need to be glued on. 
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callmearcturus · 8 months
curious about your on-the-go fic-writing keeb and how it's set up. also the whole switches post gave me the incredible desire for some sort of "what's in my bag" sitch. thank you i liked reading about your switch opinions.
Oh hell yeah sure.
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So my mobile keyboard is amazing.
This is an EPOMAKER NT68. It's a 65% bluetooth keyboard that I have used to, at this point, write about 80% of the PT Benji AU. It's a fucking joy to use.
I got it on sale from Bezo's Store for about 70 bucks (it's 95 right now). At the time, it came with Gateron Blacks installed but literally like seven of the fucking switches had bent pins and had to be replaced. It came with five spare switches so I was p pissed.
Which, I was fine obvsly because I keep buying switches on the cheap.
Okay but about this specific keyboard:
Haimu Whisper Silent Tactile switches (which I LOVE, very good feedback without a ton of sound, great of typing at work)
Cannoncaps CXA Superplum (which is to to date the only caps I have ever paid full price for which I should not have done except they might be my Actual Favorite Profile. this is unfortunate bc they fucking never going on sale, but that special spacebar shape is incredible)
my lil vinyl record player artisan was a gift 8) the maker is 2Tcraft on Etsy
What I love about this keyboard is that
It allows for three BT connections at a time, so i can swap from my phone to my home PC to anything else with two buttons
the sound of it on a deskmat is actually one of my favorite noise profiles of any keeb I've used
it is the most portable keeb without going into weird Nuphy keebs (which I did consider a lot) or going Ortho (which I ALSO considered but this was before Akko put out an affordable Ortho option, god bless Akko)
it has a felt magnetic sleeve that can be folded around the keeb to protect it or into a lil triangle to prop your phone on, which I use all the time. when this thing starts wearing out, I will be very sad.
it fits into my cheapass Vera Bradley crossbody bag so i bring it with me everywhere and I have genuinely used it a fucking lot, like a LOT.
it is a major conversation starter, everyone at work wants to know more about it which is fun.
obviously I had switch issues with the stock keeb and had to swap out some non-working switches, BUT the stock is honestly very good otherwise and the caps it comes with feel perfectly fine. you can use them for a while without issue.
some caveats:
this thing is an investment. i told myself that basically this is what my patreon is for and I saved up for a few months to justify it to myself. i'm glad I did it but also Oof That Pricetag.
the software for this thing is fuckign incomprehensible. i have tried many many times to add some hotkeys to it and fucking forget it. I managed to turn off the lights and that's all I'm doing with it. if you want this for coding and need something very easy to add layers to, FUCKING FORGET IT. go get one of Drop's Orthos instead.
sometimes i type too fast for this thing lmao. it doesn't happen often but like if i'm REALLY going max speed, it will every once in a while (like once in a paragraph) miss a key. I'm fine with this because it doens't happen with casual use.
it is portable but you are gonna need to find a bag for it to fit into. It fits perfectly into a Vera Bradley Sling Backpack, which I picked up on clearance from my local Hallmark store oddly enough.
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kariokiipeaches · 2 years
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“this is not how i expected to find you under me someday…”
I didn’t MEAN to scare you THAT bad, Killer!
Remind me to never wake YOU up from a nap again…
CHAPTER 6!!! Of Poor Little Meow Meow!!! On Ao3!!! By @lady-of-disdain (Mystique)!!!
Ya know?
It’s THAT part!
That part where he pushes you on the floor… and plants his hand next to your head… pinning you down… straddling your hips… lifting you chin with his knife at your throat…
•this is me again posing as Killer! I was threatening a pillow on the floor (no pillows were actually harmed), lol
•I wore my eldest childs’ oversized Gir from Invader Zim hoodie to get the approximate baggy-ness I needed!
•I tried many different faces on Killer before I settled on this one (if you watch the video of this on my YouTube channel and slow it down at the faces part you’ll probably guess which one I laughed WAAAAY too hard at once I dropped it in, cuz it was f*ckin’ ridiculous - he had chipmunk-puffy-cheeks!!!)
•this ended up be 69 layers (heh heh)
*wink wonk*
•shading is one thing, shading for a light source is another, but shading to give-off a 3 dimensional appearance SUCKS.
•I thought this would be easier, cuz there’s “less to draw,” right? WRONG!
What Killer lacks in area, it NEEDED to be made-up for in details, or it looked too bland (imo).
•I APPARENTLY have no idea how to use my “shadow brush” (hey! It’s for making shadows! This’ll be a LOT easier!), cuz every time I even tried it was AWFUL. And I tried A LOT.
This took DAYS (and I mean daysupondaysupondays) to work out.
It was a reeeeeeeal lesson on shading, that’s for sure; I didn’t want the wrinkles of the hoodie outlined, so I had to map-out some shade/light markers on the original photo of me in this pose, and then translate that to the shades of blue that matched the brightness-variable but also went with his jackets color scheme…
I screwed around with some new brushes (his SOUL light reflecting off of his jacket and chin and floof), I tried to do a thing where you’d be focusing on the knife and not him to give dimension (blurring layers - see photo), I attempted a thing of light reflecting off the blade (diffusing or whatever-it’s-called)…
BASICALLY I screwed around (heh heh) a lot with a bunch-a stuff this time. Here’s a forced-perspective and a non-shaded version.
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I finally JUST read Chapter 7 (even though it was out a few days ago, I wouldn’t let myself indulge until I was finished this chapter 6 art), and I’m already FULL of ideas!
And I heard @calcium-supplement helped in the newest chapter, too?! My future art thanks the BOTH of you, once again <3
Ay-yo! And thanks for linking my art to the story, Lady! I feel so famous now!!
Wanna read the story?
Here’s the link to it on Ao3!
Wanna see what it took to make this art?
Here’s the link to my YouTube!
Wanna know what I ate for dinner?
(Black would be so proud)
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sidesteppostinghours · 3 months
Rolling in 10 hrs late but— 27, 28 Caine, 17, 34 for Cecilia? And B for all ur Steps, if you don’t mind :)
morning! thank you for the ask :D 
27. What causes them to feel dread? 
the fun thing about caine is that hes got really good instincts. its only heightened with hark (over 30 precog im p sure?) since hark encouraged him to listen to their gut. so if somethings about to go wrong, yeah, the dread is kicking in and theyre nope-ing the fuck out of there (the only exception to this is the casino scene). but there can also be false alarms if he disassociates hard enough, which is becoming more frequent lately. their paranoia+growing insomnia just adds to all of it. basically they just feel dread half the time,,, but also a more tangible thing that causes them to feel dread would probably be ortegas mind. if theyre in the wrong headspace, ortega brings back too many bad memories for them to feel safe.
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
hmmm,,,, im not sure! it really depends on why the other person is lying about it ig, and how severe/urgent the unpleasant truth is. by default he tends to prefer the truth, but its mostly for informations sake. for example, with argent, they Really wouldve preferred not knowing what she was capable of. now that the cats out of the bag hes even more paranoid, especially since they have no information on her to use to protect himself. meanwhile, with the autopsy pics, they appreciated chen telling them what happened because it gave them a better idea of what happened while they were gone, and in their eyes chen had no obligation to tell them (plus they got some free bonus info about the kind of contacts chen has which is really useful too). basically, if he thinks he needs it to do things better or more efficiently, hell be ticked off about somebody withholding the truth from him, and vice versca if he thinks the lie would be more beneficial to him instead. either way though, theyre good at keeping their emotions in check, so hed be fine getting the unpleasant truth either way.
17. Are they easily embarrassed?
nope! not at all. i mean, if she hyped herself up and managed to fail spectacularly, then yeah, i could see her getting majorly embarrassed. but thats p much one of the few situations i could imagine her feeling like that. ceci isnt known for shame– shes extremely blunt, to the point of being insensitive, and shes willing to do a lot for a quick kick. except,,,,,hmmmm,, argent making a comment or stealing a quick kiss when she didnt expect it and managing to fluster her,,,,,, please hold while i experience the visionsTM.
34. How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? 
oof. i think prehb the guilt of what she left behind was definitely there, but it got buried under the satisfaction of being free and having fun for once. nowadays, she still lives by those principles, that no matter what happened at least shes here now, but this time around theres an added layer of her actively trying to forget. if she does something she genuinely regrets, its still getting buried, but itll just claw right back to her in inopportune moments. most of the time though, guilt is getting tossed right back out the window so it doesnt disturb her happy fun loving times. no, ortega, no, finch, she is NOT repressing, she is simply being #goofysilly and will not stand for regret ruining her vibe.
B) What inspired you to create them?
speaking for my general process with all my steps: im rather predictable when creating characters. lots of them follow the same molds, they just tackle different storylines, and the differing plots are what makes them all different characters. so when making my steps, i ended up using those same character archetypes and taking them to their logical conclusions based on what choices the game offered. it makes it easier for me to imagine how they react, and its fun to tack on a slightly different trait to the mold and see what happens. ultimately, they all fall somewhere on the extreme ends of the "good/evil" spectrum, but with an added bit of ✨spice✨ from the other end to get them going into fully fledged characters. these are my inspiration/archetype for each individual step:
Caine- being an imported character for the exile if, i already had his character in mind when making him! in exile, they were very much meant to be the stoic leader character that was just beginning to doubt what he fought for. the problem when i tried to put them in fhr was. chen. chen i love you but holy shit it was so hard to make him unique and interesting when you were literally RIGHT THERE covering all the bases they were supposed to cover. and chen has a dog which made him obviously superior. it was annoying, but my frustration with their similarities pushed me to put a lot of love into them and well. look at where my son is now lmfao.
Cyrus- @ that one person who made that post about herald subverting the cinnamon role stereotype: thank you. i owe you my and my bastard sons life. cyrus was just meant to be a step i used to explore heralds ro route, so i didnt mean to take him too seriously. because of that, and because this was directly after caine and i was getting frustrated figuring them out, i kinda just went with the flow– he was originally a character closer to the "flirty and funny but actually competent and surprisingly apathetic" type. he used to have like. 50% ruthlessness lmfaoooo. a lot of his major character beats were caused by me making mistakes and figuring things out by clicking random choices out of curiosity. after i played him once, the higher ruthlessness route i went intrigued me, and i started tweaking him further, which is how we got here.
Cecilia- i! wanted! to! have! someone! fun! i wanted to have someone fun. i just wanted to have a step who would dick around and do stupid shit because they wanted to. she was my third step, both caine and cyrus were so serious, i needed somebody to juxtapose that. she was very much the "fuck around and find out" character. i created her to explore the lupin route, which seemed appropriate for the sort of character i wanted her to be. i also wanted to romance argent. it all just sort of culminated in a whirlwind of the most out there, daring step i had. it was only later i considered adding some more serious edges to her story, she was a bit like stress relief lol.
Cynthia- i created her with ortegas ro route in mind! even though caine was technically an ortega ro step, he was secretcrush so they couldnt really do much lmfao, so i was itching to play somebody whod actually pursue her. i chose the "calm, kind, do not burn down the house please and thank you" character for her since it seemed like fun to try with ortegas more out-there energy. i also had her as an anarchist, which i thought would be interesting to see play out since she was definitely on the more heroic end of the spectrum and i wanted to see how she would tackle one of the more destructive job choices. unfortunately, the kinder characters are almost always the hardest for me to work with, so it did take cynthia a while to find her footing. now, though, i think shes come together nicely! very much a balance of the nicer character i wanted for her originally while having that small kernel of "i can fuck things up if i wanted to" that i find more fun.
questions from here!
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maybeimamuppet · 6 months
matildamas day 2: playing in the snow
hello everyone!! welcome to day 2 of our 12 days of matildamas! sorry for the gap yesterday, i did the math wrong and accidentally started a day early lol. we’re on track now and updates will be daily :) sorry for any confusion :/
anyway!! enjoy day two!
Matilda squints as she wakes up in the morning. She forgot to close her blinds before she went to bed, and the light from the rising sun is almost blinding.
It’s almost impossible to lift her head from her pillow, but she manages and trudges sleepily over to her window. She gasps when she rubs her eyes and looks down at the ground outside.
It’s completely white.
The blanket of snow shimmers like diamonds in the light of the sun, twinkling brilliantly up into Matilda’s eyes as she looks far out over the horizon. No wonder it was so cold last night.
Matilda can’t say she’s ever really seen snow before. She’s seen snowflakes, naturally. But in town everything became a grey sludge before it was any good to do anything with, and they never got much anyway.
But a little ways out in the countryside where she now lives with Miss Honey in her childhood home, apparently it sticks around.
Matilda goes rushing into Miss Honey’s bedroom with hardly a second thought. “It snowed! Mummy, Mummy! It snowed!”
Miss Honey sits bolt upright in bed and rubs her eyes, looking frantically around for the source of the noise that woke her up. “What? What’s happened, what’s the matter?”
“It snowed!” Matilda repeats eagerly. “Come see, come see! It’s so beautiful!”
Miss Honey yawns blearily as Matilda drags her out of bed and over to the window. “Mm. It is lovely.”
“It’s like little diamonds,” Matilda says quietly. “Millions and billions and zillions of them.”
“It is,” Miss Honey agrees with a sleepy chuckle. “I’ve always thought snow looks most beautiful in the early mornings.”
“I’ve never seen it,” Matilda replies.
“Haven’t you?” Miss Honey asks in shock.
Matilda shakes her head. “It never snows this much in town.”
“That’s true,” Miss Honey acknowledges. “Well, we’ll just have to go out and play in it then. Teach you everything there is to know.”
Matilda looks up at her with a smile so bright it could bring back spring and tackles her in a hug.
Miss Honey spends what Matilda would refer to as entirely too long making sure Matilda is bundled. Three pairs of pants, but no jeans, since denim holds moisture and would make her colder faster. Matilda appreciated learning the fact, but this many layers makes it a bit hard to walk. She has a thick, cozy sweater on beneath her big, puffy winter coat, snow boots, a hat, and a hand-knit scarf courtesy of Miss Honey’s latest hobby.
“Can we go now?” Matilda asks, muffled by all the cozy layers around her mouth. Miss Honey giggles a bit as she looks at the sort of marshmallow she’s inadvertently turned her daughter into, and nods.
“I think so. Let’s go,” she says, zipping up her own coat and tugging up the hood. Matilda waddles outside after her. As soon as she sets foot in the deep snow, her boot catches and she falls face first into the frigid crystals.
She lands with an, “Oof!” and pushes her face up, shaking her head in a ditch attempt to dislodge a few flakes.
“Are you alright, dear?” Miss Honey asks, crouching down next to her and helping her back up.
“That was fun!” Matilda cheers eagerly. Miss Honey laughs in a mix of shock and relief. “Can we make a snowman?”
“We can certainly try,” Miss Honey chuckles. “I’m not sure it’ll go so well, though. This snow is quite powdery, it’s easier to make snowmen and snowballs and such if it has bigger ice crystals in it. We might have a better go in a few days.”
“Can we try?”
“Of course,” Miss Honey responds. “Have you ever made a snowman before?”
“No,” Matilda responds quietly.
“Neither have I,” Miss Honey replies with a soft smile.
“First time for everything,” Matilda beams up at her.
It takes a bit of fiddling, and indeed, doesn’t go spectacularly due to the powderiness of the snow, but they manage to make a vaguely-person shaped lump of snow they’re both quite proud of. Miss Honey gathers some spare buttons from a few cardigans to make eyes, and Matilda borrows a carrot from the fridge for a classic nose. Pebbles from their now-dormant veggie garden make a handsome smile, and Matilda happily sheds her scarf to dress him.
It’s more of a mound than a man by the time they decide to finish with that for the day. They take a step back and proudly admire their… creation.
“He’s a bit… smushed,” Matilda says sadly, tilting her head as she looks upon their snowman.
“I did warn you,” Miss Honey chuckles, rubbing Matilda’s shoulders fondly. “I think he’s still a lovely snowman.” Matilda nods. “Shall we give him a name?”
Matilda tips her head in the other direction as she mulls this over. “Edgar.”
“Edgar?” Miss Honey responds.
Matilda nods. “Like Edgar Allan Poe.”
Miss Honey considers this as well. “I think that’s quite fitting, actually.”
“He’s an Edgar Allan Poe-man!” Matilda says eagerly. Miss Honey laughs and wraps Matilda in a hug.
“Very fitting.”
Matilda nods again. “I like him.”
“I like him too. We’ll try and make a friend for him in a few days,” Miss Honey says.
“Ralph Waldo Emer-snow!” Matilda squeals. Miss Honey laughs again.
“Let’s get back inside. I think the chill is starting to get to you,” she says through her giggles. Matilda pouts a little, but willingly takes her hand to be led back indoors. “How’s a nice cuppa and a book sound?”
“Heavenly,” Matilda says with a smile.
Sometimes the best bits of a snowstorm are spent inside.
hope you enjoyed!! see you tomorrow!!
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ikemenomegas · 1 year
I love love the character of the alpha in jjk. their relationship with gojo is super complex and the alpha's character itself is super complicated itself and thats why i love them sm. you mentioned before that they keep their silence when things get bad and i got reminded of my own experiences as the youngest child in a family where i had to shut up about my own sufferings just to keep the peace in the family and sooner or later, the person will blow up and thats what makes this character so interesting because you see how theyre keeping themselves together but we can also read their thoughts and we know that they are not okay and you're just waiting for the moment they'd go apeshit. And i also like how their relationship with gojo is the way it is because they both are shamans before they are two human beings deeply in love.
Nobara sending a message to gojo asking why tf didnt he turn up for class to which gojo replies with a picture of of himself and his alpha beside him in disneyland wearing mickey mouse merch and telling her he's on a busy and dangerous mission
the alpha and nanami talking and purposely ignoring gojo annoying them
Thank you anon! It's been super fun putting together a layered character who suits this world but also a lot of work haha.
Oof, I'm the eldest daughter (and eldest child) in my family and I think this is something the eldest and the youngest often shake hands on, is that you frequently have to put aside your own suffering in order to be responsible or keep the peace. And this emotional pressure cooker eventually does blow up, but because it's everything, and when it goes on long enough there's nowhere to aim those feelings, it means that complicated feelings go everywhere, there's no single person or situation at fault so it feels like it's everything going wrong. One thing that's also a curse of the youngest is probably seeing every interaction between the rest of your family, on top of how the you are feeling, and being incredibly disturbed by how those interactions play out and are affected by personal bias and selfishness.
I think we forget a lot that even though there's only two kids, Megumi is the youngest and part of his "I only want to be responsible for my people, not the rest of the world" comes from that place of seeing how everyone around him takes on so much responsibility and justification it makes them crazy and his resentment at the world for doing that to them.
But yes!! Back to the fun happy times hahaha:
Oh my gosh, can you imagine how many curses there would be in a place like theme park where emotions and desires and disappointments are running high??? There probably are curses lurking around and they are at work but the "busy and dangerous" part is Gojo trying to get alpha to go on all of the roller-coasters together.
If Nobara complains loud and long enough, the whole first year class might "end up with" a surprise extra day off and oh look, Megumi just happens to have a set of tickets lol. Satoru is a troll, but even he would agree with getting the kids out to a theme park at some point - however the tickets aren't from him, the tickets are alpha who felt bad that Satoru was making fun of her all the time XD. Except Satoru makes them clean up some curses while they're in the area so it's not much of a vacation...
Alpha and Nanami, their cute kouhai, trying to read a map or something while Satoru has shown up to check on them and make a ruckus is killing me haha. Eventually Nanami's hinting "please deal with that" glances get to be too much and you have to buy Satoru a snack to shut him up for a minute and remind him he's cared for.
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jacksgreysays · 1 year
Always happy to meet a fellow multishipper! Sorry I read you wrong 😅
As I've been trying to write that fic we talked about (which is finally a priority now that I've reached stopping points with other stories), I think I've found it why I struggle to come up with and write DOS fics. I don't think I have an accurate gage of Shikako's character. Have you ever struggled with that?
Also, thank you for answering my asks about more Hail to the Queen iterations. I love that stuff!
No worries! Shipping to me kinda feels more like personality/sexuality/circumstances puzzles as opposed to, like, a hill I’m willing to die on type of thing. A lot of my most interesting fics are the ones where someone prompts a pairing I never considered which leads me to figure out how such a pairing would work and, again, under what circumstances. It’s very fun :D
Oof, there are some fic that live in my head—not even as plot bunnies but, proto-bunnies. They’re not even ambulatory yet, lol—that will never see the light of day. Most of them involve Naruto and Kakashi. Not because I don’t love them, but because ahhhhh their character voices are SO DIFFICULT FOR ME. Naruto is more difficult than Kakashi because at least with Kakashi I have an idea of how he feels/his main motivation (sad all the time and GOTTA MAKE SURE NO ONE ELSE I LOVES DIES BEFORE I DO) but Naruto is just… O_O I don’t know… what… how do you make decisions, bro?
And this is probably a personality failing on my end but Naruto is just so trusting so often even when there have been so many cases where he shouldn’t be and he pulls the weirdest lessons from certain experiences and he loves to fight and loves jutsu that don’t do anything but cause harm but doesn’t believe in killing even though he lives in a world of shinobi and he wants to be Hokage in order to protect his precious people and he hates war but also he hates the things that a Hokage has to do in peacetime so it’s like… WHAT.
It may also be that he suffers from shounen protagonist syndrome which is that he is more of a force/narrative than a person so any contradictions in his decision making process is because that’s just what Kishimoto needed him to do at any given point.
My struggle with Kakashi is more that while I understand him internally, he’s so good at deflecting and zagging that there’s a strange sort of… layering to his dialogue and behavior that I’ve never quite managed to finesse. Like he says one thing and does another thing but what he ACTUALLY means is neither. It’s very look underneath the underneath
I’d like to think I have a good handle on Shikako’s character although it might be a sort of cyclical me reading DoS (literally the first First Person POV fic I didn’t nope out of after a chapter) and projecting onto Shikako turned into me podficcing DoS and internalizing Shikako which lead to me writing recursive DoS fic and going back to projecting onto recursive Shikako, etc.
Also, unsurprisingly given my ever faithful writer’s block and how I’m no longer as prolific as I used to be, there are a lot of other things I struggle with. For me I don’t think it’s the ideas that are the problem—my brainstorm to actual fic ratio on this blog is out of hand—but it’s the execution of idea into fic that is the worst. Or having cool concepts but not necessarily the background/foundation to manifest them.
Like, speaking of current fic idea that just… won't... just refuse to let me wrangle them... absolutely slip through my fingers...
@loveelemental helped me brainstorm a DoS crossover (won’t say what fandom at the moment) and it would be so dope, but I don’t actually know that other fandom very well even though my brain insists this is the fic it should be writing. Another problem is that, it’s PRIMARILY set in that other fandom AND THEN it’s not even Shikako that is the DoS character!
So, yeah… the struggle is real.
I also very much enjoy brainstorming collaboratively with people. Often I don’t even think of things until I’m asked a question, so I also appreciate you sending in those Hail to the Queen asks. Legit, the She Who Has Divine Right in which Shikako takes over Haido’s failed invasion force because their literal god chose her over both him and the last of the royal bloodline is EXTREMELY entertaining to me and I don’t think I’d have ever come up with that by myself.
So thank you, too, aryaokayfriend! :D
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spottedenchants · 2 years
You have successfully peaked my curiosity about the difference between the different types of light in the Dynasty: “sunlight” vs “moonlight” vs “starlight”. Can you elaborate 👀👀
ohohoho gladly gladly >:3
Select Endearments in Touching Sentiments: The Kryn Dynasty and Light
This got kinda long, so see below!
Preface- how these words are made
For my fic intents and purposes, I imagine Undercommon (and by extension Kryn Undercommon) to be very layered, such that nuance and doublespeak are pretty much built-in, word-by-word. Alongside this, I imagine its formal writing system to be logographic (with ruby characters for pronunciation because OOF it gets complicated- informal writing doesn't bother so much with logograms I don't think), so if you were to read it, many words are quite literally constructed from other concepts.
(And for reference, I base a fair chunk of Touching Sentiment's Undercommon vocabulary on the Eilistraee Drow Dictionary, picking and choosing bits and pieces as I go.)
As an example of what I mean, 'Rosohna' is built from rosin [born] and 'sohna [again], and is translated into Common as 'Rebirth'.
Another example is 'Umavi' and its Common translation, 'perfect soul'. There's no easy equivalence as there is for Rosohna ('perfect' is llieh and 'soul' is quortek), and as such, I have constructed my own: zexen’uma [stay] + menvis [path]. Meaning, an Umavi is someone who has found/made the path their soul is perfectly intended for (i.e. they are ready to greet the Luxon), and they stay to it.
(There's also a fun deconstruction of Umavi (respectful) vs. umavi (disrespectful) but I digress xD)
So what does this have to do with light?
We know 'light' is a very special concept within the Dynasty, what with their god of preference being based upon it, the difference between the Luxon's liberating light of the surface and the Spider Queen's entrapping dark underground, and how the Kryn worship with periodic displays of sunlight.
As such, it makes sense to me that they would construct compliments and endearments around different sources of natural surface light.
In the Eilistraee dictionary, only 'starlight' has a literal translation: slyan'ssun. Still, terms like 'sunlight' and 'moonlight' have very poetic looking translations, and I figured I'd fill them out myself, so here they are :3
Literal: slyan'ssun
slyan [star] + ssussun [light]
Figurative: elemmiire
elendar [continue/endure] + belearn [treasure (v.)] + mrimm [inspiration] + mir [hold]
Stars generally have lifespans far longer than even the Bright Queen- they create a lasting, distant light, one that does not hurt the eyes no matter how long one looks. They are not as stationary as short-lived races may think, and though untouchable, they are held valuable as they are and will be, and many aspire to (metaphorically) reach them. The inclusion of 'treasure' as a verb is indicative of present effort and engagement. This is a common term of endearment from guardian to child, mentor to mentee, or, phrased more generally, is typically used for one who is anticipated to remain and excel beyond the speaker's present lifetime/occupation/circumstance/etc.
Literal: drathi’ssun
drathir* [moon] + ssussun [light]
*the word for 'moon' used to be synonymous with Catha alone, but now it encompasses both Catha and Ruidus. Catha's moonlight is 'cathi'ssun' and Ruidus' moonlight is 'ruidi'ssun'
Figurative: isilme
iiyola [treasure (o.)] + isintol [interest] + iqualment [simultaneous]
Specifically used in reference to Catha's moonlight, while this light is a little troublesome to the eyes at its brightest times, it does not harm the skin- one can rest under it without pain, and it can be present with both the sun and the stars. Given the right nighttime conditions, it can even bring a little color to the world. A little old-fashioned (though by no means out of fashion) based on context, this term can carry more of an air of detachment or unfamiliarity, as 'treasure' is an object of intent rather than a verb. Most often used between fond peers and acquaintances, it's also used by admirers to their target/s of affection and is common between bonded individuals of equal standing as a display of tempered deference.
Literal: ssik’ssun
ssik [sun] + ssussun [light]
Figurative: ta’ecelle
xta'rl [touch] + sel [new] + seil [solace]
The sun's light is notably tactile; one can feel exactly where it touches. Like anything beyond inherently mortal comprehension and perception, basking too long or staring too deep can cause damage, and both are best done in moderation. Despite its dangers, sunlight offers opportunities of renewal, freedom, and safety, as well as a flood of color—a richer view of the world—that neither the Underdark nor perpetual night can afford. A deeply intimate term when directed as an address, this one is rarely used in public. Typically only shared within a bonded pair/group, it can convey everything from humble reverence to devotional pride to deep gratitude.
Bonus: Firelight vs. Flamebright**
Firelight (literal): chath'ssun
chath [fire] + ssussun [light]
Flamebright: chath'ssune
charnag [deep] + olath [dark] + ssussun [light] + sune [warm]
Even in the darkest depths of the world, well below the open air of the surface, one can still create warmth from a single spark. Firelight is a useful tool, and flamebright is an archaic notion (as much as one can be in a culture with individuals older than the banishment of the gods). Flamebright is a term often reserved for representations of hope within extremely bleak circumstances, and it is not necessarily an address for people but instead a descriptor for ideals, or the Luxon and its beacons.
**all terms in this list with ssussun as a component can be used as adjectives, as both 'light' and 'bright' are ssussun
So, if you ever see TS!Essek (or other native Kryn Undercommon speakers) thinking/saying any of these terms outside of a literal context, this is what they mean :3
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iwasneverth3re · 1 year
Hiya! Lili just read your bio that you're 22! Your basically my senior of Gun simp! (Me being 21 a year junior hehe) the fact I read your pervious asks you said you like Goo also. I think your gonna love this one on my on going sketch Goo and Gun posing a Jojo pose. (I am rusty and I made the agony mistake of the digital artist that is drawing final line in same layer of sketch)
Here is my question:
-What is your first impression on Gun like the ever the first that when he appeared in school festival.
-When did you hop into this lookism hole
-if you want to get isekai which world you want to get into
-if reincarnation which world do you want to born in
-how many years you been drawing! It looks so smooth!
Btw love love your drawing! Your drawing basically made me go draw Gun without any hesitation. Also fellow pinoy (well half) here.
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Hello there Slimesam!! 💚💚💚 haha yes, I'm in my hag era now😅 but it's very nice to meet you!!! And that's cool to see another fellow pinoy here!🥺 always nice to meet my fellow Filipinos so hello!! Hehe yes I am also a goo simp (oddly enough, I've noticed a pattern that if you're Gun biased, then you're also a Goo enthusiast as well??). But you're absolutely right because from your w.i.p drawing so far I love it so far!! I like your art style and the poses you've chosen for Gun and Goo are so fun and I can't wait to see the final product!!💚💛💚💛 OOF FELT. I've also made the mistake of doing the final lineart on the sketch layer and I got so mad at myself for it :') but I hope that when you go over with the actual final line art layer, it doesn't take as long as bc I always find that progress to be a pain!! And thank you for your compliments🥹🥹🥹 it means a lot to hear that I've somewhat inspired you to draw Gun! Like I can't believe I've helped you feel that way🥹
Without further or do tho (bc I always end up ranting and I won't bore you bc I could do this all day haha), onto your questions!
1. "What is your first impression of Gun when he first appeared at the festival?" Goofy. I thought that this mfer was goofy.
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I also thought he looked very 2012-2014 tumblr era to me which made me side-eye him a bit LOL. I remember after the panels of Gun punching Vasco, i was thinking to myself, "YEAHHHH VASCO! DONT LET A MAN FROM TUMBLR BEAT YOU UP🗣🗣🗣'. What made me intrigued about him was when he gave Daniel a good ol' Brazilian kick and when he removed his sunglasses for the first time! I was like, 'woah, wait why are his eyes like that?? This guy looks like trouble.' AND of course, I was surprised about finding out that Gun wasn't some 20 something year old. Overall though, I didn't really care for Gun at this point in the story.
2. "When did you hop into this lookism hole?" I HOPPED INTO THIS RABBIT HOLE BACK IN 2018! It was all thanks to my ex. During the time we were dating, he would try and get me to read a bunch of manhwas but the ones he recommended me didn't really appeal to me (we actually almost had a fight bc I told him that I didn't really like tower of God and couldn't get into it OML). BUT after all the manhwas he recommended me, I finally liked one and it was of course of lookism! I did, however, drop it during the Eli jang arc. Not necessarily because I lost interest in it but because I ended up hyperfixating on something else at the time (pretty sure it was mob psycho). It was only until last year that I picked up lookism and caught up to it that I fell back in love with the series!
3. "If you want to get into isekai, which world would you want to get into?" I would say none because while the fantasy and magical elements would be totally cool, there's almost always a tragedy that happens and I don't want that wished upon me🙅🏽‍♀️
4. If reincarnated, what world would you want to be reincarnated? Probably a studio ghibli movie. The kind of vibes and feelings those movies give me? Magical. Who wouldn't want to be married to a giant, ocean gueen/goddess? Or to stay in a movie castle with pretty boy wizard named Howl? I would've said jujutsu kaisen for the sole sake of being able to meet Gojo or Nanami but then I remember the shibuya arc and I'm in shambles and the chances of me surviving in that verse is slim to none lmao.
5. "How many years have you been drawing? It looks so smooth!" Well first of all, thank you so much for saying that!🥰 second of all, so I've been drawing or have done traditional art for a loooong time. However, there were times where I would drop art and not pick it back up until a year or so later simply because growing up, I've always struggled with finding confidence in myself and in my art as well. So I'd say that I've been doing traditional art for maybe 6 years? While I've done digital art for around maybe a year now (I refuse to color things in because it's so stinking hard).
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spaceorphan18 · 1 year
Glee Musical Retrospective: Hair/Crazy in Love (Hairography)
Sung by: New Directions Original Artist(s): from Hair Soundtrack/Beyonce feat. Jay-Z
Hey! I'm back! I promise I didn't forget about this project, I just needed to take a step back for a moment. I'm actually really enjoying doing the in depth dive on all the music - it's been pretty fun.
Anyway... oof. This one. This is kind of a precursor to Run Joey Run - in which it is supposed to be /not good/ in a comedic way and, well, falls a little flat. Or maybe I've just seen it a hundred times now? But unlike Run Joey Run (or, say, Push It) it just doesn't have the repay value as some of those other 'bad' performances.
Story Analysis
It's funny - Sue says to Will, later on in the series, that he must have been really tired when he came up with this number. And I kind of wonder if the writers had a moment where they were just... tired. Not every moment in a tv show is going to be the best - and this whole number screams -- this was an interesting idea at the time but maybe didn't work exactly how we expected it to.
The purpose of this number is very straightforward. It's about looking (and I suppose sounding?) crazy. I mean, I can see how it felt pretty ingenious to find a Beyonce song that featured the lyric: "Got me looking so crazy right now" over and over again. And then to mash up with a song about hair... I mean, I can see how the writers thought this was a brilliantly stupid idea when they came up with it.
The 'comedy' I suppose is supposed to be from all the hair swinging around and the ridiculous choreography where the kids are literally just swinging their heads around and prancing around the room. I don't fully get the purpose of the weirdly, overt sexual component of the girls all jumping on a guy and, like, fake humping them. But it did add another layer of crazy onto the already bonkers performance.
[As an aside - the fact that Will came with all of this -- including a moment where the guys are mimicking anal to the girls -- is just, ick. I'm glad he feels shameful during the whole performance. Shame on you, Will. Shame.]
But really - the full purpose of the song is to show how all the hair and the ridiculousness can't really mask a bad performance. And how real music comes from your heart -- a message that will be amplified when the deaf choir sings Imagine next.
Interestingly - there's a whole other tangent to go down about how music has many purposes, and how a there's a place and time for low quality, club music -- and not every single musical number needs to be a genius work of art, but I digress.
Technical Thoughts
Okay. First I want to start off with the fact that this is barely a mash up. There are a few moments where the lyrics of 'Hair' are thrown in, but it's so far removed from the original that when I finally heard the original for the first time, I couldn't believe it was the same music. I get why on paper it makes sense, I do - but I think losing one song nearly completely into the mash up doesn't make it all compelling. And one of the reasons mash ups are so fun is the way the songs complement each other. I'll have to keep an eye out for it - but this might be one of the weakest mash ups the show does.
Vocally, it's not bad at all. Interesting fact - I guess Cory and Mark were supposed to be leads on this, but they gave it to Kevin instead. I agree with that decision - Kevin has a much better pop and hip hop voice and can handle back up Beyonce songs way better. Mercedes is on lead - which is great for the song. Amber Riley sounds fantastic on this, and I'm glad to see that even within early season 1 she's already really working on her voice and it shows.
My one kind of, idk, eye-roll? is the that Glee is still trying to go for realism, and that it's the kids who are creating all the music. But it's fairly obvious that the music is all put through a synthesizer or auto-tuned or whatever or mixed in a way that gives it a more electronic sound. I'm not sure if it's done out of time -- or because they wanted to sound like the original -- but nothing about this performance sounds like a show choir. (Oh - and my usual obligatory comment about how it sounds like they doubled the tracks on the back up vocals again.)
But... despite the choreography being insane - Glee rarely compromises when it comes to sound. At the end of the day, they still want to sell music and make money off it, so it's always going to sound good. (Mostly - there are some exceptions - and boy will I get there :D)
vs. The Studio Recording: It's the same song. Not really anything to comment on. Though - I'll say without the distraction (ha) of the visuals, you can appreciate Artie and Mercedes's vocals more.
vs. The Original Version (Crazy in Love): Other than adding some lyrics from Hair into a few places, they didn't stray from the original arrangement. I can see how the choreography was influenced by the music video, too. But there's a huge difference between the stylized music video full of professionals - and the Glee kids. And yes, I get that it was somewhat intentional for the comedy of the moment and the purpose of the scene but... eesh.
vs. The Original Version (Hair): I linked the 1979 version, because I find it fascinating. You can see some slight influences in choreography -- the way the prisoners are throwing themselves around - feels a lot like the way they incorporate the throwing themselves around in the Glee number.
Also - what even is this musical?? I mean, I read the synopsis -- as a rock musical set in the 60s. It seems absolutely wild, but the song is really catchy, and I kind of wished they had just done this number. Granted, out of context it would make even less sense, but still. Also, I'm kind of fascinated by how hair is seen politically, but that's really getting off point...
Also going to link the 2009 Tony Awards performance (Here) because I wonder if there was influence here, too! I'm sure it was somewhere in Ryan Murphy's head.
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hepbaestus · 2 years
Thoughts on Robots (2005)
I've got an essay to write and read papers for, so why not watch a film that I loved as a kid? Join me in my thoughts on Robots (2005)
This one's a long one so strap in.
I only learnt fairly recently that it's fucking Ewan McFuckingGregor voicing the protagonist in this film.
I watched this film so much as a kid and I didn't realise? How the fuck did I get into university?
RIP blue sky
Even the pigeons are robots
He's so happy about being a dad
The doors the shape of a lightbulb
The saxophone at "making a babies the fun part" how saucy
"I don't need to see the directions" every person ever with IKEA manuals
Rodney Copperbottom. What a name.
"this won't hurt a bit son" oh my fucking god
Hand-me-downs from cousin Jeffrey? What happened to him?
That poor drum
Oh god Bigweld's voice brings back memories and TIM. TINY TIM
The door's kinda creepy
That lil robot with the plate is me
This is where shit hits the fan I think, I don't remember
Fucking hell that really is Ewan McGregor
The small kid in a big city feeling, that's me whenever I'm in London
IS THAT FUCKING ROBIN WILLIAMS as Pinwheel Fender??? (Just looked it up and it is oml)
Pinwheel needs his money
Fucking tinman from wizard of Oz?
The garbled talking down a microphone ugh
My travel sick body would not be able to handle any of the trip to Bigweld Industry
It's always the small seemingly sweet ones that are so mean
Oh god it's him. It's Ratchet - I remember having a crush on him (this really foreshadowed my future fictional crushes - almost all of them being either the villain or just arrogant in a hot way)
Nice, eye of the Tiger playing
Oh no
Oopie. Falling through a window
The magnetisation of Rodney is dragging everything with him
So many layers to the city
Ooooo Underground by Tom Waits 1983, this song brings back memories. I do prefer the movie's cover (as expected)
The break time being literal seconds
Of course Ratchet's mom is a fucking spider
He's just doing what his mother wants him to do (she's emotionally manipulating him with what threats of doing the same to him as she did to his father)
This films fucking dark for 6 year olds, Jesus
Fiting over a foot with elegant music in the background, hilarious
Spanish football voice box, I remember this making me laugh so much
"I can't never find parts of my size" same dude
It's her (Piper - another character I had a crush on as a kid)
How did I not realise how gay I was as a kid? Like having a crush on the literal villain AND the cute sister of Fender
Piper's such a dork I love her
The good news is that he's been outmoded? Oof
That's one thicc ass
THATS NOT THE MEAN STEPMOTHER FROM A CINDERELLA STORY IS IT (just looked it up, that's Jennifer fucking Coolidge, the stepmom from another film that I loved as a kid)
So many iconic people in this film
Poor lamppost, the white tape where he'd died
"Only those with insurance..." No here has insurance buddy, if they did they could probably afford to buy parts
Such a people pleaser (same)
A literal operation as a reference to the game operation, this film is brilliant
A toilet saying you're number one. Don't know how to feel about that
Ratchet's mum is such a narcissist
Why does Rodney look kinda good in that outfit??
Au reservoir??? The incorrect French hurts
Singing in the rain reference?? Nice
The sweeper!! No!!!
"BAD BOT BUSTS BALL"???? they knew exactly what they were doing with that wording
The mini guillotine
The amount of dominoes on the floor must have taken ages
Mans is just surfing the domino waves
Good piece of advice? Give up.. solid advice right there
Sad talk time let's goo
The subtle bagpipes when Robin Williams is speaking with a Scottish accent
Revolution time babyyy
Robots ran so Avengers Endgame could walk
Wonderbot is so strong for such a tiny thing
"Herb Special edition" my heart
This gives me Tony Stark and Peter Parker vibes (in the fact that in fics, Peter is almost always the successor to Stark Industries)
An impromptu drag show with Fender nice
Overall score: 6/10 good film, very nostalgic
Film recommendations welcome!
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The Diamond in the Rough and the Boy without a Fairy
And I have so many things I just want jot dot down my reactions to some of the lines
• Obviously the Legend of Zelda quotes 💕💕
THE CONNECTION BETWEEN BOTH HOW BOTH TDRBF AND SORTED INTO SAVANACLAW CONNECTS WITH EACH OTHER THROUGH OUT THE STORY! I know it would've been inevitable for it to happen BUT STILL! The mention of Jack's injury...ahh I hope he feels better
"Sebek was yelling his head off, arguing with Silver that HE should be teaching him proper riding teaching instead. Pause." LIKE...PUMPKIN☠️☠️
Also LITTLE CRUSH CRUSH WITH KALIM!? I mean shit I would too- ANYWAYS! That's so cute! Idia is probably kind of grumbling at the thought though
HE WOULD LOWKEY BE LIKE: Hmph it's always the rays of sunshine that captures your attention... LIKE THE JELLY MF HE IS I KNOW IT!
Goddamn Azul it is not the time 
The chat logs will always remain superior throughout this story
Idia bud...you need to watch what you say lowkey.
Oh…..Oh no..
*Chapter 6 flashbacks*
I'm so invested in this story like...YOU HAVE NO IDEA!
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comments and such under the cut bc its long:
• The Legend of Zelda quotes were painstakingly hand chosen with love! I had that and the Hercules script pinned in my tabs for 2 months lol and I had like 3 docs separate to keep everything in order! And fun fact: their mostly in order of how they appear in the game, meaning they follow the actual game chronologically! ^^
OF COURSE! @bunnwich was the one who motivated and inspired me to write this. I'd never written fanfic before this, just stuff for OCs. It was really something!
You can blame a certain Youtuber for the 'Pause" jokes. It's literally a part of my daily vocab and I woudln't be me if I didn't put my humor, memes, and inside jokes into the writing. (After all, I wrote it with the mindset that only Bun would read it ^^). I'm glad you share my silly humor!
The pairs for the PE part were actually chosen somewhat carefully by me! I tried to think based on character relationships, personal stories and clubs, which 1st years and second years would actually want to pair up with each other!
Yume's and Kalim's relationship is important to me. I'd love to explore it more because there are more layers to it!
I took care writing Kalim! I wanted to show his growth and his reflection after chapter 4. Sometimes I feel people write him a certain way. I don't think he's naive about things as people always think he is. Especially when it comes to people's emotions. The fact that he wasn't able to see through Jamil's lies isn't a fault on Kalim, Jamil is just that good of a liar/ that good at masking his true feelings. but I'm rambling.
Meme voice: I don't care for Azul. (Yet there are aspects of his character that foil Yume's so interestingly.)
AHAHA yeah yume's big day for sure.
Chat logs are the only way I have communicated with people close to me so I drew from my own chat experience, but still wanted them to be understandable.
is Idia not a malewife?
Ahh yes the...climax of this part was something I had been waiting to get to and wanting to explore. I won't get to into it here.
Idia is notorious for saying shit bluntly and without thinking about it, I feel because he doesn't think about how someone could intemperate his words. He knows what he means so he thinks automatically that the other person should too. Bc its "logical" thinking. (lets just say he's not a reliable narrator)
I got to explore lots of interesting things with Yume here, and I'm glad it impacted you so much! Making people feel the intended emotions, or any really is high praise! It affected me as well when I wrote it because...well like you said it can hit close to home for some people.
I HAD to use that quote.
Please take your time!!! I hope you keep sharing your thoughts with me, I love to hear your comments and feedback!!
I'm glad you are invested. <33333
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luminouslumity · 1 year
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So I said last year about how I was going to be reading the Cosmere books for the first time, one book/series at a time, and I've finally done just that!
So I started with Elantris and it was... eh. Yeah, I can see why this one isn't really talked about much. I didn't even hate it, tbh, but I still found it to be pretty boring overall. I know it was Branderson's first book, though, so I'm willing to cut him some slack here. Hopefully I'll enjoy the sequel more, whenever it comes out.
Next was the original Mistborn trilogy, which I've actually been wanting to read for awhile now! I can certainly see why it's Branderson's most popular work and I myself really liked it, too! Kelsier is probably my favorite character since I love how many layers there are to him. Elend is a close second, and considering what happens to the latter... Yeah...
Speaking of villains, I still can't tell if we're meant to pity Rashek or not due to things like this:
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It's calling him "a good man" is what has me thrown off. I know his actions were at least in part due to Ruin's influence, but still! As for Ruin himself, again, I love Chessmaster characters! I do however think I would've preferred it if the Hero of Ages did turn into a tyrant, just because I've always loved this sort of trope, but I'm not too bothered about the twist, either.
So since I finished Era 1, I decided to read Era 2 while I was still on Scadrial, and as someone who's not too fond of Westerns in general, I thought the Wax and Wayne series was okay. I was feeling so bad for Wax throughout it, though! And I'm also really looking forward to the inevitable big crossover that's been teased at this entire time after getting a taste of it in a main book.
And now we come to my favorite of the Cosmere books, Warbreaker! And it's just fun! Really, really fun! Of the PoV storylines, I think I liked Vivenna's arc the most and how determined she was to rescue her sister, but Siri's was still a close second. Favorite character in general, though, Bluefingers. I repeat, I love a good Chessmaster! But more than that, I really liked how sympathetic he was, just trying to free his people, but he and his supporters ended up taking things way too far! Which brings to what is really my only big complaint with the book, and that's how abruptly it seemed to end, especially where the conflict with the Pahn Kahl is concerned, so for better or worse, I really hope their fate gets explored in Nightblood. Which reminds me, I loved the chaotic sword, too!
White Sand was next and it was another story I found to just be alright, both the graphic novel as well as the prose version.
Now comes The Stormlight Archive, another I've been wanting to read for awhile now, though I know it won't be completed for a few years now. I actually read the audiobook to the Prime version of TWoK first, so it was fun to compare it with the official release and I really hope we get more Sanderson Curiosities in the future! All that said, I'm really enjoying the story so far and how grand everything feels, but oof, did these scenes make me cringe:
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On one hand, I totally get scolding Kaladin for just automatically assuming the worst of everyone who's a lighteyes and being fed up with his cynicism. At the same time, though, I also really hate how dismissive Shallan comes across in this chapter. At first, I thought that was the intention, but then we get this:
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This isn't even the first time I've felt like anger towards oppression was being dismissed in one way or another, btw (again, Warbreaker, my beloved), these are just the moments that stood out to me the most. It'd be one thing if it were just condemning extremists, but when you have scenes like Shallan's talk with Kaladin and... Yeah... Again, I totally get the intention, I just wish the scenes had played out better, because I actually do like Shallan otherwise.
Anyway, I ended up reading Arcanum Unbounded afterwards, as well as Dawnshard, and I liked them just fine. Secret History is probably my favorite of the short stories, and I really hope Nalthis gets a short story eventually. I also received Aether of Night literally yesterday (thank you, 17th Shard!) and it was interesting seeing the similarities between this and other Branderson works, such as Ruin and Decay.
If I had to rank them from favorite to least favorite, it would probably be Warbreaker, The Final Empire, Wax and Wayne, The Stormlight Archive, White Sand, and finally, Elantris.
So yeah, great stories by someone who seems like an overall great guy, I just question some of the writing choices.
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