#it was exactly wrong for my adhd
kaijutegu · 30 days
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I was dissociating in a HomeGoods earlier and the only thing that could snap me out of it was him... Thomouse Jefferson...
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
HoO is so funny to me when you actually think about the ages of all the characters. Octavian is 18. Percy and Annabeth are 16, almost 17. Reyna is presumably 16. Frank just turned 16, Jason’s about to turn 16. Leo and Piper are like 15. Hazel’s like 14 and a half, and Nico is 13.
The Death Sibs are both the youngest and oldest on the Argo II. Octavian is a college freshman getting into petty drama with a bunch of high schoolers. He gets told to shut up at one point by a random 8th grader. Everyone is scared of the 8th grader. We Sent A 13 Year Old To Superhell and he came back weirder, Just Like Middle School. TLH was just three high school sophomores being sent to do a task and it going Exactly Like You’d Expect. Percy’s the only demigod on the ship who can legally drive (though Reyna gets her drivers license at some point before TOA). What Is Happening.
#pjo#hoo#heroes of olympus#riordanverse#my second favorite thing related to this is like every time Hazel references someone's age especially in SoN it's just. blatantly incorrect.#she goes into very specific detail about how she's 14. detailing like exactly how many months it had been since her birthday#and when she died and when she was brought back. just like ''okay. im 14 and a half. got that? good.''#''anyways here's Frank. he's 3 years older than me'' like literal next chapter. we are told Frank is not 3 years older than her.#Hazel: Here's my older brother! [Nico is younger than her in literally every way feasible]#ive just decided Hazel is an unreliable narrator who is just really bad at guessing/remembering how old people are#which like. adhd mood. forgetting how old everybody is.#and she has the bonus excuse of saying her sense of time is skewed from being a ghost for so long#but it's just so funny every time she's just. with the upmost confidence. blatantly the wrong answer.#i want a scene of Hazel looking at Percy and just going ''hm. I bet he's like 20.'' and then learns he's 16#and she's just [surprised pikachu]#also we know it isn't an error that she's 14 cause in TOA she's like ''oh yeah im learning to drive!''#so she's 15 by then#it is however an error that *Nico* is said to be 14 in hoo cause he's 12 in TLO and 14 in TOA#but we know in HoO the reason that error was made was cause Rick hadn't figured out Nico's birthday yet#and he was flipping it between January or March#so he just forgot how old Nico is for a series and then we went back to normal
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abstractlesbian · 4 months
Find someone slightly annoying but in really small harmless ways so I decide none of the behaviours are worth bringing up with them → realizing: hey, Im also annoying! solidarity! → realizing we have a lot in common and starting to bond → finding out other people find this person annoying and are vocal about it behind their back → finding out this person has ADHD like me that's (at least one reason) why we have all these traits in common → fear.
#trying to be as vague as possible even tho this is someone I know offline and no one involved follows me online#on one level I get it that relying someone who is forgetful and does things slower/differently than you can be frustrating#but like its a medical condition. and u dont need to know someones medical info to have some empathy instead of assuming malice/incompetence#i just found out they have adhd today but day one i was able to go 'wow i did not like the way they handled that but i dont think they were#being hurtful/careless we just handle this task differently. rhey didnt do anything wrong and i can let this go and adjust my expectations'#not to say im perfect and never ableist towards others. my first reaction to seeing traits i dislike in myself (from my disabilities)#in others is often to get annoyed and needing to adjust my thinking#i get annoyed with myself when I cant focus / cant be coherent or concise / cant finish tasks quickly etc#→ get annoyed sometimes when I see others doing that → realize thats not fair to them → realize thats not fair to myself#→ assume good intentions and find ways to communicate/collaborate better with them → get along better and maybe make a new friend!#sorry i am rambling#idk its scary seeing someone being disliked for adhd symptoms/traits that im mostly doing a good job of managing/hiding in this#social environment so far and knowing that could happen to me in the future#but im also like ready to have this persons back#me 🤝 them: prioritizing the wrong tasks and overexplaining things and struglging to get our points across#and not noticing when we talk too loud and forgetting tasks halfway thru etc#not to be that guy but : without love it canmot be seen!!!!#lifes so much better if u just assume ppl arent doing things a certain way to be annoying + let go of / adapt to the thing that are annoying#but not harmful#thats not exactly what without love it cant be seen means but thats one of the ways i apply it in life#just like dont assume malice. assume u dont have all the info. approach ppl/situations with empathy.#or youll make yourself more miserable needlessly#again like only for shit that's not harmful obv#i need to shut up and go to bed
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seaglassdinosaur · 6 months
The way Percy talks about himself in the show though, having ADHD and dyslexia, saying he knows that something is wrong with his brain, it’s heartbreaking.
Because stepping aside from the magic and monsters, this is a kid who’s internalized the ableist messages and bullying that’s been directed at him. He believes that having ADHD and dyslexia means that something is broken in his head. Not that his experience is natural, another one of the many different ways that people go through the world, but that his difficulties mean his brain is broken, and by extension, he is innately wrong.
It’s this out loud recognition of the struggling quiet part of someone with a learning disability, who can’t figure out what is going on with themself. They don’t know why they are the way they are, they don’t know how to manage it, and they certainly haven’t accepted it as a part of them, trying to fit into the expectations of a neurotypical society. All they know is that according to everyone else, they’re ‘wrong’. So they must just be ‘wrong’.
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chartreuxcatz · 5 days
bad (?) news: if you like and relate to croissant cookie you 100% have autism or adhd or both
You, uh. You got me there!
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vaugarde · 28 days
i know i didnt really show it in my lb partly bc it got kinda personal for me halfway in and i started forgetting to actually record my thoughts but isat might have like. actually meaningfully changed my life??
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invisibleoctopus · 1 year
the conversation is still haunting my brain even though i know that fucking psychiatrist clearly didnt know shit about add/adhd beyond little boys who cant sit still or pay attention in school bc he was apparently under the impression that its always easy to spot and gets diagnosed in grade school
me literally asking him if he knew the difference in presentation in afab vs amab ppl or how afab ppl get diagnosed later or misdiagnosed. telling him about how emotional dysregulation is a symptom (and one of my biggest ones) and how its been like that my entire life and him saying "oh thats just the anxiety and bipolar."
the biggest thing sticking in my head is how my mom mentioned when i started having trouble with high school in my teen years and how i was diagnosed with depression and autism during that time and he was talking about how adhd didnt fit because "it doesnt start when ur fifteen"
well neither does autism but thats when i got THAT diagnosed. almost like the symptoms can go unnoticed for an extended period of time especially if theyre internalized like with me and how i had literally JUST been talking about how adhd is underdiagnosed and late diagnosed for AFAB ppl but he just wants to be part of the reason why afab ppl dont get diagnosed (which i started to tell him but i attempted to restrain myself
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salmon404 · 1 year
Is there any captioning (official or fan) of the Iron Lung teaser trailer? As someone who’s hard of hearing/has auditory processing it’s really hard for me to understand the last couple of lines
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akorah · 9 months
I sorted the laundry. Like, all of the laundry.
I've only done laundry once since coming home at the end of July, so I've been down to my last clean shirt for like 4 days. I don't want to leave the house because it's an unpleasant experience for me and the people around me.
I don't particularly like my clothes, but I know that I have clothes I do like. Somewhere. My mom's response to a dirty space is packing everything into a box to sort through later, so I've been doing that for years. I have boxes that haven't been touched since 2010, and piles of papers that have been around even longer.
So tonight I decided to dig through the boxes--all of the boxes--and find every item of clothing I own. Stuff hanging in the closet, marked as garage sale, or packed in a drawer was ignored, but everything else went into piles: t-shirt material, stretchy nylon/spandex material, undergarments/socks, hoodies (So. Many.), jeans, and towels. And then I decided what I need tomorrow: t-shirt, underwear, jeans. So those piles got sorted into what I like to wear and what I keep wearing because I'm out of clothes I like.
The stuff for tomorrow is all going in one load of laundry and that's fine. I wash it on normal with cold water and dry it on delicate. This has been my method for years since discovering it stopped my hoodies from pilling as fast. It works for me.
And tomorrow I'm going to have clothes I like again, and it feels amazing.
All of the boxes that I emptied, by the way, have been evicted. I'm not going to trick myself into thinking that system works for me anymore.
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masochismustango · 2 years
Okay, it may sound a bit weird, but still…
For some reason I see Zigzag as ADHD or neurodivergent in general.
I came to that conclusion when I realized something - he doesn’t always get, when he’s being laughed at and he just doesn’t always get the sarcastic tone.
Like... He didn’t realize what was wrong, when King Nod and One Eye started laughing at his plans, he got it only when they told him about their rejections themselves. In case of his attitude to Yumyum he answers with the same sarcasm to her sarcastic tone, ‘cause they just don’t like each other and Zigzag was kinda prepared to such a negative talk with her.
I suppose so, ‘cause I can not always understand the sarcastic tone too. Especially when I’m not prepared for the far negative stuff. It can be also so, ‘cause he’s up to many things, but he’s not always able to do them correctly. Does he get distracted that way then?
He also speaks a lot to himself, so do I pretty often. Even when my mouth is shut, so I mumble then.
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tittyinfinity · 7 months
Depression/PTSD recovery is wild because you could be doing greater than you've ever been in your life but then one small thing happens that reminds you of "that time" and suddenly all of the past emotions flood back into you and you feel like you're back to being the kid who's crying and shaking in the corner wondering if the people closest to you would be so much happier without you
#im being accused of faking my disabilities again and having them used against me#my mom hasnt talked to me for 2 days because of a shower chair being in the wrong spot#and said i use my adhd as an excuse to be stupid#and then i conftonted my partner about how he broke his promise to call me 3 days in a row#and he was drunk and saying things about how i cant understand how exhausted he is working 12 hr days (valid)#but then started calling me privileged for ''being able to sit at home all day and do nothing''#(he knows that im only stuck in bed on my bad days and that i definitely do not do ''nothing'')#so i asked him to call me back the next day(sunday) when he was sober. he never called me so i had to call him. he was drunk#so i got mad that he couldn't even stay sober for a COUPLE OF HOURS to talk to me#when hes sober hes super understanding and will take my feelings into consideration immediately#but he kept taking me confronting him as an insult and started calling me names like lazy and a crybaby#and this is the person who has always treated me perfect otherwise and does everything he can to make me feel better#and his personality COMPLETELY SWITCHED and he sounded exactly like my abusive exes#i sent him recordings of the call and he sent me 2 messages saying hes sorrh and hes gonna work on his drinking and was gonna call yesterday#then i didnt hear from him again and while he was ignoring my calls he made a post on fb (that he never uses) that he wasn't going to be#talking to anyone for a while because im the only person who cares about him#and i commented and was like hello??? im that one person and you're actively ignoring me?? and he deleted the post????#he didnt even send a message saying he wouldnt be able to call me#he never answered but when i called him today while he was at work he just responded ''cant talk im at work'' and i was like yeah ik but#im trying to get your attention because you wont tell me whats going on#and begged him to call me after work#hes acting like a completely different person now and i have a strong feeling that it's because at the place he works at in texas#they're made to work all day in a 110° warehouse#and with his insomnia and having to be at work between 3-5am he's barely sleeping while doing all of this#so im hoping his behavior is just a symptom of heat exhaustion and lack of sleep#because this isnt like him at all#im begging and begging for his attention and affection the same way i did with my abusive exes and my mom#i dont know what's going on
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orcelito · 1 year
thought about the fact tht getting mental health help means talking about my #Problems again
#speculation nation#negative/#like i dont have trouble talking about this stuff in an informal setting bc im like. not self conscious about it exactly#assuming i'm talking to ppl who r understanding#but even then i curate it. i always curate it. i never tell anyone just how ugly my thoughts can get#though if youve read my writing you probably have a Pretty good idea (akechi pov) the kinds of ways i think about things#i dont share that for common life stuff bc it's just. it always makes people uncomfortable. and i dont want them to worry about me#when people worry about me it makes Me uncomfortable. like there's something wrong with me.#like the very makeup of my brain is worthy of making people worried#bc that's the thing. this is intrinsic. it's never going to stop completely. there are parts to it that i dont even Want to stop#but people will always be worried. sooo scared for me and the sanctity of my shitty flesh prison#therapy shit is that but worse. because they Will pry about it#every time i see that lil questionnaire with 'have you had thoughts about suicide' and 'have you harmed yourself' im just like#might as well lock me up Boys cause this one's goin on my record! again. and again and again and again#im not even going for this shit. i dont have depression im depressed cause my life sucks & im stressed all the time#but they always see the bad and assume it's because of the Chemical Imbalances bc no Whole Person would EVER want to hurt themselves!#i can be perfectly happy and content with my life and still have these urges. it's not a depression thing. it's just a me thing.#i want help for my constant fatigue. my probable adhd that's been kicking my ass my entire academic career#im not fucking anxious. i'm not fucking depressed. i'm stressed and struggling to do fucking Anything because everything is always Too Much#but i just know they'll focus on those lil markers by the self harm/suicide shit because they Always Fucking Do#i'm not a suicide risk. ive long passed that stage. thoughts may float by sometimes but i'm never going to act on them#not unless things in my life go very Very wrong. aka there's no longer anyone who cares about me level of wrong.#so long as there's at least one person who cares about me then I'm going to keep on living. i'm not a suicide risk.#... anyways i looked into the mental health shit at my school again and im gonna have to call to set up an appointment i guess. ugh.#aka that's not happening tonight. not with the way i'm feeling rn.#suicide ment/#self harm ment/#lolololol sorry for being so blatant on main today but i'm having a Shit day
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you know it’s been a bad psychiatric appt when you have to follow it up with a best friend debriefing to rant out your feelings. and you know what’s peak invalidating to hear from a mental health professional after you describe your current symptoms and experience with a new medication? ‘that doesn’t make any sense.’ followed by a lecture about why i can’t possibly be having the reaction to the meds that I AM LITERALLY HAVING AND JUST EXPLAINED
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anxiously-going · 2 years
Is anyone else afraid of trying ADHD life hacks for fear they won't work and you'll discover you're brain is even more out of sorts than you could have ever imagined or is that just me?
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meeep-merr · 1 month
I finally completed the damn workshop i had to do because of my academic suspension. Godamn that was hard. But also easy. I hate this brain
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bigcryptiddies · 3 months
I’m always grateful for people who post the non quirky parts of things like adhd because even though I do relate a lot to posts that make funny haha jokes about it sometimes the imposter syndrome sets in and I need to be reminded that no this is an issue you are very much dealing with girl you are straight up not having a good time
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