#is this the basis of the whole ship???
Hot Take:
No one was more obbsessed with Severus Snape than James Potter. The man literally stalked Severus 24/7, even had a map made to tell James his precise location at all times just so he could pop up and suprise him. Like I know the map served other purposes but James spent his TIME and his ENERGY into that shit hardcore. He spent serious effort figuring out Severus weaknesses, his friends, when he could catch him alone, watching him write his essays and tests ect. Like Severus lived rent free in James’s head almost as much if not more than Lily did. His asshole must have been sore from riding Snape’s dick so hard all day long Jesus Christ.
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i promise yall will be so much happier with your fanon ships if you first of all recognize they are fanon and unlikely to happen and secondly go nuts with fics and art and headcanons. did i ever expect zemma to happen? no. am i still having a great time with them? yeah.
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hychlorions · 4 months
checked the shipping wars blog for funsies to see that sulemio got disqualified for their shippers sending death threats??? they were winning too. what the fuck did you need to get so mad for
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bluuscreen · 8 months
in the same vein as “fandom mums” who are always the most condescending and irritating people imaginable, and people who call themselves freaks and weirdos but are the most normie cunts you’ll ever meet, if you call yourself the “ceo” of a character or ship i will just automatically assume you have the most annoying opinions on them imaginable
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leezuhh · 1 year
it's crazy to me that there are people out there who still think that media and fiction do not affect how people think at all
#like that whole 'does fiction affect reality?' debate is so stupid to me cuz it's like#i mean just think about it for a second. what is propaganda? what did jaws do for people's perceptions of sharks?#i think studying the effect that popular media and fiction has on people in real life is really interesting#and it's crazy to me that there are people on the internet who think that it genuinely doesn't#like umm shoutout vit sisler for his paper 'digital arabs' i just read it for my game studies class and it's super interesting#about like orientalization how western shooter games' usage of middle eastern/muslim stereotypes as enemies created both a negative -#- stereotype for people who arent in that group and how it negatively affects the mental health and self-image of the people who are#also shoutout stuart hall and richard dyer they're really cool people and also have some super interesting papers on how representation -#- in media affects people's IRL perceptions of certain groups#i know online this focus tends to lean on that whole shipping discussion but i think it's more worthwhile to look at it on a wider scale#because 'does fiction affect reality?' is not just a 'fandom ship war' discussion it's like. the basis for many fields of study#anyways umm#liza post#actually this is more like a#liza ramble#i love tumblr bc i can write a one sentence post and put my body paragraphs in the tags#it's really late and i am tired ‼️ i wish i could be more concise i just adore my game studies class and visual culture studies in general
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diathadevil · 2 months
Ayumi and Yoshiki would be roughly 33/34 years old respectively today in 2024 and therefore by a couple years older than me, yet I'd still call them my children and would give them cookies and tea and a warm blanket to alleviate their cursed ghost-driven timeline they are in.
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luxeberries · 2 years
something that's really fun about steddie (and most ships honestly) is that we don't necassarily use their canon relationship as a base for fanfiction/art. like. we take how they interact in canon and then infer how they would act if they got closer to eachother and that's the base for most fanfic/art. idk. i think its interesting how that works. like people always say 'but they interacted like once' and its like. yeah so? the point of shipping isn't to only use canon, its to build off of that. if you know how two(or more) characters act individually you could literally put them together even if they have never interacted in canon because you know how they would interact. i just think its silly when people say 'they spoke three words to each other' because like. that's not the point. use your imagination.
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tawaifeddiediaz · 1 year
the only people that i've seen shipping buck and natalia are the same people that are anti buddie fans because they hate Ryan and it's literally like ten people on Twitter. I've gone on IG, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr and I truly don't see a single person actually shipping that pairing, because they're not stupid they know that relationship is doomed. The fact that they are going to time jump and skip like everything is so telling for this as well as marisol, so damn telling.
i don't know what prompted this in my inbox but is2g this fandom's reaction is gonna make me, the most buddie brainrotted fan ever, ship them out of pure unhealthy spite.
is it really so hard to believe that some people can enjoy these new relationships and what they stand for in terms of buck and eddie's story development - even if it's not endgame, even if they don't even ship them - while they ship buddie? what makes anyone stupid for enjoying a new ship even if it is doomed from the start?
the fact of the matter remains that buddie isn't canon right now (mainly because the more i think about it, the more i think they're right person wrong time / not ready). and yes, marisol and natalia haven't been as developed as other LIs in the past, but they're still serving a purpose the way all minor characters do. even if "that relationship is doomed...everything is so telling" it doesn't change those things xD
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marieaqua · 9 months
I love the live action portrayal of clone wars Ahsoka and I think the first scene is spot on, no complaints, but I wish more time or thought had gone into the second scene. I say this because by her looking the exact same as she did at the start of the war it fails to highlight the fact that she grew up in this war. Her fighting in the war as a child is already horrific, but her going from a child to almost an adult and still fighting in the same war makes it even worse. I know that this is just cosmetic and that a piece of media doesn’t and shouldn’t have to do the heavy lifting for fans to understand things, but in this scenario I wish they would have because I’m seeing so much of people focusing on the fact that she was a child soldier and missing the Yes, Also of her being a child soldier who never got to leave war behind before she grew up.
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live-digital-love · 2 years
I guess headcannons about the class playing hide and seek
I like the idea of them playing manhunt more so than typical hide and seek. Because it's fun.
♡ Class 79-A | Manhunt
If you're unaware as to what manhunt is:
Manhunt is a game played with a large group of players in which one person starts off as the 'hunter' and has to hunt down all the other 'targets.' Once a target is physically tagged, they then become a hunter, and it goes on until there's only one target left. Humorously often played at night and only hunters are allowed to have lights.
There may be some sort of school event in which the students are allowed to play in a whole battle royale style manhunt game, starting with only one hunter per class.
Rei and Kinji agree to sit out on the "festivities" and just watch and listen to it all from the library. Kakeru and Mikako would have as well, but... they were convinced to participate by Kanata and Yamato respectively.
Tsurugi is the first hunter for the class. He takes this surprisingly seriously and gets a Little Bit Concerning in how he goes about hunting down his classmates.
Haruhiko and Yamato both tried to do some "heroic stunts" to save their damsels in distress, but both attempts went far south for said damsels.
For Haru, he didn't consider the fact that... if he's tagged while holding Satsuki in the air... she also automatically is tagged...
For Yamato, he very dramatically attempted to "defend" Mikako. But the second he got tagged, he very casually turned to her and in a show of dramatic irony, took the excuse to scoop her up into a big hug and tickle her.
Neither pair exactly tried to hunt anyone else. No one saw where either pair snuck off to, but they snuck somewhere until the game ended.
Teruya was unfortunately caught in the crossfire of Haru's royal dumbassery, and despite him hiding, Haru chased him down and ratted him out while roaring with laughter.
Kiyoka was stoked to get tagged, because even if she wouldn't win, it did mean she'd get to have some fun chasing people. One of these people was Kizuna, who did not find this as hilarious as Kiyoka did. Another one of these people was Akane, who also absolutely did find it as hilarious as Kiyoka did. Kizuna did not have a fun time.
Kakeru and Kanata were found because Kakeru panicked, got stuck trying to hide somewhere, and seeing as she's half his size, Kanata had to ask someone for help getting him un-stuck.
Mitch allowed himself to get tagged early via taunting Tsurugi, and did so in order to go fuck (metaphorically) with Ayame. And maybe strike a bet or two. Both of which are perfectly wholesome. Promise.
All in all, Ayame ends up the winner of the battle royale due to Mitch's wager. She helped him get people tagged, and when it came time for her to be tagged, it was just down to a match of speed between her and Mitch. Which she narrowly won due to his endurance, but won nonetheless.
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florshedworf · 1 year
I guess ppl generally refer to ghost as a child mostly bc of thk, but also in some part bc of broken vessel? And also maybe that path of pain memory segment. But also for canon statements, i dont think there are any
(At least, none i can remember rn <<)
yeah! i found a few saying like “little one”, which could refer to age AND height, unlike Grimmchild who is LITERALLY STATED to be “THE child”
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byakuyasdarling · 1 year
wtf guys pls DNI if you ship the one ship I cannot tolerate… like you are interacting with my REBLOGS, you must have gone through my account and saw multiple of my DNI warnings…
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bsxcrxts · 2 years
There are some characters I can just never write for
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orcelito · 2 years
Watching the start of critical role 2 ep 105. Them making a "plan" to call the dragon turtle over to fight vokodo. Aka probably one of the Worst plans with the Most loose ends that I have Ever seen
#speculation nation#cr2 spoilers/#like. a: no guarantee the dragon turtle will come. wasted spell.#b: the dragon turtle HATES them so if he DOES come. thats a big problem!!!#c: it's supposed to 'lure' vokodo out of his lair. but theres very little basis at all to assume that would work???#d: no guarantee of them Fighting each other either. which would leave them with two very pissed off giant things.#e: even If it somehow works and they end up with only one pissed off giant thing. it's still a pissed off giant thing!!!#f: can the dragon turtle even fit in the cave???? it's a big cave but the entrance is relatively small. and very rock.#g: WHY would they want to destroy the SHIPS. WHAT???#h: they pop vokodo out theyre never getting their treasure back. come on guys.#there r probs more weaknesses. i could go thru the whole alphabet#im just utterly amazed this is even being discussed when all these problems popped into my head immediately#and theyve only discussed the problem with him entering the thing & the problem with them being left with a big angry problem#there is no way theyre going to try this plan. Please. caleb youre supposed to be smart why are you encouraging this#vilya giving a weak protest in the form of reminding them that the ships could be the livelihoods of the ppl on the island#but them brushing it off with 'well theyve been missing for so long theyre basically dead anyways. whatevs'#im at 24:36 in and i am scared to proceed because of just how terrible this plan is lmfao#somehow worse than their idea of a plan of entering two separate tunnels on opposite sides of the mountain#to try to get the drop on the aboleth(?) that knows where they are. at all times.#didnt think it'd be possible to get a worse plan but they sure did it!!! im utterly amazed.
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igneouswyvern · 7 months
After replaying ys origin I've finally gotten brainrot for it which is probably overdue tbh
I'm so ill abt yunica she's such a lame character but she could be so much more
Please consider: yunica is half demon
No there is absolutely no basis for this headcanon in game. However there's also no counter evidence so you can never prove me wrong
She's too strong to be a regular ass human. She's stronger than like all the knights and all the magicians at like 17 or whatever she's supposed to be when the game takes place and there's literally no lore explanation for it. She's just crazy strong for no reason
But if she was part demon....that could account for the discrepancy
Also we know her father is human but her mother is never mentioned ever. I've concluded she never knew her mother and there's absolutely nothing that says her mother can't have been a demon
And I know this isn't canon but I keep coming back to that door you have to open with the evil ring. Like ik in game you just have to put on a protective necklace and then wear the ring to trick the door into opening for you but. What if yunica didn't need to wear the blue necklace. What if she could just put the ring on and be fine. What if putting on the ring even gave her demonic properties. What if those properties were innate to her all along. What if the evil ring is just a method of activation. What if she just needed to be exposed to demonic energy to reveal her innate demonic characteristics.
And what if there's nothing inherently wrong with being demonic. Maybe it's what you do with it rather than the fact of being demonic. But what if most humans are scared of demons by default anyways and assume they're all evil. What if the reason yunica spent so much time with the goddesses is because she didn't feel naturally comfortable around humans the same way. What if the goddesses were the only ones to accept her for being half demon because they've just seen so much there's no point in being frightened by it. They probably met yunica's mother too, anyways. And maybe yunica kept her demonic characteristics secret from everyone, from all her friends, because she was scared of how they would react to her. And maybe because the goddesses were the only ones to accept her for who she was that's why she's so devoted to them. Because they were her one true friends, the only ones who truly loved her unconditionally.
And maybe she has to reveal her demonic nature to her friends to get through that door, and maybe after the initial shock they begin to accept her as well. And maybe she slowly begins to be comfortable with her demonic side as well. Comfortable enough to be able to put the evil ring on again to tap into her extra demonic powers during tough battles. And maybe that's what she uses to fight Dalles in the end. Maybe it's not just sheer force of will that grants her victory, but her finally coming to terms with both of her halves.
Oh hm this got ramblier than I expected I apologize. Good night
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Watching Star trek Tos for the first time and there is only one thing I know for sure and that is how much of a slut Kirk is.
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