#is that really worth attaching more controversy to your team
hockeynats · 2 years
Literally what is wrong with them
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About the Poppy Playtime vs Venge Controversy:
Ah... I usually try not to get involved with controversy. Okay, well that’s a lie. I’d say I’ve yet to dedicate time to discussing it on a platform of my own. But this one kind of got me heated, specifically in regards to Ethan/Ekrcoaster. Some people are considering this a genuine and positive clarification letter, but from what I’ve learned and what I’ve read within said letter, I can’t share that opinion. So I’m going to break down why the following letter is abhorrent and unacceptable in my opinion:
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As for the controversy, no, this isn’t a fault of every person that may be involved in the creation of Poppy Playtime, but select individuals. Don’t lump in everyone involved with the production of Poppy Playtime, and don’t harass anybody, whether they’re connected to the controversy or not. Now, if you don’t know about the controversy being discussed, and you want more context, I’ll give you a link before we begin. I don’t plan to get into more than this letter, but because of that, at least giving you a good starting point to form your own opinion before I get into my discussion is fair. However much further you want to dig is up to you, and if your opinion differs from mine, cool. I’ve seen arguments on both sides that make sense, and either way, the most important details and facts that give definite, irrefutable answers aren’t available regarding a lot of things talked about. I’ll give you the direct link to Ekrcoaster’s twitter thread, where he clears up a lot of this stuff himself. I would encourage you to look at more than just this post or his side, but this is a good starting point to understand what everyone involved is talking about moving forward. Trigger Warning for Anyone Who Reads Ekrcoaster’s Story. It gets into some heavy territory: https://twitter.com/theekrcoaster/status/1449583867615068164?lang=en ________________________________________________________________ Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about this mess of a statement.
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Before I properly start, I just want to note that they said as early as possible that the majority of Poppy Playtime's team was not involved in the drama they're about to acknowledge from their past. While true and worth acknowledging, this is planting a seed that isn't really about protecting said people. We'll come back to it.
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In their "apology" the first thing they did was bring "context" that only suggested they had a relationship largely based on making videos that periodically featured Ekrcoaster's content, as though that was the more important context out of how he was treated. You barely get context for why the use of his videos for sinning fodder was so nefarious if you don't know that it was attached to drama they personally had behind the scenes with Ekrcoaster, but woe to them if they have to admit they had problems with Ekrcoaster on a more personal level. So we're already minimizing Ekrcoaster's complaints and his validity by obscuring the real facts.
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The very next thing they do is - without acknowledging their derision was so blatant that numerous people picked up on them being biased and harsh concerning Ekrcoaster's content in specific - try to suggest that after so, so long of stopping with no rude or condescending words exchanged, they even went lighter on his content than normal when they reviewed it. How kind and benevolent. They were going "soft" on the guy, but it turns out it wasn't enough for him to not "get in his feelings”. If you don't know that they actively mocked him when he asked them to stop, you might even think they had good intentions when they decided without asking or gaining his permission in any way to make this "nicer, more positive" video to shed a "good" light on Ekrcoaster. Here’s a question they don’t answer: WHY did they make another video on him knowing he said not to? You surely don’t ignore someone’s wishes because you respect them and intend to spread positivity, especially if you were aware enough that you waited until the fires settled down to do it.
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Despite trying to lowkey plant the above ideas in your head, they follow up by "validating" him, noting that he was rightfully upset, because if they're willing to admit that and they can sucker somebody into missing all the the malicious subtext laced between the lines above, they'll surely look like reasonable, mature people that made an honest mistake, not people who willfully acted like baleful A-holes and want to smooth over the situation so the money keeps rolling in now that it can hurt them, not just Ekrcoaster.
Following this, they point out that Ekrcoaster cut off communications and refused to respond to apologies, which sounds relevant, but it's not. You can even tell just in the fact that taking that part out doesn't change anything. Ekrcoaster's fully within his right to cut off communication. Here's why they brought it up: It's just meant to subtly get people to read into it as Ekrcoaster possibly being immature and unwilling to discuss with people who were genuinely trying to make things right. Then they say they discontinued their whole channel, but only after giving you multiple cases that make it seem like their poor mistake with Ekrcoaster got out of proportion and they felt super sorry, so the deletion of an entire well intentioned channel can largely look like Ekrcoaster’s fault. It all apparently happened due to Ekrcoaster's refusal to have open discussion with people who - with the "context" they gave - haven't done nearly as much as Ekrcoaster acts like they have. Except here's the thing: They admit that he's rightfully upset they disregarded him and made a video critiquing his work knowing they have a history of things that include making a "joke" about Ekrcoaster holding a gun to his head - yes, I'm serious - but they think it's relevant to say he hasn't responded to their apology? It's not the victim's job to tell their abuser everything's hunky-dory. They don't HAVE to respond. If the intent was to highlight that they haven’t spoken in years, fine, but what does the apology have to do with their attempt to suggest they’re far removed from Ekrcoaster and his work? Just leave it at “we haven’t spoken in years.” If you look at what follows, it’s clear why they did this. Like I keep mentioning, they’re setting it up to make him look bad so their later claims don’t sound so malicious.
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They (finally) refocus on the primary claim, now that the damage is done to the public's perception of Ekrcoaster's supposed maturity, validity and rationality, only to immediately use - and I quote - the word "absurd." Again, the only context they gave was that they ran a - supposedly good faith - channel that occasionally featured Ekrcoaster's content, they were told to stop, they did for a long while and then they made one final video to largely give praise but Ekrcoaster got mad so they discontinued their entire channel. They suspiciously leave out that “years later” when Poppy Playtime came out, a post announcing it was still made on said channel. The channel currently has a huge follower base who hopefully wouldn’t know about the controversy, so they’re still using their terrible channel’s clout to boost sales, despite the terrible history that built them up. Only now do they say in regards to the claim of stealing ideas: "The accusation was based on the assumption that the creators of Animation Sins were attempting to create a game to spite him. This is absolutely absurd." There’s a reason absurd was the word they used, and the entire letter was setting you up to find it palatable.
They would have you believe that for no reason at all, with no prior history of spite - and quite the opposite, since their last video apparently was largely to praise the positives of Ekrcoaster's animation - that Ekrcoaster targeted them irrationally with a claim that they were spiting him (which is them basically leaving the suggestion for readers to pick up that Ekrcoaster is unreasonably spiting them). Funny how, like the last time they copied him regarding the use of his outro, they went through a ton of steps to call Ekrcoaster's cognitive rationale into question and finished off with the suggestion that he was doing as accused - before, he was copying their outro, though they never used it before to date and Ekrcoaster had been using it since 2016, and now he's spiting them, though there's plenty to suggest the opposite. The only thing that changed, from how I'm seeing, is that their ability to gaslight has become more elegant and eloquent. It honestly makes the idea that there's no ill-intent leagues away from believable to me, whether it can't technically be proven or not.
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The next thing they do is try to appeal to the passion of the team, because who doesn't love and respect the picturesque indie development team who's got a passion project they've been working for months to develop? It doesn’t have to be a lie - it might not be a lie - but it’s easy brownie points; let’s face it. Given everything else in this letter, I’m going to take that into account. They then state that they were in the wrong for making the videos on Ekrcoaster's content years ago - gotta get in that it's been years one last time - but Ekrcoaster's not justified for coming after the entire development team. Remember this?
"they said as early as possible that the majority of Poppy Playtime's team was not involved in the drama they're about to acknowledge from their past. While true and worth acknowledging, this is planting a seed that isn't really about protecting said people. We'll come back to it."
Please keep in mind that the CEO himself who has a massive hand in the development of Poppy Playtime is one of the primary people who treated Ekrcoaster poorly, that he has not given full and needed context but is more than happy to mislead others into thinking he gave context, and please acknowledge that after readers have settled into the above paragraph and the offhand suggestion that Ekrcoaster's the one spiting them, THAT’S when they say it more blatantly. By now, the idea's thoroughly sunken into a lot of people's subconscious, so it's easier to accept this not-totally-direct claim without question.
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They then come full circle and state that they've again tried to reach out to apologize for past drama (which, since they never gave you the real context, seems rather small) but Ekrcoaster still hasn't responded. Gee, if you look into the full history and what's happened every time Ekrcoaster's tried to move on concerning them and have a clean slate, you don't have to wonder why. For starters, this "apology" says enough. Then their history hammers it home. Again, if you want a starting point for said history, check out Ekrcoaster’s more depthful account yourselves: https://twitter.com/theekrcoaster/status/1449583867615068164?lang=en ________________________________________________________________ I'm not gonna get into the history at the moment, because this post is long enough and there are already people going over it, the most informed of all being Ekrcoaster himself. But honestly this "letter of gaslighting, manipulation and obscured truths" had me so ticked off I had to break down the bull that I was reading. I've never used this tumblr page for literally anything, so I don't expect this to reach people, but I was too annoyed to not refute this messy letter where it theoretically could reach somebody. If this has any chance of lessening the likelihood of other creators or people in general going through the nonsense that Ekrcoaster faced, I’m for it. If you want the full story, seriously, go look into it, but be mindful because it's gonna piss you off. Someone who was literally 17 years old at the time tried to pull the "I was young" card when it came to obvious mistreatment, but years later, the context that's most relevant (to making them look good) is Ekrcoaster supposedly being one in a sea of content creators they might critique from time to time? Yeah, if age was the matter, they wouldn't have misled people into thinking that's why Ekrcoaster took up issue with them, or that those videos were the extent of their personal connection to him. Again, Ekrcoaster, with the REAL context especially, is fully within his right to not acknowledge their half-baked and deflated, sugar-laced-with-salt apology, but they really wanted to drive that silence home. Their last statement is about him not communicating with them. They really wanted to trick people into finding that relevant or finding Ekrcoaster's behavior to be negative. Yeah. Okay. How many other small creators have they treated like trash that they sweep under the rug? How many? I'm not sorry. I just doubt Ekrcoaster is the only person they’ve mistreated, and outright don’t believe this was an accident, they're actually sorry or that the idea that they copied Ekrcoasters game (Venge) is as "absurd" as they'd like people to believe. Reading this doc was a beat-for-beat repeat of the way they invalidated, mocked, twisted and then threw back Ekrcoaster's words and claims in the past, only this letter sound like it was written by a full adult under fire with his money on the line, not a 17 year old with an ego who thought no one would ever find out if he ruined some 15 year old kid's mental health and reputation. Who would honestly ask the victim to respond to an apology that only came out when their abusers were under fire from people they knew could do something about it? Who would think the victim was obligated? Most of all, who would think that in the discussion of whether or not they plagiarized a work, the most relevant and important sentence to leave off on was said victim not responding to a sloppy, forced apology for what they themselves seem to consider a largely separate issue? Squeeze however much relevancy you want out of it, but is it "end statement" types of relevant? No. No, it's not. Again, I don’t want anyone going out and harassing anyone - that’s not really why I’m writing this. I don’t have any ill will towards the people involved, regardless of how upsetting all this is, and this post being used to hurt anyone would be the last thing I intended. I just don’t think this letter is acceptable. It didn’t read professionally, like a cut and dry redress of the controversy, or genuinely in the slightest. The plagiarism is debatable, but with their history, the claim is far more worth considering than if all we had was the basic (relatively common) premise and mild similarities in style. It’s specifically the history that actually makes the claim worth considering, however, that they left out when “giving context,” and that doesn’t sit right with me.
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darkwood-sleddog · 3 years
Could you comment more on e-collars? (If you don't mind; it's a pretty controversial topic, I guess...) I'm super torn on it. My experience with seeing them is mostly with bird dogs, so I don't really have much knowledge about their use in mushing or bitesports etc. But I know that so many bird dog trainers use them... I mean I suppose the added security (since the dogs must be off leash) is very very good, but still I see a lab or a golden with an e-collar on and can't help but go 😬😬😬
It is a controversial topic lmao so like. These are just my thoughts. But personally I find them wildly unnecessary for a huge majority of dogs & behavioral issues. All dogs have resources of value to them be it actions, food, or objects and I find it much more rewarding for myself and the dogs I know to work using those rescouces as reward. But I also don’t expect my dogs to be living breathing robots that follow my every direction the second I say a command, that’s def where I differ to some people here in the US where that mindset still prevails. My dogs and I are a team so their input is also necessary imo.
In terms of stimming a dog when it is in harness...attached to other dogs it’s just a bad idea. As a musher you already have a lot to handle regarding the sled/rig which you are holding on to. Corrections on an e-collar (or any correction really, including vocal interruptions which is about as adverse as I get these days) need to be timed very specifically to ensure the dog actually understands that the correction is for the action they are doing in that moment.
So here is a scenario: you are on a sled with MULITIPLE dogs harnessed on the line, moving quickly so you have your hands on the handlebar. It’s cold so you have mittens. Your dogs start playing on the line. Instead of braking and issuing a corrective vocal tone which you can do quickly and time to the behavior, the pull your e-collar remote out of your pocket and clumsily press the button as your dogs are moving. The timing is off, you are off balance since your hands aren’t placed on the handlebars anymore, your dogs were moving quickly and the correction made them react so they jolt to a stop and bc you aren’t well balanced or hanging on you can’t brake and fall of your sled. Your dog thinks the adverse correction came from the dog next to him, in truth the dog with the e-collar has NO IDEA what behavior it was corrected for so you haven’t solved your problem. The e-collar dog is restricted in harness and redirects his energy to the dog next to him, they fight or get tangled or both. You are running after the sled as your tangled dogs scrap down the trail. You haven’t fixed your problem because you wanted a quick fix instead of one that with repition will actually train your dogs to stop on the line by rewarding them with the thing they love the best: RUNNING and taking away that rewarding action when they misbehave (aka braking). Perhaps this now counts for a negative experience for e-collar dog and he no longer thinks running in harness is fun.
I mean that is just a pretend scenario bc I don’t know a single musher that uses e-collars in this instance. Young dogs & green dogs in general play on the line. It happens and as the musher it is our job to patiently teach them appropriate behavior while also ensuring that the dog still feels that running in harness is THE BEST THING they’ve ever done. One wrongly timed stim from the e-collar could ruin that and imo it’s not worth it. Running dogs and training dogs in general is not a quick game, it’s a slow one. And I’d much rather my dogs listen to a corrective vocal tone because we’ve slowly built that respect and understanding between us than listen because they will feel something adverse.
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justhereforseverus · 4 years
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet
Chapter 6: There is flattery in friendship
After a heavy and choatic sleep, you'll awake restless in the middle of the night. You decide to talk a walk to your usual bench and form a pact that might just change the future..
Hey folks. Thank you so much for your kind comments, kudos and hits in general! They really make my day!!! It’s the first thing I’ve written for many years. I used to be a very active poet and writer but lost my connection with it due to some life events. Slowly, I’m trying to get back to it again and alone the fact that people read and enjoy something I’m putting out there is amazing! Thank you! I'm trying to get the next chapters up in a weekly schedule but whenever I have more time to write and finish a chapter, it'll go up.
I’m not sure how to proceed with the timeline/canon/not canon kind of thing. However, I see that in my story Lily and Severus had a fight involving the m-word and then she and others turned their back on him. He thought about joining dark forces and did some stuff but there was no war, Voldemort didn’t succeed and everyone went on with their lives. However, James and Lily Potter live in another country thus Remus and Sirius have more contact with each other than with them. I hope it makes sense somehow. It will be more of a topic later focusing more on Severus perspective and choices.
Chapter Text
I returned to my room sometime later and went straight to bed. I didn’t even bother taking off my clothes. Unlike me, I fell asleep immediately and dreamed of potions spilling on an enormous piano. I awoke around midnight knowing only too well I won’t be able to sleep anymore for tonight. I sighed, there go my attempts at a normal sleeping schedule. I decided to take a walk because I was desperate to escape my thoughts dealing with whatever happened today.
The night breeze soothed my spirits and I watched a black and white cat making her way through a flower bed. I sat on my usual bench and looked up. It was a bit cloudy tonight, so I couldn’t see much of the constellations but here and there some stars glistened their way through. I tried to control my breathing to calm down and focus on the here and now – in and out – in and out- in and out. It’s ok. Everything is fine. We can deal with this. Yet, my mind managed to wander back again and again to my anxiety, my pain, my tears and the memories I pushed away for so long. This was not the only thing I felt though. Between all these dark clouds was a warm light. Something I had longed for back then. Something that could have saved me. I closed my eyes to focus on this positive feeling. To push everything else away. Let this light surround and heal me. Everything is going to be ok.
Suddenly, I heard footsteps near me. I opened my eyes and saw Severus standing under the lamppost next to the bench. The soft, warm light fell on his long black hair and I saw that he didn’t have his cloak on, just his buttoned jacket. He held a book in his left hand and his wand in the other still lightened up by the Lumos spell. He looked so elegant and mesmerising in the dim light. He greeted me by saying with a slight sarcastic undertone: “Either my sleeping potion was ineffective or you have slept too much already.”
“The latter. That’s the problem with going to sleep in the afternoon – you’re awake for the rest of the night. Or it’s just me and my body.”
He sat next to me, turned off the light on his wand and looked at the cloudy sky. Neither of us said anything for a while. We just watched the sky and somehow it didn’t feel awkward at all. However, after a while I asked: “What about you? Why are you sitting with a sleepless arts teacher on a bench at 2am on a Saturday night?”
He replied: “I’ve worked until now and needed a bit of fresh air before I go to rest.”
“What did you have to do? Grading essays again?”
“No, not this time. I brew potions for someone who found herself unable to produce them herself.”
“Wait….do you mean me?”
“Which potions did you do?”
“All of them actually. They have been put in my personal storage. You can have them whenever you need.”
I was flabbergasted. Shocked. Flattered. Anxious. Basically, all the emotions at once. Classic.
“You didn’t have to do that! Why are you doing me so many favours? We’ve barely known each other. Is this.. a joke? Do you want something in return? I…”
“No, I don’t. Don’t think I’m doing this because of any ulterior motive. I’m not that kind of man independent of what is said behind my back. I simply thought it could help you and make you feel better after today.”
“That’s… sweet. Thank you. But why bother bothering? I’m not saying I don’t appreciate it but I still don’t understand why?”
He sighed and said after a while: “I’m rather attached to muggle fiction. Especially, Shakespeare. I started with one old and rather battered collection of my mum when I was a kid and reread and studied it for years after. Yet, I never saw a play on stage. I turned my back on all things related to muggles when… certain events happened and then I was busy with my profession here. Frankly, I’m also not a person who longs to travel a lot, so it never occurred to me to actively visit a theatre and put myself in a crowd of people. As I’ve mentioned before, I found myself rather satisifed, for once, with Dumbledore’s staff decisions when I heard he had invited you here despite the controversial treatment of theatre in the wizard world. He always tries to support subjects and people, who he deems to be capable of bringing change into this old conservative world. He also gives people a chance whose fate might seem hopeless and one could argue this includes my appointment, too. Recently, I’ve came to the conclusion that if I want change and growth in me or others, I need to actively support what I think is worth it and take an open stand. Therefore, I want to support you. I want you to have everything you need to change their minds and I assure you, I don’t need or want anything in return for my own benefit. You don’t need to defend or stand up for me in any way. You don’t have to mention my name. You don’t need to be sympathetic to me. All of this is of no relevance to me. It’s the cause I want to support… and you.”
I was speechless. That was so sweet and kind. He trusted me with this information and opened up despite everything I’ve heard from others. “He won’t talk with you much. He hates everyone here. Better to leave him alone. He only listens to Dumbledore. He is still mad that he didn’t get the DADA position. He is the Slytherin headteacher so he’ll dislike you as his house is firmly against half-born and anything muggle. It’s just how it is.” He is a respected teacher and potion master but apart from that he is feared and despised. He lives rather isolated from the rest of the staff. That was what everyone apart from Dumbledore told me so I thought I won’t bother. But he is so different to me. And we’ve barely known each other but I feel somehow safe with him. Like he speaks the truth and I can trust him. This could be a mistake but then I decided this was worh the risk. Suddenly, I had an idea.
“Then let’s make it official. You and I will run the drama group. I take care of the performance and the students. You are responsible for the magical effect potions and will teach the students how to brew and handle them, too. For your time and effort, you’ll receive some perks in return.” – he sighed and opened his mouth but before he could interject, I continued – “I insist upon it. You’re welcome at every rehearsal; you’ll have an official title that will be communicated to others and you’ll be a permanent member of my team. Of course, taking into account that we actually survive for more than one year. What do you say?”
He looked at his hands for some moments in deep thought, ever so slightly clutching the book on his lap. He then replied:
“What an unusual offer. I won’t argue with a lady about her requests. However, are you sure that my name won’t cause any distractions and keep other people away?”
“Oh no. Probably the opposite. They’ll be curious to know what made you do it and will flock to us even more.”
He chuckled: “Then let’s make up the most fantastic story and draw them in.”
“Agreed.” – and we both shook hands. His hand was warm and his skin softer than I expected. When our fingers touched my heart skipped a beat. Our eyes met doing so and I swear I could see some joy concealed behind his usual monotone mask. I felt like this was the beginning of something important and certainly something very good.
“YOU DID WHAT?!” – Remus almost choked on his toast on Monday morning and the entire hall looked at us suspiciously. “Calm down Remus, I don’t want the entire school to think I’ve just murdered someone.” I quickly said, doing a quick motion with my wand to refill his glass with orange juice. When he could talk again Remus apologised and continued:
“Oh, I gotta send an owl to Sirius this is hilarious.” I send him an evil look and then he said:
“Seriously though. Severus Snape as part of an extracurricular activity, voluntarily and outside of his office hours is… What did you do to him? Have you managed to put a spell on the untouchable chemistry master?!”
“Come down! No, I don’t think that would’ve worked and is probably very illegal.”
“I swear, I won’t report you to the ministry of magic if you tell me.” – he laughed – “No, but for real. This is very unlike him. However, I do remember Lily telling me once that he used to read a lot of muggle books in his childhood. I wasn’t sure if that continued into his later life as she cut contact with him after the fight. Actually, we all did this in one way or the other. The first time I saw him again was after I started working here. He mentioned that it was a recent decision. I wonder what caused him to do this…”
“Maybe it wasn’t a particular event. I mean people grow old. They realise what they did was wrong and want to change. I sure regret many things I did. I have the feeling I improved much over the years but I'm still working on becoming a better person."
“Yes, we all do that hopefully. Including me. I regret many things I did as a teenager…. or last year for that matter. Yet, he has been so isolated and stuck in the same old grudges, I never thought he’d do something else. I’m flabbergasted really. Maybe you are just the person he needed.”
I looked at the empty chair reserved for Severus in the great hall. He never joined dinners unless they are connected to a big event. I wonder…
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stealing-jasons-job · 4 years
10 Questions Tag Game
Rules: Answer 10  15 questions, ask 10, and tag 10 people however many people your heart desires to answer them.
Tagged by the amazing @burninghoneyatdusk, @nakey-cats-take-bathsss, and @bookwormforalways, so you guys are getting 15 answers from me. 🥰
I apologize in advance for getting deep on main. lol 
1. Do you believe in soulmates/true love?
I don’t believe in soulmates, but I do believe in true love. 
Is there one person we’re fated to be with forever and ever? No, I don’t think so. As much as I love soulmate AUs and the idea of there being one person you know you’ll click with no matter what... I just don’t think it’s realistic. 
Instead, I think that there are lots of people you’re compatible with. And some people get lucky and meet a person they are compatible with at a time when both of them are ready to commit and build a life together. When that happens, you’re building a relationship and partnership that I believe turns into true love over time. 
2. What’s your happy place?
This is hard because I have a lot of happy places, but I think my number one happy place is my high school’s softball field. I’ve spent hundreds of hours on that field over my lifetime, and I miss it a lot now that I’m grown and moved away from home. Playing softball, being on the pitcher’s mound, was always where I just felt the most myself. I was 100% in my element, surrounded by some of my closest friends I’d known since I was 8 years old when we all played on the same tournament team. Worries about my body, all the bullshit with my dad, friend drama, boy drama, anxieties about the future... none of it could touch me when I was inside the fence of that field practicing or playing. 🥎
3. If you could befriend one fictional character (book/show/movie) who would it be and why?
Part of me wants to say Bellamy Blake because I would marry that man (sorry, Clarke). lol But I think realistically, I’m going to go with Olivia Pope because powerful friends are helpful and she’s a badass I’d like to have in my corner. 
4. Song lyrics that apply to your current mental state/state of your life rn: 
The song Lady Like by Ingrid Andress is my anthem rn. I relate to the entire song so much, but here’s the pre-chorus/chorus: 
“Controversial, so outspoken
I've been told I'm not ladylike
But I'm a lady, like whoa
I could bring you to your knees and
Get you kicked out the Garden of Eden
Untamable, unframeable, Mona Lisa, oh
Kiss you like a whiskey fire
Turn around, leave your heart in a riot
Lipstick in a cigarette pack on the dash
I'm a lady like that
I'm a lady like that”
5. What’s something that helps you stay positive even when things get hard?
Writing. It’s my passion, and I love crafting stories. It’s a way to escape — create a new world for me to live in or insert myself into a world I wish I could visit. But it’s also a good way to give myself perspective. My stress about work is smaller when I’m writing about characters trying to prevent the apocalypse. The current shit show that is... well, the whole world, is something I feel I can make a positive impact in when I’m writing about characters fighting a government conspiracy. 
6. What’s a memory you wish that you could go back in time to and relive?
This is so random, but one time in high school my group of friends did a big scavenger hunt. Each team made their own list of riddles for the other team to solve and then photograph within the city limits of our small town. After we got done, we went to our high school football field and broke into the press box to screw around with the PA system. Afterward, we just walked around for a while, laid down under the traffic light in the middle of the road (it was like 3 AM at this point on a backroad, so no cars).  It was such a wholesome night. lol Just 7 teenagers screwing around and having fun — not a single care in the world. I was in that weird, flirty stage with one of my guy friends. I had a softball game against our school rival coming up that I was excited for. Life was simple. I’d go back and relive that night in a heartbeat. 
7. If you could talk to your 13 year old self, what would you tell her/advice would you give her?
Being vulnerable isn’t the end of the world, and your worth is not conditional on your strength or usefulness. 
**Potenital TW** 
My dad was verbally and emotionally abusive my entire childhood (still is, I just am better equipped to handle it as an adult that doesn’t live in the same state). I grew up thinking that love was conditional and all vulnerabilities would be exploited for someone else’s gain. That any weakness shown would be used to hurt me. That makes it really hard for me to open up to people (for example, I would not be telling you guys this story if we were sitting in the same room rather than me typing it out on screen — and it’s still giving me anxiety to share), and it makes it really hard for me to form deep attachments and friendships since those typically hinge on sharing parts of yourself and being vulnerable with someone else. 
Maybe it wouldn’t have helped, but maybe if I could go back and tell myself during those formidable years that none of that is true... who knows how things could be different, how I could be different. 
Anyway, sorry about that sob story. Moving on. 
8. What’s your favorite quote of all time? Why?
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.” ― Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Because this logic can be applied to almost everything: Confidence isn’t the absence of insecurity, but rather the understanding that you have worth despite them. Goodness isn’t the absence of badness or darkness, but rather the conscious decision to reject those impulses to be better. Love isn’t to see an absence of flaws or irritation, but to respect and appreciate someone in part because of them. 
Plus, Princess Diaries I and II remain two of my favorite movies, which is where I first heard this quote. 👑
9. What is the quality you value most in a friend?
Being genuine. As mentioned above, the trust and emotional intimacy issues are real with me. lol But if I know you are a genuine person who’s going to shoot me straight and be upfront about what you’re thinking, feeling, etc. then it’s easier for me to let you in. It may take time, but it’ll happen eventually. 
10. If the pandemic magically ended today, how would you spend tomorrow?
On a plane. To somewhere with new people, crowded spaces, restaurants galore. Hong Kong, maybe. Or Tokyo. 🏙️
11. If you could go back in time and live in any era & location, and face no danger, where would you choose?
Vikings. God, I would have thrived in a Nordic society. Women’s rights were paramount, being strong and tough as a woman was celebrated, sword fighting and archery and rowing were important skills, they lived in cold places (I like winter), there’s a possibility I could have trained a dragon. Like, I’d miss some modern technology, but I’d live. lol 
12. What heroine of a movie, book, tv show, story, or history do you relate to most?
Honestly? Clarke Griffin. Bossy + has zero chill + occasionally says somethign v sassy + afraid of being vulnerable + refusal to show any weakness + doesn’t talk about her feelings + in love with Bellamy Blake + rocks the black leather aesthetic + wants to save the world but makes questionable decisions to do so? ✅✅✅
13. Without saying who the person is, what is a question you wish you could ask someone but can’t?
What the actual fuck do you think are you doing? 
(I’d actually like to ask this to two people, and I bet all of you can guess the two people right away lololol) 
14. In one sentence, what are you personally struggling with right now? 
Figuring out where I fit into the world. 
15. What’s a book/article/story that brought you joy/comfort/healing that you wish others would read?
How to Walk Away by Katherine Center. 
It’s a beautiful book that taught me a lot about self-worth, throwing out your life playbook (because it never goes according to plan), and thriving where you’re planted rather than lamenting the fact that you aren’t in a different garden. 
12/10 recommend! (Her other books are also amazing.) 
So I know this has made the rounds, and that everyone I’m about to tag has probably already been tagged, but here goes:  @historyofbellarke | @bellamyfknblake | @angstybleuskies | @fightformidnightx​ | @talistheintrovert​ | @junebugninja​ | @mobi-on-a-mission​ | @queenemori​ | @sassybooks​ | @edgelessness​ | + Anyone else who wants to join! 
My questions for you...
(Stealing some from others because they were good!) 
1. What album/playlist do you listen to when you’re in need of some inspiration/motivation? 
2. If money wasn’t an object, what would you want to do with your life? 
3. What’s your happiest memory? 
4. What’s something that helps you stay positive even when things get hard? 
5. What’s a book/movie/tv show that you turn to when you’re feeling down and need comfort? 
6. Do you believe in soulmates? 
7. If you could be anywhere in the world tomorrow (pretending COVID-19 doesn’t exist), where would you be and why? 
8. How do you define success? 
9. What’s your favorite quote of all time, and why? 
10. If there’s anyone in the world you could spend the day with (fictional, historical, someone you know, anyone at all), who would it be and why? 
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thequietmanno1 · 4 years
Thelreads, MHA 165, Replies Part 2
1)“You probably would’ve been successful if you tried to treat them on the same level, instead of acting like they are babies.”-Team Inasa’s Blasting off again!!! But in a way, that’s exactly what bakugou was doing in his own, overly violent way- he treated the kids and their boss like they were a group of opponents on his level, and responded appropriately to them by creating a valid strategy to dismantle their teamwork from the top down- if he’d phrased it better, and not come off so aggressively, the trainees could have actually used that strategy from the beginning, minus the stoning (Camie’s got that Covered)
2)“Yeah, and that didn’t actually helped deal with your… personality. Likewise, being rough with the kids won’t stop them from being brats, in fact, it will just turn them into, well, you, Bakugo.”- sooo… there was actually quite a bit of controversy over Bakugou’s statement here, since quite a few people on the internet took it like his mom was abusive to him (which wasn’t helped by the fact that her only on-screen appearance thus far had her smacking him on the head and calling him out for causing trouble for UA and his classmates, despite the fact he’d been unwillingly kidnapped) but that’s not actually what Bakugou meant here.
 regardless of how he was actually taught and raised, Bakugou inherited his mon’s explosive temperament, which means they approach even normal social interactions with violently disproportionate acts of violence I.E, Bakugou treating brushing his teeth as screaming at the bacteria and plague on them to go die, so in their household, trading crass words and language and getting violent towards each other is just their way of saying ‘I Love you’ and such- it’s dysfunctional as hell, sure, but not abusive in any regards, or at least nothing that Bakugou doesn’t deserve to bring him down to earth now and again.
3)“You gave him nothing but traumas and insecurities.”-The way endeavour looks here, I wonder if he’s not thinking the exact same thing- he’s outwardly stating the given reason he had for doing everting, but his face seems a little too completive, like he doesn’t fully believe what he’s saying, as if he’s thinking about what he ever managed to successfully pass on to his son that wasn’t soured by his obsession with becoming the best, and wondering about ‘why’ he ever bothered to do those things in the first place- did he really have a good reason for doing so? (short answer: No, Long Answer: Nnnnnnnnnooooooooooooo)
4)“And you just shows that by age 20 you’re a selfish asshole that was more interested in the glory and recognition of being the number one than showing your service for the good of society.:- Endeavour actually draws a line here between becoming a hero for the fame and glory, and becoming a hero to become the best hero ever- someone with the drive to overcome any obstacles in their way and the power and strength of will to never lose, and places himself firmly in the latter camp- if he cared about glory he would’ve been satisfied with getting the no:1 spot, or even his previous position as no:2, but he didn’t care about the material attachments to the position, he just wanted to prove himself, prove his worth as a person and a hero, by becoming the no:1 though his own hard work and sweat and blood- he put himself through hell just trying to keep up with All might, and the realisation they he’d never overcome him, that he’d failed his personal goal and aspiration because he just wasn’t good enough, broke him, and caused him to make his big mistake with his family, something he’s only now having to confront the reality of, especially since it’s come at the cost of a hollow prize. 
Endeavour is similar to Bakugou, in that they wanted to prove that they were worthy through fighting through all obstacles in their way, but unlike Bakugou, Endevour didn’t realise the fruitlessness of trying to reach the no:1 spot that way through combat prows and incident resolution alone until it was too late. However, both of them are aware of the demands and toughness of the role of a hero, especially becoming the no:1 hero, and for all his Assholishness as a character, Endeavour is somewhat commendable in that he did his utmost to become a hero on All Might’s level through hard work and determination to push himself further than anybody else in their profession- he failed, and made his family suffer, but he does understand and embrace the hardships of being a pro hero with no complaints, so there’s something to be said for his work as a hero, if not as a family man.
5)“So, or Endeavor has 4th-wall breaking powers or even he knows about All Might’s love life.”- Endeavour probably heard on the news that Nighteye passed away, so he broaches the subject with commendable tact, compared to what he usually does, simply accepting confirmation of his query in All Might’s silence and not prying any further, aware it’s still a sore subject for All Might.
6)“And you there, little demon-girl, don’t let that floozy privy you of admiring the coolest hot guy ever™”-Ironically, Todoroki would be a smash hit with the ladies, due to his good looks, if he had enough social smarts to actually hold a normal conversation with them, which would be useful in his rescue operations and team-building exercises, but again, his childhood trips him up, and he goes for the most literal definition of opening up to others to the point he gets shut down almost instantly.
7)“One thing I appreciate a lot, even though I barely talked about, is Present-mic narrating the attempts to befriend the kids like its some sort of actual fight.”-This is a shonen Comic, Dammit, and it ‘will’ have the dramatic presentation it deserves Present-Mic has anything to say about it (and he does. A Lot), no matter how mundane or ordinary the action, he’ll be narrating like it’s next time on Dragon Ball Z
8)“Endeavor what the fuck that’s not the look of someone that is trying to show their support, that’s the look of someone that is just moments away of strangling the person that cut them off in traffic.”-much like Bakugou has a near-permanent murderface on when riled up, Endeavour has a near-permanent competitive scowl etched into his facial features, and it only gets worse when he’s around competitive situations. I wonder how much of Todoroki’s social Awkwardness was due to his childhood, and how much was inherited from Endeavour, who can’t ‘stop’ being the ever-driven hero even when he’s achieved his life’s goal.
9)I liked the fan translation version of the narrator’s box “The small amount of conscience mic had left prevented him from uttering those words” if only because it implies that present Mic is the kind of friend to Aizawa that gleefully pushes their social loner friends into uncomfortable situations for them just because they know it’ll liven things up a lot, and make great material for his radio show to boot.
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wizardoftrash · 5 years
Pokemon Talk
Hey all, I have been really quiet about Sword and Shield on my blog here, but I wanted to give everybody a heads up that I am really excited about these games. The reason that I’ve been so quiet is because I’ve been avoiding leaks and spoilers as best as I can, and I wanted to play the game blind-ish if possible.
There has been a ton of controversy over the fact that Gamefreak has limited which pokemon can be transferred into Sword and Shield to only those that appear in its own pokedex, which means that the majority of pokemon will have to either hang out in Sun/Moon or on Pokemon Home.
Opinion: meh! I’m a bit surprised that they made that kind of change as the first “main series” game on the switch, but I knew this was coming eventually. When it was announced that sword/shield would not have a national dex or a way to transfer-in pokemon that didn't appear in its own regional dex I was surprised, but not distraught. I wasn't as upset as some folks here largely because I had a pretty clear idea of what we were actually getting for the cuts, and I suspect that folks might have lost sight of how valuable these features are form a gameplay standpoint compared to what is lost.
The multiplayer functionality is the big one. Ever since Diamond/pearl's underground, the chief feature I've always wanted to see in a pokemon game that I never expected to actually get was the ability to see and engage with other players that are in the same area as you, in real time. I can't count how many times I'd go into the underground while playing in public *hoping* that somebody else was around, and now I'll be able to bump into fellow trainers from across the world from my couch, or from work, or wherever. This absolutely trumps transferring a freshly hatched beldum to my starting team for the 10th time, or bringing out the big boys to steam roll the elite four, or cobbling together a team for my next local mono-type challenge from 5 different games. They didn't cut the dex for curry or for big pokemon, if there was any feature that took enough manpower to make bringing the full dex in infeasible it would be this. Provided that this feature works pretty well, that would be worth it by itself.
Camping. Its been a tradition for a while now that with each new game, we get a new way to interact with our pokemon other than battling. I've tried it all, from beauty pageants to dress-up, sports and snuggles. These features are always a pleasant experience for me and a nice break from the sometimes tedious gameplay cycle. I've done a pretty good job avoiding spoilers for sword and shield so far so that I can experience the new features and pokemon with fresh eyes and without it being tainted by other people's opinions (This subreddit sorta ruined sun and moon for me a bit), but what I did see about the camp mechanics during one of the directs has me really excited. This function is likely another main drive behind the dex cut I'd guess. Sure we've got good models for all of the old pokemon, we've got walking animation for them, and some usually basic attach animation, but I'm willing to bet that the animation assets that they already had didn't support a robust collection of play behaviors. While some folks would be satisfied with a re-skin of the island system from SuMo (which I also loved), I'm going to totally lose it in a good way being able to play with the pokemon from my team in camp, or watch them interact with each other. This by itself would also be a good enough reason for the cut by my book, and that doesn't even really factor in the fact that you'll be able to visit other people's camps and their pokemon too.
The gameplay experience will likely be more balanced than previous games. Now I don't mean that the common early-game pokemon will be viable in competitive play when I say this, what I mean is by limiting the field, they could spend more time balancing the pokemon in the game against each other without having to do so in the context of the entire franchise. Now some will argue that it's not neccisary to do so, because GF can simply limit the tournament environment to pokemon caught in the new region like they did for the start of Sun/Moon, but that's always only temporary. *eventually* the tried and true old pokemon could be brought forward, and as a result the new stuff had to be pretty pushed if it was going to survive alongside... megas (lol) or the previous season's winners. The new water type doesn't have to be as good as [insert OU pokemon here] because they literally don't have to compete at all, and if you are only brigning forward a small percentage of old pokemon, you get the unique opportunity to re-balance their stats. I don't know if they are actually doing this or not, but this new age opens up the possibility with this or future games. It simply wouldn't be possible to make sweeping balance changes to the game's hundreds of pokemon that need it, but it is absolutely possible to make changes to a small slice of them at a time.
The bandaid has been ripped off, allowing the game to evolve moving forward. I remember being pretty upset when X and Y started to roll out with the introduction of a new type (fairy), in part because the pokemon I had liked in the past were changing, and in part because my main type (dark) got a new weakness making it much worse. Dragon needed to be taken down a notch, and even though it was a change I didn't want, it was a change that in the long-run made the games better and actually more fun and not just for myself. Yeah it sucks when something you like is changing, this feels like your Pokemon are being taken away from you, but it had to come *sometime* for the game to have the ability to change. There are simply too many to allow for the development of any feature that touches all of them, and believe it or not new features sell games. This sub represents a vocal but tiny slice of the market for this game, and that greater market is going to be excited by the kinds of features I listed in points 1-3, and those kinds of advancements wouldn't be possible moving forward if they also injected hundreds of pokemon that are unlikely to see much play at all, even from the people who claim to want the feature. For real, what percentage of players will actually quit the series because they can't transfer-in their furret? What percent will buy the game because they'll be able to play with their partner, kids, or friend who moved away? Its a prick on the arm for a long healthy potential future of innovative pokemon games.
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fimflamfilosophy · 5 years
Hi Greg, I was wondering what is your fun takes on she-ra and the princesses of power that you mentioned in the "how it's been" personal time. what are your thoughts the characters and story? I always love your sense of humour and interpretations.
Since it’s been a while since I watched the show, there’s two main things I really enjoyed.
1. The Horde is more chickenshit than something from the Venture Bros.
Now, it’s not something they intentionally highlight, but the Horde has no structure, no rules, and no goals. On the very first episode, we’re introduced to Adora Belle, who wants to fight the good fight for her country, the Fright Zone, but has absolutely no idea what the Horde even does. She thinks they battle a group of princesses, but we find out later the princesses got discouraged and disbanded years ago.
At first you might think that this is a 1984 situation where lies are truth and the Horde controls all information, but it actually turns out the Horde is just insanely disorganized. There’s no way to transmit information to anyone. Their military has four ranks: private, force commander, Shadow Weaver, and Hordak. Force commanders are almost completely autonomous, which is essential because they have no way to relay information up the chain of command. Even when a force commander wants Hordak to know something, Hordak has to use an evil winged baby to spy on the situation from the ceiling. This obscene lack of communication is a major plot point, where Shadow Weaver is stunned that Hordak knew something she didn’t tell him.
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Hordak only has the one evil baby, for that matter, so the odds of him ever knowing what’s going on in time to act are so close to zero that the man may as well not exist. But that’s not to say Shadow Weaver controls everything, because she treats managing the Horde as a babysitting job she didn’t ask for, instead devoting her time to dry-humping an ominous red crystal all day. She gives all the appearances of a junkie, and what about this possessed Hordak to put that woman in charge of his entire military is never explained. From the fact that he never gets out of his chair, I assume he was too lazy to look for other candidates.
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Even when Shadow Weaver was giving commands, even to people she saw practically every day, it seems that obeying orders is fully optional. Adora gets promoted to force commander at the outset of the story, only to immediately turn around and steal an aircraft for a joyride. And as for basic training? Show up whenever you want! Or not at all. Nobody cares. Katra arrives at the last two minutes of their training program and gets full credit for participating - there’s no punishment nor reprimand. The Horde’s soldiers are so unable to follow directions that Shadow Weaver practically explains she’s promoting Adora just because she has a better track record for obedience than anyone else - and again, Adora is the person who uses her first day of authority to steal what I can only assume must be a million dollar piece of military hardware, then crashes it.
Not that the training program is worth attending in the first place. Boot camp in the Horde consists of assembling an anti-social blob of whoever showed up that day, then telling them to run through an obstacle course of paralyzing lasers. The objective of the training is to push a big robot into a hole. That’s it. That’s the whole program. They have shields but aren’t really taught to use them as a unit, because the group basically scatters in all directions. The only time they act as a unified front is to heckle their squad-mate, Kyle, for getting hit mid training and diminishing their battle readiness by another 20%.
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They stand in a circle around him as lasers rain down around them, each taking turns to tell Kyle he sucks and to high-five each other for not being Kyle. Of course the idiots get what they deserve, and over the span of their dumping on him they’re surrounded by paralyzing laser bots. Not a single higher-up takes the time to tell the group what they did wrong. This program is so monumentally terrible that at one point later in the series, Kyle is nearly shot through the heart with an arrow, and it occurred to me his jackass squad would only stand around him calling him names until his entire bloodstream emptied on to the deck of their ship, because that’s all they were trained to do.
2. There’s nobody on the planet, and everyone is gay
There’s a bit of miraculous combined hilarity that you can pull from the show’s low budget and progressive bent. First of all, She-Ra is a show where it’s probably safer to assume everyone is gay until proven otherwise. Our female lead characters spend most of the show traveling with a half-naked boy named Bo in the background, and the greatest interest he ever shows in anyone is when the camp gay sea captain shows up. There’s plenty of sexual tension between Adora and Katra, but characters of the opposite gender operate on purely professional terms at all times.
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The show also can’t afford to animate large groups of people, which makes the whole world feel super tiny. The most populated scenes in the show are from the “Princess Ball”, which is presumably attended only by princesses and their lesbian plus ones (or in Glimmer’s case, her gay friend Bo). This makes it feel like the princesses are trying to assemble a team not because the resources of a nation will help them fight those of the Horde, but because if they have, like, six more guys then the armies are approximately the same size.
The low populations aren’t merely incidental. The show sometimes highlights it, writing it directly into the script that a nation is composed of a princess and her one guard, or that a princess lords over her three servants and nobody else. Reading between the lines, it creates a pretty bizarre situation for Eternia. Especially because it seems that Eternia is isolated in some pocket dimension as part of an as yet unrevealed twist.
It seems Eternia has been isolated for so long that the details are a matter of legend, lost to memory and history. But why are there so few people, and why is everyone gay? At one point a female character named Perfuma attempts to have a date with Bo, only to be ignored to such a degree that she gives up and pretty much writes off Bo entirely. Another female character, Mermista, occasionally agrees to date an obviously gay man named Sea Hawk, who wants to marry Mermista so he can obtain the title “King of the Sea”, but it sounds like any time they get close to being romantic Sea Hawk sets something on fire and makes a run for it.
All in all, it felt really bleak to me. For all they talk about wanting to save Eternia, there’s not much Eternia to save, and I’m not sure if there’s enough population left to be sustainable anyway. Especially when most of the couples aren’t exactly equipped to produce offspring.
So is it good?
At the end of the day, the real main character of the show is Katra. She’s the only character who develops. Adora starts off as a wide-eyed idealist with a bent towards justice, and she ends the first season as the exact same person. Katra, meanwhile, starts as a clingy girlfriend obsessed with Adora, but grows into an independent leader with a big lobster lover. It hits some solid notes there, but nothing amazing. It’ll at least keep you going.
But there’s also plenty of plot holes. I didn’t get very attached to the good guys of the story. I found Glimmer to be fairly annoying most of the time, and I felt the closest kinship to Entrapta because as a character, she didn’t seem to be taking any of the main conflict seriously, and as a viewer, neither was I.
It’s not amazing, but it’s not terrible, and in reality any political controversy you’ve heard about the show is a load of redundant hogwash repeated by people who already know their ideological script by heart.
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starduztz · 6 years
♒️ Aquarius in the houses
🏠1st house (= your ascendant)
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- needs to feel like they contribute socially in some way to humanity or other people, they help people in a very detached way because they focus on the group and the larger impact of things
- loves tearing down norms and stereotypes and acting in a way that feels revolutionary and different
- they want to feel unique and like an individual amongst friends and in groups
- might define yourself too much based around their social role with other people, can have a hard time defining themselves or being themselves when they don’t have a group to be in or a social matter that they can rebell against
- can be too much in their head, always thinking about the hopes of the future and forgetting about the present 
- it’s important that they comes to terms with the real life and learn to see things and perceive people in a realistic way
- very rebellious and they hate to conform to things and people, might have problems with authorities because of this
- can be very subjective and not so rational 
- sometimes you go against the flow or against people just because and you feel as if conforming equals loosing all of your personal freedom and individuality which isn’t always the case 
- they can be super irresponsible and not very good at handling life in a mature and realistic way, not everything in life needs to be rebelled against! 
- can be a very creative and independent person
- change excites you and even more so if you contributed to it
- acts on impulse in a very unique and almost eccentric way
🏠 2nd house
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- they aren’t super fond of overspending or indulging in things because they feel like that would make them an unethical being and because of this they might look down upon other people’s spending habits
- can be too hard on themselves when it comes to being socially woke and helping society because their self-worth is connected to their contribution to society and humanity
- a bit of a hypocrite because they sometimes expect change and a progressive mind set from everybody but personally they aren’t very eager to change their own beliefs or behaviors 
-  values knowledge and intelligence a lot
- doesn’t really put that much value in possessions and money, they don’t want to let material things rule their life because then they would feel restrained and loose their highly valued sense of freedom
- can have a creative and unique way of earning money, might also have fluctuating income because they can have very unpractical ideas on how to make a living which might not always bring in a steady income
- has nervous energies when it comes to spending and managing their possessions
🏠 3rd house
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- they got a very big and revolutionary mind that promotes new and unique thinking about society and humanity
- can be too extreme and forceful with their ideas and the way that they communicate them to other people, very opinionated and stubborn
- rational thinking can be hard, they’re sometimes too idealistic and forgets the practical part of ideas and how well they will act in real life
- they want everyone to be connected and feel as one big community 
- loves to coordinate group activities and events and is really good at speaking for the people
- thinks a lot about the future and how to improve things 
- really eager to learn in order to pass on their knowledge and improve society but can be very inconsistent in theirr learning process
- people might shy away from your big ideas because of your forceful way of showing them and you might struggle with explaining things in a way so that other people would understand because your ideas are already so amazing and far ahead in your mind that to you there’s no need to explain them thoroughly and you just expect everyone to instantly get it
- you love people that bring new and refreshing ideas
🏠 4th house (IC)
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- they feel comfortable with many people around them and might have issues with being alone 
- your private life and home are very unique and doesn’t follow the status quo
- loves having many people over or just hosting things with people at home
- it’s really important that you feel free in you private life and at home and it’s also really hard for anyone to kind of tie you down at home. you might not be home very much or prefer to be away from home especially if someone else is forcing you to 
- you show your uniqueness through your home and private life, it’s a way for you to define your individuality 
- you love gathering your group of friends at home or in private
- might have a detached but friendly relationship with your family, you might be closer to your friends than with family members or you’re not very close to family members
- you want to help people live happy and fulfilled lives but you might also hold grudges or bitterness towards those that don’t follow your advice if you hold your ideals too high
🏠 5th house
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- you find it super fun to hang around people and be social, you have a very active social life
- their social circles focus a lot on having fun, enjoying life and being themselves and not following norms 
- they are drawn to unusual activities and the normal classic fun might bore them
- loves sharing weird and unusual experiences with people, preferably a big group of people
- you are rebellious and unique with the help of your creative expression
- can be super creative because of their nonconforming views and behavior which can make them stand out a lot in their creative expression
- can be drawn to weird romances and have very sudden breakups, you have a cool and detached attitude towards dating 
- would like their romantic partners to feel like friends or be someone who they start out being friends with before becoming romantic
🏠 6th house
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- great at teamwork! but can be misunderstood by coworkers because of your forceful and detached way of working
- even though you are great at teamwork you have to feel indpendent when working and having the freedom to create your own way of working 
- you might organize and prioritize things in the work place in a unique way
- you seek an original work environment and are best suited for working in groups of people or for a cause that you can reform through your work
- they feel as if they know what’s best for people 
- needs a work place where they can make up their own schedules and that sort for things, needs a lot of freedom to act by their own impulses and ideas in order to be productive
- you treat your coworkers as friends but always remaining a bit detached,
- success in your work isn’t very personal to you and you can continue without praise and approval from others 
- can have a modern and maybe strange approach to health
🏠 7th house (Descendant)
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- you need to feel indpendent and free in relationships with people, this can make relationships (romantic as well as friendships) problematic or difficult 
- you seek out romantic partners that are individual and independent just as yourself
- there’s a risk of being very restrictive of your partner and being a bit clingy and not really letting them be free but at the same time you request total freedom for yourself 
- marriage or committed relationships can be hard, it’s mostly the hardest for your partners and you might have problems with finding a suitable person that can accept and live with your strong need for freedom and detached ways
- spontaneous people are a good fit for you, the healthiest relationships for you are those where you don't demand too much from each other and you can also be best friends with the person
- you prefer not to be too attached to partners or close friends
🏠 8th house
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- you have an unique attitude towards mysteries and taboos
- can have a controversial view on sex and other taboo subjects, you are usually very liberal about these things and also not shy about showing it
- expressing you passions and needs can be easy for you
- you can gain a lot of success or money through your group actives, you might find that you are supported easily by others
- might have a hard time living for yourself without the community and support from your friends and groups 
- you are very philosophical and want to understand life 
- likes to start many projects and enjoys creating and acting out your ideals
- can have very extreme ideals that are not very easy to practice in real life and this might make you come off ass very eccentric and weird
- you focus on the work right now and are more focused on the actual work and process instead of the outcome and result
🏠 9th house
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- you love expanding your ideals and always progressing your own morals and ideas of the world
- can have unusual and very open philosophies and views
- you like to travel in order to refresh yourself and break free from old ideas and traditions
- your ideals are very revolutionary and are made from your own personal experiences from your life
- can have problems with traditional education and strict religions
- you question a lot of traditional establishments which can make you have very advanced and refreshing views on traditions but you can also receive a lot of negative responses from other people who are more traditional
- likes to share ideas with friends and exchanging different views 
- you don’t accept injustice or people who are closed minded 
- you want to get in touch with your ideals and your philosophy to your best ability in order to communicate it to people
- can be too much in your mind so that you forget the importance of communicating properly 
🏠 10th house (Midheaven)
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- you have a lot of new and refreshing ideas to make public and share with the world
- a team player and very adaptable when working
- would be excellent at working in the public eye and with social and humanitarian issues
- can be nervous about taking risks and chances in your career and in the public eye
- feels a responsibility to contribute to the world and they try to do so with philosophical or humanistic actions
- you are very much connected to your social circles and social activities in the public eye, it’s very much apparent to others 
- being too much in the public eye can produce a lot of nervous energy for you and feeling too pressured of being different and not conforming
- can have an unusual career or career path, it can be very good for you to take risks
- known to others as being very different, original and unusual and this can play an important part in your career and what job you will end up with
- needs to feel free to express themselves and that can bring a lot of criticism your way when you are too vocal about social matters
- you want to lead movements and be the source of social reforms and change 
🏠 11th house
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- you aren’t very intrigued by “boring” and “normal” people, you are drawn to people that feel new and unique 
- friendships can be very intellectual and not so much based on emotions
- finds it easy joining new circles and groups
- your social life needs to feel exciting and fresh so it’s always changing and active
- can have problems sensing their social environments and can be very oblivious to people around them 
- you prefer to surround yourself with friends who are open-minded
- very good at networking
- can have a superior attitude and might think you have the highest and best ideals and views on matters
- your social circles influence you a lot
- can be an excellent leader in your social groups and circles
- sometimes people are drawn to you just because of your cool and different persona and you might be too attached to the attention you get from other people 
- needs to find people who accept your unique and different personality and not just surround yourself with people that please your ego
🏠 12th house
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- very interested in the spiritual and subconscious, can become too lost in their spirituality to find higher social knowledge
- can be a dreamer but has an objective way of thinking
- you are drawn to groups and communities that work towards a better world in a compassionate and emotional way
- you have a lot of modern and revolutionary social ideals 
- wants to be of service to others and can be taken advantage of 
- really attentive to the dynamics of groups and the energies between people and feels frustrated when you are in groups with bad energies or with people that don’t go well with each other
- usually misunderstood
- can shy away from mainstream media and pop culture in order to keep their social image unique and real
- you want to feel as if you are changing and making the world a better place otherwise you might feel less worthy and restrained
- can rely too much on friends for emotional support and might forget to give back the emotional support that you ask of your friends 
- you go out of your way to help those that you see struggling or in need of help
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louie2708world · 2 years
Week 4 discussion: Reality Tv shows
Today with week 4 topic about reality tv show, we’re going to find out everything about a TV show which is always  entertaining part in TV shows these day, and let’s talk about how impactful it is in today’s industry
1 What can be considered a reality TV show?
a reality program can be portrayed and involve almost a million different subjects, actors and themes depending on the program. Therefore, in answering what is reality TV, the answer can be any type of television that focuses on the reality of people's lives.  Reality television programs are television programs in which people are continuously filmed, designed to be entertaining rather than informative.  Reality shows have become a household commodity. Many people love watching it on television. There are different kinds of reality shows like America’s Next Top Model, American Idol, Shark Tank, and more.
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                                        Photo: forbes
2. Why reality shows about love always be hot topic although it’s a repetitive content ?
The reality dating show is a genre unto itself, with dozens of TV series about people looking for love and/or fame on television. There are competition shows, and more documentary-style shows. They all have in common certain character types — mean women and skeevy guys — and an air of disreputability, no matter how acclaimed they are (Love Is Blind was nominated for an Emmy!). These are considered guilty pleasures, to be watched instead of more "serious" fare. But we say there's no such thing as a guilty pleasure, and these shows are all worth watching on their own terms for their entertainment value. And honestly, if you watch an entire 50+ episode season of Love Island, the characters get as developed as any HBO antihero — and they're real people.
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apparently, love island is the most famous reality shows about dating , Photo: begoodteam.com
We tend to get invested in these shows’ characters and affected by what happens on-screen. “It’s not unlike watching a football game and feeling better when your favorite team wins,” Dr. Fisher says. She guesses that these shows might also activate the brain systems relating to sex drive, romantic love, and attachment. For instance, when we watch a suitor finally tell someone he’s dating that he loves her, we might experience a surge in dopamine (the neurotransmitter linked to romantic love and elation). When we see a couple make out passionately, our bodies might release testosterone (the hormone connected with sex drive). And, when a couple cuddles on the screen, our bodies likely release oxytocin (the neurotransmitter associated with attachment). They may not be true relationships, but the feelings they give us are real.
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also another thing we have to admit that the reality shows especially the ones about love are good at making dramas. To catch a fish, you must have a  bait to get it right? just like what producers they always gonna do every tricks they got the get the attention from the viewers by creating the whole drama about love. Some cocky attitude between the players could be the biggest bait of the show without even trying. because the fight between the couples, we could sit down and watch how things going on like : “ Are they gonna back together again or they gonna break up,”, etc.... even something the couples talking about each other could cause a drama not just on set but also on social media where the users used their quotes as hot topics. for example , remember a Vietnamese dating show for couples that there was a girl name Tran Ngoc Doan Minh said what her boy friend should do for her. And boom she accidently caused a whole controvery about her on social media, lots of people mocking her, hating on her even making memes about her. So obviously we can see how the show really turned us on sucessfully  
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   Tran Ngoc Doan Minh with her controversial quote. Photo: MCVmedia
3. Why are we still interested in reality shows although most of them were scripted?
A study has mentioned that structured reality also scripted reality a type of television series featuring real people who talk naturally but are put in situations which are pre-arranged by the production company. Scripted reality in television and entertained is a subgenre of reality television with major or typically all parts of the contents being scripted, i.e. pre-arranged by the production company and thus fictional
Some people don’t like reality TV because they believe it doesn’t show true reality. The people in these programmes are regularly accused of acting and you often see a phrase flash up somewhere during the opening or closing credits informing that parts are scripted or set up. Viewers can feel cheated that the ‘reality’ they are watching isn’t completely real after all. Because the title is reality show but most the actions that they did in the show were obviously looked so arkward some parts and the way they communicate were so fake. While the audience set the expectation really high because they want a serious and realistic conversation and they got that which is shameful
Maybe we love reality TV because the people featured more often than not show the extremes of our society. Shows featuring ‘normal’ people or non-celebrities often include people with intense personalities who are bound to clash. Big Brother, which follows the lives of people living in a house together away from the outside world, always includes contestants with a range of personalities. It can be fascinating for us viewers to watch real people who perhaps wouldn’t usually interact with each other as they try to live together.
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1. TV guide, 2022, “  The Best Reality Dating Shows to Watch on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO Max, and More “, viewed 23rd march, 2022 <https://www.tvguide.com/news/the-best-reality-dating-shows-to-watch-on-netflix-hulu-amazon-hbo-max-and-more/>
2.  Noah Marsh, ShinAwil , “  7 Reasons Reality Shows Are So Popular”, viewed 23rd march, 2022 , <http://shinawil.ie/television-programs/7-reasons-reality-shows-are-so-popular >
3.  Logeswari.B, Dr.Sathyapriya.J, 2018, “  Impact of Reality Shows on Society with reference to Kumbakonam”,  Institute of Science and Technology, Thanjavur, India, viewed 23rd march 2022, <https://www.ijream.org/papers/NCSDTM201804.pdf>
4.  Rohit Bhattacharya, 2020, “  The Strange Psychology Behind Why People Love Watching Reality Shows Despite The Cringe Factor”, viewed 23rd March 2022 <https://www.scoopwhoop.com/entertainment/psychology-behind-why-people-love-watching-reality-shows/>
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jwminssi · 6 years
Jikook Fic Rec
I spend a lot of time reading fanfics (really, a lot) and I just figured I should gather all my favorite stories in one place for when I want to read them again. This is not as big as it should be seeing as I lost my previous list and had to start all over again *insert sad face here* but I will try my best to update it regularly!
bold: ultimate favorites!
updated: Jun, 23rd, 2018
❈ Glass Diamonds by GinForInk [e / 18.5k] ~ Summary:  Jungkook accidentally fires his skateboard through the window of a dance studio. ~ Commentary: this one is definitely one of my all time favorites! Everything about it from the writing style to the characterization to the plot had me begging for more. I’ll have to read it again soon!
❈ Present by pinkmonnie [m / 21k] ~ Summary: “Sometimes I wish I could fall through this wall instead. Spend a few days with just you and the beach and no other distractions. I'd love some quiet in my life.”  One night, unable to take the solitude, Jimin writes a single word on the wall of the abandoned record store. He never expected to get a reply, least of all from a kind stranger all the way back in the real world. One afternoon, as he's working on the repairs of the record store, Jungkook finds someone had written something on one of the walls. And he writes back. ~ Commentary: There are NO WORDS to describe my love for this fic. Seriously, everything is perfect and the plot unravels so beautifully and it’s wonderfully written, I can’t say enough compliments. If you have the time, please read it!
❈ Don’t Think, Don’t Speak, Just Smile For Me by Ragi [not rated / 145k] ~ Summary:  Jimin's not entirely certain that he'll be alive to see his 18th birthday and finally escape from his father's abuse, but Jungkook's music keeps him believing that he might actually make it. ~ Commentary: I couldn’t stop crying while reading this and I still loved every second of it. Mind the tags and the warnings, though!
❈  why don’t you review me? by cedar_rabbits [e / 7k] ~ Summary:  Jimin reviews sex toys on Youtube. Jeongguk has a crush. ~ Commentary: oh, boy, this one! Jungkook’s the cutest baby with a crush and their dynamics are amazing. (Also, Taehyung is a true treasure in this!!!)
❈ All Of This Seems Like A Dream by njhft_mgc [e / 5.6k] ~ Summary: two dumb and oblivious boys, some couch fun, and awkward mornings. ~ Commentary: I am a HUGE bottom!kook enthusiast and this fic not only has that but it also manages to capture JK’s early days persona into it really well.
❈ International playboy (don't answer) by blt_prf [not rated / 39k, not finished] ~ Summary:  the one in which Jimin manages to mess up everything in one night and accidentally texts the guy he has a crush on ~ Commentary: I usually stay away from unfinished stories but this one was out for my heart from the moment I started reading it. It’s got to be the most believable and well characterized texting fic I have ever read, I highly recommend it!
❈ Can You Give Me My Breath Back by DeadpanSnarker [m / 27k] ~ Summary: Six months until the tournament that would decide Jungkook's future. Six months where he and his team were in dire need to monopolize the ice-rink that had taken a liking to Uni’s new sweetheart. Where Jimin made a bet with Jungkook, which, if Jungkook lost, he would have to be taught how to ‘truly’ skate. Or as how Jimin had phrased it, ‘By the time I'm done with you, you’ll have fallen in love with figure-skating’. Surely things didn’t work out in Jungkook's favour. In their fickle game, Jungkook is in for sex and Jimin is in for love. By the end of the six months, perhaps Jungkook would like figure-skating, but he would have adamantly fallen in love with the figure-skater. ~ Commentary: EVERYTHING. ABOUT. THIS. FIC. IS. WORTH IT. Jimin’s characterization is everything we all want in life and I love it way too much to be healthy. It’s really nice to see the way their relationship develops and I couldn’t stop reading it.
❈ peaches and cream by jiminlogy [m / 2.4k] ~ Summary:  the story of how booty shorts ruined jeongguk's life. ~ Commentary: I had the time of my life reading this one. Jungkook’s struggle is the most amusing thing to read and it’s really well done in this, too!
❈ swim by jiminlogy [m / 12k] ~ Summary: everything about the summer is temporary but jimin doesn't want jeongguk to be that. ~ Commentary: YES!! GIVE ME ALL THE BODYGUARD AU FICS! The atmosphere in this fic is so captivating it took my breath away. The way their relationship develops is so beautifully done and the dialogue in this is also really great.
❈ Practice by nochucomethru [t / 5k] ~ Summary: Jungkook is fed up with being inexperienced. Jimin helps him out. ~ Commentary: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this was so good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like there isn’t enough just making out fics out there and I’m always looking for more. This one was definitely a great find!
❈  pull me closer by pjungkook [not rated / 2.6k] ~ Summary:  Jeon Jungkook is rather competitive. But so is Park Jimin. ~ Commentary: nothing I say will be enough to explain just how much of a masterpiece this is! Their dynamic is so well written and the tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. It put me on edge as I was reading it and I loved it!
❈ Hey Kitty, Kitty by jonghyunslisterine [e / 3.4k] ~ Summary:  Jungkook and Jimin have been dancing around each other for ages, then Jimin goes into heat. ~ Commentary: I’m usually not a fan of Hybrid!AUs but something told me to read this one when I stumbled upon it one day and MY GOD am I glad I didn’t ignore it! The smut is unbelievable and I’m always down for some boxer!JK, thank you very much.
❈ got that young love (even when we're old) by offthebeat [m / 12k] ~ Summary:  a three-day trip back to busan shouldn't incite these strange feelings in jeongguk again. but, well, busan is almost always equivalent to jimin, and jeongguk's never been the greatest at dealing with either. post-disbandment!au. ~ Commentary: oh this was so heartwrenching and heartwarming at the same time, the way the story was set and the turns of the plot, plus their internal dilemmas and unresolved feelings just gave this a wonderful atmosphere.
❈ Nu ABO: A Memoir by Park Jimin by decompositionbooks [e / 34.5k] ~ Summary:  The world didn't think it was necessary to give him a guide when it shoved all of these omega hormones at him, so here it is, Park Jimin's handbook on dealing with heats, unrequited love, and Jeon Jungkook. ~ Commentary: I’m sure everyone already knows or at least heard of this one but I just had to put it on this list because it wouldn’t be complete without it. I can’t express my love for this fic with words, so I just suggest you go ahead and read it if you haven’t already (and if you have, well, read it again).
❈ joke's on you (i'm in love) by NaHe [t / 2.5k] ~ Summary:  Jimin plays a prank on Jungkook for his YouTube channel, expecting him to get angry but Jungkook has always had a soft spot for his hyung. Things don't go as planned. ~ Commentary: FLUFF!!!!!! PURE FLUFF I LOVE IT SO MUCH THAT’S ALL
❈  Wish You Were Here by nochucomethru [m / 28.5k] ~ Summary: Jungkook clicked on his picture. And wow. Taehyung was right for once. The dude was gorgeous. His name was Jimin. He was Korean, like them and he had a really pretty smile. Pretty enough that Jungkook actually felt nervous. “He’s really cute. What do I say?” Jungkook asked. ~ Commentary: Listen. Everything about this is perfect, don’t fight me on this. I spent pretty much the entire time I was reading it squealing about how they acted with each other. If you read it, please come scream with me about it.
❈ And Back Again by novilunar [m / 3k] ~ Summary:  Jimin wishes he could stay away from Jungkook ~ Commentary: it was extremely easy for me to identify with Jimin in this and I love it when I can find a fic that makes me feel as much as this one did. Not to mention that the way it was written was just fantastic!
❈ Tastes Like Victory by eumorious [e / 170.5k] ~ Summary: "You fuck me, then snub me. You love me, you hate me. You show me a sensitive side, then you turn into a total asshole." Jeon Jeongguk's, a successful underground fighter, life collides with the damaged, vulnerable stripper Park Jimin who needs training on how to fight and defend himself against his clients. Jeongguk is the perfect candidate for the job. ~ Commentary: okay, so this one... I’ve seen a lot of controversy on it before and after I read it but I can’t help but consider it one of my favorites. Granted, I couldn’t read it all at once like the majority of the stories on this list because of how intense and heavy it is, but I still love it a lot. Taehyung and Jungkook’s friendship is so so so beautiful it’s got to be one of my favorite things about it. It’s amazing to see Jungkook evolve and open up and literally transform in front of our eyes, 10/10 for character development. I highly recommend it, but please pay attention to the tags and warnings.
❈ As You Are by  jonghyunslisterine [e / 19k] ~ Summary:  Jungkook's looking for a model for his Shibari exhibition. Jimin just needs some money. ~ Commentary: there’s a certain feeling to this story that I can’t pinpoint but it left me so immersed in it it was hard to let go when it ended. The characterization it amazing and the use of shibari is perfectly done, it doesn’t feel like just another plot device.
❈ What You Need by jonghyunslisterine [e / 8.1k] ~ Summary:  Jimin's heat hits him early, and it's because Jungkook gets into a fight. ~ Commentary: I know, I know... this author again? It’s not my fault their stories are so amazing, okay, let me be... This is pure smut but it’s amazing and definitely worth your time, I promise.
❈ No Strings Attached by graesun [e / 23.3k] ~ Summary:  Jungkook likes his job, but sometimes he wishes he had someone to do it for him. ~ Commentary: as I mentioned before, I’m all for bottom!kook especially when he’s a shy bunny just like in this fic. Oh, and if that’s not enough to convince you, he’s also a camboy, I mean... how many camboy!jk fics are out there? This one is truly a treasure.
❈ Sweeter Than Your Coffee by TsingaDark [g / 3.5k] ~ Summary: Jungkook had a problem. Okay, maybe it was three consecutive problems that all originated from the same thing. Or well, the same person, to be perfectly honest. Problem No. 1 Jungkook had a massive, massive crush on Park Jimin. ~ Commentary: CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE I couldn’t even wait for class to finish to read this, that’s how adorable and great it was.
❈ BTS: Beyond That Screen by jeonify [g / 5.3k] ~ Summary: "i saw you making a face drinking the coffee i made... again... so here's a little something in case i screwed up your coffee. again." + "i liked a picture of my crush in 2014 while trying to stalk him on instagram. shit." alternatively: your ultimate coffeeshop au meets youtuber au ~ Commentary: this has got to be one of the most adorable things I have read in weeks!!!! Again, I was in class while I read it and I had to stop myself from grinning too hard or making any type of noises because it was just SO!!!! CUTE!!!!! I LOVE IT
❈ your body is a place to stay by jonghyunslisterine [t / 8.8k] ~ Summary:  In which Jungkook juggles a five-year-old daughter, Jimin the pretty bookstore employee, and coworkers who like to tease him too much. ~ Commentary: by now you’re all convinced that I love this author, right? This is another work of art, beautiful written and completely captivating. Jungkook’s relationship with his daughter made my heart warm and the way Jimin surprises Jungkook by being the opposite of everyone else made me cry.
❈ Mono No Aware by eumorious [e / 105k] ~ Summary:  Jimin and Jeongguk were only 18 when they moved to New York City and got married, sure that they were soulmates and destined to last forever. Four unfortunate years later, they're divorced and haven't seen a single sight of each other. That is until Jimin's signed as a model in the company Jeongguk works as a photographer for. ~ Commentary: this one is so heartbreaking, my chest hurt at every paragraph! There’s something so painful about the way this author writes but it only leaves me wanting more. I loved every second of it, but please be careful with the tags and warnings.
❈ loverboy by gangbang [m / 9.7k] ~ Summary:  this much jimin’s figured out: sometimes, somehow, his words make people fall in love with him. ~ Commentary: The writing in this is absolutely fantastic and the emotions designated to each of the characters fits perfectly with them. Their dynamics is also really well thought and well written and I love the general atmosphere of the story.
❈ more golden than a golden snitch by aborescent [g / 4.5k] ~ Summary: Everyone knows that the first year Slytherin seeker Jeon Jungkook's biggest fan is not from his own house but a third year Hufflepuff named Park Jimin. ~ Commentary: CUTE CUTE CUTE PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND READ THE ENTIRE SERIES I’M NOT EVEN GOING TO WASTE MORE TIME HERE JUST GO READ IT PLEASE
❈ Surviving Jeon Jungkook by weliveandbreathwords [t / 20.5k] ~ Summary:  The time that Jimin had to sit next to the notorious Jeon Jungkook and had to do all he could to come out alive. ~ Commentary: bad boy!Jungkook being completely taken with Jimin has got to be one of my favorite tropes EVER! It’s amazing how their relationship progresses (the doodlessss my heart!!!) and how we get to see both sides of the story too! Seriously, give this one a chance!!
❈ promise rings by cocksluts [e / 21.8k] ~ Summary:  cliche friends with benefits problems with slight twists of some sort ~ Commentary: I LOVE IT WHEN THEY’RE IN LOVE BUT CAN’T BE TOGETHER GOD DAMN IT sorry but I just- the way Jimin handles the situation and how Jungkook’s the one that spills his heart out yes please give me four thousand fics like this!!!!!!!! 
❈ Taste You by beautifulmoment [e / 2.8k] ~ Summary: The band has a photoshoot to do and Jimin’s been brooding all day until Jungkook finds out why. Or, Jimin and admittedly Jungkook really want to try out something new. ~ Commentary: OH BOI THIS ONE listen- I don’t even know what to say, okay, it’s just great and I really enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!!!!
❈ Cheat by Nochucomethru [t / 2.7k] ~ Summary:  When he got inside he was greeted with the sound of a beautiful laugh that he didn’t recognize. Despite being Sungjin’s babysitter for three years, Jungkook had never met Jimin. He heard stories about him so many times from his younger brother, but he was just now realizing that he didn’t even know what the man looked like. ~ Commentary: so here’s yet another author that has a lot of places in this list, oops? Their dynamics in this is AMAZING, and the way they behave around each other works super well despite having just met. Wonderfully written, and Jimin’s mom is great.
❈ and a circus ain't a love story (now we're both sorry) by sweetmxchi [m / 4k] ~ Summary: in his desire to escape, jungkook ends up finding something that will keep him grounded. ~ Commentary: um yes, hi, here’s some shameless self promo lol the reason I included this fic is because I’ve been going through some changes in my life and it’s reflecting in what I write... this is different from most of the stuff I’ve written and while I am super proud of myself for finishing it (it took me weeks to get it done) I’m also a bit insecure. so yeah, if you feel like it, let me know what you think?
❈  reassurance by blushguk [t / 1k] ~ Summary:  in which taehyung and jimin are a little too close for jungkook's liking ~ Commentary: I cried reading this, that is all. This is not your typical jealous!jk fic and I loved it for it!
❈  It’s always been you by calicojikook [m / 11k] ~ Summary:  Jungkook and Jimin have a history together. Years later, Jungkook works in a body mod. shop with Yoongi and gets an unexpected customer. ~ Commentary: I’m always a sucker for tattoo artist!Jungkook and this one is so so so well done, I had my heart in my hands while I was reading it. A bit painful, but it’s all worth it in the end.
❈ Nanny by Nochucomethru [m / 13.1k] ~ Summary: “I can’t believe I’m actually considering being a nanny. What did I do wrong in my life?” Jungkook sighed, leaning back in his chair. “Probably the entire sleeve tattoo that you couldn’t afford,” Taehyung said. ~ Commentary: I think it’s time we establish that this is one of my favorite authors and literally everything they write is perfect. JK is so soft in this and I love the way the author portrayed his relationship with Jimin’s daughter. I loved every. word. of. it. READ IT!!!!
❈ To the naked eye by mecchayabai [e / 6k] ~ Summary:  It’s one of those meaningless, mandatory classes, and Jungkook is fully prepare to spend it doodling dicks into his notebook. But when Jungkook sees the TA, the only thing he wants to do with a dick is stick it into him. ~ Commentary: YES YES YES!!!! The tension between them is great, and I love Jungkook’s characterization in this!!!
❈ nudity in its best form by yoonnseok [m / 11.6k / unfinished] ~ Summary: Best friends since elementary school, Jeongguk and Jimin agreed to help their photography major friend Taehyung with his new project. But Taehyung forgot (not really) to mention the theme. Which was, nudity. ~ Commentary: this is so beautiful! I have no words to describe how well written this is, and I was so immersed in it from the first paragraph! Although it’s not finished, I still love it a lot!
❈ #jikook by TsingaDark [t / 11k] ~ Summary:  Jimin has a crush on Jungkook and finally meets him when he accompanies Taehyung to a gaming convention. ~ Commentary: this is so cutejkndlsjkndns their characterization is A M A Z I N G and I was smiling all throughout the fic, really!! lots of love to it <3
❈ just stay by hellodarknessmyoldbud [g / 3.8k] ~ Summary:  “Hyung, you don't love me.” the youngest whimpers as tears keep streaming down his cheeks. “You love each other.” ~ Commentary: okay, firstly: this is yoonminkook so not everyone is going to read it, I know... but it’s so sad and heartbreaking and GOD it made me feel so many things, I HAD to put it in here!!
❈ yesteryear’s charms by flitter [m / 18.3k] ~ Summary: After losing a bet, Jimin has to perform the Jingle Bell Rock routine from the iconic Muggle film, Mean Girls, at Hogwarts' annual talent show, dressed in red pleather and black knee-high boots. He receives a bigger reaction from certain people (read: ult rival Jeon Jeongguk) than expected. ~ Commentary: LISTEN!!!!!!!!! All HP AUs are welcome and loved in this household, especially Slytherin!Jimin ones, okay?? This fic, mannnnnn, I actually can’t tell you how much I love it, you just have to read it and see for yourself.
❈ Shy, Curious by onlyalivetonight [e / 17.2k] ~ Summary:  Jungkook goes to a 'Shy, Curious' night for a BDSM club, because he is shy and definitely curious. He meets Jimin and Yoongi, who might just want him as much as he wants them. ~ Commentary: I SWEAR I didn’t mean to put another yoonminkook in here but this one just pulls at my heart strings in all the best ways :(( their characterization and dynamics as couples and a trio are so so so perfectly written, I just wanted more! it’s soft and hard at the same time and I loved every moment I spent reading it!
❈ We Can Smile by njhft_mgc [m / 3.2k] ~ Summary:  rich CEO boyfie jimin buys jungkook lots and lots of pretty stuff ok ~ Commentary: I’m always a sucker for sugar daddy AUs and whipped!Jimin so OF COURSE this gem had to be included, it’s so good :(((
❈ Love Exhibition by busanmonarchy [m / 2k] ~ Summary: P.D.A. (Public Displays of Affection): – acts of physical intimacy in the view of others. Or: Jimin and Jungkook are in love and not trying to hide it. ~ Commentary: this one :( it’s so beautiful, the way it’s written really highlights the nature of their relationship and makes us feel how in love they are and it just warms my heart and makes me sad at the same time
❈ Hey batter batter, hey batter batter, swing! by lovevminkook [g / 2.4k] ~ Summary:  Jimin gets his boyfriend to teach him about baseball. Jungkook might regret it later on. ~ Commentary: this is HILARIOUS plus the high school musical reference really does it for me ejhsdjn read it, seriously, I love it a lot!
❈ fetish for my love by meatykook [e / 4k] ~ Summary: Jimin found Jungkook's lace shirt so distracting that he decided to tell the whole world that. Jungkook is going to show him how really distracting it can be. ~ Commentary: okay so I remember when Jimin said that and I was like djshnjn EXCUSE ME and T H E N I found this fic and OH MY GOD please read you’re in for a RIDE
❈ Itchy Fingers by peanutbutterapple [g / 6.3k] ~ Summary:  Jungkook is on the hip hop team. Jimin does Irish dance. ~ Commentary: um so this is the cutest thing?? their characterization is AMAZING and everything flows really well and I love it
❈ If Only You Knew by pancakejungkook [t / 3.7k] ~ Summary: Jimin was just tying to be a good friend, he only wanted to help. However, when he opened Jungkook's laptop, he got so much more than he bargained for. ((Based off the prompt: You've been typing furiously on your laptop in the library, and have just gone to get a book, so I had a quick look and you're writing hardcore gay porn and it's GOOD.)) ~ Commentary: LISTEN FJNSDKLN JUST THE PROMPT IS ALREADY ICONIC THE REST OF THE STORY IS EVEN BETTER I’M DYING JUST THINKING ABOUT IT
❈ i'm getting way too deep (i'm into it) by jhsmyg [e / 7.3k] ~ Summary: jikook meets on grindr. jimin said he wanted to fuck him later. jungkook was into it. ~ Commentary: there are no comments?? for this??? nothing I can say can make it better or even compare to how amazing this is so just go read it pls
❈ Getting to Know You by mn_bts [e / 5.4] ~ Summary:  Jungkook is just another overwhelmed college student. His hot neighbor, Jimin, has an interesting problem with a bold silver lining. ~ Commentary: Jimin playing innocent to get what he wants will always be my weak spot plus this fic is so HOT I can’t even put it into words (also I just reread this while updating the list so...........)
❈ me and you, living under a paper moon by eutony [t / 6k] ~ Summary: wherein jimin’s a barista who hates rude customers, and jeongguk’s just a guy who wants to order a latte without making a complete fool of himself. or: the “you’re the jerk-face customer that keeps on thumbing through their phone while ordering their drink so I exact revenge by spelling your name wrong on your cup and drawing phallic pictures on your coffee” AU. ~ Commentary: this is adorableeeee and funny too edsnjn Jimin’s characterization is AMAZING and the way Kook just rolls with it yes thank you for this gem
❈ i guess i want too much by jonghyunslisterine [e / 16.5k] ~ Summary: "So, uh, how do you guys know each other?" "We're brothers," Jungkook says, and Jimin chokes on his own spit. Great. He fucked a pair of brothers. ~ Commentary: so I love when Jimin is written the way he was in this fic, that’s already a huge thing I appreciate in this fic BUT it is yoonminkook (admittedly not the only one in this list oops?) so idk if you guys like that... either way, this author is one of my faves as you can see from the number of works they have in this rec and the way they write is AMAZING plus the story is FANTASTIC and the smut is INCREDIBLE not to mention how well the story goes together and their dynamics too.
❈ The Chili Pepper Incident by thisneedsmorefilth [e / 7.5k] ~ Summary: Jungkook always thought Jimin was well...tiny. Short, little hands, small feet, small....everything. But add in a broken laptop charger and a maknae who doesn’t bother knocking and the truth will set you free. And get you laid. ~ Commentary: immediate fave just for Jimin’s characterization. jikook’s dynamics are A+ and the way Kook slowly loses his mind when things don’t go the way he expected is also amazing lmao
❈ in bloom by fatal (cumrich) [t / 2.5k] ~ Summary:  jimin still hasn't wrapped his head around the fact that he has a husband but that doesn't mean he can't appreciate the sight of him. ~ Commentary: okay so the fact is that I don’t usually read ABO fics but this one, man....... it called for me you know? and when I read it it just got my heart in a way that I can’t even comprehend. so here, enjoy it, it’s WONDERFUL.
❈ Emotional Colors by WorldwideWriter [nr / 14.2k] ~ Summary: An AU in which your hair color changes based on the emotions that you're experiencing. or Jimin has been way too obvious about his feelings lately and Jungkook is a hormonal young man who should know that taking off his shirt in front of Jimin is a bad idea. ~ Commentary: LOVE THIS CONCEPT LOVE THE WRITING LOVE THE CHARACTERIZATION LOVE THE SMUT PERFECT YES
❈ I Get Off On You (And You) by HereIGoAgain [e / 15k] ~ Summary: "You trying to fuck him?" Jimin smiled and looked over at Jungkook. He was pleased to see that Jungkook was watching them, even as he shifted and moved with the music. "Or you," Jimin said, and enjoyed the definitive dark flicker that passed through Yoongi's eyes, felt himself internally preen at the fact that it was directed at him. "Whoever you think can fuck me the best." ~ Commentary: so um...... yes, it’s another yoonminkook fic SUE ME but just.... everything about this, the way they interact, the way they were written, the teasing, the dialogue and the smut let me tell you, this smut???????? FUCKING PERFECT there are no other ways I can compliment this fic but it’s SO SO SO WORTH THE READ
❈ Scribbles and Drawings by evil_pandabear [g / 2.3k] ~ Summary: Jimin would draw for his soulmate whenever he could, and in return he got adorable scribbles of random notes. Jungkook was forgetful and would write everything down on his hand, and got to watch the beautiful drawings form on his arm. ~ Commentary: cute cute cute cuTE CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTEEEEEEEE put a huge smile on my face
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theliterateape · 3 years
The Trouble with Transactional Relationships and Recognizing Them
by Don Hall
"Who the FUCK spends $288.00 in a Denny's?!"
Back in the 80s, the Wild Wild West was known as King 8 Casino & Hotel and was host to the King 8 Grill. At the time it was one of the hottest spots to eat in Vegas off the strip. Today, the King 8 Grill is a Denny's franchise and separate from the casino and hotel. Managers can still comp guests (and staff) but the company pays the Denny's Corporation for the courtesy.
Given the lack of perks for the guests, the Denny's comp is about all the managers at the West have to placate those with a beef.
The machines are rough around the edges. Approximately a third of the Game Kings and Buffalo's are decades old and break down frequently while players have money in them. In the earlier days of Vegas, slot machines were mechanical. Today, they are almost entirely Microsoft computers, monitors, and bugs.
I noticed one of my cocktail waitresses at two tall Buffalos. She was flanked by two women who were both a solid foot taller than she was and highly animated, talking and gesticulating wildly. I came over, saw that the two machines were frozen. One had $11.00 in it. The other had $10.00 but had frozen during a Bonus Round. I tapped my waitress out. "I got this."
I held up my hands dramatically.
"I'm going to predict the future!" I exclaimed. "I'm going to get into these machines and do my level best to get them up and running so you can continue playing and you can get your bonus round. For the next ten minutes or so, I will endeavor to fix this. But I'm going to say something now that, if I cannot get things up and running, will not change from now to then. If I can't get your machines up and running, you will be given your $11.00 and $10.00 back, no question but you will not be awarded for a Bonus Round unplayed. You will now commence to bitching about this while I work."
And bitch they did commence.
For eight minutes I pulled out all the tricks. I checked the bill validators. I unplugged and plugged back in the silver box, the blue box, and the main computers. I put in my special reset card and reset both machines twice.
All the while, the two women yelled non-stop about how they treat people at the MGM Grand, about how one was a nurse and if something didn't work with a patient it would be on the hospital to compensate them, that the casinos were all making so much money that we could afford to pay out Bonus Rounds even if they weren't played. During the cacophony, I learned that they were mother and daughter but hardly looked it, that they were there with 'boyfriends' who they didn't really know too well (neither could get the mother's male companion's name right), and that they played here at the West all the time.
"OK. I tried. I failed. As I predicted, you will now be refunded the money in your machines."
Immediate discord.
My hands went up again. "Alright. I hear you. Here's what I can do. For you (the mother) I can give you your $11.00 back. That's it. My apologies and $11.00. For you (the daughter) I can either shut down the machine and you can wait for a slot technician to come and fix it and then play your bonus round. That'll happen next week and I can call you if you win anything. Or I can refund your $10.00 and offer you a meal at the Denny's for your trouble."
A pause.
"How about four meals? There's four of us."
I did a quick calculation in my head. I could get away with four meals at Denny's and justify it if for no other reason than to shut these ladies up and move on with my day.
"OK. I can do four meals."
The four of them, satisfied, walked over to the Denny's. I went to the cage and got them their $21.00. I handed it off as they were getting drinks. "This is on the house," I told the waitress.
I went about my business.
Ninety minutes later, the Denny's waitress came over to give me the bill so I could fill out the comp slip.
"$288.00?! What the hell did they freaking order? Holy Shit!"
Four steak dinners. Four milkshakes. Four desserts. Three breakfasts, a sandwich, and a meatloaf platter to go along with two more milkshakes. An order of brownies. The list went on. I was stunned and furious.
I was so caught off guard, I left the casino to smoke and vent out loud to myself. The first trip around the property I was angry at them. The second trip, I realized I was pissed at myself. I had opened the gate; they had just walked through it.
Twenty minutes later, I came back and noticed they were still there. No longer at the Denny's but back playing the machines. I knew that as soon as my general manager saw the $288.00 comp, it was my ass but I thought I saw a way out. I approached the four, all smiles.
"Did you enjoy your meal? You should've because you got enough food to serve a football team!" And they laughed.
"You sticking around? If you are, can I get you some drinks on me?"
They were and I could. They ordered four double shots of Patron. $72.00 in tequila. "Absolutely!" I said. I was betting these idiots wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Patron and El Toro so I had the bartender pour four double shots of the latter. A $1.80 comp.
Sure enough, they didn't know the difference between premium tequila and horse piss so they were feeling quite taken care of. I kept this up, delivering my fake Patron double shots every 45 minutes or so, chatting them up, directing them to slots that I told them were big payouts but, in fact, were more like donation boxes.
Six hours later, they were plastered and had lost over $6,000.00. I had made my $288.00 back and then some.
A few months later, I saw them in the joint again. The mother was having a problem with her free play points. There was no chance I was being suckered twice. I explained that I could email our marketing department to look into it but there was nothing I could do for her at the moment.
"What about some Denny's?" the daughter asked.
"No. I'm sorry but I can't give out Denny's for a $5.00 free play issue."
"That's alright. We already jacked up that stupid manager." They both started laughing. They didn't recognize me as I had shaved my beard off since our first encounter. "We ordered $300.00 in food. We ate on that for two days. That white boy was DUMB."
Yes. He was.
In the casino most of the relationships are openly transactional. That's the very nature of the business. The casino wants people to come in and lose their money on slots. The people want something in return if they keep losing. Everyone is looking to get one over on everyone else. The nicest encounters from the nicest people can turn ugly in seconds as soon as the staff refuses a request.
My difficulty in life has been my inability to recognize these transactional relationships outside of the casino.
When we moved to Vegas, we came out here with a friend who financed the move in exchange for our help. He was disabled and couldn't handle the move. We were friends and it all seemed kosher until we arrived and the move was complete. The transaction had been concluded but the relationship was cemented in our obedience to more transactions. After all, he was still disabled and expected that we would continue to do his bidding and as soon as either my wife or I refused a request, we became his enemies.
My second marriage was transactional. She wanted someone to produce her artistic inclinations; I wanted someone brilliant to create shows I would produce. When I stopped producing shows of any kind, she moved on to a mutual friend for a year before we divorced.
In the earliest days of the theater I founded in the nineties, I thought we were all in it together but whenever I attempted something that would benefit us all and I failed, my failure resulted in my perceived comrades in arms turning on me in a split second. I spent the first several years of that endeavor constantly worried that the ensemble would simply leave should I not meet the transactional requirements in place. Eventually I got tired of that pressure and when people left only to scorch the earth with tales of what an asshole I was, I couldn't be surprised.
I was definitely the asshole. I reneged on the premise of the relationships. I was there to serve them, they were there to be served. I rejected the premise thus the promise.
Upon reflection, I've never been great at making friends. I can lay blame on a host of reasons for this but I'd wager that the rolling stone nature of my growing up has me gaining status and relationships based in large part from what I can supply. I'm worth your time because of what I can do for you. As soon as I find myself resenting the transactional nature of the friendship, as soon as I stop doing things, the relationship becomes null and void.
I'm getting on in years at this point and I find a healthy sense of misanthropy is settling into my bones. My earlier inability to understand the transactional nature of so many of my relationships—from the assistant I trained at the public radio station who was instrumental in my resignation to the misperceived friends I had in Chicago who abandoned me in the face of controversy—has fostered a desire to be left alone.
Yes. There was a time when I blamed them, was angry at them. After a second walk around the property, I realized that I had opened the gate; they just walked through it. If anyone is to blame (as if assigning blame is either necessary or helpful) it is most definitely me. I am the asshole. I entered into the agreement of friendship in exchange for industry. I no longer have any desire for that sort of bought and paid for relationship. Thus multiple burnt bridges to multiple transactional friendships.
I am, gratefully, beginning to recognize those relationships based on mutual interest, common enthusiasms, and equal transactions. I'm beginning to see the joys of friendships without strings attached, without a contract.
With the economy having taken a hit and employment moving further and further online, it concerns me that so much of our communication to one another has become strictly transactional. GoFundMe, Patreon, Buy Me a Coffee, OnlyFans. As our relationships grow exponentially from in-person to online, the mixed message of being a "friend" (the definition changing before our very eyes and meaning everything from 'friend' to 'subscriber' to 'follower') and a transactional partner is murkier.
I mean, Christ, I just started to see the difference in my own life and I'm over half a century old. I wonder if my niece is able to see the difference now that so many of her relationships are primarily digital. I wonder about kids who've spent the past year in lockdown and who's only relationships are within the social media platforms.
From this position I'm in, having realized the emptiness of transactional friendships, I offer a caution. Take a moment or two and reflect upon your relationships. The ones that are predicated on transaction are doomed.
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viviene037blog-blog · 4 years
How much is the gaming industry worth 2015
Gaming Grabs The Higher Score On Twitter
Twitter is where game publishers, the gaming media, common game streamers and entertainers, esports leagues, teams, players and commentators interact with their most engaged fans and with one particular an additional. So what's with the lack of inclusion in the gaming globe? In addition to the frequently hostile world of desktop and console games (see the GamerGate controversy as just one instance), there is nonetheless somewhat of an business perception that women simply do not play video games. Yet, that is far from correct - ladies are really gaming a lot more than ever prior to, especially on mobile.
Definitely glad that my weblog inspired you to start your personal. Yes it's tough work and it requires some time to develop, but if you do it correctly you can have a good on the internet brand. Beginning the weblog is only the starting, so make sure to read the rest of my articles in the Gaming Blog Series which will take you by way of all the steps. If you have any concerns don't hesitate to ask me, I am satisfied to aid where I can.
With the abundance of established gaming web sites present on the online, it is best to do some competitor analysis and research about the most well-known websites and the most recent trends in gaming to keep your web-site up to date. A couple of search queries on Google would help you see what are the most recent trending subjects gamers are hunting at. This will aid you see what most gaming web pages have to provide, and how they present their content material to their audience. You would also be in a position to obtain out how to stand out and know your audience better.
I got into action games late but when I did it totally changed how I viewed gaming forever. The game which brought me round was Viewtiful Joe. Right here was a game with a deep and open-ended combat method which seemed to be built as a indicates for the player to express creativity. This program is then pitted against opponents and obstacles which have been created from the ground up to interact meaningfully with the core method. The course was fixed, but the method for dealing with that course was completely down to the ingenuity, skill and inspiration of the player. You play like you have a big audience watching and the game continually entices you to increase the focus is not just on getting the player from A to B, the focus is on getting the player to play Viewtifully”.
Due to mobile game development outsourcing , the newest indie games made by smaller studios or individual programmers get lots of attention and positive feedback from each players and journalists. With the support of application outsourcing firms, every single person, with suitable understanding, can produce and promote gaming apps without the need of any obstacles.
Microsoft — with our practically 40 years of gaming practical experience beginning with Pc, as effectively as our breadth and depth of capabilities from computer software to hardware and deep encounter of becoming a platform corporation — is nicely equipped to address the complex challenge of cloud game-streaming. With datacenters in 54 Azure regions and services offered in 140 nations, Azure has the scale to deliver a good gaming expertise for players worldwide, regardless of their place.
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The CONTEST That Gets Customers
The Atlantic Gaming Desk is a piece of steel furnishings that is in particular built for today's modern day gamer or even a home workplace owner. Its sturdy legs come completely integrated with cup holders and other attachments that are just ideal for organizing a selection of your personal computer accessories and peripherals. The Atlantic Gaming Desk also attributes a exceptional cable management system that organizes the various wires and cables that your devices possess. There is a charging station, a monitor stand, game storage rack, game controller hooks, gaming speaker trays, and a whole lot much more. Its padded feet will not also scratch your floor.
It's February! In 2017 that means that we get six much more weeks of winter AND your yearly dose of video game statistics and trends. We're taking a look at big events and shifts in the gaming sector and taking into consideration the current state of gaming. Take a peak, or remain for a week! All statistics are thoroughly researched. See sources at the bottom of the page for extra information.
Avantura has one particular of the finest building blocks we've seen for constructing a gaming website, it supports exceptional colour categories ( a should for any really serious gaming magazine), can be combined with popular widgets, can be colour customized per page, has quite a few options for the header and footer and it has an incredible good searching blog post design. Also, it has a pretty good about the author module and some nice next and previous article hooks. On top of it all, it supports a good mega menu with photos.
Gaming content material remains 1 of most effective approaches to attain young guys. Tubular Labs reports that amongst millennial males, gaming— particularly, gameplay— ranks in the prime three categories for each 18—24-year-olds (#1) and 25—34-year-olds (#2). But what about ladies? As it turns out, adult women have recently unseated teenage boys as the largest video game— playing demographic, according to the Entertainment Software program Association YouTube trends reflect this: Viewership among females has doubled year more than year, and women more than the age of 25 are the quickest-expanding demographic for gaming content.
Mobile games serve as a source of speedy, boredom-beating entertainment, a bit of anxiety relief and a distraction from genuine life worries, and simply as a restful moment (such as gaming in one's downtime). Additionally, 60% of ladies say that gaming makes them really feel superior, and given that mobile gaming is rapid and quick - the game is normally on their person - it is effortless to play although on the go. As Refinery29 says in their dive into girls and mobile gaming, females haven't been historically effectively-served by the sedentary nature of video games, but mobile gaming changes the story right here, considering the fact that they can play anywhere.
These numbers can absolutely vary per study, but it does appear like the quantity of female significant gamers are on a downward trend. The last time we checked in females were closer to 45%-48% of gamers. We can speculate as to why this is. Perhaps females are less fond of the emergence of the eSports trend. Possibly females are feeling significantly less included in gaming forums and on the net communities just after the harassment accusations of the final couple of years. Maybe they're just additional drawn to other entertainment industries, but this is definitely a trend to continue watching.
You'd be shocked at just how versatile the AmazonBasics Laptop and Tablet Bag is. Offered in 5 distinct sizes, with the largest totally capable of holding and guarding a significant 17.three inch ultra-high efficiency gaming laptop, this laptop bag comes with avariety of storage pockets for all of your https://malabis.online/ smaller peripherals like gaming mouse, 3D pens, digitizers, and even smartphones, MP3 players, pens, and numerous far more. Its smallest version which is developed for holding a 7 inch tablet or a ten inch netbook is equally valuable as it comes with the exact same accessory pockets complementing its main storage compartment.
Generally made use of to refer to games that are created by significant studios with a substantial spending budget, requiring a higher sales volume and substantial application expansions to sustain profitability. Like hollywood, these games tend to rely on relatively low-danger sequels over higher-danger artistic projects, so anticipate to see your operate all over billboards and Television advertisements. You are going to be focused primarily on Computer, Playstation and Xbox gaming for AAA titles.
We use our GeForce Experience servers to establish the very best high-quality settings primarily based on the user's CPU and GPU, and target higher frame prices than 'normal' optimal settings to assure the lowest latency gaming expertise. These settings are automatically applied when the game is launched so gamers do not have to be concerned about configuring these settings themselves.
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Best Dog Obedience Training | Top Tips Available Here
New Post has been published on https://dogtraining.dknol.com/english/best-dog-obedience-training-top-tips-available-here/?utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230+Freda+K+Pless&utm_campaign=SNAP%2Bfrom%2BBest+Dog+Training
Best Dog Obedience Training | Top Tips Available Here
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At SitDropStay Puppy Training we believe your new puppy requires a mixture of leadership, love, affection, play, stimulation and socialisation, as well as clear boundaries and rules to grow into a happy, calm and balanced adult. Your behaviour over the next few weeks is critical to both your puppy’s development and your relationship with them. 23 Aug 2017 9:27:12am Animal testing Baiting Breed-specific legislation Dog attack Dog park Human-canine bond Dog sports Dog walking Dog daycare Dog grooming Famous dogs Therapy Fear of dogs Dog licence Dog meat Dog food dog biscuit 2007 recalls Dogs in religion Origin Skin care Plants All about Dogs Pet Sitting Level Five Coming Soon Obedience Classes Urban Puppy School Telephone General: Student 2016 Discussion Forum Recall Workshop Permanent link Keeping Wildlife Safe and Your Cat Happy We also have a display team and would be pleased to showcase our dogs at your event.  We have done displays at Schools, Ag Shows, Field Days and the displays always prove popular. Note: If the weather forecast for Wednesday is 35C or over, dog obedience training will be cancelled – weather forecast is taken from the Channel 9 news program on Tuesday night. To find out if dog obedience training has been cancelled due to inclement weather, call Ray – dog obedience volunteer, on 0413 136 644. Proofing all behaviours Purely positive or motivational training employs the use of rewards to reinforce good behavior, and ignores all bad behavior.[58] It is based in Thorndike’s Law of Effect, which says that actions that produce rewards tend to increase in frequency and actions that do not produce rewards decrease in frequency.[59]
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dog obedience training
fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Dry Food Buy Raffle Tickets The rule of thumb for dog training is “set the dog up for success”. Supervise the puppy at all times until he/she has learned what they are allowed to chew, and where they are supposed to eliminate. Keeping the puppy on a 3 metre remote leash is an excellent way to keep him/her in sight, and to train them not to wander off. This is particularly helpful with a highly investigative puppy or for a very busy household. We are super grateful to George for getting back to us so quickly and giving confident, reassuring advice, and to Emma (and her beautifully behaved pup Kelsie) who travelled to help us. KID 4: The puppies all have really short attention span so it’s really difficult to get them to concentrate and get them to focus on what you’re doing with them. Find out more Primary and Secondary Languages 22 Aug 2017 9:32:24am Sit Drop Stay was created in 2005 to offer a more respectful and effective approach to co-existing and interacting with your dog and changing their behaviour Lifestyle Training for Pet Dogs The following organisations have been approved by the Minister for Agriculture as approved obedience training organisations in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 52 of the Domestic Animals Regulations: Friday – 7:00am to 6:00pm (EST) Breeds I learnt a great amount today. I am very happy with what ive learnt and seen and asked all the questions i could think of. It was a great session, leaving me with hope for the future, in fact i have had a good day with Jess and ive been using the language and physicality i learnt today. Become a trainer Helping Dogs Events A must for anyone who interacts with dogs for work. Cost: $150 ©2015 City of Tea Tree Gully Course Resources How can we improve the lives of our dogs? Licking people or things too much Every effort should be made to avoid punishment for new puppies as it is generally unnecessary and can lead to avoidance of family members, at a time when bonding and attachment is critical. By preventing problems through confinement or supervision, providing for all of the puppy’s needs, and setting up the environment for success, little or no punishment should ever be required. If a reprimand is needed, a verbal “no” or a loud noise is usually sufficient to distract a puppy so that you can then redirect the puppy to the correct behaviour. Getting a new puppy? Call us Carina State School Mind twitter Go Electronic training involves the use of an electric shock as an aversive. Common forms are collars which can be triggered remotely, or that are triggered by barking, fencing that delivers a shock when a dog wearing a special collar crosses a buried wire, and mats that can be placed on furniture to deliver a shock. Some aids deliver an aversive such as a spray of citronella when triggered.[61] The use of electric shock aversives for training dogs is the subject of considerable controversy. Supporters claim that the use of electronic devices allows training at a distance and the potential to eliminate self-rewarding behaviour, and point out that properly used, they have less risk of stress and injury than mechanical devices, such as choke chains. Opponents cite the risks of physical and psychological trauma associated with incorrect or abusive use.[62] Researchers have described several reasons why the dominance model is a poor choice for dog training.[71] First, a relationship based on dominance is established to gain priority access to scarce resources, not to impose particular behaviors on the less dominant animal,[72] so the dominance model is irrelevant for most of the behaviors that people want from their dogs, such as coming when called or walking calmly on a leash.[71] Second dominance-submission relationships, once established, are constantly tested and must be regularly reinforced.[73] Thus people, particularly children and the elderly, may not be able to retain their rank and are at risk of being injured if they attempt to do so.[71] Third, dominant individuals gain priority access to resources, but only while they are present, establishing dominance over a dog does not guarantee its behavior when the dominant individual is distant or absent.[71] Emergency appeals Why positive, reward-based training A-Z In other projects Jump up ^ McConnell, Patricia (26 January 2011). “The Model-Rival Method”. The Other End of the Leash. Retrieved 2 December 2012. Home Ever After WHITE CARD Nationally Recognised 0412 079 001 (enquiries and tech support only) I really enjoyed the story!!!!! Greyhounds Misbehaving at the dog park Adrian Barei Site terms of use Jump up ^ Lindsay 2000, p. 247–248 We produce quick results and in an easy to understand process that will provide you with education and understanding and bring balance back into your life! In the majority of cases problems that owners think will be difficult to rectify can be resolved quickly with our Amichien technique with Leanne. Home  >  Puppy Articles  >  Exercising  >  How To Train A Puppy Rescuing a dog Wet Food We had George over on the weekend to fix my blue heeler’s pulling on the leash and severe anxiety when out in public. Within half an hour, George had identified the issue, corrected Obi and taught me …and my partner how to lead him when out walking. I was left speechless, Obi was fixed after one session! I took him for a big walk this morning. Not a single pull, never arked up at other dogs and walked by my side the whole time. Literally the most pleasant walk we have been on in the two years since he came into my life. Can’t thank George and the team at sitdropstay enough. Highly recommended, worth every cent � See more Basic Dog Training Tips | Check It Out Now Basic Dog Training Tips | Check It Out Basic Dog Training Tips | Read More Legal | Sitemap
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 26.07.17 lb
plain text version here. 
back to the girls kicking asssssssssss. woooooo hooooo! 
i especially love how anika seems to have a lot of pent up rage that she’s expending on these no-names. 🙃🙃🙃
why is poor rudra being the one targeted? shoot shivaay. he’s the annoying one. 🙄🙄🙄
LMFAO WHAT EVEN... I... 😯😯😯😧😧😧
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after a long day of work, i just want a little of whatever gulneet are smoking while writing scenes like these. it would really me unwind. 😌😌😌
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“humaare achche khaase show ki kya haalat kar rahe ho, gulneet????” 
OMFG I... i really can’t... I JUST HAVE NO WORDS. I JUST DON’T. 🤐🤐🤐
best part of this: kapde are coming righhhhhhhhhhhht off (who knew tearaway salwar kameezes exist, just like tearaway track suits?), and rudra, THE LOVE INTEREST, closes his eyes, but shivaay is just like: 
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“khud ki biwi toh kuch dikhaati nahi. i’ll take what i can get, i guess. sorry, baby bro.” 
(om is me. wondering where to find some of gulneet’s maal. puff puff pass, plz.) 
oufff, i just have to fwd. i can not tolerate this garbage. i’m a rabid feminist and all, but this is fucking ridiculous ok? 😑😑😑
never thought i’d relate to pinky these days, but she’s the luckiest one to faint, than have to witness this. 😐😐😐
presenting - the incredible hulk singh oberoi. ain’t no one touching that baby on his watch. HULK SMASH HIM, SHIVAAY! 👿👿👿
baby be like “my tiny dad is angry. must be serious. 😕😕😕” 
oh my goddddddddddd the water was left on! RUDRA YOU FUCKING IDIOT. WHO DOES THAT???????????? 😧😧😧
mom’s hereeeeeeeee. 😊😊😊
bitch, if YOU of all ppl can get attached to the baby this soon, then she’s an infinitely more kind and empathetic human being. 😒😒😒
yep. time to fuck husband up for his awaiiii ki herobaazi. 😂😂😂
lol, he has the same complaints regarding her and her random dispensing of thappads. 🤣🤣🤣
alllllllll the faraqs. 😚😚😚
baby is getting kissed as a proxy. mom and dad very much want to kiss each other instead. 👪🏽👪🏽👪🏽
pffffffffffft. khanna ko finally hosh aaya. i’m not even going to talk about their security nonsense. 😒😒😒
... where is jhanvi supp to be? is this pune? why is she in the oberoi mansion bathroom then? 😐😐😐
daaaaaaaaaamn jhanvi, that highlight game. #glowAlert 😍😍😍
when svetlana inspires more love in me than one of your female leads *clears throat* you knowwwwww you gotta write that one character better. 😐😐😐
ouff, this MAAAAAAAAAAAA (lol @vishwaspur and her nicknames mannnnnnnn. they’re so addictive.) is so dead behind the eyes. i don’t like this actress at allllllllll. 😒😒😒
oufffff, what is this nonsense Bhavya Bhajan???? the most loved bahu here is Anika, and even she isn’t THAAAAAAAAAAT educated, so what even are you talking about, MAAAAAAAAAAA? 😑😑😑
oh thank god, omkara is here to set her straight. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
... what does he mean DUSRE BAHUON. there’s just one other bahu. awaiiiii writers bhavya ko family mein ghusaane ki koshish. like what do these ppl even know about bhavya???? she’s been assigned to this family on official duty. she could have a boyfriend for all they know!!!!!!!!! matlab, kuch bhiiiiiiiiiiiii? 😒😒😒
also, pretty sure anika hasn’t gone to college. finished high school and that’s it. 😐😐😐
gauri be like “shit. there he goes being perfect again and making me fall in love. i really don’t need this bs right now.” 😫😫😫
... did nakuul get another haircut? and are his highlights gone now???? OMG DARE WE HOPE @theincorrigiblemagpie??? 😩😩😩
husband has all the feelz seeing wife + baby in his bed again. everything is right with the world again. for tonight. 😍😍😍
hee hee hee, omkara ne chori pakadddddddd li. 😆😆😆
oh no. don’t be building up anika - baby relationship like thisssss. this is hard enough as it issss. 😭😭😭
ouff shivaay, could you be more in love with her???????? honestly. might as well just tattoo it on your forehead. 🙄🙄🙄
omki be like “this stubborn idiot. time for me to open a can of truth on him.” 
ooooooooooh bringing back that controversial scene of DBO. 😯😯😯
observation: rudra’s love for anika is the purest and most unconditional. he will pick her even over shivaay when the situation calls for it. but omkara is the one who understands how well she fits into shivaay’s life, and how integral she is to his happiness, and he will always fight for her rightful place by shivaay’s side. his loyalties lie firmly with shivaay, so he won’t pick anika OVER him, but he will always call shivaay out on his BS and make him realise anika’s true worth. 😌😌😌
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“baat karne laayak kuch bacha nahi hai ab.”
oh my heart, shivaay’s heartbroken face and omki’s look. *cries for all eternity* 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
i swear to god, shivaay is the biggest fucking idiot of them all - why isn’t he using his brain to think even onceeee that om was the one who anika offended the MOST that day - and he’s here fighting tooth and nail FOR her and telling shivaay to get her back. NOT EVEN ONCE IS HE QUESTIONING WHY IS OM SUPPORTING ANIKA SO MUCH????? godddddddddd. 😫😫😫😫😣😣😣😣
omki, you’re so wise and beautiful. i love you so much. you magnificent poetry spouting unicorn. 🦄🦄🦄
oh great. these two are having an angsty fight that i really don’t give a shit about. 🙄🙄🙄
“... lekin aap bhool rahi hai ki aap ek ladki hai...”
i really don’t get the TONE of this argument? how can you ANGRILY DEMAND that someone share their problems with you? like... 🤔🤔🤔
this whole argument is just weird. and i feel zero connect to it. like i feel a little bad for rudra, but... 😕😕😕
yo ppl, svetlana/jhanvi is my current hot otp of this show and nothinggggg can make me change my mind ok???? I FUCKING SHIP IT SO MUCH. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
lol, this is just footage of surbhi playing with the baby. too adorable. 😘😘😘
ouffff whyyyyyyy do these ppl still have this jankyass basket??? 
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lol gauri’s face tho. like “sure bro. sure.”
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pffffffffffft, harneet. i see what you did there. 😒😒😒
lmao anika and RiKara’s faces at shivaay’s bs: 
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bade bhaiyya callling on bulbul for support. #myBrOTP 😊😊😊
hahaha “woh mujhse attached hai jaise scooter pe stepney”
shivaay muttering “yeh middle class examples, my godddd” lmaooooo 😂😂😂
ouff. these idiots. just let the baby say what she wantssssssssss. a baby’s first word doesn’t have to have a lot of MEANING. 🙄🙄🙄
great. you’ve done it. you’ve made her cry. DANCE NOW. DANCE!!!!!!!!!!
“styling kaisi bhi ho, bharatiya naari rehti bharatiya naari hi hai. especially jab woh patni ho.”
lmfaoooooo, my girl svetlana spitting some omkara-grade truth. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
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lmao how was that supposed to be any proof, when jhanvi didn’t even hear tej’s side of the conversation??? 🤔🤔🤔
waah. pari is from naam aur khoon waala khaandan. (tell me, have you EVER seen a poor “saxena” in a movie/serial? nope. saxena/oberoi/etc. are just automatically rich ppl names.) 
waaaah, this man is shivaay’s future in 20 years. shivaay looks rightfully alarmed. 😆😆😆
arundati, you’re a little bitch, you know that? who does shit like this???? 😒😒😒
snort, shivaay having to remind rudra that this is a serious moment and he should stfu. 😂😂😂
oh shut up mr. saxena. you’re an asshole. 😠😠😠
“can i have my baby back?” 
nice of her to phrase it so politely, as if she’s asking for a cup of sugar. 😕😕😕
shivaay ko itna sadma anika ke jaane pe bhi nahi hua tha. poor boy. *pats his floofy hair... which [squints] i can’t quite tell if is still coloured or not* 
"ragini? are you fine, BETA?”
ugh samarrrrrrrrrr, why are you so niceeeeeee? stop worming your way into my heartttttttttt. 😥😥😥
“aisa kyaaaaa hai us shivaay mein?”
samar, it’s been over a year, and even WE don’t know the answer yet. if we ever find out, you’ll be the first to know. 😗😗😗
BHAABI. samar was married to chawl girl! 😯😯😯
“maine un logon ko dekha hai, aur jitna main samajh paaya hoon, shivaay aur anika achche log hai. don’t mess up their lives, please!” 
samar, dude. you’re tooooooo nice and sane for this show. too pure. too fucking pure. #protectSamar2k17 😪😪😪😪
awwwww, return of the sahil/anika poemmmmmmmm. 😚😚😚
gauri finally got the name of the drug right! 🤓🤓🤓
could these people stop manhandling this poor babyyyyyy??? one of you hold her, and just everyone can talk to her. ouff. so uncomfortable this looks for the poor child. 😕😕😕
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kunal + baby: MY KYPTONITE. 😣😣😣
lol rudra has the same dialogue for every time a child comes into the house: that he’s happy someone younger than him is here (he said the same when sahil started living here.) 
why he keeps forgetting that he has a younger sister PRINKU, is beyond me. 😕😕😕
awwwwwwwwwwww man. rudra’s cryyyyyying. my heart. 😥😥😥
i knew shivaay wouldn’t say anything. he has to keep his strong waala facade up in public. this stupid emotionally stunted boy of mine. 😔😔😔
oh my hearttttttttttttttttttttt. she doesn’t wanna let shivaay goooooooo. 😥😥😥
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ugh mannnnnnnnnnnn, i didn’t even want this track, why am i having all the feels for shivaay and this damn baby?!!?! goddamn you nakuul and the cutest baby in the universe ever. damn your amazing faces to heck. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
yeah ok we get it, shivaay was very attached to the baby and he’s ready for fatherhood. SORT OUT HIS ISSUES WITH HIS DAMN WIFE THEN. DON’T YOU DARE BE BRINGING A BABY INTO THE CURRENT HOT MESS THAT IS HIS FUCKED UP PERSONAL LIFE RN. 😠😠😠
finally found her ducky! 😌😌😌
i love how they’re mansplaining the baby to her own mom, based on their experience of 3 days. 3 fucking days. 🙄🙄🙄
ok fwding this nonsense. i just can’t take it anymore. gimme the damn precap. it’s almost 3 am where i am and i need some fucking sleep. 😣😣😣
rudra weeping like a baby while dancing though. ouff. *resignedly hugs him while yawning* 
ooooooooooooh. artist omkara issues. very interestinggggg. i think i might like this track! 😌😌😌
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studentsofshield · 7 years
Monday Recs for May 22, 2017 - Iceman
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More Details:
Bobby Drake has always been the odd one out from the original five X-Men. Cyclops, Beast, and Angel have all had major character arcs. Jean Grey has obviously died twice. He’s been less used and honestly boring compared to his peers. Chris Claremont’s iconic early run was obviously focusing on the new team from Giant-Size, but Iceman had the least cameos compared to Beast and Angel.
He didn't really get a notable character arc until the whole "untapped potential" thing started in the mid-1990s when Emma took over his body. The famous comment from fans was that if you really thought about it, Iceman’s powers should be ridiculously powerful. Humans are mostly composed of water and there is moisture in the air everywhere. So why does he just slide around and throw snowballs? 
That's been hammered over and over again and once you get past "oh, he's probably an omega level mutant but doesn't work hard enough" it doesn't really mean anything. Superheroes' internal conflicts can't just be about their powers with nothing behind it. Marjorie Liu finally lead the charge in attaching some kind of repression or self-esteem issues to that bit.
Brian Michael Bendis finally controversially revealed this deep seated cause. He’s been a closeted gay man. The execution left a lot of fans upset or critical. The time/dimension-displaced young Jean Grey basically outed young Bobby through unethical telepathy and then it was just assumed that the adult version was likewise gay.
It’s currently impossible to talk about Bobby without explicitly talking about his sexuality, for better or worse. So the following two paragraphs are relevant to that.
This may be controversial to some, but yours truly (Vincent) thinks that Bendis wanted to make Bobby gay in ANXM 40 to further solidify his legacy on the title and attempt to make Bobby a bit more "interesting." Now, whether making a character's sexuality atypical is an "ethical" way to try and spice them up is a whole other giant discussion. Then he crowdsourced social media and comics journalists to actually loosely connect it to continuity in UXM 600.
There are a few obscure moments in Bobby’s comics history that can retroactively be read as hints/evidence toward his closeted status. Not a single one was originally intended as such (unlike Northstar’s history), though Marjorie Liu contends that she was writing Bobby as closeted. They are specifically included on this list for those interested in exploring that thread. The curious gender/sexuality interplay in Defenders between Bobby, Cloud, and Moondragon may have some commentary that doesn’t hold up today but is really intriguing. The pre-Age of Apocalypse UXM 319 is a story that has fans reinterpreting Rogue’s role as a “beard.”
Operation Zero Tolerance is a big crossover. But really only the issues listed are relevant to Bobby. He has actually had two miniseries. The first is from 1984 and is by J.M. DeMatteis to tie into Defenders. As DeMatteis' readily admits today, it is pretty bad and has no direct connection to his arc in Defenders.
Collection Information:
Though not featured on the reading list above, Bobby’s earliest stories as a consistent member of the team in the Silver Age are worth looking at. Though keep in mind the writing and art in these stories are very much a product of the early 1960s.  -Children of the Atom Epic Collection (1-23) -Lonely Are the Hunted Epic Collection (24-45)
Bobby’s Defenders stories are not collected currently. Certain portions of his X-Factor time can be found in the Genesis & Apocalypse Epic Collection and across various other X-Men books.
Operation Zero Tolerance has an oversized hardcover. There are older paperback versions which cut out a lot of the material not relevant to Bobby.
Mike Carey’s Supernovas era is collected in a trade of that name and Blinded by the Light.
Marjorie Liu’s arc is in the Astonishing X-Men: Unmasked trade.
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