#intimacy coordinators
iww-gnv · 6 months
In the last handful of years, intimacy coordinators have been normalized on Hollywood sets when it comes to actors engaging in nudity and sex scenes. But it wasn’t until SAG-AFTRA negotiated their tentative agreement with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers that language around intimacy coordinators was officially recognized in the contract by both the union and the studios, which members of the negotiating committee as well as working intimacy coordinators see as “a big win.” “This is the first contract where intimacy coordinators are mentioned [in the contract]. I just think it’s very common to have either an uncomfortable or possibly traumatic experience when it comes to this,” negotiating committee member Caitlin Dulany tells Rolling Stone. “And it’s not healthy for us or our sets, so it’s a great victory to have this in our contract.”
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wttnblog · 6 months
Intimacy Coordinators Belong on Set Regardless of What Jennifer Aniston Things
Earlier this week, Jennifer Aniston did an interview with Variety where she claimed to turn down an offer for an intimacy coordinator during her scenes with Jon Hamm on The Morning Show. Not only did Aniston not seem to understand the purpose of such a coordinator, but her blatant disregard for their importance was a disservice to other people in the film industry who may be afraid to vocalize…
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Don't worry Destiny, the anon thinks shoving your tongue down your coworker's throat is chemistry
Lol I mean, I can't judge what one person views as "chemistry", and what one person doesn't. I guess maybe it's just a personal thing? 🤷🏾‍♀️
The original question however was on intimacy coordinators, and I honestly think they should be used even MORE in Hollywood. Jmho. 🤷🏾‍♀️
It doesn't mean anything is "wrong" with the actors, or that something "bad happened" on set (no way!).
These individuals are hired and directors use them to help assist with making the set a "safe space" for everyone involved when there are intimate scenes that need to be filmed for films or TV shows. That's pretty much it.
Just like you wouldn't just start throwing blows willy-nilly at your scene partner in a fight scene, you wouldn't do the same in an intimate scene. You need a fight scene coordinator for fight scenes, and it's good to have an intimacy coordinator for intimate scenes.
Sometimes they even ask an actor or actress before the scene... "is it okay if they touch you here?" They also have protection and gear that the actors wear esp if doing love scenes under the covers.... most of the time they're not completely naked under the sheets rofl 🤣 😂
Like c'mon folks lol.... 😂
Anyway, if anyone wants more info, here's a great video (below) on intimacy coordinators and what their job is..😊
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thundergrace · 2 years
“Game of Thrones” actor Sean Bean says intimacy coordinators “spoil the spontaneity” of shooting a sex scene.
“It would inhibit me more because it’s drawing attention to things,” Bean, who played Ned Stark in the hit fantasy show, said of having an intimacy coordinator in the room. “Somebody saying, ‘Do this, put your hands there, while you touch his thing…”
“I think the natural way lovers behave would be ruined by someone bringing it right down to a technical exercise,” he added, comparing his experience to the raunchy 1993 adaptation of “Lady Chatterly’s Lover,” in which he starred opposite Joely Richardson.
Not that intimacy coordinators needed validation but they just got it anyway and earned a raise. Cause what the fuck? Nice going, Sean.
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akajustmerry · 2 months
the most insane richonne lore relating to production is that both andrew lincoln and danai gurira have casually mentioned in interviews that there's an extended cut that will "never see the light of day" of the van scene in the 'say yes' where they both claim to have got "carried away" and the director just "kept rolling", but the director himself has gone on record to say the footage is "kept under lock and key" and all three just giggle and blush about it whenever it's brought up and we're just all meant to accept that (affectionate) and go on with our days sjsjsjajaj
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stagefoureddiediaz · 10 months
Robbie Taylor Hunt will probably go mostly under the radar but he needs and deserves all the props and praise for his work on Red white and royal blue.
intimacy coordinators deserve so much credit and he did an outstanding job with this film!!!
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eph-em-era · 8 months
hey so i am so so pleased they hired an intimacy coordinator this time around! and you can tell that the actors are much more comfortable too! the intimacy is much much better!!
let's do a lil intimacy breakdown from my knowledge as an IC in training and a director just in general
(this is a long post so it's under the cut)
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fact is, there's some awkwardness in the ed/stede s1 kiss, which i am ninety percent sure is due to body placement. i'd wager there was a discussion on set that was like "hey this is a stunning shot, we love what it looks like, let's get the actors in" and they got the actors in and got to the blocking for the kiss and everyone was like "hey this is a bit awkward but we'll muscle through" - cause that awkwardness fits the character arcs.
but it's not actually all that easy turning all the way to one side to kiss someone without moving where your legs are! it's weird! it's an awkward angle! - or more accurately, it's the angle that two people would kiss at if it was a very impulsive, awkward surprise; or if your two lead actors are very good friends faced with playing lovers for the first time and not sure what to feel about that (we've all been there) - there's reticence, but it fits the scene so it's fine.
(Lucius and Pete and Olu and Jim also have moments of intimacy, which for the most part are fine, and I suspect that's a combo of a) their staging is SO MUCH BETTER, b) character choices, c) different directors and d) less of that "OMG WE'RE PLAYING LOVERS NOW" anxiety)
~~onto season 2~~
for the record, intimacy direction isn't just for kissing/sex scenes, ICs can come in for intimacy building exercises and additional blocking, as well as things like nudity, childbirth or any similar sensitive work, but I'm going to be talking mostly about kisses in this. anyway!
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Beautiful! Kind, lovely, tender! The backdrop is super nice too. Honestly, the Lucius/Pete stuff has really been so nice all the way along; that's great casting! Especially in S2E5, everything reads as very earnest and space is used very well.
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Archie and Jim. Now, we don't have anything to compare it to from S1, but I'm flagging it cause yeah, they definitely have similar staging to Ed/Stede from S1E09. I would say there's a much better range of movement in this one, likely because they're sitting on the floor, braced against the bed, so they can compensate for the weird angle better than E/S could. This might come off as a lil rude but it's also more likely that these two actors are slightly more flexible and can make this staging work better than Taika and Rhys.
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Cannot for the LIFE OF ME find a gif of their hug, but they have fantastic chemistry! despite only showing up for like 2/3s of one episode. I've seen people whining about how they absolutely should have kissed - and you know what, I would have liked that too!
however, I suspect that what happened here was that one or both of the actors didn't want to kiss on screen, and voiced their objections to the IC, who found a work around. It was likely not cause of any kind of ill will or homophobia, for the record - sometimes you just don't want to kiss people. Maybe you're sick, maybe you're feeling weird, maybe you're just not in the right headspace, but a kiss might be off the cards that day.
This is behaviour we want to encourage, btw. The goal is to ensure that actors feel comfortable and that the shot isn't be all end all. I've done something very similar, we had 20 mins to get the blocking done and the actors weren't at a point where kissing felt comfy, so we did a kiss on the cheek and a hug.
it is better that the actors are comfortable than your ship is fulfilled.
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Hey yknow what I was saying about how ICs aren't just used for blocking, they're used for chemistry building? That's what they've HIT ON HERE. This is genuinely a very lovely kiss. It's deeply appropriate for the characters, and it's private and simple. things get a little more raunchy, and hands start moving, but then it's stopped, for a narrative reason, and the chemistry remains with the hand hold. It's really very nice, well blocked and well performed. the hand placement! the tenderness! it's great. there's none of that s1 reticence, whether that was from characters or actors.
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I think the intimacy work, much like the writing and the characterisation is much, much stronger in this season, and that's to the show's benefit. I know we're only halfway through, but I'm thoroughly interested to see where things go in the remaining episodes. I will update this post if anything exciting crops up in the final five.
and this is why you need to hire ICs! they make life easier for actors, directors and crew alike!!
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celluloidbroomcloset · 7 months
Just noticed that Ed's hand movement around Stede's neck and shoulders in the Season 1 beach kiss is repeated in Calypso's Birthday, but with important differences.
The first is very much in keeping with the tentative nature of the kiss and their relationship. Ed surprises Stede, they've never kissed before, and he likely doesn't know how it's going to be received. He puts his arms around Stede, but very gently and carefully. There's not much movement to his hand, and then he lets it drop onto Stede's back, rather than cradling his head. It's not leading to sex; it's an expression of attraction and establishing their feelings for each other, and Ed is very gentle and tenuous about it.
He also doesn't push anything too far. He's touching Stede, but he's not holding him, and Stede could pull away if he wanted to.
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The second is very much a precursor to sex. Ed moves his hand, finger by finger, up Stede's neck, until his thumb strokes his ear. This is a reciprocal kiss; they want each other, and they're not uncertain about the other's feelings or desires. Nothing about it is tentative; it's escalating the moment, with total consent from both partners.
It's also a deeply protective gesture - Ed has seen Stede tortured and is reassuring himself that Stede is there, alive, in his arms, and he can touch him and keep him safe in a way he couldn't when his arms were tied.
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They're not perfect kisses - the first is a little awkward and uncertain, and Ed doesn't move either of his hands much, like he's afraid if he moves, Stede will shatter. It's the beginnings of intimacy. The second is much more intense and physical, more clinging, and the repetition of Ed's hand movement is to bring Stede closer and give them both reassurance. But it's still inherently sweet and loving; this isn't so much "fuck" as "make love."
I love that this show does actually expand on the characters' intimacy with each other and lets their relationship, and how they express their feelings, deepen over time. Little things like the placement of their hands actually change the tone of the scene and show their care for each other in different ways.
Also, they're just really hot.
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galecstatic · 10 months
idk about you but the love making in paris was definitely one of the most beautiful scenes i have ever seen in queer media.
it was delicate and intimate. the emotions conveyed during the scene were natural and the way henry gives his consent to alex totally took my breathe away.
kudos to nick and taylor for delivering it in the most brilliant way.
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fanwarrior321 · 10 months
with all the beautiful gay content coming out I felt a need to rewatch Young Royals and I am further affirmed that that shit is top tier. the intimacy, the writing, the CHEMISTRY, the acting, the visuals, the soundtrack/score, just ALL of it is the definition of a television chefs kiss and I will forever be obsessed with it
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ingravinoveritas · 7 months
irvinis replied to your post "The fact that they made everyone leave the set..."
@ingravinoveritas correct me if I'm wrong. As far as I remember, M and D, as representatives of the old school, talked about “coordinators of intimate scenes” and so on. respecting boundaries as a surprising new trend? That is, they (as actors) didn’t really need to push everyone out the door.
martinsharmony replied to your post "The fact that they made everyone leave the set..."
do we know if there was in fact an intimacy coordinator used on this scene? I keep intending to check the credits. Also I love that it was a closed set because OF COURSE it was. It's an incredibly heavy scene - the heaviest in the entire series. So much emotion required from the actors. As actors, they deserve a closed set to get to the place they need to be in and exist there. I would say it was closed more for that then the kissing.
@irvinis @martinsharmony I'm not sure if it was ever confirmed whether an intimacy coordinator was used for this scene (either on the day of shooting, or in rehearsals beforehand). Intimacy coordinators are fairly standard on film sets these days as far as I know, but it sounds like it was only Rob (producer), Gavin (cinematographer), and Michael and David on the actual day. Which brings up so many questions about everything, like did Michael and David say they didn't need an intimacy coordinator, or was the kiss choreographed a certain way but then once the were kissing, just took off running with it ("it kept on going" was the exact phrase, I believe).
But I also wonder if the "This is happening!" moment almost went a bit like this...
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That realization of that third thing that comes into being when Michael and David are together--and that would no doubt be even more powerful and noticeable in a deeply intimate situation like this. And if that is the case, then I would agree with your assertion @martinsharmony that perhaps the set was closed for more than just the kissing. Michael and David are professionals and superbly talented actors, without question. But it does make you wonder if they went to an intimate place emotionally--not just as the characters, but with each other--that was ultimately what necessitated that closed set.
We can't know exactly what Rob or Gavin saw in those takes that seemingly no longer exist (God, how I wish we could see them...). But even just this little insight that Rob has given is enough to make you wonder. So longing for the day when the SAG strike is resolved and Michael can finally tell us (mostly) everything we've been dying to know...
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phantomoftheorpheum · 4 months
listen, I just love how much physical agency Belle is given in her romantic scenes with Jack. it's just little things about how the scenes are directed and shot, but it's lovely.
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destinyc1020 · 2 months
X "Challengers" Intimacy Coordinator speaking about Zendaya's awesomeness and her work with the cast on preparing them for the intimate scenes in the film. 🥰
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Thanks Anons! 🥰
This was very interesting to listen to indeed! I LOVE it when Zendaya is in "Girl Boss" mode. She seems like a great boss and I love how she wanted to ensure that everyone in the cast felt "safe" while filming the intimate scenes for this film. 🥰
It seems like there are some sexy dynamics in this film amongst all 3 of them!
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I can't wait!!! Sounds fun! (like the coordinator said!)
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eph-em-era · 8 months
OFMD intimacy breakdown eps 6-7
Oh hey, it's me! Back again with an intimacy breakdown for episodes 6-7. prefacing this, once again, that I'm not a certified intimacy coordinator, I'm an IC in training, choreographer and director. I'm also not affiliated with the show, just have interest in the subject.
Check out episodes 1-5 here.
Massive spoilers so it's under the cut.
(I do note that there's not an IC credited in these episodes - I know there's one attached to the project so perhaps they weren't utilised in these ones, or were uncredited. Who can say!)
Let's start with - I don't know why these two episodes were so deliriously fucking fast. Potentially scheduling issues with Taika? Alternatively I heard that they lost some budget, which would have cut things a bit.
HBO Max I am in your walls.
regardless, not a fan! I think the acceleration of the relationship worked, just because of what we know about their characters, but the wider plot was too fast for my liking. Hoping in the event of a season three they take that to heart.
Anyways, onto the intimacy!
Calypso's Birthday
On a whole, I found this episode deeply charming. I love a bit of whimsy, and the ep felt like a tribute to their queer audience. Felt very seen!
It's quite challenging interpreting intimacy in these scenes as an interloper, cause I don't know how much is purposeful, vs how much is staging. Regardless, we will forge on.
One -
I would have loved a little more closeness during Izzy's first singing scene! There's what feels like a metre of space between them; something as simple as arms brushing or leaning against each other helps build that intimacy. I am guessing the gap is for shooting space - you need to see what's going on behind them - but it really loses something. It's not bad intimacy, I just would have liked more.
An alternative character interpretation is that Ed & Stede are still trying to fumble their way through things and public displays of intimacy are too much for them - which could also be the intended effect.
But as we all know - a hand touch can ignite a thousand feelings, and I would have liked a little more.
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Two -
Lucius and Black Pete emerging after their day-long fuckfest. I've said it in the past and will happily say it now - I think Matthew Maher and Nathan Foad have the best chemistry out of this entire cast. It's so sweet, and so honest in a way that's very grounded compared to the rest of the cast - which is surprising considering who their characters are!
Lovely positioning! Very simple staging but effective, it makes the moment feel so, so private and intimate. It's really lovely.
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Three -
Ed and Stede finally get it together and have sex. Okay, so this is obviously intercut with Izzy singing, so I'll lay it out in stages.
First, the jacket grab.
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What does this say about Stede? He's been buoyed by his weird night and he wants to do something about it. What does this say about Ed? He's willing to go along with it, but it is not necessarily his first reaction. He's clearly feeling qualms about something - whether that's his relationship, or being a pirate - and he's not the one to initiate. This comes back later.
Regarding the staging, more technically - this is pretty common. A grab using the lapels or jacket is a very easy way to show intensity and passion. Does Ed respond with the same passion? Not quite.
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Oh hey, an up against the wall kiss! Very fanservicey, consider me impressed. I think this is a fun bit of staging, I suspect they were given very strict hand placement, cause nothing moves that much, it doesn't look particularly improvised.
Rhys Darby does something very specific with his hands when kissing that I've noticed now and I will never not notice, which is deeply annoying.
It's a very nice moment, but honestly, I would have loved a pause? There's something very sexy and very charming in a scene like this where one character makes the other character wait for it. A little holding back, breathing together, finding the moment. More of a seduction than this brute force omg we need to do this now thing.
I saw someone on Twitter say "Ed and Stede fucked but haven't made love" and that's the vibe I'm getting off the scene. Both of these characters have had a weird day, they're probably tipsy, there's been a lot of emotions and this is a desperate spilling over I need to feel your skin against mine now thing, from two people who don't really know where they both are yet. There isn't seduction cause it's not the place for seduction, cause no-one here properly knows how to communicate yet! They're saying everything but saying nothing.
I hope, in the event of further scenes like this, they have the moment to breathe.
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And finally, the third piece - the closing of the curtains.
What does this say about the characters? Hey this is a private moment, you're not allowed to witness this. It's the same as Ed/Stede other moments of intimacy. Everything is private, it's hidden, it's on a remote beach on an island or unobserved under the moonlight.
These dudes might talk about each other constantly and are unashamed to say they like each other, but they sure as shit can't show it publicly. There's also clear reticence within Ed - which echoes him saying he wants to take things slow, as well as his hesitance in the next episode.
This reticence is also shown in their costuming. This isn't a we spent care and time taking each other's clothes off energy, this reads more like Stede Bonnet is emboldened for one of the first times in his life and got naked way too fast. Hey, he's the one taking charge. He's the one closing the curtains.
Man On Fire
Not a whole lot of intimacy in this one. I'm not going to spend long on it, because it's not particularly meaty, but I think the Olu/Zheng hand grab over the table is adorable and a perfect way to show two people on the same page after going through it. It's balanced and sweet.
Now, the other thing:
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This staging is suuuuuuch a missed opportunity, but I also think it works considering the later context of the scene.
Y'know how you'd usually show a morning after? Snuggling up together, shoulder to shoulder, legs intertwined. Hazy and precious and lovely.
It's a bit harder with this particular set piece - you can't shoot them from the reverse, cause of the window, so everything needs to be pointed out towards the camera, making snuggling side by side harder to shoot. In theatre you'd just angle the prop differently, but you can't do that on film in a room that has established locations.
Initially when I watched this, I was like "okay rookie move, they've missed the obvious".
It makes sense with the characterisation of this episode. Stede's killed a guy. He's had probably the first bit of pleasurable intimacy in his entire life. Man's ego's the size of the room. He's got his chest out cause he feels good.
Ed, however. He's fully clothed. He's doing the good thing, doing the right thing, getting breakfast in bed but it's still not quite right in the way "it should be" (the twine), and he's buttoned up to the neck. No swagger, no body showing. What does that scream? Avoidance. Weirdness. Maybe even a bit of discomfort.
Keep in mind that in the last 12 hours he's seen Stede, who he fell in love with because of his whimsy and difference from other pirates kill a guy. He's seen him threaten other peoples' lives. He expressed the desire to take things slow and instead, in a feat of piqued emotion, they hooked up, and they probably shouldn't have.
They're not cuddling because it's weird. The whole moment is weird. It's almost a walk of shame but they're on the same damn ship together. They might have hooked up, but the pair of them clearly still aren't on the same page.
I doubt we'll see it next week, but I hope these two can find their peace. This is a genre comedy, not just a romance, so I doubt it'll be anything explicit, but I would love to see a scene that's deeply passionate, building the intimacy without building the pace. Take us in closer, let us feel what the characters feel without immediately cutting away.
Loathed as I am to link some of these clips because of their nonsense dialogue, here's some moments in other mlm media that do well at building that intimacy.
This Bill/Sam clip from True Blood that doesn't even have a kiss but holds the tension really well. Another nonsense dream sequence scene from True Blood that still has nice staging. Agron and Nasir from Spartacus have incredible chemistry with a variety of clips to choose from. There are so many options and I would love love love to see them explored in the final episode of S2 or in S3. Very excited to see them both on the same page - ENTHUSIASTIC CONSENT FOR THE WIN.
Thanks for reading! Reblog if you liked. If there's anything juicy in ep 8 I'll cover it as well.
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buckttommy · 2 months
7x05 intimacy coordinator what delicious treats are you going to bring me tomorrow and for which of my ships
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stagefoureddiediaz · 10 months
Here’s a couple of really great articles/interviews with Robbie Taylor Hunt talking about intimacy coordination more widely, but specifically on rwrb. He’s so knowledgeable and they’re really interesting and amazing reads and really showcase both his talent and why intimacy coordination is so important.
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