#interior design classes online
Interior Designing Courses: Best Interior Design Courses Online at AND Academy
Interior Designing Courses: Learn the technical skills you'll need to build beautiful interiors with the best online interior design courses. Visit AND Academy for more details.
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runiversity2023 · 10 months
Several Benefits Provided by Interior Design Courses
Interior designers are in demand, and their value is increasing. Some benefits of an Interior Design Certification are that an interior designer can improve their communication and management skills as they have to work in different industries and interact with different clients. If you are planning to pursue an interior design degree, then Rathore University is the best interior design institute in Ahemdabad. For more details, you can visit our website.
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shubham-16 · 10 months
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ivsindia · 2 years
What is communication Design?
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Central to communication, visual communication is a dynamic communication tool. Communication design is a blend of design process and information-development related to various ways of communicating with larger audience. Visual communication has a vital role in the communication process through different methods.
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one-night-story · 4 months
I Don't Know You, But I Would Love to Meet You (Jack Hughes)
a/n: I wanted to get this not under the wire, but I can't help but feel like it a little? Which, sorry about that. this is for @writingonleaves by way of @wyattjohnston 's annual winter fic exchange! I hope you enjoy it! this was as always a fun challenge to write. title is from "We Should Be Friends" by Josh Ramsay, which is v cute. (also it's so long oh jeez)
There’s probably a certain age when you’re fairly certain you’re “too old” to be waking up on strangers couches with little memory of A) who’s couch you ended up on and B) how exactly you got there.
I don’t think I’ve quite hit that age yet, so I think I’m in the clear for the understandable confusion I woke up with as the morning sun streamed in from the floor to ceiling windows. 
Shit, not only was I in an unfamiliar apartment, whoever was renting the place was clearly richer than my blood. 
Good news: my phone was on the coffee table and attached to a charger, so whoever I’d crashed with was a benevolent host, which boded well for my continued situation. I checked my texts and it seems last night me had been coherent and just exhausted, seeing as I remembered to text my roommate that I wasn’t coming home saying I was crashing “with friends” and that I’d text her when I got back on campus. 
Huh, promising.
It at least meant she wouldn’t send out a search party consisting of our friend group, their friends, and the National Guard. All incredibly good things for my continued health and existence. 
Now, to figure out who’s apartment I’d just woken up in. 
Carefully, I stretched out my legs and shifted the blankets onto my lap when I realized I at the very least had the sense to not try and sleep in jeans but had left my “nice enough to go out” t-shirt on, and scanned the area. A couple of photos on the wall of a relatively decent sized family, siblings at the bare minimum as they popped up in several photos. Rich, but a bachelor as no one with any interior design sense had popped by to huck a colored throw pillow into the mix, and that was assuming their lease didn’t allow for wall color changes. 
Honestly, I was coming up empty. 
None of my friends were this rich, hell if they were I feel like it would’ve come up way sooner, not to mention why the hell would they bother commuting to campus when they probably could leverage online classes and still come out with a degree. 
I was just about to fashion enough of a blanket skirt to at least try and find my pants so I could start rifling through a mail stack when there was creaking coming from down the hall. Well, maybe I’d have an answer soon enough. I readjusted the blanket a little so I could look over from where I thought the creaking was coming from and was greeted by… okay calling it a familiar face might’ve been a stretch, but so would the text to my roommate saying I was staying with a friend, so somehow that was two birds with one stone. 
I did recognize him, which was an improvement over my worst fear, he was a friend of a friend of a brother of a friend. Which put me at four degrees of separation, and raised my “why the fuck did I crash here” hackles, but the fact that I was on a couch and not in someone’s bed felt safe, even if it wasn’t all there yet. 
He didn’t seem to be fully coherent yet, as he rubbed his eyes and ran a hand through his, admittedly very pretty, hair so I tried to hold back a large laugh when he startled at seeing me sitting on his couch.
“Hi,” I said with a sheepish wave. “Sorry, I’ll get out of your hair soon enough,” I remarked. What I really needed to do was find out where the hell half-dead me had hucked my pants so I could tug them back on and then make a beeline to the nearest train station to get home.
“‘S fine, just… uh… shit, there’s no like… good way of asking this,” he mulled over.
“It’s okay, I don’t quite remember your name either,” I said, saving him the embarrassment. He laughed, and it was goofy and light, which was way too endearing for… shit did that microwave clock say 9:30 in the morning? I couldn’t help but join in with a chuckle of my own. 
“Oh thank god,” he said once he stopped most of the laughter, “I didn’t want to seem like a complete asshole, but also there was no way I was going to remember it after last night.” He added.
“Yeah, I don’t remember much either, and I don’t even think I drank that much?” I said with just a dash of question in my tone, he nodded once.
“You didn’t, but I think you mentioned that you didn’t want to risk taking the train back so late.” He said. “I offered to let you crash here when you refused to let someone pay for a hotel.”
Yeah, that sure did sound like me.
“Well, thank you, I’m Sadie,” I said, and as soon as I did, he brightened like he suddenly did remember and just needed the metaphorical kick in the brainstem. 
“Yes! Okay, see I thought it’d be in there,” he said with another chuckle. “I usually at least try to learn the names of the girls I bring home.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the way he chose to phrase it and even more when he very clearly winced realizing how it sounded.
“We’ll chop it up to “lack of coffee” and call no hard feelings, sound fair?” I proposed as an even solution to our silly little predicament. 
“Fair, I’m Jack by the way.” he said as he came over to the couch and offered up his hand. “Nice to actually meet you Sadie,” he said. 
“Nice to meet you too,” I said with a chuckle as I shook his hand with a bit of teasing vigor. 
“Can I at least offer you breakfast before you sneak out in the middle of the morning?” He asked while still holding onto my hand. I thought it over, and remembered the time, and figured that… yeah I could probably stand to be held up for coffee and a minimal breakfast before jumping on the train. 
“Yeah, if it’s not —“
“Don’t worry about it,” Jack was quick to cut me off. He let go of my hand and wandered back over to the kitchen and I was quick to try and figure out where the hell I’d put my pants so I wasn’t having to talk across the apartment and be perceived as rude on top of whatever else one could make assumptions about a girl who’d crashed on the couch of a guy she barely knew. After being assured that the blanket was carefully tucked around me I leaned down to check under the couch and was relieved when I found them sticking out. I carefully maneuvered my body so that I could reach under the couch, grab them and carefully bend back up onto the couch so I could put them on under the blanket. When I eventually sat back up and stood. Jack was looking at me with a look of bemusement. 
“Were you…”
“No, last night me wanted to not sleep in jeans. So I must’ve haphazardly hucked them off.”
“And you managed to get them on… without getting up from under the blanket?”
“Old trick from summer camp. Trust me, you haven’t even seen half of it.” I could get dressed pretty entirely without getting up from under the covers. When Jack still looked amused I chuckled and finished walking over to where he was in the kitchen. “What? Upstate New York gets cold in the morning in the summer.” I remarked. Jack fully laughed and again, I couldn’t help but join in.
“Oh I know, I guess I’m just used to living in houses with heating too.” He said. I simply shrugged, low tech summer camps, what could you do? I watched as Jack maneuvered around his kitchen to get the coffee going from the cautious spot of his breakfast bar, trying to not take up too much space or get in the way, no one likes multiple people in a kitchen at once, it was practically a fact. “I only have milk and sugar, I hope that’s okay?”
“It’ll be fine, I’m hardly in a position to be picky,” I said as I tried to focus on something that wasn’t the way Jack’s hair was falling that made him seem… softer? than just my brain’s logical, knee jerk reaction of him being “just some guy”. I mean, of all the people that my sleep addled brain could remember, I definitely remember that Jack was one of the better looking ones. I could feel my fingers wanting to pick at my nails and the social morays of it all was pretty much the only thing holding me back from doing so. I wanted to say something, anything, pretend for one morning that I was good at socializing. The fact that I’d managed to get through last night with enough grace and charm that I had managed to score a place to crash after the friend of a friend I came with ditched me to hook up with on of the myriad of white boys that were there that night meant this morning I was praying I had enough left to at least make it through coffee.
Jack set the Keurig off to do its thing and rifled through the cupboards to try and find… something. Honestly, while I was hoping for cereal, I would’ve settled for toast, when I heard him curse someone under his breath and went over to the fridge.
“Shit.” He muttered.
“Roommate eat you out of house and home?” I said taking a shot in the dark. Jack looked over, remembering he was making coffee for two and gave me a look that read as though I’d gotten it in one. He padded back over to the breakfast bar and leaned in conspiratorially, something I couldn’t help but meet him halfway about.
“So… I might’ve lied about breakfast. My brother was supposed to go grocery shopping yesterday after practice and it looks like he forgot.” I chuckled and opened my mouth to assure him that really, it was fine, thanks for even offering, I’ll just go; but he pressed on, “there’s a spot around the corner that does… probably better than I ever could and that includes the coffee. If you want, I could… take you there?” He proposed. 
On the one hand, that was incredibly sweet and his smile was very much continuing my brain’s belief of him being endearing. Not to mention I love a good brunch spot as much as the next girly and that included a good little diner.
On the other hand, I felt gross being in yesterday’s clothes and I didn’t want to impede Jack’s ability to get on with his day. That, and the somewhat social expectation to turn down anything offered with you without an obvious way to pay back. We weren’t really friends, and we weren’t dating, so what the hell could I even do? My obvious gut reaction was to reject it, to chop it up to the fact that really, he was just being polite and there was no real reason to go with him. But then I snuck another glance at him, a little open and earnest and maybe the offer was just a genuine “let me be a good host in spite of the fact that my roommate is making that a challenge.”
“One condition,” I said and Jack nodded, “you mind if I borrow your shower? I feel super gross,” I said and Jack immediately nodded.
“Yeah, course, I’ll get you a new shirt if ya need.” He was quick to add. I smiled and thanked him as he pointed me toward where the bathroom was. It was very clear a bachelor’s bathroom, but at least they had more than one bottle of soap. So… small victories.
I was quick to wash up and thankful for the t-shirt left precariously balancing on the bathroom island that fully suggested it’d been put there without someone looking. Changing was just as fast and I came back out feeling a little less like death. I grabbed my phone and my bag from the end of the couch (ungracefully shoving my t-shirt from last night in) and met Jack where he was by the door. 
The trip to ground level was mostly quiet, with both of us seemingly trying to pick and choose what to say about all of this. I didn’t want to put any sort of anything on it, hell, I was prepared to pay should need be and blow the rest of my fun money budget for the month. 
And Jack hadn’t been lying when he said the place had been around the corner as, sure enough, the glass faced front of a quaint brunch place, Edison light bulbs and all, was in front of us. For a late Saturday morning, it wasn’t horrendous by any means. I predicted a twenty minute wait without reservations, but I was willing to be surprised. Jack got the door for me and I muttered a quiet thank you as we walked in. The front area was small so I suspected that this was probably a strict “reservation or get lucky on a walk in” place. I snuck a glance at Jack, but he didn’t seem to be fazed by any of it as he made his way over to the hostess and they had a quick exchange before menus were being grabbed and we were being led to a quiet little back booth, out of sight of the main windows. The hostess gave her usual spiel about the menus and our waiter being over in a few and we both thanked her for her time. As she left I finally looked over at Jack.
“Does the owner owe you money or something?”
“No, but he is a fan,” he said. That made me tilt my head slightly but I was quick to shake it off. “Relax, I made reservations while you were showering. Got lucky that they had a last minute cancellation.” He said. Yeah, that seemed reasonable all things considered, so I let the topic drop and gave the menu a scan. There wasn’t a lot that didn’t appeal to me, so that was a good sign. 
“Got any recommendations?” I asked as Jack fidgeted with his fork.
“Oh, uh… the pancakes are pretty killer. And my brother swears by their waffles. But pretty much everything’s good.” He said. I nodded and adjusted my own silverware as our waiter came over and poured water. While I was of the firm belief that brunch didn’t count as brunch without mimosas, I just ordered coffee with some of their fancier fixings. We asked for a bit more time with the menus and our waiter agreed to come back with the coffee. We fell into a silence, not quite awkward but nowhere near comfortable, and I settled on biting the bullet first.
“So why New Jersey?” I asked.
“Why New Jersey?”
“Yeah, you don’t seem like you’re from around here so why’d you move to New Jersey?”
“Work,” he answered simply. My memory of the previous night was still a swirling mess of exhaustion and bright lights and a smidge too much noise, but I think I remembered that those at the table who hadn’t been with my acquaintance group were coworkers. Must be a tight knit workplace. “You?”
“School, got a scholarship.”
“What for?”
“Creative writing, not the flashiest of degrees, but it’s what I’ve always wanted to do.” I replied. 
“Working on the next Great American Novel, then?” He asked and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Ah, maybe. Right now I’m fighting to try and keep my voice while meeting every professors’ wildly different expectations. It’s a… hassle.” I said. The conversation spiraled from there, breaking to order brunch, but otherwise swapping stories about his family and my schooling. What could I say, I had an odd high school experience, even by American Public School standards, and eventful friends.
By the time food came out, we’d eased up the tension by a couple points, and I only felt sort of bad when my phone vibrated insistently in my pocket. I made a gesture asking if it was chill if I got it and he nodded. I fished it out of my pocket and scanned the notification. Multiple texts from Anna, the friend I was supposed to travel home with last night, as it seems she’d finally woken up from her adventures last night. Most of them were standard, if sweet, a “did you get home”, a “sorry for ditching you”, and then finally “oh holy shit this guy is rich rich”. It was funny, and I was just about to put my phone away when I saw the last text come in.
what kind of rich as hell guy has a two bedroom? Shit, did i sleep with a married guy?
That finally got me to audibly laugh and Jack raised his eyebrow, “The friend I was supposed to get back to campus with, she just woke up and is questioning if she just became the other woman.”
“Nah, none of the guys out last night were married. What’d she look like?” He asked.
“Blonde, dark eyeliner, wearing the purple tank top,” I said. Jack then stifled a laugh.
“Ask her if the guy she went home with had poorly taken care of curls,” he said offhandedly. I did and set my phone on the table as I continued eating my brunch.
A couple minutes later my phone lit up with a notification.
yeah, that is *oddly* specific, how did you know?
“Yeah he is,”
“Oh my god,”
“She’s at my place.”
“You’re kidding,”
“She went home with my brother, you’ve been in the same place all night,” he said and I couldn’t help but nearly double over as I started laughing. The entire reason I’d crashed was because she had ditched me and now it turns out we’d been in the same apartment the whole night.
“Oh that’s so fucking funny,” I said once I could breathe again. I shot off a text to Anna.
I’m still downtown, I’ll meet you at the train station in a half hour if you want?
I finally put my phone back in my pocket and we finished up brunch with a companionable edge. By the time the waiter came back to clear our dishes we were getting close to having to negotiate the bill.
“So…” I started to say.
“I’m paying,”
“You didn’t even—“
“I was never gonna let you pay, my mom raised me better than that.” He said. 
“At least let me cover for my coffee?”
“Sadie, don’t worry about it,” he said with a tone that got me to drop it. Like I wasn’t going to be able to win this no matter how I negotiated it. As the waiter came back with the bill and Jack handed over his card I said a quiet thanks which got a grin out of him. Brain, pick a struggle, we cannot be enamored by this boy after waking up on his couch in a first meeting we can barely remember. He finished paying and we got up to leave and I did my best to keep my internal argument off my face as we did.
I managed to make it to the street corner before I was willing to confront the fact that I had to actually leave and go back to campus, and Jack had to… wait. Hang on. 
The coffee had started to kick in and things were finally lining up. I knew I had to have gotten into school for some reason right?
“Oh shit,”
“What?” He asked with a tilt of his head and okay fine I’ll admit it brain he’s cute, but the realizations that my brain was finally having made it so that this was never going to happen again.
“You’re a Devils player,” I said as I smacked my own forehead and Jack started laughing. 
“You only just figured that out?”
“Leave me alone, I haven’t had a full night's sleep in like a week,” I joked, still covering my face a little. Jack carefully moved me out of foot traffic and gently pulled my hands away from my face.
“Is that a deal breaker?” He asked.
“Me being a hockey player?”
“What, why?”
“Well, I thought that went well all things considered and I was gonna ask for your number to hopefully do dinner sometime.” He said with a soft smile, letting his hand fall into mine. I thought it over, between the fact that he was indeed cute, that he was nice, and funny, and asking with such an expression that seemed that, if he wasn’t trying to convince me he was cool and at least a little normal, he’d be rocking on his heels about; and the mere fact that he took me out to brunch after offering to let me crash on his couch. It was pretty much enough in the category of good signs that I was inclined to say:
“It’s not a deal breaker,” and he grinned a little wider, “besides I was going to ask for your number anyway. I have to get your shirt back somehow.” I chuckled.
“Ah, keep it, I can always buy a new one.” He joked. I passed over my phone and he put his contact in before quickly texting himself and passing it back. I chuckled at his contact photo, a terribly taken close up of him, and saw that I had a text from Anna that she was at the station already.
“I guess I’ll talk to you to figure out scheduling?” I proposed with just a hint of awkwardness. 
“Yeah, I gotta check with my brother about some things and what have you.” 
“Okay,” I said with a little chuckle of disbelief. “Thanks for brunch, by the way.” I said.
“Thank you for agreeing and not sneaking out in the middle of the morning,” he replied with a bit of a chuckle that lit up his face. There was no good way to leave this, with a promise of something stronger, but still uneasy about what one's dynamic is in the now, “can I give you a hug?” He asked.
Oh thank god.
“Yeah, yes,” I said with a stumbled out laugh as he matched it before giving me a friendly “see you around” style hug. We parted with a half wave and I started making my way back to the train station.
I made it with a bit of a light jog as Anna dragged me in the direction of the platform so we could catch the train just pulling into the station. We quickly collapsed into seats before she finally turned to me.
“So… who's this?” She asked tugging on the sleeve of the clearly borrowed t-shirt.
“The guy who’s couch I crashed on last night. I made a comment about feeling gross about being in last night's clothes that he lent me a t-shirt.” Lent, gave, I wasn’t certain I wanted to broach that topic with Anna yet. Roommate first, acquaintances second. “How ‘bout you? Did you at least get coffee?”
“Yeah, he made a comment about his roommate being out so we ordered breakfast at his place, he was so nice.” She gushed. I watched as the realization crossed her face, “wait you said you’d tell me how you knew what he looked like when we met up,” she lightly wacked my arm with the back of her hand, “spill.”
I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck, “I was at breakfast with his roommate. Also known as his brother.” I said.
“Shut up! No fucking way,” she said with a laugh. We were getting looks from a few commuters in our immediate area and I tried to quiet her down. “That’s too funny,” she said in a slightly quieter tone. “Are you seeing him again?”
“Are you?” I countered.
“Maybe, he gave me his number, but I’m not certain.” She said, “Now tell me you coward,”
“Maybe,” I countered and she groaned at my dramatics.
“Insufferable, you fink.” She joked. I grinned a little as we continued some small talk before I agreed to let her rest on my shoulder until we got to the campus’ stop. 
I fished my phone out and figured that I should probably try and organize a date huh?
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sxgarworld · 1 year
Painter’s Hand
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Order Contains: In which Choso Kamo is one of your peers in your college art course. He comes over to study you painting, but it seems his infatuated with more than just your technique.
With a side of: Biting, whimpering, soft!dom needy Choso bc im a slut for whimpering men
Calorie Count: 1.8k words
As you were packing up your supplies, and taking your dried canvas and placing it in its separate bag, you hear thick soles of someone’s shoes walk up behind you. You turn, a little shocked, to see one of your classmates standing there eagerly.
It was your classmate, Choso. You knew him because during critique, he had nothing bad to say about your art. He didn’t say much though, he always looked tired and in his own world. It didn’t help that he always had big, clunky headphones on.
“Choso! Can I help you with something?” you said, scolding yourself silently for sounding so formal. You realized you were nervous, why did he make you nervous?
“Y/N, this might be a weird question but,” he paused, fiddling with his hair that was pulled into a ponytail, “I was wondering if, you know, one day you’d let me see you paint? Just us two? I love your art and I’d love to see your technique,” he asks. His compliments made you go red. Ever since you could remember, you could never take a compliment like a normal person. Quickly, you got giddy and smiled at him.
“Of course! Here, give me your phone number and I’ll text you my dorm number and when I’m free,” you smile, taking out your phone and allowing him to put in his contact. He gently takes the phone, and you can’t help but notice how his slender, long fingers are slightly spotted with blue and white paints. He hands your phone back to you.
“Well, I’ve got another class across campus in thirty minutes. But I’ll see you later?” He asks, hopeful. You nod. He walks out with his painting (which still looked wet) and his bag. His Doc Martens clunk against the ground as he leaves.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
It’s around 8pm, you’re sitting in your dorm room, swiping through textbook pages, careful to not get a paper-cut. You texted Choso a while back, and he said he was coming, but never specified when. After a while you got distracted, forgetting about having a guest, until you heard a knock at your door.
It made you drop your highlighter in shock. You quickly got up to look in the mirror to make sure you looked presentable. No crumbs on your shirt or clumpy mascara. After checking, you went to go see who was at the door. Staring through your peephole, you saw Choso, this time with his hair tied up into two buns on the sides of his head. How cute!
“Chosoooo,” you smiled, opening the door, “come in! I was about to finish that painting from class today.” He nodded, eyes taking in your dorm. You were artsy, and your dorm reflected that strongly. The interior design was so fun to look at.
“Did you decorate yourself?” he asked, running a hand along a velvet blanket thrown neatly on your couch. It was so soft, everything inside the dorm felt so comfortable. Like a home more than just a dorm.
“Oh! Yeah I did, took a little inspiration from people online, though.” You saw as he walked around, like he was lost in admiration. His normally tired eyes were still tired, but less dead. Like a fish!
“It’s beautiful,” he admired, looking directly at you. Again, your face went red from the praise. It was his voice, too, so deep and raspy, throwing around compliments like this. You couldn’t help but react this way.
“Thank you! Do you wanna.. um, come see me paint now? Or like we could do anything to be honest, I don’t mind,” you stammered. Of course he didn’t want to do anything else, why would he? He just came to see you paint, because he liked your technique.
“Oh painting, yeah we could. I’d love to see you in action,” he said, starting to get close to you. An electric shock was sent down your spine. His words were almost hypnotic. You made your way into your bedroom, pulling out your canvas and placing it on your easel, your pallet already full of paint from earlier. It was a little dried out, but it didn’t matter. It was good enough.
You dipped your brush in the red, and lightly swiped it across your canvas. For you, you watered down your paints a bit. It took away the vibrance but it added a very soft, subtle look. The way you blending was a bit odd too, blending with a brush then a bit more with your fingers.
As you painted, you could feel Choso’s breath down your neck. He was standing right behind you, so close. His hands rested on your easel, meaning you were trapped between him and the easel. It almost made you shake a little bit, which he thought was just another part of your technique.
“You’re real good at this, yknow?” he whispered, his words hitting your ear breathily. It made your entire body heat up. His deep voice right into your ear, praising you as you worked. It made you melt against him, back pressed to his chest.
“Don’t shake too much, sugar, I’d hate it if you ruined this pretty painting,” he said, grabbing your shaking hand as you dipped your brush back into your paint. What’d he just call you? Sugar? It was difficult to keep your composure now, with him sweet talking you.
“I’m not gonna ruin it,” you said quietly, almost to yourself. He let out a soft chuckle, his hands now resting on your waist. God you hoped he couldn’t feel how hot and nervous you were. You were glad he definitely couldn’t feel how wet you were.
“I bet you won’t sweetheart,” he said, taking his hand and grabbing your jaw. He softly forced you to look up at him. “You’re just so good at this, aren’t you?”
You couldn’t hold yourself together, it was starting to be too much. Did he come here to watch you work, or did he have ulterior motives? You could tell, his dead eyes were almost cloudy as he looked at you. Clouded with what? Lust? He didn’t break eye contact with you.
You turned, so your chest was facing his chest, and you grabbed the collar of his shirt. For a second you hesitated, wondering if you should question him or not. But something inside of you pressed yourself against him, pulling him closer and softly pressing your lips against his.
“God, I’ve wanted you for months. You’re so reserved, I needed a good reason to finally see you, to have you like this.” His eyes glossed over you, your hot body and your red face. He kissed you again, this time on your neck. You gripped onto his t-shirt, a bit rougher than you expected. He kept planting kisses on your neck and your collar bone, making you shake.
“Please, Choso,” you whined. He didn’t even need to ask you what you wanted. He lifted you up, his arms were so strong, and tossed you onto your bed. He pressed you down into the mattress, crawling on top of you and kissing you more.
“Please what baby?” he teased, knowing exactly what you wanted. You looked at him with pleading eyes as he kissed you over and over again, the kisses starting to become sloppier and wetter. He didn’t even bother to let you finish begging, he couldn’t help himself around you. Slowly he slipped off your jeans, and with it, your panties. For a minute he just sat and kissed you, letting you grind against his strong thighs.
But it was too much for him, he couldn’t just sit and tease you like this for long. He whined, tugging at shirt.
“Nu uh, that’s not fair,” you frowned “All your clothes are still on.” He looked at you with wide eyes, then taking all of his clothes off, kicking his pants off the side of your bed. You couldn’t help but look at him. Underneath his baggy clothes, you thought he’d be skinny and scrawny. He was… glorious. His body was chiseled and defined, which was odd for a fine arts major. You immediately sat on his lap, pulling off your shirt and bra.
He bit at your neck, sucking and leaving the tiniest purple marks up and down the side. He bit down a bit harder than before, leaving a full red circle with indents for each of his teeth in your neck. The sudden pain made you whimper, your nails digging into his back.
“Please, let me—“ he couldn’t even finish his sentence, he was too hot and bothered. His cock pressed against your folds, his angry pink tip leaking precum all over his own thighs. “I need it, I need you s’bad.”
You let out a soft laugh, nodding your head. He took that as a resounding yes. He couldn’t help but push his tip into you, no teasing from his fingers to loosen you up. He let out the most gutural, pathetic moan you’ve ever heard. As he thrust in sloppily, he let out whines and whimpers, as if it were too much for him to handle.
“It- agh-! You’re so tight, baby,” he whimpered, burying his head into the crook of your neck. He suddenly grabbed your hips, forcing you to bounce up and down on his cock. You slammed yourself down on it, feeling his tip brush against the entrance to your womb. The feeling made you throw your head back and moan. He let out more pathetic sounds of struggle and pleasure. You could feel him wetting your neck up with… tears?
“It’s too fuckin’ good!” he cried out, fucking you hard. Suddenly he threw you back onto the bed, your head hitting your pillow. He pinned your hands to the headboard. His eyebrows furrowed as he plowed into you desperately, his pace speeding up.
“Choso- haah—“ you panted out, tongue barely escaping your mouth, as his pace suddenly became sloppy. He gripped your hips tighter, pressing bruises into your skin.
“Fuck I’m gonna— I’m— I’m gonna cum!” he said, barely even finishing his sentence before you felt his seed splattering inside your walls, your own juices coating his dick as you finished. He spasmed, leaning his head into the crook of your neck as he let a few last spurts shoot out of his cock. “So- so good baby. You feel so good.” He whimpered out, gulping as he did.
You ran a hand through his hair, almost pulling out another whine from him at the affection caress.
“You’re so pretty baby, such a pretty girl,” he whispered, his hands loosening its grip on your hips, and instead letting his arms wrap around you softly. “Such a pretty girl, yeah? You’re beautiful,” he muttered, kissing along your forehead.
My pretty girl.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
likes and reblogs are appreciated! <3 Please dont repost
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gretahayes · 1 year
literally nobody fucking asked but here's my idea for a core four repair shop au.
they're young adults, like 21, and are out to forge their own paths as heroes and stuff. they're back together as a team—the four of them, again and always—and go to a quiet town with minimal, if any, other hero activity. tim's a city boy, but he makes the commute to the nearest city to get resources and stuff, and they've got a zeta back to gotham since everyone else can fly/has superspeed to get back to their cities.
they buy a nice house tucked away, get it soundproofed, and decide to renovate it themselves despite tim quite literally begging them to let him pay for someone else to do it.
while making a mess of the renovation, they find a quaint little shop for sale and are enamored by it, so they (read; Tim) buy it, and set up a shop, because hey, why not, and they put their plentiful skills together and make a repair shop.
(it's got no name, because they couldn't think of one, but they call it the fixing shop. locals call it that too, and when anyone needs something fixed, they take it to the fixing shop)
what does it repair? well, everything.
that's not a joke. if you broke anything, there's at least one of them that can fix it. from cars to metalwork to tech to dolls, if it's fixable, they can fix it.
the shop's a mismatch of several different workstations, an interior designer's worst nightmare, but it's cosy. homey.
there's general prices in their heads but like none of them are really doing this for the money? so it varies based on circumstances and how hard the job is.
if a kid comes in crying with a broken toy, cassie fixes it and accepts whatever the kid can pay for payment—if nothing, she does it for free. some snobby asshole comes in wanting to fix the expensive car they crashed while drunk driving and kon fixes it, sure, but the bill comes up to close to a million. and kon's sort of the only one that can fix it this well? so the person just pays and leaves, fuming. a distressed college kid comes in with a cracked to hell laptop but they can't afford another one and tim makes it good as new—the several, several parts he replaced make sure of that, like seriously it's barely the same laptop anymore—for ten bucks. he refuses to be paid any more. a nervous teenager comes in with a ripped dress, bart stitches it expertly well—and expertly fast—and charges fifty cents.
locals wonder about their scars, wonder about where their families are, wonder about the visitors they get, wonder how they have so many skills, but the core four just smile and say "trade secret"
if you come at the right time, kon's pulling a fresh batch of pastries or cakes or various other sweets from the oven and he hands them out. they're ma's recipe, made with love and all, so of course they're delicious.
cassie's finishing university locally, her mom wanted her to, bart and kon do it online, so their working hours are a bit odd. but they did accelerated classes and busted their asses to graduate a year early, so they're really proud of themselves.
tim finds ways to occupy himself.
it may or may not be a hotspot for supernatural activity, but they made friends with the creatures so it's fine
when cissie needs a break she comes to stay with them and everyone's happy. sometimes anita carves out time to spend in their peaceful little safe haven, and greta comes and goes when she has the time.
it's almost sickeningly domestic. sometimes after a fight they stumble home bleeding and sweaty and hurt, but happy.
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runiversity2023 · 8 months
The Surging Demand for Interior Design Courses: Crafting Spaces and Careers Introduction!
Searching for info on Demand for Interior Design Courses after the 12th, you have come right place. In This Blog, we provide the Demand for Interior Design Course Education and Opportunities. Like Evolving Lifestyle Trends, Economic Growth, Influence of Digital Media, etc. To know more about Interior Design, Visit our blog!
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kittysdiary · 8 months
How do you find a sugar daddy or what did you do to get one?
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First things first…real sugar babies know that real sugar daddies are not on any sugaring websites. It’s very rare when someone gets someone who’s the real deal on a website/app!
{I either go the sugar baby route or the spoiled girlfriend route!}
Free styling: Going out in public is the best way to meet a potential!
High end bars
Country clubs
Coffee shops by hospitals or business buildings
Golf courses
High end restaurants
Be knowledgeable: Sugar daddies love brains! I’m very into the arts, literature, philosophy, history + psychology and my potentials eat it up! Having hobbies are important as well. My hobbies include:
Creating art
Playing badminton + croquet
Horseback riding
Learning foreign languages
Take good care of yourself: Always dress well and keep your hygiene routine in motion!
Nails done
Hair kept
Perfumed + oiled
Capsule wardrobe complete
Understand the world of the upper class: I grew up in a family of doctors + professors + teachers so I grew up learning proper etiquette as a classy lady!
{I also come from a lineage of royalty so it’s naturally in my blood! 🤭}
Know your table manners
Carry polite conversations
Learn how to properly shake hands
Smile and dress well during business dinners + events
Have good hosting skills + a clean home environment
Know what you want: I tend to stick with doctors + engineers. I also typically date men from different countries! Men who I have dated include:
An interior designer for Mercedes Benz
A civil engineer
An industrial engineer
A sport scientist
Have goals: Focus on yourself, create goals and set yourself up for success!
Stay educated in school
Start a business
Get a real estate license
Understand what career you want in life + make goals to get where you want to be in life
Strict boundaries are a must: Set yourself up with high standards! Know what you want and leave when someone isn’t fulfilling you. Trust there’s someone better out there that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated!
Make a list of red flags
Make a list of the kind of person you want to date (ex: career, personality + looks)
Make a list of things you expect and will not tolerate
These are just a few tips but if there’s any interest in going the online route, I do have a few tips!
More sugar baby, spoiled girlfriend + trophy wife tips can be found on my side blog @kittyboudoir under the advice tag in my side blog bio!
Xoxo- Kitty 🐈🎀
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Building Your Identity Capital : Creativity
This will be a 5-part series. Building your identity capital is a guide to help the wandering souls, those who have the urge to do something other than the norm.
This post is not for everyone, it's for those who want to use their time to create meaningful things for themselves.
This is how to build a creative identity capital:
1. Learn a creative skill and practice it till you gain mastery: I watched a tutorial on banana bread and I tried it. Mind you, I am not a gifted baker, I followed the recipe and it was a hit. Since then, I have made over 8 loaves and shred with my friends at school and work and they were all raving about how delicious it was. To them, my identity is more than just being a student, its also "she makes one of the best banana bread I have ever tasted.
2. Indulge in creative content: I love watching art, interior, design, baking, and painting content. They inspire em to get up do things. So watch creative people and get inspired to do more. Attend creative in-person classes as a way to have fun.
3. Challenge yourself creatively: I did not know how knit. With youtube, i began knitting in a week. Youtube is home to a lot of "how-to" videos, you can give yourself challenges of learning a new creative skill once a week. Calligraphy, watercolor painting, beaded bags, and journalling are all examples of art you can try learning.
4. Share your creative journey online: The purpose is to build your identity on multiple things. Share your painting journey or art journalling journey and create a community of people who are interested in being creative.
5. Keep a brag list of all your creative hobbies
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tearsinthemist · 4 months
Want to learn something new
Want to learn something new in 2022??
Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)
40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)
Excellent basic crochet video series
Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)
Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)
How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)
Another drawing character faces video
Literally my favorite art pose hack
Tutorial of how to make a whole ass Stardew Valley esque farming game in Gamemaker Studios 2??
Introduction to flying small aircrafts
French/Dutch/Fishtail braiding
Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)
Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)
Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)
Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:
Calculus 1 (full semester class)
Learn basic statistics (free textbook)
Introduction to college physics (free textbook)
Introduction to accounting (free textbook)
Learn a language:
Ancient Greek
Japanese (grammar guide) (for dummies)
Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)
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Jan 2, 2023
Want to learn something new in 2023??
Cooking with flavor bootcamp (used what I learned in this a LOT this year)
Beekeeping 101
Learn Interior Design from the British Academy of Interior Design (free to audit course - just choose the free option when you register)
Video on learning to read music that actually helped me??
How to use and sew with a sewing machine
How to ride a bike (listen. some of us never learned, and that's okay.)
How to cornrow-braid hair (I have it on good authority that this video is a godsend for doing your baby niece's black hair)
Making mead at home (I actually did this last summer and it was SO good)
How to garden
Basics of snowboarding (proceed with caution)
How to draw for people who (think they) suck at art (I know this website looks like a 2003 monstrosity, but the tutorials are excellent)
Pixel art for beginners so you can make the next great indie game
Go (back) to school
Introduction to Astronomy (high school course - free textbook w/ practice problems)
Principals of Economics (high school course - free textbook w/ practice problems)
Introduction to philosophy (free college course)
Computer science basics (full-semester Harvard course free online)
Learn a language
Japanese for Dummies (link fix from 2022)
Portuguese (Brazil)
American Sign Language (as somebody who works with Deaf people professionally, I also strongly advise you to read up on Deaf/HoH culture and history!)
Chinese (Mandarin, Simplified)
Quenya (LOTR fantasy elf language)
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Dec 26, 2023
Want to learn something new in 2024??
Beginner-oriented video on how to sail
This guy has so many videos on baking different types of bread. SO very many.
Coding in Python - one of the most flexible and adaptable high-level programming languages out there - explained through projects making video games
Learn to swim! (for adult learners. I don’t care if you live in Kansas or Mali or wherever. LEARN TO SWIM.)
Learn how quantum mechanics works. Then read some more about it
[Learn about quantum mechanics again, but in a more advanced engineering/mathematics class. Then read more about the math and physics of it]
Poetry Handbook, by Mary Oliver
Something I learned this year: how to sew a quilt (Here’s a very easy beginning pattern that looks amazing and can be done with pre-cut fabric!)
How to hit the ball in softball
Tutorial video on what is under the hood of most (gas) cars + weird engine sounds and what they mean
Full beginner mechanics technical training, if you want to go more in depth
Playlist on how car engine physics work if you want to go ultra in depth
Lecture series on architecture design through study of buildings
How (American income) taxes & tax law work (choose “audit course” at checkout for free class)
Pickleball for beginners (so you can finally join your neighbor/friend/distant cousin who is always insisting you join their team)
+ Para-Pickleball for beginners (for mobility aid users!)
School is so much more fun when there’s no tests:
American Law - Contracts
Shakespeare’s Life and Plays
Fairy Tales: Meanings, Messages, and Morals
Modern Poetry
World History [Part 1, Part 2]
Learn a language:
Arabic + Resource Guide compiled from Reddit (includes info on different dialects)
Chinese (Cantonese) (audio)
Urdu (frequently recommended course on Reddit) + Resource Guide
Yucatec Maya
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goldeneyedgirl · 6 months
Twilight Advent Calendar Day 5
Dec. 5 - What is each Cullen's favorite college major so far? What new major should they try someday?
Carlisle's favorite: Neurology. I think that Carlisle is someone who connects his faith and his medical practice together, and learning about the brain from a medical standpoint would have fascinated him. I see him studying this in Europe in the late 1700s/early 1800s, and then again in the very early 1980s.
Try someday: I'm going to say Pediatric Oncology. He's never specialized in children's medicine before, and the oncology specialty is particularly difficult because of the amount of loss associated with the department. But if he can use his abilities and lifetime of skills to get one child diagnosis or treatment a little bit sooner, then it's worth it. But the emotional toll would affect his family, so he hasn't tried yet.
Oh, or something revolving around English History, with a specific focuses on religion's role. He'd like to examine that part of his past from an analytical and academic perspective.
Esme's favorite: Interior Architecture. It's one thing to decorate a room, which Esme enjoys, but it's a totally different thing to build the room from scratch to capture a specific kind of light, and be a specific shape, accentuate the sound of Edward's piano, and work with the movements and behaviours of her family. She just loves how she gets to create this sanctuary from nothing. And getting to explore that across residential and commercial spaces was magical to her. It's also one of those degrees she gets to use regularly.
Try someday: Languages. Like the rest of the family, she can speak quite a few, but she'd love to go back and get a formal qualification so that she could do translation work professionally. Esme always seeks out her favourite books in foreign editions to compare the translations, and would love to work on book translations.
Edward's favorite: Music. It's his passion, and he loves to be able to study it so in depth, and get feedback from an academic and practical perspective from someone with a similar interest and passion. Carlisle insists he can only study music once every two decades to encourage diverse interests and prevent a connection being made between identities, so he really savors it when he gets to study it again.
Try someday: Family Law. As as a way to honour his biological father, but Edward has no use for more money or fighting for the prestige in law school, so he likes Family Law the best. It would also come in handy for the Cullens' cover story, and with his gift he believes he could make sure children are protected. Realistically, though, he would only get away with practicing for a year or two, so he keeps putting it off. With the rise in video conferencing and online consultations, though, there's potential for the future.
Rosalie's favorite: Nothing will ever take away the joy and pride Rosalie felt graduating from her very first Engineering degree. It's the one degree she prizes over the others because she was one of the first girls allowed in the program, and she graduated with honours (second place in the class because the school didn't want controversy, but Rose knows they fudged the grades.)
Try someday: Either Social Work or Early Childhood. Rosalie would love to advocate for women, especially those struggling, but she also recognises her bad temper would probably make a mess of the situation. Maybe one day. Early Childhood is more likely; it sounds wonderful but it's still hard - a little easier after Renesmee, but something she's working towards in the future.
Emmett's favorite: Video game design - he loved every aspect of that because it was such a great mix of hardcore coding and computer work combined with more creative aspects. He also loved the diverse applications of it, and explaining how it was valuable for medicine and engineering. His final project was technically a failure because it ran too fast and the controllers were buggy according to his professors, but it was also the first vampire-speed video game to be made and he still adds levels to it every so often.
Try someday: Emmett puts a bunch of degrees that sound mildly interesting or really weird in a hat and draws one out each time. He claims that this creates diverse interests and keeps him on his toes. He just loves the looks at his family's faces when he announces that he'll be tackling a degree in Turfgrass Science or Amusement Park Engineering. Gunsmithing and Surf Science have both caught his eye, though.
Alice's favorite: The very first fashion design degree she ever took. She went from being a girl that stole most of her clothing and wore them until they were destroyed, to learning how to choose fabric, how to draw patterns, cut and sew her own clothes. She learnt about designers, about how fashion shaped society, and it allowed Alice to build herself up from nothing - clothing is such a comfort to her, and being able to make it from scratch is just another level of security.
Try someday: Finance Law. It would be useful for her own wheelings and dealings, since most of her education in finance is from the 50s and 60s night school, playing the stock market, and what she gets from her visions. Having a formal degree in that area would also streamline a lot of stuff for the family. It's just so dry, Alice keeps putting it off. And yes, there would be major Elle Woods vibes if she gets around to it.
Jasper's favorite: Philosophy. The boy does love a little bit of navel gazing and contemplation about humanity as a concept. It's helped him deal with a lot of things that happened in his past, and the choices that he made, as well as how to move forward. He loves getting out the old books and sinking into them for days; it's the only study area where he's actually worked as an online professor.
Try someday: Forensic Psychology. Jasper would love to understand what makes people tick, especially abnormal ones. He would love to understand how he became such a monster, and if it was inevitable or if there was a trigger. And he would really enjoy figuring out the motivations behind crimes. Everything about Forensic Psychology appeals to the strategic side of him.
Bella's favorite: English literature. Bella loves it. She loves classic novels, and getting to study them is a dream. She loves discussing them in depth with other people who are just as passionate about them, and examining the difference in language and media portrayals, as well as the reflections from the author's real lives. She gets to shut herself up with a stack of her favourites, write about them, and get graded on her thoughts. It's perfect.
Try someday: Education or publishing. I think Bella would enjoy teaching literature to high school students, especially at a selective school where the kids were high achievers and invested in their education. She'd be a deadly serious English teacher, maybe even aim for a year or two teaching at a college-level. Or I could see her going into media to get into publishing and editing, allowing her to commit extensive time into reading, but also helping shape future books.
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ivsindia · 2 years
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Interior Designing is a career opportunity which is immense and is being highlighted and upgraded eventually. The best part of being an interior architecture designer is to give way to the new ideologies that are befitting society. The students are introduced to industry exposure and are hence taught about marketing strategies and upgraded costing methods, thus making them aware of the trends in running. Since there is high demand of spaces with limited resources due to a global increase of the population and scarcity of space, a career in the interior designing course will enable you to be a part of the solution to the problem.  That is why, degree in Interior Designing is a fascinating career choice today. It is one of the most creative and challenging professions emerging in todays world. As an interior designer, you get chances to work in diverse sectors and varieties of industries. As an interior designer, you work together with people of expertise in different industries. This will provide you with huge exposure to different areas of skills and knowledge and different kinds of people from architects, engineers, business owners, labourers, clients, etc. A degree in Interior Designing can be obtained from any reputed institute affiliated to a recognized University by Interested candidates. Students can plan to go for interior design courses after class 12th. 
Interior decorating is just furnishing a space with things you like. As far as some might be concerned, the stylish of their house is so essential to them that they enroll an expert interior originator to pick furniture, wall-covers, extras, carpets, from there, the sky is the limit. An interior designer is somebody who is employed to plan a space. Exceptional abilities: Interior decorators are about feel. They can deal with errands, for example, choosing variety plans, buying new plan things, organizing furniture designs, and hanging wall workmanship. Consider them a specialist who can assist you with carrying a completely new focus on your current space. Interior design is the workmanship and study of understanding individuals' way of behaving to make utilitarian spaces inside a structure, while interior deorating is the outfitting or embellishing of a space with enriching components to accomplish a specific stylish. So, interior designers might enrich, yet decorators don't plan. A diploma in Interior Decoration can be obtained from any reputed institute affiliated to a recognized University by Interested candidates after 12th only.
Architecture is both the process and the product of sketching, conceiving, planning, designing, and constructing buildings or other structures. Typical responsibilities of architects include supervising the construction process, resolving any planning issues, managing the environmental impact of projects, consulting other design professionals and sticking to financial budgets.  B.Arch (Bachelor of Architecture) is an undergraduate degree in the field of architecture. This five-year full-time programme is a blend of theoretical and practical knowledge for students to learn the art of planning, designing and constructing physical structures of various kinds. Several universities and colleges offer a bachelor's degree in architecture (B. Arch.) and it typically takes 5 years to earn this degree. However, one must leave no stone unturned when preparing to apply for admission into these sought-after universities and colleges for architecture. B.Arch is also done after 12th, but one must appear for NATA exam also for the same.
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thesolarrealms · 2 years
rahu dominant ♡︎ ardra, swati, shatabhisha 🫖 🎀
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They can honestly be very fond of the high life, Rahu individuals. They will always spend a lot on interior designing. Rahu can have quite a lot of unrealistic fantasies and are usually controlling, they can be a bit little vain too. They have a very good sense of humour though and take life very lightly. They are intellectually flirtatious and usually have a striking, powerful and hypnotic beauty. They are yin and highly feminine in nature. They can sometimes be very vague and cloudy, which can lead to delusions and psychosis. They’re always mysterious and charismatic though, but can be considered an airhead at times, they’re a little scattered and have inflated egos. Rahu is great with mass media, fame, entertainment, foreigners and foreign countries. Rahu can also develop insatiable cravings due to its ambitious nature and these people get quite stuck in the material world.These individuals usually have a deep desire for freedom, fame or independence, they may be the black sheep of the family in some way and can often show a genius spark that is revolutionary and changes the way that an outdated system operates. They challenge societal institutions a lot. There is always something ghostly about their appearance and they can be quite sensitive and skittish. They tend to get hysterical sometimes too through crying, threats of suicide etc and always seem to have a fascination with people or things that are destructive to them.
They are highly alluring and tempting individuals, because they always keep their calm, with the exceptional outburst, that’s how they draw people in really - there’s a futuristic feel to them. Rahu is developmental and these individuals do tend to constantly act like teenagers - it’s very progressive and energetic - think of it like Uranus. It’s opulence and indulgence is similar to Venus - they’re just more independent and not so attached to people or emotions, rather their ambitions and their future goals. They can also have quite harsh speech and their life is subject to many sudden changes. 
They tend to be very restless individuals. It is quite similar to Venus in its gorgeous femininity, but more ghostly and tricky. It is however the base of fame and celebrity. A lot of these people can obsess over the material realm and many do partake in buying branded clothing and enjoying elite things in life. Sometimes they come across as confused or obsessed, or just overly dramatic. They have incredible networking skills and persuasive talent. They are however quite lustful and attracted to the opposite sex. Similar to Uranus they have a very impulsive nature. They link and tie to high society - think Coco Chanel, Lily Rose Depp. (She has a lot of Rahu in her birthchart) - as does Margot Robbie.  They do really enjoy breaking tradition and reforming structures. Rahu dominant people can sometimes feel like a bit of an outcast - similar to Uranus energy. Rahu women especially tend to attract a lot of people's attention online due to them being so typically attractive. It is responsible for wealth. A lot of people with this dominance are born wealthy or at least in upper class of the economy. A lot of them too are born in a family where the family members enjoy refined quality of life. Many of them tend to love expensive things too.
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cloudcountry · 10 months
My life sucks. I feel like a living trophy. Is this what Riddle felt like while living under his mother?
For context, my parents had been pressuring me into taking BS in Architecture in college since hell knows when, which is fine by me. I like drawing houses and buildings.
But these past years, it has been... suffocating. I tried considering other courses as a second choice because me passing the college entrance exams is not set in stone. I've considered choosing BS in Interior Design in particular (I love designing house and building interiors, you should see my phone's game manager)
Yet whenever I tried to bring it up, they would reason me out of it. I tried to counter it off with the pros of me choosing the course as a second choice but they just won't budge.
I've been following this set-up for years, so much so that I've already forgotten my real dream job. I have to be the "perfect" me, where if I didn't get the highest grades in the class, I'd be subjected to torturous lectures of not doing enough.
I feel lost. I feel empty. I feel numb. I don't know what to do anymore.
Sorry for ranting on your inbox. I feel like if I keep this inside for much longer, I wouldn't be able to handle this anymore. I really don't know that much people to talk to irl or online. And I feel safe talking to you. So yeah...
I still have a year to finally decide which path I would take in college, yet it scares me. The future's too terrifying to think about.
Can someone please enlighten this lost sheep?
honestly i don't know what to say? mostly because this came out of nowhere ^^;
im sorry you forgot what you originally wanted to do, but if theres something in your life that you love a lot (like interior designing!!) then you should pursue that. obviously i cant just brush off parental influence because theyre important, but you have to remember that you are your own person. they're not going to be in control of your life forever or even be an influence on yoru life forever. you ahve to live for yourself.
im glad you feel safe with me ^^ its important to remember that college graduation is not teh end of yoru education!! you can still go back to the school (even though its EXPENSIVE AS HELL SO YK...I GET THE PRESSURE) but even if youd ont go back to school you can always find something you really love without the schooling!!
the future is terrifying but it comes slowly. you have time. seconds tick by, sure. but those seconds are only seconds. actions take hours and days and weeks to complete. you can be slow. if you let yourself get caught up in everything you'll overwhelm yourself. you have yoru whole life ahead of you. take it slow. even when you're old, if you're still alive you can always find new passions and enjoy new experiences. your life isnt over until its over yk?
you have time ^^ try your best to take it easy, okay?
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scopethings-blog · 2 days
Scope Computers
Interior Design Online & Offline Classes
Admission Open
New Batch Start 25/05/2024
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