#intensive exercise
robertasgym · 4 months
Lean Legs, Chest & Waist Intensive Exercise
Hey FitFam! 🏋️‍♀️ Ready to kick it up a notch and sculpt those dream-worthy lean legs, define your chest, and carve out that waistline? My latest workout video, "Lean Legs, Chest & Waist Intensive Exercise," is all about the grind and the gains. We're talking heart-pounding, sweat-dripping intensity designed to make every rep count.
Join me on this fitness journey where we'll dive into a mix of killer moves aimed at transforming your legs, defining your chest, and cinching that waist. It's a challenging yet invigorating ride, perfect for anyone looking to level up their workout game. Let's break a sweat, crush those goals, and have some serious fun along the way. Grab your water bottle, kick excuses to the curb, and let's slay this workout together!
Consistency is key in any fitness journey. Establish a routine that fits your lifestyle, commit to it, and watch the cumulative effect of your efforts unfold. Good luck and have fun!❤️💪
**If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Monday to Saturday!
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devendrasingh3047 · 6 months
Exploring the triggers of sudden death during intensive exercise and physical activity
Exploring the triggers of sudden death during intensive exercise and physical activity intensive exercise or physical activity can cause sudden death (rarely), which happens under certain circumstances. One of the most common causes of this is related to cardiac events. Here are some potential reasons behind sudden death during intensive exercise or physical work:
Cardiac Arrhythmias: Cardiac arrhythmia can cause abnormal heartbeat, which can also caused due to vigorous exercise. 
Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack): Vigorous exercise (jogging, running, aerobic dancing, jumping rope, single tennis, cycling) can raise the workload of the heart and rupture the plaques in coronary artery patients, which leads to sudden cardiac arrest. 
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is a condition affecting the left ventricle of the heart, which is characterized by the abnormal thickening of the heart muscles. Vigorous exercise can rupture the plaques in the coronary arteries of the cardiac patient and block the heart's blood flow. This leads to sudden cardiac arrest.
Commotio Cordis: It is an extremely rare condition which can happen after a sudden, blunt impact on the chest. This can lead to sudden cardiac arrest in a specific phase of the heart's cycle.
Heat Stroke: Heat stroke can occur in multiple organs, which can cause organ failure (heart failure). Individuals in hot and humid conditions may have the risk of developing heat strokes during their workouts. This can be fatal if it is not treated at the right time.
Electrolyte Imbalance: Prolonged and intensive exercise can lead to significant loss of electrolytes (potassium and sodium). These electrolytes are crucial to maintaining the heart's electrical activity. An imbalance in electrolytes can lead to arrhythmias and sudden cardiac arrest.
Unknown or Undiagnosed Heart Conditions: In some cases, individuals may have Unknown or undiagnosed heart conditions that are discovered later only. Congenital heart defects may not show symptoms until death.
We also take note that sudden death due to exercise is extremely low in individuals who are generally healthy and engage in regular physical activity. But, those who have an existing heart problem should be cautious while doing intense exercise. Always consult your doctor before starting a new exercise regimen to ensure safety. It is advised to take proper warm-up sessions and hydration during physical activities. Doing exercise is good for the overall well-being of one's health. But we should take proper precautions, especially for heart patients, to avoid any risk of undesirable events.
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is this considered lazy or passionate about sports by 小亮啊小亮
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liesmyth · 7 months
I want to start running...any tips?
I WAS BORN TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION. Thank you so much for asking! Unfortunately, I am a nerd about my hobbies so this got quite long.
Keep it simple ✨
Running is easy to get into; our bodies are built for it. Don’t stress over technicalities and just do what feels natural to you. My local races are full of 70-something white-haired pensioners who are kicking ass at it. Don’t let anyone tell you that running is meant to feel like dying, that’ll harm your knees, or that you absolutely need to have that specific smartwatch model to get into it. All you need is a solid pair of shoes, everything else is optional.
Medium effort is the way to go
The ideal aerobic running pace is a speed at which you’re able to hold a conversation, even if a bit winded. NO faster. If you’re able to sing along to your playlist or chat with a friend, that’s your ideal running pace. If you’re gasping or wheezing, slow down! You’ll get a bit faster as your lung capacity gets better, but that shouldn’t be a priority unless you want to train for a race. You get most of the health benefits of running just by keeping up a steady, sustainable, conversational pace.
Walking breaks are fine, actually
That’s the reason why I don’t love C25K as a beginner program — the way it’s structured sort of implies that walking breaks are something you should grow out of to become a more experienced runner. If you need to walk for a bit, go ahead.
If possible, jogging is preferable, just because the mechanics of even a glacial-pace jog are more similar to running than those of a faster power walk, so you might try switching to a jog after a bit of a walking interval. But walking is not a failure; there are serious marathon training plans out there that use walk/run intervals as a viable strategy.
(Related: picking up speed helps you keep going! If you feel like you are completely drained, try speeding up for a very short interval, then slowing back down. It’ll often give you an energy boost to keep going)
Run for time, not distance ⌚
Especially for beginners, I find that getting fixated on numbers can be counter productive, and the most important thing is to listen to your body. If you’re aiming to hit a certain mileage, you might get the urge to speed up at the end to get done faster. Instead, set yourself time-based goals and end every run with a cool down jog or walk.
Good running shoes are essential, and pretty much the only fitness-related purchase on which I’ll always support dropping money. If you get to the point where you’re consistently running 10 km (6 miles) each week, you’ll want to go to a running store — the kind of place where you’ll get fitted, and they’ll have you try on models and jog on a treadmill to evaluate your gait and let you know which characteristics your ideal shoe needs. I can’t stress enough how useful running store staff can be. They’re all running club nerds who LOVE getting new people into running, and they really want to help you find your ideal fit. Also get good running socks while you’re at it.
Be prepared to drop at least 100€ (or equivalent currency) but they usually have a great return policy if the model isn’t a good fit for you. Take care of your running shoes — maintenance, wearing them only for running, gentle cleansing etc — and the cushioning will last for quite a while (600km / 370miles at least). If you decide that you hate running, they’re still great for walking around. Once you find your ideal shoe model, it gets a lot easier to shop for it during end-of-season sales, or looking for online bargains etc. I love stocking on end-of-series shoes and rotating them so they’ll last even longer, and I buy online quite often! Just make sure your FIRST pair is fitted, for ideal injury prevention and joint health.
Injury prevention 💪
I’d love to still be running 10k races when I’m 70, but it takes some care to get there. When you run, you’re slamming your body weight up and down with every stride, and that might be hard on your joints if you’re not used to it. If you’re completely new to running, cap your runs at 15/20 minutes every other day. Do that even if you feel like you could keep going! If you have a good aerobic base already, you need to give your joints time to catch up with you lung capacity, and give your body time to recover. Do bodyweight exercises like lunges and planks and glute bridges to strengthen your core, legs, and hips. Dynamic stretches are great for warmups, and static stretches are better for cooling down. If you have the option, running on softer surface like grass or dirt is better than asphalt, which is better than concrete and pavements.
(If nothing of what I’ve said here makes sense to you, shoot me another ask, or look at some of the resources I’ve linked down below!)
Don't get bored! 🎶
I love running in groups. Running clubs are great. You can learn so much in a hands-on way from seriously experienced people, you can chat about gossip over a running job, and you can make some interesting friends. If you don’t have access to a running community, then personally I love just chilling on a run by myself listening to an audiobook or podcast or exploring a certain area.
Running form❓
Don’t stress about it. Just go out and move your body. Attempting to modify your ‘running form’ too quickly can do more harm than good. There ARE a few things you could pay attention to — I recommend trying to focus on one of these at a time for a minute or so, and alternate between them. After a while, it’ll start to feel natural to keep track of all of them:
1. Don’t slouch! But a slight lean forward is great.
2. Keep your shoulders pulled down and your upper back tense.
3. Swinging your arms in a way that helps with your stride is good, but I shouldn’t feel forced.
4. Even breaths, inhaling through your mouth and expiring through your nose.
5. Take turns to check with every part of your body, and relax them in turn: are your jaw and neck too tense? Are your fists tight?
6. Don’t overstride! shorter strides with quicker leg turnover are better than huge strides that feel awkward to you.
7. Use your glutes to drive up the motion of your legs, not just your quads. This can take a while to get used to, but it’s a game-changer.
8. ENGAGE YOUR CORE. This is a great skill to develop whether you work out or are just existing in the world — basically, let your inner abdominal muscles help you carry your weight forward. This is VERY intuitive once you know how to do it, but it’s hard to get a grasp of it if you don’t know what it means, so here are some resources about it.
an extremely fucking comprehensive article that improved my life and eased my big-boobs back pain
similar content but in video form
a running-specific form video
Personally, learning to do this made me feel like I unlocked a superpower. Go forth and brace.
Accessories and tips 🤓
Like I said above, the only thing I really suggest spending money on for real is running shoes. Everything else is details! However, I’m nothing if not wordy I have Thoughts about those details, too.
Run tracking: I suggest downloading Runkeeper if you want to keep track of your runs — it’s free, intuitive, and solid! If you decide to get into wearables, a low-level Garmin >>>>> anything else.
Self-care: use sunscreen and/or thick face cream as needed. Stop to sip at a public fountain if needed. Get a small fanny pack to hold your phone, keys, or lip balm if needed. If chafing is an issue, anti-glide gel is relatively affordable.
Outfits etc: I get all my running gear and clothes from Decathlon — they are in most countries and ship worldwide. I especially love this thermal shirt for colder weather
Safety: if you’re running on the road, make sure to run in the opposite direction from traffic and to wear something bright. If you run with headphones near traffic, keep the volume down, or get over-the-ear conductor headsets. I love shokz, they're fantastic.
Post-run snack: eating something small and carb-heavy within 30 mins of a workout is great for kickstarting recovery. I love dried fruit personally.
Various resources 📝
Routine basics: check out the r/running order of operations, which is a great “how to” guide to building a basic running routine. I also recommend that subreddit's wiki! Running programming gets exponentially more involved the more advanced you get, etc — if you ever have any questions, hit me up!
Dynamic stretching warmup: a quick leg swing workout to get your legs ready to go. If you’re feeling overachieving, here’s a lunge warmup routine and a how-to bodyweight squat video.
Cooldown routine! Check out Strength and Mobility, a great post-run quick cooldown routine that includes some bodyweight exercises to strengthen your hips and core. Video included.
that's all, folks! 🏃‍♀️
Sorry I got carried away! I love running. I love getting people into running. My mental health, cardiovascular system and my popping quads also love running. But FYI, some people hate running and that's also fine! If you decide it’s not for you, find something you like more. There are a lot of misconceptions out there and a lot of guilt-tripping and body shame-y rhetoric around exercising, especially aimed at women, and I want to make clear it’s all bullshit. Just have fun <3
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soulsanctuary · 8 months
sometimes i feel almost ashamed of how intensely i feel things and how overwhelming and destructive it can be for me
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frostedpuffs · 1 month
jesus i fucked up my legs bad. i feel like an injured cat at work today trying to hide that im hurt and disguising the limp so while nobody is aware I'm In Pain i would still like to crawl behind a couch and hide for the next 6 hours
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hehehehe boop boop boop *SUPER BOOP*
anyway, do have a current favorite mechs head cannon
Uuummmm so so many actually but atm I keep thinking about the mechs raiding other space ships like actual pirates. I feel like it's never an idea I see get brought up much? Which is strange cause like. Space pirates. I think I've seen "explore abandoned looking crafts" and such tho so maybe it's more common than I think and I'm just missing something and this isn't even a headcanon but I love it so so so much.
Just the idea that they monitor any space ships within a certain radius of Aurora as she travels the inky depths, and if one is within range and piques their interest, they set up to attack. Less scavenging and more just attacking a random ship for fun and goods. Also the idea of a giant luxury cruise space ship full of rich snoody people and high quality goods coming within range of these guys and them getting soooo excited to go feral over it just sounds too funny to me. Been thinking about writing it cause I just really need to put an emphasis on pirates in the immortal space pirates.
Idk if I explained this right tho but like dauogfujmbix wt hiewj pmzf PIRACY!!!
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healthhustle · 13 days
Interval Running
🏃‍♂️💨 Elevate your running game with Interval Training! 🏃‍♀️💥 Discover the secrets to maximizing speed and endurance through interval running in our latest video! 🔥 #IntervalRunning #FitnessMotivation #Cardio #Endurance #Workout #FitLife #HealthyLiving #RunningTips #IntervalTraining #FitnessGoals #GetFit #TrainSmart #RunFast #FitFam 💪
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puppygirlpencil · 4 months
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Resident dog of the team, its Lucky!!
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iampresto · 4 months
I put my heart to work today with an intense leg day workout...this was my heart during a long and intense set of squats...
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robertasgym · 4 months
30-Min Perfect Armpit, Back & Arms Intensive Workout
Come on board for an energizing 30-minute workout that's all about shaping and defining those areas we sometimes forget - your armpits, back, and arms. We're going full throttle into a workout crafter to leave you feeling empowered, self assured, and completely revived. Imagine yourself tackling each exercise head-on, powering through every motion, and uncovering the amazing capabilities of your own body. This isn't just a workout; it's a personal exploration, a path towards a more robust and empowered version of yourself. Let's break a sweat together and tap into a reservoir of strength you might not have realized was there all along! Your mind will quit a hundred times before your body ever does. Convince your mind, and your body will follow suit.❤️💪 **If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Monday to Saturday!
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triona-tribblescore · 5 months
I thought you were dead....
Well, that's fine!
I'll tell you right away, almost all the winter months I did was harden up, swing.
And I think you should too~
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I collapsed immediatly after one.
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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siriuslynephilim · 6 months
#ok so i joined this new dance/aerobics exercise type of class cause aise hi physical activity chahiye#and aaj cardio karva rahe the#AND ACHANAK SE FELT LIKE VOMITING BLACK SPOTS IN MY VISION#and kuch samajh nahi aa raha tha wtf it was so embarrassing the didi unhone meko dheere se neeche sulaya#and pani dala muh pe tab jake vision clear hui#BHT WTFFFFF#kya crazy experience tha lmao#kaise movie style hua main soch rahi thi ki kaisi maam hai ye bohot hi intense karva diya beginner ke hisab se karana chahiye nahi#and suddenly sab dikhna band ho gaya unki awaz bohot dheere dheere aa rahi thi woh uthke latene ke liye keh rahe the#and main haat uthane ki koshish kar rahi thi but mere haath maan hi nahi rahe the😭😭😭#and main soch rahi thi bhai ye kya ho raha hai girl can u chill itna bhi kuch nhi kiya hai kya kar rahi hai 😭😭#but the funniest part is jab woh didi aur ek aur didi saath mein fuss kar rahe the mere upar i was thinking distinctly#ki wow aaj ke din mejn pehli baar kisi ne itne pyar se baat kari hai princess treatment diya hai attention diya hai#kyunki office mein bohot weird day tha meri friend ki dusri friend leave se wapis aa gayi and they were stuck together like bhul hi gaye ki#main bhi hoon??#and that guy jo thoda thoda accha lagta hai funny hai usne bhi baat nahi kari even tho kal humne itni saari baat kari thi😭#aur main ye class mein almost rote rote lehrein sunte hue aa rahi thi sochke ki fuck it mujhe kya i don't need anyone bas padho degree lo#aur niklo yahan iss sheher se fir bhi koi ni mila toh maar do khudko no biggie#and woh didi ne kaha you're very dehydrated and bohot thaki hui ho and suffocation ho raha hai na#and mujhe toh udhar hi aankh mein pani aa gaya like haina main hu na bohot thaki hui😭😭😭😭😭#anyway. crazy first experience lmao#ab theek hu didi ne chocolate khila di
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trentskis · 6 months
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bb0nline · 7 months
I know I haven't posted here in forver but mp100 moots PLEASE tell me you know who wrote the fanfic "Sadness Accident" and if it still exist I can't find it anywhere and it is literally my fav fic of all time I'm going crazy😭😭😭😭.
#mp100#mp100 fanfic#serirei#ant talks#spoilers for the fic but#basically reigen gets depressed as hell and drinks a lot#passes out. when he wakes up he is in an alternate world where he has everything he ever wanted#married to serizawa. has a child. money. ya know the joke thing#then he finds out that he gained it all via corrupt methods (causing more haunting s everywhere so there is more to exercise)#and it bites him in the ass and his daughter dies his husband dies everyone he loves dies#then OH SHIT it was a dream (kind of?) and in reality reigen is basically almost dead due to alcohol poisoning#and the whole thing was like his consciousness being like do you want to live? and stuff#and there was guilt and self loathing and an intense need for love and confrontation wit himself and all the things he loved and it was#SO GOOD#and after all the confrontation he decides he wants to live and he fights#and while that's happening serizawa and dimple and trying their damn hardest to keep this man from dying since they found his body#reigen survives. every is like WHAT THE HELL?? and he is like guys. it was a sadness accident#but it's written a lot better then that#and serizawa and Reigen kind of?? get together I mean they do but serizawa is pissed about the whole reigen almost dying thing#and it ends with serizawa asking reigen who that young girl he saw in reigens dream was and reigen is like uh#and ITS SLOOO GOOD I CANT DESCRIBE IT IT IS SO GOOD. I NEED TO FIND IT PLEASEEE#the author also had other serirei fics that were like the most beutiful things ever#there was one that was a spin-off of sadness accident where it was about the serirei child but she was real and her whole life#THAT ONE HAD ME SOBBING#if the author wants their fics to be forgotten and stuff I'll delete this but I need to know if anyone has any of that authors fics#or know what happened#insanity is taking over#this is typos in the tags btw sorry I lt was a spur of the moment thing
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good-beans · 4 months
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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