#injuries [hermione]
iamnmbr3 · 3 months
harry definitely not heterosexual potter is the funniest thing to me because i literally cannot remember a single time in the book where he thinks “i should probably be nervous about draco trying to kill me because i am literally convinced that he is willingly working with voldemort.” no. he was like “oh draco? yeah he is definitely working for voldemort and he is so evil because did you see the way he is combing his hair now? probably switched shampoo. he would never change conditioner, that thing works wonders. what do you mean, this is common knowledge. anyway, he is so evil and definitely working for voldy. but of course he won’t kill me, are you crazy? who would he talk to across the great hall? like literally you don’t even understand.” and everyone just WENT WITH IT.
Hahahahaha I KNOW! Would he feel this safe around literally any other person who he suspected of being in league with Voldemort? I think tf not!
Even once Draco has Harry incapacitated and totally at his mercy on the train Harry at no point thinks that he's in danger. Even after Draco breaks his nose he doesn't think it. After that incident Harry still is all 'can't wait to break into the Room of Requirement BY MYSELF while Draco is in there so I can see what secret evil mission he's working on for Voldemort' and at no point does he worry that going in without backup could end badly. And HE'S RIGHT. When Draco has Harry at his mercy he never seriously harms him and risks everything multiple times in book 7 to protect him. This is NOT Harry seeing Draco with rose tinted glasses. This is Harry deeply and intimately understanding that Draco will not hurt him and feeling comfortable around him on an instinctual level despite every reason he has not to.
And let's not forget why Harry finally stops investigating Draco in 6th year. It's not because he decides he's wrong about his whole "Draco is a Death Eater on a mission from Voldemort" theory nor is it because he gets worried that since Draco is a Death Eater on a mission from Voldemort looking into this could get Harry or his friends hurt. No. He stops because his investigation leads to Draco getting hurt. And Harry is so horrified by this that he completely backs off and gives up trying to stop the super secret evil mission from Voldemort that Harry is sure Draco is on. Harry is like 'foiling an evil plot masterminded by Voldemort himself isn't worth it if it could lead to me hurting Draco.' He really said 'I can excuse putting myself in mortal danger on a regular basis to stop Voldemort's plots but I draw the line at Draco being upset.' In canon.
And yeah Harry cares about people in general but not to this extent. When Umbridge gets carried off by centaurs Harry doesn't even think of going after her. He's just like 'lmao bye bitch.' He straight up KILLS Quirrell in first year and when he finds out he's like 'well that sucks for him.' Tons of Death Eaters get hurt and maimed at the Department of Mysteries and Harry never even stops to check if they're ok. In second year he forces Lockhart to enter the Chamber of Secrets first in case there's a Basilisk waiting at the bottom of the chute.
But anytime he sees Draco in danger he does whatever he can to help without even thinking about it. From the time in first year in the Forbidden Forest when he immediately throws his arm out to stop Draco walking towards Voldemort to 7th year when he risks his own life and that of his friends to pull him out of the fiendfyre and reveals his presence while running through the battle so he can stun a Death Eater threatening Draco. And he does it automatically, without a second thought because Harry can't fathom a world where he wouldn't protect Draco.
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dramioneasks · 19 days
can u rec fics where hermione is feral-ly / mindlessly protective over injured draco
Can anyone suggest any?
Edit: Thank you!!
sherlockeddramione: @senlinyu ‘s Slow Cruel Descent and the sequel, A Fragile Ascent. 🥺 A Slow Cruel Descent - senlinyu - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
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miss-grimwood · 1 year
Skinned Knee - Bellamione
A piercing wail pulled Bellatrix and Hermione from their conversation, and they looked up to find Delphi toddling towards them, tears in her eyes. Hermione rushed over to scoop her up, cooing at the toddler and asking what happened.
As their daughter babbled out a story, Bellatrix noticed a few drops of blood trickling down her leg.
‘Who did this to you?’ She asked, voice stern. Whoever had hurt her daughter wouldn’t be leaving the park in one piece.
‘Bellatrix,’ Hermione urged, ‘it’s okay. It’s just a skinned knee. She probably fell over.’ She placed a reassuring hand on her wife’s knee.
‘Did you have a tumble Delphi?’ She asked in her sing-song voice, and the girl nodded sniffling.
‘That’s okay, let's get you all cleaned up. Mummy will go and tell that horrible ground off for you.’
Delphi mustered a laugh, and Bellatrix playfully scowled at the tease.
‘She’s fine, I promise.’ Hermione whispered, reassuring Bellatrix. ‘She won’t even remember it happening by bedtime.’
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misdemeanor1331 · 8 months
Premiering on Halloween... Escape From Malfoy Manor
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According to our spreadsheet, there are 34 alternate endings for Hermione as part of Escape From Malfoy Manor. Kinder Blucher (one of @goodnight-fraublucher’s amazingly talented kids) has rendered some of our favorites in finger-drawn digital art. Because of content guidelines, we’re only allowed to show you the less graphic ones. But can you guess what else might be in store for our intrepid heroine in this horror-filled, “Choose Your Own Adventure” collab?
Mind the tags (they are legion) and click here to read Chapter 1 on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48464164/chapters/122244934
The demented minds of @bek48, @efinna, @goodnight-fraublucher, Kinder Blucher, @mysteriouscatstellation, @misdemeanor1331, @mistresslynndramione, and @photonzeroinfinity are waiting for you on October 31.
Seven days…
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cyprus-green · 2 years
Please do 10!
Dramione Prompt Fill #10 'If you die, I will fucking kill you myself! '
'Draco we need to go, NOW!' Hermione shouted.
She threw a protego around them both, strengthening the one Draco had set only a few minutes before.
Draco nodded in response, his grey eyes intensely focused on the task at hand. He twirled his wand, pulling it away, snaking it around and repeating the motion. Nearly done with the complex spell he was weaving over the small silver bracelet in his gloved palm. The inconspicuous object, an artefact from the great Malfoy collection, glittered brightly reflecting the spells being thrown in the area. This particular piece was stolen from Lucius's personal vault, a very traditional marriage gift, now a horrible weapon that could take out a hundred wizards, in a matter of seconds. Despite his father's attempts to disown him, Draco was still recognized by all the Malfoy blood wards and he was going to take advantage of what he could.
Draco's brow dripped with sweat but his eyes never left the bracelet.
'I know! Just a second more.' Draco yelled quickly. Suddenly he closed his eyes and began chanting the final lines of the spell. It was an old magical language that he couldn't understand, but knew it would do the job. The grass around the the pair began to glow as small green flames poked through the ground, creating a boundary between them and the death eaters.
The group around them had grown from six to twelve in a matter of minutes. And Hermione had already taken down five. Only in these types of moments did Hermione aim to kill. Only with her back to the wall. But oh when she did, she did it with an unmatched viciousness.
'Draco...' Hermione gritted through her teeth, and Draco heard the warning in her tone.
He was out of time.
Hermione sliced through the air and sent hex after hex in quick succession. Two death eaters clutched their stomachs as their intestines spilled graphically onto the grass-- it reminded her of the time she saw a gang of neighborhood lads kick over a butchers cart, watching pounds of uncured meats and long looping ropes of sausage fall to the pavement. She had sliced them clean open from their chest to their groin. Their strangled cries caused the others to stiffen in fear. Everyone had known that Draco Malfoy was a dangerous wizard. But Hermione Granger? She was beyond anything they had ever encountered. Moving elegantly and quickly, you'd be dead before you ever saw her wand.
It was rumored she had stolen the wand she now used from Lucius Malfoy himself, both of their original wands having a dragon heartstring core. Many who faced her in battle would agree, that though diametrically opposed in life, she and Lucius fought with a nearly identical ruthless competence. They had the same deadly aim, and a wicked imagination. And because of it, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy were not the team to be caught in a dual with.
The Golden Girl turned and threw a bombarda at another masked wizard's chest, creating a hole the size of a quaffle. From her height she could see straight through, but moved on quickly.
The air smelled of smoke and blood; thick with the distinct rot of dark magic.
She looked over at Draco who swore, but oblidged when she pulled him to her side. She blocked again as Draco's protego began to fade.
'That's as good as I can get it! I'll set it. Apperate to the safe house ahead of me. I'll be right behind you!' Hermione saw the fear in Draco's eyes. And she also saw his unwavering determination. His will to live had been revived the moment she found him alone and bleeding out in the forrest of Dean. He had been deserted, left to die by his own men. He even tried to fight her at first, thinking she was a demon sent by the Grim Reaper to punish him for his sins. When she convinced him otherwise, he was greatful and delirious.
From that moment on, Draco Malfoy worked for the Order. Though he would argue otherwise, saying he only ever worked for his own benefit, Hermione knew it to be a lie. His loyalty laid with wherever hers was, and it had not wavered once.
Something had changed between them the moment Draco woke up to Hermione sitting bedside, a book in her hand and pain potions in the other. To her suprise, and eventual delight, the bigoted boy she had once known, seemed to have died that afternoon in the forrest of Dean. And the two became inseparable. For among The Order, she alone was willing to help Draco heal from his debilitating wounds. They became dueling partners, as no one else would stand beside a deatheater in a fight.
Who besides, Hermione Granger 'savior of elven-kind, patron saint of the underdog' would trust an excommunicated, pureblood deatheater. Who else would trust a Malfoy to not lead them all into a trap? Very few, it turned out.
It appeared that only two people in the entire Order of the Phoenix (Hermione Granger and Remus Lupin) trusted Draco's turn of heart. Whatever Hermione had seen in the young heir had been enough for Remus. So Draco stayed. And from those early days on, Draco and Hermion became a team. The deadliest, most unconventional team The Order would ever have in rotation.
One thing was for certain, amongst the resistance...Around his 'Granger ', Draco Malfoy was a changed man, becoming braver than anyone expected and more loyal to her than anyone could have ever imagined.
That is how the pair found themselves surrounded by a swarm of death eaters, on the outskirts of a small farming village. They had been sent out on another impossible mission, faced with another chance of death. A typical Tuesday afternoon for the duo.
'I'm not leaving without you. We come back together, or not at all. We promised.' Hermione's back was to Draco and he growled as he sent three of his old comrads flying backward through the air with one rapid, fluid motion.
'Granger, just go! Please-' Draco began, his voice pleading.
Suddenly Hermione's shield was penetrated and she gasped and clutched her side.
'Talk to me Granger!' Dracos voice was steady as he sent back two green curses, hitting the man who had gotten past their defenses square between the eyes.
'I'm fine! ' Hermione called back, and sent out her own green curses, missing her target by a hair.
'Lets just GO. NOW!' Draco looked down at his partner and caught her eye.
Something was wrong. His eyebrows knitted, but he had no time to figure out what exactly set his hair on edge.
'On the count of three! You set it. I'll apperate us out.' Hermione looked nervously at the green flames surrounding them.
'Three!' Hermione shouted and Draco whispered to the braclet, throwing it quickly over he heads of their opponents, landing behind the group.
'Two!' By this moment the green flames spread like lightning from the semi-circle to the small object. Every person it encounted on the journey became anchored to the ground, flames coming up from underneath their boots, licking at the hems of their robes. Their cloaks and capes going up in flames within seconds.
'ONE!' The entire host of death eaters, now numbering at least 18, began screaming in pain, unable to move from where they stood. They became engulfed by the quick moving, high burning flames. The smell of flesh made Draco want to gag. But he took in a deep breath in anticipation of the jump.
Hermione linked her arm with his and for a split moment he didn't feel them move. Cold terror filled his veins but when he looked down he barely had a chance to register anything before he felt them tugged inward and spit out again.
The pair landed and stumbled, Hermione nearly crashing into a nearby tree.
She grabbed onto it and panted. Her body and face angled away from Draco who had immediately fallen into a patch of tall grass, his blond hair poking through its yellow-green.
He wasn't sure where they were, or why she had taken them here, but that was the least of his concerns as he watched her try to find her grip on the tree's bark.
He stood quickly and removed his gloves, moving to place a hand on Hermione's back. He ran his palm up and down, pausing at her shoulder.
'Alright there, Granger?' His voice was cautious. Tight.
Hermione didn't turn but hummed in the affirmative and lifted her hand, waving him off. Her body sagged against the tree.
'Just grand. Just. Need. to... catch...my..' and before she could finish her sentence Hermione crumpled. Draco caught her before she could hit the dirt and lifted her, bridal style, cradling her against his chest in alarm. Her body was deadweight in his arms. Her eyes were closed, but she was still conscious, crying out in pain.
'Where did it clip you?' His voice barely concealed the extent of his concern. They'd both been injured before...but those times they had apperated back to the safehouse. Where real healers could care for them.
When Hermione didn't answer him, he laid her down carefully on a soft patch of grass. Placing her gently on her back, he saw her eyes open as she began to shift and groan more loudly. There was no evidence of blood from where he could see-- and it made him all the more frightened.
He looked around and removed his coat placing it under her head. He thought to apperate, but decided it was too risky. A wrong move and Granger might be splintched in half. Casting a locator spell, nothing appeared and he groaned. The silence indicated that they were very, very far from any town and consequently, completely and utterly, fucked.
'Talk to me, Granger. Ey. Look at me. Granger? Tell me where it hurts.' Hermione had become pale, her warm brown complexion now pallid, her skin covered in sweat and grime.
He surveyed her quickly and leaned down, one hand cupping her cheek. His other hand lifted her layers, pressing gently, searching for the source of pain. So far her chest was untouched. As were both of her arms.
'Did it get you in the ribs?' Draco asked more firmly. 'Granger...Your ribs?'
Hermione didn't answer but clutched Draco's forearm stopping him for a moment. His eyes were wide and frantic, hers barely able to focus. She tensed and cried out thrashing in pain, reaching for her trousers.
'Granger, I'll fix it. Just hold on. Fuck!' Draco cursed and with shaking hands undid her denims, pulling down the right side where her hands kept trying to grab.
He set his jaw and held his breath as he peeled the thick fabric down to reveal a deep wound, with a jagged purple edge.
It was oozing black liquid. The wound was already bigger than his hand, reaching from her navel to the edge of her upper thigh.
A Curse. Corrosive. Painful. Deadly.
He blinked and looked back up at her, rolling his jaw. Her eyes were fixed on his. She had stopped thrashing. Instead, she shivered. Her eyes pleading.
Trusting but so afraid.
Her hand, which now was covered in black ooze, reached for his. It was trembling.
He grasped it and swallowed. Feeling the terror spreading from her, through their grasped hands, to his chest and his throat. She must have seen how bad it was.
'It's alright Granger. I'll fix it. Just hold on to me okay?' he nodded at her reassuringly but felt cold.
This could not be happening. Not now.
Pulling from all he knew of dark curses, Draco began reciting every heaing charm and countercurse he could think of.
One to clean the wound, did nothing.
Another to seal the wound, did nothing.
A general countercurse, did nothing but cause her to scream louder.
Another countercurse pulled at the viscous black liquid, revealing the wound to be deeper than he feared. He could see unknown, mangled tissue. The white of her hip bone. He cursed and felt her grip his arm more tightly, nails digging in.
She found her voice and let out one singular howl.
He closed his eyes for a moment holding her down.
'I know. I know. Shhh, I know it hurts. I know. We must keep trying. We have no other choice, Granger. Listen to me. Granger? I'm not going to let you die. I promise you. Just breathe...just breathe.' He was nearly in tears, frantic, shaking. But his wand was steady as he spun it clockwise, then anti-clockwise. His breath was shallow and rapid but he forced himself to take a deep breath.
Every countercurse he attempted after appeared to have no effect. She brought his hand to her face and he felt her cheeks wet with tears and sweat. But he couldn't look. He had to save her. If he looked now, he'd break, and that was not an option.
'Hold on Granger. Come on, Golden Girl just hold on for me.' He heard the terror in his voice. No hiding it now. He gently removed his hand from her grip and he felt her shudder. He shushed her gently, still not looking up. Her breathing was ragid.
He had a thought. A Single. Wild. Imposible thought.
He would do anything to keep her alive.
Draco removed his rings and his jumper, leaving him in a plain black t-shirt. He was covered up to his elbows in dark fluid and tried to clean off his hands with his shirt to no avail.
'Granger, I'm going to try something, okay? If you hate me after, then so be it. I'll let you crucio me.' He looked up at her quickly and exhaled sharply at the sight. Her eyes unfocused as she gasped, her small body shivering.
This had to work. It had to.
He quickly pulled a dirk from his waistband.
Desperate times.
Slicing his palm open, the blood pooled and he allowed the deep red of it to spill into her wound. He began to chant the ancient words. An amalgamation of Malfoy and Black rites, ones he had been taught as a 14 year old. At the time he learned them, he read them carelessly, with not nearly as much solemnity as they deserved.
Hermione gripped his arm with more force than he had felt since they apperated. He looked at her to see her eyes open in alarm. He set his jaw and continued to recite the words. He grabbed her palm gently and brought it to his lips quickly before he apologized and sliced it down the middle.
She grunted and twitched. He looked down at her confused expression and pressed their palms together. Her eyes widened and she whined and murmured but he couldn't make out any discernible statments. He shook his head and held her hand more firmly as his wand circled her wound again and again.
Suddenly her body stiffened and she let out an agonizing scream as a great ball of ooze began to levitate up and out of her. The curse itself seemingly being torn from her body and her magical core. He shouted over her screams, bringing his face closer to hers, holding her hand as tightly as he could. He began to feel a burning sensation pulling at his navel and before he knew the pain was so bad, he was struggling to complete the spell. But he had to. He had no other choice. His Golden Girl was relying on him.
With all the strength he had left he yelled the final phrase and a pulse of magical energy knocked him off his knees and onto the grass, half ontop of Hermione's still form.
When he opened his eyes he groaned and grabbed his side. He ignored the pain, rolling over and struggling to kneel over Hermione's body. The ooze had disappeared from sight.
Granger was still. Eyes closed.
When he observed where her wound had been, he saw new skin covering the once open flesh. Something had worked--what, he could not be sure.
He put one shaking hand against her cheek. Cool to the touch. He shuddered and leaned over her, placing his ear against her chest. Faint wheezing sounds let him know she was still breathing. But only just barely. He brought his face close to hers and shook her.
'Granger. Come on, Granger wake up.' He looked at her and swallowed.
He patted her cheek and brought his other hand to her neck, feeling her weak pulse. He closed his eyes. Breathing in deeply he yelled helplessly into the silent clearing, digging his fingers into the dirt.
His eyes filled with tears.
Hot. Angry. Tears.
He grabbed the front of her coat and shook her limp body.
'Absolutely not!' His voice was caught in his throat, but it cut through, enraged.
'This cannot be happening!' He shook her forcefully again, gripping her lapels in his blood stained hands. Her head lulled back.
He let her coat go and roughly brought her up, placing her body across his lap. He grabbed her face roughly with both hands and brought his face flush with hers, letting out an angry cry.
'If you die I will fucking kill you myself! I forbid it....Do you hear me Granger?'
He pressed his forehead against hers and sobbed, holding her body tightly to him.
'I swear to Salazar Slytherin, I will. I'll fucking kill you. How could you?' He was crying and yelling in her face. Rocking them back and forth. His tears falling onto her skin.
He pulled back, cupping her face. Another sob wracked through him as he brought his lips to hers. Nothing about it felt like he had hoped their first kiss would.
He shook his head and whispered against her lips. 'Save me...and make me fall in love with you... Just for you to fucking die? How is that fair, Granger?'
He pulled back and brushed her hair away from her face. Even now she was beautiful. And his expression crumpled into anger once more.
'You fucking bitch!' his body shook but his hands held her head steady.
'Are you just going to lay there and let me call you that Granger?' Anger filled his voice again. 'Are you going to simply give up? Like this?'
He growled and slapped her cheek.
'Fuck you! Come back and fight me, Granger!' He threw himself over her again. His words muffled by her hair and by his sloppy kisses to her head.
'You coward, come back! We are not done here. Come back and hate me again.' He got close to her ear and whimpered, his eyes closed in complete and utter devastation.
He remembered how she refused to apperate away without him, not a half hour ago. Because they were partners. And so much more that he had no words for.
And now she was leaving him. After promising eachother years ago to always return to HQ with eachother, or not at all.
They were a team.
That thought ruined him. He broke and howled into her neck. 'Don't leave me, please Granger!'
'Please, please! Oh Gods, please!' He kissed her. Lips. Again. And Again. Caressing her face. Fingers playing with her hair.
'Hermione. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm so sorry.' He shook, and wiped his eyes, tears now completely obscuring his vision.
He touched her cheek and let his thumb caress her lips. 'Please Golden Girl, you can't die. You can't, Hermione.'
Placing his lips to her temple he held her against him, crying into her hair. She smelled sweet. Even now.
After saving him from the brink of death she was going to leave him.
He lay over her sobbing not knowing how much time went by. He could no longer hear her breaths. He whispered broken words into the space between them. 'I will never forgive you for this Granger. I won't.'
He felt exhaustion threatening to take him. He prayed to join her and caught himself just before falling over. Carefully, he layed down and cradled her close, bringing her against his chest. He could no longer feel her pulse with his fingers, so he just laid there and sobbed.
His cries were weak and defeated. 'Gods take me with you. You can't leave me.' and before he knew it darkness and devastation overtook him.
'Draco. Draco! Wake up!'
He shook his head. A Vision? A Demon? An Angel? Must be. Because it couldn't be her. He could not let his heart even begin to hope and immediately tried to fall back into unconsciousness once more. He was in no mood for mind games.
He felt a strong zap between the eyes and yelped, sitting abruptly. Kneeling above him was Hermione Granger, holding her wand tightly. His breath barely came and he couldn't find his voice.
She looked worse for wear, covered in blood and dirt, her chesnut curls full of grass and mud. Her side still exposed. But as far as he could tell the Witch was alive. And by all accounts, that should've been impossible.
'Draco are you alright?? What did you do? How long have we been out? What spell was that? Why were you using blood--' the young woman was interupted by a tackle and a role.
He landed ontop of her, nestled between her thighs his hands tangling in her hair, caressing her face. His lips found hers. He frantically kissed her, whispering vaguely violent, mostly sweet sentiments into their kiss.
'You came back.' He laughed but his voice wavered between anger and relief. 'You horrid Witch. How dare you! How dare you nearly fucking die on me, Granger!' Her lips met his eagerly but she pulled away quickly placing a ooze stained hand on his cheek, their foreheads touching. He felt her chest rising and falling underneath him and he nearly cried at the feeling.
'Draco what did you do? The last thing I remember was feeling something tearing through me. I knew I was dead. But then I remember you cutting open our palms. Reciting things in languages I'm certain I've never heard. What did you do?'
He tried to kiss her lips once more and she shook her head forcefully. Taking the hint, Draco pulled back and looked down at her.
Bloody incredible Witch.
Spotting his rings he grabbed them and held them in his fist, before looking back into Hermiones impatient eyes.
'I had to Granger. I had no other options. You were dying.' His expression was sheepish. Embarrassed. Worried.
'Draco...' her voice, although weak still expressed a threat.
'If you hate me. So be it. I wasn't going to watch you die.' His voice caught, and he coughed.
Her expression softened.
'Tell me.' She placed her hands on his face bringing it close to hers. He exhaled. Eyes a Grey storm on the horizon. He grabbed her hands in his, bringing them to his chest. Dipping low, he nuzzled his face into her neck and kissed the soft warm skin there. He began murmuring into her ear, unable to look at her as he explained.
'As you know, for years, ancient rites typically having to do with family lineage were passed down father to son, mother to daughter. Well the most .... common ones .... and most useful ones are those used for tying ceremonies. And I was taught them as a young teenager...'
Hermione stopped him, pushing him back. Placing a hand on her lips. She breathed, 'Draco are we married?'
Draco flushed and tipped his head back down against hers. He wrapped her up in his arms more tightly.
She wouldn't understand.
'I'm so sorry, Granger. If there had been any other way, I'd have tried it. But you were dying. I couldn't bear to watch you die in my arms.'
He had whispered it, but it lit the air between them like a firecracker. He remained utop her and their chests met in rapid rising and falling.
She flushed but her hands went to his side and when she pressed down he cursed. She gasped and lifted his shirt to reveal the beginning of a purple mark, one that mirrored her own. She was speechless and looked up at him in wonder and confusion.
'Draco... What in Merlin's name did you do?'
'I used a combination of Malfoy and Black marriage rites, to tie our magic cores.' He said it quietly.
'Because you figured if you joined us, your core could help me fight off the curse.' She said it as a statement.
'Yes... and believed it would endow you with the protective blood magic my parents placed upon me as a child.'
'Which is something that happens... when you choose a wife?'
'Precisely. Although some benefits... such as healing and protection occur when one is tied, some occur after the couple... consummate the marriage. Other protections only once rhe Witch conceives.' His voice was resigned. As if he expected her to begin pushing him off of her at any moment.
Either way it seemed as if he was destined to loose her today.
'And if the curse still took me?' Her voice cracked. Why she cared about this, he could only guess.
'With our cores tied, there would've been a chance for it to take me as well... but it all depends on the emotional bond between the pair. So. Yes. I expected that if I didn't die tonight, it wouldn't take long for me to follow after. A few months. A few years. Who knows.' Though Draco suspected he wouldn't have made it a week.
They sat in silence. The implications of the afternoon ringing in the quiet clearing.
'Thank you. For not giving up.' Hermione grabbed his hands. Bringing them to her lips. Her eyes were watery. 'I know these must be binding. And now you'll never be able to marry the traditional--'
Draco grabbed her jaw forcefully and let his lips caress hers, his tongue forcing itself between her parted lips.
He breathed, 'You really don't know, do you?'
Her silence gave away her answer.
'I love you, Granger. Have since the day you found me. I regret nothing. As long as you're still here.' He searched her eyes.
Was the feeling mutual? He doubted it. How could she love him? Death Eater. Childhood bully. She healed him, yes, but love him? That was too much to expect. Too much to even begin ask.
He paused again but quickly found his voice.
'I only regret that you're tied to my last name. I want to be clear. I expect nothing. You're free to marry as you wish. You owe me nothing. A life for a life. You saved mine. I saved yours.' He finished, his voice tight. It was coming. He knew it.
But she leaned in again, closed her eyes and kissed his lips hard. Tangling her fingers into his blood and dirt stained blond hair. She gasped at the unfamiliar feeling of her magic reaching out to his.
'I've fallen for you, Draco. I did so, very quickly. I can't even remember what it is to not love you.' Their magic curled and twisted around eachother. Mirroring eachother's movments, savoring the ways it fit seamlessly into one another.
The enthralling joy of their combined magic compelled him to kiss her. To press their bodies together until there was no space at all between them. He threw himelf onto her, a boyish laugh rumbling through him. Her magic felt like autumn breeze and warm apple cobbler. It felt like home, and indulgence, and a secone chance.
He grinned at her, all teeth and smiling eyes. He took the small ring in his hand and held it out to her. His pinky ring. She hesitated, but took it from his hand placing it on her middle finger. The enchanted ring pulsed, accepting her magic. She had no idea what it meant but felt no discomfort.
She kissed him again, peppering them all over his jaw as she twisted her fingers into his hair. He swore and groaned. She laughed at his helpless expression. 'And the other benefits? What of those?' Her eyes sparkled full of life. A dash of hope.
It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. And it felt like time itself had stopped around them.
But he knew better. The war still raged. The order would be searching for them. There was still a world worth fighting for. A world where such a union between a muggleborn and ex-deatheater might be possible.
They had to leave.
'Come on Golden girl. It's time we find our way back. Lets get you cleaned and looked at. By a real healer, yes? And after you heal, you can decide if this is what you want. Alright?' He kissed her chastely, gently caressing the back of her head, cradling it in his hand. He needed her to be sure.
'And what if I wish to make love to my husband?' Hermione spoke into his kiss, not opening her eyes.
He groaned, touching their foreheads together. This Witch.
'Then you shall, my Golden girl. You can have whatever you desire of me. It's you and I. A team. We come home together or not at all. I promise.'
Send me a # from my Dramione Prompt List
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sioraiocht · 3 months
~ @mugglebrn || ❝  did you just wince?  where are you hurt?  ❞ (protective hermione for Draco!) ~
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Not everyone is as forgiving as Hermione Granger. That's been a painful lesson to learn. He should've seen them coming, their footsteps barrelling down the street. However he'd been too focused on the flowers he'd bought, worrying over whether Hermione would even like gardenias. They'd been on top of him within seconds, the beating lasting no longer than thirty seconds but it was enough to trample the flowers and leave Draco with bruises and pain blossoming through his body.
He'd tried to glamour most of it but the part he can't hide is how painful it is when he moves. "I'm fine." He murmurs, jaw set as he grits through the stinging, eyes focusing on the book. "Honestly. Don't worry about it, Granger."
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Name/Link: Amnesia
Fandom: HPverse
Inspired By:  Amnesia by Trish (starspangledpumpkin)
Individual Challenge(s): Picture This (Y); Moody Moods (Y); Mood Ring (Y); Binary Bent (Y); Add Mustard (Y); Without Limits (Y)
Representation(s): Jewish Afro-Latina Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley/Viktor Krum; Major Injury AU; Trans Hermione; Trans Ron;
Ship: Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley/Viktor Krum
Team: Brilliant Snitch
List (Prompt): SpMic2 (Black; Green; Pink; Wet; White)
Space Address (Prompt): SpB 3E (Open) | TrB 3D (Amnesia)
Warning(s): n/a
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yourgirlsarchived · 1 year
@talesfromthevoiid said ‘ I didn’t know where else to go … ‘
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Hermione blinks at Harry before sighing and shaking her head. Wordlessly she leads him into her kitchen, sitting him on a stool before turning to the cupboard above her sink. Flicking her wand from it's holder, she opens it, summoning several of her healing potions to hover beside her. Turning back to him, she sticks her wand into her hair, her hands lifting his chin and checking his eyes carefully before moving on.
"Do I want to know what caused this?" She asks, hands shifting to look for anything broken. "Or rather who." Hermione isn't above a little light poisoning for someone daring render Harry in this state. In fact, she's so onboard with it, it's something Hermione chooses not to think about.
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ghostbloomed · 2 years
“first, we’re going to dress that wound. then you’re going to tell me what—or who—gave it to you.” (hermione to micheal, ok but imagine hermione at hogwarts while the carrows were there??)
making it back — alive was a feat. by now he’s certain news of his capture was spread, especially amongst dumbledore’s army, only to be confirmed once he’s snuck back into the room of requirement. the markings on his wrists were much fainter than they were originally, having been shackled by the carrows, but the effects of the torture were PERMANENT. The school had surely gone downhill since their headmasters death, another war rising. it felt bleak, the only thing the student body had to lean on was each other ( at least those who were part of the. . . resistance. But he didn’t regret anything, and it wasn’t the first time he’d rebelled against it. it wouldn’t be the last. He was quite adamant in his refusal he couldn’t torture first years or anyone, even if he got tortured himself. “ I’m surprised longbottom didn’t tell you, “ he got out through his teeth, as he was in quite of bit of pain, lowering himself into one of the chairs as she questioned him.
he didn’t want anyone feeling . . . pity for him, especially when he didn’t do it to be heroic, he did it for those who didn’t really have their voice yet. it took a minute or so for him to collect his thoughts before he sighed. “ the carrows. they tortured me for not wanting to practice the cruciatus curse on first years. I only now just managed to get away. I reckon it won’t be long before they come looking for me. “
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jadezdominion · 2 years
Day 6 Prompt: Ghosts - 18+ TW: Injuries/Death Threats (no gore)
An unsettling chill fell over the room causing all of the hairs on Hermione’s arms to stand on end. The noises that were present a few moments earlier seemed to have been sucked into a black hole. Everything was eerily silent. That’s when she felt it against her back. That fucking presence which had been tormenting their home. It spoke in a deep and icy tone, “Mudblood filth! Why are you in my fucking home?”
Before Hermione could react, ‘SLAM’! “Fuck!” That was unexpected. A ghost had never thrown her so violently against a wall before. Something had broken, her rib cage was on fire but she refused to give it the satisfaction by showing any pain. “I am here because I DO BELONG! You however, do not! This is no longer your home and I will not have you terrorizing us anymore.” Before he could inflict anymore harm she began chanting an incantation in one of the multiple ancient languages she had mastered throughout her time as a senior Curse Breaker and Head of the Unspeakbles division. “Not even in death have you unlearned the very bullshit beliefs that led you to your grave. A bigot in life and after death. Now, let’s sort this out shall we?” With a complicated hand movement and slash of her wand Nott Sr. became visible as his ghostly form was slammed into the wall opposite her. Her devious smirk became almost cruel as she watched him realize he was pinned. “How is it possible? Release me!! I’ll KILL you. I’ll kill you ALL!”
Nott Sr. seethed causing his words to reverberate throughout the room, “This is my ancestral home and I refuse to let it continue to be sullied by you and your filthy Mudblood spawn. I always knew my son would be the worst kind of blood traitor. As I promised that little bastard of yours, the next time I would see him would be at the bottom of the stairs with hollow eyes.” At that Hermione’s magic began to crackle around her, becoming a tangible force. Weaving through her hair and causing it to become almost sentient. The rage she felt was beyond words.
Draco and Theo had been on the other side using every spell in their arsenal to break through with no luck. This was THEIR WITCH that was in trouble and they couldn’t do a bloody thing about it. An owl had been sent to Bill Weasley since she trusted him and he was one of the best Curse Breakers in the Wizarding World. He attempted to break the wards for an hour. He explained that this wasn’t something anyone could break who wasn’t inside of that room. No blood or old magic, curse or ward breaking was going to do the trick. “Are you telling us that our Witch is on her own and could die?!” Draco asked, his voice laced with rage. Bill nodded with a sad look, “I’m sorry mate. There is a dark force in there. A ghost that has latched itself in a way that no one can get in or out until dealt with. She’s the only one who can do it and she’s brilliant, ya know. Probably scarier than that ghost.”
Frustrated, they slumped against the wall staring at the double doors of Theo’s fathers old study. “Fucking bastard is still making my life hell from the grave. Draco if she…” a sob escaped him. Draco held him close, “don’t, just don’t love, we can’t think like that. She is going to fucking make it!”
Suddenly a light burst through the room and under the doors of the study. It was near blinding and they all had to cover their eyes. Running to the doors they started pounding on it. Shouting with desperation for their wife to come out and sending a plea to the gods for her to be safe. Draco and Theo laced their fingers together while keeping their foreheads against the doors. Repeating her name in supplication. Hermione woke up drenched in sweat. She had been blasted against the other side of the room again and the pain she felt was searing. She felt relief seeing charred wood where Nott Sr. had once been. He was gone. Finally, they were free. Wait. Wait! She felt another presence. “Hermione, I’m so pleased to finally be able to speak to you. I’ve been silenced since that monster took me from my Theodore. I’m his Mamá.” Hermione couldn’t stop the tears. “Oh Merlin. Was it you I felt standing with me when I was sending him to hell and beyond?”
Her smile was beautiful like Theo’s. “Yes. I was with you.” They continued chatting and Hermione realized that she was the “nice ghost that couldn’t talk” who always seemed to be around Scorpius when he was alone. “I had to do what I could to protect my grandson from that evil man’s spirit. He’s gone now but for some reason I can’t move on. It’s as if I’m meant to be here. Some days I wake up at another big manor. Maybe I’m tied to my son?” Hermione thought for a moment. “I’m not sure how it’s possible but you’re welcome to be where we are as long as there is love.” The two Witches teared up and made their way to the doors which shook, then opened. Draco and Theo grabbed Hermione but she winced and screamed from the pain. They released her immediately. Draco, being a healer, ran a diagnostics spell over her.
The results were grim and startling. Three broken ribs, a lacerated liver, internal bleeding, a cracked sternum, fractured wrist and cranium, nearly depleted magical core, a concussion, and a bruised spinal column, etc,. FUCKING FUCK, he wandlessly summoned his healing kit and sent a Patronus to St. Mungos to prepare for their arrival. Theo was rooted to the spot with tears spilling down his cheeks. All he managed to say was, “Mamá?” Caterina Nott nèe Alarcón smiled tenderly at her son, “I’ve missed you mi amor, mi hijo amado.” Hermione said weakly, “yeah we should talk but your Mum is a permanent addition now. She’s a friendly ghost.” The two Witches smirked and shared a knowing look. Hermione then fainted. After a harrowing near death experience she woke up 36 hours later in a private suite at St. Mungos.
Draco and Theo were sitting at her bedside holding her hands. “Hey beautiful, Theo spoke softly, Glad to have you back in the land of the living. We almost lost you to the veil.” Theo couldn’t keep talking because of the sob that broke out of him. Draco squeezed his hand and spoke up, “Thank you for saving and protecting our family my love. Can we agree on no more ghost adventures for you? Please?” Draco pleaded. They were both kissing her hands and crying. “No more ghost adventures,” she whispered. - JEM 10/12/2022
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minxchester · 2 months
...I'm suddenly wondering why Molly "He's as good as my son" Weasley didn't storm into Hogwarts demanding Lockhart be fired as soon as she heard that he quite literally removed the bones from a 12-year-old boy's arm on accident.
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dramioneasks · 7 days
White Linen Lies - maesfictional - E, WIP - A Deathly Hallows rewrite in which Draco Malfoy finds himself nearly lifeless in the hands of the Golden Girl. In a turn of events where the Resurrection Stone is stolen and Draco is gravely injured in the Skirmish at the Room of Requirement, Hermione is left with no choice but to save his life as the rest of The Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore’s Army are forced to flee, leaving Wizarding Britain with an impending war and an unaccounted for Death Eater.
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miss-grimwood · 10 months
Wound - Bellamione
‘Let me see.’
Delphi held out her arm to Hermione, displaying the wound.
Hermione cringed - she wasn’t squeamish, but Delphi’s graze was a little too deep.
‘I think mama can fix that up for you,’ she said, feigning cheeriness.
Bellatrix was much better at cleaning injuries - they didn’t faze her.
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snamioneasks · 3 months
Hi! Hope you're well. I'm looking for a fic that I can only remember that Hermione is attacked near the stairs at Hogwarts. I know this is very vague, so anything you can point out with evil gryffindors is appreciated.
This is super vague. Anyone recently read something that fits?
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inkwellsandbroomsticks · 11 months
@ourstoriesunfold continued from .X.
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Hermione let out a soft gasp as the book thudded heavily against the table, her eyes fluttering shut for a moment as her fingertips twitched. It had been expected, of course, but she absolutely hated it when he did things like that and it still made her jump all the same. At least slamming a book onto a table was better than throwing anything breakable. Her eyes opened only a second after the noise faded, looking over to her best friend and wondering what she might say or do that wouldn't set him off even further. As the silence stretched on awkwardly between them, Hermione felt a distinct knot of guilt twist inside of her. She couldn't possibly comfort Harry by telling him that Draco's injuries weren't his fault, as it wouldn't be believable--- she didn't believe that herself. He'd taken a foolish risk and he'd nearly killed someone as a result. She should be furious, but... looking at him in the firelight and seeing the paleness of his face and the haunted look in his eyes... all she could feel was sad. A heavy sigh escaped when he asked what he should do about it, already having the foresight enough to know what would happen if she answered honestly. She wanted to tell him to go turn the book in and confess everything to Dumbledore, but she knew that he would never listen. Looking around the Common Room to ensure they were alone, Hermione moved to sit next to Harry instead so that she might speak a bit more freely beneath the crackling of the fire. "You know what you need to do, Harry," she said firmly. "I was prepared to let it go before you went into the Room of Requirement last night after hours to get the book back. It's dangerous, Harry. Please, just--- turn the book in to Dumbledore. Confess. He can help you---"
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coreofgold · 2 years
🤕 - to dress your muse’s wound . (hermione @ any of ur muse)
Old memes @drvcxrys
"Thank you." Xingchen said, not realizing he was bleeding until he felt a slight sting and then someone cleaning it and dressing it for him. "I didn't realize I was injured." it doesn't seem that bad so that has to be a sign. "Is it bad ?"
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