#indice knight frank
w4ndering-th0ught · 11 months
sweat. 647 words. @jegulus-microfic.
Joint quidditch practices were Madam Hooch’s idea. Something about trying to quell inter-house animosity- blah blah blah.
In Regulus’ opinion the only thing useful about the joint practices is that they get to see first hand what a disaster the Gryffindor team is.
Like right now, Frank Longbottom and Marlene McKinnon are in a shouting match over which drill the group should work on next.
“No- NO! We can’t give them our best drills, Marlene, they’ll-”
“Oh for fucks sake, we have practice with them for the rest of term, what are we going to do? Never train to our full potential?!”
The Slytherin captain, Dorcas Meadowes, is watching the exchange with her trademark sharpness. She throws a look over at Regulus and cocks and eyebrow. He can practically hear her voice in his head, all brawn no brains, this lot.
He laughs at her and turns away, catching sight of James Potter. Staring at him.
Dorcas claps her hands together twice. “Alright, we’re going to move on to some partner work while those two finish their little spat.” She gestures with two lazy fingers over at Frank and Marlene and starts to draw a line in the mud with the heel of her boot. Marlene looks like she’s swallowed a pygmy puff.
“I call this one push-over.” Dorcas says as she finishes her line. She flicks another finger at Marlene. “You’re with me since you’re finished over there.”
Marlene splutters but stomps over all the same.
“Slytherins will be on this side of the line, Gryffindors on the other.” Dorcas indicates the line in the mud separating her and Marlene. “Knees bent, hinge slightly at the waist, and link your shoulders.” Dorcas gestures for Marlene to follow her lead and they end up with Dorcas’ left shoulder pressed to Marlene’s right, their cheeks practically smushed together. “The goal is to get to your opponent's side of the line.”
That’s all the warning Dorcas gives before she is barrelling into Marlene full force, the Gryffindor staggering back three paces. Dorcas catches her round the middle before she can go sprawling in the mud.
She keeps her hand in the curve of Marlene’s waist and turns to address the rest of the two teams. “Just like that. Go ahead and pair off. I’ll count you down.”
Marlene has gone bright red.
Regulus turns to see which Gryffindor he can goad into going against him and finds James Potter already waiting on the other side of the line. He doesn’t say anything, just bends over slightly and offers his shoulder to Regulus the way a knight might offer a lady his sword. Chivalrous. Condescending.
Regulus tries his best to scowl and hinges forward, slotting his shoulder in place against James’. He’s hot from their warm up, Regulus can feel his breath tickling at his neck.
“3, 2, 1-”
Neither of them hesitate, they’re pressing and shoving and heaving at each other. James is growling, the feeling of it vibrating through his chest and transferring to Regulus’ clavicle.
And Regulus is not going to win this. James is a chaser, broad and tall and fucking strong. Regulus is a seeker, he’s quick but he can’t-
James’ foot slips in the mud and he goes down, snagging Regulus’ kit so they land in a heap, Regulus directly on top of him.
James is gasping, heaving in the air Regulus unceremoniously squished out of him. Regulus is trying to catch his breath as well, very conscious of the fact that they’re only inches away.
“Thought you had that, did you?” Regulus says.
Sweat drips down James’ forehead and snags in the tail end of his eyebrow. “I’m right where I want to be, sweetheart.” James reaches his head forward and brushes their noses together. It’s a tiny touch, a fragment of a moment, and then James is dumping Regulus into the mud.
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fractualized · 1 year
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In this installment of I Finally Read the Thing: I finally read Punisher/Batman: Deadly Knights, which gets highlighted in batjokes circles for the panel above. What I wasn't aware of is that Deadly Knights also draws contrast between Batman's and Punisher's methods by making a reference to The Killing Joke.
As you may recall, at the end of TKJ, the joke about the two men and the flashlight is preceded by Joker saying this:
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At the end of Deadly Knights, Joker repeats the same line when he finds himself alone with Punisher:
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Obviously Punisher has not already offered to help Joker like Batman had in TKJ, so I doubt the joke that Joker had in mind was the same one. It wouldn't make sense in this context. But Joker has seen how Punisher operates and is definitely interested in, uh, lightening the mood, even if he suspects Punisher isn't going to be swayed. The next speech bubble, in smaller type indicating self-doubt, actually also calls back to TKJ:
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That took place after an earlier "joke," Joker's One Bad Day speech where he talks about the meaninglessness of the world. Maybe the joke he was going to tell Punisher was more along those lines, but if Batsy wasn't impressed by that one, this guy's not gonna have a better reaction.
But Batman did still say he wanted to help Joker, so maybe Joker's insanity plea will appeal to the same instinct in Punisher!
LOL it does not:
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Back to the tiny type, to Joker realizing no charm or grace is going to save him and that Batsy's regard for him is something special indeed.
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"That's enough" is kind of a funny line choice. That's more something you say not when averting a murder but when stopping a bully. "Joker's just a poor deranged clown! Leave him be, Frank! He wouldn't let me help him but I still believe!"
I just wanted to make note of the reference and don't have much else to say, so I'll close with another scene I didn't know about: Joker slipping on a banana peel.
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arminreindl · 1 year
Palaelodus, the Swimming Flamingo
Another post for fossil flamingos since I just finished the page yesterday. Palaelodus is a genus of early flamingo relative belonging to the family Palaelodidae, which can be aptly described as swimming or straight-billed flamingos.
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Palaelodids are the sister family to Phoenicopterids, the modern flamingos, and already show a bunch of similarities to them like a deeper bill, long legs and neck and saltglands. Other elements meanwhile are more similar to grebes, which are the closest living relatives to flamingos. This has caused some debate on how Palaelodus would have behaved. Early research proposed that they may have been early filter feeders, but a closer look at the bill shows that they lacked some adaptations that hold the keratinous lamellae in flamingo beaks. Consequently, it has since then been suggested that they fed on insect larvae and snails that live in salt lakes, which may have been an early step for phoenicopteriforms to become filter feeders. The next question regards their legs. Early on people suggested they may have been divers, but that simply didn't make sense due to how strangely long they are. Others suggested wading habits, but their feet are strangely stiff. Mayr's hypothesis seems to make the most sense, arguing that they were swimmers, using stiff webbed feet as paddles. Megapaloelodus goliath (=Palaelodus goliath?) by Scott Reid
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Despite their very different lifestyle, Palaelodus actually had similar habitat preferences to flamingos, inhabiting salty and brackish lakes and having nearly global distribution. The most well known species, Palaelodus ambiguus, Palaelodus gracilipes and Palaelodus crassipes were incredibly common in Oligocene to Miocene Europe, especially France and Germany, the former country having over a thousand bones of them. In France, all three species (which some have suggested is only a single species of varying size) coexisted with the large Megapaloelodus goliath and the true flamingo Harrisonavis. Images by Alphynix, Ceratops Yuta's Dinosaur Travel Blog and Torres et al. 2015
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Outside of Europe, fossils from Brazil are known and tentatively assigned to Palaelodus ambiguus as well. Indetermined palaelodids are known from the early Oligocene of Egypt (Jebel Qatrani Fm), one species named Palaelodus kurochkini stems from Mongolia. Three species are known from Oceania. Palaelodus pledgei and Palaelodus wilsoni are the smallest and largest species respectively, having been found in the Oligocene to Miocene deposits of the Lake Eyre Basin in Australia. A single species, Palaelodus aotearoa, is known from the paleo-Lake Manuherikia in New Zealand, known for its extensive fauna of waterbirds. Much like the European species, the two Australian taxa coexisted with true flamingos, Phoenicopterus novaehollandiae and Phoeniconotius eyrensis. Palaelodus cf. ambiguus by Felipe Alves Elias, Lake Eyre flamingos by Frank Knight and Palaelodus aetearoa by Tom Simpson
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So all things considered, palaelodids and Palaelodus specifically did really well during the Oligocene and Miocene. What happened then is not known as they just disappear from the fossil record, unlike flamingos. Well, mostly disappear from the fossil record. There is one exception. A single isolated bone initially assigned to Palaelodus wilsoni was discovered at Cooper Creek in Australia, indicating an age of no more than 200.000 years. Since then its been suggested that it may not be P. wilsoni or even Palaelodus at all, but from the most recent publication I've seen on it the idea that its a palaelodid is still maintained. I am unsure on this one, as it is a massive gap in the fossil record, but there would be something tragic about it. Assuming that palaelodids survived in Australia, they would have been at home in a place that for a long time was a paradise for flamingos with salt lakes covering whats now the Tirari Desert. And then, during the Pleistocene when Australia got more arid and the lakes dried up, the former diverse flamingo fauna was gone for good, leaving Australia (and Antarctica) the only continents without flamingos, all because of some relatively recent climate change.
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As always this is brought to you by me going down a wiki editing rabbit hole, the final result of which can be found here Palaelodus - Wikipedia. That article has all sources and information and then some more stuff that I didn't go in here (like the history and some anatomical lingo) Chances are that Megapaloelodus will be next, at which point I'll have written the pages for all fossil phoenicopterids and palaelodids.
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thesuetyouforgot · 8 months
Fanfic request asks:
The Trial of King Arthur, Sir Bedivere and Sir Lancelot as they're in court for the apparent murder of Frank the Famous Historian (which they didn't even commit) and they're testified against by the previous characters that they've met in Holy Grail (like the Black Knight, the 3-Headed Giant, the French Taunters, Zoot, etc).
The Trial of Arthur, Bedivere & Lancelot =requested by @yonderghostshistories ------
"Hold it, hold it… Don't everybody speak up at once…" The judge was wishing for nothing more than this trial to finally come to an end. Though the case was nothing too extraordinary -he has experienced a lot in his working days- and the three defendants were a bit strange -insisting on keeping up their medieval disguise-; the witnesses definitely were the icing on the cake - unbearable! The weirdest creatures, appearing so strange and unreal that even the knightly defendants seemed normal in comparison. And worst of all - none of them could give clear, useful testimony.
The judge had eventually managed to tame the herd of young ladies and to get them to stay silent while only one of them spoke. Zoot, so her name, was mentioning very important indications. "…he was feral, swinging his sword and threatening us with violence while just barging into our castle. That man-", her eyes were glistening contemptuously when she pointed at Sir Lancelot, "is a danger. I have no doubt he would be capable of committing this crime."
The judge nodded, a small content smile on his lips. That coincided with the police's first suspicion and also with the statements of various wedding guests. This case seemed to be just about clear by now and Lancelot would have to face his judical fate.
…or so he thought. More witnesses were to follow. And one especially caught everyone's attention: A knight in black armour and with neither arms nor legs was wheeled into the courtroom by a nurse. Although he himself did not consider it to be that tragical, the fact that 'King' Arthur supposedly was the cause for this man's limblessness -and probably his madness too, the judge thought to himself- did change the judge's view of the blond defendant. "It was a fair duel! I must not be blamed!" King Arthur looked almost frantic and definitely miserable when he called out his plea, to which the black knight even agreed with a nod.
What a strange bunch of people… The judge could only shake his head in disbelief. This was going nowhere… "Alright. We'll continue the trial after a break of-", he took a look at the big clock on the wall, "-two hours." He banged his gavel and off everyone went.
Barely feeling refreshed, court staff and spectators returned to the courtroom two hours later; only some of the journalists had sent in a replacement for the remaining trial. "Send in the next witness please." The judge took a deep breath before he would have to face whatever strange witness would appear in front of him now.
And his expectations definitely were not disappointed: An old, poorly dressed woman waddled into the room, her eyes wandering along the faces in front of her until her gaze came to rest on Arthur and Bedivere. Pointing at the latter, she exclaimed alarmed: "Those men are evil! The king and this blue knight… Especially the knight." She needed a moment to compose herself again as even the mere memory of the occurrences seemed to take her breath away. "Not a second did they hesitate to extort me to get their will by calling out…", she paused for a while, "…Ni."
The last word was only whispered but it caused a collective gasp to go through half the courtroom. Only police, attorneys and journalists looked around in astonishment. "Ni?" The judge asked in puzzlement, raising his eyebrows. He was taken aback when the woman in front of him immediately flinched at his question, clutching her chest as if her heart was about to stop beating. He let out a groan. What had he gotten into here? Another difficult witness and another vague evidence against one of the three defendants when the police had clearly reported that only one could be the murderer…
All the judge really knew by now was how close he was to banging his own head against the table instead of his little gavel.
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mellowdaffodils · 3 months
Author's Note: My professor asked for us to write a musical scene for class. So I wrote a scene based on my friend's D&D campaign I'm in. My classmates really loved it and I got an 'A' so that's pretty neat to know that one's fanfiction can be enjoyed in a college setting. lol. The Tumblr format is not correct for a script but I did the best I can to make it legible as a script. Azul's singing lines are blue while Mellow's is yellow. I hope you enjoy. Melody Based on: Song of Healing but it's a little much... The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Piano Cover
Musical Scene: Confronting Azul
The set is an abandoned castle. The stone cracked and covered in vines. The moat dried. A young woman and young man stood next to each other, with a knight dead on the ground with a hole in his chest. The young man’s right arm was covered in blood, somehow he had punched through the knight’s armor and punctured his heart.
(AZUL stands back facing MELLOW as their enemy PERCIVAL falls to the ground dead, the final blow struck by AZUL. Hand bloodied, AZUL wipes his hand with a handkerchief nonchalantly. MELLOW takes a step towards him.)
AZUL… You have some explaining to do…
(quietly puts his handkerchief away, back still facing MELLOW)
What do I need to explain?
Was what PERCIVAL said was true? You’re somehow messing with time?
(slowly turns to face MELLOW, smiling gently)
I have.
MELLOW (bewildered)
Why would you even do that? What’s the purpose?
(his smile falters a bit, but it still stays)
I will keep turning time till I get what I want.
What is it that you want? Money? Power?
(he takes off his glasses to clean them)
I rewind time when you die.
(looks confused but hopeful)
When we die?
(she smiles and sighs in relief)
You make sure the whole team survives this quest? ZAYIR, TRISSA, POPPY, all of us?
(puts his glasses back on)
I make sure you survive. To be quite frank, I don’t care about the others.
(he shrugs his shoulders)
(looks at AZUL confused)
Why would he keep me alive and not the others!? I don’t have money! I don’t have anything of value! Why would you use this power to make sure I’m alive!?
(MELLOW grabs AZUL by his coat)
AZUL (serious tone)
(gently removes MELLOW’S hands from his coat, but holding her hands firmly)
If you are quite done with that tantrum, I would like to proceed further into our quest. We never had gotten this far before and honestly, you should be thankful that I’ve done this in the first place. Without me, you would be dead.
(lets go of her hands)
MELLOW (baffled)
So what? You want me to thank you? Messing with time has dire consequences! If I’m meant to die and you bring me back to life - you could be ruining the fabric of reality as we know it! 
(fixes his glasses)
That is all irrelevant to me really.
How many times exactly have you done this?
(is silent for a moment)
Fifteen times.
PERCIVAL always gave us great difficulty. Even though I had prior knowledge, each timeline had different possibilities. One little change can mess everything up. 
But why!?
Well, the butterfly theory indicates---
MELLOW (interrupts him)
Do not mess with me Azul! You know what I mean! Why would you go through all this trouble!?
(he was silent for a moment, readjusting his glasses) 
It’s because I love you…
MELLOW (baffled)
B-But why!?
No one can help who they love. Falling in love is out of one’s control, though I’d much prefer that I didn’t - admittedly. 
(AZUL looks away ashamed)
It hinders me greatly, I can hardly think logically. It’s a nice and terrible feeling at the same time. I don’t regret what I have done to make sure you’re still alive.
MELLOW (emotional)
Why? Why? Why!?
(tears roll down MELLOW’S face)
I am a lowly orphan, cursed by a witch, not a penny to my name! I have no value to you!
(shushes MELLOW and wipes her tears)
You are worth more than the world to me. 
(smiles sadly)
I will rewind time, so I can save you.
I promised to do so under the pale moon.
(AZUL holds MELLOW’S hands)
Your sweet eyes.
Gazed at the sky.
Hoping for better days.
Tragedy struck and he then took you away.
I then learned to control time.
I did it from spite.
I held your body in my arms as I waited for dawn.
I whispered a desperate wish for you to open your eyes.
I would let the whole world burn before I let you die!
(MELLOW gently pulls her hands away from AZUL’S grasp)
Like clocks’ gears mark the years in the verse of time.
Life is born.
Lives get torn.
Life can be unkind.
All life dies, it is law, Azul listen to me please!
It’s a sad thought but their souls are at ease.
Like the sun sets in the sky, darkness will reach you.
Darkness sets but we patiently wait for dawn.
While the sun sets in the sky, darkness will teach you.
Even though life seems hopeless there will always be light!
AZUL (angrily and aggressive)
Like clocks and gears mark the years in the verse of time!
I will always make the clock of the universe unwind!
In your mind!
Precious time!
Will be seen in better days!
Memories, like a dream, are still taken away!
Curse the sun in the sky, darkness won’t reach you!
Even though darkness is in the sky, I’ll be your light!
The sun will never set as long as I control time!
I would let the whole world burn before I let you die!
(AZUL grabs MELLOW by the shoulders, staring into her eyes. MELLOW looks scared and AZUL eases up and lets MELLOW go)
I’m sorry…
(AZUL turns his back to MELLOW)
I need time alone... The others should be in the village, you should meet them there...
(AZUL walks off stage right)
(reaches out and tries to follow him)
AZUL wait!
(MELLOW stops halfway and watches AZUL walk away)
Your love for me surpasses the very verse of time.
I wonder what made you think I was… worth your time?
(MELLOW slowly turns around to exit, but she glances towards AZUL’S direction worried)
AZUL… Please come back soon.
(MELLOW walks off stage left and the lights turn off)
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blurblurdeactivated · 2 years
heyyyyy, here's the information/rules about requests i take. overall rule, please ask nicely :))
status: only matchups are open.
◆ MATCHUPS! are open.
matchups!!! these are really fun, ik i always love them. for matchups what i need is what fandom/s you want (max 3) a matchup for, if you want a male/female/whoever matchup, and a reasonably detailed description of you.
i will not take anonymous matchups and i'll only do them for people following me :) if you submit an anonymous one, dm me or submit a second non-anonymous one and tell me it was you so that i can post it without your url but also that way i can also see if you're following me.
brief description of you should include: a brief description of your physical appearance, your mbti type if you know it, mentions of both positive and negative personality traits, your hobbies, your likes, your dislikes, what you do in life, hopes and dreams. a wild variety of things that sums you up.
fandoms available are; The Boys, Stranger Things (not the kids obvi), MCU (includes Netflix Shows), Star Wars (Skywalker Saga + Mando).
◆ ICONS! are closed.
all i need for icon requests (which are more like suggestions) is what character you want! i'll only do one set per character and you can find who i've already done here (link coming soon)
what i need from you in your request is specified in the subheading beyond according to fic type :) i only write headcanons and blurbs just based on time considerations (if you have ideas for oneshots or prompts or something you'd like to see i'd love to hear that just not as a request)
characters i write for, star ☆ indicates my top picks:
from The Boys: Soldier Boy ☆, Billy Butcher, Hughie, MM, Frenchie, Kimiko, Annie, Maeve.
from Stranger Things: Eddie Munson ☆, Billy Hargrove ☆, Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Jonathan Byers, Jim Hopper.
played by Oscar Isaac: Poe Dameron ☆, Moon Knight bois (Steven, Marc, Jake) ☆, Nathan Bateman ☆, Duke Leto, Blue Jones, Abel Morales, Sergent Kane, Orestes, Richard Alonso-Muñoz, Rudal Keener, William Tell.
lol miscellaneous: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars), Spike (Buffy), Dean (Gilmore Girls) (let me have this), Will Turner, Elizabeth Swan, James Norrington (POTC), Morgana Pendragon, Gwaine (Merlin BBC),
played by Ben Barnes: Billy Russo ☆, The Darkling ☆, Caspian X.
from Marvel: Frank Castle, Matt Murdock , Loki Laufeyson, Bucky Barnes, Erik Lehnsherr, Wanda Maximoff, Valkyrie, Thor Odinson.
rules for all fanfic:
i won't write anything that i haven't experienced (or that i find triggering) so just please stay away from topics of mental illnesses, extreme trauma, that sorta thing.
i'm not going to write NSFW for requests so let's just skip that (steamy/suggestive is all good though),
i might decline a request if i think it'll take too long, i'm not confident in it, or i just don't like it. that's not to say your request was bad just that it didn't fit me.
also it might take a while oop, be patient with me. i'll close requests if i'm a bit back up with them.
◇ HEADCANONS! are closed.
the only requirements for headcanons are tell me what character you want, what headcanons you'd like eg. "date night hcs", or "breakup makeup hcs", if you want fem!reader or gn!reader (apologies for the inconvence but i don't do male!reader).
◇ BLURBS! are closed.
the only requirements for blurbs are tell me what character you want, if you want fem!reader or gn!reader (apologies for the inconvence but i don't do male!reader) and gimme a prompt! whether that's a dialogue prompt you found, a scenario you wanna see, whatever :)) these should be short... but also i might get carried away.
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kudosmyhero · 1 year
Detective Comics (vol. 1) #389: Batman's Evil Eye / Batgirl's Bag of Tricks!
Batman's Evil Eye Read Date: October 18, 2022 Cover Date: July 1969 ● Writer: Frank Robbins ● Penciler: Bob Brown ● Inker: Joe Giella ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Ben Oda ● Editor: Julius Schwartz ●
Batgirl's Bag of Tricks! Read Date: October 18, 2022 Cover Date: July 1969 ● Writer: Frank Robbins ● Penciler: Gil Kane ● Inker: Murphy Anderson ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: {uncredited} ● Editor: Julius Schwartz ●
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Synopsis 1: The Scarecrow is released from jail thanks to the efforts of Bruce Wayne to grant him parole. As Batman, he visits Crane's release from prison and they shake hands.
Batman then gets going with Robin on his normal patrol and he starts remembering the past, during the days in which he started his crusade against crime. He recalls using his fearsome figure to strike terror in the hearts of criminals, but Robin points out that the old "scaring gig" has run its course and that criminals are no longer easily afraid. To prove a point, Batman tries to use some of his old tactics during the next mission and to their complete shock, the Dynamic Duo find that the criminals they fight are helplessly afraid of Batman. Robin believes this is a mere coincidence, but when the event repeats with further intensity, Batman starts suspecting that there is more than meets the eye.
After having easily captured another gang of criminals, who ended up scared out of their minds of Batman, the Caped Crusader takes them to the GCPD Headquarters, where Commissioner Gordon's phone rings with someone asking to speak with Batman. The mysterious person informs Batman that everything that has happened was planned by him and that in order to learn the mystery behind it all, he gives Batman an address, where they would meet alone.
Batman goes to the indicated place and he learns that it is an abandoned warehouse. Wanting to give the criminal a taste of his own tricks, Batman decides to use an old fear tactic by dropping from a skylight. Unfortunately, the criminal was prepared for this situation and Batman is locked in a trap when he finds himself surrounded by two-way mirrors, all of which reflect his image. Batman becomes completely afraid of himself and the criminal reveals to be the Scarecrow before he starts telling Batman his whole plan.
When he was released from prison and he shook Batman's hand, he injected a special serum on Batman which would start inducing fear into anyone who was confronted by the Dark Knight. Since then, the effects have grown stronger and with the right amount of exposure to the fear, the victim could become insane. Batman tries hard to not fall for Scarecrow's trap, but he can't hold his own fear. After a few moments, Scarecrow reckons that Batman's mind has snapped and decides to eliminate Batman for good. Opening the doors of the mirror chamber, he allows a couple of his thugs to enter the place, but they are both shocked in fear at the sight of Batman, who was not insane yet and is capable of escaping the trap to take down the thugs. Finally, Batman confronts the Scarecrow without restrains and he manages to beat the criminal without much effort. In the aftermath, Batman decides to take the Scarecrow back to prison, as he has lost all faith in his recovery.
Synopsis 2: Batgirl is caught in the sights of a bunch of crooks masquerading as members of the Justice League at a costume party who were trying to obtain stolen jewels, however were double crossed by their partner Darlene Dawson, who had set up Barbara Gordon to take the fall little realizing that Barbara was the real Batgirl.
Easily defeating the crooks, she decides to track down Dawson, little knowing that she is being followed by "Superman." She end up tracking Darlene to Cosby Corners, where she finds out that she is really the daughter of old man Dawson, a reputed criminal leader. Batgirl then fights the two, and makes short work of them when the "Superman" crook tries to interfere and is shot dead by grandfather Dawson. Batgirl manages to incapacitate both crooks and turns them over to the police.
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Fan Art: Batgirl Barbara Gordon by badokami
Accompanying Podcast: ● Batgirl to Oracle - episode 07
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
Had an idea for a Jerusalem AU snippet about the beginning of Charlie's and Dilan's unlikely friendship. So enjoy their - supposed - first meeting while Charlie stays behind as a pawn in Jerusalem, so that the rest of the Pilgrims can explore the area around the city in peace.
Suddenly, the door opened and Charlie lifted his head.
He winced the next second when he was faced with a tall woman; her face was wrapped into veils, as was the custom for the place.
He didn’t know that the Na’ib was married, but of course he’d be. The woman seemed to have gotten lost on her way to or from the Harem.
Instead of that, all he got out was a “Greetings?” while she cocked her head.
She said something in the native language – Arab it must have been, though Charlie understood not one sound. As no time passed but she also made no effort to move, he realized it might have been a question. “I’m sorry, I don’t … I don’t … Translator?” he asked. When she frowned, he pointed to his mouth and then his ears while he repeated the word. “Translator ...” He kept eye contact, the brown eyes the only point in her face he could focus anyways. “Dragoman?” A spark of recognition seemed to light up. “Frank! Dragoman … “ he pointed to his mouth again. “Frank.”
She nodded. “Frank,” she said as if she spoke to a little child. Then the door closed and he was left alone again.
Not for long however, as she returned with another man, clad in the customary wear of a Christian or Jew of the place, but with features that very well would have made a French person of him.
And Charlie was in luck, since he did speak French, albeit it broken, and introduced himself as Nicolo. He knew he would have had no luck looking for someone who knew Irish or the Norse language in this place. Harry only ever had found a familiar tongue when he met another Latin speaker.
“She’s asking who you are,” Nicolo said.
“Oh! Well, I’d honestly love to know what I am, here, and all – “
“She means your name.”
“Oh. Right. Charles of the Higgins Clan, from the Liberties.” When even Nicolo gave him a blank stare, he sighed. “Tell her that. And that I am a knight.”
So he did. She seemed pleased with the answer, now interested in giddy. In fact, she squatted down to look at him on his eye level. Something about those eyes seemed familiar …
“She wants to know about the place you're from and your family,” Nicolas said.
“Well, the Liberties are outside of Dublin, which is in Ireland, which is a rich island next to England, Wales and Scotland,” Charlie said. “My father’s name is Connor. We come from Irish and Norse people … Vikings? Ask her about Vikings, does she know what a Viking is?”
Apparently she did, because she said something and then looked with big eyes at Charlie.
“She said that Vikings haven’t come here in a long time. And that … well, she said that the Na’ib did his job right.”
The next moment, the man in question made himself heard and she got up, before she shouted back to him. There was another voice, calmer and more quiet than either the woman or the Na’ib.
She gestured to Nicolo to come with him, so Charlie was alone once the door closed. There were however, windows in the room, and he let his curiosity get the better of him. At least it’d be a story to tell to the others.
And what a story! The woman was standing with her back to the room, but she evidently had taken her veil off while she talked with the Na’ib, just another indicator that she was his wife. Something about the silhouette seemed oddly familiar however …
She then turned to the side as she laughed about something.
Charlie’s eyes went wide and he knocked his nose against the grate in front of the window.
An action he immediately regretted when his eyes met the Na’ib’s. He wondered whether or not he should have ducked when he said something. She – or he? – in turn said something to him. The cheery expression on their face hadn’t darkened a single shade. At least their words seemed to change the Na’ib’s expression from grumpy to merely uninterested.
He used the chance to duck. The two talked for a while longer, sometimes a third voice cut through from further away. Then Charlie heard receding steps.
He wasn’t quite sure what to do with the revelation. His head was too confused to think clearly about what he witnessed.
So lost in thought was he that it came as a surprise to him when the door opened again.
In the doorframe, they stood. The Na’ibs right hand. That’s why the brown eyes had been so familiar. Nothing of the former appearance remained, however – They were clad entirely in the familiar uniform of a Mameluck official.
No veil covered the wide grin.
Half behind her stood Nicolo, who faithfully translated again.
“She tells you to get up. She’s in charge of you now,” Nicolo said.
Charlie forgot to get onto his feet. “She?”
Nicolo made no attempt to translate his surprise until she nudged him. She laughed and then responded.
“Well, only a man can do the job. So she’s a man in the military and a woman in the house.” Nicolo grimaced, obviously very unhappy with what he had just relayed. “She also said that no one in the city would believe you if you told of what you saw … So you might as well know.”
Another thousand thoughts ran through his head. She asked Nicolo something, who responded with “Up”.
She held her hand out to Charlie. “Up!” Finally he got onto his feet. She said something to him.
“We’ll show you the stables and the soldiers training – that should be of interest to a knight like you.”
“Sweaty men on horses? Sure is,” Charlie responded. He put all the confusing thoughts at the back of his mind for now as he followed her and Nicolo. One question had to be asked though: “What is your name?”
She turned around to him after Nicolo had translated. “Dilan,” she said. It was translated with the string of words that followed:
“Dilan, son of Kerîm, right hand of the Na’ib Sadık, son of Alaattin. A military leader.” She beamed with pride.
The mess in his head wouldn’t stay quiet. It was as if he had discovered both an enigma that only ancient philosophers and fairies could come up with and at the same time, the solution to a problem that had plagued him all throughout his life.
“Very well, Sir. Lady. I – “ Charlie looked to Nicolo for help, but received no reaction at all. “Dilan. Very well, Dilan. Thank you for your hospitality.”
She smiled as an answer and then gestured him to follow her again.
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metalsongoftheday · 1 year
Tuesday, December 6: X-Wild, “Skybolter”
Running Wild was still working at or near its peak when Axel Morgan, Jens Becker and Stefan Schwarzmann formed X-Wild, so perhaps the biggest question surrounding So What! was whether Rolf Kasparek had been foolish to let all three slip away and not give each a chance to contribute more to the songwriting (though that latter component was more of a concern for Morgan, as both Schwarzmann and Becker wrote their share of material throughout their tenures).  The results indicated that Rock n’ Rolf did just fine on his own, for while X-Wild’s albums certainly had their moments and were enjoyably cantankerous power metal, they didn’t have the hooks or force of personality that powered Running Wild’s greatest moments. Nonetheless, “Skybolter” was a furious banger that worked as something of an adjunct to Kasparek’s pirate metal, and the fact that Frank Knight’s screeching was actually closer to Udo Dirkschneider worked in X-Wild’s favor by giving them a more distinct sound and feel.  The track had a similar gonzo spirit and sense of attack- not to mention the trashcan drumming- of prime Running Wild, and in 1994 there wasn’t enough of that to go around. It wasn’t better than Black Hand Inn, but “Skybolter” was a nice chaser that mixed well with ”The Privateer”, and with metal approaching a dark phase around that time, this kind of frenzy never failed to work its magic.
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convxction · 2 years
i’d like to think that some people around the camp have secret words or gestures to alarm Chrom that something is wrong, especially when it would be too dangerous to speak in frank words. either to not cause commotion or to not alert who is causing the problem.
Chrom hmm.. i thought maybe covering the brand. or quote from marth’s legend book you know?
Frederick probably has something distinct to say and only Chrom knows it is the code to ‘something is wrong, milord’ and Chrom can look into the matter somehow. dunno what it could be but i think that Frederick doing something out of his character would draw attention to perhaps he would quote a line from a book--maybe the knight code and honor because it would not sound strange to the ear coming from the knight.
hunter did teach chrom some codes and gestures he can use but hunter would use this code to indicate something is wrong “Rebecca’s bright smile has faded from sight.”
lissa was taught to say something but i think she is the type to ‘do something’ instead because she is lively and active and it would not draw attention. so maybe something she can quickly do like changing her hairstyle--letting her hair down. i thought of maybe having something on her hair but that would mean she needs to go get the thing or keep the thing with her and it does not sound practical so her hair is the key. though there is like a certain style to it to not mix it with her normal letting her hair down whenever she is brushing it or out to bath you know.
gaius definitely gesture and a quick one so no one can detect it which is touching his headband in a way something not right chief. i can see gaius have actually different ones??? the headband when a wide gesture (moving his arm up to his head) does not consider questionable. i’ll think of more on my multi but yeah haha. sike. cliffhanger. 
sully would say something... stahl, too. vaike being the chaotic being i highly doubt they gave him a code because he will unintentionally say what’s wrong out loud (and we are team vaike im saying he is dumb but not an idiot ok?) though when he is quiet is a dead giveaway to who knows him that something is definitely wrong.  
the others hmm...will think later.
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[ad_1] Miami is main the nation's luxurious residential markets in worth progress, in keeping with a not too long ago launched report. The Magic Metropolis's luxurious costs rose 6.5 % in 2023, year-over-year, probably the most of any American metropolis, in keeping with Douglas Elliman and Knight Frank's 2024 Wealth Report. The annual report, which tracks progress and tendencies of worldwide wealth, pointed to the numerous inflow of rich residents into South Florida lately as a driver for the market's worth progress. Following Miami had been Boston and New Jersey, every with 5.6 % in annual progress, California's Orange County with 5 %, hawaii with 4 %, Houston with 3.4 %, The Angels with 2.5 %, Aspen with 1.1 % and San Francisco with 0.5 %. Costs fell in New York and the hamptonsdipping 2 % and a pair of.7 %, respectively. The ultra-rich are relocating to South Florida in droves, fueling the area's booming trophy market. Billionaire hedge funder Ken Griffin has amassed greater than $1 billion in actual property within the tri-county area, together with greater than $350 million on a Palm Seaside assemblage the place he's now constructing a megamansion. Final yr, Jeff Bezos dropped a mixed $147 million on two adjoining properties in Indian Creek VillageAKA the Miami space's “Billionaire Bunker.” South Florida has all the time been a magnet for international wealth, given its heat local weather, lack of state taxes, and proximity to Latin America, however the market ballooned in the course of the pandemic. Costs and the tempo of gross sales hit unprecedented ranges, and whereas gross sales quantity has cooled within the face of the Fed's price hikesthe area sustained its worth progress. The report recognized an inflow of recent residents from New York, New Jersey, and California, in addition to company relocations to the area as driving demand for the world's housing market. Nonetheless, the report cautioned that Miami has but to adjust to the order of American cities. “[Miami] You continue to have a protracted technique to go if it is ever going to really compete with the likes of New York, due to the sheer numbers. You continue to haven't got that vital mass of employment — however it has momentum,” Peter Bazeli, principal and managing director of the true property consultancy Weitzman, mentioned within the report. The report additionally indicated issues about Miami's capability to deal with the inflow of rich households and the vary of providers they require. Miami's prestigious non-public colleges within the space are at capabilityinflicting households to delay actual property purchases and strikes. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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Meteora Developers Founder Proclaims 2024 as the Defining Year for Dubai's Affordable Luxury Market
As we sail into 2024, the Dubai real estate market is undergoing a remarkable transformation, particularly in its segment of affordable luxury properties. This shift is spearheaded by industry pioneers like Praveen Sharma, the visionary behind Meteora Developers. Their latest project, Vita Grande, exemplifies this trend, selling out rapidly post-launch and underscoring Dubai's stature as a leading global destination for luxury real estate. Sharma, at the helm of Meteora Developers, observes Dubai's ascent as the premier market for opulent homes. The city's allure is bolstered by the influx of affluent global citizens seeking unparalleled real estate experiences in this prestigious locale. Reflecting on 2023, Sharma notes the robust growth of Dubai's property market, driven by investor confidence and government initiatives that attract a diverse range of long-term investors.
Recent data from the Dubai Land Department indicates a surge in high-value home sales, with a record number of transactions amounting to billions. The overall property transactions have also seen a significant uptick, evidencing the economy's continuous expansion. Sharma highlights the growing demand for off-plan properties, capturing a substantial segment of Dubai's real estate market. The appeal for young, ambitious investors lies in the attractive entry costs and flexible payment options. This trend is poised to amplify in 2024, with an increasing workforce in the UAE, including a notable proportion of Emiratis and expatriates. The UAE's Nafis program has significantly augmented the local workforce, paving the way for a new generation with disposable income and a penchant for luxurious yet accessible real estate. Sharma anticipates this demographic shift to fuel further demand in the market. Meteora Developers' journey, marked by the successive launches and sell-outs of The East Crest and 7 Park Central, culminates in the unveiling of Vita Grande. Situated in Jumeirah Village Circle (JVC), these developments mirror the acute demand for affordable luxury in Dubai. Omar Al Amour, co-founder of Meteora Developers, reaffirms the company's commitment to catering to this burgeoning demand. Despite the luxury market's price spikes, Dubai maintains its allure for affordable, luxury real estate. According to Knight Frank, the Dubai real estate market has witnessed consistent growth across multiple quarters. Despite this positive trajectory, prices still hover below their peak levels of 2014, suggesting potential for further growth. Vita Grande, destined to be a landmark development, promises luxury and convenience in JVC. This strategic location offers residents a blend of urban living and serene parklands, along with proximity to key destinations. Al Amour assures timely delivery of Vita Grande, reflecting the market's vitality and the company's dedication to exceeding investor expectations. The unique construction approach adopted by Meteora Developers ensures efficiency and cost-effectiveness, benefitting investors. In conclusion, the Dubai real estate market, with its evolving trends and burgeoning demand for affordable luxury, presents a golden opportunity for real estate investment. Meteora Developers, under the leadership of Sharma and Al Amour, continues to redefine the landscape with innovative developments, cementing their position as trailblazers in the ever-dynamic Dubai real estate trends.
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garak · 1 year
while the dark knight gets plenty of stuff wrong i do think it does a surprisingly good job dealing with the joker and superman as they exist within batman comics (i.e. as batman’s foils) and succeeds with those dynamics where i think a lot of other comics have failed. here are some thoughts on dark knight btw putting them under the cut because it’s not good meta or anything it’s just ramblings
i like how they portrayed the joker as very explicitly dependent on batman for his purpose, especially with the segments with the psychologist talking about batman’s adversaries being proxies of himself because it’s his existence that allows them in turn to exist. the joker being essentially catatonic while batman is away but leaping back to life when he returns … plus them making it explicit that the joker sees batman as a counterpart slash romantic partner, the aforementioned psychologist saying that the joker is a victim of batman’s psychosis of sexual repression, the joker saying he only kills people to provoke batman because he loves him, him speaking in the grey bubbles that indicate batman’s thoughts, batman ultimately being unable/unwilling to kill him and him killing himself because he thinks batman’s about to die too… great stuff. the theme of twos/doubles/dichotomies in this book is excellent even if i don’t necessarily love what they did with harvey. the two crossed out sides of the coin representing both harvey and bruce, the joker and batman, AND batman and superman really is a wonderful little piece of imagery. i have less to say on superman because unlike the joker who exists only because of batman slash in service to batman’s story, superman is his own character and one i haven’t read much of to be honest. nevertheless i liked the notes on his design in the front of the book that talked about him having barely aged visually and how that also represented him being a holdover from ages past, but one that kowtowed to authority and was able to be preserved in his role. the line bruce has about him looking as if he was the reason for the sun and the sky, then clark trying to fly into the light of the sun as he dies talking about the earth in all its intricacies as his mother who he wishes to honor and protect from the stupid and vicious people who would destroy it. really just overall wonderful stuff frank miller you have truly done it again
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blogwithnoname2710 · 1 year
5 Compelling Reasons to Invest in Real Estate in 2023
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Investing in real estate in Australia presents an array of opportunities for investors seeking to capitalize on the market's potential. Real estate markets can vary significantly by location, so understanding the local market conditions and trends is essential for a successful investment strategy. Here are a few reasons why it's a wise idea to invest in the Australian real estate market in 2023.
1. Strong Demand and Population Growth
Australia has experienced robust population growth over the years, driven by factors such as immigration and urbanization. This increasing population, coupled with limited housing supply in key cities like Sydney and Melbourne, has created a strong demand for real estate. 
Based on a Core Logic report, the Australian rental market is experiencing a further tightening of vacancy rates, reaching a new record low of 0.9% in March. This fall in rental listings is occurring alongside the highest overseas migration rate since the onset of COVID. Additionally, the vacancy rate in regional Australia has increased to 1.4%. 
The country is once again welcoming permanent migrants, with estimated annual growth of approximately 160,000 individuals. Recent data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows a sustained upward trend in population growth as compared to the last decade with an estimated increase of 487,000 every year between 2023 and 2033, further supporting the potential for long-term demand in the housing market.
2. International Appeal and Foreign Investment
Australia's stable political climate, strong economy, and attractive lifestyle make it an appealing destination for foreign investors. Foreign investment in Australian real estate contributes to market liquidity and can drive up property values in desirable locations. 
According to market data provided by realestate.com.au, the searches for Australian properties on their website has seen a significant increase of 30 percent overall. Furthermore, research compiled by Knight Frank, a global property insight platform, highlights the presence of foreign investors in Australia's real estate market. 
While investors from China and Singapore contribute to this market, it is noteworthy that the United Kingdom holds the largest share of homebuyers purchasing Australian properties valued over $US2 million. This international appeal provides opportunities for investors to tap into a global investor base and benefit from a diverse range of potential buyers.
3. Strong Price Growth
Recent data also shows a significant rise in property prices across various Australian cities. According to the June 2023 Home Value Index, dwelling values increased by 3.1% nationally in the first half of the year, with some cities experiencing even higher growth rates. For example, Sydney recorded a 5.2% increase, while Melbourne saw a growth of 4.8%. These upward trends indicate the potential for continued price appreciation, making it an opportune time to invest.
4. Government Stimulus Measures
The Australian government has implemented several initiatives to support the real estate market and boost economic recovery. For instance, the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme has helped first-time buyers enter the market by providing assistance with the deposit requirements. This scheme has made it possible for a buyer to purchase a home with a deposit as low as 5% without the need to pay for Lenders Mortgage Insurance. 
Moreover, the number of places available in each financial year have also increased from 10,000 to 35,000. Additionally, various state-level incentives, such as stamp duty concessions and grants for new home construction, have been introduced to stimulate housing activity. These measures can contribute to a favorable investment climate in the real estate sector.
In addition to the government measures, Australia continues to invest in significant infrastructure projects across the country. These developments, such as transportation networks, urban revitalization, and new commercial hubs, can have a positive impact on real estate values. Infrastructure projects not only enhance connectivity and convenience but also attract businesses, residents, and investors to the surrounding areas. Staying updated on planned infrastructure projects in target locations can help identify potential investment hotspots.
5. Rising Rental Yields
Australia's rental market has demonstrated resilience, with strong demand for rental properties. The latest report by Domain indicates that national rental prices have been steadily increasing, driven by factors such as population growth, limited housing supply, and lifestyle preferences. 
In cities like Sydney and Melbourne, rental yields have remained robust, providing attractive returns for investors. For instance, Core Logic reports suggest that gross rental yields in Sydney were around 3.6% in May 2023, while Melbourne recorded yields of approximately 3.7%. 
Moreover, regions such as Byron Bay and the Gold Coast are witnessing an unprecedented surge in rental competition. Vacancy rates in these areas have plummeted to an incredible 0.5%. The increasing trend of remote work has prompted renters to seek non-traditional locations that offer a desirable lifestyle.
This rental demand and potential for solid yields make real estate investment an enticing prospect. Conducting thorough research on rental demand, vacancy rates, and rental yields in specific locations can help identify areas with favorable rental market dynamics.
Final Thoughts
Investing in Australian real estate in 2023 presents compelling opportunities. Strong price growth, rental demand and yield, government support and policies, infrastructure development, and growing international appeal all contribute to the attractiveness of the market. However, it's crucial to conduct thorough market research, analyze specific locations, and seek expert advice from buyers agents like Bharat Patel from Cashflow Properties, to make informed real estate investment decisions. By leveraging the current market conditions, you can position yourself for success in the Australian real estate market in 2023 and years to come.
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news24fr · 1 year
Afficher uniquement les événements clésVeuillez activer JavaScript pour utiliser cette fonctionnalitéFlux en directLes évènements clésil y a 21 sLe débrayage mercredi a commencéil y a 29 minIntroduction : la croissance des prix des logements au Royaume-Uni ralentit pour atteindre son taux le plus bas depuis la mi-2020 ; tous les yeux sur la décision de la Fedil y a 21 s03.04 HNELe débrayage mercredi a commencéAujourd'hui est également un grand jour de grève au Royaume-Uni, le plus important à ce jour – surnommé le mercredi du débrayage.Jusqu'à un demi-million de travailleurs se mettront en grève mercredi avec des milliers d'écoles fermées, des lignes ferroviaires fermées et d'importantes perturbations aux frontières, alors que les syndicats ont déclaré que les négociations sur la fin des grèves "reculaient".Les ministres ont été accusés de «tromper le public» et de geler toute tentative de règlement avec les travailleurs du NHS et les syndicats des chemins de fer. Des sources gouvernementales ont concédé en privé que l'optimisme du début du mois quant à la fin des grèves s'était estompé.La série coordonnée de grèves implique des enseignants, des fonctionnaires, du personnel des forces frontalières et des conducteurs de train, le gouvernement disant aux gens de se préparer à des "perturbations importantes".Jusqu'à un demi-million de grèves à travers le Royaume-Uni alors que les pourparlers vont «à l'envers»Lire la suiteil y a 1 m03.04 HNETomBillresponsable de la recherche résidentielle au Royaume-Uni chez Knight Frank, a déclaré :.css-cumn2rhauteur : 1 em ; largeur : 1,5 em ; marge droite : 3 px ; alignement vertical : ligne de base ; remplissage : # C70000 ;Le marché immobilier britannique se dirige vers une baisse annuelle des prix, les taux hypothécaires restant nettement plus élevés qu'il y a 12 mois. Pour anticiper la pente, vous devez regarder au-delà de la distorsion à court terme du mini-budget. Par exemple, les acheteurs et les vendeurs se sont arrêtés tôt pour Noël, mais l'activité a rebondi en janvier. La résilience des prix et des volumes de ventes sera mise à l'épreuve au printemps lorsque les transactions se multiplieront et qu'il ne restera alors pratiquement plus de prêts hypothécaires à taux fixe à 5 ans inférieurs à 4 % en circulation. Nous nous attendons à ce que les prix baissent de 10 % au cours des deux prochaines années à mesure que les budgets seront recalculés.Analyste du marché du logement au Royaume-Uni Neal Hudson tweeté :Rapport national Les prix des logements au Royaume-Uni n'ont augmenté que de 1,1% au cours de l'année jusqu'en janvier 2023. Les prix sont déjà inférieurs aux niveaux de février 2022 et 5,6 % inférieurs à leur pic d'août 2022 sur la base de leur indice non désaisonnalisé. https://t.co/ahaJkrl15o– Neal Hudson (@resi_analyst) 1 février 2023 il y a 18 mois02h47 HNEGabrielle Dickenséconomiste britannique senior chez Pantheon Macroeconomics, affirme que les prix de l'immobilier au Royaume-Uni ont encore baissé..css-cumn2rhauteur : 1 em ; largeur : 1,5 em ; marge droite : 3 px ; alignement vertical : ligne de base ; remplissage : # C70000 ;Nous pensons toujours que les prix de l'immobilier ne trouveront pas de plancher tant qu'ils n'auront pas chuté d'environ 8 % par rapport à leur sommet. Le revenu réel disponible des ménages diminuera encore au cours des deux prochains trimestres, à mesure que le gouvernement réduira son soutien aux factures énergétiques et que les entreprises procéderont à des suppressions d'emplois face à la flambée des coûts d'emprunt. Pendant ce temps, les taux hypothécaires sont plus de trois fois plus élevés qu'au début de 2022, malgré la chute des sommets d'octobre, et ne devraient baisser que lentement cette année, garantissant que les approbations de prêts hypothécaires restent proches du niveau le plus bas du quatrième trimestre. La demande sera également limitée par les tests d'accessibilité des prêteurs, qui sont basés sur le taux d'escompte. De nombreux acheteurs potentiels attendront également que les prix aient considérablement baissé.
Le MPC [monetary policy committee], cependant, devrait avoir une certaine marge de manœuvre pour réduire le taux d'escompte l'année prochaine, une fois que le ralentissement aura émergé sur le marché du travail. En outre, la chute brutale récente des prix de gros de l'énergie donne à penser que les revenus réels se redresseront au second semestre. En conséquence, nous avons révisé à la hausse la semaine dernière nos prévisions de reprise ultérieure des prix des logements au cours de 2024, à 5,0 %, contre 3,7 %.Mis à jour à 02h49 HNEil y a 29 min02h35 HNEIntroduction : la croissance des prix des logements au Royaume-Uni ralentit pour atteindre son taux le plus bas depuis la mi-2020 ; tous les yeux sur la décision de la FedBonjour et bienvenue dans notre couverture continue des affaires, de l'économie mondiale et des marchés financiers.L'année a commencé avec un nouveau ralentissement de la croissance des prix de l'immobilier au Royaume-Uni.La croissance annuelle des prix des logements a ralenti à 1,1% en janvier contre 2,8% en décembre, le taux le plus bas depuis juin 2020, a déclaré la Nationwide building society.La valeur des propriétés a diminué de 0,6 % en janvier par rapport à décembre, après une baisse de 0,3 % en décembre, marquant la quatrième baisse mensuelle consécutive. La croissance annuelle des prix a ralenti, passant de 2,8 % à 1,1 %.La maison moyenne vaut désormais 258 297 £, contre 262 068 £ il y a un mois, et les prix sont inférieurs de 3,25 à leur pic d'août.Robert Gardneréconomiste en chef de Nationwide, a déclaré :.css-cumn2rhauteur : 1 em ; largeur : 1,5 em ; marge droite : 3 px ; alignement vertical : ligne de base ; remplissage : # C70000 ;Cependant, certains signes encourageants indiquent que les taux hypothécaires se normalisent, mais il est trop tôt pour dire si l'activité sur le marché du logement a commencé à se redresser. La baisse des approbations d'achat de logements en décembre signalée par la Banque d'Angleterre reflète en grande partie la forte baisse des demandes de prêts hypothécaires à la suite du mini-budget. "Il sera difficile pour le marché de retrouver une dynamique à court terme, car les vents contraires économiques devraient rester forts, les revenus réels étant susceptibles de baisser davantage et le marché du travail devrait largement s'affaiblir à mesure que l'économie se contracte. "Comme nous l'avons souligné dans notre récent rapport d'abordabilitéle plus grand changement en termes d'abordabilité du logement pour les acheteurs potentiels au cours de la dernière année a été l'augmentation du coût du service d'un prêt hypothécaire typique en raison de l'augmentation des taux hypothécaires.L'événement principal aujourd'hui est le Réserve fédérale américaineest la réunion. La banque centrale américaine devrait augmenter ses taux d'intérêt de 25 points de base à 4,75 %, une hausse plus modeste que les mois précédents, mais la question est de savoir si elle va ensuite reprendre son souffle.Les marchés supposent que la Fed commencera à réduire ses taux avant la fin de l'année, à mesure que l'inflation ralentit. Chaise Fed Jérôme PowellLa conférence de presse de la Fed qui a suivi la décision devrait donner quelques indices sur la pensée de la Fed.Michel Hewsonanalyste de marché en chef chez CMC Markets UK, a déclaré :.css-cumn2rhauteur : 1 em ; largeur : 1,5 em ; marge droite : 3 px ; alignement vertical : ligne de base ; remplissage : # C70000 ;C'est cette déconnexion entre la rhétorique de la Fed et ce que le marché évalue qui fait de la décision sur les taux du FOMC et de la conférence de presse Powell d'aujourd'hui une réunion « en direct ». Comment Powell concilie-t-il la façon dont la Fed voit la trajectoire des futures hausses de taux et la conviction des marchés que la banque centrale recommencera à réduire les taux avant la fin de l'année. Alors que les responsables de la Fed ont insisté sur le fait que les taux resteront élevés pendant un certain temps encore, les
marchés ne les croient tout simplement pas, surtout lorsque plusieurs indicateurs clés de l'inflation ont montré que les prix continuent de baisser sur une trajectoire régulière. C'est ce qui fait de la conférence de presse Powell d'aujourd'hui une proposition si délicate en matière de positionnement sur le marché. Le danger pour la Fed est de laisser le marché continuer à penser que les taux vont probablement baisser cette année, ce qui pourrait à son tour voir l'inflation repartir, d'autant plus que le marché du travail est aussi tendu. Powell ne peut tout simplement pas se permettre que les conditions financières se desserrent et que le génie de l'inflation sorte à nouveau de la bouteille.L'agenda 9h GMT : Finale du PMI manufacturier mondial S&P de la zone euro pour janvier (prévision : 48,8) 9h30 GMT: Finale du PMI manufacturier S&P Global / CIPS du Royaume-Uni pour janvier (prévision 46,7) 10h GMT : Flash de l'inflation de la zone euro pour janvier (prévision : 9 %, précédente : 9,2 %) 10h GMT : Inflation en Italie pour janvier (prévision : 10,1 %, précédente : 11,6 %0 13h15 GMT: Changement de l'emploi ADP américain pour janvier (prévision: 178 000) 14h45 GMT : Finale du PMI manufacturier S&P mondial américain pour janvier (précédent : 46,2) 15h00 GMT : ISM manufacturier américain PMI pour janvier (prévision : 48, précédent : 48,4) 19h00 GMT : décision de la Réserve fédérale américaine sur les taux d'intérêt (prévision : hausse de 25 pb à 4,75 %) Mis à jour à 03.02 HNELes sujetsAffairesAffaires en directDevisesMarchandisesMarchés boursiersPrix ​​des maisonsBiensRéutiliser ce contenu
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cannylifespace · 1 year
Why real estate in Hyderabad is profitable?
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Young people are well knowledgeable about the current financial possibilities available. Many people are looking for investments with high yields and little risk, such as Hyderabad's most significant real estate. The greatest alternative when comparing our available investment possibilities is to buy real estates, such as the land and plots for sale in Yacharam and Pharma City.
Real estate in 2023 is thriving because many individuals have started investing in these possibilities. Purchasing a house is a chance with a high Return on Investment (ROI). We must choose wisely while buying top real estate in Hyderabad because this requires a substantial expenditure.
Hyderabad has become one of India's metro areas with the quickest growth and highest levels of prosperity. Commercial and residential properties both contribute to success. It now encompasses the entire state of Telangana. Real estate in Hyderabad is positioned to grow into a major hub for the manufacturing, IT, and ITeS industries worldwide. Let's examine the causes of Hyderabad's real estate boom.
Here are a few reasons why Real estate investment in Hyderabad would be profitable:
Developing Infrastructure;
Hyderabad's expanding infrastructure is one of the primary factors contributing to the city's booming Real Estate in 2023. To upgrade the city's infrastructure, the government has made a number of investments. People have moved to the city in more significant numbers, which has raised the demand for homes.
The Hyderabad Regional Ring Road (RRR) Project has proposed building a four-lane access-controlled road to connect its neighbouring districts. This improvement in commuting options will reduce the time required for travel within the main metropolis while also creating jobs and other opportunities for those living outside of it.
The rise of Real Estate in Hyderabad is primarily due to the development of the city's infrastructure.
Safe City and Good Standard of Living:
People desire a clean and safe place to live in, and Hyderabad excels in both areas.
According to the 2021 Swachh Survekshan National Survey, which ranks cities nationwide on cleanliness, Hyderabad improved its ranking from 23rd to 13th. Additionally, it was named the nation's best self-sustaining megacity by the Union Ministry of Urban Housing and Urban Affairs.
These figures and honours demonstrate how vital cleanliness and safety are to the expansion of Real Estate in Hyderabad. Raising the demand for residential and office space by making it a desirable place for enterprises to establish their operations.
Cost-effective Properties:
Hyderabad is a city where there is a lot of new construction going on. This indicates that Hyderabad's top real estate developers are constructing many new homes and villas, and they are being sold for affordable costs.
Compared to other Tier 1 cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, or Chennai, gated community flats, plots, and apartments are less expensive. Rent for rental homes, apartments, and flats is more affordable than in other cities with comparable carpet areas.
Real Estate in Hyderabad has a lot more development potential due to low pricing and high demand. Making it a desirable choice for investors and those seeking to purchase real estate in India.
Commercial Hub:
India's largest commercial centre in Hyderabad. There are numerous sizable industries and businesses in the city. Due to the increasing demand for offices as a result, Hyderabad has seen the construction of numerous new commercial buildings.
The booming Real Estate in Hyderabad is also a result of the city's expanding economy. Due to the city's strong infrastructure and talented workforce, many new enterprises are relocating there. According to the Knight Frank India research, Hyderabad has had a promising start to 2022 with an increase of 72% in office space transactions year over year.
Top-Notch Amenities:
Every buyer searches for amenities close to the apartment they want to purchase. The gated community’s vicinity should be continuously improved with all necessities, including power, water, food, and transportation. By doing so, people will be able to avoid issues like having to go far for simple needs, which makes life difficult and irritating. However, the gated community apartments in Hyderabad provide the resident with world-class amenities, making their life full of leisure and comfort.
Huge number of IT companies:
Many people from across the nation are looking for homes in Hyderabad due to the presence of huge IT companies in Hyderabad. The need for housing has grown.
Hyderabad's economy is flourishing in various sectors, not only the IT one. The pharmaceutical and biotechnology businesses are among several others that are prospering. Due to the presence and growth of international behemoths like Google, Apple, Microsoft, Deloitte, Capgemini, and many other blue-chip firms, the city is becoming a more and more sought-after area to live and work.
The city's economy is expanding due to the affordability of property and co-working spaces and the availability of a trained labour population.
One of the most alluring, lucrative, and sustainable methods to invest money or generate quick profits is through the Real estate in Hyderabad. City property taxes have grown by 11% in the last 12 months. The need for space in the city is at an all-time high due to the 1.5% yearly population growth. The real estate market in Hyderabad is expected to continue expanding as more and more people move there.
If you want to know about the best and affordable apartments in Hyderabad, then visit https://www.cannylifespaces.com/
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