#including positive reviews from previous or current parents.
franchisebazarcom · 2 years
Important Signs to look out for in a Daycare
Every daycare will have a solid reputation, including positive reviews from previous or current parents.
A caring and stimulating environment with happy kids is what parents feel is right. When they walk into that door, it’s the first impression is what needs to be right.
An interesting Curriculum or schedule to show the parents, what their child would be doing during the few hours when they are not around. Good learning material is very important in daycares.
Qualified Caretakers, who at least have the basic certifications would be advisable. The parent needs to be comfortable with the caretakers to whom they would be handing over their kids.
Safety is the main sign to look for in any daycare, which includes childproofing, food safety, a good play area, toys or accessories which are not broken, no toxic substances, and more.
Once you have addressed these signs of a good daycare, you can start looking for the top daycare franchise opportunities in India. To make it simpler, we have curated a list of some of the best daycare opportunities in India.
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By: Colin Wright
Published: Aug 28, 2023
One might think the fact that the medical establishment is endorsing and performing experimental, irreversible, and often sterilizing medical procedures on children would be an immense journalistic discovery. But a recent New York Times article—investigating allegations made by Jamie Reed, a former case manager at the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital who blew the whistle on medical malpractice at the clinic traveling under the guise of “gender-affirming care”—downplays the results of that discovery in a way that privileges personal testimony over evidence.
Reed’s allegations were numerous. She claimed that the clinic was inundated with requests for transition services without adequate protocols to handle them, that patients were hastily approved for transitioning despite notable mental-health comorbidities, that individuals were not fully briefed on the risks and side effects of their prescribed medications, and that any opposition within the clinic was quelled. As Leor Sapir observes, the Times investigation corroborated most of Reed’s claims. A discerning reader who cuts through the article’s euphemisms and sidesteps the author’s political asides would discern as much.
Indeed, the newspaper of record has verified concerns that critics of “gender-affirming care” have raised for years. The current influx of trans-identified youth, primarily girls with no previous gender-related distress, symbolizes a fresh patient group exhibiting a new and as-yet-unstudied form of gender dysphoria. Gender-affirming care is experimental, with no long-term, rigorous studies demonstrating its advantages over the many obvious risks.
Yet throughout, the Times article alludes to the realities of pediatric gender medicine, while simultaneously obscuring them. Consider some representative quotes.
[A]ccording to an internal presentation from 2021, 73 percent of new patients were identified as girls at birth. Gender clinics in Western Europe, Canada and the United States have reported a similarly disproportionate sex skew that has bewildered clinicians.
Here, the Times concedes that the children currently fueling the unprecedented surge in gender-clinic referrals differ significantly from the group (natal males) that the original, ostensibly more cautious, “Dutch protocol” for pediatric sex-trait modification was intended to serve. As a Reuters investigation recently revealed, U.S. gender clinics aren’t adhering even to the Dutch approach. Instead, they’re adopting a less rigorous, highly medicalized “gender-affirming” model, which entails automatic social transition and on-demand puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries. Considering that this form of gender dysphoria is new and rapid, it would seem prudent to gather more data about its possible causes before offering medical interventions.
Pediatric gender medicine is a nascent specialty, and few studies have tracked how patients fare in the long term, making it difficult for doctors to judge who is likely to benefit.
This dramatic understatement amounts to an admission that the current practice of “affirming” a child’s cross-sex identity with hormones and surgeries is completely experimental. It follows that advocates’ claims that such interventions are beneficial or “life-saving” are not based on any high-quality research. Those who have meticulously monitored the data have been aware of this from the beginning, and systematic reviews conducted in Sweden, Finland, and the U.K. support this view. Yet, despite such evidence, U.S. medical organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, have obstinately maintained a pro-affirmation stance.
It’s clear the St. Louis clinic benefited many adolescents: Eighteen patients and parents said that their experiences there were overwhelmingly positive, and they refuted Ms. Reed’s depiction of it.
This particularly jarring statement showcases the post hoc, ergo propter hoc (“after this, therefore because of this”) fallacy: it presumes a causal relationship between phenomena merely because one follows the other. Being cautious of this fallacy, especially in the realm of human health, is fundamental to evidence-based medicine.
Few deny that many individuals are genuinely satisfied with the results of their hormonal or surgical transition. I’ve heard heartfelt accounts from minors stating that their mental well-being improved after gender-affirming treatment, and I don’t question their sincerity. However, modern medicine doesn’t—or shouldn’t—gauge the success of a treatment based purely on a patient’s personal testimony. Without comprehensive long-term-outcomes data and controlled experiments—which Ghorayshi acknowledges do not exist—it remains impossible to know whether the “positive” outcomes mentioned by the patients she references flow from the gender-affirming procedures or if the same contentment could have been achieved without resorting to body-altering hormones and surgery.
The Times article inadvertently suggests the importance of evidence-based medicine. Evaluating the effectiveness of a drug or surgery solely based on patient satisfaction constitutes a significant departure from its fundamental objectives. Were observers to start taking personal testimonies as sufficient evidence for the success of a medical treatment, the FDA would become obsolete. We’d all be forced to embrace the extravagant and pseudoscientific assertions of any self-styled health guru or medical quack.
Compare the use of testimony to support gender-affirming care at the St. Louis hospital with the Minnesota-based “healing center” known as Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ). SFQ champions the use of an ancient Chinese ritual called “external qigong” to heal the afflicted. According to its website, illnesses, or “dis-eases,” as they are fancifully labeled, are the result of “energy blockages within the body.” SFQ asserts that qigong is the magical wand that dispels these obstructions, thereby restoring the body’s “natural balance.” This involves the enigmatic Qigong Master Chunyi Lin waving his hands over one’s body, channeling energies and dissolving said blockages. If the idea of driving all the way to Minnesota for treatment seems tedious, fear not: Master Lin generously offers to transmit these energies and conduct qigong sessions over the phone.
The SFQ site provides links to several “scientific” articles from the Journal of Holistic Nursing and The American Journal of Chinese Medicine. These papers, apparently, endorse external qigong as an antidote for chronic pain. But for novices to the mystical realm of SFQ and qigong, the site offers glowing testimonials from satisfied SFQ customers.
One says: “I’ve tried different medicines. They gave relief but didn’t cure me. This season I’ve lived allergy free and I credit it to the [Spring Forest Qigong] Active Exercises I've been doing [for the past six months]. I didn’t take even one pill. Since there weren’t any other changes in my lifestyle, diet, or anything, I credit the [SFQ] active exercise. Channels were cleared, immune system adjusted and here I am, happy and allergy free.”
Another: “I was breathing into the shoulder and seeing the pain turn to air or smoke each night before I went to sleep, and it got better and better and better. I went back to the doctor months later and showed him the improvement. He said, ‘There is no way you should be able to do what you’re doing. You should be in excruciating pain. I can’t explain how you can do it, but whatever you’re doing, don’t stop.’”
Still another: “Chunyi Lin and Spring Forest have had an amazing impact on my life. It’s given me a way to live life more fully, happier. To me it’s a God send. The practice of Qigong is something everyone can benefit from. Once you have had an experience with Qigong you want to keep it a part of your life.”
One woman even says that qigong eradicated her Stage 4 breast cancer: “I rejected conventional cancer treatments from your classically trained oncologists because they didn’t work the first time. This time it was my life that hung in the balance and I was resolved to find alternative measures to find healing. And, fast forward, after six, seven months of both medical treatments and visiting with Master Lin in the Spring Forest Qigong Center I am completely healed. My cancer’s gone. My doctors call me a ‘walking miracle.’”
Should doctors and scientists view these “overwhelmingly positive” experiences as clear proof that Qigong Master Chunyi Lin healed these patients by simply waving his hands over their bodies (or through the phone) to dispel their energy blockages? Should we confidently endorse external qigong for people with Stage 4 breast or liver cancer? Probably not. Instead, we’d likely advocate for rigorous testing of external qigong through randomized control trials, demanding tangible evidence of its benefit before suggesting it could treat even minor ailments.
But if we’d be hesitant to accept these testimonials about how qigong cured some people’s energy imbalance, then why are many political progressives so quick to accept similar testimonials from minors who claim their mind-body imbalance was corrected after undergoing sex-trait modification procedures? Why is such testimony taken as definitive proof of these procedures’ benefits? Ideology couldn’t possibly be the reason—right?
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By the way, this is intentional. It's part of the postmodern goal of deconstructing objective reality.
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dustbusterscs · 4 months
The Final Leader to Finding the Best Cleaning Service in Dubai
Welcome to the sparkling city of Dubai, where pristine skyscrapers and luxurious resorts dominate the skyline. Amidst this glamorous landscape, there's one crucial element that keeps everything shining bright - professional cleaning services. Whether you're a busy professional, a frazzled parent, or a business owner needing spotless surroundings, finding the best cleaning service in Dubai is essential. But with so many options available, how do you choose? Fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the types of cleaning services available and provide valuable tips on selecting the perfect cleaning service to suit your needs. Get ready to discover cleanliness at its finest!
Types of Cleaning Services Available
Regarding cleaning services in Dubai, a wide range of options are available to suit every need and budget. Whether you're looking for a one-time deep clean or regular maintenance, there's a service out there.
One type of cleaning service that many people find beneficial is residential cleaning. This includes general housekeeping tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping floors, and cleaning bathrooms and kitchens. Some companies also offer additional services like laundry and organizing.
Commercial cleaning services are essential for those who run businesses or have commercial spaces. These services focus on maintaining cleanliness in offices, shops, restaurants, hotels, and other commercial establishments. They often include carpet cleaning, window washing, sanitizing high-touch surfaces, and trash removal. If you're moving into a new home or vacating your current one, consider hiring professional move-in/move-out cleaners.
These professionals specialize in thorough pre/post-move cleanings to ensure the property is left spotless for new occupants or ready for inspection by landlords. In addition to these standard cleaning services, you can find specialized options tailored to specific needs.
For instance, a post-construction cleanup service can handle the mess after renovations. Other specialized services include cleaning upholstery, maintaining the pool, and tidying outdoor areas. With so many choices available, evaluating your needs before selecting a provider is essential. Research their reputation, reviews, rates,& availability. Check if they use eco-friendly products & efficient equipment. The right choice will ensure that your space remains sparkling clean!
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Cleaning Service
When it comes to choosing the best cleaning service in Dubai, there are several factors that you should consider. These factors will help you find a reputable and trustworthy company that meets your needs. Here are some essential things to keep in mind:
1. Reputation: Choosing a good cleaning service with a good reputation is crucial. Look for companies that have positive reviews and feedback from previous clients. You can check online review platforms or ask for recommendations from friends and family who have used cleaning services in Dubai.
2. Experience: A well-established cleaning service with years of experience will likely provide high-quality results. They will know the best practices, techniques, and equipment for efficient and effective cleaning.
3. Services Offered: Different cleaning companies may specialize in different areas, so it's essential to determine what services you need before deciding. Whether you require regular housekeeping, deep-cleaning services, or specialized services like carpet or upholstery cleaning, ensure the company offers the specific services you require.
4. Trained Staff: The best cleaning services employ trained professionals who properly handle various surfaces and materials without causing damage or harm. Ask about their hiring process, training programs, and staff members' certifications.
5. Insurance Coverage: Accidents can happen during cleaning activities, so choosing a company with insurance coverage for its employees and liability insurance in case any damage occurs while they're working on your property is essential.
6. Flexibility: Consider whether the company offers flexible scheduling options that fit your needs and preferences. This is particularly important if you have specific time constraints or prefer certain days/times for the cleaners' visits.
7.. Pricing Structure: While cost shouldn't be the sole determining factor when choosing a cleaning service, it's still an essential consideration for many people. Talk to different cleaning companies and ask for a detailed breakdown of their pricing structure.
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kayvanh123 · 6 months
Experiencing trauma during childhood raises the likelihood of developing chronic pain in adulthood, as indicated by current research findings.
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New research indicates that the risk of chronic pain and related disability in adulthood significantly increases when individuals have experienced physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, or neglect during childhood, either in isolation or in conjunction with other forms of childhood trauma. The urgency of addressing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), defined as potentially traumatic events occurring before the age of 18, is emphasized by these findings. The study, published in the European Journal of Psychotraumatology and encompassing 75 years of research involving 826,452 adults, reveals a heightened risk of chronic pain and pain-related disability in adulthood, particularly among those who suffered physical abuse. The cumulative impact of exposure to multiple ACEs further amplifies this risk.
Lead author Dr. André Bussières from McGill University’s School of Physical & Occupational Therapy in Canada expresses deep concern over the results, highlighting that over 1 billion children worldwide, comprising half of the global child population, are exposed to ACEs annually. This exposure places them at an elevated risk of experiencing chronic pain and disability later in life. Urgent interventions and support systems are deemed necessary to break the cycle of adversity and improve long-term health outcomes for individuals exposed to childhood trauma.
ACEs may manifest directly through physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, or neglect, or indirectly through environmental factors such as domestic violence, substance abuse, or parental loss. Chronic pain, affecting a substantial portion of the global population, is a leading cause of disability. Conditions like low back pain, arthritis, headache, and migraine can significantly impair daily functioning.
While previous research has established a positive relationship between ACEs and chronic pain in adulthood, knowledge gaps persist, especially regarding the association between specific types of ACEs and pain-related conditions, as well as the existence of a dose-response relationship.
To address these gaps, the authors conducted a systematic review of 85 studies, with results from 57 studies being pooled in meta-analyses. Key findings include a 45% increased likelihood of reporting chronic pain in adulthood for individuals exposed to direct ACEs, and childhood physical abuse being linked to a higher likelihood of both chronic pain and pain-related disability. The risk of chronic pain significantly escalates with exposure to any direct ACE, either alone or combined with indirect ACEs. Moreover, the likelihood of reporting chronic pain increases from exposure to one ACE to four or more ACEs.
The authors stress the urgency of addressing ACEs due to their prevalence and health consequences. They advocate for a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between ACEs and chronic pain to empower healthcare professionals and policymakers to devise targeted strategies for mitigating the long-term impact of early-life adversity on adult health. The authors also propose future research should delve into the biological mechanisms through which ACEs affect health across the lifespan, aiming to deepen understanding and develop strategies to mitigate their impact.
For more information about our clinic, medical professionals, and treatment options, please visit our main website.
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fincrif · 7 months
SME Loan : Benefit , Eligibility , Documents 
A SME loan is a kind of business loan intended for people who want to launch their own company and have a positive influence on the market and society. Such loan facilities facilitate the expansion of India's economy generally as well as the promotion and support of regional industries.
The loan amount must be repaid by the borrowers at a certain interest rate. The easiest way to raise capital for anyone wishing to launch a business or for medium-sized businesses intending to grow their operations is through SME loans. There are numerous lenders on the market, and there are lots of alluring deals to choose from. A strong business plan is typically all that is required to obtain a loan between Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 5 crore.
Benefit of Taking SME Loan 
Here are some benefit of taking SME Loan : 
Repayment terms for SME loans are varied and range from 12 to 60 months.
To apply for SME financing, collateral is not required.
Shorter approval times and a simple, quick online application process.
Very little paperwork is needed.
Eligibility Criteria of Taking SME Loan 
All lending banks have a set of basic guidelines for SME loans, even though the precise eligibility requirements may differ. To lower your chances of being turned down, please review the requirements set forth by the specific lender before applying.
Objective: The loan application should have the objective of fulfilling the needs of the business, such as buying equipment or supplies, getting working capital, advertising goods and services, growing the workforce or range of products, branching out into a new area, and so on.
Age: The age range for the candidate is 25 to 55 years old.
Experience: Three years or more of business experience is a basic requirement for applicants.
Evidence: At least the business IT returns from the previous year must be provided by the applicant.
Documents Required for Taking SME Loan 
Here are documents that is required for the taking SME Loan :
Details of a bank account
Any current loan information
Details about the parent company, affiliates, and group entities
Accounting report for the year that includes crucial information on profitability and liquidity
Director, partner, and promoter personal guarantee letters
Documentation for business registration.
Certificate of business registration as a SMEs
Documentation pertaining to the filing of sales tax returns
An image of the submitting paperwork for income tax returns
Licences specialised to a certain industry, such a medicine licence for a pharmaceutical company
How to Apply for SME Loan ?
After deciding on a lender, you must obtain the application for a small business loan from that institution. Still, one can anticipate the following fields.
The company's name
When it was incorporated
The company's registered address
The company's operational address
The company's phone number and email address
Code for industry
PAN, or permanent account number
GST reference
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medcario · 1 year
10 Tips for the Right Nursing Care Service for Home
When it comes to the well-being and care of our loved ones, finding the right nursing care service for home becomes a crucial decision. Whether you're seeking assistance for an aging parent, a family member recovering from an illness, or someone with a chronic condition, selecting the appropriate nursing care service can significantly impact their quality of life. To help you make an informed choice, here are ten essential tips to consider when choosing a nursing care service for home.
1. Assess Your Needs: Begin by assessing the specific needs of your loved one. Consider their medical condition, daily activities they require assistance with, and any specialized care they may need. Having a clear understanding of their requirements will help you narrow down your search and find a nursing care service that can meet their specific needs.
2. Research Potential Providers: Conduct thorough research to identify potential nursing care service providers in your area. Seek recommendations from friends, family, or healthcare professionals, and utilize online resources such as directories and review websites. Look for reputable agencies with positive feedback and a good track record of providing quality care.
3. Check Licensing and Accreditation: Verify whether the Health  care service provider is licensed and accredited by the appropriate governing bodies. Accreditation ensures that the agency meets specific standards of care and adheres to best practices. It also provides a level of reassurance regarding the quality of care they provide.
4. Evaluate the Caregivers: The caregivers who will be providing care to your loved one play a vital role in their well-being. Inquire about the qualifications, training, and experience of the caregivers employed by the home care nursing  agency in jaipur. Ask about their hiring process, background checks, and whether they receive ongoing education and training to stay updated with the latest medical practices.
5. Review Services Offered: Different nursing care services may provide a range of services, including medical care, assistance with activities of daily living, companionship, and therapy. Ensure that the services offered align with your loved one's needs. Consider whether the agency can accommodate any specific requirements, such as medication management or specialized therapies.
6. Assess Flexibility: Flexibility is essential when it comes to nursing care services. Life can be unpredictable, and your loved one's needs may change over time. Inquire about the agency's ability to adapt to changing circumstances or increased care requirements. A flexible nursing care service will be better equipped to provide the necessary support as situations evolve.
7. Consider Communication: Effective communication is vital between the nursing care service, the caregivers, and your family. Find out how the agency maintains communication with you and your loved one. Will there be a designated point of contact? How often will they provide updates on your loved one's condition and care? Clear and open communication ensures that everyone involved is on the same page and allows for better coordination of care.
8. Visit the Facility: If possible, arrange a visit to the nursing care service facility. This will provide you with an opportunity to see the environment firsthand and assess the cleanliness, safety measures, and overall atmosphere. Interact with the staff and observe their interactions with other residents or clients. A welcoming and well-maintained facility can contribute to a positive care experience.
9. Seek References: Don't hesitate to ask the nursing care service provider at home for references from current or previous clients. Speaking with other families who have used their services can provide valuable insights into the agency's reliability, responsiveness, and the quality of care they offer. Hearing about other people's experiences can help you make a more informed decision.
10. Trust Your Instincts: Finally, trust your instincts when choosing a nursing care service for home. If something feels off or raises concerns during your research or interactions with the agency, it's important to listen to those instincts. Your loved one's well
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mt-wellies · 1 year
What are the qualities of an infant Day Care Centre?
You are on the right page if you are looking for the best Infant Day Care East Auckland. The option seems overwhelming. The stress of finding a quality creep in. You want the most affordable, highest quality daycare close to your home and works as humanly as possible.
It is not too much to ask, is it? Until you start your research, the options can be overwhelming. How do you know that this one is better than that? Which reviews can you trust?
The search for the right Day Care will be stressful. But you shouldn't get discouraged. It's vital to start thinking about childcare well before the baby arrives.
A general rule of thumb for parents going back to work before the baby is born is that they must start looking for the second trimester.
 Getting time is one way to ensure that you get the best Daycare Centre Otahuhu for your and the baby's need.
Here are two things that every great daycare has.
Caring and stimulating environment for kids
You will feel it right when you walk in the door. First impressions are everything in such cases. Take a look at the environment and see if it is home-like. For instance, does the Infant room has plenty of floor space?
Are the kids happy and engaged? You want to feel like that children and space are humming along. You can imagine your child there.
Stellar reviews
Every great daycare has a solid reputation. It includes positive reviews from current and previous parents. It does not mean just the ones you read online. Ask Quality childcare Mount Wellington to offer names and numbers of parents. You can call for references.
As you sift through reviews, note any good or bad patterns. No provider is perfect. If the same type of complaint gets lodged, something is not right.
When you go online, don't underestimate the vitality of social media. Many daycare centres have Facebook pages. Read what they post and what their parents are saying. When parents get engaged, it is a healthy sign of quality Day Care. Contact us today to learn more about ECE fees Tamaki.
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education110 · 1 year
4 Factors to keep in mind when choosing A level chemistry tuition
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Even if a tutoring agency is highly-rated, that isn’t a guarantee it’ll be the right fit for you or your child. 
Children's learning methods and abilities are unique, so the level and type of support they require also vary. Spend time learning more about a tuition center before enrolling. 
You can gather valuable information by searching reviews or personally paying a visit to the centre. It also helps to sign up for free trials so your student can experience firsthand how it is to join the tutorial session. 
Let's go over the factors you should consider before enrolling in a level chemistry tuition center.
1.Reviews from students and parents
Word-of-mouth, straight from the users, remains the most credible source of information for any consumer. In this case, you’re looking for chemistry tutors. 
While the centre’s website most likely includes testimonials from their previous students as well as performance reports, you might want to seek information or stories from other platforms. This can be from reliable third-party review sites or the centre’s social media pages. 
Here, you’ll see unbiased and transparent experiences from students and parents, from good to bad. You’re seeking support so your child can perform better and boost motivation toward their science subjects. You’ll want to know you’re going to the right people for your child’s future.
2.Instructional methods
One reason why traditional classrooms don’t work for all students is because of the single instructional method used. 
Students have varying learning requirements. Some may need real-life applications to understand a concept. Some may need visuals. And some may perform better in small classes or one-on-one tutorials. 
If you feel you require a specific teaching method, see if the tuition agency offers it. Alternatively, if they are tailoring their approach to their students. 
This way, you make the most of your programme because you receive lessons in a way that is easier for you to absorb.
3.Teaching materials
Another thing to look out for when evaluating chemistry tuition centres is the teaching material they use. 
Worksheets or modules should be up-to-date and on par with the current learning standards. A professional tutoring agency won’t settle for mediocre tools because they aim to provide their students with top-notch support and guidance. 
If you find this tough to assess, you can always seek assistance from authorities, such as chemistry teachers or graduates. 
4.Learning environment
How you’ll perform in a tutorial programme also has something to do with the environment. If the culture is supportive and non-judgmental, you’ll feel more motivated to show up and learn. 
You won’t feel discouraged if you make mistakes or struggle to understand certain lessons. This is why it would be great to go for trial lessons. 
From the physical environment to interactions with the tutors, determine whether you’ll enjoy the discussion and learning experience.
Seek positive experiences from an A-level chemistry tuition centre
A level chemistry tuition centers in Singapore seek to make a difference in a student’s life. But it’s hard to tell by looking at a website if they’re the right fit for your child. 
Keep in mind the factors listed above as you compare your options and make a decision together with your child.
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miloylxx286 · 2 years
A Beginner's Guide to truffle runtz weed strain
Little Known Facts About Obama Runtz Marijuana Strain Information & Reviews.
Table of ContentsTop Guidelines Of Obama Runtz Strain Indica Or Sativa WeedSome Of Obama Runtz Marijuana Strain InformationSome Ideas on Obama Runtz Strain Review & Information You Should KnowObama Runtz Strain Reviews Fundamentals ExplainedThe Definitive Guide for Obama Runtz Marijuana Strain Information & Reviews
perfect name. it def is much like exactly how my adventure along with him in workplace - who made runtz strain. I was actually positive he would certainly carry out the job and be the most effective at it, you understand delighted as well as hope was actually recovered for once and change was coming. and stood by and also couple of extra minutes and tokes.
New Bros has actually now formally partnered with Packwoods, Runtz, and also D8 to bring you Runtz Pens, D8 Markers and also we have actually restocked our main compilation. By title, lots of people typically link the Obama Runtz strain with national politics. The fact is that the strain was certainly not made in politics nor is it linked with the previous President of the USA - laughing gas strain.
Portion of the parents of the strain is just one of the best recognized cannabis in current times. The Runtz strain, which is also a combination of Zkittlez as well as Gelato, is from the Cookies Family members. These moms and dads' cannabis is well-liked for its fresh taste and accepting scent. The Obama Runtz pressure has a fragrant as well as zesty taste.
Another thing that can be actually claimed regarding the Obama Runtz strain located on its origin is that the strain has high terpene caryophyllene, which indicates that the strain contains a terpene that could possibly function as a replacement for cannabinoid - og runtz weed strain. This indicates that the strain will definitely be actually favorable for anxiety people.
However, the strain frequently seems along with gentle purple, yellowish judgment and also pistils, and also lighter hues of eco-friendly. new york runtz. Additionally, it is actually likewise very likely that the buddy is covered along with crystal trichomes. This presents that the tension is a true combination. The Obama Runtz stress has a bunch of health care perks that create it suitable for audiences of various clinical demands.
A Biased View of Strain Review: Obama Runtz
Also, for folks struggling with ailments like ulcerative colitis, the terpene information in the strain might be valuable for all of them. Furthermore, folks that should additionally take into consideration taking the pressure are individuals struggling with clinical depression, stress, and also stress. When taken on a regular basis, you will experience calm as well as delighted. In this condition, it is actually likely that your degree of creative thinking boosts.
The pressure is finest taken at evening after the day's worry when you are ready to rest. There are various other clinical benefits besides the ones pointed out listed below. When you are actually taking the pressure to heal any one of the clinical problems highlighted above, you should beware the amount that you will certainly take.
Being cannabis, the Obama Runtz pressure additionally has some negative effects in spite of its own countless clinical advantages (obama runtz strain price). The cause for this is actually not far from its higher THC material. cheesecake strain. An emotion of dry eyes, coughing, and also dry mouth that you get when you smoke various other marijuana is actually additionally linked with this tension.
Also, you will likely begin feeling migraines after taking the strain, especially if you are actually a beginner cigarette smoker. Relying on your level, you could start really feeling unsteady after taking the tension. In a scenario where it is actually probably that you will be actually included in tasks including driving, you need to not take the stress.
Regardless, you should beware the quantity you will certainly take, especially if you are taking it in the day. You may certainly not have the capacity to carry on when you take the tension over. It has been stated previously that the Obama Runtz stress is reasonably new marijuana that obtained popularity in 2020.
Obama Runtz Strain - Exotic - The Facts
One of the most ideal areas where you can easily acquire the best relevant information on how to expand is where you obtained the seed. Having said that, you can likewise infer some details on how to grow the Obama Runtz pressure coming from just how its own parents' stress are actually planted. You will certainly acquire a ton of details on just how to grow them online (waffle cone strain).
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The Obama Runtz stress is a potent grass for clinical and also leisure objectives - potato runts. You must take it on your own to know if it is suited for your needs. New Bros has actually right now officially partnered with Packwoods, Runtz, as well as D8 to deliver you Runtz Pens, D8 Markers and also we have actually replenished our primary assortment.
The former president was no unfamiliar person to good pot, so it was only a concern of opportunity just before a vegetation took his name. Obama Runtz trumped the others to the strike with this smart Indica-heavy mixture of 3 potent parents: OG Kush, Afghani, and also Runtz. When you open up Mr.
Thankfully, the vegetation model is actually less complicated to find than the genuine point. fire og strain.
This details is actually sourced coming from our readers as well as is not a replacement for expert clinical insight. fruit punch strain. Look for the assistance of a health professional prior to using marijuana for a medical disorder - starburst strain weed.
The 8-Minute Rule for Obama Runtz Strain Reviews
The home windows were actually cloudy with dirt. (What has this to do along with Crawler Robinson? Perseverance, pal.) To all Titanic buffs, I advise a work I discovered not merely valuable however mixing: Charles Pellegrino's Her Name, Titanic (Mc, Graw-Hill, 1988). And after that came Spider Robinson. The Head of state sorrowed. "It will certainly be actually fairly a publication.
(Our current offices, in the brand-new Conde Nast Property on Madison Avenue, are actually a little closer to that desire - black runtz thc level.) The honest truth about the exploration of the Titanic's inner parts is actually that no person has ever entered into the sunken ship - strains like runtz. Thereby, the internal performances, like the roles taking part in the two expeditions, are entirely imaginary.
The truth about the expedition of the Titanic's inside is actually that no human has ever gotten into the sunken ship. Hence, the internal performances, like the characters getting involved in the 2 explorations, are totally fictional. (However, there actually was an 1898 novel called Futility, which uncannily forecasted the Titanic's fate.) Fact to inform, I do not always remember if he delivered in a manuscript via the email to begin with, or even telephoned for a consultation to see the workplace. biscotti gushers strain.
And also currently he's off in Nova Scotia, residing amongst the stunted trees and frost heaves, where no person - not even quick - memoried editors - can easily reach him simply (marihuana runtz). Several opportunities young scientific research fiction supporters would certainly involve New york as well as phone me from Grand Central Station, which attached underground with the really good outdated Graybar.
Honest truth to inform, I don't keep in mind if he sent out in a document by means of the email initially, or even phoned for a visit to go to the office (ya hemi). Despite. And also right now he gets out in Nova Scotia, lifestyle one of the stunted plants as well as frost tosses, where no person - certainly not even quick - memoried publishers - can easily reach him quickly.
The Greatest Guide To Obama Runtz Strain Review
Runtz is actually also kept in mind for its own luscious smoke that is soft as well as welcoming alongside a blissful and also raising higher that lasts for hours. Among the greatest stress in California right today is the Runtz weed strain. Our team were actually privileged to create this testimonial without any type of think about receiving any kind of fakes because we obtained it straight coming from Noro in the Gulf Region. future x strain.
Nero is actually component owner of the Runtz company. The Runtz tension is basically dealt with in THC with the exact same delightful flavor. Buy Obama Runtz Online I made an effort smoking this tension with a backwood and also transportable completely dry herb vaporizer. The high was actually fabulous coming from each cigarette smoking sessions through this strain. This is actually the kind of high-quality grass that is actually indicated for vaping in a completely dry weed vaporizer (dirty sprite strain review).
0 notes
This Week's Top Stories About backpack boyz weed
The Strain Review: Obama Runtz Ideas
Table of ContentsThe Facts About Obama Runtz Strain - Exotic UncoveredThe Main Principles Of Obama Runtz Marijuana Strain Information & Reviews Top Guidelines Of Marijuana Obama Runtz ReviewThe 8-Minute Rule for Buy Obama Runtz Weed Strain OnlineSome Known Incorrect Statements About Obama Runtz Marijuana Strain Information
perfect name. it def is actually similar to just how my experience along with him in office - blue sherbert strain. I was actually positive he would certainly get the job done and be the greatest at it, you understand fired up as well as chance was rejuvenated for as soon as and improvement was actually happening. as well as waited and also couple of more min as well as tokes.
Fresh Bros has now formally partnered with Packwoods, Runtz, and also D8 to bring you Runtz Pens, D8 Pens as well as our team have actually restocked our main assortment. By label, many individuals typically link the Obama Runtz strain with national politics. The fact is that the strain was not made in national politics nor is it connected with the previous Head of state of the USA - runtz bud.
Aspect of the parents of this stress is among the very most well known marijuana in current opportunities. The Runtz pressure, which is actually also a combination of Zkittlez and Gelato, is from the Cookies Family members. These parents' marijuana is actually preferred for its own fresh flavor as well as accepting fragrance. The Obama Runtz stress has a sweet as well as zesty flavor.
Yet another point that could possibly be actually pointed out regarding the Obama Runtz strain based upon its own origin is that the stress includes higher terpene caryophyllene, which means that the tension includes a terpene that could work as an alternative to cannabinoid - znacks strain. This indicates that the stress is going to be advantageous for anxiety clients.
However, the strain frequently looks with gentle purple, yellow preconception as well as pistils, and lighter tones of green. scottie pippen strain. Additionally, it is additionally most likely that the bud is covered with crystal trichomes. This reveals that the strain is actually an accurate combination. The Obama Runtz stress possesses a considerable amount of health care perks that create it suitable for target markets of different clinical requirements.
Obama Runtz Strain Review Fundamentals Explained
Also, for individuals struggling with illness including ulcerative colitis, the terpene web content in the tension can be helpful for them. Furthermore, people that must likewise consider taking the stress are individuals enduring coming from anxiety, stress and anxiety, and worry. When taken frequently, you are going to experience tranquil as well as satisfied. Within this condition, it is very likely that your amount of creative thinking increases.
The pressure is finest taken during the night after the day's tension when you are actually all set to relax. There are other health care perks besides the ones stated listed below. When you are taking the tension to treat some of the clinical issues highlighted above, you should be watchful of the quantity that you are going to take.
Being marijuana, the Obama Runtz strain additionally possesses some negative effects regardless of its several medical advantages (garlic butter strain). The cause for this is actually almost its own higher THC information. bacio x runtz. A feeling of dry eyes, cough, and also dry out oral cavity that you acquire when you smoke various other marijuana is actually likewise linked with this strain.
Also, you will likely begin thinking problems after taking the stress, specifically if you are actually a beginner tobacco smoker. Relying on your level, you could start really feeling dazed after taking the pressure. In a condition where it is actually probably that you will certainly be actually associated with tasks like steering, you need to not take the stress.
Nonetheless, you ought to bear in mind the quantity you will definitely take, especially if you are taking it within the day. You could not manage to bring on when you take the pressure in surplus. It has been explained previously that the Obama Runtz pressure is actually relatively new cannabis that obtained popularity in 2020.
Facts About The Viral Obama Runtz Strain Uncovered
Among the most ideal areas where you can easily get the correct relevant information on exactly how to expand is actually where you got the seed. Having said that, you can also infer some information on how to expand the Obama Runtz pressure coming from how its parents' tensions are actually cultivated. You will obtain a great deal of info on exactly how to increase them online (obama runtz strains).
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The Obama Runtz pressure is a strong pot for clinical and also leisure purposes - onama runtz. You need to take it on your own to recognize if it is matched for your demands. New Bros has currently officially partnered with Packwoods, Runtz, and D8 to carry you Runtz Pens, D8 Pens and we have actually replenished our major compilation.
The past head of state was actually no complete stranger to excellent weed, so it was only a concern of time prior to a vegetation took his title. Obama Runtz trumped the others to the blow through this smart Indica-heavy combination of 3 powerful parents: OG Kush, Afghani, and Runtz. When you open up Mr.
Thankfully, the plant variation is actually simpler to discover than the genuine point. buddha's sister strain.
This facts is actually sourced coming from our visitors and also is actually certainly not an alternative to professional health care suggestions. elev8 seeds. Look for the recommendations of a health expert prior to making use of cannabis for a health care condition - banana macaroon strain.
Our Obama Runtz Strain Indica Or Sativa Weed Ideas
The windows were actually opaque along with crud. (What possesses this to perform with Crawler Robinson? Determination, close friend.) To all Titanic aficionados, I suggest a job I located not just beneficial however stirring: Charles Pellegrino's Her Name, Titanic (Mc, Graw-Hill, 1988). As well as at that point came Spider Robinson. The Head of state sighed. "It is going to be very a publication.
(Our existing workplaces, in the spanking brand new Conde Nast Property on Madison Method, are a little closer to that aspiration - white gummy bear strain leafly.) The truth regarding the expedition of the Titanic's interior is actually that no individual being has ever before entered the caved-in ship - watermelon runtz strain review. Thus, the indoor performances, like the roles getting involved in both explorations, are completely imaginary.
The fact concerning the exploration of the Titanic's interior is actually that no individual creature has ever entered the recessed ship. Therefore, the internal performances, like the figures getting involved in both explorations, are actually entirely fictional. (Nevertheless, there really was actually an 1898 unique phoned Impossibility, which uncannily forecasted the Titanic's fortune.) Truth to say to, I don't remember if he delivered in a document with the mail first, or even phoned for a session to go to the workplace. biscotti strain.
As well as now he gets out in Nova Scotia, living one of the stunted plants and also freeze heaves, where no one - not also brief - memoried publishers - can easily reach him effortlessly (banana macaroon strain). Often times younger sci-fi enthusiasts would involve Manhattan and also phone me coming from Grand Central Station, which connected underground with the excellent outdated Graybar.
Fact to inform, I don't remember if he sent out in a manuscript with the email to begin with, or even phoned for a visit to visit the office (lucky charms weed strain). Despite. And also currently he gets out in Nova Scotia, living one of the stunted trees and also freeze heaves, where nobody - certainly not even short - memoried editors - can easily reach him simply.
The 10-Minute Rule for Obama Runtz Marijuana Strain Information
Runtz is actually also kept in mind for its creamy smoke cigarettes that is smooth as well as welcoming along with an euphoric and elevating higher that lasts for hrs. Among the biggest strains in California now is the Runtz pot stress. We were privileged to create this testimonial without any sort of stress over getting any sort of fakes given that we obtained it directly from Noro in the Gulf Place. runtz strain review.
Nero is actually component manager of the Runtz brand. The Runtz tension is generally dealt with in THC along with the very same delightful taste. Purchase Obama Runtz Online I attempted smoking this strain with a backwood and also transportable dry out weed vaporizer. The higher was extraordinary from each smoking cigarettes sessions using this tension. This is actually the sort of premium pot that is implied for vaping in a dry out cannabis vaporizer (gelato sorbet strain).
1 note · View note
remingtonffjo207 · 2 years
7 Little Changes That'll Make a Big Difference With Your white walker strain
Little Known Facts About Obama Runtz Strain Review.
Table of ContentsSome Known Factual Statements About Marijuana Obama Runtz Review Facts About Obama Runtz Strain Review: Indica-leaning Hybrid RevealedThe 6-Second Trick For Obama Runtz Strain Indica Or Sativa Weed7 Easy Facts About Obama Runtz Strain Review & Information DescribedAn Unbiased View of Obama Runtz Strain - Exotic
best label. it def is simply like exactly how my adventure along with him in workplace - mac stomper strain. I was actually positive he will get the job done and also be the very best at it, you recognize enthusiastic and also chance was actually restored for the moment and change was actually coming. and stood by as well as few much more minutes as well as tokes.
Fresh Bros has actually now formally partnered along with Packwoods, Runtz, and also D8 to take you Runtz Pens, D8 Markers and also we have actually replenished our major assortment. By name, lots of folks normally link the Obama Runtz tension with national politics. The fact is actually that the stress was actually not produced in national politics nor is it connected with the previous President of the USA - obama runtz review.
Portion of the moms and dads of this particular tension is among one of the most famous marijuana in current times. The Runtz stress, which is also a hybrid of Zkittlez as well as Ice cream, is from the Cookies Household. These parents' cannabis is prominent for its fresh flavor as well as accepting aroma. The Obama Runtz strain possesses a fragrant as well as zesty flavor.
An additional thing that could be pointed out concerning the Obama Runtz tension based upon its own root is that the strain includes high terpene caryophyllene, which suggests that the pressure has a terpene that can function as an alternative to cannabinoid - jealousy og strain. This signifies that the tension will certainly be helpful for anxiety people.
Nonetheless, the pressure commonly accompanies soft purple, yellow preconception and also pistils, as well as lighter colors of green. war on i4 strain. In addition, it is actually additionally likely that the bud is actually covered along with crystal trichomes. This reveals that the stress is a real crossbreed. The Obama Runtz strain has a bunch of health care advantages that produce it suited for target markets of different health care needs.
Excitement About Obama Runtz Weed Strain Information
Also, for folks having to deal with ailments such as ulcerative colitis, the terpene content in the pressure might be favorable for them. Moreover, folks that ought to also take into consideration taking the pressure are actually individuals experiencing clinical depression, stress, and anxiety. When taken consistently, you will certainly feel restful as well as pleased. In this particular condition, it is very likely that your degree of creative thinking rises.
The tension is best taken in the evening after the day's worry when you are all set to relax. There are actually various other health care benefits aside from the ones stated listed below. When you are actually taking the pressure to remedy any one of the medical problems highlighted above, you ought to be actually conscious of the quantity that you will definitely take.
Being cannabis, the Obama Runtz tension likewise possesses some side effects in spite of its many medical benefits (runtz seed). The cause for this is actually almost its higher THC material. gucci runtz. A feeling of dry eyes, coughing, and also dry out mouth that you receive when you smoke other cannabis is actually additionally related to this stress.
Likewise, you are going to likely start thinking frustrations after taking the stress, particularly if you are actually a first-timer cigarette smoker. Relying on your amount, you could possibly begin feeling lightheaded after taking the tension. In a circumstance where it is actually most likely that you will be involved in tasks including driving, you ought to certainly not take the strain.
Regardless, you ought to beware the volume you will certainly take, specifically if you are taking it in the course of the day. You may not manage to continue when you take the stress over. It has been actually specified earlier that the Obama Runtz tension is pretty brand-new marijuana that gained attraction in 2020.
Examine This Report on Obama Runtz Strain Indica Or Sativa Weed
One of the most effective locations where you may obtain the best details on just how to expand is where you got the seed. Nonetheless, you can additionally infer some information on how to grow the Obama Runtz strain coming from how its own moms and dads' tensions are actually grown. You are going to acquire a great deal of relevant information on just how to increase all of them online (white gummy bear strain leafly).
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The Obama Runtz tension is actually a strong pot for health care as well as recreational reasons - blue slush strain price. You need to take it on your own to understand if it is suitabled for your demands. Fresh Bros has actually currently formally partnered with Packwoods, Runtz, and D8 to carry you Runtz Pens, D8 Markers and also our team have actually replenished our major assortment.
The former head of state was actually familiar with good weed, so it was merely a concern of your time prior to a vegetation took his name. Obama Runtz defeated the others to the blow along with this cerebral Indica-heavy mixture of three potent parents: OG Kush, Afghani, and also Runtz. When you open up Mr.
Thankfully, the plant model is simpler to find than the real thing. black runtz strain.
This facts is actually sourced coming from our visitors and also is certainly not a replacement for professional clinical insight. jellie cake strain. Seek the tips of a wellness professional before utilizing cannabis for a clinical disorder - biscotti strain names.
Our Marijuana Obama Runtz Review Statements
The windows were opaque with crud. (What has this to perform along with Spider Robinson? Perseverance, buddy.) To all Titanic buffs, I suggest a job I located certainly not simply important yet mixing: Charles Pellegrino's Her Label, Titanic (Mc, Graw-Hill, 1988). And also at that point happened Spider Robinson. The President sighed. "It will certainly be quite a book.
(Our present offices, in the brand-new Conde Nast Structure on Madison Avenue, are actually a little bit of closer to that desire - flytrap gumbo net worth.) The honest truth concerning the exploration of the Titanic's inside is that no individual being has ever before gone into the submerged ship - obama runtz review. Therefore, the indoor performances, like the personalities participating in the two trips, are totally fictional.
The reality about the exploration of the Titanic's interior is that no human has ever before gotten into the caved-in ship. Therefore, the internal performances, like the figures joining the 2 trips, are totally imaginary. (Nonetheless, there really was an 1898 novel phoned Impossibility, which uncannily forecasted the Titanic's destiny.) Honest truth to inform, I do not keep in mind if he sent in a document via the email to begin with, or even phoned for a consultation to check out the workplace. head stash strain.
As well as right now he's off in Nova Scotia, residing among the stunted trees and frost tosses, where no person - certainly not even brief - memoried editors - can easily reach him easily (waffle cone strain thc level). Sometimes younger science myth followers will relate to Manhattan and also phone me coming from Grand Central Terminal, which attached below ground along with the excellent outdated Graybar.
Truth to inform, I do not remember if he delivered in a composition with the mail initially, or phoned for a visit to see the workplace (what is the rarest strain?). Despite. As well as currently he gets out in Nova Scotia, lifestyle among the stunted plants and freeze heaves, where nobody - certainly not also quick - memoried editors - may reach him quickly.
The Ultimate Guide To Obama Runtz Strain Indica Or Sativa Weed
Runtz is likewise taken note for its creamy smoke that is actually soft as well as inviting along with an ecstatic and also lifting higher that lasts for hrs. Some of the most significant pressures in The golden state today is the Runtz grass tension. Our team were lucky to compose this review without any sort of fret about getting any kind of counterfeits since our company got it directly coming from Noro in the Gulf Location. garanimals strain.
Nero is actually part proprietor of the Runtz brand name. The Runtz tension is actually generally covered in THC along with the exact same delightful flavor. Buy Obama Runtz Online I attempted smoking this strain with a backwood and also mobile dry weed vaporizer. The higher was extraordinary coming from each cigarette smoking sessions through this pressure. This is the sort of high quality grass that is actually meant for vaping in a completely dry herb vaporizer (black runtz strain effects).
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severewombatobject · 2 years
The Ultimate Guide to slurricane strain
Get This Report about Buy Obama Runtz Online
Table of ContentsAll about Marijuana Obama Runtz ReviewThe Basic Principles Of Obama Runtz Strain Review & Information Obama Runtz Strain Review: Indica-leaning Hybrid Can Be Fun For EveryoneObama Runtz Strain Review: Indica-leaning Hybrid Fundamentals ExplainedThe Best Guide To Obama Runtz Strain Review
excellent name. it def is actually merely like just how my adventure with him in office - pink obama runtz. I was actually positive he will do the work and also be actually the best at it, you recognize delighted and also hope was rejuvenated for the moment and modification was coming. as well as waited and couple of extra minutes and tokes.
Fresh Bros has actually currently officially partnered with Packwoods, Runtz, and also D8 to carry you Runtz Pens, D8 Pens and also our experts have replenished our principal collection. Through label, lots of people normally associate the Obama Runtz stress along with national politics. The fact is actually that the tension was actually not developed in national politics neither is it connected with the previous Head of state of the USA - trump og strain.
Component of the parents of the stress is just one of one of the most famous marijuana in current times. The Runtz stress, which is actually additionally a combination of Zkittlez and also Ice cream, is actually coming from the Cookies Family. These parents' cannabis is popular for its own fresh flavor as well as inviting smell. The Obama Runtz strain has a fresh and fiery flavor.
An additional thing that might be said about the Obama Runtz tension based upon its own root is actually that the stress consists of higher terpene caryophyllene, which suggests that the tension consists of a terpene that could possibly offer as a replacement for cannabinoid - obama runtz shirt. This signifies that the stress is going to be actually beneficial for clinical depression clients.
Regardless, the stress frequently looks along with gentle purple, yellowish preconception and also pistils, and also lighter colors of environment-friendly. obama kush seeds. Moreover, it is also probably that the buddy is actually covered with crystal trichomes. This shows that the stress is actually a correct combination. The Obama Runtz pressure possesses a great deal of medical perks that make it suitable for audiences of various health care requirements.
What Does Obama Runtz Marijuana Strain Information & Reviews Mean?
Additionally, for folks dealing with diseases such as ulcerative colitis, the terpene material in the strain may be useful for all of them. Additionally, folks that should additionally think about taking the tension are folks experiencing depression, anxiousness, as well as worry. When taken regularly, you will feel tranquil and also delighted. Within this condition, it is actually likely that your level of creativity boosts.
The strain is best taken during the night after the day's tension when you prepare to unwind. There are other health care benefits besides the ones discussed below. When you are actually taking the pressure to remedy some of the clinical problems highlighted above, you must be mindful of the quantity that you will definitely take.
Being marijuana, the Obama Runtz tension additionally has some negative effects in spite of its numerous health care benefits (collin ave strain). The main reason for this is almost its own higher THC information. tropical runtz strain. A feeling of dry eyes, coughing, as well as dry mouth that you get when you smoke other marijuana is also connected with this tension.
Also, you are going to likely begin feeling frustrations after taking the tension, particularly if you are actually a rookie tobacco smoker. Depending on your amount, you could possibly start really feeling dizzy after taking the stress. In a scenario where it is actually very likely that you will certainly be entailed in tasks including driving, you need to not take the pressure.
Regardless, you need to beware the volume you will definitely take, especially if you are taking it throughout the day. You could certainly not have the ability to continue when you take the strain over. It has actually been explained previously that the Obama Runtz tension is actually reasonably new marijuana that obtained appeal in 2020.
Not known Factual Statements About Obama Runtz Strain Review: Indica-leaning Hybrid
One of the greatest spots where you may receive the right relevant information on how to develop is actually where you received the seed. Nevertheless, you may additionally deduce some information on how to develop the Obama Runtz stress from exactly how its own moms and dads' strains are planted. You will certainly obtain a bunch of details on just how to grow all of them online (pc weed strain).
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The Obama Runtz tension is actually an effective pot for medical and also leisure purposes - gumbo weed brand. You must take it yourself to understand if it is actually suited for your demands. Clean Bros has actually right now officially partnered with Packwoods, Runtz, and D8 to carry you Runtz Pens, D8 Markers and we have actually replenished our main assortment.
The past president was actually no unfamiliar person to good grass, so it was only a concern of time prior to a vegetation got his label. Obama Runtz beat the others to the strike along with this smart Indica-heavy mix of three effective parents: OG Kush, Afghani, as well as Runtz. When you open up Mr.
Thankfully, the vegetation model is actually much easier to discover than the genuine point. obama runtx.
This facts is sourced from our visitors and is certainly not an alternative for professional medical tips. purple runtz strain review. Seek the assistance of a health expert before making use of marijuana for a clinical condition - wedding crasher strain.
6 Simple Techniques For Buy Obama Runtz Strain Seeds Online
The windows were opaque along with gunk. (What has this to carry out with Spider Robinson? Perseverance, buddy.) To all Titanic lovers, I encourage a job I located certainly not simply important yet mixing: Charles Pellegrino's Her Label, Titanic (Mc, Graw-Hill, 1988). And afterwards came Crawler Robinson. The Head of state moaned. "It will certainly be fairly a manual.
(Our existing offices, in the spanking brand-new Conde Nast Building on Madison Method, are actually a little bit of closer to that dream - hawaiian runtz strain.) The honest truth about the expedition of the Titanic's inner parts is actually that no human has actually ever before gone into the recessed ship - italian ice marijuana strain. Therefore, the indoor performances, like the personalities taking part in the 2 trips, are completely imaginary.
The reality regarding the expedition of the Titanic's inner parts is that no human has actually ever before gone into the sunken ship. Therefore, the indoor scenes, like the characters joining both explorations, are actually totally fictional. (Nevertheless, there actually was an 1898 unique phoned Futility, which uncannily predicted the Titanic's fate.) Reality to say to, I do not remember if he sent out in a document with the email initially, or phoned for a consultation to go to the workplace. cannatique strain.
And also now he gets out in Nova Scotia, living among the stunted plants as well as freeze heaves, where nobody - not also quick - memoried publishers - may reach him simply (galactic runtz strain indica or sativa). Lot of times young science myth followers would pertain to New york as well as phone me from Grand Central Terminal, which hooked up underground with the really good aged Graybar.
Truth to say to, I do not keep in mind if he sent out in a composition with the mail to begin with, or phoned for a visit to visit the workplace (oreoz strain). No matter. And also right now he's off in Nova Scotia, residing among the stunted plants and frost tosses, where no person - certainly not also quick - memoried editors - may reach him conveniently.
4 Simple Techniques For Obama Runtz Strain Reviews
Runtz is actually additionally taken note for its creamy smoke that is actually hassle-free as well as accepting alongside a blissful as well as lifting higher that lasts for hrs. Some of the most significant strains in The golden state straight now is the Runtz grass stress. Our experts were privileged to compose this testimonial with no bother with getting any kind of counterfeits considering that we received it directly from Noro in the Gulf Area. black runtz strain cross.
Nero is part proprietor of the Runtz label. The Runtz pressure is actually essentially covered in THC along with the very same sweet taste. Get Obama Runtz Online I tried smoking this pressure along with a backwood and portable dry out weed vaporizer. The higher was amazing coming from both cigarette smoking sessions through this tension. This is actually the type of premium weed that is suggested for vaping in a dry cannabis vaporizer (what strain is oreoz).
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rayanabee · 2 years
Why Do Kids Need a Sports Physical?
As back-to-school time approaches, it’s likely your to-do list includes a sports physical for your kids. If you’re wondering why school districts and youth leagues often have this exam as a requirement, this article will discuss the importance of sports physicals and the benefits they offer to overall health and wellness.
What is a Sports Physical?
A sports physical exams is important to determine if it’s safe for a child to participate in sports. It can help identify any potential health issues that could cause problems during these activities. Here’s what you can expect during this exam:
Review of family medical history
Review of any previous injuries or illnesses
Height and weight measurements
Check blood pressure and heart rate
Vision test
Assess strength and flexibility
Check head, ears, neck, throat, heart, lungs, and abdomen
In the unlikely case your doctor has any concerns, they may refer you to a specialist for additional testing or recommend treatments like physical therapy.
Why Do Kids Need a Sports Physical?
While sports physicals are typically required by schools and other organizations, they’re not just for athletes in organized sports. Children participating in any physically demanding activities like theater or skiing can benefit from a regular exam. These are a few other key reasons kids need sports physicals.
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Different than annual physical. You might be wondering: What’s the     difference between a sports physical and an annual physical? A sports physical focuses primarily on your child’s current state of health and overall medical history to ensure they’re fit to play their sport of choice. An annual physical is more comprehensive, looking at current health, as well as developmental, social, and mental health.
Creates successful outcomes. A sports physical can actually help your  child be more successful at their sport and find more enjoyment. For example, if your child suffers from asthma, a doctor can help develop an effective treatment plan so they’re not limited by breathing issues when participating in activities. A doctor can also help you understand any risks associated with certain sports and how to prevent them.
Help manage stress. In addition to physical demands, sports come with  their fair share of mental demands. Whether it’s pressure to perform from coaches, difficult teammates, or high personal expectations, your family medicine doctor can help your child identify healthy ways to deal with stress.
4 Benefits of Regular Physical Exams
Beyond the sports physical exams, regular physical exams are especially critical for children and teenagers. Here are four of the biggest benefits of staying current on their annual appointments.
Develop Relationships
When something is feeling off, you want your child to have a trusted medical professional they can turn to. The benefit of visiting a primary care physician for an annual physical is that your child can develop a positive relationship over the years. Plus, their doctor will also understand their medical history and can help diagnose issues quickly and accurately.
Adapt to Changes
Any parent can tell you a child’s development happens fast. The shoes you bought two months ago don’t fit anymore or their ravenous appetite makes it impossible to keep the refrigerator stocked. This rapid development is what makes it so vital for your child to have an annual physical. Their doctor can ensure growth is on track, provide guidance about changes your child is experiencing, and define a course of treatment for any issues.
Stay Current on Immunizations
Immunizations allow children to avoid painful and dangerous conditions like chickenpox, measles, mumps, whooping cough, and many others. In some cases they may even be required to attend school or participate in sports. With regular visits, a doctor can help ensure your child is getting the right immunizations at pivotal points in their development and keep their medical records up-to-date.
Address Concerns
A primary care doctor is a resource for both children and parents. Bring any questions or concerns you have to the appointment. The doctor can talk through them with you and help address any possible issues. Additionally, regular doctor visits can help parents understand growth and development milestones, preventative care measures, and ways to keep children safe as they get older.
0 notes
reportlotion83 · 2 years
9 Easy Facts About 27 Best Shorts for Men Summer 2022 Explained
Shorts are (still) possessing a second. For all the interest the new ones are acquiring it's almost a day late.and at that point, it gets harder. They have the deluxe of opportunity. Therefore after being asked concerning what he desires out of them, he answers, "I'm going to possess fun along with my playthings. My son, my child and my grand, along with whom my parents possess lots of accountabilities, I wish to devote an evening and a time with her". Over the previous couple of years, TikTok has gone multiple rounds questioning the ideal inseam size — five ins to show more leg against seven inches to cover additional but still hit an above-the-knee pleasant spot. The lengthy side was helped make for reduced body system body weight and possessed a strong position. But we right now possess a side that's much less of a heel but even more like a cross below. Some experience the lengthy leading must match a lot better but others have been told that only isn't real. But after last year’s “thigh fella” summertime, anything goes in 2022. When talking about what goes on in the American heartland, we obtain our own sort of tale that doesn't matter. It's a very various story of how this nation is developed in order to preserve the kind of development that could have inspired its earliest pioneers. It isn't simply a nationwide account; that has been going on for hundreds of thousands of years as an American tale.
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potteresque-ire · 3 years
More ask answer about Word of Honour (山河令, WoH) and the so-called “Dangai 101 phenomenon” under the cut ~ with all the M/M relationships shown on screen, does it mean improved acceptance / safety for the c-queer community?
Due to its length (sorry!), I’ve divided the answer into 3 parts: 1) Background 2) Excerpts from the op-eds 3) Thoughts This post is PART 1 ❤️. As usual, please consider the opinions expressed as your local friendly fandomer sharing what they’ve learned, and should, in no ways, be viewed as necessarily true. :)
(TW: homophobic, hateful speech quoted)
After WoH had started airing, I had waited for one of China’s state-controlled media to publish opinion pieces about the show. Specifically, I’d like to know ~ what is the administration’s current take on Dangai  (耽改), as a genre? How does it characterise the closeness of the same-sex leads—the closeness that is suppressed when the original IP, of the genre Danmei (耽美) was converted for visual media presentation?
This is important, as China is a country where the government’s attitude becomes the official public attitude. The state opinion pieces will be quoted and parroted, especially if they come from heavy-weight sources (state-controlled media also have their importance/influence hierarchy). Production of the upcoming Dangai dramas will adjust their scripts accordingly. Marketing tactics will also adjust, make sure it doesn’t spread “the wrong message”; Dangai and Danmei dramas have both been pulled off shelves during or immediately after its airing before (Addicted 上癮 and Guardian 鎮魂, respectively), despite having already passing the censorship board.
If a heavy-weight state opinion piece pans the one-lead-fawning-over-the-other scenes in WoH (there are a few of them), for example, scenes / lines of such suggestive nature will likely disappear from the upcoming Dangai dramas for at least a year or two. If the critique spills over to a harsh stance against the presence of queers in Chinese media, all future Dangai dramas can become strict “socialist-brotherhood” stories, their “no homo” message reinforced by, for example, by inserting a female lead (or changing one of the leads to female).
Whether the official public opinion equates the true public opinion or not, public behaviour in China is quickly driven by the official public opinion. Example: the Xi regime’s conservative stance on queer issues has already translated to a quick deterioration of queer tolerance in China; open expressions that were tolerated, even welcomed, just several years ago are now met with significant hostility in the public.
This is a reflection of the nature of their government. A quick thought experiment may explain this. Take … jaywalking. It’s probably fair to say we’ve all committed this “crime” before?
Will you still jaywalk if your government declares it immoral to do so? Where I am, in the United States, the answer is definitely a no. The public will probably laugh at (and make memes about) the poor official who made the declaration, kindly ask the government to do something useful for once (f*** off), and keep jaywalking.
Now, what if the declaration comes with a law that includes a one-year prison term + lifelong criminal record for jaywalking? Let’s say this law is fully executable and irreversible, given this being a thought experiment—nothing you, or the public, can say or do can contest it.
Will you still jaywalk, even if you disagree with government’s stance that the act is immoral? You’ve got a neighbour who continues to defy the law. Will you think twice before letting your young loved ones go out with them?
Very soon, jaywalking becomes “bad”—even though such “badness” had little moral basis at its origin. It is bad because the government has “characterised” it to be so—an authoritarian government that doesn’t allow challenge of the characterisation.
The retention of queer elements in Dangai is the jaywalking in the example. The Chinese government stepping in to characterise (定性) an event, a phenomenon etc is common, and the people know the drill well that they fall in line quickly.  
If a powerful state-controlled media publish a negative opinion piece on the queer elements in Dangai / Danmei, therefore, those elements can disappear overnight.
My question had been: will the state do it? The Xi regime has made its distaste for LGBT+ representation in visual media abundantly clear with its NRTA directives. However, while the Chinese government typically puts ideology (意識型態) as its Guiding Principle, exceptions have always been made for one reason. One word.
TU is a legendary financial success story every production company (Tencent itself included) wants to replicate. As a result, there are ~ 60 Danmei IPs (book canon) with their copyright sold for Dangai dramas; this long line of Danmei dramas in the horizon has been nicknamed “Dangai 101”, after the name of the show “Produce 101” Dd was dance instructor in. These dramas are all competing to be the next TU by profit.
Adoration from fans is nice, but money is what matters.
C-ent is currently in a financial bleak winter. The anti-corruption, anti-tax-fraud campaign started by the Xi regime in 2018, which cumulated to a sudden (and unofficial) collection of 3 years of back-taxes from studios and stars, has drained a significant amount of its capital; the number of new TV dramas being filmed fell 45% between 2018 and 2019, and production companies have been closing by the tens of thousands. The tightening of censorship rules also means production is associated with more risk. The commercial sector outside c-ent is also eager for replications of TU’s success—they need more “top traffic” (頂流) idols like Gg and Dd whose fans are sufficiently devoted to drive the sales of their products. Such “fan economy” would benefit the government, even if it doesn’t have direct stakes in the companies in and outside c-ent. People’s Daily, the Official State Newspaper, previously published a positive opinion piece on fan economy in 2019, estimating its worth at 90 billion RMB (~13.7 billion USD) per year.
But if the state allows the queer elements in Dangai’s to pass the censorship board (NRTA) for profit, how can it do so with the current “No homo” directive in place? From previous experience (scarce as it may be), the queerness has to be sufficiently obvious for the shows to make the profit everyone is wishing for. Dangai dramas in which the leads’ romantic relationship remains subtle have not sold the way TU does, even if they are well-reviewed and feature famous, skilled actors (as Winter Begonia 鬓边不是海棠红 last year.)
NRTA, and the government behind it, can’t just say I’m turning a blind eye to the flirting and touching for the money. What can it say then?
Here’s what I’d thought—what it can say, or do, is to “characterise” these Dangai dramas in a way that leave out its queerness. It did so for TU. TU’s review by the overseas version of People’s Daily devoted a grand total of two characters to describe WWX and LWJ’s relationship—摯友 (“close friend”). The rest of the article was devoted to the drama’s aesthetics, its cultural roots. (The title of the article: 《陳情令》:書寫國風之美 Chen Qing Ling: Writing the Beauty of National Customs).
How could it do that? The State’s power ensuring few questioning voices aside, I’ve been also thinking about the history and definition of Danmei (耽美)—Dangai’s parent genre as the causes. Based on the history and definition, I can think of 3 ways the queer elements in Danmei (耽美) can be characterised by the state, 2 of which provide it with the wiggle room, the movable goalposts it needs should it choose to want to overlook the queerness in Dangai.
The 3 characterisations I’ve thought of, based on the history and definition of Danmei (耽美) are:
1) The queer characterisation, which focuses on its homoerotic element. * Summary of the characterization: Danmei is gay.
2) The “traditional BL” characterisation, which focuses on BL’s historic origin as a “by women, for women” genre. The M/M setup is viewed as an escapist protest against the patriarchy, a rejection of traditional gender roles; displays of M/M closeness are often “candies” for the female gaze. * Summary of the characterization: Danmei is women’s fantasy.
3) The aesthetic characterisation, which focuses on beauty—from the beauty of the characters, the beauty of a world without harm to the romance. * Summary for the characterization: Danmei is pretty.
The queer characterisation (1) is well-understood, and likely the default characterisation if it is to be made by the fraction of i-fandom I’m familiar with. Most i-fans I’ve met, myself included, would likely and automatically associate the M/M relationships in The Untamed  (TU) and WoH with queerness.
The “traditional BL” characterisation (2), meanwhile, equates Danmei with BL as the genre of homoerotic works developed in 1970’s Japan for women comic readers, and has been widely interpreted from a feminist point of view.
Under such interpretation of “traditional BL” works, the double male lead setup wasn’t meant to be an accurate depiction of homosexuality. It wasn’t about homosexuality at all. Rather, it was about the removal of women and along with it, the rage, the eye-rolling, the unease women readers had often felt when attempting to interact with mainstream romance novels of the time, in which the female leads had mostly been confined to traditional women roles, and their virtue, their traditional feminine traits.
The M/M setup therefore acted as a “shell” for a het relationship that allowed removal of such social constraints placed on women. The lead with whom the woman audience identified was no longer bound to the traditional role of women, such as being the caregiver of the family. The lead could instead chase their dreams and roam the world, as many contemporary women already did or aspired to do; they were no longer limited to playing the passive party in life and in the relationship—and they enjoyed such freedom without risking the love, the respect the other male protagonist felt for them.
BL, in this traditional sense, has therefore been interpreted as an answer for, and a protest against the heteropatriarchal gender norm still dominant in societies deeply influenced by Confucianism, including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China. The M/M setup is, at heart, (het) women’s fantasy. The inclusion of two young-and-beautiful male leads also satisfy “the female gaze” ~ the popularity of BL among het women has therefore been compared to the popularity of lesbian porn among het men. In both cases, the audience is drawn not for the homosexual element but by the presence of double doses of sexual attraction.
(Please forgive me if any of my wording comes as disrespectful! I’m not used to talking about these topics.)
The availability of the “traditional BL” characterisation (2) is key to bypassing queerness as a topic in the discussions of Danmei (耽美).
The aesthetic characterisation (3) is very closely related to 2) in origin, but deserves its own point as a characterisation that can stand on its own, and may be more obscure to the English-speaking fandom given the common English translation of Danmei (耽美) as Boy’s Love.
Boy’s Love, as a name, amplifies the queer characterisation (1) and de-emphasises the aesthetic characterisation (3); Danmei (耽美), meanwhile, does the reverse.
Where does the name Danmei come from?
When BL was first developed in Japan, it used to have a now out-of-fashion genre name: Tanbi. Tanbi was borrowed from same name describing a late 19th century / early 20th century Japanese literary movement, known as Tanbi-ha and was inspired by Aestheticism in England. Aestheticism “centered around the doctrine that art exists for the sake of its beauty alone, and that it need serve no political, didactic, or other purpose”. Along the same line, the core belief of authors of Tanbi-ha was that art should celebrate beauty and reject the portrayal of ugliness in human nature, the darkness of reality:
…Tanbi writers argued that the ideas of naturalism writers such as “objectivism,” “truth is more important than beauty” and so on would “oppress human beings’ desire” so as to “lose beauty and human nature.” Accordingly, they insisted on “acute mental and emotional sensibility” [Ye, 2009].
(Source, with more details on Tanbi.)
Neither romance nor homosexuality were requirements for works in the original Tanbi-ha genre. BL borrowed the name Tanbi because its early authors saw their work created under the same principles: the emphasis on the beauty of their characters, their love (romantic and platonic), in a world that was also beautiful and untouched by ugliness such as sexism and homophobia.
The stubborn persistence on keeping one’s eyes trained on the beautiful, the willingness to turn a blind eye to reality for the sake of the beauty is built-in in the genre’s name. Tanbi  meant more than beauty, aesthetics; its kanji form was written as 耽美;  耽 = to sink, drown in, to  over-indulge in; 美 =  beauty.
Tanbi, therefore, literally means to drown in, to over-indulge in beauty.
Over time, as the genre expanded its writing style, Tanbi eventually fell out of favour as BL’s genre name in Japan. However, as it gained popularity in the Sinosphere in the 1990s, starting with Taiwan and Hong Kong, the kanji of Tanbi was retained as the Chinese name of the genre.
In Mandarin Chinese, 耽美 is pronounced Danmei. A hyperfocus on the aesthetics, the utopian aspects of traditional BL is therefore retained in Danmei by its name. People’s Daily could therefore devote its review of TU on its aesthetics. Realism, including politics and all discussions of social issues, can therefore be swept aside in the name of respecting the genre’s tradition.
I’ve mostly been reading about and observing c-fandom, and I believe these 3 characterisations have all attracted its own kind of fans. Fans who care and talk about queer issues even when it isn’t encouraged by their sociopolitical environment, who shine a light upon these issues in their fan works. Fans who treat the M/M leads as if they were a traditional cishet couple, such as calling one of the leads 老婆 (wife) and assigning him biologically female functions when needed (via, for example, the ABO trope). Fans who insist the works must meet their beauty standards, rejecting those that fail (for example, if the leads are not good looking enough) by claiming they’re there for Danmei, not Danchou (耽醜, “over-indulgence on ugliness”). Fans who are drawn to the genre by a combination of these characterisations.
By the history and definition of the genre, all the above reasons for fanning Danmei are as valid, as legitimate as one another.
I thought about this related question then: are c-fans of the second (traditional BL characterisation) and third (aesthetic characterisation) groups homophobic? When I first asked this question, I—a fan whose fandom experience had been entirely in English-speaking communities—assume the answer was yes. I thought, in particular, the insistence of treating Danmei’s M/M couples as cishet couples in a homosexual shell had to be conscious queer erasure. How can anyone ignore the same-sexness of the leads? How can anyone talk about Danmei without associating it with homosexuality?
However, as I read more—again, specifically about c-fandom, and in Chinese—I realised the answer may be a little more complex.
Previously, I had largely thought about homophobia in terms of individual attitudes. This has to do with my current environment (liberal parts of the United States), in which the choice to accept or reject the queer community has become a close to personal choice. Pride flags fly all over the city, including the city hall, every summer, and most churches welcome the LGBT+ community. I hadn’t considered how an environment in which queers have never enjoyed full social exposure, in which education of related topics is sorely lacking, would affect Danmei’s development as a genre.
In such an environment, it is difficult for Danmei to evolve and incorporate up-to-date understanding of RL queerness.
The consequence I can see is this: Danmei is more likely to be “stuck” in its historical characterisation as (het) women’s fantasy inside than outside the Great Firewall, with its queerness de-emphasised if not erased—and it draws fans who are attracted to this kind of characterisation accordingly. This is, perhaps, reflected by the fact that the (het) women-to-queer ratio of Danmei / BL fans is significantly higher in China than in the West (Table 1 in this article summarises how Danmei / BL fans have split between different genders and sexual orientation in the Sinosphere vs the West in different research studies).
Another driving force I can see for Danmei to retain BL’s traditional feminist and aesthetic characterisations: women in China are not free from the social pressure that led to the birth of BL in 1970’s Japan. While many of them have achieved financial freedom through work and have high education, the young and educated have been subjected to immense pressure to get married and have children especially in the past decade.
In 2007, the China’s state feminist agency, the All-China Women’s Federation (中華全國婦女聯合會), coined the term 剩女 (literally, “leftover women”) for unmarried, urban women over 27 years old. The government started a campaign that, among other things, associated women’s education level with ugliness, and their unmarried status with pickiness, moral degeneracy. The reason behind the campaign: birth rates are plummeting and the state wants educated women, in particular, to nurture a high quality, next generation workforce. More importantly, the government sees a threat in the M/F sex imbalance (high M, low F) that has commonly been attributed to the country’s “one child policy” between 1979-2015, which encouraged female infanticide / abortion of female foetuses in a culture that favours surname-carrying boys. The state fears the unmarried men will become violent and/or gay, leading to “social instability and insecurity”. Therefore, it wants all women, in particular those who are educated, to enter the “wife pool” for these unmarried men. (Source 1, Source 2: Source 2 is a short, recommended read).
For Chinese women, therefore, patriarchy and sexism is far from over. Escapist fantasies where sexism is removed—by removing women from the picture—are therefore here to stay.
Danmei is therefore not queer literature (同志文學). The difference between Danmei and queer literature is highlighted by this reportedly popular saying (and its similar variations) in some Danmei communities:
異性戀只是傳宗接代,同性戀才是真愛 Heterosexuality is only for reproduction. Only homosexuality is true love.
The attitude towards heterosexuality is one of distaste, viewed as a means to an end the speaker has no interest in. On the contrary, homosexuality is idealised, reflecting the disregard / lack of understanding of some Danmei fans have towards the RL hardships of c-queers. The ignorance may be further propagated by gate-keeping by some Danmei fans for safety reasons, keeping queer discussions away from their communities for fear that their favourite hangouts would meet the same uncertain fate of other communities that previously held open queer discussions, such as the Weibo gay and lesbian supertopics. Such gatekeeping can, again, be easily enforced using tradition as argument: the beauty 美 is Tanbi and Danmei (耽美), remember, includes the beauty of utopia, where ugly truths such as discrimination do not enter the picture. A Danmei that explores, for example, the difficulty of coming out of the closet is no longer Danmei, by its historical, aesthetic definition.
[I’ve therefore read about c-queers viewing Danmei with suspicion, if not downright hostility; they believe the genre, by ignoring their RL challenges and casting them as beautiful, even perfect individuals, and in some cases, by fetishising them and their relationships, only leads to more misconceptions about the queer community. Dangai, meanwhile, has been viewed with even more distaste as potential weapons by the state to keep gays in the closet; if the government can shove the Danmei characters into the “socialist brotherhood” closet, it can shove them as well.
I haven’t yet, however, been able to tease out the approximate fraction of c-queers whose views of Danmei and Dangai is negative. The opposing, positive view of the genres is this: they still provide LGBT+ visibility, which is better than none and it would’ve been close to none without Danmei and Dangai; while Danmei may skim over the hardships of being queer, fan works of Danmei are free to explore them—and they have.
This article provides insights on this issue. @peekbackstage’s conversation with a Chinese film/TV director in Clubhouse is also well worth a read.]
That said, Danmei can only be dissociated from the queer characterisation if there’s a way to talk about the genre without evoking words and phrases that suggest homosexuality—something that is difficult to do with English. Is there?
In Chinese, I’d venture to say … almost. There’s almost a way. Close enough to pass.
The fact that M/M in traditional BL has been developed and viewed not as queer but as a removal of F also means this: queerness isn’t “built-in” into the language of Danmei. The name Danmei itself already bypasses a major “queer checkpoint”: it’s impossible to refer to a genre called Boy’s Love and not think about homosexuality.
Here’s one more important example of such bypass. Please let me, as an excuse to put these beautiful smiles in my blog, show this classic moment from TU; this can be any gif in which the leads are performing such suggestive romantic gestures:
Tumblr media
How can I describe this succinctly? In English?
Two men acting in love? Er. That’s… the definition of gay, almost.
Two men acting gay? Well. GAY.
Right. Fine. Let’s go negative. Queerbaiting? … Still gay, because the word “queer” is in there.
[Pie note: for the record, I don’t think TU or WoH is queer-baiting.]
Personally, I find it impossible to describe the GIF above in English that I do not automatically associate with RL romantic love between two men, with homosexuality. But can I do it in Chinese?
… Yes.
There’s a term, 賣腐 (pronounced “maifu”), literally, “selling 賣 the rot 腐”, derived from the term known among i-fans as fujoshi and written, in kanji, as 腐女. Fujoshi, or 腐 (“rot”) 女 (“women”), describes the largely (het) female audience of the Japanese BL genre (>80%, according to Wikipedia). Originated as a misogynistic insult towards female Japanese BL fans in the 2000s, fujoshi was later reclaimed by the same female BL fans who now use the self-depreciative term as acknowledgement of their interest being “rotten”, for BL’s disregard of the society’s traditional expectations on women.
賣腐 is therefore to “sell the rot” to the rotten women; ie. the suggestive romantic gestures, exemplified by the GIF above, between the M/M leads are catering, performing fan service to their target audience.
[賣腐 is also a term one will see in the state opinion pieces.]
There’s nothing gay about this term.
I’ve therefore found it possible to talk and think in Chinese about Danmei while giving little thought to queerness. The history and definition of Danmei allow that.
Again, I’m not saying any of this to excuse homophobia among in Danmei and Dangai fandoms. The point I’m trying to make is this — given that Danmei has three potential characterisations, two of which can be discussed without abundantly evoking queer concepts and vocabularies, given that history of Danmei, as a genre, already favoured characterisation 2 (traditional BL), the government addressing homosexuality in its opinions on Danmei and Dangai is far from a given.
By extension, the popularity of Dangai may mean a lot or little to c-queers; by extension, the state can approve / disapprove of Danmei and Dangai in a manner independent of its stance on homosexuality, which is itself inconsistent and at times, logic-deying (example to come…).
This is both good and bad, from the perspective of both the government and the c-queer community.
For the government: as discussed, the “triality” of Danmei allows the state to “move the goalpost” depending on what it tries to achieve. It has characterisations 2 (the traditional BL characterisation) and 3 (the aesthetic characterisation) as excuses to let Dangai dramas pass the censorship board should it want their profit and also, their promise of expanding the country’s soft power overseas by drawing an international audience. These characterisations also allow the state to throw cold water on the popularity of Danmei / Dangai should it desire, for reasons other than its queer suggestions—despite the Xi regime’s push against open expressions of queerness (including by activism, in media), it has also been careful about not demonising c-queers in words, and has countered other people’s attempts to do so.
Why may the government want to throw cold water on Danmei and Dangai? They are still subculture, which the state has also viewed with suspicion. In 2018, a NRTA directive explicitly requested that “c-ent programmes should not use entertainers with tattoos; (those associated with) hip-hop culture, sub-cultures (non-mainstream cultures), decadent cultures.” (”另外,总局明确要求节目中纹身艺人、嘻哈文化、亚文化(非主流文化)、丧文化(颓废文化)不用。”).
Subculture isn’t “core socialist values”. More importantly, it’s difficult to keep up with and control subculture. 環球網, the website co-owned by People’s Daily and Global Times (環球時報), ie, The State Newspaper and The State Tabloid, famously said this on its Weibo, on 2020/03/04, re: 227:
老了,没看懂为什么战。晚安。 Getting old. Can’t figure out what the war is about. Good night.
The State also cannot stop subculture from happening. It doesn’t have the resources to quell every single thing that become popular among its population of 1.4 billion. What it can do to make sure these subcultures stay subcultures, kept out of sight and mind of the general public.
Characterisation 1 (the queer characterisation), meanwhile, remains available to the state should it wish to drop the axe on Dangai for its queer elements. I’m including, as “queer elements”, presentation of men as too “feminine” for the state—which has remained a sore point for the government. This axe have a reason to drop in the upcoming months: July 23rd, 2021 will be the 100th birthday of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and the state may desire to have only uniformed forces and muscled, gun-toting “masculine” men gracing the screens.
What about for c-queers and their supporters (including group I fans)? What good and bad can the multiple characterisations of the genres do for them?
For c-queers and their supporters (including group I fans), their acceptance and safety are helped by the Dangai genre, by the Dangai 101 phenomenon, if and only if the state both characterises the queer elements in these dramas as queer (characterisation 1) AND their opinions of them are positive.
Personally, I had viewed this to be unlikely from the start, because a queer characterisation would mean the censorship board has failed to do its job, which is embarrassing for the Chinese government.
Characterisations 2) and 3) are not bad for c-queers and their supporters, however, and definitely not “enemies” of Characterisation 1);  they can not only serve as covers for the queer elements in Dangai to reach their audience, but also, they can act as protective padding for the LGBT+ community if the content or (very aggressive) marketing of the Dangai dramas displease the government — with the understanding, again, that the “traditional BL” arm of the Danmei community is itself also highly vulnerable by being a subculture, and so its padding effect is limited and it also deserves protection.
The downside to achieving LGBT+ visibility through Dangai is, of course and as mentioned, that these dramas are, ultimately, deeply unrealistic depictions of the c-queers. The promotion of these dramas, which has focused on physical interactions between the male leads for “candies”, can encourage even more fetishising of queers and queer relationships. The associated (character) CP culture that makes and breaks CPs based on the dramas’ airing cycle may also fuel negative perception of queer relationships as attention-seeking behaviour, something that can be initiated and terminated at will and for the right price.
Finally, with all this said, which characterisation(s) have the government taken re: Dangai and/or WOH? And what opinions has it given to its characterisations?
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ikeromantic · 3 years
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In the Spotlight
A Mitsuhide Akechi fanfiction, approx. 1700 words. This scene occurs after the events of the romantic epilogue and includes some of what happens in the part 2 introduction. Mostly fluff!
First: Mitsuhide and the Maiden
Previous: Uncomfortable Questions
Kyubei bowed low and held the position. It wasn’t his first time to report to Nobunaga, but it was his first time to do so without explicit instructions from his lord. He was nervous, but it didn’t show. Kyubei could hold an icy composure as well as Akechi.
“Report.” Nobunaga’s tone was flat, hiding his own frustration.
Hideyoshi and Masamune weren’t trying to hide theirs. The one-eyed dragon was pacing and Toyotomi’s scowl could have peeled paint.
“There is no evidence,” Kyubei cleared his throat, “that the forces at Kasugayama are involved in the attacks on Azuchi. However -” he paused. This was the part that made him sweat. “The disappearance of Lord Akechi and the lady chatelaine coincide with the vanishing of their ninja, Sarutobi Sasuke.”
“I don’t believe it.” Masamune stopped, one hand dropping to his sword hilt. “There’s no way that ninja got the drop on Mitsuhide.”
Hideyoshi nodded. “Agreed. My guess is that they are working together.”
Kyubei interrupted. “I find that unlikely, my lord. At least, in the manner you suggest. If I may?”
Nobunaga indicated he should continue.
“My sources tell me Shingen Takeda is ill, and between the loss of his ally and his ninja, Kenshin is unstable. Seeking conflict within his own forces as well as outside. It is unlikely he is aiding Kasugayama. Though he must have known Sarutobi's absence might . . .” He frowned, wondering how much he should imply, what he could suggest.
Ieyasu saved him the need. “Mitsuhide was making plans for an extended absence. I think we should consider that he has left, with Sasuke, to visit the chatelaine’s homeland.”
Mitsunari nodded. “This would make sense. There could be something about the events of the night he disappeared that forced them to leave sooner than he expected.���
“There’s more to it, and if I know that snake -” Hideyoshi’s rant was cut short by Nobunaga’s raised hand.
“Enough. I did not wish to bare Akechi’s secrets, but Ieyasu is correct. Mitsuhide sought my permission to take the chatelaine to her home. He was uncertain how long they would be gone.”
The room exploded with sound, warlords talking over one another. Hideyoshi was ranting about safety and plots; Masamune demanded permission to seek them out. Keiji was laughing. Ieyasu and Mitsunari were relatively silent, waiting for the excitement to die down.
Nobunaga’s carnelian eyes quieted each man in turn.
When he could be heard again, Kyubei continued. “I made contact with Ranmaru. He is seeking out the forces responsible for the attack on Azuchi, along with other spies in our network.”
“Ranmaru? That boy is afraid of his own shadow. Completely unreliable,” Hideyoshi muttered, not unkindly. “He should be here.”
Kyubei couldn’t help the slight smile at that. He didn’t approve of Ranmaru’s tangled loyalties, but one could not argue with his ability to act a part. “Of course, my lord. But Ranmaru insisted. And he does have many friends to rely on for information.”
Ieyasu stood. “This doesn’t answer my questions though. Where is the chatelaine? Is she safe? When will she return? We all know Akechi has his . . . plans. I’m not worried about him. He’ll turn up when and where he wants to. But she’s -”
“You’re worried about her!” Mitsunari beamed. “I knew you were just trying to hide it when you told me-”
“Shut up.” Ieyasu glared. “I’m just . . . the enemy could use her against us. We need to know where she is.”
“Agreed,” Masamune spoke up. “I will put together a team. We’ll find her.”
“My lords, I am afraid she and Mitsuhide are beyond any team.” Kyubei sighed. “The greater concern is what this impacts and how it will be used against us. The Ikko Ikki are moving. The Mouri clan have resumed pirating, and we know it was Kichou that executed the attack on Azuchi. In addition, we have rumors the shogun in exile is drawing a new following.”
Mitsunari frowned. “Yes, I reviewed several shipment records and troop movements from old loyalist daimyo. It appears we are not done with the shogun as of yet.”
Kyubei bit his lip. The scribe they’d installed should have been satisfied to live in luxurious exile, but it seemed the old shogun’s loyalist stirred his greed. Or maybe they were using him as a puppet. He had no way to know, as the spies in Ashitaka’s court had all fallen silent.
Nounaga spoke again. “Hideyoshi, you and Keiji will pursue the Mouri. Masamune, I want you to make contact with Kasugayama. Offer a truce. See what they can offer up about their missing ninja. They may be willing to hunt down our enemies with us, as it does them no benefit to see this land descend into chaos.” His gaze fell on Ieyasu. “You will join Kyubei’s efforts to track down Mitsuhide and the chatelaine. Your research and his current knowledge will yield results.”
“May I assist Lord Tokugawa?” Mitsunari’s innocent smile could have been worn by an angel. He was completely oblivious to the sudden grimace on his friend’s face.
“You may, in your spare time. I need your mind fixed on calculating provisions, troop movements, bridges, and roads. There will be fighting soon.”
Mitsunari acquiesced with a bow.
Kyubei delivered the rest of his report, and then was dismissed. He went straight to the Akechi mansion and opened a bottle of sake. Alcohol was a vice he rarely indulged in, but today he felt like he needed it. He’d exposed some of his lord’s business without permission. He had no idea how or if this would impact Akechi’s plans. And now . . . he’d be working with Ieyasu. It would be difficult to keep the secrets he needed to keep.
He kept drinking until the room spun and the lights all wore halos. Kyubei might have kept it up, but he ran out of bottles and couldn’t make the walk to fetch more. Instead, he fell asleep, sprawled out on the floor of his lord’s office.
Mitsuhide felt a mix of relief and distress when his little one explained the plastic stick on the bathroom counter. It meant they were not having a child together. Not yet, at any rate. And this was good. He was in no position here to father a child. But . . .
The image of himself holding a child. His. Hers. His heart felt too big for his chest, thinking of what such a child would be like. His very own son or daughter. One with his love’s sweetness. His eyes. Her nose. His perception. It made him ache, as if he had an old bruise, a wound that hadn’t healed. Which was completely irrational.
He looked out the train window at the rapidly passing countryside. Trees. Hills. Houses. Different and not so different from the world he knew. He should be spending this time planning the next few days, not moping. Kitsunes did not mope.
“Are you ok? Are you nervous?” His little mouse put her hand on his leg, comforting.
“Yes and yes.” Mitsuhide turned his head to give her a sideways smile. “I have never had to meet the parents of my betrothed.” He had expected Nobunaga to marry a woman to him for political purpose. Some well-bred woman who knew how to run a house and had courtly manners. A woman he would never love, but could put up with, at a distance. Yet here he was.
She laughed. “It will be ok, really. I talked to okaasan and she is excited to meet you. She’s happy for us.”
“And you father?” Mitsuhide raised an eyebrow.
“I’m sure he’ll get used to the idea. He’s just . . . to him, I’m still a little kid. But I’m sure once he sees us together, he’ll come around.”
Mitsuhide was less certain about that. He’d known several fathers and they fell into two categories, most of the time. There were the men who could care less about their children beyond their use to the clan. And there were the men that treated their children as things of wonder. Not that they coddled them - but they cared. About their education, their work, their friends. He was sure his lover’s otousan fell into that second group.
The train stop came sooner than he might have liked. The two of them disembarked. There were only a handful of people getting off the train here, so it was easy to spot her parents.
They were dressed conservatively. Her father was a little shorter than Mitsuhide, and a little thicker around the middle. His greying hair was thin on top, and he wore glasses. Her mother was small and wore a smile he would have known anywhere.
The parents caught sight of them at about the same time Mitsuhide’s study of them finished.
“Otou-chan! Okaasan!” His little mouse flung herself across the platform, and was swept up in a hug from both sides. Tears ran down her face, and her cheeks were stretched in a wide smile.
Mitsuhide felt out of place in this moment of familial warmth. He had no such experience himself, and did not want to intrude either way. He stood quietly, holding their bags. Waiting as they exchanged hugs, kisses, and stammered apologies and explanations. As if they could make up for half a year apart in a few minutes.
Her father finally looked up and met Mitsuhide’s eyes. His were dark and suspicious. Protective. “You.”
His little one smacked his arm. “Be nice, papa. This is my fiancé, Mitsuhide. Mitsuhide, this is my father, Minoru, and my mother, Youko.”
Mitsuhide bowed low. “I am pleased to meet you both.”
Her father didn’t reply, but her mother did. “We are so glad to meet you too! It was such a surprise . . . our little girl . . . disappearing and then -”
“And then coming back with a weird boyfriend,” her father interrupted.
Oh yes. This was already going very well. Just as expected. Mitsuhide straightened and put on his best ‘trust me’ smile. “If there were any way we could have done it differently, I promise we would have. I hope we’ll be able to lay any worries you have to rest.”
She stepped over to his side and took his arm. “Yes, I plan on explaining everything.” His little mouse was the one to look nervous now. And no wonder. After much discussion, they’d decided on telling her family a version of the truth.
In fact, Sasuke and Miyake were supposed to come out the following day to provide backup evidence for their story. But even with that, they were asking her parents to accept a lot all at once. Mitsuhide did not see their chances of success as being very high, but for her, he would try anything.
Next: Bonding
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