#in bed doing homework
neytui · 2 months
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Y’all so done
Finally got the pencil!!! Did some terrible terrors just to get used to it
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reality-detective · 12 days
Easy to make DIY garden beds 🤔
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talkingsandvich · 1 month
lebron discovers the chimps experience
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dirtytransmasc · 4 months
Spider and Tuk being the bestest siblings ever and spider being the mvp big brother we all know he is hc's (modern + adopted spi au addition):
Before he could drive he would wait at Tuk's bus stop to get her off the bus. He insisted on doing it to "ease the workload on his parents" (since with Jake and Neytiri's work schedule, Tuk would have to go to an afterschool program and someone would have to pick her up) which it does, but it was really cause he liked to have the quality time with Tuk.
On their walk home he would ask her about school. He asks about what she did, if she brought anything home she wanted to show him (normally stuff from art class), if she did anything special or fun, that sort of stuff. He also stays up to date on her school gossip and makes sure no one's bothering his baby sis.
They hold hands the whole walk home, and more often than not he ends up carrying her or her bag for her.
Once he gets his license he picks her up from school and fills the 45 minute-ish time she would have normally spent on the bus and walking home at the park or getting ice cream or something else of the like.
When they get home he makes sure to look at anything she brought home. All the cool stuff first; art, school work she's proud of, a pretty pebble, or the occasional half wilted flower from the recess field. He makes sure to give all the praise and compliments possible, especially to the art and school work, cause he's supporting those skills early. Then he makes sure he gets all the homework, permission slips, things like that.
When his siblings ask why he does it, he says, "Who's gonna ask her to see what she drew during recess? Who's gonna ask if she did anything fun with her best friend? Who's gonna make sure she's not left out of the loop? We're a busy family, I don't want her getting left out just cause she's little, I'll ask, I like doing it anyway" he knows his family's busy, he knows Tuk tends to fall to the background cause she's the youngest, and that Jake and Neytiri are busy trying to keep them all afloat, so he takes care of Tuk.
He helps her with her homework and never raises his voice or gets frustrated. He sits next to her and they figure it out together.
He's always proud of her, even for the little things, so he's always giving her hugs and kissing her hair and other classic big brother things.
More often than not, Spider puts Tuk to bed. Either Jake and Neytiri give up trying to tame the "cranky banshee" (what Spider call her when she's tired) of a child and call Spider in, or she asks for him. He'll lay down next to her and pull her close and tell her stories until she gets sleepy and cuddled into him. Only then does he pull out the "put'em to sleep" combo, as he calls it; he hum to her (he hums "a la nanita na", like his mama used to hum to him, fight me) while rubbing her back with one hand and plays with her braids with the other. She's out like a light in a few minutes every time.
He often refers to her as a little banshee whenever she's being feisty or especially energetic.
There was an almost 2 month streak where Tuk would only sleep if Spider stayed in her room for the night or if she was in Spider's bed (which she preferred cause it was bigger and cozier). Spider didn't mind so he gave in almost immediately. Best sleep he got in years, even with the bony knees and elbows poking him.
Spider will sacrifice himself when she gets sick, opting to be the one to go comfort her, knowing he'll be sick soon after. He has spent many nights holding her on the bathroom floor and wiping snotty noses. (he always gets it and gets it *worse* but it's worth it for his baby sis)
Tuk always does he best to take care of him after. She'll sit in bed with him and pet his hair or bring him snacks/water. When she was little, she'd bring out all her Doc McStuffin's toys (cause she'd love Doc McStuffin's, again, fight me) and try and 'make him better'
Spider has the strongest cuteness aggression ever for Tuk, like, he wants to squish her and bite her and squeeze her and shake her, with all of the love in the world. He satiates himself by snatching her, flopping on the floor, and bear hugging her as tight as he can, with his legs too, and just rolling back and forth till she's giggling so hard she can't breathe.
He is deeply invested in multiple children's shows because of how often he watches them with her. (His favorite is Wild Kratts, Paw Patrol, and Ninja Turtles)
(this one next one is so random but Spi and Tuk have pastina lover vibes, again, I dare you to fight me on this)
Spider spent time in the system and fending for himself, meaning he picked up a lot of easy recipes, one of which, was pastina with butter, broth, and cheese. He passed this on to Tuk, who has now decided this is the best snack ever and asks him to make it all the time.
Spider works out, just so he can carry her around forever and ever.
He always make sure that he and his older little siblings always give time to Tuk and involve her in their play.
They go on day trips after he gets his license, sometimes just the two of them, other times with all the Sully kids. They go to museums and science centers and such. He again holds her hand most of the time, or makes sure that she doesn't get lost while playing.
Worries over her constantly.
They trade art all the time. He'll make her a knew piece of jewelry and she'll give him a new painting to keep in his room.
He has a picture of her in his wallet.
He takes so many photos of her, he's like a facebook mom. Lo'ak makes fun of him.
He's teaching her how to skateboard, cause she thinks he's the coolest ever cause he knows how to skateboard. He got her a pretty skateboard and hot pink gear (in which he went overboard in buying considering her basically bought her a hot pink suit of armor) and helped her decorate it. He also makes sure she's not picked on when they go to the skate park.
He kisses every boo boo.
He makes and (never ever breaks) lots of pinky promises.
they have a special handshake.
When the Sully's go out anywhere, you can tell when Tuk wants to go home, because she'll be in Spi's arms, cause he'd never turn down an opportunity to hold his baby sister.
They match hair beads. Spi will always have at least one that matches with hers at all times, and Tuk will have one of his on the braid behind her ear so she can fiddle with it.
Tuk always double and triple checks that Spider has his inhaler (he doesn't know how she remembers better than he can)
She wears his shirts to bed a lot. They're big and soft and who could blame her?
should I do more of these (maybe one for each sibling?)
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wonderthor · 7 months
gojo will smile sweetly at you and lean down to press a nice kiss on your drooling pussy before smirking up at you and spitting down on it
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happysadyoyo · 8 months
Okay, so this is the loop that I imagine breaks y/n a bit. And this is like. Explicit death sequence. So. If you don't like to read someone dying don't read this? Pillow did a nice like post-death loop thought thing here that this is tied to. Same vibes, less explicitly deathish.
This... isn't right.
You're running. Your legs are burning, your chest is on fire, ribs crushing in on your lungs and every breath is like a wound tearing itself open again. You start to fall, catching yourself and taking off with increased speed.
Your hearing aid is gone, but you can't stop trying to listen for the sound of a creaking cable, a bone chilling laugh. Why? you want to yell, but there's nothing in you that can make a sound. Your arms hurt. Your feet are heavy, clomping clumsily past the atrium and its closed doors.
You keep running.
Your high school PE teacher would be impressed. You'd never been particularly fit. Overweight, he'd said, looking down his nose at the BMI chart and then the scale you stood on. You know now that the BMI is bullshit, based off a small sample of white men --- was it 12? 20? What does it matter; you're running now, and part of you gets it. How prey can run so fast and so long.
A security bot catches sight of you and blares its siren, alerting the others to your stumbling form.
You're slowing down, breathing in panicked little gasps, but he's not on you yet. Why? He's faster than you. He'd proven that already, so many times, over and over. He's toying with you. You hit the stairs and slow down even more, trying to think of where to hide. You're crawling now, on your hands and knees, grabbing at the steps in front of you even though you can't even feel the carpet.
You're outside the daycare again when he finally strikes, your run slowed to a painful crawl. You can barely move, and then wham! You hit the plexiglass hard enough to crack it, spiderwebbing around you like some sort of fucked up halo. Moon is holding you by your shoulder, and despite the lactic acid induced numbness in your body, you can feel the pinch of his fingers as he digs them in.
He doesn't need claws.
"Brat. Caught you." You wheeze in reply, eyes locked onto his, begging silently for him to stop, to finish his game. He's caught you before and let you go, and surely he sees now that you know, you know that he's won. He grabs your other shoulder and shakes you, your head smacking hard against the plexiglass.
"Ple-ase," you manage, barely audible. Moon's face remains an inscrutable smile, mechanics clicking behind the plate. "Moon."
He shakes you again, and your head hurts and you taste blood. You've bitten your tongue, hard. Maybe you'd finally get that tongue piercing. You want to laugh. A tongue piercing, now, really?
"Getting in the way..." There's more Moon's saying, but it's hard to hear over the rushing in your head. He keeps shaking you, and you can't really see much now, from tears or from pain you're not sure, but you can lift your arms a little. Enough to find his, holding them. "Moon--"
There's no way to describe the sound of a slender bone snapping, crisp and clear despite being totally isolated in your body. Nor is there a way to explain the sound of multiple bones snapping, the long ones in your hands, as Moon shakes you free. There's nothing for a moment, then a dull to sharp to dull again pain, throbbing and there and he broke your hands.
You fall when he releases you, but you barely hit the ground before you're up again. And up and up and up and his hands are around your throat. Oh oh oh his hands are on your throat and he's no longer shaking you or slamming you into the wall there's just pressure
Pressure and you can't breathe you can't hit his arms because it hurts but you have to you have to make him let go Moon let me go Moon please we're friends you don't want to do this Moon
This isn't right. The fire wouldn't have caused this. Was this why you've failed ten, twelve, twenty times now? You try to swallow but you choke instead, and you can feel yourself gagging, broken hands clawing at his metal arms, kicking out against the wall and his torso. Your foot gets caught in the billowy fabric of his pants. You feel soaked in cold.
It hurts it hurts it hurts you miss breathing you miss running you miss the laughter of the kids and the way Sun held your hand that first day when you thought you'd broken a finger playing hide and seek with the kids.
You miss Moon saving you from the others, his prickly anger and need to be the one who
Who caught you
Who killed you
This isn't right.
This isn't Moon.
Will you reset again? What if this is the end?
You can't see anymore, but maybe that's not a bad thing. Your existence is a single point of struggle, of froth against your lips and thin fingers crushing your windpipe. He didn't need to apply so much pressure, you think. To choke someone you only needed the
the arteries
What are they called?
Is this what you want to be thinking about as you die? Tongue piercings and how to kill someone without so much force?
What is Sun thinking right now? Can he see? Does he know?
Do they know how much you
how much
It doesn't hurt anymore.
The alarm starts beeping to the beat of your heart, and for the first time, you remember.
The ghosts of his fingers around your throat remain on your unblemished skin.
The alarm keeps beeping.
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kinaesthetiqueer · 4 months
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Weiss is looking very very respectfully...
i had one more variation to finish; now i'm done with this meme! also nora now has 300% more freckles! because i can. :D
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catholickedd · 5 months
can i just lay on the bed and have anon lay next to me and we just hug each other please
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deathbypufferfish · 11 months
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Bedtime for the Terzis 💤
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brown-little-robin · 3 months
what is UP everyone I just finished my very first one-shot fic EVER!!
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camelspit · 10 months
thank god foxfire is out of session for most of the later books bc if I was sophie I simply could not save the world and do homework at the same time
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merakiui · 1 year
thinking about floyd faking a broken arm after falling from his broom in pe class just so you’ll take care of him for the week. he’ll pout about how he can’t carry his books with just one functioning arm (yes he can) and that it would make him the happiest if you helped him. you suppose it wouldn’t be too difficult to offer your assistance. all he really wants is you to stay near him and carry his things. that shouldn’t be an issue, and jade’s also willing to help when the two of them meet up after classes for lunch or break periods. 
but then, after another day spent catering to floyd’s whims and essentially being his designated book carrier (there are also the shifts you covered for him when he claimed he couldn’t do it with one arm (again, yes he can); azul better pay you for those hours), he corners you in one of the corridors with a hard-on, insisting you help him out because, in his exact words, “shrimpy’s so mean to force an injured person to do it!” and with his non-dominant hand as well! shame on floyd’s shrimpy! if your technique is poor when using hands, he’ll insist on using your mouth instead, so be good and let him use shrimpy’s warm mouth. unless you’d rather bend over for him so he can use elsewhere... :)
once floyd tires of pretending, he’ll cast the sling aside and wave his arms about, all with the brightest grin. he’ll laugh at your expression no matter what emotion is displayed, be it surprise, anger, annoyance, or even no reaction at all. floyd’s gotten to spend lots of fun times with his shrimpy (good. you were getting too friendly with other guys and he’d felt starved of your attention), so he’s happy! on the other hand, you’re conflicted because you did so many less-than-academic things with him in hopes of keeping his mood pleasant and now that you know he was faking it all along... he’s so troublesome sometimes. 
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unexpectedstormy · 2 months
This is one of those days when it just sucks to be disabled.
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she-weeb · 1 year
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reality-detective · 1 year
This ladies and gentlemen is a Medbed. 👇
This will be coming out soon, I'm hearing by June of this year you should be hearing more about these. So watch 👀 for these.
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ask-wren-zhang · 6 months
For your ask post:
If they were ever granted one wish, what would they wish for?
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Sighs in wistful lactose intolerance, "to eat a cheesecake." 😔
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