#im sorry if this is coming off as preachy
stil-lindigo · 1 year
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the candle.
a comic about rediscovering passion and recovering from burnout.
creative notes:
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ot3 · 1 year
omg thank you for being the first normal person I've seen so far about AI who's also an artist T-T like obviously all the stealing is horrible and it's good it's talked about but almost everyone really is acting like the idea of computers being capable of creating images killed their firstborn child
(also I don't mean it as one of the weird AI art bros but as an artist myself I'm just glad that there are other artist with open mind to the concept)
no right like its insane to me to see how many other people who seem reasonable and level headed are falling for the kneejerk response to say ai Isn't Art Can't Be Art ! It's throwing out the baby with the bathwater to an almost incomprehensible degree.
Unfortunately the fact of the matter is that we live in an era where essentially all new technology's first and prime purpose will be for ghoulish, capitalistic, anti-human ends. But to reject any other uses for the technology doesn't do anything other than make you look like an anti-tech weirdo. This is genuinely insanely impressive and revolutionary tech! There are a TON of legitimate artistic uses for AI image generation.
It also seems weird that everyone is delving into this false binary of 'dont use AI, learn to draw' as if there is any conceivable reason for these things to be mutually exclusive? Like, before all of the AI discourse really popped off i was doing some experimenting with using AI in my process.
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the texturing used in this drawing was made by VQGAN + Clip (different type of image generation than the stable diffusion model that is producing most of the AI art that's up for debate right now) running through google colab. I made a bunch of these weird, ethereal images that would have been almost impossible for me to produce under my own power - it would have taken a titanic amount of time, effort, and design to produce any of these through illustrative or photo editing techniques.
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here's a sampling of some of the textures i made. Now I think it would be a real struggle to try and claim that these images made are plagiarisms. However, I stopped messing with the google colab generation for one key reason: i didnt know enough about the image databases being used to train these models. That's the real stumbling block
the internet is CHOCK FULL of images that are free to use commercially and repurposes, there's stuff like wikimedia commons, the smithsonian open access, unsplash and pexels which have free stock photos, etc. I honestly think a nonzero amount of artists would consent to having some of their work used in image generation databases if they were promised noncommercial use of the resulting images, also. But the problem is the people training these AI don't give a shit about any of that. It's just the complete entitlement to other people's work and neglect for creative boundaries that makes AI generation bad.
The fact that people are attempting to replicate the art of living, working artists, or people like kentaro miura who by all accounts were so dedicated to the craft that they worked themselves to death sickens me. And the fact that the companies responsible for this are using that as an active selling point for their product is even worse. It's a pretty miserable time to be an artist, and this is just the icing on the cake.
But I don't want silicon valley greed and bizarre, impotent jealousy from redditors who want custom waifu jpgs to mean that nobody who could really benefit from AI image generation gets to use it.
like, my dad for example. he's been a creative person his whole life but it never really went anywhere. He drew a lot as a kid and then went and got a degree in filmmaking. My parents were living in LA when I was born, with my dad managing a filming/sound studio and the two of them trying to break into writing screenplays. This did not happen because they had three kids, and for the past decade and then some my dad had been doing database programming on contract for the CDC. Now, in his mid 50s, he's finally got a permanent and secure position and, rather than spending all his free time raising children or getting PMP certified to try and angle for a string of promotions, he can start having hobbies again. there's a comic he's been wanting to draw for as long as I can remember.
only, one big problem - in 2021 he had surgery on his cataracts and never healed properly. He's got severely impaired vision and looking at stuff too hard for to long causes him a ton of eye strain and pain. He has to look at a lot of screens for his job so by the time he's off work for the day he's pretty much too fatigued to do all the intense visual stuff it'd take to make a comic.
I wanted to tell him AI image generation could help him make the kind of stuff he always dreamed about making as a kid but instead I had to tell him that as it stands, the predatory nature of AI modeling means it's insanely hard to use it without ripping off vulnerable creatives. Instead we chatted a bit about combining 3d assets, digitally edited photos, or photobashing/digital kitbashing methods to try and make a pipeline he could do without drawing, but the time commitment to learn these methods is probably just not feasible unless his eyes make a pretty unprecedented recovery in future years.
Like, that's the worst thing about all of this. The idea that AI makes the production of certain kinds of art more accessible to people with disabilities isn't just a 'gotcha' being used by the pro-AI people, it's also true. I would love for my dad to be able to make his comic. I myself also have a huge string of health issues and sometimes the main thing stopping me from drawing is that it hurts to do so. Anything in my process that could reduce the strain drawing puts on my body is an accessibility concern in some ways. Eventually degrading so much that I can't draw at all is one of my biggest fears.
But that doesn't counter all of the negatives! It just doesnt! Which fucking sucks man it just sucks so fucking bad that we have this cool incredible thing and we can't use it without being complicit in some stuff i am fully ideologically against! As things stand I really cant imagine that 'ethical' AI image generation will ever exist, so unfortunately it will have to be in the hands of the people using it to decide for themselves if they are using it in a way that is predatory or harmful, or as a legitimate tool to make meaningful works of art.
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destructix · 1 year
i think when it comes to art i need....no, i would enjoy creating more visually interesting compositions and making characters interact with their environment as well. i like challenges but i also need to make it fun for myself, it took me a while to accept that lol... so in a way it's nice to have a strong hyperfixation rn cuz it makes me more motivated to learn <3
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vauxxy · 8 days
my camp half blood oc ^_^
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her name is odette van schmidt and she’s a child of dionysus 😇
her story is actually rlly funny tbh. makes me crack up a bit. so here it is
basically dionysus met her mum (a rich socialite) at a party she was throwing for the opening of an art gallery, and it was getting late so everyone was going home. odettes mum looked over at dionysus and was like ‘omfg these old geezers r soooo boring. wanna hit the club?’ and dionysus was like ‘have my baby’ SO SHE DID.
9 months later she gave birth to odette van schmidt: the lying, unstable (possible future addict), drama queen JOY of dionysus.
by the time odette turned 14, her mum was like ‘right. this girl needs to get her ass to boarding school’ bc she could not stop CAUSING A RUCKUS. she was a menace during important parties and events- not because she wasn’t good at parties; but because they weren’t fun. while her mum agreed with her, she had grown out of her party girl phase and had to settle down.
well, odette didn’t fight her mums decision to send her to boarding school. after all, that’s where the craziest shit happens, doesn’t it? especially in new york.
so imagine this: odette van schmidt, the pretty girl with weird eyes and designer clothes CHOWING DOWN ON SPECIAL BROWNIES WITH HER ROOMMATE WHO LOOKS LIKE HOMELESS MAN IN A PRETTY GIRLS BODY.
odette could NOT stop getting into trouble. always sneaking off with her friends, partying her weekends away. by the age of 15 she had developed a pretty bad habit of taking a shot of vodka every sunday morning to get through the preachy ass mandatory services.
odettes mum had enough when she found out her daughter wasn’t taking her meds everyday at 8:00, and was instead lighting up at 4:20.
odettes mum had to call her baby daddy and tell him to pick her up for the summer. odette heard this call, and jumped to the conclusion she was getting sent to REHAB. so she ran.
she ran fast and fast and fast and fast. all the way from manhattan to queens.
ofc odette always saw weird shit. but she just always chalked it up to sleep deprivation, adhd, maladaptive daydreaming, and later in her teens: drug induced hallucinations.
after walking around new york aimlessly for 3 hours to escape rehab, her mum gave her a call.
“hey odette… can you come back home? bc ur lowkey a demigod and I WONT SEND YOU TO REHAB BABY IM SORRY I WONT ITS FINE YOU WERE ONLY SMOKING WEED ITS OKAY BABY-”
BOOM. hellhound right in the middle of the dingiest 7/11 in all of queens.
odette booked it- already terrified by what her mum said, and even more so by this terrifying dog thing.
she ran down at alleyway, hoping to escape the gross mangy dog, but she wasn’t fast or sharp enough to lose it or outsmart it. the hellhound attacked her from behind, ripping through the back of her shirt and leaving a scar that ran across the length of her back.
like that shit was BIG. like, from her neck down to her hipbone.
odette was vengeful thoguh. she was more angry than she was in pain, so she took out her pocketknife and started stabbing and punching that thing away. LIKE. HOW WOULD THAT EVEN PROTECT HER FROM A HELLHOUND??? but then the mutt started chasing its tail and howling like crazy, making it easier to put it down like an old dog.
and poof.
into thin air.
“alright what the fuck”
so there she lay- sitting and panting and wheezing in an alleyway, bleeding out. so she decided to pray,
“god i’m sorry for drinking on sundays! i’m sorry for using bible pages to roll! i’ll do anything to make it up to you!”
“girl, it’s fine.”
all of a sudden, there was this middle aged guy in front of her with the same eyes as her and the worst fashion sense she’d ever seen.
“i didn’t know jesus shopped at h&m…”
“jeez, you sound like ur mother.”
after 10 awkward seconds of silence, odette passed the fuck out. bc her back is a war zone. obviously.
when she woke up the next day, she was at the most rank hospital she’d ever been to. but all the doctors were cute. they were all blonde and spoke like poets and had such gentle hands. but they were wearing the most atrocious orange shirts.
good thing I’VE got STY-
odette looked down at herself. “are you fucking kidding me.”
orange was not her colour. it was purple.
after she got all healed up, two blonde 13 year olds who looked just like her arrived at the infirmary. “hiiiiii welcome to rehabbbbbbb”
“oh my god i’m actually going to kill myself”
castor and pollux eventually cleared up mostly everything about camp (after fucking around with their new older sister a bit more, of course), and proceeded to take her to get some food in her tall ass stomach.
she ate. and then she ate a bit more. and then she complained. and then she asked if her mum has her ‘crazy meds’. and then she asked for new clothes. and then she called her mummy and asked her for new clothes or perfume or anything. and then she walked over to the big house to complain about something again.
and as soon as she walked through the doors, screaming about how she can’t party with a torn up back- she was claimed.
“oh my gods odette. we have your stuff. its fine. it’s cool. you’re my daughter btw. and no drinking at camp.”
“… why would my mum fuck a guy who shops at h&m?”
odette blanked. she wasnt really good at faces. much better with names. that’s what u get for being a history buff who can’t make eye contact i guess.
“… which one, sorry?”
“… dionysus?”
“oh. that checks out.”
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butch-himbo-king · 3 months
hello, here's some unsolicited advice for your sinus infection, pls disregard if you dont want that.
theres 3 things i think might be helpful to you and you might already be doing some of them.
1. neti pot or saline wash. depending on how clogged ur nostrils are, it might be difficult to use a neti pot, but if you persevere doing it daily, i think it can bring some relief. ceramic neti pots are more expensive but i think theyre safer than plastic. you can google how to do this, just make sure to use clean/boiled water. also when ure done, blow ur nose gently and without closing either nostril.
2. nasya, this means putting oil blend up ur nose in the morning. if you google, you can find a lot of premade oils, but i find it safer and cheaper to make ur own. i use coconut oil with 2% essential oil (i use tea tree and eucalyptus globulos) but if you choose to do this, you can just do the euc so you dont have to buy 2. google "nasya ayurveda" for more info
3. steam inhalation, this is the one you might already be doing like when u turn on the shower rly hot and breathe in the steam. i also like boiling water in an pan adding essential oil (again eucalyptus globulos reccommended) off the heat and breathing in with a towel over my head and the pan to trap the steam (this is physically uncomfortable but worth it for the relief)
source: ive had so so many sinus infections both as a child and adult and my mom is into aromatherapy so ive learned a bit from her and also google
Safety note 1: pls still take your antibiotics when you are able to get them!!! these suggestions are more for relief than getting rid of the root of the inflammation so u still need the anti-bios
Safety note 2: if you do this, pls be sure to dilute your essential oils carefully. they are incredibly concentrated substances that can actually do harm undiluted. all the suggestions i made here have been practiced in traditional medicine (specifically ayurveda) for thousands of years and are safe!! but only as long as you follow the directions
im very sorry if this comes off preachy or like im telling you what to do or like those essential oil moms, but these three things have helped me tremendously and i thought they just might help you too. once again, feel free to disregard and tell me to go fuck myself if thats your truth. im also happy to answer any questions if u have them!
i like ur blog and hope u and ur partner continue to do well and be happy!
thank you fr for sending this it’s so sweet and really genuinely appreciated!!!
i have tried the netipot but both of my nostrils are too swollen for the water to even drip into my throat let alone go all the way through to the other nostril. it literally just sits in whichever one i pour it into for a second and then falls straight back out once it overflows lmfao
and i have been doing a lot of steam inhalation with simmer pots and any time i make soup or tea
one thing i haven’t tried though is the oils. i know if i make a trip to my moms house she’ll have everything i need bc she’s also a very herbal remedy type of woman and she has her big wooden storage box of every oil imaginable.
thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to send me a little bit of help this is really and truly appreciated i hope you have an amazing day 🫶🫶🫶
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rei-does-stuff · 1 year
no but LITERALLY the other day I saw that stupid terfy post comparing women wearing makeup to hijabi women and I was like “what in the fresh fucking hell” it’s so weird how obsessed they are with policing how different women choose to dress, for whatever reasons they do it. I don’t understand how they can call themselves “feminists” while also implying that women covering their hair for religious reasons is “oppressing themselves for the male gaze” like can we take away the phrase “male gaze” from these dinkuses for like, idk, forever???? do they even know that religious head coverings in Islam are for Allah (PBUH)? I know I’m not an expert on Islam but seriously they can’t even be bothered to know the bare minimum of any culture or religion other than their own before mocking it.
and I hate how their go to is “oh those third world countries are oppressing women with their backwards Brown culture” and you can tell that’s basically what they’re saying because we all know they would never criticize the Christian fascism that’s taking over western countries, but the second people are oppressed by a religion that’s associated with brown people they alstart squawking like chickens with their ducking heads cut off.
it’s like… the act of choosing to wear a hijab IS NOT FUCKING OPPRESSION!!! AND YOU CAN TALK ABOYT THE ISSUES FACED BY MUSLIM WOMEN WITHOUT BEING FUCKING RACIST!!!!! idk, as someone whose number one focus in study in school is intersectional social theory, it just bothers me to no end how these fascist women will see a white American male senator literally ban human rights and overtly state his religion as a cause, and say nothing about it, but when a Muslim does the same thing it’s all “SAVE THE POOR BROWN WOMEN” and ik you know more about this than I do from your own perspective im just rambling about this because you’re like the only person I can ramble about this kind of stuff to since you agree and understand it. sorry if it sounds like I’m being preachy your post just reminded me of some of the shit I’ve seen and I’m just like “cool cool cool these women are totally not overt right-wing white supremacists, nope, not at all nope no way” /s
anyways ur Muslim lesboy swag is off the charts you should be given free reign to slaughter any terfs in ur vicinity /lh
[I saw that stupid terfy post comparing women wearing makeup to hijabi women] dude I see that all the time and I fucking hate it bc they are NOT the same thing at all. It all comes back to them thinking that hijabs are something the patriarch created when like. No. Sure it’s been used that way occasionally but it’s not as common as they make it out to be they intentionally misrepresent it to make Muslims and hijabs look bad and it’s so infuriating.
[implying that women covering their hair for religious reasons is “oppressing themselves for the male gaze”]
GOD THIS ONE I REALLY DISLIKE bc its so clear they have no idea WHY people wear hijabs. And especially since most people who say this are white and Christian (or atheists which might be worse imo) they’re coming at this from that point of view so they have NO idea what they’re talking about when it comes to that.
[they can’t even be bothered to know the bare minimum of any culture or religion other than their own before mocking it.]
It’s because they see as Muslim as either scary terrorist or poor innocent women who need be to saved for their evil religion and country by white people, really fucking gross
[and I hate how their go to is “oh those third world countries are oppressing women with their backwards Brown culture”]
God yea, they really need to calm their white savior complex for ONCE that would be greatt
Also they claim arab countries are backwards when they don’t know shit abt them, it’s awful
Especially what you said about them never criticizing Christianity for similar views, its only bad when the “evil” brown people do it apparently. Racists fuckers.
Honestly if you’re not muslim or aren’t from said countries where the issue is prevalent I’m not gonna listen to a word you fucking say bc half of the time it’ll be misinformed and or REALLY racist, yk???
Anyways no worry you weren’t being preachy! This gave me a good excuse to rant too!!
Thank you btw, my lesboy swag is indeed off the charts :)
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fairycosmos · 2 years
I obviously don't know you or your personal life but still I wanted to say I felt that same way around people, as if being with them made me even more lonely. But only since maybe a year? I found some new friends and gave up a loooot of old ones and I don't really feel that way anymore because these are people I feel comfortable around, I'm never wondering if they want me here, and we have a genuine connection, I can be me entirely even the bad and crazy. I'm 21 and I really thought I wasn't made to have friends until last year but truth is we all need community, it can just be hard to find the right one. Sorry if this comes off preachy I just know for me that 'feeling more alone around others' was because I wasn't around the right people and you sound like a great person so if that's the same for you I hope you find people deserving of your presence <3
thats wonderful to hear! i agree that im probably just not around the right people, but i also don't think i ever will be. i've had different jobs, different hobbies, studied at different colleges when i was younger, and i never met anyone i was safe like that around, or anyone i clicked with. there’s been tons of opportunity for it, and still it never pans out. i think it just doesn't happen for some people. maybe due to my own mental illness/neurodivergence or whatever. or i mean i feel like everyone i have ever met has just added to the loneliness, been sort of an asshole etc. yeah like i think it just doesn't work out for some people, and i'm one of those. but then for some of us it does, it's a gamble maybe, just bad luck. thank you darling, i appreciate the warmth and the insight a ton <3 mwah sending you a huge hug and also a lot of gratitude rn. x
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the point about throwaway terms is very fucking valid like i am fucking sick of seeing stuff about intrusive thoughts when it is just impulsive like intrusive thoughts are like "what if i poured boiling water on my cat" (not a literal example but that kind of thing) and they fucking suck and you feel horrific not just being silly and goofy
but i think the thing about gen z not being able to define itself it interesting as well because with social media there is no one thing you sit down as a generation and watch or take part in. there isnt really a top of the pops or a similar culturally defining piece of media other than say tiktok. but its also very easy to look at tiktok and see it as the face of gen z when i find most of the time it represents a small demographic of rich americans as opposed to the majority of gen z. like as a British person social media is very clearly dominated by americans
i also think there is something to be said about criticising gen z for being critical of older generations but consuming the media when we as a generation have been constantly harped on for being shit, have dealt with social media and being conscious of every political happening all at once from the age of 12, the housing crisis, brexit, the shortcomings of the education system, covid, and i could probably go on but all before even leaving school? and yet we are the generation that gets the piss taken out of us? like yes we fucking suck but also like come on. im not trying to say look at us we have it so hard because we didnt deal with world war two or the cold war or the 2008 financial crisis or 9/11 but we were also like 14 and witness to war nearly being started because of twitter and laying in bed at 15 watching black people being violently murdered and 16 trying to sleep after being told on the internet that if we dont post about everything happening ever you are a bad person, but our problem is not being able to define ourselves culturally? or trying to find an alternative to the present by looking back to the past that has been glorified by previous generations? like i dont think i can explain how mentally damaging waking up to find out that a bill allowing oil drilling in the arctic which will destroy the earth has been passed but still having to get up, go to school and pretend that fucking a levels matter before having any sort of life achievements is
sorry if this comes off as preachy but im just a little tired of older generations being seeming incapable of empathy sometimes - 🐸
No, you’re right! I mean, it’s very easy for us older folks who have done most of our growing up already to look back and say “they should be doing X or y” when….if that were true then we wouldn’t have “failed” before y’all even came along, haha. I think when we criticize gen z, there are two types of criticism:
1) where it’s just old people being afraid of change. Like, espcially socio-politically. It’s clear that the systems we have no HAVE FAILED CATASTROPHICALLY otherwise there wouldn’t be a recession, so much fascism etc. and it’s time for something radically different and older people don’t get the urgency of that as much as younger people do. Which is a cheap kind of criticism. Like, if you won’t support the kids then get the fuck out of their way. Cuz they’re gonna change the future with or without you. You’re just making it slower/harder for them.
2) criticism that recognizes some gen z movements as overcompensation or over correction of something that we ourselves have tried to fix before. It’s no huge secret that every generation develops its beliefs, aesthetic preferences, political ideals, etc in response to what came before it. Not just gen z. We millennials did it, too. And so did gen X and boomers…I think all the way back to at least the Reagan administration, here in the US anyways, things have been…on the downhill HAHA. and each generation tries to do something about. Then the next one comes along and is like “alright they tried X and failed, what if we try Y?” And sometimes we recognize the younger generations mistakes cuz we have made them, too and we just wanna be like “bro, no, no. Trust me. That’s not gonna work. You’ll see it when you’re older and you’re looking back at the generation after you too.” Those criticisms, I think, are fair. And might even help future kids if they listen.
But, at least for me, and I won’t speak for my entire generation or for those before me, my criticism doesn’t mean I don’t empathize. One of my fav Notes tracks is “People” purely because of the “stop fucking with the kids.” Young people have always been the face of change. They are usually the demographic that votes one party in and the other out. Conservatives always win only when they oppress the youth and appeal to the fear of old people. They’re on the edge of fashion, art, pop culture. So, I know better than to be dismissive of young people! Never! It’s just, sometimes I see the mistakes happening and I’m like “ohhh noooo stop before it’s too late” haha.
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hematomes · 2 years
I could definitely see momoe being intersex! It definitely happens to where ppl dont even know about it or realize it! I like this headcanon for her, a little light in the darkness. ☺️
My thoughts on the show though...oh man. They are very negative so I'm sorry. 😫 You don't have to read it all if you don't want to. Warnings ahead for mentions of child abuse and suicide:
In a nutshell it's some kind of preachy anti-suicide propaganda piece, and it goes about its message in such a weirdly perverse and victim-blamey way. It's also sexually charged in a rly low-key way where it's romanticizing the way these children are crushing on and/or being abused by adult men. Ah I can't articulate it properly but it comes off as so sinister in its intention and it's easy to miss, *especially* for the target audience of, well, 14-year-old girls.
The end was so nonsensical that I can barely even remember what happened, but by that time I was already so upset about Frill and realizing what the show's message truly was that I don't think I was even registering what little plot that show had to give.
Also, as a trans boy myself, I have mixed feelings about Kaoru, but I don't think I'll ever watch the show a second time to let those thoughts fully form.
i just finished the last episode (without the extras) and im gonna be real with u i didn't understand it at all 💀
i see your point and i agree, especially with the last wonder egg & the whole thing with ai's/koito's teacher. i got the ick really quickly but the 1st real nail was the fact that he painted an "adult" version of ai and called it beautiful/gorgeous etc (and said she'd look like her mother, WITH WHOM HE IS IN A RELATIONSHIP......) and i thought it would be addressed later on, but they just. dropped that and then made it worse by saying that in a parallel universe she confessed to him and that he was her first love. without it being weird somehow idk. not to mention how breezily they hypothetized that he could've abused koito hello..... however ill give them the benefit of the doubt for that since it was a discussion between 4 teen girls and one of them did step up. even tho she just stepped up to defend her uncle. oh well.
i think i see their point in the way that teenagers sometimes get attached to their teachers, but it's the teachers' responsibility to draw a FIRM boundary and that guy clearly didn't with neither ai nor koito. im also quite unsatisfied about how his relationship with koito remained vague till the end of the main show (can't say abt the extras)
overall i still enjoyed watching it and got attached to the girls, but it really went sideways with the episodes 10-12. not really sure how i feel about the frill situation which frustrates me to NO END bc i literally started watching it for her </3 anyway
kaoru is... an extremely unimportant character, barely one episode etc and his trauma (and the trauma of all the wonder eggs tbh) was basically overlooked, which is also why im desperately clinging to the queer momoe hc. also disappointed bc he really deserved. so much more.
ANYWAY i was 0% ready for the last 3 episodes, and idk if ill watch the extras bc that was really weird and rushed. i feel like they should've explored some stuff way more, specifically around frill and how she's linked to what's happening. plus her motives etc, bc at the end of the day it's up to interpretation but like so vague i can't even really think of smth that would fully make sense
so, yea. imo amazing start but some very important things were left out (which sucks bc as u said the target audience is teenagers) and glazed over when it could've been an opportunity to point out how fucking WEIRD and dangerous some teachers are and the end was kinda fucked.
in conclusion. hoshiai no sora is better
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meanya · 2 years
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(X) (X) Hey, genuine talk here, let's be careful not to peer pressure people into playing games, alright? Seems like there's a lot more "I'm playing this out of obligation" rather than "Oh goodie!! We've been waiting so long for this game and it's finally out!!!" in these Tweets, which isn't super awesome to see.
I mean, I could be reading it wrong, Ethan could be reluctant in part just cuz it's a scary game, but at the very least I'm guessing there was no doubt in Mark's mind that he'd have to play this or he'd never hear the end of it.
How about we back off on the pressure a little bit? No berating these people with "FNAF PLAYTHROUGH WHEN" messages. I know we're all genuinely excited for this game and I'm sure there no malicious intent in most of these requests. I know they're public figures, but they're people too, and when YouTubers start doing their thing for the Trends™ and out of Obligation To The Fans™ instead of for fun, that usually leads to burnout and all that comes with it.
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sajdd · 2 years
when i was in therapy, i remember my therapist talking about, how despite feeling like shit, its important to appreciate small things we usually take for granted, having a functioning body, having my arms and legs, being able to walk, being able to see and smell and hear, having money for necessities, not having any serious illnesses, and stuff like this really makes me remember and appreciate it, that there's always things to be grateful for
because most of us will never have to face something like this, having to battle a life threatening disease, facing the possibility of losing a limb, and just. the whole procedure of it all
and i dont mean this in a "people have it worse than you, so your problems dont matter" type way. ive always hated that type of bullshit thinking. but in a "youre struggling, and what youre going through is real, but try to keep in mind the good in life, because some might not be as fortunate as you in these regards"
everyone goes through tough shit in their own way, i just think its important to realise it could be much worse for some of us, count your blessings and appreciate them, use them to help and be compassionate to those who might not be as lucky, use it as reason to keep finding joy in your life, theres always something we can find
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cinnamonellele · 3 years
One difference between mcytwt and mcytblr that I haven’t seen a lot of people talk about- I think that there’s an assumption on twitter that ccs being your art/posts is a sort of goal, or at the very least a very good thing. For tumblr, there aren’t any ccs with public accounts, and there’s never really been a direct confirmation that any ccs are paying attention to what goes on. Because of that, it’s really important to ask before putting art/posts in a place the cc could see it (i.e any sort of media share thing, a tag on a site that ccs check, etc). There’s a lot of people who post their art with no intention for ccs to see it, and imo that’s important to respect!
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clockworkfall · 3 years
What's your favorite (hypothetical) animal hybrid? How do you feel about winged sky whales? Eldritch deer camping out in forests that are eons old? What about funguses and moss that are living on their own time scale, and judgementally consume our corpses because they can? Does the time scale of deep sea sponges inspire existentialism for you? Does the lifespan of a rock (about 1.3 billion years) horrify or mystify you? Is longevity worth the thought? Is mortality real because we made it so?
oooo im not sure! of the classics im partial to chimeras, sphinxes, and manticores but i think any combination that is ever so slightly unnerving is very fun
winged sky whales sound incredible and i am a huge fan of them, and i want nothing more than to be in an eons old forest with eldritch deer that would be amazing
i love fungi and moss and the inevitable return to dirt and earth and the consumption of corpses its so cool i adore it and i find it utterly fascinating the scale of time rocks and deep sea sponges exist
like i dont believe i could live that long and find it anything other than exhausting on a fundamental level, its not right, but they experience the concept of time so differently and on a much broader scale. and yet do they experience it? how much do the rocks truly experience in a way we can even imagine to understand?
and back to the fungus real quick but what does it feel like to return life to death to earth again? do fungi and moss understand it? the idea that they could know on some level is wild. like we as humans have such a different experience of living and surviving than the great forces of nature and yet it is almost laughable in the face of how long they will exist after we are gone
and i dont say that to be obnoxious and depressing- i think it is fascinating. that we in but our short time can experience so much and feel so loudly but we cannot begin to imagine the experience of fungi and moss and rocks
i do not think humans should ever live that long- it would be too much. how much agony could a rock be in should it understand the strongest human emotion? how much joy? or would it simply become stagnation?
perhaps rocks have been spared such strong feeling for time. it only seems like a horrific punishment to be aware so long and so utterly aware.
yes there is new and yes there is learning but what of when it is all gone? when there is hunger that can no longer be satiated? it sounds terrible.
in fantasy characters who live for centuries are always fascinated by how humans move so fast and feel so passionately and wonder if it is because we have so much less time than them.
again- it almost feels like an exchange. rocks and sponges have so long, but by our standards are numb to it, which would sound pitiable if it did not seem like mercy. what creature could want to exist so long and have to experience the loud aggressive emotion and sensation and awareness of it all? i cannot imagine it would be as wonderful as the people who would seek extreme longevity would make it out to be
it doesnt seem any sort of worth it. i see the appeal- i would love to have all the time to learn everything i could, but after that? or even when those that i care for most are gone? it sounds awful. i trust the fungus and moss far more than anyone who seriously and deeply thinks pursuing immortality could be truly worthwhile
and mortality- is it not what makes us who we are? what kind of uncaring creatures would we become if we existed as long as rocks? of course it is a concept we have created and imagined, but it is simply the cycle of things, the ever turning wheel of life and death and return. we are not meant to exist as long as rocks, it would destroy us
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youallruinmylife · 4 years
I know this is tumblr and everyone’s Woke. But I better not fucking hear anyone saying they’re not going to vote if the democratic they want doesn’t win. I don’t care whose running against Trump if you don’t fucking vote for them what are you doing? We don’t have time for another “my vote doesn’t count” “I’m sending a message by not voting.”
No! FUCK that!!
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I know everyone wants Bernie and I do too or whoever you wanted but if people don’t go out and fucking vote in November I’m going to lose my mind. I know it’s coronavirus so who even knows what’s going to happen but vote from home, do whatever you have to! I cannot fucking take another presidency from this fucking racist, sexist, lying piece of shit. Yes Hilary won the popular vote so I get it the majority of people DIDN’T want him. You’re right. But if we’d had a bunch more people go out and vote maybe she’d have won by a landslide. I know it’s not fair and fuck American politics and Bernie ride or die or whatever you believe but Trump cannot win again.
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Look around you. If you live in America you can see Trump is not doing a good job. Hell, if you live outside of the U.S. you can probably see us being made fun of or it’s said how crazy America is right now. And you’re right but I’m not here to make fun of American politics. VOTE in the election!
I’m sorry for shouting so much and know that if anyone ever wants to talk to me about anything on tumblr I am still here. But I am angry about this and I actually am going to go off.
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Because I’m not saying this shit for drama my mom and sister might fucking die because of this. Trump isn’t funding our hospitals, he says nurses are hoarding the ventilators, their PPE, he says hospitals have more than enough and he’s NOT HELPING THEM. He’s going to be the death of these nurses. My mother, a 50 year old woman with cancer, is going into the hospital and doing her job as an ER nurse. She could very well die from this. They don’t have enough PPE (personal protection equipment i.e. masks, safety glasses, gloves, gowns, etc) and their hospital is overwhelmed with coronavirus patients. She doesn’t have a mask most days. She has taken over as instructing nurses because they are so short staffed, overworked, and there aren’t enough nurse practitioners. There isn’t order and there isn’t enough PPE. People are dying everyday.
My sister is a nurse at Detroit hospital. She works in the ICU. They don’t have enough ventilators. They give patients 10 minutes on the ventilator and if they can’t get the patient breathing again after 10 minutes the team moves on and that person DIES. Those are the choices nurses and doctors are being forced to make now. ‘You don’t have enough resources to save everyone, so which patient has to die?’ Because there is no option to save everyone. There isn’t even an option to save the medical staff. An Italian nurse who contracted coronavirus was being sent back to work to treat patients and she KILLED HERSELF to avoid giving it to patients.
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A six week old baby in Connecticut got corona and the baby DIED.
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My mom has cancer. My sister is working with the sickest of the sick. My family may be slashed in half over this fucking virus and the President isn’t trying to HELP them!!! Don’t let this fucker win! Don’t let him be the fucking president again PLEASE. PLEASE!! Please please I’m begging you he’s killing my family.
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I never go on here to ask for money. I’ll never ask for money, I’ll never ask for help with finances or likes and people who do are fine but please god please this is the only time I will come onto this website begging, BEGGING, people to do something. Please vote in the presidential election. My mom and sister might fucking die and there’s nothing I can do about it but stay home and make masks, try and send food because we don’t even have the proper material to make these masks. My mom- my mother my parent please guys- and my sister, my best friend, the people I’ve grown up with might die. It’s extremely, extremely likely one if not both of them are going to die. And there’s nothing I can do to stop it. I just get to fucking watch people say they won’t vote unless it’s the candidate they want. And they’re tired of staying at home so they’re going to go on a fucking VACATION. People are fucking flying across the country, they can’t even be bothered to fucking stay home and my family is dying. They’re fucking dying taking care of people who are also dying and some of those people are treating them like shit. My family might die so if y’all could just go and fucking vote when the times comes and never let this man be president again at least that would be good. At least that could make some semblance of a fucking difference.
STAY AT HOME and FUCKING VOTE at the presidential election. Please god please, please stay home and please Jesus please vote please
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elakkval · 3 years
Content warning for transphobia, homophobia, and dehumanization in general.
Stop treating my identity like it’s a fetish
I’m a bisexual trans man. It’s alright if you hc characters as gnc, trans, of any sexuality. I don’t have a problem with that if your opinions and approach to writing these characters and unique struggles are well-informed, or if you are yourself one of these things. I encourage anyone who wants to write these characters to actually ask LGBTQ+ folks about what unique struggles we face, what seem like small things to cishets can be very different from our perspectives, but also please be respectful. Not every LGBTQ+ person is okay with being the ambassador of their identity, and every LGBTQ+ person is an individual. We are not monoliths, stop being so essentialist about us, too. Additionally, what can be considered feminine in one culture may be masculine in another. ALSO, if a man is feminine, he doesn’t have to be homosexual or bisexual! Be respectful to people who are comfortable with themselves!
It’s also frustrating seeing trans folk being so fervently fetishized. I know some of you may think that it’s a positive thing, and I won’t deny that it’s a positive development, but I also want to acknowledge that fetishizing identities ultimately atomizes the individuals in those minority groups, and turns them into commodities. Please stop virtue signaling that you’re an ally when you actively objectify us, which is the opposite of what we want, dammit. We are people, each and every one of us, with unique experiences, but we also recognize that some of our experiences are shared and we can support one another through solidarity. I also think it’s important to share our experiences with people who haven’t had our struggles to have there be better understanding of us. If we are better understood, then we are seen less as objects and more as people, but the fetishization of our identities is actively regressive.
I understand that some people go about this from a different perspective than I do; that the fetishization of fictional characters doesn’t matter because they aren’t real and don’t have human rights. The problem with that is that fiction often depicts real struggles, real problems that people can relate to. People look to characters for a little bit of themselves that they see in them. I can’t speak for all neurodivergent people, but I can speak for myself as someone with ADHD, that it can be very uncomfortable and disheartening to see a fictional character that I have a special interest in basically be washed down to the utmost surface level of their character just to be used as a body to project unique LGBTQ+ pain onto haphazardly. I’d like to reiterate that I don’t think adding LGBTQ+ struggles and experiences to a character is intrinsically bad, I think that this can be a great thing if the author is well-informed and sensitive about the way they approach it, but I do think that cis people do have a habit of getting off to trans pain, sometimes. I also think that trans pain can be justified if it makes sense thematically, if the pain isn’t just there to be pain but to actually mean something. I recognize that this could be taken the wrong way, that somehow the struggles of LGBTQ+ people have to have meaning, even though we suffer without any purpose. The point is that a character shouldn’t be minimized to their sexuality or their gender identity, that we shouldn’t be reduced to our struggles because of our identity.
Hell, I think this is applicable to ANY minority group, really, but I can’t speak on behalf you all because I don’t have your perspectives or experiences! If you want to add onto this post with your experiences, you can. Thanks for reading, much love.
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saintqueer · 2 years
Your view of masculinity and femininity reminds me of my homophobic boomer parents um
ok this will be the last one today for this particular discourse but i'm doing this because i think maybe you are confused and i want to give you the benefit of the doubt
there needs to be an understanding that there is a difference between gender roles, the binary, gendered descriptors, and biological sex...
masculinity and femininity are basically a bunch of different attributes and traits and a whole host of other things that vary from culture to culture
gender roles are when society says all women must do x and all men must do y, all men must be masculine and all women must be feminine, etc.
the gender binary is when society says you must stay in your role and there is no space between roles and your role must be in alignment with your biological sex
biological sex has also been forced into a false binary that is nowhere near accurate as there is a wide variety of chromosomal, hormonal, and genital variance from birth. and, fortunately, even more variety now with all the medical options out there for trans people
masculinity and femininity and views on them only become toxic (like is probably the case for your "homophobic boomer parents", im sorry you have those btw that must be hard) when their culturally defined attributes are 1. demanded of the individual 2. made lesser or greater than the other or 3. only allowed to be exhibited by one biological sex
i hope that this makes sense and you consider what i'm sharing because i highly doubt that you actually think my views of masculinity and femininity are outdated and staunch when i so firmly believe in fluidity and freedom and anyone being able to be whatever they want or feel at anytime regardless of their genitals, their sexuality, or their chromosomes
i also hope this didn't come off as preachy, i know you didn't ask for a gender studies lecture
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