#im sorry dan
ncutii-gatwa · 3 months
dan being personally attacked by the ‘what can i say’ compilation just made my day
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pseudophan · 6 months
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anthony is dead: the funeral roast (paid content)
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zephyrine-gale · 9 months
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day 5 of drawing one dan heng dan feng a day until he comes out
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mushyfart · 5 days
sorry for all my recent mediocre art posts, was drained out of ideas but im now slightly restocked!! yyyippee!!!! hope you guys like this, pretty proud of it
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(based off the phrase "tugging at my heartstrings")
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jeyneofpoole · 5 months
i do want to expound on the absolutely groundbreaking levels of respect i have for terroramc adapting book irving (drowning in pussy fuckboy blond) into a cow-eyed brunet youth pastor telling sodomites to just. do watercolor instead. also the dress (!!!) and the homoerotic assisted suicide were and i cannot stress this enough a wholly original aspect of the show. truly inspired. they had a book written by a grown man beefing with greta thunberg, a cast of completely identical men, tobias menzies, and a dream.
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locamotivednp · 5 days
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god I just
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my dealer: got some straight gas 🔥 😛 this strain is called "🧡" 😳 you'll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
me: yeah whatever. i don't feel shit
5 minutes later: dude i swear they're hard launching
my buddy danny pacing: gay
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philmbro · 5 months
dan and phil, youtube legends (derogatory)
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phil dyed his hair blonde to cause chaos and confusion when the phwedding photos drop. non-phannies will say “ummm thats clearly not phil, he had black emo fringe im pretty sure. dont know who this guy is but im glad dan howell is happy or whtev”
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moonypml · 4 months
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growing up with you has been a privilege
we've watched them grow up. that's one of the things that makes me the most emotional. we've seen them change hairstyles, make mistakes and learn from them, be successful radio hosts, go on tour multiple times. we've seen them discover new music, share new interests with us, trust us more and move to their forever home. they've achieved a lot professionally, but also personally. they've grown into (even more) inspiring people, they've become their best version, they are happier than ever. and the best part is that we have proof of it, and that we can go to their youtube channels and live it all again, learning something new every time we do it.
we've also grown up. most of us have become adults; we have degrees, jobs, or we don't have any of that but are learning to love ourselves and getting to know who we really are. we've made friends thanks to them, some of them are still here, others are still in our lives, but they don't watch them anymore. some people have even met the love of their lives through them. they have improved our lives greatly; they have changed it.
it's incredible everything that has happened these past 15 years... everything we (dnp and us) have achieved. i wonder if they think of us and our growth the same way we think of them. if they get emotional over what they have created around them. they're gardeners, and we're the flowers they've been growing for 15 years. i hope they think they have the prettiest garden, because i do.
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personthattoleratesme · 6 months
Dnp talking about the tackle: a trilogy
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pseudophan · 6 months
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hey remember when they had boundaries...
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g00se-ars0nist · 5 months
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heavy is the burden i carry (homosexuality)
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amid-fandoms · 21 days
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so is jesus in ohio or what
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4acoffee · 6 months
You kiss Dan Heng so hard he thinks he's about to die, again.
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It started out innocent, you swear you really didn't mean to go this far. Your relationship with Dan Heng has never been anything outside of a comfortable friendship, and you were fine with that.
It's only by chance that you find how easy it is to rile the poor boy up. The terribly endearing flush that never fails to spread over his handsome face when you tease him has you in a chokehold, and finding new ways to observe it up close has become something of your new favorite past time.
It's how you find yourself in his room, under the pretense of looking for a new book. Of course he doesn't buy a second of it, but he entertains you nonetheless. It's just by chance that you catch sight of the little sprig of mistletoe taped haphazardly to the top of one of his shelves.
It's by chance that the object of your recent affections was currently standing just under it — rambling away about some information he knew on whatever it was that you had pretended to be interested in.
You hesitate for hardly a moment before slyly moving your body so that Dan Heng is in-between you and the shelves. It doesn't take long for him to notice your sudden shift in moods and pause his speech.
He looks down at you through narrowed eyes. Granted, given his unfair height and build, it would not be difficult to get you to move —but something in the way you were looking at him gave him pause.
You’re much closer to him now, your nose in line with his chest and one hand resting beside him on the shelf, your own heart beating a little faster from nerves and the absurdity of what you were doing.
You can't help the wide grin that grown on your lips when he looks at you suspiciously, it only grows wider when you notice the tips of his ears already beginning to redden from the proximity.
You make a gesture with your eyes above his head.
"Look, Dan Heng."
He spares you another anxious look and tilts his head up, exposing the lovely expanse of his neck peeking out through the loose nightshirt he sported.
You swallowed deeply.
You watch as his eyes narrow further in confusion and then widen in startled understanding.
His eyes whip down to meet yours and sputters out your name in warning.
You smile wider, "Sorry, Dan Heng — you know the rules."
He mutters something disapproving and puts a hand on your arm to push you away — you grab his wrist instead and pull it closer, bringing Dan Heng down to you as well.
He makes a choked out noise as you both almost come nose to nose.
And there's that delightful scarlet blooming all over his cheeks. The one that makes you all giddy and content. You could stop now, you should stop now. Put an end to his misery and leave satisfied with your daily quota of a blushing Dan Heng.
But, you can't find it in yourself to pull away or let go.
He's stopped making an effort to get away from you as well, you realize.
And that's what stops you. Because here he is, - cold, stoic, serious, Dan Heng, — inches away from you, with flushed cheeks and wide eyes.
You almost startle, because it's not by chance when his eyes drop down to your lips, and you automatically do the same. Your breath hitches when he seems to unknowingly dip his head closer to you. You still in place and he notices, pausing as well and you see the shift when he's about to pull away, but you give up trying to be merciful, and surge up on your tip-toes, lips touching his clumsily to stop him.
He goes still as a statue against your lips, and you quickly get tired of stretching up to meet him, fisting his shirt in your free hand and pulling down so you can lean back on your heels.
He stumbles but comes down with you, carefully placing a hand on the back of your head.
You sigh and move your lips gently against his, it's messy, but you enjoy it so much more than you could have ever imagined.
His motions are slow and careful, and it makes your fingertips tighten over the books giving your support when he gingerly curls his long fingers into the strands of your hair.
Steadily, he grows more confident with his movements, his lips move against yours more smoothly, letting out a soft groan when you absentmindedly run your tongue over the seam of his lips.
He pulls you closer by the waist with a new fervor, flush against his body, you gasp in a breath when his tongue rolls over and around yours in your mouth, not seeming to mind that he's practically hunched over in half on top of you.
You nearly tremble with how messy and quick everything was moving, his hand moving up and down your back and both your hands now thrown over his shoulders, grasping at his soft hair.
Your breath catches in your throat when his teeth graze your lips, all too sharp and stinging more than should be normal — you pull back to see the prominent fangs glinting in the florescent lights of the archives — something that was very much not there when you first began making out with your quiet friend in the archives.
A shiver wracks through your body and your fingers pull at his hair just a little harder than before, he tips his head back again with a groan and you’re rewarded with the porcelain skin of his smooth neck once more.
You can't help but plant a kiss to the dip of his collarbones. His shoulders jolt in surprise and you take the encouragement to run your lips further up his neck, sucking and biting, reveling in the jolt that follows and fingers tightening over you every times.
You wait for the warning not to mark up his pretty skin where someone else could see, but it never comes and you take this as permission to take your sweet time leaving signs of your endeavors all over the broad expanse of his skin.
You almost whine when he tugs at your hair to pull you away from him, capturing the noise with his lips again as you fall back into a steady rhythm with each other.
Your more than happy to oblige, this new, feral side of your friend not something you were used to or expected, but were shamelessly basking in either way. Still, after some time, you can't ignore the ache in your legs from being pressed up to Dan Heng in one place for so long. So you pull back as much as you can in-between kisses and try to reason with him.
"Dan Heng—hah—m-my legs—ah—are gettn'—mpfh—tired."
He grumbles and straight up ignores you, continuing to ravage your lips. If anything he only grips you tighter.
Your whine and pull tighter at his hair to get him to listen.
"Dan Heng! Can we at least s - sit down, please?"
You stare up at him pleadingly and he let's out a noise of impatience. Huffing, he untangles his fingers from your hair and curls it around your thigh.
Startled, you can do nothing when he presses his lips to yours again and mutters out a, "jump" — pulling your leg up around his waist and hoisting your other up as well when you oblige.
His grip on you is dangerously nearing the point of no return and it only serves to make your heart beat faster and slant your lips deeper to his.
You were all too lost in the feeling that when the door to the archives suddenly opens, you do nothing but look up in a daze.
"Dan Heng!! have you seen —"
March, who had just barged into the room goes stock still in shock at the sight of you and Dan Heng wrapped up in each other.
Her face flushes at the scene and angrily mutters a series of complaints, slapping a hand over her eyes and desperately turning - practically running out of the archives — slamming the door behind her.
The hinges rattle from the force, the impact is enough to knock the already precariously placed mistletoe off the tape and it tumbles onto Dan Heng's head, — like a little tiara.
Flushed doesn't begin to describe the state he is in at this point. Dan Heng looks close to combusting into a nuclear explosions on the spot. You notice that in addition to the sharp teeth digging into his lips, his eyes have also begun to glow it that way you usually only see when he's in his vidyadhara form. His hair even has has tinges of green running through it on the inside. You wonder if he knows how he was changing — and it fills you with an absurd amount of smugness to know that you were able to elicit such a reaction from him.
He's still gripping you tightly, and he groans, shoving his burning face into crook of your neck in embarrassment.
...what now?
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noooo dont think about blonde phil with glasses that would be so tragic..noooo...
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