#im a failure : ) šŸ‘
princerevelucide Ā· 5 months
my birthday is relatively in reach now too. Im almost 26. Thats disgusting
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A recent development
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MAG 162 - A Cosy Cabin
doodle 162/200; days left - 13/110 5/128
more gerry content ahahha :DD (focus on the nice things, focus on the nice things fo (ļ½”ŏļ¹Å) focus on ą¼Žąŗ¶ā€æą¼Žąŗ¶ f )
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cleromancy Ā· 5 months
if anyones curious btw i had what felt like a regular cold from... the symptoms were mostly Wednesday-thursday but i had a little bit on tuesday and friday. mostly sore throat on tuesday and a bit of tiredness/lingering soreness on friday. but since someone in the house tested positive for covid im going to assume thats what it was.
But Also. i got the ick way less badly than either of the others which. is certainly partially luck but also ive been yk. staying in my room & wearing my mask when i have to leave it except when i take it off to eat. like theyve both been sick longer and are still sick while i feel completely better so... masking/distancing good basicly šŸ‘
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coffee-bat Ā· 7 months
im still so omggggggg over the springlock scene
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pepprs Ā· 9 months
girls who slam themselves in the 3x meta psychic prison. mutuals my mother straight up does not love or see or understand me and never did. when the pain is unending šŸ˜
ā€‹ok yeah. i wasnā€™t going to write about it bc itā€™s deeply embarrsssing on multiple levels but like. i watched the childhood video tapes. except i couldnā€™t get the one from the first 2 months of my sisterā€™s and my life(s) to work so i watched one from when we were 4 and our brother was less than a year old. and mutualsā€¦ in SO many of the clips sheā€™s filming him and only him trying to get him to bounce and shit snd i ask for her to turn the camera on me so she can see me dancing or i can show her the picture i drew for her or ask her a question or share a thought and likeā€¦ yes i was an annoying feisty bossy attention seeking 4 year old with a horrible bowl cut. but i was 4. and i just wanted my mom to listen to me and look at me. and she was dismissive to me in the videos like not outright cruel but exasperated with me for constantly trying to stick my head into the shot and asking for her attention. and when she would say ā€œnot now tessā€ or ā€œtess youā€™re blocking himā€ etc etc i apologized for it and that part was sad too. idk. all of it was sad. i knew watching this shit that i was probably gonna stir stuff up which would be dangerous esp bc i donā€™t have therapy until the end of the month and i did stir things up just in watching the documented footage of it. i wish it was safe to post some of it on here bc itā€™s genuinelyā€¦ like i feel like i donā€™t get to say it was sad bc i was being annoying and attention seeking but itā€™s sad.
on top of that.. i couldnā€™t get the vcr to play shit on my laptop bc i didnā€™t have the right equipment for it so i had to play it on the tv. and my whole family eventually caught on to me watching it and have watched clips of it with me now. and thatā€™s just so complicated. bc theyā€™re all adding their commentary about it too and im letting them and inviting them bc i donā€™t know how to set boundaries. and my momā€¦ god. my mom is DOUBLING DOWN on exactly the same stuff she said in the video when we were FOUR YEARS OLD. saying that my sister and i got to be filmed so much when we were babies and now itā€™s our brotherā€™s turn. and i get that. i really do. i know i got attention when i was a baby and i canā€™t deny that. i know it wouldnā€™t have been fair or healthy or whatever to neglect him in favor of me / us. but alsoā€¦ i was FOUR!!!!! i was too little to understand what the politics of attention meant. and it just kind of fucking sucks that sheā€™s holding that against me NOW too (as she said multiple times today / tonight) like saying scornfully that i was always so jealous of him and she doesnā€™t understand why i needed attention so badly since i never had undivided attention in the first place as a twin. likeā€¦ i was a little kid. what did you expect me to do just like magically not need attention anymore and understand that the baby gets all the attention and go busy myself somewhere. idk. i feel entitled / selfish for saying it WHICH IS THE WHOLE PROBLEM like that video tape literally documents whatever mental issues i have now emergingā€¦ like me learning that i wasnā€™t important anymore and that when i sought attention i was just getting in the way and being annoying. lol
ANDā€¦. on top of all of thisā€¦ sitting down with my mom and siblings and showing the videos and laughing over it and inviting their laughter even though it hurts to watch and it hurts to laugh at it and to hear them laughingā€¦ my momā€™s focus in WATCHING these videos 20 years later is almost ENTIRELY on my brother!!!!!!! STILL!!!!! like the whole reason i had the clips i had was toā€¦ idk. trace the genesis of my mental illness and she wasnā€™t even paying attention to that she was just cooing over my brother. and when i told her why i was watching these / attempted to point out the patterns she got exasperated with me for overanalyzing everyrhing and navel gazing etc etc to an unhealthy degree. i fucking give up lol
it feels stupid selfish etc etc to be spiraling abt this and i usually donā€™t make long multi paragraph posts but like. god. this was a mistake. i never shouldā€™ve done this. it happened with the whole coming out day snapchat story thing too among other episodes. every time i dig up a thing from the past that she did that hurt me and try to explain it in retrospect she never changes her tune or comforts me or expresses any understanding or anything. she just doubles down on what she said / did before that hurt me so bad and it hurts me all over again. it couldā€™ve been so much worse and the experience of adjusting to having a new sibling is universal and not a big deal in the slightest but it was a big deal for me. i so clearly took it hard and needed attention from my fucking mom!!! and that wound is still raw and now ive ripped it wide open again. scared little girl moment
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sketchdeath Ā· 1 year
thinking about how i legitimately have a learning disability that was never ever caught despite [insert all the horrors] and now im an adult who has barely an elementary school childs basic grasp of math šŸ˜šŸ¤Øā€¼ļøšŸ‘
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dragonflute Ā· 8 months
once again at that point in the semester where i need someone to hit me over the head to get me to sit down and work on an essay
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myriadwaysthatiluvu Ā· 11 months
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job interview AND dmv test tomorrow
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dragpinkman Ā· 1 year
wait the pomodoro technique for homework is actually great why did i never try this
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the-kipsabian Ā· 2 years
i wrote 86 words today, briniging a three day total to. 900 words. out of 5000 i should have together by the end of today
maybe this was a bad idea lmao
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nagitoedit Ā· 8 months
me when im making progress and being productive but in the wrong way. #doomed
i need to do hw. im cleaning my closet finally after years. but hey ive found some of my missing clothes and cleaned up and organized a little bit. still not what i should be doing though.
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nureyev-steel-institute Ā· 10 months
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Oh someone found the andreil love letters fic and is being adorable in the comments alert
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I lost a kahoot im being boiled alive
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naes-dairy Ā· 2 years
I think the thing that affected me the most as a kid (and considering that I'm still a kid.. I think this sounds bad) is the fact that my parents wouldn't believe me whenever I cried.
I have to think about this.. I don't really want to specify anything like who or why, but...
since they were 'crocodile tears' and I wasn't pouring my eyes out I was obviously faking it.
It just hurt me so much.. and still hurts.
I think it's the reason why I get so scared when someone thinks I'm lying when I'm telling the truth. Mainly a close person too.
I just feel... I don't know. It just hurts so much and j don't know how to make it stop.
What's worse is that my behaviour is just self destructive so I end up proving everyone else right... I wish I could just do better.
be better.
but now, that's just wishful thinking..
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