#ily thank you i'm SORRY this turned into such a monster!
meaningofaeons · 1 year
I am here w your svarog rec!!
Reader n clara are playing and one of them like, falls or something and gets rlly lightly hurt and just,,, his reaction to that
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ a small trip
⊹ character(s) - svarog ⊹ word count - 1.2k ⊹ notes - gn!reader, reader is implied to be a fighter/be close with svarog and clara, sugary sweet tooth-melting fluff
🍓ANON HI!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SATING MY DESIRE TO WRITE FOR SVAROG !!!!! I really like him a lot he is so sweet <3 ILY TY FOR REQUESTING ( ↀДↀ)✧
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"Bio heat reaction detected — Identifying bio information... Identification result: Y/N. — Hostility level: None. What can I do for you, Y/N?"
That familiar robotic tone greeted you as soon as you had made your way into Svarog's base camp, spotting the glowing red eye you had grown accustomed to.
The robot awaited you and Clara at the top of the steps, and you gently eased the small girl up, giving Svarog a gentle smile.
"Sorry, Svarog. While Clara and I were out, she got a small wound. I was wondering where you keep the medical supplies?"
"Y/N, I'm fine..." the young girl whined, clutching to your hand for a moment longer before walking over to give Svarog a greeting hug (which was really more of her latching onto his leg).
You nodded kindly.
"I know, dear. But if you don't get it looked at, it could get worse. We don't want that, do we?"
Then, you turned your attention to the robotic man.
"She really is fine, but she had quite the tumble, to be honest. Her knee has a slight scrape. Could you show us inside?"
"What happened?" Svarog's head tilted.
"Some Fragmentum monsters appeared out of nowhere. It was just in the scramble to find a hiding place. We're both okay."
"What of the condition of the monsters that encroached on your time together? Where are they found?"
You chuckled. Although his voice was as computerized as ever, you could hear the barest hint of protectiveness seep in every now and then—something that should be impossible, yet, here you were.
"Not to worry. I took care of them before we returned. Clara managed to find somewhere to hide in the scuffle."
"Understood. Come along, Clara."
"But what about Y/N?!" Clara burst out, tears threatening to fill her red eyes as she clutched onto Svarog's pantleg and tugged him back before he could walk away. "They tripped too!"
"Ah, nonsense!" you hurried, laughing nervously. "I'm really all right. I didn't get any injuries from it."
"But if I need to get checked out, you should too! Just in case!"
Children sure are stubborn these days.
You shook your head in resignment, turning again to the tall robot as he scooped Clara into his arm.
"Do you mind if I impose?"
"You are not someone capable of imposing. You are always welcome in our camp," Svarog answered surely, without leaving space for a single question or protest. He moved towards you, offering one hand while his other was occupied holding Clara.
You took it graciously, heading into the small mansion that was Svarog's home.
"Not someone capable of imposing, hmm... Is that all part of your calculations too?" you nudged him as you made your way through the halls, going to the makeshift infirmary set up in the back corner of the estate.
You chuckled lightly. Stoic as always. Then again, he is a robot.
"What if I defected, became a vagrant and went to steal your stockpiled goods for whatever reason?"
"Calculating — Rate of trust towards Y/N exceeds that of the average human. Probability of betrayal, defection, or otherwise malintent: 0.00%. Result identical to previous fifteen calculated results. Existing data will temporarily not be altered."
Your eyes widened a bit of that, and you raised a brow.
"Clara, have you asked him such a thing before?"
"No, I haven't..." she trailed off. You turn to Svarog.
"So, you think about me often, do you?" you teased lightly, knowing the robot would have some sort of calculative response to that.
Svarog did not respond.
In the moment, you shrugged it off, but something tickled the back of your mind about the way he remained silent.
Was there really a way to calculate such a thing with pure logic?
You chose to shove the thought from your mind for now.
Svarog gently sat Clara on the examination table, gathering bandages and ointment. He placed them on the table beside you, standing back and allowing you to gently patch up the small girl's leg.
As soon as you finished, the girl had hopped up at once, hugging you and Svarog lightly as she went to the door.
"I'm going to go check on Pascal. Bye, Mr. Svarog! Bye, Y/N!"
You waved her off with a smile, sighing as you leaned against the wall.
"Please sit on the examination table, Y/N."
The computerized voice cut through your thoughts, and you eyed Svarog, who was very pointedly staring at your knee. You chuckled nervously, waving your arms again.
"Svarog, like I said, I'm fine. I didn't trip that hard—"
"According to observational results, you have a mild limp and a tremble in your left leg. Probability of injury: 96.38%. Probability of injury exceeding average standard of human pain tolerance: 47.92%. Probability of—"
"Okay, okay, I get it!" you huffed, tossing yourself onto the examination table and lifting up your pantleg. Though the gash in your knee was nothing life-threatening even if infection were to encroach, it did hurt, and nothing escaped Svarog's observational eye.
"See? Nothing too bad. I can take care of it myself back home, you don't need to worry."
"I will treat it."
"Svarog!" you exclaimed as he took the ointment in his large, metallic hand, applying a generous amount. "I really am okay!"
"Clara is worried for your well-being. As am I." The second part of his sentence made you shut up just a bit. That is, until he started rambling again. "Probability of Clara's mental well-being declining as a result of Y/N's injured knee — 93.49%—"
"I got it with the calculations! Just... do what you gotta do," you relented at last, allowing the robot to finish dressing your wound and bandaging you up at remarkable speeds.
Honestly, with how large his hands are, you weren't sure if he'd be up for it. Still, he did a decent job. Better than decent, really.
"Are medical skills also ingrained somewhere in that big computer-like database of yours?"
"I can access all databases relative to Belobog. As there are records of accurate and efficient medical care, I am able to perform these according to written instruction."
"Hmm... Well, thank you, regardless."
"You have my appreciation as well, Y/N, for assisting Clara. It would be appreciated if you would look after her in the future, as well."
You laughed lightly.
"Is that even a question? I'll always be there for you and Clara. No need to worry. Though, I'm sure you'd be able to demolish anyone that threatens Clara with far more ease than I."
"Verifying accuracy of claim — Combat systems—"
"Okay, Svarog, just an observation, no need for an analysis!"
"Very well."
By the time Svarog had led you back outside, Clara had returned, Pascal in tow. She gave you another great, big hug before you left, all while you patted the robot on the arm.
"I'll see you two later."
"Goodbye, Y/N."
"Bye, Y/N! Come back and visit again soon!"
As soon as you were out of earshot, the small girl turned to her father figure, a big beaming grin on her usually timid face.
"Are you and Y/N gonna get married, Mr. Svarog?"
Svarog did not reply aloud, but the whirring of his circuits made it plenty clear to Clara that calculations were running like rampant in his computerized mind.
"Let us go inside, Clara."
She only giggled.
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gallifreywhere · 20 days
Gwen in The Gathering: For the first time in my life, I've met a monster.
Was Countrycide really so long ago for her? I'm not saying cannibals are worse than a greedy fucking twisted pedophile murderer, they're just all human "monsters".
I distractedly paused the show on Oswald's bloody face. And I'm sorry but he's not special, I'm thinking of so many other men like him... All the children who've been murdered were told the worst possible things, stuff we can barely imagine. That they were often far too young to process and comprehend.
The society turned Danes into a hero and gave him all that attention he got off on; of course it's just as disgusting to see him on that stage as watching telly body horror gore, but Gwen's really just making him feel special... I feel like it's unfair to all those other poor, poor children. Thinking particularly of "Sweet" Fanny Adams atm. So many kids.... Danes ain't special and *welsh accent* for the love of god Gwen stop telling him he is. (ILY though you go girl.)
Right sorry thanks for coming to my TED talk😅
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aclosetfan · 2 years
"be more careful next time. i don't want to bandage you up again" buttercup taking care of bubbles (or blossom) after a monster fight? just butters showing her love for her sisters through acts of service. thanks ily ‹3
haha, hey anon, we both agree "time" is just a concept, right? sorry it took so long :(
If you forgot this prompt is for this ask game!
content warning: vague body horror/gore, major character death (sorta?)
a/n: experimenting with writing styles, the pacing isn’t my norm.
"You know, forget what that huffy college advisor said, I think you'd make a great nurse!" Bubbles chirped, trying to break the nearly suffocating silence. It hung so heavy around the two of them, it felt as if someone or something was sitting on her chest, force feeding guilt and anxiety straight down her throat.
Silence aside, Bubbles was only telling the truth. First-aid was something Buttercup was apt at doing, given all the fights she had been in, and really, honestly, she should have been doing it professionally, if she didn’t have such lousy bedside manners.
Buttercup's jaw clenched and her nostrils flared as she spat out through gritted teeth, "shut up."
"I'm serious!" Bubbles protested, "Really, honestly, Butters, you'd make a great nurse."
Buttercup slammed a roll of bandages down on the tray beside her and shoot up out of her seat. She walked a few feet away and kicked over another freestanding tray, spilling its contents onto the ground.
"You know damn well that isn't what I meant!" Buttercup seethed, turning around to point a shaky finger at her.
Bubbles didn't even flinch. She sat still, taking in the angry flush running across her sister's face and the fire in her eyes before deflating.
"I know," She whispered, "I know it isn't."
Bubbles let her gaze drop to her hands. They were wrapped up in gauze, just like most of the rest of her body, making her look like some modern day mummy. If she had been human, she would have been dead, but Chemical-X, that wonderful, mysterious chemical, was one heck of a life saver! Her skin was still healing, however, burnt, bubbling, and smelling of rot and decay.
It was so...strange, how bullets bounced off her, but still left bruises, and acid did nothing to her body, but still stung, and lava was like water, but still burnt, and the sun's rays only left cumbersome sunburns, but HIM's mist, at least, in that moment, when she had lunged towards Blossom before her sister had disappeared into that dark red haze, had felt like nothing, and yet, had left her body almost beyond repair.
Her bandages were neat and tidy, Buttercup made sure of that everyday when they needed changing. The Professor had offered to do it, but her sister had insisted, and Bubbles preferred it that way. She could deal with Buttercup's anger, but the distraught, broken look in the Professor's eyes was too much to bear. It only reminded her of the things she'd rather forget, of her failures, of Blossom. Not that she was having any trouble remembering on her own.
She felt a crying sensation behind her eyes start to swell, closing her throat and stuffing up her nose, but no tears came out. She had no more to spare. It was almost a miracle. Her, Bubbles Utonium, had no more tears to spare.
For what it was worth, she gave it her best try.
Dry, heaving sobs echoed throughout the lab-turned-med bay, and Bubbles wished she could stop. It hurt to cry, but everything hurt, so it didn't make much of a difference.
"I'm sorry," She choked, sounding almost as desperate, but more borderline hysterical, "I'm so, so sorry! She—she was right there! She was right there!"
"Bubbles, wait, don't," Buttercup pleaded desperately, "don't cry."
"She's gone!" She wailed over Buttercup’s protests, thrashing around and pulling on her IVs, "She's gone! And it's all my fault!"
Firm hands carefully clutched her own, keeping her still. "Stop," Buttercup ordered, "stop. You're going to hurt yourself."
"What's that matter!" She hissed, "What does any of it matter!"
“I’ll get her back!” Buttercup yelled, her voice cracking, “I promise! I’ll get her back, now, please! Stop!” 
“How!” Bubbles cried back, “How! She’s gone! I killed her!”
“I don’t know!” She shouted, her eyes shiny. Buttercup sunk down into a squat, and when she spoke again, her words came out around a half-formed sob, “I don’t know.” Buttercup cradled her head, “I almost lost both of you, please, just, please be more careful, okay? I can’t—I don’t want to bandage you up again.”
“Please,” Her sister begged, speaking into her hands.
They sat there in silence as Bubbles observed Buttercup, realizing for the first time, that the toughest out of all of them, the doer, was unable to do anything at all but fix her bandages. Her perfectly wrapped, clean bandages. It was only then that Bubbles felt her heart fill with something she had thought died along with Blossom. 
It felt like love. It felt like hope. Whatever it was, she clung to it.
“Okay,” Bubbles agreed after another long, painful silence, punctuated only by Buttercup’s quiet sobs. “I’ll be more careful.”
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skeletonscribbles · 6 years
📂 📂 📂
hello my darling!! I know you’ve given me three but I wanna toss out just one longer little thing for you this time, ok? I’ll make up the other two to you somehow.
today I was thinking about how Richie and Eddie might have met if they’d gone to different colleges in the same area
and I imagined Richie somewhere sort of grassroots…liberal arts for sure, with a clear divide between people who talk about Nietzsche in the dining halls and people who laugh at the people who talk about Nietzsche in the dining halls (Richie is the latter). everyone’s on some kind of drug
versus Eddie’s somewhere more preppy. he’s a hardworking boy at a school that values hard work. he’s not always happy with it, but his mother Approves, so he stays.
there are a couple different colleges in this specific geographic area. one of the special benefits of attending college in this area is that there are classes you can take on other nearby campuses
so come second semester junior year, Eddie’s panicking about not fulfilling his arts pre-req yet, and his advisor’s like “look buddy. you need to calm down. take a class off-campus maybe. how about this one.” the guy chooses a course randomly from Richie’s college’s course catalog. it’s playwriting.
Eddie doesn’t know SHIT about playwriting.
his advisor signs him up anyway.
Eddie almost has a nervous breakdown taking the bus over to this other school. he’s never taken a class off campus before - what if these students are crazy? what if he gets lost? what if he gets laughed at
he does get lost, but he doesn’t get laughed at. he bumps into a really cool red-headed girl who so happens to be going to the same building as him, and they walk together.
once he’s settled and introductions are made, Eddie’s relieved to find that he’s not the only off-campus person in the class. there’s another kid from the nearby state school. his name is Ben, and he’s very friendly. Eddie sits with him
they learn on that first day that their capstone project for the class is going to be to collaborate with two other classes that run concurrent to their own class. they’re each going to write a play, and then the plays will be given to the Directing I and Acting II students to be produced properly
Eddie promptly forgets about that project, because it’s not happening for another two months
he finds, though, that he really likes playwriting. more than that: he’s GOOD at playwriting. it’s a place to put all of the stress and anxiety and general helplessness that consumes him on a regular basis…and it turns out that all of those things make for good, engaging plots and dialogue
Ben is his editing partner. Ben is also an excellent author. the two of them SHINE
and then before either of them know it it’s time to crank out that final project. Eddie’s nerves return immediately. working with other people is TERRIFYING.
Eddie is assigned to write a two-person scene - for one male actor and one female actor. he writes and scraps and writes and scraps…and finally decides to throw caution to the wind and write something based on the disaster of his first and only high school relationship; namely, how it helped him figure out that he was gay
after he submits it and Ben edits it, it’s passed along to his director. he has a meeting with them in lieu of class one Thursday. he’s fucking petrified (what if this person doesn’t LIKE what I WROTE holy FUCK)
Eddie walks into the blackbox ten minutes early. the other person is already there. it’s a boy, with blonde hair and an intense blue-eyed stare. Eddie is mortified.
the boy smiles, and the tension in the room disappears.
“I’m B-Bill Denbrough. I love your p-p-play…my friend Stan is so j-jealous I get to d-do it. He says it’s juh-just like an experience he huh-huh-had in high school.”
Eddie and Bill get along immediately! it’s like they’ve known each other forever. Eddie’s sure the play is in good hands, and is excited to meet the actors - which he gets to do during the next class meeting
and lo and behold, one of them is the redheaded girl that helped him find his way on that first day!
she introduces herself to Eddie as Beverly Marsh and he immediately develops the biggest friend crush known to man
and Ben’s eyes are so obviously on her from across the room, which Eddie’s going to make a point of teasing him about later, but he can’t do it now, because…
“Oh, look at you.”
Eddie takes one look at the male actor in his scene and remembers exactly why he was afraid of meeting new people…because right now he’s staring into the eyes of the most bizarre looking beanpole he’s ever seen and his heart is beating at a fucking machine gun pace and he’s forgotten his own name
“You’re Eddie? Jesus Christ. No wonder you wouldn’t tell me anything about him, Billiam. You knew I’d hop the bus and go snatch him up.”
Eddie is somewhat cognizant of how red his face is, but it’s like it’s happening to someone else. he’s frozen.
“B-beep beep, asshole. Eddie, th-this is Richie T-Tozier. I’ll handle him, d-don’t worry about him muh-misbehaving.”
“Hi,” Eddie manages softly, and Richie’s face lights up. Behind him, Bill is rolling his eyes, and Bev has a hand over her mouth.
“Cute, cute, CUTE.” Richie grabs Eddie’s hand and presses his lips to the back of it. “Hi Eds - like Big Bill said, I’m Richie. Some of my friends call me Rich, but you…you can most certainly call me later. Charmed to meet you, if I haven’t made that totally obvious by now. Remind me which bus is the one to your campu–”
he doesn’t finish his sentence because Bev elbows him in the stomach. it doesn’t matter, it’s too late. Eddie’s already head over fucking heels.
Eddie is now absolutely LIVING for playwriting class, pre-med shit be damned. having a crush is fucking exhilarating, and having a crush on Richie is a rush like no other
(although he gets the sense that Richie’s kind of just…a general flirt, and that he shouldn’t be getting his hopes up super high, but Eddie’s nothing if not kind of an emotional disaster, so he goes in on the hopes thing anyway)
he and Ben are even going so far as to regularly get lunch with Bill, Bev, Richie, and all of their friends after class!! the food at Eddie’s school is vastly superior (in his opinion), but the company makes it worth it
he meets Stan and Mike through those lunches - Mike is directing Ben’s scene, and Stan has a scene that he absolutely abhors, and they’re so FUNNY and interesting and Eddie can’t believe that this little group of amazing liberal arts nerds is being so nice to him
he kind of forgets that it’s going to end
and end it does. show week rolls around and Eddie’s quietly heartbroken. he’s never felt like he belonged anywhere before, and the fact that he only has a week left of belonging is fucking devastating
the performance is perfect, of course. Bill has worked wonders with Eddie’s little script - and Bev and Richie are SO talented. Richie’s on stage talking about liking boys and being true to who he is like he stepped out of Eddie’s high school memories and honestly it’s a little bit overwhelming and it’s really not Eddie’s fault that he sneaks out before the piece ends because how was he supposed to stay, in the face of that?
he cries behind the building for a while. he’s not sure how long he’s out there until he’s found but…he is eventually found.
“Oh, kid…Jesus. C’mere.”
and suddenly there are skinny arms pulling him up and wrapping around him and it’s just like the first time again - Eddie’s paralyzed
“I’m sorry, Richie,” he chokes into Richie’s shirt
Richie tilts Eddie’s head back and wipes the tears off of his face with his thumbs. Eddie shivers; Richie chuckles.
“You’ve got snot all over your face, Spaghetti Man.”
Eddie opens his mouth to exclaim in horror. Richie takes that opportunity to cover Eddie’s mouth with his own mouth.
Eddie pulls away immediately to resume exclaiming in horror.
“That’s fucking disgusting, Richie!”
Richie is full on cackling at this point. “You should see the look on your face, though! Oh, man…you want a re-do, huh?”
“Yes!” Eddie practically yells, and then freezes, because what the fuck did he just say
but Richie carries on like he fully expected that to be Eddie’s reaction.
“Then come to the after-party,” he says, and it’s easy; light. “Bring tissues. We’ll see where things go from there.”
Eddie does what he says, and is rewarded handsomely for it in the form of exchanging phone numbers with all of the new friends he’s made (he already had some numbers for rehearsal purposes, but it feels good to complete the set) and promptly being added into a horrifying 7 person group chat
he also gets the privilege of watching Ben and Bev’s flirting get progressively less awkward with every shot they take
and finally, finally, finally, he gets not only more kisses from Richie, but a promise: an assurance that Eddie’s the only one Richie’s ever wanted this badly, the only one Richie’s ever cared about this much. this is backed up by Bev, Bill, and Stan…and Eddie chooses to trust
so he still takes the bus over to that other college regularly, just…not for class anymore. now it’s for fooling around in sunlit fields, laughing into Richie’s chest as they sit curled into one another on Richie’s newly changed sheets (never mind that Eddie had to bribe him to change them)
and now sometimes Richie takes the bus, too - to make jokes about the “sweater tied over both shoulders types” that Eddie usually has class with, and more importantly, to kiss Eddie soundly while holding up a middle finger to those “sweater tied over both shoulders types”
they’ll be apart for the summer (Richie’s a CA kid, Eddie’s east coast), and that’s going to be tough - but Richie says it’ll be nothing to worry about, and smiles a shark-toothed smile
“Why?” Eddie asks, suspicious and hopeful.
“I signed up for your stats class at your campus next semester,” Richie tells him proudly, clicking through to the course selection page on his school profile and showing off his schedule.
Eddie is so surprised that he falls off of his own bed
(and it turns out to be the best math experience Eddie’s ever had)(but more importantly it leads to Richie discovering how much better the food is at Eddie’s school)(so group hangouts migrate over and Eddie ends up taking the bus way less)(which finally brings Eddie the peace AND the friendships he so richly deserves)
….(he buys his advisor a really nice gift basket at the end of senior year)
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Jesper Fahey taking care of his s/o headcanons
A/n: Guys I think I forgot how to do headcanons
Request: are you taking requests atm? if yes, you write basically jesper fahey taking care of reader after a long day? thank you and ily
Warnings: I don't think so??? Like obv. normal SoC warning but either that that...
(Pronouns used: No pronouns)
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- So it was a long day to say the least
- Not only did you have to do a heist you had to run a million errands for Kaz
- It just wasn't your day either, when you first had woken up you had a) slept in
- b) fell going down the stairs of the Slat
- c) nearly got caught on the heist
- d) got a lecture from Kaz
- e) almost died doing the errands Kaz could have done himself
- you were pissed, and beyond angry; you were mad at EVERYTHING! The world just seemed to hate you today
- finally you got back to the Slat and boy were you ready to go off on anybody and everybody
- you were done, absolutely done
- Jesper didn't notice right away
- because even though he wasn't at the Crow Club he was STILL gambling
- it kinda just pissed you off because wtf?! You just wanted to spend time with your boyfriend maybe even cuddle him!
- (if he was up for it of course)
- instead you gripped the back of his shirt and shoved him off the chair
- "We had a deal Jesper."
- There were a few ooooo's heard throughout the Slat and all you wanted to do was sit down, put your head between your legs and scream
- you were close to doing just that too
- But even though Jesper wasn't the best at reading the room
- he knew his s/o and he knew that you were going to lose it
- you just had this pleading look in your eyes as if saying; 'I'm going to kill all these people, please send help'
- so he glared at the people around the room and touched his guns menacingly before taking your hand in his and dragging you away from all the criminals
- not before the lovely monster shows up though!
- Kaz if any of you mf are wondering
- "Y/n I have something else for you to do."
- You very, very nearly took out one of Jesper's pistols and shot Kaz in the head (Jesper would have let you btw)
- If you did whatever Kaz would want you to do it would very much be the next day and it probably involved killing or getting killed and you wanted nothing to do with any of it
- before you could speak up though Jesper does;
- "Y/n's done for the day Kaz."
- But Kaz just rolls his eyes and starts shaking his head;
- "No, no, no, Y/n's not don-"
- "Kaz if you don't shut up I'm going to shoot you with one of Jesper guns."
- Kaz for a split second looks scared before he just rolls his eyes and stalks off
- Thank the fucking saints, because you were just about ready to lose. it.
- Jesper seems to realize this even more now and pulls you up to your room
- "Darling what's wrong?"
- You sniffle and turn away from him
- "Nothing Fahey, now fuck off."
- Your abrupt (and quite frankly rude) response caught him off guard, but he knew he couldn't just back off and give you space! You needed him
- "Ya, no. Not until you tell me what's going on with you, then we can move on to Jesper will 'fuck off.' Right now we're still on stage; something is wrong and you need someone to talk to."
- "Jesus Jesper! It just been a horrible day!"
- You turn to face him
- " Let. it. go."
- Ya he wasn't going to do that
- Because you looked so close to tears
- So instead of saying something because if he did he would probably just fuck up and then you'd be even more mad
- Instead he just hugs you
- For a split second you tense before you just relax into the hug and start sobbing
- "I'm sorry, I'm getting your shirt all wet."
- "Y/n I don't really care."
- You tell him about how terrible, and just plain awful your day was
- He mostly just nods along while rubbing your back
- But he's there, and he isn't going any where
- He waits till your done talking and he suggests a session of cuddling might help
- You agree and with that the two of you are cuddling on your bad
- That's how you fall asleep
Kaz had never seen Jesper angry, he realized when Jesper prized pistol was pressed up against his forehead.
Even if he had, it was nothing compared to this.
The sharpshooter was seething, his eyes were aflame yet his entire body and movements were calm. Something he didn't see in Jesper ever making him even more nervous.
"You ever pull that shit on Y/n again I'll kill you myself." He says his voice low.
He pulls back his pistol and he spins on his heel to going to go talk to one of the Crows. As he goes Kaz watches them he observes that he's talking to them like nothing happened.
For the first time in his life Dirtyhands was scared.
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booksweet · 3 years
Husband&father! Yuuta anon here I'm so sorry for the delay my tumblr app is being a piece of shit and keeps crashing every 5 minutes 🤡 ANYWAYS ty so much for your response you're so sweet ily 🥺 YES he would be a total DILF I feel like his wife would have maybe 2 kids with him and be like "okay that's enough" but then see him being all cute interacting with them and be like "....okay one more won't hurt." 🧎‍♀️
Some other random hc's off the top of my head:
- Yuuta is 100% the pushover parent that his kids go to when they want something because he's totally soft with them and hates saying no.
- Probably a bit of a helicopter parent too. I know his confidence grows in the manga but I feel like his kids bring out his nervous side more but he tries hard to let them be independent.
- v v affectionate 🥺 teaches his kids to be open with their feelings. Lots of cuddles and "I love you"s (gndnfjf I'm in a puddle on the floor thinking about this).
- Dreads the day his kids start school because of the poor experience he had. Is pleasantly surprised to see his kids flourishing in school and holding their own (they get their attitude from their mama).
- Just an all round hands on super dad. His kids totally idolise him and he gets all teary eyed when they show it.
A/N: dear anon, don't worry! my app crashed too and I had to update and uninstall tons of times 😫 it was a mess and ugh i was so busy these days, sorry I didn't answer you before, but I have to say that THIS made me stay sane and happy because I couldn't stop thinking about husband&father!yuuta 😭
warnings: long ass headcanons since I wrote this daydreaming about yuuta, fluff, grammar mistakes, pregnancy, fem! reader, they flirt at the end, probably very very self indulgent (dear anon you created a monster)
tagging: @iwaizumini @noritoshiikamo @laraazoldyck @savantsoulfinder
father&husband!yuuta headcanons
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First of all: Yuuta loves children.
And when you and him got married, he came to talk to you about having children, your own children and how lovely it would be — but only if you wanted to, on your time;
Well, since you were still new on your work and him as well, you decided to wait a few years for you to get ready and have your own house, your own money and stability to warrant everything to your child;
After a few years, your firstborn came to the world and Yuuta fell in love with her at first sight, you saw it on his eyes when you gave delivered her;
Not to mention how he got when you told him about your pregnancy — maan he almost faint I swear to you;
"Oh my god, thank you, thank you" he would kneel in front of you, head placed on your thighs, hands holding yours. "I love you, y/n, I love you. I promise you, my wife, I'll make you and them" he would stare fondly to your to-grow belly "happy."
Worried 24/7 about you and how you were feeling, I mean, you'd be like "yuu, are you okay?" "No at all, you're having nausea, I don't know what to do" "I'll be fine, I promise you" "Don't you think we have to go to the doctor?" "But we'll meet with them tomorrow..." "What about today?" "Baby, no..."
When you're throwing up, he will hold your hair behind your back, caress your spine, bring you water and some meds, and keep you company all the process;
Supportive husband 🥺😭
When your belly is growing round, he likes to lay next to you facing your baby, he likes to talk to your daughter, even tho she haven't even born yet
"My daughter, I can't wait to finally meet you" he kisses your skin feeling little bumps throught it "oh I'm excited too!" He chuckles, fingers touching fondly your belly. His eyes full of joy when he turned back to you.
"Sorry, my lovely wife, but our daughter will be the most beautiful person in the world." "So you're saying she will be more beautiful than me?" "I am" "You're right"
Have I mentioned what happened when you found out your baby would be a girl? No? So, we all know Yūta is usually shy and quiet around unknown people, usually.
But when you both saw the ultrasonography's result, he kissed you passionately and caring, he hugged you so tight (without hurt you, right) and kept saying "it's a girl, I'm going to be a father" "I love my wife, I love my daughter" to the WHOLE HOSPITAL
I mean each person who appeared in front of you while you walked back to your car knew you were pregnant of a girl and Yuuta loved his wife (you)
You couldn't even feel embarrassed because he was so happy and his happiness made you beyond happy
Extremely caring and overprotective husband: yes;
Hear me, Yuuta's used to help you with home-based activites, but when it starts to feel hard and you struggle to do anything, he literally says "stay there doing whatever you want — on a safe way of course — and I'll deal with the house"
That's how househusband!Yuuta was born;
Pregnancy desires? No problem, anything for you. Weird food combinations at 2 a.m.? Don't worry, Yuuta is here for you and your baby
Well, when you're just a few weeks from giving birth, he literally came home with a lot of toys, I mean, a lot
Cars, dolls, puzzles, balls, anything you could think;
"Yuu, babe..." "Yes, my love?" "I don't think some of those toys fit for a newborn, I mean, they're not safe..." "oh don't worry, our daughter I'll keep her safe, I'll hide the ones that don't fit her age yet." "So why did you buy them for?" "I dont know, I saw them and I got a little emotional and bought, our daughter will have everything she wants"
When you felt your cramps getting worse and such a terrible back pain, you knew it was the labour time and you felt so afraid;
But then, Yūta was there to help you going throught it. He was afraid too, you knew it by the way he held your hand all the way to the hospital, how he placed his arms around you to support your body on his
He hates to see you in pain so when the contractions got worse he almost cried — almost. And all I can say is that he held you all the delivering process, kissed your cheeks, your forehead, your knuckles, whispers sweet nothings on your ears so you could get distracted;
You hold her in your arms and she felt so warm... your tiny and loud version, so beautiful and pure;
And when you looked at him, he was kneeled by your side, he held your shoulders and caressed your scalp with his fingers "Thank you, y/n, thank you" he kissed you before turning back to your child "Hello, my girl, it's so good to finally meet you out here. Papa loves you and your mama so much, he can't stop crying";
Overprotective dad&husband mode ACTIVATE!!!!
Hear me he will do ANYTHING for you, anything so you don't need to overwhelm yourself;
If he was already a househusband, he got his role after you giving birth;
But hear me, hear me;
Children cry so much during the first months of life and they sleep just a few hours along the night. and you know what it means? wheeee you've gotten the worst sleep days of your life BUT
You're not alone, Yuuta is always careful with the usual hours your newborn starts crying, after some weeks getting used to waking up with you just to put your baby back to sleep
I mean, he could see how overwhelmed you got after giving birth and then the bad asleep nights. So how could he not help you on this matter?
And hear me, the point is that after he acknowledged your child's crying time, he wakes before anyone just to stay closer to her;
Well, this will bring up something on the future for us but first...
Since he's waking before anyone and spending the whole night with her, sometimes he forgets to do his self care stuff like... shaving...
Yes... After some nights Yuuta has a that beard that means "I'm not sleeping I'm taking care of my children" and NOW our dilf yuuta package is complete;
And oh god what would say to him when he asked you if he should've shaved it? "Of course not baby you look so handsome" * you wink *
Needless to say that you have other child after this, NEEDLESS TO SAY!
And he haven't changed a bit, not only a dilf, but always that one and only overprotective and caring husband;
After some years, your babies grew up, a girl and boy, they were now children that went up to school and were getting their independence slowly;
You and him were raising both of them with all the love they could ever receive, and there's always more;
You loved to watch him playing around with the kids, you loved to come home and see them sleeping on the coach a human mess of toys, popcorn and crayons, you loved to see your love flowing to them like waves;
And yuuta loved it too, he couldnt help but show your children how much he loved you and them, how much you all were important to him;
Even though you're the one who's always have to say some "no's" to them since your husband can't deny anything to them — neither to you lol how could he say no to you;
And I have to say that he was the one who was scared the most to take them to school, he's so attached to them that he worried about future, about they were going to be treated by other children... You could see this in his eyes, and you were worried too, he saw it in yours.
"They will be fine, Yuu" He held you in his arms, that beloved beard skimming your skin. "I know, I just..." "I know, love, I know"
You both take them to school holding your hands, and each one of your children holding the other hand;
So yeas, four people entering the classroom and greeting the teacher;
You tighten softly the hold on his hand signaling that is time to go, and he nods to you before following you to the door;
"Papa!" "Mama!" They shout before you too can go to exit and turn to them, and in a wink of an eye they're caging you and Yuuta around their tiny bodies, in front of everyone;
"We love you, Mama, Papa."
author is crying rn imagining this can I have his babies please 😩😭
You smile trying to hide your happy tears, and you find Yuuta trying to hide them too.
"I love you too, my babies." You kneel on the ground and hug them tight before turning to your husband. "I think Papa wants a hug too, don't you think?"
The light inside his eyes made your heart skip a beat, after all these years, he still affects you the same way when you first met, and now, look where you got, your family;
"Yeah, I want one too" He come closer to hug the three of you and place a kiss on each one's forehead. "Papa loves you all." He chuckles at them and they giggle. "And loves your mama so much too, even I could explode with my love to her." He placed a kiss on your cheek before helping you to stand up;
You noticed that single tear that stained its path throught his cheeks all the way home. "They are growing so fast" you mutter as you place your hand on his scalp when you hug him at home. "We're getting old, Yuuta!"
"Well" He grinned and you could feel his smile against your cheeks. "If we're parents that means you're my MILF, right my wife?"
"And you're my DILF, dear?"
And you wouldn't expect him all puppy eyes and cute smile to you when he said "What about one more sibling to them? They would love to act up like older ones..."
"What?!" You wouldn't expect him caressing your belly again, like he did all your pregnancies, his calloused hands up and down your abdomen. "Yuu..."
Well, after that one more wouldn't hurt anyway 🤰🤰🤰
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strawberryspence · 3 years
📖 - 14, 73, 76 (If 100 adds up, then that as well)
I'm not sure if we're supposed to like tell the baseline or not? So imma just go with it (you dun havr to follow it tho Berry!)
It could be like The Reader and Spencer babysitting baby Hank/Micheal, and while giving them a bath, they fling some soap into the readers eyes!
LOVE YA!!! (And I hope you enjoy this one XD)
📖 - Ray! Thank you for this! I really had fun writing it! I hope you also love it! Ily! ♥️
Prompts Used: 14. It burns, 73. I’ve officially lost my will to live, 74. Heh... sorry, that isn’t funny, & 100. How the hell do you look so good even when you’re crying?
Warnings: sexual innuendos, uhm ass grabbing?, some red eyes.
Word Count: 1,08k
gif is not mine. gif link.
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Babysitting the LaMontagne children is always a pleasure. JJ and Will is in need of a day away from their chaotically lovely children. Spencer was first in line for the babysitting job because Penelope has done it for the last few months and Spencer owes her a few.
“Okay, enough playing with the paint. Spence, please stop playing with them and help me get them to the bath.” You stare at the children as they paint a canvas with their own bare hands while your thirty five years old, multiphd, genius boyfriend squirt the paint on their palm.
“Henry, enough with the paint, honey. Please.” You pull him away from the play set but he won’t budge, as you look at Spencer, “Spence, love, please help me sweetheart or you’re sleeping on the couch tonight. Without kisses... and other stuff.” You widen your eyes at him and he immediately drops the paint.
You snicker as he scrambles to pick up Michael and bring him inside the house. Spencer is a smart man, but through all that IQ, he still is a man.
“Come on, Henry. Do me a favor and get in the tub for me.” Henry rolls his eyes and you bite your lip to stifle a laugh. JJ warned you that he was going through a sassy phase and while JJ and Will hate it, you love how funny he is.
“But I still want to paint.” Henry folds his arms across his chest, “Come on, Michael is already on the tub with your Uncle Spencer don’t you want to play with him?”
“You mean in a bath with my naked younger brother?” You nod, stifling another laugh threatening to bubble from your mouth.
“Ugh. I’ve officially lost my will to live.” This time, the laugh bursts from you as you pick him up and push him into the house, “You’re too young to lose your will to live. Believe me.” You snicker as he gets naked but leaves his cute boxers on. He glares at you as you pick him up so that you can put him in the tub with Michael.
“Now you can play in here, while getting clean.” You prompt as you hand Spencer a loofa so he can start scrubbing Michael down. You hand a boat to Henry and he frowns, “What is this? What am I? 5?”
Spencer laughs as he scrubs Michael while he giggles, playing with a rubber duck, “No, you’re not but you’re 10 and you have to stop being sassy.”
“Just play.” You hand him the boat and start scrubbing the paint off him.
Finally, the four of you get some peace as you each both clean a child as they were both distracted by the toys. The moment of peace ends when the pizza they ordered is delivered.
“I’ll get it.” Spencer says, standing up and drying his hands before leaving the bathroom.
“Okay, the pizza is here. You guys can eat. BUT first I am going to wash Henry first and then you Michael.” You smile at the two boys looking at you, as you reach for the drain.
“Me! Me! First!” Michael cries as he slaps the bubble water making it splash, “Michael, baby! Stop! It might go into your eyes or Henry’s. Its going to hurt.” You try to get hold of Michael’s hand but he kept on splashing it.
True to your predictions, the water did go into someones eyes, not Michael’s, not Henry’s but yours.
“Ow! IT BURNS!” You squint your eyes harder as the bubble water burns your eyes.
“Michael! This is all your fault!” Henry screeches as tears well up your eyes from the burning sensation. Henry laughs even more like an evil villain.
“Henry! Don’t say that!” You try to scold Henry but thats too late as Michael was now full on crying and wailing.
“Heh... sorry, that isn’t funny.” Henry sheepishly says as his brother wails.
You hear Spencer’s heavy footsteps as he rushes into the bathroom,“What happened?”
“They got soap in my eyes and Henry is making Michael cry. Can you please wash them I need to wash out the soap off my eyes?” Spencer helps you stand up as you try to open your eyes but only causing it to burn more.
“Henry stop making your brother cry and help him wash himself.” Spencer instructs in a strict voice which makes Henry immediately move.
“Okay, here.” Spencer turns on the faucet and you immediately put your face under it, instantly sighing in relief. Spencer leaves you under the faucet as you hear him wash the children, which he successfully does. He brings the boys in their shared room to dress them both. After getting dressed Henry walks back to the bathroom with a towel.
“Here’s a towel. I am sorry for laughing and making a mess.” Henry pulls on your shirt and offering the towel. Awww what a sweet boy. You smile at him as you reach for the towel but he shrieks at you causing him to drop the towel, “AHHHH YOUR EYES ARE SO RED! MONSTEEER!”
You roll your eyes as he runs pass Spencer and to his room.
“Are you okay? Does it still hurt?” Spencer asks, “I am good. It still burns but I am alive.” You sniffle as you give him a smile even with tears in your eyes.
“How the hell do you look so good even when you’re crying?” You laugh as he pulls your face closer and looking at your eyes, “Its still red, but you’ll be fine.”
“What you’re a doctor of medicine now?” It was Spencer’s turn to laugh before giving your temple a kiss.
“How about you guys put on a movie, eat pizza and I’ll clean here?” Spencer offers as he tucks a loose hair behind your ear.
“Spencer Reid, you are so getting laid tonight.” He laughs before giving your lips a peck (and your ass a squeeze as you walk out)
A piece of pizza for each child and 3 Moana songs later, the little LaMontagne monsters children are fast asleep on the couch with their arms wrapped around you with you also fast asleep.
Spencer walks in the living room as Moana breaks into another song number and finds the kids tangled up with you, a contented smile gracing your features as you snore quietly.
He can’t help but smile as he feels his heart swell twice its size with love. Its only been a year, but Spencer has never been more sure of what he wanted for his future and maybe, just, maybe its time for a ring.
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
Requested by @elijahs-wife​ : Hi Ashlee!! Could you write a fic using the prompt "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified"? Sending love 💗💗
A/N: TEHANI THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST ily 💗 I’m sorry this took me a little bit!! I wanted it to be something worth posting! I’m still iffy on it. 
I don’t think I will never NOT be terrified to send something out into the void, so please like/reblog if you enjoyed!! and if you want to read any more from me, feel free to send me a request! I love all our mikaelson boys (except Finn tbh sorry) so i’m down to write for more than just Elijah!
Elijah Mikaelson x female!reader
Word count: 2,970
tw: kind of sad, mentions of being an orphan, not a whole lot!
credit to the gif creator!!
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Elijah stood in the crowd, absentmindedly sipping his champagne while listening in on different conversations. Laughter bubbled throughout the compound at another Mikaelson ball. He sighed and made his way to find his brother. He heard Klaus from far off, bickering with Hope about the dress she had chosen for the night.
"Dad, it's my birthday ball. I should be able to wear what I want!" She huffed. Elijah turned the corner into one of the various hallways of the compound, coming around to see the father and daughter facing off.
He chuckled, "Children, please," he said, eyeing Hope's admittedly short dress. Her hair was curled and she sported a sky blue cocktail dress. "Although your father may have a point," Elijah stated, raising an eyebrow.
Klaus gestured to Elijah, "Thank you, brother!" He exclaimed.
"I'm 18! I'm going to wear whatever I want," Hope said, storming into the party with finality. Elijah walked closer to his brother, putting a hand on his shoulder, stifling a laugh.
"She is very strong-willed, like her father," He said, raising his champagne flute to his lips. Klaus glared at his brother and sighed. "She has a point though. She is a young woman now. Just give her this one night to do and wear what she wants." The men turned and departed the hallway, heading back into the party. Klaus grabbed a champagne flute and headed to stand on a flight of stairs. Elijah stood at the base, looking into the crowd again.
"May I have your attention!" Klaus called out into the large room, "I would like to say a few words about my daughter, Hope." Klaus smiled down at her as he began his speech. Elijah continued to scan the room. His brother's voice faded from his ears when his eyes landed on a woman amongst the crowd, standing with his sister Freya. She was beautiful, wearing a blush coloured, floor-length dress. Her Y/C/H hair flowing down her back in an elegantly curled braid. She beamed up at Klaus as he gave his heartfelt speech about Hope. Elijah felt an unfamiliar sensation in his chest, a feeling he hadn't felt in a very, very long time.
In unison, the crowd lifted their glasses and cheered, "To Hope!" The woman put her glass to her full, pink lips. The room erupted into conversation and movement, and Elijah lost sight of her. As if jogged from a trance, Elijah put his champagne on the nearest surface and began searching the crowd once more. He pushed passed strangers and friends alike to get to where he had spotted her. He broke through the other side of the crowd, looking around for her or Freya. He found the two making their way around the outskirts of the party, talking and laughing together. He took a second to compose himself, putting his left hand in his suit pants pocket. Taking a deep breath, he followed after her.
"Good evening," he said casually, coming up behind the two women. They turned and Freya greeted him with a smile and a warm hug. The stranger stood by with a polite smile on her face.
"Elijah! I was wondering when I'd see you," she pulled away and turned to the woman next to her. "Y/N, this is my brother, Elijah." Freya smiled at Y/N.
"Hello, Elijah," She greeted, extending her hand. Rather than shaking it, Elijah took her hand and raised it to his lips, kissing it softly. Blush crept up Y/N's cheeks as Freya's eyebrows raised.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Elijah said, not taking his eyes off her Y/E/C ones. "May I have this dance?" He heard her heartbeat quicken as she gave a small nod, letting Elijah gently tug her to the dance floor.
"I guess I'll just hang out here! By myself!" Freya called after them, huffing to herself.
Y/N was a New Orleans French Quarter witch. That was how she and Freya had met and became friends. Y/N had started coming around the compound more and more frequently over the following weeks, becoming closer to the Original family. Rosie cheeks and stolen glances at Elijah filled her visits under the excuse of hanging out with Freya. She loved her friend, truly, but she couldn't get her mind off of the oldest Mikaelson brother. He, on the other hand, seemed to distance himself from her after his first introduction. She had hoped that she didn't offend him in some way. “Maybe I’m just not his type,“ She thought to herself.
"Y/N?" Freya's voice sounded in Y/N's head, jogging her from her thoughts.
"What, I'm sorry?" She looked at her friend, confused. They were sitting on a couch located in the library of the compound, pulling a late-night together. Her thoughts of Elijah had distracted her mid-conversation.
Freya rolled her eyes. "I asked if you'd like to come to the Halloween party we're throwing here this weekend. Hope wants it to be a big event, and you know Klaus would do anything to keep her happy." Freya smiled at Y/N.
Y/N nodded, thinking about the father/daughter relationship Hope and Klaus had brought a sad smile to her face. She was glad Hope would have the love of family throughout her life. Y/N was alone in New Orleans, growing up in different foster homes and halfway houses. Her real family unknown to her, she had been tossed from house to house because of the unexplainable things that happened around her. Until she met Vincent, back when he was still married to Eva Sinclair. He taught Y/N about what living in New Orleans really meant for people like her. He made her feel like she belonged.
"I'd love to come! Costume party?" Y/N asked, sipping tea from her mug.
Freya nodded, "Hope wouldn't have it any other way."
Elijah rolled his eyes. "I will not be wearing a costume. I believe I may just stay behind and let you all enjoy the fun," He said to Hope and Klaus. Hope was trying on her little red riding hood costume for the party that night when she turned and glared at Elijah.
"Come on, Uncle Elijah. Auntie Bex is! I even got dad some devil horns that he's going to wear, right dad?" She looked over at Klaus who grimaced and looked at Elijah pleadingly.
"Yes, darling, I'll wear them," He said, defeated. Hope smiled and looked back at Elijah. Elijah shook his head again, turning to exit the room.
"Y/N will be there," Hope exclaimed as he walked toward the door. Elijah stopped in his tracks and closed his eyes, sighing. She knew that would get him to come. He wasn’t as good at hiding his feelings as he thought he was, or maybe Hope was just perceptive. Hope smiled triumphantly to herself as she turned back to the mirror to look at her costume once more, perfecting the details.
Y/N entered the compound, her dress flurrying around her as she was met by a large crowd of people. The sun had set and the party was in full swing. The Mikaelson’s sure know how to throw a rager, she thought to herself. She walked farther into the crowd, her dress and cloak billowing around her. She headed toward the bar, keeping her eyes peeled for Freya.
"There you are!" Freya's voice came from behind her, muffled by the music. Y/N turned and saw her friend dressed in a bright pink dress, star wand in hand with a large crown atop her head. Y/N stifled a laugh at the sight.
"And what are you supposed to be?" Y/N said over the music.
Freya frowned, "What, you don't get it? I'm Glinda! You know, from The Wizard Of Oz?" She flourished her wand in Y/N's face and laughed.  Freya was already a few drinks in. "Who are you supposed to be?" She asked, her words slightly slurred.
Y/N looked down at her costume, and back up to Freya. "I'm Sarah Sanderson! From Hocus Pocus," Y/N twirled in her spot. She and Freya giggled as Y/N spun. Mid-spin, she spotted Elijah coming down the stairs and her breath hitched in her throat. She didn't take Elijah for the costume type, so she hadn't expected him to be here tonight.
He looked absolutely regal in his black suit and tie. Large white angels wings sprouted from his back. He looked around the room while coming down the stairs, not yet seeing Y/N. Freya followed Y/N's gaze and saw Elijah.  She drunkenly put an arm around Y/N's shoulder.
"You know, I think you have a thing for my brother," She accused. Y/N blushed, turning away from the angel.
"I'm the last person he would be interested in if I was," Y/N cast one last look his way before turning back to the bar, ordering a drink. "Let's get this party started," She said to her friend, giving her a smile. She reminded herself to not get attached. Everyone leaves eventually.
Y/N and Freya were joined by Rebekah, but they couldn't quite tell who she was dressed as. All they could tell was that it was tight and it was spandex. The three danced and drank in the middle of the party, not a care in the world. Elijah watched from the bar protectively. Something about this woman was so magnetic, so charming. He couldn't bring himself to admit that there was a flame ignited in his heart at the sight of her. He doesn't let people in. She's a mortal witch, her life span was the blink of an eye compared to his. No, he wouldn't let himself get attached. She would see him for the monster he was. He turned to mingle with the crowd, although he never let the three women leave his line of sight.
Y/N was having the time of her life with her friends, drunkenly dancing the night away.
“I’m going to go grab more drinks!” She slurred to the other two girls. They cheered in response as she turned and stumbled toward the bar. She caught the bartender's attention and ordered. He returned with three shot glasses and she thanked him, turning to get back to dancing. Before she could take a step, she collided with someone.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” She cried, slurring her words. She stumbled back to look at the person she collided with, finding the handsome angel she had been eyeing earlier. He pursed his lips, wiping the front of his suit with his handkerchief. “Elijah,” she gasped, “I am so sorry, let me he-”
“Do not bother, Y/N,” he said, holding his hand up. He glared in her direction, not looking in her eyes. She gulped at his response.
“Please, let me make it up to you,” She tried dipping her head to catch his eye. He turned and motioned to the bartender for more shots.
“Have a pleasant evening,” He nodded curtly at her and turned to walk away, leaving her standing there, unsure of what just happened. Anger flared in her chest as she watched the angel walk away. She grabbed one of the shots that the bartender had set out and downed it quickly. Taking the other two to her friends, she let the music take her away, continuing to party.
The night continued on and the party began to thin out, while the three girls in the center of the dance floor kept going, laughing and dancing. Elijah had kept his eyes on them, amazed at how the two witches could keep up with the vampire. Elijah looked around at the few stragglers left, sitting around drunkenly talking to one another. He made his way across the compound, heading towards the stairs to head up to his room for the night. The music was quieter now,  not as upbeat. Y/N saw him moving across the dance floor and stumbled as fast as she could to get in front of him.
“Elijah,” She slurred,  “Please let me apologize for earlier. Dance with me!” She scooped him away before he could object, wrapping her arms around his neck, not letting him leave.
“Y/N I-” He started, but she shushed him, swaying to the music.
“Elijah I know you don’t like me that much, and I don’t know why but I just want to let you know that I’m sorry for spilling those drinks on you and I’m sorry for making you hate me for whatever reason,” she drunkenly let her head fall on his chest while she spoke, her eyes fluttering shut.
Elijah’s eyes widened at her speech, his hands falling to rest on her back. She hummed at his touch and smiled, eyes still closed. “Y/N… I apologize for making you feel that way, that was not my intention.” He looked down at her, “I just wanted to keep you safe,” He whispered.
Suddenly Y/N slumped into him, dropping like dead weight. Elijah reacted quickly and scooped her up, seeing she had passed out. He looked toward Freya and Rebecca who had already fallen asleep on the couch, snuggling into each other. His heart warmed at the sight of his sisters together. He refocused on the beautiful woman in his arms and began to climb the stairs, heading toward his room. He gently opened the door and crossed the room, laying her in the bed and covering her up. She adjusted into the comfort of the bed, grabbing Elijah’s hand as he slid his arms out from underneath her.
“Stay with me?” she mumbled. His heart softened and he silently agreed, stripping out of his wings and suit jacket. He crossed to the other side of the bed and slid into it, careful not to touch her. She turned to him and opened her eyes slightly. “Will you hold me?” she asked quietly. Tears brimmed her eyes.
He nodded and opened his arms to her, confused and worried. “What’s wrong, darling?” He whispered.
She moved into his open arms and placed her head on his chest, wrapping one arm around the front of him tightly. He felt his shirt dampen where her head lay. He held her close, rubbing one hand up and down her back, waiting for a response. He felt her start to tremble next to him.
“I think I’m in love with you, and I’m terrified,” she whispered into him. She let out a small cry, scared of his reaction. “I’m terrified you’ll hate me for telling you. I’m terrified you’ll leave if we do end up together. I’m terrified of everything falling apart. I’m terrified of people leaving.”
Elijah’s heart cracked at her words.
“Y/N.. I think I’m terrified to admit the feelings I have for you. I wish nothing more than for your safety and happiness,” He kissed her hair and he felt her relax in his arms. She had fallen asleep on him, inebriated and vulnerable. Elijah held her for the rest of the night, stroking her hair and cherishing the moment.
When morning came, Y/N thought her head would explode. She groaned and rolled over, putting her hands over her face. The bed was empty beside her. How did she get in the bed? Her memory was fuzzy, but she remembered large white wings and strong arms carrying her. She sat up in bed, suddenly panicked, realizing who’s room she was in. What else had happened? She concentrated, squeezing her eyes shut.  “I wish nothing more than for your safety and happiness,“ She remembered hearing his deep voice whisper to her before she fell asleep. Her heart thudded heavily in her chest. Had she dreamt of this confession? Did her drunken subconscious trick her into hearing his voice?
Someone cleared their throat in the doorway, startling her. She looked up to see Elijah holding a tray with water, aspirin, eggs, and toast. She blushed intensely, trying to brush her hair down and make herself look decent. He smiled at her warmly. “Good morning. I apologize for startling you,” He said. He crossed the room to her, putting the tray on the nightstand and sitting on the bed next to her.
He stared into her eyes, warmth flooding his chest. “It wasn’t a dream,” he said quietly, confirming her silent hope. He heard her heart flutter at his words.
Tears brimmed her eyes again. She bit her lip and looked down at her hands. “What does this mean for us?” She whispered.
He reached out and moved her chin to look at him. “It means I love you.” He smiled at her. Tears spilled onto her cheeks as she smiled and leaned forward, closing the space between them. She kissed him with no regard for the world around them. Her hands moved to his neck, tangling in his chestnut hair. He pulled her close, deepening the kiss and laying her on the bed. The eggs and toast got cold before Y/N got to them.
“I’ve been wanting this since you asked me to dance that night.” Y/N said, playing with Elijah’s hand as they laid side by side. “I haven’t been able to get you out of my head.” She smiled.
He adjusted to put his arm around her and pulled her close, kissing her head. “You will never have to be terrified again. I am here and I’m not leaving you. You have my word.” He moved her chin with his free hand to gaze into her Y/E/C eyes. He kissed her again, hoping to convey his pent up love and lust in one kiss. He knew he’d never be able to make her understand the depths of his affection for her. Just as he knew he may never know the extent of hers for him.
She pulled away slightly and whispered, “I love you and I’m not terrified anymore.”
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