jfleamont · 1 year
“I'm Looking through You” Snippet
She shivered, despite the warmth of the fire, when she felt his fingers lightly graze her spine; the feeling of his mouth on hers, gentle yet hot, sent her heart into overdrive— a heart that she had tried to protect for so long only to find out she had done herself more harm than good.
The hair at the nape of his neck was incredibly soft, and she couldn't have been more grateful that he had decided to grow it out. If Lily were to pull it, she was fairly sure he would not have minded but before she could act on it, a thought popped into her head.
Reluctantly, she pulled away, and his lips chased hers. “But... You must have noticed. Literally everyone else has... I wasn't exactly subtle,” she blurted.
James slowly opened his eyes and when she noticed the glazed look, his blown pupils - and his thoroughly kissed lips, as she let her gaze briefly drop to his mouth - she felt equal parts proud and scared, still unfamiliar with the knowledge of the effect that she had on him.
An uncharacteristically shy smile appeared on his handsome face, and without meaning to, she mirrored him.
“I think you severely understestimate how much of an idiot I can be,” he said, and the sound of his voice made her want to close the distance once again, but her gnawing curiosity didn't let her.
Lily bit her lip, amused. “Now, that sounds suspicious. The James I know would never call himself stupid.”
He threw his head back and laughed; she would never get tired of seeing him like this and knowing that she was the source of his joy.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, and their breaths mingled as he spoke. “Let me rephrase that: you underestimate how much of an idiot I can be when it comes to you.”
Her eyes were drifting closed, and she couldn't think of a single reason not to kiss him.
“Aren't I lucky,” she whispered against his mouth.
James bit her bottom lip, and a soft moan escaped her. She felt rather than saw his smug smile as he said in a low voice, “I'd say so, yeah.”
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abrubag · 3 months
Homelander is looking through you O.O
Happy birthday @deliciouskeys! For more videos of varying quality click here.
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anirobot · 8 months
The greywolf ate apples in Lieksa, North Karelia!
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Went through your fic tag and saw that you may possibly write a Paul dies instead role reversal AU? It’s interesting because it’s not something I’ve seen really explored in fic. I mean, I think I read 1 in the JHP days and i couldn’t make it through because it was just too much, like the tone was very ~anime~ sort of like how a great deal of the ‘Paul in pain’ fics are on ao3. But you’re a great writer so your take on that would be interesting. What are your thoughts on the subject anyway? I know a lot of people think John would just give up on life but that’s always felt completely unfair to him. Although I do think his grief would look very different from Paul’s but no more or less deep than his.
Hi anon! Thank you for your kind words about my writing :)
I don't wanna give too much away about that story, especially when I've not written anything for it yet.
I can't really say for certain how it would've impacted John but here's some thoughts:
I definitely don't think he would've taken it well at all and I think he was in a generally worse place than Paul in 1980, including the fact he probably suffered from a quite severe depression.
His incessant apparent mentions of Paul in his diary lend credence to the idea he was still in some sense obsessed with him by December 8, so I do think it would take a great toll on his mental health – both as a tragedy in of itself, but also as a culmination of the many deaths he had already experienced.
One important part of the story I plan to tell is how this would impact Paul's as well as John's individual reputations. The question of handling a legacy – as we've been able to watch Paul do in our timeline – is somewhat central. This is also where Linda, who would be in charge of Paul's estate, comes into play: what narrative would she choose for her late husband and how does it impact John's image? And how does John feel about all this privately? How does Linda feel about John's reaction?
My take is certainly rather bleak but I think I know what you mean when you talk about an ~anime~ tone, and hope my story wouldn't be like that. It'll be dark, I think, but John won't be a solely passive actor wallowing – though wallowing will be a part of it, since it is John we're talking about. I also have little interest in writing fics with absolutely tragic endings (and also have little interest in wish-fulfillment stories for that matter) so it would definitely not be a pure exercise in misery.
Also, the planned structure is that it will be about 5 chapters all taking place on the same date, with one to two year time jumps in between, which I think is good because it cuts out a lot of the motionless sadness that might accompany an especially painful grieving period.
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skz-streamer · 10 months
I swear if one more person says I love you to me I will actually fall off the delulu cliff and into the delusional sea :(
Please stop😔 ✋
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postcard-from-the-past · 11 months
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Iltis Monument in Shanghai, China
British vintage postcard
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florianatopfblume · 1 year
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Der Marder läuft nachts meist gegen 02:00 Uhr bis 03:00 Uhr in unserem Garten herum.
Auch eine Elster klaut am Tage Eier und trinkt diese dann aus, das darf sie aber, denn es ist besser, als Wildvögel Nester auszurauben oder meine Küken zu knacken.
Um den Stall habe ich gesammelten Hundekot und von der Zwergpudel Schur Hundehaare ausgelegt und zwischen verdrahtetem Fenster und Scheibe liegen vor den Hühnern gesichert, für den Marder (und mich als Menschen!) künstlich ätzend stinkende Duftsteine (Klosteine Meeresbrise), gegen Krähen und Elstern, aber auch Habicht und Sperling habe ich viel Busch- und Baum-Grünzeug gepflanzt und drei Plastik Krähen an erhöhter, sichtbarer Stelle angebunden, auch Pfefferminz lege ich aus dem Garten frisch gepflückt immer viel ausduftend aus. Das soll ja zumindest mit Rainfarn auch gut gegen Milben helfen!
Ich hoffe, dass der Marder sich so mit Duftstoff, Hunde Kot und Hunde-Haar bald wo anders hin zieht und auf der Nachtkamera nicht mehr erscheint und auch nicht mehr in Hühner und Stall Nähe wandelt nachts.
Wenn nicht, muss ich wohl leider in der Gemeinde hier wohl mal um Rat und Tat bitten.
Waschbären sind nicht auf der Kamera bisher zu sehen, aber auch die sind hier gerade extrem viel anzutreffen in Ställen, Scheunen und Verschlägen, laut Bewohner des Dorfes und sie sind sogar mit ihren Kindern gesehen worden!
#florianatopfblume #nordhessenfloraundfauna #nordhessengarten #nordhessenhortus #juni2023 #gartenliebe #zwerghühner #marder #elster #steinmarder #waschbär #iltis #wiesel #munki #baummarder #stall #stallschutz #oculiauris #wildtierschutz #marderschutz #raubtiere #greifvögel #raubvögel #ratten #wildkatzen #aasfresser #fleischfresser #nordhessischeraubtiere
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thisbibliomaniac · 2 years
Someone said red heart is good for amigurumi, and it's making me gag just thinking about it
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1979 VW Iltis
My tumblr-blogs: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/germancarssince1946 & https://www.tumblr.com/blog/frenchcarssince1946 & https://www.tumblr.com/blog/englishcarssince1946 & https://www.tumblr.com/blog/italiancarssince1946
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spurloser · 2 years
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#iltis #marder #zobel #tkr #fmr #streetbombing #sazoblaze #ljus #shr #animalsinthecity #spurloser #straightletters #mittemassiv (hier: Mitte) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkyLTsyIYXK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I am not immune to fighting game characters
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jfleamont · 2 years
hello people, here's a rather long-ish and angsty snippet from my next jily fic, I'm Looking Through You (which will probably never see the light of day)
(yes, I used a Beatles song for the title again and I plan on doing this for my next 30 fics at least)
Read under the cut!
Lily glared at him. She felt her cheeks flush with anger... And envy, perhaps? Yes, that's definitely what it was. They were rowing and here he was, the picture of indifference, arms crossed over his broad chest as he leaned on the door frame. She couldn't help but admire that about him.
“And I'll tell you one more thing: this scares you, because I don't fit in any of your little boxes anymore.” His voice was even, but his eyes betrayed him. She hurt his ego, so what? He'd recover. “You have no control over this, over me, and you hate it.”
She let out a humourless laugh. “Didn't know you were such a good judge of character... You'd make a good shrink.”
His mask of apathy faltered for a moment, a flash of curiosity in his eyes. “What's a shrink?”
She would have laughed if she wasn't so frustrated with him. “Nevermind.”
“Fine. And you're right, I am a good judge of character. Better than you, that's for sure.”
She knew exactly where this was going. She wasn't expecting him to bring it up, though. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Suddenly, he moved towards her, and she noticed how one his hands tugged the strands of hair on his forehead.
He didn't look so calm and collected now. “Don't act as if you don't know what I'm talking about. Or rather, who.”
“You aren't making any sense, Potter.”
She was playing dumb, knowing full well how much he detested that. He wanted to make this difficult for her, fine. But two can play this game, she thought.
And there it was, the tight set of his jaw that appeared whenever her ex best friend was even so much as mentioned in the presence of James.
She knew him so well. She waited for the familiar feeling of satisfaction, the sweet taste of victory, but her stomach lurched unpleasantly.
“Do I need to spell it out for you? It starts with S—”
“Oh shut up. You're an asshole.”
They hadn't moved on from that, had they? What a fool she was, thinking that James was different.
“Sure. I tell the truth and I'm the asshole, but the bloke who called you a slur gets a pass. Ridiculous.”
“You don't know what you're talking about. It's not that simple.”
Severus had been the first person not to call her a freak. And then, a few years later, he had called her something much worse than that. She would not— could not forgive him. But she was allowed to grieve the person Severus once was, wasn't she?
Besides, had James forgotten that his secrets had become her secrets, too? He had forgiven Sirius for almost killing Severus, after all. Surely he could understand her turmoil.
“But it's simple with me, right? You don't need a good reason to write me off and tell me how I can never do anything right.”
Lily sighed defeatedly. She was so tired of arguing. How had she kept this up before? Was their budding friendship making her softer, weaker? Perhaps it was better when they weren't friends.
Her gaze roved over his features. When she spoke, her voice was barely above a whisper. “It's never been simple with you, James.”
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pso2 · 6 months
what do ppl use to make gifs... i haven't made gifs since middle school....
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pennielane · 11 months
btw I LOVE the Johnny Mooneyes pfp. it's so cute :)
Thanks bestie!!!💖💖
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I can't believe a bot is out-writing me…
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veidelon · 11 months
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
"Actually listen to"-- is this to weed out the Beatles fans who don't listen to the music? Unfortunately for anyone who has to be in a car with me, I actually do.
Here are my top tracks from the last four weeks:
Call Me Back Again - Wings
New Perspective - Panic! At The Disco
Sunny Afternoon - The Kinks
Australia - The Shins
Good Looking - Suki Waterhouse
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