#if you don't agree you know where the block feature is
jmdbjk · 1 month
Not the usual ...
Hate'll paralyze your mind Gotta see the other side It costs you nothing to be kind Not so different you and I Looking for love in a different light Until we find that equal sign ~~ j-hope
I am not sure how to start or if I can even touch on everything that's going on in my mind and what follows will probably be disjointed, messy and all over the place.
When the concept of "fandom implosion" was set in front of me, I was skeptical (my middle name), "no, that most likely won't happen."
Me: "Army are pretty cohesive, we are mostly smart, critical thinking humans who can spot the bullshit a mile away and we are resilient enough to carry on."
Remarks such as: "you don't need to announce your departure from the fandom, just go!" accompanied by "the fandom needs a cleansing" and "slough off the ones who are not here to support BTS" and each time, we move on believing we are stronger, better and will persevere.
Yet, every week that goes by since that concept entered my BTS mind, it seems that there is something else that furthers the process of this *now obvious* fandom implosion that is occurring before our eyes.
This stuff going on today in Korea, the wreaths in front of the Hybe building, the trucks, the relentless negativity supposedly FROM K-ARMY is downright disappointing and disheartening. They said for I-Army to let them handle it.
But this is not it y'all.
You have played right into MHJ's hands in sowing negativity in the general public and korean news media. Most concerning to me now: my trust in K-Army has faltered. I know K-Army is not a monolith, just as no faction of the fandom holds more weight than any other, but damn, these people have the attention of their general news media and now they have to deal with the consequences.
Hybe put out a statement about the status of legal proceedings and the statement included an apology to Army. THEY APOLOGIZED TO US, THE FANDOM!
But obviously, that wasn't enough.
I am Army and know all the details of what has happened and is happening and I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE LOGIC OF RELENTLESSLY BEATING UP HYBE, I am confused as to what's happening. What makes anyone think the general public and news media will dive deep enough to understand all the details and nuances?????
Can this also be the work of the organized, paid antis? Yes, it could, but some of my trusted K-Army accounts on X are also supporting this mess. WHAT THE FUCK ARE Y'ALL THINKING???
Maybe I'm too American to understand the logic behind what's happening over there. Or maybe its just my nature to always think beyond the action happening to what the aftermath might look like.
But tell me, exactly WHO and exactly WHAT company are we to have faith in for BTS if not Hybe and BigHit? Tell me who? Just cut the group loose and then what? Let them get eaten alive by the media, the general public, every other fandom and hater? Force them to focus on rebuilding their own careers? Force them to have to rebuild another company? How does that support them? How does that protect them? Do you think another company will instantly materialize to pick up the pieces? If you do, you are truly living on another planet.
They should be focusing on their art, not on any of this.
It is usually easy for me to reassure myself that "this is only happening on X/social media," and mostly removed from the real world. But not this time.
The most heartbreaking thing about it all is NONE OF THE MEMBERS can refute, debunk, rebut or speak on this on their own behalf. They are being raked over and over again and there is nothing they can do except carry on. RM doing his best at promoting. Jimin and Jungkook just serving their country the best they can. Jin coming back not into loving arms of his fandom but the ashes of what we once were. Yoongi... my god... I can imagine the cyphers pouring out of him this very second... but he must be silent now.
I am here to support BTS, all seven members. As soon as Namjoon's single was available again on the BTS store website, I bought it. I will buy the song on Apple Music and Amazon. I plan to march over to Target on the day of the album's release to buy it. I can't wait for shipping, I must have it immediately. I have done this with every member's release.
I want to wake up and this be a bad dream. I am certain all the members do too.
My apologies for this very negative post but damn, I had to get it out of my head. Individually, we each have a limit. I am going to recharge my BTS batteries so I can fight another day in what's left of this crazy fandom.
No truer words spoken: Being a fan of BTS, being ARMY, is not for the faint of heart.
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bewarethecircles · 10 months
After a vacation in Alpha Centauri, Gabriel and Beelzebub come back to earth and move in together. They proceed to be the worst and most baffling neighbors anyone in the neighborhood has ever experienced. 
They introduced themselves as Bee and Jim, but immediately started laughing about it, so people are pretty sure those aren't their real names. 
Neither of them seem to have jobs, but they must be rich, because their house is massive and they're always wearing fancy clothes, and their wallets are bursting with money. Maybe they’re in the mafia?
Speaking of fancy clothes, “Jim” is always wearing designer suits. There is an ongoing game where people attempt to take a picture of him in any other clothes. One time, an enterprising teenager went so far as to sneak over in the middle of the night to look into his bedroom (hoping he’d be in pajamas), and saw him still in a suit, Standing on Top of the Bed, eyes wide open and Smiling Brightly. (Gabriel has not gotten the hang of sleeping yet.) (The teenager refuses to go near the house ever again.)
The short one, “Bee,” is consistently trailed by flies. This is alarming to everyone. They say that they're a “fly-keeper,” but people are pretty sure that's not a thing. Do they carry rotting meat around or something?
Bee also seems to be constantly changing appearances. One day they have a buzz cut, the next day their hair goes to their mid-back. Their eyes are a different colour every time you see them. People have set up cameras to take pictures of them on different days, and upon comparing them they are Definitely almost 6 inches taller this week. Even their facial features shift. 
It gets to the point where people decide Jim must just have multiple partners, and be lying about it. (“Multiple partners that all look similar and are never seen together?” the opposition will point out. When asked if they have a better theory, they can never answer.)
The two of them will have romantic moments Anywhere, including standing in the middle of the highway staring into each others eyes. By all rights they should have been run over, but in a bizarre coincidence every car in the area ran out of fuel and stopped moving at that exact moment. People want to blame Jim for it (he did make a strange hand movement, after all), but that would just be absurd.
They use the absolute worst pet names for each other. A list of overheard ones is being recorded. “My rotten cabbage?” “My hell-bringer?” “Dearest packet of crisps??” 
You cannot let them notice that you're disgusted by their lovey-doveyness. They will either get exponentially more cringey, or straight up insult you until you run away crying. Or both. 
“Everyday” by Buddy Holly will be audible to the whole block at all times. Do they know other songs exist? Don't they get bored of this one?? Why is it so loud???
There’s a statue of Jim in the front yard. Its 20 feet tall and definitely a HOA violation, but people are too scared to mention it. Both Bee and Jim will come out at different times and spend hours staring at it dreamily. 
People would hate them, but ever since they moved in the weather has been perfect, crime is at an all time low, and there’s little trucks that go around selling hot chocolate, and those things Probably cant be because of them, but still...
Plus, Jim doesn’t understand how money works at all, so he’ll give you $300 for a bag of chips. It's endearing, even if he is sometimes a jerk.
Bee does seem to know how money works, but they’ll frequently pay even more than Jim, especially if the person seems overworked and the place is under-staffed. They say they have experience with it.
After a month of them living there, most of the neighborhood is in a group chat created to discuss the two of them. Beelzebub is secretly in the chat, and reads their favourite theories to Gabriel. 
A rumour starts going around that they're an angel and a demon in disguise, but no one can agree which one is which. 
Beelzebub is the one who started the rumour. 
If anyone writes a fic with any of this by all means tag me I'd love to see it!!
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ddejavvu · 5 months
eddie and v may argue a lot, but the one thing they agree on is making sure reader is protected 🙏 !! venom using his tendrils to pull you the safe side of the sidewalk while eddie glares at any guys staring at you
"I'm a big girl," You glare sideways at Eddie, even if it's Venom you should be griping at for pulling you around to Eddie's other side. You're more than capable of walking down the sidewalk without falling into the street, even if your boyfriend and his parasitic friend disagree.
"I know you're a big girl." Eddie promises, "Venom knows you're a big girl. But that's a big car in the street, too. Even bigger than you. So if you two got into a tussle, the car would win. And then Venom would rip the doors off, and eat the driver's head, and I'd have to change my name and move to another country, and I really don't feel like doing that right now. So stay where you are."
"I'm not planning on tussling with any vehicles," You vow, trying and failing to avoid a man striding down the street past you, his shoulder knocking into yours even when you try curling it inwards by ducking into Eddie's side. The man lets out some scathing combination of a scoff and a grunt, and you're not sure if it's Venom or Eddie that makes your boyfriend's feet stop in their tracks.
"Hey, asshole," Eddie drawls, and you silently pray that Venom is the sensible one today, and that he'll drag Eddie backwards where he's planted firmly on the sidewalk, chest puffed and muscles tense. Unfortunately, the symbiote seems to be on his side, Eddie's veins flashing dangerously dark for a split second.
"Are you talking to me?" The man turns, eyes dangerously sharp. You know that Venom could easily take on any human, but Eddie is notably shorter than the other man, and you're not keen on needing Venom's help in such a public place.
"No, he's not," You promise, taking his hand and pulling him backwards, even though he refuses to budge, "He's- uh, he's on the phone. He's got an earpiece," You fib, "It's- it's bluetooth, he's talking to his... mom. We're going now."
When the standoff has been safely defused, and Eddie finally remembers how to move his feet, his scowl doesn't subside until you're at least a block away.
"You should've let us clock that guy," Eddie grumbles, "He was a douche. And for the record, I'd never call my mother an asshole."
"You say that word about me a lot," Venom chimes in, waiting for an empty street to ooze out of Eddie's shoulder, only enough of his goopy matter present to form a face, "Do you like your mother more than me?"
"I like a lot of people better than you," Eddie confirms, but you know for all he teases the symbiote, their bond is strong, "In fact, I think I like that asshole that ran into Y/N better than you."
"That is outrageous!" Venom roars, and you nervously glance at the surrounding homes, "I am way better than that asshole!"
"I don't know," Eddie hums, "You rough Y/N up all the time. He only bumped into her once."
"That is different," Venom grins, the expression somehow wolfish despite his alien features, "She likes it when I rough her up."
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nvoirs · 1 year
Hi ! <333 I love your writing sm
i have a request for a Leon x fem!reader where Leon finds the reader at a party after the events of re4, the reader is being harassed sexually by a man at the party... (if your comfortable writing about that! if not maybe she's just really sad and having a bad time at the party) and then Leon goes to her and takes her to a private room where he comforts her and takes care of her, then one thing leads to another and he fucks the shit out of her 🤭🤭 maybe you could make Leon dom and the reader sub?
slightly longer than I anticipated but here!
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You knew you weren't very liked but you didn't expect them to go this far. Your so-called 'friends' had invited you to someone's house party, and they taunted you telling you that you'd probably chicken out and not come.
But this time you had actually agreed to go, and so when you arrived at the address they had sent you thought you'd find them waiting for you at the doorstep like they said they would, but in reality they weren't there.
You had given up hope by the time you had searched the whole house full of strangers. You knew a couple of them, but you'd never spoken before so they were basically strangers to. Minus the bedrooms though, you'd made the mistake of walking in on a couple's intimate acts in a bed you were assuming wasn't there’s. And you rushed out face cherry red and embarrassed, apologising profusely when they started cussing you out.
And then it hit you that they had indeed stood you up on purpose, finding it somehow funny. They were no longer friends in your eyes, they were bullies and you wouldn't be contacting them again. Sitting on the edge of the stairs, you blocked their numbers one by one. This block feature was rather useful, you hadn't really had to use it so much.
Your plan was to just leave the house straight away because there was no reason for you to hang around. But the booze in the kitchen looked inviting, and you were reassured by a few girls that it was safe to drink. The girls looked so young, maybe around 19 being touched by older men and you pitied them although they seemed to be enjoying it.
Eventually they all left and you were alone in the abandoned kitchen. Leaning against the kitchen island you took a sip of the alcohol. It was strong and it burned your throat in a nice way. A hand was waved in your face as you raised your cup for another sip.
“Hey beautiful, wanna get outta here with me?” Startled, you turned to see a guy trying to make small talk with you.
Awkwardly laughing you replied “No thanks I'll pass sorry.”
He squinted at you taking in your appearance, you squirmed under his gaze pulling down the mini skirt you decided to wear and tugging your jacket around your shoulders tighter.
What a creep, you shivered as he revealed his yellow teeth definitely stained from multiple cigarettes. “Well aren't you being  a little ungrateful? I'm trying to have a nice time and you're trying to ruin it baby.” His hands made their way to your skirt groping your thighs. You gasped and scratched his hands off of you, back bumping into the kitchen island.
“Don't fucking touch me.” You hissed, you threw your now empty cup at his head and he dodged it.
“Fucking slut doesn't know how to have a little fun eh? no wonder you're all alone, got stood up by one of your boy toys?” He smirked, flipping you the finger before trudging off to find someone else 'to have fun with.'
The lump in your throat grew larger, your eyes beginning to water as you quickly rushed through the crowd and straight out the door. First your fake friends leave you, then you get assaulted and now it was raining and you were getting soaked, your makeup ruined, mascara smeared eyes and red lips smudged as you quietly sobbed while waiting at the bus stop. You decided not to take your car because well you didn't want some idiotic hoodlum to graffiti it.
Flipping open your compact mirror, you stared at yourself in disgust. Was the way you really dressed slutty? Just like that man had said.. were you a slut? Another sob left your distressed throat as the mirror slipped from your grasp rolling to the edge of the road. You went to pick it up, bending your knees when another hand reached out for it. You looked up from your position and saw a man holding it out for you.
He looked kind, but after what you've encountered you couldn't trust him although you wanted to. He had the eyes of an angel, a mesmerising sapphire colour. They twinkled with concern as you grabbed the mirror from his held out palm mumbling a timid thank you.
His golden hair looked like a halo around him, and his lips turned up into a small smile at your words.
“No problem ma'am, are you okay?" You've been crying, I can see.”
“I'm-” you took a deep breath.“Just fine, thanks.” You gave him a small smile, raising your thumb up.
He took in your appearance. “Aren't you cold at all? You'll catch a cold if you stay here.” Was he initiating that you go with him? Because you wouldn't do that. You didn't know this man could be a deranged serial killer for all you know.
“I'll be fine when I get on the bus.” He raised your brows. “So when's your bus coming?” You looked down at your watch. "It should've been here 15 minutes ago..." You drawled of confused. 15 minutes ago? You'd missed it and hadn't even realised. Next bus wasn't supposed to arrive for another 30 minutes.
“Fuck.” You cursed yourself under your breath. “Why don't you come with me to that hotel not far from here. I'm currently staying there and I'll let you use my bathroom if you'd like.”
You looked at him like he was crazy, a hotel? With a strange man? In his bathroom? Yeah no, although your small inner thought wanted to say yes because damn were you cold as fuck stood here wet as a dog.
“You probably don't trust me. I don't blame you but if it makes you feel better I work for the government.” He showed you his ID card for a place he works for called the DSO? The name on the card had block lettering spelling out Leon S. Kennedy.
Now you hadn't expected that, but knowing this information you felt a bit more comfortable in his presence.
“I see.” You nodded at his ID, “So that makes sense as to why you're staying in a hotel. Are you travelling?”
He shook his head. “No haha I've just come back from somewhere I was needed in Europe. My place is being renovated at the moment so I was given this hotel room for a few weeks.” He explained.
He shrugged off his jacket, leaving him in nothing but a t-shirt. It hugged him tightly and you could make out all the bulging muscles he had hidden underneath. You pinched your skin, no. It was wrong you can't look at a stranger like that.
“Here.” He passed you his jacket, stuffing it in your hands. The navy coloured jacket adorned a skull on the back as you surveyed it. “Wear it please, you'll catch a cold otherwise.” You took his jacket gratefully, slinging around your cold figure.
“So is that a yes?”
“Yeah I'll come thanks.” You wiped your wet face, mascara coming off onto the back of your hand and you mentally cursed yourself knowing you looked like a clown in front of this hot guy that apparently worked for the government.
“You can call me Leon.” He said once you both sat in his car. You told him your own name and he nodded saying your name slowly which made you nod your head encouragingly.
He asked the same question he had when you first met. Why were you crying? You didn't really want to explain to him why, you'd look so pathetic not knowing what fake friends looked like and not being able to defend yourself from creepy men. But it seemed as if he had a warm heart, allowing you to use his hotel room to clean up, you told him. You spilled everything to him, and he stayed silent the whole way through listening intently, one hand on the steering wheel the other tapping his leg.
“Shit I'm so sorry.” He looked at you concerned, “assholes like that are everywhere, and you are not a slut or any other derogatory name he called you. If it would make you feel better I think you look gorgeous, in a respectful way.” He raised his hands mockingly.
You giggled, he was actually making you feel better about speaking about it. “That asshole touched you.. fuck men these days have no respect, If I was there I would have-”
“Okay Leon calm down.” You said patting his shoulder, he didn't expect this and his muscles tensed under his skin. Your touch made him feel good, he felt loved and wanted. Not for another dumb mission, but for who he was.
When you both arrived at the hotel, Leon let himself inside, opening the door for you.
“Welcome to my humble temporary abode.” He saluted you in a goofy way, and you played along.
“A humble temporary abode indeed captain.” He grinned at you as he took his jacket back that you had passed over to him.
“Showers just in there sweetheart, you can go clean up.” He gestured to the door to the bathroom and you quickly scurried in there shutting the door and leaning against it.
Sweetheart? A pinkish blush arose on your cheeks, as you got into the warm shower. The heat of the water hitting your cold body made you moan, it felt so good as you scrubbed yourself from head to toe. When you'd finished you started to worry as to what the hell you were going to wear now that your prior clothes were soaked in rain water. You glanced around and saw a pile of what looked like womens clothing in the corner. You picked them up and slid them onto your body, hoping they weren't his girlfriend's or anything.
“Hey Leon, are these yours?” You brandished the clothes you were wearing.
“Yeah they're yours now, had a friend drop them off when you were in the shower.”
You raised your brows. “Your girlfriend?” He just looked at you then bursted out laughing. “Girlfriend? Oh please, you think my girlfriend would appreciate me bringing a pretty girl home and her just leaving?”
“You've got a point.” You said meekly, you were wringing your hands together and standing there awkwardly not knowing what to do. He beckoned you to sit next to him on the couch and you did so. Eventually you learnt a lot more about him, and who he was. Leon was only a couple of years older than yourself, and he didn't actually have a girlfriend. The last time he really had a girlfriend was six years ago, and to your knowledge she wasn't very nice to Leon.
You don't know how it happened or who initiated it first but when you were brought back down to earth you were kissing Leon. Straddling his lap, as you grinded against him teasingly. He groaned into your mouth, grabbing your ass to continue to grind on him.
“W-wait.” He stumbled. “Are you sure you want this? I mean you've been through a lot today and I don't want to do something to you that you might regret.”
You found it cute to see how much he cared for you. “Promise I want this.” You mumbled into the skin of his neck. He smelt so good like sandalwood and lavender.
You flung each other's clothes off after that, having you lay down on the cosy bed naked, legs open and Leon drawing circles into the flesh of your inner thighs. “Gonna make you feel so good, you won't remember this bad day.” He dived in between your spread legs, beginning to lick your core like ice cream.
“Sweetest pussy I've ever tasted.” He murmured continuing his loving assault on your cunt as flattery filled your heightened senses. You were becoming wetter, biting your fingers trying to keep as quiet as possible. The hotel walls were thin. You gulped down as you tried to stop a stifling hot moan releasing itself from between your O shaped lips but miserably failed.
“That's it my darling, I want to hear all the sounds you have for me. Gets me so damn hard.” He stroked your face lovingly before suckling your clit. You bucked your hips into his face in shock, the pleasurable feeling was building in your lower abdomen and you couldn't hold it any longer as you came on Leon's face. He continued to lick up what you had created for him, thinking he was going to give you another but disappointedly pulled away.
“I'm sorry baby but I need to be inside of you now, look m’sore.” He fisted his large cock in front of your eyes. You pulled your hand forward and used your thumb to spread his precum around the tip. Another glob made an appearance and you coated that around too.
“Fuck.” He growled and before you knew it he'd manhandled you into a mating position, the blunt tip of his dick rubbing against your sopping wet hole.
“Mm Leon please, inside.” Your tears fell silently, as he shushed you cooing softly telling you, you didn't have to worry and he'd take care of you tonight. That made you shiver so glad you'd met him as he pushed himself inside of you. The shlick noises of your pussy squeezing around Leon made him throw his head back in pure ecstasy.
“Such a good girl for me, I know you were as soon as I met you.” His continuous pounding made you roll your eyes to the back of your skull. “Looking all pretty for me as you go dumb on my dick.” He chuckled.
You mewled dumbly as he pressed your legs further into your chest. “Gotta get a taste of those sweet lips again baby.” capturing you sweetly, his kisses were addictive. They almost made you drunk, your mind becoming hazy as you felt Leon's cock wrecking your insides.
“Wish this pussy was mine, I don't like sharing.” You locked eyes with him when he pulled back his thrusts now becoming sloppy. The blue of his irises darkening, the pupils blown out and dilated the effect of your slick arousal. “It's your s'promise.” You held back a wanton sob as he sped up at your words. “All mine? Gosh I'm so greedy for this pussy, fucking squeezing me so tight m'gonna come.”
His dirty words were intense and they had a big impact on you as you cut loose and creamed around his cock. “Yes angel, that's right, let it all out, where do you want me to cum?” His words are shaky.
“Fuck- please inside me I'm safe m'promise.” Even as he was about to come inside, he spread a grin across his bedazzled face. “That's my girl- fuck.” he grunted, fucking into you particularly hard, the sound of you clamping onto his dick was euphoric for him.
His girl, that made your touch starved heart beat rapidly as he cummed deep and hard inside of you. You were both panting heavily as he continued to mark you up, mauve coloured love bites adorned the smooth skin of your collarbone. Dragging his teeth across the surface of your shoulder he kissed it softly, still inside of you  before pulling out making you both moan from the loss of contact.
Pulling yourself up on your elbows, Leon's thick, creampie dripping out of your hole messily covering your ass and the bed sheets.
“Fuck, you look so hot think I might have to go at it again.”
“I'd like that.” You blushed profusely. “Yeah my girl would like that? Of course she would. Room service isn't going to appreciate the mess but who cares.” Leon pushed you down into the softness of the pillows before claiming your glistening lips in his greedy ones.
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short-honey-badger · 5 months
Peppermint Tea 11
Alright. So this part is pretty plot heavy, I would think? I hope you enjoy the direction I've got planned, and if you have any suggestions I would gladly hear them!
Warnings! Kissing and some heavy petting? It's not too graphic. Mihawk is sad.
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For once, you are the first one awake the next morning. Your eyes crack open to the delightful sight of your lover? Boyfriend? You still don't know which term you prefer. But he looks beautiful while asleep, his usually pinched scowl relaxed and peaceful in his sleep. You take in his handsome features, to his sharp jaw and immaculate facial hair.
This man has become so much to you in what feels like such a small amount of time. It feels more like you have known Dracule for your entire life, not the measly three months that have actually passed. And maybe you have, the more you think about it, and if your dreams have anything to say about it.
After that first time, you've had similar dreams since. Sometimes, they aren't as bad. Sometimes it will be you and that same young man. He would grace you with a smile and promise that everything would be okay. That he wouldn't allow what mother and father agreed to happen. You still don't really know what he means, and the dreams always slip away before you can examine them.
Other times, it would be storming, the wind and sea raging as you and the boy struggled to sail through the crashing waves. Those ones were the worst, for you had eaten a devil fruit, and the ocean hated those who had betrayed her trust. Those dreams made you wake up in a sweat, the name of the young man on your lips, but unsaid, you still couldn't remember it.
But no matter what, you would always see a familiar sword and a wide brimmed hat with its white feather. You know who they belong to now, especially now that the owner in question lay in the bed with you. But why would he be showing up in such odd dreams? Did Dracule know something about you? Something that could connect you to your past that you have long forgotten?
The thought made you uneasy, and you did not like it.
Mihawk moves in his sleep, the arm that he had wrapped around your waist tugging you closer, “Stop thinking so hard, Angel,” he grumbles and his rough voice had your stomach doing flips, “Go back to sleep.”
A quiet sigh leaves your nose, and you close your eyes to do as he says. This lasts all for ten seconds before you open your eyes again, frowning as you shift to get comfortable. You try again, and still, sleep does not come. You squirm a little more and press your cold nose into his chest to block out what little light is streaming through the window.
Despite being much more comfortable, your mind will not calm and thoughts race. You find yourself shifting again, brow scrunching up, and you close to giving up when Dracule suddenly grabs you and rolls so that he lays on top of you.
You shiver when his hot breath ghosts over your neck and ear, “What's got you so restless, Dear one?” Mihawk demands and presses soft kisses to the skin right below Your ear. You gasp and clutch his shoulders, eyes fluttering at how nice it feels to have him press you into the bed.
“I keep having these dreams,” you begin and hiss when Dracule nips you a little harsher than usual, “But they feel like memories. And I see you every time.” You admit and Mihawk chuckles darkly, and you can feel it rumble through his chest.
“Dreaming about me?” Dracule teases and leans up to rest on his elbows, looking at where he has you trapped beneath him, and frowns when he realizes that you look serious. He shifts to his back, taking you with him so that you lay splayed over his chest.
“Do you want to tell me about them?” Mihawk asks, teasing tone from earlier gone and replaced by one of care and gentle encouragement. He rubs circles into the exposed skin of your back where your sleep shirt has risen up and hums in content when he feels your weight settle over him.
You think about his offer. You aren't sure what kind of answer Dracule could give you if you told him about your dreams, but you didn't want to keep anything from him, either. So, quietly, you tell him of your first dream. About running, the cities and fields of your home burning. The young man who carried you through the destruction of the island. It's hard to recall details, but you do your best to describe the symbol that you'd seen many of the attackers wearing. And finally, of seeing his sword with the literal cross guard and his hat.
The moment that you had described Big Mom's jolly Roger, an awful foreboding feeling had begun to creep in. Dracule knows what you are talking about. A time when he had been still young enough to make foolish, quick decisions that he would later on regret. How could this have happened? How did you survive?
Dracule tightens his hold on you, and his angel snuggles into his chest like he wasn't the savage who hadn't helped destroy her home.
Thankfully, you don't seem to find anything amiss with him, instead turning to look up at Dracule with sleepy eyes full of adoration.
“I know it's a long shot, but you wouldn't happen to know anything about it, would you?” You say, voice wavering and unsure. You blush and loom away, “I know it's kinda dumb since they are just dreams, but they feel so real.”
Dracule Hawkeye Mihawk decided then and there that this would be the only lie that he would ever tell you, for he leaned in and kissed your brow, “I'm sorry, Darling. I'm afraid I don't know anything about that.”
You nod easily, “I figured so, but I just wanted to make sure,” you place a soft kiss to his chest and Mihawk's heart aches in a way that he has never felt before. He isn't in the habit of feeling guilty, but right now? If you asked the warlord for anything, he would move the world to do it for you. For how could he not, when he was part of the reason you were stuck on this island?
Mihawk hums in response. He needs to distract you from this line of thought you seem to be stuck in, so he changes tactics. His hands press more fully into your plush skin, the innocent touches becoming a bit more forceful. Your hands flex against his chest, and Dracule takes that as permission to continue.
“Don't think about them, sweet thing. You are here, with me, now. And I am not going anywhere.” Mihawk swears quietly and grasps your hips, adjusting you so that you sit on his lap, legs resting on either side of his waist. Your face is scarlet, frost creeping along your arms, and Dracule rubs your exposed thighs in a soothing manner.
You nod quickly, eagerly. You don't want him to ever leave you, and would go with him if you could. But just the thought of leaving your island sends fear striking down your back and a voice shouting at you that you can never ever leave for your safety.
Dracule smirks up at you, “I'm glad we've come to an agreement, then,” he draws and tugs you down by your sleep shirt. You fall forward and catch yourself on the bed, and Mihawk leans in to capture your lips in a kiss that makes you forget about the less than pleasant memories.
The warlord sweeps his hands under your shirt, hands finding your nipples with ease and gently rolling the buds between his thumb and forefinger. You keen into his mouth, and Mihawk slips his tongue inside at the first opportunity.
He plays with you until your hips jerk against his own, and your eyes fly open when you feel the hard length of Dracule, separated by the thin fabric of both of your underwear. His hand finds your hips again, and he pulls you down as he rolls his own hips up, grinding up into your delectable heat.
The friction has you whining, eyes clenching shut as Dracule does it again and again. The man under you licks into your mouth, rhythm unhurried as he gives you a pleasure that you have not experienced before. He doesn't stop, and the heat in your lower stomach coils so tightly that it suddenly snaps, leaving you crying out and burying your face in the crook of his neck. Everything feels over sensitive, and it takes you longer than what it should to catch your breath.
Dracule says nothing, allowing you to come down from your high. His cock twitches from where it's still pressed between your legs, and it takes all of his willpower to not remove the offending layer so that he could feel how soft he knew you would be.
The pirate grits his teeth when you move, sitting up so that you can look down at him. He is flushed, chest a light pink under the thick hair that grows there. He watches as you lick your lips, eyes going half lidded, “What about you?” You murmur softly and meet his heavy gaze.
Just as Dracule was about to suggest something rather lewd, a loud whining came from outside the bedroom. Your expression drops, and Dracule can't help the sigh he lets out as he drops his head into the pillow. This would not be the first time that Hank has ruined the mood, and it definitely would not be the last.
“Go on, sweet thing. I'll meet you in the kitchen for breakfast,” Dracule assures you, and you lean down to steal a kiss from his lips before you slide off his lap. You dress quickly in a pair of leggings, but leave your sleep shirt unchanged for now.
He watches you disappear and then slings an arm over his eyes. He needed to think, your admission about your dreams, no memories, had shaken him. Mihawk knew who you were, at least he had a good idea of who anyway, and if Big Mom ever found out if you were still alive, Mihawk isn't sure if even he could save you from her wrath and the rest of her monstrous family.
@writingmysanity @kenkenmaaa @foggyturtleknightangel @browneyedhufflepuff @djbumblebee @goth-mami-writer @myradiaz
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aequorin-fr · 5 months
About Account Closures, Banxiety, etc
Good morning, Flight Rising Tumblr!
I posted a reblog not that long ago (this morning) responding to banxiety concerns. It appears to have been eaten by Tumblr, which happens; but I know a lot of you are concerned and there's a lot of misinformation and misunderstandings flying about. So I'm going to go ahead and repost this directly to the tags so anyone with concerns or anxiety can see this <3 (06:47 Flight Rising server time: Title edited to be clearer.)
Oh dear, there's been quite a misunderstanding. What you've described here isn't true and likely to send our players into a banxiety panic. I'm sure that's not what you meant to do and I'm happy to clarify where I can!
We're fully aware people can change physical locations throughout the day which means their IPs will change. Some folks play or check in from home, school, work, a friend's house, etc. That means their account will log multiple IP addresses on any given day, sometimes within a thirty minute period.
Example: Player accesses on their school network —> School lets out —> They access via mobile data on transit —> Player then logs in on their home network
Closing accounts for having multiple IP addresses associated with them—especially in the mobile era!—would be wrong. And, frankly, absurd.
Account closures are based on activity data and reviewed by staff. Do we always get it 100% right? No, of course not. We're human. We make mistakes. Sometimes we do close an account in error and upon review, reopen the account. And sometimes it even means an account we're almost certain is cheating stays open a bit longer, because of that chance we're wrong.
Unless by "moving stuff over" you mean funneling to a new account, because our Terms of Use are clear that players agree to register only one account per individual. Multiple accounts provide a player not only with multiple opportunities for dailies and Roundsey, but access to various Flight Forums (including private Flight Dominance planning!) not just their original Flight, ways around our block feature, and the means to scam players during trades, giveaways, etc. The above ranges from cheating and gaining an advantage over others to outright harassment.
Now, there is also friend and family member funneling, where someone stops playing for themselves and just starts sending the earnings from their dailies or festivals to their friend or family member. That's still cheating and we've been clear about that for some time now.
Finally, we don't discuss account actions with third-parties and we don't discuss them publicly for privacy, security, and safety reasons. Even when the player who lost their account takes to the forums or social media with claims that are untrue, exaggerated, or minimize/downplay the violation that lead to the closure of their account. Unless they've taken the extra step to alter a screenshot as "proof" we said or did something we didn't do, we can't engage with their claims. This means the community will only see one side of the story, one version of events.
And as a note for anyone following along and concerned about their account, we do have an article in our Knowledge Base that explains account penalties: Account Penalties Explained.
I hope this helps clarify the confusion and concerns surrounding account closures! You don't have to worry about logging multiple IPs, moving, playing with your friends or family, etc. <3
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jovenshires · 5 months
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endless au edits: the battle of the bands au nobody asked for pt 6
what's next for smosh? that's the question on everyone's mind, isn't it? where do we go from here? after dropping a new album with little to no warning, fans are left wondering what the future looks like for the band. not to worry - the duo released a full statement on smosh's official twitter and instagram laying out their plans for the future. we've done our best to summarize it for you here, but if you're curious, be sure to watch the official video¹! 1. battle of the bands: hecox and padilla are returning to their roots - the annual la battle of the bands. though they've never won, smosh competed in the battle of the bands many times in their heyday. they're back, and this time, they're in it to win it. "i think we've got a leg up on... the kids, you know?" hecox said. "we've been around the block before. and we're ready to make a comeback and kick it off with that trophy." 2. new music: the boys also outlined their new music. they teased a new album in the upcoming year, as well as a new single to be released after the battle of the bands is over. they acknowledged both the criticism and praise of their new album, and agreed that they don't sound like they used to - and that they probably never will. "we're gonna sound different," padilla said. "we're exploring new genres, and that's okay. it's still us. nothing you hear is gonna be like, 'oh, that sounds like an ian hecox song' or 'oh, that sounds like an anthony padilla song.' no, this is - this is is entirely us. we're in this together." much like their grassroots days (pre-management from now-defunct record label defy media², during which their songs were written for them), both hecox and padilla will be writing lyrics and music on their new songs. they explained that their new album was entirely their own and that they both worked together on each song, except for 'the sun,' penned entirely by padilla, and 'burn it to the ground,' written by hecox. 3. a tour: that's right! smosh is going on a long-awaited, much-anticipated reunion tour. "it'll be just like the old days," hecox said. padilla continued, adding, "the whole band is back, too. mari [takahashi, former guitarist], lasercorn [david moss, former drummer], [matthew] sohinki [former keyboardist], and joven [joshua ovenshire, former secondary guitarist] will all be back with us for the tour. it's been really exciting to work with them - like a family reunion." mari takahashi also provided the guitar accompaniment for their latest album. she and the rest of the band have been touring on their own, calling themselves oh gee so gee³, but, according to hecox, were "more than happy" to accompany smosh in their bright new future. after a six-year break, things are finally looking up for smosh fans. from releasing their first single out of the blue to now being announced as the sixth and final contestant in the biggest musical competition in the country, the band is coming back with a bang. if you're looking to see them in action, be sure to tune into the televised battle of the bands - featuring smosh, the chosen, ftc, kolivition, coventry, and let's do this. and don't worry too much on the boys' behalf - because, if their reunion proves anything, it's that friendship always wins.
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re-bee-key · 11 months
Just watched the Tumblr Live QnA Panel, and here's some of my thoughts:
* Had to toggle on Tumblr Live to watch and agree to the terms.
The stream itself was a little low quality visually, not terrible, but either they used a low quality camera or streaming isn't up to the same quality as other sites like Tiktok
* the gifting feature that mimics Tiktok was obnoxious. Users that seem to use Tumblr Live a lot where using gifts very often. The gift icons would take up most of the screen covering chat.
Some people in chat suggested that the gifters were Staff plants to make the site seem more popular than it is. There is no way to verify if they are or are not. But these individuals talked in the chat about how they use Tumblr Live all the time, and some dont even have blogs they only use Live. Which is????
I don't like the gifting emojis. But i dont like them on Twitch or tiktok either, so shrug emoji, i guess
Questions Answered (that i remember)
* The Chronological Dashboard will stay. They mentioned this several times that tumblr, while they are going to improve the For You algorithm, the main Chronological Dashboard will not change.
* Tumblr Live apparently isn't blocked in Europe and is just waiting for approval, which is soon. They said it being blocked was misinformation. (Which i have no way to verify.)
* LGBTQA+ and specifically Trans content getting flagged or censored is a bug, apparently. They said it happens from time to time, but reporting should fix it. Users in the chat were unhappy with this answer since the issue has lasted for such a long time and doesn't seem or feel random. But they did not comment further.
* Tumblr posts being collapsable was not super addressed. They sort of skimmed over this question and just said that they try lots of new features to see what works and what doesn't. Apparently, there will be a toggle to turn this feature on or off.
* Tumblr Groups was addressed. It was shut down because not enough users used the feature.
Apparently, not many users use Tumblr Live either, but they want to keep working on it to make it appealing.
* Another bit about Tumblr Live. CEO essentially said they will not give the option to permanently toggle off the feature.
One user had asked if Tumblr had investors. CEO said, "Of course."
CEO did mention they "might" add a way to permanently turn off tumblr live. But it if they did, it would be a paid option over $20.
* One user commented that they are epileptic and that certain ads trigger their seizures because of the flashing colors and wanted to know what they would do for this issue. Tumblr CEO said "Well you could pay for No Ads."
CEO talked about paying to go ad free a lot. Saying only 25 thousand users pay for it at the moment.
Personally, it seems really irresponsible to suggest that the only way to fix an accessibility issue is for a user to pay money. As if disabled people dont have to pay enough as it is.
* I had asked if they were willing to work with more artists for Merch and Badges. They said they are working on it and there is a feature called Creatr that is set up to uplift creators and work with them on merch ideas.
I've never heard of Creatr. He seemed like we should have known what it was? Maybe they should promote that more. I know we all want more ways to support artists.
* More Badges and Achievements are coming. Apparently, a Legacy Badge that shows how long you've been on tumblr is in the works. (Im personally very excited about Badges.)
* Tumblr is thinking bout doing more QnA and even meet ups at different conventions and some even at the headquarters themselves. (They did not acknowledge questions that asked for a Headquarters video tour.)
Anyways, that was about all I can remember. Staff didn't record the panel, so hopefully, one of the other users did.
They talked about other random stuff. Calling out gifters specifically and rambling about donuts and books.
Oh, also, they brought a ball pit. Which is, yeah. Lol
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Is there a great summary of the ao3 racism discussion anywhere? Lots of posts on twitter and tumblr that I've seen lately that bring it up. Seems like a lot of people saying that ao3 should take down "deliberately racist works" which, iirc, is too vague to actually be enforced bc who gets to decide what is "deliberately racist." It's my opinion that the new blocking and muting features will do more to protect fans from content that is offensive to them than any vague policy like that. But I'm curious about the history of people saying they speak for all fans of color criticizing ao3 specifically, bc this seems like a thing with roots at this point.
On a related point, what's your/the readers of this blog's take on the difference between harassment of fans and rpf? As in, say someone writes fanfic about another fan as a way to harass them using their full legal name. A total hardline stance would say that because it's rpf it's okay, but I think a more nuanced take would be that if the person isn't a public figure/is hiding their legal name from the public somehow, that's what makes it a violation.
Re. 2, if they're connecting a legal name to a fan name, we all know that's not cool.
If they're posting the RPF where the target will see it and sending them links to it and that kind of thing, the behavior makes it clear it's an attempt at harassment.
I think writing RPF of non-famous randos you know online without their permission is usually distasteful, but it's not inherently harassment (and also, nobody agrees about what counts as "famous"). When figuring out what to ban or how to respond, we shouldn't worry too much about the RPF aspect and instead focus on these other things like publicizing information or interacting with the target.
As for 1... no?
The discussion was full of disingenuous garbage from the beginning, so the summaries from the pro-deletion side are all basically propaganda, and people who dislike them don't bother summarizing who said what stupidass thing when.
I just wish the people bitching about AO3 could STFU about "but AO3 bans commercial links!!!!" for literally one second. Is it really that hard to criticize AO3 for racism without instantly showing your hand and making it obvious that this is all about economic bullshit where you're mad that somebody's shitty kylux patreon made money and your finnrey would not or whatthefuckever? And the people who mindlessly follow these grifter clowns and repeat their rhetoric... oof!
I guess the closest you're going to get is lierdumoa's old post.
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
So I’ve got to ask, would you recommend Tokyo Revengers from your experience so far? Does the story and characters outweigh the (alleged) obnoxious currency system and money grabs?
So my gut reaction is to say no, I do not because I just cannot feel comfortable recommending this game in the state it's in, but I am going to make a pros and cons list to help maybe give you (and anyone else curious) a basic idea of where my head is at right now and help you make your own decision.
THERE ARE NO CAMPAIGN REWARDS. I cannot stress that enough there is nothing being given out to day one players to help you get started, and honestly it's super hard. Saving up for pulls feels like a foreign concept, there are so few opportunities to earn gems I have no real idea how I would even start building a stash let alone a team with the few characters I currently have. They don't give you a free SSR like twst does to help out, just the free SR from choosing your guy at the beginning though they do have a paid free SSR function. Now Twisted Wonderland does too, but like I said they give you a free one with unlimited re-rolls at the start.
Someone actually did the math about pulls and I agree with their assessment here: the cost isn't the worst I have seen in a gacha, but when you couple that with no free SSR for f2p, lack of reliable way to earn gems and I can feel it being a nightmare if the game progresses any further without a re vamp of some sort.
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There really is no point to the combat or team building in this game beyond being a road block between you and the story. It's full auto which could be neat if there were nice animations but there aren't. It really might as well not be there, and that's before you get to the SSR rates...
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Neither Pro nor Con
You might have noticed the above reddit user talking about the distinction between joseimuke vs otome and the reason for that is way back when this game was first announced it was supposed to be an otome game, which implies a level of explicit romance and relationship between the MC and the characters that is not typically present in joseimuke games. The current version of the game has a cast that seems to have completely changed, both character and voice actor wise. The stated reason for this and the delay was "changes in the market." It was originally supposed to be based off of Tokyo Ghoul? And was supposed to release in 2019, but was delayed until 2020, then put on indefinite hiatus until it's release now.
On an unrelated note, OG Obey Me! was released on December 11, 2019, Twisted Wonderland was released in Japan on March 18 2020, and Genshin Impact's world wide release was on September 28 of the same year. Make of that what you will.
"Yuri why did you bring up Obey Me?" Well Solomon's ring is introduced as a plot device... which could be interesting if they are going the direction I think they are with it but I don't know if I have enough faith in them for that.
The Pros
The characters in this game are honestly really fun. I really do mean that, I am not sold on their dorms/houses but the dynamics between the characters themselves are good for what they are. But the tone is very goofy compared to Twisted Wonderland (despite featuring more explicit topics) and I don't think these characters are as well developed as twst's are, but I think that can be chalked up to one of these games having been written by a manga author and the other having not.
I am a little bitch who hates horror stuff and is easily spooked but I really love how they are using modern internet horror monsters in this game. The first book features a creepy pasta monster that I was legitimately afraid of as a kid and I love their take on him. This second book features a ghost from a popular Japanese creepypasta. I'm a sucker for people being creative and using things that have become a part of popular culture without making it cringe, and I think this game succeeds at that.
Wrap Up
This entire situation has made me think about two animes I really like that I think sort of fall into the same dynamic as Twisted Wonderland and Tokyo Debunker. The first I am sure you have heard of, it's called Komi Can't Communicate and follows a girl with trouble communicating who really wants to make friends, and ends up accidentally befriending a guy who wants to help her out. The manga started being released in 2016 and is still going. It's quite good and I like it a lot.
The second is a little show called Aharen-san wa Hakarenai. It's manga started in 2017 and it received an anime adaptation around the same time as Komi san was being adapted. It follows a girl who has trouble communicating who really wants to make friends who accidentally befriends a guy who wants to help her out. I have no idea if Komi-san inspired Aharen-san nor do I really care because once you get past the generic set up, the routes the story takes are completely different as are the personalities of the characters. Komi is a slice of life and coming of age story in addition to a romcom, whereas Aharen is just a straight up romcom with a really cute main couple. There is room for both to exist because both stories do their own thing, just with a similar premise. There really is no reason Tokyo Debunker and Twisted Wonderland can't do the same, provided TD gives itself room to breathe and fixes it's damn grind.
Well assuming it picks up in Japan, it doesn't seem super popular over here right now.
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storyofmychoices · 3 months
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Harmony of Hearts
Pairings: Bryce x Olivia, Ethan x Merida (@lilyoffandoms), Tobias x Casey (@jerzwriter) Book: Open Heart Word Count:>800 Rating/Warnings: general (only warning is bad song writing, I'm not a song writer 🤷‍♀️)
Synopsis: Tobias, Ethan, and Bryce surprise the ladies with a song they wrote for them.
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"Not so fast, Ramsey–" Tobias's arm shot out in front of the head of diagnostics, blocking his path to the door.
"We all agreed to this," Bryce added, folding his arms as he leaned against the wall, a playful smirk playing on his features. "For what it's worth, I think you sound good."
The blue-eyed doctor's brows narrowed, and his lips pulled into a frown, although the corner of his lips betrayed the sentiment. "It's not too late to book a spa weekend."
"You know this will mean more. And, isn't today about celebrating them?" Tobias turned Ethan back toward the living room. Bryce followed closely behind as Tobias led the way, keeping Ethan trapped between them.
The guys gathered together, each holding a worn piece of paper as they stood in front of the couch where the girls had gathered. Their light-hearted conversation quieted as their attention curiously shifted. 
"It was your idea, Lahela—" Tobias nudged him forward. "Would you like to do the honors?
Warmly, Bryce stepped closer, his eyes filled with warm affection for his wife and their friends. "Today is not just any day—it's a day dedicated to celebrating the strength, grace, and brilliance of women around the world, but we couldn't let it pass without expressing our love for the incredible women in our lives."
Ethan's stoic expression softened to offer a nod of agreement with his colleague's words.
Bryce continued, picking up the ukulele that had been lying on the coffee table. "So, we've prepared a little something for you."
"It might not be Grammy-worthy," Ethan added, attempting to lower any expectations. "Songwriting wasn't covered at Hopkins."
Tobias couldn't resist a teasing grin, his eyes sparkling as he glanced at Casey. "Don't expect Taylor Swift-level lyric writing or an Era's tour performance. No outfit changes here! We're more like... 'shower karaoke on a Tuesday' level."
Casey shot Tobias a playful smirk, crossing her arms as she relaxed on the comfy couch. "Well, if it's shower karaoke on a Tuesday, then I expect nothing less than a chart-topping hit."
Bryce skillfully strummed the ukulele strings, each note resonating with a gentle warmth, the instrument itself echoing the affection he felt for Olivia. He nodded to Tobias, signaling he was up.
With a confident grin, Tobias cleared his throat, placing his paper on the end table. He knew the words well enough. His voice, smooth and melodic, filled the room:
🎶 "In a world of puzzles and diagnostic charts,
Casey, you're the melodic beat in my heart.
With your brilliance and laughter, you light up the day,
Here's a little song to say, 'I love you' in my own way."🎶
Casey's eyes sparkled with delight. She had always loved his voice when he sang along to songs they loved, but to have him write this for her—it was something altogether different, something she couldn't believe how much she needed (and now wanted more)
Ethan was next. He carefully adjusted his tie before stepping forward. The world-renowned physician wasn't used to such nerves. His fingers trembled slightly, holding the paper tightly in his hands. His gaze flickered between it and Merida.
🎶 "Merida, my love, you were once a mystery to me,
But in your eyes, now, all the answers I see.
Your brilliance and grace cannot be denied
My love for you, I could never hide."🎶
Merida, usually composed, had a soft smile drawing on her lips. She reached for Ethan's hand, squeezing in gratitude. "I love you," she mouthed the words quietly. His thumb brushed over her fingers.
Bryce looked at Olivia, his warmed with affection for her. His gentle touch on the ukulele continued:
🎶 "Olivia, my partner in this life's beautiful dance,
In the realm of hearts, you're my favorite chance.
With a scalpel in my hand, and every healing word,
It's our symphony of love, forever to be heard." 🎶
Olivia's eyes misted at the beautiful song. Her hands clasped over her heart as she marveled at the men and their song as they continued:
🎶 "Hand in hand, through thick and thin,
Together we stand, let the melody begin.
For the women we cherish, our hearts take flight, 
In the symphony of life, you're our greatest delight.
To Casey, Merida, and Olivia so dear,
With love, laughter, and the occasional tear.
With this song for you, our voices combine,
Forever grateful, forever thine." 🎶
The simple melody filled the room and the hearts of the girls. Olivia, Casey, and Merida exchanged surprised glances. Their initial amusement at the idea of them writing a song turned into genuine appreciation.
"Never again," Ethan grumbled to Tobias.
"We'll see about that," he offered with a wink. "Thursday's Karaoke night—I already signed us up!" 
Their conversation was cut short as Casey, Merida, and Olivia showered them with praise, offering each their own affections of gratitude for the thoughtful gesture and the words of admiration they'd forever hold dear.
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jerzwriter · 6 months
Just Passing By
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From Here to There Series: Because you can't expect my neurodivergent brain to do anything in logical order... I still haven't explained how Tobias & Casey got together. It's time to rectify that. I'll be working on my masterlist to make this all a little less chaotic, I swear! :) I'll also be tidying up some former parts of my HC to tie things together. In the last segment, A New Chapter, we learn how they went from exes after a whirlwind romance to making peace after the chemical attack. It's roughly three weeks after the attack, and Casey is just back home from the hospital. She's struggling with the aftermath, and her friends can't seem to help. Tobias passes by on a whim, and the roommates are not happy to see him. But how will Casey feel?
Book: Open Heart (Book 2 - post Chemical Attack) Pairing: Tobias x Casey (F!MC) (Eventual) Featuring: Roomies - esp Jackie Varma Words: 2,100 Rating: Teen+ A/N: This is part of my HC for the couple.
Full Masterlsit | Tobias & Casey Masterlsit
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This wasn't a planned visit. He was just driving home from work. There just so happened to be a parking spot on Casey's block... a parking spot on the streets of Boston? It had to be a sign. Right? It made sense that he'd stop in to see her. At least, that's what Tobias told himself as he made his way down the pavement toward Casey's front door. Her neighborhood didn't lie between Mass Kenmore and his townhome, but that, to him, was irrelevant.
Raised voices could be heard behind the door as he approached, but Casey wasn't among them. He may not talk to her much anymore, but he could still pick her voice out anywhere. He almost turned around; perhaps dropping by unannounced wasn't wise, but it would be foolish to turn back now. So, with a bit of trepidation he raised his hand and knocked.
"I'm coming," a woman shouted. Her voice was marked with annoyance, but when she opened the door, her expression went straight to disgust. "Oh. It's you."
Tobias looked over his shoulder, then turned around with a grin. "Sure is. Were you expecting someone better?"
"I wasn't expecting anyone," Jackie sneered. "But better isn’t really a high bar in your case."
"You’re doing wonders for my ego... Varma? Is it?"
Jackie crossed her arms and eyed him. "Trust. I wasn't put on this earth to coddle men's egos. Why are you here?"
He was about to respond when a more pleasant face appeared. "Jackie, who is it..." Sienna smiled politely when she caught sight of Tobias. "Dr. Carrick, good to see you!"
"Is it?" Jackie smirked as Sienna promptly shushed her. 
"Why don't you come in? Is Casey expecting you?"
"No, uh...I was just in the neighborhood and..." he was quickly drowned out by bickering from an adjoining room.
"Just give her time," Bryce insisted.
"I know," Elijah acquiesced. "But she can’t stay locked in her room. How will that improve her mental health?”  
"She does have to get past that," Aurora agreed, “but she needs to do it in her own time.”
“He’s right!” Sienna scolded upon entering the room. “The last two weeks have been hell on all of us, and she’s been home three days. Don't expect miracles.”  
When they turned to Sienna, several eyes widened when they saw the handsome doctor standing behind her.  
“Dr. Carrick,” Aurora acknowledged her boss.
“We’re not at work. It’s Tobias,” he insisted.
Jackie rolled her eyes. “He’s here to see Casey.”
Bryce raised a brow and mumbled to Jackie, but it came out far louder than he planned. “So she won’t talk to us, but she’ll see him?”
Tobias shifted uncomfortably, an unusual sight for the typically confident man. "For what it’s worth, she didn’t know I was coming.”
“Good!” Jackie enthused. “Then this is where I tell you it’s not a good time, and you should leave. If she’s not seeing friends, she’s definitely not seeing you.”
“Jackie!” Sienna reprimanded.
“What? Friends vs. dickhead exes that screwed her over... I think friends would have the edge, don’t you?”
“Jackie!” Sienna said again. “If not for Tobias, Casey and Raf probably wouldn't be here right now. Try to be a little nice."  
“Yes. Casey and Raf... yet he’s only checking in on Casey,” Jackie stated. “Funny how that works.”
“Look, Casey’s my friend, too," Tobias defended.
“Since when?” Elijah asked.
“Since after the...” Tobias stopped himself and sighed in frustration. “Look, can you tell her I’m here? If she doesn’t want to see me, I’m out. No questions. But I think it’s her choice to make... not yours.”
Just then, Casey’s bedroom door burst open, and she spun into the hallway with all the grace of a tornado. Her matted hair was tied into a bun that had been slept on for days, and her ratty NYU sweatshirt and pajama bottoms hadn't been changed for just as long. The dark circles under her eyes marked her exhaustion, but she found a burst of energy and was using it to set a few things straight.  
“For the record!” She blurted to no one in particular. “I never said I wasn’t going to therapy! I said I’m not going to the therapist’s office! There’s a difference! And I didn’t say I wouldn’t shower... stop acting like I am suddenly allergic to shampoo and body wash! But I’m not showering today! I know you want to help, but you guys need to let me breathe!”
“Let you breathe?” Elijah corrected softly. “Casey, you’ve been alone in your room for three days.”
“And as far as breathing, we’re the ones who won’t be able to if you don’t shower soon,” Jackie countered.
Aurora shot Jackie a look and attempted to be the voice of reason. “Casey. We’re just worried about you. You’re not talking to anyone.”
“Who said I’m not talking to anyone? I just don't want to be smothered. If I wanted that, I would have asked my parents to stay. I just...” her voice trailed when she saw Tobias. “What... what are you doing here?”
“He's leaving,” Jackie jumped in, but Tobias paid her no mind.
“I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop in to see you, but I can see it’s not a good time. I’ll text you in a few days, and...”
“No, it’s fine,” Casey interrupted, taking a bit of pleasure from the shocked faces of her friends. “You can stay. Why don’t you... why don��t you come to my room.”
“Are you sure?” He asked nervously.
“Yeah... follow me,” she replied with an unceremonious turn on her heel.
“I can't believe she'll see that jackass and not,” Jackie protested, but her voice was stifled when Sienna’s tiny hand covered her mouth. “Jackie, hush!”
If Casey was happy to see Tobias, you wouldn't have known it by her slouched shoulders and down expression when entered her room. Company of any sort wasn't on her agenda today, particularly not from a guy she once dated when she looked like... this. But feeling it would be rude to backtrack, she gestured toward a chair next to the window as she sat on her bed and pulled a blanket around her. Tobias took a seat in the chair.
“I’m sorry for not calling first...” he apologized.
“It’s OK,” she waved. “I’m sorry for using you.”
“Using me?”
“Yeah,” she sighed. “I think I just used you to get back at my friends. I know they’ve been through a lot these past two weeks, too, and they just want to help, but since I got out of the hospital, they aren’t giving me air.”
“... so you agreed to see me just to piss them off.”
Her cheeks flushed, and a chunk of hair fell out of her discombobulated bun when she lowered her head in embarrassment. “When you say it like that, I sound like a complete bitch. I didn’t do it on purpose... Honestly, I was shocked to see you.”
“You’re not a bitch,” Tobias started. “I don’t think you are, and I don’t think any of your friends do, either. You’re coping with the aftermath of a very traumatic event. No one is going to be upset with you.”
“Still, it wasn’t nice of me to use you.”
“Hey,” he snickered, seeming to come to life. “I’ve been used for worse things and haven't complained. In fact, sometimes I even enjoyed it.”
His heart warmed when he saw a trace of a smile on her face. “Yeah, well... I don’t think you’ll enjoy my company right now... and that's all I'm using you for."
“That’s for me to decide. Besides, I didn’t come to be entertained. I came to see how my friend is doing.”
Casey laughed bitterly as she gestured at her disheveled appearance. “As you can see, I’m living my best life. These clothes may walk off my body if I don’t change them soon. I speak to...no... I bark at my friends in five-minute intervals. I won’t leave my room, much less the apartment. I’m fucking awesome. The spitting image of the woman you met at that diner last year.”
Tobias allowed the silence to hang, and both found themselves surprised by how comfortable it was. Then he sat up, leaning forward on his knees with an earnest expression.
“You’re not the woman I met at the diner last year... no more than I’m the man you met. Things happen... life happens, and people... change. You have to be gentler with yourself. When I lost my father... it was a hellish time for me. There was so much going on, and... well, I was in a bad place. When my Ma came to check on me a week after the funeral, I was wearing the same pajamas I had slipped into that night. Probably hadn’t brushed my teeth more than twice during that time. I’m confident she smelled me from outside in the hall.”
“Perhaps that’s TMI,” Casey half-smiled.
“It’s definitely TMI,” he chuckled. “I’m telling you this because you need to know it’s OK. We all go through hard times when we can’t be expected to be ourselves. We’re entitled to that. You just don’t stay there too long.”
“How long did you stay in it?”
“Me. Oh, it ended the day my Mom showed up. You don’t know her, but she’s a force to be reckoned with. She took one look at me, grabbed me by the ear, and tossed me in the shower with a bar of soap. By the time I got out, the apartment was tidied up, and lunch was being served with a side of one of her best lectures to date.”
“Can you spare me that treatment? I'm really not up for it yet.”
“Nah,” he grinned. “It’s not my place. I’m not your Mom, after all.”
“Yeah, well, my Mom only returned to Philly because I swore I’d be all right, and... I’m not all right, Tobias. I’m not all right at all."
"All right will come... then even better will follow. I promise you, one day, you’ll feel like yourself again.”
Casey turned her head toward the window, her skin appearing ashen in the late afternoon light.
“Forgive me if I don’t believe you,” she whispered so softly it almost went unheard.
“You don’t have to believe me. Not yet.   But you will one day, I promise. Now, what were you saying about therapy? You’re seeing Dr. Stevens, right?”
“I am. Well, I mean... I was... I haven’t since I left the hospital and I’m supposed to see her on Friday, but...”
“It’s important to go, Case.”
“I know,” she snapped but softened quickly. “I just... I can’t go see her.”
Tobias nodded in acknowledgment. “Because her office is right next to Edenbrook.”
Casey turned to him, surprised to see he understood. “I am not ready to go back there. I can’t go back there yet.”
“Understood. Dr. Stevens does have privileges at Mass Kenmore.”
“Privileges? Yes," Casey confirmed. But an office? No.”
“Understood. But if she’s willing to, I can arrange for space to meet you there. It’s not a big deal.”
“We could do that?” Casey asked.
“Why don’t you call her in the morning? If she’s willing to see you there, I’ll make it happen.”
Casey nodded her head with a yawn. “I’ll call her. I promise, after I get some sleep.”  
“That’s my queue to leave,” Tobias smiled. “You need your rest. But look, if you want the pleasure of my company again, promise me you’ll try to shower when you get up.”
Casey rolled her eyes dramatically as her head hit the pillow. “Fine! But if you think I’m sending you pictures of me in there to prove it or something...”
“Stop,” Tobias chuckled. “I’d never ask a friend to do that... and... we’re friends. Right, Case?”
“Yeah, we’re friends,” she said, her eyes already shutting. “Can you tell my friends I’m going to sleep?”
“Sure,” he smiled, thinking about how delighted they'd be getting that information from him. “Sleep tight, Princess,” he whispered, closing the door behind him. 
He could hear a pin drop as he walked down the hallway. He knew his past was working against him, and he had his work cut out for him to prove himself to those who loved Casey most. But he didn't mind. The biggest challenge would be proving it to himself. But he knew his intentions were good, and for once, that was all that mattered.
“She’s taking a rest,” Tobias announced as he passed the living room. “And I’m going to leave.”
He turned around briefly when Sienna called out his name. “Thanks for stopping by.”
“Yes, thanks,” Aurora concurred. "I'll see you at work."
The sun was beginning to set when he stepped out the front door. See, that spot had been there for a reason... because, against all odds, he was able to help, and for Tobias Carrick on this day, that was more than he could have asked for.
Next, we'll see how Tobias & Casey begin spending time together... and how each one of her friends and loved ones issues their own unique warnings. :)
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
@choicesnovchallenge / National Princess Day - because that's the first time she was called that, and she's on her way. lol
Tagging others separately.
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intrepidacious · 1 year
97 with Ran, if you'd please 😌💕
occupy my brain
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pairing: ransom drysdale x f!reader
word count: 1.2k
warnings: ransom being his usual self should be warning enough. implied smut. please note that my blog is rated 18+. minors dni. ageless/empty blogs will be blocked without warning.
prompt: 97. passionately making-out against a wall
a/n: i'm not gonna lie, posting this kind of hurts for obvious reasons but i don't want to sit on the prompt forever either because it's simply too good for that. this is the part one of come on down that i was talking about.
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Death had always been a passion of yours, but you’d never fantasized about it quite as vividly as you had over the past couple of weeks.
One might have thought it came with the profession, but no.
It felt truly unfair that the texts you were studying told you exactly what poisons were most likely undetectable in the average blood test, how they were to be administered, how long your victim would suffer before his inevitable demise, eyes bulging as he struggled to take another labored breath …
Instead, he let out another annoyed sigh and you rolled your eyes.
You’d been going down rabbit hole after rabbit hole for the better part of the evening and he hadn’t even opened his damn laptop.
When you first got the job as Harlan Thrombey’s research assistant, you’d been ecstatic. You’d applied for it without ever expecting a call back—after all, he was one of the most prolific writers of crime fiction alive while you barely made it into your grad program. Sure, knowledge of forensic science was somewhat of a prerequisite to any self-respecting mystery writer, but still. You were sure there were hundreds of fretting English majors begging for the opportunity, and in the end, it fell to you.
Of course, your excitement was soon to be nipped in the bud when you met the other research assistant, who you would be working closely with over the entirety of the summer: Harlan’s very own grandson, Ransom Drysdale.
In the beginning, you tried. You really tried. But there was nothing to be done.
He was an asshole who seemed to be under the assumption that if he pressed just the right buttons, all the actual work would get done by you and simply fall into his lap at the end of the day; just the way it’d probably been all his life.
And because the first couple of times, you were playing nice and letting him get away with it, you were now stuck in this nightmare of a position. Sat on the couch in his large and strangely empty living room on a Friday night, daydreaming about extremely potent poisons.
Ransom sighed loudly again and your eyes snapped to him. He was still draped across his armchair, feet dangling off the armrest, an extremely bored expression on his stupidly handsome face.
The fact that, despite his horrible attitude, his features still had that effect on you made your blood boil even more.
"You know, if you actually did the work we agreed on, you probably wouldn’t have to sigh every five seconds," you said sharply.
An easy smirk appeared on his lips. "How else am I gonna get your attention?"
"How about by being less of a pain in my ass?"
Ransom’s eyes dipped down for a moment, only to return to yours with an amused glimmer you didn’t care for. His grin widened. "Where’s the fun in that?"
"This isn’t about fun, Ransom. This is my job. You know what that means?" Poisons and choking. "It means that certain things are expected of you."
He didn’t look particularly impressed. "Like what?"
"Like, I don’t know, research? Doing what’s asked of you instead of just being a prick?"
He snorted. "There’s just so many better ways we could spend our time," he drawled, in a tone that you could dissect all too easily.
"Keep dreaming," you muttered through clenched teeth, ignoring the way your heart twisted.
He was an asshole. You dealt with enough of those in your labs, and you made a point of not delegating any more brainpower to their presence than was necessary to get through long evenings. It was as easy as that.
Then again, none of the lab guys were quite this infuriating.
Ransom’s gaze had started wandering again, slower this time, more deliberate. You could feel a tingle go down your spine.
"We’ll see," he finally said, his voice very low.
You had to leave.
You slammed your laptop shut with a lot more force than necessary.
"You know what?" You grabbed your bag off the floor resolutely. "It’s late and I still have a lot of stuff to get done before I talk to your grandfather tomorrow, and you’re no help at all, so I’ll just get going."
He shook his head, the self-satisfied grin still not budging; for some reason, that only bugged you more. You were already half-way to the door when you heard him murmur, "Aren’t you just a ray of sunshine."
And that was it.
Your bag dropped to the floor with a resolute thunk as you turned to glare at him. "You know what, Drysdale? I don’t know why I bother with you anymore. I should just tell Harlan that you’re a slacker."
Something flickered in Ransom’s eyes, but it vanished almost as instantly as it came. "He already thinks that anyway," he said dryly, finally getting out of his damn chair to face you. "And you wouldn’t."
"Why wouldn’t I?"
"Because …" he said, taking a measured step closer. "Then you wouldn’t have an excuse to come to my doorstep anymore."
A slightly manic laugh bubbled up in your chest, jumbling your heartbeat on its way up. "Are you kidding me? I would love to never have to see you again."
Ransom tilted his head. "You’re a terrible liar." He took another step.
"What are you doing?"
You wanted to move backwards, away from him, but your feet seemed to be firmly rooted to the ground. He was close enough to touch now, and you balled your hands into fists.
Of course, he noticed. His grin morphed into something almost wicked.
"How long," he said, his voice even lower now, "are you gonna keep pretending there’s nothing between us?"
You couldn’t breathe. Otherwise, you might’ve smelled the cologne on his shirt and any last coherent thought would’ve left your body. You already found it impossible to look away from his eyes.
"There’s no us here," you said.
"Maybe you should leave, then," he answered, sounding despicably level-headed. "You know where the door is."
"I am."
Neither of you moved. The amused spark in his eye felt close enough to ignite something.
"Or," he continued, the distance between you small enough to count the freckles next to his eye, "you could stay. And we’ll see."
"Shut up," you snapped, but there was no conviction behind it. Your head was hammering.
"Or what?" he said smugly. "You’re gonna call me a prick again?"
He was too close.
"I said, shut up!"
"Make me."
It caught you off guard, that’s what it was.
You’re not sure what happened next, only that your shoulders were suddenly crashing against the wall and Ransom’s mouth was on yours, hungry, unforgiving, all-consuming.
And for some reason, instead of pushing him away, your fingers tangled in his hair and pulled him closer, tugging on the dark strands until he groaned hoarsely against your lips. His hands were large on your waist, on your neck. Slowly, his knee wedged between your thighs, pulling you closer onto him until your hips started moving on their own accord.
He kissed you like he had something to prove, and fuck; maybe he had a point. You weren’t sure. You’d stopped thinking.
Ransom Drysdale was deadlier than any poison; and much more addictive.
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thank you for reading 💛 if you want to see more of my writing, check out my masterlist or follow @intrepidacious-fics for update notifications—and yes, there will be another part to this. eventually.
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jcbbby · 11 months
Preacher's Girl
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OKAY FIRST OF ALL, don't fucking look at me right now (especially if you're Jamie...) I know I will not see the gates of heaven for this. anyway... hello, it has been a minute since I wrote a thing. this is a fic centered on Jamie's Preacher character from the I Am music video. and I'm just gonna leave it at that. also this is not proofread!
warnings: 18+ ONLY I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL BLOCK YOU DNI, preacher!Jamie x oc, p in v, unprotected sex (DON'T do it), religious imagery and themes, breeding kink if you squint sort of, also kind of a slow burn at first?
***** Cicadas droned outside through the open windows, loud enough to cut through the sound of the quiet chatter amongst the crowd mixed with the whipping of the little old ladies fluttering their hand fans. Ivy stared out of the open window of the sweltering church, trying to zone out to forget where she was. On the eager request of her grandparents and the encouragement of her mother, she agreed to spend the summer with them in their rural Alabama town. It was a much different pace of life out here compared to the bustling city life she was used to.
Her grandparents were old-fashioned, and very religious; something she never seemed to inherit. Her mother had moved out to the east coast to get away from that culture, opting for a more exciting and open-minded life. So, when she seemed to agree that a summer away in the quiet southern state would be good for Ivy, she was shocked.
“It will give you some nice perspective!” She said. “Plus, your grandparents won’t be here forever, you should cherish the time you have left with them.”
Her mother wasn’t wrong, but that did little to ignite any semblance of excitement over the thought. What was there to do in rural Alabama for a young woman from the city? Still, with her sweet old Nana and Pop eager to host their darling granddaughter, she begrudgingly said yes, soon finding herself in the sticky, thick, hazy summer air of the south. Arriving on a Saturday, of course their plan was to get an early night in so they could introduce her to everyone at their church in the morning.
The church must have had been built in the 1800s, still lacking almost all modern features. No air conditioning, no bathrooms, and no modern technology, save for a single microphone at the podium, connected to a small PA speaker. Ivy fanned herself with her hand, glancing around to survey the audience while her grandparents conversed with an older couple in front of them in the first row of pews. As she looked around, a hush fell over, and gazes shifted to the front of the church. She snapped her head in the direction of the crowd, a tall, dark figure emerging from the side of the slightly raised stage.
He stepped up to the podium, placing his hands over either side of the edge, clearing his throat before glancing down and taking a breath. He was surprisingly younger than Ivy was expecting and stood tall and slim. His golden chin-length hair neatly descended from under a large brim black hat. He wore a very fitted three-piece black suit and white button-up dress shirt. As he looked out over the crowd of parishioners, he smiled warmly, letting the skin around his eyes crinkling perfectly into what reminded Ivy of sun rays.
“Good morning, everyone.” He spoke in a deep, warm voice. “Thank you for being here with me today. Let us begin.”
Ivy stared in awe. He was breathtaking. She straightened up in her seat as he began speaking his gospel. His words filled the heavy air of the church and she found herself feeling stuck in his honey smooth voice, hanging on to each word he uttered. Never in her life would she have thought she would find herself paying such close attention to a church sermon.
He moved his gaze in her direction, momentarily locking eyes with her as she felt her cheeks grow hot. Ivy shifted in her seat, darting her eyes down to his shoes. When she dared to glance back up, he was still looking directly at her. He flashed a gentle smirk to her before breaking away. Ivy let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding, feeling a shiver run throughout her body. There was something somewhat devious about that smirk. Maybe there would be some excitement this summer in this dirt road town.
Once the service had ended, the church was hosting a start of the summer lunch reception at the community center just down the road. Of course, Ivy’s grandparents were keen to go. This was a town where everyone knew everyone, community events were obligatory at best. She let out a sigh of relief upon walking through the double metal doors of the community center, feeling the breeze of air conditioning hitting her damp face. She followed closely behind her grandparents as they made their way to the table of various foods, mostly homemade.
“I’m going to just go get us a table, I’m not that hungry.” Ivy tapped her grandmother’s shoulder.
“Oh, honey bee, you really oughtta eat something or else you’ll get sick! Here, you’ve got to try Darlene’s biscuits at least!” She handed Ivy a dense golden biscuit.
“Oh…okay, thanks nana.” Ivy forced a smiled before turning to take stock of open seats.
As she sat down, she looked around the large room, hoping to spot the preacher who had her so enamored. She scanned the perimeter, eyes narrowing.
“Well, it seems we have a visitor today.” An oaky voice came from behind her. She turned to see him standing there, the preacher, towering over her. “May I?” He gestured to the seat next to her.
“Of course.” She smiled politely.
He took off his hat, placing it gently on the table in front of him. He smoothed back his hair with one hand, looking to Ivy to reveal his enchanting ice blue eyes.
“Does our visitor have a name?” He smiled.
“I’m Ivy. Uh, I’m Dale and Irene’s granddaughter.” She returned the polite smile, hoping he didn’t notice the quick up and down she gave him or the rosy tint to her cheeks.
“Oh, how nice. Yes, I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Jamie, just Jamie, I don’t do the fancy clergy title. Pleasure to meet you.” He winked, extending his hand out to her.
“Nice to meet you too.” She met his hand with hers.
“Oh, good! You’ve met Jamie!” Ivy’s grandmother set her plate down on the table, sinking down into her seat.
“Hello Irene, lovely to see you.” He smiled. “Dale.” He nodded and reached to shake his hand as well. “I was just telling Ivy here that I had heard so much about her from you two, it’s nice to finally meet her.” He looked back to Ivy with a grin.
“Oh, well we’re just so happy to have her here. She’s staying for the summer with us.” Irene beamed.
“Is that so?” Jamie’s voice lilted. “Well, it will be so great to see another pretty face around town for a while.” He winked, facing Ivy so the elder couple wouldn’t notice. Ivy’s heart thumped against her chest. “Well, I’ll let you all be, I’m sure you’ve got things to catch up on. Great to have you with us, Miss Ivy.” Jamie reached for her hand, lifting it to his lips to give a gentle kiss.
“Uh…just Ivy.” She grinned. “Y-yes. It’s great to be here. Thank you.”
Jamie picked up his hat from the table, setting back on his head. He gave Ivy one final look before turning to greet those at the next table over. Ivy bit her lip as she glanced at the hand he had kissed, taking in a breath. His charm was unrelenting, and it knocked the wind clear out of her. She stared, thoughts racing through her mind, as he greeted some other parishioners. Her grandfather’s voice managed to pull her out of her trance, her attention snapping back to the elder.
“Such a nice fella, that one. All the folks around here love him.” Her grandfather said through a mouthful of food. “We were a little wary when he came to replace old Father Wilkins after he died, what with him being so young and all. But I gotta say he’s a real man of faith.”
“How long has he been in town?” Ivy asked.
“Oh I’d say about a year or so now. Said he came from the west, out in the desert, I think. The town’s really taken to him though, you’d think he was a southern boy from the start if it wasn’t for that accent.” He took another bite of his sandwich.
“Yeah, he seems…really friendly.” Ivy turned to look at him conversing with a couple, not much older than she was. She certainly wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but part of her wondered just how friendly he could get.
Over the following few weeks, Ivy found herself looking forward to Sunday services. Each time she attended church, her eyes would seek out Jamie, and he would reciprocate with small glances and smiles. The innocent exchanges gave her butterflies, and she often caught herself daydreaming about him during the weekdays. Perhaps riding around in the old beat-up truck he drove around, windows down, hands intertwined over the center console; relaxing in the shade under the willow tree down by the pond behind the old mill.
But some nights, alone in her room after her grandparents had gone to sleep, she found herself even fantasizing about Jamie. Though she wasn’t religious herself, there was something so guilty about thinking of a man of the church in this way. He was probably pure, saving himself for marriage. Still, Ivy couldn’t help but sense something hidden under his holy exterior. There was something hidden, and the intrigue consumed her.
The two hadn’t shared more than a few cordial words each weekend, between the glances, though. She was beginning to wonder if she had just been completely misreading things through the rose-colored glasses of her own desires.
One Sunday after the service, Jamie stood in the doorway of the church bidding his congregation goodbye as they shuffled out into the bright midday humidity.
“Irene, Dale, Ivy.” He smiled and nodded politely as they passed by him. “Oh, Ivy!” He followed.
“Yes?” She replied, stopping to turn around.
“I’m wondering if you might be interested in volunteering for the end of summer fair that we’re putting on for the kids next weekend. We could really use an extra set of hands, if you’re able.” He smiled.
“Oh, how fun! Ivy would love to help out, wouldn’t you honey bee?!” Irene excitedly grabbed her arm.
Ivy looked between Irene and Jamie. “Uh…yeah, sure. I can help.” She pushed a smile.
Jamie stood up straighter, flashing a toothy grin. “Wonderful. It’s appreciated. We’re having a volunteer meeting with everyone helping on Wednesday night at 7pm, if you can make it.”
“Sure, yeah, I’ll be there.”
He tipped his hat to her. “See you then.”
While Ivy somewhat begrudgingly agreed, she was excited at the opportunity to spend more time with the intriguing preacher during her final week here. She didn’t expect much, but at least she would be able to be around him, drinking in the sight of his tall figure and wonderfully sculpted face.
The Wednesday meeting arrived, going as one would typically expect. The logistics and volunteer duties and assignments were discussed, the timeline, a question-and-answer portion. Jamie dismissed the volunteers, thanking them for their time commitment and willingness to assist.
“Ivy, would you mind hanging back a minute. There’s something I forgot to go over with you.” Jamie called out from his seat as the small group filed down the aisle.
Ivy turned around, letting a few others walk by her on either side. “Yeah, what’s up?”
“Come sit.” Jamie gestured to the pew in front of him.
She complied, coming to sit down. As the last person went out the door, it closed behind them with a click that echoed throughout the room. Jamie got up from his chair on the platform, coming down to the pew where Ivy sat and sitting beside her. She felt her breathing pick up slightly, his cologne enveloping the air around her.
Jamie turned to her. “Ivy, I’ve noticed something has been weighing on you.”
Her stomach dropped. He had noticed the way she had been looking at him and the blushing when he glanced back at her after all. She felt his hand rest on her thigh, drawing her out of her own mind and thoughts. She looked down to her lap and then back up to him. His eyes were dark and suggestive.
“Have you had…sinful thoughts?” He asked calmly.
Swallowing hard, Ivy paused, opening her mouth to speak but having no earthly idea of how to respond. She resolved to a shallow nod, darting her eyes anywhere but to his, unsure of how honest she could be with him. Her mind reeled, caught between the boundaries of his position and her own suppressed desires. Jamie nodded back to her, looking forward and letting his gaze wander.
“I have to admit…” He turned his gaze now to her. “I have too.”
Ivy’s heart was in her throat. “Oh?” Was all she could manage to squeak out, the warmth of his hand still radiating through the fabric of her sundress. He leaned in closer to her, his breath brushing against her earlobe.
“Will you hear my confession?” He whispered.
She turned to him, their faces mere centimeters from each other. “Y-yes…”
He met her eyes with his own. “Those thoughts have been about you.” He said in a hushed tone, his thumb beginning to caress where it rested on her thigh.
A mix of shock and excitement washed over Ivy, burning itself all the way down to her core. She hadn't expected him to be so candid and so forward. She found herself still speechless, never having thought her desires would be equally reciprocated. After a beat, she found her voice.
"Is...is that even allowed?" She whispered, concerned about a faith she didn't even fully understand. “I thought that god-“
"Do you even believe in god?" Jamie interrupted, his tone genuine.
Ivy hesitated before admitting, "No, I don’t…"
Jamie smirked. "Then don't worry about it." He said, leaning closer, his other hand coming to grip her chin. "You don't have to pretend to be so innocent then, do you, my little lamb?"
“I…” She started to reply before his hand on her thigh ventured deeper between her legs. Her breath hitched as his fingers brushed against the panties that were already wet with her neediness.
“What, you what?” He cooed, still holding her chin tightly with his other hand, forcing her to look him in the eyes. “Tell me what you want.”
“I…” She breathed. “I want you to touch me. Please.”
She felt his lips crash against hers, like a man starved. He released her chin, slinking his hand around her neck and up the back of her head. She quickly adjusted herself, swinging her leg over his to sit on his lap, straddling him.
“Not so timid anymore it seems.” Jamie pulled back, smirking.
“I just said I don’t believe in god, I’m going to hell anyway, I might as well enjoy myself along the way.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.
“I can give you something to believe in.” In a swift motion, Jamie slipped his hands under Ivy’s thighs, lifting her up as he stood up.
He walked them both towards the platform, stepping up, and pressing her back against the wall, just under a large wooden cross. Her legs stayed wrapped around his waist, hands rustling through his golden hair. His lips furiously pressed against hers, tongue and teeth coming together in a raw passion. His mouth ventured down to her neck, nipping and suckling just under her ear as Ivy let out a gentle whimper. She felt his length hardening against her inner thigh, making her need for him grow stronger.
“Are you gonna fuck me right here under this cross?” She breathed.
Jamie abruptly stopped, pulling back to look her in the eye. He let her legs fall individually and took half a step back. Ivy furrowed her brow, confused. She wondered if he had suddenly had a change of heart, or if he realized how sacrilegious this all was.
“Hey.” He said sternly. “We’re in a church. You should know you can’t use that language in the house of the lord.”
“Oh, uh-“
“You know you have to be punished.” He smirked wickedly, stepping backward again.
Ivy’s blood pumped furiously through her veins, excitement overtaking her. This was undoubtedly so wrong, but so thrilling. He glanced to the lectern, where a thick bible sat neatly on top. He took it in his hand, turning back to Ivy. He pulled the chair on the platform closer to him, taking a seat and patting his lap.
“Come on.” He gestured. “Bend over, take your punishment.”
Ivy hesitantly made her way over to Jamie, slowly sinking herself lower and folding herself over his lap. Her breath was heavy, anticipating. He cleared his throat and reached for the hem of her dress, sliding it slowly upwards, fully revealing her light pink panties. He neatly folded the fabric at the small of her back, gently smoothing it out with minimal pressure.
“Now…” He sighed.
He drew back the hand holding the bible, and with a swift flick of his wrist, the leather-bound cover made sharp, unforgiving contact with Ivy’s supple backside. She let out a shrill yelp as it came down on her flesh, knowing full well this would leave a mark. Without missing a beat, Jamie pulled back and delivered another hard whack to her. Her shriek echoed off the walls of the empty church, this rap stinging worse than the first one on her already red skin. Tears began to well in the corner of her eyes.
“P-please…I’m sorry.” She whimpered softly.
“What was that, my little lamb?” He reached with his other hand to softly stroke her hair, countered quickly with a third strike of the bible.
Ivy tensed up over his lap, crying out again. “I’m sorry!”
Jamie continued petting her head, now resting his other hand and the book on her back. He leaned down closer to her ear, smiling softly. “Will you be good for me now?”
Ivy took in a shattered breath. “Yes... Yes, I’ve learned my lesson.”
“Good girl.” Jamie whispered. “Now, sit up…”
Ivy did as she was told, peeling her torso off his lap only to swing her leg over and straddle him once again. She sniffled lightly as she looked at him directly again, eyes still slightly glossy from her punishment. His hands slid around her waist, pulling her closer to him.
“To answer your question from before…” He began. “Yes, I am going to fuck you right here under this cross. I am going to show god that you’re mine.”
Before Ivy could respond, his lips were already pressing hungrily into hers. He began to trail down her jaw and on to her neck, suckling hard enough to make sure he would leave his mark. She reached between both of their bodies, undoing the button and zipper of his pants just enough to free his hardened length. She took him in her hand and stroked him slowly, a low groan emanating from his throat. His hot breath against her skin made her already desperate core throb, she felt as though she could combust at any moment.
With his lips still exploring her neck and collarbone, he moved to quickly lower the straps of her dress, letting them fall to her elbows. He tugged at the top hem of the dress, letting her chest reveal itself, spilling out over the fabric. His mouth made quick work of enveloping her nipple in its warmth, drawing out a pleasured sigh from Ivy. She began to grind against his thigh, hoping for some sense of relief.
“Come on, then.” She breathed. “Make me yours. Take me.”
Jamie let out a breathy chuckle, removing her hands from his cock, slipping his hands under her dress and under the elastic of her panties. She rested her wrists on his shoulders, staring down as he pushed the fabric aside, gently pushing her upward to angle his tip at her entrance. She gasped as she sunk down slowly, feeling the stretch of him inside. He let out a groan as Ivy now fully enveloped in, her weight fully back on his lap. She leaned forward, resting her forehead against his briefly before closing the gap between their lips. Her hips rocked forward, his hands gripping her hips to help her along. Suddenly, he pulled back.
“Say it, before god, say that you’re mine.” He growled, rocking his hips in rhythm with hers. “I don’t care what you believe in, you’re going to believe in me. Say it.”
“I-I’m yours!” Ivy mewled. “I’m yours.” She fell forward against his chest, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Yeah, you’re my good girl. My good girl.” He growled again into her neck.
The two of them clung to each other, the space around them filled with their moans and breathing, the aggressive creaking of the wooden chair they were occupying. If the church hadn’t been the only building on its acre of land, someone would have heard them through the open windows.
A gentle breeze made its way through the large hall, raising goosebumps across their sticky, shiny skin, covered in the humid dew of the south. Their movements were in perfect sync, each one locked into the other’s body, as if they were a symbiotic pair; as if they were to lose contact, their bodies would shrivel up and wither away into the wind.
“Look at me.” Jamie whispered. “I want you to look at me as I finish in you. As I claim you.”
Ivy pulled back to look at him, arching her back as she did. “Yes, Jamie…please…let god know I’m yours.” She sighed, digging her nails into his shoulders.
His thrusts became more haphazard, and his grunts frequent. Ivy rolled her hips along with him, the pressure building throughout her core, sensing the euphoria just over the horizon. As if it were a divine purpose, she slipped over the edge just as Jamie spilled out inside her. Ivy fell forward again, burying her face in his neck as she rode out her high, as Jamie wrapped his arms tightly around her. They slowly came to a still, only the sound of their heavy breathing and birds singing outside the church walls filling their ears along with low ringing.
As their senses came back to them, they relaxed their hold on the other. Ivy pulled back from the crook of Jamie’s neck, smoothing her damp hair out of her face. He smiled softly up at her, taking her chin in his hand again, only this time pulling her tenderly toward him to place a gentle kiss to her lips.
“How are you doing, little lamb?” He asked sweetly, his voice no longer gruff and demanding, but kind and warm.
“I’m…feeling saved.” She smiled.
He chuckled lightly as he caressed her cheek. “Oh, is that all it takes?”
Ivy slid herself off his lap, letting him tuck himself back in to his trousers. “You said you’d make a believer out of me. I definitely believe in a lot more than I did before I came here.” She winked.
“Well…you have a few days left here. I can certainly give you a lot more to believe in, darling.” He smirked at her as he stood up, reaching out his hand, silently asking for hers.
Ivy smiled, glancing between his eyes and his hand.
“I’m all yours.”
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gxthicwxrm · 2 years
Omg I need an Eddie Munson thingy where reader doesn’t really do makeup and Eddie does it for her like the eyeliner and waterliner etc and all the stuff you just posted about 🤯
Loving The Freak- Eddie Munson x Reader
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Pairing: eddie munson x fem reader
Warning: cursing, making out, pet names, fluff?
Summary: Eddie does readers' makeup before his D&D campaign meeting and feelings are exposed.
Word Count: 2273 words.
MINORS DNI! This is an 18+ account. You'll be blocked! 
Please don't translate or copy my work! You do not have my permission to copy or translate my work. Not proofread, Feedback is always welcomed! Requests are open! Enjoy!.
*not my gif*
You watch as Eddie smears black powder around his eyelid before moving to his other eye. It became a ritual to watch Eddie get ready for his D&D campaign meeting, he didn't always wear makeup but when he did, you couldn't help but watch.
Tonight was like every other night, except you weren't already dressed like you normally were when you came to help Eds. Breaking you from your thoughts, you hear Eddie mutter a soft 'fuck' then a clatter as something falls. He recovers before glancing at you through the mirror. He smiles at the sight of you, his best friend laying on his bed, head in hands watching him get ready. Suddenly, a look you couldn't decipher crosses his features before he wipes around to face you. With an eyeshadow brush in hand, he points at you, a smile across his face. 
"I have a brilliant idea, babe. It was meant to be!" He moves from his stool to beside you on the best, you move to sit up and face him. 
:read more:
"What idea?" You tilt your head to the side, brows furrowed in confusion. He leans close to you, hand extended out to cup your cheek. His other hand propped up, holding the brush.
"Can I do your makeup, please?" His voice is soft, barely higher than a whisper. His brown eyes practically begged to be able to do this. Hesitant, you think about the worst outcome and decide it can't be that bad.
"Okay, just don't make it too crazy, Eds." He blushes at the nickname, resulting in butterflies erupting in your stomach before he turns to his desk and gathers the materials he needs. You have loved your best friend for years but you never dared to tell him, you never thought you were good enough and the fear of losing your friendship held you back, like a prison. A prison you had to accept.
What you didn't know was Eddie has been falling for you for the last two years. His thoughts are consumed with you and hanging out with you. You two are inseparable at every given chance. He was insecure and terrified his admission would make him run off. Being friends with the freak is different than loving the freak.
He turns back, arms full of palette, liners, lipsticks, blushes, you name it. A massive smile is plastered across his face as he sits back down beside you, placing everything on the bed in between you two. 
"Do I have full creative permission?" His face is genuine and joyful as he waits for your answer. With an equally joyful smile, you agree with a nod. Eddie does a little dance before grabbing his brush and an eyeshadow palette.
"Close your eyes, princess." The name brings heat to your face as you oblige, closing your eyes. "I'm starting now. You already look so gorgeous." He mumbles, a brush stroke goes across your eyelid in, first patting the skin then he begins blending out in circular motions.  He moves to your second eye, quickly finishing.
"Did you use one color?" You ask. Hearing Eddie scoff, you try to hide a smile. Cracking your eyes slightly, you try to see what he is doing. Immediately, you see Eddie's beautiful eyes gazing into yours. Startled, you jump slightly before giggling.
"Why are you just staring at me, Eds?" You giggle, gazing back at him, wide smiles cover both of your faces. 
"I was just admiring how beautiful you are. But, no it's not just one color. Close those babies again." He demands, after melting your heart. Closing your eyes, you feel his hand brush against your jaw, gently holding your face in his hand as he brushes on more eyeshadow, this time higher than the last. 
"This is the first time you've been this quiet, Eds." You both laugh at your joke, when you feel the bristles of a mascara wand against your lashes. A wave of goosebumps covers your skin as you feel his breath fan against your face. He smells like weed, tobacco, and musk. You breathe in his intoxicating scent as he speaks.
"Open your eyes and look up, baby. I'm gonna get your bottom lashes. Okay?" He asks, looking into your eyes as you open them. Brows pulled together, he sticks his tongue out over his top lip as he focuses on coating your bottom lashes. As he finishes, he lingers inches away with his hand still cupping your face. Taking your time, you let yourself take him all in, never seeing him this up close before. His eyes are solid brown, almost black as they glide over your face, lingering over your lips. 
Heat burns in your chest as you look at his lips, thinking of him kissing you. Nervously, you wet your lips before looking back up at him. Before either of you know it, you are both leaning in. His soft lips meet yours. His other hand cups your thigh as his other moves from your jaw to ghosting over your neck. 
As your lips move deeper in sync, your hands find their way to his chest, slithering up to his face. Pulling him in, you feel his tongue slide across your bottom lip, begging for access. As the kiss gets more heated, you are hit with a realization. You are making out with your best friend. And he kissed you back.
Eddie feels you stiffen and stop kissing back, so he pulls away. He holds you, titling your chin up at him, analyzing your features.
"Did I do something? I'm sorry. Are you okay?" He asks as he puts you at arms reach, looking over you. 
"I-i just am shocked. I don't know why I did that. I don't want to ruin our friendship. I know you don't feel that way but…but I love you, Eddie. I'm sorry." You ramble as he shushes you, finger to your lips.
"I leaned in, baby. I made my move, you just happened to do it too. I have loved you for so long, Y/N. I think about you every day I wake up and every night I go to sleep. You're the first person I want to talk to when I create an awesome ass campaign. You are the person I go to. The person I trust. I love you so much." He opens his heart to you, voice cracking as tears threaten to spill. A small chuckles vibrate through you as you lean your forehead against his, rubbing your nose with his. 
"Oh my god. I love you so much! Why have you never told me you felt this way?" You close your eyes as his hands that were resting on your thighs start to move up your legs. 
"I was always so scared of losing you, princess. Why didn't you tell me? I could've been kissing you this whole time." His voice is low but playful as his hands find your hips, holding them. You laugh as you let go and pull him into his lap. Straddling him, you brush a lock of his hair behind his ears before resting your head against his again, wanting to be close to his lips. 
"I was afraid that you didn't feel that way about me. I didn't think I was good enough to be with someone like you. I just always thought you deserve someone like Chrissy Cunningham. Everyone knew you had a crush on her." You blink away the tears that burned your eyes as he shakes his head.
"Only because I let them think that. How could I let everyone know I was in love with my best friend without you finding out? And you are so good enough. You have stuck by me through everything this town has put me through, put you through just for being my friend. I know Jason fucks with you because you hang out with me. I haven't spoken to you about it but he's been nicer to you because I had to threaten him with Harrington's bat." He laughs, you doing the same with him. The idea of Jason cowering from Eddie was crazy to think about. 
"I have and will love you.-"
"I love you too Eddie." You interrupted him. With a mock- angry expression, he scoffs.
"Don't interrupt me when I come to declare my love, milady." More laughter erupts from you two as he dramatically twists the two of you so that he is laying on top of you. 
"Tell me you'll be mine, Y/N. Be the freak's girl." Brushing his nose against yours, his lips hover over yours. Looking into his memorizing eyes, you nod.
"No. Say it. Please. Say it, sweetheart." Anxiety takes a hold of him as he waits.
"I am yours, Eddie Munson. Only yours, for as long as you want me. Hopefully, forever." You whisper against his lips that transforms to a smile against your own. 
"Damn fucking right." Finally, he presses his lips against yours to which you kiss back immediately. His hands quickly find their way under your shirts, they hesitate, waiting for your approval. Rolling your hips upwards at him, a small moan leaves your lips urging him to go further. His cold rings glide across your skin to your bra, cupping your breast as you let his tongue slip past your lips, dancing with your tongue. 
You become a moaning mess as you tug on the hem of his Hellfire shirt. Breaking away, he yanks off his shirt. Taking this moment to admire his body, you let your hand roam over his bare torso. Tattoos litter his skin. Before you get the chance to look further, his lips are on your neck.  Moving quickly, you pull off your own shirt as his hands wrap around your torso, pulling you back to him, lips locking against each other. 
His tongue beats yours for dominance as he holds your wrists above your head with one hand and begins to undo your jeans as you start to grind on his thigh, moaning softly. 
Once he finally undoes the button and zipper, he pulls down your jeans, then you get up and help him take his off leaving you both in your underwear. He throws you down onto his bed, you giggle as he jumps onto you to attack your neck with love bites. 
Just as his hand reaches the band of your underwear, a loud knock vibrates through the trailer causing the two of you to stop, despite the vocal protesting from both of you. 
"EDDIE" Dustin, Mike, and Lucas's voices could be heard yelling from outside the trailer, making Eddie pull away. You knew how much those kids meant to Eddie so you never minded having them around. You loved how they admire Eddie when he would help them with campaign strategies and game lore. They looked up to him and you loved it. You could tell that Eddie loved them back, if not more.
He sends you an apologetic look, which you shrugged off with a smile.
"I'm coming. Give me a second." He yells back, pulling on his pants.
"Are we okay, baby?" He leans over you, arms on either side, whispering. He looks worried, face twisted with anxiety. You rub your thumb against his cheek and lean in, connecting your lips in a peck. 
"Of course. We are together, right?" You laugh, he immediately shakes his head.
"Yes. Of course. Fuck yeah, we are together." He says joyfully, kissing you back. 
"Hurry up, Eddie." Dustin bangs on the Locked door again making Eddie pull away once again, handing you his shirt after you pull up your pants. As he moves towards the door, you finger-brush your hair down from its frazzled state when you hear Eddie's door open and the kids walk in.
"Oh my god. What were y'all doing in here? Doing the nasty!" Dustin's face looks disgusted as his eyes dart between you and Eddie, who both pretend to be clueless. 
"What are you talking about, kid?" You chime in. Eddie nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, I don't think you know, man," Eddie adds. The younger boy burst into a fit of laughter, followed by the two other young kids. You and Eddie enhance a confused glance before looking back at the trio.
"I'm talking about you-" He points to you. " -wearing his tee shirt-" then he points to Eddie, "- and you have a hickey on your shirtless chest! Y'all were fucking!" Dustin emphasizes the final words, dramatically.
"You know what, maybe we were." You mumble, jokingly causing the three to all yell.
"Ew." They all say in sync before pulling out all their D&D gear onto Eddie's coffee table, Dustin pulling him over. He sends you a look over his shoulder as he watches you pull out your current read. Smiling at him, you blow him a kiss. He returned it with a wink before Dustin pulled his attention and your book pulled yours. Joy fills you as you realize that Eddie, your best friend, loves you back and is finally yours. Reassuring yourself it was real, your thoughts kept drifting back to the rocker’s lips and what almost happened, knowing once you were alone again, it would continue. 
You noticed his eyes keep darting to yours whenever he could spare a glance, and you knew he was thinking about you also.
@mrs-hotchner @our-lilly @mikeys-thighs @maisieisbae @hazydespair @parker-natasha @princessmiaelicia @aramora @axen-gers @trouble-in-space @stratospherewalker @fictionlandslanddreams @aunicornmademedoit @augustlikesdeath @kaitioo @uselessbutinteresting @todoroki-slut  
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heerocks · 1 year
CURIOUS CAT — the butterflies on y/n's stomach
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SYNOPSIS! Curious Cat is an app that peaked three years ago where people use it to flirt with their crush anonymously and then suddenly forgot about it.
or wherein, Y/N was devastated when her crush, Lee Heeseung indirectly rejecting her in high school. Three years later, both of them have this unknown beef between them that even their friends don't know the real reason behind. One day, Y/N suddenly remembered and opened her C.C. account, and saw that someone by the name 'Ethan' confessed to her three years ago.
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'It's way too early for this' heeseung thought rolling his eyes as he hid his phone on his right pocket while doing the best he can to ignore the fact that you've been staring at him for like 30 minutes straight now.
What did I do? That's the question that plague his mind. Are you angry at him? Did he do something wrong? There's gotta be an acceptable reason for you to stare at him like that, right? He tried to play it cool by sending soft smiles on your way but nothing fazed you. As a matter of fact, you didn't even tried to hide the fact that you're practically gawking at him.
Should I be nervous? He thought again, shifting his weight from left to right obviously in discomfort and overthinking things. This morning, instead of sitting behind you like he did last time, Heeseung sat a few rows on the right side, positioning himself diagonally away from you.
Jay thought it would be best to block all the 'distractions' (and that includes you) while he receive cooking lessons from him. And, heeseung couldn't agree more knowing he's a complete fool and a nervous wreck.
Not to mention, he'll willingly bend in front of you if that's what you want. Just think if it. What if, god forbid, he suddenly spill his plan on confessing to you using food as an excuse? That would wreck all his dreams and hard work to confess in the most perfect way the world would ever allow him to do.
If it's another scenario, maybe heeseung don't mind that you're indeed staring at him. Maybe he'll stare back, using the 'staring contest' as an excuse to study your features. Writing mental notes about what shaped your eyes are, how soft your lips looked and must've felt like, how cute you nose. Heck, he'll even note how you softly bite your lips whenever you're focus doing something. Bet he can keep the list going. That's how bad heeseung is down for you, so if it is a simple day, maybe heeseung wouldn't mind.
But no, right now? he do mind it. How can he not when you're looking at him, not with a loving eyes as he hope so but a look that can be called nothing but judgemental?
Another scrutinizing ten minutes of his life passed just by waiting for the class to start, and with you still gawking at him, heeseung can't help but to dramatically gasped for the much needed breathe of relief when he felt your eyes leaving him when the door finally opened that made all the people inside the room look in one direction. But, instead of a man in his late 50s like y'all expected to see, Ryujin was the one who invade your visions.
She quietly go inside, walking directly in front of the teacher's table ensuring everyone's attention is on her.
"Listen, they had teacher's meeting so no class for today—" The tuition-driven students erupt in series of excited shouts but Ryujin was adamant to stop it. "BUT!" the whole room fell into silent, "... but, mr. choi said that we should all go to our respective partners assigned for the midterm project and use the remaining time to finish it. The deadline was still due later this week, no exceptions."
Groaned was heard all across the room, but despite the complains, people started to stand and walked to their partners anyways. Whilst heeseung was the only one to froze on his seat, he doesn't know why he's so nervous to face you. Maybe it's because there's something on the way you give the 'look' that screams danger for him. Maybe he'll just run?
Though, before the man can even come up with an answer. He heard your voice, calling his name softly. "Heeseung..." Nevermind, he loves you anyways. Nothing's going to change about that.
He took time to calm down before turning his head to look at you who was now signalling for him to come. Heeseung did exactly what he was told. Taking the seat beside you with such amenable behavior. Fear not, you wouldn't need to say it twice and heeseung would definitely do it nonetheless.
The man in question awkwardly shifted his weight away from you though keeping his smile intact in hopes to distract your doubts. It was a failed endeavour, by the way as heeseung distinctively saw your eyes squinting on how weird he's acting right now.
"So, i guess it's safe to say that procrastination didn't win?" Heeseung nodded, avoiding your eyes under the guise of observing his surroundings. "Chilling feels good knowing you finished the task early while seeing your classmates still doing something" He added, as heeseung felt himself slowly calming down. His instinct took over and the next thing he knew, his body automatically scoot closer to you. Funny how his eyes want to run away from yours though his body said otherwise.
"By the way, I need to ask you something, heeseung..." Nope. False hope. The nerves are back. He was busy panicking inside that he didn't even noticed how careful you choose your words, scared that one wrong word was enough to scare him away.
"Ask away" Heeseung's voice came out normal but it didn't came unnoticed on how it trailed off specially on the last part. You didn't replied or fired the question immediately just like what he hoped so. It was more like, you weren't so sure what you'll ask... or, if you still want to ask the question running amock through mind.
After a few seconds, you brave to finally start "Do you like someone?" Now, it's his time to think. Not that heeseung was doubting his feelings. He's just torn between saying yes or just denying it until he finally and officially confess. Ah, whatever. Whatever happens, happens.
"I do"
"Do you love giving them gifts?" You ask again, now, chasing after his eyes. Heeseung nervously gulped before silently nodding, afraid that his voice would betray him. "I'm not really good with words..." Of course, he isn't. If he did, he should've said that he like you a long time ago. It was long overdue.
"So, I tend to give them gifts to uh— make them feel special"
"Like flowers?" The bell rang, cutting you off. Heeseung was now celebrating mentally. He need to be away from you, asap. "Oh, look at the time!" Heeseung proclaimed frantically looking at his wrist, not even realizing he doesn't wear a watch.
"I... uh— I have to go, y/n! I still have something to do." He immediately grabbed his things from the chair. Heeseung was about to walk away when your hand caught the hem of his shirt. You didn't need to speak, he knew what goes on in your mind.
And, before heeseung realize words came out like falls, nothing beats your innocent face looking up to him. It makes him want to do everything you want even without saying it.
"I have cook—" You raised your brow waiting for heeseung to continue by laughing dead ass awkward. Somehow, he sounds like a crow.
"I mean, I still have to cook layla's dog food. And, cook coffee... comb my hair, as well as, jake's and hoon's. So... I'll see you around, okay?" By the time, heeseung said the last reminder, his voice became soft. His hands gently and affectionately pat your head. Surely, he's the father to the butterflies fluttering inside your stomach.
"Be careful on your way home, hm?" Heeseung finally walked away, leaving you a blushing mess.
What the hell are you doing to me, Lee Heeseung?!
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chapter 46 — the butterflies on y/n's stomach
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GENRE! smau + written, on crack, slow burn, mutual pinning or past pinning, university au, kinda enemies to lovers troupe, heeseung is a simp, reader is kind of dumb, friends bullying friends
𖥻 notes! : updates might get delayed since i have upcoming exams this week >< but i'll see what i can do. And, this chapter is not yet edited so i apologize if y'all came with wrong grammar, spelling, and such.
𖥻𖥻 taglist! : @ckline35 @meinapricity @gugudone @xoxodinaryheroes @lov3niki @ahnneyong @raikea10 @bigtoewinwin @tlnyjoong @sungookie @uwudaizy @jeongintwt @paragonofroyalty @captivq @lavisha7 @prdxinvade @lockburn-castle @chaemmie @xtra-cheese @mimikittysblog @zhaixiaowen @pb-n-juju @luvkait @myjaeyunn @redm4ri @oceanyocean @diestheticu @liliansun @yenqa @xiaoderrrr @flower-lise @mymeloem19 @jungwon-kitten @hoonieluv @vantxx95 @asherbl @alexayoonlee @georgi-salva @mdavt @kyexvly @would-bee @jhopesucker @tiramis-hoon @noascats @beomibeom
likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! ❤️
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