#if this two parter was all stuff with that energy
dykepaldi · 4 months
every single time i forget how much magicians apprentice/witchs familiar revolves around davros and its such a shame. wish it was just my fave fucked up poly situationship running around getting into shenanigans.
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jazeswhbhaven · 6 months
Fa La La La La Michael's on Sale (Christmas Miracle L-Card PROLOGUE Spoilers II)
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Before you proceed!!! Check out Part 1 here ->
if you've already saw that, let's dive back in for the remainder of the prologueeee
So we left off at the auction, and Daddy Mammon was being Daddy Mammon. But he also explains how he views buying stuff in general, including being forward that the "gifts" MC assumed were gifts are things that they needed for the function lmao
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Damn if that's a necessity to you then a gift is like....probably very very expensive or heartfelt or something like that. At least to Mammon. He even explains his buying process to them
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So how he sees it, everything in this world is already his and he's just sharing it with everyone and allowing them to enjoy it as well. When he pays the store or anyone for anything it's basically him rewarding them for keeping his stuff safe until he needs it again later regardless of the reason, he wants it for. He's adorable.
So while all of that is happening and he's trying to see what it is that MC would want to buy, Michael literally fucking plunges from the sky into the building like nothing.... Like when I tell you that's the funniest shit I've read for both prologues where the angels literally just fell from the sky forcefully and they were probably just minding their business for the day, it's Christmas so they're like meh we're chilling, gonna wait til the day after and Y E E T bam down the hell for whatever reason lol
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So here's a couple rumor lore for our seraph boi. Apparently out of the three, he's really cutthroat and doesn't give a fuck about it. His judgment usually ends with him killing you basically because no one is pure in his eyes. SO at this point everyone is hauling ass trying to escape before he gets murder happy.
He notices that MC is there and acknowledges their presence, and his forever crying eye because he's always like that is dripping tears (I like to make a joke he has allergies....to sin....)
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So Mammon tries a sneak attack and it seems to not work against him and he's like confused, MC is confused, EYE am confused because wtf is Michael suddenly invincible???
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So he's referring that Mammon is the most sinful devil king...I guess in his eyes being greedy is too much and should be punished right away. I guess he just doesn't see the potential in the other kings huh? /j
So Mike here starts shooting bolts of energy, blades of light, everything he's got toward Mammon and MC, none of it lands or hits. Everyone is watching confused YET again and Mammon is the only one that seems to get it.
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A what now?????
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So remember in the beginning where Minhyeok basically sat up there and wished for peace wherever MC was so they could have a peaceful Christmas? I mean canon-wise he's been to hell before and knows exactly how rough it is for MC and the others, so he made this wish thinking about that and turns out...
The rules of "Santa" work in Hell when it comes to wishes. Mammon can't attack Mike and Mike can't kill any devils for the day.
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That's right buddy, no murder party for youuuuu <3
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I love his angry face here, he's so pissed off lmao. But basically what happens shortly after...since he's powerless and pretty much fucking useless, the devils gang up on him and chain him up and such. Mammon threw out the idea of "wonder how much he would cost?" and now...angel boi is part of the fucking auction lol
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So they're having MC 'test' out the product which in this case is Michael. Apparently in the past Solomon tested out various products before they were auctioned off and so they are having MC do the same. Honestly, the expectations put on MC are so odd sometimes. Like come on their granddaddy from centuries ago was from a different time and had some crazy magical powers and shit and so far MC has only been able to tap in like a 4th of that power. Maybe not even a 4th T^T But regardless they're eating up Michael with their eyes and he's of course being a brat about it.
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It appears that during the scuffle, the devils were able to pitch together and come up with an info card, only had to use minimal chains, a golden gag (I assume he was fucking biting people lmao) and well...I'd like to think now that the angels automatically have their cock/chastity cages just by default. The design of their cages remind me of 'Dick Fight Island' hahaha. And MC is just like damn, I guess it wouldn't hurt having a little taste??? Just a small one? And it's just like yeah I'd probably figure out how to unlock that cage and tease his cock a bit... But also this is giving some pretty triggering content based on the fact clearly....Michael is against this, because he's glaring at MC like he could murder them on the spot. He was outnumbered, chained up, and now being sold as a possible sex slave. But oh take a look at his sprite!
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Even his sprite is not having a great time lmao he is p i s s e d. Pretty much rabid and can go off any moment. But the reason I want his card is that in Secret Club.....I know he's going to react to our touches and he makes that delicous pleasure face like he can't help it and mmmm this is fueling angel headcanons all over the fucking place for me. I swear I gotta make a self indulgent fic about how angels react to being touched after their cage is removed.
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And this is so fucking cute of Mammon....MC is just standing on stage ready to doing their thing and Mammon is waving at them like "Hi sweetie, you're doing great <3 Luv youuuu"
This is why I love him. But anyways the prolouge ends with MC unbuttoning Mike's shirt and I'm just sitting here like UGHHHHHHHHH at this point I'd pay for each story that comes out as a whole just so I can skip this whole you have to unlock it in the unholy board stuff....because honestly if PB told us "hey if you'd like to buy Michael's L-card story, pass us like $30 or $5 per chapter" I'd find a way to pay for that. I just want the stories at this point, this grinding stuff is wearing me out lol
I DIGRESS though. From the prologue alone it looks like this story is going to get s p i c y and if I'm right??? MC is probs gonna make him cum in front of the audience, so it's exhibitionism, humiliation, and degradation (really for all of the angels cards it seems because they're in a public place)
So it looks like I'm done reacting to this <3 Later today I'll try to get Raphael's done. Thankuuu for sitting with me
(´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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babyspacebatclone · 7 months
Ok, I watch a ton of clay creation slash diorama creators on YouTube.
And I really, really need to share three of the most mind blowing artists with you all.
Because I just saw one that completely broke me (affectionate) and realized to be honest I need to show two others before I settle on “Most insane amount of detail imaginable.”
First, the most recent vid.
TW: Zombie shark, so dni if either of those concepts are bad for you, but I cannot stress enough how much skill and talent and detail!!!!!!! (spoiler, I’ve never seen this technique with lights before and it’s amazing)
Second, for some whimsy, a Minecraft miniature diorama. That’s actually a tutorial for the free patterns they made if you have the time/energy/patience to make one yourself!!!!
(Actually go on to YouTube and use CC for subtitles so you can follow along, but the point stands)
Lastly, a 2-parter, this is just presented without comment. Largely because my jaw is still dropped and how gorgeous these four (four!!!) pieces are!!!!
Extra links below cut.
wAw Creator:
WUZU clay’s YouTube:
The Google Drive with free printable patterns for making two (at time of posting) Minecraft inspired dioramas:
Thalasso hobby’s YouTube:
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kaiowut99 · 3 months
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episodes 108-109 Subbed (Finalized)
(Previously: Episodes 106-107 Subbed [Finalized])
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-108: Professor Cobra's Assassin
Professor Cobra announces the "Disclosure Duels," a system of publicizing one's skill and performing duels openly. He also provides all of the students with their own Dis-Belts to gauge their fighting spirit through their passion, focus, and decisiveness in those duels. Cobra then orders O'Brien to duel Judai--and to do so in a way that brings forth all of Judai's latent abilities. Putting his strategy into action, O'Brien takes Shou hostage and duels Judai.
TURN-109: Judai and the Fiery O'Brien
O'Brien aims to bring out all of Judai's latent abilities by using Shou as a hostage. As expected, Judai causes a serious battle to unfold, which he responds to using his Fire deck, activating his Firewall Permanent Trap against Judai's direct attacks to negate his attempts to attack him directly. For his part, Judai Contact-Fuses Neos with Flare Scarab, summoning Flare Neos for a counterattack, but...
Sorry, didn't mean to leave these two episodes hanging for just over a month~ sorry Shou
Episodes 108 and 109 are now finalized! Professor Cobra comes in and starts up the Dis-Duels, which will play a big role in this early part of the season, and we get more time with O'Brien as he duels with Judai on Cobra's orders and ends up having a little fun with it towards the end. It's a fun duel, O'Brien makes a fiery entrance with his Blaze Cannon/Blaze Cannon Trident cards, and I love the sequence in 109 as Judai uses Flare Neos with probably my favorite use of the "Fervent Duel" OST track. Also, 109 in general is a fun episode because of all the top-notch artwork going on, with some interesting angles or some really good motion frames from the animation team (Judai ordering Featherman to swoop in against O'Brien [which gets reused once or twice] is so good). Also nice character moments with Shou about reconciling his ideal from Ryou about respecting opponents with the need to have all-out heated duels to survive, a nuance that gets lost in the dub for the most part. Though speaking of the dub, I did like Axel's (O'Brien's) dub voice for the most part, though it has a rough spot or two later on when he's cowering from the Supreme King.
Animation error-wise, we mostly have some quality-of-watching touch-ups, as there weren't any card errors I picked up on; 108 had one minor touch-up near the end, while 109 had just over a handful of mostly split-screen touch-ups. Details below the cut for the interested, as always~
Quick housekeeping: in case you missed it, I reuploaded 105-107 after noticing I didn't catch an update to one of the names under the In-Between Animation credits, along with some minor consistency fixes in the rest of the credits; these were reposted over on NAC and updated in the Masterpost linked above, and 108-109'll join them on NAC in the next day or two.
Anywho, enjoy! With these done, I'll probably go back to some fixes I've been working on for episode 1 that I missed, then I'll get a bit more looked over on Tag Force Special stuff (in case you missed that news~) before working on 110 as a quick two-parter break; stay tuned!
Fixes/Edits! (108)
Near the end of the episode, as O'Brien draws for his turn, there's a coloring error with some shading along the bottom of his left shoulder where the shading is lighter like with the lighter spots higher up; it's fixed for a few frames but then goes back to lighter. Fixed this by recoloring that shading spot in the frames during the quick zoom-out that happens using Photoshop, then masked out and held the shading in the last fixed frame for the rest of the shot.
Fixes/Edits! (109)
After the 108 recap but before the OP, we get this quick scene with Cobra watching on and saying that, even if he loses, O'Brien has to bring out all of Judai's Duel Energy (a scene cut from the dub [I wonder if this error is why]), but there's an odd animation error that happens where the line on the upper left of his mouth (his left) and the jaw shading are pixels away from where they should be--this only happens for the frames where he has this fully open lip-flap and his semi-open lip-flap going. Fixed this in Photoshop by redrawing the mouth line and filling in the jaw shading along the shading that was there.
Later, after O'Brien activates his Firewall and asks Judai if he thought weak attacks would work on him, Judai notes that O'Brien didn't summon any Monsters so it wouldn't be any fun not diving right in; a semi-surprised O'Brien slides in on a split-screen acknowledging this, but there's a quick frame as the split-screen is completed where the border flickers into its final position--fixed this in Sony Vegas by just replacing the earlier frame with the latter. Then, as they split off the screen to show Shou behind them, Judai's side takes a frame longer than O'Brien's to fully get offscreen; fixed in Vegas by using the frame after in that frame's place.
Later, Judai grunts after O'Brien uses Burial from a Different Dimension to return three Fire-Type Monsters to his Cemetery, and O'Brien slides in on a split-screen to say that he's removing one from it to activate Firewall against Flare Neos's attack--but Judai starts moving for it a couple of frames before O'Brien actually starts sliding in, and along with that, the border on their split-screen ends up being off-center. Fixed these in Vegas, first by redoing the split so it's timed with Judai moving, then ending the slide-in with the border centered, moving O'Brien's side into place so that his mouth and hand move properly for the rest of the split-screen. Then, a frame before they start splitting apart as Firewall activates, O'Brien's side moves but Judai's stays still; fixed by holding the split-screen still over that frame.
A bit after, once Judai uses Contact Out to de-fuse Flare Neos and attack to make O'Brien run out of Monsters to remove from play, O'Brien grunts as Judai slides in on a split-screen to remind him about Flare Scarab's power-up effect--but like with Judai in #3 above, O'Brien starts moving for the split-screen a couple frames before Judai starts sliding in. Then, as their split ends, there's a quick frame where they start to split apart to show Flare Scarab behind them but don't actually split; this is likely why their splits then end up sliding out unevenly. with Judai's taking an extra frame to fully slide out. Fixed these all in Vegas by first redoing it so that Judai's slide-in is timed with O'Brien moving; then, I masked in part of Flare Scarab from the next frames over them as they start to split, adding a new border to O'Brien and Judai's splits; and then finally, I redid their split-outs so that they were timed evenly.
After the eyecatch, we see more of Cobra watching the duel, and Judai and O'Brien come up on a split-screen with their current LP counts--they start to split apart a frame before their LP counts disappear to show Cobra, with this quick frame having just white behind them, along with O'Brien's split missing its border. Fixed this in Vegas by just holding the previous frame over it so that the split-out starts in the next frame, once the LP counts are gone.
[continued below because of dumb characters-per-"block" limits]
(6) A bit later, after O'Brien lets Shou go, Cobra looks on in surprise, but there are a few quick frames where the shading along his jaw is incomplete; fixed in Photoshop for the lip-flap frames where it happens, then placed them in the footage in Vegas and moved it into place as needed for the panning shot here.
(7) After O'Brien loads his Volcanic Buckshot into his Blaze Cannon Trident and deals 2000 damage to Judai, he starts to explain Trident's role in that, but Judai's betting that there was more to it; O'Brien slides in on a split-screen to say as much as he explains Buckshot's role, but his split-screen's already halfway into the screen in its first before sliding the rest of the way in, and like with #3 above, the border on the split-screen somehow ends up off-center. Fixed these in Vegas by redoing his slide-in so it slides in more fluidly. Then, because of how off-center the split-screen is, as they split apart, O'Brien's side takes longer to slide out; fixed this, after re-centering the split-screen, by redoing their slide-outs to be timed evenly.
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colderdrafts · 1 year
Little Doves 1
Practicing the more gorey and horror side of things in this two-parter featuring a slightly aggressive bird. Putting a mature warning on for some less-than-cozy stuff. Next
Gn reader x monster (male falcon hybrid). TW for forced touching (sfw), kidnapping, violence
"Please eat," Callum pleads for the umpteenth time, brows furrowed in worry. "No food in days - do I need to help?"
Trying not to think too hard at the prospect of the hybrid falcon basically chewing your food and spitting it out for you like you’re a baby bird, you wince, shaking your head.
Callum grunts in frustration, his black and white plumage puffing up slightly, amber eyes sharp and narrowed. He stands a good head and then some taller than you, imposing frame heightened by the giant wings that protrudes from his back, and the thick layer of soft feathers that covers his body.
You glance to the floor, once again politely refusing of the offer he insistently holds out to you - this time a can of vegetable soup. You stomach growls in hunger and, truth to be told, you are beyond famished.
But you can't accept food from him. You don't want to seem like you're getting attached.
And you don't want to rely on him, although your other options are a tad limited at the moment.
You’re currently trapped inside the top of a ruined clock tower, once a great landmark and the pride of the city. Now, all that remains are a broken mess of clockwork and debris; When the city was destroyed, so was the clock tower.
The magnificent structure had fallen apart and split in two once the bombs fell, the mangled structure resting against its fallen neighbor building. Callum has utilized the remains as a space for his nest.
You’re inside the inner workings of the old clock, a large room partially covered in intricate workings of metal, the technology that once made the clock run – silenced now, due to the destruction. Any exit to lower levels were blocked by debris after the tower was cracked in half. The only way out is through a hole in the wall where the clock itself used to be, and the withering heights makes escape for any unwinged creature, such as yourself, near impossible.
Callums hums, concerned, bringing you back into the moment. Usually he relents at your request and leaves you be, but for some reason this time he decides to stand firm.
"I worry! Growing weak. Thinning, tired," he holds out the can to you again with a pleading expression, claws scraping across the aluminum surface. "Eat!"
To his credit, he genuinely looks concerned for your well-being, but you can’t trust that at all as you’re still unsure of his intent. Reasonable, given he forcefully dragged you here against your will and has held you captive for about a week now.
He is right, however. You have been growing weak, spending more and more time resting in a corner on the floor, refusing to utilize and share with him the nest he's built beneath the old internal workings of the clock. You’ve been saving your energy only for picking through the debris in search of anything that could get you out of here. Callum leaves once or twice a day in search of food, and you take advantage of his absence to look around without him noticing.
Two days ago you got lucky and managed to pull out what used to be a safety-net and a rope that once served as the railing of a staircase. Slowly, but surely, you’ve knotted a rope that may just be long enough to reach the street below.
It's not a foolproof escape plan, but it's the one you've got.
You look at the can in his hands, and your stomach painfully lurches. It's just soup, but right now it looks like the most delicious thing in the entire world.
If all goes well, you'll soon be out of the clock tower anyway – and if your escape plan works, you'll still need some strength to get back through the broken city and return to your faction, the Community.
Perhaps accepting this small offer wont hurt.
At least you tell yourself as much, because you can't stand the hunger anymore.
You reluctantly reach out and take the can and get to work opening it.
Callum heaves a massive sigh of relief, and stares at you while you wolf down its contents, making sure you eat it all.
You let the empty can fall to the ground with a clatter. Cold soup has never been so satisfying.
"Good," he coos once you've finished, and takes a step closer.
You freeze in place when he suddenly leans in and rubs his face against your cheek. He affectionately trails his clawed hands over your arms. "Need to eat to be strong, silly."
It sends a terrified chill through you and you grit your teeth at the contact, not sure if allowing it is your best course of action. But you also don't want to push him too much.
There's a pause where he takes note of your tension. He doesn't move away.
"Trouble?" he asks. He gently nudges you. "Sick? Is that why you are not eating?"
Scared shitless, more like, but you decide not to tell him that. "Something like that," you say instead, turning your head away from him.
He nods, and finally leans back to look at you. "Understand now. Rest, then."
You try not to yelp when suddenly clawed fingers firmly clasps your shoulders, and he starts leading you toward the nest. You turn your head to protest, but his sharp eye and something about his grip strength tells you not to waste your energy. You aren’t winning this fight.
You gingerly step over the edge of woven branches, random fabrics and grass, and take a seat when Callum puts weight on your shoulders to signal you down. The nest is not the most comfortable, but at least the branches inside have been expertly folded into the main construct so no sharp edges can poke you.
You try to ignore the small pile of bones whose species you’ve yet to identify that litters the space around it.
Callum hums in thought, and rests on his haunches across from you, peering at your face.
"Warmer here," he says. "Why do you like cold floor? Sick now. Silly."
You realize he's waiting for an answer when he doesn't move to get up. Telling him you really don't want to be in here - and that the prospect of sharing his space makes you shiver - is probably not wise. So you opt for some good ol' lying.
"Flat rock is good for my spine.” You’ve probably read that somewhere. “I need it sometimes.”
He stares at you curiously, but then looks considerably relieved. "I worry nest wasn't good enough! I will learn more of these things."
He gets up, towering over you, especially when you're sitting, and stares you down. "You rest here now. No sickness!"
"Got it," you mutter.
Satisfied, Callum turns and steps over the nest. The soft feathers at the edge of his wings caresses your legs as he moves away, heading toward the gaping hole in the wall where the giant clock used to be. You look on as he moves, a strange mixture of beautiful and terrifying where the dark hues of his wings blends together in a way almost mesmerizing.
He takes a seat at the edge of the broken wall, leaning back and staring out over the city. A few moments later you hear him gently humming.
He has a nice voice, you’ll give him that, a deep and warm baritone that gently drums across your senses. Best not to listen too much, lest he lulls you to sleep.
You sit back up, though at the sound of your stirring the humming promptly stops. You look back over to find Callum fixing on you with a sharp glare.
“Rest,” he grunts.
You lean back on the side of the nest with a huff. The humming continues.
What do you do now? There's isn't really much to do with him up and about. Usually he’s content to let you wander around the clock as you please, but now you can't even subtly look around for a way out. Seems he's set on keeping you ‘resting’ since you're 'sick'.
Nice going, you.
You stare at the sophisticated metals of the clockwork hanging above, leaning back on the branches. It’s so strange how all this happened. You cannot figure out why on Earth a hybrid falcon would snatch you if not to simply eat you.
That’s what usually happens when people get caught here.
Your fear feels justified, especially considering how you first ‘met’ him, where what was supposed to be a quick supply run had turned into a fight for your life.
You’ve often gotten the feeling of being watched when out and about scavenging and fighting off rabid animals, hybrids and hostile survivors. Usually you've roped it off as the general paranoia that’s necessary to stay vigilant and survive in this city. The Community usually sends you out in groups of three, but a collapsing building separated you from your crew mates, and left you stranded at the other side of the street.
Your paranoia had proved correct this time, however, when Callum dive-bombed for you the second you were blocked off and exposed, taking advantage of the confusion. Your crew had called for you, hearing your screams, but they had no way to quickly come to your aid.
He had the element of surprise on his side, but you still did everything you could to fight him off, even managing to knock him over the side of the head with a bat. But, in the end, he managed to force the weapon from your hands and wrangle you on the ground. You’re still sporting the partially healed bruises and scratches from the struggle.
You still have nightmares of lying there, terrified and in shock with the giant bird of prey's talons firmly locked around your torso and arms, pinning you in place. Callum had stood over you, panting and smiling, apparently pleased with the outcome of the skirmish.
Then he simply plucked you off the ground. You still remember the drop in your stomach at the sensation when he first pulled you into the air, lovingly informing you he admires your strength and cunning. He brought you here, and you’ve been here ever since.
Needless to say, it's been a strange couple of days, and he has not been very good at explaining exactly what this whole deal is. He acts as if it should all be very obvious to you.
It isn’t.
After the initial shock settled and you surmised he wasn't going to maim and devour you just yet, you had cautiously inquired if you could please leave.
"Leave? Where would you go?" he had asked, tilting his head to the side curiously.
He had smiled at that and laughed. "Silly! Playing games with me. This is home."
And that was the end of that.
You've tried your luck bringing it up again a few other times, even bringing up your other responsibilities in the Community – but it's like he simply can't comprehend why you would need to go anywhere, especially when, in his own words, 'you haven't properly bonded yet'.
Whatever that means.
You glance over from your spot in the nest, watching him move around on the broken wall and preening his feathers. You don't know what to make of him. He’s a dangerous predator who snatched you and could tear you apart in seconds – but since you got here he's been nothing but overly affectionate, attentive to your needs and goes out of his way to bring you food and other items you might find interesting.
He even brought you a new pair of trousers after hearing you mutter complaints that you previous pair got torn in your fight. He had puffed out his feathers and beamed with pride when you had thanked him and put them on, as if earning your gratitude was a significant milestone in his life.
After everything you've experienced in this ruthless fallen world, every selfish survivor, every person who proved to you that no one can be trusted, every nook and cranny that hides the next predatory gaze that holds only a wish to harm you – only a very select few have ever been this nice to you. And this is a brutal kidnapping.
It's weird.
You need to get out of here.
You glance over at the corner where your makeshift rope is hidden behind a block of concrete. It's a long way down, but with any luck, it might just be enough for you to actually have a way down the clock.
The gentle humming stops, bringing you out of your thoughts. You look up to the sound of footsteps as Callum slowly approaches. He kneels at the edge of the nest, frowning.
"Still not resting?" he asks. "Can't fall asleep?"
You cog an eyebrow at him. "I'm lying down in here like you said. Isn't that resting?"
"No," he says flatly, and crawls over the edge of the nest toward you.
You scramble backwards, looking for any excuse to keep him at bay. "H-hold on, what if it’s contagious? You'll just get sick too!"
He reaches for your legs. "Then you will be strong for me. Now I will be strong for you."
He grabs hold and pulls you to him. You try and squirm free, but he ignores it, climbing on top of you and holding you down. He shifts in behind you, pulling you close so your back is laying flat against him, arms wrapped firmly around your torso.
“Be still,” he growls against your neck. You feel a hand draping over your head.
Panic floods you system and you strain against him, heart pounding in your chest. Your breathing comes haggard, the last time he had you close like this you were in a world of pain.
He holds onto you firmly. “You need rest now. Silly.” He rubs his chin on the top of your head. “Too tense. I will help.”
You stop squirming against him and remain frozen, not able to release the rigidity in your body. He’s very warm, but the gentle strokes along your scalp and across your face sends chills through you.
You should probably shove him off, tell him to leave you alone like you’ve done all the other times he’s tried to get close, but you can’t move. You’re scared what would happen if you did. Callum hushes you, gently trying to convince you to let go.
After a bit, it becomes hard not to.
“Breathe,” he whispers.
You realize you’ve been holding it in, and let out a deep breath to try and release a bit of the tension. He senses when you relent and hums, pleased.
“Spine is okay now?” he asks somewhat playfully.
“It’s.. fine,” you manage.
He chirrups in acknowledgment, and shifts slightly, propping himself up to better look at your face. He frowns when he finds you looking back.
“You do not sleep with eyes open,” he states.
He’s definitely not letting anything up this time, so you simply concede and shut your eyes. You feel him closing the distance between you as he gently presses his forehead against yours. He then lies back down, securing his arms around your torso once again and burying his face in the back of your neck.
You don’t know how long you lie there, just listening to the silence of the city, feeling the rhythm of his breathing behind you, and the occasional affectionate stroking across your face or scalp.
You glib in and out of consciousness, trying your best to fight it off, but the exhaustion soon overtakes.
You fall asleep.
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I'm not really familiar with Enneagram, but curious what this is about it with demonic history? If you're interested in sharing?
Hello! Sorry this took a couple of days, I've been traveling and wanted to sit down and answer this on my computer rather than mobile.
So first things first. This two-parter podcast really breaks it down well:
(also available on spotify, etc.)
It's particularly good because they interview Marcia Montenegro, who is someone that came out of New Age/Occultic practices and became a believer. She has a whole ministry now that helps those who come out of the New Age and to combat some of the general things (like the Enneagram and astrology) that have permeated our culture. You can find her website here. This article specifically talks about the origins.
So the first thing you need to know is the whole concept is a product of mysticism. The second thing you need to know is the types, specifically, came about from a process that included automatic writing, where a person allows spirits to communicate through them. The last nail in the coffin is that it was brought into Christian circles through Richard Rohr, a false teacher.
All this to say, my personal approach is to tell people the information, and let it marinate with them. Even point them to these resources. (I also think Alisa Childers has done some stuff on this). For me, as soon as I heard that the origin story wasn't exaggerated, and the mysticism behind it meant that there was a very real spiritual element to it, I just stopped cold turkey relating to it. I know my type and my wing and whatnot, I just don't even bother with it anymore. For other people it can take longer. But I don't really know of anyone who looks into it for themselves that settles on "This is fine".
This is different from yoga for me (other people disagree, but it's fine). If I do a child's pose or downward dog or whatever for a stretch after a workout, I'm not inviting demons into my life. I am stretching. The problem comes when you go to a yoga class, do the meditations and empty your mind, and purpose the poses to let the energy flow through you or whatever. Enneagram, on the other hand, is meant to be a tool to define and understand your "self" and your personality. It's all-consuming, there's nothing you can really separate from it to put in a different context. It directly involves the mind and spirit. You are defining yourself through means outside of scripture.
So, that's my lil' take on the matter. I'm not gonna claim someone isn't a believer because they integrate the Enneagram into their life. Especially because most people are unaware of the origins. Also, people in the west have a vast underestimation of spiritual warfare and how general "spirituality" has a darkness to it because of its New Age/Eastern Religion/Occultic origins. It's a sanctification process that people just have to go through and look into on their own, like Jackie Hill Perry has now done.
Anywho. Hope that helps!
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glapplebloom · 4 months
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Which of these two are legit better?
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So Sonic Prime ended and I really enjoyed the finale. I’m going to be doing a three parter, two of which are based on some stuff I saw on Twitter. The first being some people thinking Reverse Tails from Archie Comics is a better concept than Nine. I disagree with this assumption because, quite simply, Reverse Tails literally has nothing. 13 appearances in the comics in total. So let’s look at them real quick before we compare him to Nine.
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His first appearance was in #11, which he does nothing. His next appearance #24, where he pretends to be Tails alongside the rest of the doubles. They get quickly defeated. Then #151 where he is part of a group beating up Sonic because they think he’s Reverse Sonic. They get the advantage for a while but are quickly defeated. I’m not even going to look at the Super Sonic Special #10 because it’s likely a flashback to a previous time. 
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It’ll be #188-189 where he now refers to himself as Miles. He fights with Tails for a bit but in reality he’s part of an invading force with Scourge being the boss. #190 has him complain that Tails ignores his magical heritage and follows Sonic. Does he show any magic during this time? No. In fact, it is shown that all of Scourge’s crew are afraid of him. #191 shows him trying to use Scourge’s ego to have him face Metal Sonic alone. In #192 he suggested to the others that with Sonic on their side they could take over Scourge’s reign. 
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#193 is when he enacts his plan. Going to the Mobotropolis to suggest to Sally an alliance to defeat Scourge once and for all. He also thinks little of Tails. #194 has the plan set in motion. Fiona was Scourge’s only ally. Of course, he double crosses them so he can send both Scourge and Sonic to the Reverse universe. #195 the plan was they expect Sonic to wear down Scourge enough so when they show up he’ll be easy pickings. And in #196, that plan blows up in their face when Super Scourge shows up.
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This is the Panel I think of when I think of Reverse Tails. Someone who has a big picture, but when it comes time to step up he crumbles like a deck of cards. Even Tails went to fight Super Scourge. And the comic ends with Sally being in charge but her admitting who is really in charge. And that’s it. That’s all there is to Reverse Tails. If you saw Prime, you probably can see why thinking that Reverse Tails is better than Nine is. But for those who haven't seen it, here’s a summary.
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Unlike Reverse Tails whose reason is “lol, Evil”, Nine was originally Tails who hadn't been rescued by Sonic when he got picked on for his two Tails. So he became a loner, not trusting anyone. He augmented himself and only works on keeping himself safe. Then Sonic came to town. To his surprise, he found someone he could put faith into; someone who he could trust. And that pushes Nine to be more outgoing and help others.
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But when he was reforming the Paradox Prism, that’s when their ideologies clashed. Sonic wanted to restore everything back to normal. Nine wanted to recreate a world where they could live in peace without trouble. Seeing Sonic not going along with that plan, he felt betrayed and took the Paradox Prism so he can create his own world while letting the other worlds get destroyed thanks to the Egg Council’s Doing.
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He would have too if not for the missing energy needed to solidify the Paradox Prism, which exists in Sonic. So Season 3 has him fighting to get Sonic. He created an Army of Mecha Versions of the Prime Cast, including a Giant Big, and when Sonic and crew got close he used the power of the Paradox Prism to fight them off himself, even though it was causing further destruction as well as taking a lot out of him.
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And this is why I do not believe Reverse Sonic is a better Evil Tails than Nine. Nine has an actual reason, an actual story, a better design, implications that were explored, and most importantly he was actually important to the series. You could remove Reverse Tails from everything and nothing would have changed. You can’t say the same thing for Nine.
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infoglitch · 10 months
Oh... Oh GOD. Im suffering! Atleast you guys don't have to wait for the entirety of the next page of the rwby rewrite in silence. (I'm giving you all the tidbit to enjoy while I suffer writing this because I don't feel like making a three-parter. I've done it before and I hated doing it. Felt like a cop out. Anyway y'all better be eating.)
Our focus changes to jaune who is in some kind of locker room as he managed to find a locker as he put some stuff in specifically a box of pumpkin Pete cereal.
He sighed after getting all of the unnecessarys in the locker. He closed it as he began to hear people entering the locker room.
"Thank the brothers I got here early." He spoke softly as he then noticed the locker next to him opened as he peeked around and saw a familiar woman with bright vermilion hair strung up in a pony tail. She wore a golden armored corset aswell as a black body suit underneath with a gold plate armor chest piece covering her upper body. Along with that she wore golden kneepads and shin guards. She also wore long black gloves over her hands with the symbol of a maple leaf on the back hand of both gloves. She also had a golden arm guard on her right arm. The most defining addition to her outfit was red sash the hanged out from the side of her body suit.
Jaunes eyes stared at the marvel of a woman infront of him before he muttered a simple "hello". The woman immediately turned on her heel to face him.
"Oh hi there! Who might you be?" The woman said as jaune shook his head before speaking his. "Jaune d'arc. Nice to meet you." Jaune spoke as he waved at her.
The woman seemed to detense as she stuck out her hand. "Pyrrha Nikos. It's a pleasure." Pyrrha spoke as jaune looked at her hand before shaking it. As jaune looked at her he felt a memory pop into his head. "Hey um. Weird question but you wouldn't happen to have been on a box of pumpkin Pete cereal have you" jaune asked as pyrrha looked at him Abit surprised.
"Yes actually. Though it was only for a month. The companies support is one of the reasons I'm here. Who knew sponsorships could get you into a huntsmen academy." Pyrrha answered as she pulled away from the handshake as she rubbed the back of her neck. Jaune had a shimmer in his eyes as he began to babble on about cereal trivia as pyrrha just listened oddly amazed by all the pieces of trivia of cereal history.
Suddenly a small chuckle was heard as the two looked to see Weiss walking in. "I'll be honest madam pyrrha I never took you for a cereal enthusiast." She said smiling Abit as jaune had small blush on his face as pyrrha just rolled her eyes at the mention of "madam pyrrha".
"Weiss schnee. What a surprise. Aren't you supposed to be counting your mountains of lien." Pyrrha spoke coldly as she crossed her arms. Weiss seemed a bit taken aback but kept walking until she was right infront of the vermilion gladiator. Weiss stuck out her hand as she smiled a bit. "I would love to be friends with you." Weiss spoke with confidence as pyrrha just stared at her observing her bodies disposition. "U-um Id like to be friends-" jaune spoke up which caught Pyrrha off guard. She had forgotten he was behind her listening to everything. She turned back to Weiss who was no longer staring at pyrrha instead just glaring at the blonde knight. Jaune just piped down as he opened his locker and made it look like he was looking for something.
Weiss turned her attention back to pyrrha as she Changed to a friendly disposition. "So about my request-"
"No." Pyrrha interrupted the schnee heiress as she had a aura of dangerous intent. "O-oh. Ok then. I apologize for bothering you madam pyrrha" Weiss spoke as she spoke as she curtsied before heading back to locker.
"Did I ruin the chance?"  jaune asked as pyrrha looked at him her posture softening as she shook her head. "No. I just don't like making friends who give off... How do I put it?" Pyrrha spoke as she tapped her chin. "Off energy?" Jaune said as pyrrha snapped her fingers. "Yeah that! Now then how about we head to the exam course" Pyrrha spoke as she grabbed jaune by his hoodie as she walked off with the blonde knight as we see a defeated Weiss rummaging through her locker before feeling a pat on her back as yang stood by her. "You'll get on her good side soon ice queen." Yang had a large stupid smirk as she talked which Weiss just grumbled at. Stupid blondes.
I promise I'm working it's just really annoying switching perspectives between like 8 CHARACTERS!
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madhattersez · 1 year
Okay, I should start by saying that this is a two-parter because I'm a doofy Pan that can get attached to members of groups even if I just casually listen to them (Seriously, though - K-Pop is a wonderland for Pans because there are just SO many incredible personalities out there, UGH).
I made all the gifs below to show you the exact moment I knew they were for me. Enjoy!
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Chaeyoung (Twice) Soyeon (GI-DLE)
This sounds impossible, but I think Chae will be my ultimate bias, like, for as long as I live. We're going on over 5 years now that she has not only been my bias in Twice, but she has been shining over all other groups as well.
When I found Twice (which was my final step before finally tumbling all the way into the rabbithole of K-Pop), it was the "TT" video. Nayeon immediately caught my attention and I was fairly smitten. I think this is probably the case for all Twice fans at first, because she's a literal Siren. Like you read about in mythology.
However, Chaeyoung took over the second I saw the above part of the "Likey" video, which was my favorite song from them for such a long, long time. The swaggy rapping in a simple hoodie with all that trademark badass/adorable energy? Hook, line, and sinker. It's been her ever since.
Fast forward to nowadays, where she's only gotten more incredible, having the most writing credits in the group, an ever-growing amount of unique, artsy tattoos (which is still fairly taboo for idols), and absolute, unedited realness when she speaks (in her hypnotically deep voice, no less). I love her quirky art. I love her laid back views on life. I love her dancing, singing, and rapping, I love her goofy laugh. I love that her teeth aren't "perfect." I just love her.
Please check her wispy, beautiful "Off My Face" cover below. I literally well up whenever I sing along to this song:
When it comes to (G)I-dle, there was never any competition. It's Soyeon all the way.
Look, there is going to be a lot of rappers on this list since I was a Hip Hop dude myself back in the day - I can recognize the talent and approach. When it comes to confidence in their ability, there's not many more in the world with as much as this tiny titan.
I had heard a lot of I-dle's music previously without really digging into the group or finding out much about them, which was my stupid, stupid mistake, hah.
It was when K/DA debuted that I finally started paying good attention. This is the fictional K-Pop group from League of Legends that releases music with incredible production, vocals, and animated music videos. It definitely helps that they invited Soyeon and Miyeon from I-dle in for some authenticity and talent, but all the ladies are great.
Soyeon immediately captured me in the clip above as she catwalked her way (with a smirk) out onto the stage at the utterly massive 2018 League of Legends World Championships.
It was a really rad performance that had me looking up everything about her afterwards, and finally led me to becoming fan of (G)I-dle as well.
She also unflinchingly pushes boundaries for what is "acceptable" for idols and women in the game in general.
I'd love to present a sassy collab with her and a few fellow badasses called "Is This Bad Bitch Number?" Her English is sometimes very... interesting, but the confidence in it is unmatched! That's all that counts, right?
However, I'd also like to present to you just how much she positively hates vegetables. They are seriously trying to kill her or something:
Yeah, she's a disaster. Hahaha.
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CL (2NE1) HyunA (4Minute)
Awwww shit, it's CL from 2NE1. 2NE1 was dope - Their song "Come Back Home" is a favorite, but the classic "Falling in Love" should be on anyone's feel good playlist. CL stuck out like a sore big toe, though. Way above the rest for me.
Currently, she's been doing solo stuff for years. While 2NE1 was still around, CL stole me away like a damned thief with one of her early solo tracks "The Baddest Female." The clip above that got me was from the video for it.
The smooth-as-hell verses and the obviously slayer visuals caught me, but that little audible gasp shown at the end of the gif? She practically tossed me over a cliff, y'all.
Super swag at all times, she is also super involved in the fashion industry and often brings ridiculous Lady Gaga-ish looks and sets into her projects.
Recommended video to start you off on your own CL journey? Why, "Hello, Bitches," of course:
Next up is HyunA, originally from 4Minute. 4Minute was a super rad group and the vast majority of their songs were fantastic.
Mostly doing solo stuff now (like CL above), HyunA always stood out from the rest. I don't know if it's her fantastic dancing, her unhinged attitude, or her lunatic eyes, but she scooped me up immediately as I watched the first few seconds of the "Crazy" music video, which is where I clipped the gif.
She was in an at least attempted secret relationship with labelmate (and hot as hell artist himself) Dawn for several years until their label kicked them out because of it, and Psy (You know, "Gangnam Style" Psy) swooped them both up for his label. The couple released an EP together that was adorable and sexy and amazing... Sadly, they also recently broke up, which tore me up a bit. :/
I could show you at least a dozen videos of her I really enjoy, but one that has always stuck with me to show all of her characteristics at once has been "Ice Cream," which - whoa - is now 10 years old:
I bet that one's gonna be in your head the rest of the day. You're welcome.
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Karina (Aespa) Tsuki (Billlie)
I have lots of mixed emotions and opinions about Aespa. Most of the stuff I have issues with are on the part of their label, though, not them.
That being said, Karina has only ever had positives for me. Visuals. Dancing. Vocals. Kindness. Politness. She's really amazing to watch in candid videos especially because she just seems like a super great person in general.
She's also a superfan of a lot of groups she ends up collaborating or interacting with, and is adorable about it. That being said, she's also very mature about business-related stuff - A great public leader.
This clip from the Savage video is where I knew it had to be her.
Awwwwww it's time to talk about Tsuki. Tsuki Tsuki Tsuki. Will you just look at her?! You know what? I'm just going to stop right here and show you the whole video my gif is from. Maybe you'll instantly fall in love, too:
Have you ever seen maximum effort before? Well, now you have! Haha. Tsuki is like the living equivilent of how you feel when your favorite song comes on and you're dancing alone in your room, all by yourself, no inhibitions.
She just makes me indescribably happy with her enthusiasm and joy of performing. And those facial expressions, d'awwwww.
She's from a group called Billlie - Yes, that's with three "Ls." They have a great selection of hits. I suggest checking out "Ring Ma Bell" for some Rock flavor, too. You'll notice Tsuki sticking out there as well.
Who am I kidding? She's all you'll be able to focus on, no matter what the group is doing.
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Jennie (Blackpink) Fatou (Blackswan)
Well, everybody knows Blackpink, even non-K-Pop folks. I think BTS and Blackpink have got to be the biggest draws to introducing people to the genre.
I was a Lisa bias from the very start, but when Jennie released her first solo track (Read: "Solo"), I switched before the video was even over. It was this scene, right here in the laundromat.
Jennie is so swaggy. So is Lisa, of course, but the swag... uh... meter? It tipped to Jennie for me here and has only gotten heavier since. And to be rapping all cool like this in some stylish underwear while soap suds rain down? And that eye roll. Fucking ridiculous, sign me up for that newsletter, no confirmation email needed.
Plus, I have a thing for laundromats just in general - Check that out here.
While this video is where it all happened, I'd instead like to show off her fantastic choreo performance version instead, because it's even more incredible:
Whewwww, I'm sorry, was I talking about swag again? Because Fatou has it in spaaaades.
The first and only Senegalese idol in K-Pop, she obviously stands out and has all the associated hurdles to overcome because of it. Fuck any and all racists and haters - She is killer at what she does and stands out in the group because of her constant quality performances.
Her rapping? Top notch. Her singing? Striking. Her hater deflection skills? Strong. Her height? Nice.
Unfortunately, a lot of folks may never discover her or the group she's currently in (Blackswan), because the label they are on has been really rough at keeping things together and there has been unending drama surrounding the group, creating a revolving door of members.
The "Close to Me" video is a great watch - That's where the jail scene from the gif above came from. That's when I knew that Fatou was undeniable for me.
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Gain (Brown Eyed Girls) Suga (BTS)
Goodness, Gain is dangrous. She hails from all the way back in the... First? Second? One-and-a-Half-th generation of K-Pop? Anyway, she's from the retro (but still around) group Brown Eyed Girls.
The video from this clip will explain everything, I think. It's from a song called "Warm Hole." And, yup, it's exactly what it sounds like. These ladies were pushing sex positivity in Korea a long time before this, but they laid it on thick here in 2015. And Gain is right there, front and center of the charge.
The sultriness of a mysterious lady with a murder mystery to unfold, sauntering into a 1940s detective's office? Check. Bunny suit? Check. Winks? I can't possibly count that high. Being super cute on top of all this? Yeah, she got me.
Oh, look, it's time to put BTS on the list, haha. Thanks to everyone gliding in and reading this post just because of the BTS tag, I'm sure. <3
For the longest time, RM seemed like the only one for me in BTS, though J-Hope's always been hanging upside-down from the rafters above, ready to strike at any time. That was, until I saw Suga's solo video (under the "Augst D" pseudonym) for "Daechwita." That's what this sweet-ass gif is from.
The video features Suga as an Aladdin-style street rat, but he also plays a badass, sword-swinging king. They both are ruthless and want to kill each other. I can't even possibly explain how radical the video is, so just watch it already:
Yeah, um, I'm sorry RM. You are super talented and all that, and much respect to the paths you've opened and the collaborations with other fresh rappers out there, but... It's gonna be a whole packet of natural Suga for me.
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Mia (Everglow) Yeji (Itzy)
Jesus, are we almost done with this list? This... part one of this list...? Haha. Apologies. I'm geekin' out over here!
Everglow is incredibly talented. Honestly, I want to say that they should be at (in the very least, but probably more than) Aespa's level of reach and popularity. I'm not sure why they're not picked up more, but they don't seem to get many promotions from their label.
Regardless, I know Everglow is amazing, and I enjoy them as such. Now, if you hadn't heard them before, maybe you'll give them a try, too? Please do.
When I started listening to them, the super tall (she's, like, one of the top three tallest current idols) bombshell that is Aisha found me through the monitor and got my attention right away. She was my bias for a good chunk of time.
Then "La Di Da" came out. Even after seeing the music video, Aisha was right there. Then, like some sort of dark magic, I saw this Studio Choom version above - Right here at this very moment in the performance, my bias to Mia flipped like a switch. It's... Hmph. Was it the snarl on her lips while her hands covered her intense eyes for just a flash? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was it.
Something just... unlocked? I went back and watched everything. The music videos, the candid stuff. Somehow, some way, it was Mia all along! She's so incredibly warm and caring and for sure a top dancer in the entire industry.
Look, I know Sihyeon is technically the leader of Everglow... But it really seems that Mia holds everything together and is an incredibly hard worker who obviously struggles a bit to realize her potential and impact. I see that in her. And it's something that makes me love her more.
Just look at her effortlessly pull off this choreo, even extensive and difficult floor stuff (what Marvel comic book metal are your knees made out of?!) without any imperfections:
To end part one of this absolutely unintentional monster of a post, let's talk about Hwang Yeji, the powerhouse leader of Itzy and the "secret weapon" of JYP.
Chaeyoung as my ultimate bias? Sure. Unwavering. But... If I had to pick anyone to even come close to that position, it would be Yeji. Absolutely.
A super compassionate leader who is always so on point in taking care of her sisters, she never misses a beat. I think she's probably the wisest, most intuitive, most protective, most active leader of any group in K-Pop I've seen. Both personal and business-wise.
When it comes to talent, it's like a superpower with her. I say that, because off-stage, she is a super nerdy fuckin' goofball who is polite to a fault and who can't stop giggling to save her life. On stage, she is an absolute moster. The light turns green and she instantly turns serious, becoming one of the top 5 dancers and vocalists in the entire genre. It's like a She-Hulk transformation without any of the green. And Light Fury instead of She-Hulk. Supporting documentation:
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Anyway, to balance out the absolutely incredible human being she is, her fierceness on stage is rarely matched. From the second I saw her (the gif above literally shows some of the first seconds of the song and she had me instantly hooked with her unique looks and attitude), I've been so into her.
Until I wasn't... My bias switched to Ryujin for quite some time. Whoops. And, uh... then it switched to Chaeryeong for a stretch... Look, I can't tell you how hard it is to pick and stick with a bias in Itzy. They are so incredibly leveled out.
However, Itzy's first Japanese single "Voltage" hit the net last year and there's this one part where Yeji raps, but she starts by literally GROWLING. Fuck, nope, I hit the floor. Literally. Totally unfair sneak attack. Dead. NO DISASSEMBLE JOHNNY 5.
That was it. Fucking done. Yeji forever now, no more switches, hahaha!
Again, she can be such a confident, stage-killing monster, but then she turns around and almost burns down the company dorm microwaving chocolate while being a total Squishmallow:
She's just the best.
Well, I had to work on this (and the next post) over and over again as it drafted for a week, so I'm happy to say that Tumblr's draft feature WORKS, y'all. I'm a believer. Haha.
See you in part 2!
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sodiumlamp · 5 months
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I guess I should talk about the main plot, since the show finally got around to advancing it.
All right, so in episode 1, Picard meets a "synth" which for some reason is what they call androids now. This android supposedly has completely human body parts, which sounds like a complete misunderstanding of what an android is. Like, if you built a replicator that can be held in one hand and it only replicates destructive energy beams, then it's not a replicator, it's a phaser, and while that may be a great accomplishment in itself, you still suck at building replicators.
Anyway the Romulans in this show can sometimes spit xenomorph acid blood, and the synth explodes when she gets hit with acid blood and also an exploding phaser. But Dr. Jurati insists that there must be a second one just like her, because that's the secret special rule for building purely biological androids, a thing she insists is impossible and has never been done before.
So Picard wants to find the second synth, if only to atone for his failure to help the first, and after five fucking episodes of bullshit he finally finds out she's on this derelict Borg cube, which is some kind of Romulan facility where former Borg are trying to recover and de-assimilate themselves. But the Romulan double-secret police are also looking for the second synth, and while Picard was screwing around, a Romulan agent has been seducing the synth, trying to find out where she came from so he can destroy any others that might be out there.
Everything comes to a head at the end of this episode, the sixth, where Soji finally finds out she's an artificial life form, the Romulan dude betrays her, she escapes with her new super powers, meets Picard and they escape together.
This feels like the climactic ending of part one of a two-part Star Trek episode. If this were TNG, the first Synth, Dahj, would probably die early into the show, then Picard would learn of Soji and track her down (with some far less circuitous process to save time) and then have the big escape on the Borg Cube. Dramatic music, fade to black, to be continued.
But this isn't a two-parter, it's a ten-parter, and it's like watching paint dry. Most of this episode is spent "revealing" things the audience already knows. Picard used to be a Borg! Rafi has an estranged son! Jurati killed Maddox! Soji's a synth! The Romulan dude is just using her to find her creator's secret lab! Hugh is in charge of a Reclamation Project to de-assimilate former Borg! Nearly everything that happens in this episode is just a rehash of stuff we've already seen in previous episodes. The show just keep mulling it over like a cow chewing its cud.
It's treated like some big deal when Soji finds out what she is, except she's literally the only character who didn't already know. It's not even dramatic to watch her reaction to the reveal, because we already saw her dead sister go through the exact same thing in the first episode.
That's why they did the whole twin android gimmick for this show. It's nothing deep, they just wanted to drag things out as much as possible, so they made two copies of the same character to make this take longer. We've been hearing about "synths" for six episodes now, and we've met two of them: Dahj and Soji. But we still don't know anything about them. How do they have superhuman abilities if they're made of flesh and blood? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Do they have real memories, or are they just blank slates with only their false memories to define them? How do we know they aren't just genetically enhanced clones with false memories implanted into them? And does the distinction even matter at this point? What is the point of building androids with purely biological bodies?
I'm sure the next four episodes will shed some light on this, however slowly, but what ticks me off is that they devoted the first six episodes to this idea and have yet to develop any of it. Dahj died before she could even do anything, and Soji's been marking time ever since. Fuck this show. It's the drizzling shits.
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
cool, so did just watch heaven sent, aware that I was going in with some biases (as written out in a long post I kept in my drafts), and yeah it's a good episode, but I definitely think the biases in question stop me from being able to enjoy it Simply As at this point in time. maybe in future when I've rolled twelve's era around in my brain a bit, because I find it much more complicated to rate than eleven's on the whole
what's really good about it of course is that peter capaldi is a fantastic actor, because it all rests on peter capaldi being a fantastic actor, and the setting and energy of it is great. the melancholy, the despair, the lowkey anxiety the whole time -- and of course the music, the music is carrying so much of this episode! I also really like that it ties back into the confession dial (the clue of which is actually given to us in the episode itself, in that the doctor has to confess in order to not die)
bit of kvetching, but actually not so much I think:
I cannot help but see the various m*ffat-isms inherent in it, which in this episode if it were its own thing in another showrunner's era, wouldn't be irritating to me, because they'd balance it out with other Stuff -- the main one is that he's clearly always been much more interested in the doctor versus the companions so it's essentially a long look into various facets of the doctor's mind, after a season where I've felt like Clara might as well not be in most of the episodes for all she moves the plot or is emotionally changed throughout. Clara in some ways is doing in this episode exactly what she's been doing in any other episode and she's dead! she's a figment of the Doctor's mind as he talks to himself and imagines her asking questions!
it's also doing more prophecy, which at least has been hinted at since the beginning of the season (the Hybrid), but ohhh am I tired of m*ffat and prophecies, I wish this episode didn't - in the end - hinge on some kind of prophecy and could stand on its own
there's a lot that's quite unexplained, but I'm willing to see if that's given a bit more in the next episode. how the doctor got into the dial in the first place, what the creature was, why the confessions, why it was structured like that, etc. I'm thinking that'll still come up -- do note that if every past doctor left wet clothes on the wrack to dry, then presumably the first time this happened, that doctor just ran around nude afterwards?
I'm not really bothered one way or another by it being a billion+ years, I did vaguely remember that there was something about that and it ties in quite well on the grand metaphorical scheme of things vis a vis this era, of the doctor constantly pushing themself beyond their limit and totally disregarding their own pain, so the idea that they'd go through the same set of painful actions again and again for billions of years makes sense for this era, and there's questions in there of whether the doctor physically remembers that or just sets it aside, if those billions of years "count" for them or or or etc. is that, for example, part of what fourteen is working through on top of all the other things that lead into fifteen coming into being?
so in the end, good episode -- definitely thinking a looot more about how I feel about it because it's rated so highly, which is kind of a curse it has on it now I've realised. also because swelling m*ffat's ego like that can't be healthy for anyone, and don't think a single good episode in one good season out of five makes me think you're a good showrunner or writer (unless incredibly curbed by writing for someone else)
I'll definitely still put s9 through the rating's system I've got, but I let myself wait for a bit to see how the structure of it came together. might watch hell bent to round off this story (am also btw shocked that part one of a two-parter is rated like that, I'd never be able to see them apart from each other. two-parters belong together in my brain)
I think in the end what was interesting about this episode is noting what one can let go of and what one can't. while watching the recent rtd specials I saw people who were unable to let go of things that I quite readily accepted and worked with (bi-regeneration, fourteen looking like ten, etc), critiqued as something I hope will become deeper in future but isn't a dealbreaker for me (extrajudicial paramilitary force UNIT, will martha jones get closure (but also martha jones in a fifteen episode tho)), or -- once or twice -- simply went "not this," and moved on from ("male presenting") (actually my main hangup of the specials was that fourteen should have regenerated in thirteen's clothes)
with m*ffat I always have a much harder time doing that, because I simply haven't got a lot of faith in him as a showrunner or a writer that's going to give decent pay-off in the end because I know from experience that he frequently does not give decent pay-off in the end he is famous for sucking at that, and his recurring quirks that I don't like become really irksome as consequence
this not to say I didn't like this episode -- I really did. but I assume I'll like it a lot more when I can structure twelve's era in a way that I enjoy more than I have done parts of it, so that the emotional core lands more strongly than it could do at present time. I also would never call an episode that is solely about the doctor "the best episode of all time." that focus will always be too self-indulgent, ungrounded, and to the left of what I personally like in the show, I imagine
but, yeah, I could happily watch peter capaldi monologuing for hours of course I could
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jazeswhbhaven · 6 months
Beel, Are You Srs Brah? WHB Event React Part 1 *Spoiler Warning*
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So here we are at our third event since the start of the game!!! Here's some quick things I noticed right off the bat 1. It's LONGER? Instead of stopping at SP15 it's more like SP26, which I thought was a good call considering our Avisos bbys had 3 fucking places to search and there's no way to squish that in such a short amount. 2. The enemies are more challenging??? I think my wording may be off here for this, but more angel enemies were popping up that you normally wouldn't see until chapter 3 or 4. I h a t e the specific ones that scream at you from a distance...if you know, you know which ones...and yeah a bunch of those bitches were popping up so I was like AYO >:( 3. Tons of l o r e. We actually got to see some background lore for two characters in this, and it still leaves me wanting more because honestly, because Andre is from Niflheim though he praises Beel as to be the one to stop the war... For this event I gave a 10/10. I loved learning about the freak nasty devils of Avisos (i mean this is in a good way), and what really goes down after dark. (adult swim, all kids outta the pool! *i get i'm old, bye*) Plus the dynamic of our three bois???? Omfg I couldn't trust them with barely anything if they can't even bother to feed themselves. But I did notice something.... Why the fuck Beel opening tabs and not paying? He'd have to come see me, because baby I ain't made out of money, Mammon is. ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ ANYWAYS I'm talking too much, let's go, but not before you all grab your snick snacks <3 (this may very well be a three-parter) ♨(⋆‿⋆)♨
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So we enter in the grand office of Beelzebub, swanky stuff. And the story starts off with Bael literally being buried in an organized stack of paperwork...(poor bby) He even didn't bother to have the guard devil tell him that Beel decided to not reach out...like at all. .-. And he just brushes it off because he's used to it. Bael is really out here handling the entire country by himself for the most part. He was so tired he nearly ripped his horn off (we now are aware that the crown on his head is a uniquely shaped horn, imagine how that thing grows out of his skull like that? w i l d).
So the guard devil reassures him that the subjects of Avisos do respect all of his hard work, but right now Bael just cares that Beel is being a shitty best friend by causing him so much trouble. Tickets, tabs, just stacks upons stacks of things Beel owes money for (again why is he traveling around broke asf, and having his friend deal with the consequences back at home T^T) So he calls our bbygirl, Amon...and well he shows up with Stolas AND Naberius all of their tummies growling and Bael is like "??? Do you not eat?"
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So basically what happened is it took the two of them to wake up Amon so it killed all of their calorie intake for the day. Also, another big eater, Stolas (Eligos also being another big eater) was complaining about his third snack of the day. So it makes me think he eats on a specific schedule everyday. But here we also see he's like "Let's just kill Amon he's annoying."
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Like damn Stolas okay T^T And poor Naberius is like "My energy was spent trying to stop Stolas from killing him... Dysfunctional bunch aren't they? Lol
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NOW BAEL's face here....he looks so done rn. Amon sleeping off his starvation just so he can wait for Beel to return and eat with him *quiet sobbing* But he also is like "Your fake Majesty" as you know he's aware that Bael isn't really Beel but it's still funny he calls him that. Naberius tries to correct Amon, but they just go into a spat about what to call Bael. Stolas even calls both of them stupid for not just using the normal title (again they are a trip and a half their dynamic makes me want to see them interact animated wise) Then Amon, our no.1 Beel simp is like "Majesty Beel is the only Majesty for me" (cutie) Bael is done with them all and what's worse they can't leave because they're too hungry and their energy is spent. (FEED THE BOIS). Stolas out here complaining about tea time...sir you can't even move... So from here the story starts going on about how Avisos is. A rough area where you can basically just do whatever the fuck you want and it sounds like something out of a GTA game if you think about it. Also there tends to be ALOT of accidents. The line "Avisos routine was a battlefield even before the angels appeared" just reads to me like they really there just fucking shit up 24/7. Honestly, do the angels even have to bother with Avisos?? Cause it sounds like they rarely touch that area. But even a place as lawless as Avisos, what binds them together-
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My...guilty pleasure. My one-night stand. My fuck buddy. The devil that always has the Plan B prescription ready.
ANYWAYS Beel is that order, you know even when he's out there just fucking roaming around his country still respects as if he's there. Bael is just here being the temporary face, and it's funny because they mentioned how he wanted to kick his ass (understandably so because goddamn) Also Amon is so me...because he was asking Bael if he could take a nap before the mission when his ass literally slept for months. But Bael gives everyone the mission: Find Beel and drag him back here. And Amon brings up his crown asking when Beel returns would he be able to remove it and Stolas is like wtf you idiot-
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But with how Bael replies to him confuses me a little because he's just like "Oh you think I'm just gonna do that, I'm throwing off these sunglasses too!" So now I'm like...is your horn removable? Like...can you take it off and put it on, or are you just agreeing to agree? ;.; don't mutilate yourself Bael. *also small tender moment where Amon and Bael are excited to speak to each other like friends again when Beel returns * Now after they're dismissed it seems to me that Stolas is really fucking excited that Bael would be stepping down, and even offers to put him out of his misery (what's up with Stolas being a little gremlin it's funny)
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So our Avisos bois are on the hunt, but they need a plan right? The papers are basically receipts and tickets that Beel has racked up during his travels (like goddamn Beel where's your cash?) What gets me is that Naberius mentions that most of the places are so old it wouldn't be beneficial to even check. And this has me thinking...how fucking long has this king been MIA? So our Avisos bois are on the hunt, but they need a plan right? The papers are basically receipts and tickets that Beel has racked up during his travels (like goddamn Beel where's your cash?) What gets me is that Naberius mentions that most of the places are so old it wouldn't be beneficial to even check. And this has me thinking...how fucking long has this king been MIA? So they keep talking and it's been decided that traveling in threes might take too long so splitting up may work better, that is until Stolas and Nabe stare at Amon like yeah nah he can't be trusted Poor Amon. Like he really just seems like he stays out of trouble for the most part, but maybe it's just due to his personality and how he does whatever is why his comrades question him so much.
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Stolas is Amon's #1 hater. He's literally just hating on Amon because he just wants to lol. Here is when we found out that Stolas can shapeshift. Fun stuff. Not that I'm surprised since OG demon Stolas is an owl (no srs look it up). While going without Amon seemed like a good idea for them due to their mistrust...Nabe did bring up that Amon is devoted to Beel so badly (yes a fanboy in every word) that he would point out clues, track things easier etc. Amon's their hunting hound.
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Bael is so pretty <3 But yes we get more lore about Avisos. At night time it's apparently not the best country to be walking about in the heavy city areas. Though from the background it looks really pretty D: (that's how they'll get me) Nabe then says during their mission he will observe Amon closely, also admitting to himself (and us) that he always though Amon was pretty soft of a devil. That's very judgmental but okay lol
So the pub they're gonna go see first is called Dance of the Bumblebee (cute name) and Amon is like IT FAMOUS FOR BEING NASTY. (this had me cracking up because yes, thank you Amon for telling us this) And by reading through this again I realized that he meant "nasty" as in not really a place devils wanted to hang out at too often? And Stolas is like calling him out how how he knows this info when he's always asleep. Amon apparently has awareness even when he's sleep, so this pisses off Stolas even more to realize that while they were trying to wake him up he was listening to them try xD
To be fair though, just because one can hear you doesn't mean you're fully awake. *shrug* They keep talking about this pub and how it makes weird alcohol with extra additives in it and how Beel would be up for visiting there just for that reason. And I'm the same as Stolas WHAT IF THERE IS SOMETHING LIKE POISON IN IT? And even though Amon pointed out other stores in Avisos do it, Stolas says it's really an image issue to the other countries if they suddenly have deadly alcohol lmao
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So outta nowhere Stolas turns himself into a crow. And I'm cryin' look at his little crown and cape/outfit! He'd peck me because I'd call him cute all the time. His point of turning into this was so Nabe and Amon can follow him because it is dark, so certain landmarks may be difficult to see.
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We start off in what looks like a downtown area, and it's described as being really loud and noisy. The devils are literally just out here doing whatever, someone was even singing out loud, cussing each other out, the works. LMAO It even sounds like people were smoking (probably different types of things lets be honest...) and other devils were making out, PDA, and even though they won't say in game.... there was probs public sex happening too Like pit stop, have any of you come across those wild fucking vids of ppl just straight up fucking on the sidewalk and someone is filming and there seems to be no one else on the streets? it's just weird to me lmao
So there's a devil with good eyes (whatever that's supposed to mean) that says there's one place where there's something fishy going on. And fishy is right because it's fucking quiet.
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So the Dance of the Bumblebee seems like really swank place. A great place to find some sugar devils~ /j though watch me be exactly right that you can waltz in there and come back out with a devil that will pamper you...
It's fully of customers, and looks nice, but it's quiet and no one is really making a move??? Well...guess who decided to show up?
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Dreeeeeee <3
So they're talking about how everyone is nervous because this tall ass devil with wings a halo and a nice suit is just chillin' in the pub and they can see the horns so they know he's not an angel...it's just...
they all assume he's some kind of assassin
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So they were explaining how the jazz music stopped and do did everyone smoking and I'm just laughing because of that meme
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skskskskkskskkskskskks xD
But yeah like the devils weren't concerned about the music anymore they literally were trying to figure out what Dre wanted and if he was the famous 'Angel Hunter' based on his appearance.
More rumors (which are true about him) are that he plucks the wings and other parts off angels and sticks them to himself to provoke them. His eyes were damaged by an angel and the scar on his neck shows where his head was once severed. Even so, they're calling him savage looking. (i mean he does look a bit rough around the edges, you would too if you were on a mission)
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GIRL YES SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS Dre is my kind of devil. I wonder if he likes brown tequila or the clear kind... Could he drink me under the table? Yeah...like two drinks in and I'm giggling and being a klutz.
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So as someone tries to buy him that drink, the owner pushes the bartender out of the way and starts making small talk with Dre. However he calls him out quick, asking to see the real owner. And now the fake owner is sweating more than he was before.
Dre pulls out his sycthe on him (sexy asf move) and then it goes to black. We then see that this fake owner was actually a fucking angel in disguise and Dre starts hacking off his ears. The angel was bitching and crying about it, asking why he didn't bother to ask him to confirm he was the fake owner and Dre knew the entire time that it wasn't the real owner and that the angels are here following our Avisos bois around. Thankfully tho, it seems they don't know why.
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Dre is a fucking beast. Because like he gives 0 fucks here. And it appears that Dre can isolate the area to where it's only him and the imposter owner where no one else can see or hear. This is some powerful stuff and some more lore behind how powerful each of the 72 can be.
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That fucking unhinged grin.
And yeah of course the angel is shitting his pants at this moment. Dre even was saying that each time he lied he would rip his body piece by piece and he only has 6 chances to waste his time and if whatever of him is leftover is able to return to heaven he will do that. But... who knows what he'll leave behind. bloodthirsty. stands on business. focused. Dre for the win everyone.
(not to mention the first part of the angel he aimed for was his dick lmao)
While Dre is basically having some fun with his victim, it pans back to our bois. This lets me know this probably happened some time before they got there.
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And Stolas is back to his regular looking self saying that they should go in and get some clues. Amon brings up how he looks and Stolas gets upset about it. Though in the game I was concerned with how they described his looks being 'boyish' I figure this is the literal sense of young looking but he's of age/adult. As he has said in the Raphael card prologue as well when Amon teased him about his looks there too.
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See? He's just not gonna let him win this one ever xD These two, I swear So Amon is just walking into the pub without caring and he realizes that it's abnormally chilly. Even the doorknob is. (probably Dre's doing from that alt. area thing he did) But the way it said the other stores were sweltering hot I'm just like crying inside because I hate the heat and I hate sweating. I'd have to keep a bottle of water around me traveling in Avisos. Amon is feeling a bit uneasy, but he has to do the mission. The others follow him in and the guard is putting up a front asking if they were customers.
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There's a comparison to Gehenna in saying that Satan and his nobles knew basically everyone and that their approach isn't so frigid. The guard questioning the three active nobles of Avisos makes it seem like ppl don't care if you're important or not.
The guard demands that each of them show their proof. And at first I'm like what proof???
So Nabe shows his ear, Amon his tongue, and Stolas his 'pretty pink' nipples. It turns out that these areas all have piercings. Not only are they pierced, the jewelry has a green hue to it when a flashlight is shown on it.
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So, it is confirmed, that our headcanons that Beel knows how to give out piercings is true! He pierces his citizens when they turn of age and he feels that they belong there truly. Anddd I guess that's out 1st stopping point! Part 1 and done. I think there will be two more parts for sure....because this event was l o n g. Sorry if there's less screencaps than usual it's just most of this stuff is better said than with millions of screenshots lol
See you in the next post <3
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thecomicsnexus · 2 years
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I have been reading these issues as they were coming out, but for many reasons, I wasn’t able to review them until now... so there is a lot to unpack.
First, the Venus arc:
- Donatello and Alopex were captured by Dr. Barlow, they discovered that he was commissioned to create copies of the turtles (by Null).
- Venus can communicate telepathically and both of them were exposed to the electromagnetic energy of the dragon scale.
- While being bombarded with this energy, Donatello was able to reach the astral plane and talk to his father (both in their former life).
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- Venus carapace was created from Donatello’s original carapace.
- The rest of the turtles (and their students), assuming their disappearance had something to do with the frogs, payed them a visit (this goes wrong).
- Venus helps Donnie contact Shredder in his astral form, and he comes to rescue them. Freeing them.
- The lab gets destroyed by the ship carrying a now mature Seri (who in this continuity is a triceraton).
- Sheena and Clyde kill Groundchuck and Dirtbag.
- Venus doesn’t remember her life as Bonnie, so she decides to take her own path.
- Bludgeon contacts her, attracted by her aura. Maybe she becomes part of the Foot?
- The turtles reunite and take Seri to their lair.
- Dr. Barlow manages to escape with a blood sample from Donatello.
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So... for this arc, I couldn’t really place what the inspiration was for Dr. Barlow, but his area of expertise and his odd relationship with Donatello, makes me think he is some sort of adaptation of Dr. Cornelius Quease (from the next mutation).
And just like in that show, there will be four clones of the turtles, which takes me to the FCBD special.
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This is a prelude to Armageddon game, and it is narrated by Venus (starring the clones). There is not much to say about it, it’s a remake of TMNT #1, but with slight alterations (like the turtles using weapons that are not their own).
More will be explained as the saga continues.
At the end of the Venus arc, Shredder needed to tell Leonardo and the turtles something important... but we need to stop by the “Opening Moves” two-parter.
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In this mini, Kitsune and Shredder evaluate all the enemies involved in the saga recruited by the Rat King. We get to see who they are, and in some cases, we get to see a lot.
Also, Aka was reborn.
Madame Null was probably the biggest surprise, everything about her backstory screams Archie comics, from the Nova Posse (here known as the Nova Squadron, which should probably be changed to avoid copyright issues), Cherubae, Cudley, Verminator 2 (I guess we are only 8 tries away from Verminator X), Noi Tai Dar (the demon that created that dog mob guy), and there is a lot more.
It is also quite interesting to see Old Hob doing something. Since Mutant Town started, his plans were pretty much confusing, so I am eager to see what’s going to happen to him. I think he may end up dying in this arc.
Shredder is on his own, and goes to train the Turtles in the mystical arts.
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This doesn’t go well with the extended family. Alopex in particular, who simply cannot trust Saki. So she and Raphael break up.
The mystical arts are basically black magic, something Leonardo experienced first hand during the “City Fall” saga (when he was converted into the Shredder’s chonin).
If you are wondering why Saki never used these powers against his enemies, they are only meant to be used for emergencies and they do come at a cost.
Saki trains the Turtles into the five elements (pretty nice that we have 5 turtles), and makes them explore new sides of themselves. The most interesting one being Donatello, now being at ease with all this mystical stuff (something changed for him when Venus helped him reach the astral plane).
The turtles communicate with the spirit of Splinter, just like in the movie (although he wasn’t dead in the movie).
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Also, a small retro-continuity change. It was revealed that Jennika was present when the foot attacked the Northampton farm (this was way before Jennika was introduced). So... will that issue go up in value now?
Anyway, the last two issues were a little meh, they were cool but they were mostly the turtles learning new stuff.
Before continuing with the review...
The end of the Venus arc and this last arc feel a lot like a course-correction. People were complaining that the Turtles weren’t the focus of the book (something I do not agree with, but whatever), so they suddenly became the only characters.
And there other things here and there that makes me think that IDW is reacting to the critics.
Now, I have been enjoying the book all along, and I do understand the criticism. But mostly because I believe this period of time was a bit too long. Two years of no progress since issue #100. But I do think the Foot clan needed to take a break from the book.
So I don’t have problems with the story, it’s consistent with past issues. My main problem is with the art. Tunica is just not my kind of artist (and he seems to be heavily inspired in Studio Ghibili movies). Fero Pe seems to have a nice art style, so I am looking forward for the next saga.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 121
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See?   They combined together and got really huge!  This is just like when Ribrianne and the U6 Namekians did all that stuff and everyone loved it!  Universe 3 is just as cool as those characters!  Right? Right?  You’re shaking your head no, what are you not getting here?
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Last Episode, Universe 3 attacked Universe 7′s team in a desperate all-out bid for survival.  Their assault was so pitiful that Frieza didn’t even do anything to help and U3 still got their asses kicked. 
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So Dr. Paparoni combined his three robot teammates into a big robot, Koicéareta, and when that failed, he combined with Koicéareta, forming an even bigger creature named Agnilasa.  The fact that I have to keep looking up all their names to copy and paste into this post should tell you how memorable these guys were. 
So obviously, this was why Universe 3 didn’t bother trying to use Potara earrings when Kefla made her big play.  Universe 2 tried and failed, Universe 4 was relying on stealth instead of power, and Universe 11 saw no point in fusion because Jiren’s so strong already.  But U3 didn’t use it because they already had Agnilasa in their back pocket, and he’s like four guys already. 
And yeah, this is just like the fucking Sigma Force, when General Rildo absorbed them all after they lost. 
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Anyway, let’s go over this.  He’s really huge and strong and fast, and when the whole U7 team tries to attack him from every angle he somehow manages to block them all at once.  17 reasons that he must have ultrasonic radar, like a bat.  Yeah, why not?
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Also he can do the Janemba thing where he makes portals and punches through them to hit enemies at unexpected angles.  So he basically controls the entire stage. 
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Goku nearly gets eliminated, but Frieza kicks him back in the ring so he can continue winning the tournament.  Frieza sarcastically apologizes for kicking him so hard, and Goku genuinely replies that Frieza’s kicks aren’t enough to bother him.  Sick burn from Goku. 
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Then Agnilasa tries to eat 18, presumably because he realized he can’t knock anyone out of the ring without a teammate making the save.  Yeah, but if you kill 18, you get disqualified, dummy.  Unless Agnilasa’s planning to just swallow them all and puke them up over the side of the ring. 
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Fortunately, it doesn’t come to that, as Goku and Frieza show up in time to save 18.  Then she pays it forward by saving 17...
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But she gets eliminated in the effort. 
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Then Agnilasa grows wings, for... no real reason.  Oh, wait, Ribrianne did this, so U3 thinks it makes them look cooler.  Well it doesn’t.   Just give it up, Universe 3. 
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So the squad all power up to their final forms, except 17, who only has one form.
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Then they shoot their best hand lasers as Agnilasa shoots a giant fireball down at them.  They believe that Agnilasa’s plan is to destroy the entire stage, thereby eliminating everyone while he flies to safety.  Maybe, but Agnilasa could just be really dumb and not understand what he’s doing.  This episode does a lousy job of explaining whether Agnilasa is a mindless beast or a cunning tactician, and it’s kind of sublime how the managed to screw that up.
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Anyway, 17 makes a barrier around himself and fliest through Agnilasa’s energy blast, then attacks the big red thing on his head, thinking that it must be his weak point.  Just like Cell Max, I guess.
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That disrupts Agnilasa’s functions enough for the other four guys to blow him away...
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I’m somewhat surprised to see them separate into their original forms on the bench, but whatever. 
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So Universe 3 gets erased, but before they go, Lord Musco opens his robot suit and reveals his true form. No one cares. 
Seriously, this whole two-parter was this desperate attempt to showcase the team that got zero characterization through the entire arc.  And now it’s too late, because this is their last hurrah, and there’s no emotional resonance because they never mattered.  I guess it was supposed to be a big deal that Mosco never came out of his robot suit, but they never hinted at it before, or explained why he stays in there, so why should we care? 
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Anyway, we’re not down to the last eight competitors, and the stage is set for Universe 7 vs. the Pride Troopers.  Jiren warns them that beating U3 was the last triumph they will ever experience.
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And Goku’s like “Nuh-uh, we still have to beat you guys, silly goose!”
Anyway, here’s KISS with “Strutter”.
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samnotsammy12 · 2 years
“You’ve just been to Manhattan” can’t tell for sure if this takes place before or after The Ruby’s Curse but either way this is post-The Angels Take Manhattan and omfg OUCH
Also the fact that this is the closest they ever are besides Trenzalore to being fully caught up with each other (Trenzalore was post-Library River and the only thing Eleven hadn’t done yet was Darillium, now the only thing River hasn’t done yet is the Library)
River fully believes that the Doctor doesn’t love her and it HURTS but it’s understandable because sometimes Eleven treated her ABOMINABLY
The look on Twelve’s face when he realizes she genuinely believes it 😭 in that moment he swears to himself that he will spend the rest of his time with her convincing her that he loves her
“He doesn’t go around falling in love with people” tell that to Rose and Astrid (although with Astrid ig it was more of a wish fulfillment kiss for her than anything)
“It’s like loving the stars themselves you don’t expect a sunset to admire you back” STEVEN MOFFAT YOU POET
She genuinely believes that he doesn’t care about her and it HURTS
The way he says “hello sweetie” and the love in his eyes and HAVE I MENTIONED HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS FUCKING EPISODE HE SAID THE THING
The way they fall right back into their banter bouncing right off each other I ADORE THEM THE CHEMISTRY IS IMPECCABLE
“Mummy and Daddy are busy” I LOVE HER
“What do you think?” “Of what?” “My new body!” “Oh I’ll let you know. I’ve only seen the face” THE LOOK HE GIVES HER LMAO also how did they get away with all the sex jokes in this show
The looks on their FACES OMFG
when she catches the diamond down the front of her dress and he’s like “wtf” LMAO
Also how tf do some girls put stuff in their bras I feel like that would be so uncomfortable accidentally dropping an M&M or some other food or something down your bra is awful
“He had a bad day on the market” TWELVE IS SUCH A DORK
Comparing their famous SOs is hilarious he’s so jealous
The look on his face when she recognizes Darillium rips my heart out
Their argument that “not one living thing on this ship is worth you” has the same energy as those people that say “no you go first” “no YOU go first” standing in front of a door
omfg River looks AMAZING
“Now that my dear is a suit” SO FUCKING CUTE
HE GOT HER A SONIC SCREWDRIVER btw that’s my favorite retcon (in the Library two parter they say it’s the Doctor’s screwdriver, but they retconned it to be River’s)
Twelve gets so flustered when she kisses him lmao
If you replace a couple of words in Twelve’s lil speech about the Towers it becomes “all anyone knows is that when the wind stands fair and the night is perfect, when you least expect HER, but always when you need HER the most, there is a Song” and that KILLS ME
the “ and they both lived happily ever after” slowly fading to just “happily” because it didn’t last forever and they didn’t both live, but they were happy breaks my heart
This is my favorite episode of the whole show and I wish we had more of them
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I finished 5Ds. For real this time.
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This is my third overview of this fucking show, my constant switching between loving it and hating it has been exhausting for me, I can’t imagine what it’s been like for the people reading my posts. This show actually drives me crazy, I’m convinced it hates me. But now, I’ve finally finished it and there will be no more deliberation. 5Ds is a show of incredible highs and excruciating lows. The stuff that’s really good is Yugioh at its best and the stuff that’s really bad is some of the worst shit I’ve ever seen in my life. And there’s a slew of stuff that’s in between those points. So instead of giving a definitive statement on the show overall, I'm just gonna rank its wildly ranging in quality story arcs from best to worst.
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*Anguished screaming* Fuck this arc. Fuck how it treated Aki, fuck how long these stupid filler duels are, fuck you for somehow making a robot apocalypse boring, fuck you for having yet another tournament arc, and most of all, fuck the dependency on accel synchro when Yusei has a fusion summon monster he could easily summon that he just doesn’t bother with after that stupid filler duel that ended on a bullshit anti climax and single-handedly killed all my good will for 5Ds with this distracting as shit plothole that didn’t need to be there at all.
5 Pre WRGP
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Basically a slew of filler that for the most part, which I didn’t mind. It’s very unfocused and all over the place but the characters are fun enough to make most of the episodes enjoyable, though there are definitely some skippable clunkers in there. This arc is also oddly enough home to my favourite single episode in 5Ds: Akiza learning to Turbo duel. That had me squealing like the Aki fanboy I am. So overall it's okay.
4 Fortune Cup
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Love everything that’s Aki related, Jack is fun but not quite likeable yet, and the twins are good if basic characters. The actual Fortune Cup tournament itself was when this show got good honestly. Nearly everything before that, especially the prison arc, was pretty boring. But it has a more consistent story and a good flow to it so that puts it above all that WRGP crap.
3 Ark Cradle
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Yeah… There's a lot of tension to this story now that the looming threat of the destruction of the entire city is far more close to fruition and given a time limit. Plus the duels are actually really good again. They don’t go on forever and there’s like focus on the emotional bonds of the characters again??? And also the ending is really sweet and feels very conclusive for the major characters and I’m really glad I saw it despite the missteps along the way?? This arc was so refreshing.
2 Crashtown
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Yes I’m counting this. It’s a mini arc all about Kalin post Dark Signers full of gay energy and healing through the power of found family! Hell yes I’m gonna eat that up like it’s candy! The Wild West aesthetic is really jarring but once you get used to it, it’s really fun and as I said, I love Kalin so getting closure on him was really nice. The harmonica is really silly though, I made fun of the harmonica a lot.
1 Dark Signers
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This arc SLAPS and 5Ds peaked here The lore is super interesting, Crow, Carly, and Kalin, three of my favourite characters are all introduced here and their stories and duels are all amazing, we get Jack’s character arc and he becomes likeable. Such good stuff. My two problems with this story arc are… unfortunately big ones. The Aki’s parents two parter (full rant here: https://at.tumblr.com/overobsessedfanboy13/i-have-some-concerns-about-akis-arc/gomscjgqwg86 ) needs to burn in hell and the Devack duel is really long and really boring. Honestly though, if those two things were surgically removed (or at least rewritten), we would have a masterpiece of an arc on our hands.
So overall I’m just gonna say I enjoyed at least 70% of 5Ds but it’s nowhere near the best YGO series, I have no idea why it’s the fan favourite. It’s an absolutely inconsistent mess of a show that has some really excellent shit every now and then.
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