#if he wants we could like watch fireworks or smth
nervocat · 2 months
Guys my mom said that since we don't when my cat was born I could make a birthday for him and I thought of making the same day as mine :33
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formulawonu · 2 years
seventeen & amusement parks
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prompt: how svt would be with you at an amusement park (thanks to this)
a/n: im back…. svt brainrot still alive and kicking. imagine going to an amusement park with seventeen that would be so fun :/ btw i take requests for reactions or small blurbs so hi carats please be my friends!!!!!!
seungcheol: he would act like he isn’t scared at all then start giggling the moment u get in line to ride something 🥱 screams his ass off during the ride itself and says it wasn’t that scary right after fml he’d buy all the ride souvenir pics tho
jeonghan: would get u to ride a rollercoaster even if ur scared asf then when he notices ur freaking out he would start saying stuff like “this is fr just 5-10 mins of ur life it really won’t last forever if u wanna conquer other things u have to conquer this first” just so u could focus on bickering with him instead of being nervous :( then after the ride he’d be all “I TOLD U IT WASNT THAT BAD U WERE WORRYING FOR NOTHING” then gives u a tight hug bec he’s proud of u anyway. man is so confusing but i love him
joshua: byeeeeee he’d get u to ride whatever rides he wants to ride because 1) hes paying 2) he just has the ability to reassure u that ur gonna be fine until ur already strapped in and can’t ask to get off the ride anymore. he'd be the type to check on you in the middle of the ride and ask u if ur ok. its giving spongebob and patricks "are you feeling it now mr krabs." also praises for u for going on scary rides tho. tricky man pt. 2
junhui: he’d be so game to do anything and ride anything!!!! u for sure have two day passes or something bec i feel like junhui would really take his time exploring the whole park and trying out as much things as he can. also bad news for u if u hate haunted houses u are for sure going to one with this guy
hoshi: 100% peer pressures you into riding all the rollercoasters or gets u to sit at the back of any ride. im sorry u signed up for the Real Amusement Park Experience™️ the moment u chose him to go with u. he'd be all "why did we bother going if we dont go all the way!!!!" and yes u do have matching headbands or hoodies. let him live his life <//3
wonwoo: he’d honestly say yes to most rides for the ~experience~ and will just love watching u freak out or scream. imagine him sitting beside u then smiling/laughing at how nervous u look. him telling u ur gonna be fine,…. imagine him throwing his hands up during a ride and having fun. i think im going to cry pls id so want to be beside him on any ride JUST ONCE
woozi: plz respect his time ,,, pick max two rides THEN GO HOME! u know what maybe two is pushing it pick one and be grateful he even came 😪
minghao: PLS HE’D BE SO FUN AT AMUSEMENT PARKS HE’LL RIDE ANYTHING WITH U!!!!????? he’s also just laughing the entire time and not complaining abt the heat or the lines. if he finds a ride he rly rly rly likes he’d ask u to line up w him again just so he could experience the feeling once more. also ur staying for the fireworks no questions asked
mingyu: im sorry but ur gonna have to force him to get on any ride that doesnt stay on the ground. the mans height has unfortunately made him afraid of anything taller than him. u guys would have cute ass pics though <//3 he'd also go food tripping with you and carry u on his shoulders if the situation ever had to call for it like watching the parade or smth??? idk why but he would do it anw just needed to put it out there
seokmin: ANOTHER SCARED ONE. however hes waaaaay easier to talk into riding rides with u as long as u can reassure him every five minutes that he’ll be fine and deal with his nervous jitters as the line gets shorter and shorter. he wont shut up lmfao so if ur also scared its just both of u scaring each other until u get on the ride. would be funny when u look back on the experience tho jsdkfhsdf u also have matching headwear w him and he's singing to the songs playing all the time
seungkwan: omfg he would be so nervous lining up for any ride. “That thing just creaked i swear” “what are the chances of this ride stopping in mid-air?” But would love love love the adrenaline that comes with rides. I honestly think he would love the teacup ride in disneyland dont even ask me why. would also befriend kids on the rides/lines with u
vernon: he is really there for The Vibes™️ but dont get him wrong he would be screaming his ass off on diff rides i can already imagine his face xjenfjtngk he’s trying to find where the camera is on each ride so he knows when to pose lmao
dino: im crying why is he that friend u have that is so excited to ride all the rides then pukes after the first one and has to sit down and drink water to recuperate after hxjsnejdnc but he'd be so fun to be with and he'd make u laugh all the time. would take pics with all the characters roaming the park
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kookiesjoonies · 4 years
first & last | jjk.
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↠ main pairing: best friend!jungkook x virgin!reader
↠ fic type: one shot, friends to lovers
↠ genre: smut
↠ word count: 4.2k
↠ warnings: alcohol consumption (they aren’t drunk, just a lil tipsy), explicit language, dry humping, finger sucking, light dirty talk, hand job, cum play
↠ summary: during a game of never have i ever, jungkook finds out that you haven’t had your first kiss yet and decides to show you how it’s done. 
a/n: eeeeep! i’m so happy to finally have smth up for jk again bc it’s been awhile n we all know i’m whipped for this man. enjoy! feedback is always appreciated. xo
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Drunken sleepovers with your best friend were your favorite. You were lying on the floor of Jungkook’s living room, the world’s thinnest blanket underneath you to act as a barrier between your back and the hard surface of the floor. 
He laid to your left, nursing a bottle of cheap beer while you sipped red wine from your glass. When the two of you were buzzed, the urge to play drinking games always hit hard. You were thankful he seemed to enjoy them as much as you did, because you were always able to be your genuine, goofy self around him without fear of being judged. 
Tonight’s game of choice was never have I ever— a classic, one that you wish you’d played more. Hearing all of Jungkook’s embarrassing tales always made you laugh to the point of tears, big belly laughs that caused you to wheeze. 
“Alright, alright. I’ve got one,” he spoke up, causing you to tilt your head to look over at him, “never have I ever told someone they were a good kisser and didn’t mean it.” 
You watched as your friend brought the bottle up to his lips and took a swig, insinuating that he had, in fact, done just that. 
When you didn’t drink from your wine glass, his eyebrow cocked and he stared down at you in disbelief. 
“Come on, Y/n. Sure you have!” 
You shrugged, giving him a quick shake of your head. 
“Nope.” Your answer was simple— too simple, which left Jungkook even more intrigued than he was to begin with. 
He didn’t believe you, not by a long shot. But he should’ve. Seeing as how you’d never even kissed anyone, let alone lied about whether they were a good kisser. 
Being in your twenties and having never been on a real date, or held anyone’s hand (other than your friends’, but of course, that was different), or had your first kiss wasn’t exactly the coolest thing. 
You’d wanted to experience such things, but no one that had come into your life so far had been worthy enough. 
Except for one person— the man that was currently staring at you with his round, beautiful doe eyes. You wanted to kick your own ass for thinking of Jungkook in such a way. He was your best friend, nothing more. And you weren’t about to ruin all of that and everything that the two of you had because of your feelings.
“So, what? Everyone that you’ve ever kissed has been exceptional?” His tone let you know that he thought you were full of shit. 
“Kind of have to be kissed in order to confirm or deny that.” You mumbled, voice barely even audible. 
The wine was making you brave, it seemed. You weren’t drunk enough to not realize what you’d said, but you weren’t sober enough to care. 
Jungkook noticeably choked on his beer he’d been drinking, bringing the back of his hand up to wipe at the liquid gathering on the corners of his mouth. 
“What did you just say?” 
You sighed, sitting up and leaning your back to rest against the bottom of the sofa behind you. 
“It’s not that big of a deal, Kook.” 
“Uhm, yeah it is!” He exclaimed, and your eyes rolled in response. 
“No, it isn’t.” You snapped back, wishing the conversation was done and over with already. 
“Can I ask why you’ve never been kissed? I mean— has the opportunity never presented itself, or have you just been waiting for the right person or something?” 
He wasn’t going to let it go, it seemed. So, you twirled around the red liquid in your cup, staring down at it to avoid eye contact with your best friend. Though, you could feel his chocolate eyes burning into you, and you were sure if you glanced over at him he’d be staring at you with wide eyes. 
“I’ve had a few opportunities, but I just… I don’t know? I don’t want just anyone to kiss me. I want it to mean something, to be from someone special.” 
You felt your cheeks begin to heat up, and you were internally cursing yourself. 
“Plus,” you said, after a few seconds of awkward silence had passed, “I don’t even know how to kiss, so, I’ve always been nervous.” 
Without skipping a beat, Jungkook’s voice was filling your ears again. 
“I’ll teach you.” 
Your eyes shot up to meet his, and you were sure the shock was apparent all over your features. Jungkook, however, seemed oddly calm. 
“Uhm, thank you? But we’re best friends, it could make things weird—“ 
He cut you off with a shake of his head, “Nope, our friendship is solid. A little kiss isn’t going to ruin it.” 
You worried at your lower lip, pondering the thought and weighing out the pros and cons. 
You’d always dreamed about what his lips would feel like against yours, you were sure he’d be a skilled kisser. The thought of his hands being in your hair while your mouths moved together in heated passion, or better yet, his hands on your ass— yeah, maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea. 
Or maybe it was the worst idea. Either way, you were about to find out. 
“Okay.” You nodded, setting your nearly empty glass to the side. 
“Really?” His eyes widened, and you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling.
“Yeah, but I’d hurry before I change my mind.” 
Jungkook didn’t need to be told twice. He’d been hoping and praying that one day this day would come, and now that it finally had, he was determined to give you the best damn kiss of your life. 
And it made it even better knowing that he was going to be the first person to ever touch your lips with their own. Maybe he wanted to be the first and the only. No, he definitely wanted to be the first and the only. 
“Come here.” He patted his lap, and you quickly caught on. 
Maybe straddling your best friend should’ve felt awkward, but this didn’t. This felt… right.
His large hands found their way onto the sides of your face, effectively cupping your cheeks. Your arms instinctively wrapped around his neck, and you prayed that he wouldn’t be able to hear how loudly your heart was thumping against your chest. 
“Is this okay?” You whispered, referring to the way your arms were resting atop his shoulders. 
He nodded, flashing you that gorgeous bunny-like smile of his. Suddenly, you felt a sense of calm. All of your nerves were now replaced with adrenaline and excitement. It was amazing how quickly he was able to calm you down just with one toothy grin. 
“Yeah, it’s perfect.” he assured you, rubbing the pads of his thumbs along the apples of your cheeks, “just follow my lead, yeah?” 
“Yes, sir.” You teased, and he chuckled. 
His eyes fell shut, and so did yours. Before you knew it, and before your brain could completely process what was happening, you were kissing Jeon Jungkook. 
Fireworks went off all around you, and you could no longer hear the whirring of the AC, or the sound of the television. All you could hear were his lips smacking against yours, and the way his breath hitched as your fingers pulled at the hair at the nape of his neck. 
His lips moved slowly, allowing you to get used to the whole process. He was gentle, and you were thankful for that. 
You could savor his taste for the rest of your life, you were sure of it. He tasted heavily of beer mixed with the fried rice you’d shared for dinner. Perhaps it wasn’t the best combination, but it was Jungkook, so none of it mattered. You didn’t want to taste anything, or anyone else, for as long as you lived. 
His tongue ran along your lower lip, and you didn’t hesitate to open up your mouth for him. His tongue slid easily inside, twisting and curling around yours as he explored every last crevice— memorizing what seemed to get a reaction out of you. 
One particular move of his wet muscle against yours had you keening and moaning into his mouth, and you quickly broke the kiss, bringing your hands up and over your mouth. 
“Oh, my god! I’m sorry, Kook, I—“ 
“Sorry for what?” He was out of breath, and his pupils were blown out. 
His hair had become slightly disheveled from the way you’d been tugging at it mindlessly, and his mouth was covered in your red lipstick. He’d never looked hotter, and you were suddenly very aware of the arousal pooling in between your thighs. 
“For— for making that noise, I’m—“ 
His fingers pushed a piece of your hair behind your ear, and his voice was soothing as he spoke. 
“Why are you sorry? That was the hottest shit I’ve ever heard in my life.” 
His words shocked you, “But we’re best friends! I shouldn’t be… we shouldn’t be—“ 
For the third time in a matter of minutes, he was cutting off your rambling. 
“Friends don’t kiss like that, Y/n.” 
“So, are you saying you don’t… want to be friends anymore?” 
You feared his answer, ready to run away in a fit of tears if he confirmed your scariest thoughts. You couldn’t lose him, not like this. 
“No, I don’t want to be friends,” your eyes began to well up, but he was quick to stop your tears from flowing with his next words, “I want to be more than that. I want to kiss you all the time, take you out on dates, among other things… whenever you’re ready for that. There’s no pressure here, because even if you don’t want this, I’m not going anywhere.” 
There he goes with that damn calming smile again, the one that caused your heart to stop, yet was its very reason for beating all the same. 
“I’d like that.” You grinned, shuffling your weight above him slightly to make yourself a bit more comfortable. 
When he groaned and tossed his head back, you were sure you’d hurt him. But before you could offer him your string of apologies, his hands were falling to your hips to hold you in place. 
“Fuck,” he sighed, “do that again. Please.” 
You arched a perfectly filled in brow, “What, this?”
Your hips rolled in a similar way that they’d done before, this time with more aim and purpose. And the man below you was making the most sinful, most beautiful sounds you’d ever heard. 
His length was hardening underneath you, and your eyes enlarged at the recollection. This definitely wasn’t doing your already seeping pussy any favors. 
“I understand if you don’t want to jump into anything sexual right now,” he breathed, heavy and uneven, “but if you don’t, you’re going to have to get off of me because all I want to do right now is grind into you until you’re cumming in your clothes.” 
“How did we go from being best friends an hour ago, to doing this?” You couldn’t stop the giggle that made its way through your lips, your hips pushing down and rolling into his once more— letting him know that you had no intentions of stopping. 
“I don’t know— Jesus!,” he bit down on his bottom lip as he tightened his grip on your hips and guided their movements, “but I’m so goddamn glad you’re on top of me right now.” 
“Me too.” You were quick to agree, hands bracing on his shoulders to hold yourself up. 
Both of you were gasping now, reveling in the feeling of your sexes grinding against one another. Every graze of his cock against your clothed clit sent fire through your veins, and your vision was beginning to black out. 
You had no idea dry humping could feel this damn good. But you were sure that it had a lot to do with the way Jungkook looked underneath you. 
He was completely wrecked and fucked out already, offering you slews of curses and praises every time you came down on his dick just right. 
“Fuck, I wanna be inside of you so bad,” you were bouncing against his length with fervor, no intentions of slowing down or stopping until you both reached your highs, “can’t wait to see that pretty little pussy, fill you up with my cum and mark you as mine.” 
You moaned at the thought, his filthy words moving you further and further to your desired state of euphoria. 
One of his hands gripped tightly on your ass, while the other rested over your clothed core. He looked up at you, silently asking for permission. He knew you’d never done anything like this with anyone before, and he wasn’t about to try and make you do anything that you were uncomfortable with. 
“Go ahead,” you gasped, barely having time to register what he was doing until his fingers were circling over your clit. 
You were very thankful that you’d decided to wear cloth pajama shorts, and thin ones at that. He could feel everything— and so could you. Your hips bucked up and into his hand as you rode his cock, begging for him to make you cum.
“You’re so fucking soaked, babe. It’s leaking through your shorts.” He smirked at the sight, gathering up a bit of the dampness on the tips of his fingers. 
The way he inserted the two digits into his mouth had you crying out, nearly on the verge of tears from the sight alone. 
“Wanna taste?” He asked, and you eagerly nodded. 
He collected more of your wetness onto his fingertips, and you made a show of sucking on them lewdly once they entered into your mouth. 
“Nasty little girl, aren’t you?” 
As if to prove his point, you used your own fingers to reach into your panties, gathering your arousal straight from the source. 
His was practically salivating, eyes begging for you to let him clean your fingers off with his tongue. 
As if reading his mind, you nodded. And he wasted no time before suckling your fingertips into his mouth. He moaned around them, savoring your sweet taste. He wished like hell he could pin you down and clean you up with his tongue, but he knew you weren’t ready for that, and he was respectful. 
Still, he was determined to make you cum. He wanted desperately to see what you looked like when you came undone. 
“No more games.” He growled, his hands returning to your hips to hold you steady above him. 
He fucked up against you, the outline of his cock hitting your sensitive bundle of nerves each time. 
Soon, you were crying out and squirming— a poor attempt at trying to get away. 
“F-fuck! Oh, my god!” you couldn’t stop the way your hips rolled, or the way your thighs began to shake, “Kook! Holy shit, I’m gonna—“ 
Before you could even finish your sentence, your orgasm washed over you and you came harder than you ever had before in your life. Your body felt hot, and every single one of your limbs were shaking. The only thing you were able to say or remember was Jungkook’s name, chanting it like a prayer as you slowly came back down to earth. 
“That was fucking beautiful,” He was quick to compliment you, staring down at the apparent dark spot on your light pink shorts, “just wanna clean that all up, then do it all over again.” 
Your face was flushed, and you weren’t sure whether it was from the mind blowing orgasm you’d just had or his words. You couldn’t be bothered to care, your body falling limp against his as he held your delicate frame close to him. 
“You’re going to be the death of me.” You huffed, and you felt the rumble of Jungkook’s chest as he chuckled. 
“So, you wanna go on a date tomorrow?” His hand caressed your back, and your eyes fell shut at the soothing feeling. 
“Mhm.” You were dozing off, barely aware of what he’d said at all. 
He just simply smiled at you, pressing his lips to kiss the top of your head. 
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up and get you to sleep.” 
You nodded as he stood up from the floor, cradling you in his arms. 
“Good idea.” You mumbled, nuzzling your cheek against his chest. 
He carried you down the short hallway to his master bedroom, kicking the door open with his foot. You were already nearly asleep as he laid you down on the right side of his bed. 
Jungkook kissed at your temple before making his way over to his dresser, pulling out a pair of his boxers for you to change into. He disappeared into the en-suite bathroom for a moment, carrying a damp cloth in his hand when he returned. 
You smiled at him, eyes half open. 
“This feels like a dream.” 
The weight of the mattress shifted as he sat down beside you, holding out the fresh change of undergarments and the towel for you. 
“Tell me about it.” He grinned, turning his head away from you to give you some privacy as you changed out of your soiled shorts. 
You were thankful for that— for how respectful he was. 
As you pulled your shorts down along with your panties, a realization hit you and your eyes widened. 
“Kook!” you shrieked, startling the man, “you didn’t cum!” 
He barked out a laugh at your outburst. Just when he thought you couldn’t get any cuter, you were quick to prove him wrong. 
“I know, it’s okay.” 
“No, it’s not!” You insisted, quickly wiping your thighs clean and pulling on the plaid boxers he’d given you. 
“Babe, I promise, it’s okay. Tonight was all about you, I wanted to make you feel good.” 
Your lower lip pushed out and into a pout, your hands reaching forward to grab his face so that you could make him look at you. 
“But, I wanted to make you cum.” 
He hissed at your words, willing his cock not to rise. He knew you were tired, and there’d be plenty of time for you to get him off later. 
“Let’s get some sleep, yeah? We can fool around tomorrow if you want to.” 
You sighed, a tiny frown present on your face now. 
“Can I just… give you a hand job, or something?” 
You didn’t miss the way he groaned at your words, or the way his eyes quickly screwed shut. 
“If you want to, you can. But don’t feel like you have to, I promise, it’s okay.”
“I want to,” you didn’t hesitate in replying, “but I’ve never done it before, so…” 
Before you knew it, he was moving to lie down beside you on the other side of the bed. He was already sporting a tent in his athletic shorts, which had you nearly drooling. Based on the outline, he was sure to be huge. You prayed that you were right. 
Jungkook looked relaxed, large eyes staring up at you and waiting for you to make a move. He flashed you an encouraging smile, his hands resting behind his head. 
“Go ahead, do whatever you want. No need for you to be shy, it’s just me.” 
Just him. 
If anything, those words did little to calm your nerves. You’d only ever dreamed about being in similar predicaments with your best friend. And now that it was real and happening, you were petrified that you’d do something wrong and send him running in the opposite direction. 
Taking a mental deep breath, you sat up in the bed and crossed your legs as you turned your body to sit right beside his lower half. 
You reached a shaky hand forward, brushing your fingertips over the outline of his rock hard length. As your fingertips danced and teased over his covered cock, Jungkook’s breath caught in his throat. 
Carefully studying his face to watch his reactions, you pulled his shorts down and he lifted his hips to help you out. 
The tight, grey briefs he was wearing left little to the imagination. You could see every ridge and curve of his thick length, and drool was collecting on the corners of your mouth as you admired it. 
“Like what you see?” His voice was teasing, and he wiggled his hips. 
You laughed, rolling your eyes at his actions. 
Yeah, it was just Jungkook. Your best friend. The one person you trusted and loved most in this world. It was okay. This was okay. 
With your newfound confidence, you tugged his underwear down, his impressive dick springing free in the process. 
You moaned quietly at the sight. 
Sure, you were a virgin and didn’t have much to compare it to, but you were positive he had the prettiest cock you’d ever seen— and would ever see in your life. The head was perfectly pink and already dripping with precum, long veins running from base to tip. You couldn’t wait for the day it would be buried inside of you, and your cunt clenched around nothing at the thought alone. 
Your hand instinctively found itself wrapped around his length as best it could, fingers unable to connect to your palm due to his size. Jungkook let out a breathy sigh at the sudden contact, his eyes glued to the way your hand began to do a few test pumps. 
“Yeah,” he sighed, tilting his head back, “just like that. A little faster.” 
With his guidance, you did as he suggested and picked up the speed of your hand. You watched the way his face contorted, the way his eyes screwed shut and pulled together as you ran your thumb over his slit, collecting the moisture leaking from it to use as makeshift lube. 
Deciding to take a risk, you collect a bit of saliva in your mouth before allowing it to drip down and onto his cock. 
“Hoooooly fuck, that’s hot.” You smirked at Jungkook’s praise and approval, working your hand up and down his shaft at a quicker and easier pace now thanks to the slick your spit had created. 
The faster your hand pumped, the harder it became for Jungkook to properly breathe. He was panting, curses and praises of your name leaving his lips every so often. 
You brought your free hand up to work at his balls, rolling and caressing them in a way that seemed to drive the man halfway to insanity. 
“Fuck, you sure this is your first time doing this?” He breathed out the words, his arm falling to rest over his eyes as he attempted to keep himself composed. 
“Swear.” You responded, eyes glued to the way his bottom lip was now rested between his teeth. 
One final twist of your palm had him reeling, gripping at the sheets underneath him with one hand— his other coming to wrap around your wrist as you continued to work him toward his end. 
He was moaning shamelessly, not the least bit shy in letting you know how amazing you were making him feel. Maybe it was the way you were fondling him, or maybe it was the fact that it was you giving him the best hand job he was sure he’d ever had. 
He decided it was probably a combination of both as his hips thrust up wildly, effectively fucking his dick into your grasp. The way his cock seemed to twitch let you know he was close, and you brought your hand up and then back down as fast as you could. 
He came with a loud moan of your name, his sperm coating his lower stomach and your hand all at the same time. You watched in awe as he lost himself, pride settling in as you realized that you were the one responsible for his orgasm. 
As Jungkook’s body slowly stopped writhing, you removed your hand from his member. You waited for him to make eye contact with you again before you dipped your fingertips into the cum on the back of your other hand and brought them up and into your mouth. 
“Goddamn.” He groaned, marveling at your erotic behavior. 
You effectively cleaned his seed from your fingers, swallowing it and showing him your tongue along with your empty mouth. 
“That was amazing.” His compliments sent butterflies straight to your stomach, and he was pulling your mouth down to crash on his before you could respond. 
“I love you.” You were mumbling the words against his lips before you even realized what you were saying. 
You were panicking instantly, kicking your own ass for blurting it out. Sure, you’d said you loved each other before, but not like this. 
The feeling of Jungkook grinning against your mouth is what calmed you, and you matched his smile with one of your own. 
His forehead rested against yours as he pulled away, and the two of you let out a sigh of content. 
“I love you too, you know.” His hand caressed your lower back as he spoke, your thumb running over his cheek. 
“I was hoping.” You giggled, and he simply shook his head at you. 
This was it, you thought. 
You never wanted to kiss anyone else, or do anything remotely sexual with anyone else. He was going to be your first everything, you were sure of it. And you hoped that he’d be your last.
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© kookiesjoonies 2020.
*do NOT reupload/repost on any site, translate without my permission, or claim as your own.
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straightupsickfics · 3 years
Oh wow, the “when being given soft back tickles at night as they fall asleep” from the domestic sneezes is just😍😍 the cutest. Could you maybe write a little snippet of smth like that? Any pairing is good ❤️
oh 🥺🥺🥺 that is the cutest you're right, and I totally missed it when I was reading back through that list! A smol sambucky moment because i have a one track mind these days
Sam's half asleep by the time he hears the water shut off in the bathroom and Bucky comes padding into their bedroom, toweling off his hair as he walks. He opens one eye, never too exhausted to see his boyfriend drop the towel at his waist and swap it for a pair of boxers. He gives an appreciative little hum as Bucky slides into bed beside him.
It's early, Sam knows that, but he couldn't help resting his eyes while Bucky showered. And that really had been the whole plan, just a rest after a long day with Sarah and the boys, but... Well, his head had been bothering him all day, and so had his throat, and now he can feel himself starting to get stuffed up, which is really the nail in the coffin.
Though... maybe it wouldn't be so bad, being sick when he has someone like Bucky, who would definitely be up for spending the rest of the long weekend on the couch beside him, if that's what Sam wanted.
"Today really took it out of you, huh?" Bucky asks, pulling his pillows forward and sitting up beside Sam. They'd had a barbecue at Sarah's, and had watched the fireworks from the boat afterwards. It'd been nice; perfect, actually, but now Sam's more tired than he'd care to admit. Looking up, he sees that Bucky's face is tinged pink from their day in the sun, a small smattering of freckles emerging across the bridge of his nose, and Sam can't help but find that unfairly adorable.
"Guess so," Sam murmurs. He rolls in closer to Bucky, shower-warm and soft, and lets his eyes fall shut again when he runs a hand up and down the length of Sam's back. He gives a pleasant little shiver, a combination of the air conditioning and the soft touch, and Bucky chuckles, low and quiet.
"We can go to bed early," Bucky says. He runs his hand up to Sam's neck, lingering at the nape and massaging gently.
"Think we already are," Sam says wryly. "Though if you keep that up..." He trails off and yawns hugely.
"You'll be asleep in five minutes, I know," Bucky finishes for him. "I've noticed."
"Shh, I like what I like," Sam says, though he smiles tiredly. He voice sounds just a little rough around the edges, not quite congested, but raspy and sore, and he shouldn't be, not at this point, but Sam's surprised when Bucky picks up on it right away.
"You feel okay?" Bucky's still stroking his back, making Sam's thoughts feel far away and swimmy, he's so comfortable like this. Maybe if he wasn't, he'd try and brush it off, play it down a little, tell Bucky not to worry. But instead, he opens his eyes again and pulls a face.
"Think I might be comin' down with something," Sam says. As if on cue, his nose twitches, and he brings a fist up to his face and rubs at it gently. He sniffles once, twice, then turns his head.
"Hh'Ushh! Huh'uhshh!"
"Bless you," Bucky murmurs.
"Thanks," Sam says with a sigh. "Sorry."
"Don't be," Bucky reassures him. "People get sick, you know."
"Yeah, yeah," Sam says.
"Sammy," Bucky says.
"What? You're not going into mother hen mode already, are you? It was two sneezes, Buck."
"Fine, it can wait until the morning, when I will be making you tea, and bringing you medicine, and if you complain I'll tell Sarah."
"Man, that is not fair," Sam huffs.
Bucky shushes him, snuggling himself in good and close, and resumes tracing soft patterns up and down the length of Sam's back.
"Very much not fair, James," Sam repeats, though he yawns again, overcome with tiredness and warmth and affection for the man beside him, and he's asleep before he can argue the point further.
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caffernnn · 3 years
Yeah hi again! More tsoa au snippets anyone?
Now that i think about it, albert could be apollo in tsoa, so imagine him taking a look at makoto climbing the walls of troy, disdainfully raises his nose, spits "puny little mortal" and flicks him off the wall with godly telekinetic powers to be killed by our hector, which is hiyori; i mean albert is already symbolized as a god in canon.
Kinjou could be the dickwad pyrrhus since people refer to pyrrhus as achilles without his patroclus, and kinjou is hinted to have given up personal relationships in order to be a stronger swimmer, and fans theorize him to be creating a rift between haru and mako, so yea...there's that. He could be our proud, arrogant, homophobic lil shit pyrrhus who thinks everybody should be like him- friendless and glory-hungry.
AJHSAKDJSK I WANT TO SEE THE CONFRONTATION BETWEEN BRISEIS AND PATROCLUS AS KISUMI AND HARU!!! Imagine haru being mad at kisumi for daring to touch makoto even after his death, when all kisumi wanted to do was clean him since he doesn't deserve to lie in filth, and haru goes apeshit that nobody should touch his makoto and kisumi goes "you're not the only one who ever loved him!!". Kisumi goes on to rant that haru only cares about chasing his honor and that makoto only died to save his reputation, which i got from a prompt under the #kisumako tag where kisumi confronts haru about how makoto chose him instead of kisumi even though he only takes makoto for granted, then jabs haru with "i wish hiyori kills you tomorrow" and haru goes "do you not think i wish the same?" Omg I'm just quoting from the book at this point I'm so sorry 🤭🤭😅😅✌✌✌
I have an idea on how to include the fireworks scen to the scene where patroclus convinces achilles to fight and save the greeks where haru goes "not you too! Do you not see how they don't care for me?!?!" Or like how they are only nice when they need him smth like that and makoto drops the bomb "then let me fight in your stead" and haru goes on an an Achilles-like tantrum "ask me of anything, but not this!!!" Anw that's not the whole dialogue but haru relents in the end.
Imahine hharu arriving in the underworld expecting to find makoto waiting for him only to be unable to find him even after an eternity of searching, so finally breaks, like the fireworks aftermath where he looked like he just got dumped by his bf, and ge curls into himself, realizing he may have lost makoto forever (again)
I just can't stop thinking how the gay panic nao gave makoto is very similar to odysseus' "sharing beds is gay" comment, so imagine makoto, who followed haru everywhere and shared everything with him, suddenly distancing himself and sleeping outside their tent because he feels that he cannot let the entire army they are gay, especially haru, the best of the greeks, so haru confronts him "what's wrong?" And then they resolve by saying "let them think what they want" or "i will not let them hinder us" or "we don't have to change" smth like that and proceeds to do their nightly cuddle, kinda like the dolphin courtship ritual they performed at the pool.
Aaahhh i just want to expand on phoinix's (that would be mikhail???) story about the king who supposedly was forced to choose between his pride or people he rules, and he chose his pride, even with the king's wife (best friend, in this context??? The king in the story would be ryuuji) and did not help his people win the war so his people turned against him. The wife's name sounds like patroclus, and so phoinix was hinting that only makoto could talk haru into fighting. Makoto had to fight, which results to angst, since haru chose his pride, much like the king (pls let this not be what happens in the movie kyoani we beg you)
So that's it. I'll send more when the ideas come. I swear i will try to turn this into a fic if i ever get out of my slump. IF 😫😫😫
Patrochilles AU fans, come get y’all’s juice 💕
It’s always so interesting to see people explore Haru’s relationship with his own pride because it’s definitely multidimensional. There are so many characters who fall victim to their own hubris or struggle with it more externally (the people who appear as antagonists or rivals to Haru both in canon and in different AUs), but it feels more complicated with Haru, at least to me. His pride doesn’t manifest through Haru boasting about his talents or trying to control/lead people, especially early on in his story - the moment(s) his self-esteem shifts into a double-edged pride is when his belief in his current successes and happiness stops him and the people around him from growing and changing. That’s his downfall. My thoughts from my own Free! x Hadestown AU are sporadic at best, but this verse always makes me think about Haru, especially his descent into hopelessness during ES:
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Haru falls apart when he clings to his vision of comfort and happiness and forgets the ever-changing life involved in that scene. He holds onto the life he has with Makoto, the life he has with his friends, the life he has swimming however or whenever he wants to… and he blinds himself from the reality that everything evolves and continues to change. His pride comes out in his desperate delusion that he can stop the hands of time through willpower and refusing to watch time go by. He’s definitely not the only one going through this sort of internal battle (I’d argue many of the “antagonist” characters go through similar struggles) but it’s the one we arguably get the most insight on.
ALSO: I love Haru dearly but I also love seeing characters pull himself out of his own head for a bit. That Kisumi interaction to remind Haru that Makoto was loved by a lot of people? Knowing Makoto often holds himself back when it comes to Haru because he’s almost too aware of Haru being watched by the world around them?? There’s so much there to explore I just !!!!
I’m rambling, but thanks for sharing as always!
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
hi. i only got to play in inazuma today so here's me live reacting to the archon quest. it's a lil out of context tho so have fun trying to figure out which parts im talking abt. also, this is the only time i'm going to be talking abt spoilers for at least one week so... 🤷‍♀️
swordfish ii? cute.
Jesus Christ. and here i thought it was my lowest settings that made his hair grey… this poor kid. teppei i admire your determination but no… just no...
you know.... scaramouche could stand still and the air would get electrified. and yknow,,, that's p... that's p attractive
ugh im disgusting myself. and here i thought i still had an inch of sanity left in me.
of all people it had to be this little jerk
scaramouche is so fucking evil. i’d like ten of him, please.
man,, they expect me to dodge this shit? that’s the biggest l i’ve heard today. none of that shit. i’m bringing out my zhong and my sweet madames skrrt
sayu is adorable… i remember when i had hopes of growing up too… alas, it has come to this.
THOMA OH MY GOD MY MALEWIFE. HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? also, sayu’s sleeping again. this girl’s got talent. is her circadian rhythm okay?
pains me to be the bearer of all bad news and no good news…
oh nvm he’s still in the background.
i… i don’t like where this is going… i refuse to be the bait. i’m too hot for that. so spicy they’ll spit me right out
oh thank god… wait... they… they wouldn’t ask me to be the one to set off the fireworks right?
oh crap… i’m… i’m in deep.
HE’S BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING US AGAIN EVERY DAY SINCE HE GOT THERE ANFLaglvbajlfblabvljabefva;bfalLJBLJDABVBAALSNADL tumblr user @tartagliaxx is broken. she is now irreparable. she has no regrets. goodbye.
ehem… what if… you and i… and hotsprings… together?? JUST KIDDING. PG-13 OVER HERE. NOTHING INDECENT WHATSOEVER MOVE ALONG NOW
poor thoma,,,
oh come on ayaka… cut us some slack… i just watched lumine wheeze bc of evil purple mist only to be dragged into 2 timeskips and an entire training arc. dont let her be yet another traumatized shounen manga protagonist… altho, it might be uh… too late for that…
oh dear… is thoma going to get another round of diarrhea?
hello yoimiya… still looking as bomb as ever i see……… mhm… gonna see myself out rn…
oh god… are we dying because of fireworks? forget getting caught by the patrol… we’re about to light up an untested firework that was made to be a billion times more explosive….
man… these patrol guards aint shit… i literally walked an inch behind their backs and they did nothing… its a surprise the rebellion still hasn’t won when they place guards like this in their ranks………. ok that was kinda mean i’ll apologize in a bit.
no, paimon. it’s not but we’re doing it anyway 🤡
oh no….. she’s worn herself out…. man,,, this is why you dont make convicts out of kids….
god, don’t remind me. as hot as the shogun trying to kill us w her blade was, i don’t appreciate almost getting murdered on screen (even if we most certainly have plot armor)
awwww is thoma worried about me uwu owo? dw i have like… a lumine w 6% crit rate by my side
sigh… i dont want to leave yet… cant i just stay by thoma’s side and not go to war for a change?
it was at this moment that tumblr user lei saw the wonders of being a housewife.
oh sara… my stars… i’m so sorry. i feel so bad for you but at the same time… this oddly makes me want to write a song for you ABJFJKABJABCABVABVKA I KNOW JACK SHIT ABT SONGWRITING WHY AM I THINKING LIKE THIS
well… there she goes…
oh…. oh….. yae is stealing my heart. WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO (i have an alt for a reason heehee)
these guys got guts to say ‘i’m sorry ma’am’ to THE kujou sara.
oh old man… you’re dead. you’re so dead.
man… this old man is a simp? sheesh.
oh my god… is that dude dead? i probably should’ve uh apologized b4 he flopped down to the ground ig…
MAN,, SARA’S DOWN FOR THE COUNT?? tbf i didnt expect much but…. also, AYE SIGNORA’S SO ICY.
she’s calling me out for being a simp ;-; heart been broke so many times or smth
oh… i love this part of the vow… im suddenly inspired to write… how about a wedding au? an angsty wedding au?
goddamn… it’s been nice knowing you all…. i dont think i’ll come out of this alive if signora went out like that…
oh… oh it’s time for round two? haha… time to… say my goodbyes….
yo… there are actual tears in my eyes… like… idk why… but that cutscene? shit man… that hit me…
hm… i feel bad for the shogun… ultimately, there is reason behind every act no matter how horrid. no matter how unreasonable, the reason one thinks of is always justified on their end. whatever everyone else thinks pay little effect on whether the act is fulfilled or not. also, her little laugh? i’m extra deceased.
the animation's fire as always wtf
oh but my kokoro... oof... my kokoro... ugh...
I’M SO FUCKING DONE AJKFHAKJBVAK- WE BEAT A HARBINGER AND FOR WHAT? she should’ve just tossed that gnosis into the ocean or smth...
HAH OMG SCARAMOUCHE. WHAT A MAN. I’M- I WAS RIGHT OMG. I HAD A LIL THEORY AND ITS JUST SMTH I HAD IN THE BACK OF MY MIND. I NEVER THOUGHT IT’LL ACTUALLY COME TRUE DEAR LORD. so now ig i have to admit i think abt him a lot and he has a soft spot in my heart 🥺 he’s evil you see and you know what my type is? evil men or at the very least, men with the potential to be evil. ugh so annoying.
scaramouche banner when
bc i sold everything worthy of money in me (read as my organs) for albedo, i'll sell my soul for him how about that?
EYE- makoto huh… well… fuck…
it’s day 400 of being ayato less even if he’s like… teased a million of times (jk it’s like… a grand total of seven but thats still p high)
im so… sigh…
i wonder if i’m still alive by the time sumeru releases… at the very least, i know my brain wouldn’t be.
....we were literally a captain for like... one second. that is so sad.
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withluvgen · 4 years
I don’t hate you - Warren Worthington III
Warren Worthington III X Reader.
Words: 1,442
Summary: Y/N gets paired up with Warren for training and things take a turn for the worst.
Warnings: Angst, Curse words, mentions of blood and death. Not proof read.
Request: Loved ur ‘not the right time’ fic! Can I request smth where warren takes care of the reader? xx - Anon (I hope you like this anon hehe)
A/N: Hallu!! I am back from a hiatus that took longer that I expected. A lot of things happened this past month. So anyway, this was based on the request above! Not sure what they meant by taking care of the reader but this is what I came up with. I was originally going to make this about the reader getting sick and Warren taking care of her, but I couldn’t find the inspiration to write that one, so this is what happened. I have another Warren fic in my queue and another request I’m about to write so stay tuned.
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It was around early fall, the leaves have just started to turn brown, and the weather became a lot cooler. Shops and restaurants started putting out their fall themed products and decoration. Everything was beautifully orange and earth-toned. But the students of Xaviers can’t enjoy the season just yet.
It was time for their training exams to test how far they have mastered their mutant abilities. They were grouped into pairs that would then spar in the danger room with the supervision of Hank and Raven. Y/N was originally paired up with Jubilee, her best friend and roommate, but Raven decided to switch up the pairings last minute. Y/N felt her stomach drop when her name was called right after Warren’s.
Y/N had a crush on Warren ever since he became a student at Xaviers. They were in the same friend group, yes, but they didn’t get the chance to talk much because whenever they do Y/N always ends up getting too nervous to talk. It was bad enough that she had to spar with the guy she liked, but what made things worse for her is that Warren is far more experienced in fighting that her. She knew about Warren’s times in the cage fights as he had told them the story of how he met Kurt and how his wings are the way they are now, heavy and made of sharp metal.
“Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you.” Y/N jumped at the sudden whisper in her ear. She looked over see Warren standing next to her.
“T-thanks.” She said immediately avoiding eye contact. Warren frowned slightly at her actions. Thinking that she didn’t like him or was afraid of him like everyone else in the mansion is, but he couldn’t blame her after all he has done some not so nice things in his past.
The sparring begun and Y/N watched as her classmates battled and showcased the mastery of their abilities. Y/N grew nervous after every battle as it was getting closer and closer for her to spar with Warren. She knew that she couldn’t get out of this one. She looked over at Warren who was leaning by the wall, his head down.  She was thinking about going up to him to talk when their names were called. Warren looked up to see her starring at him. He gives her a small smile to try and reassure her or something, and she did the same.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as the bell rang to signal the start of their sparring. She opened her eyes that were now glowing purple and energy discs of the same color appeared around her. Warren’s eyes grow wide as this was the first time he sees her use her mutant abilities. She flicks her wrist and one disc goes flying towards Warren, he dodges it easily. He stretches his wings and flies up into the air.
“For a minute there I thought you didn’t have any powers.” Warren said as he shot a few metal feathers at her. She used an energy disc as a shield causing the feathers to fall on the ground with a clang.
“I just don’t use them without reason.” She said as she sends a few more discs at Warren. He avoided them with ease as the discs blast onto the metal walls of the danger room.
“Fair enough.” He said as he swooped down to grab her. Y/N struggled in his arms as he lifts her up into the air. Her energy discs circled around them ready to strike at her command. “I’m just going to get straight to point. Do you not like me?”
Y/N was caught off guard by Warren’s sudden question and loses control of her energy discs. The purple discs burst in midair like fireworks. Warren was blinded by the sudden burst of light and accidentally drops Y/N. In her panic, Y/N materializes her energy discs to catch her. However one stray disc hit Warren’s chest causing him to send a few metal feathers flying towards Y/N. Warren falls to the ground as Y/N quickly used her discs as a shield but one feather still hits her. She screams in pain as the feather cuts her arm.
“Shit.” Warren said as he stood up and ran towards her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“I know.” Y/N said as she winced in pain from the cut on her arm. The door opened as Hank and Raven rushed inside the danger room to check on the two students.
“Are you both alright?” Raven asked as she knelt down next to Y/N, inspecting her cut.
“Y-yeah. It’s just a cut. I’m sorry. It’s my fault. I lost control of my energy discs.” Y/N said as she held onto her bleeding arm.
“What about you?” Hank looks over to Warren. He nods as he wrapped an arm around where he got hit. “I’m taking these two to my lab for first aid.”
Before Hank could get to work on treating Y/N’s cut, Peter came into the room and said that Hank was needed back in the danger room as another student from their class hit the control panels and caused the room to go crazy. He looks over to Y/N and Warren.
“It’s okay, I got this.” Warren said as he grabbed the first aid kit from Hank who nods and rushes out of the room with Peter.
Warren opened the first aid kid and took out some gauze pads and a few other things. He pats the table telling Y/N to sit. He went to work on cleaning the blood off of Y/N’s arm.
“This is going to hurt a bit.” Warren said as he took a sterilized needle to suture Y/N’s cut. She winced in pain as Warren continued to close up her wound.
“God. That wasn’t even a bit. It hurt a lot.” She said as Warren wrapped her arm in gauze. “Where’d you learn to do that?”
“I treated my own cuts when I was in cage fighting. Nobody really tried to patch us mutants up when we were trapped there. I honestly feel sorry for the mutants I beat up, but it was kill or be killed. Learned that the hard way.” He said.
“Oh.” It was the only thing  Y/N said, even if she wanted to comfort him so badly, tell him that he’s safe here.
“That’s why it was so easy for me to join Apocalypse before. I hated what those humans forced me to do, I hated what they did to me. But jokes on me, that bastard used me and turned me into this monster.” He said as his fingers traced over the tattoos on his face.
“Oh, Warren.” She said feeling bad for him. She wanted to wrap her arms around him so badly.
“I’m sorry.” He said. Scratching the back of his neck “You must really hate me now, huh?”
“It wasn’t your fault.” She said swinging her legs that were dangling from the table. “and I don’t hate you, Warren.”
“You don’t?” Warren looked at her with an eyebrow raised.
“Then why don’t you talk to me? Every time I try to talk to you, you reply in short sentences and run off. I just assumed you just don’t like me.” He said as he leaned on the table.
“Quite the opposite really.” She said looking at the ground in an attempt to conceal the blush forming on her cheeks.
“What?” Warren snaps his head to look Y/N.
“You see, I’ve had a crush on you since you came into the mansion. I just get nervous when I’m around you.” She said still looking down. Warren grabs her chin and lifts her head to make her look at him.
“Well that’s a relief, because I feel the same way.” He said with a smirk. “Can I kiss you?”
Y/N nods and Warren closes the gap between them. She wraps her arms around his neck as he pulls her onto his lap. His hands find their way to her hips and holds her closer to him. When they break apart Warren leans his forehead against hers. For the first time since he came into the mansion, she sees Warren with a goofy grin on his face. She stared lovingly at him, lost in her thoughts about how she was the luckiest girl right now.
“What?” He asked her as he stared into her eyes. He noticed the way they sparkled under this light.
“Nothing.” She smiled and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. “Thanks for taking care of me.”
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byuns-coco · 3 years
ult group tag game
Tagged by my sweethearts: @heartcravings and @starchild--27
. who was your fist bias? Baekhyun. I remember i first found Nini the prettiest in Kokobop, but everything stick to the Byun. I got into Exo by this meme pic of Baekhyun. I remember thinking “my god, who is that idiot i need to know him better, he kinda cute too”
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. who is your bias now? Baekhyun. It wont change a bit, i love him still the same, maybe even more. Because i feel like i know him more deeply. 
. what was the first mv you watched by them? Kokobop. Funny thing that my sis was playing this and Monster on one of our holidays and we didnt get into kpop more. 
. what’s your favourite mv? I really love Kokobop, they all look there so so good. Its so colorfull, something different. But i am so into their dark concepts, this sexy dark vibe like Monster, Lotto, Obsession. I was so happy when i was able to finally be with Exo and see this kind of concept myself with Obsession. I thought “here you go girl, your own Monster”. ALSO omg Coming Over is so underrated??? I love them there, i like music, everything. 
. if you could listen to one of their songs for the rest of your life, which would it be? I cant choose one. Its not a thing.. I love them, i love their voices, all the styles they can show. I love ballads when i need peace, i love crazy funky ones, when i need to be hyped, when i want to laugh. When i want to admire them but laugh abt old exo, i love almost every song they made. I can only say.. my one and only was always “Shes dreaming”, lets say. This one. It makes me calm and hugged by them all. 
. who would you want to see them collab with? I really admire Bts too and i think many of their voices could fit into Exo. I feel like Yeol would be perfect with Yoongi? For example. They fit in some places. But honestly, whatever they do (exo) its always golden so, maybe not some eastern very famous but not a good person one.. I dont want them to feel small when theyre already bigger artists and more talented ones than 3/4 globaly popular people.... I said what i said. 
. what (mv) concept do you want to see them do? Yeahhh i want dark too. I like them dark. Honestly i dont have smth in mind. OH NO I KNOW the vibe Yixing giving us right now! Traditional asian music video. Its so amazing, i love that concept. Yixing did the god works in his last album, the music is perfect. 
. have you ever had a dream with any of the members in it? YESSSSS, i had a lot. Mostly i have some 18+ going on.. (with Byun or Chanyeol) but i remember one when i spent whole day with Sehun, it was the best. Friends forever xD
. if you could spend the day with one member, who would it be and what would you do? With Baby Baek. I would love to just chill with him in his place, play games, eat yummy food, i could cook him some, laugh together and then watch him sleep on the couch, id cover him with blanket and brush his hair  :c
. which member do you think you would get on with best? I... dont know. Im similar to Baek sometimes so maybe id be annoying for them. (but they would love me duhh) Maybe Sehun? He doesnt care that much, i like his casual vibe. Maybe? I feel like me with Baek would be love/hate for sure haha. 
. which member do you think you would argue with? Probably Byun becuase as i said we can be similiar, but it would be for a minute. I dont argue for a long time, its more like all flames and fireworks for a very quick minute. But id be scared honeslty. He can be scary, he is totally not cute baby boy some people could thing. Boy has his ways. 
. if you had to let one member scroll through you tumblr, who would it be? Hahaha i dont know why but Dae. I feel like he would cringe and laugh but still will find it adorable.  okay, im not good at tagging :c @baconnotbaekhyun @shi-no-koneko @guardians-of-exo @yeolville @pinkbyun @ohsenhun​ @delhyun​
Ignore it if you already did it or smth <3
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fmdjaewonarchive · 3 years
event post time lets goooooo. as usual, under the cut there will be some general ideas for event, pls like this post or slide into my ims/dscrd if u wanna plot! i’m trying to be as detailed as possible but like, there is a lot going on, this list probs won’t be exhaustive. i’m also open to p much anything so pls don’t feel limited to any of these plots!! im down for anything!!! either way, continue below the cut if u wanna know more ab what my kids are getting up to (any dates that arent specified i just... didn’t decide on anything and am open to Absolutely anything):
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general: backstage at the concerts is v welcome for any of the days, just idk, hanging out, i’m tryna keep this v general. pros: jaewon is p proud for unity snatching one of the three closing performance slots, dimensions’ pride indeed. cons: he probably has his tits out, jaewon always has his tits out on stage, he rlly lives like this. anyone is allowed to feel whatever way he wants ab either of those two things.
dec 26: jaewon pulls a blue card cuz sexy pool montage of jaewon. ok im kidding (kinda). idk, kick his ass at games, team up w him to crush the competition,  drown his stupid ass, literally anything.
dec 26: so SOMEONE learned his lesson from the halloween party, no alcohol at the ball for him. come clown him w/ memories of that night (he sure doesnt have any) or idk, try to talk him into drinking (he won’t)
dec 26: in general, i think jaewon might forego most of the party, just find a quiet spot to hang out, look at the sea or some fake deep shit. if anyone is feeling up to it come hang out w him and, idk, reflect on the past year. it’s a time for realizing stuff. (the muse in question would have to b somewhat close to jaewon for this but like im always down to plot that out!)
dec 27: idk, jaewon will probably forego most of the traveling and exploring, opt for a calm day on board instead, anything re: that is super welcome.
dec 28: jaewon ends up in team red for the day so like, kitchen antics w/ jaewon. he’s a surprisingly good cook (shoutout to grandma park, the real og, for kicking this idiot into the kitchen since a young age)
dec 30: jaewon pulls blue again and... you’d think he wouldn’t be as disgruntled about it? someone pls kick his shins till he accepts going to the spa isn’t such a bad thing sir just relax for one (1) day it will Not kill you
dec 26:  yuanjun pulls a yellow card cuz dancing king xiao yuanjun sure as hell is fucking involved in this god damn flashmob sUE ME. local enthusiastic dance teacher, will annoy anyone who Doesn’t Want To Be There into having fun and partaking, cutely messing around w people who are having a good time anything you need him to!
dec 26: in their free time after that he’ll def drag someone along to come explore the ship with him so like!!! will they get lost? possibly, but it will be Fun
dec 26: someone decorate sugar cookies w him at the holiday ball pLEASE
dec 27: yuanjun is DEFINTELY exploring the hecc out of taipei, grab dinner w him, go late night shopping w him, sightseeing, ANYTHING
dec 28: he pulls yellow again so you know how it is, photo session at the zoo, you just know he’s going to vibing so hard taking pictures of animals. whether they succeed or not i’m not decided on, im down for either way tbh
29 dec: YUANJUNS BDAY BITCHESSSSSS. ill probs write up an open ab this, but he’s !!!! going to be so annoying the entire day, he WILL be acting like bc has organized this entire thing Just for his 21st bday and u can’t stop him (you can try tho, feel free to attempt and burst his bubble). again, i’ll do a general open for this but if anyone wants to do anything specific for his bday let me kno uwu
30 dec: this time he ends up w a red card and he will be whining and pouting about his, he rlly has to clean up? the day after his birthday? preposterous how dARE they
31 dec: firework go boom and yuanjun WILL be endlessly fascinated by it, idk man why do we let him look at dangerous explosive things. this isn’t an idea but? it could be? i think? idk man
general: someone that teams up w/ minah and makes a pact to try every restaurant on the ship at least once,,, good food is important okay
dec 26: minah pulls blue and... why do they expect her to play pool games? idk man she’s just going to be worried ab people cuz pls don’t drown children. also good luck if u are on a team w her for anything, you’ll probs lose
dec 26: someone,,, come make,,, gingerbread houses w minah,,, i just think it’d be neat,,, pls i need this
dec 26: minah will mourn not having like a classic christmas at home watching stupid movies and shit, someone that sets up some kind of small tradition w her at the ball to make up for it?
dec 28: minah pulls red and wow kitchen work w minah thats neat she knows how to cook this will be easy WRONG ur stuck w her and shes a huge control freak and will correct every little thing you do and jesus christ woman leave them ALONE they’re TRYING
dec 30: minah pulls red,,, again,,, and tbh this time she won’t be as annoying, just some therepeutic cleaning, if ur muse complains ab it tho she might lecture them. alternatively: ur muse pulled yellow and they think they’re being casual but minah calls them out cuz “hey i didnt see u around before have u been slacking???”
dec 31: minahs baby sister minji is attending the busan concert and minah will be over the moon about it, odds are she will chat ur muses’ ear off ab it backstage, sorry not sorry!
general: first things first, yena doesn’t have a roommate yet so like,,, any female-presenting muses hit me UPPPP 
general: yena will be complaining backstage at the concerts tbh, she’s tryna celebrate a vacation here why does she have to WORK, does anyone really care to see gal.actic perform anyway?
dec 26: yena pulls red and has to help decorating which honestly she’ll enjoy but i also just need someone to playfully fuck around w her cuz yena doesnt Do excessive labor and instead decorate her in tinsel instead because yes, yena IS the main attraction here thank you
dec 26: yena WILL spend most of the holiday ball in the indoor pool, chilling in a jacuzzi w a glass of champagne or smth, real hot girl shit, you know how it is
dec 28: lucky queen pulls blue which means she gets to go shopping, it also means she’s going to try and scam someone into spending their money on buying her pretty things, whether she’s succesful or not
dec 30: this time. yena is on team yellow and she ends up later tagging along to the spa day and tbh, id like to think she’d do a pretty convincing job at it, acting queen nam yena pop off
dec 31: if u think yena will see the new year sober ur WRONG and truly u should know better, if there is any night she goes stupid crazy its this night just saying
jan 1: god she’s going to complain the living FUCK outta the day cuz of that god damn fansign, in part cuz shes hangover and part cuz ew who even is a gal.actic stan in 2020. either join her in her complaining or lecture her ab being thankful for fans or smth!
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iseuls · 3 years
i’m off to get some early new years prep done but i’ll either be back grossly late tonight or early tomorrow to write up more starters & reply to plotting messages :’) in the meantime, i’m going to put a few event starter ideas under the cut -- if you’re interested in any of them or u’d like to plot out our own starter, u can like this post & i’ll come to you ! ( and this all applies even if we haven’t finished plotting yet okie we’ll figure it out !! )
1. they decide to cook smth together to bring to the party ! rain's hopeless at baking BUT his cooking’s gr8. he will be able to provide homegrown ingredients as well as Nuisancery around the kitchen <3
2. rain claims to have a Special Trick that will get the sparklers to last THREE times as long and he is going to share with MUSE. it involves a canister of gasoline. maybe this is not a good idea.
3. the ahns partake in a Certain nye superstition that requires u to have certain fruits with you when midnight hits to guarantee certain things for the year and rain needs MUSE’s help finding oranges for good fortune and grapes for good luck and etc etc
4. the island feels especially magical during the night of the party and rain is inspired. why don’t he and MUSE explore outside the party area to find the best spot for the fireworks !! sure it’s dark but rain has a flashlight and the party lights will be visible from anywhere and nothing can go wrong as long as they stick together ! right!
5. somehow rain has ended up eating/watching the fireworks near MUSE and now he’s telling them stories from his farm and the time he accidentally scared the cows loose with his homemade fireworks and by the way there were 6 six of them in total and here are their names and personalities and backstories delivered in painstaking detail--
6. MUSE was hiding out in another part of the community center and rain was nosing around, As He Does, and happened to run into them and thought they could use some company....whether they actually want it or not
7. there’s only 1 serving left of a certain food and MUSE and rain go for it at the same time. do they argue? do they share? do they play a stupid game to determine who is most worthy to take it? who knows
8. the fireworks are done and the party’s starting to wind down and rain and MUSE (inadvertently?) drifted towards the same spot just to chill for a while
9. rain has absolutely NO intention of walking back home alone after the party and is trying to convince MUSE to walk home with him somehow without revealing the fact that he’s just a scaredy cat .
- ok im running out of steam now but once again we can adapt any of those + come up with our own <3 <3
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Grossest thing you’ve seen in a bathroom? pee, poop and blood mixed with vomit all over the place Do you consider your family dysfunctional? all families are toxic, more or less Do you hate people who act like everything is fine when its not? I hate those people, they both want you to leave them alone and guess, they’re annoyed with the fact you wanna know as much as you not caring about them, never satisfied, then blame everybody else, how are we supposed to act if we feel you don’t trust us enough to tell the truth? it’s your own fault! we also have problems, not everything’s about you, if you prefer to kill yourself than speak up, that’s your choice but it means you’re a coward, I’m tired of that behavior
Ever had a body piercing ripped out? never had a piercing so I’m lucky not to be bullied this way
Can you sew/croshet/knit? I know basics but I have no patience so it’s not my hobby Do you put the cap back on the toothpaste after using it? of course :o  Have you shot off a firework? never, it’s dangerous, I prefer to look and from afar  Are you offended when you see women breast feeding? no
Do you hate when people keep things from you? if we’re close then sure Can you multitask? I can XD
*działam na dwa fronty, boobs, albo na tyłach* Are you too sensitive? hypersensitive Who wears the pants in the relationship? who wears the socks and cowboy hat tho?
If you were given three things to make you happy, what would these be? health, money and no worries How would you rank the following in importance: family, career, love life? family and love life then career as I’m not interested in it 
Which would you prefer: having a baby without a partner or a partner without a baby? partner without a baby  but tbh it would be better to raise a baby without a partner if I decided to have a kid (I don’t want children though) as there wouldn’t be disagreements on how to nor risk of arguments and then divorce in general which would be super hard for the little one 
Do you think God is real, and why? sigh...
Do you believe in giving people second chances, and why? rarely as it’s like putting your hand into fire hoping it will be cold this time, people usually change for worse - not better Do you think people fall in love because the right person has arrived, or because the time is right (regardless of whom the person is that they fall in love with)? because of other reasons usually as I wouldn’t call their relationships LOVE, they’re just desperate, scared of being lonely How important is trust in a relationship? I don’t think I can trust someone completely but still it’s very important to me to trust them as much as I am capable to - if I can’t trust them at all then it won’t work  How do you feel about infidelity? it makes people feel like they’re not enough and they also get paranoid later, it causes trauma, person who was cheated on will always be afraid to trust another human being in case someone “better” will show up, nobody is perfect but it’s better if you break up than do smth romantic or sexual behind your partner’s back, nobody deserves it, if you can’t be with one person only then either do open relationships or polyamory or just don’t commit to anyone - one night stands or something - infidelity is caused by wanting more and being impulsive, liking adrenaline, risky behavior, you are some sort of an abuser, not just a liar, because you’re hurting someone who’s supposed to be closest to you, intoxication isn’t an excuse, if you can’t keep it in your pants when you’re drunk then don’t drink too much or publicly - simple as that, love is a promise and you’re breaking it for fun, someone said today that it’s like checking if another branch will snap while still holding another - sounds careful but that’s not the point - it’s just that you should sit on it (stability) instead of jumping trees after you already commited to one of them and made a nest on it, you will break all of the branches (other people) and you will end up on the ground anyway - alone, who wants to be with a cheater? honestly - rapist will always stay rapist even if he won’t rape again and so is the cheating person - they might change but fear will always be a part of their partner for sure, dating is like a competition for many, trying until you find the best match, always looking around, never warming up to anyone in case there’s a better opportunity, constant game that make us anxious, showing off you’re the best player among all and... you actually are a player in both of this word’s definitions, sadly What quality in a person do you fall in love with? it’s not a single separate thing but someone whole I believe, I tried to explain that to myself but it’s very hard, there are some traits I might like more, go for, see as necessities but I’m unable to list them for now - maybe later/someday Do you find it difficult to admit that you are wrong, and why? I am - I don’t care about winning, I want truth and justice, I prefer to be right but without admitting I’m wrong that can’t happen Which would you prefer in a romantic partner: a dreamer or an achiever? dreamer, I dislike overly ambitious and workaholic people  What do you think are the two things that prevent people from realizing their dreams? money issues and health problems or time
So the world is dying to know the longest you’ve ever been on an airplane. 0 hours
Speaking of airplanes, can you sleep on them easily or no? no idea
So if I were to touch the place you last itched, would it be awkward? sorta
Have you ever come close to drowning? it was close in my opinion
Is the window in this room currently open or closed? closed
Is your phone fully charged right now? it is indeed
If you gave yourself a symbol (ex: star) to represent you, it would be…? not sure
Combine your two favorite animals. What kind of animal do you get? raccoon + elephant?
If I gave you a box of chocolates, which would you hope to get? I prefer something else than a box of chocolates
Have you ever caught your clothes on fire before? omg luckily not 
Are you any good at improv? been told
Do you have any special handshakes with friends? I don’t have... friends :x
Are you better at writing fiction or nonfiction? I’m good at both but I prefer fiction
How many times does the letter ’t’ occur in your full name? once
Last song you heard? Crystal Castles - Suffocation Reason you last threw up? meds withdrawal How many pairs of flip flops do you own? zero Do you ever pick up pennies for good luck? I pick up all coins that I find and give them to my dad Something you wear all the time that you’d feel naked without? panties
If you have younger siblings, how old were you when your siblings were born? not applicable Would you ever pick up gum from the ground and eat it? hell no Have you ever gotten stitches? nope
Think back to the last thing you drank. Did you drink it using a straw? I didn’t Is the sun shining? it’s almost midnight  Where did you go today? shopping Have you ever taken a survey while under the influence of drugs or alcohol? I don’t drink or take illegal drugs Where will you be in an hour? in my bed Is anyone irritating you? not atm unless I can count myself  Have your parents ever threatened to throw your things away because your room was messy? sorta Is your shirt pink? it’s mostly white Are you going to do more surveys? it’s late and I’m commited to finish this one Who is the most complicated person in your life right now? ... me? Have you ever video chatted with someone you met online? yep Are you hungry or thirsty right now? thirsty Do you own a pair of gumboots? eww, gross Have you ever worked somewhere where you had to clean the toilets? I might  Do you rate people’s attractiveness on a scale of 1-10? rating 1-10 is very hard for me Is there anything that you could cry about right now? shitload of reasons When was the last time you used Facebook? today like every other day Do you have a PO Box or does your mail get sent straight to your house? our house How many vowels are in your street name? 4 Did you share baths with your siblings/cousins when you were a child? I did not Have you ever been a member of an online dating site?  couple Do you know what your neighbours even look like? obvi Do you put ketchup on your fries? yuk
What color was the last swimsuit you wore? uh oh I should check that in my photo album in pics from middle school 
Is your dream job attainable? they ain’t
Have you read a newspaper today? we don’t buy/read newspapers
Do you have to go to school or work tomorrow? I’m done with school and am unemployed
Have you ever been to a drive-in theatre? no
Have you ever taken classes for a musical instrument? guitar
Have you ever been on vacation with someone other than your family? camp
Do you live with your parents? still
Are there any embarrassing school pictures of you anywhere in your house? there are
What moment in your life have you been most scared? constantly now last half year
Do you have any exes you can’t stand anymore? What happened to cause you to feel that way about them? long story
Do you ever make your own surveys, or just take them? I make them but barely ever
Are you more of a phone or a computer person? computer
Do you like to cook, or do you prefer when other people cook for you? prefer them to cook for me 
How old do you think you’ll be when you move out on your own? hope that this will happen soon 
Do you have a job? If so, where do you work? If not, do you want one? I need one
Have you ever ripped your pants in public? even recently 
Have you ever thought someone was talking to you, but it turned out they were on the phone? Did you play it off? possibly
Do you know anybody that has severe allergies? can we not talk about it?...
Who was the last person you slow danced with? my gf
Do you ever ride the city bus? How much does it cost you? often, nothing as I’m disabled
Do you say ‘like’ a lot? used to
Do you scream out the answers while watching game shows on TV? at times I did
Do you ever go into photobooths? yay!
What bill do you hate paying the most? I’d hate paying rent as it’s idiotically high
What’s the best place to eat a romantic dinner? everywhere can be romantic with a right person
What was your first car? none yet
Favorite guilty pleasure? personal
What celeb do you think resembles you best? basing on look? Cole Sprouse or Maisie Williams but with Juno Temple body
Who from high school would you like to run in to? hmm...
Start a new career or relationship? just get a job as I’m taken
Are any of your toes connected? I don’t have webbed toes
What was the last thing you dreamed about? running from the police... w klapkach
What color is your bedroom carpet? no carpet Have you ever had a black and white cat? all black Would you rather have an STD or share a bed with Michael Jackson? life chose for me and honestly this is probably the first time I’m happy about it Do you have any wallpaper in your house? I wish How many pairs of underwear do you own? lots of panties but not enough bras Who was your primary/elemantary school’s most popular girl? E.O. and A.M. Would you like to learn to play the harp? meh Are your feet ticklish? very and I hate that Do you have a black dog? it’s partially black Who has the prettiest toes, that you know of? feet are disgusting  What’s your least favorite season? winter
Do you enjoy walks? sure Can you roll your tongue? I can Would you eat a live spider for one million dollars? gimme Would you forgive someone for cheating? hard to tell Have you seen A Clockwork Orange? not interested Do you like to read? occasionally re you a grumpy person? often Do you like cotton candy? never tried and don’t wanna Rap or pop? pop What’s the weirdest flavor of ice cream you’ve tried? rose, amazing! Love or lust? love Do you remember lyrics easily? am I the only one who don’t? :(
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riskeith · 3 years
no worries at all please don’t apologize. i hope you’ve been okay though? <3
that’s true!! that’s a broke student life hack if i’ve ever heard any, haha. hopefully xiao comes back for you! he seems super awesome... 😳
that’s the struggle of genshin man shudhdjdj they keep talking while you’re just 😓 and it’s just a mess LMAO. and yes i did know it has saved me multiple times!! do you also get overwhelmed looking at guides? i’m like holy shit what is this i just wanna kill the monsters...... ;/
WHAT? not dragonspine............. that place is literally hell 😭 look at your brother being op. but hey i’ve been gameplay of it and people with strong teams that can handle the cold usually progress well and that probably is your team too so!! might be it!! good luck though you’ll need it sjdjdhdjddk
THE FIRST KISS 😭 ok that’s it i’m def rereading this story i remember how their first kiss literally made me bawl. AND IT DOES he doesn’t say who but he looks so happy and i love how he updates the viewers on his team and mentions jack as if he isn’t the boyfie aaaaaaaah <333333
i do hope you can :( sucks that school is making you so busy :( ooooh? do you like freestyle? 😳 what other dance styles can you do?
wait aus doesn’t give the kids food at school? we get food her up until secondary school for free :/
AH? do you remember which one you watched or what it was about? also that’s so cute of you help... you’re making me a part of your irl 🥺😳 anyway you def should check it out it was like,,, a wake up call about the meaning of life shdkfjdjd
oh so you’re also one of those kids that used to read like three books a week but grew up to only be able to read fics lmao. what’s up with that i know so many people that ended up in the same fashion. maybe it’s because our busy life or smth.. hm. anyway shut up you deserve so much praise and if i didn’t feel like i was being annoying i’d literally praise you all the freaking time... 🥺
once again, no worries!! don’t feel like you have to respond at any certain time. i just want you to be okay and happy. it makes me soooo happy to hear that you’re resting tho. happy new year i hope you’re celebrating or at least having a good time. love u!!! cheers!!! 🎉🎆
(i’m currently watching sydney’s fireworks AAA so pretty!!!)
yup i’ve been well!! just cbs responding to messages sometimes you know? lol like i read them and respond in my head but then actually typing it out takes so much effort somehow fhdskfjsd
he is SO cool pls home home xiao 😭😭😭 have you met him in game yet?
yeahhhh tho a lot of the time the stuff they mention in the guides i don’t even have, so i’m just like “aight this was useless” lmfaoooo
i hope that’s my team now!! i just ascended and levelled them all up to 80 today so.. hopefully that makes fighting people easier heheh. i watched someone speedrun the latest dragonspine event solo in a minute tho??? and when i tried all my people died HAAHAHAHAH idk how they do it..
<3333333333 zimbits is so.... magical ugh i love them. i hope you have fun rereading!! we all deserve to experience the story again over and over 😩
freestyle the swimming stroke or freestyle dancing? yes to the former and no to the latter fhdkjfs. i’ve also done calisthenics, tap, jazz, and contemporary before! oo wait idk if i’ve asked, but do you swim? do you like it?
what??????/ no we don’t get food HAHA as soon as you start primary school you gotta bring your own recess and lunch. you can always buy it from the canteen, but that shit expensiveeeeeee. what kinda foods did you get? were they yummy
it was one of the newer ones! actually i might’ve seen 2? i think i’ve seen the force awakens, and then i tried to watch the last jedi on the plane but fell asleep? fkjdshfksfsd i just remember chewbacca was there HAHAHAH
omg will soul give me an existential crisis... i think i got the trailer as an ad today but i skipped it KFHDSKFJS oops
possibly! actually that’s a good point it’s not like all published books are bad... tho i guess fics just hit different 🤪 and pls 😭😭 you could never get annoying!! <3
thankyou~! i wish for you to be okay and happy too 💕💞 ilyt!! cheers to you as well 🥳🎇
(sydney didn’t cancel their fireworks????? oh my god. as if i couldn’t be angrier at them right now hfsdjf. did you get to see fireworks in person too?)
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couldnt-be · 4 years
I’m literally depressed that I’m back in that frame of mind where I wish (insert one day) could come back. I haven’t had thoughts like these for so long. I stopped thinking, I wish it was the weekend again, or I wish it was Friday again or XX day, a long time ago. I realised that there’s no point looking back and yearning for the past when you could do better and just do your best to make the coming days as good as you can.
but everything is so out of my control right now that that’s the only thing I can do. and it hurts and scares me.
Today was mostly fine but thinking about having to have another meal alone with my mom depresses me.
I wish it was Friday again. Even just 24 hours ago, I was with Hari and we had just watched the sunset. We were listening to our playlists. At 8 pm, we were listening to mine and he’d probably just asked if it would be alright if he kissed me. I wish I kissed him more ughhhhh I regret not kissing him more because who knows when my next chance will be!!
but yesterday was so heart-achingly great. he rested his head on my shoulder a lot, and I would rest my cheek or chin on the top of his head. I had a feeling he might ask me if he could kiss me when he kissed my shoulder or raised our held hands to his chin/ lips. now did he mean to kiss my shoulder, scars and all? I’ll think about that never lol he had read my tumblr post!! about us going really slowly!!
I wanna savour the feelings from yesterday so badly. I want to be able to recall what it felt like to just have our knees touching, listening to good music and watching the sunset. I want to be able to recall what it felt like to have his hand draw circles on my knee, to have his thumb rub the back of my hand or my knee. I loved being so close to him, our faces so close that we were so close to kissing so many times.
and when we finally kissed and he was smiling and I had my hand on his neck and he stammered and said that he was feeling/ seeing fireworks in his head and that whenever that happens his jaw locks up and he’s sorry but I just kissed him again
and he was like Ik it’s lame (or smth like that) but there’s really fireworks going on. that was so fucking cute
and later when I kissed him again, he put his hand on my waist and I almost died from how happy and perfect everything felt
I wish I had kissed him more!
The weather was just right too. It had just rained so it wasn’t hot at all, and because the sun was starting to set it was getting cooler by the minute. I didn’t feel warm at all even though we were so close together
I already miss it
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madokasoratsugu · 7 years
SouTaku and Ikumi x Megumi for the ship meme?
aaaaAAA YES. btw ikumi/megumi (god bless u for sending this ship 2 me btw) is under the cut else this would have gotten Long lmao
send me a ship and ill break them down
How did they they meet?
one arrogant speech and extended shoe grinding later
Who developed romantic feelings first?
OH BOY definitely Takumi !! he starts to realise that this rivalry is getting a lot more serious, and hey, he wants to be by this guy’s side not just because he’s a fun challenge, he has this way with words and smiles a little too wide that makes you breath catch and is stupidly good looking and - oh.
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Isami.....he saw through his brother Straight Away, but unlike popular belief doesn’t tease him about it from the get go. he let Takumi sort through his feelings (and internalised homophobia) but gently lets Takumi know that he’s there for him and honestly, he just wants his brother to be happy :”))) even if he has to pull a few strings himself to help his brother hohoho
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
after they confess to each other, there’s relieved laughter and bumping foreheads and shaking hands, and Takumi, still riding the adrenaline high, leans in and kisses Souma on the corner of his mouth, smile sloppy and honest against Souma’s skin. Souma immediately goes in for a better aimed kiss after Takumi moves away, and there’s no fireworks or popped champagne; but there’s soft sighs and melting fear and that’s enough.
Who confessed their feelings first?
THEY YELLED IT AT EACH OTHER DURING END OF SECOND YEAR LMAO. a fiery argument about avoidance and excuses leads to them screaming confessions and awkward silences and just ?? kk we like each other hahah- wait wHAT TH
orr an alternate confession scene i like equally is Takumi confesses to Souma during graduation but Souma doesn’t reciprocate(or he thinks he doesn’t) and rejects Takumi and all Takumi can do is smile and say “yeah, i know.”but then months later of unwarranted irritation, Souma sees Takumi tagged in a photo on Instagram and everything hits him at once and he realises he’s made a big miss steak 
What was their first official date?
i wish i could say they planned it but god damn, Souma is shit at following plans and Takumi wants/expects too much so they compromise and decide to improvise on the day itself.
so they end up with the same idea: food tour !!!! they spend the entire morning/afternoon exploring the city and all the lil alleyway stores hidden away plus visiting well known restaurant. in the late afternoon till evening they wind up resting on a park bench talking while sharing too sweet soda and too salty fries. they hold hands the entire time and share shy kisses in the shade whenever they can (it sort of becomes a game about who can sneak the most kisses during the date)
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
sorta eh. they’re not super into the idea but not against it either? dk imo they’d prefer having personal dates but they’re open to having double dates.
What do they do in their down time?
(when they’re not cooking)
Souma watches trash tv while Takumi reads, curled up against Souma. occasionally they’ll make comments about the other’s media of choice. (”you think that book is good? wait till you get to chapter 5″ “are you watching another rerun of csi miami??”)
together though, they enjoy going out together for walks and checking out newly opened shops (any and all types welcomed). 
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Jouichirou was so. so chill. a surprised blink, then shrugged and absolutely burst into a grin. “i see, i see. so what about my son attracted you, Takumi?” there’s no intimidation or anything bc he already knows Takumi is a competent, dependable and stout hearted person and chef from Central Arc, and is a better person than he ever hoped Souma could find (and spend the rest of his life with).
Toshiaki and Aurora were a lot more surprised (mainly bc Takumi was so closed off about love), though Aurora kinda...expected it. a mother’s sixth sense is hardly ever wrong, and the fluster her elder son gets into when the redhead is mentioned over the phone gives away waaay more than Takumi ever realises. Toshiaki has a quiet talk with Souma (which he testifies to be a lot more scary than his encounter with Aurora earlier in the kitchen) about Takumi, their relationship and future plans. but the couple are quick to accept Souma, it’s hard not to trust and love someone their own son loves so dearly, after all.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
(barring the confession scene fight)
Souma’s wanderlust can’t be contained, and Takumi knows this. but they get engaged young (probs 21ish) and Souma is away more often and gets in contact less than Takumi likes, and it makes him uneasy and worried and he deals with this by overworking.
after too much lack of sleep nearly has Takumi collapsing in the kitchen and one sternly cold phone call by Isami later, Souma rushes back to Italy and confronts Takumi. Takumi has an outburst of more sadness and frustration (towards himself for not being able to articulate his feelings, not being able to handle anything well and not being able to trust Souma fully; “i was the one who said it was okay for you to go, how can i be so selfish as to ask you to come back as and when i want?”) than anger and Souma is fuckin heartbroken. 
they end up talking a lot about the importance of communication and letting feelings out and being better fiances to each other that night.
(its not rly a fight bc i cant imagine them fighting over anything more serious than “i told you to tell me when we ran out of milk, this is the third time this month you haven’t, yukihira souma !!!” or getting angry at each other over something actually relevant like their safety or smth lolol)
Which one is more easily made jealous?
oooh this surprises a lot of people but Souma. Souma is so easily made jealous, and the best part is no one can tell? Takumi gets jealous too, but not as easily or as irritated as Souma.
Souma gets all sorts of jealous, like he’ll purposely hold the hand that that weird salesman grabbed for a little too long, snake his arm around Takumi’s waist a little too tightly when he catches someone just looking in Takumi’s direction. his attitude also does a complete 180 when he’s jealous; he’s a lot more curt and annoyed. Takumi finds this weirdly cute.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
this is so fuckin cliche but each other’s homecooking :”)))
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
Takumi is the touchy feely one !! he really likes being in contact with Souma in one way or another. fav cuddling position is curled up against Souma’s side or back against Souma’s chest, in between his legs.
Are they hand holders?
YAH TOTALLY. chronic hand holders. try catching them together without holding hands. they especially like twining their fingers together. 
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
///vaguely nsfw
........personally i think they slept together nearing the end of third year? after their finals, during an in between break after finals+results and before their graduation.
Isami was away for a head start in his internship with Momo, and they were alone at Takumi’s apartment. it was raining pretty badly and getting chilly, so Souma suggests sharing blankets when they’re going to bed entirely just to tease Takumi, but Takumi actually crawls under covers with him and Souma’s ?? didn’t expect that but not complaining. 
they’re just quietly sitting against the wall, acutely aware of how close they are when Takumi turns to Souma and starts trying to say something but doesn’t, and Souma just kisses him, once, gently. (“just felt like it.” “oh.”) then one kiss leads to another and welp.((don’t ask takumi why he has a bottle of lube in his bedside drawer, he’ll combust and maybe die.))
Who tops?
they switch, all the time. depends on mood and atmosphere !! 
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
the first time they ever tried to dirty talk in Italian. Souma started it and it was horrendous. Takumi couldn’t stop laughing for weeks any time he remembered it. he still can’t.
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Takumi does more of the shopping (though they often do it together) and Souma cooks more !! they try to split the tasks (esp cooking) equally but there’re preferences and they lean towards it. 
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
......Takumi. he’s actually tidy on a normal person’s standard. Souma is tidy on his own standard, which is ‘as long as i know where everything is, why does it matter that my desk looks like world war z?’
Who proposes?
Souma !! he actually hooks Shinomiya into it - getting them an isolated table at SHINO’s Tokyo for a nice dinner, then going for a short walk to a romantic and private place around the area where he can propose (as recommended by Shinomiya). Souma settles for under a willow tree near the edge of a park, and Takumi cries a lot. 
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
they have one together !! actually its more of an afterparty with everyone they’ve invited to their wedding !! 
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Isami is Takumi’s best man ofc. Megumi is Souma’s maid of honour !! 
Big Ceremony or Small?
a small ceremony !! not being outed to everyone in the entire world is preferable, esp when they both have insane reputations from graduating Tootsuki as second and third seats.
ive talked about their future wedding here before haha!!
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
OHH DEF. idk tho like....probs somewhere ridiculously romantic like Paris. they’re a ridiculously sappy couple. they have fun sightseeing and tasting authentic French cuisine. 
Do they have children? How many?
never really thought about it, but they def have dogs, if that counts? two, to be exact. both adopted, one golden retriever named lemonade and a dobermann named stoic. they are aptly named after their characteristics; lemonade is bubbly and fun, stoic is, well, stoic. 
How did they they meet?
through Souma, ironically enough. its funny ending up with someone who used to crush on the same person you did :”)))
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Ikumi !!! after she got over Souma (pretty quickly too, near the end of her first year and realising she could do a lot better and Souma wasn’t anywhere interested in her anyway), and started figuring a lot of things about herself, she started paying a lot more attention to Megumi (it helps that they had tons of classes together in second year), because something about Megumi just...attracts people and makes them watch out for her, yknow? 
her friendship with Megumi deepens quite a bit, and they even start having lunch together + instinctively looking at each other during partner/group work. she kinda...guesses that she might like Megumi but its after one really vivid dream of Megumi and her on a date later, that Ikumi actually confronts her feelings lol.
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Souma !! he’s really goshdarned happy that Ikumi finally found someone she liked properly (he was aware of her crush, but never said anything bc he figures whatever form of love it is, it really isnt his place to say anything till Ikumi does) and that Megumi, sweet darling Megumi, has someone to properly cherish and love her.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
around Summer of second year, during a festival, under the fireworks. they were sitting next to each other on a grassy field, watching the fireworks flare to life noisily. with each illuminating bloom, throwing dully neon colours over the wondrous look on Megumi’s face, Ikumi finds her heart beating faster and harder.Megumi turns to comment about how pretty the fireworks are, Ikumi agrees, and kisses her softly. they break apart after a while, and there’s a little embarrassed fluster and ‘o-oh my gosh i dont know what got into me - !’ before Megumi shyly pipes up that it was nice, and she didn’t mind. they spend the rest of the fireworks show leaning against each other, their fingers curled together on their laps.
Who confessed their feelings first?
Megumi !! she was behaving oddly shy that day, and Ikumi was ?? what’s going on. during lunch, she offers Ikumi a charabento and Ikumi is really touched, and impressed. “you made this, tadokoro-chan?” “a-ah, y-yes, uhm - !” “wow, that’s amazing, you have to teach me how to make it sometime !!” “uhm - !! ikumi-san...” snapping of chopsticks, a blinding smile. “yes?” “i-i really like you.” the words come a near whisper, swept away with the wind. the sudden flush of Megumi’s face isn’t gone that easily, though. 
Ikumi finds herself blushing madly too, and she blurts “really??” and Megumi looks at her for a moment, before hesitantly nodding. Megumi’s fists knead into her plaid skirt, averting Ikumi’s dumbfounded stare. “i - i don’t know how to explain it, but you make me really, really happy and floaty and it’s just...i wanted you to know that you mean something special to me.” Ikumi feels like a cat has gotten her tongue. “and i - i don’t need an answer n - now -” “but i like you too !!”and then it’s a blushing fest and a spying Souma from the second floor fist pumps the air. 
What was their first official date?
AMUSEMENT PARK DATE. Ikumi’s never been to one and Megumi thinks that is Abominable and Must be remedied immediately.
it’s fizzy and fun and oh boy, do they go wild. all the roller coasters, carnival snacks and rides they can go on they do. they take So Many selfies, buy the cutest matching headbands, and laugh so much their cheeks get sore. 
at the end ofc they go on the ferris wheel and enjoy a romantic 45min alone, quietly appreciating the spectacular view and their girlfriend’s beauty.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
they’re ok with it !! 
What do they do in their down time?
(when not cooking lol)
Megumi really, really likes plants, but doesn’t have the confidence to have an entire veranda garden like Takumi bc of lack of experience (u should see Takumi’s veranda back in Italy) and general anxiety about it, so she keeps a few potted plants, cacti and bonsai instead !! she likes spending time trimming her bonsai or talking to them !
Ikumi dabbles in the crafts, like sewing and knitting, as a major fuck you to her dad (she can be a capable boss and feminine at the same time these things aren’t mutually exclusive). she made a few of her own outfits + Megumi’s !! in fact Megumi’s fac one piece dress was made my Ikumi :”))
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Megumi’s parents were a lil surprised bc sweet lil Megumi has brought back a potential partner !! dear u will not believe this !! Ikumi made lots of effort to dress up and look proper, so they quickly warmed up to her earnest nature and really, really liked her. she left an incredibly good first impression with her personality and great conversational skills. the fishermen dudes were skeptical and protective of Megumi at first but Ikumi’s competence and care for Megumi quickly shone through and they readily accepted her. someone Megumi cares for that much has to be a good person, they reckon :”))
Ikumi’s mother really, really liked Megumi. she found Megumi’s soft spokenness and iron will really endearing, and was glad Ikumi had found someone who accepted her for all is she and even encouraged her to become a better version of herself. Ikumi’s dad was an asshole who refused to even see Megumi, because he doesn’t believe in marrying down your status. Megumi left a note with a medium rare steak (fav dish of Ikumi’s dad) she cooked, requesting that Ikumi’s mum serve this to him later on. Ikumi’s dad could sense the sincerity in Megumi’s dish, but doesn’t fully accept her till ~2-3years later. 
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
after one particularly bad family weekend with Ikumi’s dad, Ikumi was upset that Megumi let him walk all over her like that. they fought a little, mainly Ikumi ranting about how Megumi is too soft, why shouldn’t she stand up for herself?! why should she have to stand for all this verbal abuse? (Megumi had withstood nearly the entire evening, till Ikumi’s dad sneered a comment that made Ikumi twitch uncomfortably. then she’d spoken up, softly. “please don’t speak about your own daughter this way, Mito-san. it’s highly unbecoming and irksome.” then had a staredown before Ikumi’s dad left the table w/out finishing the meal.)
Megumi manages to calm a near tears Ikumi down, and explains that its just a part of getting Ikumi’s dad to accept her, but nonetheless agrees to stick up for herself a little more.
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Ikumi !! :’3cc she has a habit of clicking her tongue when she gets jealous lol.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
Megumi’s fav is Ikumi’s homemade ice cream !! she doesn’t make it much but it’s so creamy and good.
Ikumi really enjoys all of Megumi’s soups/stews !! warm and filling and perfect for a rainy/Winter day in.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
both !!! they like facing each other, snuggled tight.
Are they hand holders?
kinda? they like holding hands for sure, but link arms a lot more.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
//vaguely nsfw
hmmm they’re about 20-21ish when Ikumi’s dad is kinda approving of Megumi alr and they’re in a peaceful time for their relationship !! Megumi is back at her ryokan helping out, and Ikumi visits her.
they share Megumi’s room for the night, which is pretty big, and there’s this Mood, and they get down to it !! 
Who tops?
switch, depends on mood !! i actually headcanon neither have really high libidos, so they don’t sex much lolol
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
the first time they tried to take a selfie. the wrong angle, combined with an unstable hand, nervous smiles and ‘idk why its not taking the photo waIT IT IS -’ made for a pretty hilarious experience.
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
they do it together !!! catch em in the kitchen wearing matching aprons and cookin up the finest cuisine u can dream of.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
both are, though Ikumi is more of a stickler for tidiness while Megumi can survive letting things pile up for a while.
Who proposes?
Megumi !! she pops the question immediately after Ikumi’s dad gives her the greenlight for their relationship !! 
while driving them home that night she parks off the side of the road, a highway overlooking the ocean, takes out the engagement ring she’s had on her since forever, “i wanted this to be more romantic, but i just can’t wait anymore -” and she softly asks Ikumi to marry her and Ikumi sobs and nods and it’s perfect.
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
together !!! they have a girl’s only slumber party with their close friends from Tootsuki lmao
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Souma is Megumi’s best man !! Takumi is Ikumi’s best man :”))) (they got along really well in the second year too, and keep in touch quite often)
Big Ceremony or Small?
...somewhere in the middle !! Ikumi’s family is fairly influential so the wedding is large scale to a certain amount, but Megumi stated that she’d prefer a more private wedding so they settled for close family and friends with a few trusted business associates.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
yup !!! they go to Venice, Italy ! Megumi has always wanted to go there so they decided to make it their honeymoon destination ! they have a splendid week there, and end it off having a great dinner party at the Trattoria, on Isami and Takumi’s invitation.
Do they have children? How many?
hmmm probably? i headcanon they adopt a 10yo girl and her 14yo brother, and they make a cute family !! 
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theday · 7 years
all for the ask memes k thnx, im looking forward to the quality content 👏👏👏👏👏👏
 falen already asked me some and i answered those here thank u so much 4 asking jen i hate u but also i love u
OK! Ready: are you looking forward to anything at the moment?
oh worm the new pokemon game lads
Innocent Love: do you remember your first crush? what was it like?
this made me laugh oh fuck again so i was like. 10 and i got a crush on this guy and it lasted for 3 years bc we were in the same class for the next 3 years rip me! but i was so fucking annoying honestly im so glad i managed to Not be like that again with my next few crushes though ofc i was still annoying 2 those and thankfully i am a changed person and honestly i just shouldnt have any crushes bc ill be annoying even if i have learnt from my Bad Past ufhfhhis
god this is is so embarrassing but when i was like 12 someone told him i liked him and i was like bitC????? and u kno normal drama shit my best friend at that time also liked him and i was like !!!!!! wow!!!!! ok!!!!!! and shit happened u know thank fuck i graduated from primary school and i never see them again 
i would send him like o*e dir*ct**n songs bc they had the [redacted] songs and essentially i would send him songs that made me think of him but we werent even friends so he never replied its so fucking funny im gna die i hate that im never talking abt it ever again
Morning Call: what time do you usually sleep and wake up?
its the holidays but i still sleep at 11pm lmofsinwij and i wake up slightly later at 9am it used to be 10am but i hate waking up later than 9am so
Puss in Boots: do you have any pets? (if you don’t, which animal would you want as a pet?)
i want a bird or cat or dog or fish or that!!! one!!! x animal i forgot the name but its kind of like a frog but flatter??? and it has like fins on the sides of its face??? its like :0 ?????? whats the animal someone hmu
Breathless: name the last thing that took your breath away
dare i say it?????????????????? minhyuk which one??? who knows
Polaris: name a place you’d like to go to and an idol you’d like to go there with
omg i instantly thought of amusement park bc i keep remembering the first episode of monsta x’s right now  gdhidnnj so id like 2 go with with hrmrmrmrmmm……… im gonna cry the first person i thought of was minhyuk
Growing Pains: how tall are you?
. 154 cm……….. sanha cant relate 
Confession: imagine your ub confessing to you - how would they do it?
this question is cancelled i dont have an ub and im not gonna list 18 whole scenarios 
Lonely: would you rather be alone with your ub or surrounded by your bias group?
surrounded by my bias group aka all 3 i love living the no bias life 
Star: what’s your star sign?
capricorn same as chae hyungwon and i will never shut up abt that fact bc it makes me happie
Again: top astro ships (doesn’t have to be romantic)
Cotton Candy: compare any idol to a dessert 
rocky is warm like lava cake :-0 idk lmfao
You & Me: favourite line from any astro song
oooo weEEEEEEE 
but for real umMMmm i havent actually watched any lyric videos for astro lmao um,,,,,,, so easy to love you??? from csc idk its nice and i wanted to change my bio to that but thats 2 mch effort
Baby: if you could drink out of any of the dream bottles, which would you pick?
give me a second to watch th e baby mv agani 
ok itll be the aroha one bc its probably grape flavoured and the safest 2 consume
Dreams Come True: what do you wish for the most at this point in time?
have i answered this … i want day6 to win that best band performance award BLEASE i thought about how hard they worked and then saw that theyre losing and i almost cried idk much about cnblue so i cant say for sure but i know day6 and theyve worked so fucking hard this year with everyday6 and just?? holding concerts every month and!!!! fuck please if they dont win ill cry and now i just feel so fucking bad bc i couldve voted everyday but i didnt 
Every Minute: you’ve only five minutes left to live. which astro mv would you watch again?
csc bc i need to stream it…….
Lie: if you could watch astro perform one song live, which song would it be?
butterfly: what song do you relate to each member of astro and why?
hRMM (based on the nature of the song itself since i dont know the lyrics also assuming we use astro songs)
myungjun - cat’s eye bc of the the egg……. (also cant believe that video was a year ago tf) also dreams come true bc of his oWWEOOWOOWOoo
jinwoo - confession bc whenever rocky and jinjin rap together i live 2 see another day?? and you smile bc i love jinjins smile :_) and he was jamming out 2 it during the jincha radio 2
dongmin - who is this dreams come true because during the most recent jincha radio didnt jinwoo say smth like… eunwoo this is ur song…idk….
bin - crazy sexy cool since it was said the song was originally meant to be his solo song oh confession for bin too bc every time he says “Hey baby geu ael ijeo” i hear jelly instead thanks jinjin
minhyuk - run because rocky!!! singing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and fireworks bc he choreographed the dance?? iirc…. fuck lets not forget every minute.. iconic.. i love his rap in it
sanha - baby bc hes a babie and he always does the soda sound and dances its so funnie and cute what a loser lmao oh or cotton candy bc the song is rly soft and cute in general??? 
ok thats all bc if i dont stop now ill never shut up….. but searching for the links made me realize how mnay songs they have that have the same title as justin b*eber like… bin please calm urself
run: who do you turn to / what do you do when you’re stressed?
when im stressed i just dont think about it LOL so in the end i dont rly talk abt the reasons for my stress????? if i do itll be 2 falen 
crazy sexy cool: attach your favourite meme of astro
i,,,,,,,,,,,,?????????? my minds blank this is too much its not rly a meme but jinwoo saying its me during that one thing is always so funny 2 me and bell wont shut up abt it so i think abt it like every day
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wordlesspoet · 7 years
6, 11, 18, 24, 33, 37, 39, 46, 55, 56, 60, 65, 79, 85, 95, 96, and 104 pls and thank you! no rush take ur time ily
hey i love you too!! youre so wonderful fluffy
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?    I think, at the time of the issue, yes. But now, looking back on it, I truly think that it’s better off this way. 11. What do you drink in the morning?    Coffee. Sometimes I’ll have a bit of water if I wake up with a sticky throat, or if I’m sick I’ll make tea. I always make coffee and take it in my thermos to school. (I also take a water bottle with me but the last time I finished that thing at school was probably last year)18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?    I’m wearing jeans right now, because I just got home from working. 24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?    Yes. I want a galaxy under my right collarbone (yeah i know it’s gonna hurt like a bitch, I’ll live.) I also really want a sternum piece, a big one on both of my thighs, and raven wings on my back. I’ll also eventually get the moon phases on my ribcage somewhere. Eventually.33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?    Cold weather. It’s easier to sleep, nicer to cuddle, and I don’t work so much when it’s cold. I mean, you can put on as many layers as you please but when it gets too hot, what do you do? Peel your skin away??37. What song are you listening to?    I’m not listening to any song, but I’ve had Today I Saw the Whole World by ptv stuck in my head all day. It reminds me of someone I love dearly. 39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?   Yeah. But she got tired of it, and I understand. I don’t really blame her. Besides, I know there’s someone I can trust much more. 46. Are you in a good mood right now?   I’m not sure, my head hurts and I can’t really walk and I don’t want to work tomorrow but I just got told smth that made me really happy. Im just really loenly I guess, I feel like tonight’s going to be like every other night this week..55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?   Oh, I’ve had a passing crush, to be sure- I’ve wanted to get to know someone more closely than a compliment fitted on a breeze. But I don’t think I’ve every had a real crush on someone and haven’t told them. 56. Do you like to cuddle?   Yes. Pure and simple, yes. I love hugs, I love to be held. The problem is I’m tall and aggressive and not many people wanna cuddle me,,60. What do you carry with you at all times?   My phone. If I’m scared I roll it over in my hands and I like knowing I’m ony a few buttons away from talking to people that love me. 65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?   Oh man this bitch is just pissing me off,, she just keeps tryin tae start shit and it’s?? I’m done with it. If she steps to me I’ll flay her, and she knows it. That, and there was the guy that offered to buy me off my father at the hog barn. (not really, he just asked how much my father was payin me for and bet he could pay me more. didn’t realize i was his daughter)79. Did you ever have braces?        No, but I kind of want them for purely cosmetic reasons but I don’t know if it’s worth all that money and time and effort. 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?       Rogue One i think,,, i really don’t know. I just know my big sister and I wanted to see Krampus but the theater cancelled the showings they said they’d have of it so we had to see the movie my brother wanted to watch so..95. What were you doing last night at midnight?       I was crying,, hah I cried for three hours last night I swear,,, pls love me,96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?       Would’ve been the Illuminations show at Epcot in Disney World over spring break. And I cried, because I’m so lucky to have been able to go with the people I love and I’m so lucky to know the people that I do. And to have shared that experience with them? It was just overwhelming. And I cried for the people that weren’t there, but I was mostly happy. I was ready to go home, though. Slept most of the way home, too.104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?       I think that I would,, but I don’t wear shorts enough to look cute with cowboy boots. but i think i’d look cute idk judge me how you want i live in ohio damn it i’d look cute w. that pinkish flannel i have and light colored shorts and dark cowboy boots…….. tell me i wouldnt……………… i dare u(actually no dont i feel rly gross abt myself rn) 
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