#if anyone was gonna get some sort of 'not-redemption-but-sort-of' arc
beebrainedstudios · 2 years
Cypher Survives AU:
Because let’s be honest, it’d be kinda fun.
(Bloodline spoilers for the last two sections!)
- Wing still shoots Cypher in Rogue, but instead of going for the chest like he did in canon, he shoots his leg, distracting him long enough for the pair to wrestle and for Wing to get the gun away from him. Otto still wakes up possessed by Overlord, but between the two of them they are able to hold him off until Laura gets the neural-blaster-amulet device to work, and Overlord is knocked out of Otto. Everyone regroups in the wreckage, and Raven goes right for Cypher’s throat, but Wing gets in the way and demands everyone leave him alone until he and Wing get the chance to talk. 
Later, Nero discusses killing him with Wing and finds that, while Wing understands why that might be a good idea, he is also deeply upset by the idea of being completely orphaned by G.L.O.V.E. and still working for it, alongside the fact that he would be losing his last connection to his mother. There’s also the fact that Cypher was still technically right that Overlord would have taken possession of Otto anyway. Nero also talks with Cypher and comes to the conclusion that, while largely remorseless for any of his actions, he was only doing it in the interest of protecting Wing and has no specific intent to harm the school besides the man’s self-admitted hatred for Nero. He is strictly focused on Wing’s protection; nothing else. Nero decides that there’s an alternative and forcefully enrolls Cypher into H.I.V.E.’s staff, specifically the Technology Department, which both Wing and Cypher are uncomfortable with but are willing to try.
Chaos ensues.
- Cypher largely works in the cybersecurity area of things at first, specifically in regard to A.I. programming and defense, but he also spends some time as a general technician who’s responsible for helping with repairs. He has a significantly higher level of oversight than anyone else since Nero is worried that Cypher will try to pull some sort of hacker stunt. Over time, however, everyone comes to the conclusion that Cypher has no plans to cause any large scale problems on account of the fact that it would inevitably hurt Wing one way or another, including if he gets himself killed. Cypher is also incredibly nervous around H.I.V.E.mind and is unwilling to interact with him much outside of what’s needed, including trying to mess with his servers.
- Cypher essentially spends some time as a distant and mildly-uncomfortable presence in the school that most of the students are somewhat scared by, and Cypher (who also goes by Wu at this point; he’s let the Mao Fanchu name die out since Wing is still unsure how much he still sees him as a father, which Cypher is trying to respect) is also cool with this since both the students and the staff aggravate him with what he considers to be stupid questions and ideas, and he’d rather be left alone. As far as he’s concerned, it’s very similar to his time working on the Overlord Project, except Nero is breathing harder down his neck about everything and is somehow even more smug. He puts up with it though for Wing’s sake (and also to avoid getting locked back up in his very-boring prison).
- Familiarity eventually breeds a bit more comfort though, and at the Professor’s request since he’s struggling a bit with his own workload, Cypher is allowed to teach a few courses on A.I. programming and robotics to the Technical stream. Cypher does it begrudgingly and- irritated to find that rumors of Nero’s unintentional stream favoritism are true and ever eager to insult Nero’s leadership- immediately demands better funding, deadlines, and general organization for the Technical stream and Technology Department. Though he does it without any particular care for the students/staff at all (he’s neutral to them), his willingness to stand up to Nero for them + his overwhelming tech knowledge earn him some popularity, and he starts to be seen as more of a regular staffer. 
- Meanwhile, Cypher is still trying to work on his relationship with Wing. Wing is extremely upset with him and refuses to forgive him for his actions, which Cypher’s perfectly content with; he’s okay with Wing not seeing him as less of his dad, though he’s honest in maintaining that he still sees Wing as his son. Cypher has also given up on trying to knock Wing off of the supervillain path, instead resolving to make sure that Wing doesn’t end up getting killed on the way. While it takes a long time, the two do open up to each other a bit more and start to relax a bit, as Cypher is trying to make up for hurting people and Wing knows that pretty much everyone else in the school, Nero and Raven especially, have also killed people. 
- Eventually, Wing leaves the island for a mission and gets put in danger once it goes awry. Upon hearing this, Cypher pulls the exact same stunt that he pulled in Rogue. Grab some students, steal a Shroud, go get Wing. Then, it happens again, and Cypher manages to escape once more. He’s incredibly competent, both in terms of getting out of H.I.V.E. and running a one-man-plus-a-few-students rescue mission, and Nero finds to his frustration that Cypher, once out there, usually ends up helping on the missions rather than making them worse, including saving other students in the process of trying to protect Wing. Again, he’s not trying to help them, but the problems are usually mission-wide and rescuing Wing often saves others by proxy. As this keeps happening, Wing even picks up on this and will purposely put others in the way so Cypher has to help them too, weaponizing his father’s protective overdrive to improve the missions’ success. It becomes an expected pattern; Wing’s in trouble, Cypher goes after him, and due the fact Shelby, Otto, or Laura are often eager to do the same, if they aren’t on the same mission Cypher will usually “kidnap” them first and they’ll tag along willingly, as he can at least ensure that they are halfway-competent and will help out if needed. They, in turn, try to keep the casualty numbers and recklessness down, and Nero gradually puts less and less effort into stopping the rescues because it never works, Cypher usually only escapes when the mission goes wrong, and he always comes back with everyone else. 
- Cypher also forms a budding friendship with Professor Pike, as both of them are intellectuals who enjoy technology and are unafraid to call others out on their foolishness. Pike enjoys having someone who takes him seriously despite his age and eccentricity, and Cypher likes having someone he can talk to that can keep up with him and doesn’t treat him like he’s completely insane. Outside of Wing, the Professor is the only one who gets a genuine apology from Cypher on account of getting choked unconscious, which Pike agrees was terrible but he also admits to being slightly happy to have been included in a bit of the action for once, though he still wished he hadn’t been knocked out so rudely.
- H.I.V.E.mind takes a little longer for him to warm up to, but the AI is quickly able to pick up on Cypher’s discomfort with him, and he does his best to give Cypher outlets for his fear and slowly acclimate him to Big Blue so that he can do his job better. Through said process, a lot of other psychological trauma gets rooted out (PTSD over the Overlord Incident, especially paranoia, nightmares, etc.) and addressed, which makes Cypher a lot healthier and helps in getting him to thaw out towards the rest of H.I.V.E.
- Pretty much the rest of the AU is just canon. The series events still happen, but things are slightly easier for the H.I.V.E. crew most of the time since Cypher is there to- usually- help out. He’s combat-proficient, technologically skilled, way less timid about morals and consequences (sometimes helpful, sometimes not), and immune to the Sinistre Voice, so he’s an extremely useful ally to have around, and while he still complains relentlessly about helping Nero, he eventually gets to the point where he develops a bit of a protective streak for the school itself too; it’s the home of his son and his son’s friends, and if taking down threats to H.I.V.E. is what it takes to keep Wing happy and keep his own life then he’ll happily demolish anything that stands in the way of the school. H.I.V.E.mind would probably end up surviving in this AU too; Cypher has some sort of secret backed-up seed copy of him stored away somewhere- when asked why, he just explains that he never wants to help make a new AI in his life, so it seemed more convenient to have a backup H.I.V.E.mind in case they needed an AI for a new school.
- Post-Bloodline, Cypher would continue to work at the new school as before, helping Pike get H.I.V.E.mind back up and running and streamlining the new Technology Department. He’d probably also start a production line for a few of his robots to help with construction since they’re waterproof and can work far more efficiently than humans in the sea trench. At some point, Nero- at H.I.V.E.mind and the Professor’s insistence- would officially recognize Cypher as a full teacher at H.I.V.E. and suggest getting a new villain name to start over with; I’m not entirely set on what I think that would be, but it would probably be something like Golem or Automaton, since those imply the ability to function on one’s own which the definition of Cipher (an insignificant person who does other’s bidding- a nobody or zero if you will; it’s got more layers than just code stuff apparently) does not. Regardless of the name, Cypher’s basically the “combat-oriented” Technical head; he gets a dramatic new outfit and is usually escorted by some of his assassin droids, which he can use alongside his students’ creations in the school’s defense to great effect. 
So yeah, that’s what I’ve got so far! I just thought it’d be neat if one of H.I.V.E.’s best and most emotionally complex antagonists was given the chance for a longer arc. Enjoy!
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dokiyeom · 1 year
note: ngl i meant to post this in dec as an end of 2022 sort of thing and as a bit of an apology for my inactivity,, but my mental health has not been fantastic,, but here are some of my favorite seventeen fics that i’ve read !! also ps pls feel free to send me some of ur own favs bc i miss reading fics && i’m begrudgingly admitting that i’m not great at finding fics,, like sm of these i have to thank yeona for sending me :00
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ot13/multi/love interest revealed later on !!
UNDER THE SUN - @wooahaes (series // fantasy/darl+ing au // multi ot13 part)
i think i’ve rbed almost all the individual parts if ur interested in my more specific thoughts but this series has been an absolute comfort series for me for a while !! the relationships between the members and the reader - both platonic and romantic have been so lovely to read !! it’s such a genuinely warm series and the worldbuilding is also just soso fantastic !! it is a fantasy sort of au,, so it’s a bit daunting to get into just because the logic of the universes created in this genre is a bit difficult to grasp,, but uts has such an easy to comprehend world and everything is explained so clearly !! it’s genuinely one of the most comforting fics i’ve read this year and one that i’d highly recommend to pretty much everyone,, even if u aren’t a carat :D
APARTMENT A5C - @suhnshinehaos (smau - college au)
my favorite svt smau that combines some of my fav tropes/aus (housemates and uni) !! ++ i’d argue there’s a found family aspect that just melts my heart soso much,, like the reader’s relationship with the 96 line, both platonic and romantic are insanely heartwarming and comforting !! the banter is so entertaining && all of the additional friendships are just to die for !! esp sana and yuta with the reader !! but honestly this smau is just soso sweet and a story where u really root for the main couple to get together bc they just fit each other so well !! def another fic i’d recommend to anyone !!
LOVESTRUCK @/suhnshinehaos (smau - college au)
short endings for the reader’s other housemates !! has the same entertaining banter and cute relationship buildup that is just soso perfect to read after apartment a5c to treat ur post fic sadness <3 all the relationships are formed in a shorter period of time, but with just that same amount of investment !!
OBVIOUS - @leejungchans  (0.9k words - wedding florist and baker au) 
so stinking cute !! the reader and seungcheol having related businesses and appreciating each other’s dedications to their respective crafts is soso endearing :D genuinely my fav seungcheol fic bc hello ? good writing + sulky cheol + established relationship ? an absolute 10/10 and must read that i revisit way too often :D
ORDER UP - @/leejungchans  (2.4k - cafe au)
half of these r gonna b recs from sol’s masterlist,, but her works r just too good !! this fic is so darn cute and entertaining, with jeonghan’s antics + his classic attention n care for those in his life were captured so well !! him remembering the reader’s order and his sheer dedication to orchestrating an opportunity for a conversation outside of the reader placing their order was just so fun to read && is genuinely a fic i reread time and time again :D
CAUGHT @/leejungchans (1.1k - preschool? teachers au)
this. this is so insanely endearing hello ?? jeonghan as a preschool teacher is absolutely perfect, and the banter mixed with such tender love that the reader and jeonghan share is just so <3 it’s a relatively short read,, so i’d highly, HIGHLY, recommend giving this a read because it’s soso worth it,, esp if ur feeling a bit down and in need of something fun and sweet to read :D
REDEMPTION @/leejungchans (11.5k)
such whirlwind of emotions but soso insanely riveting !! bad boy jeonghan,,, oh my gosh a concept i (YOU !!) never knew i (YOU !!) needed in my life. him driving a motorcycle. him w tattoos. insane. amazing. fantastic. and a redemption arc ??? reader holding him accountable for wrongdoings ??? genuine efforts to change ?? go read it rn !! u must !!
CANDLELIGHT @/leejungchans (1.2k) - a fav bc its own of my fav tropes :D (blind dates)
my all time favorite jeonghan fic. literally so sweet to read and had me grinning ?? in the middle of the night ?? at my phone !! that’s outrageous !! but so insanely understandable bc this is such an enjoyable read && just so easily heartwarming to hear about the setup of the blind date. honestly,, i don’t think i can understate just how charming and worth reading this is !! 
THE MOST PRECIOUS THING @idyllic-ghost​ (3.6k - hospital/secret relationship au) 
another charming and lovely fic !!! i’m such a sucker for the secret relationship trope,, and this fic had such a fantastic take on it !! i adored the dynamic that jeonghan and the reader had, esp how much they cared for and rooted for each other :DD the banter at work and the tender love they share at home was also just,, absolutely chef’s kiss !!
LOVE ON THE AIR @suhnshinehaos​ (smau - college au)
i was. so invested in this smau LMAO but the reader and joshua’s friendship was soso lovely to read !! the buildup and tension were absolutely insane and genuinely had me so excited every time i logged onto tumblr to check for any updates :D the side friendships were also just so lovable and endearing,, and i found this smau to overall b super super charming :D
GOLDEN HOUR @dkfile​ 1(2.4k - summer vacation/bffs2l au)
joshua and the reader’s friendship is just so insanely sweet and endearing to read !! this fic is so reminiscent of a sentimental and fun coming of age romance,, which i feel like fits joshua soso well !! the whole time ur rooting soso hard for the main couple to get together, and just reading the buildup is incredibly entertaining !! and also the banter ?? literally so amazing && funny :D
HOW HARD MY HEART’S BEATING @adi--writes (3.3k - travel/photographer au)
the prose,, oh my gosh !! this fic played out so cinematically !! i loved jun and the reader’s friendship so much,, and how the fic progresses just naturally makes u root for a confession scene regardless of them being the main couple !! everything flowed so organically and their travel stories made for such a beautiful and compelling journey of love :D
(UN)TRADITIONAL @neonun-au (1.8k - wedding au)
the alt title >>> this fic was so full of personality and the premise just fits soonyoung so well !!! the bond that the reader and soonyoung share is just so insanely heartwarming,, esp their mutual understanding and respect for each other’s values !! in general,, the love in this fic is so genuine and lovable :DDD
FLOWER @wonwoonlight (13k - exes au / editor+writer au)
this premise. my gosh it’s perfect !! this fic was such a great take on the second chance trope and the emotions were so fantastically fleshed out !! the progression of wonwoo and the reader’s relationship felt so natural and overall so enjoyable to read :DD
PLAY AGAIN @shuarush (37k words - coworkers au)
the pining !! the tension !! the friendships !! the anecdotes !! the prose !! go read it !! rn !! overall this was such a beautiful journey to read and i enjoyed it soso much :D aside from the main relationship,, i found the reader and jeonghan’s friendship to be soso sweet and endearing !! i also loved loved loved !!!! the writing style in this fic !! everything was so well paced and patient,, which made for such a compelling and beautiful journey that i absolutely loved !!
LIVE @wondernus (1.24k - est relationship au)
so stinking cute !!!! i’m such a sucker for fics like these where the love interest is live and everyone’s also swooning over how sweet the relationship is :DD the love jihoon has for the reader is soso heartwarming and fuels my unending yearning for this sort of cute partnership <//3 this fic is just so enjoyable and the ending. it’s perfect :DDD bc same soonyoung,, same
HEARTACHE AND A LATTE @dkfile (9.3k - cafe au)
read this after not reading any fics for a WHILE and this was just such a chef’s kiss fic :D like the friendships with seungkwan, soonyoung, jeonghan, and wonwoo ?? amazing !!! but the buildup w jihoon !!! my gosh it was so genuinely cute !! i absolutely adored their friendship and the little indications of jihoon’s feelings for the reader :D just such a cute and lighthearted fic that i’d highly rec !!!
SOMETHING SWEET @wonwoonlight (2.1k - cafe au)
your honor i love this fic !!!! w all my heart !!!! this fic captured just how lovable seokmin is && had such a cute pining plot :DD this was soso heartwarming and i was so easily invested in their relationship !! overall,, just such a sweet and enjoyable read :DD
MY DAISY @wonwoonlight (series)
this. this was so fantastic. genuinely,,, everyone needs to read this when they can bc it is soso worth reading !!! i loved the friendships and the reader’s relationship with mingyu so much,, and gyuri !!!! gyuri !!!!! honestly i don’t think i can explain just how much i love this fic,, but pls,, pls read this bc this series is so insanely fantastic and had me so invested the whole way :DD
FIVE SHOTS AT LOVE @wooahaes​ (8.5k)
one of my favorite fics !! one of the first fics i read and i just absolutely fell in love with the setup of this fic,,, like the friendship with wonwoo just absolutely won my heart,, and the deepening relationship with the reader was the cherry on top !! such a beautiful and emotionally vulnerable fic that i found so much joy and sadness, but ultimately such an insane amount of comfort in :D def read and check out some of the warnings beforehand just in case !!
TRIAL AND ERROR @/leejungchans (2.9k - cafe au)
SUCH a cute little fic about mingyu trying to approach the reader but failing so miserably each time :D i had such a great time reading this and rooting for mingyu in each attempt !! his genuine earnestness was so adorable to read the way the ending panned out gave me so many giggles :D
ACADEMIC INFATUATION @berriesandjunnie​ (2.5k - professor au)
i love a college setting, workplace romance, and any au where everyone around the reader/main couple are just rooting so hard for them to get together !!! and omg professor hao AND flustered hao ?? like bc of his feelings and nervousness ?? omg literally such a lovely read !!! i had such a good time reading this && got a bit of a giggle which is so 10/10 when reading a fic !!! def read !!!!
AVANTE GARDE @hoyoungy (4.1k - uni/artist au)
tbh as someone who really loves art,, i found this fic suuper enjoyable !! and black mullet minghao ?? hello ?? overall,, i loved the development of minghao and the reader’s relationship soso much and the general nature of how they get to know one another :D like i was soso invested in their journey and just really loved the appreciation both of them grow and have for each other :DD vv worth reading and would highly recommend :D 
CLASSMATES TO LOVERS @/leejungchans (2.1l uni au)
bulletfics are def such a gem to read,, like short n sweet,, just perfect for a cute little fic :D i adored seungkwan’s impression of the reader and his sheer admiration for them !! like the chemistry was so on point and executed so well in this format too !! AND THE CHOCOLATES gosh this is so cute i love how seungkwan was written in this fic !! 
WORK HUSBAND @wondernus​ (8.8k - teacher au)
my gosh this was soso cute,, like literally i’ve reread this more times than i can admit :0 the reader and vernon’s friendship is just so endearing and felt so genuine !! i really enjoyed reading the buildup of their relationship and just found this to be such a charming story !! like what i would give. to read this for the first time again PLEASE read this !!!
OR WOULD YOU RATHER IT BE ME @thepixelelf (7.9k - soulmate au)
a whole journey of emotions that had me on the edge of my seat and waiting for the reveal !!! the relationship between the reader and vernon were established so well,, like their genuine care and desire for each other to stay in their lives just straight up tugs at my heartstrings !!! this was such a wholesome and hilarious love story that i thoroughly enjoyed :D
LEE CHAN (aka leejungchans chan fics :DDD)
THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS (6.5k words - flower/tattoo shop au)
i loved the contrast between the reader and chan’s character soso much,, and how that ultimately made their relationship soso much more cute and lovable ?? like how intimidated he was and his little crush that he tried so hard to squander !! i love the progression of their relationship soso much and how genuine chan was written in this fic !!!!
every time i sit in a library, cafe, or park, i’m waiting for this to happen to me. i adore the premise of this soso much and how the reader’s friend group schemes to catch the perpetrator :DD like overall this fic was so lovely and i def understand the little crushes you get in public on attractive people in your vicinity while working in a public space :DD just so cute,, so heartwarming,, and def fuels my yearning
SCORED! (12.4k words - uni au)
athlete chan,,, oh wow,,,,, this fic was one of the first chan fics i read as i got into seventeen and definitely cemented him as one of my biases in the group :DD i love the banter that went on between the reader and chan,, as well as all the hilarious little details of the other columns !! like project vernway is forever ingrained in my mind whenever i see pieces christiano siriano or any other contestants from project runway !!! overall i just love how this fic played out and all of the hilarious interactions between everyone involved !!! def a super fun read :DDD
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yourhighness6 · 4 months
NATLA Episode 2 Debrief (by yours truly)
Hi again! Here's episode 1 if anyone is interested. This is going to be another outrageously long post, just a tw
I absolutely loved the ominous start and then it's just:
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They really captured the Zuko/Iroh dynamic the cartoon had in this scene. I hope they keep this sort of thing throughout the show. Also, side note, but for whatever reason Zuko seems a LOT more violent in this version. This child needs some serious therapy.
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I guess this is their version of the map joke, huh? Low-key disappointed but not as mad as I thought I would be.
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I'm not sure how I feel about the writers prolonging some of the conflicts that were resolved back in the SWT into this episode. I guess it makes sense that they would have to extend the drama, but I'm a little disappointed these thoughts didn't make it into the first episode. I'm glad they're included, but I think at this point team avatar had started to feel like family already in the cartoon, so it's kind of annoying and misses the mark a bit.
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Yes I'm so glad they put GranGran's blessing back in! I was really mad when they took it out, but this honestly feels more meaningful than it did in the cartoon. It's a precious cultural artifact rather than just a couple of blankets. This is similar to what I was mad about with extending SWT conflicts, but I don't have nearly as much of a problem with it, as it seems like they're carrying a little piece of home with them rather than just extra drama.
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The burial scene was very sweet and sad. It gave us a bit more insight into Air Nomad culture, and a sense of closure the cartoon didn't really give us. A+ for Gordon's acting as well (he is perfect for this part, even if he does still need some more acting experience)
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Zuko has officially mastered the "my uncle dragged me here and I'm an agnsty teenager" face. A+ to Dallas for this entire scene. I am absolutely LOVING the Iroh and Zuko dynamic. Never change (jk I wish you a wonderful redemption arc)
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Suki looks just as beautiful as she did in the trailer. Unfortunately can't say the same for the Kyoshi statue (I wish it had been made out of wood), but there is something to be said for the little shrines to the avatars instead of a few big ones. I actually kind of like that they changed that element, and I hope they explore it more in future episodes, because I assume some of the spiritualism surrounding them would have to be changed. Side note: but I've seen nothing of the spirit world so far and I'm getting a little nervous. I guess I wouldn't mind if they decided it was some long-lost avatar trick or is introduced in the NWT, but if they get rid of it altogether I'm gonna be pissed.
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I'm glad they decided to make Kyoshi Island a matriarchal society instead of having a male leader. It just makes sense based on the lore and I like to see more strong adult women than in the cartoon. Also Suki got a mom! Maybe she'll get some development too!
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This Aang speech was very in-your-face storytelling, but I feel like the whole show is gonna be like that so I'm just accepting it at this point. I think it stayed true to his character while getting the point across, and it also kind of helped his character compared to the cartoon. He's very emotionally open and has a charming nativity about him, but he's clearly trying to help. Loved it.
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He's so awkward I love it. This whole interaction was really cool, because it expanded on their relationship in a cool way. They're both struggling between doing what their parents expect of them to help their respective villages, but are being faced with a pull to the outside world, Suki with her "big heart" and Sokka with his need to protect Katara. Thishonestly gives more depth to their relationship and I don't mind the writers dragging out first episode conflicts if this is how they're choosing to explore them.
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Aww look at these cute little siblings. I like that the writers are giving them more time to progress from strangers to besties. Their interactions seem more natural, and Aang's grief more realistic. It's also great to once again see Katara growing more confident and powerful in her abilities. I love the smell of some good character development in the making.
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Look at her face! She's like,"I'm so good at flirting. Mother would be proud." Meanwhile Sokka's scared of her. Anyway I'm living for their scenes and they're making me giggle. (Despite Sokka's sexism being toned down it still exists to a lesser level and I love to see her beating his ass while he tries to flex)
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I love the new subplot! I love that flashback! I love this conflict! It gives more credence to his fears as a prodigy. Whatever writer came up with this deserves a hug.
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AHH the ship is sailing! I love Sokka learning to be more open minded! I love Suki learning to be more open-hearted! I love when characters in romantic relationships learn from each other! This is giving Suki and Sokka development in ways the cartoon did not without trying to play Sokka's sexism off as a joke and also giving us more screentime and when I say I love it I mean I am doing a happy dance right now!
Okay, so just a quick word on shipping besides Sukka because as Zutara trash I am legally required to do this:
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It seems like they are keeping the zutara hope parallel intact, with Katara and Zuko both finding hope in the avatar but in different ways. However, I don't think this really changes anything. So far, there's beven nothing to suggest they're going with ZK instead of KA, and I'm a little worried that they're trying to parallel Sukka and KA wwith the way they're setting up both girls as kind of a "teacher" to the boys in a way and giving both ships a huge amount of screentime in the same episode. Also, and I hate to say this, they might be attempting to fix KA by toning down Katara's anger and her "dark side". She didn't get angry to break the iceberg and they're eliminating her entire waterbending scroll plotline. They're trying to make them a better match for each other by watering her down and therefore increasing her connection with Aang and decreasing the chance of a future connection with Zuko over their anger and shared trauma. It's sad news that I didn't want to deliver, and I've seen spoilers that there is another ZK moment later down the line, but at this point, I think KA is a lot more plausible than ZK. *cries*
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In slightly less depressing news, they're inserting the avatar state plotline a lot earlier. This makes sense with the condensed timeline, and I think I like the way they're going with it so far. I hope they keep the concept of avatar guide intact, though, and I'm worried that they're going to play into more of a connection to all of his past lives instead of just Roku. I kind of hate Roku but I do think that's a major concept I don't want them to get rid of, and his inaction during a time of adversity mirror's Aang's own challenges with confrontation. Their dynamic is a good one, and I wouldn't be opposed to changed but I really hope they don't entirely throw it out.
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Scratch whatever the fuck I said before. I'm back on my shipping bullshit I can't believe we got a BONUS FIGHT! Also kudos to whoever decided Zhao should burn the village instead of Zuko. I was always so pissed at him whenever I rewatched this episode and now I can sleep easy knowing it was that military dipshit instead of him
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I love Kyoshi to an unhealthy extent but I kind of wish Katara had been the one to go off on him. It would have seriously fixed things.
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Also, side note, but I love the hair these in fight scenes:
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Most action movies hairspray the shit out of them but these actors are allowed to look a little disheveled while they kick ass. Huge thank you to whoever decided that more natural hair is superior cuz they are 100% correct
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I think this was the perfect conclusion to Sukka (for now)! Sokka learned something so much more valuable and impactful than in the cartoon, in my opinion. His masculinity is handled very well in my opinion, and even if I would have liked to see him wear the warrior outfit, there's something really great about the way he continues to embrace protectiveness, a masculine trait, while having rid himself of toxic masculinity, such as not being able to learn from others. He's leaving a more open minded and humble person and I love the way they portrayed it.
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Okay the speech was a little on the nose but I liked it. One of the best things about ATLA was the way they executed Aang's childishness ending up beneficial for the world. I think the new conflict is expanding on that nicely while staying true to its roots. *pats writers on the head*
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Also the fan was so cute. That last scene on Appa really wrapped everything up nicely. I like the way they tied in the conflicts between the siblings while engineering growth for Sokka.
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Daniel Kim delivered in his two seconds of screentime. Zhao was such a bitch but idk what else I expected. Can't wait to see more of these two bastards in future!
Anyway, to recap:, things I did like:
Aang's new conflicts
Sokka's mini arc
Expanding on Katara's PTSD
Zhao burning the town instead of Zuko
Zuko and Iroh's dynamic
Things I didn't like:
Katara's characterization
Lack of Aang's actual avatar guide
K/A hints and lack of zutara implications
Postponing the Zhao and Zuko agni Kai
Overall, I have to say I think that they're playing into the core themes very well while expanding on the characters. If it weren't for the whole Katara debacle this would be a 9/10 episode, but with the Katara debacle imma give it a 7/10. Still, I can at least understand why the writers made their crappy decisions, even if I don't agree with them. Hopefully certain things are fixed in future episodes, but as it stands I think I'll live (barely)
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cncozutarapoto · 3 months
fun. x ATLA
Idk if anyone else in the fandom listens to fun., but I'm a big fan of pretty much the whole Some Nights album. I was listening to it last week (yes, even the Some Nights - Intro, which I don't vibe with) because it was speaking to me in terms of ATLA characters (certain songs reminded me of certain characters).
"But Turtle, Nate Reuss wasn't focused on ATLA when he was writing this album"
Ok, and? I'm gonna have some fun with this!
So here's each song and the character I think it fits (not all are exact fits & not every song is included, but most are)
1. Some Nights - Sokka
"This is it, boys, this is war/what are we waiting for?" feels very Sokka to me, especially since he considers himself a warrior and is the protector of Wolf Cove after Hakoda and the other men leave to fight the fire nation. Also "I still see your ghost" could reference Kya, but more likely Yue, since Sokka says that he sees Katara's face when he tries to remember his mother. The line about the martyr reminded me of Suki. Ok also the "miss my mom and dad for this" line?? Come on. Ok BUT "my heart is breaking for my sister and the con she called love/and then I look into my nephew's eyes" is just SCREAMING a Zutara or Kataang fic of some sort. Come on, right?? It's just begging to be written. Overall, this is very existential crisis-Sokka to me.
2. We Are Young - Katara
Ok so I wasn't fully sure what song to give Katara and it just didn't feel right to leave her out so I deadass just gave her this one like 5 minutes ago, but it still works. It would also be AU-based, but hear me out. I'm assuming y'all are most likely to know this song out of all of them. So Katara's at a bar after breaking up with her boyfriend (Aang) and the Gaang's all here. "My seat's been taken by some sunglasses askin' bout a scar" would be Zuko asking about the scars on Katara's hands that she couldn't fully heal after Aang's firebending accident. "But between the drinks and subtle things/the holes in my apologies/you know I'm trying hard to take it back" feels very Aang to me, especially since he's immature. Then right after, I feel like it switches to a more Zutara vibe for most of the song. Also "the moon is on my side/I have no reason to run" with Katara is such a sick combo omg.
3. Carry On - Zuko
The lyrics are very angsty. "You swore and said we are not/we are not shining stars/this I know, I never said we are" feels like a very Zuko & Iroh interaction to me. And also "though I've never been through hell like that/I've closed enough windows to know you can never look back" !!!! Like that feels very Season 3 Zuko to me. Also, no matter what, Zuko is forced to carry on, whether it's with Ozai, Azula, the Gaang... Although don't get me wrong, Zuko does take back his destiny, but I'm referring more to how he can't give up. Also Ursa tells Zuko and he later says how he struggles and fights, even though it's hard. "And we talked and talked about how our parents will die/all our neighbors and wives" Zuko is very familiar with the concept of mortality, he nearly died and he loses his mother at a young age. I'm sure he worries about when Iroh will die, as well as his friends. I feel like Zuko has a line about people leaving him, but I can't find it. Ok next point "and it's nice to know when I was left for dead/I was found and now I don't roam these streets/I am not the ghost you are to me" is very reminiscent of Zuko's relationship (or lack thereof) with Ozai. Also "may your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground" feels like a very Iroh line. Last point, "on our darkest day, when we're miles away/so we'll come and we'll find our way home" is very reminiscent of Zuko's redemption arc and how he returns home and retakes his place in the line of succession and becomes Fire Lord.
4. It Gets Better - Katara?
Honestly the "yes, I know it hurts at first/but it gets better" reminds me a lot of Katara. I also liked the line about fire in the sky and snow on the ground. Not too much else to say.
5. All Alone - Mai
I really encourage you guys to listen to this song, it was really interesting. The lyrics reminded me of Maiko, especially how Mai seems to not care about anything. The girl's voice reminded me a lot of Mai throughout the series, especially her interactions with Zuko. "I gave her to you/I don't need a toy/I thought you might appreciate it/I don't like the way it moves" reminds me of their interaction when Zuko tries to give Mai the shell on Ember Island. "How do you cry with inanimate eyes/you're never gonna smile/with the way that you're wired" also reminded me a lot of Mai's character throughout the series.
(I really like All Alright, but wasn't sure who it would fit well with)
6. One Foot - Toph
"I put one foot in front of the other" is very Toph, she is a fighter first and foremost. "I don't need a new love or a new life" also feels very her, Toph doesn't care as much about the more material things compared to the rest of the Gaang. I'm sure there's more that can be said about this connection, but I didn't really vibe with the song so much. Sorry Toph.
7. Out on the Town - Aang
Okay, Aang fans, I'm asking you to stick with me here. "Cause I know I'll never take the time/to unpack my missteps and call all of our friends" feels very much like season 3 Aang, where he doesn't face consequences for his actions and Bryke kinda places him on this pedestal of sorts. Also, this is a kataang breakup song to me. The chorus really feels like Aang to me, putting his feelings before those of other people, causing a scene, there being consequences (that he somehow gets out of, but that's not today's discussion). "But I'm waiting for the day you come back and say/'hey maybe I should change my mind'" reminds me of the first 2 times Aang kisses Katara and how he expects her to change her mind on how she feels about him. Also the repetition of "open up your heart".
Overall, I found the entire album to be very Zuko-coded.
If you read this far, I appreciate you!
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January 9 is Vivi’s birthday \;w;/ The date’s cheeky, it’s when I reached ShB on him ingame. A year ago. JUST A YEAR. No other oc of mine had such an intense development process. I wanted to try writing a disaster, and, well....
Lemme have today as an excuse to ramble about his influences. Of course I didn’t merely lump these together, I kept realizing the likeness as time went on.
The concentration of unhinged blondies and literal idols is past the critical level, take cover, it’s gonna blow.
Spoiler warning for everything.
Anarchy Panty
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Because his full name’s Vivien Fucksalot Rell x’D A good number of their tropes match perfectly.
This speech could as well be copypasted into his final battle with Emet:
Panty: You're right, I'm just a little bitch and I'm proud of it. But guess what, douchebag? That's not the point. News flash, I don't need special fucking powers to beat the shit out of you. You know why? Because I'm a bitch who doesn't give a fuck. You and your half-dead face can preach about hymens and demons and other weird words that supposedly mean shit, but that doesn't change the fact that if any of you fuckers get in my way, I'm gonna kick some twisted-ass ass. You hear me dick? I'm a hot bitch angel named Panty. And no matter what anyone says, I DO WHAT I FUCKING WANT!
Princess Ai
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An edgy fashion icon that I'm still in love with. Brainstorming the visual styles for Vivi, I simply decided to indulge as hard as I can.
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Howl gets his redemption arc, Vivi, uh.... Surprise, the entire ShB part of Fragments is his redemption arc of sorts. But he exists outside ShB as well. He’s not meant to be a goody two shoes. But hey, his drama queen moments are entertaining to watch.
Raha has a lot of Howl in his character too. With Vivi, he’s basically this, except he doesn’t swallow him.. Okay he does but in a different way *kicked*
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Arataka Reigen
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Because I’m physically incapable of writing a classic hero.
Vivi has a complicated relationship with his career and a pragmatic approach to most things in life. He also prefers words to violence, will fight only if that fails.
When confidence and persuasion carry so hard you don’t really need anything else. Vivi firmly believes in everything he says and does. He doesn’t derive any fucked up joy from being right, but he knows as a fact that he IS right.
Sakuma Ryuichi
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Duality my beloved \o/ And dorkiness. Other than that, Ryuichi doesn’t have as much influence on his character, but the visuals?
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I mean I literally use this shirt and necklace as an easter egg/homage. Gravitation triggered my queer awakening in the faraway 2006, might as well give it the acknowledgement it deserves.
And, lastly, the he.
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What else do you expect from a character tailored for a ship \o/
Short. Sassy. Dorky. Gremlin. All of their direct likeness stems from ARR, while the more subtle parallels and extreme opposite values form later.
If Raha’s eccentric, Vivi takes that just a tad bit further, simply because he’s always been allowed to.
What Raha keeps repressed, buried deep down, Vivi embraces in full. He’s an unruly, effervescent spark of life, he’s meant to be Raha’s “manic pixie dream boy” according to tvtropes, to slowly lure him out of his shell and teach him confidence, the joy of living, and find a way to stop him from killing himself over and over again.
Words of praise and affirmation have no effect on them. Both are competent in some field, but never brag about it. While Raha has a severe imposter syndrome, Vivi knows he’s cool as a fact, which still doesn't mean he loves or values himself as he should. He just acknowledges and uses his status for his own benefit as openly as the world keeps using himself.
Destiny (affectionate) and destiny (derogatory).
Raha’s The Adult (tm) Vivi needs to stay somewhat stable. This’s the reason they don’t quite get along in ARR yet, Raha must go through that century of suffering that, despite all common sense, refines him into something delightful, Vivi must go through HW-SB to realize his priorities in life and frankly get fucked up enough to form a perfect chemistry with Exarch.
Raha has a moral compass that he may adjust at will, Vivi has none at all. How much more questionable would they be if they weren’t cute and charismatic :’D
They’re feisty and competitive towards each other, Raha especially so. Vivi has a red cloth effect on him. Forever wrestling for that imaginary control (yep, in bed too). On the emotional side, it’s forever “you matter, I don’t”. They’re mirrors of each other, reflecting some parts as they are, twisting others in most peculiar ways.
Vivi literally wouldn’t exist without Raha, both ic and ooc. So I daresay Raha has the most influence on his character, at the same time he’s his own guy enough to stay interesting. I’m so proud of him. I’m holding him by the scruff and helplessly shaking him in the air.
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marxxymoon · 4 months
gonna be real. i am not at all caught up with MHA. Think the last time i watched , was the Touya reveal. And the main reason is. i really did NOT like how they were taking the story. ESPECIALLY with Enji. Like. I don't think he should get any sort of redemption. I'm sorry , but a man who nearly caused the death of his oldest child , neglected his other two , and did the same thing to his youngest that he did to his oldest , on top of causing so much that his wife burned her youngest cause she couldn't look at him cause he looked like his father , and then was tossed in a mental ward. He doesn't deserve forgiveness from anyone , ESPECIALLY HIS KIDS.
There is little to no repercussion for his actions. I was glad Natsuo snapped on him for trying to be a kind father now , after EVERYTHING he did to them. Even saying he remember his little brother's cries and what happened to Touya. And then later on , he fucking forgives him. Which I hated. Like if there MUST be a redemption arc for this man , make it hella slow? And at least give Dabi SOMETHING as well.
"But Marx , he's murdered people!!!" Never said he should get off scot free. I am saying SOMETHING MORE THAN BEING THE UNHINGED VILLAIN SHOULD BE GIVEN TO HIM. And it looks like he's gonna die off , which especially pisses me off. Dabi is a victim of his father , and I deffo don't agree that he should be going after Shoto. But I don't think he REALIZES that Shoto was subjected to the same thing as him.
He doesn't try to kill Fuyumi. He doesn't try to kill Natsuo. He doesn't try to kill his mom. (Unless he has. Like I said, it's been so long and I am not entirely caught up). So there is clearly compassion of SOME kind. It's probs NOT healthy , of course. But like. Don't just slap the mentally ill villain on him and kill him off , while his dad gets forgiveness.
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nicoleanell · 1 year
Nicole I am drowning in bsg feels rn. I’d be mad at your ‘cept it hurts so good. Why does this show have us by the gonads so??
There's just so much, SO MUCH, after all this time. Few shows really get that combination of feeling very Epic and grand and about these large ideas of humanity but also so small and intimate with its individual character arcs, and they are all *so* complex and layered and horrible and beautiful people.
(Just seeing every character pop up in that fanvid, major and minor, gave me a rush of feels! Protect all of my babies, all of them!)
Few shows have been so grim and bleak in places without IMO crossing the line into utter hopelessness and still finding joy and connection and redemption.
It strikes that balance of being a sci-fi/genre show with ambitions (cough pretentions) of being a Serious Prestige Drama before that sort of crossover was being attempted anywhere else, and I dunno if anyone's done it better since. You can fire up almost any individual episode and get a tightly contained story despite it also being heavily serialized.
Also what a goddamn cast constantly elevating the writing and making it more real, the writing was *good* in comparison to most shows but they also trusted their actors and even some of the long-running directors to question things and ad-lib stuff and it was almost always for the better. Just LIGHTNING IN A BOTTLE casting, writing, social commentary that will never quite be as relevant again.
And even as much as people hate the ending/final season I'll always defend like 80% of it; they may not have fully stuck the landing but the ideas and heart and yeah the weird religiosity behind it are very Valid. They went in some crazy directions and took risks without always knowing where they'd end up, but I do think 4 seasons and a planned(ish) ending put a good limit on how off the rails it was capable of going compared to some shows lol.
It's hard to be the kind of show that's so many things to different people, where everyone has different entry points in the ensemble that they latch onto (fave character, fave ship, the action/military stuff vs the political machinations vs robots with feeeelings and flawed prophets). And they all had their moments to shine at some point.
I say I'll never love another show like BSG again because to randomly paraphrase BoJack Horseman: "That kind of love you only get when you're young and stupid - I'm not gonna have it again." Like THAT IS HOW I FEEL ABOUT BSG BEING MY ONE TRUE FANDOM. 😄 Other things may come along that are objectively "as good" or better, but I doubt I'm ever going to be as invested and active in any fandom as I was when BSG was airing and I was up in every discussion thread writing essays about the fragile body of Gaius Baltar. I've gotten older, fandom/media/the internet have all changed. It really is forever *the* TV experience for me, even when I'm not talking about it as much.
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blazingemeraldau · 2 years
Addressing the Super Paper Mario Fandom
Disclaimer. I am not attacking anyone. Do not send death threats towards anyone. It is not okay.
For those who looked at my DNI one of the things listed was Dimentio x Mr. L/Luigi
I've stated before in multiple posts about why I don't like it, but I'm gonna explain it in one big post for yall.
Fair warning: This post contains mentions of romanticized abuse. If that triggers you I recommend finding something else to read for your own health and safety.
One thing I have seen in fandoms is that people like to ship characters. And super paper mario is no exception.
Some ships are fine with me, like Blumire x Timpani or Luvbi x Mimi. Those ships are generally sweet and wholesome.
However, one specific jester seems to find himself in a pile of ships that would be considered bad, and for good reason.
I'm talking about Dimentio, the master of dimensions and pleaser of crowds.
Whenever I go to look at Dimentio fanart, I get art of ships that are toxic.
People ship Dimentio x Mr. L/Luigi. And let me say, that is not a good thing. Here's why.
In chapter 6-1, Mr. L had been defeated by Mario and the gang, and Dimentio shows up. Dimentio had trapped Mr. L inside of a box and kills him by firing off explosions inside of the box with a single snap.
Later on, in chapter 8-3, Dimentio and Luigi fight, leaving Dimentio the loser. However, Dimentio summons the magical box and traps both him AND LUIGI inside of it. One snap of fingers and both are dead.
In chapters 8-4, Dimentio snaps his fingers and turns Luigi into Mr. L with the help of the floro sprout. He then uses Luigi, the chaos heart, and himself to fuse them together to get Super Dimentio, a being capable of destroying EVERYTHING
So, in short, Dimentio had killed Luigi/Mr. L twice, and then used his body to fuse into something terrifying
So why the hell are people shipping those two together? It's fucking disgusting.
If someone trapped me in a box and lit me on fire I would be mad as fuck at them and never talk to them. EVER.
Yet people ship them together. That ship is abusive and toxic in many ways.
It seems like every SPM fan forgot that Mr. L is still a hypnotized Luigi. And someone who is in some sort of trance can't say no on their own will to.. Things.
They are literally being forced into it and people seem to glorify that. You can literally google Dimentio x Mr. L ship art and I can GUARANTEE you that there is abusive art of them.
Yeah, in that ship Dimentio would abuse them. He showed no remorse for his actions at ALL.
I like Dimentio as a character, but I do not support his actions.
Some people make him go through a redemption arc and ship him with Luigi. Still, that's sort of weird to me. Even if someone says they have changed I won't go back to them.
(And it doesn't help that people make Dimentio being abusive to Luigi in that ship)
Like- why do people think that glorifying abuse is okay????
If you support that ship, please do not interact with me, and find a ship that doesn't involve things like abuse, incest, pedophilia, things like that.
Because if it does then that is a problem
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semper-legens · 2 months
25. Destined, by PC and Kristin Cast
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Owned: No, library Page count: 325 My summary: Neferet's plans have ramped up. Killing Zoey's mother to make her perfect vessel, Aurox, wasn't enough. She wants to destroy Zoey and her friends, and she's going to need power to do it. The Darkness is calling...meanwhile, Zoey's friends face trouble amongst themselves. Rephaim is still settling in, and Erin and Shaunee have started to separate themselves. And Zoey is grieving her mother's death. Can they get it together long enough to find out what really happened? My rating: 1/5 My commentary:
Back at it again with the House of Night and hoo boy folks, this one's a doozy. I'm so close to the endgame now - only three more to go after this! And as soon as they come into the library, I swear, I'm speedrunning this shit. But this post is going to be the opposite of speedrunning. Turns out I have a lot to say about this continued train wreck, and I'm gonna spill a lot of digital ink in so doing! So without further ado, let's get down to it.
Right off the bat, we have a healthy dose of ableism! Yep, this book introduces Shaylin, who became blind as a child and is Marked by Erik. But she's Marked as a red vampire, and immediately regains her sight - and is gifted an aura-sensing True Sight. And of course, she goes on and on and on about how great it is that she's not blind anymore, and how bad being blind was, and it's just enough to make me cringe. Because all blind people need is to magically get their sight back! Not, like, better accommodations to help them live in a world that hasn't been built for them, or to be treated like actual adults or something. Nope. Magical sight, that's the best thing. It carries forward that unhealthy idea that vampires in this world are physically 'perfect' - before, we've seen the kids whose bodies reject the Change being portrayed as fat, greasy, and unfit. Now, it seems that disabled kids aren't allowed to be vampires while retaining their disability. Gross!
Nefert has a new boytoy, and his name is Aurox. Get it, because he's a werebull. Sort of - he was gifted by the white bull of Darkness, and he can turn into a bull involuntarily. But because Neferet botched the summoning, Aurox has a soul and stuff. Specifically, Heath's. Remember Heath? Zoey's human boyfriend, got necksnapped by Kalona? Yeah, the book treats it like it's a big mystery, but it's so obvious that it's Heath. Aurox knows things about Zoey he shouldn't, calls Zoey by Heath's pet name for her, has his mannerisms…it's one thing for a book for teenagers to be simpler than I, an adult, expect, it's another for it to be so obvious that a toddler could realise what's going on. And yet again, we've got another topless teen badboy who angsts about being evil and is gonna get a redemption arc. Christ alive, how many of those are there? Stark, Kalona, Rephaim, now Aurox…we get it, Casts, you got a kink. Can you please come up with another male character?
Speaking of male characters, in order to sew some chaos, Neferet's invited humans to come work at the House of Night, which means we're introduced to Lenobia's cowboy, Travis. He's a cowboy. Who works at the stables. And Lenobia, running minor character and horsemaster at the House of Night, is falling hard for him. What does this relationship do, plotwise, other than add a sexy cowboy to the cast? Even though I've criticised things like Stevie Rae and Rephaim or Zoey and…most male characters…I can at least acknowledge that they serve a function. Introducing or adding to the theme of redemption, giving those characters conflicts and secrets, furthering the plot somehow. But this? I guess it's giving us an insight into Lenobia, but so far all I've gathered is that she has a thing for cowboys and doesn't want to be romantically involved with anyone but oh no this guy's too sexy. It drags the book down and takes up valuable page time - not to mention that Travis himself has less depth than a Mills and Boon cowboy. He's just…charming and folksy and respectful to Lenobia and loves horses. Exactly the sexy cowboy archetype. Bleh. Lenobia seems like she might have been an interesting character, but the new context we learn about her is entirely about her love life, or lack thereof, and nothing to do with who she is as a person. It's lacklustre, is what I'm getting at here.
Neferet continues to be the big bad, evilly doing evil things because she's evil. She's escalated to human sacrifice and gives blood to the Darkness to drink whenever she needs something. As if she wasn't enough of a cackling supervillain already. My biggest problem with Neferet is that there's no depth to her. Why is she doing what she's doing? Sure, she wants power, she wants to rule the world and become a goddess, but why? I don't need a Disney-live-action-movie backstory for her, just something other than her hatred for Zoey and lust for power! Has this always been a facet of her from before Zoey? Was she striving towards this goal before Zoey? And, of course, for all that the Casts seem to think they're clever for making the evil bull the white one, we have the Darkness demanding blood in order to do Neferet's bidding. Not at all an overdone trope. And the way they take it from her is uncomfortably sexual - almost like the Casts haven't gotten over their whole 'slutshame the villainous female character' thing. Above all, though, Neferet falls into the biggest trap for her character archetype - she's not camp enough. If you want to have a cackling balls-to-the-wall Evil Bitch as a main villain, she needs to own it. Think Maleficent! Think Ursula! Neferet just isn't interesting enough or ridiculous enough, that's my problem.
Meanwhile, there's trouble in Zoey's inner circle. Erin and Shaunee, the Twins, have started to un-twin themselves, separating from each other to become their own people. This would be a perfectly fine plot point, but for three things. One, Erin and Shaunee aren't well-developed in general - literally, their only character trait is that they are Twins. This would be a good time to give them more character, except that this mostly unfolds with people standing around and telling Shaunee how much nicer she is now, rather than us being shown it really. Two, it seems to come right out of nowhere? There's no particular reason it happens. And three, none of the other characters seem to care about Erin after it happens. They're obviously setting up for Erin to become more of an antagonistic character later, but as soon as the split occurs, all Zoey and her friends seem to care about and check in on is Shaunee - nobody ever checks in on Erin or seems to give much of a shit about her as a person. Which is…really fucking weird? Like, if Zoey et al had checked in on Erin and been yelled at or something, that'd make sense. But it's like this girl wasn't their friend at all, so quickly is she dumped. And that's just lazy writing. It's a clear signal to the reader that Shaunee is the 'good one' and Erin is the 'bad one', despite it being a particularly cold and uncaring thing for the characters to do in-universe. There's no reason why Zoey can't be like 'hey are you okay' to Erin at least once. It'd give a chance to show how Erin is changing! But nope. Subtext is for cowards. Let's just spell it all out to the audience. Wouldn't want them to start thinking.
And yet, for all that seems to be going on here, that's actually a negative. Because it makes the book so unfocused. You can hardly concentrate on one plot thread, so much is being brought up and juggled and dropped. And a lot of it isn't resolved - sure, this is a series and there's three more books after this, but it just feels like the Casts are throwing a lot of spaghetti at the wall to see what will stick. It strikes me as a series that hasn't been tightly planned, that was loosely improvisational, and it really shows. New conflicts come out of nowhere and aren't properly foreshadowed in anyone's behaviour. New twists are set up that are predictable from the moment they are introduced. Characters are sort of fleshed out, but only in very limited ways. Characters stick to one-dimensional archetypes. There's a lot going on, but it's all as thin as paper. And it's just as bad as all the books that came before it.
Next up, time travelling meets a pirate tale.
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thecoolestdweeb · 11 months
IM not shutting up about the first half of "with friends like these" so CAMP CAMP SPOILER ALERT WEE WOO WEE WOO !!!!!!!!
While the second half was definately heart-warming and gives me a lot of hope for the future of the show, I'd also like to point out the first half and how its narrative reflects Max in season 1-2
So we see him overhearing the others complaining about the three of them but unlike Neil and Nikki, Max doesn't sweat too much over it. If anything, he's looking at the other two and making sure they're okay.
The next thing they do is go to the authority figures and try to see that someone did like them. While Neil and Nikki are both anxious Max is still calm, but he also asks for affirmation in a more roundabout way. (Nikki just screams do you like us? While Max says "who needs em, am I right gwen?"
The next phase was just giving into what others thought of them, but eventually it failing and the three feeling worse about themselves.
What happened after was isolating themselves. They assumed the problem was how everyone else saw them, because they tried to change and nothing happened. They assumed and accused things without talking about it and with such pointed questions, there was nothing anyone could say that could stop them from eventually running away
Then it was just the three of them. Alone. And obviously it didn't work out and just caused more infighting until they couldn't even have each other anymore yadda yadda you know the rest
Then when you apply that last stage to how max acts in season 1-2, we can assume what happened earlier
Max was either being bullied at school or maybe even belittled by his own parents, but when he tried to get some sort of love from them he was turned away or ignored.
Causing him to change and essentially becoming what people were bullying him for, only to receive more backlash. Eventually turning him into the Max that we see in season 1 and 2.
The result of this mindset of "not getting attached to people because it'll be worse when they leave you" then causes infighting between the three (in the season 2 Camp Corp finale) and eventually them talking it out and things getting better.
But because the mindset and not the CAUSE of said mindset is revealed or redeemed, maybe that's what's gonna happen in season 5?? Max's parents redemption arc???? Im delulu and need to theorise before I explode
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worriedvision · 2 years
Do it /hj
So part 1 is here, Heizou is having his redemption arc through Kazuha flopping lol! Gender neutral reader
Heizou woke up that morning to a strange invitation. Attached to the paper was this small sticker, a cute looking mascot to him. He opens the letter, not at all worried about it being a threat, and the contents of the letter describe a cluster of islands that were filled to the brim with puzzles. All he had to do was say yes.
That confused Heizou, until he realised the letter meant literally saying 'yes' out loud. He knew that he could take his time with cases, his intuition always carrying him easily to the answer. If this was a joke someone was pulling, he could easily go along with the joke.
But if it wasn't a joke? The nature of this letter was curious enough to catch Heizou's attention. Without dawning on it for too long, he says the magic word. Before he can look to see if anyone jumped out to laugh at him, however, he passes out.
Heizou wakes up on a bare island, oddly flat. Rubbing his eyes, he looks out to see the neighbouring islands that seemed much more extravagant. he was excited to get a feel of each of the islands, and even this seemingly plain canvas of an island he had woke up on intrigued him.
Of all islands, this was the one that was lacking severely. Walking around the island, he gets a hunch that he should investigate the middle. A single glimmer shines, and Heizou walks over, curious as he kneels down to investigate.
How did this happen to you?
You had decided to board a small boat, hoping to find some sort of exit that was unknown to the others. Next thing you know, you get sucked into the ocean. You don't have the chance to scream, nor to process it, falling for several seconds before landing in a comfortable bush. Opening your eyes, you look around to see the familiar environment of the outdoors. Surrounding you, is equipment you worked with on a daily basis.
Ah, so this was likely yours.
"I like working with the outdoors!" You hear your voice say, gleeful. "I applied for this position so I could do it full time while being responsible."
This was your interview, you recall quickly. Before you can dwell on how short the interview was, the interviewer clearly only interviewing you out of the legal requirement before giving you the job. Turning around the corner of a tree, you meet eyes with your first friend.
"Hey, we're gonna go for a karaoke night! Wanna come?" They smile. After a moment, they seem to pause. "Oh, I forgot you don't like singing. Sorry." They let out.
You shake your head, reassuring them that it wasn't a problem, that you could still come along and watch. You follow them into a bar, where your other friends were.
The scene reminds you of that night. The night your friend had pulled you aside, saying that they felt like they were growing too distant from you. No common interests, you just both happened to be newcomers to the area. Unlike you, the adapted quickly to the change, making many friends.
You, however, struggled. You found that the people you did attract were talented in ways you were never. Singers, painters, poets, you name it. Your job led them to the idea that you were also an artist, but after attempting to sing, people found out you were a terrible singer.
You leave the tavern before you can relive the humiliating experience, but you feel like you've been watched.
The next vision you have is the first interaction with Kazuha. He was sitting in the distance, blowing on a leaf and smiling softly to himself. He looks over a second after, and the way he smiles at you caught you again. He waves you over, and you walk over. You knew it was stupid, but you wanted to at least relive the happy days of you and Kazuha being an item. Neither of you say anything, and before you know it, Kazuha had walked away.
When you get up to follow him, you meet eyes with an unfamiliar man. Freezing up, you try to figure out if he was a threat. He gives a cheeky smile, a hand on his hip as he waits for you to ask the obvious question.
"Who are you?" You ask, furrowing your brows.
"Detective Heizou., at your service." He responds, pulling out a diary that you recognised to be the one you kept. Your eyes widen out of horror, and you reach out to take it from him. The last thing you needed was for him to find out how pathetically sour your writing was.
"I've already read through all of this, I'm afraid." Heizou laughs lightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He smiles, extending a hand. You reluctantly shake it, and he gestures for you to walk with him.
When Kazuha met Mona, you started to feel somewhat jealous.
Mona was a beautiful woman, there was no doubt about that. The way she gracefully carried herself, using her scrying glass. You brushed it off, knowing Kazuha loved you. He always reassured you there was more to life than the arts, and he liked you because you were great when it comes to understanding the outdoors. In the past, the two of you worked so well, yourself enjoying Kazuha's poetry and him appreciating your feedback on his cooking.
But then Mona happened.
Throughout the entire time you were there, you realised Kazuha gravitated towards Mona. Xinyan was an absolute sweetheart, trying her best to make you feel included, but that didn't do anything to help the growing jealousy you felt. When Kazuha had seen that crow flirting with Mona, you saw a look you never saw before in his eyes - jealousy.
Occasionally, you had been on the receiving end of flirtatious comments, but Kazuha had never been one to have that raw look of jealousy he had when Mona got that flirty comment.
Heizou looks at you, clearly curious. He had read all of your diary, but this was not documented which brought him to the belief this was new.
You were thoroughly embarassed that this stranger had been watching your less than happy love life. As much as you wanted to just stop advancing ahead, you knew there was only one way out of this place. Jumping into the boat with Kazuha, yourself and Heizou give each other a look.
The break up plays out in front of you, and you feel humiliated.
Watching it from the outside, you realised just how out of love Kazuha had been. The way he looked at Mona reassuringly whenever you weren't looking. The way his eyes no longer glistened with love, it was all too much for you.
"I guess this is it." You hear yourself woefully let out, tearing up.
You can't even listen to the entire conversation, seemingly overwhelmed with emotions. You watch as Kazuha walked away after the conversation, not looking back once and clearly unfazed.
The silence deafens you, and you look over to see Heizou, his eyes meeting yours as you tear up, lip quivering before he pulls you in. He rubs your back, soothing you to the best of his ability. He looks over, seeing another boat spawn in, and he decides to steer the boat himself, you being the passenger this time.
When Kazuha tells the others you had to head back to work, Everyone immediately asks him why you had to leave so suddenly. He brushes it off, explaining that you wanted him to stay while you went back to work. While almost everyone shrugged it off, Mona immediately had a bad feeling about this. After the meal was finished and everyone went their separate ways, Kazuha asks to speak to Mona. She gladly accepts, knowing this was going to explain more details on why you were away.
Her jaw drops when Kazuha admits his feelings for Mona.
"So you broke up with your ex, not even an hour ago, and you decide to start to court me?" She gasps out of horror. Kazuha furrows his brows, clearly confused as to why Mona had reacted like this. "And this sounds like you broke up with them solely to ask me out." She continues, eyes widening when Kazuha continues to stay silent.
Kazuha still has nothing to say, surprised that Mona hadn't accepted his feelings.
"Where did they go?" Mona asks, pulling out her scrying glass to start looking for you. Kazuha explains that he didn't know where you went, leaving you alone before you could start your journey home.
Mona gets an answer, seeing your boat submerged in the middle of nowhere. She frantically rushes to summon a boat before Kazuha can ask what she saw, and he narrowly escapes missing her boat when she kickstarts it.
Heizou reaches the island, and he feels something in the air change. Getting out of the boat, he holds you supportively as he gets out.
The island has changed. A tent made up, sleeping bag and an unlit campfire to accompany the hills that emerged from the land. Heizou finds it to be a welcome sight, a place for the both of you to relax and get to know each other better. Instead of going straight to the sleeping bag, however, Heizou finds the comfort of a blossoming tree to be more ideal, a comforting place for the both of you to relax. He lays down, you instinctively curl into him when he lays down successfully.
When your eyes fully close, Heizou looks up to see a boat speeding towards the island. He shakes his head, knowing that one of your travelling buddies must have been thoroughly concerned. He decides to let you rest, hoping that it wasn't Kazuha who was operating the boat.
Mona emerges, and he realises quickly that she figured out quickly that Kazuha had broken up with you. He had a feeling that Kazuha was in the boat based on how she glared back at him when he tries to stop her from getting out so hastily, and she runs over.
"Are they alright?" Mona asks quietly, not wanting to wake you up.
The boat starts to steer back, and Heizou had an idea that the person operating the boat was Kazuha. Heizou nods, and Mona sighs out of relief.
"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself." Mona starts. "I am-"
"Mona Megistus, the great astrologist?" Heizou asks, Mona looking surprised when he correctly recalled her name. "Shikanoin Heizou." Heizou strokes the top of your head to sooth you into a blissful sleep.
"It's a long story."
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okay so a whole of 5 people (and then myself so i could see the results) have answered yes to the poll SO. we'll start with the strange ones and work our way backward
(p.s. it feels important to preface this by saying first of all it's 3 in the morning and i've been working on this post for the better part of an hour and have gotten sidetracked several times during it so i'm not sure this is at all sensical to anyone but me lol . i MIGHT try and clean it up a little and make it a little more comprehensible at some point, but i make no promises.
second of all this very much so blurs the lines of just straight factual canon BUT i think most of it is reasonable to assume in turn with real canon. but also please keep in mind im working on a reboot of the trilogy and may have gotten some of THAT canon mixed up in there so please take this with a grain of salt lol.)
my little reason why ; lisa hannigan (steven universe)
dimitri about the cooper gang i think. admittedly this one is mostly just about vibes and the last lines* but it makes me Emotion so you get it anyway. i can also see this as the panda king just less so
*"My little reason why / You make me want to try / Loving you"
rambling in-depth breakdown/analysis below the cut ! for being a spur of the moment association bc i thought about dimitri with this stuck in my head, it works surprisingly well <3
er. to me anyway.
so im gonna talk about this like it was written for this intended purpose and like it's all just a big metaphor even though it most certainly was not lol
"Cold palace walls / And endless empty halls / Haunted by echoes of laughter"
metaphorically about the klaww gang. like they were a TEAM sure but i doubt they really liked each other, y'know? i cant imagine bison and the contessa putting up w dimitri any more than they have to.
i take the "haunted by echoes of laughter" in part as dimitri being like the outcast of the Klaww Gang so the others are laughing but dimitri himself is not, hence the haunting and the echoes. but that's not CANON canon so like who's to say. but i think it's not a far fetch all things considered. but the halls could very well be haunted by echoes of laughter post-klaww bust where they've been disbanded if that's more your jive!
"You gave the pull / And suddenly they're full / You've thrown the gates open after you"
continuing with the Palace is a Metaphor For Teams thing im doing presumably the "you" is sly & the rest of the cg! the halls are full and the gates are open because they actually like care about each other and don't view each other as means to an end. i point out sly specifically bc he's. well. the leader of the team (or at least who you would assume as the leader at a first glance but that's a ramble for another day) and also bc he's the one who talks to dimitri first.
and probably the first one to like befriend him but that's blurring out of factual canon. but if you want to continue blurring those lines then "throwing the gates open" could be read as like. if sly's the first one to get comfortable with him presumably that's going to encourage the others to as well so it goes from work acquaintances -> work acquaintances and sly -> friends/found family
"And swept in with the throng / Comes this wonderful song"
okay this part i dont have much for i was honestly just gonna put it with the last part or the next part lol BUT it could be framed as dimitri's redemption* arc of sorts . like i said i have the least abot this and is there a mouse above me hold on
(it was not. leaving that though 'cause it's funny.)
anyway. like i said i have not a lot about this part and less that's actually fit into just straight canon but like consider it as dimitri swept into the throng and the wonderful song being. well in a literal sense the next few lines. but also in a less concrete way metaphorical heart singing about finally fitting in in a team that doesn't suck ass you know. like i said not very solid. but it makes me Feel Things so.
"My little reason why / I'll never make you cry / Oh, I have got the sweetest things to tell you every day"
again more about his redemption* arc. something about not making them cry anymore bc he's not a sucky dude anymore. my gay found family heart says it's about the found familyness .
also the "sweetest things to tell" is just him getting comfortable enough with the crew to infodump about boats /j
in a more serious sense (though not by much) i cannot imagine a world in which he does not talk a very much. so i am sure he does certainly say a lot of sweet things every day . and again i can't imagine the klaww gang putting up with him beyond the necessities so i imagine he says a lot more sweet things to the cg than he did to them but as is to be expected with me that is Blurring the Lines still so .
"My little reason why / You make me want to try / Loving you"
again with the redemption* arc . still blurring my lines here but i'm sure if the klaww gang weren't fond of each other than dimitri is definitely not going into the cg with high hopes . but as he bonds with them he learns that they don't suck actually. so he's coming out of his metaphorical shell (sorry bentley) as he learns that the cooper gang is not just a team or "cold palace walls and endless empty halls" but they're like actually friends/family. so he can try to (platonically, in case you couldn't tell)** love them.
*redemption played fast and loose here bc he is still definitely part of a team of master thieves and therefore still on the unredeemed side of the law but redeemed as in working with sly/the protagonists, ya dig? of course ya dig.
**no offense to everybody who ships him with people in the cg thi just personally reads found family to me and i just want to make that clear lol .
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moved2fshfish · 2 years
i have watched the dsmp finale multiple times and it hits hard every time. i am emotionally wrecked rn.
wbu? also overall what are ur thoughts on the finale??
personally i thought it was gr8- tommy died a hero, dream didn't die a villain, and overall it felt very poetic and epic
i havent seen tommys pov so i cant really say many thoughts on that, i dont like that they made cdream sympathisable(?) i guess ? idk hes been the bad guy For the whole smp and if he was going to get a redemption arc i feel like it shouldnt have been rushed . he abused ctommy and drove him to attempt suicide not to mention all the shit he did to ctubbo too ?
ctubbos ending, on the Other hand :( ough.
im disapointed we didnt get closure for him. he never got to prove that he wasn"t just the sidekick, he never got to confront cdrm or Anyone, he just sort of.. stayed the pawn
he flicked the lever, thinking it was going to kill his best friend but also save the world. and his death ?? sitting on the bench where him and tommy always sat, listening to the discs???? ow
i dont like the ending that much . it feels sort of lazy and the "they all get amnesia" season 2 ??? its poetic That ctubbos creation ended everything, that ctommy died thinking he saved ctubbo, but, idk. i wish we couldve gotten closure
it feels like i cared about these characters for no reason, there wasnt Much actual tragedy in the ending but more being upset that all the characters i cared about died Jist like that
im gonna miss ctubbo man:( i think im mostly sad Because i relate to him a lot and him losing that hope of ever being happy made me lose some hope for myself
we never got cbeeduo ending, and what was in the book tommy left ???? what about micheal and the syndicate and the mushroom base and las nevadas and Karls time travelling ???? did ckarl know this wuz gna happen??
so many questions LMAO
i do think,that its an interesting ending. im sad that ctubbo wont ever go on to lead a happy life and im sad cbeeduo wont ever see each other again and im sad micheal is an orphan or probably dead
and im sad theres nobody to mourn ctubbo like he mourned everyone else , theres nobody to grieve or miss him or accidentially bring out an extra plate for dinner or look at his empty spot in the bed or notice his unused shoes on the porch but never get rid of them
all in all itwas a tragic miserable abrupt ending to a tragic miserable Smp
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jack-kellys · 2 years
The SOC au for the headcanon thing? Bc I will never get enough of soc AND newsies - @roideny
SOC MY BELOVED... im going to nycc and their panel is gonna be, of course, the day i can't go. robbed fr
send me an au (mine or an idea u have) and i'll give you some headcanons!
so if yall dont know i made this post a while ago and the concept is a bit too much of a novel for me to write fr so it just. lives on mentally and brain-rottingly
so i'll give something for everyone!
jack does have a "jordie" in this; he has a brother he lost when he first came to manhattan, and that brother was kid blink <3 in the book kaz is the younger brother and that makes sense for him, but older brother jack will never leave me soul so he's blink's older brother. same stuff happens, the boys are swindled at a young age by an asshole club owner (in this au its snyder is pekka rollins >:)), are left with nothing, blink gets sick and dies :(
manhattan is obv kerch in this (each of NYC's boroughs serve as like. kerch/novi zem/ravka/etc), but manhattan was jack's "santa fe" idea so once he got there and it wasn't what he pictured he had to find a way to swindle his situation into a lifestyle he could fit himself into and rule over enough so so nothing like what happened to him as a kid could ever happen again.
(also, smaller point, but as kaz is adverse to skin/touch bc of jordie's sickness and all the gross bodies on the funeral barge, jack is extremely afraid of water, drowning, all that!)
davey is just so interesting as a character in general bc he is a leader who is not really allowed to lead, like he has the right characteristics to be a leader but jack fills that role. and the same goes for inej!! which is who i modeled davey after.
dont worry everyone! davey is brown.
jack is also brown but you'd have to be STUPID. stupid. not to know that
but yeah so inej's end goal of wanting to be a captain is something i am gonna give to davey, mostly bc he just. he aligns so much with inej like guys if you've read the book just think abt it. but it'd let him be a leader in the exact terms he desires, of the people he wants to trust and lead, and for the exact causes he believes in (which can't be said about jack.)... and also yeahhh bc jack's afraid of water so what davey wants is too much for jack but he's willing to try and conquer it bc he loves <3 him <3 :(
in this davey makes all his gear, which isn't true for inej. i think him making his own tools of destruction, especially since it takes a lot of work, is a form of penance for what he's going to use them for (kill and maim and stab!)
RACETRACK HIGGINS BEST CHARACTER. this is where like race gets his redemption arc bc i never write him
for jesper he like. he Thinks he can talk his way into things but often gets into a shenanigan. but i think race actually Can talk his way into stuff.. but can talk his way into both good stuff And bad stuff bc his vices don't stop at gambling... like i think he's more self-serving than jesper? but more to the detriment of himself than of his team. or if he thinks it could backfire on the team, he does whatever he can to make sure it bites him in the ass worse than anyone else. team player but bad at it!
charlie morris also best character. he has the strongest abilities of anyone in the group and tends to be a bit impulsive about it. he's under a contract to jack's gang, though, so he can't exactly do everything he wants... he also has a rly big heart so if someone's like. do this or someone will get hurt. boy will fold everytime and be so mad abt it LMAO
also i did some rereading recently and heartrender powers are even more hardcore than i remember so MAJOR charlie rights. can literally.. kinda bloodbend is the closest way i can describe it go charlie go!
spot conlon i am still figuring out!!! matthias is such a hard character to begin with so making someone off of him. damn bro.
but i think the sort of honorable warrior spirit that matthias has is very...grecian hero, and spot also harnesses that for me too. like he's the leader of all these boys, he's this symbol, and matthias also serves a symbol. and then matthias learns to become his own man despite the symbol, and that just sounds like the ideal character arc for spot conlon. who is the king of brooklyn when he's taken from the kingdom?
KATHERINNNNE. katherine is literally so cool in this fr, since she's pulitzer's daughter and naturally they got the van eck drama going on. similar backstory, kath also has dyslexia but instead of wylan's music route she slaaaays at mathematics. really interested in trades and building. loves a good bomb.
BUT. very much unlike wylan, she's not the youngest. she's older than all of the crows. like she's like. why are a bunch of 17 year olds the ones hired to fucking. unkidnap me. what the fuck. so kath's like 22 or so, so not as sheltered as wylan but like works on her own and has an apartment but still rides above ketterdam (ahh lower east side manhattan who would've guessed).
and that's everyone for you el! hope everyone enjoyed. go read six of crows by leigh bardugo. and/or watch shadow and bone
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beowlet-spam · 1 year
Heloo, Eli!!! How're you doing today? I'm doing good; I'm trying to do this event for Enstars so I can get a free 10pull.
Why don't you tell me about your favorite Genshin characters and/or story quests/archon quest's. Or things about Genshin that you like in general.
I'd love to hear about any Genshin oc you have! I remember that picrew we did where you talked about them, but I'd like to hear more!
If you don't want to talk about Genshin, I'd love to hear about any of your ocs in general. I really like your art, and it's led me to wonder about your characters.
ARIESS!! HI HELLO I dont play Enstars but i am however gonna get into it soon probably- AND THANK YOU I ALSO LOVE YOUR ART💖🙌😭
My favorite genshin character? Hm.. Scaramouche and Tartaglia share the 1st place on my list🙌‼️ Honestly for me to like fictional characters I need to feel like some sort of kinship with them. It's like getting to know someone and slowly growing fond of them. Is that weird idk😭 Scaramouche I feel VERY comnected to him, like staring at him is staring at a mirror. I love his lore and how much potential he has. His story was AMAZING in every way. The redemption arc wasn't really a redemption arc, he just chose to be free and do whatever he wanted to after getting his memories back. His backstory I can understand and relate to A LOT but we dont have to go too deep into it. Childe/Tartaglia/Ajax (mf has so many fucking names) I think the reason I love him is because of his relationship with his siblings and how he is still more caring compared to other harbingers. He has a heart shortly. He loves his family and thats what I love about him.
I have a lot but their lores are still wip
You might've noticed how her story was short! THAT WAS ON PURPOSE!! You see Nami doesn't remember anything before she joined the fatui. Her oldest memory is waking up in her tent in a camp and having the feeling to need to go on patrol. She is a very succesful agent in the Fatui. Having worked under 2 harbingers. Ajax and Capitano. She never questioned it. She felt like it was her whole purpose. But if WE dig into her story she was taken by the fatui as a child. Nami is an Elf, having powerful magic and a long life. Her family was indebt to the Fatui. They said they were willing to do anything as they wanted to protect their precious child. Well, they in Nami's mother. Her father didn't care about her as much. The Fatui suggested they gave up Nami as they could train her at an early age and make her into a killing machine. Her parents would fight every night and day, arguing about the situation. Nami felt horrible. She hated how she was the reason her parents didn't get along. So one night she ran away from home to join the fatui herself. She started strict training at the age of 9. Was involved in Dottore's many experiments. And when the harbinger decided she was strong enough. He brainwashed her. She was turned into some kind of puppet. Following orders left and right without complaint.
Another oc of mine is Aasha. Not genshin. Sadly😭
A lil baby goat fae in diasomnia. Or more formally Aasha Kurayami. Aasha comes from a rich family. They grew up as a very stoic child surronded with narcissists. Basically a family who expected a pretty perfect girl. They got the pretty perfect part but the girl part? Nah we are going QUEER. Straight hair, straight A's, straight forward. Straight girl. LITTLE MISS PERFECTTT THAAAAATSSSS AASHAAAA‼️ ehem but ye! They were originally supposed to go to RSA but they admired NRC so much even as a child that they begged their parents to go. When Aasha joined NRC, they werent expecting to make any friends. A few students were interested in their apperance as goat fae's are very rare. One of them being Cater. Aasha was still very stoic and distant with anyone and everyone so their first interactions with people were awkward and stiff. But as time went by they got more comfortable with others. They felt weird. Sometimes a smile would creep its way up to their lips! Or a little giggle. They were getting shyer by day. They felt weird and insecure aswell. Did they look normal while smiling? Or do their teeth look weird? But with more time they were fully comfortable with everyone. They felt at peace. They felt loved. And then they lived happily ever after-
what about your oc's? I am also very curious about yours!
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daechwitatamic · 1 year
This chapter was a masterpiece. You had me crying literal tears of pain at some moments and my heart absolutely melting at others. How dare you make me experience so many emotions on a Friday! As punishment, you must read my novel of a reaction below.
Wow. Taehyung. Just wow. Let me tell you, his reaction to this situation is worse than I even expected. When Y/N pushed him away, instead of him trying to explain his feelings, he just got so mean. "You said we're the same as we've always been? You're a fucking liar." WOW. I gasped. The man deserves to get slapped. Proof that the kiss wasn't because he cares about her, it's because he's trying to punish her because he has some twisted belief he's been wronged. And the man is also giving me whiplash. His text messages seemed so apologetic and caring, but then when he showed up at their apartment his attitude had done a total one-eighty and he was just so awful to both of them. The man has some serious work on himself to do. 😤
Also this Namjoon is perfection. I could never imagine someone possibly reacting in a more mature, supportive, and helpful way to this entire situation than he has. And honestly Y/N too has been so mature and self-aware, questioning the healthiness and validity of her own self-doubts before acting. It's beautiful to see two characters like this. At every point where I thought things between them were going to veer off into a point of miscommunication or misunderstanding, they worked through it together.
I loved their moments at the pond and especially when Namjoon confessed that Y/N makes him feel like he can just be his unfiltered, nerdy self with her and hasn't felt that way around anyone else. We've seen so much of Namjoon being there for Y/N throughout the story that it was so sweet to see him acknowledge how she's made him feel supported and seen as well, even if it wasn't through any particular hardship.
As for the POVs, I'm so glad you are thinking of writing the Taehyung one, I think this would be so interesting to see and I really want to know what is going on inside that man's head because his actions are... not it. Maybe it's because I have it so down bad for Taehyung, or maybe it's because I have a soft spot for an emotionally illiterate idiot best friend who doesn't realize he's in love with the girl until it's too late (and just read @foxymoxynoona's very different but also amazing story around this concept, "Tell Me What Changed", highly recommend), but I am still holding out hope for some sort of a redemption arc for him. You're right that you do give us a lot of Namjoon's perspective already, and that unlike Taehyung one of the beautiful things about him is that he actually communicates his thoughts and feelings (imagine that!) to Y/N, so we don't have to guess what's going on inside his head. But I think Namjoon's character is someone who is so careful and thoughtful with their words, I'd be curious to get a peek into his raw, unfiltered thoughts. Like what was he really thinking after their steamy night together, on their date, when he was outwardly being so mature about letting her meet up with Taehyung, etc. But I think you answered some of those questions in this chapter as we saw Namjoon process the aftermath of seeing the kiss, so I perhaps spoke too soon! Also I live for the teaser updates almost as much as I do the new chapters. It sounds like Taehyung is hopefully read to be a bit more mature about things, but we'll have to see, I've been fooled before. I cannot believe we only have one chapter left!!! Hope life is treating you well, Jo! <3 🌴
okay listen i'm gonna put this whole response behind a cut because i'm gonna talk a LOT about my characterization of taehyung and it MIGHT delve kind of into spoiler territory so if you want to wait and read what i have to say after NEXT friday that's totally fair.
"punishment" pls i wish every reader did this lol
okay i have a LOT to say about taehyung. if you got this far and didn't expect me to come back with a "yes, but -" about him.... idk what to tell you because i've been doing this since the drop lol
"instead of trying to explain his feelings, he just got mean" so let's talk about this!!!! because you're right! he got nasty! something i tried to write into this taehyung is that he bites when he's scared, hurt, or embarrassed. and in that moment, when his life-long best friend physically pushes him away and curses at him and MEANS it, he's suddenly all three of those at once. like people aren't perfect, and i meant for this taehyung to be very not perfect. but it's real, right? i know people like this. they aren't bad people but they have to work on themselves to fight that instinct! and it's kind of a callback to the chapter when the guys were like "what if she moves on from you" and he was - scared, embarrassed to be called out, and he reacted this way too.
a step sideways for a second - let's examine what he's SAYING though!!!!!!! she told him "we're the same as we've always been". what does that actually mean? i'm still in love with you? i'm still following you around in hope that you'll want me? you're still my whole wide world? maybe taehyung didn't say it NICELY but at the end of the day he's RIGHT - she's lying. he's losing her in real time, watching it happen, and she's lying to his face about it! ANYWAY
back to the original thought - if you look again at the scene in the hallway, there's something i want to point out. Taehyung's nasty - to Namjoon. He is! Super nasty! I am not contesting that AT ALL. But - but. The second reader steps into the hallway all that bite vanishes on the spot and he goes straight to pleading with her to hear him out. even after he swallows the fact that he can't talk to her without an audience (the audience that he is FURIOUS at/about, that he sees as the reason he's losing His Person) once he's talking to HER all he does is beg her to talk alone and apologize again! he actually isn't nasty at all to READER in that moment! Only to Joonie!
As for "proof that the kiss wasn't..." I'm not gonna speak to that part - his motivation - until after next chapter. i promise it will be addressed IN FULL.
listen so we're far enough in the story that i can say this. it was VERY important to me when i wrote this story that the conflict was never between reader and namjoon. once they started shit, they were fine, they were a team, they were gonna handle shit together. in many, many ways, this is really the story of taehyung and reader since that's where the main conflict lies. the story of how their friendship has to navigate this part of their lives that would have been weird and difficult even if it hadn't been namjoon. i almost put tae also on the banner because it is, in my eyes, equally his story - but i didn't want to encourage anyone who thought reader should've picked him lolll.
okay this might be spoilers I guess!!! i just want to say... i don't know that i wrote taehyung a redemption arc? i think i'm leaning to say that i did not? and it's just kind of.... idk in real life not everyone gets redemption redemption? sometimes the best we can do is say 'wow i was wrong for that', apologize, and try to make little babystep changes in our life to try and do better going forward? and that doesn't feel like a ~redemption arc~ necessarily but maybe that's the best we can do sometimes? NOT THAT I'M SAYING THAT'S WHAT WILL HAPPEN FOR TAE >_>
thank you so so much for coming along this craziness with me, i absolutely live to hear your thoughts, and i'm sorry i am Like This about defending taehyung lmfaoooo
hope you've been well!!!! <3
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