#idk what the point of this song was supposed to bc and i don't care enough to find out
sanstropfremir · 2 years
Two parter: I just heard Rie from onlyoneof's solo and omg! By far my favorite out of the one's released and that mv is so darling!!!!! Also just heard Jin's solo song which I like more than i thought i would and the Coldplay influence is much stronger than i thought it would be even though i had already heard they wrote the song and apparently Chris Martin + his son did backing vocals. Just wanted to see what you thought about the songs
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oh ya know. it's just fine i suppose. i'm kidding obviously i fucking love it i've watched the mv like 45 times already. i've actually liked each of their solos progressively more than the last, both in terms of the mvs themselves and their storylines, and the music. i've been excited to see how they're gonna play out from the beginning, but every month has just been upping the game so i'm really interested to see where ninemill's go. i'm also kind of waiting to write my extended thoughts on the solos until we see them all, and possibly until we see what the next group cb after they're finished is going to be, bc i want to see the whole picture. i have some ideas bouncing around rn but a lot of them aren't fully formed bc i'm not thinking too hard about it for the above reason.
and the other one.....i can't believe you made me watch a FIVE MINUTE long mv for that..............the song is fine i guess, coldplay writes good music that i've been known to like on occasion but i don't listen to them at all anymore. i could tell immediately that it was written by a western artist (i forgot it was written by coldplay for the first two minutes), but unfortunately for jin i irrationally hate him and his face and his voice so i was predisposed to not like it. sorry chris martin i guess.
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ferrstappen · 1 year
Can I request petty jealous charles? He’s just quietly stewing in his anguish. I think it’s be funny if someone that he looks up to, like a musician or something, was flirting with his gf and this really upsets him. And he acts petty for a few days
a/n: sorry for the delay babeeee :( but here it issss. also this features Bad bunny bc I saw the pics of him arriving in Monaco and idk got the inspo. also we're going to pretend the last music challenge takes place after Monaco.
titi we don't care l Charles Leclerc
All eyes were on Monaco, and with good reason.
Engines roaring, cameras flashing, boat traffic (if that's a thing), Hollywood making their way from Cannes to the Principality, spotting old money meters away, most of them trying to get a word with Charles.
It was fine in the beginning, this wasn't the first Monaco GP you attended, but after the first free practice ended and Charles was grabbed from right to left, the Ferrari hospitality grabbing most of the attention of wealthy people, whispering how F1 was less exclusive by the day, too popularized, lousy celebrities getting an invite and they’d probably be present for Indy 500 and Le Mans. Shameful.
The same people were examining you, eyeing the “simple” Trina Turk dress and Bimba & Lola bag, gifted by Isa on your birthday, hanging from your arm, all before Charles PR manager approached to tell you he, the home hero, wouldn't be available until practices were over, too many press and meetings in between.
Then, a man with a glass of wine sat down next to you, telling you it was fucked up they wouldn't let the drivers prepare for what they were supposed to do, which was driving. Esta bien cabrón, those were his exact words.
He introduced himself as Benito, of course you knew him as Bad Bunny, his songs being everywhere and wasn't he dating Kendall Jenner?
He kept you entertained, bad mouthing the snotty people surrounding, stopping the conversation to greet people who approached him. Isa joined soon after, also shaking her head at the fact Carlos and Charles would have to spend almost the entire day worrying about media instead of resting and discussing strategies with the team for Sunday.
Conversation was easy, barely noticing the hospitality getting a bit more crowded, louder. It was the WhatsApp group with your girlfriends that got your attention, attaching pictures and asking what was going on between you and Bad Bunny. What?
Of course, Twitter was full of you laughing at something he said or before he pointed something funny or imitated a rich person making conversation on how quiet luxury was a trend now and how it wasn't fair for them, fucking Succession.
Suddenly, someone grabbed your waist from behind, making you jump because the only person allowed to grab you like that was supposed to be around somewhere, being interviewed or filming content, but you were wrong, a big grin appearing at the sight of Charles, full white and red, overall hanging on his waist and white Ferrari cap, hair fluffy from the heat and running his fingers through it.
"Bebé, I thought you'd be busy all the day," You kissed his lips, subtly squeezing his waist through the suit.
Yes, he was supposed to be busy until the day was over and you could head back home, but in-between interviews Charles checked his phone to the dismay of every PR worker in Ferrari, but his Twitter was filled with mentions of pictures. First they were pictures of you alone in the hospitality, Charles smiled knowing you were probably bored but stayed so he wouldn't be alone, but...
user1: Not Bad Bunny shooting his shot at Leclerc's girl 💀
user2: BENITO GET AWAY she's ms leclerc!!!11!
user3: damn, Charles Leclerc getting screwed by Ferrari and his girlfriend
user4: (y/n)'s probably bored af, Isa got to Monaco a couple of minutes ago and she's talking with Benito, big deal leave her alone she's there for Charles.
A strange feeling brewed in his stomach, he instantly knew he was jealous. Did he have a good reason? No, he trusted you and the relationship with his life, but he was obviously and painfully aware people wanted you; your good nature, gorgeous features, bright smile, perfectly shaped boobs... yes, it didn't sound fair when he left a trails of broken hearts and loving eyes everywhere he went, people being interested in F1 just because of his looks, but that was purely platonic, they didn't dare to make a move, but your case was different, he had seen with his own eyes how men tried to make their move right in front of him, he even made sure you always wore the gold necklace with a charm engraved with CL16 was visible.
Carlos, being part of the drivers' gossip network, eyed Charles' screen, whistling in a worried manner, telling him to be careful or he'd be listening to Bad Bunny songs about (y/n) on the radio.
"You know, there's pictures of Isa as well, look," Charles pointed out, annoyed by the teasing, but Carlos playfully dismissed him. "Hey, sorry but I have to get to the hospitality, I'm very overwhelmed and I need to see my girlfriend," Charles half lied; he wanted to see you, but just to let the second most streamed artist on Spotify know you were very loved and appreciated, and completely off limits.
Which takes him to the Ferrari hospitality.
"They gave us a couple of minutes before it's time for the last meeting," Charles tensed when noticing people were staring at him. "Why don't you wait at our lounge, bebé? It’s less crowded, Isa is there, Lorenzo and mum should be getting there soon,” he said in a hushed tone, but loud enough for the other man to hear. You nodded, getting up and collecting the small Bimba & Lola bag with some of the multiple passes and everything hanging from it.
"Oh, bebé, sorry. This is Benito, he was keeping me entertained," It was a bizarre situation, honestly, presenting a world-known singer to your boyfriend like he was a friend.
Charles squeezed your waist a bit tighter, shaking hands with the native from Puerto Rico. They exchanged a couple of words before someone approached the singer, making it easier for you to leave.
Charles was holding your hand a bit tighter than usual, maybe he was being protecting knowing people were watching every move. you asked him how the car felt, but he didn't give a real answer, just making a sound of approval.
That attitude carried on during the entire weekend, you thought it was the pressure of being home, past mistakes and bad luck haunting him. it ended when he crossed the finish line in first place, kissing you with tears on his eyes, relishing on being the home hero.
But two days later, he still had moments where he held his head a little taller, short answers and pretending he didn't hear you.
Charles knew he was being ridiculous, his fists tightening when some radio played a Bad Bunny song, even when one of them was voluntarily added by himself on a playlist, he had to take a deep breath. Irrational and disgusting behavior if you ask Charles, but he couldn't stop it. Not even when he saw you trying to hide the purple marks appearing on your hips.
He noticed your side of the bed dipped and light turned off, his back facing you as he pretended to be asleep, ignoring your soft chuckles. he didn't even flinch when your arms wrapped around his waist, placing your leg over his and loudly kissing his cheek.
"You are so cute when you're jealous," you told him, leaving another loud kiss, this time on his back.
"I'm not jealous!" He lied with a high-pitched voice, still not facing you.
"I know you are, but it's okay, it comes with having a girlfriend as incredible as me, you know?" This time Charles laughed, turning around and now placing his arms around your waist as yours moved to his neck.
"Shut up, he was flirting with you!" Charles argued.
"He was not! He actually saved me from a lot of creeps asking my name and whether I was free to grab a glass of wine or whatever,"
Charles knew that was the truth, he had witnessed it and was common talk between the drivers how their girlfriends and sisters were often approached by older men with not so good intentions.
Knowing he had no way to defend himself, he rolled his eyes at your giggles when your lips met his, but admiring him when he rolled on top of you, running your thumb through his cheeks.
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rainsoakedphoenix · 6 months
i love you
pairing: f!reader x chris sturniolo
wc: 1.6k
warnings: couple uses of y/n, chris ghosting you, i guess slight angst in the middle if you squint?? idk, not proofread bc i'm not entirely sure how i feel about this one and for some reason i'm lowkey embarrassed to read my works back
summary: chris realizes his love for his best friend goes beyond friendship
requested?/notes: nope! - i just love how in a looooot of sturniolo fics i read, if not all of them, nick is the middle man/the one reader goes to when there's an issue with one of the other two, it's so funny to me
"i don't think he should've made it through; his other performances were okay but that song didn't fit his voice very well, and i don't think he has a good chance of winning the whole thing considering who's on the other teams. what do you think?" you ask your best friend, who you were currently curled up to while watching a live singing competition.
"i don't really care." chris shrugs his shoulders, although his eyes were trained on the screen in front of you, lost in thought. "i guess you're right, he's not as powerful of a singer as the others, i don't think he's gonna win."
"you weren't really paying attention, were you?" you smirk. he turns his face toward yours, a sheepish grin taking over his features as he shakes his head.
"chris! this is our show, you're supposed to be more involved." you gently smack his chest as he chuckles, before turning your attention back to the tv even though you feel his eyes still on you, causing your face to heat up slightly. you hoped he wouldn't notice.
as if on cue, your favorite contestant appears on screen, preparing to perform for the judges. you briefly point to her, hoping to get chris' attention off of you. "oh, there's my girl. i hope she makes it to the top five."
you see his face turn towards the screen out of the corner of your eye, and you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding.
"are you okay?" he faces you once more, having noticed your sigh, causing you to do the same.
"yeah, i'm good." you look back and forth between his eyes, hoping your voice and expression were enough to convince him.
"you seem a little on edge all of a sudden, i wasn't sure if-" he turns his head slightly to the side to let out a loud belch, and you couldn't hold back your laughter. on nights when you and chris watched your show together, there were always drinks and snacks involved, so you weren't surprised by him in the slightest.
"it's all that damn pepsi," you grabbed his jaw and gently turned his face a little more away from yours, giggling into his shoulder.
you felt his fingers graze over your wrist, traveling to your own fingertips before he interlocks them, slowly pulling your hand away from his face. holding hands wasn't exactly new for the two of you as you've been best friends for a few years now, but something about this felt different somehow. your eyes met his, and he quickly looks from your eyes to your lips and back again. there's a flicker of hesitation before he leans in, and before you can fully process what's happening, his trembling lips are on yours, both of your eyes closing just before they touch.
time seemed to stand still as your heart began to race, your mind finally catching up to the present. you started to relax under his touch, about to deepen the kiss when he suddenly pulled away. almost expressionless at first, chris' eyes slowly widened as he realized what he did. "i'm sorry, i wasn't thinking. i don't know why i did that."
"chris it's okay, don't-"
but before you could finish your sentence, he abruptly stood up from the bed, panic etched across his features. he hastily gathered the few items he had brought with him to your apartment, completely ignoring your reassurances.
"chris, please," you pleaded, already standing up from the bed and watching him walk to your bedroom door.
he paused for a moment, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and fear, but he shook his head and whispered "i can't, i can't do this. i'm so sorry."
and just like that, he was gone. he didn't talk to you for about a week after. when he first left, you tried to go back to your show, although it proved difficult to pay much attention to it anymore. you didn't want to bombard chris' phone about what happened and you understood he needed space, so that's exactly what you gave him.
after a couple hours though, you figured you would shoot him a text to once again let him know you weren't upset with his actions. but he never responded. you waited another few hours and sent another text to ask if he was okay, and still no response. another text the next day, still nothing.
you thought about showing up to his house, but you didn't want to make him feel forced into a situation he wasn't ready for. as much as hurt to be ignored, you decided to just wait until he reached out again.
after a few days of still not hearing from chris, you decided to call nick and explain the situation to him, and to also see if chris had mentioned anything to his brothers.
"yeah, he told us what happened," nick had said. "he's been hiding in his room for the most part, until we have to film a video or go to a meeting. we've tried telling him he can't just ghost you like this and he needs to talk it out with you, but he's just not ready yet i guess."
nick and matt were aware of the feelings you harbored for their brother, but of course they would never say anything to him. you had actually almost worked up the courage to confess the night chris kissed you. your heart raced every time you thought back to the kiss and how it meant he might return your feelings, but the ghosting told you a different story.
you periodically checked your phone for a few more days after that phone call, still not seeing anything from chris. but after almost a week since the kiss, you found yourself getting ready to go out to dinner with friends. after all, you had nothing else to do, and you were tired of moping around your house. but just as you had put the last of your makeup on you hear a knock on your front door.
confused, as you weren't expecting company, you step towards the door and open it to reveal chris. your eyes widen slightly in surprise, and his do the same when he sees you all dressed up.
"hey," you say to him, opening the door and stepping out of the way so he could come in.
he returns your greeting just as softly as you did, biting his lip as he enters your apartment. "am i interrupting something?"
"not exactly." you shut your door, turning to face him. "i'm just going out to dinner with some friends, they'll be here to pick me up in about twenty minutes."
he nods, staring down at his feet for a brief moment before taking a deep breath and looking into your eyes as he talks. "i'm sorry for ditching you the other day. and for ignoring your texts."
"it's okay," you begin, but he cuts you off.
"it's not," he shakes his head. "i was just embarrassed after i kissed you, but that's not an excuse to treat you the way i did. you didn't deserve that."
it was your turn to look down at your feet as you nodded, dreading asking this question in fear of what he might say. "why were you embarrassed?"
he took a moment to answer, which initially made your heart sink, but what he says makes your heart skip a beat.
"i like you. as more than a friend. and i was scared that you might not like me back so i panicked."
you tilted your head in understanding, hesitantly stepping in front of him. "i like you too, chris."
he stares into your eyes then, smiling softly, and seemingly debating on his next words. "you're the most beautiful woman i've ever met."
your face heats up as you look back and forth between his eyes. he tentatively takes your hands in his as he continues. "from the moment we met, i've always thought that. i've always thought you were funny, and kind, and creative. i've always felt something for you but i tried to push it down because i didn't want to be heartbroken if i found out you didn't like me back, and i'm terrified to be with anyone. but i want to try with you, if you'll have me."
somehow, your face heats up even more, and you look down at your intertwined hands, eyes blinking rapidly. "don't make me cry, i just finished my makeup."
he chuckles, one hand reaching up to your chin, coaxing you to look at him. "i love you."
you breathed out a sign of surprise, throwing your arms around him as you bury your head in his neck. his arms surround you, hugging you tightly as his head goes to your neck. "i love you too."
you can feel the vibrations on your skin from his voice as he jokes. "and i won't ghost you again."
you laugh, before leaving a kiss on his cheek as you pull away. you smile at him before you turn to walk to your waiting friends, having heard the horn of a car outside.
chris grabs your hand, causing you to turn around and look at him expectantly. he gently pulls you back to him, his other hand reaching up to cup the side of your face. he looks between your eyes and lips, and you instantly help him close the gap between the two of you.
giggling as you pull apart, a look of amused confusion crosses his features. "what?"
your hand comes up to lightly scratch the stubble covering his cheeks. "it tickles."
he chuckles as he shakes his head at you, placing another kiss to your lips before gently ushering you to the door. "go have fun. i'll be here when you get back."
you did as he said, excited to come back home to him; the man you've had feelings for for the longest time and who you now know has feelings for you too. the man who you love, and who loves you.
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taintedcigs · 4 months
modern!steve popular culture hcs:
loves taylor swift. this is obvious. 1989 is his go to album when he's getting ready (especially during his hair care routine). he thinks style and wildest dreams were written FOR HIM. is not afraid to sing the songs out loud and sometimes annoys u a lot by singing them in a really high-pitched voice. sings "he's so TALLLL and handsome as HELLLL, he's so bad but he does it so well." at you with a wink and pointing to himself, fully believing it's written about him, you can't convince him otherwise.
rom-com lover. through and through. he used to hide it but he just can't anymore. loooves 10 things i hate about you, how to lose a guy in 10 days, and notting hill. he also enjoys all of katherine heigl's iconic rom-coms.
LOVES MUSICALS. mamma mia is in his top 3 on letterboxd (he loves abba SO MUCH). and he cried watching la la land and regularly listens to the soundtrack.
he can't watch horror movies for the life of him. he got creeped out by the idea of coraline and still can't get himself to watch it. (robin dressed up as the other mother for halloween and steve SCREAMED.)
he's one of those people WHO loves watching movies that are so bad that they are ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECES. also have a feeling he laughs really hard at those 00s parody movies. idk why. it's what bonded him and eddie. and they have a marathon of bad parody movies when they're stoned tf out of their mind. they just told me.
he loves ANYTHING pop. (he loves fantasize by ariana grande and has begged u on countless occasions to do the dance on tiktok and only send it to him) and he loves himself some alt-pop and occasionaly indie stuff like lana, lorde, arctic monkeys, death cab for cutie, sufjan stevens, inhaler, franz ferdinand, band of horses and boygenius!!!
also random but he'd be such a trashy reality tv fan.... watching ALL of them with you... love island, jersey shore, housewives, dANCE MOMS, any other horrible netflix reality tv... like at first he scoffs at you for it, but then he does that dad stance. just standing and watching whatever you're watching, then finally after a few hours, he takes a seat next to you, fully immersed in the experience, not even letting YOU look at your phone, and he's sitting on the edge of the couch, staring at the tv like a man-possessed while critiquing the show and doing commentary like they can hear him.
the most "metal" he can listen to is literally fall out boy. (eddie keeps making fun of him for this. you are now sending metal songs to steve, day by day, trying to get him to like it, just so that eddie won't make fun of your poor angel bf anymore<3)
this is self-indulgent but he's a twilight fanboy through and through... team edward but he feels bad for jacob (sadly... you have an argument about this each time and once you bring up jacob claiming a baby he's dead silent), has a tradition w u to watch them every fall. he acts like he's seeing it for the first time each time u guys watch it.
likes harry potter (fuck jkr forever, u guys don't engage in the content and u 🏴‍☠️ both the movies n books:)) bc he grew up with the movies but if you're a harry potter nerd, he'd poke fun at THAT A LOOT. HE'S A LIL TEASING ASSHOLE. "oh that wasn't very slytherin of you!" "i thought you were supposed to be brave, huh? aren't you a gryffindor, babe?" he taunts with a loud chuckle, enjoying the way you narrow your gaze at him.
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jeonqkooks · 8 months
Jeeen baby if you need a shield from weird people I'll take care of it 🥹🫶💗🙏
Did you see new suchwita ep dropped? 🥳🙌
Ahhh look, it feels a bit funny since I kinda made my peace with the whole album thing. As long as he's happy with his decisions at the end of the day there's that. I've been thinking about how we can't always know everything that goes on behing the doors right? Idk if you've seen bang pd's interview a few days ago, he mentioned how, at the begining of the year jk wasn't even sure he wanted to release an album (and if I remember he even told us himself in a live that he's not sure about his plans but he'll just follow his intuition) Maybe he thought we would be disappointed if he didn't. Now if you think about it, this second chapter for bts feels sooo rushed in a way and we know why, but you know... I'm trying to imagine that things wouldn't have been so chaotic if it wasn't for m.s. and everything, they would've had way more time for this. But there's really no point.
BUT AGAIN, we all know how jk specifically mentioned in so many interviews over the past few years that he's working on his mixtape (Stay was supposed to be in his mixtape, so was Your eyes tell) and I BET there were some other masterpieces there and it really got me thinking why would he change his mind all of a sudden. Maybe pressure, maybe he didn't think they were good enough and wasn't that confident. We'll never know I guess.
I support him though, he's working hard and who knows, there might be songs in there that I'll like. Still, I cannot lie and say I don't feel a little sad that we're never going to hear some song that HE made (as imperfect as he probably thought they are). This isn't me (or some fans) damanding something, just that little feeling of "what could've been if.." . To me, the songs written/ produced by them weight wayyy more than any other songs out there. Oh well 😬 there's always a next time.
Okayyy rant over. Now I'll just keep an eye out for anyone who wanna bother you 😝🫡 while I watch suchwita ofc!! Take care and keep warm, it's so cold these days! *channeling my inner jimin*
- 🎃
aw pumpkinnnnnnn 😭
yeah i’ve also kinda made peace with the fact that this won’t be an album for me. i’ve mentioned this before and i still stand by it, that it feels like there’s this certain pressure for everyone to release something before enl*sting 😔
you’re right, i’m sure there are other songs that we haven’t heard that were supposed to be for his mixtape. i mourn the loss of them too, just like i did with tae when layover came out. i don’t think being bummed about the old songs means you’re demanding. you’re sad because you know you would’ve liked them, and that’s a completely normal thing to feel. and yes i agree, songs made by them will always feel more personal and have more heart. i’ve already started manifesting for jjk2 lol 😂
(and tbh, i take everything a celebrity says with a grain of salt - even bts - so there are always things that i’m skeptical about)
yessss suchwita 😭 i forgot about it ngl bc it’s been like over a month since the last ep hahaha. but oh lord when i finally watch it it’s gonna be tough since it’s the first ep released after he left 😭😭😭
and YES IT IS COLD WHAT THE HELL. it’s like 10 degrees where i am and it’s only october??? the leaves haven’t even turned yellow but i’m already freezing my ass off. i have a feeling this winter will kill me
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marciabrady · 1 year
The Little Mermaid 2 and 3 (bring it on!)
The Little Mermaid 2 and 3:
my all-time ultimate fave character: we all know it's ariel lbr but...again not to be too predictable, andrina! she's SO much funny in every incarnation i read of her and she's the only character that seems to make it with a semblance of character integrity (even more so than ariel who does NOT fare well with these sequels)
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: king triton maybe? i still think he has abusive tendencies and certain things frustrate me about him to no end but i think he's realistic and there's a weight to him that's intriguing to me
a character I used to like but now don’t: queen athena. i thought she was pretty as a kid and i liked her whole voice/singing to the kids plot thing but i just think she's so uninspired and lazy and her voice isn't even that good, her design is blah, and i don't think ariel's mom is that lady lol sorry
a character I’m indifferent about: hm. benjamin??? i guess it's fine that they kinda gay-coded him and it's some representation but he's marina's sidekick, and marina is the ultimate ick, and idk he's just so bland anyway that it's hard to feel anything for him outside of what he is
a character who deserved better: andrina! she deserved WAY more lines and screentime. i wish they got the original andrina back but tara did her best, i guess
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: carlotta and grimsby. like i get they're both side characters that are a man and a woman but obligatory hetero ships that have no chemistry aren't my thing (this is directed at the fandom, the movie doesn't really put them together)
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: i think aquata and that boy they put her with in the third movie are cute i guess? again i'm actively trying not to say ariel/eric
a cute, low-key ship: um. melody and that blonde boy??? i guess
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: ??? there aren't really any other ships in these movies, they honestly don't offer much
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: melody and that guy she danced with in the beginning of the second movie, but that was the point so
my favourite storyline/moment: hm...uh. um. uhhh OH WAIT i do love ariel singing in that hazy room in the beginning of the second movie. the animation is like rugrats level bad BUT jodi's singing carries it
a storyline that never should have been written: THE THIRD MOVIE. i will go to my grave standing by the fact that i think the banishment of music is the DUMBEST plot i've ever heard of/seen in all of hollywood and the fact that disney is SUCH a difficult company to break into and it's so competitive and it's supposed to hold the highest standards for its craft and THAT plot wasn't ridiculed in its initial pitch in the writer's room and how that plot not only contradicts THE FIRST SCENE we see of ariel missing the concert in her original movie but doesn't even make any sense, given that she gives her voice up to be human so clearly she doesn't care about music THAT much is baffling like the minimum wage character performers in the parks get better training on integrity than the writers from that movie
my first thoughts on the show: i honestly never cared about either movie but i think i disliked the third movie less when i first saw it because tlm2 made melody the main character and that really irritated me as a child because i didn't want to see her and her walrus and penguin, i wanted more ariel who was delegated as a side character bc i guess older women or moms just aren't interesting/worthy of being main characters???
my thoughts now: for as much as i personally dislike the second movie, i'm still glad we have it because i think some of jodi benson's singing is superior to any of her other recordings and i'm genuinely astounded by her talent in some songs. the third movie though is painful and i hate it and it makes me resent disney lol
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rodeoromeo · 1 year
It's interesting bc in all those Paul and George interactions I thought Paul was being straight up hurtful in how he was talking to George but George is the one seen as the aggressor bc he was visibly or audibly upset. Paul isn't bc he's leading for the supposed greater good and has a way of sounding like he's on defense even if he started it.
Idk why but what bothered me most was the implication that the trip was shallow and would've meant more if they'd gone out to experience the real India. To say that in front of George....the person who visited India as many times as he could and was the last to leave, making sure to visit Ravi before he left while everyone else ran away to London ASAP...it felt like bullshit. If they honestly cared they could've stayed and done their own thing but they didn't...so.
Promise I don't hate Paul. lol
you know what, I completely agree with this. when I posted my previous ask I also had on the mind how cruel John had been acting towards George about some of his songs etc. and I also think I need to rewatch this clip again and again because as I do with every part of get back I see something different every time! I think you are ONE HUNDRED percent right about the comments Paul made about it not being a genuine experience. To suggest that George, off that experience, doesn’t have any idea about the “real” India just because Paul doesn’t is so ridiculous. By this point George has put so much into it and clearly deeply cares about what they experienced there but because that isn’t what Paul got out of it that experience has to be mocked and ridiculed. Paul didn’t remotely attempt to understand what was going on in India and never did after this.
I think George being seen as an aggressor in the arguments with Paul is such a weird take people have and it’s strangely supported by the doc. ESPECIALLY in that circumstance he is framed as “taking it too seriously” and bringing the joke down. Paul has a way of talking to George throughout the whole session where he acts like a victim at the outset so George being upset is seen as the younger guy, “baby George”, throwing a fit or being grumpy. When I think he’s expressing some pretty valid workplace concerns as well as being treated badly by a friend.
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drewsaturday · 1 month
belle 2021 thoughts while i still have them
j;sldjkf i didnt expect it to make me cry so much i don't even know why it did half the time
songs slap !!!
and the animation is gorgeous
general premise and visuals felt similar to Summer Wars
i love how suzu finally understands her own mom's sacrifice of putting herself in danger for a stranger
i also like the idea of "being" someone else helping set aside the things that hold you back otherwise
i didn't get a super clear sense of suzu's perspective at times i feel? i'm not sure how to explain it
or like, why was she so obsessed w the beast and wanting to know his identity at certain points? her investment was a bit odd to me at times though i guess she rly did see his pain and want to help him
U cop felt very similar to the kids' dad
the beauty and the beast visuals were nice but they did kinda get lost beyond aesthetics
that choir lady's line about how she tried to impress a boy who was significantly younger than her as a teenager was nice foreshadowing. not sure what to think about the ages though, like suzu did have her irl crush in mind with most things but ??? were the belle/beast things supposed to be read romantically idk, nice that it ended up being friendship tho
i don't really get how suzu helped the kids in the end bc they're still in an abusive situation? maybe she helped them hold out that necessary 48 hours for the wellness check? but i guess the kid's line about fighting back and... the visual of her protecting them perhaps reminded the dad of their dead mom and made him realize what he's doing? maybe that's enough? i don't need to think about it too hard because it's just the principle of her showing she cares, but it also now begs the question of if the mom died at the dad's hands bc he was acting like he saw a fucking ghost with her
like overall not the best movie but emotionally it did what it needed to do
i also rlyliked the music whale
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canarymemories · 2 months
the long awaited nui izlo rambling is finally here!! leaving it all below the read more bc. i don't know how to shut up
(i'm copy pasting this w little to no edits from a twt thread so. sorry if the formatting is icky kasdgh)
this fic was brought to u by 1. my own darling nuis and my izumi nui does have a tear by his eye and 2. leo merch collector is such a fun concept to me
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the concept of izumi being in italy while leo is away was something that lived in my head for a while ngl and there was a point where this was going to be a meowzart fic, like izumi moping around the apartment and meowzart being her cute little self. i think at one point i did have a sort of companion piece if you want to call it that, like leo would be the one at the apartment w izumi out of the country (also a meowzart fic) and the only part i actually wrote for that is what I lovingly call ace izlo
also. back to my izunui for a minute, I did try to do surgery on him but the eye embroidery is too thick to do w just a normal little sewing needle 😔😔 but he's my darling little guy and he's perfect the way he is, I just have to be careful with him 🥺
anyway! let's start w the title. this song I think is the reason I started writing mushy lines towards the end lmao, it's izlo coded to me, like pls consider (it's also in my bb playlist ✌ idk it's so izumi -> leo to me)
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I make it my life's goal that izumi never knows one second of peace lmao (also somewhat unrelated, i do have this wip idea of their dormmates having to deal w them bc i think it's funny and. i miss that idea (is fully capable of still writing it))
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i feel like this point comes up in . so many of my wips (I think it's honestly just me feeling like it does but. still) and I just,,, man post checkmate, the way you live in my head
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izumi is so. easily swayed when it comes to leo (thank u rhythm tourism for confirming that for me <33) (I like to think that leo is somewhat aware of this fact) but yeah that comes up so much in this fic and I think it's so fun bc. sorry to say but izumi is such a loser
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izumi cardboard cutout is such a funny one to me, leo would so have one. anyway, reloaded reference 🎉 also. the izumi calendar being a canon thing might be one of the best things happyele has done, unfortunate I'm p sure they'll be skipping it in engstars 😔
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I feel like I'll end up forgetting to mention it, but like recital, the way izumi refers to leo nui changes over the course of the fic (aka after day five, izumi starts referring to leo nui w gendered pronouns fkdksl) they had a bonding moment <33
this is probably my favorite part of the fic ngl like honestly. I don't even think I can make fun of izumi here bc I think something that grossly domestic would fix me too (but it's still so funny to be like. izumi wakes up in a bad mood and his first thought of how to fix it is to imagine a whole scenario w leo that is soft but. maybe he really is onto something)
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the day three naruritsu call is bc i started writing nui izlo last august which was a month before nrrt week and they were in my head so bad (they haven't left). and then I was like haha what if I write the date for nrrt week before the fic is finished. and now this year it's like,, haha what if i (hopefully will actually write the date this time but also. as a small aside, the concept of arashi having to be straight up told it's a Real Date and not a friend date is so good in this essay i)
this is supposed to be bc they're not speaking a language izumi personally knows how to speak, so only certain words make sense think of it when you hear someone speaking another language and there's loan words or cognates that you recognize even if u don't know what's being said
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I said it in the a/n but this part and all of day five is that even though they're past the events of checkmate and everything that came from it, things aren't magically like. Perfect, yk? like they found their way back to each other and knights didn't fall apart but that doesn't mean that everything that happened then doesn't bother them to some extent. like just look at next door and mr they can't know i care taking the earliest flight to japan w limited knowledge of what's going on + leo leaving in the first place bc of an argument like I can go on for a while (so much of ! was izlo figuring shit out bc of what happened between them so i mean,, it's definitely still prominent in their lives even if it's in the past).
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he's funny for being like wait can someone hear me rn, their conversation is happening in japanese lmao
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happy brief trans leo mention, this part also makes me so like. giggles kicks feet and idk why exactly. anyway leo is trans, it just never really comes up in my writing so fkxksl (is anyone in knights really cis? the answer is no)
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day five aka the radio silence day is so,,, I wanted to have a day like this in here but I felt like I was being a little dramatic abt it but i was like well. izumi knows that leo is probably busy and they're in a better space now, but all things considered, I do think he'd worry. I mean izumi is worrier #1 but fkdks that's not the point. by this point, he has mostly stopped blaming himself for checkmate but u do have to realize that next door did happen and he did make leo leave that time, that one was all him so,, but even outside of that, I don't think izumi is like. Concerned about it every time that leo stops talking to him or is out of the country, but in this situation, he already misses leo and they'd talked for a while the day before then to wake up to hear absolutely nothing is not fun. (i probably have more but idk where i'm going w this rip) I just think there's something there, yk? like idk they're a little (very much) attached to each other
requiem reference (izumi will never live it down sorry). was going to talk abt their relationship and the use of partner rather than boyfriend but. idk.
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niki's kitchen is such a funny circle to me bc they really just. have a signed framed picture of izumi there for the meetings so gkdksm obligatory mention (plus I do think izumi is Aware that niki knows what he's doing in the kitchen so he'll actually take his advice)
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when I was planning this fic out, this part was going to be a little different; izumi wasn't going to realize he had leo nui until he was in the store and he looks down into the bag and there's a little guy in there but mckslsl
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I think this is so cute and I'm specifically pointing it out so you all agree w me. like idk izumi would think leo's dumb alien shirts r so fucking ugly but that's the first thing he's putting on when leo is out of the country for any extended period of time
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reference to something in recital I haven't written yet (the concept of a person being your home rather than a place and what it means when you destroy that person and you're left without anyone to return to :) )
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this part has been in my head for Months, like nearly since I started it. like,,, man I wish I could draw without having a meltdown bc I hate it bc,,,, the soft leo in my head in this part makes me want to eat glass (also haha izumi sena grossly in love)
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I think that's everything,,, (is probably most definitely forgetting about something)
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cantalooprat · 1 year
Quick Transmigrating into a Face-Slapping Demon
What I Liked
easy to consume easy to digest a v junk food sort of wn where i can just turn my brain off and enjoy some face-slapping
ml is unintentionally hilarious he's one-dimensional but i like that it's a constant across the worlds that he's always horny af
damn idk ig the ease of reading is this wn's main selling point? it's p mid otherwise
a good starter QT novel or even for danmei in general ig. it p much covers most of the classic tropes: face-slapping, op mc, op ml, dumbass antagonists, and also covers a lot of settings that r commonplace in danmei: entertainment, post-apocalypse, omegaverse, historical, fantasy, interstellar, etc etc.
the post-apocalypse arc is one of the better ones actually. i mean everyone still kisses mc's feet but ig the contrived angst makes it more emotional n also he dies asking for the ml to find him again in the next world which is <3
What I Disliked
the plagiarism in the... plagiarized singer arc lmao how the mc is "shameless enough not to care abt it" bro if ur so op im sure ur genius can come up w some original songs or at least come up w some excuse like "in my prev world i composed songs so i'll reuse them" but unfort this is a case of author not being creative enough to match up their op mc. dont compare to trashbin boyfriends i know i know but i can't help thinking chi xiaochi would nvr do that he wouldn't compromise the artistic integrity of the host
rly don't use brain to read this, once brain is used then it gets more frustrating than good
some arcs r rly. tbh i skipped some completely bc of lack of interest (the supermodel arc, the god/devotee arc) and some just make me eugh like the omegaverse arc personal opinion but i hate the "im not like other girls" trope esp when the "im not like other girls" doesn't even belong to the world n therefore is "the most dazzling omega, no other omega is like that" like well duh????? he's not even an omega he's not trapped in the shackles of the society built around the second sex???? ofc he's "not like other omegas"!!!
no i dont think that kissing as a method to identify the ml is romantic. my aversion to kissing anyone other than ml aside, it's just rude to the often-wrongly-identified guy n also kinda sad if the wrong dude actually sort of likes mc as well, imagine getting kissed n then told "nah ur not the right guy sorry" 💀
"quickly wear the face of the devil" is not how the title is supposed to be tl-ed 💀💀💀
can kind of understand how this n tbbf get compared a lot bc the main story beats r p similar: world-hopping, trying to get back to "reality", mc seeking just one person through his journey, but that's rly just surface comparisons (biased opinion tbbf is way better)
damn i havent actually finished this i think i have like 2-3 arcs left???? but ive come so far ill just post this now n edit it later if i ever finish it (230614)
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astro-break · 1 year
Enstars and also Saint Seiya?
I wrote this once before. I accidentally deleted it all. Good for me
❤ Favorite Male: Tsukinaga Leo my little weird girl. I know that we're the reason why you are the way you are but why are you the way that you are you silly little music man with the world in his heart and a void in his head. Compose a song for yourself for once and don't ever share if with anyone
❤ Favorite Female: Narukami Arashi my beloved. She's a queen please love her also theres only like one or maybe two other girls in this series who else was i supposed to pick? Anzu? Hitsugi???
❤ Favorite Pairing: I have a soft spot for Izumi/Leo both platonically and romantically. I want what these two idiots have. I also like Chiaki/Kanata because the whole "I accidentally adopted two kids with my not-wife who is also definitely not a diety and we're so domestic to the point that the man who murdered my not-wife has told me to take care of him so I guess we're a family now" dynamic is beautiful
❤ Least Favorite Character: Not really character but I really don't like ES. Stories of a nationwide agency that is at the top of its field in under a year after formation and it being portrayed as good in universe is just. No. So much hidden propaganda to be uncovered, I don't like that. Can't we just go back to being a silly school idol game?
❤ who’s most like me: I dunno man, who else is a lazy, good for nothing vampire who has trouble making friends but holds way too tightly onto the ones they make because they're terrified of being alone and has had a history of being abandoned in their time of greatest need and also kinda petty? I can definitely see myself as a Sengoku kind of person. Something about him doing his best to be true to his odd passions while acting as a mediator for others is pretty accurate
❤ most attractive: Aesthetically, Sena and Narukami are like so cool I can understand why they're canonically models.
❤ three more characters that I like: Kagehira Mika, Shinkai Kanata, and Sakuma Ritsu I guess

Saint Seiya
❤ Favorite Male: To the surprise of no one, Hippocampus Baian. Please don't ask my why, my silly brain went "Haha underwater horse man funny. I like"
❤ Favorite Female: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yuzuriha? Not many cool girls in StS either
❤ Favorite Pairing: I'm a sucker for everyone/good fucking therapy but we can't always have what we want so I guess Baian/Io will have to do
❤ Least Favorite Character: I don't like Sage :( he makes me angy
❤ who’s most like me: idk actually, i'd like to say Shun bc im baby and can't fight for shit but who knows
❤ most attractive: .... uh man my attractiveness scale does not hold many characters and none of the sts folks are on it. Controversial opinion tho - Caca is cute
❤ three more characters that I like: Hades Alone, Julian Solo, Aries Shion
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fluffy-lee-boa · 2 years
Misilanious Edward headcanons bc I love him
He's chubby as an adult bc he's overcompensating for when he was starving in the orphanage and he has a big sweet tooth- namely pumpkin pie and dumb nerd has gotten sick on raw cookie dough since he's an impatient dork. Also the contrast between Bruce being angular/ toned and Edward being round and soft is s teir. He's sort of insecure about it but he's never risking starvation again since he's so used to not knowing when his next meal will be
He's taller than Bruce Wayne but shorter than Batman bc Batman wears boots and the ears on the mask (Edward takes jabs at Bruce by referring to him as a spoiled dwarf on his livestreams even tho he's literally only 1-2 inches taller)
The whole "all my strength is up here *points to head* 🥺" schtick is obviously total bs. Dude bludgeoned the mayor to death (albeit awkwardly). He just said that to let Batman know he's incharge of their dynamic since he's a simp 🙄. He's very physically strong and capable he just looks soft and disarmingly sweet so nobody would think he is
He'd sing to the younger orphans if they were having trouble sleeping from nightmares or if they were sick (predominantly lighthearted songs like Beach Boys songs or other hymns). He'd also read to them as a group before bed every night (he'd do funny voices and everything).
One of the main games he'd play with the younger orphans was a variation of hide and seek but when he found them he'd tickle them and would stop when they answered a riddle correctly ("come on you aren't even trying that one was easy! Now you're just getting them wrong on purpose aren't you? What's that? You need to speak up kiddo!"). Inevitably after everyone was found they'd all gang up on him and wreck him.
He'd cry like a proud dad whenever one of them would get adopted but at the same time be mad at himself for being sad that they were leaving. He gave up on trying to get adopted around when he turned 13-14 since he cared more about the younger ones getting out of the "hellhole" orphanage.
When he was able to leave when he turned 18 it broke his heart how sad the remaining kids were to see him go
"It's alright buddy you're all grown up now. You don't need me anymore" "But Eddie I'll always need you 🥺"
Cue Edward crying for hours on end in his new apartment when he's supposed to be happy that he's finally free but he realizes he won't feel free until all those other kids are
He forms VERY strong attachments if he likes someone/ something which is obviously evident with Batman but also extends to his pet rats and his followers. If he finds out one of his 500 followers is in a financial bind he'll send them money orrrr "deal with" their landlord. He highly values loyalty.
After he knows someone for awhile and they gain his trust he gives the best bear hugs ever (he will also use them to initiate tickle fights. He's an effective ler bc of how long/ lanky his arms are so he can very effectively trap people. Once he's got you it's hard to break free but the second you do he's done for and will start giggling before you even touch him)
He's the type of person who gets very worked up when he's angry or passionate about something/ has a tendency to angry cry which is another reason why he likes the Riddler mask so much. It hides vulnerability
He gatekeeps certain bands bc he's an annoying nerd ("*sees someone wearing a Radiohead shirt* oH REALLY? Name 3 songs!1!1!") Shut up Edward
He streamed Among Us and played with some of his followers *ONE time*. It was absolute anarchy. He raged multiple times complete with audible voice cracks and ended up banning a person for falsely accusing him of being the impostor and succeeding.
"I nEVER VENTED YOU MORONS!1!1!" "Idk... Riddler is looking kinda sus rn..."
"nO I'M N O T YOU'RE LITERALLY 14 WHAT DO YOU KNOW?" "How- how do you know that-" "See chat, Dave here wouldn't have had his personal information hacked if he used my sponsor: Nord VPN"
These are all so much and so perfect I cant even handle it-
I want to squish his cheeks. I want to listen to him sing. I love how he just feels emotions so strongly like same, the bit about feeling free matches with his journals and makes me so so so sad-
And don’t even get me started on the strength bit. He literally just went 🥺🥺🥺 im the brains here remember, you’re so big and strong and wow look at your mask heehee its so cool- and like 2 days earlier it was like a different guy at the mayor’s house.
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smolfailure · 4 years
but it's only half shitposts and there are actual Thoughts in there.
You don't need to have read the comic to understand because I tried not to spoil anything major, but it'd help if you knew basic stuff about classpects, SBURB and the hemospectrum.
disclaimer: i'm not a good pixel artist and this is my first actual sprites ever so please be kind to my weird pixels
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The Kids:
tommy, tubbo and fundy one of the kids because they're the kids in dream smp canon (with fundy being son of wilbur)
techno's there because i want to make a dave strider reference (haha get it because techno's name is also da-- *gets shot) and also because they are both coolguys except instead of using irony, techno has adhd
The Trolls:
Wilbur Soohte (fuschia)
?????? Ehrret (violet)
J????? Shlatt (purple)
Nihacu Niikki (indigo)
Skeppy Diamon (cerulean)
Quacki Tthiey (teal)
Philza Myncra (jade)
Dreame Wastkn (lime disguising as olive)
George Notfou (gold)
Sapphe Nahfpe (bronze)
Badboy Haelow (burgundy)
don't come at me saying only females are allowed to be jades and fuschias; gender is fake and this is an au
more of the AU and the talksprites are under the cut:
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Lunar sway: Derse. Types in: Red
chaotic. the first person to be introduced.
when he gets introduced instead of the “Zoosmell Pooplord” bit, Tommy is initially going to be the name inputted but then backspaced it and decided that Tommyinnit was better and he was fuming until he’s named Tommy.
Gives me big Blood/Hope vibes. Blood because a lot of the conflict of the dream smp connected to someone breaking his trust or harming the things he cares about, Hope because a lot of the plot of the dream smp stems from Tommy starting shit based on his ideals and what he thinks is right.
the first to instigate fighting against the trolls
bbh contacts him once and tommy keeps cursing until he disconnects from frustration rip
wields Gunkind and his only strife weapon at the beginning is the Vlog gun. He has Gunkind as his strife specibus mainly because he looked up at schlatt and he imitates him.
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Lunar sway: Prospit. Types in: Orange
it was his idea to play SBURB but only through Dream.
he talks to dream the most among the other trolls fwt stans getcha juice this is the rosemary of the session
dream’s the one giving him exposition about the game so that’s how he knows how to play SBURB.
wilbur trolls fundy once and instantly adopts him.
“You’re my son.” “How does that even work??” “I was one of the people who created your universe. It’s basically the same thing.”
Fundy relents anyway.
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Lunar sway: Derse. Types in: Pink
dave strider but dead-inside voice + rose lalonde english major vibes
he slices the text box when you try to name him "Dave " like in
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techno gives me time player vibes (contantly on the move. his skyblock series, his “stays in the pit” monologue,) but also rage vibes (anarchy,  the “theseus” monologue, political alignment is Chaos) alas i am not sure what class
uses Tridentkind and claims "it came from god"
 it was dream, he accidentally transportalized one of wilbur’s weapon while he testing the transportalizer.
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Lunar sway: Prospit. Types in: Green
the jade harley of this session. the only thing keeping them from going apeshit. where would they be without him.
but also jade harley in a sense that he seems nice and wholesome but also don’t fuck with them they can mess you up
Heart/Life vibes??? someone good at classpecting help
i put them in prospit bc of the "tubbo third eye" instead of tubbo having a sixth sense or smth, they see the future from the clouds of skaia when they sleep
wields Stress-relieverKind at some point
bonus: everyone’s actual hair colors
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Ideas about the Trolls
no i haven’t done their sprites yet bc it would take so much time and i’m not even sure if people wanna see more of this au skjdkdsakdfkl,, but i have Design Ideas.
events of the dsmp revolution are just a FLARP session drawing parallels to how the homestuck trolls had a FLARP session that spoiler alert: destroyed friendships. dtrio, eret, will are involved. eret betrays will's faction and wilbur's still Bitter over that.
on the context of alternia (highbloods and lowbloods) lmanburg and dreamsmp have their roles SWAPPED.  the emancipation theme thing is completely gone since highbloods are in more power than the lowbloods (the dream team) . 
wilbur made a faction called l’manburg because he wants a place where he and his fellow highbloods could make drugs vibe.they take a piece of land that was owned by the dream team. in normal circumstances, they shouldve stood down because lowbloods aren't supposed to start shit with highbloods (especially a group of highbloods that has the alternian heir among them)  but dream turned it into an activism thing about lowblood rights. the story plays as close as possible without tommy or tubbo in it (which is pretty hard ik but this is the best can do).
like in the dreamsmp revolution, dream kinda let wilbur do what he wants but this time he has more reason to because he’s in a lower caste. dream really only fought back when wilbur announced that he’d be building lmanburg on their land and calling it theirs.
eret betrays wilbur by supporting the lowbloods and wilbur and co. technically won but only because he finally called the drones in, as a reference to how lmanburg absolutely got crushed by the dream team in the smp but technically won. l’manburg keeps the piece of land and the dream team scatter away to find a new home.
wilbur soot's a fuschia because a) he's in a position that has a lot of power, b) yknow how he wrote a song about squids and his thing with sally… yeah.
eret's a violet because nobility!! dream looks down on him because he's ambivalent on fighting for lowblood rights when he's in a power to do so "you just sit there, and you look pretty that's it"
also like eridan he has a minor aesthetic mutation (herobrine eyes) that won't classify him as a mutant.
jschlatt is purple because it makes sense thematically because of the gamzee parallels (a. substance abuse b. if you know what happens in act 6, you know this already but spoiler alert, he ruins the main protagonists' lives) also he's a funnyman he deserves the clown caste
 quackity's a teal because he’s a law student. moving on--
 ok but for real it also makes sense thematically because he's the one who wrote the thing that tricked schlatt into agreeing also he gets manipulated by schlatt which also draws parallels to certain events in the comic
skeppy and bbh are BEST FRIENDS despite being highblood and lowblood respectively. initially, skeppy just wanted to bother bbh but they grew to be good friends in time. y’know like how they actually becane friends :D
philza minecraft is a jade because dad friend. also works thematically, because spoiler alert he gets to murder a seadweller for going batshit crazy. 
he also god tiers early. he dies fighting his quick undead denizen (haha baby zombie) but the consorts of his land carry him to his quest bed because he’s treated them all so well.
dream was initially going to be another caste but then i realized that means i have to make his hoodie something other than green which is unacceptable so its a good thing the fact that he's a lime works out
dream was the one who thought of playing sgrub in the first place- initially only planned to have gogy, sap, and bbh in the session but then realized that they four won't be enough so he invited more into his session
he’s also the first to go godtier ez clap blind speedrun not sure what classpect tho
the only reason why dream avoided being culled at birth for being a limeblood is because his rng is That Good. he quickly picked up the fact that he’s not supposed to exist and masqueraded as an oliveblood and kept mostly to himself to avoid suspicion.
george is still colorblind but he has lazer eyes along with it instead. dream lives with him in the same hive since being a mutant means dream doesn’t get a lusus of his own (dnf fans getcha juice “and they were roommates”) 
despite living in the same hive, he never really figures out that dream is a limeblood. possibly because a) he’s colorblind and when he sees dream bleeding he just sees yellow b) he’s just that fucking oblivious and it’s so valid of him.
sapnap’s a bronzeblood mainly because i know he’s the instigator of the pet war with tommy also because i associate him with the color orang in my mind so bronze it is
that’s the end of this long-ass post!! if you have other ideas PLEASE i want to hear them. i don’t know the other streamers i mentioned in here very well so if you have ideas that would be fitting to them like with classpect or lunar sway that would be GREAT. 
the only thing i’m confident about in here are the kids’ lunar sways. i’m not an expert in classpects and homestuck lore so there’s that too!! i just wanted to make this post because adhd means that the idea wouldn’t shut up until i finished it. This initially started as a single shitpost edit of tommyinnit talksprite but then the hiveswap 2 trailer came out and that means i have to combine my two hyperfixations.
also i have ideas about potential quadrants but idk how much of that is breaking some streamers’ boundaries about shipping (even the non romantic quads such as kismesistude, morallegiance and auspisticism) so i decided not to include it.
edit: apparently people want more so i made a discord server as a place to brainstorm!! please pm me to join!
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maysbanks · 4 years
are you bored yet. (jj maybank)
hey everyone ! basically this is my first time writing for jj, or anyone from obx in general. this is a side acc from my main acc that i made purely bc this fic idea came to me when watching obx and after listening to the wallows on repeat for weeks. idk i just thought the song was kinda fitting for jj, and im a sucker for soft ! jj with a friends to lovers arc, so here this is. it's quite a long one btw, the words just kept flowing so i apologise in advance. also i have a few more fic ideas based off some songs so if you like this and are interested in more pls let me know ! im probably gonna be writing a lot more for this boy bc i adore him. anyways i hope u enjoy !
warnings: features swearing, mention of sex, underage drinking, drug use and violence.
summary: based lightly off the song 'are you bored yet?' by the wallows ft clairo, reader and jj delve deeper into their relationship, taking the steps further into becoming something more than best friends. however worries and doubts begin to plague their minds, as they fear their relationship of becoming just a memory.
( gif isn't mine! please let me know if it's yours so i can credit you. )
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"What are you doing later?" You looked towards Kie who'd directed the question towards you, her eyes squinting from the sun that was grinning down at your forms from where you were both seated on the sand.
"Dunno," you shrugged your shoulders. "Probably hanging out with J or something."
Kiara scoffed, a mocking look taking over the features of her face as her head turned towards yours, your eyebrows raising at the sly smirk on her lips. "What?" You questioned, narrowing your eyes when all she did was laugh. You shifted in your place, body moving from laying on your back to on your stomach, figuring it was about time to switch positions for your tan anyway. "Seriously Kie, what're you laughing about?"
She shifted along with you, only laying on her right side so she could face you head on, her hand propping her head up from the ground. She was still grinning. "JJ," she said simply. You raised your eyebrows at her once more, seemingly not understanding what she was trying to get at. "What's going on with you two?" Kie pushed on when you didn't respond, her own eyebrows inching further up her forehead.
In the distance you could hear the boys' screams, their commotion coming from the water you had passed on entering. You could hear JJ taunting John B from where you lay, Pope laughing along, and the splashes that you could only assume were also coming from them. You never spared them a glance, though from the corner of your eye could see their figures and indeed the loud splashes of water were coming from them, and you were certain JJ was holding John B underneath the water.
"Nothing's going on," you said in response to Kie's question, rolling your eyes playfully at her exclaim of 'oh c'mon!'. "What? It's the truth. Nothing is going on, not really."
Kie furrowed her brows. "What do you mean by 'not really'? Did something happen between you two?" She prodded.
You shrugged, because in all honesty you couldn't say much of anything about your relationship with JJ. You were just as unsure about it all as Kie and more than likely the rest of the gang were (because if Kie had picked up on it than surely Pope and John B had too, and you were kind of freaking about it.) and had no idea what to say in her line of questioning. Of course you wanted to talk about it, you and the Pogues never kept secrets from each other - but was it really a secret when they technically knew about it anyway, and was it really a secret when you and JJ hadn't even spoken about keeping it a secret too? Your mind raced, and you figured it was easier to just shrug it off for the time being. Kie would no doubt ask again, and you hoped you had the answers by the next time she (or someone else) would.
"He's my best friend," you'd decided on saying. From the corner of your eye, you could see the guys approaching. "We've been close since we were like, ten. We've always been the same."
Except now the two of you held hands under the table and kissed in the safety of your rooms, among other things. That part of your relationship was fairly new though, and so you decided against saying anything until you could work out exactly what was going on between you and JJ - because you had no clue, and weren't even sure that JJ knew himself. It just sort of happened, the line being crossed over from friends to lovers in the blink of an eye. One minute you'd never dare to give in to the temptation of JJ Maybank's heavenly sinful lips, and the next the pair of you were sharing a bed almost every night.
Nothing much had changed though, in regards to your friendship. JJ and you had always been close, always intimate in your touches. Always beside each other, rarely without the other. You were an unstoppable duo from the minute you met. Just somehow, along the line, over the years, your friendship had turned into more. Each touch became longer, each glance would linger, and something had shifted. It was inevitable, you supposed. Nobody was ever really that close with someone without feelings getting involved at some point.
The guys were a lot closer now, and Kie spared them a glance before looking back towards you. "Friends don't look at each other the way you two do." Was all she said before the sun that was earlier shining down on you was blocked by the trio of tall guys that smiled at the pair of you. Kie sat up, smiling as Pope took a seat beside her on her towel. "Have fun out there?"
"Oh, tons," came the voice that belonged to the person you were talking about not a minute ago. JJ smirked down at you, blonde hair dripping wet on his forehead and golden tanned chest on full show. You admired the view behind your sunglasses and sent a grin in his direction when he seemed to notice. "You checking me out there, babe?"
You laughed as he did a little shimmy, rolling your eyes as you looked at him over the rim of your glasses. "What would you do if I was, Maybank?" You played along, smirking when you heard John B let out a gag from somewhere beside you. JJ smiled back, and squatting down in front of your form he'd grabbed hold of your feet, laughing when you squealed. Tugging so that you were laying on your back rather than your front, his sea blue eyes gazed down your body, unknowingly leaving a trail of fire in its wake. The feeling you shared with JJ was unlike any other, nothing or nobody could come close to topping it. It was unexplainable, the feeling of absolute longing for him to just be there forever. You couldn't ever imagine a life without him in it, and that thought both scared and excited you.
JJ stared down at you, tongue peeking from his mouth to wet his pink lips as he looked. You felt hot all over and you knew it wasn't because of the sun. "Things only you could imagine sweetheart," he taunted from above you, knowing fine well that what you could imagine he'd probably already done to you. You smirked back, feeling a thrill shoot through you because the pair of you knew this and the remaining three of your group had no idea, or so you believed. This new relationship, this unspoken thing between the two of you was simply yours, and somewhere in the future you feared you'd both come to regret it, whatever it was, but in the moments of the present you knew neither of you could find it in yourselves to actually care.
And so you both smiled at each other like the world around you didn't exist, and for a couple of seconds you could pretend it didn't, JJ moving so he was seated behind you with your body seated between his legs and your back against his chest. Sat there, surrounded by your friends though almost oblivious to their presence as JJ's hands rested on your skin, his breath on your neck. You leaned into him, and smiled when he placed a discreet kiss to your shoulder.
Locking eyes with him, you grinned. The burst of happiness and content when he grinned back was almost unbearable, and in that moment you knew you never wanted whatever it was that you two shared to end.
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It was a few days later when JJ showed up at your window, his face bloody and bruised, his form weak as he pulled himself into your bedroom. You didn't need to ask twice about who'd caused the damage, your body and mind going into autopilot as you hurried from your bed and grabbed hold of him, JJ grunting as he fell into you, his hand clutching desperately at his side.
"Shit, JJ," you'd cursed as you helped him land on your bed, hands instantly grabbing at his face and assessing the damage that had been left by his father. There was cuts along his brow line, his eye was bruised and already swollen shut, his bottom lip bust open and oozing blood. Your thumbs swiped along his cheeks, being careful of the injuries, and you felt tears pricking at your eyes at the sight of him. You blinked them away as quickly as you could, he didn't need to see you being so upset in that moment. And besides, you had bigger issues like getting him cleaned up like you had done too many times before. "Stay here, okay. I'm gonna go get the first aid kit."
JJ only grunted, and you pressed a kiss to his forehead before leaving the room to get the kit, your mind reeling. It was no secret about JJ's father and his years of abuse towards his own son, and you'd seen him beaten so badly so many times before, but it never got any easier. Each time it happened JJ would wound up at your house, and each time you would clean him up, making sure his wounds were tended to and making him as comfortable as possible as he slept next to you, most nights with his head resting on your chest as you soothed him to sleep with whispers of reassurance that you were there and that you loved him. He would fall asleep with tears staining his cheeks and you would cry yourself to sleep afterwards too, wishing that could just take away all his pain, wishing that you could do more, wishing that JJ had a better life than what he was given, because there was no-one that deserved it more.
You sniffed and forced your tears away, trying to focus on the task at hand. It didn't take long to locate the first aid kit and within a minute you were back in your bedroom, where JJ lay, staring up at your ceiling with his chest moving up and down in a motion that proved he was trying to hold his own tears in. Your heart broke at the sight, and you bit down on your wobbling lip as you moved towards him. His eyes met yours when you were close enough, stood in front of him on your bed. You smiled softly.
"Hey, honey," you soothed as he slowly sat up, grimacing at the obvious pain from his side as he did so. Despite his pain, he smirked back at you.
"Hi, baby."
Stepping closer, effectively between his legs, you smiled as his hands wound around and grabbed at your legs, almost as if he was grounding himself, focusing all his attention onto you. You took a moment to take him in as you pressed the wet rag you'd also grabbed on his face, beginning to clean the cut on his eyebrow. It wasn't too deep, thank god, you thought. You feared for the day where one cut might be too deep and one blow too strong, and the thought of JJ, strong and hot headed and impulsive and passionate, might not being able to drag himself out of the house of hell and getting to anyone for help, to you, to John B, to Pope or Kie, scared the shit out of you to put it simply. JJ was so strong, but there was only so much he could take, and you dreaded the day when that would come. You could only hope it never, and in the meantime do your best to prevent it. You let out a shaky breath as you continued to clean the blood from his face, gently dabbing at his torn lip as he hissed. "I'm sorry hon," you murmured, feeling your gut twist at the sight of him in pain.
"I'm okay," he breathed out, only it was shaky and you both knew it to be a lie. You said nothing though, not wanting to start an argument that night. You'd had countless in situations like these, where you'd tell him he needs to get away from his dad and he'd tell you its not that easy and that nothing fucking is on this island, and you'd try and tell him you understand that but you hate seeing him like that, beaten to a pulp, sometimes barely even able to move, and that you were scared to lose him. He'd tell you that you were too good for him, you deserved better, you deserved more, and you'd cry and tell him to shut up, that he was your best friend and all you ever needed and you'd always be there for him, and he would shake his head and deny it all with tears streaming down both your faces until you collapsed into each other and fell asleep with your limbs intertwined whatever mood you'd gone to sleep in. There was something about that night that told you not to argue, not to push him, just clean him up and hold him and let him know that he wasn't alone in this world. His eyes met yours once more. "I'm okay." He repeated, as if you hadn't heard him the first time.
All you could do was nod, and wiping the last bit of blood from his face, you quickly went over the cuts with disinfectant, JJ's grip tightening on the backs of your legs as you continued to tend to every last bit of him. Finishing on his face, you placed a kiss on each and every cut, bruise or scrape that was etched into his skin. He let out a shaky breath, one hand moving up and landing on your back, rubbing up and down as his forehead rested on your shoulder. Running your own hands through his blonde locks, you pressed your nose to the top of his head as you held him close to you. It wasn't long before you felt the tears soak through the material of your shirt (which was technically JJ's shirt, but that didn't matter much.) and his body started to shake against your own, chest heaving and hands shaking.
"I hate him," you heard him mutter. You closed your eyes, wrapping your arms around him tighter, one hand clutching the back of his neck as the other rubbed soothing patterns onto his back. JJ shook against you, hands clutching onto the sides of your shirt as his lips brushed against the side of your neck as he let out a sob. "I just - I fucking hate him! Why does he do this, why does he -? Why, why, why?"
He was muttering the word over and over again, all sense of himself lost as he sobbed into your neck. In that moment, you felt so useless, so powerless, and you knew that JJ did too. You wished you could take away all his pain, make him see that he was so loved, that you loved him entirely and surely, but all you could do in that moment was hold him tight and screw your eyes shut as you cried along with him.
"He doesn't deserve you, J," you whispered into his hair. "He doesn't deserve you one bit. You're the best son, okay. You're the best friend, the best goddamned person on this island, on this planet! You're so loved, you hear me? You're so loved, babyboy. We all love you, I love you okay. I love you more than anything."
You'd said the words a million times before, but somehow in that moment, wrapped up in each other, JJ sobbing into your chest and you holding him like a person would a child, his ear resting against your heart where he could hear every little beat, his own matching the rhythm soon after - in that moment, _you both knew it meant more. That the friendly shared 'love you's' from so many times before were different to the ones now, and yet still neither of you spoke about it. You focused on JJ, giving him the comfort he so desperately needed. And JJ focused on you, focused on your heartbeat and the sound of your breathing and the soothing words you were whispering to him, and you had no clue as to what he was thinking; that he loved you, so fucking much. JJ Maybank didn't know what to do with that, to love someone so completely and honestly like he loved you, beyond the point of friendship and into the unknown territory of _in-love _absolutely _terrified him. But he knew it to be true, he was in love with you.
And as you forced him to take his shirt off so you could inspect the bruises surrounding his stomach and chest, laying a gentle kiss onto each and every one of them as he started at you with pure adoration in his eyes, he thought about your relationship - fears of you getting bored of him, wanting more than the island life and more than him, fears of you leaving him for something or someone simply more. Realising that he was no good like he'd always said, always suspected. But then you gazed at him with a certain glint in your eyes that he knew was reflecting in his own, and you were pressing your lips to his in a soft caress that dimmed all thoughts from his head and the question of 'are you bored yet?' fell flat on his lips as you ate them, chewed it up and spat it straight back out.
That conversation could come later, he supposed.
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JJ's jaw clenched as he took in the sight of you, skin glowing in the late night sun that was slowly fading in the moons advance. The kegger had begun only an hour or so before, and yet the beach was filled with people already - varying of Pogues, Tourons and Kooks.
Among them all was you, red cup placed in your hands as you laughed at something the guy in front of you was saying, a small smile on the boys lips as he watched you. JJ felt something twist in his gut, suddenly feeling nauseous as he was stood a bit away from you, taking in the sight with malice in his blue eyes. He didn't know the guy that much was for sure, which could only mean one thing; he was definitely a Touron. That also probably meant that he was one of the few people at the party that didn't know JJ or anything of his reputation for being a bit too hot headed. JJ couldn't decide if that was a good or bad thing.
"Dude," John B slapped a hand on his shoulder, effectively snapping his trance at the pair across the beach. JJ turned towards his best friend, a smirk on John B's lips as their eyes met. "You're gonna poke holes into that guys head the way you're glaring at him man."
JJ rolled his eyes, his head once again moving to look back towards your figure. You didn't look mad at the attention the guy was giving you, and that sent a trail of fury in JJ's veins. "Who is that guy, man?" He asked instead of replying to John B's playful taunts. John B seemed to take note of that and simply shook his head. Fucking clueless, he thought.
"Dunno," John B replied as he took a swig of the beer in his hands. "Some Touron, probably." He glanced at his best friends face and noticed the glare darken in JJ's eyes. He suddenly shifted, blocking his view of you and the guy, ignoring JJ's grunt of displeasure at his move. "Don't start anything, J. Alright?"
JJ scoffed. "Me?" He chuckled darkly. "Nah man, you know I'd never start anything," he patted John B's chest twice. "I'm not the fighting type." JJ knew that John B could make out the sarcastic drawl to his words, and looking away from the brunette's eyes JJ was glancing back at you. His features shifted dramatically as he saw the guy take a step closer to your body, and despite the somewhat uncomfortable smile on your face you never seemed to object to the move. JJ felt the anger in his veins grow. "Fuck this!"
John B stopped him before he could take another step, shoving his chest so that he stumbled backwards. "Don't even think about it," JB warned. From afar, Pope seemed to take notice of the two and began to walk towards the seething blonde and his brunette best friend. "Pope, man tell him," John B practically pleaded as the most level headed of the group arrived at their side. It didn't take long for Pope to realise what the source of JJ's anger was, spotting you and the guy, completely oblivious to what was going on. "What are you planning on doing, huh?"
"He's all over her," JJ simply said - as if that was enough of an excuse for his anger. Pope and John B shared a glance. "I'm just gonna go over there and see if she's alright, alright?"
"Why do you care if he's all over her?" Pope raised his eyebrows. "You're not her boyfriend."
That faltered JJ's stance, and for a split second he looked away from you - still laughing, both hands gripping the cup in your hands, bikini clad top on full show for unwelcome eyes to wander. He clenched his jaw tighter, teeth clashing in his mouth, as he thought about Pope's words. Was it technically true; wasn't he your boyfriend? He didn't know - neither of you did. You hadn't spoken about anything, the changes in your relationship coming almost naturally so that neither of you cared to at first.
First, there was the no Pogue-on-Pogue macking rule. Second, there was something so deliciously thrilling about keeping your relationship from everyone else - no room for drama or prying eyes, or so he thought. But the unknown was beginning to scare him, and all he wanted was answers.
It was as if putting a label on what you both were would potentially put an end to everything, all the kissing, cuddling, secret touches, lingering looks, whispered endearments. The pair of you were too young for this shit, JJ thought. Thinking so hard about what you are or weren't. And god forbid you'd both come to regret it all; JJ couldn't let that happen. He wouldn't.
"I'm not gonna do anything," he said simply, and shoved his way past his friends before they could do anything else. He approached you, your eyes immediately catching his and a large grin overtaking the features of your face as he came closer. The guy seemed to notice your shift in attention and he turned too, eyes widening a bit at the sight of the blonde stood in front of him. JJ tried to smile naturally, his too sharp teeth secretly grinding together. "Hey," he chirped as if he was talking to an old friend. "How're you doing, man? I'm JJ."
You hid a laugh behind your hand, having no clue as to what JJ was trying to achieve but finding the obviously fake enthusiasm rather hilarious in that moment. Over his shoulder, you noticed John B and Pope watching with careful eyes, and everything seemed to click in your mind. _JJ was obviously planning on starting something. _You decided to get yourself and your somewhat boyfriend slash best friend out of the situation before anything could happen, the poor Touron didn't have a clue that you were kinda taken, to a fist throwing first ask questions later, tall blonde named JJ Maybank after all.
"It was nice talking to you, dude," you told the guy, his face dropping at the word dude. God, had he seriously wasted all that time flirting with you? You grabbed JJ's hand, only for him to tug it out of yours and place it around your shoulders, blue eyes sending daggers to the nervous boy on front of you. "We're gonna go now, I think."
And with that, you led the way away from him, not missing the way JJ's eyes swooped over the guy in an almost warning manner before smirking at him. Your hand reached up and fingers intertwined with those of JJ's that were sat rather comfortably near your breast. JJ's fingers squeezed yours in response, his arm tugging you closer before he leaned down and pressed a hard kiss to the top of your head.
Once you were a good distance away from the party and its occupants on the beach, you turned in his arm, hand letting go of his to wrap both your arms around his waist. He kept the same arm around your shoulder and placed his other on your bare back between the high waist line of your shorts and the knot of your bikini, long fingers spacing out and rubbing soothing patterns into the skin.
You sighed as you looked at him. "What was that about?" You questioned, a small smile tugging on your lips regardless of the seriousness in your question as you demanded answers.
"That guy was all over you," JJ grunted, his eyes leaving yours to glare at the space where you stood a minute before talking to the said guy. "He was practically drooling all over you. I saved you, y'know. You should be thanking me, babe."
You laughed, and rolling your eyes you reached up to touch his face, thumb smoothing over the still darkened skin under his eye from the confrontation of his dad earlier that week. Leaning up on your toes, aware that nobody could see the action from the distance you and JJ were stood from the kegger, you pressed a kiss to the bruised skin, JJ's eyes closing at the feel of your lips against his skin, a soft exhale leaving his chest.
"Were you jealous, baby?" You teased gently, chuckling at his scoff in response to your accusation. "Relax, J. You don't have to be. I've only got eyes for you."
That seemed to catch his attention. JJ pulled away from you a bit, blue eyes suddenly serious and pink lips forming a tight line. For a second you worried you'd said something wrong, suddenly afraid that he would pull back completely and distance himself from you like you feared one day he would - it was only a matter of time before he realised what you had was a mistake, you worried. That he'd get bored of you and realise there was so many other people he could have. The thought alone made you sick, and you forced the intruding thoughts to the back of your head as JJ's eyes trailed over your face.
"What's wrong?" You couldn't take it anymore. The silence was deafening, even with the music and chatter of the teenagers behind you lingering in the night air. JJ seemed to get hold of his bearings at that moment, shaking his head and leaving a hand from your body to run through his hair. You watched him all the while, lip between your teeth. "J, what's wrong baby?"
JJ wished he had an answer, but he simply didn't. He had no idea what was wrong, no way of telling you the thoughts that were running through his mind. JJ had never been good with words, or emotions, or anything much like that at all. And so he just shook his head, sighing deeply as his hands caressed your face. You welcomed the touch, head leaning into his hold as he smiled down at you. You knew there was something he wanted to say to you; you had known him for so long, felt like all your life, and you could see right through his lies. However you never said a thing, once again. In that moment, it felt enough to just be by his side.
"Can we go?" He muttered quietly, despite no-one being around you. You smiled softly, eyes staring into each others there on the beach. "Just wanna go to sleep with you," he murmured that time, leaning down and kissing the side of your lips, not completely which had you grumbling quietly.
"Course, baby," you whispered as you looked at him, feeling nothing but adoration and love for the boy in front of you. "Let's go."
And so after kissing him under the moonlight, feet sunken in the damp sand as the sea splashed around you, the kegger still going strong in the distance, JJ took your hands and led the way back to the Chateau, where despite both your similar thoughts you crawled into bed in the spare bedroom and fell asleep together, your head resting on his chest with his cheek pressed against your head, arms wrapped around forms and legs intertwined.
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It was hot, blistering heat panning down on your form as you lay on the hammock outside the Chateau, eyes closed with one arm resting over them in a fleeting attempt to block the sun out. Despite the unbearable temperature of the day, JJ lay in between your legs, perfectly muscular arms wrapped around your waist as his head rested on your stomach that was covered only by one of his infamous cut-off sleeve shirts, only a bikini underneath it keeping you modest.
One of your hands played with the hair on the back of his neck, twirling the strands in between your fingers and repeating the process over and over again, JJ letting out a low him as you did so.
It was just the two of you, the quiet and peacefulness welcome on the hot day as you cuddled as close as you could and as much as you wanted, nothing off limits away from the prying eyes of your best friends. Both Kie and Pope were working, John B having traded your company for that of Sarah Cameron's for the day, and so that only left the pair of you to do anything and everything you pleased. JJ had let out a joyous whoop when you'd discovered the fact, and you'd only managed to get out of bed half an hour before as he took full advantage of having the Chateau to yourselves for the morning. The original plan was to go surfing, but as soon as you'd stepped out of the house the both of you seemed to come to a silent mutual agreement that lounging around in the sun on the porch was a much more welcoming idea instead.
And so that's what the pair of you had done; there was barely a word uttered between you both as you lay there, JJ's skin slightly sticky and damp on your own due to the heat, but neither of you seemed to mind as you simply closed your eyes and basked in the quiet, content with doing nothing with your favourite person.
JJ's hands had moved so that he was caressing your side, your skin revealed with the low cut of his shirt as his thumb rubbed patterns into your skin. In its wake it left goosebumps, JJ's touch never failing to make you shiver even in all the years you had known him. He knew what effect he had on you too, he smirked as you shivered, his other hand squeezing the flesh of your hip.
You trailed your own hands down from his hair and onto the exposed flesh of his back as he lay shirtless, and you could feel the muscles under your palms clench as you let out a small giggle. JJ chuckled along, although he'd had no idea as to what it was you were laughing at in the first place. The sound of your laugh just made him happy, he supposed.
"What're you laughing at?" He murmured quietly, chin propping on your stomach and his eyes squinting up at you. He'd moved a hand down to your thigh, now kneading the flesh there as his other remained on your side and wrote unknown words into the skin there. You grinned down at him lazily, the sun and his charming aura making you feel high. Then again, you probably were high; the blunt you'd both shared a couple of minutes earlier taking its toll.
"Nothing," you hummed. "Just really, really fucking happy right now s'all."
JJ laughed, laying a kiss onto your stomach and loving the way you giggled at the action. He pressed more there, letting out dramatic sounds of various 'mwah's' as he trailed them up further until his lips were on the skin on your collarbone, continuing his assault onto your neck. JJ's tongue darted out, and your giggles had soon turned into breathy moans of approval as he sucked on the skin, his sharpened teeth sinking into the flesh not long after. You gripped the back of his neck, fingernails digging into his hairline as your sounds of pleasure rippled through the air surrounding you without a care in the world. In that moment you couldn't care less if anyone had caught you - all that mattered was JJ, all that ever mattered was JJ. He sucked gently on your flesh, adding to the bruises that already littered your chest, stomach, thighs, anywhere he could get his mouth earlier. You both knew questions would be asked from the others, in the high temperatures of the Outer Banks your skin was almost always revealed. But again, neither of you cared.
Not when JJ's mouth left your skin with a satisfying pop, his eyes taking in the sight of the freshly bruised flesh, a content smile on his lips. He leaned down and peppered a kiss to the lovebite, soothing his tongue over it afterwards. You let out a sigh, suddenly breathless under his heated gaze.
JJ shuffled his body up and closer, one leg in between yours as his right hand came up and held your face tenderly in his palm, the rough skin of his thumb swiping along your brow as he grinned cheekily down at you. "You're fucking beautiful y'know that?"
Your cheeks blazed, an almost embarrassed laugh leaving your mouth and you shook your head at his words. JJ looked offended suddenly, his brows furrowing as he nodded furiously. "Um, yes you are. Don't you dare say that you're not because you're, fucking, beautiful, okay," between each word he left lingering kisses to your lips with his own, and you knew it was probably the weed in his system that had spurred him to such a romantic confrontation, but you welcomed it regardless, giggling against his lips as one leg hooked around his waist. "Fucking god, you keep doing that and we won't be moving from this hammock all day."
"I'm not complaining about that," you replied and pressed your lips harder to his. JJ let out a groan, his body impulsively pushing down further onto yours, his hips directly on yours, chests pressed close together, his arm holding him up enough near your head so he didn't suffocate you completely, his other kneading the soft flesh of your bikini bottom clad ass. Your own hands caressed the skin of his abdomen, fingers sprawled and feeling his abs tense underneath the tips. You pulled away only slightly, taking in the sight of his flushed face, his eyes bright and yearning, flashing with something you couldn't quite place and his lips swollen and so very red. "Thank you, by the way." You whispered as you reached up and pushed the hair from his face. "You're pretty beautiful yourself, hon."
JJ seemed to understand what you were getting at then, his chest heaving with a chuckle as he shook his head at you. He leaned down and placed a kiss to your nose, returning his head to snuggle into your neck as you were once again wrapped around each other. "Thanks, I know," he joked (possibly) as his hands resumed their pattern of soothing shapes on your ribs. You hummed a random tune, the calming atmosphere returning around the pair of you on the porch. It was quiet for a few more minutes, your eyes closing involuntarily and almost falling asleep right then and there before JJ spoke up again. "You're my best friend, y'know."
The words were so quiet you almost missed them, but with the silence surrounding you, you'd heard them loud and clear. Your eyes opened and you glanced down at the boy laying atop of you, his face hidden in the skin of your neck.
"I would hope so," you laughed slightly, having no clue as to where JJ was planning on going with the fact. "You're my best friend too. I'd be lost without you and the guys."
"No," JJ shook his head. He shifted in his place, eyes connecting with yours as you sent him a questioning look, quirking your eyebrow. JJ sighed deeply, sucking his lower chapped lip into his mouth for a second before releasing it and allowing your finger to trace the outline of it. "You don't get it. You're like, my best friend. I know it sounds stupid and I'm probably a selfish fucker for saying it, but I'd put you above everyone else. You are above everyone else. And like, I don't know how else to explain it but you mean the fucking world to me. Without you, I'd be nothing. If I lost you, I'd fucking die."
His voice broke at the end, and it damn near broke your heart as you hushed him gently, arms circling around his head and holding it close to your chest. You kissed his forehead, hearing him sniffle before he raised his head and met your eyes, the sea blue crystallised by unshed tears.
"I feel like I've known you my whole life, and I just - I don't know what I'd do without you. I'm scared honestly, shit fucking feared of losing you, or you realising that I'm just a no good low life and you could do better, and honestly you could and I don't even know what the fuck you're doing with me," JJ chuckled darkly and you shook your head, feeling tears prick at your own eyes at his words. "And I don't even know if you want to be with me, or if what we're doing is some mistake you're gonna regret, but you're my best friend."
The earnest in his voice made your heart clench in your chest. You'd seen JJ cry numerous times, seen his facade break and his world around him to crash, seen the emotions pour out of him with so much force whether they be happy, sad, fucking hysterical or ecstatic; and you'd loved him through it all. The realisation of just how much you loved him, that went beyond friendship and into pure, earnest and genuine love for the boy in front of you, made your head swirl and butterflies in your stomach to clash heavily against your ribcage. Something warm spread throughout you, and you welcomed the feeling with open arms. You loved JJ Maybank, purely and honestly, with every fibre in your being.
"J," you murmured carefully, gripping his damp cheeks and forcing him to look at you. His face was unreadable, but you could see in his eyes what he was feeling in that moment. "You're fucking crazy, alright? Everything about you is so damned chaotic and I love every bit of it. I love every bit of you, so much. Do you know how scared I was that you would take all this back? Regret it all, leave me for someone better. I was scared shitless, because I cannot lose you. You're my best friend, and all I wanna do is spend all my time with you."
"I've never felt like this before," you whispered as JJ's gaze softened, hands gripping your hips and squeezing gently. You traced the worry in his brows, easing it away, traced the bottoms of his eyes, the slope of his nose and the outline of his lips. He breathed against your fingertips, the soft exhale making the hairs on your arms raise. "I love you, J. And if you think you're ever gonna get rid of me, you're terribly fucking mistaken."
JJ chuckled at that, blonde head falling on your chest as he breathed in and out, seemingly catching his breath at your confession. "Thank god," he breathed, cheeky gaze raising to catch yours as he grinned, suddenly surging forward and catching your lips with his own in a deep and passionate embrace that had you feeling dizzy at the pure feel of it all. "I was scared you were gonna tell me to fuck off, thought you were using me for my body for a minute there, babe."
You full on laughed, breaking away from his eager lips to let it out, your hands clutching his cheeks and your legs squashing his body atop yours from where they were wrapped around his waist. "You're such a fucker, J." He kissed along your jaw in response, biting down softly. "God, that weed must have been some new level shit."
"Nah," JJ shook his head and grinned. "You just drive me crazy, babygirl." His hands wandered from your ribs higher till his fingertips just slipped under the material of your bikini top. He pressed a further series of tender kisses to your chest, trailing them down and then back up to meet your lips once more. He gazed lovingly at you, looking golden in the sunlight. "I love you too, by the way. Just so y'know."
You grinned softly, catching his bottom lip with your teeth when he began to pull away, pulling a delicious groan from him. "I know," you echoed back to him, lips raising on their own accord to match JJ's almost shy smile at your declaration. "Hey, can we stay home today? Wanna watch the sunset with you later."
JJ snorted, laying one last lingering kiss to your lips before snuggling back into your neck, his eyelashes brushing against your delicate skin. "Whatever you want baby," he chuckled, breath warm. "Whatever you want."
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Yours and JJ's (now established, thankfully) relationship only progessed from there; it was in the little things, spending every moment you could get with each other, always touching in some kind of way whether it to be hands curled around one another's, fingers dancing on skin, shoulders and arms brushing, legs squished beside each other. It was all new, and it was all so exciting, and any worries that the two of you may had shared earlier vanished and in their wake came new thoughts of the future, of which you'd spend together.
If the gang had noticed the change, they hadn't mentioned it. Though you already knew Kie suspected something a long time ago, and probably Pope and John B too, due to JJ's little episode at the kegger that time. But you and JJ rejoiced in the unknown, relationship growing stronger each day all the while. You weren't trying to hide it - god forbid, you'd both been waiting so long for it, but you hadn't officially announced you were boyfriend and girlfriend either. There wasn't anything to say, you thought. The relationship came naturally, years of close friendship gradually turning into something more for the pair of you, and you'd both agreed it would be way funnier for the gang to come to their own conclusions and confront you about it themselves. However long that would take them.
The Pogues had driven the HMS Pogue out to the marsh, planning on drinking, swimming and simply hanging out for the day. Sarah had joined you on that particular day, body pressed close to John B's as the group lounged around on the boat, you and JJ wrapped around each other as usual.
His muscular arm was wrapped around your shoulders as you sprawled out close together, your legs thrown over his as your body angled towards his own, head resting on his shoulder. Your hands held the one thrown over you, absentmindedly playing with his ring adorned fingers. His other gripped your knee laying over his, thumb rubbing gentle patterns into the tanned skin there.
Nobody had mentioned your closeness - it was nothing new, the pair of you had always been so close, always touching even before becoming a couple. But Sarah wasn't as close with you as the others, and though she was aware of how close you and JJ were, she wasn't as up to date with everything like everyone else. You'd had no idea that she always just assumed the pair of you were dating, until that day.
"So, you guys are like, a couple right?" She'd asked out of the blue, eyes directed onto you and JJ. Kie suddenly sat up straight, sunglasses raising to rest atop her head rather than on her nose, Pope beside her seemingly taking as much interest, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees as he listened.
From beside Sarah, John B laughed and shook his head. "Everyone thinks that," he grinned, looking to you and JJ who shared a knowing glance. Sarah looked at him in confusion. "They can't help it though, their sexual tension is through the roof."
Sarah looked even more confused. "Wait, so you guys aren't together?"
JJ cleared his throat, arm tightening around your shoulders. You squeezed his hand as you stared up at him, smiling softly at his uncertain gaze. Once he'd met your eyes, the uncertainty faded away and in its place came a cheeky kind of look, mischievous and so attractive that you had to hold yourself back from kissing him right then and there. You knew it was time to come clean; and you thought it would scare you, your relationship suddenly becoming so real, but the thought only made your insides twist and churn with nothing but excitement.
You looked back at Sarah, who's gaze was still on the pair of you, as well as everyone elses. You noted the almost giddy expression on Kie's face, the barely suppressed curiosity on Pope's, and the suddenly confused one of John B's. You almost laughed, but held it in to say, "Actually, yeah. JJ and I are together."
JJ squeezed you gently as the reactions from your friends began. Kie grinned smugly, Sarah smiled at the two of you, John B raised his eyebrows so high they almost got lost beneath his hat, and Pope slapped his knees before he lurched backwards with his arms raised above his head.
"I knew it, man," Pope shook his head, though a smile was growing on his handsome features. "I knew something's been up with you two."
You laughed as Kie scoffed, "You knew? I had it figured out from the very beginning, I could tell something had changed." She eyed you. "And I was specifically told that nothing was going on, you big fat liar!"
"I'm sorry," you chuckled. "In my defence, when you asked me about it then I actually didn't know if we were like, together together. We hadn't spoken about it yet."
JJ grinned and pulled your body closer, leaning down and pressing a sloppy kiss to the top of your head as your face was mushed into his bare chest. "Yeah, and who can blame her for wanting to keep my Sex God body all to herself?" He asked rhetorically, laughing when you slapped him on the chest with a playful eye roll.
"Wait, so are you a couple now?" John B questioned, puzzled. He looked between the pair of you, your arms wrapped around his waist, one of his still around your shoulder and hand resting between your boobs. The other brushed hair from your face, JJ's gaze loving and soft as he looked down at you before looking back towards his best friend. John B scrunched his face. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"We didn't tell anyone man," JJ shrugged carelessly. His fingers had began to play with your hair. "Figured it would be funnier for you guys to find out yourselves," he grinned. "So congratulations, you guys now know. Your reward is the knowledge that we fuck now!"
The gang groaned at his ludicrous words, and you slapped his chest with more force than you had before, just slightly as you scoffed and attempted to raise your head and move position to get a good look at him, but all JJ did was grab your hand and pull it upwards to his lips, kissing each of your knuckles instead.
You rolled as your eyes as you turned back to your friends. "We're sorry about not telling you," you said almost sheepishly. "We only really figured out what this was between us a few days ago, and by that time we just kinda forgot to mention it. This whole thing just kinda happened, we didn't know if it would last or become serious."
"And it has become serious now?" Pope voiced everyone's thoughts, glancing between the two of you. "Like, you're together as a couple. You love each other?"
You and JJ shared a look, the pair of you smiling softly as your hand raised and brushed the blonde strands of hair that fell over his brow, his own reaching up and holding the side of your jaw, his thumb swiping along your cheek lovingly. The others shared glances, unknown to you and JJ as you seemed to be lost inside your own little world for a moment.
When you came to again, you never turned from his eyes, watching the sea blue irises light up at your words; "Yeah, I love him, the fucker."
You heard a collective round of replies, but the feel of JJ's lips on yours for a second forced your attention on him and only him, your hands on his cheeks as you held him there for a full minute before pulling away, leaving a couple more little pecks on his lips. He whispered, "I love you." before he turned his attention to your friends, your smile so bright.
"I thought she'd get bored of me," he revealed unexpectedly. The Pogues (plus Sarah) all looked to him with various expressions of confusion, your own face matching theirs for a moment. JJ felt a smile tug on his lips as your hands massaged his scalp, nails scraping gently against the skin beneath. "But of course she couldn't, I mean I'm the fucking best am I not?"
The gang rolled their eyes as his normal cheeky expression returned, though they all smiled at the pair of you cuddled close together on the seats of the HMS Pogue, realising it was the happiest they'd ever seen the both of you. John B let out a sigh, shaking his head in disbelief. "Well, it's about time anyway."
And just like that, everything went back to normal. You knew they'd have more questions in the future, prepared to answer any and every one of them when they came. But your little group swayed their attention elsewhere sat out on their little boat, laughing and joking at the next topic of conversation, bright eyes and giddy smiles on every face as you drank, swam and sunbathed out there on the marsh. JJ was only looking at you though, skin golden and blue eyes shining. You loved him, you thought. How could he ever think you'd get bored of him, with his charm and quick witted words, sarcastic drawl and tendency to get into trouble, his obsession with weed and putting others before himself always, his beautiful mind and ridiculously good looks to match. He was yours, all yours. And you loved him. JJ grinned. "Are you bored yet?" He asked, just once, loving the sound of your giggle as you shook your head at his antics. "No? Good, because I'm never gonna get bored of you."
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sotorubio · 3 years
To add to your last post. I'm 99% sure they are making sascha the "real" endgame, but the thing is that we are not seeing Ismail missing him or showing that he has any kind of special feelings that would make that work. He has been out of the show for a week and there hasn't been a real moment of Ismail either missing him or realizing how much the absence of sascha makes things "worst" or... IDK, something, he was just gone. On the other hand (1)
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i agree!! this is a rly good point. i feel like in the end when (or "if" since i don't wanna end up looking like a clown but tbh ismail/sascha endgame has seemed most likely from the start) sascha & ismail get together it'll feel a bit rushed. yeah yeah "wait and see" etc but like it's episode 5 n they haven't given any concrete signs of ismail having feelings for him so i feel like we're kind of running out of time n it's 100% the writers fault for choosing to drag out a love triangle in a 10 episode show.
n i guess it's supposed to be a "true love was right under ur nose this whole time" moment n ismail is intentionally written as oblivious to it so in a way it makes sense they haven't been visibly interested in him but 1. even if the mc is oblivious to their feelings u still should make the audience root for the couple right? so that's not rly an excuse n 2. there r ways to show ismail having feelings for him even if they're unaware of those feelings like in today's clip i think making ur heart beat to the rhythm of "their song" is a pretty effective way to show what they subconsciously think of sascha. but before today we've seen none of that so it's kind of too little too late.
especially since they've used all that time emphasizing ismail's fascination for lou to the point it has manifested as blatant disinterest & disregard for sascha (like in the clip where ismail was texting lou while sascha was talking, or when they forgot they were supposed to meet sascha bc they were hanging out w lou & constantin, or when they couldn't answer sascha's messages bc they were out w lou...) so it's just annoying bc they seem to be so clearly writing sascha as the endgame option n lou as..? a fleeting crush that's just infatuation instead of real feelings? but it's just not working bc they're dragging it out for so long so i find it hard to root for anyone or make myself care.
i also agree that this week of sascha being absent could've been a good opportunity to give subtle clues abt ismail's feelings if they had like actually missed him in some way but it genuinely feels like they didn't even notice 😬 feels so odd in comparison to the first clip of the season when it was supposed to be sooo sad they haven't seen each other in a while. but then again maybe this is supposed to show how ismail missed him earlier bc they had nothing else to do but now they don't miss him bc they have a new shiny friend to focus on (lou). or smth idk. i'm just desperately trying to make it make sense
(if they still somehow actually do a full 180 n lou is the endgame i'll be very surprised but i'm not completely dismissing that possibility bc the whole season is already so inconsistent so might as well? smfjksd)
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mynameisminhooooo · 4 years
They get to spend all of quarantine with their s/o (Monsta X)
Request : Hi!! Could you do an exo and/or Monsta x reaction to getting to spend all of quarantine with you?
Sorry I put in bullet points bc it's felt like it made more sense? Sorry if you didn't like that. I also included what y'all would do. Bc why not¿
Shownu :
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Omg this precious little bear was beyond excited to spend quarantine
Like as soon as his manager said plans were cancelled until further notice he ran out of the practice room
"Y/n I'm staying with you during quarantine..."
"Oh. Aight"
Your guy's quarantine consisted of laying in bed from the moment you woke up till 4 pm
As well as making a lot of food
And taking baths bc social distancing who?
Leads to other things 34% if the time, bc why not??
And of course singing together and him teaching you how to dance to all the songs
Cooking with this dude, where do I start
100% chance of making a mess
Would knock over bowls of side dishes while trying to grab a towel to wipe his hands
Just smiled at you when the food is all over the ground
Talking to the other members over the phone during dinner so it was like you guys were all eating together
Taking food to the other members and leaving it on the doorstep
One time they came outside before he was able to run back to the car and he was convinced he was contaminated
You had to spray him with Lysol to make him feel better
Him just being a whole lil bear the whole time
You guys would go on walks when you'd feel couped up too much
Y'all would be that extremely cute ass couple during quarantine
"I'm so glad I got to spend my quarantine with you" he'd say while kissing your forehead
"I love you y/n"
"I love me too, but your cool too"
"That's not funny" cue pout
Wonho :
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Would literally be so happy to spend time with you
Hasn't seen you in like 2 weeks because of his rigorous schedule
When he finally gets to you're guy's apartment he'd just drop all his stuff and run to you, wrapping you in the biggest hug
You guys would eat until you couldn't breath
Ordering take out everyday sometimes for all 3 meals
You guys would take an online art class because why not
Video chatting his family and ofc the members to make sure everyone was well and healthy
Calling his mom 3 times a day
Would be the person who stocks up on toilet paper
Disinfecting everything every morning
Singing karaoke every day after dinner
Doing workouts in the living room because you guys gained weight and he wanted to watch his gorgeous figure
You'd help him write lyrics
You guys would try to be productive and do fun things like read at least once every other day
He'd be so happy to spend time with you like omg
Would literally cry when he looked at you sometimes bc he just loves you that much
Your guy's favorite things to do was lay in bed in each other's arms
"I wish we could stay like this forever, I love you so much y/n"
"I love you too, but can you let me go I have to pee really bad"
Your guy's quarantine would honestly be so fun
Minhyuk :
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Would honestly act like he didn't want to spend time with you
"I guess I'm stuck with you"
"Your so lucky to have me, huh because I bought food"
Supports every small business and buys from all of them so they'd keep going
"I'll have 3 jars of kimchi, 2 bowls of kimchi jjigae, just give me half of everything"
"Minhyuk where are we gonna put all this the fridge is full"
Gives almost all the food to his family and the members
Buys like 2,264 board games
"Hey, you wanna play Monopoly I'll let you win"
Once again \(-_-)/
Fights about the dumbest thing
"I wanted to buy boardwalk!"
Throws your character off the board
Another person who stocks up, but he bought all the ramen
Your guy's quarantine would be so unproductive honestly
Like you guys just sit around playing board games
Listening to music all day everyday
Going for walks when the sun went down
If he sees an animal on the street he is bringing it home for "safety reasons"
"Look y/n this poor pigeon was left on the street"
Did I mention \(-_-)/
"Minhyuk... It's a pigeon"
Dancing throughout the house
He broke the TV while doing a twirl
Blames it on the pigeon, who you guys have name Piggy
Trying on each others clothes
But at the end of the day he'd be so happy he could spend his quarantine with you and Piggy
"I guess your ok to spend time with..."
Kihyun :
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He would be so happy to spend time with you
Would be the most precatious person
"Put on gloves y/n"
"I'm changing the channel..."
Would 10/10 spray down everything before you guys touch it
You guys baked a lot during quarantine
Burning almost everything
Would try to make jokes the whole time
They were not good...
He would try to teach you how to hit the highest notes
Him almost breaking the window
Singing together while reading
Would call every member every day to see how they were doing
You guys would try gardening together because you guys got bored
10/10 the type of dude to telling everyone to buy from small business
If he saw anyone in the street outside the window, he'd yell at them
"Get inside!"
"Do you want to die?!"
You guys would people watch
You guys tried everything possible to pass boredom
Yoga, Singing, Staring Contests
If you got sick would literally call an ambulance
"They want to know if you have a fever, are experiencing lethargy, or have a cough?"
"Kihyun I just have a stomach ache"
Would be so relieved when he just found out it was just gas
He would not let you leave the house
"I really care about you, I cant risk you getting sick"
"You do knows there is a 3% chance of death right"
"But I wouldn't be able to see you"
Wow, whatta man
Hyungwon :
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He honestly would be one of those ppl who didn't take it very very serious
"You wanna go to the park?"
"We can barely leave our house to get food?!"
"Ok, loser"
Was happy to spend time with you, but he wanted to actually do things with you like go to dinner
He just wanted to spend quality time with you
You guys would just lay in each other's arms everyday watching TV
Blinds closed letting no light in
The members would call you guys because after 3 days of nothing they were worried
"Oh we're fine, we've just been eating, sleeping and watching TV"
You guys would watch watch every variety show they have been on
You guys would try dying your hair by yourselves
"Wow y/n this blue is really nice"
"Blue it was supposed to be lilac"
Shopping online for everything, food, clothes, furniture
"Y/n we need a new couch I just bought one"
You guys got erasable markers and literally drew on the wall
But they did not come off...
He would be kind of sad that he couldn't take you anywhere
But being the cutie he is he'd find ways to do cute date ideas at home
Jooheon :
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"Guess what I'm coming home for quarantine!!!!"
Literally couldn't wait to hold you in his arms
Would cry when he came home, because he gets to spend time with you for who knows how long
You guys just hold each other and cry
Would follow you everywhere
If you went to get the mail he'd go with, if you needed to run to the store to get food, he's right by you
"Why is the door locked??? Y/n, you alive? Did corona get you???"
"Don't break the door down! I'm taking a bath"
"Ohhh, let me in!"
This little jerk picked the lock
You guys just sat in the tub for like 3 hours talking about what you should do during quarantine
Things you would do together during quarantine include sitting in the tub for 3 hours everyday
Calling his sister every day so he could talk to his cute niece
He would teach you all his rap parts from every song he could
You guys would send the members a goodie package every week with food and toiletries
Because he worried about them
You guys would take online dance class
Because why not???
Tango, Rumba, Foxtrot, Meringue
He would enjoy every minute with you
You're guys little vacation came to a halt when he fractured his fibula after falling down the stairs
He felt bad that you had to take care of him
But he was so grateful to have you by his side to help him
"Y/n you don't have to get up I can go to the kitchen to get a fork"
Could barely get off the couch
"Just please sit hear"
"So like you wanna bang?"
"No, I want you to get better"
After he got injured he just got so sad that he couldn't do anything with you really anymore
"I love you y/n"
"I love you too"
I.M :
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He already was used to seeing you basically everyday
The only difference was you guys got to stay home
You guys didn't even have to change your schedule
He was grateful that he was able to wake up to you every morning tho
"Good morning, cutie"
"Why are you so close??"
Would be so nice the entire quarantine
Need him to wash your hair, just yell for him
Need something off the top shelf
He got it covered
There would be days where you guys just laid in bed the whole day though
You had online school throughout this time
"Y/n hang out with me!¡!¡"
"I'm doing homework for my English class"
"But I'm cuter than English class"
*insert pouty face*
Would try to get in your pants every other hour
You'd let him because ofc
"No, not now Changkyunnie..."
"Yes, now... Pleaseeeeee"
All the members would worry about you because you guys were the youngest and they thought you wouldn't take this seriously
Y'all did though, you only left the house for food
"Y/n am I cute?"
"No, now go to sleep"
"But I love you and I miss you"
"I'm right next to you and it's 3 am"
Bro. Idk why but this drained me I'm gonna write the exo one different bc I literally ran out of ideas of what to do doing quarantine.
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